wolffyluna · 6 months
3, 10, 17 for fic writer questions?
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Look. There's a running joke among my friends that it's not a Wolffy fic until it contains horses and/or geology.
Also, some may have noticed that characters tend to get vertigo/"feeling like their head is lagging behind their body" with weird frequency. That's because that's what migraines feel like to me, and it's my first thought when it comes to "I need to describe a character feeling Wonky."
10. How do you decide what to write?
Polls in my personal discord channel and on tumblr. Whatever fic is singing out to be written, and will be clogging up my head until I type it out. The whims of exchanges. A mix between those three.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I keep toying with the idea of writing a "characters are all in a mining exploration company/working at a mine" AU. It would be a really fun combination of "characters all work together" AUs and "characters are roommates" AUs. They're working together *and* stuck having meals together! And you can make things as high or low stakes as you want.
Also, it's fun to assign characters as geologists, or engineers, or surveyors, or different flavours of drillers, or safety people--
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
hi it’s op of the yingda and xiao posts I am SO happy you like them and I really want to hear whatever hcs you mentioned thinking of in the tags :3c the rarer yaksha brotps are my lifeblood
it's not much they've just shot up in my blorbo brotp list WHKFEJKWEJF. initial relationship dynamic vibes are xiao @ yingda "if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself" yingda asks him to please not
if I'm allowed to just throw things out there I feel like yingda would be a weapon nerd. idk what weapon she'd be!! but they'd have sparring sessions together (nothing like a good bonding session than sparring your sworn sibling am I right) bc xiao is insane about his training and yingda is like "it's casual fun :3" she can be a little silly as a treat
...is her hair is like magma?? slightly viscous and kind of liquid/solid? would xiao be able to put his hands in it to warm them up hot water bottle style?
it also gets me that yingda is implied to have gone crazy but didn't harm the other yakshas when she died (unlike minu and fanan who self destructed 😭) I've taken your hc about her as the youngest so based off of that I'd assign her a bright personality with lots of heart, but she definitely wavered a little bit about who and what she was protecting after bonanus and menogias killed each other :') if she talked about it to xiao I honestly don't know if the conversation would go well, xiao's one of those people who stick to whatever their orders are because they're Orders (in this case it's even more important since yanwang dijun saved him etc. he feels he owes rex lapis a bigger debt than his life). he'll see it through even if he loses everything in the process; yingda though... I feel like she lives as much for herself as for her relationships with others,, if the people who are important to her are gone she'll rethink her motivations for why she's doing this and its worth, obviously the ending is that she comes around and keeps fighting until it's too much but the slight doubt crisis is for a bit of character complexity </3
misc thoughts are that their relationship is the blueprint for xiao's interactions with hu tao and xiangling, something about liyue pyro girls and one short emo yaksha
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peachsunset · 11 months
ur chicken potato dinner thing sounds delicious omg, do u have a recipe?
Sure thing! Here's where I got the recipe from. If for some reason the link doesn't work, if you google "alice springs chicken potato skillet" it should be the first result 😄
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paradoxspaceheater · 11 months
morax acquires a bird 👀
oooo this one is a canon compliant take on morax and xiao’s first meeting
His work on this young xian was, he thought, sufficient considering the situation, but the resulting style left much to be desired, hair falling in uneven choppy bangs, cropped short in most areas, but owing to his promise not to cut any more than necessary, an asymmetrical impression was given by two haphazardly placed locks which were almost twice as long as the rest.
While Morax put the blade away, he noticed the small xian touching his new hairstyle experimentally. The sight was a little amusing, and almost endearing, although a part of Morax cringed at his shoddy work. Well, no matter. Hair could always be fixed later.
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esmeraldablazingsky · 7 months
this is the face of a girl who has Problems <- has like six different people's genshin impact account logins because im addicted to artifact grinding and have a symbiotic relationship with people who like doing story but dont like grinding materials/building characters
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orathearsonman · 4 months
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some soft neuvifuri for @esmeraldablazingsky’s comically late crimmas gift,,, ok but forreal this time i’m not drawing more genshin characters
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irrealisms · 1 year
margay propaganda for the @little-cat-showdown poll:
margays are a small cat similar to the oncilla and the better-known ocelot in appearance and range. they're native to the extremely dense tropical rainforests of central and south america, and they're very, very cute.
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they're the only member of the Leopardus genus still in the little cat showdown-- the oncilla and pampas cat were eliminated in the first round; the kodkod, ocelot, andean mountain cat, and geoffrey's cat were eliminated in the second. Leopardus have fewer chromosomes than other felids and are the oldest genetic branch of American small cats!
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some unique things about margays: - as i understand it, they're the only fully arboreal/tree-dwelling cat! their wrists can rotate a full 360°, making them the only small cat able to climb straight down trees just as easily as they climb up, dangle upside-down, etc. (clouded leopards are the only large cat with this adaptation, and even they spend a lot of time on the ground while hunting) - they're talented mimics and will imitate the distress calls of an infant of their prey species to attract prey while hunting! while there are reports of other American cat species (jaguars and pumas) doing the same, margays are currently the only one we have a confirmed recording of
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i'm also biased towards them bc i'm a margay therian + furry and i'm not used to seeing my species on these kinds of polls, let alone seeing it get so far. but i think, especially with how small this poll is, that we have a real shot of making it to the finals! if you send me proof of voting for margays in the current little cat showdown poll, i'll make a moodboard of your choice or do a traditional headshot doodle of a character of your choice. we're currently losing by 2% of 330 votes--that's just six votes. here's a picture of my fursona as drawn by/commissioned from @esmeraldablazingsky as thanks for reading this, plus a doodle drawn by myself to demonstrate my headshot doodle abilities!
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calyxcurl · 16 days
Tagging game!
Tagged by @flamingwell ! TEAM DABCHICK LFGGGGGG
Last Song I listened to: Make Me Feel by Janelle Monae 😎
Currently Watching: The current season of Top Chef! AND Kiseki Dear To Me!!!! 🧑🏽‍🍳👯‍♂️
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy?: I like them all but to rank them - Savory, Spicy, and then Sweet! I tend to like sweet things if they're paired with salty things, or if they're meant to bring out the savory-ness of something (like like cranberry sauce pairs well with Turkey+stuffing, or teriyaki chicken, or honey glazed salmon)! 🥩🌶️🍯
Relationship Status: I got a spouse and a partner! we own one very insane dog! 🐕🏃🏻🏃🏼‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️
Current Obsession: XiYao 👁️👄👁️ 💙💛 also podficcing?
Tagging: @aeoneris @crashorpie @evilhasnever @lansplaining @wishthefish @jgydidnothingwrong @feralcrybaby @nebulathunderwave @singersalvageshop @esmeraldablazingsky @crithir @cryptidafter @r95irth @galadhir aaaaaah and anyone else who wants to do this!!!??
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dandelion-wings · 27 days
Thinking this evening, as I lie here trying to fall asleep, of the sickfic @esmeraldablazingsky and I sketched out about the puppet shogun tending Sara through being eggbound, until drastic measures are needed and she hesitates, and Ei emerges to offer aid she once did long ago for another tengu general. And then stays in charge, increasingly confused by the puppet getting tetchy about how she interacts with Sara--she's Kujou Saraing wrong, as @esmeraldablazingsky said--and at first not even realizing that, honored and mortified as she is by the Almighty Shogun's personal attention, Sara really would like the puppet back, please. Until the penny finally drops and Ei goes: "I see. You are as a familiar to her, as Yae is to me."
Which is not how either of them had thought of this until now, but, well. When the Almighty Shogun herself can read this room....
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tozettastone · 8 months
Hiya Tozette! Do you have any Akatsuki fic recommendations?
Uhh... I have to admit, not many. I and the general fandom differ on many points of opinion when it comes to Akatsuki characterisation!
Off the top of my head, you could try:
Flesh and Blood by Kantarya, which is a novel length sasodei fic that I really liked a decade ago haha
Hardly Eternity by Makkoska is an old but very cute kakuzu/hidan fic (there are a few persistent technical errors, though, as a heads up)
Sakiku wrote kakuzu/hidan porn a few times and it was fun (nsfw at link, obviously)
The Akatsuki vs. Ayame by esmeraldablazingsky, which is a short gen series about ramen
Otherwise, this will just turn into a Misfit McCoward sampler where I just list all of the fics by @mixelation. If you haven't read their fics, go read them instead of everything else.
I haven't been reading much in this fandom lately though so maybe other people will have some ideas about newer and more varied Akatsuki fics.
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takonxmz · 6 months
Nine people you'd like to get to know better
tagged by @cryptidafter 😍
three ships: xiyao (mdzs), eruri (snk/aot), lamen (CaPri)
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first ever ship: hmm... it must be zelink (loz) but if that doesn't count imma go with fuu/ferio from mkr maybe 😂 or tenchi/ryoko? ranma/akane (something I def should not have been watching when I was 10)
last song: who said anything about falling in love - the hoosiers
last film: mean girls (2004)
currently reading: fanfiction 😂
currently consuming: honey andouille and onions on seasoned rice topped with this yogurt sauce I made and some pickled red onion??? I had it for dinner
currently craving: taiyaki. and some kind of bubble tea (honeydew or taro). Hmm or Thai iced tea with boba.
Tagging! (sorry if you did this already?!!): @aeoneris @labyrynth @nebulathunderwave @evilhasnever @crashorpie @darlingpoppet @lansplaining @amirdrassil @esmeraldablazingsky
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wolffyluna · 11 months
ot3 game: anthy and utena (I haven’t watched rgu but I’m very curious if there’s even a functional answer for this one)
If we're going for functional, our choices are limited.
I think Wakaba is the best choice. She and Utena already get along and it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to have Utena requite Wakaba's feelings post canon, and I think she and Anthy could get along. And I think they would be good at making Wakaba feel special, and it would do Utena and Anthy some good to be in a relationship with someone normal. (Ie not having a saviour complex and not spent several centuries as the rose bride.)
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beingatoaster · 8 months
Tagged by @fyresteinn!
"Time Stand Still" by Rush
Re-watching Leverage with Mom.
..."rush time stand still" to make sure I was getting the title right. XD;; Before that, the combat mechanics of Ruin Graders from Genshin Impact.
The heron in the duck pond was standing right by the edge of the bridge this morning and didn't move when I crossed it, so I got to see it super up close!
Tagging @kidlightnings @gorgeousgalatea @0nlyfiends @snakelung @esmeraldablazingsky aaand anyone else who'd like to do it!
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gryphon982 · 1 year
tagged by @madtomedgar
WIP ask game -- post the last sentence you wrote and then tag as many people as there are words in that sentence  as i feel like
The actual last sentance was a run-on monstrosity, so you get this one instead:
“Lan-zongzhu is currently wrist-deep in white silk, kneading like a cat.”
@thesweetpianowritingdownmylife @esmeraldablazingsky @zeldahime @tellingetienne @nothinghereisworking
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paradoxspaceheater · 10 months
zhongli blorbo bingo :3
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zhongli <3
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esmeraldablazingsky · 6 months
post-Archon Quest neuvifuri (can be read platonically,) introspection and hurt/comfort, 3.1k words
In light of everything he now knows, Neuvillette wonders how much he missed about Furina in the last four centuries.
or: four times Neuvillette didn’t truly see Furina, and one time he did.
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