kanekohideshi-tyomag · 8 months
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代々木上原の魅力を発信するローカルメディア『ACT LOCALLY』の拠点とする代々木上原のハブ「 OPRCT(オプレクト)」にて、イベント「代々木上原の縁日」が2023年8月26日に開催される。
>>>TYO mag
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trinketsvault · 7 months
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water balloon and cotton candy sumikko gurashi ennichi plushies
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sinful-liesel · 2 years
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Blackstar Theater Starless 3rd Anniversary Only Shop Merch✨
Hello! I’m hosting a group order for Blackstar Theater Starless official merchandise. USA & International orders OK! (USA based) Please see the order form below for more details.
Reblogs & shares are appreciated! ❤ #lieselGOs
Order Form: bit.ly/3CuEv3I
Deadline: Oct 13 (11PM CST)
Paypal, Venmo, Google Pay, Ko-Fi 🆗
Holo Stickers
Acrylic Keychain
Plate & Cutlery Sets
Acrylic Clock
Happi Coat
Tote Bag
Mini Ennichi-Style Banners
Acrylic Dioramas
Flake Stickers
Can Badges
Cheki Cards
Acrylic Stands
Punipuni Keychains
Acrylic Badges
To view the order form, you will have to copy and paste the link manually or click the link in the “source” at the bottom of the post.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
Festivals and Fireworks
Festivals and Fireworks by lighthouse2
Todoroki and Yaoyorozu both attend Ennichi for the second year in a row, but things don't go quite as planned.
Words: 2409, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Yaoyorozu Momo, Uraraka Ochako, Hagakure Tooru
Relationships: Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: My Hero Academia: Ennichi Festival (Drama CD), Fluff, Romance
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44406988
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yusix13 · 2 years
Somin future bill from Shinano Kokubunji Yokado Ennichi given to me by a friend. 'Somin Shorai(蘇民将来)' is the name of the people who stayed at Susanoo no Mikoto's house in the mythical period, and it is said that the name has been seen throughout the country since the Muromachi period as a talisman against misfortune. Primitive shaping is preferred.
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kitakamikosodatemap · 5 months
赤ちゃん連れにもやさしい図書館 「平泉町学習交流施設 エピカ」(平泉町)
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図書館× 子育て支援機能× 多目的ホール の交流施設
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「学習交流施設」とのことでエピカの中には素敵な図書館と、勉強スペース、子育て支援施設や工作室、多目的ホール、調理実習室、研修室、和室などが一緒に入っています。Wi-Fi完備。 図書はとっても綺麗で棚も本が選びやすいデザインでした。 キッズスペースや、絵本コーナーも充実。親子で座って読書ができるスペース。読み聞かせ専用の部屋もあり幼児向け絵本や紙芝居が。毎月のおはなし会だけではなく、自由に読み聞かせを楽しめます。 小学生になると子供だけで訪れる子も。子供たちは思い思いの場所で自分だけの本を見つけて読みふけっていました。 この日、多目的ホールでは認知症に関する講演会が開かれていました。 お子様から高齢者まで集える駅前施設、いいですね! 年末年始以外は無休朝で朝の午前9時から夜の9時まで空いています! ベビーカーなどあっても、とっても広くて停めやすい施設内無料駐車場はたっぷり73台。 JR平泉駅から徒歩4分なのでお子様と北上駅から電車でお出かけも、いいですね♪
ちなみに、こちらの公共施設の��営はシダックスがやっているようです。 https://www.shidax.co.jp/corporate/press-release/2022/0628/ 平泉町学習交流施設「エピカ」 岩手県西磐井郡平泉町平泉字志羅山25-3 TEL 0191-34-6656 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 オススメ 平泉一日コース😆 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 朝から平泉へGO〜!
◎毛越寺 好きなら、、、 →午前8時30分から open https://www.motsuji.or.jp/ ↓
◎平泉町学習交流施設 エピカ →9時からopen http://www.hiraizumi-epica.com/library ↓
◎駅前SATOでランチ →午前11時半 open 予約した方がよいかも https://www.sato2015.com/about ↓
◎その後 縁日 に寄って帰る、、。 大正7年創業、一関市の染物屋・京屋染物店が運営するセレクトショップ。 東北のものづくりを中心にした暮らしの道具をセレクト。 https://ennichi-satoyama.jp/exp-shop/ その後 北上市へ・・・・
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thena0315 · 5 months
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coolmika745 · 5 months
Ayakashi Hyakki Yagyo (あやかし百鬼夜行) Mobile Game Characters Part 1
I found another mobile game pertaining to Japanese Mythology and Folklore, but unfortunately it is not available in my region, but I was intruded by the story. There were also some beings from Chinese Folklore too, but I am planning on posting them in part 2. There are loads and loads of characters in this game, but I am going to start on the ones I saw so far:
[Character introduction] Ohikari (尾光, TailLight); A yokai fox with a golden tail. She is the one who invited the protagonist to the Hyakki Yagyō Tournament, and freely uses her girl and adult forms to guide the Hyakki Yagyō. The best partner for the main character, who has both innocence and toughness.
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[Character introduction] Osaki (尾咲 Tail Blossom) is a young yokai fox with three tails and is a relative of Ohikari. She has a bad head, but a strong heart, and her weapons are toughness and luck. She mistakenly thinks that the main character is a ``horse bone yokai.'' She is very attached to Ohikari and doesn't seem to find the main character's existence interesting.
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[Character introduction] Spirit dog Hayataro (霊犬早太郎) A spirit dog who bravely fought with an old monkey in place of a girl who was to be sacrificed, resulting in a trade. Loves walking, Loves bones. Feels very attached to everyone at Hyakki Yagyo. Sometimes sharp, but basically a dog.
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[Yokai introduction: Abacus Boy] (算盤小僧)The mysterious story of a young boy playing the abacus under a tree at a temple or shrine in the middle of the night. He is also said to be the spirit of a small monk who committed suicide after being scolded by a monk. In the world of yokai, while working at an employment information center, he volunteered his time as an accountant because he could not help but notice how lax financial management was at Hyakki Yako. Lately, he has been worrying about the cost of food for his bed.
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[Character introduction] Karasu Tengu (烏天狗)(Mizubata (水端)) A tengu in the form of a bird of prey, wearing a Yamabushi costume. He has a crow-like beak and black feathers, and can fly freely.
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[Character Introduction] [Late Summer] Tama (タマ) of Ryuzoji Temple. The main character of the Nabeshima Monster Cat Riot. An incorrigible cat who turned into a monster cat and took revenge because her beloved master, Mataichiro, was killed. She has been a member of Hyakki Yagyo since the beginning, and will jump in whenever asked.
Note that I am not sure who her master is (not master as in teacher, but as owner or servant), but she is one of the characters who appeared so far in the game story mode I read.
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[Character introduction] Nekosho 猫ショウ (Yuk (ユキ)) A Nekomata that has become even stronger through training. Yuki is one of the caretakers of Ennichi Yokocho, and is commonly known as Yuki-nyan. He is a good partner who understands and supports Ameri, who is too quick-witted and can be seen on a whim. He has many Nekomata disciples.
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According to my research this is Ameri, but I will Ameri once I get to the part where he appears in the story.
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[Character Introduction] Hohona (頬撫 Cheek Caress) and Oitekebori (置行堀)
A yokai that pats your cheeks and surprises you, and a yokai that demands you to leave behind the fish you caught. The close children duo of Hyakki Yagyo.
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[Character introduction] Keippai (Another name for Otoroshi (おとろし) He is covered in long, unkempt hair and sits on top of the torii gate, and if something malicious tries to pass through the gate, he will fall down violently.
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Note that I am guessing this is Otoroshi’s human form, which I haven’t seen yet.
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nagoya-osu · 5 years
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大須 赤門縁日(28th of each month)
The festival (Ennichi ”縁日”)day is the days including 28th every month.
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elegieenbleu · 6 years
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Ennichi (1973)
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junfamilyvlog · 3 years
Do you know Ennichi?
This is the name of Japanese summer festival.
In summer we have many festival in Japan and there are lots of food stand and we can enjoy beautiful fireworks.
This summer we couldn't go outside because of several reasons like rainy so we held the festival with my family at our home!
My kids wear Yukata. This is like casual style of Kimono.
We can wear this easily so many people love this style.
Today's menu is...
・YAKISOBA(やきそば)…stir-fried noodles
・TAKOYAKI(たこやき)…octopus dumplings
・Edamame(えだまめ)…green soybeans
・Frank Furuto(フランクフルト)…sausage on a stick
・Potato(ポテト)…French Fries
・Kakigori(かき氷)…Shaved ice
and after eating, we enjoyed bouncy ball scooping.
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corner1-22 · 5 years
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 _   『EN-NICHI くらくえん えんにち』 も残すところあと2日。  本日月曜日は20時まで。 明日火曜日は17時までとなります。   いつもは17時まで営業のCORNER ですが 阪急うめだ本店10階中央街区パークでは 20時までお待ちしています。     ・・   6月4日(火)〜6月12日(水)の間、 苦楽園のお店は閉めております。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。      #ENNICHI #corner122  #CORNER #苦楽園 #西宮 #うめだスーク #umedasouq #阪急うめだ本店10階 (阪急百貨店 阪急うめだ本店) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByhI-kYlczu/?igshid=27su57rcntpq
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konjaku · 1 year
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薬師草[Yakushisō] Crepidiastrum denticulatum
薬師[Yakushi] : 薬師如来[Yakushi-nyorai], Bhaisajya-guru
草[Sō] : Grass, herb
It blooms in late autumn.
The eighth of every month is 薬師縁日[Yakushi ennichi](the fair day for Yakushi-nyorai.) And its first day of the year is called 初薬師[Hatsu-yakushi]. 初[Hatsu-] means first. 初詣[Hatsu-moude](the first shrine or temple visit of New Year,) 初夢[Hatsu-yume](the first dream of the year,) 初雪[Hatsu-yuki] or 初化粧[Hatsu-geshō](the first snow of the season,) and so on.
It is believed that worshipping on this day will cure illnesses. 薬師 is also read as Kusushi, and means doctor. The statue of Yakushi-nyorai holds a small medicine jar in the left hand, with the right parm facing outward and the ring finger slightly forward. There is a theory that this was the origin of the ring finger being called 薬指[Kusuri-yubi](finger of medicine.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhaisajyaguru (Remember the statue from yesterday?)
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kimqwin · 4 years
(aka TODOMOMO crumbs for a whole 7 minutes but hey, who's counting)
OmiGOSH you guys, I just listened to the Ennichi Festival drama CD (Im a little late into the fandom so I didnt know this even EXISTED) AND I WAS JUST???? THE TODOMOMO CRUMBS IN THIS????
Okay so let's break the crumbs down shall we:
1. Todoroki seeing Yaoyorozu standing alone in the crowd, and then asking her to come walk around the festival with him. He saw her first. HE APPROACHED HER FIRST. He could have EASILY ignored her and just kept going on about his business. BUT HE DIDNT. IT WAS A DATE, Y'ALL CAN FIGHT ME.
2. Todoroki opening up about his family issues to Yaoyorozu. By now we all know how sensitive this topic is for him, and how difficult it is for him to talk about it. The fact that he opened up to Yaoyorozu means he trusts her. I'm not crying, you are.
3. Must we forget the part where Todoroki goes, "I cant believe Im telling this to someone else" and Momo goes "I'm not just someone else" like BrooOoOoo that was ICONIC. Yaaas Momo go get that bread! Momo is the QUEEN of subtle flirting y'all better take notes!!!
4. YAOYOROZU TELLING SHOTO HE CARES FOR HIM. She basically said, "I'm here, we're family, we care for you." I know she said it in a plural sense as she included everyone in the class in this sentiment, but gurl, we all know what she meant. IF THIS DOESNT MAKE YOUR KOKORO GO BOOM BOOM, I DONT KNOW WHAT WILL
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rennomiya · 5 years
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For the Todomomo discord server 2nd Anniversary! Week 2 Prompt: Festival 
The Ennichi Festival Drama CD is every TodoMomo shipper’s dream come true tbh
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darkpetal16 · 6 years
Ennichi Festival
My Hero Academia © Horikoshi
Kiyomi © Darkpetal16
This is an omake from the fanfiction Hail Friendship!
Time frame: First semester.
Ennichi Festival
I yawned in my seat, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
“Eh? Sleepy?” Ochaco asked, taking her seat beside me.
“Mm. I guess. I had to stay up late last night.” “Huh? How come?”
“My aunties came over last night to adjust my yukata, but they ended up making a new one. I had to stay up last night while they took measurements, and fussed over it. I didn’t get to bed until three and then I had to get up at four to help with farmwork.” I gave another big yawn, resting my head on my desk.
Ochaco reached over and rubbed my back. “Sounds rough. How come you need a yukata?”
“Ah? Oh for the Ennichi Festival tonight—”
“Eh?!” Ochaco’s voice switched several octaves higher than usual as she squealed. “The Ennichi Festival is tonight?! Oh my gosh, thank goodness I got my paycheck. Oh I can’t wait to go. So you’re going, too?”
“Yeah, Sho-chan asked to go see the fireworks together,” I answered her.
Ochaco squealed again, grabbing her cheeks. “Oh my gosh it’s a date!”
“It’s not a date,” I corrected her tiredly. “Ugh. I need coffee.”
Despite my insistence it was not a date Ochaco kept giving me a sly look, with my only reprieve when she went to go tell Toru about the festival outside of class. Even after the rest of our friends arrived and classes started she still occasionally shot me a smug smile.
As soon as classes ended that day I hurried home before she could tease me further.
Momo’s perspective, before class
Momo heard Ochaco and Toru shouting excitedly outside of the classroom. Curious, she approached them (wearing her standard gentle smile) and inquired, “Uraraka-san, Hagakure-san, you both seem very excited. What are you girls going on about?”
“Ah, Yaoyorozu-san!” Toru chirped. “I visited a shrine and there was a sign about the Ennichi festival that’s happening this evening.”
“Ennichi?” Momo repeated slowly. “It must be a shrine that is directly related to the religion of Shinto or Buddhism. They perform a special ritual there where food is offered. I apologize, I didn’t know Hagakure-san was so deeply spiritual.”
“No, to me Ennichi is all about the celebration and not so much the religion.”
“Celebration?” Momo tilted her head in confusion. “But the festival should be all about preserving and continuing the tradition of remembering Buddha.”
“Goodness, that’s just wro-o-ong!” Toru cried out.
Ochaco added, “Yaoyorozu-san you’re way too serious about the history. You’ve got to be more open-minded.”
“Yeah, our view of Ennichi festival is all about the fantastic food stalls. Okonomiyaki, yakisoba, you can feast on them all and be glad about it!”
“Ah, so that’s what Ennichi festival is all about,” Momo concluded, believing she understood now.
“It’s good that you get it, do you want to come with us?” Ochaco offered, grinning hugely.
Momo’s brow furrowed and she looked away. “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to exclude myself from this get together. I don’t think I have the opportunity to go this time around.”
“Huh? Why not?”
“Eh? But it’ll be so much fun,” Toru whined.
Momo shook her head regretfully. “My mother definitely wouldn’t allow it. She told me not to bother with the sweets and snacks the festival sells, because real dessert specialists can make better stuff than those unhealthy sweets. And also because you’re bound to get sick from festival food.”
“Your mom antagonizes the festival too much,” Toru told her. “I think she made all the stall owners her enemy. Just throw back a bit and enjoy!”
Ochaco frowned. “Um, Yaoyorozu-san, could it be that you have never been to the festival before?”
“No. Ever since I was a child I was told by my mother that it is not necessary to go.”
“WHAT A WASTE!” Ochaco and Toru cried out, genuinely upset by such horror.
Ochaco was quick to follow up with, “How could you miss such a fun and tasty event?”
“Really! You do know that it’s such a fun place, right? This festival is the essence of the Japanese spirit. It’s the heart. As a girl, there’s no way you can pass this chance to go.”
“Ah, Hagakure-san, let’s stop pushing her,” Ochaco said quietly, looking over at Momo’s conflicted expression. “Yaoyorozu-san should have the right to decide for herself. It’s her own choice whether or not to go. Yaoyorozu-san we’re sorry if we made you uncomfortable.”
“No, it’s okay,” Momo reassured them, her expression still conflicted as she thought about their previous statements.
Toru and Ochaco gave her bright smiles before taking their leave, deciding to invite the other girls in class. Momo watched them leave, wondering what she should do.
‘The Ennichi must actually be really fun,’ she thought to herself.
Later that night
‘I-I can’t believe I came here by myself,’ Momo thought worriedly to herself. She stood at the entrance of the festival, anxiously shifting her weight as she tried to work up the nerve to go in.
A part of her was thrilled—the festival seemed so exciting!—but another part of her was terrified of what her mother would say if she found out.
“Huh? Momo-chan?”
Momo looked over nervously at the voice, relieved to find that it belonged to one of her classmates, Kiyomi. The class rep had dressed up in a stylish red yukata, her hair swept up in a neat bun with a few curls poking out. Momo thought she looked cute in that, and seeing Kiyomi smile brightly at her made her reflexively smile back.
It was hard not to smile back at Kiyomi.
Momo waved at Kiyomi, not surprised to find Shōto—in casual clothes which seemed lackluster in comparison to how much Kiyomi had dressed up—beside her and holding her hand. “Hi.”
Kiyomi’s eyes brightened. “You look so adorable, Momo-chan! That yukata really suits you.”
Momo blushed, looking down at her own dark blue yukata. It was something she had made on the fly, so she wasn’t certain it was up to the standards of everyone else. It felt nice to be complimented on it, though.
Kiyomi nudged Shōto. “Doesn’t she look pretty, Sho-chan?”
Shōto looked over at her. “You look very nice, Yaoyorozu-san.”
Momo gave a small giggle at that. “Thank you both. Are you here on a date?”
“Mn-mn!” Kiyomi denied, shaking her head. “Sho-chan and I are here mostly for the fireworks. Did you come by yourself?”
“Oh, um, actually, yes,” Momo admitted shyly. “I—I have never been to a festival, so, I, um.” The young heiress couldn’t resist fidgeting anxiously with the end of her sleeves.
Kiyomi approached Momo, taking one of her hands and intertwining her fingers. “Then why don’t you spend the night with us? The fireworks won’t happen for a while longer, and we can show you around the festival.” “Oh, I couldn’t impose—”
Kiyomi gave Momo’s hand a squeeze, her gaze softening. At times Momo felt like Kiyomi acted like a mother when she looked at others with that gaze. Her eyes sometimes appeared to belong to someone older, but still kind. “I insist.”
Momo relaxed minutely under that look, giving a relieved smile. “Thank you.”
“Mn! Don’t mention it,” Kiyomi said, holding out her other hand for Shōto to take it. Her childhood friend obliged, and the three of them began their journey into the festival.
Kiyomi swung their hands back and forth for a bit a she guided them towards the first booth. “Hehe! First thing’s first and that’s food.”
Momo’s expression momentarily clouded, recalling that her mother would detest her eating such “junk food” as she would call it. Kiyomi ordered three takoyakis and handed them to Momo and Shōto before keeping one for herself.
Momo automatically accepted the food, even as she reluctantly stared at it. Kiyomi seemed to be thoroughly enjoying hers—she was already nearly finished devouring it and was trying to steal some from Shōto who swatted her hand away with habitual ease.
When she noticed that Momo had touched any of her own food, however, she looked over at her with concern. “Momo-chan? Are you allergic?”
“Ah, no,” Momo responded, biting on her bottom lip for a brief moment. “My mother wouldn’t like me eating this kind of stuff.”
“Hmm,” Kiyomi hummed. “Well, sometimes what mothers don’t know won’t hurt them.”
Momo gave her a scandalized look. “But—”
“Go on, give it a try. It’s your first festival, you have to try all the food,” Kiyomi insisted, a gleam in her eyes. Under Kiyomi’s encouragement Momo took a tentative bite.
Momo’s eyes widened. “Oh my! This is actually really good.”
“Ri-ight? Festival food is always the best. 50-50 chance you’ll get sick later, but it’s completely worth it,” Kiyomi said cheerfully.
Shōto wrinkled his nose at that. “You’re not the one holding back hair.”
“And thank you in advance for that,” Kiyomi giggled, playfully nudging Shōto. She also tried to swipe his last takoyaki but he quickly popped it in his mouth before she could do so. “How rude!”
“I will buy you another one if you stop trying to steal from me.”
“But stolen food tastes so much better!”
Momo giggled at Shōto’s exasperated expression. Kiyomi stuck her tongue out before her face brightened. “Let’s try all the food now!”
“Okay,” Momo agreed, curious and excited to see what else might taste as good as takoyaki. Kiyomi held Momo and Shōto’s hands as they went to each food stall, and without fail she continuously tried (and never succeeded) to steal food from Shōto. It was entertaining for Momo to watch, finding their friendly banter and relaxed demeanour calming. She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t been incredibly nervous about coming to the festival on her own, but she was genuinely glad she had.
Near the end of the food stalls the trio took a seat at one of the benches. Momo rubbed at her stomach, letting out a content sigh. “All of that food was really great.”
“Mm-hmm,” Kiyomi agreed, leaning heavily on Shōto and sighing. “I could eat festival food my entire life.”
“You’d get sick of it after a week,” Shōto corrected her.
“Don’t be a stick in the mud.”
He reached over and tugged on her hair, eliciting an mock glower.
The trio looked up to find Ochaco and Toru from their class heading over to them with their arms filled with food. Both girls were dressed in cute yukatas, with Ochaco wearing a pale pink and Toru a baby blue.
“Yaoyorozu-san, you made it,” Ochaco said cheerfully. “How do you like it?”
“It’s a lot of fun,” Momo admitted with a smile. “Kiyo-chan and Todoroki-kun have been showing me around.”
“If we knew you were coming we would have waited for you,” Toru exclaimed. “Where else have you been? Did you see the games yet?”
“Oh not yet.”
“You have to come with us,” Ochaco said, grabbing Momo’s hand. It was impressive she was managing to hold all her food with one arm. She looked over at Kiyomi and gave the pinkette a wink.
Momo found it odd that Kiyomi’s cheeks turned red and she looked away with a huff.
Toru, catching Ochaco’s hint, grabbed Momo’s other hand. “Yeah, c’mon. Let’s eat together over here.”
Momo smiled at that, happy that her classmates wanted to spend time with her. She felt bad about simply leaving Kiyomi and Shōto, however, since both were kind of enough to be her escorts. She looked back over at them. “Oh, I don’t mean to simply leave—”
“It’s okay, as long as you have fun,” Kiyomi reassured her with a smile. “Text me before you leave and I’ll walk you home, okay?”
“Thank you!” Momo responded, sincerely grateful for that offer. With a big smile on her face she allowed Ochaco and Toru to drag her off for more food and to play games.
It was truly a wonderful and memorable night for Momo.
Kiyomi watched the trio leave before she looked back over at Shōto and gave him a soft smile. “You want to go find a spot for the fireworks now?”
“Yeah,” Shōto said. “Can you get us up there?” Shōto pointed towards one of the hills by the shrine.
Kiyomi took his hand and with ease she teleported both of them atop the hill in one of the trees. She took a seat on the sturdy branch, Shōto following suit. Their hands rested in her lap where she played with their fingers as they patiently waited for the fireworks.
Neither felt the need to break the comfortable silence. The weather was nice, the sky was clear, and the fireworks would be starting shortly.
“Kiyo-chan?” Shōto asked.
He looked down at their hands, his brow furrowed. “You look very nice, too. Nicer than… than others.”
Kiyomi giggled at that. “Thank you, Sho-chan.”
He looked like he wanted to say something else, but the fireworks started and their attention was drawn up towards the sky.
They always watched fireworks together, after all.
And at the end of the night Kiyomi did what she always did after they would watch fireworks. She leaned over and kissed Shōto’s cheek goodnight and said, “Thank you for taking me to see the fireworks.”
“Always,” Shōto promised her.
Reviews are love.
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