#energy drinks were three days ago
hungrymentor · 7 months
Had a coffee a full 12 hours ago and now doomed to be awake till dawn
Had four energy drinks and took two long naps yet still went to sleep at a reasonable hour
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cupid-styles · 1 month
a helping hand*
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in which y/n can't orgasm and harry is a helpful ex-friend with benefits.
word count: 3.3k
content warnings: mentions of depression/mental health and anti-depressants, discussions of reduced libido, smut (phone sex, mentions of sex toys, dirty talk, description of group sex and mmf threesomes)
this one goes out to all the besties on anti-depressants
masterlist | talk to me
. . .
Harry sighs in frustration before crossing his arms over his chest. If he pursed his raspberry lips into a pout, he’d look more like a petulant child than the young adult Y/N’s known for the past few years. With a roll of her eyes, she lifts her glass to her mouth and takes a healthy swig of her coke and rum. She allows herself to scan the interior of the bar — it’s just barely 6 pm on a Wednesday so she’s not surprised that it’s primarily filled with locals and teams of corporate offices decompressing after a long day. 
“I could always make you come when we hooked up and I bet you I could still do it.”
“Christ, Harry, give it a rest,” Y/N replies, narrowing her eyes at the curly haired brunette. “It’s not just with partners, it’s me, too.”
He quirks an eyebrow and settles his elbows on the sticky table. She huffs when she realizes she’s only piqued his attention even more now that she’s revealed another inkling of her… problem. 
“Can you just tell me what’s going on, then? You know, when I texted you for our semiannual catch up, I didn’t think we’d be getting into your sudden inability to orgasm, but—”
“Can you lower your voice?” Y/N hisses with wide eyes. “I didn’t think we would talk about this either but you’re the one who asked if I’m seeing anyone—”
“Yeah, seeing anyone, not coming for anyone—”
“Just shut up!” she mutters, nearly knocking over her almost-finished drink. “If I tell you, you have to drop it.”
“I can’t promise that.”
“As your ex-friend with benefits, I have no duty to keep secrets that aren’t about our bedroom-related rendezvouses.” 
“There hasn’t been a ‘rendezvous’ in five years.”
“There could be.”
She sighs and presses her fingertips to her temples. This is why she and Harry never worked out. They’re total opposites — he has the energy of a rowdy golden retriever and she exudes a calm, monotone nature. (She thinks she’s borderline boring if you ask her, but that’s something she’s been saving for therapy.) 
At parties in college, he was always the one working the room, chatting with everyone while she stood in the corner and clutched her solo cup for dear life. 
He had a million contacts in his phone and people remembered him, even if they knew each other from something as small as working together on a project in a class three semesters ago. 
Meanwhile, Y/N could spend two years straight working in the same office and someone would still ask her when she started working there because she looked “new”.
(Seriously. It happened last month, and she had to rush to the bathroom to cry.)
Despite their opposing personalities, they did work for a while, but only as friends with benefits. To begin with, Y/N never wanted anything more — when they started hooking up, they were nearing their senior year of college, and she didn’t want to be tied down to anyone or anything when making decisions about her future. But secretly, she knew feelings for Harry would inevitably pop up. How could they not? Although he was an annoying ball of energy sometimes, bouncing off the walls of her apartment before they even made it to her bedroom, he was kind. He had a good heart — he still does after all these years, otherwise Y/N would never bother meeting up with him without the intention of hooking up — and he was funny, and he made Y/N feel all warm and gooey inside. He was a good fuck, too, and as much as she wanted to widdle his presence down to being purely physical, she wasn’t strong enough for that. 
She was grateful, albeit heartbroken, when six months after their arrangement began, Harry very sweetly told her he had a crush on a girl in his advanced sculpture class and wanted to go for it. As she swallowed a lump in her throat, she told him that was perfectly fine, that she was glad he told her, and that she hoped things worked out between him and Emily.
(They did. For two and a half years. Y/N had never been so thankful when graduation arrived and she could run as far away as possible from the couple.)
Harry tried his best to keep in touch, even after graduating while he was dating Emily — always commenting on her Instagram posts and responding to her stories, even occasionally texting her to wish her well on her birthday or major holidays. Y/N kept him at an arm’s length for as long as she could. That is, until he moved to her city last year.
The only reason why Y/N had a heads up is because of an Instagram story he posted. In his typical overly excited way, he posted a picture of his dog in his new apartment with one of those tacky, premade location tags. (She’s allowed to think they’re ugly — she’s a graphic designer.) So, it didn’t come as a surprise when a week or two later, a text popped up from an unknown number: Hey Y/N! Not sure if this is still your number or if you still have mine, but it’s Harry :) I just moved to your city and was wondering if we could get together! It would be great to see you.
Thus began the tradition of Harry and Y/N’s semiannual meetups. 
It was an unsaid routine they followed — every six months or so, one of them would text the other for drinks or coffee or lunch. They only ever met up in public and they didn’t talk much outside of their scheduled hangouts, though Harry was much more prone to messaging her stupid memes and, on occasion, a picture of his dog, a husky named Fish. 
Much to Y/N’s dismay, the chemistry between her and Harry was still very much there. It had been apparent from their first meetup last February. It was difficult not to flirt, especially when he brought up their past (she would happily pretend none of it ever happened if it meant Harry Styles never made her blush ever again). The thing is, though, is it was fine as long as nothing ever came of it. 
Until now. 
Because as Y/N sits across from Harry in the worn booth of a dive bar a block away from her apartment, she can’t believe she’s seriously considering letting him back in her bed.
“Can you just tell me what you think the problem is?” Harry asks. He slides his elbow onto the table and presses his knuckles up against his cheek, like they’re best friends giggling over some silly gossip. It makes Y/N want to elbow him in the ribs.
“It’s a biological issue,” she mutters, “Like I said, nothing you could fix. Even if I wanted you to.”
“Just spit it out, blossom.”
She narrows her eyes, though she finds it difficult to ignore the way her stomach flips at the familiar nickname. “You’re not allowed to call me that anymore.”
“Tell me what the issue is and I won’t call you that,” he replies easily. “C’mon, it’s me. Remember all the times I helped you pee when you were too drunk to sit up straight? We’ve definitely seen each other in more embarrassing situations before.”
Y/N sighs loudly. He has a point — there was a time where Harry knew her better than anyone else in the world. And frankly, she hasn’t talked to anyone about her problem. 
Scooching her body forward, she attempts to close most of the gap between them. Harry leans closer and she rolls her eyes. To an outsider's perspective, they probably looked like they were performing some kind of sketchy drug deal or like little girls swapping secrets at a slumber party.
“Remember how I struggled with, um… getting pretty sad?”
Harry’s eyebrows draw together and he nods. 
“Right, so it got… worse when I moved here. And I needed to find help, so I started seeing a psychiatrist who put me on antidepressants. They’ve helped a ton — I feel better, and the depression that I do feel is a lot less intense.”
“That’s great, Y/N,” he says, and she can tell he means it by the genuine tone to his voice. “What does that have to do with you not orgasming, though?”
She swallows tightly. “Well, my doctor increased my medication over the winter, and one of the side effects is…y’know. Decreased libido and whatnot.”
His eyes widen. “Oh, shit.”
“Yeah,” she snorts, leaning back against the cracked leather of the seat. “Oh, shit.”
“And you’ve tried vibrators and stuff?”
“Of course I have, I’m not an idiot.”
“So how long has it been?”
She nibbles on her bottom lip as she thinks. Even with flings that she’s had over the past few months, they all gave up at a certain point. The sex was still fun, but she was just the only one who wasn’t coming.
“Well, I can give them to myself if I… work at it,” she mumbles, folding her hands in her lap. “But with a partner? Probably… six months.”
“Six months?!”
The look on Harry’s face is dramatic and theatrical, as if she just told him she was moving halfway across the world and participating in some kind of 90 Day Fiance situation. 
“Shut. Up.” she says through grit teeth, sending him a harsh look. “I don’t need a reminder of how shitty it is.”
“Who the hell are you letting in your bed?” he demands sharply. 
“It can take me an hour, Harry, I don’t expect every person I sleep with to be that patient.”
“They should be, Y/N.”
With a shake of her head, she glances down at her phone on the table. Everything has always seemed so simple for Harry — he’s one of those people where things just come easily for him, no pun intended. A part of her wishes they never delved into the subject matter. Vulnerability somehow always bit her in the ass and this instance was no exception. 
“I’m gonna get going,” she says, pushing her empty glass to the center of the table. “Thank you for the drink, H. It was good to see you.”
His eyes soften as she begins to scooch her way out of the booth. Quickly, he throws a few bills down on the table and gets up to follow her. 
“Can I walk you out, please?” he asks, swallowing as his stomach brims with nerves. She nods, though he’s unsure if it’s a reluctant response. Silently, they leave the bar together, and he nibbles on his bottom lip as she pushes the front door open. The spring air is a welcomed breeze from the sticky interior of the establishment, and she shifts on her feet as she turns around to face him. She parts her lips as if she’s readying herself to bid him a final goodbye, but he beats her to it. 
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” he says as he stuffs his hands in the pockets of his trousers. “I just meant— like, you deserve better, is all. Someone who will be patient and care to learn your body.”
Y/N nods slowly. “Right. And you’re that person.”
Her tone teeters on mocking and it sends a harsh hit straight to Harry’s chest. He shrugs.
“If you wanted me to be.”
She doesn’t reply to that, but she doesn’t make a move to leave, either. 
“I’ll think about it,” she finally says, and Harry’s eyebrows shoot up in shock. “My hand cramps up when I’ve been at it for too long. Maybe it’ll be nice to have someone else try.”
He huffs out a breathy laugh. “Just let me know and I’m there.”
. . .
A few days later, when Harry is at a friend’s house, he receives a text from Y/N: Are you free right now?
In all honesty, he’s surprised that she’s — assumingly — taking him up on his offer. Y/N remains to be one of the most stubborn people he’s ever known (one time she spent an entire week trying to put together a desk she’d purchased before asking anyone for help. The only reason why Harry was able to do it for her is because she’d called him over for a “destress fuck” and he finished it while she slept). 
He swipes down on her message, his other hand occupied by some shitty IPA Lizzy’s new boyfriend had bought. He keeps asking Harry if he likes it and he has to lie about tasting the hints of citrus, even though it tastes like every other crappy beer he’s consumed. 
At a friend’s house, he quickly types back, Why? Is your hand cramping?
He can basically feel her rolling her eyes as he bites back a smile, watching as the three dots appear to signal her impending response. 
Yes. I was wondering if you wanted to come over.
He’s unsurprised by the casual invitation on a Friday night at 9:40 p.m. (it seems that, as far as hookups go, Y/N hasn’t changed much since college). Nibbling on his bottom lip, he uses his free hand to type a response. 
I’m sorry, I would if I could. I’m trapped at this “apartment-warming” party for my friend. Apparently people host housewarmings even if they’re just renting a new place.
Y/N immediately types back: As much as I’d love to debate that with you, I’m really just looking for an orgasm. So if you’re busy, I’ll go back to buzzing at my numb clit.
Harry snorts at that before placing his beer on a coaster and excusing himself to the bathroom. Once he’s locked the door, he’s quick to pull up Y/N’s contact and press the pad of his thumb to her number. 
She sounds confused and frustrated when she answers and Harry smirks at that.
“Hey,” he greets, leaning back against the white porcelain sink. “I’m calling about your orgasm.”
“You’re seriously not trying to have phone sex with me right now.” 
Her tone is as deadpan as it gets, and the monotone nature is enough to make a small bit of insecurity crawl into Harry’s stomach. 
“Well, I was planning on talking you through it. ‘S not really phone sex if only one person’s getting off, I think.”
She lets out a noisy sigh and there’s some rustling on the other side. He waits for her response and is surprised when she agrees. 
“Fine,” she huffs, and he can envision the way her eyebrow raises just slightly when she’s decided to give into something, “Let’s give it a try. Porn is getting boring anyway.”
“What were you watching?”
“Well, when you’ve been trying to come for 40 minutes, you end up in some… odd places,” she says. “I started out with lesbian porn, then found my way into threesomes, and somehow I ended up at double penetration.”
“Ah,” Harry nods, “Sounds like you’re having some sort of craving for group sex, then?” 
A pause. And then: “I guess. I’ve never tried it, I just think it’s hot.”
“What’s hot about it for you?”
He thinks he hears her swallow, but he can’t be completely sure. 
“I just like the idea of pleasing more than one person. I think that’s how I got to double penetration stuff.”
“Oh, I see. You want to be used.”
It’s blunt and it’s to the point, but he’s not wrong — he knows he’s not, because he slept with her for six months straight.
“I guess,” she replies non-committedly, “I guess it’s like… a fantasy of getting two people off and them feeling that way because of me. Through oral or… being inside of me, or whatever.”
“So what’s your threesome fantasy, then?” Harry pushes, though his tone teeters are near carelessness at this point, “Girl/boy? Boy/boy? Maybe it doesn’t matter. Who do you want to be between?”
Y/N exhales shakily, “I’ve never thought about it.” 
“Well, now you are.”
She doesn’t immediately reply, but he knows she responds well to the calloused persona he suddenly obtains. She’s always been this way — submissive and good, always looking to please him intimately. It’s too easy for him to put the pieces together and solve the puzzle.
“I guess I like the idea of being with two guys, but it doesn’t matter much to me.” she eventually decides.
“Okay. And in your deepest fantasies, what are these two men doing to you?”
Another pause, though he thinks he hears a shuttered sigh on the line. He doesn’t mention it — not yet at least.
“Maybe… maybe one’s inside of me and the other one’s in my mouth.”
“And how is he fucking you? Is he on top of you, missionary style, or are you on your hands and knees while he fucks you from behind?”
A breathy whimper departs Y/N’s lips and this time it’s loud enough for both of them to hear. He smirks at the sound of it. 
“I like the idea of him behind me. A-and the other one fucking my mouth.”
Harry hums, almost as if he’s praising her. “Close your eyes and envision it, then. Think about how you’re letting two men take advantage of you and use your body, just so they can get off. One’s fucking into you from behind, spanking your ass and grabbing your hips like you’re just some kind of toy to him. And the other one is thrusting deep into your mouth, making you choke, getting you all drooly for him. You’re nothing but a set of holes for them, honey. Isn’t that sweet?”
On the other line, all Harry hears is a series of shattered moans and low curses. Even though it’s been years, he can imagine the way her muscles are all tensed up, her pussy clenching around a dildo or her fingers. He wishes he would’ve asked so he could envision it, too.
“I-I think I’m gonna cum,” she whimpers out, and Harry palms himself through his trousers at the sound of her high-pitched mewls. 
“There you go, blossom. Atta girl, just let go. ‘S easy, let it go for me,” his voice is a near coo and it makes Y/N’s eyes roll back into her skull. It’s like he knows how easy it is for her brain to ping pong to other far less sexier thoughts — like the dirty plates in the dishwasher or the unfolded laundry in the corner of her bedroom — so he continues crooning through the receiver, his low, soft voice guiding her through every bump and ridge of her impending orgasm. 
When she comes, she comes hard, considering it’s been a solid two weeks since she’s been able to give herself an orgasm. It shoots through her entire body and, even with her eyes shut tight, the fantasy she created still plays through her brain — except now, it’s not two mystery men. Now, it’s just Harry fucking into her, all tan muscles and sweat pearling at his hairline. 
She’s boneless and exhausted when she finishes, her throat dry from the involuntary moans she let go. She only remembers she’s still on the phone with Harry when she hears him clear his throat, followed by a call of her name. 
“Hey, sorry,” she mumbles as her cheeks flush a deep red hue, “T-that was good. Thank you.”
“Yeah? You finished?”
If she had more energy, she would roll her eyes. Of course she finished. The entire neighborhood knows she finished.
“Yeah.” she mutters shortly. “Have a good time at your apartment-warming party.”
Harry huffs a laugh, “Yeah, ‘cos that’s what I’ll be thinking about for the rest of the night.”
She doesn’t have a chance to ask him what he means before he’s bidding her goodbye: “Let me know when you wanna do this again. I’m around this weekend.”
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marcsburnerphone · 4 months
And they were roomates
(Captain John price x F!reader)
Summary: the captain wants somewhere more homely to settle down and when an offer like yours comes alight on Zillow he must take up on it.
Warnings: angsty (very minimal), mentions of readers past relationship, some bond building, smoking, some tense moments
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4!! - part 5
“Captain?” Soap yells from afar to get what seems to be prices attention. When he realizes that is indeed his captain he jogs to where John stands.
“What’re ye doin’ back?” Soap question a little confused, after their last two month mission John was granted leave for three months to recoup and rest. 
“Just came to turn in these files.” He says waving the Manila folders in his hands.
“You could’ve just done that online, you know.” And yes John does know and by the look he gives Johnny he also knows.
“What, trouble in paradise?” Johnny smiles widely at the guilty look on his captain's face.
“Something like that.” John replies clearly a little tense.
“Well, tell me about it.” He says waiting expectantly.
“Over some drinks Sergeant.” Price replies before making his way into the building and soap returning to the trainees.
“Oh that’s fucked mate.” Ghost says.
“Captain no offense you’re a very intelligent and capable man but that is so fucking stupid.” Gaz states before taking a drink of his beer. 
“You thought oh I’m catching some feelings for her, let's just ignore her.” Soap says in a mimicking voice.
“No, it's not only that, I don’t have time to entertain dense feelings and she likely doesn’t share those same feelings.” His gruff voice replies as he takes a puff of his cigar and blows the smoke out into the pub they sit in.
“Did you ask her?” Gaz asks, already knowing the answer.
“Am I twelve? What grown man asks a woman if they have feelings for them usually there’s hints and clues you can pick up on.” Ghost grumbles in agreement from price earning a slap on the arm from soap.
“And she’s done nothing that may even give you an inkling that she’s into you mate?” Gaz quips in.
“Like “oh hey captain can you help me open this jar?” Or “price can you please help me fix this?” Johnny tries his best at a womanly voice. 
“First of all she doesn’t call me captain or price and second of all, yes she does that but it’s only because she needs the help.” They all look at him with blank stares.
“I bet you wish she’d call you captain.” Soap whispers but before John can reply Gaz starts.
“Captain, does she ever stutter when you talk to her?” Gaz asks, raising an eyebrow at him.
“sometimes.” He excuses that as human behavior. 
“When she noticed your avoidance, did she get upset?” I mean you got a little mad at him that once but that was cause he was overstepping. 
“A little.” He replies not really seeing where it’s going until oh.
“Yeah cap, you're being naive.” 
“You should go back there, be kinder and less weird. She probably thinks you don’t like her and if that lasts too long she’ll start to actually not like you.” Well he obviously can’t have that.
“We need a mum anyways.” Gaz says under his breath and soap agrees. 
“Hey you’re back.” You can’t resist the small smile that makes its way onto your face as John walks into the kitchen.
“Told you I’d only be a day or two.” He repeats his words from a couple days ago, hands awkwardly in his pockets. 
He notices there’s something different in your energy that he picks up on or maybe it’s his energy that has changed.
“Yeah but last time you said a month and we’re gone two.” He remembers that and sees your point then he thinks about the fact that you remember that. 
“Well last time I really didn’t think I’d be gone that long but you know.” He says not going into detail and just waving it off.
“Well I have a job to get too.” You say closing the package of blueberries you’d been eating out of then place them back in the fridge.
“On a Saturday?” He questions the unusuality of it.
“Yeah I had a woman call me this morning, said her wedding was next week and she really wanted me to be the one to give her her dream hair so I agreed.” 
“Okay then, I’ll see you later, doll.” He says as you grab your keys and purse getting ready to leave.
“Bye John.” You smile softly looking anywhere but him cause if you did the smile that lays on your face at the newfound nickname would be too evident. 
“Hey so we’re just doing some highlights and a cut right.” You ask the woman in your chair as you drape the cape over her paying mind to her swollen belly and button it in the back.
“Yeah I actually have some pictures if that’s okay.” She says pulling out her phone to show you.
“Great, I’d love to see them.” You say getting your equipment ready.
She shows you and by the already light tone of her hair this will be easy work. You get everything settled and ready, mixing the bleach and color and sorting through the pieces you’ll paint.
“So what made you ask me to do your hair?” This is a question you always love to ask your clients. Was it social media or a referral or maybe something else.
“My finance actually recommended you.” Her fiance.
“Oh I don’t actually do men’s hair, who’s your fiance?” You question a little confused but clearly he might’ve just seen you on instagram or had a friend who’s been with you.
“Brian, he said he used to know you and heard you did really good hair.” No fucking way.
“Oh yeah I know Brian old friends.” You smile through the tears that threaten to escape your eyes. 
How could he? How could he give this woman everything you’ve ever wanted then send her to you to show off that goddamn-
“He says to tell you hi.” She smiles looking back at you not having a clue of who you really are. 
“Oh tell him I said hello.” You reply shortly.
“How’d you two meet?” You ask curiously.
“We actually worked together and when we first started talking he was actually in a relationship but nothing serious and the more we spent time together it just became clear we were meant to be together.” Her.
“So he cheated on his ex partner?” You say in a polite tone, one a girlfriend would use.
“Well I guess you could say that but according to him their relationship was over before it was over.” You smile at her nodding in understanding. 
Scream, you wanted to scream your fucking head off the rest of the appointment. But no you stood there politely and gave this woman the most beautiful hair you could’ve imagined you even took fucking pictures for her to send to you’re cheating ex.
On the way home you cried out of anger not even out of jealousy, or sadness just anger at the audacity that man had and the years you wasted with such a fucking loser.
When you pulled into the driveway you turned the car off and just sat there. You sat there and pondered on everything. You’d always asked him for a baby and he’d said he would never be a father. You always wanted to get married and he would say “marriage isn’t my thing.” And yet he’ll do it all for another woman. A woman he really loves. 
But in the end you're glad it’s not you. It isn’t you that has to deal with that man child, it won’t be you who’s stuck with someone who isn’t faithful. In the end you’re the lucky one and finally you feel like you can let it go. 
So you dry your eyes and head inside, kicking off your shoes by the door and paying notice to John that’s currently in the living room. You walk over to the couch and sit a comfortable amount of space away from him simply testing the waters and watch the football game he has on.
“How was your appointment?” He says suddenly taking in notice of your puffy eyes.
“Good.” You reply in a whisper with a half smile.
“You’re lying.” He assumed maybe just an asshole client or the outcome wasn’t good.
“It was my ex boyfriend's new pregnant fiancé, who also happens to be the woman he cheated on me with.” You admit with a small laugh at the end with how ridiculous that sounds.
“You got cheated on?” He asks, thoroughly shocked not paying mind to the other details.
“And she’s hot.” You reply looking him in the eye. All he’s thinking is hotter than you?
“Did she know who you were?” This has to be the most mind fucking thing he’s ever heard.
“Not a clue and what's funnier is he recommended me to her.” You laugh again and it’s slightly scary how calm you seem.
“You’re not upset?”
“John I was over that man the minute he cheated on me. I’m only upset over all the time I lost wanting things he said he never wanted but what he meant was he never wanted that with me.” You say quietly between the two of you like it’s a secret. 
“His loss.” he says, offering you a small smile.
“I guess.” 
“No doll I know.” You don’t know what to make of that comment and just smile back at him. 
Later that night after a long shower you step onto the outside patio for some fresh air not noticing John smoking a cigar beside you. 
“Jesus!” You jump slightly at the sight of his looming shadow.
“At this point just expect me to be everywhere.” He laughs as he exhales the puff of smoke. 
“I didn’t know you smoked.” You reply before taking in the sight before you. John in Levi’s, a thermal and brown leather jacket, thick fingers holding a cigar between them lightly tapping it to drop the excess ash.
“I’m sorry, does it bother you?” He asks suddenly, concerned about whether that was in the policy or something. 
“No, not at all.” You smile shivering at the breeze that blows through the air.
He offers the cigar between his fingers by gesturing it towards you, you’ve smoked cigarettes but this thing looked like a cigarette on steroids. Nonetheless you didn’t decline the offer and hesitantly wrapped your lips around it giving it a small puff letting the earthy flavor consume your taste buds as you exhale. 
John watches you with longing eyes. Truthfully he expected you to grab it from him but instead you toked it straight from his fingers and shit it was hot. The way your lips wrapped around the very end had him running hot suddenly. The layers he wore were becoming overbearingly warm. 
“Do you ever wish you chose a normal career?” The question left your lips before you could think about why you were asking it and he clears his dirty mind before answering. 
“Not really, my job makes me feel like I have purpose and although my hands get dirty it’s for a good cause.” You nod as you look up into the blue sky that’s slowly becoming darker. 
“You do have purpose outside your job though you know that right?” You look him in the eye for a mere second then back up. 
He’s taken aback slightly by your statement and stays silent. He lets it settle in his thoughts and feelings. Wondering what prompted you to say it in the first place.
“Thankyou.” He replies shortly after. 
“You're welcome.” You reply gently.
“I’m going to head inside, don’t be out here too long you’ll get sick.” You say sliding the door open and he laughs in return. If you even had the slightest idea of the weather he’s lived in. 
You woke up the next morning bright and early, currently stood in the kitchen brewing hot water for tea and setting the coffee machine on. One for you, one for John. He was surprisingly still asleep although it also is still very early. He never sleeps past 7.
As you turn the heat off the stove, knocking sounds at the front door. Maybe a package you assumed as you made your way down the hall peeking through the small hole to see who’s out there and to your surprise it was a woman. 
“Hi, how can I help you?” She looks at you a bit taken aback.
“Does John Price live here?” She asks as her blonde hair blows in the cold breeze. 
“I need to speak to him.”
“Okay I’ll be right back.” Was this a lover of John’s, maybe an ex wife or something. You knock softly at his door and nothing so you knock a little louder. Before you hear a grunt and the squeak of the hardwood floors.
“Morning, y’alright?” He asks with a deep sleepy voice. 
You take notice of His messy hair and pajama bottoms hanging low on his hips so you practically beg and will yourself to not look at his body. 
“Yeah sorry there’s a woman at the door for you.” You reply smiling when you notice the sleep marks on the side of his face. 
“Oh okay let me just put a shirt on, tell her I’ll be right out.” He can already guess who it is and quietly curses to himself. No peace of his ever lasted long.
You relay the message to her and offer her to come inside which she politely accepts but goes no further than the entrance. 
“I’m Kate by the way.” She offers her hand to you. 
“Oh nice to meet you Kate, are you a friend of John’s?” You pry.
“Oh yeah, a longtime one.” You should’ve known.
“We’ve been working together since he was a lieutenant and that was ages ago.” She laughs and you feel light with relief for whatever reason.
“Laswell.” A deep voice sighs out from behind her.
“Well don’t be too excited to see me.” She says to him.
You get the message to exit the room and do so. He walks with her to the kitchen, offers her a drink then they both go to his office and from the sound of it have a pretty heated conversation. Not that you were eavesdropping or anything.
It was hours before she left and when she did John didn’t seem too happy. You walk to the door a bit after you hear it shut. John stands there running a hand through his hair.
“You okay?” You stupidly ask as he rubs his forehead still standing in front of the door although she left 10 minutes ago.
“Yeah doll I’m alright.” He sounds tired and bothered. 
“Okay.” You begin to turn around getting the feeling he doesn’t want you there. 
“Wait, actually I have to leave tomorrow for a while..” He replies quickly. 
“Oh.” You try not to sound too disappointed.
“I’ll leave you a check for six months, if I’m gone longer my checkbook is in the bedside drawer. If you need assistance with anything I have a friend you can call please don’t do it yourself or have someone else do it.” He says as you stand there not getting past the eight month part.
“Six months or longer?” He meets your eyes seeing a hint of sadness.
“Yeah that’s what I can expect.” You suck your bottom lip between your teeth for a second not really knowing how to reply. 
“Are you hungry?” 
“What?” He replies at the random change in topic.
“Would you like to order too much food and watch a movie?” You ask again.
“I mean if you’re leaving for months and you seem upset about it then it’s serious and when’s the next time you’ll eat good food, you know?” You explain.
You both sit on the living room couch in the dim ambient light while “How to lose a guy in 10 days” plays on the TV, your choice. Empty boxes once filled with pasta and bread now are mostly empty. You tell John every time one of your favorite parts is coming on but not like you even needed to. He can tell by the anxious shake of your foot and slightly raised eyebrow.
“So does he ever find out that it’s for the em magazine and does she find out it’s for a bet?” He asks midway through the movie.
“You’ll have to watch it.” You whisper.
He laughs and for a moment in time he feels content, at ease for once. He feels like this is the moment he’ll recall in the next eight months when nights are cold and he’s spent. 
Your eyes are drifting closed before the movie is over and he watches you find sleep then returns his attention to the tv determined to finish the movie. Once all is done he picks the containers up off the floor quietly and turns the tv off kneeling to the floor to wake you.
“Doll let’s get you to bed.” He whispers in the dark. You're slightly disappointed you fell asleep but your drowsy mind doesn’t let you think too deeply as you bid him a goodnight and head to bed.
The next morning he was ready to leave at 4AM. Big duffel bag in hand and a backpack. He thinks of waking you to say goodbye and even walks to your door. But he doesn’t not because he doesn’t want to but because he won’t want to leave if he does. Internally he curses himself for wasting so much time avoiding you the previous weeks. 
So he writes a quick note and of course the promised check and heads on his way.
Next chapter is already written and I’m so excited at the build up!!
Comments and reposts are always appreciated<3
@beebeechaos @ttsbaby01 @arminarlertssword @quakeroaksguy @rafaelacallinybbay @bumblebeesfromvenus @glitterypirateduck @midnights-song @lovelythingsinternal @fruitymoonbeams-blog @kkaaaagt @kit-williams @enfppixie @kythefangirl25 @eviltheleon @here4thespice @dclore22 @raethethey @waves-against-a-cliff @novausstuff @darling006 @vampirekilmerfic
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fangirl-dot-com · 5 months
Incorrect Quotes
all of these were from Pinterest - cause I'm not this funny (I also couldn't wait for the next chapter to come out so here :D)
Like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are appreciated <3
TAG LIST IS OPEN! - 26 spots still open! (please send me a direct message to be added!)
Y/n: I’m cool Oscar  Y/n: I’m THEE coolest  Y/n: In fact, I was once arrested for being too cool *puts on sunglasses*  Oscar: The charges were dropped because there was no supporting evidence. Also, your glasses are upside down. 
Y/n: I have a very specific type  Max: Oh yeah? Like what?  Y/n: Y’know…polite, handsome, athletic…that sort of thing  Arthur (on his fourth energy drink of the day) tripping over camera wires and holding his mic upside down: you little shit eating, damned pathetic piece of shit – now you listen here  Y/n: *heart eyes* that one. I want that one.  Max: *flabbergasted* 
Lando: bet you’re standing in the corner because you’re scared that you’ll get turned down if you talk to anyone  Y/n: please, I could fluster near everyone at this party if I chose to  Oscar: oh yeah? Prove it. Go for someone borderline impossible and I’ll believe you Y/n, approaching Arthur: hey dumbass, hoodie looks kind of cute on you, wanna get out of here?  Arthur: WH- I MEAN- UHHHH YEAH SURE  Y/n: perfect  Oscar and Lando: 
Y/n: I brought a red bull  Max: I don’t want a red bull Y/n: I didn’t bring this for you. This is my red bull. Max: then why are you telling me?  Y/n: It’s a conversation starter.  Max: That’s a lousy conversation starter  Y/n: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate *sips red bull* 
Y/n: *gently taps table*  Logan: *taps back*  Alex: what are they doing?  George: morse code Y/n: *aggressively taps table*  Logan: *slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK- 
Lewis: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated  Y/n: Killed without hesitation  Lewis: nO!
Y/n: Is stabbing someone immoral?  Mitch: Not if they consent to it.  Max: Depends on who you’re stabbing.  Christian: YES?! 
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.  Y/n: Shit  Logan: Wait, three?  Cop: yeah? Lando: OH MY GOSH OSCAR FELL OFF!! 
Max: Time for plan G.  Liam: Don’t you mean plan B?  Daniel: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.  Y/n: What about plan D?  Daniel: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.  Max: What about plan E?  Liam: I’m hoping not to use it. I die in plan E  Yuki: I like plan E. 
Christian: Did none of you think this was a bad idea?  *Y/n, Max, Charles, and Arthur covered in navy and red paint*  Y/n: Oh no, we all did. We just decided to do it anyway. 
George: (in sunglasses and newest Tommy Hilfiger jumpsuit) *in the most posh accent* I’m too good for revenge  Logan: (covered in bug spray, cowboy hat and overalls on, pumped full of Bang energy drink and high on freedom) *cocks shotgun* Well, I’m not. Give me the name. 
Arthur: So what’s your type?  Y/n: Kinda long blond hair, green eyes, dumb, dimples, funny, really thin waist  Arthur: Huh, that kind of sounds like me! Too bad its not me! Y/n: did I mention dumb?  Arthur: yeah, why?  Y/n: just making sure 
*Over Text* 
Y/n: Hey pretty boy, what’re you up to? :) Arthur: Eating cereal in bed  Y/n: And what would you be doing if I was in bed with you?  Arthur:…I would still be eating my cereal? 
Waitress: And what would you like to eat?  Y/n: I wish to devour the unborn  Fernando: Eggs, she would like eggs 
Y/n: Do you think that when sheep go to sleep they count themselves?  Lando: Or do they count humans?  Y/n: Ooo, that’s a good question  Oscar: GO TO SLEEP 
Y/n to Max: because I am a mature adult  *turns to see Mitch, Christian, and Vito shake their heads*  *turns back to Max*  Y/n: I am an adult 
*Dinner with Max, Y/n, Charles, and Arthur* 
Y/n: The food is too cute, I can’t eat it!  Max:  Charles:  Arthur: You’re cute, but I’d still eat y- Max: ONE DINNER  Charles: *sighs* here we go again  Max: ONE NORMAL DINNER IS ALL I ASK  Y/n: Charles, this pasta is also crunchy, I truly can’t eat this 
Ollie: Good night everyone  Arthur: Good night  Lando: Good night  Oscar: Good night  Y/n: good night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. Tonight, imma fight until we see the sunlight. Tik tok on the clock, but the party don’t stop  Oscar: I’M DONE
George (t-posing in the doorway): Greetings, parental figures and sister figure  *Y/n, Lewis, and Toto walking past*  Toto (not looking up from his coffee): Good morning, problem child 
Christian: You see, Fernando, Y/n is at the age where she only has one thing on her mind  Fernando (noticeably excited): Oh! Oh! Oh! Boys?  Max (looking over at the dead tired rookie with revenge in her eyes as she looks at Esteban): No. Murder. 
Y/n: Hey Liam, want some of this food?  Liam: Sure, thanks!  Yuki (storming in with the anger of the gods): WHO TF ATE MY LEFTOVERS THAT CLEARLY HAD MY NAME ON IT  Y/n: WE did  Liam: You surprisingly smart little mf
Y/n: Never have I ever…Been grounded by my parents!  Arthur (exasperated): Every time. She makes disownment jokes every time and she always wins  Max: Good one Kid. I always go for the ‘never had a dad who supported me.’ Charles: *stands up and walks away* 
Y/n: I’ve only said I love you to four people. Christian, Vito, Arthur, and Max when I thought he died after he wouldn’t respond after a DNF. I only regret one of those  Lando: Which one?  Y/n: Max. He was just pressing the wrong button and walked out a few minutes later. He made me look like an idiot.  Max: I let you win next race   Y/n: still
(Y/n, Logan, Lando, and George trying to sneak into RB for more energy drinks after being banned from drinking more) 
Logan: So what do you think Y/n will do as a distraction? Lando: She’ll probably, like, make a noise  George: Or throw a rock. That’s what I would do  *The door flings open and smoke follows. Screams of mechanics fill the air as they try to extinguish a small fire*  Logan:…Or she could do that. 
Y/n: When I die, donate my entire body to science  Y/n: Except my middle finger, give that to Esteban 
(max and y/n in a horror movie) 
Max: QUICK YOU’RE LOSING A LOT OF BLOOD. WHAT’S YOUR TYPE?  Y/n (bleeding out): tall, male, brown hair, dimples, caring, supportive, Monegasque Max: BLOOD TYPE DUMBASS  Y/n: oh  Y/n: (looks down at wound)  Y/n: red 
Lando: I wish we could block people in real life.  Oscar: Restraining order  Y/n: Murder 
Christian: Y/n, we need to talk about your professionalism for media days  Y/n (and a lot of media personelle she rounded up, all standing on chairs): those are some mighty brave words for someone standing in lava 
Y/n (to Max while hiding behind some tires – regretting everything): and then I called him dad  Christian (to Geri – trying not to cry while cameras are everywhere): and then she called me dad 
Max: Christian, look what Y/n got me for father’s day *holds up generic #1 dad mug*  Christian (glaring silently while sipping from his own #1 dad mug)  Max: that lying rookie Vito (holding a worn down #1 dad mug): you guys are late to the party suckers 
Criminals: We have your daughter and son  Toto: I don’t have a daughter and Jack is right here Criminals: then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwiches?  Christian: dear God, you have Y/n and George
Mitch: So Christian, you and Geri want to be a parents again someday?  Christian: Someday? We’re parents right now.  Mitch: Y/n is your employee Geri: She is our BLOOD 
Christian: Max is late again  Kelly: I woke him up at 8 and pretended it was 11 Y/n: I wrote a fake schedule saying we were starting at 9 instead of 12 Lando: I changed his clock from AM to PM  Christian: I think you may have overdone it  Max (bursting into the garage): WHAT YEAR IS IT? 
Y/n: If I blended Red Bull, five hour energy, monster, coffee, and hot Cheetos into an energy smoothie...would it kill me? Logan: *shrugs* only if you die Y/n (getting out the blender): you're so smart Logan Max (running into the room): y/N STOP!
Lance: I got Netflix like you asked! Y/n: OH that's amazing! I've been mooching off Max's and Arthur's accounts for a while. This will be nice! Lance: Wait, what do you mean accounts? Y/n: Their Netflix accounts? Lance: Y/n: Like their profiles? I wanted one of my own, they're like $12 Lance: Lance:....Oh....You meant the account on the service... Y/n: Yeah, what did you think I meant? Wait...What did you buy? Lance: Lance:....Netflix...
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12
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suguann · 24 days
an. a little 'and-they-were-roommates' drabble series to get me back into writing because it's been an age. | masterlist | part two
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It starts as a situation built off convenience: he needed someone to take care of his place while he was gone, and you needed a place to stay. 
Simon never thought he’d get anything out of it other than coming home to a house that feels lived-in and the entryway clear of envelopes from months of neglecting his mail—another voice throughout the day besides the intrusive ones in his head that spun like a carousel with the word work etched on top. 
It’s not until you show up on his doorstep, three boxes and a measly duffel bag crowding your arms, that he thinks he really should’ve thought this through better. He’ll only realize this after the fact—weeks late, sleepless nights filled with images of daisy-shaped buttons down the front of a summer dress and a smile that nearly knocks him flat off his feet.
As it is, he’ll blame it on the handful of sleepless hours from tiny airplane seats and energy drinks sleuthing through his system that clouded his judgment, then admit it’s nice coming home to a woman who looks pretty reading a book on his living room couch.
Only his soap-slick fist in his bathroom late at night will know the honest-to-God truth. That is if there was ever a god he believed in. 
He never claimed to be a good man. 
(Can anyone claim to be good in his line of work?)
Just an honest one.
So it goes something like this: he tries not to come off as an obsessed, lonely fuck (the jury is out on either) by just existing in the same space as you whenever the opportunity arises—reading the paper while you make breakfast on the stove he hasn’t touched in too long to remember when, flipping through a book Simon didn’t even know he owned while you water plants you picked up on your way from work, watching whatever you have on the telly before you both go to bed—then he’s on a plane, being shipped out to who knows where with a gun holstered to his hip.
Rinse and repeat. 
The fourth time he comes home after an assignment keeps him away longer than expected, he finds you in the kitchen, covered in flour, a cute, frilly apron tied around your waist that he’s never seen you wear before. A smile curls the edges of your mouth as you look over at him, everything in your face soft and attentive—a vision suddenly takes shape.
You with a ring on your finger, Simon calling you his little wife, getting to hold your hand whenever he feels like it, and not because yours accidentally brushed up against his. His hand fisting in your hair, bending you over the counter, your cheek covered in powdery confectionery, fingers rucking up your skirt and apron because he can.
He blinks once, twice, and the little fantasy falls apart. 
Except you’re still in his kitchen, smiling prettily and happy to see him of all things. Imagine that.
Your lashes flutter, making crescent shadows across your cheeks. “How was your trip?” you ask. “You look more tired than you usually do.”
A shrug, a dismissal. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? I have some tea that might help.”
“Tea.” He repeats to fill the quiet if only to stand there a little longer, his bag still slung over his shoulder and his clothes smelling like recycled air. 
“Yeah, I got it from a friend a few weeks ago when I caught this cold that was going around the office.” Sometimes, you ramble, and he can do nothing more than let you get it out of your system—not that he minds. “I swear it’s nothing janky or anything. Just try it; it might help.”
You’re so damn earnest about it that he can’t bring himself to say no.
“Sure,” he says and watches a wide, satisfied smile stretch across your face.
It’d be easier if you weren’t so sweet and gave a sincere fuck about the comings and goings of his life. If the smell of your perfume wasn’t following Simon everywhere—sugary vanilla faintly clinging to his balaclava even after he’s washed it—as a reminder of what’s just out of his reach.
(A mindfuck is what it is.)
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userlando · 1 year
that anon is a genuis? the showering one 🥺
okay okay I’m still gonna write a full on fic but I wanted to do the showering together rn because I have no shame, but but I hope you enjoy this lil fluffy thing
take care of you (2.k words) lando norris x fem!reader sickfic
You were never sick, and that’s why Lando was getting worried. The both of you had always laughed at the thought of being ill, boasting a little too much about your amazing immune systems and now it’s come to bite you in the ass.
It had started as - what you thought was - a hangover, having a little too much to drink at the bar where Max had practically forced you to come two days ago. Lando hadn’t really been feeling it, still a little sore from the race a few days prior and in need of a night in where he could just relax. But you’d both gone eventually, had a good time and then you’d woken up violently ill the next morning.
Lando had set aside his aversion to vomit, quietly gagging as he tried to nurse you back to health. But it had become clear that it wasn’t just the aftermath of the night before coming to haunt you. Your nose had turned stuffy, voice hoarse and your fevers were running high. Dangerously so. Lando had never seen you so drained of energy before and it was starting to scare him.
He’d ignored your protests of staying away, not wanting him to catch whatever the fuck was making you feel like death was knocking on your front door but Lando was nothing but stubborn, glaring angrily at you when you tried to wave him off.
Max had dropped in to dump a plastic bag of medicine and everything a pharmacy held before fleeing, saying that whatever you had, he didn’t want it. You just wished Lando had the same attitude.
You didn’t want to admit it out loud though, that a part of you was glad that you had your best friend by your side to look after your basic needs when you couldn't. He always ran cold and it was a great advantage as he sat by your side as you went in and out of consciousness, placing his chilly hand on your forehead and cheek to hopefully stave off the fever.
By day two, he’d had enough. His stomach was twisting in worry, and he’d rang his mum three times - looking for advice or anything to help with her in a different country. You’d been a little delirious, skin slick with sweat as you laid on the bed; barely conscious and drifting between that place where you're not quite lucid, but you're also not completely knocked out. Lando would’ve thought that you were sleeping if it weren’t for the mouth breathing and little whimpers you occasionally let out when the pain in your head spiked out of nowhere.
It was three in the morning when you sniffled, waking up from your doze and blinking at him. You looked so miserable that he couldn’t help but feel sorry for you, brushing a few strands of hair sticking to your forehead and ignoring the fact that your hair was absolutely soaking. Anxiety was already gripping his heart in a fist and he couldn't handle feeding into it anymore, in fear of it bursting at the seams.
“Do you need anything?” He asked, voice quiet as to not worsen your headache but you still groaned like he’d put a megaphone to your ear and screamed into it.
You made a pathetic attempt at shaking your head, and the little gesture made him smile in endearment when you nuzzled the side of your face against the pillow; squishing your nose and mouth into the damp fabric.
“No.” You murmured. “‘s so hot.”
He glanced at the one too many covers and blankets on you, thinking that maybe he’d gone overboard with his mum’s advice to ‘let you sweat your fever out’.
“I know, bug.” He frowned a little. “You’ll be okay soon.”
“I feel like I’ve taken a nap in the devil’s arse.” You complained and Lando laughed, a bit relieved that your humour was still there.
He thought back on his mum’s advice that he’d immediately brushed off with heated cheeks as soon as the words left her mouth. Let her have a shower, it’ll do wonders for her, poor girl.
How was Lando supposed to get you in the shower when you hadn’t even left the bed for days? He glanced down at you and sucked his teeth, hands going to push the covers from your body before he could second guess himself. You made a sound of confusion when he grabbed at your hands, helping you sit up.
“What are you doin’?” Your speech was a little slurred, exhaustion clinging to your very soul and Lando ignored the pang in his chest at your rare vulnerability.
He’d ever only seen you like this when you were pissed out of your mind drunk, or when you were really sad. Or sick.
“We’re taking a shower.” He said, helping you stand up and you went easily, leaning heavily on him because the room was fucking spinning and he’d just said we.
The slow realisation made you yelp as he walked the both of you to the bathroom, and you gripped his hoodie in your hands in a lousy effort to stop him from walking any further.
“We? You’re not seeing me naked.” You said, feeling a little panicked at that thought.
Lando gave you a look you couldn’t decipher, pushing the door open with his foot and guiding you inside. He flipped down the toilet seat lid and gently sat you down and any other day you would've laughed at how much he acted like his mother when she fussed over her son or even you.
“Then we’re showering in our clothes.” He said, like it was that simple but it really wasn't that simple.
“We’re not.” You frowned but immediately stopped because fuck, that hurt your head. “Don’t be ridiculous, I’ll shower tomorrow when I've got my strength up.”
“You said that yesterday. You’re literally laying in your pool of sweat.” He pointed in the direction of your bedroom as if to get his point across and your mouth pursed in displeasure.
“You said you wouldn’t mention that.”
Lando’s eyebrows climbed to his forehead in exasperation and you flushed hotly. It was embarrassing and he’d promised not to make fun of you. Not that he was making fun of you, but still.
“You’re being an idiot.” He said, watching you pout a little at that and immediately feeling bad. He backtracked. “I mean… I don’t want you feeling faint and falling when I’m not here. I promise I won’t be a creep and look.”
You narrowed your eyes in disbelief and Lando placed both of his hands on his hips as he exhaled, the tips of his ear turning a nice shade of pink.
“Fine. I won’t look too much.” He swept a hand in the air. “Can we please get you in the shower? You’re starting to stink.”
“Now you know how I feel every day around you.” You muttered, ignoring Lando as he repeated your words in a mocking tone. “Okay, can you at least just… Look away?”
He regarded you with a contemplative look before nodding slowly, turning around and you stared at his back for a few seconds before starting to undress. Lando was patient, keeping his eyes firmly on the sink as he heard the shuffle of clothes and your noises behind him. You made a small sound that let him know that you were done and he stretched a hand out without turning or looking, offering his support as you stepped into the shower with weak legs.
You didn’t want to admit that he was right. You were in no shape or form to wash yourself without risking blacking out, but Lando thankfully didn’t say a thing as he let you draw the shower drapes to cover you.
You stood quietly, shivering and a little nervous as you heard him undress, nausea roiling your stomach and tying it into knots and you couldn’t figure out if it was because you were nervous or simply sick. It must’ve been a combination of two, you decided, thoughts spiralling until Lando’s voice echoed in the bathroom.
“You okay?” He asked and you nodded before you realised that he couldn’t see you.
“Yeah.” You flattened your palm against the tiled wall when you started feeling a little dizzy, squeezing your eyes shut. “Can you hurry? I’m feeling sick.”
The weakness in your voice must’ve triggered your best friend into action because he pulled the drapes aside and stepped in, grabbing your hand like it was a normal and every day occurrence to be standing in the shower. Naked.
You opened your eyes to find him looking intensely at your face, eyebrows pulled together worriedly and you gave him a shaky smile.
“Do you wanna lean on me?” He asked, tilting his head to look you in the eyes.
You were about to shake your head when you felt your world tilt on its axis, stumbling a little and Lando was quick to wrap his arms around you. He pulled you into his embrace and took some of your weight off your feet, trying not to think about how incredibly naked and warm you were against him.
He exhaled, feeling your hands weakly rest on his back; like you were welcoming his help and it made something warm bloom in his chest.
“I’m going to turn the shower on now, okay?” He walked the two of you to the corner before reaching back and turning the knob.
There was a sputtering sound before the spray came, and you could feel the cold mist as the shower head splattered cold water by your feet. You hummed in delight, leaning your forehead against Lando’s shoulder and closing your eyes.
“I feel like shit.” You confessed quietly between the two of you and Lando’s hand came up to brush the hair down your neck in quiet comfort. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
“Don’t mention it. You know I always will.” There was something in his voice that you couldn’t quite decipher, but you let it go when he took a step back into the shower once he’d deemed it warm enough.
The lukewarm water felt like heaven as it pelted down the both of you, washing away the sweat and everything you’d managed to accumulate these past few days. You hummed in pleasure, feeling your hair soak and you pushed your head off his shoulder to look at your best friend.
He was busy making out the hundreds of different bottles, looking lost before he finally found the shampoo bottle. The sight would’ve made you laugh if you had any strength left, but you settled for an amused smile that Lando clocked as soon as he turned his attention back to you.
“Shut up.” He said, seeing the clear laughter in your eyes and you raised your eyebrows as if to say hey, I didn’t say anything. “Turn around and let me wash your hair.”
You weren’t about to protest, doing just that and placing the palm of your hand against the wall to keep yourself upright.
Lando quickly washed your hair, the suds of the shampoo sliding down your face and getting in your eyes and it wasn’t as relaxing as one would’ve thought but he did the job and you couldn’t complain. He even went as far as conditioning your hair, rinsing it off gently before you offered to do the same for him.
“You don’t have to do that.” He scrunched his nose. “You look like you’re two seconds away from falling asleep.”
“Put your head down and shut up. Let me wash your hair.” You tried to sound stern, but you ended up sounding a little ridiculous with your stuffy nose and Lando grinned before complying.
The smile on his face vanished when he realised that he had, in the process, put himself in direct eyesight of your naked body and he struggled not to tense up as he heard the cap of the bottle pop, staring hard at your bare feet instead.
You did a way better job at washing his hair, digging your nails pleasantly around his skull and massaging his curls thoroughly before rinsing the suds off. Lando didn’t realise how relaxed he’d became until he tried to stand upright, hair drooping over his face and dripping wet.
His breath stuttered when you let out a hoarse laugh, pushing the hair out of his face and the movement was so intimate that Lando had a hard time breathing, wondering what the fuck was happening.
You didn’t seem bothered by the gesture though, none the wiser as you picked up a loofah and pushed it into his hands. He blinked down at it like it was a foreign object, trying to make sense of what exactly you were asking of him.
“You want me to wash you?” His voice went high, almost in a squeak and you shot a questioning look at him.
“Yes.” You decided on replying before frowning, adding: “Is that weird? I can do it if —“
“No, no. Um, I can do it, just —“ He was flustered, turning a little in the small space of your shower and trying not to yelp when his arm brushed your naked skin. “Body wash. I need body wash.”
Your face was on fire, watching him pop the cap of the body wash and ripping it off in the process. He made a little sound in his throat but didn’t dare to pick the broken cap off the floor, squirting the liquid onto the loofah before waving it in front of you.
You turned around, figuring that it was maybe a little easier if you weren’t in each others faces and Lando must’ve felt the same because he blew out a breath and started washing your back, albeit a little timidly.
He gained confidence after a few moments, finishing scrubbing you before doing himself and you didn’t call him out on him using your sponge because really, he’d probably done it a million times whenever he showered at your place.
The both of you stepped out, and he was there to immediately wrap you up in a towel before doing the same to himself. You didn’t want to acknowledge your heart, how it was speeding up abnormally so at the sight of him and how sweet he was being. Taking care of you, sending updates to your mum with how you were and assuring her that you were being taken care of. He knew how much of a worrier she was, and it made something immense swell in your chest as he rubbed a second towel over your hair, gentle and so very careful not to snag your hair or accidentally hurt you.
“What?” He halted when he pulled the towel away, revealing your face and your eyes staring at him. He wasn’t sure if it was the shampoo that had gotten in your eyes but they looked like they were on the verge of welling up.
“Nothing.” You replied, voice thick and so obviously lying but Lando didn’t touch on the subject. He made sure to ask later, when the air wasn’t so charged and you weren't teetering on the brink of death.
“Get into bed, I’ll bring you fresh clothes.” He said as he steered the both of you back to your bedroom. Lando stopped as he eyed your bed, a little critically. “You know what, let’s go to the couch instead.”
You laughed, voice a little thick and you reached a hand to weakly slap at his arm.
“What?” He grinned. “We need to change the sheets. Or maybe even burn them.”
“You’re a prick!” The way your voice cracked made Lando cackle, yelping when you shoved him a lot harder than he had anticipated.
Your words may have sounded malicious, but there was an undertone that your best friend couldn’t help but latch onto.
It sounded a lot like, I love you.
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don't look at me, i love pain. anyways, hope you enjoyed this little drabble as i go crawling back into my cave to write something better than this. (also how did this turn into 2.6k words? i need help)
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formula-nyoom · 1 month
Hello hello hope you are swell 🩵 I see you do platonic drivers 👀👀
Could it be possible to request a platonic! Reader who is a younger sister (that is also a driver, any team) to a driver of your choice who is given either a drink or meal before going on the race and getting a severe allergic reaction. Like rushed to the hospital asap reaction please 🥺
A/N: The only thing I’m allergic to is bullshit(and mosquitoes), so I don’t know what it’s like to have an allergic reaction to food. Hopefully I wrote this ok but do let me know if there are things I need to change. I decided to keep this as a blurb only because it's so similar to the last oneshot I wrote and I went with Oscar for this one
“Shouldn’t they be back by now with our drink bottles refilled?” Your teammate asked as you looked over some data. The race was set to start in just under an hour and the matter your teammate was more concerned about is the assistant that had gone to refill both your drink bottles rather than look over data with you.
 “They only left a minute ago. I know you’re used to everything going fast but they’re not a race car.”
 “Well they better be back soon with my energy drink. I have to drink one before every race. Helps with my performance.” Your teammate said. You just rolled your eyes. 
The assistant soon came back with both your drink bottles refilled. You thanked them and took it. As you were about to take a swig, your phone vibrated with a text from your brother, Oscar. 
Papaya-Bro: Chit chat before the race?
More often than not, you and Oscar would find each other in your respective drivers rooms to talk before the race. It was a small amount of time where the two of you would talk about anything but racing, giving the two of you a sense of peace before you had to face the chaos of Formula One. You sent him a text that you were on your way over and made your way to the McLaren garage. Some of the McLaren workers waved at you as you walked in, having gotten used to you making appearances in the garage to see your brother.
“Mom wants to know what she should cook for dinner when we come back home.” Oscar said, looking down at his phone while sitting in a chair.
“I’ve been craving her meatloaf for the past couple days. Ask her if she'll make that.” You said, taking a sip from your drink bottle. Your face scrunched up in disgust as you tasted something that wasn’t water on your tongue. You ended up swallowing whatever it was you just drank as your first reflex was to gag at the taste of whatever you consumed. It was sour, with a hint of fruitiness. 
 “What’s wrong?” Oscar asked.
“This isn’t water.” You said, handing him your drink bottle. “Taste this for me.”
You gagged again and then started to cough as Oscar took a swig of the mysterious drink.
 “Yea, that’s not water.” He said. “It’s got a–”
“--fruity taste.” You started to cough more violently while trying to gasp for breath. Your throat felt like it was closing in on itself as you struggled to breath.
Oscar didn’t have time to figure out exactly what the drink was. He was able to guess what was in it though as he witnessed you starting to have a severe allergic reaction to whatever the mysterious drink was.
 “I need medical assistance!” He called out into the hallway, hoping anyone heard him. Oscar quickly opened the front pocket of his backpack that always carried the spare epipen and grabbed it. By now you had gotten down to the floor, still struggling to breathe. Kneeling down in front of you, Oscar steadied the orange tip over your outer thigh, before having it make contact with the fabric of your race suit. He pushed the auto inject button till he heard the click. He then looked down at his watch to watch the seconds go by.
 “One…two…three…”Oscar then removed the epipen and checked to see if it went in. But to his horror, there was no puncture hole from the needle. Of course race suits that were designed to keep a driver safe from getting burned or injured in a crash can prevent a needle from going through the fabric. 
 “I NEED SERIOUS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE!” Oscar yelled again. This time someone seemed to have heard him as a McLaren worker came in with a medic right behind them.
“She’s having an allergic reaction! The epi pen didn’t puncture through the race suit!”
The medic took out a pair of scissors and an epi pen before they started quickly cutting the pant leg of your race suit and fire proofs. Once the material was cut away enough to reveal the skin of your upper thigh, the medic didn’t hesitate in administering the epipen, which successfully went through this time. Oscar helped steady the pen while the medic put an oxygen mask over your face to help you breathe while the medicine worked its way through your system. 
Eventually you were able to breathe again and your throat no longer felt like it was closing up. But you and Oscar both knew that you couldn’t just hop in the car and race. You’d have to be taken to the hospital to make sure whatever allegens you had consumed were fully out of your system. Oscar made sure one of the McLaren personnel went over to your team garage to inform your team that you had an allergic reaction and could no longer race today, before he helped you up off the floor and handed you off to the medical staff.
 “Kick their asses for me.” You said to Oscar before leaving, your voice raspy from coughing. 
“Will do.” He promised.
Oscar was a bit rattled throughout the race because of what had taken place just before it. That wasn’t the first time he had to administer an epipen for you, he’s seen you have allergic reactions before. But the fact that it didn’t work the first time is what really freaked him out. But knowing that you were ok and breathing was enough for him to score P3. And the fact that he beat your teammate seemed to make you happy so Oscar took that as a win.
“Because I saved your life today, can you let me freely pass you during the next race and defend me from the people behind?” Oscar asked as he drove you home from the hospital. 
 “You didn’t save my life. The medical staff did.” You said, playing with the medical band around your wrist.
“I attempted to! If our race suits weren’t made so tough to protect us from crashes, you wouldn’t have needed to be rushed here.”
 “That’s kinda a big flaw with the race suits. They can protect us from fiery crashes but prevent someone from administering an epi pen.” You noted.
 “I’ll talk with the FIA tomorrow to propose new safety regulations so race suits have to be made so a giant needle can break through the fabric. I’m sure that will go over well with the other drivers.” Oscar joked. Your phone buzzed and you looked down to see a text from yours and Oscar’s manager.
 “Mark just texted me. Apparently the energy drinks my teammate has before every race are now banned from the garage. Turns out it’s got lychee in it.” You told your brother.
 “Honestly they should have been banned from the start to prevent what happened today.” Oscar said. You nodded in agreement.
 “So you’re not going to let me pass during the next race?” Oscar asked. You rolled your eyes.
“Only if you defend me from my teammate if they end up behind you. Which is often.”
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2chopsticks2eyes · 11 months
Don't Play Dumb
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2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Han Jisung/Han x Fem Reader
Themes: Shameless smut
Word Count: ~3.3k | AO3
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Alcohol, Cussing, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Alternate Universe - Neighbors, Vaginal Sex
Summary: Minho and Jisung were living their best lives to their gayest potential. Well, at least that's what they thought before you moved in next door...
Author’s Note: This story was inspired by a request from my girl @lyramundana. I had to physically restrain myself from making this, like, 20 pages more than it is just because I told myself this was only going to be a short one-shot to put out there while I write my main stories. 😅
Jisung always knew he was gay, he was vibing too much babygirl energy to be otherwise. Minho always knew he wasn't attracted to really anyone, however, he always had a thing for a nice set of pecs and a nice, perky ass. That is until he met Jisung and realized his 100% attraction towards the man. And the biggest plus was Jisung had a really nice ass AND pecs. Like. DAMN.
But I digress. Neither believed in love at first sight until they first locked eyes on each other. 
That was YEARS ago, and they were still as in love (if not more) as they were before.
But then one hot summer day, you moved into the flat straight across from theirs.
The two were just coming home from a romantic brunch and were already a couple of horny dogs before noon even hit. However, when they saw you struggling to move in by yourself, all it took was one look at each other and they immediately rushed over to help you despite your ramblings that you could do it yourself and weren't some damsel in distress.
They respected that, but still insisted on helping if not to speed up the process so you wouldn't turn into ashes in the summer heat and, if you were being honest with yourself, it sounded particularly preferable. So after brief introductions, the three of you set to work.
So, after these two Greek gods of men finished helping you move everything up, all of you were drenched in sweat from head to toe.
"I'd offer you something to drink, but I think I only have tap water..." You explained meekly, trying not to focus too hard on each drop of sweat that ran down their tanned skin.
They were in a similar situation.
They had watched you lift those heavy boxes like they weighed nothing and they soon found out that you were more than capable to do this yourself. But with the sun blazing and heavy lifting up two flights of stairs, they couldn't help but notice your... attributes.
You had worn just a thin tank top and some breezy shorts due to the weather, and the more sweaty you got, the more they clung to you, and the more the boys couldn't help but have their eyes wander.
They giggled and reject your offer. "Do you want to come and have a drink at our place instead?" Jisung offered sweetly.
"No no no! It's totally fine! I have to start unpacking anyway and, besides, you two have helped me out plenty today..." They couldn't help but notice the blush blooming on your cheeks as you looked down with a small smile, biting your lip to contain your shyness.
Minho wanted to coo at you for being so damned cute, but he was afraid that it would make you uncomfortable, so he refrained. 
Once Minho and Jisung returned to their own flat, Jisung turned to Minho. "Okay hyung, I know this is going to sound super weird, but was she not absolutely drop-dead gorgeous or what?!" 
"Holy shit, I know right?! Am glad I'm not the only one who noticed!" 
"Like, shit, I'd fuck her stupid if I wasn't the gayest bottom bitch there is out there!" They laughed heartily and Minho playfully swat his arm with a loud cackle.
This was why they loved each other so much, they could be completely open and honest with each other and they knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that they’d still live and die for each other.
"Speaking of bottom bitch, I believe we had some plans once we returned home if I'm not mistaken?" Minho gave Jisung a wry smile as he moved closer to place a sweet kiss on the edge of the younger man’s jaw, instantly reminding Jisung how stupidly horny he was.
Instead of answering, Jisung just decided to strip naked and get on all fours for the man right in the middle of their fucking living room carpet.
Weeks went by and, what started as simple greetings as you occasionally passed them coming and going, turned into the three of you spending time at each other's places every week for the designated 'movies and margaritas' nights.
"Okayokayokay, Ji! Truth or dare?" You questioned the round-faced man. After your third round of drinks, you all had foregone your attention to the movie on the screen in favor of playing the classic game for drunks.
"Don't be such a pussy, Sungie!" Minho complained loudly.
Jisung shoved his face in front of the elder’s line of sight in retaliation. "Get over it! My answer remains the same!"
You giggled wildly even though the situation was not nearly as funny as you thought it was, but they had endeared expressions on their faces as they looked at you cackling like an idiot.
"Okay *ahem* Ji. Have you ever topped Minho?" You knew the question was pretty bold, but you had quickly become extremely familiar with these men. Besides, neither reacted poorly to the personal question.
"Sweetheart, hyung and I have been together for AGES. Do you seriously think we haven't already tried everything in the slutty book?"
"They have one of those?" You asked while giggling into your drink.
"Yeah, we wrote it," Minho smirked and winked at you while you cackled.
"Well, at least now I know that Ji knows how to fuck." You taunted said man with a wicked smile. 
"Oh, I can do a lot more than fucking, sweetheart," Jisung said in a sultry tone with a wink thrown at you. This was a common occurrence between you three, they would flirt with you while your heart was being suffocated knowing they were gay.
You visibly shivered with a blush and Minho narrowed his eyes, taking a mental note of it. "Okay, little miss dirty mind, your turn. Truth or dare." You could already see Minho brewing up a storm in his head, but you were never one to back down from a challenge.
"Dare. Hit me with your best shot, pussy cat." You said with a challenging grin on your face.
"Oh no. You shouldn't have said that. Minho's the devil incarnate. He'll seriously fuck you up." 
Minho answered his boyfriend with an amused hum. "Hmm, let's see..." He made a show about thinking about what he wanted to say as if he didn't already know. "I dare you..." Both you and Jisung waited with bated breath for the hell that was about to be unleashed. "...to french kiss both me and Sungie."
"WHAT?!" Both you and Jisung exclaimed in tandem.
"You heard me, bitches. You have to kiss these gay boy lips like you mean it, now pay up!"
Jisung breathed out a disbelieving laugh as his slack jaw hinted at a shocked smile. He turned to you to gauge your reaction, only to see that you had completely frozen in place. Their smiles instantly dropped. "Aw shit, I'm sorry, love. I was just teasing. If that makes you uncomfortable I can--" 
"No!!" You shouted, covering your mouth immediately afterward. "N-no! A dare's a dare! I'm no pussy..." At least that's what you told yourself.
Internally, your heart was racing at a thousand miles a minute as you scooched closer to Jisung. You took a deep breath and cupped his cheeks, watching his beautiful eyes go wide and his moist, plush lips part. Before you could doubt yourself any further, you dove in and planted your lips on his.
You had instantly melted as Jisung tentatively placed his hands on your waist and you furthered the instructed 'french kiss' by tangling tongues with him.
After a moment, without waiting to check their reactions, you pulled away and lunged at Minho to do the same, drinking in the taste of the alcohol on his lips. When you felt his strong hands smooth over your shirt and around to your back you slightly whimpered.
You flew back while covering your mouth and saw their wide eyes and dumbfounded looks on their faces. "Oh-oh, my god!" You scrambled to stand up. "Shit guys, I'm so sorry. I..." You couldn't stay with the humiliation any longer and, without another word, you fled from the apartment.
Jisung and Minho looked at each other with equally shocked expressions. "Are you as turned on right now as I am?" Jisung said breathily. And Minho just dumbly nodded. "Do you think she would... or would you be down for...?" There was an unspoken question there, but his soulmate already knew.
"Fuck yes." Minho threw himself on his boyfriend like a hungry wolf and proceeded to fuck him over the back of the couch until he came with a cry on his lips.
Okay... they were definitely, infinitesimally homosexual but... they never met someone like you…
Maybe they had some talking to do.
When they knocked on your door unannounced the following evening, you were shocked to say the least. "Minho? Jisung? What are you--?"
“Can we come in?” Jisung cut to the chase rather quickly and you could see the determination in his eyes. You nodded shyly, still not able to get over the fact that you made an ass of yourself the night prior.
As soon as they came in, they bracketed you and you looked up at them like a frightened animal. “G-guys… I-I’m sorry about yesterday… I didn’t mean to and we had a lot to drink and–”
“Do you like us?” Minho cut in this time and you sealed your lips. You felt a shiver run down your spine and, even though you were sure he meant it in a different way, you answered respectfully.
“O-of course I like you guys! We’re friends!” You sounded shocked that they even had to ask.
“No…” Jisung brazenly stepped closer and swept your hair over your shoulder to speak low into your ear. “Do you like like us?”
Minho moved closer on your other side as well, however, he bent down to eye level with you “Don’t play dumb baby girl. Do you have dirty little thoughts about me and Jisungie? Hm?” He tilted his head and you looked like a deer caught in the headlights as they both stared you down. “Do you imagine what it would be like having two men fuck you stupid? Is that why you asked Sungie that question?”
You didn’t know whether to tell the truth or lie out your ass but, eventually, you could only reply with a shy nod directed at your own bare feet, not trusting your mouth to be able to form words.
With your shameful face still directed towards the ground, you peeked up at their expressions. Your eyes widened when you saw identical Cheshire grins on each of their faces. “Well then, I think we should assist her with that. Don’t you think, hyung?”
“I agree wholeheartedly Sungie.”
You whipped your head up and stepped back a hair. “Woah woah woah! No need to stoop to that level, guys!  I’m sure I’ll get over it eventually!”
“Well, you see sweetheart, we've been thinking an awful lot about this. Hyung and I are in it for life, but with you…” Jisung said as he stepped an inch closer to you. “You’ve got us questioning what it would be like with a woman.” He gently trailed a finger down your arm, inducing goosebumps that they could blatantly see.
“We want to know what it’s like to make you fall apart. We want to see how to make you scream. Make you beg.” Minho trailed his gaze languidly over your body with each word and you felt like you were being crushed with all the tension in the air.
You involuntarily gasped when you felt Jisung’s soft lips press against your cheek. Soon enough, he was whispering in your ear. “That blush on your cheeks is really pretty, should I deepen it?” You felt the wet heat of his tongue press up against the tender skin under your ear and you quietly whimpered.
“It sounds like you are more than willing to experiment with us, honey. Tell us, baby. Do you want to play with us?” Minho wrapped an arm around your waist and began kissing your neck to drive his intentions forward. Also to inform you that “playing” didn’t mean you’re going to play fucking Jenga or some shit.
Instead of using words, you let your hands do the talking. You tentatively grasped their wrists and slowly led them further into the apartment. You made your answer clear enough when you brought them to your bedroom and turned around to silently face them at the foot of your bed.
Your eyes were glued to the floor and Minho cooed at you. When you looked up, the two gorgeous men were looming over you with hungry eyes. Unable to look directly into their intimidating eyes, you stared at your feet while saying, “I usually use the traffic light system…” You peeked up at them to make sure they understood. “I-is that alright for you guys?”
“Fuck yes…” Jisung said with an airy tone and stepped closer to grab the hem of your shirt. “Can I take this off, sweetheart?” Instead of answering, you removed said item and chucked it across the room, face getting hotter by the second.
“You guys can do whatever you want… I trust you…” You bit your lip but made sure to look them in the eyes as you said this. You wanted to make sure they knew you wanted this.
“You might be regretting saying that later, baby girl.” Minho groaned in a wicked tone.
Before you could prepare yourself, Minho had moved around behind you to hold your arms in place while Jisung stepped in front of you, slowly gliding his fingers over your exposed skin. “Shit, she’s gorgeous. Isn’t she hyung?”
Minho hummed low in his throat and then you suddenly felt his warm tongue glide up the side of your neck. “Tasty too.”
You didn’t know why, but the fact that they were talking about you like you weren’t even there turned you on even more. “Hmmm, where should I start?” Jisung rhetorically asked as he examined your body. Your breathing picked up when you felt his soft hands move up to slide one of your bra straps down. “Here?” You whimpered as his fingers glided over your nipple through the thin fabric.
You heard a chuckle come from beside your head where Minho had begun lazily kissing your neck and shoulder. “I think you have your answer, jagi. Go on, show us what a bottom bitch can do.”
Jisung bit his lip and gasped at his boyfriend’s provocative words, but when he looked back at you, he looked absolutely sinful. “Of course, hyung…” 
Jisung was an enigma. He was both equal parts submissive and domineering while Minho was a born and bred master. Created to have both you and Jisung on your knees for him with little to no effort.
They ravaged you properly. They kiss, licked, and sucked on almost every inch of your body except where you were aching the most for them. However, kissing them was almost just as good because those boys had an amazing set of lips on them.
When you all eventually stripped with an insane amount of teasing from them, Minho sat up against the headboard while you faced him on all fours, Jisung just behind you looking at your dripping cunt in awe.
Minho leaned forward to kiss you once more before leaning back and holding his oozing cock in place. “Suck.” He commanded, and you complied eagerly. As you took him in, you heard a low groan in his chest. “Sungie. Show me what you can do to her, yeah? Make her scream on my cock.” Minho said with labored breaths.
You weren’t able to see him, but you felt chills wrack your body when you felt the man behind you blow his hot air on your folds. You whimpered but continued on your mission to suck the life out of the man in front of you. You felt gentle fingers glide through your hair and felt Minho slowly begin to guide your head to bob on his dick.
You had to stifle a moan when you felt Jisung drag his tongue over the entire length of your pussy and then heard the smacking of his lips. “Wow, that’s a lot better than I imagined.” You squeaked when you felt a finger plunge inside you, pumping a few times before pulling it out and holding it up to Minho’s lips. “Hyung, taste her.”
You looked up at him from an awkward angle, not allowing your mouth to release him for a single moment. You whined when you watched his tongue slide over the digit before sucking it into his mouth. “Hmmm such a pretty and tasty girl, aren’t you?” 
You felt his hips slightly buck up but you refrained from gagging, instead, doubling your efforts. It was right as he let his head fall back against the headboard that you felt more fingers enter you, thrusting and moving in you at an unforgiving pace until you came violently and unexpectedly. 
When you pulled off of Minho’s cock to cry out your ecstasy, they watched you wide-eyed and hungry before you desperately fumbled for the bedside drawer to pull out a couple of condoms. “P-please fuck me… I need you inside me, Ji.”
Both of the men muttered expletives before you wrapped your mouth around Minho again and Jisung hastily opened the condom wrapper. You saw stars when you finally felt him enter you. “F-fuck, hyung…” Jisung whined as he bent over you to kiss him. “She’s so tight…”
“Fuck her real good, jagi. Open her wide for me.”
And without further ado, Jisung did just that. He grasped your hips and roughly slammed his cock inside you until he was whimpering with every breath. When he had fucked you long and proper, you came once again and Jisung was at his breaking point. “F-fuck… can I cum on you, sweet thing?” Jisung asked while smoothing his hand over your dewy back.
You released Minho’s dick, although he was also close, and you replied. “Fuck you guys can cum anywhere you like if you can fuck me this well.”
With an airy chuckle, Minho flipped you over onto your back and hovered over you. He and Jisung had traded spots so now Minho had on a condom, poised at your soaked entrance, while Jisung stood next to the bed with his now bare cock aimed at your face.
They didn’t pause for a single moment, Minho ramming you full force, devouring your neck as you quickly pumped Jisung’s cock in time with his boyfriend's thrusts next to you. It almost felt like fate when all three of you came in tandem and you held your mouth open to catch every drop of seed that Jisung had to offer you. 
Then, as if all the life was drained from the room, you all collapsed.
You all laid there in the mess for a moment to catch your breaths before they made a move. They were proper gentlemen, cleaning you and handling you with care as they tucked you in bed. “Guys?” They smiled at you with their full attention. 
“What is it, beautiful?” Jisung as he laced his fingers with yours.
“I know we need to talk and all, but can you guys just stay tonight and talk later?” You looked at them with pleading eyes and they smiled in adoration before plunging under the covers on each side of you. 
Yeah, Jisung and Minho knew they were gay, but after that day, they could confidently say they weren’t opposed to the opportunity when it was you they were considering…
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading! This is why it takes me so long to write my stories! I always want to make it into a fucking full-length book! Let me know how you liked it!
Please like, follow, and share! Thanks baby stays! 😘
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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bunnysnuff · 10 months
Being in a relationship with Charlie and Nick.
Pairing: Charlie Spring x m!Reader x Nick Nelson.
Triggers: Poly relationships. Mentions of Mental Health. Mentioned of Underage drinking. Mentions of homophobic behaviour. Idk, These are short until I get used to writing :)
Send requests :).
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- Keeping the relationship secret, because if it got out at school you all knew the possibility of bullies or just assholes in general bullying you.
- Plus not even nowadays, people still don't understand how this kind of relationship work and they tend to hate them.
- Nick gets you and Charlie to play rugby, even though Charlie claims to be no good at it, he mainly just hangs around with you on the pitch.
- You and Charlie quit the rugby team very quickly.
- But Nick still likes to watch you two dress up in his rugby jerseys, even if it's for some lame excuse.
"Your shirt wasn't even that dirty, Y/N."
"Yes it was. Charlie split coffee all over it."
"No, I didn't. Shut up."
-Tao and the others were slightly confused on the dynamic of your relationship, but knew there was something more than just being 'friends'.
-Lots and lots of hugging. I mean lots. Nick loves doing a threeway hug with You and Charlie and lifting both of you off the ground. Whereas, Charlie loves being sandwiched between You and Nick.
-Helping Charlie when he has a bad day mentally. He loves being able to cuddle you both, while he rants and talks out his emotions. Poor boy needs a lot of reassurance. If he doesn't feel like talking, You and Nick usually bring Nellie over or go on a walk, talking about everything and anything to distract him from his worries.
- "I'm Bi, actually." is something you and Charlie quote to Nick everyday, and it makes him giggle. It's defo an inside joke with the three of you.
-When Nick is busy at his rugby practice, Charlie sometimes reads to you. When he's not, he always trying to kiss you and make out with you.
-Nick would be jealous to see You and Charlie all over eachother after practice. He would chase you and Charlie around until both of you gave him a kiss.
-Even though Nick and Charlie are out as a couple together, they still secretly hold your hand whenever they could. You and Nick almost got caught once by Darcy.
-And Charlie always kissing you in school nearly got you caught too.
-All of you hang around at Nick's house since it's always private there. All three of you either have deep, heartful conversations, or giggle through your sentences. There is no telling. Let's not forget the steamy making out all three of you do when Nick's mum isn't home.
-Nick's room being covered in photos of You and Charlie. He loves taking photos of you two. His lock screen is You and Charlie cuddling during a nap at his house.
-The two sometimes fight to get your attention.
"Char, let me spoon Y/N."
"But I'm spooning him."
"But you said I could ten minutes ago... Char, are you pretending to be asleep?"
-The three of you always travel together. And they're so so over protective of you.
-They're so jealous too, Charlie more so than Nick (Nick is confident enough to know no one will ever be him) but since Charlie is always worried that he's not good enough, expect him to be throwing glares left, right, and centre. Pls hug Charlie.
- Charlie is more opened to PDA (private display of affection), so he's always hugging and kissing You and Nick when he's close. It makes the two boys a bit sad when you're all in public, and they can't hold your hand or anything. They want too so badly, but they don't want you to get harrassed.
-Cuddling is very.. tangled. Charlie loves being spooned, and Nick loves spooning but Charlie moves alot in his sleep. It's like once a week, one of you three is pushed off the bed.
-Also Nick is literally a human radiator, so he's usually in the middle on cold nights.
-Nick is usually the calm one, however, he loves the chaotic energy You and Charlie brings to his life.
-Tao getting suspious when he walked onto the rugby pitch to see You and Charlie holding hands on the bleachers, and the flirty waves you gave Nick.
-Eventually, You three decide to tell Tao and the others. They're all super supportive and it's adorable.
-Especially Darcy (IMO).
-They both love sharing clothes with you. It gets to the point where you're not sure who owns what piece of clothing anymore. They've a little game going on. Whose hoddies do you use the most? Nick or Charlie.
- They are both gentlemen, but they’re competitive about it.
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voxsmistress · 1 month
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo - Part 11
I decided we needed a bit of an outsider view on Y/n and the Vee's as its so easy to get stuck in your little bubble, plus Angel being shifty needed to be sorted!
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
“You thought this was a date?” you asked in a bit of shock. Humming his lips were twitching in amusement. “Well …” you bit your lip and then thought screw it, “I thought you out of everyone would have planned a much better date and more entertaining than posing for cameras and being looked at like shark bait by creepy club owners?” It was now your turn to laugh as his screen once again glitched and he narrowed his eyes.
“You just wait Y/n” as you walked outside you took a deep breath of fresh air.
“With pleasure, Sir” you smirk up at the TV Demon who matched you with one of his own. This night might have been a bust but it definitely was interesting.
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It had been a few days since the club opening and you had dealt with seeing articles plastering yours and Vox’s face over them asking ‘who was this Sinner with Vox’ quite well. Which meant you had avoided looking at any news, any articles and any social media for the first day as you were a little embarrassed by the headlines and different opinions demons were saying about you and Vox. You had a few messages off the Vee’s each expressing different emotions about them. Velvette checked to see if you were okay, also complimented you how you made sure to tell the paps that you were wearing her design (and looked hella hawt doing it – her words) while looking good solo and with Vox. Valentino just praised how well you did and when were you going to come to one of his clubs in those outfits, and when you did could he choose it. And Vox. Well, he simply put ‘I always knew we would look good together, don’t think I’ve forgotten about our date’.
Currently you were, however, sat in the Hazbin Hotel at the bar waiting for Angel. He’d been avoiding your calls, texts and now you have had enough of it, you have given him all day to respond to your messages and calls so now he was going to face you whether he wanted to or not. So, eight minutes ago you sent a message: ‘Bar. Downstairs. 10 Minutes. If you don’t come, I’ll drag you out of your room myself’. A cocktail sat in front of you untouched as you counted down the minutes. You knew he wasn’t at work today as you’d checked with Valentino and Husk the bartender had been very informative that Angel had dragged himself to his room this morning and hadn’t emerged yet. Husk was currently wiping over a few glasses sending you questioning glances every minute or so.
Nine Minutes. Tapping your nails on the counter you start to count the seconds from the clock hung on the wall.
“What are you going to do if he doesn’t come down?” Husk’s deep voice distracts you from counting. 45 seconds.
“Drag him out kicking and screaming”, you smile serenely picking up your cocktail to have a sip. His eyebrows rose in surprise.
“Little thing like you?” Smirking into your drink you shrug, placing your drink down. 20 seconds. You really didn’t want to have to yank Angel out of his room, but you would. Bracing your hands on the bar you go to push yourself up when a very hungover Angel slumped into the bar stool next to you.
“Good evening, stranger” you chirp, irritating the already grumpy sinner.
“What do you want y/n? I’ve had a long night, and I haven’t the fuckin’ energy to deal with your positive mood”, chuckling at his moaning you slide the sipped cocktail in front of him. Eyeing you he quickly downs it, flinching at the excess alcohol you asked Husk to put in there. Choking he tries to clear his throat as you turn on your stool to face him head on.
“Why are you avoiding me?” You ask. Face now devoid of humour, you stare at his mismatched eyes catching the flinch he tried to hide.
“Who says I’m avoiding you?” He mumbles, motioning for Husk to bring him another drink.
“Me, idiot. We used to see each other nearly every day, if not at least once or twice a week and now you don’t respond to my messages, you don’t answer my calls, you are always busy when I pop to see you at work. What would you call that if not avoidance?” Waiting for him to finish his sip, you tap your nails in annoyance when he evaded looking you in the eyes.
“Look toots, these things happen. People grow apart. That’s what happens in show business, you should get used to it.”
“Please tell me that is not it?” eyes narrowing at him. “That I am finally getting a bit of recognition and you aren’t happy about it?”
“I ain’t that pathetic” he snarled at you, fists clenching around his drink.
“Well thank Lucifer for that, then what is it?”
He opened and closed his mouth a few times, contemplating what to say before he finally just snapped: “it’s who you are hanging around with to get that ‘recognition’”.
Ahh. Okay.
“You don’t like me spending time with the Vee’s?” You confirm, tilting your head eyeing him as he struggles with his words.
“Obviously honey! They ain’t good people!”
“We’re in Hell babe, who is?” You waft your hand around to make your point. If you were good people, you’d not be in Hell.
Scrunching his face in concern, he reaches over and grabs your hand. “Look y/n, you don’t know what you are getting into. You don’t know who or what they are like!”
“Like you did when you signed your contract?” Low Blow, you know but you needed to get your point across. “I know you are trying to protect me Angel, and I appreciate it. But you pulling away and avoiding me is only going to have me going to them more. I am not stupid. I know what I’m doing. I know who they are and what they have done. I mean have you really forgotten who you are speaking too here?” You squeeze his hand, offering him a small smile.
“I know you are clever and can play their game as well as the best, but I’m just worried they’re going to trap you somehow”. Your eyes drop to where he pulls at his choker necklace with a small gold tag. Hmm.
“Then that’ll be my own fault. But I swear, they aren’t getting near my soul. I made one deal with Velvette and that is just to showcase her clothes and me singing at her catwalk okay – that’s it. Nothing more, they know that.” I keep my eyes on his so he could see how serious I was.
After a few tense moments he nodded in surrender and tiredly rubbed his face with his other hand. Asking Husk for two shots of vodka you push the other in front of Angel.
“Apology shot?” A small smile graced his face as he clinks your glasses together before you both finish them off.
Watching you for a moment he starts, “So…” you scrunch your nose up at the taste of the shot, you forgot how much you disliked vodka, shoving the glass back on the bar. “How are your suga’ daddies and momma treatin’ you?” Snorting in amusement you throw him a look.
“I’m still living in my shit house that I call an apartment and working every job that is worth taking if that’s what you’re asking”, accepting another shot off Husk.
“Oh, they’ve not offered you to move in yet?” Choking on the shot you slap your chest to remove the alcohol from your windpipe.
“I wear Velvette’s clothes, not shag the Vee’s babe, why would they ask me to move in with them?” You questioned.
“Hmm, I dunno know toots. I saw the photos”, his eyes lit up in amusement as he started pulling them up on his phone. “I mean big ol’ Voxxie looked like he was just about ready to devour you – which woulda been so hot. Which reminds me, do ya need any pointers? I know it’s been a longggg time for you” your cheeks were on fire from blushing as you shove a laughing Angel away from you. Dick.
“Ain’t it like riding a bike?” You tease back trying to lessen the blush from your face.
“What type of bike are you ridin’ doll?” if you weren’t so glad you both were now okay, you’d have cursed him out by now.  After a few more teasing comments about your lack of skill or sex life you glared. His teasing smile lessened a bit, sipping on his drink he decided to throw you a curveball, “ya know, Valentino messaged me the other night and not about work”.
Eyebrow quirking you tilt your head: “What about?”
“He cursed me out for ditching you at that club opening”, ah bugger. You remembered him typing furiously on his phone that night but you didn’t even think he’d contact Angel.
“Oh Angel, I am so sorry babe I didn’t think he’d say anything to you!” Waving off your apology he shrugged.
“I shouldn’t have ditched ya so I deserved it … but you looked like you enjoyed yourself anyway”, his teasing smile came back making another blush raise on your cheeks.
“I didn’t know Vox was going to be there, he hadn’t said anything to me. He told me Valentino messaged him to get dressed and meet me”. You defended yourself a bit against the teasing Sinner.
“Val told Vox to meet you?” Angel’s eyebrows scrunched up on his forehead.
“I was just as confused as you are now, I figured the club scene was more Val’s than Vox’s.”
“Huh” eyeing you with a mixture of confusion and amusement. “Ya really got them wrapped around your little finger now ain’t cha”, rolling your eyes it was your turn to laugh at him.
“Hardly! If I did, don’t you think I’d be living in a gorgeous apartment, have a nice car and not having to work another day in my undead life?” you reason with him. Having the Vee’s wrapped around your little finger, that’ll be the day.
“Mhmm … but you’ve got Velvette giving you free clothes”-
“-Which I promote for her, help design and plus I’ve gotta sing at her catwalk show” you interrupt.
“Okay fair but you’ve got Valentino bossin’ around Vox for you, sending you cutesy shit – yes I’ve seen the messages and photos – and you’ve got Vox looking like a panting dog chasin’ ya around on those photos on the articles. And probably more shit but the cameras just aint caught it!”
Mouth opening and closing as you try to come up with a counter argument, you eventually shut your mouth with a snap. He was right – not about Vox chasing you around the carpet he had actually helped you, but the rest was kinda correct.
“You might not have them completely wrapped around it but toots you are pretty darn close”. He surmised with a smug smirk.
Gulping a little you bite your lip: “What do I do?”
Shrugging, he awkwardly smiles at you: “Ain’t for me to say darlin’, but whatever you do be safe … and have fun”.
Licking your bottom lip, you play around with your empty shot glass on the counter so you didn’t have to look at him. “If … hypothetically I did, how did you so beautifully put it – wrap them round my little finger and have fun – you wouldn’t start avoiding me again would ya?” you questioned, running your finger around the rim of the glass.
Snorting in amusement, one of his arms wrapped around your neck as he placed an exaggerated kiss on your cheek.
“Doll face. You are stuck with me now! Hey if you’re up living it large with those Vee’s I want a Lamborghini for my birthday”, he teased. Tenseness fading from your body you laugh and give him a squeeze around his hips. Angel was one of your true friends in Hell, you’d be lost without him. “Plus, I can give you the low down on how to get Val off”.
“Ew Angel!!” Shoving him off you he bursts out laughing. Clutching his stomach as you scoff at him, blush burning your ears. A buzz from your pocket distracts you from a cackling Angel, pulling it out your jeans pocket you see a message from Vox: ‘Me and Val need to speak to you about an opportunity, I’ll send a car for you’. Peeking up through your hair you see that smug grin on Angel’s face.
Rolling your eyes you give him a snarky smirk in return: “sorry my suga’ daddies are calling” you wink at him as you both laugh. Texting Vox the address, to which he responded: ‘I know’ you scoff. Course he would know. Finishing the last shot you give Angel a quick kiss on the cheek and thank Husk while putting down some money to pay for the numerous drinks.
“I will be seeing you later babes!” He promised to text you tomorrow and you left, happy that you two had buried the hatchet and feeling so much lighter than you have for a few days.
Stepping outside the hotel you spy a black car pull up. Hurrying down the steps you are surprised when a sinner gets out the driver’s seat and opens the back door for you with a small bow in your direction. Okay. That’s new. Thanking them you slide in and relax in the lush leather seating. Perhaps having them a little bit wrapped round your finger is a good thing?
Tag List: @tasha-1994 @azullynxx @reath-solia @leathesimp @klorinda @twinklethewarrior @martinys-world @rosiethevoxobesser
@the-maladaptivedaydreamer @songbrita @midge7838 @joumi13 @wonderlandangelsposts @th3rizzl3r
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simpleeindulge · 19 days
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The Beast and The Mouse🔞
Info: KidxFem/reader, too lazy to mention everything but this chapter is for the mature only!🔞 Hints of rough sex, slightly forced, cussing and some foreplay.
Warning: Long! I probably should have cut it in half, but after the hiatus, I figured a long chapter wouldn't hurt. I hope you enjoy it!
Please keep in mind that this is the first time I have written smut with Kid. Enjoy!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Part 4: The One in the Mask
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@ella157 @bdudette @faetoraa @elen-alambil @buckysxgal @ryuv1i @ilovespicykimchi @stuckinthewrongworld @ninablue @kookydoesstuff @Kimyk10br
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The energy on the ship felt strange but Y/N supposed it couldn't be helped. After all, she did stab the captain.
It didn't matter that she didn't kill him. It didn't matter that he had asked, no, commanded her to do it, and it certainly didn't matter that he deserved it. She stabbed Eustass "Captain" Kid, the bastard.
Her attack on Kid gave Y/N mixed notoriety among her crewmates. There were some in the crew would questioned whether she could be trusted. Others saw it as a right of passage and that the Captain wanted to test her even though he never tested anyone before.
Whatever they choose to believe, they all agreed it was best to stay away from Y/N. At least the men did anyway. The women, on the other hand, had their own opinion that Kid got what he deserved for pushing a knife into Y/N's hand.
"Don't sweat it, love! Kid is too stubborn to die from a knife wound. Everyone in the crew knows that!" A tall blue-haired girl named London said as she threw an arm around Y/N.
The other women in the dorm laughed as they passed around a bottle of cherry whiskey.
Quincy giggled and commented slyly, "Yeah, it's not like you damaged anything important! That would be a tragedy!"
The others snickered as they made lewd comments, then went back to settling in for the night. Y/N blushed as her gaze dropped to the cup of booze she held in her hands.
"I don't understand why he is so mean to me," Y/n said softly.
Dive gave Y/n’s knee a gentle pat as London waved off her comment.
"What can we say?! The guy is a jerk." London said casually, then held up her glass and cried, "But he is our jerk!" The other women cheered and drank to her words.
As the other women returned to their own gossip, London and Quincy moved closer to Y/n when they saw that the toast didn't cheer her up.
"I just don't get it. It's like he wants something from me, but I don't know what it is." Y/N said her thoughts out loud as the trio listened. "Every time I think things are better between us, Kid does or says something that destroys any progress made."
Quincy and London looked at each other with brows raised as Dive patted Y/n's knee again.
"Kid is like that, and you can't take it personally. Besides, if he didn't want you here, he would have gotten rid of you long ago." Dive explained.
“Yeah,” Quincy nodded with a grin, “He would have literally tossed you overboard.”
London seemed to agree but added, “I think Killer would give you the courtesy of a heads-up before it got to that.”
Y/n sighed since Kid did try to get rid of her on her third day aboard the ship, and Killer was trying to talk him out of it. The reasoning back then was that Kid didn’t think she could handle it, but hadn’t she proven herself to him by now?
"I guess not, but what is it going to take?" Y/N thought as she took a sip of her drink.
“Hey, Y/n, have you talked to the Captain since stabbing him,” London asked with a curious glance. Y/N sighed and shook her head no.
Y/n hadn't heard or seen him for three days while sailing. Even her training with Killer had stopped, so she chose to train on her own. The ship had stopped at an island the day before for supplies, so Kid spent most of his time on land exploring.
The rumors she overheard from the male crew members about Kid's time on the island made her feel sick. He apparently visited a popular establishment on the island and was seen drinking with women, then taking a few of them to the rooms above the bar. Y/n knew it was silly to feel upset or betrayed. The first time she saw Kid, he had a woman in his lap. Still, it was hard not to feel a tight knot in her chest when she thought about Kid with other women.
Y/N tossed back the rest of her drink, hoping the cherry-flavored alcohol would knock her out so she could wake up with her common sense restored.
"What we need," London said brightly as she stood up and put her hands on her hips, "Is a girl's night out! We get to go ashore tomorrow night, so let's live it up!"
From her back pocket, London pulled out a flyer with gold lettering that read, "The Garden." Quincy grinned at her and said, "Now that's an idea! I've heard rumors about that place."
She turned to Y/N, saying, “This is exactly what you need!”
"Why do I need to go to a bar? I can drink on the ship," Y/n said with a smile.
Quincy rolled her eyes. "It's not just a bar. It's-"
“A brothel,” Dive gasped and laughed as she pointed at the name on the flyer. "That's the place the Captain been going to!"
"A brothel," Y/n said blushing as she stared at London's and Quincy's wide grins. "I thought that…"
“What? That only men go to brothels?" Dive snickered.
"I'm mean..."
Y/N looked between all three and realized how naive she still was about the bigger world outside her own experiences. She then picked up the flyer and read the short, punchy description.
A place for all to gather and share their hidden desire. All are welcome. Women drink for free.
Y/N frowned at the "women drink for free" line and read further down in smaller lettering that women who help entertain or keep company for a guest drank for free.
She shook her head and said, "I don't know, isn't there another place we could go to have a girl's night?"
London grabbed the flyer and pointed to it, saying, "Free, Y/N! Free!"
"Only if we entertain!" Y/N said as she blushed.
Quincy smirked and said, "Oh, I've been to one of these places.” She then looked at Y/N and said, "You don't have to sleep with anyone. Just be friendly if someone talks you up or asks for a dance."
"And if you meet someone you want to sleep with, then the guy pays for use of the room." Dive finished explaining with a grin.
Y/N paled as Quincy grinned back at her. "Best part is that it's lady's choice of whose company she's keeping."
“But I-”
“Come on, Y/n! You worked at a bar! You know how to talk to drinking men! And it's not like you have to sleep with anyone!” London said as she pleased with her eyes.
“Unless you wanted to,” joked Dive, who gave her an encouraging look.
"It is a great stress reliever." Quincy sighed, then shrugged, "If the guy is good, anyway."
Y/n looked at her new friends and sighed.
"I guess I can give it a go."
The trio cheered and hugged Y/N, promising she wouldn't regret her trip to The Garden.
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Kid scowled as his skin prickled at the energy of the place. Ordinarily, he would be excited to come to a brothel and find a woman or three to spend the night with. Now, the idea turned his stomach, and it annoyed him.
Why should it bother him to pick up women?! Killer was right! This was what he needed. The night before was...not a success. Yes, he drank with a few women and took them to a room, but his damn body wouldn't cooperate! So he drank the night away and passed out, but not before threatening the women into silence.
What he needed was the right woman to get over his desire for Y/N. It irritated him that not just any woman would do. He thought about finding someone with the same hair color or body type as Y/N and was immediately repulsed by the idea. No way could Kid settle for anything less than what he originally desired. What he needed was someone better than Y/N. Kid scanned the room as he and Killer walked to an empty table.
"We could ask the proprietor if she has any suggestions." Killer suggested to Kid, as a masked barmaid brought their drinks.
Kid scoffed and tossed back his drink. He then looked around the large bar. All the women were dressed in simple white or cream dresses and different color masks. The men could dress as they pleased, but women were required to wear this uniform if they wished to participate.
A clever scheme since a poor drunken bastard won't be able to tell the difference between a whore from the brothel and a woman just looking for a good time till it was too late. Kid took another drink as Killer waved over the Madam of this "garden."
"Hello, gentlemen; how may I be of service?"
This woman wore a golden cloth mask and a dress with her hair pulled back. Her both her eyes and voice gave away the maturity of her age. Kid ignored the woman as he sipped his drink and watched the women in the bar and then the men. He usually could go either way, but that damned 'mouse' was fucking everything up for him.
"I see," The madam mused. "I think have what you are looking for in my garden this night."
"Forget it, I don't pay for sex."
The woman stiffened, but she stayed cool as she studied Kid. Her sharp eyes and years of dealing with men told her just about everything she needed to know.
She smiled cunningly and said, "You were unsatisfied with your choices last night, so how about this? I bring you a woman who fits your needs. If she satisfies you, you will pay for the use of the room. If she doesn't, then you pay nothing at all."
Kid peered over at the woman and then scoffed. "I'm guessing the price of the rooms just got marked up."
The woman shrugged her shoulders as she held her smile. "Well? Do you agree?"
Kid looked at his drink and said, "Throw in a few free rounds for me and my buddy Killer, and you got yourself a deal."
Killer had to give credit to the woman. She felt any irritation she hid it well.
"Very well," The madam replied, waving over a girl from the bar. The girl hurried over and placed two new drinks on the table. "Enjoy, gentlemen, and leave the rest to me." She walked away with an equal calmness that showed how long she had worked in this business.
Kid then picked up his second drink and began to work on it as Killer studied the people in the crowd. Killer didn't want to bring up Kid's mouse problem, but his buddy's behavior was concerning. He knew what happened last night, and that wasn't all like Kid. They needed to get rid of the girl Killer thought as he took a drink.
"Maybe this is a good place to leave her."
Killer nearly choked and glanced at Kid, glad that he didn't have to bring the idea up to him. It was odd to see a woman get under Kid's skin so easily by simply existing. Since the incident with the knife, Kid had distanced himself from Y/N, but he wasn't the same. Getting rid of the girl would be for the best and it was better to let it be Kid's idea.
When he didn't say anything else, Killer carefully agreed with him.
"It's not a bad town. Plenty of work. Not a shit hole."
"Nope, definitely not a shit hole." Kid agreed and chuckled. He took another long sip and stared at the women and men gathering at the bar. "Looks like some of our crew is here." He grinned, pleased to see them having fun. He then frowned as he searched for Y/N among the masked women. He could pick out London, Quincy and Dive, but not Y/N, who he knew hung out with them.
"She's not here, Kid. I saw her working in the sickbay before we went, and the other women said they couldn't convince her to come."
"Fuck," Kid growled as he ran a hand through his hair. This was agonizing. He was supposed to be having fun and not giving a shit about anything. Later, he would have more important things to think about. This was no time to lose his grit over some girl. Kid tossed back his drink as he made up his made. Y/N will leave the ship tomorrow, and he will be the one to kick her off.
He set his empty glass on the table and stood up. Kid didn't feel in the mood to be out drinking, but he didn't want to go back to the ship just yet.
"You alright?" Killer asked.
"Peachy, I'm going to go for a walk. Tell that woman to forget our deal and to shove it up her ass if she complains."
People moved out of the way as Kid cut through the bar space and into the hallway leading to the exit. The entrance hall had two winding staircases leading to the rooms upstairs. As Kid moved closer to the middle of the staircases, he saw the madam of The Garden at the bottom of the left staircase.
He noticed she was speaking to a woman standing further up the stairs, and as he moved by, he couldn't help looking up at her. One look and Kid's blood went cold.
There was no way. Killer said that Y/N was back on the ship. Kid stared at the girl wearing a black cat mask over her face, but he swears that it was her. But her hair color was different from Y/N, and it was styled. Her body shape looked the same, but he doubted that his 'mouse' would have the nerve to dress provocatively and look at ease while out in the open for all to see.
The madam seemed to be instructing the girl as she talked in a low whisper while jesting with her pointed fingers. The girl nodded obediently and then turned to walk up the stairs. As she turned, her eyes caught Kid's staring at her. She was too far, and the mask made it hard to see her eyes as he tried to make out their color. She stilled, her red lips parting in surprise. Kid felt his blood heated back up, and his mind sped up.
This was the woman he was looking for to release his frustrations on.
The woman then looked away and continued to climb the staircase as if brushing him off. Kid growled and started to follow after her.
"Ah, you saw her." The madam cut in front of Kid, sounding pleased with herself. "She is fairly new in my garden, but I think you will find her satisfactory."
Kid glared at the woman, but she didn't flinch or move out of the way.
"She's one of yours?" He asked angrily, staring her down to see if the madam was lying.
She only grinned and nodded, then replied coolly, "As I said, if you find her pleasing, then you only need to pay for the cost of the room, but as you had mentioned earlier, the price will be triple its worth."
Kid grunted and then looked to the exit. He had no real reason to return to the ship, but something told him he should forget about the woman's offer. Kid moved to the doors, but then thought about the woman waiting for him upstairs.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!" His mind yelled at himself for being played. Just this once, he told himself, just this once he will have the fantasy.
Kid didn't look at the madam as she called out the room number he needed. Couples moved out of Kid's way when they sensed his aggression while heading to his room. The lights in the halls on the upper floors were dimmed, and as he passed door after door, Kid could hear muffled sounds, but he stayed focused on where he was going and what he would do. When he saw the door with the number he needed, he walked in as if he owned the small room.
Candles lit the room's corners, and a small fireplace cracked as it provided the only other light source. The woman spun around, her feathered bottom robe swaying around her nylon-covered legs. She had a hand holding her robe closed in front of her as she eyed Kid and said nothing as he entered the room and closed the door.
He stood across from her and looked her over to see if he could identify her, but she was a stranger to him. From where he stood he could see that her eye color was different from Y/N.
"Mask off," he then ordered.
The woman tilted her head at him, then opened her robe and let it slide down her arms to show him the lingerie on her body. Her top was bare, with only her lower half dressed. Kid grinned as his eyes traveled from her collarbones, over her curved chest, and to the sheer black panties that hugged her womanhood tightly. It was a perfect sight to his curious eye.
"Very nice, but I want the mask off."
The woman straightened her head and lifted her hands to the back of her head. She first let down her hair and then untied the mask. Kid stepped forward as the mask loosened and fell into her hand. When she looked up at him, Kid was annoyed to see a second mask, like the ones the women at the bar wore, still covering her face.
His hand moved to snatch it off her, but she caught his wrist. She then stepped forward and let go of him. Kid stared coldly at her. He remembered Killer telling him this place was popular with the locals because of its discretion. Meaning if a noblewoman wanted to know what it was like to be with a pirate or a marine with a pirate, it was possible here.
Not that this woman was either, but he doubted a whore cared about her identity. The clever madam could have lied about this woman being one of hers, but as she started to remove the last bit of lace from her body, Kid decided it didn't matter. Her skin was smooth and healthy looking, and she had the right amount of curves and fat on her body. And most importantly, his cock was willing as it started to stir in his pants.
Without thinking, Kid pulled the woman to him and put his mouth on her neck. The woman gasped and moaned as her head rolled to the side. Her nipples tightened with excitement as his hand ran down her back and slid over the curve of her hips.
"Fine," He whispered into her ear. "Keep your silly mask, but you better prepare yourself if you're going to fuck around with pirates. Especially me."
Her breathing became shaky, but she didn't speak or pull away. Kid smirked and sucked harder at her neck, making the woman release a surprised cry. The sound made his cock jump, making him want to hear more of her voice. He then lifted her and dropped her on the bed. She made a sound that was a mixture of surprise and annoyance as she bounced on the mattress. Kid only chuckled as he moved over while undoing his pants.
If this woman was looking for something slow and easy, she made a big mistake, Kid mused maliciously as he moved over her on the bed. The woman's eyes widen as she becomes trapped underneath him. Kid thought she was going to protest, but instead, she ran her hands over his chest and then dragged her nails over his shoulders.
Her nails bit into his skin, leaving angry red lines. Kid found the stinging pain a comforting release. His breath shuttered, and his eyes closed as her lips went to the base of his neck. As if paying him back, her teeth press into his skin hard enough to leave an imprint.
Kid shoved her back down, and the woman glared at him, but he ignored it as he lowered his head to suck at her breast. His tongue licked hard at her nipples, and the woman struggled not to make a sound as she gripped his shoulders. Her nails dig into his skin and Kid let out a breathy laugh, liking the treatment the woman was giving him.
He sucked harder at her breast, making the woman toss her head, and then forced a choked cry from her when he pulled at the other tight bud with his fingers. When his teeth scraped a nipple, she yelped and tried to smack Kid's face with her hand.
Kid moved away and chuckled at her. Whoever this woman was, she was gusty. A shiver went down his spine when his eyes met hers. They challenged him, but Kid could see a hint of anxiousness. Though they were a different color, Kid couldn't help thinking of Y/N.
He growled and roughly flipped the woman over to her stomach. He needed to stay focused and remember why he was here: to get laid and back to normal. The woman tried to lift her head, but Kid pushed on her upper back to keep her still.
"Stay down." Kid growled gruffly at her. And don't look at him with those damn eyes!
Kid shoved a finger in her to see if she was wet enough. The woman grunted and huffed but she didn't move to look at him. Kid was surprised to feel that despite his rough treatment of her, she was wet.
"You like it rough, I see," he said with a grin as he traveled down her back and over her ass. "That's good because it's going to get rougher."
The woman peered over her shoulder at him, then wobbled on her hands when Kid pulled one of her legs to make room for him. He then pressed himself against her sensitive flesh. Kid grinned wildly when he heard her take a breath and purposely thrust forward without any warning.
The poor woman choked on her exhale as Kid gritted his teeth to hold back the groan that wanted to crawl up his throat. After weeks of no relief, this was the sensation he was missing; this was what he needed. Kid wanted to dive further into her without caution, but her small size could only take so much of him without more preparation. The woman gasped and moaned as she tried to twist herself away.
"Fuck me, I bet she's a virgin," Kid's mind cursed as he slid back and tried to push more of himself into her, only for her to cry out in pain.
To Kid, virgins were only fun in theory, but in practice, he found them to be too much work and needy. He snorted and told himself that it was not his problem if she planned to have her first time in a brothel with a stranger.
Kid gripped her hips to hold her still as another groan threatened to escape his throat when she whimpered and tried to get away from him. The sadist in him was loving this. He saw no reason to be gentle with a woman who allowed herself to be put in the hands of a pirate. Kid was ready to start satisfying his lust when a part of him that he wasn't familiar with took possession.
Both he and the woman stilled at the calm tone of his voice. Kid blinked and allowed himself to be possessed by whatever secret entity moved him to be gentle. He bent down and said huskily into her ear, "Just relax."
The woman seemed to side-eye him as her hands gripped the sheets, not completely trusting him as she tried to relax her body in his grasp.
The asshole in him wanted to take advantage and force himself into her, but instead, he reached around and rubbed his fingers on her clit. She let out a gasping cry and began to moan as her body wiggled and relaxed further.
“And people say I can’t do anything nice”, he thought with a pleased chuckle as he milked moans from the trembling woman under him.
The woman struggled at first not to let out her voice, but as Kid teased her by stimulating her clit and slowly pushing his cock forward, she gave up and let her breath do what it needed to keep her alive. Kid swallowed thickly and even groaned as the woman clenched and relaxed around him. A dark chuckle escaped him when she pushed herself back onto his cock to try and take in the rest of him.
This is enough of a warm-up for her; time for the real fun, Kid thought as he changed his pace.
He pulled her closer and drove himself deeper into her. She screamed into the air as her pussy stretched and held him in her. She then made a slight laughing sound that stroked Kid's ego. He grinned at the back of her neck as he began his thrusting. Fuck, he thought as her body took him with no issues, fuck, fuck, fuck. This was what he needed.
Kid couldn't remember want else happened from there. All he knew was that the woman didn't fight him as he slid in and out of her in a heated frenzy. He lost all restraint and used the woman to get the relief he desired for weeks. When he finally came, he hardly cared that he filled the woman's aching pussy with his cum.
He then pulled away and staggered to the door as he pulled up his pants. Kid didn't bother to look back at her. He opened the door and went out into the hall. He needed a drink and a long nap. As he walked back down the stairs, he was the brothel owner with a calm smile on her lips. Wordlessly, she held out her hand to Kid. With a grunt, Kid handed her the money and went to look for Killer in the bar.
The madam then went up the stairs to check on the new girl she had given to the pirate. The woman in the bed waited for Kid to leave before she got up from the bed just as the madam entered the room. She had a thick robe that she threw over the woman's shoulder.
"Come, I will help you." The madam said softly to the woman.
"I have to get back." The woman replied worriedly.
"I will help." The madam repeated and guided the woman out of the room.
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Kid and the rest of the crew didn't return to the ship until late at night. Y/N woke up to London, and the others laughed as they crawled into bed. Sighing, Y/N got up and went to the infirmary to set aside all the ingredients for the tonic she would have to make for everyone in the morning. She then winced and reached for a jar of her freshly made ointment.
The ointment was cool on her fingertips, and she carefully spread it on her shoulders, neck, and chest. She knew that Kid would be rough, yet she had a feeling he tried to hold back, at least initially. She huffed and shook her head, then winced again. No, she got the Kid treatment, and she should be lucky that he went easy on her based on the stories she had overheard on the ship.
What she did was crazy and stupid. Even the madam of the brothel thought it was risky. Her abilities to disguise Y/N would disappear if Kid found her out and said her name. There were times that Y/N feared that he had in that small room. If he ever found out…
“But he won’t. He can’t,” She whispered as she put the jar back on the shelf. Y/N took a deep breath and went back to the women's quarters.
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
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Waterfall / C.S
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Pairing: Husband!San x Fem reader
Word count: 1,8k
Warnings/tags: newlyweds, husband!san, honeymoon, pool sex, unprotected sex, teasing, fingering, dirty talk, hand job, mild breast/nipple play, semi-public sex, cumplay, squirting, talking about making a baby
After seeing this clip on Instagram I had to write a pool sex smut for Sannie, oop-
Tagging @a-soft-hornytiny to go down with me
Your wedding had only been three days ago, yet you felt like you were husband and wife for years. It had always been that way, easy. When you met San, almost four years ago, he was still a twenty year old boy.
His voice still quite high, very playful and loving. It didn't take long for the two of you to fall in love. Your personality and energy matched his, and he cared for you.
When you were sick he'd take the train all across Seoul to your home to bring you soup. When it was Summer he'd plan all kinds of dates, often meaning you two would go swimming.
Growing up in Namhae, an island in the South of the country, he's always loved water. Even if it was just sitting beside the water, he'd feel peaceful and calm.
Now it's four years later, and you married the boy, who turned into a beautiful and sophisticated man. Some people disagreed with your marriage, saying you had married too quickly, and some people tended to misjudge his character. But you knew inside the handsome shell there was a warm heart.
While you thought about his kind nature, you felt a familiar hand on your shoulder. San sat down next to you on the edge of the pool, two glasses with champagne in his hands. He smiled sweetly, revealing his charming dimple.
''What are you thinking about, honey?'' he asked as he handed you a glass. ''Just how much I'm in love with you. I made the right decision marrying you,'' you smiled, sipping the champagne.
It was mid March and you were at a hotel in Thailand for your honeymoon. San had almost begged you to get a private pool on your stay, so he was pleased to know your room was at the highest floor of the hotel, with a pool on the large balcony where you could look over the entire city.
San was over the moon to be with you, unable to believe you're actually his wife now. He smiled at you, admiring the way your red bikini flattered your body shape.
After finishing his champagne, he took off the black tanktop he was wearing and let himself sink into the water.
''It's so nice, my love, it's like a big jacuzzi,'' he smiled. You grinned at him, still drinking your champagne. You watched him for a while, just swimming around, seeing him enjoy the water.
You shotted the last bit of your drink before letting yourself sink into the water as well, feeling the warm water hug your body. You swam towards him, but he smirked and you knew he'd just swim to the other side of the pool to tease you.
''San-ah~'' you whined, ''stay still!'' you laughed. He grinned and stopped swimming away. He stilled in the middle of the pool, where you met him, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss on his temple.
''I love you, sweetheart,'' he whispered in your ear, ''and I want the whole world to know.''
''Then why did you whisper?'' you grinned, teasing him. San laughed and rolled his eyes.
''I love my Y/N!'' San yelled into the far distance. You quickly put your hand over his mouth, laughing. ''Shut up, San, you're loud.''
''As if you don't like that,'' he winked, causing you to smirk.
San had a very high libido, which resulted in you two having sex at least five days a week usually, and most days it wasn't just once. It was hard to keep up with him at first. You had never expected your sweet boy to be so horny.
As the two of you got older you kept exploring each other and found each other's turn on's. The way he turned from a more lean boy into the muscular man he is now made you weak. He now lifts you with ease, holds you still with ease and there's no way you could beat him strength-wise.
You snapped back in reality when you felt San's wet lips and tongue in your neck, causing you to moan his name. He brought the two of you closer to the edge, so you could hold onto the poolstairs. You wrapped your legs around his hips tightly, hoping to stay above water properly.
He slipped his fingers between your legs, rubbing your clothed core. You whined softly, being sensitive to his touch. He slid your bikini bottom to the side and slowly entered your pussy with 2 fingers.
Countless of times you two had been in the water together, feeling each other up. But tonight, as a married couple, with the light of the moon and the stars and the burning torches it felt special. You'd remember the feeling of his fingers in your cunt forever.
His pace was quick and he knew just how to hit your sweet spots. You tried to stay quiet, knowing there would be people who could hear you, but San was lapping at your clothed nipples and you felt yourself going insane. You couldn't help but let a moan slip from your lips.
''You're so pretty, my love, so perfect for me,'' he whispered in your ear, causing goosebumps to show up on your skin.
He undid the clasp of your top, letting it fall into the water. He licked and sucked at your bare breasts. San seemed to be so eager to have them in his mouth. You thought you'd faint at the sight of him groaning with his mouth full of your boob.
''I need your cock, San,'' you begged, not being able to hold back anymore. Your nails clawed in his back as he fucked three fingers into you.
''Yeah? You need my cock?''
''Yes, San, I need your cock.''
''You need my cock to fill your fucking pussy?''
You thought your lungs would give out, the way he'd speak to you every time you had sex. He was pure filth and you loved it.
He yanked both your bottoms off, nearly ripping them causing you to curse under your breath. ''Those aren't cheap, San,'' you warned him.
''Shut up,'' he said before sinking you down on his hard cock. ''Just take my cock, hm? Like a good girl, my good wife, hm?''
''Yes, yes, I'll take your cock,'' you moaned as he pushed himself deeper inside your hole. ''You better.''
San pushed you against the wall of the pool and you swore you scratched your back against the tiles, but with his length inside you, you couldn't care less at the moment.
You wrapped your legs around his waist so tight, causing him to smirk. He held your hips as he moved you on his dick. The water made it a heavy job, but San loved a challenge.
Your moans grew louder with every thrust, and you felt as if your bodies were colliding in the most passionate and sinful way in the silver moonlight.
Your breasts bounced lightly, splashing the warm water on his chest. He took your right nipple in his mouth, giving it a harsh suck.
''San! O-oh god, I'm close,'' you moaned. San picked up his pace, feeling you clench around him.
''Ah! A-ah, ah, San, yes, San, San!''
Groans and whines fell off your lips while you moaned his name like a mantra, feeling posessed by his love spell.
''Oh San, I'm coming, I'm coming!''
''That's it, baby, cum on my cock, tell the world who's fucking you so good,'' he groaned.
''Yes, San! Y-you, San!'' you moaned.
It took a few more thrusts for you to unravel in his arms, coming on his pulsating cock. He pulled out of you before he could cum, stopping his own orgasm.
You whined at the familiar sensation, still sensitive from your high just a minute ago.
He smirked and rubbed your clit with his thumb, causing you to whine. San kissed your head and laid you on the edge of the pool.
He climbed out of the water and hovered above you, pushing his cock inside you again.
San moved fast and quick, panting heavily now himself. He fucked you deep and hard, your eyes rolling back out of pleasure.
''You're taking my cock so well, baby, do you think you can cum on my fucking cock again? Coat it with your cum so fucking beautifully? Show me how good you are? Hm? Fuck baby,'' he cursed.
''Yes, I'm gonna cum!''
He nearly made you scream with how hard he fucked you, his knee scraping on the tile. It was worth it. Anything to see you come undone on him.
Only a minute later you felt yourself climax on his dick, sending yourself in a heavenly headspace. Your body shook around him, your nails digging in his shoulders as you squirted all over his lower body.
San smirked, his tongue darting out his mouth to lick his lips. He slowly rode out your orgasm and pulled out of your sopping cunt.
''Such a good girl, squirting all over me like a fucking waterfall,'' he groaned.
He brought himself closer to your chest, dick standing proud against his muscular stomach.
''Gonna take care of me now hm? Look at that... My hard cock with all your arousal and squirt still on it... You like that?''
''Fucking love it, San, I fucking love it!''
You spat in your hand and pumped it over his dick, making sure he was well covered before you started to jerk him off.
He groaned loudly, throwing his head back. By the way he was panting and the way his chest moved you knew he was close, and you opened your mouth.
''Cum for me, Sannie, give me all your cum,'' you begged.
Before he could say anything, San spurted his cum all over your chest and your mouth. You licked your lips as you milked him dry, getting all of his sperm out.
You panted heavily when he started licking the cum off your body, gathering it all with his tongue, which he then slid into your mouth.
You felt the cum coat your tongues while they swirled against each other.
''Swallow,'' San ordered when he pulled back from you. You gulped down the mixture of his cum and your combined saliva and closed your eyes.
After a while of laying on the cold tiles in your afterglow, he gently lifted you up and walked back into the hotel room. He put you down in the bathroom and wrapped a large sauna towel around the two of you and smiled.
''My perfect wife,'' he smiled, ''next time we'll make a baby,'' he teased.
You giggled at the thought and you wrapped your arms around his waist. ''That sounds nice, I'd like that.''
''It'll be perfect, sweetheart.''
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lionlena · 1 month
Headcanon: If Teresa tried to get Marcus back after years... (MarcusPikexf!reader)
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Teresa couldn't believe it. She just got off the train and saw him.
Marcus Pike, her ex-fiancé, stood at the same train station.
She hadn't seen him in almost eight years, but he didn't seem to have aged at all and somehow he looked even better. Teresa smiled broadly.
"Marcus! Oh my god! What a meeting!"
Marcus grimaced slightly, but she didn't seem to notice because she hugged him tenderly.
This made him feel awkward and he took a step back.
"Umm… Hi, Teresa."
"That's really amazing, how are you?" Before Marcus could open his mouth, she already started talking: "I divorced Jane three years ago, it turned out he was cheating on me. Now I'm alone."
Marcus took this information very indifferently and looked at his watch, then at Teresa, who was looking at him as if she was waiting for something. But since he didn't say anything, she took the initiative again.
"Maybe we should go for coffee?"
Marcus wanted to laugh. What was she counting on? That during those eight years, he did nothing but wait for her.
"Listen, Teresa, we probably won't go for coffee."
She looked at him surprised but didn't give up.
"Maybe we can just exchange phone numbers. We don't have to go for coffee." She winked at him. "We can go for a drink."
Marcus tried to be polite and forced a smile, but even Teresa could tell that it was a fake smile. She also noticed that he was constantly looking at his watch.
"Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?" She asked sweetly and blinked her eyes.
She was starting to feel a little frustrated that her charms weren't working on him like they used to.
Before he could answer, he finally saw you and a real big smile appeared on his face.
"Actually, I was waiting for someone." He glanced casually at Teresa, his eyes focused on you, on your beautiful, round pregnant belly, and on the little six-year-old boy running towards him and screaming, "Daddy!"
Marcus said a quick and curt "Sorry" to Teresa. But it was obvious that he wasn't the least bit sorry. He fell to one knee and spread his arms wide.
"Hey, buddy!"
The laughing toddler fell into his arms and wrapped his arms around his neck. Marcus felt a wave of happiness. He stood up holding his son in his arms.
"How was it with your grandparents?"
"I was riding on a pony"
"Wow! You have to tell me everything on the way home."
Teresa was still standing nearby, watching the scene with open eyes. Marcus simply radiated the energy of a perfect dad.
By this time, you had managed to join them. You walked much slower because of your big belly. Marcus immediately kissed you on the lips and used his free hand to tenderly caress your pregnant belly.
"How are my princesses?" He asked with concern.
He hadn't seen you for only three days, and even though he knew your parents would take good care of you, he was furious that he couldn't go with his family due to work.
"All right." You replied with a smile. "We're just hungry."
Marcus chuckled.
"So it's good to have a delicious dinner waiting at home."
"Did you make dinner?"
"Yes, dinner, laundry, and grocery shopping."
Your heart instantly melted and you caressed his cheek tenderly. He was truly the perfect husband.
Teresa grimaced and felt the bitter taste of jealousy in her mouth. This is what she lost. A perfect, caring husband. She finally cleared her throat and that was when you noticed her. You looked at Marcus questioningly. He gave Teresa a blank look and muttered:
"It was nice meeting you, now excuse me… Family duties call."
Before Teresa could get over her shock, he simply wrapped his arms around your waist and started leading you towards the parking lot where he left the car.
You turned back and noticed that the woman looked as if someone had poured stinking water on her.
"Who she was?" You asked out of curiosity.
Marcus shrugged.
"Nobody important."
You weren't going to ask more. You knew your husband and you didn't feel jealous. You knew his eyes were focused only on you.
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Yes, I hate Teresa... And writing this made me wildly happy :D
Pernament tag list: @harriedandharassed
Next part: Marcus tells you about his meeting with Teresa...
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songsofadelaide · 20 days
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"Lives have grown roots around each other. We both know the truth is, we don't really care to find any room to doubt each other. We're tied by the roots of whatever we share."
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Zoology major!Laios x crim student!reader who were introduced to each other by your mutual friend, physics major!Marcille, whom you took general education subjects with. You and Laios couldn't be any more different from each other, but you unexpectedly clicked after going on one coffee date together. He is a pretty lively character who is chronically online, and his Instagram is filled with his fascinations— reptiles and amphibians. He mentioned that he wanted to go for a herpetology masters degree when he graduates.
Laios was equally interested in your aspiration to become a lawyer, and eventually a judge. You told him that your pursuit of justice stems from a deep-seated desire to see something happen— and you joked that it was a long story for another coffee date— which he quickly agrees to. (When asked about your date, he told Marcille that you were cute. You said the same thing. Marcille felt like an accomplished matchmaker. She asks you guys to tell her more about your next date, too.)
Your different majors meant different class schedules, so you two try your best to meet up whenever you can, especially when you both have your vacant hours. You follow each other on Instagram now, and he posted a photo of your coffees and sandwiches and his mysterious, faceless date with the caption "🦎💗🦎", to which his many friends and followers blasted likes and comments on.
"Oh, Marcille just texted me. She said this is a... soft launch? Does she mean soft lunch? Sandwiches are soft and light, after all."
You laughed. And Laios swore the sound was sweeter than his coffee.
Your friends and blockmates are both baffled and amused by the handsome zoology major frequently showing up outside the Faculty of Law building on campus with your favourite snack and drink onhand. Likewise, Laios's blockmates are puzzled by your presence in the College of Science building, usually just to drop off some energy boosters for him. (You bring him orange eggs and fish balls every once in a while since you both like them, but you always remind him to eat well and eat full meals.)
Laios made your supposedly grueling days in uni much more fun than you anticipated. Criminology wasn't for the weak-hearted and you had your challenging days, too. But Laios was so full of life and his carefree smile was something you wanted to protect, along with the rest of society. On your second anniversary, he gifted you a very detailed bearded dragon plush. While his major required him to be on the field most of the time, he always made sure to call or message to update you on his whereabouts and what he and his blockmates have been doing. Most of the time, you don't hear him say how much he misses you when you fall asleep while on video call.
You did not choose to call it quits when the time for majors came. Laios wasn't one to give up on something he adores— he loves— so why would you? His pursuit of knowledge for his favourite cold-blooded creatures brought him to James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, while you continued your pursuit of justice as a law student in one of the finest schools in your very hometown.
Laios returns home to you after three years in the Australian outback and marshland— taller, tanned, stubbly and still so lively. He was still the same dreamer you met so many years ago, and you're suddenly filled with dread that you might be holding him back from a life that suited him more. When he noticed how withdrawn you became, he was suddenly filled with dread that he might be too much of a distraction to you as you continued law school. Marcille wasn't having any of that, though, and carefully orchestrated a way for the two of you to bring your concerns to the table, just like how she orchestrated your first meeting.
"I love you," he said, but it's not his words that pull at your heart, but the way his eyes lit up when he gazed at you. He held you in his arms as you cried.
"I know. You still look at me like I'm made of starlight even though my glow has been dulled by so much cynicism."
Laios slept a little bit too deep that night, obviously relieved to still have you in his life. You always did like how honest he was. It was the very thing your profession required but not everyone in the field had it in them. You lay on his chest and breathed a sigh of relief yourself. You may as well be talking to the moon, but you needed to let him know how strongly you felt for him too.
"You are every good in this unforgiving world, and I know it will never forgive me for holding you too close to my heart. This world needs a spirit like yours— warm, curious, forgiving— to heal itself from its curse of indifference and unkindness."
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"—come acclaimed and internet famous herpetologist— a reptile lover, people! In case you don't know what that is— wildlife educator and conservationalist Laios Touden! We're glad to have you with us today!—"
"—sure is all mine! Glad to be he—"
"Oh, turn that thing up, Falin!" You excitedly stepped out of your bedroom and found your sister-in-law Falin humming to herself as she helped herself to a glass of juice in your kitchen. She reached for your TV remote and turned up the volume.
"That interview's today, huh? Are you going to watch all of it? You have a trial to attend to, right?" She asked you with a small smile on her face.
"Just seeing his handsome face already cheers me up so much," you replied to her with a dreamy sigh. "But anyway, you're right! I should head court now. That's what he'd want me to do."
"I'll look for links to the interview online if you want."
"Thank you, Falin!"
The young woman left at home in her brother's house turned her full attention to the interview this time, an amused smile on her face as she watched and listened to his television interview.
"—you know, my wife is a Supreme Court Justice, one of the youngest ones, too! And I'm really proud of her for that. On her first day on the job, she reopened a cold case relating to the deaths of several environmentalists from 200X. It was such an old case, but it was important to her, and to me, to an extent. Her family was par—"
"—nly able to do my job, happily at that, is because of her will to protect environmentalists and put those responsible in jail—"
"My, he sounds so eloquent. I suppose a certain judge helped him with that," Falin laughed to herself. "I should call Marcille and tell her about this interview, too."
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
Among The Bullets
Chapter 2 part 1
Summary: You're a transfer mechanic for a task force which you know nothing about, and while trying to figure out your standing with each of the members you begin to realize you may be over your head. (Evental romance, He just sucks at flirting)
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 It had been a solid twenty hours of continuous work, about four energy drinks and two coffees, and three ten-minute naps, you finished round one of the daily tasks, or at the very least you had caught up. Yet, as you slowly move to sit back down on your workbench, you find yourself feeling a bit worse for wear, the sun had already come up and then it had set all over again, so it…made sense that you were tired, or at least you thought it did, or maybe you thought you would drop dead if you kept going or maybe a lot of things but you knew the room was beginning to spin and you knew you had a few more tasks but those could wait another ten minutes. 
Just…a ten minute nap. 
You deserved that at the very least, you had been working for the past twenty-something hours and had been awake for the past fifty- how weren’t dead was beyond you and how you hadn’t dropped was also beyond you. So as you drop your tool into the bag from your seated position you blink to keep the room from spinning.
Then you would be able to crawl back into bed and fall into a deep sleep for a good eight hours, after a shower, or maybe not, you weren’t sure but either way, you grumble as you sit down and rest your head down onto the bench, your tote back rolled up to be more comfortable than your hands. Ten minutes.
“Ho’ long bonnie been out?” 
“Since I got here.” 
Johnny looks at Kyle, “Tha’ been wha? Four hours?” 
With a slight nod, Kyle sat back on the crate he used as a makeshift chair after he had been told to get you so they could start going over the basic procedures needed for the mission, he had a few other plans that included breakfast. yet when he didn’t find you where he had thought you would've been he wandered to the hangar, still in the same clothes you were wearing two days ago. So Kyle shrugs, “Thinkin she was here since last night.” 
Johnny leans over to get a good look at your face, scrunched up as it lay on the bundled-up bag and he looks to Kyle again, moving a step or so away so the noise wouldn’t wake you. Yet that seemed to not matter because you were sound asleep amid a very loud and busy garage, so his efforts, however kind, were useless and pointless. So, they go on about their business, talking for a long bit before Simon finds his way over to them, seeming to be confused because this is not where they would usually be, but Johnny just motions to your very asleep form as he sits there.
Simon looks between his teammates and then you, motioning the tablet to you as he speaks to Johnny, “Ho’ long?” 
“A while.” Kyle responded with a dull shrug. 
With that being said Simon walked over to you and lightly nudged your boot with his, and when that only got a somewhat annoyed mumble he moved to touch your shoulder, hesitantly at that, almost as if he were to touch you it would shatter something. So, after a millisecond of faltering, he lay in hand on your back. He figured it must be a third thing because if he had some random person touch him while he was asleep (which he would never do in a public space) he would’ve quite literally tried to kill the person. You, however, just grumbles moving your head to lay on the other side. He doesn’t know what to do, so he moves his thumb over your spine and speaks, “Wake up.” 
To say a dump of adrenaline was shot into your blood would be an understatement because every muscle and every ounce of cognitive thought was all of sudden turned to a hundred and ten and you shoot up to stand- almost tripping over your bench twice as you got your footing and your vision unblurred. “Sir.” Your words were to catch yourself up and you mindlessly rub your eyes as you adjust to the light, and you look to the other two men, giving them a meek smile as well, “Sirs.”
 “I was jus, ya know…taking a little nap-just a little nap…” You trail off, avoiding the gaze of the masked man who stood a bit too close to you for your comfort, discarding how his hand was extended as if you were about to be very dramatic which you weren’t. Then you notice that the truck you had been working on was long gone, and your blood runs cold, “Wh..” 
   You walk past him and then go to the spot where the truck had been, “Where this?” 
 Their confused stares were words enough and your face contorted to a disgruntled frown, and you motioned to the stained cement ground, “The truck?? The-...the processing number was G839F09. Where did it go??”
“Why do you know the processing number?” Kyle mainly asked for himself and he looked down at the MRE he had been very slowly eating for the past ten or so minutes, and when he looked up he saw you had moved back to the work desk- having the guts to shove Simon to the side and grab the tablet. Seemingly to look for something. 
There was a silence before you let out a huff of air and placed your hand on your chest, “Oh thank god, I thought I-” You look up to still see them very quizzically staring at you and you laugh off the heat in your face, “I-uh, thought I forgot to the drums, I-heh- sleepy me is very detail oriented apparently.” There was another silence, and you then turned around and set the tablet down, letting your heart try and slow the pace it was currently drumming at, and then nodded with a spin of the heel, “Anyway…Where can a girl get something to eat around here?”
“After the briefing,” Simon interjected, causing your head to turn upward to see him, a frown appearing on the faint smile that had managed to weasel its way onto your lips he then motioned to the tablet you had just set down, “Then you’ll eat.”
To that Johnny and Kyle move to stand up, as they were both waiting for this supposed briefing you had just now been hearing about and you try to deny that, following after them as you ramble on about all of the things you need to get done. How the list you had been given was never ending and all the time you had was to eat and maybe nap, however, Simon’s reply was always ‘It’ll be only a minute’ or just a short and gruff laugh as if your concerns were humorous to him. 
Your rambling fell quiet when you entered the room, darkened and silent- a sudden contrast to the hallway you had just been in, stopping in the doorway only to feel the same hand that had awoken you to find the spot in between your shoulder blades; nudging you forward until you were fully out of his way. It was just light enough that you could make out the people, the large screen of what you thought was a TV-like monitor. 
Somehow you had found yourself tucked away in the very back, within the room there were about twenty or so people so you blended among the crowd. Within that, you had found it very easy to simply zone out, somewhat listening to whatever general and whatever they had to say, however, they were saying things you had already read- risky mission, yadda yadda, the part that did catch your attention was the transportation they were choosing to use. 
“That’s a horrible idea, oh my god, that’s so funny how bad of an idea that is,” Is what you thought you were simply thinking however as the sound of rustling and the current speaker, a woman you had met before- Lassie or something you couldn’t remember- looking to you. Your heart fell to your stomach you adjusted the way you were leaning back on the plastic chair, clearing your throat, motioning to the woman, “I…didn’t mean to say that out loud. I am so sorry I-.. please, go on. Please.”
“No, please, you’re our consult. Consult us.” She remarked back motioning you up with her hand and she must have found your terrified stare humorous because a small smile appeared on the expression. However, even though you didn’t want to, you slowly stood and walked to the front. 
With each hand griping the other tight enough to cut off air circulation you speak slowly, “I mean…These would be fine- they’d be fine until you ran out of coolant and you’re now in the middle of enemy terrorists and you’re stuck and then you’d all be dead so I mean…Yeah, they’d be fine.”
A short silence. “What would you recommend?” “Oh, these by far- best mileage and whatnot, you would just need to bring about two gallons of coolant.” You shrug in reply, “However if you wanted a continuous ride with a somewhat similar build I would go with the…the…Q68- yeah, those would be best.” 
A nod, “You got it.” 
“Huh?” No one listened to your words as the woman moved on to the next topic, and so you quickly moved to walk over back to your table and sit back down, shrinking down into the chair.
Simon looked back at you for a moment before mumbling, “Bold.” 
    “Bold?” Johnny whispered in reply, “Bonnie up and up tol’ her to shu’t it,”
(Annnnnyway that’s it! Lemme know your thoughts! <33)
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ktgoodmorning · 3 months
Useless: Part 3
Claudia Pina x reader
Part 3 (and final part) to useless
Find Part 1 and part 2 here
Claudia is bored due to her injury, you struggle to keep her entertained
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It had now been a week since Claudia’s injury. Things had definitely started to improve since your talk a few days ago. Your girlfriend was clearly still feeling down but now it was in a way that was more expected given her injury. The focal point of her frustration was now her boredom. Unable to navigate without crutches and still advised to be resting, she was yet to leave the apartment.
Claudia was getting more and more restless by the minute. All of her favorite things involved movement- football, working out, partying with her friends, exploring with you. Your girlfriend wasn’t exactly known for being still. That’s part of what had originally drawn you to Claudia- how she was always bouncing around and full of energy. The new limitations on her were providing both a new challenge.
The second you walked in from training you were greeted by your girlfriend groaning dramatically on the couch. “Amooorrrrr,” you chuckled lightly as you made your way over to sit by her. As soon as you sat down, she laid her head across your lap, continuing her dramatics. “I’m boooorrrreeedd. Please tell me you brought me something to do,” Claudia pleaded with you even though it was clear you had come home empty handed. 
“Sorry to disappoint, my love,” you ran your hand through her hair as you spoke, “just me today.” You noticed Claudia’s face change into a suggestive smirk. All you could do was blush and give her a playful eye roll, knowing that what she was hoping for wouldn’t be possible with her current lack of mobility. 
“Mmm, I like seeing you blush because of me, baby,” she mumbled into your skin as she pressed a lingering kiss into your hip. 
“Clau, that’s not gonna happen today and you know it.” Your girlfriend gave you another groan, this time accompanied by a major pout. All you could do was smile at your girlfriend, seeing her dimples poking through even though she was pouting at you. “But we can do anything else you want? We could watch a movie?”
“Nooo, I’ve been doing that all day,” this time she had punctuated her sentence with an equally dramatic sigh. 
You tried offering your girlfriend some more suggestions, “what about a game of FIFA?” This got her attention as rarely played video games. After a few seconds of contemplation, Claudia took you up on your offer. You got it all set up and got each of you a controller as she got better settled into the couch. 
The pair of you happily settled into the game. For a while she had settled on trying to help you improve your playing. You definitely couldn’t complain about how your girlfriend would hold your hands in her’s, teaching you all the little tricks to the game that came naturally to her. When she got tired of helping you, the two of you switched to playing against each other. Despite her help, you still were no match for Claudia. It didn’t take long before she started getting bored of how easily she was beating you. After three times, she returned back to her whining at you, “amorrrr, this isn’t fun anymore.”
You felt terrible for her. It was clear how much she was struggling with being stuck at home, but it’s also what the doctor had recommended. Especially given that it had only been a week, you didn’t feel comfortable going against that yet. “I’m sorry, Clau. I wish I knew how to help you,” you let out a heavy sigh, looking to her in hopes she’d give you any sort of lead on what could help her. 
“The girls are going out tonight…” she looked at you hesitantly, already knowing what you were gonna say. “What if we just went for a little bit? It wouldn’t have to be long! And I wouldn’t drink or anything! I just need something other than this stupid couch.” You felt terrible, watching as your girlfriend pleaded with you. It broke your heart knowing that going out tonight was a terrible idea. You had already heard the girls planning their night and you knew that the club they were going to was going to be crazy. It was well known for being packed with people, an environment that would be nearly impossible for your girlfriend to navigate on her crutches.
“Clau,” you sighed, stroking her face gently with your hand. “Do you know where it is they’re going tonight?” the brunette shook her head tentatively, knowing this couldn’t be going in the direction she was hoping for. “Well I do. And it’s really not a good idea. I’m sorry, mi amor. I wish I had another answer for you.”
Her face fell even though you knew she understood. She nodded as she collapsed against you, falling into your arms. As much as it hurt you to see the one you loved in so much pain, you appreciated her newfound ability to express her emotions more openly with you. All you could do right now was hold her tightly and reassure her that this wouldn’t last much longer. After it had been a while of Claudia laying with you, you realized she was sleeping lightly in your arms. It seemed like a good idea to let her sleep. At the very least, it would pass the time while you came up with some ideas to make your girlfriend feel better..
After lots of thinking and texts with the girls, you had landed on the perfect plan. You had decided that if you couldn’t bring your girlfriend to the party, you’d bring the party to her. Between Mapi, Patri, and Alexia, you had arranged jobs for everyone in order to essentially arrange a surprise party for someone who wouldn’t be leaving your house. 
Claudia had woken up late in the afternoon, hungry of course. Your latest job was to convince her to put off supper, knowing that the girls would be arriving with food soon. “Amor, maybe you’d feel better if you changed clothes?” You knew that she’d be much more appreciative of everyone coming over if she looked more like herself. 
“Whyyyy?” she got back to her slightly whiny and pouty mood, reminded of how little she could do. “It’s so late in the day I don’t see why I should get dressed now? I just want to eat, mi amor.” Your girlfriend looked at you longingly, giving you puppy-dog eyes to get you on her side. 
“I’ll get you food soon I promise. Just please trust me, Clau? I really think you’ll feel better,” now you were giving her the same puppy dog eyes, trying the same tactic back on her. It seemed to work as she gave in, letting you pick her up in your arms, carrying her to the bedroom. You set your girlfriend gently on the bed, while you went to pick out a fresh set of clothes. 
With Claudia’s guidance, you had grabbed her a plain black t-shirt and a pair of black cargo pants. You knew she needed to be comfortable but would also appreciate looking a little better than she had the past week. She moved to sit on the edge of your bed so you were able to help her get changed. You pulled her t-shirt over her head gently, watching as a smirk grew on her face. It put your mind at ease, knowing that your girlfriend's typical suggestive attitude hadn’t yet disappeared. “Don’t even think about it, mi amor,” you warned her jokingly, making sure she didn’t get her hopes up. All you got in return was a light glare as you pulled the clean shirt on for her. The situation repeated as you carefully changed her pants, working gently past her boot. Changing clothes did seem to put her in a slightly better mood, looking and feeling a little more herself. She pulled out her messy ponytail and handed it to you, silently asking you to redo it for her, which you happily complied with. 
Now that she was looking and feeling better, you picked her your girlfriend once again and carried her into the kitchen, setting her on a chair at your kitchen table. Right on time, you heard a knock at the door before Mapi let herself in, Ingrid in tow. In her hands was a bag of takeout from Claudia’s favorite restaurant. You had arranged for some of your closest friends to come eat with you before more of the girls came over to hang out later. 
Confusion was clear on your girlfriend's face as she saw who had arrived, “Mapi? Ingrid? What are you guys doing here?” She looked between the two of them for answers before landing on you as well. 
Finally, Ingrid decided to be the one to answer her, “we heard you could use some company, so we brought dinner.” You, Ingrid, and Mapi were all smirking, happy that the first part of your surprise had worked. Claudia looked over to you, knowing you were behind this. Her face was full of appreciation for how you had arranged this. 
Just as Mapi started getting the food out, Patri and Alexia arrived together. Patri walked in greeting everyone loudly, knowing that it was exactly what her injured friend would want. “Hola, mi amigas!” Claudia’s face lit up upon seeing her two best friends walking through the door, seemingly understanding what was now happening. Patri went straight to her best friend, giving her a tight squeeze and a kiss on the top of her head. 
Alexia went to you, her arms carrying bags full of a variety of alcohol. Her job was to bring things for the party later tonight and she seemed to have taken that job quite seriously. You put it all away, thanking her quietly while Patri caught up with your girlfriend. “Pina must be doing better now, si?” the Catalan questioned you while the others were distracted in conversation. 
You nodded in response, “much better, just getting tired of not being able to do much.” 
Alexia nodded understandingly, having recently spent plenty of time injured as well. “This will help,” she assured you. “You know her well, this will be perfect for her,” she gave you a small hug before the two of you began unboxing the food for everyone. While the six of you ate, you happily remained somewhat quiet, taking in the conversations among the rest of the group. Everyone was catching up with Claudia who was the most talkative you’d seen her all week. Watching her was a glimpse of her normal, energetic self and you just wanted to appreciate it while you could. 
You let your girlfriend continue to get lost in conversation with Patri and Mapi while the rest of you started cleaning up the dishes. More of the girls would start arriving soon and you wanted to be ready. Ingrid went to your living room, cleaning up any of the remnants of the last week that Claudia had spent on the couch. Alexia started making some drinks so the party could start as soon as the others arrived. The captain had given everyone strict orders that they couldn’t stay over too late as Claudia would need the rest. She made sure everyone would be ready to start the night early, as soon as they arrived, to accommodate Claudia’s earlier than usual bedtime. As much as she knew she wouldn’t be drinking, she didn’t mind being the one in charge of the drinks. The captain liked being able to watch over everyone and make sure everyone was being safe, not like she had to worry much being in your shared apartment rather than a rowdy nightclub. 
As expected, more teammates started to arrive soon after dinner. First it was Lucy and Ona, followed closely by Aitana, Kiera, and Mariona. Every time another teammate walked it, Claudia looked just as surprised as she had the last time. She would always follow the surprise by confusion, and then immediately look to you in thanks. It had not been long before most of the team had arrived, turning your apartment into a mini-nightclub. There were strobe lights going in your living room, drinks were flowing, and music was blasting (all from a playlist of Claudia’s favorites, of course). 
It was clear how much your girlfriend was enjoying this when you walked into your living room and saw her on Lucy’s back, as the older girl jumped around with her. Again, you let her have her space, enjoying watching how she was having the most fun she’d had all week. Her energy was back, and she was enjoying one of her favorite ways to let loose and relax. Both of you had had a couple drinks but were far from drunk. You each needed to relax a bit while still being somewhat careful of your broken girlfriend. Everytime you spotted Claudia, she seemed to be on someone else’s back, yelling directions in their ear on where she wanted them to take her. 
Eventually, you had been distracted, dancing with Kiera and Aitana, enjoying some time with your own friends, when Patri made her way to you. Claudia was on her back of course, very giggly, and reaching out for you. “(Y/n/n)! Will you hold me? I haven’t seen you all night!” She fake pouted at you while Patri carefully switched her to your back. “I missed you!!” she peppered the side of your face with kisses as she basically yelled to be heard. 
“Come find me if your back needs a break from her! I’ll be in the kitchen!” you nodded to Patri appreciatively, thankful for how she was supporting you as well as her best friend. 
Claudia wrapped her arms around your neck tightly, giving you a tight hug from her spot on your back. “Thank you, mi amor. I think I really needed this.” 
You only responded by turning your head, giving her lips a quick kiss, “Anything for you, Claudia. Always.”
 The two of you continued to dance, as well as you could with her on your back, until Alexia started to send people home. As much as everyone could’ve gone longer, Claudia could not. Normally she’d be the first to be out all night, but after being on the couch all week, this small amount of action really exhausted her. The two of you thanked everyone for coming as the small crowd slowly dissipated. Eventually you were left with the group of six of you that had eaten dinner together. The group cleaned up the place, returning it from being ‘nightclub’ to being your home again. Neither you nor Claudia could thank them enough. They had been lifesavers for you. Helping arrange this entire thing just to help make your girlfriend feel better. It was exactly what Claudia needed too. She thrived on socialization and valued her friends more than anything. This was her way of relaxing and she was finally able to do it. 
Once everything had left, it was just the two of you, and a peaceful silence. You carried her into your bedroom, bridal style, and laid her gently on your bed, similar to how you had done it earlier in the day. You changed both of you into something more comfortable to sleep in, a big t-shirt with just underwear on the bottom. It was clear she was tired when there were no suggestive comments at you changing her clothes. You both got ready for bed, exhausted from the excitement. Immediately Claudia curled into your side, like she often did now. “Bebita,  I don’t deserve you,” she spoke quietly, tired yet still awake. 
“Yes you do, I promise,” it was all you could respond because it was true. You knew that if the roles were reversed, she would do the exact same thing. 
“I don’t know how you can put up with me after I shut you out a few days ago. I can’t believe you did all this for me after I acted like that.” 
Your heart broke once again, hearing how the love of your life didn’t think she deserved you. “Claudia, I love you. Always. Even if you try to push me away. It doesn’t change how I feel about you. I’m still gonna do whatever I can to help you and right now, that means throwing you a party.” 
“Mi amor, I truly cannot thank you enough. You made today a lot less depressing. I love you.” She somehow managed to snuggle into you even deeper than before, although you didn’t mind one bit. You appreciated the closeness and affection she was unable to show you earlier in the week. 
“I love you, Claudia. Always.” you gave her a tight squeeze in return, trying to force her to feel you love. 
As tired as you both were, Claudia couldn’t quite suppress the energy she had gotten from being with her friends all night. You knew her well enough to know she’d be talking about it some as you both drifted off to sleep. “Did you hear about how Mapi wants a motorcycle?” she giggled to herself, knowing you were already half asleep. “I think Ingrid actually would kill her. She looked like she might just from talking about it today.” Your girlfriend continued to chat, mostly to herself, “I could see that though and…” She drifted into sleep shortly after you, her bubbly words turning to incoherent mumbling before coming to a stop as the two of you slept deeply in each other's arms. You both were filled with more love for each other than ever before, knowing you would go to the ends of the earth to make each other happy. 
Feedback and requests are always welcome! :)
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