#employer brand academy
hanikurumsaldik · 11 months
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İşveren Markası Kavramının Yaratıcısı Simon Barrow, Employer Brand Summit’te
Türkiye’nin en saygın işveren markası zirvelerinden olan Uluslararası Employer Brand Summit için geri sayım! 8 Haziran’daki zirve bu yıl “Take A Step Ahead, Lead The Change” temasıyla gerçekleştirilecek. Zirvenin bu yıl çok önemli bir konuğu da olacak. İşveren Markası kavramının yaratıcısı Simon Barrow, Employer Brand Summit’te olacak!
Devamını Oku
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paranoidgemsbok · 1 year
chocolate guy callout post
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All the branding on his videos?  the location he makes all this in? ‘the pastry academy’ ?
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he co-founded that place in 2019... (just about around the time all those viral chocolate guy vids started circulating...)  the ‘school’ is located in las vegas.  his name is the one all over it, though.  The academy offers 10-week courses and masterclasses.  the 10 week course requires a 10%, non refundable deposit 
as of right now, this is the deposit cost
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which means the entire, ten week course (which must be entirely paid by 60 days prior to your start date) will cost you $20,000
well at least you’re being taught by the famous chocolate guy, right?!
 not according to the site and not according to student accounts.  according to this AMA as well as the squirrely language on the FAQ , he will teach about 3 weeks of the course.  
at least hes a good teacher when he IS there, right?  
according to that same AMA, who is clearly giving a positive tone, he is sarcastic, he curses frequently, and he tends to not explain what he’s doing, leaving students scrambling to keep up.  that redditor provides multiple pictures from her time during the course in her history, so i’m inclined to believe her.
Housing is not provided, so you’re gonna have to find somewhere to stay near vegas for Ten Human Weeks, on top of the 20k you’ve dropped for the course.  meals are not provided at any point, either.
 will all this at least get students a good job?
the school does NOT provide references or find employment/interships, even in las goddamn vegas, where there are a million restaurants around the place.  you CAN however, do an unpaid internship AT the academy <3  
here’s my favorite part.
this isn’t a real diploma.
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if you pay them, you will get a certificate, regardless of your demonstrated learned skill.  this certificate is not accredited by anyone other than the pastry academy.  you’re paying for amaury guichons name on a piece of paper.  you’re paying for clout. 
this is also, seemingly, how they can do things like this:
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you’ll need a tourist visa- not a work or education visa.  because it’s not a school, or college.  
@clockworkrobotic​ pointed this out while i want ranting and raving at them
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you can get an entire, real education, for more than ten weeks, for that much money.  
oh, also, all those craaaazy, so viral so tiktokable sculptures?  don’t you wish you could learn to make those?
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all of those are also available as standalone, three-day classes!  wow!
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and they cost $2,500!  boy wouldn’t it be crazy if those 20 sculptures that he can film being made and earn video ad revenue off of, while ALSO advertising for his college, if they could also be sold at corporate events orrr in his pastry shops across vegas as advertising pieces.  yknow, stuff like that
they’re currently offering 6 10-week courses during 2023. the soonest three of them are booked up (20 students per class, 20k per student.)  means he’s making 2.4 million per year off of those students ALONE.  this does not include those three-day courses, his netflix deal (also great advertising for his school!), the normal products hes slapped his brand onto* ,  and selling sculptures to corporate events
*same material + volume for $23 less, though he buys them in bulk so its more like $25+ less.  this is just one example, i JUST found this iste of his as i was making this post.  i also saw just 50g of colored cocoa butter for the same price as 200g of the exact same product elsewhere.
in conclusion,
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drdemonprince · 2 months
Do you worry about being so open about your sex life under the same name you use professionally? How did you settle on your current approach to talking about kink/fetishism publicly?
That's my question. Below is some background but feel free to ignore it.
I'm asking because, like many people, my kinks are integral to my sense of self and engaging in BDSM has been significant for my psychological wellbeing. I don't like keeping these important aspects of myself separate from the rest of my life and I'm jealous of the people I meet at munches who share openly kinky stuff on their regular Instagrams. But I also have relatives on all of my socials, including a few adult family members who take any opportunity to create drama or get on their high horses, and teenage cousins who obviously shouldn't be given information about my sex life.
I like using social media to connect with people, and it feels harder to do that when big parts of me are walled off. I'm so worried about sharing anything 'inappropriate' that I'm only presenting this bland, watered down version of myself and it makes me feel alienated. Making side accounts is one option, but it feels like compartmentalising and involves more 'personal brand' management than I care to juggle.
That's without even touching on in-person disclosures. How do I embrace these aspects of myself without acting like they're shameful, but also without being obnoxious or unfair on other people who might not want to know?
I know "authenticity" can be an unattainable ideal, especially on social media platforms that necessitate curation, but I do want to stop tying myself in so many knots over this (in the figurative, unsexy way).
Sorry for venting in your askbox.
Yeah, I have a lot of thoughts on this.
I don't worry about the potential of my speaking openly about my sex life ruining my professional life because I hate my professional life and professionalism in nearly all forms. I have nothing but contempt for the academy, social psychology, my employer, the publishing industry, 99% of the organizations that hire me to provide workshops, and a decent-sized subset of my readers who are of the more liberal end of things. Alienating myself from these institutions and people and making myself incompatible with their viewpoints feels as necessary to me as breathing air.
when I was very young I was concerned with making myself palatable to academia and shucking off everything that was unprofessional and hillbillyish and childish and weird about me, but then I learned what success within the academy really entailed. I heard faculty members shrug and say they "didn't really care" about the topics they were studying (topics like racism, sexism, transphobia, etc) and were just publishing work on these subjects to further their own careers. I was trained to use questionable research protocols that generated false positives and specious results. Nearly all the research that I worked on for three years of undergrad and five years of graduate school would eventually be discredited due to failure to replicate. And I realized that I was being taken advantage of all the while, mined for cheap labor on meaningless projects that meant nothing scientifically, making $14k a year in a field where there were no future job prospects.
by the time i finished my PhD I knew that I wanted to be nothing like the people that had trained me and taken advantage of me, and that I had useless skills in a dying field. I was plenty happy to cut the shit by then and be real about who I was, what I believed, and what was and wasn't a virtuous use of my time. This only became more pronounced after I was screwed over by even more employers as a part-time instructor, and then finally hired full-time in a department that was doing good work, but which was constantly getting undercut by those in higher up administrative positions.
My entire career I have essentially been daring people to fire me and they never seem to do it. No matter how much shit I talk about the university and my profession and no matter how much I bear about myself, I just keep getting rewarded for it and allowed to float along relatively unbothered. There's a power in having a lot of audacity. I am not ashamed of who I am and I don't worry about how my employer and colleagues see me because as a whole I have zero respect for any of them or their opinions. (I have some individual coworkers who are great! but they dont represent Psychology or Academia as a whole or its values. my coworker friends are supportive of my freaky trans kinky self).
It's much the same dynamic in my family. I have no respect for the majority of people in my family and I don't concern myself with how they might react to the things I have to say. When I first started writing openly about Autism some relatives found it deeply offensive and talked a lot of shit about me behind my back, saying that I was embarassing all of them by associating us with a disability they found shameful, but my mom communicated to those relatives in no uncertain terms that I was gonna just keep doing whatever the fuck I wanted and they'd have to find some way to deal with it.
My mom had already learned that about me firsthand. I complain about her sometimes but I do have immense gratitude to her for just accepting who I am, even if there are elements of it she can't understand and probably does not feel good about. She learned a long long time ago that I was on my own separate planet and that there was nothing she could do to stop me from running my mouth and living my life, and I'm thankful to her for that. My actions have set the tone with my family pretty clearly: i came out as trans publicly before I told them, I started hormones and changed my name/gender marker without consulting them and then told them it was a fact already and they'd need to get in line. I approach most things about myself that others might take issue with in the same way: it's a fact, it's fucking happening, and you can't tell me shit about it that is going to keep me from doing it. and if you're too much of a dick about it I might end up writing about you in a book or essay so watch out, I guess.
That sounds more vindicitive than how I actually feel most of the time, of course. I just don't think about the opinions of people I don't respect. I care about what my friends think of me, and the people I look up to, and I try to rise to a level that is worthy of them. And of course I do experience fear of ostacism and failure in those respects and have not always coped with it in a confident, principled way. But with my aunts and uncles or my boss? Fuck them. I have no desire to win their approval because I've seen what they approve of and it sucks.
All of this is possible because I am not financially reliant upon my family, of course, and because if I lose my job I would have a back-up plan. I've always done freelancing and side writing gigs, even back when I was a part-timer with really insecure teaching jobs, and so the loss of any one position has never felt that catastrophic to me. I was already released by my PhD program into economically shaky ground and I never had a prayer of having a successful tenure track academic "career", so I'm not afraid of losing that. that's already gone. I feel generally pretty confident in my ability to scratch by making a living doing this or that even if somebody fires me, and I won't have to ask relatives for money so it really does not matter if I alienate any of them. that is an IMMENSE PRIVILEGE and someone not in that position shouldn't compare themselves to me or expect themselves to have that same degree of confidence. sometimes you have to just keep your head down to survive and there's no shame in that either.
as for the question about "authenticity" as an idealized end state and how to reconcile it with social media, here are some of my thoughts: it's not authenticity if it is focused on how other people interpret you. authenticity is letting go of trying to manage what other people think about you. that means you dont ever have to broadcast everything about yourself to the public or on social media, you dont ever have to share something that you dont want to, the pursuit of being perfectly understood is one that will never be fulfilled and there is no need to make oneself unnecessarily vulnerable just for the sake of appealing to people who might not ever understand and accept you anyway. authenticity is more about an energy than about revealment. it's an energy of self acceptance, not necessarily self love, and it's not something that one broadcasts, it's something one cultivates by developing secure, supportive relationships, improving one's self knowledge, and by working through one's baggage.
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blackswaneuroparedux · 10 months
A director must be a policeman, a midwife, a psychoanalyst, a sycophant and a bastard.
Billy Wilder
Austrian-born American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, artist and journalist Billy Wilder is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywood‘s golden age. With ‘The Apartment’, Wilder became the first person to win Academy Awards as producer, director and screenwriter for the same film.
Born Samuel Wilder in Sucha, Austria (now part of Poland) in 22 June 1906, Billy Wilder spent his early professional life as a reporter in Vienna. In 1926 he relocated to Berlin, where his reputation as a journalist grew. But by then a different dream had taken hold - the movies. Selling his first script to an extremely grateful and quite naked producer he helped hide from the jealous boyfriend of a neighboring young lady, Wilder’s career as a screenwriter began. After several successful years in the German film industry, Wilder fled to Paris a week after the Reichstag fire in 1933.
Ten months later he emigrated to America, where an initially difficult time in Hollywood gave way to employment as a screenwriter.
In 1938 Wilder was teamed with Charles Brackett. Through their scripts for such films as ‘Bluebeard’s Eight Wife’, ‘Ninotchka’, and ‘Ball of Fire’, they became the best-known and most respected writing team in Hollywood. This success enabled Wilder to fight for and win his first American directing assignment, the now-classic comedy, ‘The Major and the Minor’, and “the Billy Wilder Film” was born.
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“The Billy Wilder film.” The phrase is at once as specific and difficult to casually categorise as the filmmaker himself. Billy Wilder, the master of the American comedy who wrote and directed the grand melodramas of ’Sunset Boulevard’ and ‘Double Indemnity’. The hard-hitting dramatist who created the funniest movie ever made, ’Some Like It Hot’. The “great cynic” who steeped us in the lyric romanticism of ‘Love in the Afternoon’ and ‘Avanti!’. The “classic romantic” who confronted us with the harsh realities of ‘Ace in the Hole’. Simultaneously one of the most European and American of all directors, the man refuses to stand still long enough to allow us our neat and easy definition. But, to put it in his own words, “Nobody’s perfect.”
Through his work on films as daringly varied as ‘The Lost Weekend’, ‘A Foreign Affair’, ‘The Apartment’, and ‘The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes’, this “imperfect genius” has proven himself a true master of all aspects of the language of film, as comfortable and adept t telling a story thorough his brilliant visual style as through his unparalleled dialogue. And although the characters, the locales, the tone and genres may change, one subject seems to remain constant - the bizarre and glorious state know as the human comedy. Through the drama and the farce and the romance and despair, what we’re watching up there is, as in all great art, a reflection of ourselves.
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Often running into criticism for his presentation of taboo topics such as alcoholism and prostitution, the high quality of the films redeemed him in the eyes of both the public and the industry. Of the many great stars he directed, Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Shirley MacLaine, Jimmy Stewart and Jack Lemmon are only a few.
The late 1960s and 1970s, however, were not as kind to Wilder. His brand of cynicism, irony and satire were out of step with this generation’s view of peace, love, revolution and individual experimentation
A 7 time Oscar winner, Steven Spielberg called him "the greatest writer/director who ever lived." Here's some amazing footage from his birthday party where he was joined by a host of famous directors.
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vs120shound · 7 months
Whatever she does for employment, she can give it up and be hired immediately by the Smoking Academy to lecture exclusively on the art of exhaling! She has it mastered in this clip without any question!
For the Week of 092423-100123
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ + | Five-Plus "Stars"
From vs120shound staff | ★★★★★ (L)
Sophia of FutureSmoke!
No video in our network -- vs120shound, lostlighter23, vs120shound-2 and lostlighter23-darkside -- has garnered more official reactions than this no doubt, first-ballot SF Hall-of-Fame video. Not even close; not remotely. It has reached 512 postive responses, "like" or re-blogs! That's a huge number.
. . . in this video, when compared and contrasted to all others in the history of our network -- exlusively vs120shound from the summer of 2018, when it was created, until we gave birth on March 19 to lostlighter23 (then vs120shound-2 on April 25 and finally to lostlighter23-darkside on July 13) -- until now, well, no other video uploaded on our brand has surpassed this one with the strength, volume and shape of exhales on display! Credit to Sophia no doubt for much of that exhaling power (and the pull on the drag and sucking down deep into the lungs of the inhale), but some praise for the memorable results must also go to the cameraperson and the conditions set up with which he or she got to make this shoot. And that would be the room's temperature, humidity, air movement (wind) and lighting. Add framing and her positioning to the mix and it all helped to combine for the Perfect Storm for sensational exhales by Sophia. Historic exhales. Legendary. Iconic. Superlative. Incomparable. You get the picture; you know the story. Her exhales are impressive in the first third of the video, which is 3:19 in duration (199 seconds), but then it picks up, particularly for the two drags exhales while she is crouching. It takes Sophia approximately 22 seconds of "putzing" around at the clip's start before she lights up. In all, she takes 12 tokes. The final 35 seconds gives us, perhaps, the two best, most voluminous (belief-defying) exhales of the lot, complementing the two during the crouches. Believe, sadly to report, Ms. Sophia was a one-and-done'r with FutureSmoke, which is a fine, fine SF website but did not quite realize its potential, though it did bring us mature Carol and sisters Elena and Julia on the Spanish coast of the Mediterranean Sea!
Sophia, the SF "The Exhale Champion!"
Photos of Sophia (all from www.futuresmoke.com)
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Previous Post of "The Exhale Champion" from our brand
From August 26, 2023 on lostlighter23
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woodblxssomcrowned · 3 months
== Collection headcanons and brainstorming == Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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❀ Danma and Kaname - 279 days apart
Mito once again proved herself a unit of a woman by caring for a newborn Danma and getting pregnant again a month later, and then giving birth to Kaname about 35 weeks (ca 8 months) later.
She was alright physically though, and neither she nor Kaname suffered from the slightly premature birth. (Even if some theorized that it somehow affected Kaname's inability for nature transformation. Though it wasn't likely.) Uzumaki women are resilient af.
But she was kind of done being pregnant for a good while after that.
❀ Danma and Kaname - Bond cw - mention of attempted suicide
Danma and Kaname have definitely not always seen eye to eye. They were of course raised together, played together, trained together and for a little while when they were really young they were almost inseparable.
Things did become tense when Kaname started falling behind due to her struggles with ninjutsu, and when the village was founded, the academy was put into place and Danma did make it in while Kaname didn't, made things worse. Nobody would mock Kaname for it openly. Her father was who he was after all. But Danma did perceive her failure as reflecting badly on him, it embarrassed him, and when he started showing a distain for it, some would feel more courage to follow suit.
It wasn't until he found Kaname bleeding from a failed attempt at taking her own life that things turned. Their parents were not in the village at the time. She made him swear not to tell anyone. He helped her dress the wound. He helped her clean up the blood, move and hide the stained tatamimat. He stayed. He didn't dare leaving her alone. He promised not to tell anyone, but he made her promise not to try and do it again. He stayed by her for the next few days until their parents returned. He moved his futon so he could sleep next to her during that time, like they had when they'd been small.
His attitude around her changed when he'd been made so harshly aware of just how bad things were in his sisters head. He stopped mocking her. He stopped allowing others to do it. He never told their parents about what happened, but he did grow frustrated over it.
While it did restore the bond between them, it also caused Danma's bitterness towards of their father to grow further. Their father who could have done more for Kaname t, and was too wrapped up in making his vision of the village a functioning reality to truly see just how much she was hurting. Hundreds of times he wanted to tell Hashirama just how close he'd been to lose his daughter, not to the blade of an enemy, but to her own hand. But Danma took that secret to his grave.
❀ Warring States AU :: After the village failed
After the peace failed things almost became worse than they had been. Some clans had broken off contracts with their employers in favor of joining with the Senju-Uchiha alliance, and when the village project failed, all involved clans felt the consequences.
The whole ordeal of unification had insulted the elite, and hurt their ambitions. It was insulting. The shinobi clans were mercenaries. Even 'noble' clans, even the ones at the top like the Senju and Uchiha, were far from the actual nobility and social elite of the world that employed them to serve their interests. Their livelihood depended on their reputation and credibility.
So after the village project failed, and the clans had to go crawling back to their old settlements and employers, varying responses were given. At best they could go back to their old contracts. At worst they were branded treasonous, and hunted down for their insulting breech of contract.
The Senju and Uchiha were still widely regarded as the strongest clans, and were still in demand, but even their reputations and credibility still took harsh blows.
❀ Warring States AU :: Training 1
Danma was sent on his first proper assignment when he was fifteen, adn saw combat at sixteen.
Maeko got her first mission hen she was sixteen, and saw combat half a year later.
It was based on a judgement that their level of skill and strength would give them the best possible chance at survival and success, and something Hashirama had decided all Senju children would go through before they were put anywhere near the possibility of real combat. It was a concept he had attempted to implement during the short period that the village existed, and had insisted on maintaining. It wasn't without protests, though.
They had to be no younger than fifteen, and their skills not below a certain level.
Maeko had to prove she could make up for being unable to use Ninjutsu by damn near mastering any other ninja art she could possibly engage in.   She did make it to a point where Hashirama could no longer justify not letting her go on to take missions without appearing biased and overprotective.
❀ Warring States AU :: Kaname training
Kaname was still very young when it started to become clear that she seemed utterly inept in the field of ninjutsu. There was certainly nothing wrong with her chakra control, which was actually quite advanced, but she seemed unable to grasp the essential step of casting a jutsu which was nature transformation. She tried many times. She read as much as she could on the subject. She had many people try to teach her. But nothing helped.
Eventually she had to face fact; she wasn't getting anywhere with ninjutsu or genjutsu, and it was only a waste of energy to keep trying. After that, she refocused her attention elsewhere. Kaname started putting her all into other areas, and she immediately started progressing rapidly. Since she couldn't use her chakra for ninjutsu, she started training in advanced forms of shape transformation and channeling that she could utilize for combat and to enhance the capabilities of her body; to make herself faster and stronger. This is saying some, since she, as a Senju, is already genetically blessed with incredible stamina and muscle density, allowing her to achieve feats of strength and physical performance that would be incredibly difficult if not impossible without enhancing your body using chakra or artificial stimulants.
She focused much of her training on Taijutsu and Bukijutsu, specifically kenjutsu - swordsmanship. Taking much inspiration from the unique fightingstyle of the samurai, who also used chakra for combat but never ninjutsu or any technique that required nature transformation, focusing instead of highly advanced forms of chakra channelling and transformation; a concept that worked very well with her own condition. She hounded her mother and uncle into helping her develop and reinvent various useful sealing techniques so she could use them without requiring nature transformation. They were up for the challenge.
And she started advancing fast. Once the stress of trying to learn ninjutsu was put aside, she could finally start finding her strengths. In the main verse, Kaname would not too long after be refused a place at the academy, and she was resigned to train herself best she could once she'd overcome the worst of her depression. But in the WS verse, while she wasn't approved for action until she was sixteen, she did still continuously get training and support that helped her advance much faster and efficiently. Which was good, because she was more or less a master swordsman among the Senju by the time she was approved, the skills she had acquired in especially kenjutsu and taijutsu being deemed sufficient to make up for what advantages she lost by being unable to use genjutsu or ninjutsu.
It was ridiculous that she had to fight so hard for the recognition, but she was immensely proud of herself for proving all those fuckers wrong at last. She also *loved* showing off her efficiency with the chakra sabre technique she'd stolen from the samurai. Especially as some had mockingly said she could never be a shinobi without the ability for ninjutsu. Without it, she'd be no more a shinobi than a samurai. "Thanks for the inspiration you ass, lemme learn this technique that most shinobi doesn't bother to learn because it takes too much time and advanced chakra control most don't have or can't dedicate themselves to develop." It was a rare technique for shinobi to use, and required incredibly advanced level of chakra control and careful continuous focus to maintain. Unless one was among the rare fortunate enough to be in possession of a chakra blade which made the technique WAYS AND WAYS easier, most shinobi found learning other skills far more efficient use of their time and energy. It did take time for Kaname to learn how to do it and maintain it while fighting, years actually, but once she'd mastered it it meant she could essentially change the shape, length even sharpness of any weapon she could hold in her hand. She'd learned to cannel and concentrate so much chakra so carefully around her weapon- outside of her body - that it gained solidity. Concentrated chakra, solid enough that it could be released, pushed by the momentum of a slash, and cause immense damage upon impact with a target even at a distance. Just gathering enough chakra so that it is visible outside of your body can be hard enough. But the samurai had this technique nailed down as one of their signature skills, and Kaname had been determined to learn it, and implement it into her swordsmanship, which she combined with shinobi styled taijutsu. When she faced a samurai with this technique, they were really, really pissed that a shinobi had the fucking nerve to use their technique, their artform, the manifestation of their spiritual dedication, against them.
❀ Power of genetics
Hashirama is as strong as he is because he is Asura's reincarnation. It is thanks to the chakra of Asura that Hashirama can do what he does - his crazy regeneration, the mokuton (using his chakra to create life) his stamina that allows him to fight at full strength for 24hrs etc etc. While I do HC that the mokuton was indeed an ability that did exists in more than one person once upon a time, the full set of genetics needed to first access the ability and then have the innate chakra quantity necessary to even use it, had not existed among the Senju for centuries. Not even previous reincarnations of Asura among the Senju posessed the necessary genetic makeup for the mokuton even if being a reincarnation gave them the necessary chakra they would have needed to use it.
Hashirama was very lucky and got both, which changed the game. And it would not have been impossible for him to pass down the necessary genes to his children. But they weren't so lucky. And even if they had been, they would not have been able to use it. Even though they are Senju, which gives them a notably good boost in their innate chakra reserves, they are not reincarnations of Asura, meaning they don't have access to the same insane chakra their father has. In most cases, your chakra core, or the maximum amount of chakra your body can store within itself and that can't be expanded no matter how much you try, is dependent on genetics. Some clans have very large cores, such as the Uchiha. Sometimes certain people are just very lucky and gets a large core even if their parents did not. Hashirama's chakra core is near immeasurable, but it's not a trait he could pass down to his descendants. It was connected to the chakra of Asura. His descendants are not reincarnations, so gets none of the benefits of being such.
However. There is still a lot of power and potential in the Senju bloodline, and specifically in Hashirama's family. Even if Hashirama had not been Asura's reincarnation and the nuclear-house he was, he would likely still have been among the strongest Senju simply due to the power that ran in his family overall. It existed in Senju Ema and most of her children, in Senju Butsuma, in Senju Kawarama and in Senju Tobirama. And that strength was passed down to his descendants; to Danma, to Kaname, to Kichiro, to Tsunade, to Nawaki. They still paled in comparison to the power their father posessed. Like everyone did, save for Madara. It didn't promise them a long or glory-filled life. But it did give them lots of innate potential for it.
❀ "So this is the battle capacity of our predecessors!"
As a rule, shinobi, even ones under the age of ten, were much more advanced and deadly compared to the generations that would grow up during the village era, specifically after the 1st SWW.
(Obviously there were exceptions, but as a rule while the numbers of shinobi increased as more of them got to live into adulthood, their level of competence would overall decrease. The ones who were at the level of pre-village shinobi would likely have been jonin and special ops level at least.)
During the WS era, when it was normal for the longest time that you could end up in real life-or-death combat when you were as young as six, you got strong and skilled fast, or you died.
Individuals who would have lacked the skill and potential to be unable to graduate the academy, or even never have the skill to rise any higher than genin, would have most likely died young during the WS era. Even when attempts were made to not give the most dangerous or high-stakes missions to inexperienced shinobi, sabotage and ambushes by rival clans were so commonplace that it was still a high risk.
Still, even with the much harsher and advanced training that was the norm at the time, there were no guarantees that you'd even live past fifteen. When you were a child and fought adults who had survived with decades of hard-earned experience, skill and strength behind them, it didn't always matter how good you were in training or how much promise you showed. The odds would be against you. It was as much about strength, skill and smarts as it was about pure luck.
❀ Senju and Uzumaki - Physical energy
Life-force I interpret this as the strength of the bond between the body and the soul. Having strong life-force enables you to stay alive even when your body is put through trauma or illness that can be lethal. It doesn't mean you are immortal or invulnerable, that you won't feel the pain or other symtoms of the trauma, or not needing to recover, only that it won't kill you as easily as it might another. It's what maintains life within you.
Associated with both the Senju and the Uzumaki, but the latter in particular
Vitality I interpret this as the energy that drives you to do stuff, to be active. If life-force is the energy that maintains your fundamental state of being alive, vitality is the energy that drives you and makes you feel alive. It's what that allows you to feel healthy and capable and energetic. It's the energy that gives you the strength and enthusiasm to do things. It is the drive to act, to grow and develop. You could describe a person with lots of vitality as someone who is spirited, as passionate, as vigorous, as lively or energetic. The opposite of vitality could be lethargy, sloth or apathy.
Associated with both the Senju and the Uzumaki
Stamina I can keep doing this activity for X amount of time at maximum and high intensity before I start to feel tired.  It's about maximizing the energy you put into an activity. Eg. How long can you keep running at the speed you started at before you begin to feel out of breath, your legs burning and feel the need to slow down or take a break? (Can also be applied to mental stamina, but the Yang energy, which is what Asura's descendants inherited, is specifically associated with the physical body)
Associated with the Senju
Resilience Is your physical ability to withstand or adapt and maintain function through adversity or difficulties such as illness, injury or other difficult physical demands, and then recover once it has passed. How quickly and effectively you will 'bounce back'. (Can also be applied to mental resilience, but the Yang energy, which is what Asura's descendants inherited, is specifically associated with the physical body)
Associated with the Uzumaki
Physical strength What is sounds like; the force or resistance your muscles are able to exert on physical objects. How much can you lift? How hard can you punch or kick something? If you are being pushed how hard can you push back? This strength manifests in the density of their musculature, which is insane. Not only does their musculature allow them feats of physical strength and endurance, but it also makes their bodies sturdier to en extent; as it supports and protects the integrity and stability of joints and bones. (IRL Muscle density refers to the amount lean muscle tissue in comparison to the amount of fatty tissue in your body. Specifically the amount of fat between the fibres of muscle. Denser muscle with less fat between the fibers allows for increased strength as they can contract more efficiently and with more force. Does not translate to the size or mass of muscles however, or even how 'fit' you may appear aesthetically. You can have visually large muscle mass but have low muscle density and vise versa.)
Associated with the Senju
❀ Uchiha VS Senju
Uchiha Descendants of Indra, the prodigy, inherited the SOSP's 'mind' and chakra - Spiritual energy
- The Uchiha are born with innately immense chakra cores/reserves of chakra to use for various techniques
- Their chakra is also incredibly potent, so as long as their chakra control is good, less can be used without decreasing the power of a technique
- They are natural born fighters, with affinity in many combat-oriented fields
- Not everyone awakens the sharingan or has the skill (chakra control) to use it efficiently, but it is a very clear advantage for those who do, even just a 1T sharingan is a notably bigger threat. (I do HC that awakening the sharingan to at least 1T was much more common during the WS era compared to the village era, since the only actual requirements seems to be: 1. Be of the Uchiha bloodline 2. Experience some form of very intense emotional event, loss, trauma or the like. Having good chakra control seems less like a recquirement to awaken it and more just something that allows you actually use it efficiently. With this put into the context of the WS era, where you get put into situations where you will more likely than not experience awful events of loss and trauma from early childhood, it seems like less a matter of if you will awaken the sharingan, and more a matter of when. However, progressing it further than 1T isn't as common.)
Senju Descendants of Asura, inherited the SOSP's 'body' - Physical energy
- Senju are born with incredible stamina, so can stay physically active at max and high capacity for a very long time.
- Their natural physical strength and muscle density is immense, allowing them to achieve feats that would otherwise be incredibly difficult or impossible to achieve without enhancing your ability with chakra.
- Stamina can be used to mold into chakra for performing ninjutsu techniques. Having lots of stamina allows them to perform many or strong techniques while still having energy left to remain physically active.
- Their strong life-force makes them very hard to kill. They can be severely injured but still cling to life, even if they may not be able to keep fighting at the time.
❀ Warring States AU :: Fighting Uchiha
There are a few things Kaname and Danma learned about fighting Uchiha; specifically Uchiha who posessed the sharingan. 1. Don't. Even an Uchiha with just a 1T sharingan is on a different level than one who doesn't have it at all. The abilities it grants the user shouldn't be underestimated. Act with caution.
2. Flank, blind-spots and cover Unlike the byakugan, the sharingan doesn't offer near 360º field of vision, it's not as efficient at perceiving chakra through solid objects and it doesn't allow them at all to see through what blocks their vision. If their ability to visually perceive their opponent is blocked, they may only be able to pinpoint their presence from their chakra, but may not be bale to know what they are doing or about to do as they can't visually perceive their physical form. 3. You can't move faster than their eyes, but can move faster than their body.
The sharingan is a powerful tool. They can perceive details on molecular level even from distances and copy movements and jutsu alike. It's impossibly fast and one should never underestimate it. But. In the heat of battle the sharingan's insight is only as useful as the users ability to act on the information it is given. This most certainly applies to the necessary requirements for a jutsu or other techniques such as chakra natures or certain bloodlines, but against the Senju it's usually more a matter of sheer physical ability. If the users physical body lacks the strength, endurance, agility or speed to match their opponent, then the sharingan's ability to grant insight and copy the opponents movements becomes just a waste of chakra and stamina. The Senju are innately gifted with incredible stamina and physical strength, and the average Senju are usually able to physically fight at peak capacity for far longer than the average Uchiha. So a tired, physically weak, or inexperienced Uchiha can be at a disadvantage against a Senju even if they do have the sharingan. If their body can't respond to what their eyes are telling them fast enough, it doesn't matter how perceptive they are.
4. Counter genjutsu So you made eye-contact and got yourself trapped in a genjutsu. You realize this, now what? You break free from it of course and you better do it now! Since the Senju often have an advantage against the sharingan's insight when it comes to physical combat, utilizing its inherent hypnotic abilities tends to be much a much more efficient use of it. So because the Uchiha are such frequent and formidable opponents of the Senju, how to perceive if you have been trapped in a genjutsu and learn to break free from it is a big part of the training that young Senju receive. It's not always easy or even possible, but it's still important knowledge to have. 5. The sharingan, no matter how they use it, no matter how powerful it is, is a technique that needs and uses up chakra. The Uchiha have plentiful reserves of potent chakra, but not limitless. Using their Sharingan means using up chakra and stamina. Stamina, which is needed both for their sharingan, other forms of ninjutsu, as well as simply being able to physically keep fighting. And maintaining an active sharingan at the cost of a tired body is a highly inefficient way to fight, especially against Senju. An Uchiha with a sharingan is at their most dangerous in the beginning of a fight. When they still have plenty of chakra and stamina. They can end the fight quickly and efficiently thanks to the insight and precision their eyes allow. But the longer they have to keep fighting, the more stamina they use, the less likely their victory will be.
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nishakrishnan1996 · 2 months
Charting Your Course: A Roadmap to Success in Digital Marketing Careers
Introduction: Embracing the Digital Revolution
In today's digital era, the marketing landscape has undergone a seismic shift, with digital marketing emerging as the driving force behind business growth and success. This guide offers a comprehensive roadmap for individuals aspiring to embark on a fulfilling career journey in digital marketing, delving into the essential steps and strategies required to carve out a successful path in this dynamic field.
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Understanding the Foundations of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing encompasses a diverse range of online strategies and techniques aimed at promoting products, services, or brands to targeted audiences. From search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing, content creation, email campaigns, and beyond, digital marketing leverages the internet's power to engage and connect with potential customers.
Step 1: Acquire Knowledge and Skills
Kickstart your digital marketing career journey by equipping yourself with the essential knowledge and skills required in the field. Explore online resources, such as blogs, articles, and tutorials, to familiarize yourself with fundamental digital marketing concepts. Additionally, consider enrolling in reputable online courses or certification programs offered by platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or HubSpot Academy to gain a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing strategies and techniques.
Step 2: Establish a Strong Online Presence
Demonstrate your expertise and passion for digital marketing by establishing a robust online presence. Create a professional website or blog where you can share valuable insights and industry-related content. Utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to connect with industry professionals and engage with relevant communities. Your online presence serves as a digital portfolio, showcasing your skills and expertise to potential employers or clients.
Step 3: Gain Practical Experience
Hands-on experience is invaluable in the field of digital marketing. Seek out internship opportunities, volunteer projects, or entry-level positions that allow you to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. Whether it's managing social media accounts, optimizing website content, or running email marketing campaigns, practical experience will help you develop and refine your skills while building a strong foundation for your career.
Step 4: Stay Abreast of Industry Trends
Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving field, with new technologies and trends emerging regularly. Stay updated with the latest industry developments by following influential blogs, subscribing to newsletters, and attending webinars and conferences. Remaining informed and adaptable will enable you to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the digital marketing landscape.
Step 5: Obtain Industry Certifications
Enhance your credibility and validate your expertise by obtaining certifications from reputable organizations or platforms. Consider pursuing certifications in areas such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, HubSpot Inbound Marketing, or Facebook Blueprint. These certifications not only bolster your resume but also demonstrate your proficiency in specific digital marketing disciplines, making you a more competitive candidate in the job market.
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Step 6: Network and Foster Relationships
Networking is essential for advancing your digital marketing career. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with other digital marketers on social media platforms. Building relationships with industry professionals, mentors, and peers can provide valuable insights, guidance, and career opportunities as you progress in your digital marketing journey.
Step 7: Specialize and Define Your Niche
Identify your strengths, interests, and passions within the digital marketing landscape and specialize in specific areas or disciplines. Whether it's SEO, social media marketing, content creation, or paid advertising, finding your niche allows you to focus your efforts and differentiate yourself in the competitive job market. Develop specialized skills and knowledge in your chosen area to become an expert in your field.
Step 8: Seek Mentorship and Guidance
Seek out experienced professionals who can offer mentorship and guidance as you navigate your digital marketing career. A mentor can provide valuable insights, advice, and support, helping you overcome challenges and achieve your career goals. Leveraging mentorship opportunities can accelerate your professional growth and development in the digital marketing field.
Step 9: Maintain Persistence and Proactivity
Success in digital marketing requires persistence, dedication, and a proactive approach. Stay motivated and resilient in the face of challenges, and continuously seek out opportunities for learning and growth. By remaining proactive and persistent in your pursuit of excellence, you'll be well-positioned to achieve success and fulfillment in your digital marketing career.
In conclusion, starting a career in digital marketing is an exciting and rewarding endeavor that offers abundant opportunities for growth and success. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can lay the groundwork for a thriving career in digital marketing, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing successfully. Whether you're a recent graduate, career changer, or seasoned professional, the path to a fulfilling career in digital marketing awaits you.
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pink-flame · 2 years
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Moodboard and summary for a hypothetical fic I haven't actually written yet for @jatp-sci-fi-week , Sci-Fi Mystery, The Nebula Express
Julie knows that when people look at her they don’t exactly see a galaxy class detective but she also knows that can sometimes work to her advantage. If people didn’t take her seriously because she was young and a woman and pretty and hadn’t graduated from the Academy for Galactic Law Enforcement, well, all the better for her to catch people off guard and get to the truth of the situation. So when she finds herself with the opportunity to take on a case that will put her as a passenger on the brand new Nebula Express she doesn’t hesitate. The Nebula Express is a luxury space cruise that runs the route from Earth to Mars only all of the interiors are designed specially to replicate an infamous train that was featured in a mystery novel in Earth’s distant past. Julie’s pretty sure her mystery obsessed employer Mrs. Harrison just wants her along to help solve the mystery game the cruise will offer, but within hours of boarding the ship another less scripted mystery unfolds. Luke Patterson, the handsome young musician traveling on the ship has had something come up missing, something he’s willing to risk his life for, a red glowing cube containing all of the encrypted files for his upcoming album. Soon Julie finds herself pulled both into the mystery and the orbit of Luke, someone she might finally want to see her as neither just a pretty face or just a detective. She might want him to see her. But first she has to help him get his songs back. Who was the mysterious figure seen in Luke’s cabin? What are the motives behind the odd behavior seen from Bobby and Carrie Wilson, the wealthy aristocrats who keep popping up at every turn? And is it possible that someone even closer could have a motive? Now Julie has one week to find the culprit, get Luke his songs back and sort out her own feelings all while dressed in ancient Earth fashion. No big deal.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
ok some quick life updates: got rejected from the college i mentioned earlier, but i had a very nice date :) we went to an aquarium and got food and watched movies at her place, and we shared a very sweet goodnight kiss 🤭
moving on, dani the parallels in this chapter were insane ‼️ i reread it a couple of times so i could catch most of them. clear parallels are probably one of my favorite ways to see character development. some of the parallels i found and other random thoughts:
the “not even close” being repeated only to be reshaped during maxs date with david
max being worried that his lock screen picture was never gonna mean much to him/max currently having it set as his kids in watching ski gear 💖
max becoming the kind trainer that he needed when he was in the police academy
the baby girl contact name for david has finally returned!!!!!!!!
david telling max that he doesn’t have to the best to be a good cop/max telling lance that he doesn’t have to be a “real” agent to be valuable
i, too, would make my ultra rich husband pay for an extravagant family vacation
really loving the pro- gen z rhetoric. a lot of people call gen z lazy when they’ve have done so much of their own brand of activism and trailblazing
max has just gotta accept the cheesiness
not a fan of david’s anti-math propaganda, i am a math supremacy supporter till the die i die
max extensively swimming so he can become the best at the academy and stay discipled/ him just swimming for his enjoyment and well-being at david’s place
the mavid pool scene gave me major flashbacks to the mavid first kiss scene in tlnd
“Representation shouldn’t be just onscreen; it has to be offscreen too” ‼️‼️ david gets it
the little pinky holding had me so soft
max first seeing david smile in his sleep during their first date/david saying he smiles in his sleep cause of max
loved this chapter and i’m looking forward to the epilogue❤️ let’s find out what the white cover finally means!!!!
ps: very very excited for the enemies to lovers mavid fic. we saw that david had some internalized homophobia in ials because of his time with albert (derogatory). since david doesn’t run away in the new fic, will he have more qualms about his sexuality? will he deny his sexuality or be outright homophobic????
I'm sorry to hear about the college result. But I hope you got into one of your top choices! I can tell you that when you go to work your employers will not care about which college you went to. so make sure you go to a college that you will enjoy because your college experience is not going to matter to anyone as much as it will to you!
I'm so so awed to see that you noticed so many (important) little things! Especially the swimming pool one! It's rather similar to David's writing - he used to write for escape and for recovery. But the new show he is writing (and his next book series which is a WIP) is very much made out for love and to inspire.
As for David and Albert (or his impact on David rather) in the new fic. You'll have to wait and see ;)
PS - The date sounds lovely! I'm glad you had fun! Wishing you for more of these!
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nagito-kissmaeda · 10 months
Oughh failed Kamukura project OCs have my heart, despite the fact I went a complete different direction with my own OC lmao. I'd love to read more about your OC <3
Thank you for also expressing interest in my silly OCs skfjskfs, I will talk a bit more about what happens AFTER Sachiko's time at HPA. the TLDR is that she ends up like Kamukura if his emotions still worked. She's a wreck. After graduating. She quickly notices that most of her classmates are able to easily find work with their talents, ironically, she doesn't have any such luck. as luck really uh, isn't an employable skill. As time passes, she grows more isolated, quickly realising that despite being unable to find any fulfilment in life, her luck will always give her everything she needs to survive.
Sachiko essentially becomes a shut-in. when she needs food, a delivery van will crash outside her house, and when she needs money someone will accidentally transfer it into her bank account. For a brief moment, she (on the hunt to feel SOMETHING) starts robbing banks, but even that doesn't bring any joy. It's just...too easy. She never has to try if she wants something it just...happens. She gives up on crime. Instead staying inside for multiple years. at some point, she develops a fascination with her luck, and how far she can take it. I won't go into detail, but it eventually leads to her trying to take her own life, and it never works. What was once experimentation has now become a desire. What is wrong with her? Why can't her luck give her the one thing she wants? Then the tragedy hits. And even that doesn't kill her, but it does kill all of her HPA classmates. She is the only one left. Sachiko never leaves her house, even as it is destroyed and falling apart around her. At least, until several years later, when she catches wind of a development. The world is healing. the Ultimate Hope Makoto Naegi is reopening Hope's Peak Academy. Well. After what they did to her, she can't have that, can she? Sachiko starts a new killing game with the first batch of ultimate ready to enrol in the brand new HPA. Partially to ruin any chances of the academy reopening, and partially, because she hopes she won't make it out alive. (Sachiko doesn't know this for sure, but she suspects that since her luck is artificial, that HPA specially made it so it won't kill her. As a contingency. She was an expensive investment, after all)
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hanikurumsaldik · 1 year
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Employer Brand Stars 2023 İçin Başvurular Başladı
Employer Brand Academy, kapsama alanına bu yıl da Türkiye’yi aldı. İşveren Markası Yıldızları Ödülleri’ne başvurular başladı. İşte, Employer Brand Stars 2023 başvuruları ile ilgili tüm detaylar!
Devamını Oku
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unschool · 11 months
Embrace the Digital Marketing Revolution: Your Ticket to Success
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In a world where digitalization has taken center stage, businesses are racing to harness the power of digital marketing to reach their target audience and achieve remarkable growth. As a result, the demand for skilled digital marketers is soaring. If you aspire to forge a thriving career in this exciting field, it's time to explore the myriad opportunities available. In this blog post, we will delve into alternative paths to success in digital marketing, empowering you to seize your place in this ever-evolving landscape.
Embrace Self-Learning: Unleash Your Inner Digital Marketer
Who says you need to follow traditional education pathways to become a Digital Marketing Job Program  maestro. With the vast array of online resources at your disposal, self-learning has become an accessible and powerful tool. Dive into the ocean of digital marketing knowledge through blogs, tutorials, eBooks, and podcasts. Platforms like Google Digital Garage and HubSpot Academy offer free courses to help you master essential concepts and techniques. Embrace the freedom to curate your own learning journey and develop a unique skill set that sets you apart from the crowd.
Seek Mentorship: Learn from the Best in the Biz
In the realm of digital marketing, experience speaks volumes. Finding a mentor who has already navigated the digital marketing landscape can be invaluable. Seek out industry professionals, join relevant communities, and attend networking events to connect with seasoned experts. A mentor can guide you, provide insights into industry trends, and help you avoid common pitfalls. Their wisdom and firsthand experience can fast-track your growth and help you refine your skills to meet the demands of the digital marketing realm.
Embrace Freelancing: Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Spirit
The digital world offers a multitude of freelance opportunities that can fuel your passion for digital marketing while allowing you to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr connect businesses with talented freelancers, providing a platform to showcase your skills and build a portfolio. Through freelancing, you can gain hands-on experience across various projects, industries, and Digital Marketing Program disciplines. Embrace the freedom to work on your terms, nurture your creativity, and cultivate your personal brand in the digital realm.
Volunteer and Collaborate: Make an Impact
Sometimes, the most valuable learning experiences lie outside the confines of a classroom. Seek out non-profit organizations, local businesses, or startups in need of  assistance. Offer your skills and expertise on a volunteer basis, providing you with real-world projects to sink your teeth into. Collaborating with others in a hands-on setting allows you to sharpen your skills, expand your network, and make a tangible impact on the organizations you support. This invaluable experience can open doors to new opportunities and pave the way for your future success.
Develop a Personal Brand: Stand Out from the Crowd
In the competitive realm of digital marketing, standing out is essential. Cultivate your personal brand by showcasing your expertise through a blog, social media presence, or YouTube channel. Share your insights, tips, and success stories to position yourself as a thought leader in the digital marketing arena. Consistency, authenticity, and a unique perspective are the keys to building a strong personal brand that captures the attention of potential employers and clients alike.
The path to success in digital marketing is not confined to traditional education alone. By embracing alternative approaches like self-learning, seeking mentorship, exploring freelance opportunities,embrace the challenge, enroll in an online course program  in volunteering, and developing a personal brand, you can carve out your own unique journey. Embrace the digital marketing revolution, unleash your creativity, and seize the boundless opportunities available in this dynamic industry. It's time to make your mark and thrive in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
“At its core, the Cizeta project was a cunning and daring exhibition that finds its roots within Lamborghini. Following Chrysler's purchase of Lamborghini in 1987, a strong portion of the Italian company's staff had bailed out. In fact, there were more of Lamborghini's original team members working upon the Cizeta V16T than there were on the Diablo project, which was being conceived at roughly the same time.
Cizeta's founder, Claudio Zampolli, had previously been a test driver and engineer for Lamborghini, and following the Chrysler buyout, had found himself in Los Angeles to create his own, world-class supercar. In essence, the Lamborghini brand had never utilized motorsport to sell their cars, instead relying on an overall sense of outrageous flamboyance and overall speed to attract buyers. Zampolli had utilized this same mindset with Cizeta, ultimately creating something far more extravagant and powerful than his former employer could offer to the public.
Adding further Lambo flair to the Cizeta was their utilization of Marcello Gandini, one of the greatest automotive designers of all time, who'd previously styled the Lamborghini Countach. His work is evident in the overall design of the Cizeta V16T, especially on the front end, which bears a strong resemblance to the Lamborghini Diablo. This is no accident, as Gandini had apparently hustled himself overseas to pen the design of both cars.
However, unlike the Diablo, or pretty much any car offered for sale during its run, the Cizeta offered something inherently distinctive; 16 cylinders of pure, unadulterated power. Its 6.0L V16 engine, mounted transversely, was the heart of the entire car and also the source of its name. That nameplate, originally dubbed the Cizeta-Moroder V16T, is a direct reference to Giorgio Moroder, the academy-award winning composer and "Father of Disco", who'd originally set up half of the financial backing to create the V16T.
In an interesting twist, none other than Sylvester Stallone was first offered the chance to finance the car, although the actor apparently backed down for unknown reasons. Moroder would also back down from this position, resulting in only one of the original Cizeta cars to bear his name.
In terms of outright performance, the Cizeta V16T is rated at a staggering 540bhp (533 hp), which was absolutely insane in 1991, the first year the car was marketed. In comparison, the competing Lamborghini Diablo offered 492 bhp (485 hp), which honestly wasn't much less.
Nonetheless, the Diablo topped out at 180mph, whereas the V16T managed to pierce the 200mph barrier, which was highly novel for the early 1990s. Over at Ferrari, their Testarossa only managed to shell out 385 bhp (380 hp) for 1991, putting it well below the performance chart in comparison. Truthfully, the Cizeta V16T can be compared to virtually all supercars produced over the last 31 years without scrutiny, as this model still remains available to this day (although it seems that few have actually decided to pony up the cash to order one).
At this very moment, if you've got the finances, you can head over to Cizeta's official website and place your order for a new V16T. The website itself looks a bit archaic, so it's unsure if anyone is still tending the light at the end of this tunnel, but the company was on record as late as 2018, saying they were still open for business. With an MSRP listed at $800,000, it would definitely be far more interesting than virtually any other new car for that price.”
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boltonwesth62 · 1 year
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Business Leads Provider in India – B2B database and Digital Marketing Company in India – 8602826575
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Business Leads Provider in India – B2B database and Digital Marketing Company in India – 8602826575 B2b database provider In India, leads providing company in India, leads provider, business lead Provider in India, home loan leads provider, insurance leads provider, life insurance leads provider in India, Lead Generation company in India, B2B Leads, SEO Company in India, Digital Marketing Company In India. For what reason is computerized promoting so significant? The following huge trusts in the best outcomes in business improvement and vocation development. As the web clients over the world have been expanded enormously by year on year and when it looks at to since 2000-2018 the proportion is expanding step by step. Presently the 50% (half) of the populace around the globe are utilizing the web. What's more, by 2020 the dynamic web clients are crossing 65% of the populace over the world. The primary motivation to expand the dynamic web clients in most recent couple of years is because of the high use of cell phones, tablets, and other keen gadgets around the globe. These are exceptionally helpful and valuable to convey alongside individuals any place they go. Considering every one of these focuses the web based showcasing is a tremendous and extensively open to every one of the individuals around the globe to associate through various gadgets like (Mobile (Smartphone), Laptop, Desktop, Tablet, Smart TV and so forth.) So this is going to help the Digital Marketing industry to grow worldwide their online market wherever without having any shops in a specific spot. Presently let us know the significance and the upsides of Digital Marketing. The significant thing in the computerized advertising it is anything but difficult to adjust and associate with the intended interest group around the world. There are numerous parts under computerized advertising classification which is accompanying various modules. A couple of prime modules subtleties have been quickly given beneath for the reference. The prime sections in advanced advertising courses 1 Websites (for online nearness) 2 Content Marketing 3 SEO/Search Engine Optimization 4 Google Ads 5 Social Media Marketing/Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and so on. 6 Email Marketing 7 Mobile Marketing 8 Social Media Optimization 9 Online Reputations Management 10 Analytics So when the industrialist, entrepreneur, specialist organizations comprehend these techniques why those are significant in the computerized promoting field and the need of online nearness for any business in current circumstance then this will turn out to be anything but difficult to execute the web based showcasing systems in their industry or field. Computerized Marketing employment opportunities are wherever around the globe. Need to learn advanced advertising courses completely to perform well in the business. When you complete the advanced promoting preparing from the organization at Academy, your certainty level would be high and you can without much of a stretch land the position as wanted. The Main Channels of Digital Marketing Courses Sites The online nearness is extremely imperative to any of the business for the present age in the present advertising circumstance as without the site or data on online about your business which can't be taken far away. With the goal that the sites which is having the total insights concerning your business and gives more data to your customers or shoppers and makes them find out about your business and its capacities. So without the online nearness, it is difficult to contact more individuals and make the mindfulness about the items and brand name. Substance Marketing For what reason is content significant in computerized Marketing field or web based advertising? As the substance is the lord of the various sections of computerized advertising or internet promoting in light of the fact that when buyer visit a shop straightforwardly to buy or ask about any of the item in the shops the retailer will clarify them altogether the highlights and advantages of the items. Be that as it may, with regards to the online stage, the substance itself will act/fill in as a business official or businessperson so here the substance will be your agent for your business. So the substance will bring more client, guests or business towards your site when you compose a novel substance on your site page without anyone else's input the substance starts talking about your items and organizations. Web optimization/Search Engine Optimization This is one of the procedures which enable you to rundown and run your sites on the web or web indexes like (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask.com, AOL, Baidu, DuckDuckGo and so on.) without making any installment to them. In any case, the significant thing in this is it isn't so natural to rank in SERP/Search motor outcome page as there are a few sites have just been recorded under these web index stages so which needs to strive to rank better in web search tool result page. This procedure is called as a Search Engine Optimization. Google Ads Google advertisements are one of the absolute best devices to advance the items, administrations, or brands anyplace and wherever over the world. The device Google AdWords which is comprises of various choices in this product. Google Ads will give a moment result to any crusades. To make a superior a battle of your image mindfulness and administrations the Google promotions will give an excellent stage to the entrepreneurs, corporate divisions and the specialist co-ops around the globe to arrive at their intended interest group through the Google AdWords channel. It is one of the fundamental paid modules computerized advertising courses. SMM/Social Media Marketing Web based life advertising is one of the exceptionally viable techniques in advanced promoting procedures. The online networking showcasing apparatuses are associated with different web based life destinations. The major SMM devices are (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and so on.) these devices are extremely viable to contact the individuals around the globe inside a couple of moments of time. By utilizing or executing the techniques of web-based social networking in any sort of administrations or business field is truly going to give them the hundred percent brings about their Social Media Marketing efforts. SMM can be educated with advanced showcasing courses. Email Marketing Email promoting is one of the extremely old showcasing strategies and viable approaches to send an individual bulletin and different subjects to the specific individual by utilizing the one's email id. This structure will exist even in future as well, regardless of numerous others showcasing channels, be that as it may, the email promoting will be proceeded as before with no hamper. As an email promoting strategies are totally unique in relation to the next showcasing techniques. It is likewise one of the principle modules of Digital Marketing courses. Portable Marketing The word portable showcasing sounds well-known to every one of us because of the individuals are comfortable and attached to with this gadget. Thus, this will be one of the most significant elements of showcasing with this instrument. There is no restriction for utilizing of cell phones and the gadget will be with the individuals at constantly. So the versatile advertising which focuses on the group of spectators or clients of dynamic web clients and non-dynamic web clients on their cell phones. The contrast between dynamic web clients and non-dynamic web clients when the client is utilizing the cell phone with information on his gadget this can be considered as a functioning web client. Non-dynamic isn't associated with information or web. There are different alternatives to come to the non-dynamic web clients by sending an instant message, voice message and by calling legitimately to their contact number and telling them about the highlights and administrations of the item. For dynamic web clients, you can straightforwardly reach or send to their inbox (email), WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other online networking accounts too. These sorts of showcasing systems are followed in portable advertising. This module is likewise comprising of advanced showcasing courses. To gain proficiency with the whole procedures of Digital Marketing Courses need to join a rumored advanced advertising preparing establishment. At the foundation in Bangalore, we train the understudies from nuts and bolts to cutting edge level showcasing techniques and methodologies of internet promoting. Which must be pursued completely and this will assist them with learning each progression during their preparation with commonsense information. When you read all the previously mentioned data, you can without much of a stretch comprehend that the significance of advanced advertising and the patterns of current web based showcasing circumstances likewise the focal points and advantages of its usage in any of the business, business or administrations around the globe to advance and arrive at a greater amount of your focused on crowd/Customers over the globe to improve results on the ROI/return on the ventures. So the computerized showcasing industry will be the following trusts in better business results and profession development in coming years. 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digitalravi-49 · 11 days
The Role of Digital Marketing on Student Careers
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In today’s digital world, enrolling in Digital Marketing Courses plays a vital role in shaping students’ future careers by equipping them with essential skills and knowledge necessary for success in the digital landscape.
Vast Career Opportunities: Digital marketing offers a wide range of career opportunities for students, including social media management, content creation, SEO specialists, digital advertising, and more.
Essential Skill Development: Learning digital marketing equips students with essential skills like data analysis, content creation, social media management, and digital advertising, which are highly sought after by employers across various industries.
Flexibility and Adaptability: Digital marketing careers provide flexibility and adaptability as students can work in diverse fields and industries, and even pursue freelance or entrepreneurial opportunities.
Increased Employability: With businesses increasingly focusing on their online presence, the demand for digital marketing professionals is on the rise. Students with digital marketing skills have higher employability and job security.
Continuous Learning: Digital marketing is a dynamic field that constantly evolves with new technologies and trends. Therefore, students must engage in continuous learning to stay updated and competitive in the job market.
Portfolio Building: Practical experience is crucial in digital marketing. Students can build their portfolios by working on real-world projects, internships, or freelance gigs, showcasing their skills and expertise to potential employers.
Networking Opportunities: Digital marketing provides ample networking opportunities through industry events, workshops, online communities, and professional associations, which can lead to career advancement and job opportunities.
Global Reach: Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing allows students to reach a global audience, opening up international career opportunities and collaborations.
Personal Branding: Students can use digital marketing techniques to build their personal brand online, establishing themselves as industry experts and thought leaders in their field of interest.
Web Trainings Academy: Empowering Student Success
At Web Trainings Academy, we understand the transformative power of digital marketing in shaping student careers. Our top-rated Digital Marketing Courses in Hyderabad provide comprehensive training and hands-on experience to students, preparing them for successful careers in the digital marketing field.
With experienced instructors, practical learning modules, and industry-relevant curriculum, we are committed to empowering our students to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Join Web Trainings Academy today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in digital marketing. Your success story starts here!
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