#emperor slime
liquidlycan · 2 months
hello! May i request a galactic emperor sigma stimboard with like. Star themed stims? thank you in advance :>]
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with themes of stars and all things otherworldly!
no cw
requested by @bugtimeagainbabey
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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maskednerd · 11 months
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ashksa · 1 year
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mochapao · 2 years
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belos' nightly goop bath
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faline-cat444 · 9 months
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Bigsy week
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hamelinsnightmare · 2 years
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🧪 🐱 🧪 🐱 🧪 🐱 🧪 🐱
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bluespark777 · 1 year
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Some fanart for Belos from the new owl house episode( For the future )
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aquatays-art · 2 years
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The Collector and kid Philip playing around, being friends and a little spooky together.
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en8y · 9 months
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boomerangslimeror + boomerangslimeress + impeboomerangslimic
[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a boomerang quicksilver slime in the center. the boomerang quicksilver slime is a bright red blob with two long yellow tufts on its forehead, resembling a classic superhero. it has small round eyes, and no mouth. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the left flag has these top three colors: dark indigo, medium purple, and gold. the middle flag has these top three colors: dark red, dark pink, and gold. the right flag has these top three colors: dark indigo, dark pink, and gold. each flag has these bottom six stripes: medium red, off-white, medium red, light yellow, light red, and dark red. END ID.]
boomerangslimeror: a gender connected to being a boomerang slime emperor; this gender is connected to boomerang slimes, boomerang slime aesthetics, emperor aesthetics, hedonistic aesthetics, and masculine pleirhood!
boomerangslimeress: a gender connected to being a boomerang slime empress; this gender is connected to boomerang slimes, boomerang slime aesthetics, empress aesthetics, hedonistic aesthetics, and feminine pleirhood!
impeboomerangslimic: a gender connected to being a boomerang slime imperial ruler; this gender is connected to boomerang slimes, boomerang slime aesthetics, imperial ruler aesthetics, hedonistic aesthetics, and pleirhood!
@radiomogai @neopronouns @revenant-coining @electrosaccharine
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You know what I think would sell really well? A slime called “Belos Goop.” It’s green, it’s got the perfect slime texture, you could make it scented, and people could take out their stress upon something reminiscent of a Puritan witch hunter.
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distressedgold · 2 years
@/amethyst-slime-king {Wyatt} "Hey Bel? I- I could use your advice." The witch chuckled nervously, and the sound of baby gurgles echoed through the throne room. "I uh, I was making something and it went very wrong, but very adorable."
Thankfully for both the Emperor and his adopted eldest, the throne room was empty apart from them. Either the lull in any audiences or council meetings with the Emperor for the day, or the fact Belos was aware of things that occurred within the walls of the Castle and he deliberately cleared his schedule ahead of time were equally likely. But Belos was the only one who knew for sure.
He turned when Wyatt entered, consciously making sure he was at the bottom of the stairs as to not loom over his eldest like his Belos always would. He hummed in acknowledgement of the other and let him speak. And let someone else speak as well.
"...Wyatt, I had thought I told you to be better than me. Not to make the exact same mistakes I did."
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callme-l · 1 year
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The audacity he had to say "We are human" while he looked like this
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gahmah-raan · 2 years
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Emperor Valkor - The Beast Within
This is also the cover art for Star Wars: Paranormalities: Episode II - Chapter 17: The Forceless
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taxes-and-laundry · 4 months
I love being a Hermitcraft fan who doesn't watch any other SMPs because every so often I'll see what the rest of MCYT is up to and it's always like "Oh my gosh I can't believe scrunglelad79 cannibalized jimbo, this is a blatant violation of the non-aggression pact and is only the third permanent death (forth if you count the time sirsplunky became a non-sentient slime). This makes it an actual war crime according to the treaty from episode 7 thus the server will have to respond with swift and decisive action, but SmiggetyDan is still trapped in the void prison and he's the only left who can beat the emperor in PVP. Next episode is gonna be sick"
Meanwhile over here on hermitcraft right now we're like "Grian built a snail today. That might be important later"
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vampirecorleone · 1 year
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"If I had a steak, I'd fuck it." | "Yer fond of me lobster aint' ye? I seen it - yer fond of me lobster! Say it! Say it. Say it!" | "I don't have to say nothin.'" | "Damn ye! Let Neptune strike ye dead Winslow! HAAARK!" | "Hark Triton, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til' ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more - only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin' tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye - a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself - forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea!" | "Alright, have it your way. I like your cookin'."
The Lighthouse (2019) dir. Robert Eggers
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emojackolantern · 2 months
The Fool - PINOF, particularly PINOF 1. the fool is about new beginnings, pinof 1 is the origin of dnp.
The Magician - superamazingproject. the intro to their collaborative content. the dream they put out into the universe. the seed they planted hoping something would come of it.
The High Priestess - BBC Radio 1. they didn't know when it happened how much would come out of it, they just knew they had to do it. that's intuition baby. that being said whoever said sister daniel you're funny as fuck.
The Empress - DAPG. the empress is about fertility and creation, mf they birthed a whole new channel.
The Emperor - DAPC. to me, if the empress is about birthing new ideas, the emperor is about raising them and giving them structure by which to grow. DAPC is just another in the saga of their collaboration, at this point.
The Hierophant - TABINOF. the hierophant is about tradition and also represents the teacher/student archetype. i think of them kind of like profits bringing the word to the people for the first time lol.
The Lovers - TATINOF. think of any picture of them together on tour and tell me im wrong.
The Chariot - DAPGO. im ngl this one is kind of a space filler for chronology's sake, but them writing a second book was definitely a choice they made that furthered their joint image. they willed that into existence.
Strength - Interactive Introverts. Strength speaks on the bravery and fortitude needed to overcome obstacles. Dan particularly has spoken at length about how this tour was hard for him.
The Hermit - Dan's hiatus.
The Wheel of Fortune - The wheel of fortune is about inevitability of change and the cyclical nature of life. I think this one might be too vague for a direct comparison to a specific event? That being said if you can think of an example of a time they were faced with the inevitability of change I am all ears. Either way drawing this card in line with the rws but with dnp motifs would be fun as fuck
Justice - Justice is about karma, about getting back what you gave. I think of their dynamic as a duo, how they give to each other and get the same energy back. I think generally this card would be more negative, talk about literal justice, but I don't think that applies to them.
The Hanged Man - The hanged man is about sacrifice and surrender. I already said this in previous posts but to me this is Phil— going back in the closet for Dan, staying in London while he went on tour, etc. it's the willingness to let things change how they will because you have faith that no matter how much they change they'll always be a little the same.
Death - the changes themselves. sister daniel is a really good representative of this to me, and of the ways dan- but both of them really- have learned to be more comfortable both with themselves and with us as an audience. it's a change for the better.
Temperance - temperance is about balance, to me the most obvious example is their work/life balance. the value they place on their privacy. the taking weeks off after particularly long stints of work. it's doing what you have to do to make sure this work continues to be fulfilling.
The Devil - Dan and Phil Crafts - Slime (duh lol)
The Tower - upheaval
The Star - hope for the future
The Moon - the unconscious
The Sun - success over the unconscious
Judgement - review
The World - conclusion
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