#emm roy
steven-wijaya · 4 months
Cerita Seks Dengan Mama Tiriku
Setelah melakukan hubungan seks dengan Mama tiriku, tengah Malam aku terbangun karena tubuh bugilku terasa agak dingin oleh hembusan udara AC yang ada didalam kamar. Kuambil selimut satin yang menutupi tubuh Mama tiriku tertidur dengan posisi seperti bongkok udang. Melihat Mama tiriku dengan posisi seperti itu membuat aku segera memeluknya dari belakang tubuhnya. Kutebarkan Kembali selimut yang berkain satin itu hingga menutupi tubuh kami berdua diatas ranjang. Tangan kiri kusisipkan di bawah tubuhnya dan tangan kananku kupelukkan melingkupi dadanya.
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Pinggulku kulekatkan tepat ke arah bagian pantatnya, sehingga otomatis batang penisku menempel di sela-sela belahan pantat belakangnya. Dasar darah mudaku masih panas-panasnya, begitu penisku menyentuh kain satin dasternya kemudian langsung terbangun Kembali dengan perkasa dan siap bertempur lagi.
Kugesek-gesekan penisku menusuki sela-sela belahan pantatnya sambil merasakan licinya kain satin yang ikut terselip dibelahan pantatnya. Kedua tanganku pun tidak tinggal diam dan mulai memelintir kedua puting  susunya yang menjeplak diluar kain satin dasternya sambil kuremas-remas. Kontan mendapat perlakuan seperti itu Tanteku Kembali terbangun dan bereaksi.
“Sudah, dong sayang..Mama gantuk banget nih..!”, tubuh Mama tiriku sedikit menjauhiku, namun aku tetap memeluknya sangat erat.
“sayang,..! Mama benar-benar ngantuk”, rintihnya sambil tetap membelakangiku.
“Ma…Ma…Roy, pingin lagi udah ngak tahan?” sambil tetap memeluk tubuhnya.
“Mama ngerti, apalagi kamu masih muda pasti masih panas-panasnya pingin lagi, tapi Mama ngantuk”. Kulekatkan lagi batang penisku ke pantatnya sambil terus aku gesek-gesekan.
Kemudian Mama tiriku membalikan tubuhnya menghadapku sambil membetulkan selimut kami dan berkata, “Ya sudah sayang terserah kamu”. kulihat bibir Tante tersenyum.
Di dalam selimut satin, aku kembali memeluknya dan kurasakan tangan Tante juga memelukku. Buah dada menekan dadaku. Wajah kami sama-sama berhadapan sampai napas Tante terasa menerpa hidungku. Matanya terpejam. Mungkin saking lelahnya karena efek permainan seks yang tadi sempat kita lakukan, dengan cepat Tante terlelap lagi. Namun lain halnya dengan aku karena   nafsu birahiku bangkit lagi dan penisku yang sudah mulai mengepakkan sayapnya lagi.
Dengan tempelan buah dada itu di dada dan pelukan hangat tubuh yang terbalut daster satin yang membikn aku bergairah, membuat aku tidak bisa tenang. Apalagi aku tidak bisa menahan syahwat? Jujur saja, aku sudah benar-benar ingin segera menelentangkan tubuh Mama tiriku ini dan menusuk penisku masuk kedalam vaginananya dan memompanya lagi. tapi melihat Mama tertidur Kembali aku diam sejenak.
Pelan-pelan kusisipkan kaki kiri di bawah kaki kanan mama tiriku sedang kaki kananku kumasukkan di antara kakinya sehingga keempat kaki kami saling bertumpang tindih. Kurapatkan pelukan dan dekapanku ke tubuh Mama tiriku, wajahku kudekatkan ke wajahnya dan perlahan bibirku kutautkan dengan bibirnya. Lidahku kembali berupaya memasuki rongga mulutnya yang agak menganga. Aku terus bertahan dengan posisi erotis ini sambil agak menekan bagian belakang kepalanya  supaya pertautan bibir kami tidak lepas. Dan usahaku ternyata tidak sia-sia. Setelah sekitar 30 menit kemudian, tubuhku mulai bergerak-gerak, kurasakan gerakan lidah Mama tiriku mulai bergerak dan kubalas dengan mejilat lidahnya.
“Emm.. emm.. mm..” desis Mama tiriku membelit lidahku.
Kepalanya kutekan makin kuat dan aku berusaha menyedot lidahnya hingga masuk ke mulutku. Kukulum lidahnya dan kupermainkan dengan lidahku. Kusedot, kusedot dan kusedot terus sampai mama tiriku agak kesakitan, lalu kubelit-belit lagi dengan lidahku. Silat lidah ini berlangsung cukup lama dan ketika tanpa sengaja penisku sudah menyenggol bibir vaginanya, terasa mulai sedikit basah. Pasti Mama tiriku sudah terangsang, pikirku.
Maka aku pun berusaha menambah daya rangsang pada dirinya. Pelan-pelan tangan kirinya kubimbing untuk menggenggam batang penisku. Meski mula-mula enggan, tapi lama kelamaan digenggamnya juga batang penisku yang sudah berdiri tegak. Bahkan tangganya mulai megocok-gocok penisku dengan kain satin dasternya hingga aku pun menggelinjang kenikmatan.
“Unghhhh…..uhhh..!”, desisku sambil mengulum lidahnya.
Tangan kananku, setelah membimbing tangan kiri Tante mengocok-gocok penisku lalu meneruskan perjalanannya ke celah pahanya mencari bibir vaginanya menelusuri rambut-rambut kemaluanya itu, jari telunjuk tengahku kumasukan kedalam belahan vaginanya dan kugerakkan keluar-masuk dan Mama tiriku langsung mendesah-desah kenikmatan, genggamannya yang terus mengocok-kocok penisku dengan kain satin dasternya itu membuat aku sudah tidak tahan lagi.
“Mah….Roy sudah tidak tahan lagi.“Masukin ya?” bisikku.
Tanpa kusuruh, Mama lalu telentang dan mengangkangkan kedua pahanya. Pelan aku menaikinya. Mama tiriku membimbing batang penisku di antara pahanya dan lalu mengarakhan kelubang vaginanya yang sudag terlihat basah, lalu Blesss…..penisku langsung melesat masuk kedalam vaginanya.
“Unghhhh…..”, desahanya begitu penisku masuk kedalam vaginanya.
Kemudian kugerakan keluar masuk penisku kedalam vaginanya dengan Gerakan naik turun memompa penisku. Kedua buah dadanya menekan didadaku juga. Tangan kiriku mengutil-ngutil puting kanannya yang masih terhalang kain satin dasternya. Ciuman ke bibirnya kulanjutkan lagi.
“Anghhhh.. eemmmm.. mm,” Mama tiriku mendesah dan sulit bicara karena mulutnya masih kukulum.
Kemudian posisi kami begantian dan aku turun dari atas tubuh Mama tiriku yang telentang dan Mama bangkit lalu memutar tubuhnya dan mengangkangiku. Penisku langsung dimasukan Kembali kedalam vaginanya. Dan tubuhnya langsung  digerakkan naik turun dan maju mundur menari diatas tubuhku.
“Ounghhh….Shiit..Maaa.. nikmat sekali”.
Kedua tanganku segera menangkap pinggulnya yang bergerak maju mundur yang megobok-ngobok penisku didalam vaginanya yang sudah becek itu.
“Ugh.. uughh.. uagh..Roy..Roy…enak banget sayang….Mama udah ngak tahan lagi sayang…unghh…anghhhh”. sambil meracau.
Sejenak kemudian tubuhnya berhenti bergerak, lalu pinggul yang kupegangi terasa megejang-ngejang. Kemudian kurasakan cairan hangat membanjiri batang penisku yang masih berada didalam vaginanya. Kurasakan cairan itu seperti air maniku hanya lebih encer dan bening.
Mama tiriku kemudian terkapar kelelahan di atasku dengan posisi penisku masih berada didalam vaginanya. Tapi Gerakan kutekan dan kuratik penisku membuat aku pun merasa mau keluar.
“Anghhhh…..anghhh…aaahhhhhh….Maa…aku keluar..!”, Crottt…crottt…crotttt,  tubuhku juga sedikit mengejang ngejag dibawah tindihan tubhu Mama tiriku yang terkapar lemas diatas tubuhku.
Kubiarkan cairan spermaku meleleh keluar didalam sela-sela vaginanya membasahi tubuhku dan Sebagian jatuh diatas kain sprai satin ditempat ranjang. Akhirnya aku pun lemas dan ikut menggelepar kelelahan. Tangan-kakiku terkapar lemas ke kiri-kanan. Tante juga terkapar kelelahan. Kemudian Mama tiriku membalikan tubuhnya dan memelukku. Wajah kami berhadapan, mata Tante merem-melek.
“Dasar Nakal kamu sayang, Mama masih ngantuk banget tetap aja kamu genjot”.
“Tapi Mama nikmat kan”.
“Iya sayang”, jawabnya sambil terkantuk-kantuk kemudian dengkur kecilnya mulai terdengar lagi dan akhirnya aku juga tertidur pulas.
Kulihat Jam tujuh pagi waktu itu. Aku masih berada didalam selimut satin dengan  tubuh bugilku memeluknya dengan erat tubuh Mama tiriku yang masih mengenakan daster satin. Rasanya aku tidak mau melepaskan tubuh  Mama tiriku ini. Persetan dengan pekerjaan. Sengaja aku juga tidak mengingatkan Mama tiriku kalua hari ini dia masuk kerja begitupun aku.
Hari itu kita sama-sama tidak masuk kerja Sepanjang hari ini aku mau bercumbu terus dengan Mama tiriku diatas Ranjang yang bersperai satin dan selimut satin sampai cairan spermaku keluar hingga empat kali membasahi kain satin ranjang kami bercampur keringat. Begitu angan-anganku untuk memuaskan mama tiriku yang telah bercerai dengan papahku.
Selama di dalam kamar, di atas ranjang, aku tidak pernah mengenakan pakaian barang selembar pun hanya Mama tiriku yang masih tetap memakai daster satin yang sengaja aku tidak melapasnya. Hampir setiap empat jam sekali aku dan Mama tiriku sama-sama mengalami orgasme dan selalu kumucratkan cairan spermaku didalam vaginanya dan juga kami selalu terkejat-kejat saat orgasme hampir bersamaan.
Rasanya hari itu kami seperti panganten baru saja menikah dan menghabiskan seharian diatas ranjang. Tentunya setelah kejadian itu dengan Mama tiriku aku selalu megulang dan menguang permainan seks diatas ranjang hingga saat ini dan aku sudah tidak bisa lagi terhitung lagi cairan spermaku yang berada didalam rahimnya itu. Kesempatan itu terbuka lebar begitu aku tinggal dirumah baru mama tiriku.
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that-cryptic-kay · 5 months
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Smash Bros Banner Redraw Featuring 80+ Artists! Created by SwensonaDesigns
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Credits and Links to the Artists Below;
Mario - Xeno
Donkey Kong - ChibiBrugarou
Link - Bumblebees
Samus - Mewy
Dark Samus - Mewy
Yoshi - lo-pi
Kirby - betsysharonx
Fox - Ritzcreation
Pikachu - Paintdust
Luigi - Rosie
Ness - Otakuma
Captain Falcon - PachiJayk
Jigglypuff - BlueRoseTail
Peach - Quasar
Daisy - BunBun
Bowser - Rosiri
Ice Climbers - emilyleart
Sheik - MonsterProductions49
Zelda - Cy
Dr. Mario - cheesecake_bich
Pichu - razz
Falco - AdamRB (No Social Media Put)
Marth - PandaGoyza
Lucina - mayordoi
Young Link - Clioni
Ganondorf - ThePeachyArtist
Mewtwo - MattysAnimeSketchs
Roy - mango-peach-strawberry
Chrom - gingerja
Mr. Game and Watch - Starrydoods
Pokemon Trainer - CF (No Social Media Put)
Meta Knight - VickriArts
Pit - Kay (Kawaii Kaychu)
Dark Pit - gingerja
Zero Suit Samus - Hasenprinzessin
Wario - SwensonsaDesigns (Creator of the Collab)
Snake - Luuzine
Ike - solideryx
Squirtle - doughnutdoodles
Ivysaur - Bumblenbees
Charizard - Fungo
Diddy Kong - Bozobone
Lucas - TravelerCJ
Sonic - HATORI
King Dedede - TheChaoticElian
Olimar + Pikmin - AnthonyRB (No Social Media Put)
Lucario - animedonkey
ROB - PairOfShoes1
Toon Link - betsysharon
Wolf - FoxyStumbles
Villager - Hatty
Mega Man - Sunnie (No Social Media Put)
Wii Fit Trainer - Gungject
Rosalina and Luma - Ishtar
Little Mac - fruitycircus
Greninja - Rosiri
Palutena - Mickeyn
Pac-Man - Concerned Bear (No Social Media Put)
Robin - kayfly
Shulk - Mah
Bowser Jr. - doughnutdoodles
Duck Hunt - cheesecake_bich
Ryu - Lena
Ken - mayordoi
Cloud - Dogwood
Corrin - Kay (Kawaiikaychu)
Bayonetta - Marii
Inkling - Aud.Is.Here
Ridley - Goji (No Social Media Put)
Simon Belmont - Kay (Kawaiikaychu)
Isabelle - Umami (No Social Media Put)
Richter - BunBun
King K. Rool - lapislabel
Incineroar - EmmyLittle
Piranha Plant - Killustrator (No Social Media Put)
Joker - thearkhives_
Hero - GeluTheBabosa
Banjo & Kazooie - Ecalienni
Terry - Skizze
Byleth - KSamuel
Min Min - Aud.is.here
Steve - Vivacious Vixen
Sephiroth - Vahlance
Pyra - tsuneo0
Mythra - Emme Ciela
Mythra 2 - Amara (No Social Media Put)
Kazuya - cringecatnep (No Social Media Put)
Sora - FrenzyFeline
Mii Brawler - Zorrpu
Mii Swordfighter - brittney.florimond
Mii Gunner - Zorrpu
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spooniestrong · 5 months
“People assume you aren’t sick unless they see the sickness on your skin like scars forming a map of all the ways you’re hurting.
My heart is a prison of Have you tried?s Have you tried exercising? Have you tried eating better? Have you tried not being sad, not being sick? Have you tried being more like me? Have you tried shutting up?
Yes, I have tried. Yes, I am still trying, and yes, I am still sick.
Sometimes monsters are invisible, and sometimes demons attack you from the inside. Just because you cannot see the claws and the teeth does not mean they aren’t ripping through me. Pain does not need to be seen to be felt.
Telling me there is no problem won’t solve the problem.
This is not how miracles are born. This is not how sickness works.”
- Emm Roy
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 “People assume you aren’t sick  unless they see the sickness on your skin  like scars forming a map of all the ways you’re hurting.  My heart is a prison of Have you tried?s  Have you tried exercising? Have you tried eating better?  Have you tried not being sad, not being sick?  Have you tried being more like me?  Have you tried shutting up?  Yes, I have tried. Yes, I am still trying,  and yes, I am still sick.  Sometimes monsters are invisible, and  sometimes demons attack you from the inside.  Just because you cannot see the claws and the teeth  does not mean they aren’t ripping through me.  Pain does not need to be seen to be felt.  Telling me there is no problem  won’t solve the problem.”  ―Emm Roy
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ccbb2222 · 2 years
Just a Pint Part 2: Let's Make Him Drool
Story Summary: In which you are a new bartender @ the Crown and Anchor after moving across the pond from the States to escape an abusive ex. Ted is your first customer. Continuing on from Part 1 (read it here!)
Chapter Summary:
Keeley gives you some interesting information about Ted's opinion of you...and gives you a makeover. Later, you get real with Ted about your ex.
Pairings: You/Ted Lasso, Ted Lasso/Reader, Keeley/Roy, Rebecca/Sam.
Tags: Ted Lasso x You, Ted Lasso x Reader, slow burn.
Warnings: *Story wide: Mentions of abuse emotionally, physically, sexually. Language. Eventual smut.
It had been nearly a month since you started bartending at the Crown & Anchor. Ted was a regular, and the two of you became fast friends.
"What's new Cindy Lou?" A friendly voice greets from across the bar. "Hi, Ted." You laugh, wiping down the bar with a dish rag. "How was practice. Oh shit, sorry, training?" You emphasize the difference.
He laughs motioning over to Beard who gives you a small smile. "Oh, just great. Beard here tried out a new play. It was a masterpiece."
In typical Beard fashion he rolls his eyes, "Picasso could never."
"Hey babes!" Keeley barrels through the door in a fluffy coat and a high pony tail. Ted had introduced you two since he thought you two "would be two peas in a pod. A modern day Lucy and Ethel." Turns out, he was totally right. "Hi Keeley," you greet her, getting the wind nearly knocked out of you as she hugs you from across the bar.
"You're looking fit today!" She grabs your arm. "Ted? Don't you think she looks fit?"
You both blush at the same time. "Oh, um," Ted stutters eyes darting to you, "You look great as always."
"Emm hmm," Keeley nods, smirking. "Right. Boys, go get us a table. We've got some girl talk to catch up on." She shoos them away effortlessly as you glare at her.
"Keeley what the fuck was that?" You whisper exasperated.
"Oh babes." She laughs, "He's got it bad."
"Excuse me?" You ask wiping away a stain on a beer glass rather aggressively.
"Oh please. Are you that blind?" She looks at you with her big eyes. "Roy says Ted is always finding ways to bring you up. Or, how did he put it? 'Ted's mentioning her so much it's like she fucking works at Nelson Road. He needs to grow some balls and ask her out.'"
"What? We're just good friends." Your brain is racing a mile a minute with this information and you steal a glance at Ted. Coincidentally he's already looking your way, and he raises his beer in a toast. You wave, flustered.
"God. What?!" You're having a hard time processing. Yes, Ted is, without a doubt, an attractive man. He's sweet and funny and kind. But so was Nick when you met him.
"Sooo," Keeley drags out as she leans across the bar. "Are we gonna go for it?"
"Urgh. Keeley. I just—"
"Babes I know your ex is a douche." God if only she knew the half of it. "But you've got to move on! You're hot. You deserve some action."
Suddenly a glass shatters from across the bar as a clumsy patron knocks it off of the bar and onto the floor.
"I saw you looking at him!" Nick shouts. "You wanted to fuck him. Admit it."
"Nick, baby, please." You try to reason with a drunk Nick. The two of you had attended a wedding for a friend and one of the groomsmen had complimented your dress. This was enough for Nick to excuse you both from the reception early.
"Such a fucking whore." He glowers at you.
"Nick. You're the only one I want, baby listen—" he grabs both of your shoulders throwing you against the apartment wall.
"Don't you dare tell me to listen." He turns away from you and grabs his empty wine glass, hurling it at the wall next to your head. It shatters loudly next to you, and glass falls into your hair as you sink to the floor.
"Hey, you okay?" Keeley asks.
You nod, shaken. "Oh, yeah. Sorry. The noise it just...shocked me."
She eyes you cautiously. "Okay well, if you need to talk about anything. You've got me. Okay?"
"Thank you, Keeley. But it's okay, I'm good." You grab a dust pan and head to clean up the mess.
"Well good." She follows you like a puppy. "Are we still going out tonight with the crew? I have some outfits that I picked out just for you." She sits on a barstool next to where you kneeled down to clean up the mess.
"Keeley, I love you, but you are a tiny thing. There's no way I can fit into your clothes." You laugh.
"Not with those tits." She points to your chest, "Please. I went shopping." She smiles widely.
"Tell me you didn't spend money on me." You say with a scolding tone.
She shrugs. "My place after your shift. Let's make him drool." She winks and tips her head in Ted's direction.
"What am I going to do with you?" You shake your head as she hops off the barstool and blows you a kiss, joining the guys in the corner.
"Keeley. This was a bad idea. I look ridiculous." You say, tugging nervously at the short hem of your dress.
"On the contrary," Rebecca chimes in, "You've never looked hotter." You tried to smile, nerves eating at your stomach. Rebecca had become a fast friend. She was intimidating and successful and literally everything you wanted to become.
"God, Rebecca, can you even imagine Ted's reaction when he sees her?" Keeley laughs, taking a swig out of an open champagne bottle.
The three of you walked from Rebecca's apartment to a club down the road. Richmond was on a five game winning streak, and the team and staff were ready to celebrate. You were, according to Ted, an "honorary staff member." Whatever that meant.
"I reckon we'll have to pick his jaw off the floor," Rebecca snorts.
This was definitely not your usual attire. You were more of a jeans and t-shirt type. Keeley had forced you into a tight black dress that hugged your curves and the neckline dipped slightly lower than you'd prefer. It was "tastefully slutty," as Keeley described.
Rebecca threw the door to the club open with effortless authority after giving the bouncer your names. The three of you walked towards the back of the club, where the Richmond players and staff claimed the majority of the roped off tables.
Keeley makes a beeline for Roy, and you turn to see Rebecca heading in Sam's direction. So much for girl power.
"Oi," a voice says looking at you, "Have we met?"
You introduced yourself with a smile, and shook a young, handsome man's outstretched hand.
"I'm Colin. I play for Richmond," he smiles.
"I gathered that much," you joke. He was nice enough, asking you how you knew Rebecca and Keeley, and promising to make a pit stop at the Crown & Anchor sometime soon.
Your eyes scan the room as he goes on to explain the play that won them the latest match, which, quite frankly, went over your head.
Ted is looking in your direction. His eyes are darker than usual, and his hands grasp a beer tightly. Was Keeley right? Was he...jealous?
Why did this make your heart race? He was a friend. You decide to test if this is truly the case. You reach up and touch Colin's arm during his story. Laughing a bit more loudly at his jokes.
Suddenly a rather frazzled looking Ted is right next to you. "Hey, there." He says looking at you, shifting on his feet and ignoring Colin completely. That wasn't like him.
"Hi Ted!" You greet him with a hug, and you instantly feel him rest his hand on your lower back.
"Colin," Ted finally addresses his player, "I see you've met the best bartender in Richmond."
You roll your eyes at that one.
"Surely the fittest bartender," he says smiling.
You blush. What is happening right now?
Ted nods looking down. "Um, so can I get you a drink?" he asks looking at you hopefully.
"Definitely." You smile. "See you around Colin," you say walking next to Ted toward the bar.
"Never seen Colin so taken before," Ted says, a slight edge to his voice.
"He's a nice guy," you state, not offering anything up. You look around the bar again to see Keeley and Rebecca sneaking glances at you and Ted. You roll your eyes at them.
Looking back at Ted you see him taking in your dress, eyes lingering just a little too long. "Um, so, what'll it be?" he asks as he grabs the bartender's attention.
"Whiskey soda," you answer quickly.
"I like a gal who can hold her liquor," He says turning back to the bar. That was flirtatious. Right? God men are confusing. This is so confusing.
The night passed by quickly. You spent your time meeting more of the team, dancing with Keeley, and trying to curb your nerves with whiskey sodas.
By the end of the night you were...tipsy.
"Woah there," Ted says with a slight laugh as you sway into him slightly. He had offered to see you home safely, and Keeley nearly jumped out of her skin when the two of you exited the club together.
You laugh, "Sorry, sorry. I haven't gone out in awhile. My ex didn't like me going out with friends."
His brow furrows and he looks at you intently, "What do you mean?"
"Nick," you hiccuped then covered your mouth embarrassed. "Shit. Sorry. Nick liked me to stay at home. Thought it was less of a risk."
Ted's demeanor shifted completely. No longer jovial and light hearted and suddenly serious and concerned. "Less of a risk of what?"
"Of men talking to me. He hated that." You stopped walking as you reached your flat.
He shook his head, looking down at you. "He sounds controlling."
"Oh you have no idea," you shook your head.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" He tucks a stray hair behind your ear, and your heart hammers in your chest.
"Um," You're suddenly nervous. You said too much. Damn whiskey sodas. "Yeah, sure."
"The other day, at the bar. You seemed real shook up when someone shattered a glass. Did Nick ever..." he struggles to find the right words. "Did he ever, get physical with you?"
You look down unsure how much you want to reveal. You had known Ted for almost a month now. This seemed too soon to share. Right?
But the words were bubbling up before you could stop them, "I made him angry sometimes," You say shrugging your shoulders.
His silence makes you nervous. He probably thought you were damaged goods. A total headcase with relationship trauma. So you continued talking to fill the dead air.
"It started off with him just yelling a lot. Then he'd grab me occasionally. Only like, once a month, if I made him angry. But then it got more frequent. I started having to cover my bruises. He started coming home drunk and forcing himself on me." You look down ashamed. "It wasn't until he choked me so hard that I blacked out that I considered leaving." You're holding back the floodgates now. You'd never told anyone. But something about Ted, looking at you intently, on this dimly lit street made you feel safe. "And I'm scared. I'm so scared, Ted." Tears welled in your eyes.
"Hey now," he says, pulling you in for a tight hug, rubbing his hand up and down your back. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." He rocks you back and forth, still holding you, "You have to know you didn't deserve that. You deserve so much more." He whispers into your ear.
You sniffle nodding, "I think I know that now." You laugh looking down at your attire. "God if he saw me like this—"
"He'd have to go through me." Ted said, looking at you right in the eyes, "And I must say despite what your ex may think," he pauses stepping back to look at you, "You look absolutely beautiful. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you the entire night."
You wipe an excess tear away, looking at the cobble stone. "You don't have to say that, Ted."
He shook his head, running his hands through his hair, "When you walked in, swear I choked on my beer. I must've looked like a damn cartoon."
You laughed, "So I guess I need to tell Keeley that our plan was accomplished."
"What's that now?" He smiles, wiping your damp cheek with his thumb.
"I made you drool." _____________________________________________________
Hi! Thank you for the support on my first fic :) I'm thinking of picking up where we left off...maybe some smut?
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shadowredfeline · 4 months
Two in One Post
For my P-Pal's On this Day Post
Looks interesting. I'm sure Zack would be surprised or it would be nice if Shadow, Lisa, Spot, Vanilla, Riya and May had Blueberries together. After their performance of course.
And for my A-Pal's On this Day Post
Yeah I remember the time Smash Bros caused a Double Whammy by adding so many Fire Emblem characters. Plus there's no need to bring more Fire Emblem characters. We started off with Marth, Roy and Ike, but we don't need anymore Fire Emblem characters. We got Lucina, We got Robin, We got Corrin, we got Chrom. There's no need to bring anymore Fire Emblem characters. And I'm sure Lisa, Vanilla, Lighting, Speedy and Emme got a Fire Emblem character they need. Such as Lucina, Chrom, Robin, Marth, and Corrin. Normally for Corrin and Robin, I had to use the Male ones since they look really cool.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Well it's something. I agree with you, Maxwell, May and Sam when Smash Bros caused a Double Whammy and had Cuphead as a Costume like with Sans. And I hope Smash Bros better not bring more Fire Emblem characters to the near future and when they want to make another Smash Bros game for the next console soon.
Lighting 😺⚡: Well I understand what you guys are saying. I know mom, Speedy, Emme, Vanilla and myself had to use a Fire Emblem character too. But normally we can't have too many of them.
Speedy 😺👟: Agree, Light. And let's hope Dad's idea for the Next Smash Bros game comes true. Like instead of Spirits, we get to use Cards to use them as Independent, Help, Summon, Weapon, and to transform.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Wow, Speedy! You totally remember my idea! Let's hope we can use random characters in the Smash Universe and have a deck of cards to use anytime we need them. Especially when we decide on the number of Cards that will fit into Capacity.
Lighting 😺⚡: Sure, Dad.
Lisa 😺❤️⚡: And Maxwell, May and Sam. Let's hope we'll never see anymore of those Smash Fire Emblem Double Whammies in the future. Because we're fine with just Lucina, Robin, Corrin, and Chrom. The same goes for the main three, Marth, Ike and Roy.
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miraclelevellan · 2 years
They dropped the ball pretty hard this year.
Like it was super easy to???
Byleth should've worn her dad's outfit and been the blue spear unit on a horse. Still could've given her Divine Pulse and she had a mix of Sothis and Jeralt. But they got lazy and just squeezed her into Sothis garb.
Seliph has a sister and a mother and I HATE that he just pulled a Roy. The difference though between Roy and Seliph is that Seli already has a red sword horse alt. And he already takes after his dad with using his weapon canonically in the first place! He should've been the colorless tome unit with his special version of Naga,but can't have a male lead use magic right? That's gay
Chrom was stupid easy.STUPID EASY!! Hand him Lissa's axe from Warriors,shit is a staff with fancy blades attached to it,give him a Chromified version of Emm's robes so all three siblings,bam done. But nah he joins Celica/Alm/Three Houses Braves as guest starring as himself. Sorry Emm,despite the fact that you were a MASSIVE reason that he developed as a character you just don't exist.
Tiki is also showing up as herself and that makes no sense to me. Aint what people voted for dunno why they gotta give us her younger outfit? Naga is literally right there. BANTU IS RIGHT THERE?!?!
All in all,it's better then 3 Houses Braves but only barely. Like making a Brave alt is not that hard I don't know why they are struggling with this shit
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 31
Ellis: Does this fit the profile of any Sub-T you're familiar with? Riley: Not subterrestrial, Major. Extraterrestrial. (Leads them to the rock at the end of the trench) It came outta that. Ellis: Miller, set the trackers for a protein signature. Graham: Yes sir. Riley: No good, Major. This alkaloid's breaking down at an accelerated rate. It's dissolving too fast to track. Ellis: You got a better idea? Riley: Thing came from space. Gotta be some trace radiation. Ellis: We have Geiger counters in the packs. Riley: Shouldn't be too much background gamma noise out here. Ellis: Break 'em out.
~~Buffy Season 5 Episode #87: "Listening To Fear"~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here. If you saw the phrase "HTML template" in our previous calls for editors and that was what made you decide that Herald duties aren't for you, you may be glad to hear that we've set up an alternative posting process!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Secret (Angelus, Spike, Drusilla, T) by angelus2hot
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Untitled (Buffy/Spike, M) by disaster-vamp
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Les seigneurs et rois du paradis Tunisien, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Violette-Milka
She came back wrong, Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Desicat
Spiderwebs, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Willow25
A Living Vampire, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Desicat
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Important demon slaying discussion (Scoobies) by wolfstrong
Artwork:Buffy () by woooarya
Artwork:Pinup Spike () by isevery0nehereverystoned
Fanmix: Dawn’s punk playlist () by Dawn’s punk playlist
Clothing:BtVS Vest () by thegothicalice
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Video: BUFFY MEETS \"TWIN PEAKS\" () by prior emme
Video: BUFFY - NORMAL AGAIN - \"SLEEPING BEAUTY\" () by prior emme
[Reviews & Recaps]
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[Fandom Discussions]
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season three baby bangs by scoobb
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so they’re doing an amnesia storyline with Cordy by wikiangela
funny how spike sees himself as a warrior by silvermars
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the spuffy relationship is rlly goddam toxic yet... by searchingweeds
The Mayor’s little video message for Faith is something. by aboonebeckerboone
Some Gunn thoughts by doggirlbuffysummers
did someone already ask you about faith x tara? by faith-thee-slayer
we can go back and forth forever about whether or not spike was capable of genuine selfless goodness and love without his soul by mulderscully
Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (Jan 2023) by mcgnagallsarmy
Fuffy ? by beatriceeverytuesday1
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Just finished reading Last Gleaming for the first time by falsestardust
Book Club: Blood & Fog: Week 1 (chapters 1-3) by Taake
Killing off a main character - always the plan? by Synch
Discussion of 6.09 "Smashed" by Multiple Authors
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knights by northeastbalancer
What series makes you cry the most? by Linguistin229
Christian themes in "Grave" by Tuxedo_Mark
What do you think the most dangerous/deadly real-world occupations are in Sunnydale? by menlindorn
Is it even possible for a slayer to became a vampire? by Majiska394
What Buffyverse monster do you think you could actually kill? by Captainoats88
Spuffy alternate S6 and beyond by not_another_mom
How would Tara have reacted... by MynameisntWejdene
If things were normal and Buffy had died… do you think Kennedy would’ve been called as the next slayer? by JeSuisLaCockamouse
Are Xander Harris and Chandler Bing the same character? by Leola_Root_Stew
Why didn’t Angel find a way to remove the aspect of the curse where he can’t experience true happiness by xanderdude47
How did Buffy change you? by Vonda705
S7 E3 “Same Time, Same Place” paralyzed Dawn is hilarious. by R0BBYDARK0
Some thoughts on S4E06: wild at heart by glassflow3rs
there were so many amazing opportunities for Buffy and Angel to crossover by ministroopwafel
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2: Living with Consequences by Andrew Heard
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healthstyle101 · 7 months
Jennifer Lopez, 54, Stuns in Green Lingerie for Intimissimi Collab
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Ageless Beauty Jennifer Lopez Unveils New Lingerie Collection Jennifer Lopez, renowned for her age-defying allure, recently stunned the world by modeling in a sultry lingerie photoshoot. The 54-year-old former Fly Girl from In Living Color showcased her modeling prowess, highlighting her remarkably toned midriff in a jaw-dropping image. Dressed in an emerald green lace bra and panties, the actress known for her role in "The Mother" was promoting her collaboration with the Italian lingerie brand, Intimissimi. Adding a touch of elegance to the ensemble, she wore a satin robe that gracefully slipped off her shoulders while posing in a high-rise apartment adorned with plush velvet sofas and a black piano. Her half-up hairdo, with highlighted tendrils cascading over her face, perfectly complemented her polished caramel-colored makeup. As a mother to twins Emme and Max, aged 15, whom she shares with Marc Anthony, she proudly displayed her gold wedding band from her one-year husband, Ben Affleck. Jennifer introduced her new collection, "THIS IS ME…NOW," in an Instagram caption, showcasing a transition from Verona to Hollywood, created with love by Norman Jean Roy. The collection signifies a significant chapter in the creative partnership between the Italian brand and the American icon, fusing Intimissimi's commitment to top-quality lingerie with Jennifer Lopez's distinct style. The collection draws inspiration from Jennifer Lopez's upcoming album, "This is me...Now," which delves into her transformative journey of personal development, self-reflection, and embracing her true self. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, affectionately known as Bennifer, celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary in July, rekindling their famous romance in 2021. A source close to the couple shared that the Justice League star is now "happy and content" with their marriage, with everything going well in his life. Known for her Instagram snaps showcasing her enviable figure, Jennifer Lopez keeps fans engaged with her content, from casual selfies to fashion collaborations. She recently captivated her followers with a makeup-free bed selfie, donning a lacy green negligee and emphasizing her piercing gaze. To commemorate their one-year wedding anniversary, Jennifer shared rare, never-before-seen photos from her wedding to Ben, alongside lyrics from her upcoming song, "Dear Ben Pt. II," displaying the deep love she holds for her husband. The track is set to be a part of her ninth studio album, titled "This Is Me...Now," featuring thirteen tracks, scheduled for release later this year. Read the full article
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thedjmusic · 2 years
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TDM | Discoveries of The Week 2022-10-18
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/tdm_discoveries_of_the_week_2022_10_18
DATA: 2022-10-21 TOTAL: 193 GENRE: House, Tech House, Afro House, Jackin House, Deep House, Soulful House, Funky House, Organic House / Downtempo, Progressive House, Nu Disco / Disco, Melodic House & Techno
Cover: Tensnake. New tracks and rare compositions in the weekly mix just for you.
2Sleep - Ja Era
2Sleep - Orange Juice
67th & Bird,Jay Ward - Dangerous - Jay Ward Remix
AceMyth - Alive
Afriqua - Always
Afternoon Tea - Rugged
Ajay Lux - Polygon
Alan Johnson - Duppy Season
Albert van Abbe - The Blackest Orange Turns Purple Green
Alden Tyrell - SHIFT UP
Alex Jones - Them Things
Alien D - Squiggle
Alvin Tech - Neuralink
Andy Hughes,Cory Hughes - Yummy - Cory Hughes Remix
Anfisa Letyago - Haze - Club Mix
Aranha - Wonder
Arthur Adams - You Got the Floor - Bonus Track
Atix - End of loops
Au5,EMME - Another Way
Audiotrap - I Want You To Want Me
Baker - Demons in the Dark
Beverly Hills 808303 - The American Lie
Big Drum Records - Free Your Love
Bill Converse - The Last Time
Blosso,Nytrix - Higher Than Heaven
Bobby Thurston - Check Out the Groove
Boylan,Slimzee - Ephemerol East
Boylan,Slimzee - LDNMSV
Brunson - Morf
Bunzer0 - Killit
Calagad 13 - New Era
Cashmere - Do It Anyway You Wanna - 12" Version
Centauri,Hunter Reed - Corrupt Cadence
Central Line - Walking Into Sunshine - Original Larry Levan 12" Mix
Charles Earland - Coming to You Live
Choopsie - Forgot To Blink
Chujo,Snazzy Trax - She Got Me - Snazzy Trax Extended Remix
Class Action,Chris Wiltshire - Weekend (Larry Levan Mix) [feat. Chris Wiltshire]
Coldpast,Tuff Trax - Tigerstyle
Colossi Rah - Stolen Land
Conducta,Interplanetary Criminal - Lessons (Interplanetary Criminal ‘Back 2 Skool’ Mix)
Crazy P,Hot Toddy - Love Is With You - Hot Toddy Remix
Croatia Squad - Play It Cool - Extended Mix
Crozford,FutureMade - Horizon - FutureMade Remix
CYRK - Lost Memories
DaiSu - Lightwork
Dante - Seeking for Reliability
Datra - Dono's Lab
DDD - Clockwork Reason
Dee - Rhombus
DeFeKT,Jensen Interceptor - Bipolar
Deodato - Keep on Movin'
Dez Williams - No Longer Human
Diego Infanzon - Living Together
Diego Infanzon - Never Grow Old
Distillat - Cold Stare
DJ Brownie - Know About This
DJ Brownie - Off The Chain
DJ Decay - Rinse In Brie
Dj Maaco - The People
DJ Pantha - Hurry The Fuck Up
DJ これからの緊急災害 - EASY 4 M3
DJOKO - Missing Channel
DMX Krew - Twinkle
Donnell Pitman - Love Explosion
Donsurf - Tell Me
Duskope,WZA - U Can Feel
Dynasty - I've Just Begun to Love You
Edward White - The Things U Make Me Do
Empress - Dyin' to Be Dancin'
Fantasy - Vibes
Fat Larry's Band - Lookin' for Love
Fatback Band - Is This the Future?
Finis Henderson - Skip To My Lou
FooR,Effie,Rich Ellis - Everything U Need - Rich Ellis Remix
Fossil Archive - The Heights Of Metropolis
France Joli - Gonna Get Over You - 12" Mix
Frankel & Harper - Buffalo Skank
Frantique - Getting Serious
Gary Gritness - Sodium Sulfur
Geraldine Hunt - Can't Fake the Feeling
Geraldine Hunt feat. Freddie James & Rosalind aka Cheri - Murphy's Law
Gino Soccio - Hold Tight
Greenflamez - Dont wanna let you show
Greg Henderson - Dreamin'
Guber - Wrong Ibiza - Bass Mix
Gwen McCrae - Doin' It - Remastered Version
Hexadecimal - The End
High Fashion - Feelin' Lucky Lately - Remastered
Hockins - A&F
Hockins - Who's Gonna Die
Holoe - Red Beam
ICE-T - I'm Your Pusher / Pusherman
iLee - Wake Up - Extended Mix
Illektrolab - In The Tube
Imagination - Burnin' Up
Interplanetary Criminal,DJ Cosworth - Untitled A
Jaden Thompson,Aaron Pfeiffer - Something Else - Original Mix
James Curd - I Can Still Fly
James Organ,SOHMI - The High
Jamie 3:26,Danou P - Roy Layers
Jamie Jones,Darius Syrossian - The Best Thing
J:Kenzo,Mani Festo - Deadbull - Mani Festo Remix
Joal - Make It Right
Jonny From Space - Wetland
Jose Carlos - #1 Porra
Justin Jay,Bayer & Waits - Wait for the Drop
Kitson - Lucky
Kitson - Lucky
Klaiola - Temptation - Extended
Konerytmi - Skeittilauta
Kris Baha - Revolting
Last Magpie,Grainger,Fall Forward - Es - Grainger & Fall Forward Remix
Le Lion - Stubborn
L/F/D/M - Acid Spoon
L'Impératrice,Lazywax - Voodoo? - Lazywax Remix
Lithe - Yammer
LOOPERS - Transcendence
Loose Ends - Dial 999
Lucid Distraction,DJ Bastard - Bring It Back - DJ Bastard's Bringing Back The Remix
Mani Festo - Folding Time
Mark Tammo,Stevie Jones - Anything On It
Max Pollyul - Asturias
Mike Millrain - Survive
Mike Nasty - Station 5
Minder - Simulated Hunt
Mirage - Summer Grooves
MixedMind - Clash
Modestep,Dr. Ushūu - Diamonds
Modestep,Oddprophet - Far From Blind
Modestep,Oddprophet - Far From Blind
Moppa & Dekka - All Night
Mulholland - ION-9
Mystic Merlin - Mr. Magician - 2004 Digital Remaster
Mystic State,PAV4N - Gallows
Noise At Night - Funky Soul
Notixx - Satellite
Oden & Fatzo - La Balle À Laïka
Ohm Guru,Faraa,Thc - Nothing to celebrate - The THC Rework
OnDaMiKe - Boats N Hoezz - Original Mix
Orchid - Bobma
Oscean - Drivion
Oscean - Drivion
Oscean - Multidimensional
OSO,Other Echoes - Inertia
Panoramic Barrier - Crash Boom Body
Passarani - The Fixer
Pearson Sound - Red Sky
Pelace - Echoes From The Past
PhyLo Mason - Surrender
Plunky & The Oneness Of JuJu - Every Way but Loose
Qlank - The Count
REESE - All I Need
Reflection Port Assembly,Cignol - Blue Sky - Cignol Remix
Reginald - You Are
Revan - Grey Areas
Roklem,Sebalo - Empathy
Rory Marshall,William Kiss - Numbers
Ryvahl - Send Signal
Safire,QQQAkane,Skeptical - Slowly Rushing - Skeptical Remix
Saigg - La foundation - Original Mix
Sam Shelby - Flex - Extended Mix
Sascha Funke - E-Plus
Serge Ponsar - Out in the Night
Sharon Forrester - Love Don't Live Here Anymore
Silat Beksi - Jhana - Original Mix
Soft Collision - Imago
Space Dimension Controller - Galactic Insurgents
Spectrums Data Forces - Reencarnación
Stanny Abram - Trapped Emotion
Steffi - The Red Hunter - Original Mix
Swoose - Breathe
Tensnake - How Will I Know - Extended Mix
Ternion Sound - Clutch
Terrace - Cocoons
The Darrow Chem Syndicate,-Urbano-,Jormek - Feel From You - Urbano & Jormek Remix
The Glitch Mob - Antireal
The Sun Vanished,S4ER - Stab through my Heart
Thought Trails - Energy Crew
Tiga,Der Zyklus - Easy - Der Zyklus - Quantum Matrix
Under The Radar (UK) - Sorrow
Unlimited Touch - In the Middle
Vadim Shantor - Drop It
Vedelius,Lok44 - The Crypt - Lok44 Mix
Viers - Summoning Salt
VOLTAIRE - Frequencies
WAHM (FR),Index Ñuul Kukk,Henrik Schwarz - Destiny - Henrik Schwarz Remix
Walker & Royce,Sophiegrophy,VNSSA - No Drama (VNSSA Remix)
WZA - In Your Heart
Young and Company - I Like What You're Doing To Me
Zobol - Meridian
ZOF - Bubble (Extended Mix)
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Digital Workplace Market Strategy and Remarkable Growth Rate By 2026
The report "Digital Workplace Market Trends by Component (Solutions [Unified Communication and Collaboration, Unified Endpoint Management, Enterprise Mobility and Management] and Services), Deployment, Organization Size, Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2026" The global digital workplace market size is expected to grow from USD 22.7 billion in 2020 to USD 72.2 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 21.3% during the forecast period. Key factors that are expected to drive the growth of the market are the cost optimization and improved productivity and availability of new technology and tools. However, lack of thought leadership among organization and clear and defined Return on Investment (ROI) are expected to limit the market growth. Apart from drivers and restraints, there are a few lucrative opportunities for digital workplace providers in the market. Increasing adoption of cloud and enterprise mobility services among enterprises and increasing adoption of workplace transformation services among SMEs are some of the opportunities for vendors in the digital workplace market. These opportunities are expected to present new market growth prospects for digital workplace vendors.
Enterprise mobility and management segment to hold a larger market size during the forecast period 
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) is a set of services and technologies designed to secure corporate data on employees’ mobile devices. While it can manifest itself in various ways, it generally consists of a suite of mobile management systems and services that protect intellectual property; specific processes that ensure the security of data; and systems that must integrate with a wide range of enterprise IT systems to meet a range of corporate concerns. The EMM emerged in large part due to the rise of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) programs. As more organizations embraced flexible policies, they turned to EMM to overcome the pitfalls of enabling personally-owned devices to access corporate data. EMM is the beneficiary strategy for organizations and their people to significantly reduce the workloads, empower IT teams to troubleshoot rapidly, improve productivity and security, and reduce costs.
SMEs segment to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period 
SMEs are defined as organizations with an employee strength ranging from 1 to 1,000. SMEs have a low marketing budget and often lack the resources and capabilities for effective marketing orchestration. The majority of SMEs are prone to cyberattacks as compared to large enterprises due to the lack of security infrastructure. According to a survey, nearly 43% of cyberattacks occur in small enterprises. Hence, SMEs need robust infrastructure to fight against cyberattacks and avoid data loss and downtime. In comparison with the large enterprises segment, the SMEs segment is facing various challenges in terms of resources. SMEs focus on reducing the overall cost and adopt enhanced infrastructures. They require a flexible payment model for better cost optimization of their business processes.
Telecommunication and ITeS vertical to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The telecommunication and ITes vertical is one of the fastest-growing verticals with respect to the adoption of advanced technologies, such as cloud computing, big data analytics, DevOps, digital stores, and social networks. The telecom companies have to manage a huge customer base; fulfill continuously changing customer demands; and offer a variety of mobile services, TV, and phone and wireless services through various devices. Handling such complex and confidential data makes it important for this vertical to adopt digital workplace practices, enhance customer satisfaction, adopt digitalization, and maintain its competitive position. The rapid advancements in cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have led telecom companies to leverage their existing infrastructures to accommodate these technologies. The software systems needed in the telecommunication and ITeS vertical have to be highly robust and reliable, as their failure can lead to huge revenue losses.
North America to account for the highest market share during the forecast period
North America is estimated to hold the largest market size in the global Digital workplace market in 2020, and the trend is expected to continue during the forecast period. Presence of huge number of enterprises and the abundant technical expertise are the major growth factors for increasing adoption of digital workplace solutions and services across region. The US is estimated to hold a larger market share in 2020 in the North American digital workplace market, and the trend is expected to continue until 2026. It is a technologically advanced country, due to the high level of technology awareness, presence of many technologically advanced players, and high IT infrastructure budgets of companies in the region.
The Digital workplace market comprises major providers, such as Atos (France), Cognizant (US), IBM (US), Wipro (India), Infosys (India), Zensar (India), Accenture (Ireland), Fujitsu (Japan), HCL Technology (India), DXC Technology (US), NTT Data (Japan), Unisys (US), HPE (US), TCS (India), Sonda (Chile), KissFlow (India), Capgemini (France), and others. The study includes an in-depth competitive analysis of key players in the Digital workplace market with their company profiles, recent developments, COVID-19 developments, and key market strategies.
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thetrek · 2 years
5 Quotes that may change your mind about mental health
“There is no standard normal. Normal is subjective. There are seven billion versions of normal on this planet.” ― Matt Haig, Reasons to Stay Alive
People assume you aren’t sick unless they see the sickness on your skin like scars forming a map of all the ways you’re hurting. My heart is a prison of Have you tried?s Have you tried exercising? Have you tried eating better? Have you tried not being sad, not being sick? Have you tried being more like me? Have you tried shutting up? Yes, I have tried. Yes, I am still trying, and yes, I am still sick.
― Emm Roy, The First Step
The only thing more exhausting than having a mental illness is pretending like you don’t. Unknown
 It’s okay to feel unstable. It’s okay to disassociate. And, it’s okay to hide from the world. And, it’s okay to need help. It’s okay not to be okay. Your mental illness is not a personal failure. Unknown
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araekniarchive · 3 years
shrinking, sickening;
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Gillian Flynn, Sharp Objects
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Kristen O’Neal, Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses
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Amanda Stayton and Bridget Keown, ‘Golden Girls, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the Legacies of Hysteria’ - Nusing Clio
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John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
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Emm Roy, The First Step
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Soraya Chemaly, The power of anger
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Female patient with sleep hysteria (via wikimedia)
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Hillary Johnson, Osler’s Web: Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic
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Jennifer Brea, What happens when you have a disease doctors can’t diagnose
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Anna Akhmatova, The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova
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thinfatfit · 3 years
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serenityquest · 4 years
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