#eira mikaelson
aelenavelaryon · 1 month
In which Sam and Dean Winchester find out their whole life has been a lie and Mary Winchester was never their mother.
New Story Coming Up
A Crossover between Supernatural/ The Originals/ The Vampire Diaries
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intoxicatingintimacyy · 6 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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roleplayfinder · 3 months
Hello hello!  The name’s Tulsa and I’m 25 years old and searching for some new writing partners!  I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well.  As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends.  I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time. 
  Just a few quick rules that are important are as follows: 
  All partners must be 18+
I’m a fan of smut and think it can lend itself to the plot, so as long as it makes sense in the plot I’d love to include it!
Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance.  I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal.  I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs.  Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!
  Onto what I’m looking for would be someone willing to play M fandom characters against my F ones in romantic and angsty pairings!  Below you’ll find the list of pairings I’m currently looking for :).
  Derek Hale x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
  Kol Mikaelson x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
  Loki Laufeyson x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
  Tate Langdon x Violet Harmon - AHS: Murder House
  Billy Hargrove x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
  Spencer Reid x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
  Draco Malfoy x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
  Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad.  Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer.  The following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
  Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha.  Hope to hear from y’all!
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findyourrp · 8 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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findroleplay · 8 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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anotherrpfinder · 8 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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findingroleplays · 1 year
Hey! Trying to make this as short and to the point as possible haha, so the name’s Tulsa, I’m 24 and I’m in EST. I can typically reply multiple times during the day and evening and would prefer someone who can at least reply once a week. I’m looking for someone to play M opposite my F characters, and to put it out there now, I do not double in the sense that I will not do one pairing in exchange for another (you playing my love interest and us doing a separate plot where I play yours). I find it hard to focus and they never end up fair in my experience. I’ll gladly play side characters though, they bring the story to life!
Right now I’m on the hunt for mostly fandom plots, but also an original vampire(M)/human(F) plot! As for fandoms, these are the characters/ships I’m searching for. When it comes to ocs, I know there tends to be a negative stigma, but I’d appreciate even just reaching out to get their bios and/or to ask for more info.
~Kol Mikaelson~ & Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
~Derek Hale~ & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
~Loki Laufeyson~ & Eira Jarledottir (OC) - MCU
~Michael Morbius~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Milo/Lucien Crown~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Billy Hargrove~ & Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
~Finnick Odair~ & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
~Inuyasha~ & Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha
~Tomoe~ & Nanami - Kamisama Kiss
~Spencer Reid~ & Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
The male roles, aka the ones with ~ around them, would be who you’d play while I’d play the other half of the pairing. we can easily discuss triggers and other deeper things if we decide to play together. Let me know if you’re interested, my discord is toxicdeliquency#7795
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yourroleplayfinder · 1 year
Hi all! The name is Tulsa and the game is roleplaying… that was cringey I know, but just ignore it okay? Okay. Anyways, I’m on the hunt for some new partners that are interested in angsty, romantic and, of course, dramatic plots. In said plots I’d prefer to play the F in M/F pairings, it’s just what I’m most comfortable with : ). Aside from that though, I am 24 which means all of my partners NEED to be 18+, there is no wiggle room on this. Please don’t lie and say you’re of age if you’re not, it’s dangerous.
  We can discuss rules, limits and triggers privately if we decide to move forward, however there is one rule I’ll let you know of now since it puts some people off. I don’t double. I will gladly play multiple side characters, however I will not do one pairing in exchange for another (you playing my love interest and us doing a separate plot where I play yours). I find it hard to focus and they never end up fair in my experience. I hope that makes sense lol.
  Below you’ll find a list of pairings I’m interested in, the role I’d like you to play will have ~ ~ around it. Some of my fandom plots do involve me as original characters, with that being said, each has a written out backstory that I can send if there’s any interest, so don’t hesitate to ask!
  ~Kol Mikaelson~ & Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
~Derek Hale~ & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
~Loki Laufeyson~ & Eira Jarledottir (OC) - MCU
~Peter Parker~ & Gwen Stacy - MCU verse
~Vampire~ & Human - Non-Fandom
~Michael Morbius~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Milo/Lucien Crown~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Billy Hargrove~ & Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
~Finnick Odair~ & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
~Inuyasha~ & Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha
~Sesshomaru~ & Rin(AU) - Inuyasha
~Tomoe~ & Nanami - Kamisama Kiss
~Peter Pan~ & Human Embodiment of North Star (OC) - either OUAT or simply Neverland-verse
~Werewolf~ & Red Riding Hood - Dark!Fairy tale
  I also have an idea for original Hunger Games characters that dwell in the capitol, but they’re the same age as the tributes, so they’re watching the games and dealing with all of the feelings that come with that.
  If any of this interests you, please feel free to pm me on tumblr directly or like this post!  (liking the post may take me a while to see though). 🌶️🕊️
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roleplay-cupid · 1 year
Hi all! The name is Tulsa and the game is roleplaying… that was cringey I know, but just ignore it okay? Okay. Anyways, I’m on the hunt for some new partners that are interested in angsty, romantic and, of course, dramatic plots. In said plots I’d prefer to play the F in M/F pairings, it’s just what I’m most comfortable with : ). Aside from that though, I am 24 which means all of my partners NEED to be 18+, there is no wiggle room on this. Please don't lie and say you're of age if you're not, it's dangerous.
We can discuss rules, limits and triggers privately if we decide to move forward, however there is one rule I’ll let you know of now since it puts some people off. I don’t double. I will gladly play multiple side characters, however I will not do one pairing in exchange for another (you playing my love interest and us doing a separate plot where I play yours). I find it hard to focus and they never end up fair in my experience. I hope that makes sense lol.
Below you’ll find a list of pairings I’m interested in, the role I’d like you to play will have ~ ~ around it. Some of my fandom plots do involve me as original characters, with that being said, each has a written out backstory that I can send if there’s any interest, so don’t hesitate to ask!
~Kol Mikaelson~ & Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
~Derek Hale~ & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
~Loki Laufeyson~ & Eira Jarledottir (OC) - MCU
~Peter Parker~ & Gwen Stacy - MCU verse
~Vampire~ & Human - Non-Fandom
~Michael Morbius~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Milo/Lucien Crown~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Tarrant Hightop~ & Alice Kingsley - Dark!Alice in Wonderland
~Jack Frost~ & Elsa - Dark/AU versions of Frozen and Guardians
~Finnick Odair~ & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
I also have an idea for original Hunger Games characters that dwell in the capitol, but they're the same age as the tributes, so they're watching the games and dealing with all of the feelings that come with that.
If any of this interests you, please feel free to add me on Discord toxicdeliquency#7795
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roleplay-today · 1 year
Hi all! The name is Tulsa and the game is roleplaying… that was cringey I know, but just ignore it okay? Okay. Anyways, I’m on the hunt for some new partners that are interested in angsty, romantic and, of course, dramatic plots. In said plots I’d prefer to play the F in M/F pairings, it’s just what I’m most comfortable with : ). Aside from that though, I am 24 which means all of my partners NEED to be 18+, there is no wiggle room on this. Please don't lie and say you're of age if you're not, it's dangerous.
We can discuss rules, limits and triggers privately if we decide to move forward, however there is one rule I’ll let you know of now since it puts some people off. I don’t double. I will gladly play multiple side characters, however I will not do one pairing in exchange for another (you playing my love interest and us doing a separate plot where I play yours). I find it hard to focus and they never end up fair in my experience. I hope that makes sense lol.
Below you’ll find a list of pairings I’m interested in, the role I’d like you to play will have ~ ~ around it. Some of my fandom plots do involve me as original characters, with that being said, each has a written out backstory that I can send if there’s any interest, so don’t hesitate to ask!
~Kol Mikaelson~ & Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
~Derek Hale~ & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
~Loki Laufeyson~ & Eira Jarledottir (OC) - MCU
~Peter Parker~ & Gwen Stacey - MCU verse
~Vampire~ & Human - Non-Fandom
~Michael Morbius~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Milo/Lucien Crown~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Tarrant Hightop~ & Alice Kingsley - Dark!Alice in Wonderland
~Jack Frost~ & Elsa - Dark/AU versions of Frozen and Guardians
~Finnick Odair~ & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
I also have an idea for original Hunger Games characters that dwell in the capitol, but they're the same age as the tributes, so they're watching the games and dealing with all of the feelings that come with that.
If any of this interests you, please feel free to add me on Discord toxicdeliquency#7795
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einarlokison · 2 years
[Side blog run by: @wolfridds ]
✩ ATTENTION!! Anything NSFW please DNI, this place is strictly SFW and therefore minors are allowed to interact if they choose to do so. Crossover friendly!
You are welcome to interact with me or rp with my oc through DM otherwise asks or reblogs are welcome, I won’t keep them going to too long!
TW: There is mentions of death, near death experiences, torture, destruction of universes (if I missed anything plz let me know!)
Einar IC: Text be orange 🍊
A/N PLEASE READ: I do NOT ship Loki and Klaus, though apparently it’s a crossover crack ship idk. My OC is the making of a crossover of two of my favourite characters that happened to meet of pure randomness, nothing in this should be taken seriously! Please don’t attack me!
OK!! now that you’ve read that, introducing… ✩
Name: Einar Lokison/Mikaelson
Nickname(s): E, Ez, Ezzy, Narz, Narzzy
Species: Frost Giant, Triggered Evolved Werewolf, Vampire (Klaus’ Sireline), Triggered Mikaelson Witch (Tribrid)
Ethnicity/Race: Jotunn, Asgardian-Tribrid
Aliases: The Bastard Mutt, Wolf-Vamp Sorcerer, The Forbidden Tribrid, Magical Hybrid, The Illusionist Hybrid, An Immortal Mistake, Damned Mongrel, A parasite to all pureblood werewolves, Doggo Man, Pupper Man
Age: 29 - looks 19
Birthday: January 17th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’9”
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Originally blue, now steal grey - glow amber yellow when in wolf form
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Accent: Quite British
AU Niklaus Mikaelson (father) [below are list of AU!The Originals family relating to Klaus!]
AU Freya Mikaelson (aunty), Finn Mikaelson (uncle), Elijah Mikaelson (uncle), Kol Mikaelson (uncle), Rebekah Mikaelson (aunty)
Marcel Gerard (adoptive brother, older)
Hope Mikaelson (biological half sister, younger)
OC Eira Mikaelson (multiversal half sister, younger)
AU Loki Laufeyson (mother/father) † [below are ocs and fam from ^^ side]
@wolfyocs Rúna Maximoff-Lokisdottir (biological half sister, younger)
Vera Maximoff-Lokisdottir (bio half sister, younger) †
Arne Maximoff-Lokison (bio half brother, younger) †
From alternate realities, mainly others from rps!
@inz-lokisdottir (multiversal half sister, younger)
@kaiduslokison (multiversal half brother, younger)
Illusions (Learning)
Shapeshifting (Werewolf only)
Super speed, super strength, dexterity, healing factor, agility, durability, speed, stamina, longetivity and other physical attributes
Cold immunity
Teleportation (Not learnt)
Dimensional Manipulation (short periods of time, drains most of not all of his energy)
Blood Magick
Elemental Magick
Versed in various incantations
Asgardian Magic (Not learnt, unaware of)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality Type (mbti): INTJ-T (Architect) hinting ENTJ (commander) at times.
Personality: In a way Einar takes after both his parents, but he is his own man in his own right. He is quiet and rational, known to be very independent, creative and self-motivated therefore strives to do things his own way. Unlike many, he does not rely on the status quo. He can be ambitious and won't stop until he's achieved his definition of success. Because of this he can be very stubborn. He is open to new ideas but can be skeptical by nature, often questioning things in order to properly understand a concept.
He is prone to being rather dismissive of emotions given his more rational side which often means he struggles to relate or understand others on an emotional level and can get frustrated. However, he can have great deal of self-control, particularly when it comes to thoughts and feelings, most of the time. There are certain times when he will loose his temper and become uncontrollably aggressive this is due to his werewolf nature. When the people in his life fail to match his level of restraint, he can appear scathingly critical and can get rather impatient. He sometimes gets caught up in arguing because he hates blindly following anything without understanding why. He has a kind demeanour and portrays himself as a gentle natured soul but despite that, Einar can sometimes be manipulative even when he doesn't realise he's doing it.
He isn’t a social butterfly, even though he seems like he can hold a conversation he is a difficult individual to get to know and can be a mysterious when it comes to revealing anything about himself. If forced into large gatherings he will often keep to himself or in the shadows, trying not to get too heavily involved. Getting to know people and making friends has never been Einar’s strong suit and he is okay with that. He enjoys his own company and is more than happy to discover life on his own.
Note: Nothing below is canon in anyway, shape or form! Do NOT take seriously!
Einar Lokison/Mikaelson, a name derived from Old Norse meaning ‘lone warrior’, the name given to him by his favourite uncle Elijah. He was born in New Orleans, USA Louisiana to the infamous Werewolf-Vampire hybrid Klaus Mikaelson who for a very brief period of time (literally a night) visited his favourite city and Loki Laufeyson—who at the time was in feminine form and went by the name Lotus—yes, the Norse God of Mischief. Being the firstborn, Einar was the heir to Asgard’s throne however Loki did not wish for his son to return with him to his respected universe because of his tainted blood as a werewolf-vampire hybrid instead he deemed him ‘An Immortal Mistake’ and claimed that he’d never be worthy to be called a Prince of Asgard and so Loki left Einar under the care and protection of the Mikaelsons.
Although, at this time Klaus never really cared for kids and was hell bent on creating a name for himself as the big bad therefore rarely spent time with his son. Despite that, he did care that his son never was properly influenced by his mad state and so trusted his siblings to care for Einar. Elijah, his uncle was the fill in, as was Rebekah, Einar’s aunty when Klaus was in one of his rampages. His time spent with the siblings was filled with learning about his family’s story and who they were. While his werewolf side lay dormant and his vampirism meant he’d have to die to turn he spent his time focusing on unlocking his magical side. Einar’s uncle Kol was skilled in the art and helped him to discover and harness his gift. As a firstborn his abilities came on stronger which caused bursts of rage. It took him a little while to properly control the Mikaelson witch inside of him. Aside from this he was fully unaware of his Jotunn genes or the Asgardian Magic he could of leant from Loki, only learning that he was more sensitive to heat than anyone else.
When Einar was about 8 he experienced his first time fleeing from Mikael, his grandfather and the ruthless vampire hunter that his father and the rest of the family had been running for centuries. Elijah, Rebekah and Niklaus argued on the best way to safely protect Einar, however they ended up hiding in a small town in Spain for the good part of an entire year. There the Mikaelson family hid in plain sight, blending into their environment and with the people there. Einar was able to learn Spanish for the most part. It was a year later that they returned to America, seeking shelter in Canada for a short span of time before Klaus and Elijah got into a massive disagreement that ended with Klaus leaving with Einar and moving once again to Norway in hopes of throwing Mikael off. He was around the age of 10 at the time. They spent about a year or so there meaning that Einar was about 11 when they returned home to America.
On their return, Klaus told his son that he was on some mission to find a special stone that would give him access to his wolf side. Naturally, Einar was curious and had no choice but to join his father in hunting for the Moonstone. They travelled all over the country in search of this stone. In this story, Einar was thrown into the real world of being a vampire. Despite Elijah’s efforts to keep him from the pain and torment that his younger brother was causing, Einar was exposed to the cruelty his father could bring. It around this time that he started to question, challenge and rebel against the rules that were often placed upon him in order to keep him safe.
It was when he was about 13 that Loki finally decided to show up in his life, returning to demand that Einar fall under his custody. Despite Elijah’s arguments and Niklaus’ threats, Loki wouldn’t take no as an answer and ripped Einar away from the Mikaelsons entirely and brought him back to his own earth. There he was forced into the life of being an older brother, helping to care for his apparent younger sisters, Vera who was 4 and Rúna (@wolfyocs) who was 2 at the time of his arrival. It took quite a bit of time but he adjusted to his situation and spent 4 whole years under Loki’s protection despite being rather distant and reluctant to build any connection with him. Einar grew rather close and adored his youngest sister, Rúna even though she was so young at the time.
After 4 reasonably peaceful years, it was unfortunately at the age of 17 that he got into an argument with Loki about how incredibly wrong it was for him to take him away from the Mikaelsons given in his eyes they were his actual family. This fight happened to break out of a trip to the park. He lost control of his temper and an unexpected burst of magic was released from him, accidentally killing several adults and sadly kids in the process. In doing so he triggered his werewolf curse.
Naturally, Einar felt terrible for what he had done and went into hiding with the help of Wanda and Pietro. However, during the full moon of that month Einar turned into a wolf for the first time. He almost killed Rúna and according to Loki had to be knocked out by magic to properly contain him. It was after that night that Loki made the decision and kicked him out of the house indefinitely saying he was a danger to his sisters and everyone around him and had proven to be the Immortal Mistake that he had been called the day he had been born.
Einar was forced to disappear from his sister’s lives and fend for himself. He spent that year of his life trying to figure out how to return to the universe he had come from previously. He wanted to go home. It wasn’t until late November in that year that he finally discovered the portal his father-mother had been using. Without hesitation he travelled through the portal and returned to New Orleans. He was welcomed back with open arms and tears, well at least from Rebekah. His father wasn’t the crying type. He learnt that time was a little different in that universe and meant that he was technically 18. Dimension jumping was weird. He was told of the problems surrounding the New Orleans witches and the threat they were to the soon to be newest member of the Mikaelson family. Einar of course by habit was determined to help protect the apparent ‘Miracle Baby’ that would be his sister. However, his efforts were stopped when the witches put a hex on him, or at least attempted to do so. He was a lot more powerful in his magic than they anticipated and he cast a protection spell, it wasn’t enough because it only managed to effect the colouring of his eyes which turned from blue to steal grey, his sight isn’t best but his werewolf side helps him with proper navigation.
As a result of his failure, Hayley Marshall was forced to give birth to a daughter. The witches took the baby and killed Hayley in the process in need for completing a sacrifice without interruption. They were not counting on Einar to storm in on them in a Mikaelson rage in revenge for them cutting off his efforts to fulfil the protection of his baby sister. In the mitts of his anger he killed 5 witches in total, ultimately upsetting the balance within the witch covens. His father wasn’t genuinely surprised by his burst of anger, but what did confuse him was the lack of remorse Einar felt towards the killings. He was surprised when his son claimed that the lives taken were worth it because Hope Mikaelson, his sister was safe. Of course in Klaus’ eyes he couldn’t disagree with that. However, Elijah pointed out the problem with that revelation and voiced his concerns.
After considerate thinking and analysing of his own actions, Einar made the decision to leave the protection of the Mikaelsons in order to try and ‘find himself’ and Although, on the day he left which was a week after his nineteenth birthday he was ambushed by an outsider pack of werewolves. They captured, tortured and killed him claiming that he was a parasite to the werewolf bloodlines. It was his father who found him lying dead a few hours later in a warehouse just outside of New Orleans. Einar awoke moments later, in transition, in order to complete his transition he needed to drink human blood. Klaus took him back to the New Orleans compound where he completed his transition and became the first Jotunn/Asgardian-Supernatural Tribrid.
The Mikaelsons taught Einar how to properly control his blood lust, however by the age of 20 his magic was growing stronger. With the arrival of Freya Mikaelson, Klaus’ lost older sister, together they learnt that he alone was becoming a beacon for a much greater threat than the Original Vampire family had ever faced, mulitversal bounty hunters. Much to Elijah and Klaus’ uncertainty and in order to protect his family, Einar finally left New Orleans, fleeing across the world to Norway in hopes that whatever or whoever was after him would be drawn away. His plan in fact did work because shortly after arriving in Norway he was faced with strange people who came in through portals and attempted to capture him. Being more prepared and having reasonably good control of his magic, Einar managed to fight off the hunters long enough to make an escape. It’s worth noting that he is basically self taught in a lot of his magic excluding the Mikaelson witch inside of him. In those three years, Loki never bothered to teach him Asgardian Magic. Anyway, he created his first tear in space and time, a portal that he had no choice but to dive into in order to survive.
For a good 2 years he hopped his way through different dimensions. Not on a regular basis because creating portals drained his abilities but enough times to avoid being noticed or tracked easily by hunters. He spent a lot of his time in wolf form or pulling a classic Mikaelson and constantly staying on the move once he’d settled on a universe to hid in. Those few years were tough especially being a novice to the entire concept of the multiverse. In his time learning how to navigate his portal openings Einar made errors, usually involving him landing in apocalyptic worlds or universes where chaos and destruction was the epicentre. He saw a lot of death and everything that came with it. Of course there are various side stories to be shared that happened within those years.
When he was about 23 he grew extremely exhausted from the constant paranoia, anxiety and ptsd and turned his humanity off, as a vampire he had that ability meaning exactly what it states. He pulled a switch on his emotions, basically having second to no feelings about anything whatsoever. His time as a vamp with no humanity lasted an entire year and a half (see side stories for better detail) and was not the really considered the highlight of his life either, like most vampires it was a time of darkness, a journey to find better light. Still, he powered forward, determined to continue to live the second life he had been given to him at least to the best of his ability.
Around the age of 25 Einar was one day unfortunately caught off guard and captured by The Vortex Society. (See side stories for more!) They experimented and ‘studied’ on him for 2 years before he finally escaped. He then spent the next couple of years hiding out, devising a plan to destroy the place that held him captive and made his life a living hell. Only one thing came back as a positive, Einar learnt of his sister Rúna’s whereabouts. Only recently he multiverse hopped into the earth where Rúna lives with the avengers and her other siblings. He made attempts to reach her before finally managing to land in that current universe.
Special side stories:
Extra(s)/Fun Facts:
• Unlike a lot of his siblings, he is not worthy to pick up Mjölnir despite not having any real malicious intent.
• Cannot properly shapeshift but can only shift into a wolf, because he is a hybrid he can do so voluntarily and willingly.
• Like any other vampire he does need human blood in order to survive.
• He loves animals, has always wanted a horse!
• Einar was actually named after his uncle Elijah’s favourite horse that he had when he was much younger.
• His wolf form is grey, with dark tones.
• He has a scar down his left eye, it’s evidence of the hex the New Orleans witches tried to put on him. Because of his healing factor, he possess no other physical scars.
• The only thing that can kill him is the one of the kind Red Oak that sprouted only in the New Orleans of his universe after Einar unlocked his full Tribrid self.
• Jazz music has a deep effect on him because of his connection with New Orleans. It’s the only way to calm his wolf when he becomes too aggressive.
Faceclaim: FaceSwap between Joseph Morgan and Tom Hiddleston! (Nothing to be taken seriously!!)
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aelenavelaryon · 1 month
|| MOTHER ||
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Nova was special. She had always been special, even as a young girl. She had always been beautiful yet forbidden. Nova was born a long long time ago, with the name Nova. The first of the Gods. She had the most beautiful white/golden hair and purple/bluish-green eyes, depending on if she was out in the sun or the shade, her skin was a bit pale but beautiful nevertheless. When she met Amara and his brother, the young God become obsessed, perhaps because she was beautiful or maybe because she was powerful and older than both of them. 
It was no secret that Nova kept to herself and was rarely seen with any of the other Gods or even with the other angels and archangels. The goddess was quiet and very shy, she preferred to be alone most of the time. In the rare times, she was accompanied by anyone it was either Amara, Lucifer, Michael or Gabriel, and Castiel when he was very young. When God created humans she watched them from afar, they were fascinating to her. But, then all peace turned into a war. Amara rebelled against her brother, Lucifer rebelled after sealing Amara away. Nova was not involved in any of the mess, she tried to help Amara but the young goddess told her to keep herself away from her brother. 
Nova didn't know it then, but she should've listened to Amara's words of warning. The rebellion was about Nova, Lucifer and Amara were trying to protect her from God who wanted to marry the woman. But, Lucifer managed to send her to Earth with the help of smaller Gods who wanted to protect her from God. But, a fallen Goddess who had no idea about falling and things like that was a dangerous guessing game. It was a mess and she lost her memories. When God found her he tried to make her fall in love with him but it failed, instead, she chose a human, Cain. God decided to punish them both. Everytime she would fall in love soon after she would die but not quiet. It was more of like a sleeping coma, she would wake with no memory of her life. It was a petty punishment and all because she couldn't love him back like he wanted her to.
Then, came John Winchester. The man she had come to love from afar. When they met, John instant fell in love, love at first sight, if you must. She was kind and loving, she even watied for him to return from the marines. They got married and had children. Gabriel, and the other gods were surprise to see that God had yet to notice but it wasn't far after that she died, in a fire. A few years later John remarried a woman named Mary. Thanks to the Archangel Gabriel it was easier to manipulate the memories of John and his children, even Mary's to remember that he had always loved Mary and that she was the mother of his children. Gabriel saved the lives of the Winchester children by pretending Mary Campbell was their mother. 
When Lucifer is freed he looks for his sweet friend and everything gets even more complicated. The question is, for the better or for the worst? 
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intoxicatingintimacyy · 6 months
A lil search :)
Hi all!  Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe.  I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12??  Soooo for a hot minute lol.  I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply.  However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*.  Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.  
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol. 
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+.  I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.  
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return.  One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content.  Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me.  This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : ) 
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people.  The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well.  Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life!  The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way?  Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing.  I don’t do that.  There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have?  Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol.  Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots.  I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best.  
One of the original ideas I’m hung up on rn is a MxF plot based on Hades and Persephone.  Whether it be the actual story or we change it up completely and just keep the generic ‘man lures woman into his world’ idea, there’s endless possibilities! 
These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad.  Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer.  I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : ) 
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
OKAY!  I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned.  If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha.  Hope to hear from y’all! 
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roleplayfinder · 5 months
Hello hello! The name’s Tulsa and I’m 25 years old and searching for some new writing partners! I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well. As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends. I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time.
Just a few quick rules that are important are as follows:
All partners must be 18+
I’m a fan of smut and think it can lend itself to the plot, so as long as it makes sense in the plot I’d love to include it!
Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance. I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal. I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs. Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!
Onto what I’m looking for would be someone willing to play M fandom characters against my F ones in romantic and angsty pairings! Below you’ll find the list of pairings I’m currently looking for :).
Derek Hale x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
Kol Mikaelson x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
Loki Laufeyson x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
Billy Hargrove x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
Spencer Reid x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
Draco Malfoy x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. The following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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findyourrp · 8 months
Hi all!  Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe.  I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12??  Soooo for a hot minute lol.  I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply.  However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*.  Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.  
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol. 
  The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+.  I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.  
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return.  One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content.  Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me.  This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : ) 
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people.  The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well.  Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life!  The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way?  Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing.  I don’t do that.  There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
  I think those are all of the rules I have?  Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol.  Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots.  I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best.  These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
  Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad.  Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer.  I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : ) 
  This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
  Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
  OKAY!  I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned.  If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
  Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha.  Hope to hear from y’all!
(uhhhhhh idk how to include an emoji on desktop, but I swear I read the rules lol)
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findroleplay · 9 months
Hi all!  Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe.  I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12??  Soooo for a hot minute lol.  I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply.  However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*.  Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.  
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol. 
  The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+.  I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.  
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return.  One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content.  Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me.  This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : ) 
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people.  The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well.  Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life!  The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way?  Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing.  I don’t do that.  There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
  I think those are all of the rules I have?  Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol.  Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots.  I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best.  These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
  Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad.  Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer.  I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : ) 
  This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
  Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
  OKAY!  I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned.  If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
  Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha.  Hope to hear from y’all!
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