#ecology au
kabru-of-utaya · 2 months
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hello it's me again :| reference sheets for these idiots in the Florida ecology modern au. thank you (it's all I will ever draw hope you understand /j)
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torveiglyart · 15 days
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A continuation of my post season 8 Black Paladin Lance AU. I’m trying to keep things close to canon with the other characters but am open to divergent suggestions.
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bonefall · 9 months
bonefall, you've replaced a lot of the fox and badger encounters with boars instead (which makes sense) - but now what are clan cat's relationships with foxes and badgers? sorry if you've already stated this somewhere else
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[ID: Stock photo of a European badger and a cat. They're about the same size.]
Badgers are pretty simple; they're a major, but not insurmountable problem for Clan cats. They're like a BIG, strong rogue. There's actually plenty of them on Clan territory, they don't get "chased out" like canon.
EXCEPT in WindClan, back when Tunneling was a practice. Badgers will leave you alone if you leave their burrows alone, but had a habit of moving into WindClan's tunnels and raiding rabbit warrens. WindClan specifically would chase them out in-mass.
BB!Badger facts;
Use in a name invokes strength, or construction ability.
Badgers are respected for their ability to dig setts.
In a one-on-one fight, a badger poses a serious danger to all but the strongest warriors. You want two or three cats if you're going to take on a badger; two is usually more than enough.
Bluestar had to kill a badger alone once, when Cricketkit and Darkkit wandered off one snowy night. That was pretty early in her leadership. She lost a life.
They're grumpy, but will leave you alone if you respect their space. Usually a badger that's attacking was pissed off for some other reason, or is defending cubs.
ShadowClan will eat them, insisting that they just need to be spiced up and it's a lot of meat to waste.
Badgers are generally considered "less dangerous" than foxes.
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[ID: A fox and a black cat. The fox is considerably taller and larger.]
This is wildlife that needs to be treated with caution. Foxes can get pretty big, and are notoriously quite intelligent. A weakened warrior or a wayward apprentice could be killed by an opportunistic fox, though it's rare that a fox will put itself in danger against a healthy adult cat.
Clan cats have three words for various types of foxes which are uniquely dealt with. Vixen, Fox, and Todd. These don't actually have anything to do with the sex of the animal, unlike English.
a TODD is a young, roving fox who has no territory.
In Clanmew, they're called Ka'ak, based on the clicking challenge call between two foxes. They tend to bother each other more than they bother Clan cats.
Todds are associated with aimless mischief. They wander in, cause problems, and then usually move on as if they're bored. Occasionally though, they will unseat the local foxes and vixens, in terms of dominance or even in terms of winning territory!
When used in a name, it implies general troublemaking just for the sake of it. It's almost playful.
a FOX is a fox that lives in some kind of group.
This usually refers to a vixen's kits, or the local dog foxes. In Clanmew, these are called Aowao, based off the close-contact call foxes make when they're communicating.
A fox in a group is a pack full of trouble. This is where the insult "foxheart" starts to get its bite. Groups of foxes get bold and curious, and a cat is a sizeable meal to them, if they could manage to pick one off.
When used in a name, it implies cleverness or scheming. It's much more social than either of the other two uses, as well.
a VIXEN is an established, mature animal that rules a territory.
Vixens consistently get named by Clan cats, because those names have a use. Whitespot, the Valley Fox, Big Ginger; and their territories are noted by the Head of Hunting. Any changes in 'ownership' are a point of concern, because the vixen you know is better than the one you don't.
And rest assured, if you DID happen to chase off one vixen, there would surely be a todd looking to take the space. Clan cats learned long ago that you can't chase off all the foxes in the forest, it's best to simply select for the least troublesome vixens.
The Clanmew word for vixens, Bwaayr, comes from the haunting screech of a fox during the mating season, which sounds like a person being murdered.
This, when used in an insult, implies active malice. Vixens cause trouble that they know they can get away with, and know their territories very well. A vixen is an older animal, probably raising little fox groups of their own. They're minded cautiously.
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mumbledramblings · 4 months
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[Trigun AU]
You ever wake up in a grave with neither memories nor a name and find out you're possessed by an annoying spirit who insists you should care about who you apparently used to be?
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you-need-not-apply · 1 month
In 2020, Australia conducted a survey on the amount of brumbies (feral/invasive horses) destroying the lands in north New South Wales. They found around 14 thousand invasive horses living in the land. They estimated this number would grow by 20% per year in coming years unless something is done.
Today that means 29,030 horses destroying the landscape, causing permanent damage to native species and grasslands.
When confronted with this statistic the pro-brumby lobbies said quote “we don’t trust the scientists”
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cactusprisms · 2 months
*deep sigh* because Vesta is half an astral she does in fact need an inhuman form. And because she’s half of Ifrit it needs to be close to Ifrit’s appearance. I am going to be consumed by this
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swallowtailed · 22 days
fic: a discipline of disappearing acts
hxh. g. 2.6k. kite & ging. that flashback scene on the cliff, but it's conservation biology.
Midwinter found Kite on a stretch of dirt road in a misty forest. It’d been so long since he last left the university campus, since he followed the vanishing point over the horizon. He’d missed it. He really had.
[or: two conservation biologists meet in a far-off place to discuss extinction and survival.]
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alternis · 7 months
thinking about it, I think a big part of fanonisation is the flattening of genre?
voltron was mecha show. did fanon include the big robot battles? fanon batman isnt solving mysteries or fighting criminals. nobody was taking on supervillains in 'avengers tower' fics.
sci-fi works lose their tech, supernatural works lost their monsters, mystery works lose their mysteries; all replaced by a more easily replicable and transferable set of tropes and plots that settle over the original tone, genre, characters, like a thick layer of landlord-white paint.
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askdannysroleswapau · 4 months
hey gumball! what's your favorite thing to do? (。・ω・。)
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(legal disclaimer i do NOT endorse trespassing please be responsible and stay out of trouble)
Voidball works very hard to be good at parkour and gymnastic stuff so they can pull off super flashy stunts during their fights with Robin.
would've had this one done yesterday but i've been hit with the nastiest cold known to man so i cant really draw right now. blast!! at least i have this time to plan some stuff out :)
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First chapter of my Les Mis ecology grad school AU just posted! Come check out all the different ways I can shamelessly project on these characters.
Story-wise, featuring: Grantaire has a very shitty day followed by a very irritating morning. Enjolras acquires a cause.
Author's notes wise, featuring: opinions on French presses and strong opinions on ways to include code in a paper's supplemental materials.
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suppotato123 · 1 year
Hey this is poll 2 thanks again to everyone who participated in the first one!
- [ ] Thaumaturgical Artificing- The scientific study and application of magic as it pertains to Alchemy (the creation of of potions) and Arcana (the engineering of magical devices).
- [ ] Advanced Applied Necromancy- A degree for those looking for the most modern and ethical methods of raising the dead. This is a degree for those looking for new and inventive ways to apply the Necromantic Arts to the betterment of society. Students can expect to learn the ways in which Necromancy can be applied to various fields such as medicine, criminal justice, and even industry, all wrapped up in serious discussions about ethics and consent.
- [ ] Arcanic Archaeology- This degree walks students through the history of magical artifacts, how to find them, and their proper uses to aspiring Sorcerers and non-magic users alike.
- [ ] Linguistic Incantology- The study of the properties of magical languages as well as the characteristics of those languages in general ascertained in order to gain mastery over the magical art of incantation.
- [ ] Runic Studies- the study of the history of runes and sigils, their relevance in art, politics, and culture, and their various uses to the modern spell caster.
- [ ] Magiphysical Sciences- The study of Humanoid systems, anatomy, and physical health and fitness as it pertains to magical gestures and more physically involved magic systems.
- [ ] Mystic Virology- The study of magical diseases and curses, their effects on the humanoid form, and the treatments and counterhexes for such magical conditions.
- [ ] Beasts Behavior and Health Sciences- This degree will prepare students for work with both wild and domestic fantastical creatures by giving them essential knowledge and essential skills in magical veterinary medicine and biology, grooming, feeding, and care, as well as wildlife rehabilitation.
- [ ] Magical Performance Arts- A degree for those seeking to enchant and bewilder audiences of all ages. If you’re looking for something something showy and fun, look no further! Includes the option for courses like Enchantments and Shapeshifting.
- [ ] Wandsmithing Technologies- This is a course for students looking to design wands. Students will learn to many essential lesson including, but not limited to, magidynamics, the magical components of many different wand building materials, and a comprehensive analysis on different wand styles throughout the ages. At the end students will have several wand prototypes and models under their belts.
- [ ] Criminal Justice- Study how criminal justice organizations function, deal with people and their recurring problems, and create programs and policies that include and benefit the community. Here’s the twist; we add in a little magic to make your job easier. A popular magic class taken for this degree Scrying (with a warrant of course).
- [ ] Supernatural Physics- the study of how and why magic came to be and how and why it works. Students will learn the structure of magic and how it interacts with other fundamental constituents of the universe.
- [ ] Economic Divination- This degree provides studies in supply and demand, consumer behavior, and financial markets with an added twist. Students will learn the most reliable methods of divination to help insure future financial success.
- [ ] Mystic Ecology- The study of relationships among living magical organisms, humanoids, and their physical environments. This degree looks at organisms at the individual, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere level. Students can expect to learn how to use their magic to help repair damaged ecosystems, increase power output, and cast diagnostic spells to access what remediation is necessary.
- [ ] Novel Entomology- The scientific study of magical species of insects, arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans.
- [ ] Magic History- The history of magic and it’s uses across different ages and cultures. This class will look at the different major events involving and influenced by magic and it’s interaction with society.
- [ ] General Studies- This degree covers the most basic information on various magical studies and provides a great opportunity for students to discover their magical passions and/or complete their prerequisite courses before moving on to a more advanced degree.
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kabru-of-utaya · 2 months
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uhmmmm various sketches from today of kabru and mithrun's intimacies with being life partners because they bring me such joy and I love them. thank you (as always, not ship art they're just some secret third thing, but take it as you will) and because I'm allergic to ever drawing them normally, once again these are all of them in my wife and i's Florida ecology modern AU. thank you [salute emoji]
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the-fabulous-51 · 7 months
one of these days im gonna sit my friend down and be like "can i be mentally ill in your direction" and before i get an answer just start going into extreme detail on my theories, au, and oc's about the commercial airliners/airline industry in WoC like
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for however long i can keep her captive for
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bonefall · 8 months
(because i keep getting asked about them)
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[ID: An adult female glowworm of the species Lampyris noctiluca. It has a bright green glow and clings to a plant.]
Before I even get started, let me lay down some education on the entire Lampyridae family so that we're all on the same page about the specific species that I'm going to talk about for the UK. I've done more research on this topic than the last time I brought it up, and I come bearing knowledge
Lampyridae is a family of beetles, descended from a bio-luminescent ancestor. There are more than 2000 species of Lampyridae, and they can be VERY different. This family is called "fireflies," "glowworms," and "lightningbugs" but ALL of those common names are AWFUL for referring to the full family becaaaaaauuuusee...
Not all lampyridae can fly
Not all lampyridae can glow as adults
Not all lampyridae light up passively; some use it as a lure or a warning
Not all lampyridae light up during flight
In the US, our most iconic species light up during flight, and our most common species have males and females capable of flight. So when I'm talking about "glowworms," remember that those traits are not shared by ALL species of Lampyridae, and especially not this one.
The UK has one species of glowing Lampyridae, Lampyris noctiluca, the Common Glowworm. There's one other, non-glowing species but it's extremely rare and only in the south, and an occasional visitor from mainland Europe.
Only the female lights up, and her final stage is not capable of flight. This is called a "larviform female," because she looks like the wormy adolescent stage that all Lampyridae go through.
The female will climb up to the highest blade of grass she can find and wiggle her butt around until a male, who CAN fly and does NOT glow, finds her. Then she lays eggs and dies.
So because the adults do not eat and quickly die after reproduction, most of a glowworm's life is spent as a larva.
The larval glowworm is a SPECIALIZED predator of gastropods. They hunt snails and slugs for ONE or TWO YEARS (depending on how much food there was in the first year), hibernating over the winter, then waking up and doing it again. All movement in the species is done by the larvae; they have a REALLY hard time establishing new colonies because of this.
This is NOT a pioneer species. You need to have undisturbed grass, moor, or heath, no pesticides, not overgrazed, not brightly lit, for generations of these insects AND their prey. It's REALLY easy to decimate the glowworm population in an area via carelessness.
(let alone the horror story in the Glowworm Survey page where a tiny colony was intentionally destroyed, which is why they have a policy about keeping quiet on reports of certain colonies except to researchers ;_;)
You need to protect glowworm populations when you can. If you ever briefly hear posts in passing shouting about sterile lawns, light pollution, and pesticides, THIS IS WHY. If you live on the island and feel like there's a shit ton of slugs in your garden for some reason? Might be because these factors killed off their specialized predators, leaving you with an unfilled ecological niche.
Hypothetically, glowworms should be distributed all across Great Britain, except the Scottish highlands, though they have the strongest concentration in southern England.
Functionally, their population is incredibly fragmented. They need tall grass or heather, low light pollution, undisturbed (no pesticide) land, and lots of gastropods to eat. While they can work with forest verges and railways, places for them to thrive are getting rarer and rarer in the UK.
So to restate their very specific environmental needs;
Undisturbed land Glowworms and construction don't mix. Pollution, pesticides, and destruction can destroy the little patches of land glowworms have left. They need up to two years to go from eggs to adults, and a safe place for that to happen in.
A population of gastropods Baby glowworms eat slugs and snails. Because of that, they can't live where it's too dry.
Tall grasses, shrubs, or heathers, but not TOO tall A tree won't do! Glowworms do not live in trees! The females need a tall stalk to climb to the top of, so that they can signal to flying males. At the same time, they can't hunt or find each other in a savanna or a wheat field. Well-managed heathlands are excellent habitat for glowworms.
Low light pollution If it's too bright, males can't find females. Highways with heavy traffic, urban areas, and anything else that gives off constant light will affect the glowworm population.
They glow in June to May, in summer, at night. You won't find glowworms in winter, as all the larvae are hibernating at that time.
When I determine if something will show up in the Better Bones AU and my Clan Culture expansions, I use iNaturalist to suss out if people are seeing it in the modeled region. Lads, there is a bald spot in my modeled regions. It's almost comical. The closest is in DERBYSHIRE, RIGHT out of reach.
So I'm still unsure about adding them. For now, they are not in BB. I GOT A REPORT FROM A FAN I will be adding them to BB.
"How do Clan cats feel about them?" They're unfathomnably holy, especially because they spend their larval stage eating snails which can be used in divination rituals. WindClan in particular considers themselves blessed for living around them.
"Can you use glowworms to light up the night?" Yes but that's really bad for their populations; leave them be! Clan cats wouldn't use something so holy in such a trivial way.
"Can you eat glowworms?" No they taste really bad. The chemical that makes them light up is REALLY bitter, and it's present in both the larvae and adults. Plus Clan cats wouldn't eat something so holy.
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volturialice · 8 months
I think it's so funny when people write cophine AUs that are like "what if they met in regular grad school" (as opposed to Illegal Human Experiment Science Conspiracy Honey Trap grad school)
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AUGH I am having THE THOUGHTS again. Really tempted to make some concept art for a steampunk loz au but I already have TWO OTHER PROJECTS in the making I am SO TORN
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