#each option would be a specific combo of things like:
tennessoui · 11 months
would it be annoying or fun for y’all if I were to write a “choose your own adventure”/“vote on what happens to the characters next” fic vía tumblr polls?🫣🤔
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goqmir · 3 months
hey magic the gatheringers, ive been rebuilding my favorite edh decks and hyperfixating on them lately so i just wanted to make a pretty lil post about them offering them to anyone who wants to play em :) these are my favorite decks right now and ive just run through and adjusted the decklists of all of them in the last couple days so they're fresh and ready to perform <3
the first deck is Rocco Cast From Exile!
the third rework of this decklist with the new cards from CLU really cemented that this is my favorite deck i've ever made. Rocco, Street Chef plays kingpin to a unique Naya value pile built around playing cards from exile!
this deck is similar to Prosper, who is unfortunately the face of Cast From Exile-- but unlike Prosper, this commander and the other options for CFE payoffs you get in Naya are super interesting and cool :) you get [[Feldorn]], [[Pia Nalaar]], [[Quintorius Kand]], as well as fun cheapening effects like [[Liara Portyr]] and [[Tlincalli Hunter]] on top of the delightful cascade effects green gets!
you also get to play around with +1/+1 counters (Rocco might be the best commander of all time at like... putting +1/+1s on specific individual creatures honestly??) and the magic that is food tokens (which are getting stronger and stronger each passing set). furthermore, Rocco impulse draws for your opponents, which means you get to encourage them to make tough decisions! do they play their combo piece from exile, feeding your deck? (Rocco is so efficient that they will soon learn that the answer to that question is almost always no... but you can always pretend that you're playing group hug and giving them free cards until they figure that out!)
this deck gets a lot of mana and builds up a monstrous board state very quickly. as far as individual value pieces go, be on the lookout for [[Jaheria, Friend of the Forest]], [[Inspiring Statuary]], and [[Night of the Sweets' Revenge]] for ways to make an unreal amount of mana. [[Herd Baloth]] and [[Faldorn]] will get you tokens for every card played from exile, and i would say are the main things giving you a monstrous board. don't sleep on the cascaders and thieves either-- every extra card obtained from things like [[Bloodbraid Elf]] or the Etalis net you another Cast From Exile trigger!
Naya Cast From Exile is weird and awesome and I highly recommend playing and building in this design space :) there's a lot of Naya CFE cards that work but I cut from the deck, and they give us more cards and commanders for the archetype all the time. this is definitely my favorite deck i've ever made <3
the second deck i'd like to show off is my Oloro Control decklist!
i've always been the interaction player at the table. you might find that these decklists are a bit heavy on the interaction for you actually-- i truly believe disruption is like. so important. especially when you're playing for value rather than combos like i do ^_^
so here is my dedicated Esper Control decklist! Oloro is there to keep you topped off and to draw you cards-- by playing this deck it really does net you anywhere from 10-40 extra life in a given game in my experience just by playing him. and the card draw on Oloro is pretty insane, enabling you to find the necessary ramp and bombs to end the game after you've disrupted every combo at the table :) personally i don't like Oloro the character very much at all-- don't know why, but he's a little difficult for me to look at. i personally have a custom proxy that replaces Oloro with Grusha :3
this Control deck is all about gaining slow and steady value while ensuring the bad things aren't sent your way. there are some stax pieces here, but not very strict ones-- your goal is to remain innocuous while you get the mana and cards to play your bombs and your opponents hopefully go at each other. the bombs in question are things like [[Debt to the Deathless]], [[Expropriate]], [[Torment of Hailfire]], planeswalkers like [[Sorin Markov]], and creatures that amass you value quickly like [[Drogskol Reaver]] and [[Sunscorch Regent]]. you gain life, shut down your opponents, and force unwinnable situations or knock out opponents with big bombs. it's fun!
the third deck is Vadrok Inevitable Betrayal Combo!
Vadrok here is the final fruit of my obsession with the 0 cmc suspend cards I went through a few months back. after toying with pretty much ever one in turn, Vadrok is the one that stuck around because he plays so interestingly and truly warps your table's metagame if you bring him out enough times.
let's get into the weeds: the combo here is a pretty simple one-- Vadrok is one of (and the only legendary) engine that allows you to play cards from your graveyard without exiling them after, done by mutating. [[Inevitable Betrayal]] is a 0 mana cost blue spell that takes a creature from an opponent's deck and puts it onto the battlefield under your control. The combo, then, is a gradual one: use a spell to discard Inevitable Betrayal, and mutate onto Vadrok. each mutate plays Inevitable Betrayal for free, allowing you to cheat out an opponent's creature each time. this is strong.
the deck features a suite of tutors, a variety of ways to discard cards, and every mutate card in Jeskai (except the one whose mutate cost is six mana :P). the combo is surprisingly low to the ground and quick, allowing for turn one/two discards and turn three Vadrok mutates at times. however, it's often worth waiting to mutate Vadrok onto a creature with Hexproof to ensure little interruption as you swarm the board with your opponents' best hits.
this deck, of course, relies heavily on your opponents' decks then. which is why this deck is so metagame-warping-- even at more casual tables, you'll probably see your friends take their funny eldrazi and craterhoofs out of their decks because you're so prone to winning with them. personally, i find that delightful! i tend to cycle deck usage anyway, so it's cute to steal a bunch of things for a couple weeks, have my opponents edit their decklists to remove my hits, lose interest in the deck, and come back a couple months later and steal the good hits in their new decks, repeat :) its fun having a deck that warps metagames with its presence alone.
the final deck id like to talk about is my Silvar and Trynn Humans decklist!
mardu is delightful and for the longest time i couldn't find a mardu commander i ever wanted to build! finally though, i stumbled across these two :) the art on them is so gorgeous! i love ikoria.
this deck is very fun! the only typal deck on the list, humans is a very fun type to build around and you get access to so many bangers in mardu. this deck is all about building a board of as many humans as you possibly can, then sacking them all to put 17 +1/+1 counters on Silvar and start swinging for commander lethal. how that is done is different every game, with so many fun human pieces and interaction pieces that each game feels very distinctly different from the last more so than any of the other decks discussed on this post. furthermore, mardu offers my favorite interaction suite of all time, so it's always a pleasure to play with.
teehee anyway thats my decks ive been hyperfixating on! feel free to give em a try :) sqrrk!!
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3061: Magcargo (Neo Revelation)
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Despite being an Uncommon card, Magcargo was a very notable Pokemon in the game due to its damage output. Yes, strong attacks from this did require Energy discarding, but Fire was one of the types that could accelerate, either through the Bench with Typhlosion (and a bit of luck) or from the deck with Entei (and also some luck). The damage potential and speed of the concept was enough to get play since the odds were you'd get enough out of those methods to work, even if another big downside was obvious in the stats.
80 HP was about the standard for a Stage 1 at this point, and was high enough to take a hit from things like Steelix, Scizor or even the Water-type Kingdra, but the mirror match got interesting with Magcargo Energy wars. Any major Water-type other than Kingdra could KO with that Water Weakness, and that even included giving Neo-On Metal decks an way to just slot a card in to do that with Mantine. The Retreat Cost was also high at 3, and it was also hard to fit a lot of switching cards into this sort of deck due to the need for a lot of Energy. This made it a notable problem. If Switch could still fit without too many issues, it was a good idea, but sometimes you just couldn't include it.
Magma Pool would have been way nicer on a Pokemon with a lower Retreat Cost. The Pokemon Power worked when Magcargo was your Active Pokemon and moved to the Bench. You removed a Fire Energy card attached to Magcargo and attached it to your new Active Pokemon. This at least made Double Gust less painful to use, as your new Active Pokemon would have the start of the Energy it needed to attack. Still, it was switching cards that would carry this scenario, and space problems were still an issue. It would come into play way less than you'd expect.
With all the problems, you're probably wondering why Magcargo was still so notable. Lava Flow started at a just decent 40 damage for 3 Fire Energy, but you could discard as many Fire Energy as you wanted from Magcargo when using it. 20 more damage was done for each one you discarded. While expensive, it did let Magcargo blow up whatever you wanted. You'd need a Fire Energy or two to take down Steelix quickly, 2 for Magcargo or Entei, 3 if you had to blow up Kingdra or Crobat quickly... And there was still the option in some times to just go for 2-hit KO's and save that Energy. The varying damage alongside Entei's charge up turns (losing your attack, but while hiding behind a Cleffa) was very potent for the era, and that flexibility made Magcargo a very dangerous threat.
Magcargo's peak was in the Neo-On format, and while it still had to worry about Dark Feraligatr as well as any Water-types people included specifically to hit it, it was a very potent part of the game. The damage output just depended on what you needed and how much Energy you had, and the Oracle + Entei combo guaranteed Energy for the next turn if you gave up that turn's attack. Many types lacked any sort of Energy acceleration, so you could get away with that more often. This was absolutely something to prepare for, as it was going to show up often in Neo-On and occasionally even in the earlier Rocket-On format.
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periwinklemoonlight · 5 months
AHH THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i have so many thoughts i dont know where to begin LMAO ill start with the outfit designs first!!
to start things off, every design has one specific colour in mind to represent that hermit! pearl - blue, gem - green, impulse - yellow, doc - black/gray, and grian - red! (everyone's nails are painted their colour) every design was deliberately punk-inspired, since during the king arc the soup group was a force of resistance against the monarchy's tyranny :P therefore, the soup group are the main focus of the art and their designs are intentionally made so that they stand out more from the other two, though i made sure they were all unique in one aspect or another :] let's go character by character now! (i'm including all my initial design sketches + some inspo photos too)
pearl - she's the lead singer of soup group, along with playing the electric guitar! her design features a double tank top + low rise big pant combo, moon motifs of course, and two distinct shades of blue! The darker one is seen throughout her hair and outfit, while the lighter one in her moth antenna is reflected in her guitar. the main inspiration for her look was avril lavigne, which is also what influenced me to add those fun blue hair streaks :D on her shirt i wanted to have a sort of skeletal moth/butterfly design!!
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gem - the keytar! i wanted to make sure that gem and pearl's designs looked very distinct from each other, so i went for a slightly different vibe with gem's! her design is based more off of the plaid skirts, big boots, and fishnet looks i found while looking through early 2000s lip service magazine scans (as well as some hayley williams looks!!) :D additionally, shes got vine tattoos over her body to call back to her nature elf vibe this season!
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impulse - the drummer of course!! for his look, i wanted to go a little more anarcho-punk (since its a much older punk style and hes the oldest member of soup group LOL), so his vest jacket has got a bunch of diy additions like patches, pins, paperclips, and chains, along with a bunch of spikes!! in my mind, the back of his jacket has probably got a whole lot more patches, spikes, and studs :] beyond that, i made sure to give him lots of piercings (though my options were limited since s9 impy has a beard lol), and stretched earlobes for fun!! ideally his pants would also have a lot more patches and fun bits, but since his legs would be entirely covered by his drums in the final piece i went for something simpler
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doc - an opener and feature on the song! since he's not part of the soup group, his design is quite a bit simpler than the others in terms of both look and concept :] his look is monochrome save for his robotic red parts and green skin, but still looks interesting thanks to that fun leather jacket :D his look is purposefully more reminiscent of a 50's style greaser, i wanted to go for an older fashion style to make him look more intimidating/mature, as well as set him apart from the look of soup group since the perimeter was an independent nation in the king arc!
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grian - another feature/opener! design wise? hes literally just green day i can't even lie like the pun was perfect and also the black shirt + red tie combo is iconic and also fits his look so effortlessly it had to be done LMAO also, if you look closely in the final piece you can see he's wearing eyeshadow! this of course is again because hes grian day /silly. but to be real, i think this style also fits him really well since the tie + spikes & studs combo gives the look that sorta rebellious vibe that was all over his videos during the king arc :]
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AND NOW FOR THE INSTRUMENTS!! this segment is thankfully much shorter
pearl's guitar is of course a nod to my design for her and her moth wings! butterfly guitars are harder to draw than you'd think LOL
gem's keytar has got a vine design all over it to match her tattoos
impulse's drum set has got the soup group punk band logo! the logo design may honestly be my favourite part of the piece, i feel like i really nailed what i was going for :D
and thats it! i'll edit this post or rb with any details i missed if they come to mind! thank u for reading anyone who has made it this far <3
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altschmerzes · 4 months
NOTE: this ranking is entirely based on how much i enjoyed the thing and not necessarily on anything quantifiable or concrete. except for 1 and 12 those are just i think empirically true. also, this got very very hard between 2-8 and i enjoyed everything above 10 like, immensely. that said:
1. The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle. fucking gorgeous book. the writing was incredible, it made me feel like i needed to write right now right now right now or i was going to die and also why would i ever write again when i didn't write this. made me REEL several times and need to put it down and process it. i need to read it again and again. so much in there about the structure of story and fairytales and roles within a story and just. augh. man. i have at least a thousand words worth of highlights of quotes that make me completely insane. i want to write a dissertation on the interactions of amalthea and lír.
Protagonist: Amalthea/The Unicorn. Best Gender Moments And Unmatched Aro Vibes.
2. Blackcurrant Fool by Victoria Goddard. someone designed these books in a lab just to kill specifically me. i'm so thrilled i'm like, mad about it. this is book four in the series and included some MASSIVELY fun payoffs for some background references and foreshadowing that had been building for a while. some of my favourite tropes on this here earth are contained in this book and they make me insane in their execution. beloved. i kept having to put my face in my hands and shriek. like. literally. i liveblogged the last like ~30% of the book to several people. in detail.
Protagonist: Jemis Greenwing. Most Likely To Respond To A Given Situation With Both The Most Sincerely Heartfelt And Most Dramatic Option Possible And Then Insist That This Was The Obvious And Logical Thing To Do.
3. Bee Sting Cake by Victoria Goddard. some really excellent introductions to characters and concepts in here. did a good job as the second book in the series to continue keeping things interesting while maintaining and expanding on what was good about the first one, introducing new elements and making them play well with the established dynamics and situation. some really fun exploration of 'what if your two favourite people met each other and how would that go'. some delightful stuff about bees also which gets me in my feelings and the pov character has a good cry a couple times which he damn well deserves at this point.
Protagonist: (since there are two, i'm alternating for this series' superlatives) Peregrine Dart. Best At Being Totally And Completely Fine (Lying).
4. Stargazy Pie by Victoria Goddard. YES. I LIKED THESE BOOKS A LOT OKAY. THREE OF THEM IN A ROW. WHAT OF IT. very fun introduction to a series, it was a great first book. it delivered its worldbuilding in my favourite way for a fantasy series to do so, which is to just sort of drop me right in and explain as we go in a naturalistic kind of way. it meant i had to accept i just didn't know what was going on several times but that was fine. excellent combo of silly and serious and the characters are just. so charming and i'm so so fond of them. also i love a really stuffy strict distant society. bc then i'm like OHO TIME TO BREAK THESE RULES!!!
Protagonist: Jemis Greenwing. Most Likely To Have Everything Happen To Him So Much And All At Once.
5. By Force Alone by Lavie Tidhar. this book would probably have been ranked higher if it weren't for all the Someone's Got Their Dick Out. which is fine, go for it, but it felt like all the like. someone is getting their guts stabbed out and someone else is fuckin every other page is mostly a thematic thing that is supposed to drive home how gritty and grimy the narrative is. which y'know. not my bag. i like a gritty and grimy narrative but dude we know. that said it was extremely fun except for that, and i liked the way the characters were described a lot. they were not good people and it was deliberate and compelling. it was a lot to process all at once and i wish i'd slowed down with it - the last fourth of the book particularly hit me like a train. special shoutout to everything this book did with pelinore and the questing beast.
Protagonist: Arthur Pendragon. Most Doomed By The Narrative.
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ploppythespaceship · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom is fantastic so far. Genuinely an incredible game that somehow manages to exceed astronomical expectations. But there are a couple UX things that are surprisingly bad -- "surprisingly" because I feel like a game of this caliber that was delayed so many times really should have caught these in playtesting.
This post contains no spoilers until after the cut. Everything above the cut is basic gameplay mechanics that are accessible within the first hour of play.
1. You should be able to fuse weapons directly from your inventory. It's actually baffling to me that you can't. If I have a gem that I want to fuse to my sword, I have to select the gem, select hold, unpause the game, toss the gem on the ground, switch to the sword, select fuse, select the gem, and select my sword. Why on earth is it that many steps?? It can be slightly sped up by throwing the item on the ground using R and the quick menu, but that's still a lot. You should be able to select a weapon in your inventory, hit fuse, then select a material -- done. This is so obvious to me that I am still shocked it's just not an option. You can destroy fusions from your inventory, so why can't you make a fusion there too??
2a. The materials quick menu is a lot, whether you're firing an arrow or just finding something to throw. Every item you've ever picked up is in a single long row that you have to scroll through desperately to find the one thing you need. Part of this is unavoidable simply due to the amount of materials in the game, and the ability to sort helps a little. But you should really, really be able to set favorites. Ideally the favorites would be in a ring menu similar to the hand abilities, with one of the options being to open the full inventory, but even the option to set favorites that will always appear at the top of your regular list would help tremendously.
2b. Also, while I appreciate being able to craft your own arrow types and not rely on always finding or buying the ones you need, you should be able to stockpile certain arrow fusions ahead of time. I pretty much always want fire arrows, shock arrows, ice arrows, bomb arrows, and homing arrows on hand, and having to individually fuse every single shot quickly gets tedious.
This last one is a spoiler -- don't look under the cut unless you've completed at least one of the main story sections.
3. The sage abilities are incredibly inconsistent to activate, especially when you have more than one following you. I currently have the Rito, Goron, and Zora sages, and they're becoming a lot to manage. If you want to use their abilities, you have to stop, look around to find all your followers, locate the specific one you need, approach them, and press A. And I swear they are never around when you want them, but when you're just trying to pick up some materials, they're practically on top of you and I'm using their ability by accident. I'm not entirely sure what the solution is -- you could give each ability its own combo to activate automatically, but they'd quickly become unmanageable.
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xkeyon · 2 months
Agents of the Imperium
Talk of the Agents of the Imperium might be the redacted Codex has started to really come up more, & I am seeing some people bring up what they would like in it, so I am throwing my own thoughts & ideas
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I think the first thing is I see another Keyword group being added in this case the Ecclesiarchy/Adeptus Ministorum, not sure which word they will use.
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Having things like Preachers, Crusaders, and Missionaries being able to be used by all Imperium Factions now, while also adding to it a Black Priest.
Now on to what they have will go from gaining the least to most with first the Officio Assassinorum
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I don't see them getting any new units, and while yes there are still a couple Temples that still don't have models I feel the other sub groups will get more focus and instead the Assassins will get the option for Onslaught/3000 points games to do an Execution Force where if your 3 character slots are taken up each by a different Assassin you can add the missing one. It will be something like this or Execution Force will be a Detachment that allows you to use all 4 Assassin types or something.
Next would the Navis Imperialis/Imperial Navy with Rogue Trader being thrown in as they use the Keyword as well.
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Astropaths which works great for both, this new Psyker as a character for them would be great. I don't see the Navy specific getting anything considering its officers are usually on the bridge, but a Customizable Rogue Trader & Entourage does feel like something GW could do. On to bringing up those who go after those who break the Law the Adeptus Arbites.
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They hold a number of Squad choices so what is really missing for them would be a character to properly lead them. The Judge just screams this, with a detachment to highlight their abilities being added. However if some extra flavour a Transport Vehicle that being the Admonisher, with 1 not taking up slots for every Judge + Arbites squad combo.
Ok it has been pretty bare honestly however that is also to be expected the Agents are really there to give some out of left field help, to spice up or help fill in a role for Imperium Armies, and while the last one will still stick to that I see a lot given to those of the Inquisition.
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For starters 2 customizable minis of the non-special character Inquistor. The old model would be gone and instead the customizable models will be 1 based around Blessed Wardings, while the other being Psychic Gifts. Next up is alternate retune members, a set of 3-4 members to replace the ones of the basic Inquisitorial Henchmen. However there will be 3 different sets one for each of the 3 Ordos that are played with. Most likely a Detachment focused around these Ordos as well. I see each Ordo playing a driving role in the story involving the Pariah Nexus. Already Inquisitor Kyria Draxus of the Ordo Xeno is there as it is Xeno creation, but a big game changer is the Sisters of Battle's faith who help the Ordo Hereticus, and finally Vashtorr has appeared there & from the Ordo Malleus is Torquemada Coteaz who is trying to find the Daemon/God. So them being a driving force seems likely. I believe we will see 3 Incursion/1000 point boxes, for the 3 Ordo. Ordo Malleus: -Torquemada Coteaz (new Model) -Inquisitorial Henchmen -Ordo Malleus set - Grey Knights Character model -Grey Knights Infantry X2 Ordo Xeno: - Kyria Draxus -Inquisitorial Henchmen -Ordo Xenos set -Deathwatch Character -Deathwatch Infantry X2 Ordo Hereticus: -Katarinya Greyfax -Inquisitorial Henchmen -Ordo Hereticus set -Adepta Sororitas Character -Adepta Sororitas Infantry X2
So that's how I think they might/should handle the Agents of the Imperium/Imperial Agents. Any thoughts and feed back would be great.
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backslashdelta · 1 year
If Puckurt were making a list of potential thirds, who do you think would make the top three?
Obsessed with this question actually thank you so much.
Assuming this is strictly for a threesome and not like a third for their relationship. If that's not what you meant, feel free to let me know.
So first of all, who would it not be? None of the girls because although Puck likes women, Kurt is very much gay. Also it couldn't be Finn because that's Kurt's brother, and even if he wasn't, I think Puck might feel a little weird about it.
So let's take a look at some potential contenders.
Blaine. This is going to depend a bit on what happened with Klaine in the AU we're talking about. If they never dated, I think Blaine would be really high on both of their lists. If Klaine dated briefly and ended amicably, I think they'd also consider Blaine as a good option. But if Klaine meant anywhere close to as much to each other as they did canonically, I think this would be a hard no from Puck's side. Kurt would be up for it (assuming they ended on good terms), but I think Puck would be uncomfortable with their history and would feel like things were a little unbalanced. He'd want someone more neutral. And Kurt would understand and respect that.
Sam. Yeah Sam is high on both of their lists. Let Kurt live out all his high school football player fantasies. Puck and Sam are bros but also both a little gay about it ("How many tennis balls can you fit in your mouth?"). And Sam would be up for it I think so this is a great combo.
Artie. Definitely a little not straight so he might be up for it. Puck and Artie are kinda bros so I feel like this suggestion would come from Puck. I don't think he would be the first person to come to Kurt's mind, but I think he'd be open to it.
Mike. I think both Puck and Kurt would be similarly up for a threesome with Mike. But I think Mike would politely decline the offer, so does it matter where he is on the list if it wouldn't happen?
Dave. This is a tricky one and very dependent on timing. Early seasons Dave? Absolutely a no from all of them. But the Dave we see in season 6? There's definitely some potential. I think Dave would for sure be up for it. Kurt's forgiven him, and he hasn't forgotten but in this AU he's also willing to look past all of the bullying from Puck and actually be in a relationship with him, so while Dave's was on a different level I think Kurt would still be alright having a threesome with this version of Dave. Interestingly I think Puck is the one who would need the most convincing – I could see him being very "but Kurt he was awful to you!" about it, until Kurt reminds him that Puck wasn't the greatest either but people can change, and then I think he'd warm to the idea. Still not at the top of their lists, but a contender in this situation at least.
Jesse. I feel like neither of them are super fond of Jesse, so for that reason I think he's out.
Sebastian. Puck suggests this as a joke, just to watch the look of mixed horror and disgust on Kurt's face. Unless we're in an AU where Kurtbastian are friendly in which case Sebastian probably comes to them suggesting a threesome. They would agree.
Elliott. He is the first person that Kurt thinks of to suggest. He trusts Elliott a lot, thinks he's attractive, and they don't have a romantic history to complicate things. I could also see Puck being really attracted to Elliott, and I think they could get along, so he'd be on board too. As for Elliott's thoughts – I think he'd be down.
So, all that in mind, I think the top 3, in order, would be:
Artie (though Blaine or Dave could be above him depending on the specific AU and the timing, respectively)
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Fun Facts
Quill is 6’9” and she despises that fact
Quill is Asexual
Quill is not her real name, but a pseudonym she assumed as soon as she started her cult.
Quill knows just about everything there is to know about the members of the hotel, she couldn’t just turn a blind eye to Princess Morningstar's endeavors! Of course, she’d never tell the residents that. It would be very awkward.
Quill adores horses, dogs, and snakes. She has a soft spot for most animals, but those three specifically.
She heavily dislikes the Vee’s, Vox because he runs the news, Velvette because she has the social media thing going, and Valentino because… well it's Valentino. She knows far too much about Valentino to ever consider being in the same room as him voluntarily.
While she may seem completely inhumane at first, she still does harbor empathy. She just suppresses it on purpose. It does peak through at times!
Quill does consider the option of redemption, just so she could see her brother again. Though she deep down feels she doesn’t deserve that.
Crows will sometimes grab each others talons when in a spat, and Quill does not know this fact. She does however know that when she is annoyed, she has an odd urge to grab their hand.
Due to Quills intrinsic fear of authority, she always tries to place herself in the leadership role. Even if she’s around someone far more powerful.
While in her life, Quill never could whistle, she finds the fact she can do it in death fascinating. She now uses it for everything, mostly because it’s fun for her.
Poor thing has a horrible coffee addiction. Surprisingly you can never smell it though, she’s very conscientious about taking care of her sharp teeth. (Cough cough, take note Alastor, cough cough)
Secretly loves “Ur mom,” and “Deez nutz” jokes. She may actually tell a few when she’s drunk. They’re not great.
She is a SEVERE arachnophobe. It’s AWFUL. She will have a panic attack just seeing a spider. While this doesn’t apply to characters like Angel, she’s still slightly uneasy around them.
She always smells faintly like fresh laundry and blood. Which is certainly an odd combo. Makes you wonder what she does in her free time though?
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pine-niidles · 4 months
Looking Back on 2023
Heyyy folks! Long time no news from me huh. 
I'm struggling to think of what to even say about my silence. I've not been doing so bad I'd call myself depressed, but I'm doing a tad worse than just a slump. It's been a rough 6 months, not because of one big thing. Instead, a bunch of medium-sized reasons all piled up on top of each other to leave me extremely drained. I've mostly been working on the two commissions I still had in my queue (thank you to my commissioners for being so patient with me, I'm so sorry to make you wait so long <3). I've done a little personal art other than that but didn't have the leftover focus to keep up with sharing it on social media or writing up any updates about my situation. I've pretty much only been active sharing things in my art discord. I'd like to say I've been doing better in the last month or so, but I hesitate to make any promises at this point! We'll just have to see how things go :)
So you were promised a more in depth artfight review but I think I missed the right timeframe for that... instead have this look at 3 years of unfinished artfight thumbnails from my new year's wip clean-out!
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Year of Art Summary
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All things considered I made a lot of art this year, and I'm really happy with how most of it turned out ☺ I did a bunch of experimenting with more playful techniques and color schemes and I think they suit my style a lot. I want to try and much those limits even more next year to see what kind of fun art I can create! Something with colors specifically really clicked in my brain after that witch drawing I did in April, before then I would spend a long time figuring out the perfect color scheme and doing a bunch of adjustments but ever since that drawing things have really been coming together super quick? I'm not sure what changed but no complaints from me. 
Life Drawing Summary 
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I rarely post my life drawing but I've been keeping at it! Actually, I put together a few pdfs showcasing all my life drawing going back to 2022, you can download them for free in my itch or ko-fi shops! :>
I also put together a yearly art improvement comparison going back to 2015 that I was planning to put here. However, seeing how long this is already getting... I'll make a separate post for it.
I've been gearing up to open commissions again after that unintended hiatus. I don't want to open slots until I'm sure I'm back to being able to finish them in a reasonable timeframe, so I've been using that leftover energy I do have to think about revamping some things and new styles to offer. Back in November I ran a survey on what people want to see from me (it's still open if you'd like to fill it out and help me get more stats!) 
here's a preview of what's to come based on that & my whims:
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- stamp commissions were super well received so they'll be added to my main repertoire
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- A combo of me reading too much dun meshi and wanting to offer some kind of comicky commissions led to this idea of comic pages of characters eating together, I have a couple examples in progress, when they're done I'll add this style to my main offerings!
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- I'm still not 100% set on sketchpages but I like the idea of them so if this test goes well I'll add them as an option
Onward to 2024! 
I already completed my new year's resolution on day 1 of 2024, it was to pet a cat. I've made a second one which is to get a library card whenever my visa is approved and I move back home. It's been something I've been wanting to do for a while but never got around to, hoping this will be the excuse I need to do it.
Art-wise it's not a new goal, but I've been trying to focus on improving my rendering! Though I've also been playing around a lot with screentone... the two don't have to be at odds 🤔 
I'm dedicating this year's personal art time to making new references for as many ocs as possible with nude bases so I can easily design new outfits for them whenever I want to without fully making a new ref from scratch.
Otherwise I'm just trying to take it slow, work on things one at a time and see what happens from there.
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askkrenko · 2 years
Krenko’s Guide to Creature Types: Nightmare
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Art by Johann Bodin
What is a Nightmare (flavorfully)?
Nightmares are two distinct types of creatures that may or may not be actually related.
In most instances, a creature referred to as a Nightmare is literally a physical manifestation of someone’s bad dreams. While on Dominaria this is often done intentionally by the Cabal’s mages, and the planeswalker Ashiok is known for this sort of magic, some Nightmares spontaneously escape into the real world. For reasons that can only be explained as the universe being run by puns, many of these free-roaming Nightmares are literal Mares, black horses with wispy manes.
On Ikoria, Nightmares are a classification of ferocious, predatory creatures with many eyes and many limbs. Though many believe that they, too, are physical manifestations of fear, very little is actually known about these creatures. It’s entirely possible that these Nightmares are misidentified Beasts or Horrors, but as with Akki counting as Goblins, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it gets printed with creature type Bird.
What is a Nightmare (mechanically)?
Nightmares have two primary mechanical identities- one from Dominaria and one from Ikoria.
Dominarian Nightmares frequently have an ability that causes one effect when it enters the battlefield, then undoes it when the creature leaves the battlefield. Some of these are beneficial, such as Faceless Butcher exiling a creature, while others are drawbacks, such as Worldgorger Dragon exiling all other permanents you control until it leaves the battlefield.
 Ikoria’s Nightmares share mechanics like Mutate and ability counters with other Ikorian creatures, but they also have a tendency to return creatures from your graveyard to the battlefield. It’s unclear if this is supposed to be a Nightmare mechanic or if it’s just because Black does this sort of thing in every set.
Nightmares are mostly black but do appear in all colors. 
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Can I make a Nightmare deck?
There’s a number of ways to do this.
As far as just winning with Nightmares, the strange nature of the Dominarian nightmares creates some very potent combos, and you can easily make a deck that focuses on abusing the way their effects work on the stack. Because each of them have two effects rather than one, if the Nightmare leaves the battlefield before its first ability resolves, the second ability resolves first. This means, for example, that Faceless Butcher tries and fails to return a creature to the battlefield, THEN exiles a creature, ensuring the opponent loses out entirely. Other similar effects this enables include exiling an opponent’s hand or exiling multiple lands at once.  You can also go infinite with Animate Dead and Worldgorger Dragon by tapping lands as they automatically cycle.
But that’s not really a Nightmare deck. In a 60 card deck, it’s very easy to play Nightmares by taking advantage of Ikoria’s mutate mechanic. With Zagoth Mamba and War of the Spark’s Banehound as a base, you can try to chain up mutates with Insatiable Hemophage, Cavern Whisperer, and Chittering Harvester, even before looking into a second color. You’d need to be using more variable creature type rewards to take advantage of the type, but Cavern of Souls and Herald’s Horn are never bad.
In Commander, you have a few major options. While Chainer looks like a Nightmare lord, his drawback is far too devastating to use in a deck with many Nightmares. A far better option is Umbris, Fear Manifest, who while not empowering your other Nightmares, gets permanently larger every time it sees one enter the battlefield.  If you want to add more colors, Ikoria provides Nightmare commanders in a variety of colors, though none of them actively reward the creature type. 
I specifically would not recommend Morophon as a Nightmare commander. While it would be tempting to use him to enable all five colors, many of the best Nightmares have mutate, and Morophon counts as a human. Better to just trim two colors and add some non-Nightmare mutate creatures to really benefit from Mutate triggers. 
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Is Nightmare a good creature type?
I love the concept of Nightmare as a manifest dream, and we’ve never gotten a clear type for non-Nightmare manifest dreams (with some being illusions and others spirits.) I also really enjoy the old Nightmare mechanic from Odyssey block.
As far as Ikoria’s Nightmares go, I love the design and flavor, and I’m fine with them being creature type Nightmare even without it being certain, but I do wish the set itself had differentiated mechanically between its five monster types. With Beast, Cat, Nightmare, Dinosaur, and Elemental each being a major point of the world, they seem to just have a hodgepodge of abilities, and the mix and match, while cool, does nothing to help us differentiate them on a mechanical level.
I’d like to see a set with a lot of Nightmares again, but I would want to see a bit more focus next time. And honestly, it wouldn’t be that hard. If Boot Nipper was a Nightmare instead of a Beast (and with that art and flavor text, why isn’t it?), then Nightmares would be strongly associated with both Deathtouch and the Deathtouch counter, but they’re just a smidge light for it to be clear.
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Hii Rainbowsky,
33 means Zhan-Zhan we all know including WYB and XZ himself.
I know wearing 33 no. may be not his decision [Although, there is a choice of wearing green with 97 no. still the stylist or the brand chose 33 for him is a bit unconvincing to me].
But he definitely has the right to reject it. He knows that wearing 33 will definitely lead people to connect him with XZ. Still, he wore 33 which means he is okay if people connect him with XZ, he is okay with all the rumours between him and XZ.
What do you think?
Hi Anon!
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Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
Anon is talking about this Bananain ad where DD wore a beige sweater with the number 33 on it. The same line has a green one with the number 97, which is DD's birth year, so people were wondering why he didn't wear it. They have other numbers and other colors as well, but he's wearing the 33.
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I know some people just eat this kind of thing up, but I'm not one of them and probably never will be. It's just not a candy to me, and even if it was it wouldn't be an exciting one.
It's an endorsement ad. The model wears what the stylist puts on him based on instructions from the art director. End of story. DD would have had no say in what to wear. It's an ad campaign designed to convey a specific message, and the stylist will put DD in the color combo that does the best job of conveying that message. They don't care about kadian or who DD is dating.
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If you look at all the ads from that series, they're all muted colors over a darker undershirt. They look balanced and harmonious together. The softness of the outer color evokes the softness of the fabrics. There is a clear vision here for what the art director was trying to communicate with these ads. None of the other colors would have worked as well here.
Even if DD had shown more of an interest in this sweater than the others (which knowing him he might have), the art director would have had the photographer shoot hundreds of photos with dozens of clothing combos to ensure they had a lot of options. The choice of which photo to run would have come from their vision for the campaign, and had nothing to do with who DD is dating.
As for DD 'rejecting' it - on what grounds? Most people aren't going to connect GG with this sweater, so it's highly unlikely that he'd reject it. I think it's getting pretty over-interpretive to think the sweater is about GG enough that someone would reject wearing it. Only turtles would ever even remotely connect this sweater with GG.
CPN can be fun, but we shouldn't get too carried away with it to where we forget it's CPN.
Also, as I've said in the past, I just don't think endorsement brands drop candies the way a lot of turtles assume.
As the old saying goes, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Not everything GG and DD do is connected to each other. Especially when it comes to work product, including work done for a brand. I talked about this recently. It's not something that would likely happen in a professional setting like that.
Is it cute to see DD in a 33 sweater? Absolutely. But is it a candy? No, from my perspective.
But if you enjoy it, please continue to. Everyone gets to enjoy fandom in whatever way they choose.
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tillman · 9 months
how does zato feel to play across all the GG titles? like what are the differences you think between strive/xrd/xx in his gameplan?
sorry this ask is like a month old now but i kept pushing it off cus i dont play enough strive to have the most solid grasp. and for the record im not like amazing at fighting games this could all be against how hes actually meant to played but in my experience its sooomething like this. long post. i love thinking about this stuff.
+r specifically is my absolute favorite rendition of the character. i think venom overall is still my favorite character in all of fighting games but plussy eddie comes real fucking close.
xrd and +r eddie/zato feel really similar, how specifically they want to run their gambit is slightly different (+r eddie has a lot more mix potential with numerous unblockables and really fun combos that can last for ages if youre dexterous enough while xrd zato wants to focus more on the bnb, keeping the corner on lock, and working around how kinda weird they made little eddies moves). it helps vice summon in +r is basically exactly summon in xrd, so having the overlap of specific things you can do is really helpful for looping them together. i also really like the unique things each one has! great white isnt GOOD persay but its one of xrds most fun moves. and puddle is just. man . i love puddle. <- average eddie player sentence. find an eddie player who isnt hopelessly obsessed with puddle. you cant.
strive zato is the blacksheep and its taken me a while to figure out why i feel so differently about him than xrd. they feel pretty similar (only one set of summon moves, same kinda corner pressure you want to be running, etc etc etc) but i think specifically because of how different little eddies moves feel it mixes up the entire character. zato also looses a lot of his air movement and tools which kinda brings him down to playing mostly a grounded game with only a few times where you actually want to be in the air, theres no good way to hit UP with his jumping buttons like you could before which is like... strange? when +r and xrd eddie rely a lot on stalling in the air and using his INSANELY good air moves to your advantage. (i miss shadow gallery and nobiru too much in these situations)
i dunno how much of it is just strive being a less complex game (not a bad thing! i just play zato one!) that strive zato feels a lot more gorilla to me. in the brainlessly hitting buttons and clapping along when the opponent cant do shit way. there was a lot more dancing around in the other games while strive zato can very easily just push you into the corner with a single well timed oppose. while feeling less fleshed out and like you have less options, he definitely feels WAY more powerful and like. totally fine on his own in a way +r and xrd would crumble in a second without eddie summoned in the same situations. none of this is bad its just different. zato is hands down the most fun character in strive to me.
also not to say hes like. brainless! i think the fun of strive zato is playing the "how can i keep you in the corner game." trying to predict exactly how the other person is going to try and escape my pressure and reacting just in time to catch them and force them back into the eddie+invite+c.S pressure is just TOO fun. like literally THE MOST fun. while +r has the insane corner gambits you can run with damned fang and chaining eddie ]p[ and drunkard and puddle and the weird shadow gallery loops and doing insane unblockables, wall slump and carefully avoiding resetting to neutral is another kind of insane high. i really love it.
i think they did a really good job with strive zato also in making little eddie feel like he genuinely compliments zatos movement incredibly well with how he does move. in the old games having nobiru and mawaru just means you can dominate the entire screen with very little effort, throw in fly/the fly k cancel in +r/the different invite summon in xrd/etc and you can force the other person into some real fucked situations that feels insanely good. strive zato doesnt have the SAME movement, but damn if 6H and a well timed Oppose not have the exact same absolutely evil joy of a big eddie drill -> jump p unblockable in xrd. you know?
anyways. same character, same general feel for the most part, i think the just more close quarters and fast gameplay of strive compared to the other games makes a unique experience i enjoy just as much as the more slow methodical fucked up shit of the old games. big fun.
all of this to ignore forever zoner zato from TML. that shits evil. even if he does have a DP in that game . even if its... punishable......... on hit.......
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nomos112 · 10 months
Persona 1 and 2 Remakes Part 3
When it comes to Persona 2 gameplay, I see many describe it as a "auto-battle" simulator. I mainly put the blame on Persona 2: Innocent Sin's remaster. As I said before, it reduced the difficulty and made battling a cakewalk. The sluggish menus are also a issue. I go more in-depth on the issues in a previous post but the main thing is that they need to fix this. For fusion spells, add more physical-based fusion spells so magic isn't the objectively better choice. Let enemies actually use fusion spells. Combos from Digital Devil Saga could be considered an evolution of this so it's very possible. Nerf buffs since they're pretty overpowered and add debuffs. I feel like P2 should be more punishing on the player for defense spamming. Pretty much every boss should have Guard Punish and would encourage the use of buffs. Add Force and Gravity back to P2. Zan and Gry just being Almighty is a little weird imo. Just like I said for P1, make items like Beads and SP restoring items harder to get and make better builds for personas. The only things I'd say P1/2 should take from the newer games is fusion. Just make the fusion rules from P1/2 the same as the modern trilogy. You can only fuse personas the same level as you. Add a compendium. Allow different types of fusion like Triple Fusion. This doesn't mean I want everything related to fusion from the older games to go away. Keep returning personas. Keep arcanas as well. For negotiation, I know there's some who don't like the older style of negotiating so I'm going to say this. Just combine it with mainline SMT. There are no group contacts anymore but everyone still has a conversation option. The initial interaction will determine your odds of getting a specific emotion with each question answered, and the rest would just play out like regular SMT negotiation. This leaves Persona 2's card system out. I know some don't like the tedium of card grinding so I'll say this: Don't get rid of it. Just repurpose it. If you want to get a rare item or super powerful weapon, cards can be your currency for that. Communing with demons wouldn't be the only way of obtaining cards. You could earn some from completing rumor sidequests. If they ever decide to add superbosses to Persona 2, they can be locked behind doors scattered throughout Sumaru City and the only way to go through them is to earn a certain number of cards. The possibilities are endless. Also make battles faster for both of them. If they decide to keep the first person perspective for the first game, give it Strange Journey movement speed with the ability to dash during dungeon crawling. All of what I've said throughout these parts helps to ensure a properly balanced system that requires strategy. This also avoids controversy with old fans and makes P1/2 stand out from the crowd. On a funny side note, add the option to switch between the Revelations portraits and the normal ones for Persona 1. It'd be a nice nod to Revelations: Persona. For Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, let players experience the interesting english dub lol. I've rambled on about what I'd like to see in remakes of the older trilogy. Thank you for reading my extensive thoughts. Have a good rest of your day and stay true to yourself!
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pinchraccoon · 11 months
Pinch Reviews: Pizza Tower
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It's been a hot minute since I reviewed a game here, my apologies, other projects have had, and still have, my utmost attention at the moment.
From March 26th to Marth 31st, I played Pizza Tower, an indie platformer heavily focused on level exploration, speed, and tight controls, that's heavily influenced by games like Earthworm Jim, and more apparently, Wario Land.
From the very moment I first saw the game I knew that it would be fun, as was evident in its unique and infectious art style that absolutely reeks of late 90s-early 2000s "crude" cartoons, like Ren and Stimpy or Ed Edd n Eddy. This game's art style hits REALLY hard, and serves to not only provide this game with significant visual intrigue, but the way that characters squash and stretch in such an exaggerated manner contributes significantly to allowing the player to understand enemies movements, as well as those of the main playable character, Peppino Spaghetti.
Speaking of, this game consists of a cast of varied, and memorable characters, many of whom follow a specific theme or reference. For example, the two major main characters Peppino and Gustavo are obvious caricatures of Italian-American pizza chefs, Peppino taking on a fearful demeanor the majority of the game, while Gustavo is combative, cute, or pensive most of the time.
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Pizza Tower's character design strength doesn't end there, however, as just about every enemy, boss, or otherwise is EXTREMELY lovable in their own way, assisted by PT's incredibly focused art style, and tongue in cheek delivery of just about everything it does. I would be remiss, however, to not mention my absolute favorite thing about this entire game, bar none. Behold: BRICK
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Otherwise known as Stupid Rat, this big guy is my single favorite thing about Pizza Tower. Genuinely. Something about his little hands, his chubby body, and those stupid eyes facing in two different directions makes me absolutely adore these little guys. I smile every single time I see one in a level.
But I digress, Pizza Tower's gameplay is *also* fun beyond fun. Pizza Tower consists of about a dozen and a half levels and 5 boss fights. Each of the levels consist of a goal to collect as many "toppins," which are little pizza topping characters with eyes and legs that need to be freed from cages, to earn money to purchase the boss gate, allowing Peppino to travel further up the titular Pizza Tower. Every level in PT has a unique theme, complete with a unique powerup or gimmick that helps to differentiate the gameplay loop, as well as provide the player with new tools and challenges the entire runtime of the game. I really love this approach to level design, all too many platformers don't feel the need to provide the player with either new challenges or kit options, or, better yet, challenges to use new kit options on, that allow the player to really get creative or technical in the ways that they solve the problem, which, in Pizza Tower's case, is how to route through the level as quickly as possible.
Regarding kit options, Peppino, and Gustavo but slightly less so, have a genuinely intimidating amount of tech to work with built into them intentionally, that the player is encouraged to use to master levels, so as to run through them as quickly as possible. Pizza Tower has a ranking system, ranking from D to P with Pizza Face Medal. Players earn better and better ranks as they complete the levels with increasing points, gained from performing specific actions and defeating enemies while in combos. After reaching the "end" of a level, the player destroys a specific enemy that triggers "Pizza Time," a period where the player has to reach the beginning of the level, with slight variations opening up throughout, in order to escape the level with what they earned. There is only one way to truly "fail" a level in Pizza Tower, and that's to let the Pizza Time timer run out, and for Pizza Face, the invincible enemy spawned by the timer running out, to catch you, ending your run. However, players cannot achieve the highest ranks, P and P w/ Pizza Face Medal, by *just* doing the run back once, no, players have to do it twice, without dropping a combo, and collecting every collectible, in order to P rank a level. Three laps if players want the P rank with Pizza Face. In order to reach this end, players have to become intimately aware with the level in order to construct a route that will work, as well as exactly what inputs to perform when in order to defeat scattered enemies, avoid traps, and collect everything they need, all while travelling BLISTERINGLY fast. Attempting to P Rank any level in Pizza Tower is no joke, but has also been some of the most fun I've had in a platformer this year.
Bosses consist of fights in which Peppino has to use the boss's attack patterns against them in some way, similar to playing Kirby without a copy ability. There are less of these, but despite the lower quantity, each of them are interesting, fun, themed fights that each play extremely different from one another. One floor you'll fight a pepper who's an artist, who fights like a typical platformer boss, the next you'll fight a blob of cheese with a gun, while you also have a gun and can shoot back. It's very silly, and is an excellent capstone to the equally silly floors of this game.
Finally, I want to loop back around to thematics to discuss level themes to tie everything together. I adore most all of the levels in this game. I don't think this game has a level that is downright unenjoyable to be in, from a forest of gnomes, to a FNAF inspired level, to a city filled with Pigs, to a level where you just play golf using the elderly as balls, I rarely feel that Pizza Tower has no ideas. It is crude, stupid, and reveling in it for the entire runtime of the game. This attitude and stylistic consistency allows players to feel eased into continuing their persistence against the myriad challenges, and the effort made to keep the game fresh level to level provides significant replay value, as leaning into thematics allowed Pizza Tower to explore the player's kit even further, incentivizing players to master not just the Peppino, but each individual level.
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I would easily recommend Pizza Tower. Might be the best game of the year, honestly. It's wild that it came out fully in January too. I've noticed that this year has been pretty excellent for releases, both indie and, in some cases, corporate. I certainly think that Pizza Tower's landmark quality early this year set the tone for this year, and it's commitment to originality and extreme fun will inspire developers and creatives to do their own thing and make the game they want to play more than anything else.
Also listen to the soundtrack, it bangs!
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apollo41writes · 2 years
Goodnight prompt 47/∞
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human Ship: RK900/Gavin Reed AUs/Tropes: Soulmates AU, Forgot first meeting Prompt: What happens if your soulmate is deaf and can't hear your first words? Do you even have a soulmark?
Extra details: I literally had this idea at 4 in the morning, but I have been wondering for hours about what would happen in a universe where soulmates have soulmarks with the first words you soulmate tells you.
Like, would they have soulmarks of the first words someone sign at them instead? Or would they feel pressured by society to learn at least a few words to say when they meet someone for the first time so that they recognize their soulmates by their soulmates mark alone?
It's one of those interesting concepts that I would very much like to see explored.
Anyway, back to the actual prompt. So, the one detail I wanted for the soulmarks in this AU is that not only you have a soulmark with the first words your soulmates tells you, but the words are kind of like a very old and faded tattoo until you actually hear them, and then they turn vibrant (sometimes even colorful).
I just like the idea that RK900 was activated as soon as Markus does his big speech at the end of the good endings, and tries to destroy the deviants leaders. But despite him being stronger than all of the other, he's overwhelmed just because he's one against multiple androids at the same time.
So, right before they make him a deviant as well, he gets injuries so bad that his hearing processor or whatever doesn't work anymore. And fixing it is kind of hard, like, maybe since he's a prototype that part need to be made specifically for him.
But the newly deviant RK900 doesn't really mind being deaf. He can comunicate with people just fine even without being able to hear them.
Which is also how RK900 doesn't realize when he first meets Gavin. Maybe Connor brings RK900 to work with him one day just so that he can see how working at the precinct looks like because RK900 isn't sure just yet what he wants to do now that he's free to choose.
And Gavin, thinking RK900 is Connor, pushes him when walking by, not even really paying attention or saying anything since he's rushing to go on a call or something.
Here is where I kind of stopped with this idea. Because maybe RK900 mumbles automatically "I'm sorry" or maybe even an insult. And Gavin is too focused on his own shit (or maybe RK900 whispers it too quietly) that he doesn't even actually hear them in an active way.
But once he gets back home and undresses to go into the shower, he sees his soulmark in all kind of shade of blues and grey and OH FUCK, he met his soulmate... And he doesn't even remember who the fuck said the words.
Like I said, this is kind of where I stopped because there are so many options of things that could happen! I haven't even decided if RK900 has words or not, if maybe they appear when he becomes deviant or if they still stay muted even after Gavin says them to him because he knows Gavin said them (he can reads his lips), but he hasn't actually heard them. Or maybe he doesn't have a mark at all and the two of them don't know that they are soulmates but still fall in love with each other, and there is this whole thing with RK900 thinking that sooner or later Gavin will find his soulmate and leave him (so maybe they even have this "friend with benefits" deal at first, or something).
Just, one of those ideas with the potential for lots of angst, drama and pining, which is always my favorite combo, especially if there is a nice happy ending at the end of it.
(Also, the relationship could be just a side of the coin. Maybe RK900 at first works at the precinct because it feels like the obvious decision to make. But he realizes that he's not truly happy and decides to quit and he tries a bunch of different jobs to figure out what he prefers to do. What can I say, I like when characters need to find themselves.)
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