#dunno if I'll ever do anything with it
pixieroserobin · 2 years
Red String Harringrove au
Steve's been dropped on his head a few too many times, can barely see his.
Sometimes he feels it pull tight, but mostly, he just sees it at certain angles. Because of this he mostly ignores it.
Billy, on the other hand, has spent most of his life since his mom left staring at this stupid red string.
At this thin red line that's supposed to attach him to someone who will love him in spite of everything.
Wondering who's on the other side.
Will they love him enough to stay? Despite his flaws? Will he drive them away like his father did his mother?
He never mentions it to anyone, but he thinks about it a lot.
So in '84, he's hyper aware of it pulling tighter the closer they get to Hawkins.
And he's looking at everyone they meet in Hawkins with a critical eye.
And is frozen when he first meets King Steve 'The Hair' Harrington.
That thin red line connecting them from across the parking lot.
There's his soulmate, so close.
His soulmate who only has eyes for the brunette next to him.
His soulmate who doesn't seem to realize Billy exists.
It ruins all the fantasies, dreams and hopes Billy had used to cope with his life.
The rage that welled up inside him the more he learned about Steve became nearly impossible to ignore. With no outlet and a soulmate who didnt seem aware of him, it was no surprise when he finally did something.
Shoving him around on the court, staring him down at Tina's party, beating his ass outside the Byers.
And not once did Steve look at him with any recognition.
Not until El.
Steve picked Dustin and El up from the Snow Ball, promised Hopper he'd get her home safe.
Billy picked up Max.
And from three rows away, El followed the line of red, flickering in and out of her sight.
From Steve, to Billy.
Steve forever oblivious, and Billy forever forlorn and angry about it.
"Steve," She grabbed his hand, finger tips brushing the red string, making him tense, making them both shiver. "Your line."
Steve jerked his hand back, "Yeah, I know it's there."
El shook her head, grabbed his hand again, and pointed over to where Billy was sitting in his Camaro, blue eyes locked on them.
Steve narrowed his eyes, squinting and focusing to see the red string he mostly ignored.
And felt his stomach sink as it finally came into view.
There were so many emotions in Steve in that moment. Confusion, frustration. A little bit of anger.
His soulmate had beat his face in, had threatened his kids.
How was he supposed forget all that?
Could he even forgive that?
Was he destined to an unhappy relationship like his parents?
Steve averted his eyes, broke away from a sky blue gaze that he was drowning in.
He took El's hand, gently pulling her fingers from the line of red he no longer wanted to see.
He needed to leave.
"Come on, let's get you home before Hopper gets worried."
El didn't fight, but she did turn her head to watch Billy and Max across the parking lot.
Watches Billy's slack expression twist into something angry as his Camaro roars to life.
She catches and holds Max's gaze and held it until Steve and Billy pulled out in different directions. She tried to read Max, to maybe see if the red head might have insight El did not, but all she caught was confusion.
Steve refused to talk about it the whole ride to Hopper's cabin. He continued to refuse to talk about it on the way to Dustin's house after.
He went home and stole a beer from the six pack in the fridge, sat on the edge of the pool he'd avoided since shit with the upside down happened. Smoked and drank, and tried not to think.
Billy dropped Max off at the house, didn't even get out. As soon as her door closed, the Camaro roared to life and he flew down the dark quiet street.
He ended up at the quarry, too keyed up to sit in the car. Iron maiden blaring from the speakers as he passed around in the dark, smoking and wishing he had something better. Or someone to take all the pent up energy on.
Now Steve knew, and all he'd done was stare and drive away.
Ran away.
Like everyone else important in Billy's life.
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romans-art · 2 years
I love your art soooo much! Would you mind possibly doing some more Moiraine as the Sun Queen, please? That AU gives me so much life, I love it so much. ❤️❤️
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Moiraine defeating Lord Galldrian of House Riatin in a battle for the Sun Throne
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girlfox · 20 days
#𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 ⠀⠀(⠀ⅰ.⠀)⠀⠀𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑:⠀⠀ಇ⠀⠀oh-kae!#cw negative#tw negative#cw vent#tw vent#tagging this for people who don't want this kind of negative content on their feeds!#remember to protect urself first.#and i'll keep this super vague not to be like . . dramatic? but just because i only need to get this off my chest.#but i need to vent so badly because i'm reaching a breaking point. i can /feel/ the anxiety building up in my throat.#i've been 10000 % vibing on my own and really comfy here! i've been loud n' proud about that.#but ever since i've been active here it feels like old issues are rising up and it feels like borderline harrassment.#like. under the radar.#i know this isn't anything anyone is going to have noticed or seen or anything.#but talking with friends who do notice and stuff. i just hit a bad point all of a sudden.#i'm not going to openly talk about problems here on the dash of course.#but drags my hands down my face. i just want to do my own thing man.#i have more time to be here now that school is done for a couple months & i just wanna enjoy it to the fullest hah#i'm finally back into enjoying ahri the way i used to!#but. i dunno. i might bury my head into my inbox & retreat into some video games or something.#i don't really need reassurance or affirmations because this isn't a pity post or anything.#i feel validated by the amazing friends and interactions i get here as is! so thank you to all of you. seriously. ily#but good lord.#i dunno i just wanted to vent and i will delete this later.
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ask-tay-relic · 11 months
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It's not my usual work for the blog, but I slapped a lazy finish on this doodle of Luete (MC from my novel Riftwalker) so I could put it into the Artfight 2023 layout blah blah.
Maybe this year I'll draw him more, or just write more for his series. Almost got book 1(of 12) in a publishable state.
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dan-crimes · 9 months
I always forget how much time I invested in my Inanimate Insanity interest until I go and look back and holy shit I drew how much shit constantly???
#the amount of art that I have for Inanimate Insanity is no match for literally anything else I've drawn ever#all human versions tho cuz I draw. humans.#rn it's happening with Sonic too like I just like to draw things as humans. the opposite of a furry as one would call me#tbf tho the Sonic guys are like cartoon-y enough animals that I still enjoy drawing them normally#Inanimate Insanity tho like those guys are objects but tbf I do enjoy drawing objects#but I prefer humans much more personally#plus I like figuring out a balance between like Real People and okay well they are a little different they have colourful hair and like#a bit off human biology where like idk their hair is a big more liquid vs normal hair#but I mean they are still basically Humans just a bit more ~magical~ in order to fit some of the story beats in the show#same goes with Sonic characters like Sonic has gotta be super fast and like I'm figuring out how Tails could. Tails. I dunno like#hair that is slightly more? alive? having control over his hair? cuz humans don't have tails so would Tails having ONE tail make him#Tail? instead of Tails? plus it would be a Human tail vs a fox tail unless I bend the rules more#tho tbf I prefere the hair thing since like you wouldn't even see a human tail with clothes in unless specifically tailored for that#idk what the Shadow lore will be honestly cuz like I GOTTA MENTION THIS AGAIN. I LITERALLY DO NOT HAVE PERSONAL INFO ON THIS STUFF#like I have not seen basically ANYTHING from the games only people TALKING abt it SOMEWHAT so I got no idea what is happening most the time#ANYWAYYYY if this shows up in the tags I'll delete Tumblr.com (this is a joke) (I just don't like attention)
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gurorori · 11 months
Okay this is upsetting...
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ofmanymasks · 1 year
((Me: -Hears that Clown is allowing NSFW for WH-
Me: "...What? Are they...they can't be serious--"
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Me: "...Well, sonuvaBITCH. They did it. Huh. O///O' Oh my--"))
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demonstars · 1 year
now that you guys mention it dnf are like kaori and kousei in a way. dnf in another universe :<
ifff i think abotu it too much i'llthrow up please be gentle .. i just think dream has the charming will to see the best in life, love of cute animals, and can definitely impact an audience while george is always there next to those he loves, cheering them up and is a very kind soul despite the 'aloof' exterior
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tidetfs · 2 months
"Ugh, bro, pleeeeease?"
Max looked at me with those dopey blue eyes of his, staring dully through me and appearing to lack any kind of intelligence or perception.
"I told you, I have a very important club interview," I replied. "This could determine if I can network into a good job after college!" stressing the importance of a job, something my stoner roommate never seemed to understand.
"Just one hit, man, come on! You gotta stop worrying about that stuff and just chill out!" he replied, stretching his muscular arms over his head of greasy (probably unwashed) brown hair and closing his eyes, as if musing about something important. "You gotta try this weed bro, I just, I-" he stuttered as he took another hit. "I don't fuckin' know man, I think you just need this."
Exasperated, I dropped my heavy bag on the floor and strode over to his side of the room, switching to mouth breathing to avoid inhaling too much foot funk from his "clean pile" of clothes, as Max called it. Even three air fresheners weren't enough to keep the pungent smells of weed and sweat at bay.
"What the hell, dude, when's the last time you even washed those?!"
"Oh, I dunno, a couple weeks ago, maybe?" Max replied, shrugging.
I could see some of the dried crust still clinging to the fabric. I couldn't help but be amazed at the sheer size of his stash. The pile was easily four feet across, and it was clear Max was still working to roll his way through the rest. I couldn't even imagine where he got it all.
"Look, just let me finish my meeting, then I'll smoke with you, okay?"
Max's eyes lit up.
"Yeah, for real?" he replied, excited. "You promise? Pinky swear?"
Max stuck his hand out, his pinky raised and his arm shaking slightly. He looked like an overgrown child. I was so tired, I didn't even hesitate. I wrapped my pinky around his, then turned to walk out of the room. As soon as I let go, I felt a sudden, powerful wave of euphoria wash over me. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. I couldn't even think straight, the sensation was so intense.
I collapsed against the doorway, unable to move. I could barely even think. The only thought that went through my mind was that I'd never felt this good in my life. Every inch of my skin tingled and buzzed, like a pleasant static that sent ripples of bliss through my muscles. I couldn't even control the way my body twitched and shivered.
"Duuuude," I heard Max say. "You feel that, man? I told you it's the good stuff."
I didn't know what was happening to me. My heart was racing and I couldn't breathe, and the feeling was getting more and more intense. "What..." I struggled to even sound out words. "I didn't even...take a hit..."
"Well, no, not technically," Max said, laughing. "But, uh, that's not what it was, actually. See, I sorta dosed your pinky."
I looked up at him, confused. My vision was blurry and I could barely see him, but he was grinning widely, and I could see the outline of his meaty, calloused hands rubbing the front of his jeans.
"See, it's like this, man. That wasn't weed. That was just, you know, a little something to get you to loosen up a bit. And, uh, well, there's this other thing, too. That shit I sprayed on your hand. It's not, uh, not exactly what you think."
The euphoria was fading, but it was still intense, and it was making my brain spin. "You sprayed my...hand?" I mumbled, barely able to understand what he was saying.
"Yeah, bro, I sorta had to, man. You kept getting me down with all your stress." He flexed his big biceps and gave one a kiss. "Now you're gonna be just like me!" He grinned wide, his perfect teeth glinting in the low light.
I couldn't respond. The sensations were still washing over me, but the euphoria was fading. As my brain began to work again, I suddenly realized that there was something wrong with me. There was a new, alien weight between my legs.
"Wha-what did you do?" I stammered, still dazed and confused. "What...what did you..."
I looked down, and froze. There was a huge, heavy bulge straining against the crotch of my jeans, stretching the thick material taut. It was huge. Like, absolutely massive. It was easily the size of my fist, maybe even bigger. It was so big and round, I could even see the outline of the individual balls.
"Duuuuude, bro, look at that fucking thing!" Max exclaimed, pointing and laughing. "It's totally fucking huge! Holy shit, man, it's the biggest cock I've ever seen in my life!"
I tried to speak, but I was still so confused, I couldn't get my mouth to form words.
"I didn't know they could get that big, man! Wow, bro, you're really packing a fucking cannon, you know that? Holy shit, it's so fucking hot." Max was practically drooling as he ogled the enormous bulge in my pants.
I could feel the heat radiating off of it, and I could tell it was pulsing and throbbing with each beat of my heart. The sensation was incredibly intense.
"It's...it's not possible..." I stammered, my voice cracking. "What...what did you spray?"
"Bro, I'm telling you, it's totally normal!" Max said, trying his best to sound reassuring. "My friend from home, he said, well, it's just that..." Max stammered again, his usually peaceful face betraying some shyness. "I've always thought you were cute, even without that package. You just needed to loosen up a little. And, I mean, I just wanted you to be, like, comfortable with me. It was just a little bit, man, and it was totally safe. Like, I swear, it's totally normal, dude." He grinned and shot me a wink. "Soon you're going to be just like me."
Max was still staring at the massive bulge, and I could see the outline of his huge dick stretching the crotch of his jeans.
"Dude, bro, I-" my hand shot to my mouth. I had never used those words in the same sentence before! "I...I didn't mean that!"
"Oh, yeah, dude," Max replied, not even noticing. "It's totally normal, bro. You're just a little high is all."
"High?!" I shouted, exasperated. "This isn't...I'm not...this isn't how people talk!"
Max just shrugged. "Bro, you've always been a nerd, and it's cool, man, I totally get it. But this is a big step forward. You're gonna love this. I swear."
I couldn't believe this was happening. I was still trying to process everything that was happening to me, when I heard Max's voice.
"Duuuuuude, check it out, bro," he said, gesturing to the bulge in his jeans. "We're, like, totally packing!"
"I can't..."
"Oh, shit, right. Dude, you gotta feel this."
Max quickly reached down and grabbed the bulge in my pants. As soon as he made contact, I felt a powerful surge of pleasure ripple through me. My body immediately responded to his touch, and I could feel my new cock throb and twitch. I groaned, unable to hold back the sounds.
"Dude, holy shit, bro, it's like, really sensitive or something," Max said, his eyes wide. "Like, really, really fucking sensitive, bro."
"No, it's...not..." I moaned, but I could tell it was a lie. It felt like Max's hand was squeezing my balls, and the pleasure was incredible.
"Fuck, bro, it's, like, really fucking sensitive, dude. Like, fucking, crazy fucking sensitive." Max was practically drooling, and his eyes were glazed over. He was clearly enjoying this a lot.
"Please, stop..."
"Fuck, bro, you're so fucking hard," Max groaned. He started to rub my bulge, and his other hand went to the front of his own jeans. "...and, you're so pretty too. I just don't want to lose you to all those meetings, bro. I want you to be with me."
"Wait, no, what are you doing?"
"I can't hold back anymore, dude, I gotta see your big dick," Max replied, unzipping my jeans and reaching in. He slowly pulled down, and my eyes widened as he revealed the huge, throbbing bulge in my underwear. It was so big, the fabric was stretched tight, and it was already soaked in pre-cum.
"Holy shit, dude, that thing is huge!" Max exclaimed, his voice cracking. He was staring at my huge bulge with a lustful expression, and his long tongue darted out to lick his lips. "It's, like, fucking, massive."
I looked down and was shocked by what I saw. It was easily twice as big as it had been just a few minutes ago. It was still growing, and it was stretching the fabric of my boxer-briefs to the limit. Max began to move closer, scrambling to take off his busted old t-shirt, meaty pecs and perfect washboard abs busting out as he did. He leaned forward, and his massive bicep brushed against my new rock-hard dick.
"Oh, shit, bro, fuck," Max moaned as he leaned in closer. At this point I could almost feel the waves of sweat and weed rolling off his huge body, and my cock was throbbing and leaking, straining against the tight fabric of my underwear.
"You're so hot, dude," Max said, reaching out to grab my huge bulge, wrapping his meaty hand around it. His hand was warm and rough, and his grip was strong, squeezing my bulge and causing a fresh burst of pleasure. "You're, like, fucking sexy as hell, man."
"What the hell, bro, no, that's not...that's not right!" I stammered, but Max's words sent a thrill through me. I could feel my cheeks burning, and I could feel the heat radiating from my skin. "That's not, I'm not a fag!"
"You sure about that, bro?" he asked, giving it a tug and sending a bolt of pleasure through my body. I felt the euphoria return. This time, it was a hundred times more intense.
"Fuuuuck," I groaned, leaning my head back. "Bro, it feels so fucking good."
"I know, right? And it's going to feel even better when you're a stoner like me, dude." Max replied, his eyes never leaving mine.
"Fuck, bro, I can't take it, I gotta get naked," Max moaned, frantically undoing his belt and shucking his pants. "I'm so fucking hard, bro, I can't wait to fuck you."
I looked down, and for the first time, got a good look at my new equipment. It was absolutely massive. It was huge and thick, easily the biggest cock I'd ever seen, and it was still growing. It was 10 inches long, and thicker than a beer can. My balls were huge, too, hanging heavy and swollen between my legs. I'd never felt anything like it.
The sensation continued to wash over me, slowly becoming heat as I began to sweat. It felt amazing. I couldn't control myself, I was already starting to moan and groan, and the euphoria was starting to mix with my arousal. My new cock was so sensitive, and the slightest touch made it throb and pulse.
"It's starting!" Max shouted, looking at my side of the room as my clean and organized things started to transform. My desk became cluttered with bongs and pipes, and posters of the periodic table were suddenly replaced by scantily clad men. My clothes started to change, too. My formerly neat shirts were suddenly full of holes and stained with various substances. My shoes were replaced with flip flops and Crocs.
"I can't take it, man, I'm too horny, I need to kiss you, right now," Max moaned, his voice shaking with desperation. "I've been waiting for this day, dude, and I can't hold back any longer."
Before I could protest, Max leaned in and kissed me, his big, thick tongue probing my mouth. The heat was overwhelming, and his kisses were passionate and hungry. His big, rough hands began to explore my body, rubbing and stroking and caressing every inch of me. He broke away from the kiss and buried his face in my neck, licking and nibbling and kissing. He was so close, I could feel the heat from his body, and I could smell the overpowering funk of stale sweat and reeking weed. It was so powerful I almost didn't notice my feet begin to ache and the pain in my lower back.
"What's...what's happening to me, bro?" I asked, my voice breaking. "I feel...I feel like...fuck, bro, it hurts!"
"You're changing, dude," Max replied, grinning. "It's the weed. You're finally becoming one with the bud."
"Fuck, bro, I can't hold back anymore," Max moaned. He reached down and began to stroke his giant cock, pre-cum pouring from the tip. It was easily 9 inches, and his massive balls were swollen and heavy with greasy, unwashed hair.
My feet continued to ache and burn as they stretched out, becoming bigger and broader. I could feel my bones shifting and rearranging, long tufts of sweaty hair sprouting out of my feet as they morphed into giant, hairy stumps. I couldn't believe it. The changes were getting more and more intense, and it was driving me wild. I felt like I was going to explode.
"I can't take it anymore," Max groaned, his voice a husky growl. " I have to make you mine."
Without hesitation, Max grabbed my shoulders and spun me around, pushing me face-first into my mattress. His hands were rough and strong, and he easily manhandled me.
"Holy fuck, dude, your ass, it's..." Max moaned, his voice filled with lust. "It's so fucking huge."
My ass was getting bigger and rounder, and it was stretching the seat of my boxer-briefs to the limits, and I felt a sharp, sudden pain as the fabric gave way and tore, leaving my huge, jiggly, fat, bubble butt exposed.
"I'm so horny, bro" Max moaned, his voice shaky and breathy, as my ass filled with greasy, oily stink, the air thick with the musk of unwashed flesh and reeking, unwashed funk.
"You're so hot, dude. It's so hot that you're getting stoned."
"What? Bro, that's not...wait!"
"Don't worry, dude, you'll get used to it. It's just the weed talking."
"No, wait, bro, you can't..." I moaned again as my legs began to push me taller, my thighs and calves widening and thickening. My feet swelled even more, filling to a size 13, and a sudden rush of heat swept over my body.
"Fuck, dude, you're so fucking hot, man," Max groaned, his voice thick with lust, rubbing my new, tick legs as dark, swirly hair began to sprout, quickly becoming matted with the sweat of hours upon hours of mindless smoking.
"Please, bro, stop," I moaned, as my body began to shake. "I can't take it, I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum."
"Dude, that's the whole point, bro," Max replied, his voice trembling. "Just relax, and let it happen. It's gonna feel so fucking good."
"It's too much," I moaned, my cock throbbing and pulsing. "It's too intense."
"I know, dude, it's just the weed, bro. It'll feel better after you get used to it. Trust me."
I could feel the hair begin to creep onto my stomach and chest, quickly spreading and covering me in a layer of greasy, foul-smelling, sweaty body hair.
"Dude, are you seriously not feeling this, too?" I asked, my voice cracking. "Bro, I can't take it, please, just stop, it's too much."
"Dude, chill, you're fine," Max replied, flipping me back over and rubbing his hand over my new abs and thickening pecs. "Just enjoy the ride."
"Wait, no, I'm not...fuuuuck!"
The sensation was so intense, it was driving me wild. I could barely even think. My pecs were growing larger and heavier, and my nipples were swelling and darkening, the areolae growing thicker and hairier.
"Fuuuuuck, dude, you're so fucking sexy," Max groaned, grabbing a fistful of hair and giving it a sharp tug, making me moan with pleasure.
My cock was throbbing and leaking pre-cum, and I could feel the heat coming from it. My balls were swollen and heavy, and they were aching for release.
"Fuck, dude, I can't take it," Max moaned, his voice filled with desperation, shoving his face into my pit as they began to grow and deepen, quickly filling with rank, musky body odor. As he licked, my arms grew longer and wider, my biceps and triceps growing thicker and bulkier. My forearms became thicker and more defined, and my hands and fingers were getting bigger and beefier.
"Bro, it's so fucking good." Max's voice was muffled by my armpit, and I could feel his tongue lapping up the stale sweat and musk.
My arms were now completely covered in thick, greasy, matted hair, and the same was happening to my back, the swirly pattern spreading like a wildfire. My shoulders were growing larger and rounder, and I could feel the muscles shifting and rearranging.
"Please, dude, don't...I can't..."
"I can't stop, bro, you're so hot," Max moaned, his face buried in my pit. I could smell our odors mixing together as our muscular bodies writhed against each other, slick with sweat and the stinking smell of weed.
I was so turned on.
"You're so hot, bro," Max moaned, his pre-cum leaking all over the place.
"No, bro, what?" I moaned, my voice trembling. "I'm not a faggot."
"That's just the weed, dude," Max replied, his voice low and husky. "You're gonna love it."
"Please, no," I moaned, but I knew he was right. I was so turned on, and the weed was driving me wild as my neck and jaw began to fill out and widen, my Adam's apple growing into a large, meaty knob.
I moaned as my voice deepened, the vibrations reverberating through me, causing me to shiver, my speech becoming permanently relaxed, just like my roommate's.
"Fuck," Max groaned, going in for a slobbery, wet kiss, our body heat generating enough stink to make me gag.
My body was now covered in matted, swirly body hair, and it was growing thicker and greasier, the same thing happening to my chest. I could feel my pecs bulging even more as my face was being smothered in kisses and licks, my nose cracking into a previously-broken shape and the skin becoming rough and scarred.
"Oh, fuck, dude, you're so fucking hot," Max moaned, burying his face in my thick neck, his voice muffled by the hair.
"No, please, bro," I moaned, my voice cracking. "I can't take it, it's too much."
"You can do it, bro, just hold on a little longer," Max replied, his voice shaky.
My tongue grew thicker and longer, and it started to loll out of my mouth, my face cracking into model-level handsomeness. I was so turned on, and I couldn't take it anymore. My balls were throbbing and pulsing, and my cock was throbbing and pulsing.
"I'm gonna cum," I moaned, my voice deep and slow.
"Do it, bro," Max moaned, his voice trembling. "Do it, cum all over me, bro."
I felt his fingers run across my short hair, sending a shiver down my spine. My body was wracked with pleasure as I felt ropes of rancid, stinking cum shoot from my cock, splattering his chest and stomach. I couldn't control myself, I was moaning and groaning, the intense orgasm rocking my body, my new, masculine frame shaking and quivering.
With each rope, my bright green eyes became dimmer and dimmer, coloring grayer and grayer as all of my worries and stress flowed out of me, and I fell into a state of bliss, my cock still twitching and throbbing as the last change began. My hair grew longer and thicker, until it was a long, shaggy, dirty mess, and a fresh wave of fresh musk rose off me.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck," I moaned, my voice deep and slow, my tongue lolling out of my mouth.
"Fuck, dude, you're so fucking sexy," Max moaned, his voice cracking. "I can't believe it, dude. You're, like, totally a stoner now, bro."
"Haha, yeah man...wait bro, haven't I always been?" I looked at myself in the dingy dorm mirror, and realized I looked like a dumb, stoned idiot. My voice was deeper, and my accent was different. My hair was messy and unwashed, and my skin was tanned. My pecs were massive and my abs were rock hard. My cock was huge and throbbing. My feet were hairy and stinky. I had a huge, round, bubble butt.
I laughed a deep, airy chuckle.
"That's right" Max said, staring into my dull eyes. He seemed like the hottest man I had ever laid eyes on until I realized.
"I love you, dude." Max giggled.
"Yeah man, I love you, too" I slurred, leaning in for a sloppy kiss, my tongue probing his mouth, the taste of weed and sweat overwhelming. He returned the favor, and soon, we were a mess of sloppy, stoner kisses, our thick, stubbly chins rubbing together, the sound of slurping and licking filling the room.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck," I groaned, the kiss ending, both of us breathing heavy and panting, a mixture of spit dripping from our chins. "That was, like, totally amazing, dude."
"Fuck, yeah, bro, it was fucking awesome," Max groaned, his voice trembling. "I've been waiting for this for, like, ever, bro. It's fucking crazy."
"Yeah, dude, totally," I replied, staring at his gorgeous, masculine features. His big, thick arms, his perfect washboard abs, his massive pecs, and his perfect, handsome face. He was fucking hot, and he was all mine.
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sanguineterrain · 6 months
restroom attendant | jason todd
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Summary: Tonight is the worst night ever--you just got dumped on your birthday, and all you want to do is cry in the restaurant bathroom in peace. That is, until, the Red Hood bursts in. This city just won't cut you a break.
Pairing: Jason Todd x fem!reader 
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings/tags: humor, mild angst, reader's ex-bf cheats and dumps her, jason is such a silly goose, flirting, meet ugly, canon-typical violence, awkward jason, comic relief dick grayson.
A/N: this is probably the silliest fic i've ever written LOL! i hope you guys enjoy it. please support your local jason todd enthusiast and reblog :)
the divider
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Tonight sucks. 
With a shaky hand, you attempt to soothe your swollen eyes. You’ve probably been in here for about twenty minutes. Your Uber has definitely left, as has your now ex-boyfriend of three years. 
Yoga instructor. It’s always the yoga instructor. They’re always fucking the yoga instructor.
You swallow a mouthful of tears and phlegm and try not to let the wet sink touch your dress. All you’d wanted was a little class on your birthday, maybe have some wine and play footsie under the table with your boyfriend. But no. That would’ve been too easy for you. 
You’re starting to think this city is cursed.
The door slams open. The force of it shakes the bathroom, rattles the mirrors. You spin around.
A man slides across the floor and smacks his head on the opposite wall. Red Hood appears in the doorway, the eyes of his helmet glowing eerily. 
Yep. Definitely cursed.
"Let's try this again," Hood says pleasantly, reloading his gun with a fresh magazine. "And in the interest of making myself transparent: when I ask you a question, Jerry, I expect a truthful answer."
He stalks over to Jerry and heaves him up by the lapels of his suit jacket. Hood's biceps bulge as he holds Jerry against the wall. You squish yourself against the sink. Water soaks the back of your dress. 
"You're crazy, I didn't do anything!" Jerry shouts, feet barely scraping the floor. 
"Volume, Jerry. People are trying to enjoy their meals.”
“Let go of me, Hood! I wasn’t anywhere near the Iceberg Lounge!”
“Yeah, see, words are coming outta your mouth, but they don't match the fact that I have three people who put you at the scene. How can we remedy this inconsistency? Any ideas?"
Jerry squirms, but he's no match for Hood's strength. Your heart pounds in your chest.
"Don't give me to the cops!" Jerry begs. 
"Cops are the least of your worries right now," Hood snarls. "You're damn lucky Nightwing wants to talk to you, Jerry, or your head would hurt a lot more."
Slowly, you reach for your purse, trying to pull out your phone. Instead, you knock it to the floor. Tears gather in your eyes because this night just can’t cut you a break.
“Motherfucker,” you whisper. 
Hood turns, those frightening white eyes now on you. Jerry also looks at you, legs still dangling.
“Hey,” Hood says without a sign of struggle. “Shit. Y'alright? Did I swipe ya?”
“No,” you say, voice shaky.
His posture softens. “Okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. Don’t be afraid.”
“I believe you. But, um… you're in the women's bathroom.”
Red Hood gives the room a onceover. 
“Huh. So we are. Dunno how that happened.” He shakes Jerry by the collar. “Why’d you run into the women’s bathroom, asshole?”
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Don't kill me!” Jerry wails. 
“Shut it, Jesus. I'm not gonna kill you. Not yet, anyway.” 
“It's fine, I was just leaving,” you say, bending down to get your purse. 
“Hey, no, don't let me push you out,” Hood says. “Sorry. I'll be gone in a couple minutes.”
Hood adjusts his grip so Jerry's face is against the wall, arms and legs restrained. Then he zipties Jerry and sits him down hard on the floor. Hood presses a button on his helmet. 
“Yo, N, I'm at Prescott's. Yeah, with Jerry. No, I didn't tell him to run in here, he did that all on his own! Well, I chased him for ten blocks, so I’d prefer if you’d keep your bitching to yourself. Thank you… Okay, we're in the women's bathroom, so—well, I didn't do it on purpose! No, I’m—will you just come here? There’s a side window.” Hood presses the button again with a grunt. “Dickhead.”
“Are you gonna erase my memory?” you ask. 
Hood jerks, turning back to you.
“What? Hell no, I'm not gonna erase your memory. I don't do that shit, I promise.”
You slump against the sink. “That's too bad. I would prefer it.”
He looks up from Jerry’s last ziptie and pulls it extra tight. Jerry whimpers. 
“How come?” Hood asks.
You shake your head. “It's nothing.”
“Hm. Doesn't look like nothing. If you're in danger—”
“I'm not in danger. I…”
You glance at Hood. You can't see his face, but his body language seems genuine. From what you've heard, Hood isn't known for mincing words or doing things he doesn't want to. And he’s good to Gothamites. Well, the law-abiding ones, anyway. He’s even been endorsed by Batman.
What's the harm in telling him about your disastrous night? Not like you'll see him again. Or Jerry. 
“I got dumped,” you say. 
“Ah.” Hood nods. “Been there.”
Somehow, the idea of Red Hood getting dumped is weirder than him beating up a guy in the women’s bathroom of Prescott’s.
You sniffle, and wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. 
“Yeah, um. It was our three year anniversary today. He took me here, told me he was in love with his yoga instructor, and then left.”
You tear up thinking about it. Hood makes a quiet noise.
“Shit. Well, I haven't been there,” he says. “But I know infidelity. I'm sorry. Dudes are trash.”
“And it's my birthday today,” you blurt, sniffling. 
“Happy birthday,” Jerry says, clutching his stomach. 
“What a fucking asshole!” Hood snarls, and lets go of Jerry, who crumples like a sack of potatoes. He’s out cold in a second, frozen on the floor.
Your brows rise. “Is he okay?”
“He’s fine. It’s his first time in Gotham.” Hood shrugs. “Anyway, where was I? Right, your asshole ex. Like it's not enough to publicly dump you, and then he goes and does it on your birthday? Who is this guy? I'll go talk to him right now.”
You laugh a loud, snorting laugh. It bounces off the tiles. 
Hood tilts his head. “What’d I say?”
You catch your breath and wave your hand. 
“No, nothing, I’m sorry. I’ve just had a crappy night and that’s probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever offered to me.”
“I mean it,” Hood says. “I’ll scare him if you want.”
“As tempting as that is, I don’t want to be an accessory to a crime.”
You also don’t want to put your ex in the ICU, no matter how much he might deserve it. Best to let the universe do its thing.
“You’d be acquitted, don’t worry.” Hood leans against the stall. “I’d never letcha go to jail.”
You smile, your ears growing warm. “You don’t even know me. What if I deserve it?”
“Nah. I got a good sense about people. I can tell you’re sweet. Probably don’t even run through red lights.”
“I try not to,” you say, heat spreading to your face. 
“Yeah, a good girl. I figured as much.”
Your eyes widen. Hood coughs and rubs his neck. Even his coughs sound intimidating through the helmet, but that’s negated by his scrunched-up posture.
“Fuck. Sorry. That wasn’t a come-on,” he says. “I mean, it sounded like one, but I’m realizing what a creep I am, flirting with you in a bathroom with a zip-tied criminal. Sorry.” He shakes his head. “I hate myself.”
You grin. “It’s okay. You made my night better, actually. Thanks.”
“That’s a testament to how terrible your night’s been if I made it better.”
You shrug. “Could always be worse. I bet Jerry had an even shittier night than me.”
“You’d win that bet. But I—”
The window swings open with a clunk. Nightwing pops his head in. He looks at Hood, then you. 
“Uh,” he says. “Evening. What’s going on?”
“What’s going on is it took you almost ten minutes to get here,” Hood says, back in Vigilante Mode. “Did you get lost?”
Nightwing smiles with all his teeth. “I was actually cleaning up your mess at the Bowery, Hood. You’re welcome.” 
He looks at you. “Hi. Sorry about this. I hope we didn’t ruin your night. If there’s anything we can reimburse you for…”
You shake your head. “It’s okay. My night was already sunk. Don’t worry about it. Thanks for keeping Gotham safe.”
Nightwing laughs. “The pleasure is ours.”
“Alright, enough chattering, Dickwing,” Hood says. “Take him.”
He lifts the unconscious Jerry, pushing him up to the window. He does so effortlessly, his jacket riding up to reveal his skin-tight jumpsuit. 
You look away before he catches you staring. There’s definitely something wrong with you. 
Nightwing takes Jerry and waves at you. Then he disappears.
“So, uh,” Hood says. “I gotta go.”
“Oh! Right, of course. Sorry to keep you.”
“Now what’re you apologizing for?” he asks, and it almost sounds like a tease. You wonder what his smile looks like. What color his eyes are.
“Well, I really didn���t mean to keep you…”
“You didn’t keep me,” Hood says, and you can hear the warmth even through his decoder. “This is probably the best arrest I’ve ever made.”
He starts to climb through the window, then stops. He digs into one of the pockets of his belt and pulls out a scrap of paper. 
“This is my number,” he says. “Well, it’s kind of the vigilante hotline. But you can reach me here, in case you ever need help.”
Hood walks over to give it to you. He smells like gunpowder and oranges. He’s even larger this close, the width of his shoulders dwarfing you. 
“Thank you,” you say quietly. 
He nods and backs up, clapping his hands.
“Right. So I’ll go… Bye.”
Hood looks at you for a moment more. Then he hops up onto the window sill and slides out, somehow graceful despite his bulk. The window closes. 
Your dress has dried, which is nice. You walk out of the bathroom. It’s a miracle no one else has come in. 
You get your coat and this time, when you see the empty seat across from yours, you don’t burst into tears, which is progress. You call another Uber and go to wait for it at the front. The hostess approaches you.
“Ma’am?” she says, and holds out a small, plastic container. In it is a slice of tiramisu. 
“I didn’t order this,” you say.
“It was called in and paid for by a Mr. R.H. He wishes you a happy birthday.” 
“Oh. Thank you.”
You’re definitely leaving a five-star review on Yelp.
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jojissalsa · 6 months
dunno who agrees, but leon would love cuddle fucking. (mdni, please)
was thinking abt this all night cause i always have a hard time sleeping without thinking of him. totally normal btw.
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re2!leon would be so tired after every shift, being a rookie is tough work. even if it's just stupid ass reports he has to file or sitting in a police car for hours just watching people, he's just glad he can come back home to you. you're usually asleep by the time he gets back home from work, and it's like you knew what he would wanna do after he gets ready for bed. your arm stretched out, a nice, big space in front of you to slip into. and he does, and he just melts when you bring him closer, your hand rubbing lovingly at his waist. you whisper sweet nothings about how hard he works, how he should be easier on himself. it's all true, you just can't help but remind him that he deserves some time to himself as well. something to clear his mind and ease his stress before he goes insane from mundane paperwork. so he doesn't mind when your hand starts to wander slightly down, nails grazing under his sweats as his breathing starts to pick up. he buries his nose in the crook of your neck as he whines when your hand slips down his boxers, pulling his hard cock out and positioning him inside your soaked panties. he loves doing this, loves feeling how wet you are as he holds you oh so tight, the sound of skin slapping ever so softly as he fucks your thighs. your hands tangle themselves in his hair, moaning and murmuring about how good he is, how sweet of a boy he is, and you can feel him getting close. his cock kicks and presses perfectly against your clit, and it doesn't take long for him to cum inside your panties. "thank you baby, fuck, so good to me. you know how much i love you, right? love you more than anything.." he gets so sentimental, so frazzled after his high because he just needs you to know. that he loves you so, so much.
he would get a lot more confident the older he gets, i mean we all know how much of a cocky bastard he is. it's in his nature to be a smug piece of shit, not that you mind obviously. you're obsessed with him regardless. so when he finds you sleeping on the couch after waiting all night for him, he can't help but tease you about it when he carries you to the bedroom. you tug at his shirt when he sets you down, and he reassures you that he just needs to get ready for bed. the relief you feel when he finally slips into bed is unmatched, his hand finding it's usual place under your shirt and on your tit, making you whine softly. you grind your ass against his lap to try and hint at him that you want more, but he stops you. "sorry baby, not tonight. i'll make it up to you in the morning, doll." it satisfies you for now, cause you know he always keeps his word. so when you wake up the next morning with his thumb and index finger tugging at your nipple, hard cock pressing against your ass, you just smile and let him do all the work. "good morning sunshine, told you i'd make it up to you." you clench around nothing as he groans in your ear, his heavy breathes making it hard to think. you feel him pull your panties down, lifting your leg up slightly to slide his dick against your slit, slick coating his length almost instantly. his tip nudges against your clit, you gasp when he pushes inside you, stretching you out in the best way possible, tip kissing your cervix. he coos at you, every deep, long stroke coaxing out moans that get louder and louder. "i know, so fucking deep, huh? shhhh, just take it, honey." so you do, letting every bit of him completely take over your mind, your eyes rolling into the back of your head every time he bottoms out inside you. "there you go, atta girl." you always squeal and moan when he says that, and it only makes him more smug. "aww, does my princess like when i talk to her like that? so dirty, love it when you're like this. my sweet girl, loves every little thing i say or do." he takes your jaw in his free hand, making you look him in the eye, or try to as he starts to speed up. "isn't that right, baby? that pretty little head just thinks of me and me only?" yep, still just as smug. you have to nod and say yes just to get him to finally speed up, pounding into you with an unrelenting force. "gonna empty my balls in your pretty fuckin' pussy. c'mon baby, milk my cock, cum for me." the knot in your stomach snaps the second he commands you, body quivering with a force as your orgasm washes over you. his cock kicks inside you as he bottoms out as deep as he possibly can, his cum painting your walls white before slowly pulling out. he peppers kisses along your neck, letting you relax and fall limp in his arms as he comforts you, the both of you basking in the love you share. how sweet.
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literaila · 3 months
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: you're both drunk and (not) in love
warnings: alcohol mentions, angst if you're me, fluff, nonsensical conversation
a/n: i will be messing with this later but if i have to think about it for any longer i'll cry (also listen to be (acoustic) because i said so)
last part | next part
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year four.
the house is almost silent, tonight. 
usually, at close to midnight, it's quiet. the house will buzz as the furnace works, the house settling itself into the earth, but there's none of the laughter that echoes throughout the hallways like it does during the day. no names being yelled across a threshold, much too loud for the size of the house itself. 
the kids are always in bed this late, and usually you and satoru are too--besides the nights where you stay up talking or arguing, speaking with soft voices for so long that your throat is sore by morning.
those are the nights when you fall asleep on the couch together, or you migrate to one of your rooms, speaking nothing of the broken rules in your relationship. 
satoru's bed is a lot more comfy than yours, anyway. his blankets are heavier and his pillows are fluffier. 
or that's what you usually think to yourself in the morning when you wake up there once again. it's an excuse, sure, but at least it's more reasonable than reality. 
but tonight is quiet because the kids aren't home. and it's almost midnight, and the two of you are just walking in through the door. 
and, admittedly, you're a little bit drunk. 
"don't--" you say, laughing languidly, tripping over satoru's legs as he pushes the door open. it took him five tries to unlock it, but you don't say anything, because everything looks a bit uneven. "don't forget to shut it all the way."
satoru ignores you. "why are all of the lights off?" 
you step over the tiny shoes left by your front door, almost tripping on air, and flick on the lights. you squint at the brightness, groaning.
but the lights do nothing to ease the eerieness of the hallway. 
you can't remember the last time you came home this late. the last time you had a night without the kids. 
it's probably why the two of you went a little overboard at the bar. but it's hard to keep up with shoko anyway, so it's not really your fault. 
satoru hiccups. "why don't we have night vision?" 
"humans suck," you answer, trying to kneel to take off your shoes, which are pinching at your feet. 
"true," he says, kicking his own sneakers against the wall. his jacket is already off, and on a normal night you would chastise him for not hanging it up, but at the moment you've kind of forgotten about the coat rack. 
and how to think properly. 
"did you--" you shake your head, looking at satoru, who seems to be upside down. "did you lock the door?" 
"of course i did, i'm not a heathen." 
but you see him rattle the doorknob, clumsily, and that must satisfy you because you walk out of the hallway, into the living room, which is just as dark as the rest of the house. 
it's strange that no one else is home. strange that there's no one to tuck in, no room to peek your head in before you pass out. 
"how late is it?" you ask satoru, who's following so closely behind you that you almost fall back into him when you stop. 
"is there someone here? i feel like i'm in a horror movie," you turn to satoru, who's squinting around like he'll be able to see something in the dark room. "where are your glasses?" 
"dunno," he says, with a grin. and then hiccups again. 
you roll your eyes, but grab his hand as you pull him along the house, trailing to one of your rooms--you can't remember which--and forcing yourself to take off your socks before you climb into bed. 
it's a good thing that both of the kids are gone because neither of you are exactly quiet as you walk through the house. satoru is tripping every step, and you're holding onto all of the walls trying not to do the same. 
seriously, neither of you ever get out. 
and, in the blink of an eye, you're in someone's bed--hopefully yours--nuzzling yourself under the blankets. your head is swirling, and you can't see anything, but satoru is there, you think, because you can feel him. 
like a buzz on your skin as his hand trails up your arm, and he pulls you into him, probably. it's all fuzzy. and you don't care what he's doing anyway--you trust him, even drunk. 
"i'm never drinking again," you mumble as you turn, wiping something off of your face.
satoru laughs. his breath on the side of your cheek makes you blink. "you said that last time, i think." 
"i was right." 
"lightweight," he teases like he isn't slurring the word. 
he's so very close, and yet, you curl your leg around his, trying to get yourself even closer. 
satoru doesn't complain as you move, as fast a dream, and then you're lying on top of him. 
maybe it's not his bed. maybe he's the comfortable one. 
you blink hazily at his smile and press a chaste kiss on his jaw like it's an appropriate thing to do. 
you can't think of anything to say, so you just hum into his skin as you settle in. you kinda want to lick him.
"why're you so cold?" he asks you, rubbing your arms. 
you don't respond. 
being with him is like walking on top of everything else. walking on nothing at all, actually. 
his hands wrap around your waist, secure and sure, like he's never hesitated a day in his life. and you think, just for a moment, that you've never been warm like this.
that maybe you've been living in a tundra. maybe that feeling in your core has been frozen for so long, and satoru is the only thing warm enough to defrost it. 
but it takes a long time. that hurt, that fear eased in the edges of your soul cannot be cleared out with a single burst of flame. 
though satoru is not one single thing. 
but, nonetheless, his hands on you, holding you to him, are enough for now. 
his eyes--with nothing to stop them from reaching you, like a blindfold or lens--have always been far more than you wanted. 
but he's looking at you, so you can't think about any of it.
you want to tell him something, but you’re not sure what. there’s something in your mouth, ready to come out. but it stays hidden, a secret you’re keeping from even yourself.
his eyes are on yours, focused and sure, pupils blown.
you kind of want to laugh at him, because inhibitions make you giddy. and satoru has always been something that excites you. 
his face echoes with the memories of two children, two foolish kids who never understood just how good they had it. 
have it. 
"do you think i'm strong?" satoru asks you, still slurring, and he's joking. he's been quiet for a while, so you don't know where this is coming from. on a normal night, you'd probably be concerned about the question. 
but tonight you just giggle against him, tracing the slope of his eyebrow, which makes his face twitch. 
with your other hand, you pretend to feel around his arm like you'll find anything but muscle. "hmm," you pinch his bicep, giddy when he flinches from your touch. "i guess. might wanna hit the gym, though." 
you think you might die from just the way he's looking at you. 
"you're a bad liar," satoru grins at you. he's breathing heavily through his mouth like you've exhausted him. 
"so are you," you tell him. 
"says who?" he asks, and he's lying to you right now. 
"me. remember when you tried to convince me that you painted that portrait in the hallway?"  
"i did," satoru swears, but he shakes his head as he says it, looking away. 
a bit of reprieve for you, but you still tilt his chin back. you want his eyes.
"see? bad liar." 
"i get it from you." 
you grin at him, not sure what it means. 
"if you died, would you come back to haunt me?" satoru asks you, suddenly. like the question is significant, in some way. 
"if i die you'll already be a ghost," you say to him, "because you're dying first." 
"no, i'm not." 
"do you want me to die?" 
he pretends to think about it. "well, no, i guess. but if you did, would you haunt me?" 
"definitely. i'd throw things around the house for you to clean up. and mess with your conditioners." 
"so you're an evil ghost." 
"just a bit of karma for letting me die." 
"i'd avenge you," satoru argues. 
"i don't want to be avenged," you roll your eyes. "just keep me alive."
"oh, yeah. guess i could do that." 
"you guess?" 
"i mean... it's a lot of work. i'll have to look at my schedule." 
"next time i go on a mission i'm going to come back hurt just to see you freak out. maybe i'll lose a limb. or some brain damage? which is worse?" 
satoru, who squirms around a paper cut, gives you a plagued look. "i'm going to tell yaga about the threats you're making." 
"like he'd believe you." 
"i'll lock you in the basement. you'll never go on another mission again. there, i solved our problem. you never leave the house and i don't have to worry about keeping you alive." 
"we don't have a basement." 
"oh. right," he frowns. then he blinks, and the smile is back. 
"also, i keep you alive every day. you can't return the favor?” you sigh. “i'm being exploited." 
he raises a brow. 
"who do you think hides all of the sweets?" you ask him. "the kids aren't eating all of those." 
"where'd you put my pocky?" 
"you'll never know." 
"i'll torture you for information. i know where you're ticklish." 
you squirm away from his seeking hands, but don't move. you grasp one, stopping him from touching any further than your side. "i'm not scared of the man who won't even remove his hair from the drain after he showers." 
satoru makes a face. "but it's all slimy and weird." 
"it's your hair! stop making megumi do it." 
"i feed him. he can help out." 
you have to keep yourself from giggling again, like a foolish girl who’s in love with her best friend.
you roll your eyes and fall flat against him, letting go of his hand, even though it's very soft, and you relax on his chest. there's a moment where satoru settles into this--into you--and then his hands begin to roam the expanse of your back.
"if i was a ghost," satoru whispers, "i would lay on top of you in the morning so you couldn't get out of bed." 
"like a sleep paralysis demon?" 
"dont you already do that?" 
he licks his lips. "it'd be scarier if i was invisible." 
"can ghosts touch people? i don't think they're tactile." 
"i'm not like a normal ghost." 
"not like normal anything." 
satoru nudges his nose against your forehead in retaliation, but he doesn't argue. it's not like he can, anyway. 
"hey," you whisper, after a moment. you're looking up at him, admiring the slopes and concaves of his face at this angle. his eyes almost make his face glow, his own personal light. 
"do you think the kids are awake right now?" 
"no," satoru sighs. "nanami probably put them to bed at six. after feeding them straight broccoli." 
"i told him their routine..." you mumble. "i think." 
"d'ya think megumi'll haunt us?" 
"he'll never die," you tell him, "just out of spite." 
"you can't haunt him, okay?" you say, very seriously, giving him a flat look, which he laughs at. "when you die he deserves some peace." 
"no promises." 
you poke his chest but have no answer. actually... you're not even really sure what you're talking about. or that it matters. 
there’s something in your mouth, ready to come out.
but satoru is still warm. he smells like bitter alcohol and bubblegum. 
"hey," you whisper, again, looking at him through half-lidded eyes. you’re not sure what you’re doing.
he is blurry this close, but you can still see all of him. you'd know his face if you went blind, behind a mask. you could black out--you probably will--and he'd still be there. 
"hey," he murmurs back. his voice is like a punch to the throat. but his smile is effortless.
"you're pretty," you whisper, as you think it. "and sweaty." 
satoru's looking down at you, and his smile stays the same. his breath is on your face, sugary sweet. "so are you." 
"i know." 
satoru laughs, his knuckles running across your cheekbone. it almost makes you shiver. "pretty," he whispers like it's a joke. 
"why're your eyes so blue?" 
"wavelengths, or something. didn't you pay attention in school?" 
you laugh, shaking your head at him. it's funnier than it should be. 
"don't you like my eyes?" he asks, suddenly pouting. 
"yeah. they're like a nightlight. 's never dark." 
his eyes are probably your favorite thing in the world, you don't say, 'cause you can't think. his eyes are unimaginable, and so close to you.
satoru swallows, shaking his head. "that's all i am to you?" 
"and a teddy bear. you're comfy." 
satoru hiccups, but holds you closer, smiling against your forehead. "good." 
there's a couple of minutes where the two of you bask in the silence. the quiet is a nice break from it all. and you're both so drunk that the usual fears can't seem to make their way in. 
not the way they usually doing, plaguing your body. fear is just something that is, right now. nothing to be afraid of.
but, even so, you've never felt so safe. or so sleepy.
and this time, it's satoru who whispers, "hey." 
"hey," you say, back. you smile at him. his fingers trace circles on your back. or maybe he's writing something. you can't tell. 
it feels nice, though. 
"i like you," he says. and you're not sure if he means in general, or here, in his bed with him. maybe it's a question. 
it doesn't matter. 
"i like you too. hey?" 
satoru just hums this time. you can tell that he's about to fall asleep, because his eyelashes flutter shut, and his breathing has begun to even out. 
"satoru," you say, again, because you want to see his eyes just one more time before you fall asleep on top of him. 
you have to say something. it could be the alcohol, but it might be just you.
"i think i'm in love with you," you say, and you mean it but it's not what you meant to say. but you're half-asleep, about to drool on his chest, so you can't even contemplate the words. 
is it drunk and in love? or drunk on love? 
you can't remember. 
you could probably kiss him right now. he’s close enough, and you’ve always wanted to. but, even this version of you knows that it would be a bad idea. so you don’t. and you don’t think about what you’ve just admitted.
satoru's smile is vicious, as it begins to blur. you can feel his heart beating against your fingertips. "yeah?" he whispers, and you're not sure why he sounds breathless.
you nod against him. 
"me too," he murmurs, and you can't think about what it means. he whispers something else that you don't hear.
because the two of you fall asleep just then, and the words don't really mean anything. 
just, you know, everything. 
in the morning, your head pounds. 
one of you left the blinds open last night, so the sun wakes you up, shining through the trees outside. your mouth is dry, and your throat burns, like you swallowed knives. 
and you're still on top of satoru, and you remember exactly how you got there. 
he's groaning when you begin to move, holding you closer. and this isn't all that unusual. 
but when he opens his eyes, there's a daze in them. some secret he's thinking about as he looks at you. 
and you both forget to mention that you remember the night before. and everything that was said. 
you probably shouldn't talk about it with a hangover, anyway. 
next part | series masterlist
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alexialuvrr · 4 months
I Put My Hand On A Star, To See If I Still Bleed
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Alexia isn't playing well after returning from her injury and needs to feel something.
(AU where Arsenal and Barça are in the same group in the 2023/24 UWCL)
CW: smut, sub!alexia because there isn't enough of it in this world, strap-on, lil bit of blood
Back during the 2021/2022 season, you and Alexia would hook up all the time. She barely spoke English and you barely spoke Spanish, but during an Arsenal V Barça game, you both felt an attraction for the first time, a connection, and that connection turned into a hook up at a hotel after the game. This happened again after the teams' next meeting, and after that, whenever you were in Spain or she was in England for whatever reason, you two would meet up and hook up at some hotel, always in secret. This was never spoken about between the two of you, whenever you were at award shows, you'd see eachother, perhaps make casual conversation with as much of the other's language as you could, but almost always in the company of other players.
It'd been over a year since the two of you had hooked up, you'd seen eachother at the Euros, but her injury kept you two from doing you usual thing, and there was far too much going on at the World Cup for you two to do it either.
The next time you saw eachother was in a Champions League group stage match in Barcelona. She looked different, her hair was platinum blonde, she looked older, more mature, and the innocence that was in her eyes before was gone. It worried you a little, it made you sad to see her like that, clearly in emotional pain, but there was something about it that attracted you to her- that loss of innocence. She had always been older than you, a good ten years older than you, but you never really noticed it until now, her maturity was showing and you liked it. Everything about the way she looked had lost its innocence, had changed since you last saw her. You didn't know exactly why you liked it so much, why it turned you on so much, but it did.
She scored in the second half after a string of missed shots. It wasn't a brilliant goal, but it was a goal all the same. You watched her as she celebrated, no smile crossed her face like it used to, and as she turned away from the crowd you saw a look of deep contemplation in her eyes as she looked down-
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She knew she wasn't in form, not that she could expect to be so soon, but it was still hurting her. She wanted a better goal, several goals. A better game.
Katie scored a few minutes later, bringing the scoreline level, until Aitana scored in the 68th minute, and the match ended like that, Barça 2-1 Arsenal.
You shook hands and hugged after the match, you asked her if she was okay, you hadn't seen her smile the entire time, not even after the final whistle. She hesitated before nodding, and then leaned in closer to you before whispering "What hotel are you in?"
You told her the name of your hotel, as well your room number, letting her know you could do it there. You were lucky that you were rooming alone on this trip, last time you'd had to fuck Alexia in another hotel a few miles away from the team's, and you barely made it back in time before they noticed you were gone.
"No roommate?" she asked.
"No, we have the room to ourselves, the whole night."
"Ten O'Clock." she said.
"I'll see you then."
She ran her hand across your waist as she walked away, the first touch of affection you'd gotten from her in a long time, and you needed it. You missed that feeling more than anything, it was like a drug- the strongest drug you'd ever had.
Ten O'Clock couldn't come soon enough. There was still half an hour to go. You were talking with the girls in Leah's room, and you couldn't stop glancing at your watch, lamenting how slowly the hands were moving.
"Why do you keep checking your watch?" Katie asked.
You looked up, like a deer caught in headlights.
"Um, I dunno," you were panicking, "I think it's broken, the hands aren't moving right, I'm gonna go get my digital one."
This was a lie of course, there was nothing wrong with your watch, but you did need to get out of the room for a moment and make sure everything was ready in yours.
You opened the door to find Alexia on the bed, who sat up quickly as the door opened.
"What are you doing here? It's not ten yet."
Alexia didn't say anything, instead she quickly lifted herself off the bed and walked towards you pulling you in for a kiss, her hands grabbing your shirt just below the collar. The kiss was eager and breathy, passionate, and it became clear to you why she was early. You pulled her body in closer, with your hands on the back of her waist. Her lips moved to your neck, making you lose your breath for a moment, her movements still eager and passionate. You toyed with the hem of her shirt, subtly asking for permission, before she took it off herself, tossing it aside. She quickly unbuttoned yours and pulled it off you by running her hands over your shoulders and underneath the fabric, admiring how muscular you were, more so than the last time you'd met. She wasn't the only one who looked more mature.
A slight pause in her movements led you to pick her up and place her on the desk at the side of the room, your hands roamed her thighs as you stood in-between them, and you began to tug at the fabric that was still covering them as you kissed her. As you did, her arms left the position of being wrapped around your neck and travelled down your torso, one landing on your waist and the other over your crotch. Her breath hitched and she pulled away from the kiss as she felt the bulge of what you were packing. It was big, bigger than anything she'd taken before, and she liked that, she needed that. Her eyes darkened sensually, and she gripped it tighter, causing a wave of pleasure to move through you. You backed away from the desk pulling her off of it so she could remove her trousers as you undid your belt and removed yours. She sat herself back on the desk and pulled you in towards her lips. You kissed down her neck and her chest, moving her to lean back slightly as you dipped a finger into her core- she was more than wet enough, it was beginning to coat the insides of her thighs so you knew she needed to be fucked more than anything.
"You ready?" you asked, your voice low.
"Yes." she said, breathlessly, needily. You loved when she spoke English, her strong accent made it so sensual.
You kissed her softly once more before looking down, you held her by the hips and slowly put your cock in her and she groaned at the pain as she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you right into her body. Her whimpers and moans turned you on more than anything, you loved how she sounded when you fucked her. The raw skin on skin contact felt incredible, you loved feeling this close to her, you needed it. With you inside her and her legs wrapped around your waist, you picked her up again and placed her down gently on the bed. You sped up and her whimpers turned into whines, echoing around the room. She bit her lip to try and stop herself, but it didn't help. You slowed down and increased the pressure and depth of your thrusts, which turned her whines into loud, open-mouthed moans. You kissed up her neck and her cheek as you fucked into her, knowing that she would appreciate the intimacy now, given what you were about to do.
You knew how she liked to be fucked, and how she wanted to be fucked, even if she hadn't said it, that was part of your connection, you just knew.
You pulled out of her slowly and whispered in her ear, "Turn over."
She did as she was told, turning over to lay on her stomach. You admired the view infront of you, her muscular back, her thighs, and the best ass you'd ever seen.
You slipped it back in her again, and she moaned, gripping the bedsheets as she did, her hands above her head.
You lowered yourself onto her back, getting that raw skin on skin contact as you rubbed together that you both loved so much.
The friction on her back made her seek friction on her front, desperate for some pressure on her clit, making her moans and whimpers grow louder with overstimulation.
"Shh sh sh." you whispered, stroking her hip, remembering that the other girls were in the room next door.
She quietened slightly, biting the bed sheets.
"That's it, you can take it, you're doing really well." You praised, and she really did deserve it.
"Get up on you knees for me." you said.
She always did as she was told when you had her like this.
She got up on her knees quickly, her back arching and her arms out infront of her, grasping the bed sheets.
"I'm sorry princesa, this is really going to hurt."
You took your cock out, noticing how it was glistening, covered in her arousal, and you slipped it in her ass. She was much tighter there, and you could feel it as you fucked into her. She cried out in both pain and pleasure, and she quickly propped herself up from her elbows onto her hands, unsure how to deal with the intensity of it all. Even between gasps and moans, her mouth remained open.
"You're okay, I've got you." you said, holding onto her hips and rubbing gently with your thumb.
She whimpered, nodding slightly, then dropping her head.
"Good girl."
You kissed up her spine and placed gentle, soft kisses on her hips. Her breathing was shaky and tears began to run down her cheeks, but she didn't want you to stop, not for one second. She hadn't felt this much in months, and she needed it.
You sped up, seeing her body rock back and forth, under your complete and total control, was beautiful. She was beginning to bleed, but she showed no signs of wanting to stop, and you found beauty in that too.
Blood and arousal were dripping onto the bedsheets, not that you cared, all that you cared about was pleasuring Alexia. Seeing her cry from pain and ecstasy was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, she'd moved back to holding herself up on her elbows and had her hands clasped together, trying to cope with the pain and overstimulation. After a few minutes, you could tell she was getting used to that pain, as her whines and whimpers turned into moans.
You decided it was time to add to her pleasure by placing two fingers into her core. She gasped at their sudden presence, but she was soaked from the inside out and her dripping cunt welcomed you without any resistance.
She moaned in pure ecstasy at your movements inside her, as you were stroking gently with a steady pace matching the one you were fucking her ass with.
Her reactions were becoming more erratic and you knew she was close. She moved her arm from it's position of support and held onto your wrist and hand, pushing you further inside her slightly and giving her more pressure on her clit, as she let her forehead fall to the bed. She was purely in pursuit of pleasure. She looked so gorgeous this way, totally at the mercy of her own body.
You leant down onto her back again.
"You ready to come for me princesa?" you said, pressing open mouth kisses against her back, dragging your teeth across her skin, leaving red marks.
"Ye- yes, please." she said, breathlessly
"Such a good girl, aren't you Ale?" you said, smiling. The question was rhetorical, and she knew that, she knew it was just to remind her of what made her a good girl- being fucked bloody and teary-eyed, crying in pleasure on her knees, desperately holding your hand inside her with your palm against her clit.
She moaned one last time, her jaw slack, eyes closed, head thrown back then dropped forward as her back arched and her legs shook. You slapped her ass hard as she came, adding to her waves of pleasure as you came a moment later. Both yours and Alexia's movements continued through her orgasm as you let her ride it out.
"Look at you, you did so well." you smiled, you were so proud of her, she'd never taken it like that before.
You pulled out of her and discarded the strap, tossing it onto the chair.
She turned around to face you, sitting on the bed with you kneeling in front of her. She wiped tears from her eyes and noticed the bed sheets.
"Did I bleed?" she asked, her voice shaky.
"Yeah, you did." you replied, helping her wipe the tears away.
She was still shaking so you pulled her close to you, her head resting on your chest, and you began stroking her hair as she closed her eyes and a final few tears fell gently down her face.
You helped her off the bed as she winced and whimpered from the pain of moving.
"It's okay," you reassured her "it'll hurt less tomorrow."
She held onto you tightly as you helped her move. You pulled back the duvet and helped her lay down slowly. Her breathing was heavy and her whimpers didn't stop. You loved seeing her like this. You got into the bed yourself and pulled the duvet up to cover the pair of you. As soon as you did, she rolled over, seeking contact and comfort from you. She placed a long soft kiss on your lips before laying her head on your chest and placing her hand beside her face, her palm on your skin, right over your heart. She kept her legs closed, it being too painful to open them, and you placed one hand on her back, stroking up and down slowly, and letting the other just rest on her waist. You were both exhausted, and you fell asleep quickly after that.
You were awoken the next morning by the sound of the girls talking next door. You checked the time, it was half past ten, you'd slept for nearly twelve hours. It was then that Katie and Leah suddenly walked into your room, you quickly pulled the duvet over Alexia's head- it was still obvious that you had a woman in bed with you, but at least they wouldn't know who it was, or so you had thought until you remembered there was a jacket with a Barcelona logo on it slung over the chair, which you saw Leah notice as Katie was looking at you.
"So this is why you didn't come back to Leah's room last night- I shoulda known." Katie laughed.
"C'mon Katie, let's leave them be." Leah smiled. Always the more mature out of the pair.
You pulled the duvet back down, revealing Alexia's face, you ran a hand through her platinum blonde hair, and smiled.
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bingbongsupremacy · 19 days
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Notice Me
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warning: Reader wears a dress, cursing
Summary: You really want Steve to notice you. What you don't realize is that Eddie's been there all along.
Eddie is only 1 yr older than the reader.
*Not Proof Read*
Ok, I had a bit of a brain block halfway through writing this one. I hope it's not too noticeable. I hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks for reading!
" I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress. " Jeff states with a mouthful of sandwich.
" I'm trying something different. " I set my tray down across from the guy. " Why, does it look bad? "
" No, just different. " Eddie adds in, a smile on his face.
God, I love that smile. Stop. Don't make it weird. He doesn't like you. Besides, what if it makes things in the friend group weird? It's better to date someone outside of the group like Steve.
Across the room I spot the boy in my thoughts. Steve is chatting away with some of the guys on his team, oblivious to my gaze. He's not bad looking. Definitely not Eddie, but not hard on the eyes.
I tear my gaze away from the boy only to discover Eddie looking at me. He glances back at the table I was looking at and then down at my clothes, his eyebrows quirking in realization. He doesn't say anything, opting to instead keep listening to Doug talk about one of the past campaigns.
Halfway through lunch I begin to pack up my things.
" Where are you going? " Eddie asks curiously, cutting off Jeff.
" The business club. They have meetings second half of lunch every Tuesday. " I don't necessarily want to go but Steve's really active in it and I figured it might be a good place to try to get to know him.
Eddie's brows furrow in confusion. " Since when are you interested in business? "
" Since yesterday when I joined. " I roll my eyes. " What is this, an interrogation? "
" Just curious. " Eddie stands up, pulling his jacket off of the back of his chair. " I'll walk you. "
" Sure. It's not thar far. "
We head out of the lunch room together in the direction the business classroom.
" Hey, don't get mad at me, " Eddie begins slightly nervously. " But are you doing all of this, " He gestures to my clothes and the room down the hall. " for Harrington? "
I feel heat rise to my cheeks. I had hoped no one would notice. " What makes you say that? " I try to act calmly.
Eddie shrugs and shoves his hands into his pockets. " Dunno maybe because...you're dressed like every other girl in the school, you joined the club he's the president of and I saw you at his basketball game last night. You hate basketball. "
" I don't hate basketball...I just don't particularly enjoy or understand it. " I say while stopping in front of the classroom. Inside lots if kids are sitting around the tables, waiting for Steve to talk.
Eddie rolls his eyes. " You hate basketball. So you're doing all this for a guy? Why? Because you like him? "
My eyes widen. I clamp my hand over his mouth, pulling the boy away from the open door. " Shut the fuck up, Eddie. Someone could hear you. " I hiss. I move my hand away from his soft lips.
I wonder how it would feel to kiss-Stop.
I step away from the guy, needing to create some distance between us.
" Look, personally I don't think it's a good idea to do what you're doing. " Eddie begins. " But it's your life. Whatever. Listen, " Eddie pulls out a folded slip of paper from his ripped jeans. " the band landed a gig at The Hideout next Friday and I'd really love if you'd come watch. " He unfolds the paper to reveal a printed poster of the band and the bar name.
" Oh fuck yeah, Eddie!! I knew you'd land a gig! " I exclaim while wrapping the boy into a hug. " I'm so fucking proud of you, dude. I'll be there, I swear. "
Eddie wraps his warm arms around me. The faint smell of weed and cheap cologne fills my nostrils, a smell that's just so Eddie.
His face is so close to mine. I can feel his breath on my cheek. If I lean a little I could just k-Stop it. He doesn't like you like that. You're just a friend.
" I should be getting inside. " I pull away, needing to create some distance between us to clear my head.
Eddie gives me a small wave good bye.
I step into the classroom and take a seat at one of the tables. This is going to be boring as shit.
The club meeting seems to take forever to finish up. I don't understand half of what anyone is saying nor am I very interested in finding out what it means. By the end, I'm very happy when the end of lunch bell rings.
I begin to pack up my things when I notice Steve walking towards me.
" Hey! Are you new to the club? " He asks kindly. His smile is wide and friendly. He extends a hand.
I shake his hand and smile back. " Yeah, actually! I joined yesterday. "
" Well, it's always nice to see a new face. I'm Steve. I don't think we've ever officially met. Are you in my next hour math class? "
I nod. " I am, yeah! I'm Y/N by the way. "
Steve grabs his backpack from one of the tables as we walk towards the door. " Is it cool if I walk with you then? "
" Of course. "
Steve's actually pretty nice. Very smart too. He has a bit of a reputation of being a bully, especially around Tommy, but so far I can't see it.
He helps math pass by a lot faster, especially since he understands the concepts a lot more than me.
" Are you free this Thursday? " Steve asks.
That's the day we play DND. Shit
But who knows if I'll get another opportunity with Steve like this.
" Yeah. " I nod, jotting down an answer on my homework. " Why? "
" Well, a few of my friends and I are going Donny's Diner after school to hang out. You're welcome to come if you'd like. "
I'm so torn. Eddie or Steve? Well, there's always another campaign next week. Who knows if Steve will invite me out again.
" Sounds like fun. I'll be there. "
" Come on, Y/N. This is 7 millionth time you've canceled on plans with us in two weeks. Is loverboy really that important? " Eddie's voice is slightly annoyed.
" Relax, Ed. It's only been 2 times. I promise I'll go to the next movie night, I swear. "
Eddie sighs. " You better. I miss hanging out with you, who else am I supposed to make snide comments with? "
" What about Gareth? "
" Gareth's not at peak humor like you are. "
A soft 'hey' makes its way through my phone.
" I'll be there next time. " I feel bad for ditching our monthly movie night, but Steve invited me to a party.
" Are you still coming to the gig on Friday? " Eddie asks hopefully.
" I wouldn't miss it for the world. "
Eddie and I end our phone call just in time for Steve and Nancy to show up.
I've actually had a lot of fun with Steve and his friends the past few weeks. I'm not the biggest fan of Tommy and Carol, but Nancy and Barb aren't that bad.
" Are you coming to the game on Friday? " Nancy asks while handing me a beer.
Eddie's gig's on Friday.
" What time is it? " I ask while taking a sip of the amber liquid.
" Varsity starts and 7 and ends at 8-8:30. We're all planning on going to Donny's after. You should come. " Nancy invites with a warm smile.
Corroded Coffin plays at 10. If I'm careful, I should be able to make it.
" I'll be there. "
I just really have to keep track of time.
" I can't believe you shot from that far, that was amazing. " I compliment Steve in awe.
Steve smiles widely. " I honestly can't believe it either. I'm still in shock. "
I'm glad I came out tonight. I didn't really understand the game but it's been nice to talk to Steve and the others. Although, I feel like I might've forgotten something.
" Shit. " I blurt, my eyes widening. I look over at the clock on the diner wall. 10:40. " I've got to go. " I hurry out of the diner booth I'm in.
" Is everything alright? " Steve asks in confusion.
" I forgot I had to do something tonight. " I explain quickly. " Thank you guys for inviting me, I'll see you later. " I excuse myself. I quickly pay my tab with the waitress before heading out to my bike. Thank god I chose to bring to with me instead of taking a ride with Steve. There's no way I could make it to The Hide Out on foot.
Eddie's going to kill me. I can't believe I forgot about tonight.
I pull up to the bar to see the guys loading up the back of Eddie's van. Shit, I missed it.
Eddie doesn't acknowledge me as I pull my bike to a stop a few feet away from the band.
" I'm so sorry, guys. " I apologize to Jeff, Gareth and Doug who are closest to me.
" T's fine. " Gareth mumbles. " Eddie's the one who's pissed. "
Over his shoulder, I can hear Eddie curse as he drops a box of cords on the street floor.
" You should go talk to him. We'll give you guys space. We've got stuff to clean up inside anyway. " Jeff leads the guys back into the bar leaving me and Eddie alone outside.
Part of me wishes they were still here. I'm fucking terrified to talk to Eddie. I know I let him down. I just hope I didn't fuck everything up.
" I'm sorry, Edd-"
Eddie cuts me off. " You promised. " He stands up from his place by the fallen box of cords, his eyes filled with anger and hurt. " You fucking promised, Y/N. You said you'd be here. You missed the whole fucking thing! "
" I'm sorry, I lost track of time. I went to dinner with Steve and his friends and I-"
Eddie lets out a bitter chuckle. " Of course, you were with Steve. When aren't you with Steve? It's like you've completely forgotten that you have other friends. "
" Thanks not true! " I argue, beginning to feel defensive. " I hang out with you guys all the time. "
" Bullshit. You've blown us off every chance you've gotten to. " Eddie tosses the cords into the back of his van, quickly moving to pick up the rest of his stuff.
He's not wrong. I hadn't realized how many times I'd stood the boys up. How many times I'd stood Eddie up.
" I don't even know you anymore, Y/N. " Eddie's voice is soft but full of hurt. " You've become a completely different person. Your style, your interests. "
" I'm allowed to change, Eddie. "
" The problem is you're not changing because it's shit you like. You're changing because you want someone to like you. You're lying to yourself and you're lying to Steve. If he can't like you the way you normally are, then he doesn't deserve to be with you. You need someone who accepts you for the way you are. Not someone you need to change for. " Eddie shakes his head in disapproval. " You know what, Y/N, I'm done. "
My brows furrow in confusion. " What? "
" I'm done waiting for you, Y/N. " Eddie avoids my gaze, his face lighting up from what I think is anger. " You never seem to realize that I'm here. I fucking like you. "
My eyes widen.
Eddie likes me?
" I like the way you dress. I like the way you smile. I like the way you're always you! Or at least, the way you were always you. But I'm not good enough for you, and I see that now. Nothing I ever do will make you like me back. "
A sinking feeling builds in my stomach as I realize what Eddie's about to say.
" I can't be your friend anymore. I-I thought I could handle it but I can't. We're done, Y/N. " Eddie turns and begins to quickly walk back into the building.
" Eddie! " I call after the boy, trying to chase him into the bar. " Wait-Eddie! "
The bouncer at the door refuses to let me in, his strong arms holding back from getting inside.
" Eddie! Please! "
He doesn't look back. He doesn't listen.
I fucked up.
It's been three days since I missed Eddie's band preform. He's completely ignored me at school. I don't eat lunch with the boys anymore, it's too awkward. The one day I tried Eddie didn't bother to show up.
I've spent the last few days thinking about Eddie's confession. How did I miss it?
I'm so fucking stupid.
It was so obvious.
He opened my door. He stood up for me. He went out of his way to make sure I got home safe after work. He always showed up to important events for me. He gave me gifts.
And I couldn't even make it to the most important thing to him.
How could I think he wouldn't like me back?
I'm a shitty person. I'm a shitty friend.
" Hey, Y/N. " Steve's voice pulls me out of my head.
I look up to see the boy sitting across from me with a smile. " Hey. " I smile weakly at him.
This is my other issue. I have to tell Steve I've been lying.
Steve seems to notice something wrong. " Are you okay? "
I shake my head. " Not really but I will be. Eventually. "
" Do you want to talk about it? "
He's so sweet. Why did I fucking lie to him?
" You're going to hate me. " I whisper.
Confusion falls Steve's face. " I couldn't hate you. What are you talking about? "
It's now or never.
" I lied to you, Steve. " I begin. " And in the process, I hurt you and someone I really care about. " I gesture down to my clothes. " This isn't me, Steve. I don't wear shit like this. "
Steve's eyes widen.
Embarrassed to see his reaction, I look away. I know he's going to hate me.
" I don't wear dresses and I don't wear uncomfortable shoes like this. I fucking hate business. And I really couldn't care less about basketball. I'm sorry I just don't understand. What I'm saying is, Steve, I liked you and I tried to become someone else to impress you. But I can't do that. It's not fair to you or me. "
I close my eyes, preparing for Steve to curse me out or call me a freak or something.
He doesn't.
" I know. "
I snap my head towards him. " What? "
Steve sends me a small smile. " I know you were lying. "
" How? "
Steve chuckles. " We were in middle school together. And I saw you around the school before we started talking in class. I know what you dress like. I figured you weren't that into business because every time we go to a club meeting you look like you're about to fall asleep. Also, we don't have goalies in basketball. And I had a hunch that you might've had a crush on me, I just didn't have the heart to tell you I'm dating Nancy. I really like hanging out with you, just only as friends. " He says softly.
I feel heat rush to my cheeks. I knew all along. I drop my head onto the table in front of me, trying to hide myself from the boy. This week keeps getting worse and worse. " I'm so fucking stupid. "
Steve gently pats my arm. " No, you're not. I should've told you about Nancy. We all make mistakes, I'm sure whatever you did to your friend, if you just apologize it'll help. "
I peek over my arms and sigh. " I don't know. I messed up pretty bad. "
Steve leans back in his chair. " Well, we've still got about 40 minutes of lunch left. If you want to talk, I'm all ears. "
" Well, it started the day after I found out we had a class together..." I explain the while situation to Steve who's silent majority of the time. He doesn't make me feel judged, just heard.
At the end he finally speaks.
" That's a lot. "
I groan. " I know. And now I don't known what to do. "
" I think you should apologize and tell him how you feel. What's the worst that could happen because of it? " Steve gently pats my hand.
" You're right. " I sigh. " I should go talk to him. " I push myself up out of my chair. " Thanks Steve. "
Steve sends me a smile. " Of course, anytime. "
Now it's time to fix things with Eddie.
Mismatched music pours out of Gareths garage as I come to a stop on my bike.
They're tuning up.
Memories of me hanging out with the guys while they practice fill my mind as I get closer to the building.
My heart pounds. What if Eddie hates me? What if they all do? Gareth and Jeff were a little upset but they got over it pretty quickly. Doug didn't give a fuck. What if that's a lie?
Eddie laughs at something Jeff says before turning around and seeing me. His laughter and smile slowly fade until he's left with a neutral expression. " Hey. " He greets quietly, so quiet it's nearly drowned out by Doug's guitar.
" Hey. " I respond feeling awkward. I glance around to see my friends watching us in confusion.
Normally when we get into fights it's over in a few hours. A day at most. Not this one.
" Can we talk? " I ask.
Eddie studies me for a moment. He looks like he's contemplating something. With a sigh, he sets down his guitar and begins to walk past me. " What's there to talk about, Y/N? "
We make far enough away from the garage to have some privacy.
" I want to apologize. " Will he even accept my apology?
Eddie folds his arms in front of his chest, his expression a mixture of anger and hurt. " You can't just run back to me because things with Steve didn't work out. "
" That's not what I'm doing. " I sigh. " Eddie, you were right. I was trying to change myself for someone else-to be someone else, and that was wrong. I...I liked Steve because I thought I had a better shot at somehow dating him than dating you. " I feel heat rise to my cheeks. I avoid his gaze. " I thought that you didn't like me...that you wouldn't ever like me. I mean, we've known each other for years and you've never made a move-at least none that I had realized at the time. I'm so stupid. And I'm so sorry for missing your show and missing our hang out days. That wasnt right. I made plans with you first and I should've prioritized those first. " I groan, burying my face in my hands. I'm stupid and embarrassed.
" You liked me? "
I nod, my head moving down to my arms. " Since middle school. "
Eddie is silent for a moment. " We're both fucking idiots. " He chuckles, taking me by surprise.
I look up from my arms, confusion on my face.
Eddie looks over at me, a small smile on his face. " I've liked you since middle school too. "
What the fuck.
" Are you kidding me? " I groan in frustration. " All this shit could've been avoided if we just had better observational skills. "
" And communication skills. " Eddie points out.
I nod. " What do we do now? " I ask quietly, scared of what he'll say.
Eddie sighs. " Well, if I'm honest, I'm still a little upset about you missing the show, "
Of course, that's a big thing. I hope I didn't fuck this up forever.
" but...I guess it's okay since we got invited back to play this Friday...And every Friday after that. " A wide smile spreads across Eddie's face.
" Really?! Oh my gosh, Eddie! That's amazing! I'm so excited for you! "
" Thank you, thank you. " Eddie chuckles at my excitement. " I really hope you can make it to my show this Friday though. "
I nod. " Yes. I'll be there, I swear. "
" Good, because I'd really love to introduce the bar owner to my new partner...if you want to be my new partner, that is. " A hint of nervousness is hidden in his voice as he watches my expression.
My heart pounds. Is this really happening?
" I'd love that. " I grin.
A wide smile breaks onto his face. " Let's go tell the boys. " He gently grabs my hand while threading his fingers through mine.
I am definitely going to be there for his show this Friday.
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dan-crimes · 1 year
Ohoho I mean if anyone wants me to actually start posting original stuff I'm gonna take it not seriously at all which is the only way Imma get anything done but that ALSO means the stuff Imma be making is legit gonna be stupid af and only appeal to an audience of me which idc abt appealing to other people anyway I just know Imma be annoying af if I actually have the energy to commit the bit
#which I only have the energy to do stuff when I get tired and like need to sleep#which is why I'm even makin my own posts atm a lot of my anxiety leaves me when I'm Tired tm#prolly nothing will come from this post tho ✌️😋 I really don't have the energy to do stuff most the time#OH WHICH REMINDS ME THE POST I WAS GONNA MAKE THAT I FORGOT !!!#I'll just put it in the tags cuz whatever lol#for all you medical issue havin chronic pain havers. you ever have those times where you have some new issues and you just kinda#don't even think abt it until like 3 weeks later ur so tired that you sleep for like 3 days straight?#I've been having that cuz it's just kinda you get so use to having new problems and pains all the time that you just deal with them#and don't really think of the effect it has on ur body to deal with all that lmao#I have like a designated new problem for each week recently#for a while I was having trouble keeping my food down comfortably and then my headaches were getting worse#this week my whole upper back is in pain almost like I'm sore? or maybe I slept wrong I dunno that's my problem for this week tho#I have another problem but I forgot what it was ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't exactly have the best memory lmao#but yeah ya just kinda deal with random new issues and forget that it actually takes a toll on ur body and that's why you have no energy#wow totally unrelated to the original post but really in regards the OG post prolly nothing will come from the random burst of energy#I just like to say shit when I'm tired doesn't rlly mean anything tho#I'll think abt it tho
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golden-afternoon · 3 months
Yeah I was working on another actual fic but uhhh the 'Nari brainrot took over so uhhh here take me going insane over him and rambling about what comes to my mind. Kay? Kay.
Warnings - nsfw, mating cycle talk from a person who only has google by her side, absolutely not proofread having gone straight from brain to paper, and just know there is a solid chance I'll have more to say about this in the future.
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Tighnari, by his very nature, is a very compartmentalized person. His own problems stay within himself to be dealt with later when he is done and everyone else's needs are already attended to. Always concerned with helping others and keeping things in order, even to the point of staying up into the early hours of the morning, less concerned with himself than those around him. If he’s ever struggling with anything at all, he will do absolutely everything in his power to keep anyone from knowing about it, much less something as personal as this.
In the early months of the year, especially as Lantern Rite nears, Tighnari becomes withdrawn. Quieter, more distant. The Forest Watchers have been talking for forever back and forth swapping theories and rumors in not so hushed tones.
“I heard Master Tighnari lost a family member around this time of year.”
“Really? I heard he just reeeeally hates any kind of festivities especially Lantern Rite because it's so noisy, even when not in Liyue.”
“I dunno, maybe he's just sensitive to the cold?”
Unlike the usual case where he was quick to nip such chatter in the bud and tell off the Rangers for gossiping, he remains entirely silent on the issue, otherwise carrying on as usual. Setting up excursions, documenting his findings, helping and guiding wherever he was needed…
Until he just can't stand it anymore. With hardly a word, save perhaps to Collei to ask her to care for things in his absence, he retreats, hiding himself away in his hut, barricading himself in completely so no nosy Rangers have any reason to loiter around.
He hates it.
He understands it's natural and it's going to happen and blah blah blah, but it was such a nuisance to his life he would give anything to not have to put up with it. The worst of it usually lasts a week or two before he can at least carry some semblance of normalcy and feel willing and able to return to work, but while he's in it, it drives him insane.
Some years it's so bad that he can't even focus on anything other than the absolutely filthy thoughts that plague his mind, his hands shaking so hard he can't even hold a pen long enough to attempt any sort of work. Even like this he just doesn't feel right not being productive especially when he's always running around here and there the rest of the year, why should this be any different?
Head slamming into his desk with a groan, a flush curling up his cheeks and neck. Eventually he has to crack, begrudgingly caring for the needs that grow and grow and grow and become nigh insatiable during his rut.
It starts out almost clinical, looking to just take care of a symptom of an illness almost. Face flushed, lips curled into a deep frown, he sits at his desk, fisting his cock with precision, hoping to get it over with as fast as possible by hitting everything just right.
But no. After dealing with this for years you think he would have known by now that just once isn't enough, yet he still hopes year after year. It only gets worse. Over and over and over again until he's just sore and it hurts. Until he can't keep jerking it lest he make his own skin turn raw. By this point he usually finds himself in his bed, ears flat and face buried into some blankets to muffle the pathetic whimpers that left his lips as he kept grinding his hips into the pillows over and over and over and over, chasing even the slightest modicum of relief.
And most of the time, as annoying as it is, it was completely fine for him to just be stuck imagining some faceless, nameless mate beneath him as he struggled to sate these urges. However, if Tighnari has a bit of a crush… Well, he'd be in for a rude awakening if he hadn't already acknowledged his feelings for you.
I could see poor Tighnari getting almost ill as he realized the cute moans he was imagining sounded a little too much like your voice. Everything freezes for a moment, his stomach lurching both from the realization and the sudden loss of friction when he faltered. He tries so hard to brush it aside, chastising himself for pulling you into his filthy mind right then. But it doesn't stop. Your face, your voice, your skin. Everything. Everything stays in his mind and he cannot stop it. He feels such overwhelming shame about it, but… he does eventually give in and just let whatever fantasies take root, especially since it seems to ease the feelings when he does.
But when he sees you after the worst of it is over and he leaves his hut, guilt grips around his heart and memories of those fantasies rush into his head, leaving him turning on his heel to avoid you at all costs, honestly risking you thinking he hates you with how intensely he's ignoring you.
It's even worse because Tighnari considers hiding in his hut again for even longer as usually he was fine when the worst of it passed, he could resume his duties, but with you around, he could feel his hands shaking, the intense urge to find you wherever you were and pin you down immediately was so strong it scared him a little. Sometimes it caught him off guard too, like he would catch your scent on the breeze and while in his rut, he would genuinely get so horny so fast he's gotten lightheaded, having to catch himself on whatever was nearby so he didn't go crashing down.
If he hated his rut before, the shame of all this made him absolutely loathe it.
Maybe one day you can find a way to make it a liiiiittle more bearable for him ♡
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