pixieroserobin · 1 year
[Vashmeryl] Vampire Meryl Stryfe [TriStamp]
Meryl was young by vampire standards, she’d been human on the ships, but one of the last to be drawn from her cryosleep, and she hadn’t been awake long enough to realize what was happening when she’d been bitten some 150 years ago. 
Her memories before the bite were… hazy. She kind of remembered earth, and signing the paperwork for being part of Project SEEDS, and the overwhelming levels of optimizing she’d not actually felt. She just needed to leave, to go somewhere, do something, be part of something bigger than she was. So it had made perfect sense at the time. 
As she hid in the wreckage of ships and then shadows of newly built buildings, she regretted it. It had been childish and look where it had gotten her?
On the hostile planet everyone was just calling No Man’s Land, with a thirst for something the Plants couldn’t provide. Jumping from one place to another, aware that she never aged, that years passed and the only color in her face was often the red of her lips. 
There were not many vampires, her maker and only two others had been on the ship. Meryl had run into a handful of others in all the  time she’d been on No Man’s Land. It was  still significantly more than she’d seen on Earth. 
“You don’t want to out number the food supply.” Someone had joked once, but she hadn’t found it funny. 
She had run into other non-human’s though. Werewolves mostly, not that they were too open about their existence. The desert was just as cruel and uncaring about them as it was her. 
Roberto stank of liquor and wolf. Tired old wolf, even though he was much younger than she was. 
He made her drive because he wanted to drink. She did it because it gave her something to do with her hands. The special tinting on the car enough to protect her from the rays of the sun. 
And then they met Vash, and her skin burned and ached where the sun touched as she followed him in the desert. He wasn’t like the humans, his heart beat ever so slightly off, his scent more chemical than natural. His touch was warm. 
She bit him. 
She didn’t want to, did her best to avoid feeding on people, but  he let her. 
She was just so hungry, hadn’t eaten in over a week, and it gnawed at her. She had done her best to ignore it, but everthing that happened in Jenora had fucked up her supply in the truck and they couldn’t exactly stop so she could pick off an unexpecting townsfolk in the middle of nowhere. Roberto had told her at the start to keep her fangs to herself- she didn’t want the bitter taste of liquor from him anyway. 
But Vash had seen her hunger brewing. Watched the way her eyes lost their blue and bled red. Watched her press her lips tight to hide her fangs, putting pressure on them as if it would eliminate her thirst. 
“It’s okay.” He told her, pulled her in and cradled her as she tried to pull away. He didn’t give her his neck like she’d heard of people doing. She was glad. He wrapped his prosthetic around her middle and left her in his lap, pulled his sleeve back with his teeth and pressed his arm to her mouth. 
And she bit down. 
Vash tasted like heat, like overly processed sugar and chemicals and his blood burned down her throat. 
It was weird to think it was good, but there was something about it that had her digging her fangs in and sucking hard. Vash winced, but he didn’t try to pull away when her hands calm up to grasp his arm.
Meryl never took a lot, always just enough to make it a while, just a little from multiple people, but it was hard to let go of Vash. He said her name, soft and quiet against the top of her head, and her hands shook when she withdrew. 
He bled red like humans, it was smeared across her lips. But he tasted entirely other. The energy coursing through her was like nothing she’d ever experienced, not here or on earth. 
His face was pale when she twisted in his lap to see him directly, yet he smiled at her. A real smile, a genuine one, not the false little things he gave to everyone else, and it twisted something inside her, made her ache. 
“Better?” He asked, like it was so simple. As if he’d offered her his canteen after they’d been out in the heat. Not like he’d wrestled her into his lap and let her gnaw on his arm. 
The loose sleeve of his coat hid the damage, but he didn’t move to do anything about it. About the wound still exposed, the long sleeve of his turtleneck pulled up, exposing pale skin that would now had the imprints of her fangs to the mess of scars and metal already there. 
Tears pricked at her eyes, and Vash’s smile fell away. His arms waved around her, like he was afraid to touch her. 
“You’re so dumb.” She told him, cheeks wet, the words mangled on her lips as her breath hitched. Vash’s mouth opened to say something, and she flung her arms around his too broad shoulders and buried her face against his chest. Hid herself against his heat and the smell of ozone and sand. 
After a long moment of stillness, his arms rested lightly at her back, the point of his chin at the crown of her head. “Yeah.” 
“Thank you.” She murmured eventually, already telling herself she wouldn’t let herself get so hungry again. She wouldn’t feed on him, he wouldn’t get the chance to offer. She’d be sure of it. He was too self sacrificing for that. 
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jiamour · 2 years
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💿 now playing: pushin’ n pullin’
povs: 💗-yn, 🖤-js, 💛-rj, 💙-jn, 🧡-mk, 💜-dh, ❤️-jm, 💚-cl
marks interlude
a/n: alternatively called ‘the manic pixiefication of lee jeno <3’
guitarist!jisung x reader
album tracklist
written: 2.4k under readmore
adding this because mobile read more sucks <3
mark thinks he’s in love. he isn’t quite sure what love really feels like or if it’s even possible to fall into it in less than a month and a half but if it is, mark’s sure this is it.
love is disorienting, he thinks. and it makes him dumb. he’s convinced he can only work one organ at a time, his brain or his heart, and his heart is surely collecting overtime.
love is disorienting, he thinks. and it makes him dumb. he’s convinced he can only work one organ at a time, his brain or his heart, and his heart is surely collecting overtime.
marks been in relationships before, he swears he’s been in love before, but this is different. this is intoxicating, it’s dizzying, it feels a little bit like what mark imagines a heart attack feels like.
he has this mapped out in his head, the first time he felt like this was in a slow wave, a week into his first year of university.
he woke up at noon, his mom gave him his daily jisung report, the day before, he had, ‘skipped class and pretended he wasn’t crying in your bedroom,” and ‘ate an entire jar of peanut butter in one sitting.’ when mark asks jisung about it he tells him that he doesn’t miss him at all.
he makes it to the location of his lecture approximately 46 minutes early and pretends to want something from the vending machine to act like he isn’t at his lecture 46 minutes early.
mark wonders how long he can keep up this ruse. was it weirder to stand in front of a vending machine for an extended period of time without buying anything? should he buy something? what the fuck? why is everything $3?
mark decides to do a lap of the hall so he looks less conspicuous. now, he’s actually thirsty. he should work out more, this feels a bit sad, at least there’s a vending machine around the corner.
“i’ll buy you an energy drink so you don’t pass out, go sit down,” there’s someone standing at his vending machine.
“can’t we just go home?” correction. there’s two someone’s standing at his vending machine.
“you’re not giving up already,” the first boy tells the second, “it’s barely the first week.”
mark’s peaking around the corner waiting for them to leave. he feels a bit weird about it but they’re the ones hogging his vending machine so he has every right to eavesdrop until they leave.
“i’m not giving up,” the second boy pulled on the first boys arm trying to stop him from typing in the number for the energy drink, “i’m just tired, jaemin, i’m so tired.”
“that’s what the energy drink is for,” the first boy, jaemin, says and the second boy pushed his hand out of the way to tap their own student card on the vending machine. jaemin scowls at them as the drink rolls out. mark takes this as his chance to come around the corner.
big mistake. in that moment the second boy turns away from his friend into marks direction. usually mark would be able to handle a situation like this but the boy is cute. they’re cute AND they’re looking right at mark.
mark isn’t sure what to do, either this cute boy has been looking at him for a couple minutes now or time has stopped completely. can time stop? has he stopped? mark checks to make sure his body’s working, his hands are hanging, his legs aren’t buckling, his lungs are breathing, and his heart is beating, a little too fast, but still beating.
he takes a breath and time resumes. the boy politely smiles and begins to walk towards him. mark braces himself for the worst, his brain in overdrive, and the boy walks past him.
“wait up!” jaemin calls, he runs after his friend, the energy drink in one hand while the other reaches out.
the first thing marks notices at the vending machine is that everything is still $3, the second thing he notices is the card on the ground. he squats down and fumbles as he picks it up.
‘lee jeno,’ the card reads, the cute boy dropped his student card. mark looks between the vending machine, the card, and the hallway the boys had walked down before he starts to jog after them.
“hey!” mark whisper yells when he thinks he’s close enough for the boys ahead to hear him but if they do, they ignore him.
mark clears his throat, “hey!” he says a little louder, but still doesn’t get any reaction.
he remembers the name on the card, “jeno!” the boys slow down and only one of them turns to look at him. he nudges the other and flicks his head in marks direction.
mark waves at them to let them know, yes he was a stranger, and yes he was trying to get their attention.
jaemin gives him a once over when they stop, his arms are crossed and he’s standing in front of jeno like a guard. jeno just looks confused. marks not exactly sure what’s going on with them but he’s trying not to think about it so he doesn’t panic before he returns the card.
“sorry,” mark apologizes. ‘why the fuck are you apologizing mark?’ his brain yells at him. “you dropped your student card.”
“oh,” jeno says finally, and pushes themself past jaemin, who’s still on guard, so he can grab his card, “thank you!”
“yeah, it’s uh- no problem,” mark hands them their card and his heart skips a beat when their fingers touch. mark feels stupid. mark feels like he shouldn’t be a baby bitch who can’t talk to cute guys. mark feels like he should try to be kinder to himself and accept that some people are socially anxious. mark feels like he’s been standing in front of a cute boy saying nothing for a little too long now.
“have a good day,” mark says finally and gets the hell out of there, he can hear jeno mumble something to jaemin and giggle, fuck.
‘damn,” mark thinks, ‘that was embarrassing. hope i never have to see them again.’
the next time mark sees jeno is at 2am, in the medicine aisle of the walmart just off campus.
mark tries to pretend he doesn’t notice the other boy, becoming completely fixated with the vitamins starting with m. ‘magnesium, manganese, magnesium, manganese, magnesium, manganese, i bet those are similar,’ mark thinks.
“do you mind if i grab something?” jeno asks and mark jumps. mark didn’t know when jeno had gotten so close, he moves away.
“no, go ahead,” mark says and backs up until his heels hit against the other side of the aisle.
jeno grabs a vitamin D3 and a melatonin and smiles at mark sweetly, “thanks.”
“do you know the difference between magnesium and manganese?” mark asks. jeno blinks at him, ‘mark why the fuck would you ask that,’ his brain screams.
“they’re different elements aren’t they?” jeno answers, “ones an alkaline earth metal and the others a transition metal?”
mark stares at jeno and jeno stares back, “…was that not a question for me? sorry i just got excited to flex my highschool level of chemistry education apparently.”
“the question was for you,” mark confirms, “sorry that it was a stupid one.”
“it’s 2am in a walmart, every question is a stupid question,” jeno teases him with a cute wink, and mark can feel entire body burning.
“you returned my student card,” jeno continues and mark nods, “so you know my name?”
“jeno, right?” mark prays he remembers it right.
“yep,” jeno nods to himself with a sigh, “that doesn’t seem very fair.”
“hmm?” marks eyes widen, he’s not sure what’s not fair, what any of this even means, or why jeno is still talking to him.
“that you know my name and i don’t know yours?” jeno continues with a pout, “that’s not very fair.”
“oh, i’m mark,” mark stutters out and jeno hums.
“mark,” jeno repeated and mark likes the way it sounds on jeno’s tongue, “hm that still doesn’t feel right.”
‘fuck,’ mark thinks, ‘i did something wrong, i messed up, did i tell him the wrong name? fuck. wait it’s my name i didn’t fuck that up or did i? no, i didnt.’ “what?”
“i mean i think it’s only fair that i also get to know something about you that you don’t know about me, at least for a little bit,” jeno hums, they hit the basket in their hands against their thighs, “like maybe your phone number?”
“my phone number?” marks mouth moves faster than his brain, and even faster than his heart. in an instant his mind is racing and his heart is beating out of his chest. ‘he’s flirting with you, the cute boy is flirting with you mark,’ “yea-yeah you can have my phone number.”
“cool,” jeno smiles, they take their phone out of the basket and hand it to mark. mark freezes, like he’s never seen or held a phone before in his life.
jeno looks at him expectantly so he rushes to evolve out of his caveman brain that only thinks about cute boys and cool rocks, and types his number into jeno contacts.
“thanks mark,” jeno says as mark passes their phone back to them. they toss the phone in their basket and begin to back up out of the aisle, “have a nice night.”
mark waves as he watches jeno leave, “you too.”
jeno waves back, and says a quick, teasing, “i’ll text you when i text you,” before he goes.
things move pretty quickly from there. mark wonders if this feeling ever stops being embarrassing and he’s pretty sure the answer is no. he can’t imagine ever looking at jeno and not feeling enamored to the point he forgets how to function.
mark thinks he’s in love. he knows what jisung would say, ‘mark you can’t fall in love in a month,’ or more accurately he’d say, ‘can you stop talking about jeno already, all you ever talk about is jeno, what’s so cool about him? is he cooler than me? is that why you never play csgo with me anymore?’ and mark would be guilted into an all nighter playing video games.
but even with the little devil on his shoulder (jisung), he had a second devil on his other shoulder (google). mark had done his research, he’d read enough pop psychology articles to know what he was feeling was very much real and also very much love.
he’s tried to explain his feelings to his university friends before but everytime he does they laugh. mark can’t blame them when the only way he’s able to explain the extent of his feelings is by comparing being around jeno to ‘when you’re so high and euphoric, you forget how to breath,’ and like a, ‘full body orgasm.’ they just call him extremely horny and full of pent-up sexuality, which to be fair probably is true.
mark thinks he’s both pent-up sexually AND in love.
“what are you thinking about?” jeno squeezes his hand bringing him back to the present. they’re sat together under a tree in a public park, the sun is setting and jeno wants to watch it together and of course mark would never decline.
“you,” mark says, he’s so genuine and he’s sure jeno can tell from the way his tone drips of affection.
“me?” jeno gives his hand another squeeze “what about me?”
“just that i-“ mark clears his throat, “that i love you”
“you don’t love me,” jeno pulls his hand away and marks is so scared he fucked everything up. but jeno laughs, and it’s a sweet soft laugh that mark finds comfort in, “you barely know me.”
“i barely know you and somehow i’m still in love with you,” mark hums, he reaches out for jeno’s hand again and jeno let’s him take it, “isn’t that crazy?
“yeah, it is crazy,” jeno laughs in light disbelief, “you’re crazy.”
“am i?” mark asks, and he’s completely serious, “you wouldn’t be saying that if you were in my shoes, you don’t get how easy it is to fall in love with you.”
“markie,” jeno stops him and moves to kneel between marks legs, they place their hands on either of his cheeks, “i like you a lot.”
“and i love you,” mark fights back, jeno smiles, and mark can tell they don’t believe him.
“you don’t love me,” jeno kisses the top of his nose, “you don’t know me.”
“tell me about you then,” mark says and jeno leans back to read his expression, “tell me the things you think i wont love and i’ll show you that i will.”
“you’re ridiculous,” jeno says through his teeth, clearly trying to hold back a smile.
“i want to know everything about you,” mark leans forward to catch jeno’s lips in a kiss, immediately they smile into it, “and that includes all the bad, and all the good, and everything in between.”
“you like me that much?” jeno pecks his lips.
“i love you that much,” mark corrects and for a second it looks like jeno’s starting to believe him.
“you love me that much,” jeno repeats quietly before he breaks into a giggle. he closes his eyes for a couple seconds and just smiles, “you love me, that’s crazy.”
“i do,” mark hums back dreamily, feeling a very normal way about how cute his boyfriends looks right now, “i really do.”
“and it’s okay that i don’t? at least not yet,” jeno asks and mark nods, “i like you a lot i do, but i dont-“
“it’s okay,” mark says and caresses jeno’s cheek like the lovesick idiot he is, “i love everything you do. i love that you don’t love me, it’s kind of sick, but i do.”
“markieee,” jeno whines for mark to stop but mark only finds him endearing.
“i especially love that you like me,” mark continues, “and i love the way your ears turn red when you’re embarrassed.”
jeno gasps and jumps to covers his ears, embarrassed, “that’s enough from you, mister,” he grumbles with a glare.
mark wraps his arms around jeno and pulls him in close, “i love you like this,” he mumbles into their shoulder.
“thank you,” jeno says softly, “for loving me.”
jeno doesn’t love him, but he loves jeno and jeno loves the attention, so he’s sure it’ll all work out.
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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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bilderml-blog · 5 years
Frisuren Kurzhaar Nieuwe top Pixie Kapsels aller tijden Pinterest ... | #pixief ... - Frisuren 2019 Frisuren Kurzhaar Nieuwe top Pixie Kapsels aller tijden Pinterest ... | #pixief ... ...
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pixieroserobin · 2 years
Red String Harringrove au
Steve's been dropped on his head a few too many times, can barely see his.
Sometimes he feels it pull tight, but mostly, he just sees it at certain angles. Because of this he mostly ignores it.
Billy, on the other hand, has spent most of his life since his mom left staring at this stupid red string.
At this thin red line that's supposed to attach him to someone who will love him in spite of everything.
Wondering who's on the other side.
Will they love him enough to stay? Despite his flaws? Will he drive them away like his father did his mother?
He never mentions it to anyone, but he thinks about it a lot.
So in '84, he's hyper aware of it pulling tighter the closer they get to Hawkins.
And he's looking at everyone they meet in Hawkins with a critical eye.
And is frozen when he first meets King Steve 'The Hair' Harrington.
That thin red line connecting them from across the parking lot.
There's his soulmate, so close.
His soulmate who only has eyes for the brunette next to him.
His soulmate who doesn't seem to realize Billy exists.
It ruins all the fantasies, dreams and hopes Billy had used to cope with his life.
The rage that welled up inside him the more he learned about Steve became nearly impossible to ignore. With no outlet and a soulmate who didnt seem aware of him, it was no surprise when he finally did something.
Shoving him around on the court, staring him down at Tina's party, beating his ass outside the Byers.
And not once did Steve look at him with any recognition.
Not until El.
Steve picked Dustin and El up from the Snow Ball, promised Hopper he'd get her home safe.
Billy picked up Max.
And from three rows away, El followed the line of red, flickering in and out of her sight.
From Steve, to Billy.
Steve forever oblivious, and Billy forever forlorn and angry about it.
"Steve," She grabbed his hand, finger tips brushing the red string, making him tense, making them both shiver. "Your line."
Steve jerked his hand back, "Yeah, I know it's there."
El shook her head, grabbed his hand again, and pointed over to where Billy was sitting in his Camaro, blue eyes locked on them.
Steve narrowed his eyes, squinting and focusing to see the red string he mostly ignored.
And felt his stomach sink as it finally came into view.
There were so many emotions in Steve in that moment. Confusion, frustration. A little bit of anger.
His soulmate had beat his face in, had threatened his kids.
How was he supposed forget all that?
Could he even forgive that?
Was he destined to an unhappy relationship like his parents?
Steve averted his eyes, broke away from a sky blue gaze that he was drowning in.
He took El's hand, gently pulling her fingers from the line of red he no longer wanted to see.
He needed to leave.
"Come on, let's get you home before Hopper gets worried."
El didn't fight, but she did turn her head to watch Billy and Max across the parking lot.
Watches Billy's slack expression twist into something angry as his Camaro roars to life.
She catches and holds Max's gaze and held it until Steve and Billy pulled out in different directions. She tried to read Max, to maybe see if the red head might have insight El did not, but all she caught was confusion.
Steve refused to talk about it the whole ride to Hopper's cabin. He continued to refuse to talk about it on the way to Dustin's house after.
He went home and stole a beer from the six pack in the fridge, sat on the edge of the pool he'd avoided since shit with the upside down happened. Smoked and drank, and tried not to think.
Billy dropped Max off at the house, didn't even get out. As soon as her door closed, the Camaro roared to life and he flew down the dark quiet street.
He ended up at the quarry, too keyed up to sit in the car. Iron maiden blaring from the speakers as he passed around in the dark, smoking and wishing he had something better. Or someone to take all the pent up energy on.
Now Steve knew, and all he'd done was stare and drive away.
Ran away.
Like everyone else important in Billy's life.
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pixieroserobin · 2 years
I entirely forgot I had a tag for my fics that I used to post here... that's a flash back and kind of a nightmare
Hello old cringe how are you
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pixieroserobin · 7 years
Displaced [Chapter 1]
Fandoms: X-Men Evolution, Young Justice, Batman Rating: T+ Summary: When Jean, Kitty, Kurt and Laura find themselves dropped in another world without any substantial reason why or how, they're a bit out of luck. Hopefully they can get some help with this world's group of superheroes. Hopefully. Warnings: Crossover
[AO3] & [FFN]
The back alley they fell in was dingy and grimy in a way that Jean didn't expect. She hadn't been thinking much when they'd been hit by the beam, too focused on Kitty, and stemming the bleeding from her right temple. She'd heard Scott yell for her and smelled the distinct sulfur scent from Kurt, but nothing else registered. And now she didn't know what to do. It was only her years of training and practice that allowed her to keep her calm.
Gone was the smooth chrome of the danger room, and in its place, were brick walls and concrete ground, dumpsters and at her back, a tall chain link fence. Over head, fire escapes and murky windows. She imagined it was a setting that could fit in nearly any city, if you wanted to find it. But it wasn't where they should be.
She was still kneeling on the ground with Kitty's head cradled in her lap. Kurt was in front of her, one hand on her, his tail curled around Laura's waist just behind him. He looked disoriented, his eyes unfocused, and body trembling a little. He'd tried to teleport them out of the crossfire, but it seemed to have been too much. Slowly, he withdrew his hands and knelt down as well, looking like he might collapse.
"Kurt, are you okay?" Jean asked, reaching one hand out to steady him. He leaned into the touch but didn't respond verbally, merely nodded his head and ran a hand through his hair. That was a definite no, but there wasn't much Jean could do just yet.
Behind Kurt, Laura stood at the ready. She had been poised to attack Scarlet Witch before they'd been hit, and the new surroundings did nothing to soothe the battle ready teenager, regardless of no obvious enemy in sight. She was tense, half crouched, claws out and eyes narrowed as she tried to get her balance.
Taking in everything she could, Jean acted. With her hands on Kurt and Kitty, she couldn't actively reach out to Laura, so she did the next best thing, sending calming thoughts to brush against the agitated teen, and calling out to her, "Laura, I need your help here."
Using telepathy on Laura was always a risky move. It sometimes set her off more, but there weren't a lot of options here, so Jean kept trying. This time it seemed to have a positive effect. Laura's body relaxed, and she looked over her shoulder at them, likely taking stock of the situation as well. Turning fully, Laura moved to help Kurt straighten himself, letting the blue furred teen lean on her as he stood, "We need to find shelter first."
"Kitty's head-" Jean's words were abruptly cut off by the sound of ripping fabric. Her eyes widened a bit, watching Laura rip a long strip from her tee shirt. She was the only one no in uniform, and the jagged tear of her shirt made her look a bit more wild than usual. Jean took the clothe when it was offered though. It was just long enough that she could wrap it around Kitty's head twice. It wasn't the best, but it would do for the moment.
"The watch is busted."
Jean looked up to see Kurt rubbing his head, body pressed tight against Laura's, while she inspected the broken cover of his holowatch. "I'm going to look for cover nearby, you three stay here."
"You can't go alone." Jean pressed, not wanting to let Laura wander off. She was sure Laura would be safe, but it was out of protocol to let a teammate go off alone without back up in an area they didn't know. They had no idea where they were, or if the people here might be hostile or not.
Shifting, Laura helped Kurt sit back down, letting him lean on Jean instead. He did so, ducking his head and prodding at his watch. Kitty hadn't yet stirred, and Jean worried a hospital might be in order. They didn't have any ID on, no money to call for help.
"Blue isn't in a state to leave this alley, and if something happens you have the best chance at keeping them unseen. I'll be back in fifteen minutes." with that, Laura turned and headed towards the dimly lit street, not waiting to give Jean a chance to say anything.
"I could try and keep an eye on her." Kurt offered weakly, but looked relieved when Jean shook her head. If someone saw Kurt they might get the wrong kind of attention, and until they knew where they were, it was much too big a risk.
"I'm sure she'll be fine. We just have to trust her."
And Jean really hoped she could. Laura had come back to the Mansion reluctantly, with a new name, Logan's promise she was safe and a begrudging apology for what she had done to the whole mansion a year ago. She struggled to fit in with the others, her temper and lack of true social skills made it hard for her to connect to others, and her acting skills made it hard for others to tell when she was lying or not. Jean trusted Logan, and though she'd not been privy to the story of Laura's life in full, she knew enough to want to give the girl a chance- but also to know to be wary.
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bilderml-blog · 5 years
Pixie Cut Makeup 59093 53 Short Hairstyles voor Dames 2018 that You ... | #pixief ... - Frisuren 2019 Pixie Cut Makeup 59093 53 Short Hairstyles voor Dames 2019 that You ... | #pixief ...
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bilderml-blog · 5 years
Aantrekkelijke en verschillende korte Pixie-cuts | Vraag het Laurie | Pinterest ... | #pixief ... - Frisuren 2019 Aantrekkelijke en verschillende korte Pixie-cuts | Vraag het Laurie | ...
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pixieroserobin · 9 years
[PruMano] No Pets [Domestic Slice of Life for Prumano Week 2015]
Rating: K Summary: Lovino didn't like pets in the house. Gilbert, didn't really care.
There was a gate in front of the kitchen.
That had not been there when Lovino had left for work in the morning. It wasn’t supposed to be there now. There was no reason for any type of gate, anywhere in the house.
So finding this gate blocking his path was quite the distraction.
However, worse than the gate that should not be there... was the things that were being held captive in the kitchen by the gate.
Lovino could count three puppies from where he stood in the doorway. There was one laying under the table, chewing on a ball, and two others rolling around the linoleum, seemingly intent on besting each other in whatever they were doing.
He was not a pet person. He didn’t have a cat, or any birds, and he didn’t even let Antonio bring that dumb turtle over anymore. The only person who ever really got away with any animals, was... well, Feliciano had stashed a kitten here once, but it had been short lived, and Lovino had made it clear it wouldn’t happen again.
And now there were puppies rolling around his kitchen.
“You’re home!”
Lovino turned to see his boyfriend coming out of the bathroom, with yet another puppy stashed in his arms. There was a goofy grin on Gilbert’s face, his glasses a bit lopsided, and his shirt spattered with soapy water.
“I didn’t think you’d be home so early, Liebe.” Gilbert stopped by Lovino, leaning to kiss his cheek, before he bent at the waist, leaning down to gently drop the damp puppy into the kitchen with the others. It shook, sending a few droplets of water off, before it hurried to the two that were still rolling around. The one under the table seemed intent to join the game now too, leaving the ball to rush head first into the other three.
If Lovino were not so baffled, and so very angry, he might had admitted that this was cute. Instead, he just locked a glare on Gilbert, and held it until the Prussian’s grin slid away from his face, and he actually looked a little apologetic.
“Why are there dogs in my house?” Lovino finally asked, voice not yet rising, but his anger was obvious.
Lovino’s eyes narrowed, and his voice rose a little as he repeated the question.
“I found them.” Gilbert finally said. He didn’t sound particularly apologetic about it now, but he did at least look a little sheepish, “They were in a box by the grocery store. ‘Free puppies’. I couldn’t just leave them there.”
“Yes, you could.” Lovino responded, knowing it wasn’t true. Gilbert had such a weak spot for cute things, and really who left dogs in boxes on corners anymore? He wondered idly if the other had even remembered to get the groceries he was supposed to get.
“I couldn’t!” Gilbert snapped back, annoyed now, himself. “Who knows what would have happened to them. They could have been left there to starve.”
Lovino retorted quickly, “Why didn’t you take them to the shelter on Cherry Street? They would have taken them in!”
“Matt has enough animals in there right now. Besides, I can find them homes.”
It was left unsaid that Gilbert would want to keep one. Lovino didn’t need to hear it, to know that the other was intent on it. They had discussed pets before, Gilbert was always talking about getting one, and Lovino had entertained the idea of a bird, since he knew Gilbert had loved the one he’d had when they were kids living next door to each other. But a dog.. four puppies, it was too much and Lovino refused to have anything to do with it.
“Take them to the shelter.” He snapped, turning to walk away from the kitchen, “I am not taking care of puppies!”
Moving up behind him, Gilbert slid his arms around the irate Italian, pulling him back, and kissing the back of his neck, “You don’t have to. I’ll take care of them, and I’ll look for homes. And if I can’t find any in a week, I’ll take them to the shelter.”
This was a lie. They both knew Gilbert wouldn’t take the puppies to the shelter. He’d already said that it was full, and Lovino was sure that Matt and Angie both were overwhelmed with it. But that didn’t mean he liked it. Even so, he leaned back, couldn’t help enjoying the contact.
“I’m not cleaning up after them.” Lovino stated seriously.
"You don't have to." Gilbert promised, kissing just behind the other's ear, "I'll clean up after them, and feed them, and walk them. All you have to do, is not kill them."
"Fine. But in a week, they're gone."
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pixieroserobin · 9 years
[Prumano] The Trouble with Rain {Fantasy AU for Prumano Week 2015}
Rating: T (For Lovino's mouth) Summary: The rain always makes things more complicated for fairies.
“It’s raining.”
Ludwig looked up from his scroll, to glance across the room where Erika had settled by the window. She had been sewing when he’d last look, but the shirt she had been mending now lay forgotten in her lap, hands resting over the soft material.
Outside, fat drops of water fell to the ground, making the leaves and branches of the tree their home sat in shake. It hadn’t looked like rain earlier, and Ludwig had been so distracted with his work that he’d not even noticed when it started. If his sister had not mentioned it, he likely would not have noticed. As it was, he didn’t know what to say in response. His eyes turned back to his scroll after a moment, looking over enchantments he had to have memorized before his lessons tomorrow with the grand elder.
“Gilbert isn’t back yet.” Erika spoke again, a hint of worry in her voice.
Ludwig sighed, and left the scroll on the table, knowing he wouldn’t be getting anything done if she was worried. Instead, he made his way over to where she was seated, “He’s probably over at the Vargas’ tree.”
Her tiny head turned, one long blonde braid falling from her shoulder as she locked her seagreen eyes on him, “Do you think he’s okay? He always gets in trouble when he goes out with Lovino...”
“I’m sure they’re fine.” He reasured her, reaching out to pat her head. He wasn’t sure he believed that, though. It was true that Gilbert got in trouble, Lovino’s presence didn’t really effect it. But he didn’t want to worry her more, the small fae was always so prone to worrying about all of them. “If you’re done sewing, why don’t you go check on Vash, he’s been quiet for a while. Take him something to eat?”
There was silence for a moment, as Erika thought this over, and then she got up, giving a small nod, before leaving the room. Vash would keep her busy for a while, Ludwig knew, hopefully until Gilbert made it home. Looking out the window, he frowned out at the rain as it fell, a curtain of gray so thick he couldn’t see far beyond the leaves. He would be more worried himself, if his older brother didn’t always come back in mostly one piece.
Huffing, Ludwig went back to the table. He stared down at his scroll for a while, trying hard to focus on the symbols and small text explaining each spell. It was much harder to focus now, however, with his mind on his brother who had yet to return. His eyes were drawn to the window, watching the rain outside, as he listened to the sound of Erika and Vash talking somewhere deeper in their tree. Somewhere further in, there was the sound of music drifting from Roderich’s room. It would have been soothing if Ludwig could force his attention away from the worry that maybe Gilbert had gotten himself into bigger trouble than he could get out of- again.
Nearly half way across the forest, the source of his worry  stood on a tree branch with a scowl on his face. Gilbert’s plan to sneak into the human’s house had been a bit of a flop. They’d knocked over something and caused a crash that had sent the humans within rushing to see what it was, and he and his partner had almost gotten caught. It wasn’t a big deal, really, they hadn’t been caught, and neither were hurt- and they’d gotten at least part of what they’d gone for. But Lovino hadn’t stopped bitching about it since they’d settled in a tree to avoid the rain.
“We could have died, you fucking idiot!” Lovino snarled from his spot, sitting with his legs dangling over the branch. His wings kept fluttering behind him, trying to dry off.
Rolling his eyes, Gilbert huffed, “We didn’t die, and we didn’t even get seen.”
“But we might have! That was the dumbest fucking plan ever.” The auburn haired fairy snapped, not looking up at the pale one standing nearby, “Just in and out, you said. Bull fucking shit.”
There were other complaints to be made, and Lovino continued on, muttering under his breath. “If you could have kept that damn bird under control we wouldn’t have gotten in trouble. But no, you let it do whatever and we nearly got caught while in the fucking ice box. And all for what? A jug of fucking milk and some sug-”
The foul mouthed fairy’s mouth clenched shut as pale fingers slid into his hair. Lovino hated having his hair touched, but it was always the first thing that Gilbert touched. And as much as he hated to admit it, the other’s touch, his fingers sliding through damp auburn locks, actually did soothe some of Lovino’s anger and anxiety.
“Milk that we’ll both enjoy and sugar that Erika and Roderich will use to make a cake, that both of us, will also enjoy.” Gilbert stated knowingly, before sitting down beside the other.
Lovino hunched forward, letting his wings fold at his back, and looked away. He wouldn’t admit that both sounded really good, especially after all the trouble they’d gone through to get them.
The pale fairy leaned, brushing their sides together, and Lovino didn’t say anything. So Gilbert grinned and kissed his cheek, “Besides, we got you some of those tomatos you like so much.”
“If we hadn’t, none of it would have been worth it at all, Bastard.” Lovino responded stiffly, “I would have left your ass there. I only stuck around for the tomatoes.”
Gilbert laughed, so Lovino knew he hadn’t been taken seriously. Which was good, because even as he said it, he didn’t really mean it. Sure the small red tomatos were really good, and he looked forward to them, but he wouldn’t have just left Gilbert there. Especially knowing the other wouldn’t have been able to get back to the window and his stupid bird on his own. It was too far for a wingless fairy to make it before humans came rushing in.
An arm slung over the darker fairy’s shoulders, and Lovino leaned back into the contact, still not looking over at the other. “It’s still your fault we got caught in the rain, jackass.”
Gilbert just kissed his shoulder again, and gave him that shit eatting grin, “We can fly back on Gilbird.”
The bird tilted it’s head to look at them, black eyes locking on them for only a moment before it went back to primming a little. The saddle on it’s back standing out in stark contract to it’s pale yellow feathers, and the bags already strapped to it mostly ignored.
“No way am I getting on that fucking thing. It’d probably drop us both.”
Gilbert sank his hand back into the other’s hair, and just grinned as Lovino leanned into the touch. He kissed the side of the other’s head, and ruffled his hair a bit. “Well, we’ll just have to wait for the rain to stop and your wings to dry.”
It would take a while, though fairy wings were small, they were notorious for taking a long time to dry. They both had homes to get to, and family’s who would worry about their long departure, but it wouldn’t be the first time. Gilbert could have easily used this time to point out that it was Lovino’s own fault for not wanting to ride on Gilbird’s back, they could get home so quickly then, even in the rain, but he didn’t. Instead, he pulled Lovino so the other was leaning on him, and settled in to sit and watch the rain.
Huffing, the darker haired fairy let himself be positioned, and if he snuggled closer, neither said anything about it. Neither of them would. Just like neither would mention the few kisses they’d shared through the afternoon, or how comfortable they were just sitting there together in mostly silence.
By the time they’d get home and relieve everyone of their worry, the two would be as loud and obnoxious as always. Likely fight over the stupidest, smallest things, and Lovino would go home in a huff, only to be dragged back by his brother, for the promise of fresh milk and cake. But really, even with all the fuss they knew they’d cause, it would still be nice. Especially with the nice afternoon spent watching the rain as it cleared the air of the heat that had settled thickly before. As they just enjoyed the closeness they had.
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pixieroserobin · 10 years
[MKR] The Flower Crown [Clef&Umi]
Umi x Clef Week, day two: Gift
A little AU fic, I hope you enjoy it.
It was the soft pattering of little feet and fading giggling that alerted Clef that there had been someone in his office as he returned from the small library. He glanced toward the door, sensing the presence of the three little girls hiding in the hall, likely waiting to have to dart away, before letting his eyes sweep over his office. Everything looked to be in place, until he got to his desk. Amidst ancient tomes and age worn scrolls, sat a flower crown. It was a bit clumsily made, looked like it just might fall apart if jostled. It was too clumsily made for Hikaru to have done it. For such a hyper little thing, she certainly had a skill for flower crowns. And Fuu would have likely given one to young Prince Ferio, if she'd made one herself. Which left one little Knight-to-be to have made this particular crown. Not that he'd needed that information, just the color of the flower blossoms (a pretty blue flower, that only grew in Princess Emeraude's personal garden) was enough of a hint to him that Umi was the culprit. Lifting the crown gently, Clef cast a quick, simple spell, just a wordless burst of intention, to strengthen the crown so it wouldn't break by accident. He let the soft blue petals brush against his fingers, and contemplated the purpose of it being left here. A soft gasp, surprised and rather familiar, drew his attention to the door. He had just a second to catch sight of big blue eyes before the door slammed shut. His senses told him all three were still there, huddled by the door, waiting still. With an amused smile, Clef waved his staff, and the door swung inwards. There was a flash of blonde curls and a pink braid, shrieked giggles as Hikaru took off down the hall. She pulled Fuu with her, he imagined, feeling their aura get weaker as they made a quick escape, the sound of their laughter and feet pounding against marble floors echoing and fading. Umi, however, little seven year old Umi, stayed where she was. Her back pressed against the wall, still as could be. A few short moments passed before her patience ran out, and she finally shifted, a small movement, closer to the edge of the door. He could see her pretty pale blue skirt starting to show, and waited until she peeked around the corner. Her face was red, her expression worried. Her teeth tore at her lower lip, and he could read the worry in her face. There were rules, about coming into his office without invitation. Mostly to keep the girls from stumbling onto something that might accidentally harm them, or from breaking the more fragile magical artifacts he kept about. Nothing looked broken, though, in fact, everything was untouched. Except for the flower crown he now held in his hands. "Umi?" She flinched, and he felt a little bad. "Did you make this?" He held it so she could see when she looked up, pushing her hair out of her face. "I did." Her voice was strong, certain, and held a hint of determination, even though her eyes didn't meet his. "Why did you leave it here?" His own was curious, there was no threat of punishment, or annoyance. Umi fidgeted a little, tiny fingers plucking at her sleeve, as she took a deep breathe, and steeled herself before looking up at him, "I made it for you." "For me?" A shy, nervous nod that felt almost out of character for the usually far too outspoken girl was the only response he got. Clef's smile stayed in place, and he moved closer, to stand before her, "Wouldn't you rather give this to someone else?" Her head shook, a quick negative movement, that made her blue hair flare out around her. "No?" Clef knew that Umi was a popular little girl, she got along with a lot of the children who came to the palace to have lessons with Clef, much like Fuu and Hikaru did. "What about Ascot? You get along well with him." The face Umi made then, was what Clef had heard Presea called the 'ew boys are gross' face. It was all scrunched up, and her tongue stuck out. But it only lasted a second, before Umi lifted her head, and straightened her back. Her head tilted, and she locked her blue eyes on him, "I wanted to give it to you." She waited a second, then nodded, finding the words she wanted, and saying them with a firmness that a seven year old really shouldn't have, "I made it for you. So you have to take it. It would be really rude not to." It was very hard not to chuckle or laugh, or show the amusement he felt. But he did his best, feeling like it would ruin her resolve. So, instead, he kept that soft smile (even though his lips twitched a little), and nodded, "It would be rude." She seemed pleased with his agreement, so he added on, "And a sorcerer is nothing, if not polite." "Yes." She told him, as if, for those few seconds, she was the teacher and he the student. "Of course." He did chuckle then, and for a just a moment, a frown crossed her face. It was gone quickly, as he reached out to rest a hand on her head, "Thank you, Umi, for this lovely gift." Her cheeks burned red again, and her eyes dropped down to the floor, her hands going back to fiddling with her sleeve and skirt. It was rare to see Umi so quiet, so embarrassed. She may not have been as loud or oblivious as Hikaru could be, but this was still an oddity. There were many things that Clef could say here, though he wasn't sure any of them would come out correctly. He didn't want to accidentally shun her, or her affections, knowing they would likely pass as time went one. Childrens interests were often fleeting. Luckily, he was saved the trouble, by Hikaru, who came half way down the hall. The feel of her magic as bright and warm as the flames she would one day command. Clef expected her to shout, but instead, all he heard were whispers. Loud whispers. But it was an obvious attempt to only be heard by Umi. It didn't quite work that way. "Umi- Umi, you're mom's here!" The glare Umi sent towards her friend would have been formidable on the face of someone a little older. Clef did not look forward to that when she grew up. He was quick to catch her attention, "Well, you should go, Umi, don't keep her waiting." Her eyes flickered back to her, and the glare slide away like water. The blush sprang back up, and she nodded again, "Right, I will... Goodbye, Master Clef." "Goodbye, Umi." Clef smiled, and waited for her to start down the hall towards Hikaru, before he peaked around the corner to glance at both girls, "Goodbye, Hikaru." "Goodbye, Master Clef!" Hikaru  said back, waving as Umi ducked her head bashfully, and kept going. Clef waited until the girls were out of sight, before he went back into his office and closed the door. He crossed the space between his door and desk, setting the flower crown on top of a particularly old book of spells, and took a seat his desk. He stared at it for a long time, wondering how long Umi's crush would last on him. Umi was the stubborn sort, after all, maybe it would last longer. He hoped not, he'd hate for it to be a lingering infatuation. Even so, her efforts were adorable. Smiling again, he waved his staff, casting a spell with that small movement and a soft, whispered word. The spell would let the flower crown keep, the petals wouldn't wilt, or brown. He picked it up again, setting it up on a shelf, where it would sit safe until he needed the space would have need to move it. A shelf just low enough that Umi would be able to see the bright blue against otherwise neutral colors, so she would know it was there, that he'd not thrown it, and her feelings, away.
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pixieroserobin · 10 years
[TT] Resentment [Melvin]
She was six years old when her parents put her on the bus.
In fact, her memories of her father were limited at best. At the age of 15, when she closed her eyes and tried to imagine him, he was like a blurry photograph. She remembered his blond hair, and big hands, and deep voice. But she didn't really remember doing anything with him, not after she made Bobby. She remembered her mom a bit, though. Her hair was flame red, like Timmy's, and her eyes that same soft blue all of them had. She used to tuck Melvin in and read them all stories... she used to yell a lot and pull on her hair when they used their powers. She cried a lot. She made chocolate chip cookies that they got to eat as dessert and after preschool.
When they got on the bus, Melvin remembered her mom kissing her forehead and telling her to be a brave big girl, to look out for her brothers and be good for the Titans. She put them on the bus, and told them that she'd loved them, for them to remember that.
At the time, Melvin didn't think much of it. She was six. It was an adventure. It was a big girl trip. She was scared and excited and with Bobby there, she'd known they'd be safe. At fifteen, she didn't know what to think of it.
How did one accept love from a mother who'd sent them away? Not only that, but a mother who, when the Titans called to get confirmation of when to bring Melvin, Timmy and Teether home, had told them she couldn't take them back. A mother who didn't want them.
For a while, she resented it. She would for a long time still. Until she grew up, likely. Until she had kids of her own, and found how hard it could be to raise a child with a super power. She would wonder how her mother had managed with no powers of her own. Melvin wouldn't forgive her mother. She would never forgive her. She couldn't.
But she would understand it. At least a little.
At fifteen, all she felt was resentment towards a mother her brothers couldn't remember.
Melvin had shown them a picture once. A faded, worn little photograph that had been tucked away in her pocket during their adventure to the monastery. She didn't remember that clearly, not as much so as the kiss on her forehead and the 'I love you'. But it was there, and she'd kept it. It was a bit torn, a bit ruined. Their dad's face was gone, but their mom was still intact. Holding Teether, and grasping one of Timmy's hands with her free one, Melvin just in front of her. All smiling at the camera, happy.
Timmy had shown vague signs of remembering. She'd seen it flicker in his gaze, the recognition. But Teether didn't. Not even a little. He'd told her once, that he only remembered Raven and the other titans. Living at the tower.
Melvin wasn't sure if she was sad, or relieved, or jealous. Possibly all three.
Timmy didn't want to talk about it at all. Ever.
They hadn't grown up badly. Melvin was sure some people worried about it- she remembered when Batman found out, he'd been concerned. A plethora of older heroes had come to see them and check on them, but mostly, didn't have any important roles. There had been a few social workers, too. They'd wanted to make sure that the kids had everything they needed, but didn't have anywhere to place children like them, and the monks couldn't keep them forever.
Melvin's childhood was filled with adventures. There was training to control her powers, there was school, and a lot of people who came and went. She shared a room with her brothers for a long time, but for those first few years, they all slept in Raven's room. It was creepy sometimes, and they weren't allowed to touch anything, but it became a safe place for them.
They had Starfire to kiss their boo boos, and Beastboy to make them laugh, and Cyborg to make them cool toys. Robin taught them to defend themselves. Raven became "mom". Sometimes they went and stayed with Más and Menos at Titans East, and Speedy taught Melvin how to use a bow, and Bumblebee helped her do her hair.
They enjoyed their lives, it was an odd mix of normal and not. They had a family, though unorthodox, they got adventures and downtime, and friends at school who thought they were 'sooooo cool'. But, Melvin wondered sometimes.
What would it have been like if her parents had kept them. What were they up to now? Did they ever have more kids? Were they happy?
Would it have been nicer to be normal?
In the long run, she supposed, it was better not to think about it too much.
Her mom hadn't wanted her, even if she'd loved her. She didn't know if her father had. Dwelling on it could, and had, only led to pain.
She had thought of asking Robin, now Nightwing, for the contact information they'd had for her parents. Finding them wouldn't be hard for a Titan... but she couldn't bring herself to.
She was scared to face them. To see the people who'd left her at the age of six with a bunch of teenagers.
So, she never asked. She filled her days with school and hero work. Her nights with homework and training. When she felt like she missed her mom, she sought out Raven. They'd have tea and talk, about anything and everything.
It made her feel better.
It reminded her that she was loved. Not just by Raven, but by everyone. Her family was weird, and they hadn't been ready, but they were family and she couldn't ask for a better one.
Author's Note: I thought of this after re-watching Hide And Seek, and noticing that the three kids got off a bus all alone. It's probably not something we're meant to think a lot about- it's a kids show after all, but now that I'm older, I couldn't help but wonder. I also know that in the show, it's never explicitly said what happened to these three, and as far as I know they're not in the comics, so I came up with some stuff myself. It's somewhat hinted at in the episode that they're not related, but there's no proof of it, so I'm gonna go with them being related- they look it.
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pixieroserobin · 10 years
[RotBTD] Dead Hearts [2/4]
They had lights inside their eyes
Rapunzel had spent the first eighteen years of her life locked in a tower, dreaming of the world beyond her tower. Of the people and the towns and cities, and the glowing lights that appeared every year on her birthday. It took all those years to finally find the courage to leave the safety of that tower, and a wild adventure that most wouldn't believe before freedom was truly hers.
Death came peacefully to Rapunzel, the lost princess. She lived a long time, ruling the kingdom of Corona after her parents passing. She walked the cobbled streets hand in hand with her beloved Eugene. Her children were born- a beautiful little girl with hair as black as night and a boy so blond it seemed the sun had blessed him as the flower had her once- behind safe stone walls. They ran freely in the streets and gardens. They learner their letters and history, to be kind and open, and maybe how to steal if they ever needed the skill (they never did), from loving parents.
She watched as her husband's hair turned silver, just a few strands at first, then all of it. As his skin wrinkled and grew pale when his arthritis made it too painful for him to go out into the sun. He died in her arms, with her hot tears on his face and soft lips against his forehead.
Her daughter gave her three beautiful grandchildren. Her son four. She watched them grow as long as she could, growing frailer and weaker as the years passed. Her heart ached for Eugene, for her lost youth, for the days when she could paint all day, and sing and dance.
Death sat at her side as she fell asleep her last night. The spirit held her hand, drew her from her aged body and walked with her through the halls. It let her see her children kiss her grandchildren good night, let her linger in the library where she used to sit in the window seat with Eugene while he read stories about great adventures and treasures bring found aloud.
She welcomed death, and gladly followed it into the garden, knowing she would be leaving forever. Ready to be at peace.
A warm breeze from the south rustled her hair, and washed over her soul, rejuvenating her. The moon's silver light made the garden, with it's newly blooming flowers, seem unearthly. And a voice asked something of her, soft and sweet, it asked her to stay, to watch over those who needed her most. Those that needed the gentle warmth of spring, the love and touch of a spirit who could help them dream in the light of day.
She thought to deny the voice. Rapunzel's life had been a good one, but she was old now, and tired. She had no wish for immortality, nor eternal youth. She welcomed death as she had age and every adventure that came her way.
But the voice was sweet, and a part of her- the part that loved to paint and dance and sing - couldn't say no. She released Death's hand and instead opened her arms to the warm spring breeze.
For years after it was said the Queen's spirit lingered in the garden. Flowers bloomed every year, children sought out the colorful blooms and Rapunzel welcomed her new life as a Spirit of Spring.
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pixieroserobin · 10 years
Wy+Belarus - Learning to defend
Human names;
Zoe – Wy
Jack – Australia
Klaus – Kugelmugel
Erik – Ladonia
Benjamin – Molossia
Henry – Hutt River
Fedrico – Seborga
There were a lot of people that Zoe could go to to ask for help with this. She had thought of just asking Jack, but he had a habit of ruffling her hair and blowing stuff off. So, she'd put a lot of thought into this, and how she would go about it. She wasn't stupid. Even though she knew she could win a fight with Klaus, or Erik or Peter if she really tried (mostly cause he seemed afraid to hit her), and Benjamin, Henry and Fedrico were never willing to fight her.. she also knew that some actual self defense could never hurt, and she wanted to be able to really take care of herself.
Asking was harder though, Zoe had tried to do it twice at meetings, but it never seemed to work just right. She always got scared. Erik would have suggested an e-mail, but Zoe wasn't really sure she could see Natalya Arlovskaya checking a personal e-mail from someone like her. So, after a meeting, when everyone was leaving the building to head back to their hotels, Zoe slipped away from her friends and ran ahead, "Miss Arlovskaya!"
There was a bit of a silence that fell over the nations that had been walking in the same direction, a few turning their heads to look at Zoe. Natalya had stopped and turned, her brother slipping away while he had the chance, and Miss Kateryna standing just beside Natalya.
Zoe came to a slow stop in front of her, breath a not heavy, but a smile on her face, "I- I wanted to ask you something. Something important."
"What?" Natalya was eyeing her a bit, as if trying to gauge what this child could want from her.
"Well... um.." Zoe felt a bit shy suddenly, knowing that there were so many others watching them. Worse then that, she could hear Jack not too far away, talking too loudly with Alfred, like always. "Um..."
"I don't have all day." Natalya stated, her voice a bit cold, but not particularly mean.
"I was wondering if you could teach me... how to... um... fight." The words were a bit of a mess, and she lost confidence as she spoke, and Natalya's eyes stared at her, cold and pale blue and never wavering.
"Sister.." Miss Kateryna said, voice soft, looking between the two.
Zoe was half ready to be declined, but she was really not ready for the little white card that was held up for her. She took it gingerly, flipping it over to look at it, seeing the nation of Belarus' human name, e-mail and a phone number she could be contacted in, all written neatly underneath their Cyrillic forms.
It wasn't really a yes, but it was better than a no, and Zoe beamed, "Thank you!"
She didn't get an answer, just a quick nod, as Natalya turned on her heel, and began to walk again. Miss Kateryna paused, then smiled at Zoe, "Just e-mail her, she'll talk to you through that- she's much sweeter that way!"
Zoe doubted the sweet thing, but if it was a chance to be able to ask and talk and figure out when would be best for them both, Zoe would take it without complaint.
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pixieroserobin · 10 years
Seychelles - Just fine - Human AU
Human Names
Angelique - Seychelles
Viane - Monaco
-- -- --
Angelique was only three when her mother passed, so she didn’t much have any memory of her. Being so young, she only vaguely could grasp at the feel of being picked up and held by a woman who smelled like summer flowers and freshly baked bread. She knew, of course, what her mother looked and sounded like, she could find that in pictures and home videos… her family told her stories about her, about her cheery personality and gentle touch, but they weren’t Angelique’s memories.
The other kids at school pitied her for it. They told her how weird it was she didn’t have a mommy, and always asked why she didn’t have one, why didn’t she get a new one. One of the boys in class said that when his mommy left, his daddy got a new girlfriend and she was just as good as his mommy had been, so shouldn’t Angelique have a new one by now?
But she didn’t want a mommy. She didn’t feel like she needed one. Viane helped her with all the girly stuff Papa didn’t know quite how to do, and her Papa really didn’t seem to need much help, anyway. She didn’t feel like she was missing out. Not when she was so happy with her family as it was. With or without a mommy involved.
They had things just right, adding someone new would just ruin it. What if Papa liked the new woman more than he liked her or Viane or Mattie? What if that new mommy was like the new mommies in all the movies and stories, mean and cruel as soon as Papa looked away, and only sweet and nice when he was right there? What if they were horrible and pulled her hair too much when they brushed it like Viane did sometimes, or didn’t know how to cook or tell stories? What if they yelled a lot?
No, Angelique thought her family was just fine. They didn’t need a mommy.
She liked Papa’s cooking, and Viane doing her hair. She liked when Mattie told her stories from his story books, and she liked when they all did things together, like going to the park or watching movies or even just staying home and doing nothing.
It was good like it was, and at the age of six, she didn’t want it to change. So, after spring break, when all the kids went back to school for that short stretch before summer break, when a little girl with long red hair told Angelique she needed a mommy or her family wasn’t complete, Angelique pulled her hair so hard she cried, and the teacher had to put her in time out, but no one in class mentioned it again, and that red haired girl was moved to a seat on the other side of the room, and Angelique felt rather proud of herself until Papa scolded her for hurting someone else.
She wouldn’t say what she’d done, and she didn’t get dessert at dinner that night because of it- but that was okay, because she didn’t much like chocolate ice cream. And the next time she went to school she apologized to the other girl for pulling her hair, so the grownups would be happy, but they both knew she didn’t mean it, and that she’d do it again if they all kept picking on her.
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pixieroserobin · 10 years
Monaco + Belarus - The risk of Gambling
Human names;
Viane – Monaco
Angelique – Seychelles
Erika – Liechtenstein
Anh Diu – Vietnam
Viane had accepted the invitation to play poker before she'd realized just who all would be there. Of course, she likely would have done so anyway, given how hopeful Angelique had been when she'd asked her, all bright smiles and rapid gestures about how it would be such a great idea. She didn't mind it, really, poker was her strong point, if Viane had any, and she knew she could wipe the floor with any nation who tried to beat her at the game.
Miss Natalya had mentioned earlier that she was quite good at poker. And ideally, Viane supposed, she was. Certainly, she had the 'poker face' down just right. However, she had other, small ticks that an untrained eye might not have caught. Viane could tell whether she had good cards or not, not by the expression on Miss Natalya's face, for it never seemed to change... but by the slightest twitch in her fingers when she got a card she wanted, the way she tapped her cards on the table when she got one she really didn't.
Viane had the game in the bag, her hand was excellent, and everyone else had pulled out by this point. She had carefully avoided going directly against Miss Natalya, not sure what the other nation might do if she lost. She had taken it well when Miss Erika had managed to get a good hand- but who could really react poorly to Liechtenstein? Viane feared she might not get away so easily. She watched uneasily as Angelique pulled back, and Miss Anh Diu did the same.
Her eyes flickered over to Miss Natalya, nervously, trying to catch something else. Anything else that might tip her off to the other nation's state of mine, but other than having picked up that she'd gotten a bad hand, Viane couldn't decipher. She was being watched by the others, they were waiting for her to lay her hand down, and it was only a great deal of talent and years of practice that kept the shake from her hands and the fear from her face.
Finally, Miss Natalya gave an annoyed huff (Viane had to work not to flinch), and laid down her cards. It wasn't as awful a hand as Viane had feared, but now she had no choice. Laying out her own for the others to see, Viane watched Miss Natalya nervously, fearing she'd lurch across the table- Francis had told her she'd done that once at a meeting, and Viane was not very good at confrontations, certainly not physical ones. It didn't happen though, Miss Natalya collected her cards, and added them to Angelique's to be collected with all the rest, and pushed the small pile of chips in Viane's direction.
That seemed to be it.
Viane gave a quiet sigh of relief, and brushed off the confused look Angelique sent her way, trying to collect herself, as Miss Erika asked if anyone would like to play again.
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