dreaminlucidly · 1 year
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This *might* end up going into Dreamless Night...depends on how proofreading goes...
Art dump cuz thinking of ideas'n stuff because for some reason I really like to incite angst onto Lucid.
Lucid is having some issues with his magic LMAOawefkop
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dxmoness · 3 months
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Your husband has been having a severe case of the baby fever for a long time now. It started when he saw you taking care of your baby sister. The sight of you carrying the baby in your arms while you make her laugh made him desire to have one with you.
He's been planting small hints and clues that he is very much interested in having children with you. But you were still oblivious no matter how many hints he dropped. So he decided to take matters in his own hands.
“Um? Darling, we don't have a baby.” You say as you look over the things that you and your husband had bought during your shopping spree.
Your husband smiles mischievously. “But aren't they adorable?” He holds up a onesie for a baby for your inspection. Sure, it did look cute, but it was useless if you two did not have a baby to use it for.
You sigh, knowing he wants to hear you say yes. “I suppose it is...” You grace him with a small smile which makes him beam happily. “But my point still stands, we don't have a baby to use it on.”
He smirks as he puts down the baby clothes and walks to your side, leaning to kiss your cheek. “Not yet, we don't.” He purrs in your ear, his hot breath causes you to shudder involuntarily.
Your cheeks grow flush at the implication he is giving through his suggestive words. “What?” You decide it's best to play innocent first because you really didn't want to embarrass yourself if it was not what you think.
He chuckles as he tucks a loose strand of hair into the back of your ear. “You know what I mean, my love.” He gives you a dazzling smile. “I want to make one. Right now.” He pauses. “That is if you don't mind?” He asks softly, waiting for your response.
He seemed so desperate for it that you found it adorable. You nod in agreement. “Okay.” You respond softly, giving him your consent to continue as he pleases.
He did not waste anymore time as he immediately shoves you to the couch, his impatience showing evident in his quick movements. You yelp as you are immediately pinned down, his hand pinning both of yours above your head while his free hand starts dealing with his belt.
“Darling—” You gasp only for him to interrupt. “Hush.” He whispers, silencing you by pressing a lingering kiss on your soft lips as he finally managed to get the belt off. “Be quiet and let me take care of you.”
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➷ ( characters ) — lante agriche , dion agriche , rezef hill , claude de alger obelia , anastacius de alger obelia , cesare de como , regis adri floyen , eiser grayan , eros vasilios , aamon paxley , jingyuan , kamisato ayato , izek van omerta , callisto regulus. ❀
➷ ( tags ) — @d10nsaint , @dreamlessnight @yourwholeworld @yumieis @im-in-love-with-fairytales , @synthe4u , @yoghurtsan , @luvyev. ( ask to be added to a specific taglist. ex: the first six people wanted to be tagged in dion agriche tagged fics hence their appearance. ) ❀
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java-lava · 11 months
Platonic Kunikuzushi x F! Creator! Reader
Part 2
A/n; I’m sorry for this being so late, I’ve been really sick recently and when I’m not in the hospital, I’m too exhausted to write. I’ll try to update the fic that I can! I hope you guys enjoy this part 2! Thank you all for the love and support for the last part!
(Purple is Scara talking blue is Reader talking)
A million thoughts can run through a person’s head in a matter of mere seconds, and right now so many were running through the Creator’s head as the Balladeer, the one she once knew as Kunikuzushi, her son, charged at her quickly. Nevertheless, she held open her arms, welcoming him home.
Kuni-The Balladeer, had thought that his heart was long dead, shriveled up, decayed even. So why did his heart ache when he saw her? He could not understand. It had hurt when she had left, it had hurt over the years while she was gone, and it hurt even worse when he came to the realization that she wasn’t coming back, that she had abandoned him, just like everyone else, but why did it hurt to see her again? These questions swam through his head as he ran towards her with such fire in his eyes.
A resounding thud rang through the room, where two bodies made a rapid impact.
Sobs racked through the room, echoing even to the most distant corners.
“Shhhhhh, my son….. you are home now.” Was whispered by the great Creator, as she held the weeping boy tightly in her embrace.
Just as he heard those words, it was as if all the pain had suddenly come to a halt, and instead his heart was filled with a warmth and joy that he had long since forgotten the feeling of.
*a few months later*
After they had reunited, Kuni refused to leave his mother’s side again.
When it had came out that Lumine and Aether were the Creator’s children, Kuni had worried that his mother would prefer them over him, that she would leave him to be a broken, forgotten doll again. Instead, he now had a bigger family than he’s ever had (after apologizing and making things right with the Traveler).
Now, the once lonely puppet, knows once and for all just how loved and wanted he truly is.
@mayurricon @mis-disaster @vvyeislazzy @extremelytoastybread @dreamlessnight @tiddieshakeshownu @dragontamer222
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tamurilofrivendell · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 36
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35] Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby village Taglist: @captainchrisstan @rebleforkicks @yjrevolution @majahu @honey-wine @accio-boys @achromaticerebus​ @solomonssimp​ @tired-ass-show-girl​ @dreamlessnight​ @daddy-long-legolas​ @sleepyamygdala​ @coopsgirl​ @penguinlovestowrite​ @midsommar-nights​ @whore-of-many-hot-men​ @elvyshiarieko​
note: We've finally reached the end and it's so sad because I did very much love writing this story, I almost don't want to leave these two behind!! I read and appreciated each and every one of your comments on this, so thank you so much!
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“Slow down!” You laughed, tugging Thranduil’s hand as he pulled you along behind him. “I keep treading on my dress!”
Thranduil chuckled. “Is my bride so drunk on wine that she can no longer walk properly?” He teased.
You shot him a withering look, though your heart quickened at the loving expression on his face as he looked at you. He looked quite drunk himself but you knew it was not the wine that did it.
The two of you had slipped out of the banquet hall early, making your escape so you could be alone. You had not complained as Thranduil had dragged you from the room and up the stairs to the Queen’s chambers. You would always think of this as the queen’s rooms, though you knew that you were technically King Thranduil’s ‘new Queen’ (especially to those outside the realm). However, you did not wish that role upon yourself in any other way than by some vague reference and he did not seem to care. She was the queen and you had no desire to take her place in any way.
You smiled as he pulled you out into the garden. Nobody would bother you here, you knew, though you were sure nobody would have dared tonight anyway, no matter where he had taken you. Still, you found this garden comforting so you did not mind staying out here for a while yet, under the moonlight with him. It was full in the sky tonight, you noticed, and you were as glad as ever for the little pockets of outdoors within the Woodland Realm.
“Look.” You said, gesturing to where the Starfire Roses lived. The flowers were sleeping, tucked away into little buds. They did not stir when you came near, so deep was their slumber. You smiled fondly at them and did not disturb them, turning back to Thranduil as he sat beside you.
“I am not sure what they are so tired for.” Thranduil sniffed, eyeing the roses almost suspiciously.
“Well, maybe they have had a busy day!” You nudged him, and he laughed.
You thought you saw one of the roses twitch just a little at the sound of his laugh. It was nearly imperceptible and, a moment later, you decided that you had imagined it.
The feeling of Thranduil’s hand, his thumb brushing over the back of your own, made you turn back to him with a soft smile.
“I cannot believe we ended up here.” You murmured, gazing into his eyes. They looked so alive. So full of love and life... joy. You could recall the cold way he had once regarded you, none of which remained as he sat with you now.
“It is a wonder to me as well.” He said, smirking slightly. “That you could ever have fallen for my beastly charms.”
You smiled, leaning in to kiss him briefly before you rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes, breathing the moment in as you felt his head come to rest upon your own. “There was never anything beastly about you, Thranduil, not really.”
You both fell silent for a while, enjoying each others company. It had been such a perfect day, you did not want it to end, though you couldn’t tell if it was because it was so lovely you wanted to live in it, or whether every days ending would bring you a little sorrow now - as it would bring you closer to leaving him in inevitable heartbreak. Perhaps it was a little of both.
Then Thranduil moved and placed a finger under your chin, tilting your head so you were looking at him again. He looked a little more serious, though his eyes were still dancing. He cleared his throat, glancing down at the new ring on his finger, before he looked back at you. “I never did thank you.”
You frowned softly at him and tilted your head, reaching for his hand. “Thank me? For what?”
His gaze was tender and full of emotion as he regarded you for only a brief second before he spoke again. “For bringing me back to life.”
It was at that very moment, a mere half second after Thranduil’s confession, that the roses suddenly all burst open, stretching their petals and reaching out towards the bench where you were both seated beside them.
There was barely time to react to the awakening, so quick was their movement and so huge was your shock for you had never seen them move so fast.
Thranduil, too, was quite stunned. The moment almost forgotten as his attention moved to the shining little blooms.
As they burst forth, the very air around them seemed to take on a shimmer that was as ethereal as their own sparkling red petals.
“Thranduil, what...?”
“I do not know.”
The shimmering continued as you blinked, watching as it... seemed to come out from the flowers themselves, moving towards you.
You shifted on the bench but you were too stunned by what you were seeing to actually move. “What are you doing?” You whispered to the roses.
They danced in response and only continued on, until you were wrapped in a glimmering haze that, to Thranduil’s eyes at least, made you look as though you were made entirely of starlight.
He was staring, completely aghast, feeling utterly powerless to understand or do a single thing. He had never before seen the roses do anything close to this.
A soft humming seemed to come from the very leaves of the plants, almost as if they were... singing. The glimmer continued, wrapping around you before settling upon you, and then seeming to evanesce away into your very skin.
As quickly as it began, it was finished.
Silence descended. 
You blinked at the roses, watching them sway gently before you, appearing to be looking between both you and Thranduil. Thranduil was still staring at you, frozen, feeling as though his voice had completely left him.
You had to admit you were not faring much better.
“I, uh... it... they...” You swallowed hard, blinking at the roses and then at Thranduil. You had never seen him look so perplexed.
Suddenly, he seemed to come back to himself, turning his attention swiftly from you back to the roses. He frowned at them. They merely shivered in response.
“They... they look tired...” You managed, once you had it in you to actually look at them properly. They seemed to have become sleepy again, almost as if they had used up all of their energy.
Thranduil stirred then, kneeling before them in one swift movement as he reached his hands out towards them. They turned fully to him as well, allowing his fingers to brush their petals, sharing with him their message in the way that most plant and animal life could converse with the Elvenking.
When he turned again, to look back at you in amazement, there were tears shining in his eyes.
“What?” You asked, your tone practically pleading at this point. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Wrong?” Thranduil shook his head, shuffling back towards you, still on his knees.
Oh, if his people could see him now, you thought.
“Nothing is wrong... nothing at all. Oh my...” He lifted his hands to your face and looked at you like he was studying you, every part of you, and you could only frown softly back at him. You couldn’t make much sense of his actions or his words.
“Then why are you crying?” You asked quietly, your voice breaking slightly as you looked at him, watching a tear travel down his cheek.
He blinked back at you, his mouth curving into a soft smile. “These are... they are happy tears, little human...”
“I don’t understand.” You told him, raising one of your hands to his face and brushing the tear away with your thumb.
Thranduil only leaned in and kissed you with a fervent passion and, though you were still confused, you let him. He seemed to be at a complete loss for words.
Finally, he pulled back again, sitting on the heels of his boots with his hands in your lap, fingers entwined with your own.
“They were fast asleep.” He said, and you nodded, still not understanding. His smile only widened. “They were fast asleep, and they have been since last we were out here with them."
"This whole time?” You spluttered, glancing past him towards the roses, who still looked drowsy from their odd display. “Are they sick?” You were suddenly worried but then, you realised that couldn’t be it because he would not be happy as he said he was.
Thranduil shook his head. “They were resting. They were gathering their strength... all their strength. As much as they would need.”
“Need for what?”
He paused, eyes shining again with fresh tears as he looked back at you. He was practically clutching at your hands. “To bond with you."
You stared at him in silence for a second, your frown deepening. "What?"
"They linked themselves to you, with you."
"I... okay, but..." Your gaze flickered between Thranduil and the roses before settling back on his face. "But what does that mean, Thranduil?"
He saw you were growing frustrated with the lack of information and suddenly felt bad about his apparent lack of ability to communicate, which was most unlike him - but this was a thing such as he had never encountered before, in all his long years.
"It means, melda, that as long as these magnificent little roses bloom... so too, will you." He lifted your hands to his mouth, kissing them both. "They have tied themselves to you, and you to them. You will live as long as they do."
You could only stare dumbly at him. "Wait. You mean...?" How was this possible and why would they do that? "How long do Starfire Roses live?" You asked him then.
Thranduil nodded, his eyes filling again as his smile only got bigger. "They live... for as long as they are not cut or picked."
The entire truth of it dropped on you then, as heavily as it had for him.
Neither of you said anything else but there was no need to. You both understood now.
Promptly, you burst into tears and fell forward to join Thranduil on your knees on the grass, wedding dress be damned. He laughed and kissed your tears away before pulling you down with him and lying there with you on the grass, gazing up at the sky, practically glowing in the knowledge that you could now be with him forever.
Though, through all his joy, he did make a mental note to double the guard on this side of the palace lest some vagabond breaks in a third time.
After watching for a few moments, the roses sighed in contentment and then began to curl back up, drifting off together into another much needed, and well deserved, sleep.
They had seen and heard your fears the other night, and they had seen and heard Thranduil's own echoed in his responses. It had been a very long time since they had seen the Elvenking in such a way.
Long after you had both left the garden had they talked together, whispering beneath the night sky, and it had not been difficult for them to come to a decision. For they had promised their beloved Queen that if anything should ever happen to her, they would care for the King in any and every way they possibly could.
And so you would live on, tending and nurturing the selfless, wonderful little flowers that had bestowed upon you such a precious gift.
You would live on, at Thranduil's side. Human but unchanging as the years passed by.
Thranduil, too, would live on. No longer a creature hiding in darkness, nursing a broken soul. For he had found love again, in the most unlikely place and in the most unlikely person.
One who had, despite all the odds, seen the beauty within the beast.
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caesarhamato22 · 10 months
I’ve been getting into more ‘slice of life’ scenarios with Rocket, so I’ll start posting them here :)
There was a chill in the kitchen air as you fixed up a cup of whatever warm drink you always enjoyed after waking up.
Still in your pyjamas, hair unbrushed and eyelids heavy. It felt like a crime to be awake this early.
Stifling a yawn while you mixed your beverage, you felt a familiar pressure on your right hip, one you had grown so accustomed to that you didn’t even need to move your tired eyes to see who it was.
Your hand moved by instinct to his ears, scratching gently. A soft sigh through his nose was the only sound heard throughout the kitchen, apart from the light clinks of the spoon against your mug.
Rockets head relaxed further on your hip as your nails grazed a sweet spot under his fur.
He was half-asleep, you knew that for sure.
The way his head bobbed once, followed by a sharp inhale from his nose, indicted he was so close to falling right back asleep, even while standing up.
You looked down to him. Your fingers stopped. Rocket’s purrs, you swear you heard it, ceased.
“Is that mine?”
He looked down with a couple blinks to the long oversized shirt he wore.
It was a plain shirt, with a couple ink stains that you had tried way too many times to remove. A couple tiny tears lined the hem.
“Mm.. yeah.” He replied casually, before looking back up to you. “It was cold.”
You look at his face and glance at the shirt. It looked similar to a dress, but you would never tell him that.
“Is it comfy?”
It was a stupid question, but you couldn’t help but wonder.
“Yeah. Smells like you.”
His head rested back onto your hip, this time adding his arm around your thigh, wrapping from behind, between your legs to grip the front.
You smiled.
The cold kitchen was again filled with soft scratches and gentle purrs, and tiny clinking of metal against porcelain.
@aliasrocket @shybabylovestmnt-blog @scholastic-dragon @beckalias @ero-manga-sensei @john-hobbit-watson @dreamlessnight @baloneyslacks
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worriedvision · 2 years
Better than you could aspire to be (Part 4) - Tighnari
(Part 3) (Part 2) (Part 1)
So this was initially a series I was doing on my main blog (y’know, when this blog was incorrectly flagged for stuff) and I figured I was as well continuing it here! Gender neutral reader.
Taglist: @forgotten-blues @dreamlessnight
“With all due respect, General Mahamatra, I’m afraid I simply cannot justify continuing to force everyone to take these tablets.” Tighnari explains. “If you would like the unused tablets to be given back, I can do that.”
Cyno stays silent, nodding his head in acknowledgement. 
“And the production of tablets?” Cyno asks. “Will you still be happy to produce the medicine for me?” 
“Well, since you are a friend, I suppose I can.” Tighnari responds, handing the medicine over. “...I think you may want to consider no longer taking them.” 
Cyno does not diginify that with a response, a clear rejection. He has dinner that night with Tighnari, back to his usual self. 
Alhaitham woke up first that morning, hearing someone knocking on the door. Not hearing anyone else make the move to go, he groans inwardly before approaching the door. He prepares himself to not get angry at the person who was most likely knocking on the door with good reason, but that all goes out the window when he makes eye contact with Tighnari. He goes to slam the door shut, Tighnari wedging his foot in and wincing when the door makes contact. Alhaitham makes another attempt, this time causing Tighnari to whine out. 
You hear the commotion, walking through to see what was happening. Alhaitham looks over, Tighnari following his line of sight, and Tighnari waves at you like a good friend of his. You thought you were still dreaming, furrowing your brows out of confusion before Tighnari starts to speak.
“Good morning, _!” Tighnari states, you opening your mouth like a fish before you see Alhaitham clenching his fist. 
“What brings you here, Master Tighnari?” Alhaitham asks, glaring over his shoulder at Tighnari as Tighnari tries to push the door open. “Answer the question.” He grumbles, pushing the door once again. 
Tighnari falls back. On the descent, you can see his eyes widen in shock. You hear a surprised gasp, the door finally slamming shut, and Alhaitham walks back to bed. You, however, open the door again. 
Tighnari’s trying to get up, clearly having had a fright from the movement, and you help him up.
“Thank you, _.” Tighnari begins. “I wanted to apologise for how I’ve treated you, how we’ve been treating you.”
“It’s fine.” You state, Tighnari shaking his head.
“No, it isn’t okay. I was hoping to tell you about what I have discovered, it would provide some more context.” Tighnari explains. You nod, deciding to let him into the house and talking in there.
Tighnari talks about the medication he made, by request of the General Mahamatra, but he starts to shut up when Alhaitham starts to listen in, standing by the door.
“Why make a medication without knowing it’s true purpose, let alone proceed to take the medication itself?” Alhaitham asks, walking over and sitting as well. “That does not make any sense. For all you could have known, the medication could have been a poison. It could have been a medication that you may have had an allergy to, it may have-”
“Haitham, you’re doing it again.” You scold him lightly. “Keep going, Tighnari. This is all very interesting to hear.”
He nods, hearing a soft ‘sorry’ escape Alhaitham before continuing.
“I have advised all the forest rangers that it is no longer necessary for them to take the medicine, after testing the effects of suddenly stopping on myself.” Tighnari explains. “I’m sure the forest ranger that refused told you of the pungent scent and taste. Safe to say, they’ll most likely stop as well.” He continues. 
You thought he was going to ask you if you wanted to join the forest rangers again, but nothing like that leaves his lips.
“The General Mahamatra, however, is still going to be taking the medicine.” Tighnari warns you. “We already talked about the matter, and Cyno simply does not wish to stop.” 
Alhaitham nods in thought.
“Is the medicine purely to make him forget the information he does know about _? No other use?” Alhaitham ponders out loud, Tighnari nodding. “...And you are the only person that produces the medicine?” He edges on, Tighnari nodding once again. “Why not replicate the taste and scent of the tablet, but remove the components that make the tablet what it is?”
“Are you asking me to produce a placebo?” Tighnari crosses his arms, looking over at Alhaitham.
“Well, you can’t help but think about how taking this tablet long term can impact the body. Plus, I’m sure the General Mahamatra must feel lonely once. After all, he is the only individual who will not remember _, correct?” Alhaitham reasons. 
“You have a point, hmmm...” Tighnari hums in thought. “I suppose I could do that.”
Tighnari leaves shortly after that, thanking the both of you for eventually hearing his words, and Alhaitham is perceptive enough to see you shrink into yourself when the door closes.
“Were you hoping he would invite you back?” Alhaitham asks. You nod, looking dejectedly at the floor. “Well, maybe it’s for the best. If you were to return, people would most likely dote on you when they suddenly remember you.” 
“I feel like the only thing I know is how to be a forest ranger though.” You whine out. 
“...This is going to sound harsh.” Alhaitham warns, you nodding before looking at him to hear him out. “Tighnari is known for being the ‘better forest ranger’, correct? I know you aren’t happy with the comparison, however it will be inevitable that people will continue to compare you both.” He states. 
“I guess you’re right... I guess it just really hurts, you know?” You admit. “I really love working in the forest, but now it feels like I’m forbidden from going.”
Alhaitham nods, looking out the window.
“How about I train you?” Alhaitham suggests. “I think you have potential to be a scribe. Not as good as me, certainly not, however I am certain you would be better than most under my training.”
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toriria · 1 year
𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓— 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐛𝐢𝐭
A/N: I’m back 😋 after 7 months AND REQUESTS ARE OPEN (threateningly)
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: (𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝!)
@yintsukareta @koritasp @whats-humanity-lol @reverse-iak @slvdsjjk @hadesaedes @gothic-illustrations @fanfictwarrior @velionas @elysiasbae @aixaingela @ang3lzwrld @kazuyato @yohoo-tehee @kazuhasmaid @marshmallow12435 @deathkat657 @ropuszke @dollpoetwriting @silverninja48 @ryomenswife @axerrri @mayasshitposts @itsactuallylina @dreamlessnight @sweetstrawberrybabe @itsactuallylina @balladeertome @aromaticism
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basichextechml · 2 years
favorite ice cream flavor?
favorite book?
favorite flower?
Someone's gonna doxx me for this, but my favorite ice cream flavor is Mint Chocolate chip,,,,,,
I don't really have a favorite book, but my most memorable read is The Frozen Waterfall by Gaye Hicylmaz. It's a story about Selda, a 12 year old girl, who's emigrating from Turkey to Switzerland with her family, and how she attempts to acclimate into a new culture
I love sunflowers, I like how big and bright they are, but if I'm going to have a little vase of flowers in my room or something, I really like hydrangeas <3
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lykaetales · 5 years
Dreamless Night (@Freaks_Hunter)
Hunter - NO! *Breathing hard as I drop the phone back into its cradle, steppling my fingers my eyes lost in thought. That mangy dog has let me down. But why am I surprised, can an animal ever really be trusted. The image of a female Lykae I had captured flashing across my mind, her screams, her tears, her blood. Standing, my hands spread on my desk, looking up at my stupid secretary, her whispered words annoying. “Sorry for the interruption sir.” Nodding at her to go on. “Sir your next appointment, a mister Néall Longfang has cancelled, he left a message saying your package wasn’t able to be delivered as it was held up. He added that he was hoping to deliver soon, but no date has been set.” Glaring at her, my nails digging into the desk, breathing hard, my words grated through my teeth* Get. Out! *Walking slowly around my desk, each step precise, each step followed by a deep breath. Néall that magny dog had failed me, his message wasn’t needed as I already knew the Lykae children hadn’t been delivered. Stopping leaning down on the desk, I needed those pups. I needed to make more hounds, I needed to pull more power from the Well. I…* AHHHHHHHHH *Clearing the desk with my arms, sending everything flying into the walls. Pulling my power to me and breaking the desk in half, stumbling back and heading out of my office down the back stairs. Not meeting anyone as I head to my car, driving back to my old home my anger at last coming under control. Thanks to Néall I was down new hounds, but thanks to Néall I also knew that the great head dog Lachlan was in trouble for taking what wasn’t his. The dog had gone and screwed the wrong bitch. And even now was getting his way to his so called happy ever after. Well we would see about that! Stepping from the car, stretching as I enter my house. Running down the stairs to my basement and my playroom, the smell of her blood still heavy in the air. Magic, that was the way to go. I didn’t have my new hounds, so why should Lachlan get his new love. Dragging my hands through the stale blood my magic bringing it back to life, drawing it into a floating sphere in front of me. Making my way down to the Well of Power, the sphere floating around me as I draw in as much power as I can. Muttering to myself at my limits, hating the fact that I needed the Lykae’s to gain more power from the Well. At last coming to the side of the Well of power, dropping to my knees, letting the sphere of blood float over the well. Breathing in and out slowly, each breath pushing my power into the blood. The image of my last play thing in my mind’s eye, her screams for her Alpha like honey to my ears. My voice low as I shift through the words of the spell, a binding spell with a slight difference. Mixing it up with a memory cap spell and a confusion spell, sealing it all with a name. Linking this spell to a race through the blood of one of their own, stumbling as I say Teagan’s name out loud. My hands hitting the cold floor as Teagan’s blood glows with my power and the power flowing from the Well into it. Lifting my hand holding it out towards the glowing sphere of blood, raising my voice, each word taking with it more of my power* A life for a life, through blood born of pain. A soul for a soul through a night without dreams. A heart broken, a mate forgotten, a pack’s eyes turned blind. That which his heart desires no longer his. That which was won is now cut free. Lachlan pack leader of Longfang, your mate is gone. Your pack will no longer remember, your heart will no longer beat. Through blood of the pack, I claim your minds. The mate known as Rorey will no longer been seen. Her life in the pack is only a dream, she will wake to know fear. Run from him. Run from the pack. *Making a fist with my outstretched hand, grunting as I age, the power being drawn from me more than I had expected it to be. But watching as Teagan’s blood glows white hot, expanding and contracting as if breathing. My breathing laboured as my eyes start to close, dropping my hand and falling face forward. Turning onto my back and watching as Teagan’s blood explodes, each drop heading towards any and all living members of the Longfang pack. Letting loose a short laugh turning into a cough, the image of Teagan tied to my table crying as she answered my questions. The knowledge that Néall has given me even if he didn’t realise it. Sighing as I feel the blackness coming, it was the price I had to pay. I wouldn’t be as young when I woke up but that was an easy fix. And it was worth it as I knew my spell would work. I knew it would break the bonds between Lachlan and Rorey, I knew the pack wouldn’t fully remember that they were mated. Their memories of her would be like trying to remember a drunk night out, she would be there but not in the right context. And once the Alpha was heartbroken without even knowing it, then I would be able to reap the Lykae’s again. Then the pack would be weaker, easier to turn. Breathing hard, my back arching as the pain of my youth being torn from me by the magic, letting the blackness take me. Letting the pain of it remind me of the pain the Lykae’s would suffer even if it only lasted a dreamless night!* #DreamlessNight #LykaeTales
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dreaminlucidly · 1 year
Spoilers: revised ch1 of Dreamless Night
We get some dialogue between Dream and Nightmare in the revision :D
Revision is not out yet, need to make all the chapters to replace the earlier chapters or else the story is gonna flow weird LOL.
Here's some sketches so far (to be honest I probably will just end up posting black and white pics for some pics after the colors for some outfits get established so I can focus on writing more :D)
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dreaminlucidly · 3 months
I shall finish this later :3 when i feel like drawing the unfinished parts LMAOO
I love giving Nightmare those makima eyes
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dreaminlucidly · 5 months
More doodles
For some reason, the art likes to come before the writing sometimes.
Also debating slight modifications to Dream/Lucid's design
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Version with notes (possible spoilers, depends on whether or not i decide to actually implement these ideas) below:
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dreaminlucidly · 1 year
Nm is a magical girl???
An illustration for my shitpost here
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dreaminlucidly · 1 year
(Possible) Spoilers for Dreamless Night
This is just a sketch of how I'm currently imagining how Lucid + Nm would interact in the beginning LMAO.
Still working on how that would work out. Would Lucid be nervous? Scared? Worried? ...or would he feel apathetic but still unwilling to be near Nm for reasons? So many good options! :)
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dreaminlucidly · 1 year
Rewritten DN ch2 spoilers (forgetful ink short comic)
Spoilers for the chapter I've yet to release LMAO.
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dreaminlucidly · 1 year
(Spoilers) More Lucid Doodles
More doodles :)
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