#dollsome asks things on tumblr!
dollsome-does-tumblr · 3 months
just for fun! what's your favorite thing (or things if you can't narrow it down to one) that you ever read in school?
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@purlturtle tagged me in this, thank you! <3
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Not my first name, but my mom got my middle name (Melissa) from a coworker she really admired.
Ooh...I think it was a couple weeks ago while I was watching the Fantasy High episode where they find the corpses of *SPOILERS* and Kristen does a ritual to free their spirits. I just found that scene very beautiful and touching.
Nope! I'm very excited to be a gay auntie to any of my friends' future kids. And B and I have our dolls (see @saintalectoshomeforwaywardgirls).
I rode horses from ages 8-16 (had to stop bc school got too overwhelming). I toy with the idea of getting back into it as an adult sometimes, because I do miss it.
I don't know the meaning of the word. (I know this joke doesn't really work but I couldn't resist)
This is a weirdly difficult question - I am hilariously non-observant at times and have had to ask more people than I should if they recently got their hair cut/styled differently. I guess maybe their way of speaking? Not necessarily accent but the cadence and pitch of their voice. Physically I guess it's just their general bulk and/or the way they take up space in the world.
Light brown.
Depends on my mood honestly! I am dipping my toe into horror films (I generally prefer audio dramas or books/short stories) but sometimes I want a good creepy time. I think generally I will go for happy endings most of the time, but I like horror as a container for my anxiety to go into.
Writing, I'd like to think! I'm also reasonably good at drawing (mostly animals) and I'm a speedreader. Nothing that's any good for a talent show unfortunately.
In a suburb of Seattle, which happens to have a tiny airport they use to fly in celebrities who come in for the local ComiCon (which is very embarrassing, because that means like, Gwendoline Christie has seen a lot of my shitty hometown).
Cosplay, general fandom bullshit (affectionate), reading, writing, and I think my Warrior cats spreadsheets count as a hobby by themselves at this point lmao.
Not yet - we'd like to get cats but shit keeps happening to put it off lol. We love our friends' and parents' animals though!
5'3", which I recently found out - I have been saying I'm 5'2" for like a decade and this revelation was kind of destabilizing.
I think I should be one of the guys making up shitty puns for children's valentines, because I'm way better at coming up with them than the stuff I see every year in stores.
Tagging @toriasimmons @swiftzeldas @jenny-dreadful @emmaswanned @theomenroom @dannypinot @amidalleia @zenithofdork @ben-g99 @areax @dollsome-does-tumblr @mrdistracted @nerdfaerie @afterword @thydungeongal only if you wanna! (also if you see this and you wanna do it count yourself tagged!)
Also stealing purlturtle's genius idea to include this at the end of the post - a version for easy copy-pasting!
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chainofclovers · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @jubileen! Tagging @fandomfrolics @boglady @dollsome-does-tumblr and literally anyone else who sees this and would like to play!
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
Okay LFG, and I'm not giving any of these cop-out options 😂😂😂
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So a lot of us are wondering why Ted and Rebecca haven’t had many scenes together or scenes alone together so far this season and there’s a few theories. As much as I’d love to say it’s just a slow burn move, I’ve been thinking about it a lot and think there’s a lot more to it.
This is in response to @dollsome-does-tumblr poll on this very question which really got me thinking. I also realised my answer was too long for a comment so made yet another post 😂
So, I keep thinking about the reason being because they’re both trying to hard to keep it together at the moment that they know (whether consciously or not) that they won’t be able to hide this from each other.
Ted is struggling with Michelle and being apart from Henry and I think is wondering what he now wants from his life. Nate pointing out that he should be with his son really hit a nerve but I think it’s also made Ted realise his life in Kansas doesn’t make sense or even exist anymore.
Similarly Rebecca is wondering what she wants from her life, hence the psychic. Being with Sam made her realise that she can and deserves to be happy but she still has a lot of healing to do before she can get there and she’s not ready to face that completely yet.
I think when they spend some proper time together, these walls they’re building to avoid fully confronting these things will come crashing down.
I also wonder if some part of each of them (again perhaps on an unconscious level) resents the other at the moment with what’s going on with Nate and Rupert. I wonder if on some level Rebecca resents that Ted didn’t see what was going on with Nate and feels like Rupert was given a win, which she hates more than anything. I think that hate is compounded with a degree of self loathing over the fact she is now back to a point of being obsessed with wanting to beat Rupert even though it had seemed she’d almost moved past this stage. I don’t for a second think she would actually believe this is Ted’s fault but emotions don’t always make sense and can be very complicated and often end up being misdirected.
I also wonder if Ted is feeling resentful that Rebecca is still determined to be at war with Rupert because the more they’re at war the more damage is done and they’ve already lost Nate. You could add to that that some part of him may now reflecting on her need for revenge being the reason he’s not with his son. Again I don’t think he truly believes this, but, emotions. But I think with Ted it’s probably more feelings of guilt around Nate and then Rebecca being hurt and reverting back to being obsessed with revenge as a consequence that may be adding to his not wanting to be alone with her and face these feelings, even if he hasn’t acknowledged that yet.
I think we all saw a lot in the scene where she asked him to fight but I think there’s a lot more under the surface of that moment that is still to come. A lot of anger, resentment, guilt, and a lot of pain. Perhaps targeted at each other on some emotional level, even though that isn’t what they actually think or believe.
I also think they’re both feeling a lot of guilt and shame. Given how he has made her feel in the past and given her experience with abuse, Rebecca may feel (however wrongly) responsible for Rupert’s actions and for him targeting Nate and feel, as I said before, ashamed that she is so focused on revenge. Again, Ted is feeling a lot of guilt and shame around Nate and hates what this has done to Rebecca as a consequence. Facing each other may mean facing this and it also means acknowledging the worst parts of themselves. It also means, showing the worst parts of themselves to the other and being as vulnerable as possible as a result, which neither of them is ready to do again yet.
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cowherderess · 11 months
Tagged by @dollsome-does-tumblr and @imlorelai and @waywardted - thank you friends! :)
15 questions and 15 mutuals
Were you named after anyone? Yes, an old friend of my parents' who I don't think they're still in touch with, lol. I've never met her.
When was the last time you cried? Usually I cry at everything, and then my job killed me dead inside this spring– it sucked so extremely that I wanted to cry and physically could not, for months. But then the other day I watched Inside Out (i've spent my summer break so far rewatching things and eating too much chocolate) and Bing Bong's "take her to the moon for me" got me 😢 Progress. I think I might need to return to the early seasons of Call the Midwife to get back to my usual standard of 😭 
Do you have kids? No, but I want to someday, hopefully not too far off.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not a lot. A well-timed sarcastic remark can be funny, but too often and it gets old.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Usually what they are wearing, because I am bad at making eye contact!
What's your eye color? Hazel
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! I am such a wimp about scary movies.
Any special talents? I have a good memory for trivia, especially if it's about European history (especially European royalty), or etymology, or actors' filmographies. My family asks me all their random questions; I don't always know but when I don't, I look it up so I'm ready just in case it ever comes up again.
Where were you born? Washington DC
What are your hobbies? Reading, buying books, journaling, writing fic, knitting, drawing
Have any pets? One cat, my best lil buddy
What sports do you play/have you played? Nothing seriously. Rec soccer when I was maybe seven or eight.
How tall are you? Five foot six.
Favorite subject in school? Despite how much I like history extracurricularly, in school I'd have to say language. I studied French, Italian, Latin in K-12 and then Arabic in college.
Dream job? Stay-at-home mom.
Tagging: i think most people i would tag already have been, but what the heck. you don't have to fill it out twice :) @ohtendril @coachlasso @kittensittin @itsagutthing @freetobegrace @broadwayfreak5357 @blogfordantreacy @racheltuckerrr @sophiedevereavx @dee-thequeenbee @queenrikki @odakota-rose @hondagirll @pwfishing @lilyrowan1
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mattatouile · 10 months
@dollsome-does-tumblr ALSO asked, because she's the best friend: what are the top 5 albums (or artists if not albums!) you'd recommend for someone who wants to drown in tender folksy feelings?
1. Joy Oladokun - my favorite new to me artist discovery this year. Her music absolutely gives me chills. It's so soft, but it has such a punch to it when you listen to the lyrics. Just. Gorgeous.
2. Marcus Mumford's new album is SO GOOD. Well. "new". I'm obsessed with Cannibal obviously.
3. Wild. Rivers. All of their songs are duets. They're like if Civil Wars wasn't the music written by an already divorced couple that were still in love 😂 very sweet, very tender. Start with Thinkin' 'Bout Love.
4. Is it cheating to say Civil Wars? I know they only put out two albums and have been dissolved for years now, but they are still peak feelings for me. When I want the dark side of tender, I go back to that well time and time again. Still can't believe they weren't Fleetwood Mac-ing it.
5. I've been listening to a lot of Cam, she's technically a counter artist but like. She's also pretty sad about things. It's very folk country nor stadium country! Love it.
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lasshoe · 1 year
comfort faves!
tagged by @dollsome-does-tumblr 💖
comfort movie: the real answer is when harry met sally and the parent trap and then the wild card is gone girl bc that is my go-to airplane movie if they have it idk
comfort food: green curry with veggies + tofu 🫶 croissants 🫶 any and all pasta dishes 🫶
comfort clothes: my ugg fluff yeah slippers literally go everywhere with me i’m talking vacations, work trips, weekend trips, just going to hang at a friend’s house. and these things take up prime real estate in any suitcase but i simply cannot be asked to be comfy or relaxed without them
comfort song: pink + white by frank ocean is so special to me. reminds me of late summer, immaculate vibes, radiates warmth, and can never go wrong with the beyonce background vocals
comfort book: unfortunately i barely get around to reading books i want to the first time but i do love a summertime-beach-reread of sharp objects by gillian flynn
comfort game: does sudoku on my phone count bc that’s what i play when i need something mindless to do or when there’s a public transport delay
tagging: @mrgaretcarter @carmenbearzatto @ohtendril @cowherderess @eightforyou @talldecafcappuccino @factoseintolerant @thesumdancekid @topsee-turvee and anyone else who feels compelled!
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theladyragnell · 1 year
Two memes that go well together!
I was tagged in two things, and since both of them are to do with WIPs, I thought I would do them together!
From @pluckyredhead:
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it. 
Except in very unusual circumstances, I only write one thing at a time, so the only WIP document title I’ve got is:
godsfall brennu pov
And then from @idiopathicsmile, I’ve got:
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Returning to Mashoy is both disorienting and a relief.
And then to tag (goodness, do I even know who’s writing fic these days? I’ll do my best): @samyazaz, @sovinly, @pluckyredhead (for the slightly different meme), @myrmidryad, @eisoj5, @emilianadarling, @returnsandreturns, and @dollsome-does-tumblr! I’m one short, but I’ve decided “a” doesn’t count as a word. Anyway, all of you feel free to do either or both memes, as you desire!
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alinaandalion · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 760 times in 2022
That's 252 more posts than 2021!
272 posts created (36%)
488 posts reblogged (64%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 757 of my posts in 2022
#quotes - 221 posts
#leverage - 136 posts
#poetry - 100 posts
#abbott elementary - 72 posts
#sophie devereaux - 59 posts
#louise gluck - 52 posts
#ask me things - 42 posts
#ask meme - 40 posts
#nate ford - 34 posts
#leverage: redemption - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#i always go back to how sophie was the one who would have understood first exactly how good they all were together
My Top Posts in 2022:
Do you know what I was, how I lived?  You know what despair is; then winter should have meaning for you. I did not expect to survive, earth suppressing me.  I didn't expect to waken again, to feel in damp earth my body able to respond again, remembering after so long how to open again in the cold light of earliest spring-- afraid, yes, but among you again crying yes risk joy in the raw wind of the new world.
“Snowdrops” from The Wild Iris by Louise Glück
48 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Everyone wants the stars.  Everyone wishes to grasp that which exists out of reach.  To hold the extraordinary in their hands and keep the remarkable in their pockets.
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
50 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
Tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us.      These, our bodies possessed by light.      Tell me we'll never get used to it.
“Scheherazade” from Crush by Richard Siken
69 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
i don’t have any actual coherent thoughts on this yet but i AM obsessed with sophie bumping up against more intense physical threats and not giving two shits about it because she’s the one in control in the room and who gives a fuck if you’ve got a gun in her face when she’s about to ruin you.
85 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Who wouldn't want you? Whose most demonic appetite could you possibly fail to answer?
“Penelope’s Song” from Meadowlands by Louise Glück
453 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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crackers4jenn · 1 year
So, @dollsome-does-tumblr did this – she took writing prompts and, instead of filling them anew, used her existing stories – and I have to admit, it looked fun. And it was.
hug – here’s a map, here’s a shovel, here’s my achilles heel (Supernatural, Dean/Cas) – Post-15x19. Turns out, Dean doesn't have to ask to get Cas back.
crown – Alternate Energy (the key to a brighter tomorrow) (Community, Jeff/Annie) – The obligatory Jeff-and-Annie continuation of this truthy moment from 2.09.
repulsed – Out of my Mind (The Office, Dwight and Pam) – Dwight has an usual and unprofessional dream about Pam. (Takes place in season 3.)
blood – lights down low (Supernatural, Dean/Cas) – When Dean comes to, it’s with a fuzzy, head-pounding disorientation. He’s on his back, on the ground, that much he immediately knows, where there’s an overgrown lawn cushioning what must’ve been one hell of a landing. (Or, my excuse to do a canon-compliant Dean/Cas rom-com.)
flower – sink (Supernatural, Dean/Cas) – “Where to?” A 9.06 coda.
clothing – resetting the feminist movement (Community) – “Let me get this straight. You dressed like Britney Spears, just to… drive home a point Tyra Banks already teaches us every episode of her hit show, The Tyra Banks Show?”
god – Filming Jesus (Community/Supernatural crossover) – God is not here, Dean. (Or, Jeff and Annie meet Dean and Castiel. Set during Community s3 and SPN s5.)
dance – Wedding Guy (Supernatural, Dean/Cas) – “I’m Castiel. I wanted to let you know I’ve been noticing you all night, and I wanted to leave this with you, before I left.” (aka Cas slips Dean his number at a wedding, and a friendship/relationship takes off from there.)
music – Pardner in Crime (New Girl, Jess/Schmidt) – It’s Valentine’s Day, and Jess lands herself a wingman. Who is Schmidt.
magic – something wicked (Good Mythical Morning, Rhett/Link) – “Why’s it always gotta be witches.”
kiss – 35 yrs time (Good Mythical Morning, Rhett/Link) – It takes a little while for Rhett and Link to figure things out, but eventually they get on the same page.
ending – keep me as your finish line (Stranger Things, Steve/Nancy) – So badly she wants to lie to herself and pretend she doesn’t know where this conversation, this confession, is coming from, like they haven’t been building up to it since the night Steve leapt headfirst into Lover’s Lake. The symbolism of that, by the way, isn’t lost on her.
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if you fancy, reblog this and tell me in the tags what your favorite romcom movie is!
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thelittlestspider · 5 years
3, 7, and 13 for the film asks! (or, if those have been asked by someone else already, the three questions you most want to answer that you haven't been asked yet!)
3. An actor/actress you’ve seen in more than 8 movies? Name the movies.
i’m struggling to think of a person i’ve seen in 8 movies. maybe chris evans??
1. fantastic 4
2. london
3. snowpiercer
4. keeping it cool
5. captain america: winter soldier
6. what’s your number?
7. push
8. the nanny diaries
9. before we go
7. A film you wish had a sequel?
for a movie i like: 
the amazing spider-man two bc i will never not feel robbed that the series left off with gwen’s death. we never get to see peter build himself back up and find love again and that depresses me so much. i just want a tasm 3 with kelsey chow as mary jane watson (like okay i really, really thought she was mj bc she has a scene where she asks peter to take a pic of her bf’s car, which i thought was a callback to her dating flash in the original movies??) where they meet in college and peter’s like, “i can never love again!!” and mary-jane is just like “peter…” 
depressed hobo peter (immovable object) vs intense actress mary-jane (unstoppable force)
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13. Your favourite comedy film?
oh god this one is hard. i don’t think i have one currently?? nothing movie-wise has hit me just right i guess. 
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emilydoesthething · 6 years
A Year in the Life!
Only 5? I kid, I kid...
1. More clarity about Rory’s storyline. When did she start seeing Logan again? Who had the idea for this Vegas arrangement? What was the deal with Odette? What did Rory do after covering the Obama campaign? Why didn’t she consider getting a master’s? I feel like I would’ve done better with Rory’s floundering and overall bad decisions if there was any context at all. I needed more explanation and instead we just got...nothing.
2. Luke and Lorelai would’ve been married already. That was ridiculous and I don’t understand why I’m supposed to be thrilled they finally got married after 10 years where they still had not learned how to communicate with each other. 
3. Jess wouldn’t have looked in the window. One of my most popular post-AYITL tumblr posts is that they played Rory, Logan, and Jess dirty and I still feel that’s true--but it would’ve been so easy to avoid with Jess. Just don’t have him look in the window, pining after his high school girlfriend??? Everyone knows I’m not a big Jess fan, but I was totally digging the “Rory is a mess/Jess got it together” vibe and honestly how great would it have been if he was in a serious relationship with someone awesome and just had it all together? Sigh.
4. Emily would’ve been at the wedding. No explanation needed. 
5. More about Richard’s death. I guess this kinda plays into #1 too but I wasn’t sure if we were supposed to think Rory’s decisions were clouded by grief or what. They did a good job with Emily and to some extent Lorelai, but I felt like there could have been a lot more depth with this topic. 
Send me a tv show/book/fandom and I’ll say the top 5 things I’d change about it.
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chainofclovers · 3 years
I’ve finished the second (and final) chapter of “The Fit,” a Grace/Frankie story for @dollsome-does-tumblr, who prompted “puzzle emergency” and “compliment dance.” 
Grace/Frankie, 4250 words total, teen & up. Hope you enjoy! ❤️
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h0ldthiscat · 4 years
4-6 for the music asks!
4. a song that reminds you of your favorite season god only knows by the beach boys hits that late summer/early fall vibe
5. a song from a lifelong favorite artist good is good by sheryl crow
6. already did 6!
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svgurl410 · 2 years
wip game
@creativityobsessed tagged me to share a piece of your WIP.
Here is part of my Clois role reversal fic:
He eyed her curiously. “What do you think about her? Superwoman?” 
She blinked, thrown back by the question she hadn’t been expecting. “Why do you ask?” 
“Oh, I don’t know,” Clark replied, a little too casually. “I just realized that I never even asked- you’ve been hearing a lot about my thoughts, but you haven’t really said anything, one way or the other.” 
“Is it going to be a make it or break it moment in our newfound friendship?” Lois asked, heartbeat speeding up. She was stalling and she knew it, but she had to come up with a pretty bland answer. While she had been pretty good at shrugging off the Blur or giving vague responses to anyone who asked at her old job, she found that it was harder to do the same with Clark. 
Plus, she wasn’t quite sure if he would just get away with it. 
And she wasn’t sure if she wanted him to let her get away with it either. 
“Nah, I promise I’ll still like you,” Clark said, and she felt reassured, which didn’t make sense. “I mean, I will have to silently judge you for your frankly terrible taste …”
“Fair enough,” Lois said, letting out a half laugh. “She’s fine.” 
“Just fine?” Clark questioned. “I mean, you don’t need to give me an essay, but I also don’t want to bug you with my … well, Lombard would probably call it fanboying …”
“The only person who cares about his opinion is himself,” Lois muttered, drawing a grin out of Clark. “And I’m okay with your … fanboying, Smallville.” The return of the nickname caused his grin to widen. “Heroes aren’t a bad thing; not my thing, but she is doing good for the world, which is all you can ask for. I’m just here to report the news.” 
“Then I guess we should get back to reporting the news,” Clark responded.
Tagging:  @finnicks, @merfilly, @hiraeth-doux, @stellaluna33, @htbthomas, @loismagic, @dollsome-does-tumblr, @sunflowers-and-iced-tea and anyone else who wants to do this (I always forget who writes fic when I do these things lol so if you do, consider yourself tagged)
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