basilepesso · 1 year
"Cinq jours après la disparition de Marine Payoux, une jeune Tarn-et-Garonnaise de 21 ans qui n’a plus donné signe de vie après avoir ramené à Labastide-Saint-Pierre un ami (nos éditions des 19 et 20 juin), les gendarmes poursuivent leurs recherches." (Aussi sur Fb, 22 juin 2 023) Article de La Dépêche : “Disparition de Marine en Tarn-et-Garonne : cinq plongeurs de la gendarmerie ont sondé le canal à la recherche de la jeune femme de 21 ans“
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leehamwriting · 26 days
Ashura girl - ÔTARÔ Maijô - 2023 - Ed. D'est en ouest
Quatrième de couverture Aiko s’en veut terriblement d’avoir cédé à Sano, expérience nulle et humiliante. Le coït s’est conclu sur un spécial kick d’Aiko, il ne l’aura pas volé ! Comme par hasard, le lendemain, Sano a disparu et ses copines accusent Aiko… de quoi exactement? D’avoir couché avec lui ? De l’avoir laissé la queue entre les jambes ? De l’avoir… tué ? Marre de ces filles débiles qui…
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nightvaleofficial · 7 months
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This water-resistent windbreaker is perfect for everday undercover work. Find it in our merch shop on
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disparition · 1 year
A note on the most recent episode of Welcome to Night Vale, #230
This episode was, I believe, the 11th anniversary of the show. This means it was about ten years ago I was on vacation in Wales with my wife, where I wrote the albums Madoc and Taran Wanderer. It was while on this trip - knowing I was about to lose my day job at a rapidly sinking book publisher - that I first received a communication from a fan in Brazil asking for my permission to use music in a Portuguese “fan translation” of the podcast. The fact that the show had reached so far away and inspired people to translate it was, in retrospect, one of the first signs of what was to come, which ended up completely changing my life. But at the time I simply thought it was neat and moved on, and we spent days tromping through sheep pastures looking at cairns and standing stones in a remote corner of Ynys Mon. While doing so, we encountered a rusty old farm gate that sang a particularly haunting song as it opened and closed, which I recorded. I thought it would be cool to use that sound in this season finale episode, and so it’s what I used (well, a small fragment of it) to play a new version of the main theme music. I thought the sound ending up working well atmospherically with the episode as well.
If you’d like to use that sound yourself, you can grab it here: https://freesound.org/people/earwicker23/sounds/193712/
Also, I’m not going to spoil the plot of the episode but it concludes in a rather dramatic fashion and required a specific sound design element. I’ll admit it had me stumped for a few days, but here’s what I did. I had a canvas sack filled with a few ice packs that had melted, effectively they were just little plastic pouches of water. I dropped this from a height of about eight feet, landing 1.5 feet from the microphone (an sm58). That’s source one. Source two was a ziploc bag filled with a mix of wet and dry cheerios, plus an egg, crushed by foot. The two sources were each slowed down very slightly and then combined, with the first source somewhat louder. So there you go, in case you ever need to do… that.
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jacquesdor-poesie · 5 months
J'ai tout digéré du monde et bientôt je serai digéré par lui. Gibier du temps, proie fragile oxydée d'émotions. Lutter contre quoi ? Vous avez inventé la roue, le canon, le parapluie, le planeur mais rien qui empêche ou guérisse des disparitions. De mon côté je n'aurais fait que des mots ; ils ne seront parvenus ni à faire basculer un amour, ni à convaincre d'un retour les âmes en allées. Des phrases éphémères relâchées dans la nature, sur la toile, comme des souris de labratoire. Des mots sauvés ou perdus d'avance : confettis, éclats de clarinette, sourire en douce. À la fin, c'est le point qui clos la recherche du sens et des frissons ; pas d'autre issue pour l'écrit, la pensée, l'existence ; tout s'arrête à cette ponctuation ... Et puis l'écho d'une suspension, d'une errance, d'un silence et son oubli magnifique ; point final au-delà du point.
jacques dor
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augustamaryllis · 4 months
my genuine reaction to finding out barry slone has shaved his beard off.
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Georges Perec, (1969), O Sumiço, Translated by Zéfere, Autêntica Editora, 2015
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francepittoresque · 6 months
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MÉTIER | Bouquinistes parisiens : menacés d’exil pour laisser place aux omnibus ➽ http://bit.ly/Bouquinistes-Paris À la fin du XIXe siècle, cependant qu’il est question de l’exil, vers la rive droite, des célèbres bouquinistes de Paris, que l’on aimerait chasser de l’attirante rive gauche pour faire place aux omnibus à vapeur, Jules Claretie argue des mille et un trésors qui partiraient avec eux si le projet était mis à exécution, et leur rend un émouvant hommage
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basilepesso · 1 year
Même canevas que pour le petit garçon niortais il y a environ trois semaines pour cet homme de 57 ans. Disparu, retrouvé mort dans une rivière. (Aussi sur Fb, 15 mai 2 023) Article de La Voix du Nord : “L’homme porté disparu à Montreuil a été retrouvé mort ce dimanche soir“
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pastacatprod · 6 months
Hey you! Yeah, you, you weird horror podcast listener. I just completed an orchestral cover of "The Ballad of Fiedler and Mundt," which you may know as the Welcome To Night Vale theme.
The wife and I are a little over 100 episodes into the podcast and getting caught up so I wanted to do my thing and put together a piece inspired by the intro music.
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perdah · 15 days
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Juan Brufal
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leehamwriting · 4 months
La femme au dragon rouge - J.R. DOS SANTOS - 2023 - Hervé CHOPIN Ed.
Quatrième de couverture Devant la terrasse d’un café du temple d’Or d’Amritsar, une fusillade éclate ; une jeune femme voilée est enlevée avec une touriste qui tentait de lui venir en aide… Tomás Noronha part précipitamment en Inde, c’est sa femme qui a disparu avec celle qui se fait appeler Dragon rouge. Aidé de Charlie Chang, agent de la CIA, le célèbre cryptologue va tenter de retrouver leur…
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nightvaleofficial · 5 months
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We are performing live in Eugene Oregon tonight !!
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itsmoyo · 7 months
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Welcome to Night Vale: The Attic tour
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disparition · 11 months
Whether you approach arts and media as a creator, a fan, a professional, or a hobbyist, you are probably very well aware of the rapid growth of AI in many areas of creative life and the conversation surrounding it. Whether we are talking about fiction or text of any kind, visual arts like painting and drawing, music composition and performance, sound design and audio editing - in all of these fields AI is something we now have to deal with, and there are many unanswered questions. How do we protect our livelihoods and practices as artists? What control can we have over our own work and its incorporation into machine learning tools and datasets? How do we as lovers of art and music determine if what we are reading, watching, or listening to is made by humans? Or how do we denote the particular degree of involvement of humans in a work of art?
It’s a complicated issue because it can be hard to say exactly where to draw the line. For example, well before the current conversation about AI, composers like Brian Eno were incorporating generative and algorithmic elements into their work. Does this mean such work is not “essentially human made”? Does it matter if the non-human components of a piece are created by randomness, or by natural elements gathered in e.g. a field recording, vs. being created by a computer program?
Those kinds of questions are more about the philosophical side of the issue. There are more pressing questions to do with how AI affects our ability to actually survive as artists. And, as the technology grows more powerful and the distinction between AI-generated or AI-enhanced material and human made material or basic documentation of reality itself, what methods do we use to signify that a given piece of media is or is not AI made, and what are the exact qualifications of that? Should the label “AI art” apply to work that is entirely generated by a computer, or should that label also be applied to any art that uses AI tools in any context - e.g. the new tools in Photoshop that make it easier to remove a specific object from an image and fill it in with background. What about the world of video games, where AI has been used for decades for things like pathfinding but is new and controversial when it comes to using it for story/dialog elements or certain visual assets?
We are, I think, still very much in the early days of all this, so it’s hard to come up with firm answers as the field changes so rapidly, but this is an essential conversation to be held now. I’ve been talking to a friend who put together a survey for an organization called Verified Human, who are looking specifically into the issue of how do we determine - going forward - whether a piece of art or media is “essentially human made”, and the question of how that should be communicated.
The idea of this survey is to gather as many points of view as possible for this conversation. I know a lot of the people that follow me here are artists and lovers of art, of all different kinds, and to me it is absolutely essential that creators of all kinds be involved in this conversation from early on. Please take a few minutes and fill out the survey via the link below, and if you are interested in helping out, please spread the word. And if you have any questions or would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you.
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krondstadt · 8 months
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