#disclaimers: i didnt proofread this yet
whoreanghae · 2 years
apartment 308 ; lee chan
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genre - strangers to lovers, neighbours au, fluff
wordcount - 1.8k
disclaimers - lowercase on purpose, no proofreading, fic under the cut
a/n - wow i havent posted literally allll summer. ive been super busy, but now im back to school so i finally have time to write again :P this is just a short one that ive had in my drafts for a while, its not perfect my apologies. hope u enjoy mwah
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you rummaged through your cupboards as the oven beeped, signalling that it was done preheating. you couldve sworn that you had more sugar. the sugar you had in the bag was barely half of what the recipe called for. the rest of the ingredients were already mixed together in the bowl, so you didnt have time to run to the nearest convenience store. so, begrudgingly, you made your way to the neighbouring apartment. you hated having to introduce yourself this way, but you had never even seen them leave before, so theres a time for everything. 
shoving your feet into the pair of shoes next to the door, you propped the door open as you headed to the door just down the hall. the aging numbers on the door read 308. you knocked lightly, suddenly wondering if the cookies you were making were even worth it. as you were contemplating leaving, the door in front of you creaked open and a man stood in the doorway, a small smile on his face. he looked to be around your age, not much older. he was wearing a black tshirt paired with a pair of black sweatpants. he was very attractive, but you had to get back to the matter at hand instead of just oogling at him like a weirdo.
“hi! im y/n, i live next door, i was wondering if i could borrow like, a cup of sugar? im baking cookies and i literally just used up the last of what i had.” you finished with a chuckle. he nodded, the same smile on his face from when you had arrived. “of course! just wait right here, ill go grab some for you.” he hurried off into his apartment as you stood in the hallway of the apartment building. you waited around for a moment before he returned to the doorway with a container of sugar in his hands. you took it and thanked him profusely, apologizing for the nature of your first meeting. he laughed and brushed it off. wow, his laugh was like music to your ears. just as you were about to go back to your apartment, he spoke up again. “oh, im chan by the way! if you ever need anything you can stop by, i dont mind.” you nodded and smiled. “thank you chan, the same goes for you as well.” he grinned wider as you gave a meek wave and he closed his door. you shut your apartment door behind you as you returned to making your batch of cookies.
the timer in the kitchen began to blare, signalling that your baking was done. the smell of fresh baked cookies filled the air in your apartment, a heavenly smell to say the least. you carefully took them out and placed them on top of the stove. after they had cooled down, you took a couple off of the tray you had baked them on and placed them in the container that chan gave you the sugar in. you replaced the cover and headed out to the door again. you stood in front of chans apartment and lightly knocked. the building was so quiet that you could hear the footsteps leading up to the door. as the door opened, chan stood in front of you yet again. you held out the container and his eyes lit up. “thank you so much!” he took the container and gasped when the bottom was still warm. “its no problem, if anything you helped me make them, its the least i could do.” you gave him a warm smile as he thanked you again. the happiness in his eyes made you want to bake forever. you said your goodbyes again as you returned to your apartment and put away the rest of the cookies that you had left for yourself. you smiled to yourself without noticing as you removed the cookies from the parchment they were baked on. 
some time had passed, and it had been a while since youd seen chan. after the baking situation, you had actually spoken to him more when you would see him. whether that be in the lobby, or your shared hallway, you would often stop and have little conversations. as it turns out, you two actually have quite a lot in common. but in the past few weeks, you had only seen him in quick glances in the hallway. short smiles and small ‘hello’s were the extent of your interactions. but even in the last month, you hadnt seen him at all. a part of you was concerned, but you knew that he could just be busy, or your schedules could just not have lined up like they did before. the thought even came up that he couldve moved. but you try to not think about it. this particular day, you had suddenly gotten a craving for muffins. knowing already that you had all of the ingredients, you decided to get straight into it. you pulled up a recipe and began mixing your ingredients in a bowl. as you read down through the recipe, you reached up into your cupboards to get the bag of sugar. as you grab the bag, you realize that it is way lighter than you expect. you dump the sugar into a measuring cup, and it doesnt even reach the halfway point for what the recipe requires. you sigh and put down the measuring cup. maybe it was a sign.
the hallway is quiet as you close the door behind you. you make your way to the familiar apartment door, realizing how weird you must look asking for sugar again. but, you push those thoughts to the back of your head as the door swings open. this time, youre not face to face with chan. the man in the doorway is taller, but with similar kind eyes. youve seen him come and go, but never seen him this close. hes handsome, but in a different way than chan was. he smiles as you snap out of your daze. “hi! nice to meet you, im y/n, i live next door, could i borrow a little bit of sugar please? i always seen to run out as soon as im making something.” you both chuckle and he nods. “nice to meet you as well, y/n! of course, come on in ill go grab you some.” he steps aside so you can come into the apartment. you look around as you wait. the apartment is tidy, and has a warm feel to it. its definitely lived in, and if you were to guess you would say there are multiple people besides the man at the door. you hear chatter in the kitchen, but you cant make out voices. 
after a few minutes, he comes back to you with a small bag of sugar in hand. he gives you another smile as he puts the bag in your hands. “is that enough?” you nod profusely. “oh goodness yes, thank you so much!” he leans against the table in the living area as you give him an appreciative look. “oh! im junhui by the way, but you can call me jun.” you chat with jun for a little bit longer before you have to take off and finish your muffins. as you hurry out the door, you could swear you caught a glimpse of someone else inside. but, you shut the door and rush back to finish your muffins.
after your timer rings, you put your muffins onto cooling racks as you look for a container big enough for some muffins. as the muffins cool, you quickly write up a little note for chan, in the off chance he might answer that door again. you jot down a little message, and include your phone number at the bottom of the note. you fold it over, writing ‘chan :)’ on the outside. you put 6 muffins into the container just to be safe, and tuck the note in your pocket as you shuffle out your door again. 
there you stand again, outside door 308. you start to wonder if the note was stupid, he probably didnt even think anything of your interactions anyways. part of you wants to leave the muffins at the door and walk back to your apartment. but, you knock anyways. it seems quicker this time, as the door creaks open and jun is standing in the doorway. you try to not be disappointed, but you did hope that chan would be on the other side of the door. you tell jun about the muffins and he looks incredibly grateful, and he laughs, gesturing at the two extra muffins on top. you tilt your head in confusion as he clarifies. “oh! theres four of us, so we’ll probably have to cut these last two in half to avoid some fights.” you both chuckle as a voice from inside the apartment calls out, asking who’s at the door. “it’s our neighbour, y/n, i got muffins!” theres some quiet shuffling in the apartment as someone appears at juns side. 
chans eyes lit up as soon as he saw you. but youre sure that yours did too. jun looks between the two of you and giggles as he steps away with the container, leaving the two of you alone at the door. “how are you, i havent see you all month!” you say as chan pulls you in for a hug. he explains how his job can get super busy really quick, and how the hours he works are super flexible and can be different all the time. the two of you stand and chat with smiles plastered on your faces, until someone inside calls out to chan, and he has to go back inside. before turning away, you quickly slip the note into his palm and give each other another smile. as the door closes, you stay in front of the door for a moment, trying to collect yourself.
sitting in your apartment later that evening, your phone buzzes.
Maybe: Chan : hey y/n, this is chan :)
y/n : hi chan :))
chan <3 : i was thinking, maybe sometime we could bake something together? maybe we can call it a date.. i can bring the sugar hehe
y/n : hahaha, you know what? i think id love that :) 
from that day on, you coincidentally never had sugar on hand again.
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kthyg · 2 years
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“Sleep well and forever, my love. As you have slumbered to your eternal rest.”
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pairing : jungkook x reader
genre : angst, yandere, royalty au, kingdom au
rating : pg-13
disclaimer : this story is a work of fiction. description of the bts members in this story does not reflect nor portray them in real life. everything in this story only fits in imagination and does not apply outside of imagination.
warnings : this story deals with implications of murder and infidelity.
word count : 1.1k+
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💌 note from winter :
this stupid IMAGINE has been stuck with me since last year, it's time for you to be free. no jk, i love this baby of mine very much because this was my very first attempt to write kingdom au/ royalty <"3
this short drabble existed because of billie from her song no time to die :)) i randomly found this song and i thought it's a good song that i have way too many ideas from this song only (omg so exaggerating) HABAHAH
honestly, this was supposed to be a full length story but i ended up building another plot with similar yet different ending and so i didnt want to delete this draft ending so i thought i would post it separately! ^^
t/n: this was not proofread nor beta-ed!
if it makes sense, this will be the alternative universe/ending to the original story.
💌 what is winter listening to? :
No time to die by Billie Eilish.
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dedication : to my past self who didn't manage to finish this.
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The air around you was heavy, almost suffocating yet you did not feel any thick lump in your throat. You did not find it hard to breathe.
Even when the air was tainted with what smelt like rust.
Metallic smell.
The once calm ambience now turned to a deep and heavy pinging sound. The sharp metal that you held before was now dropped down to the carpeted floor. The once shiny sharp metal was now covered with blood. The red metallic substance dripped from the sharp metal and smudged the carpeted floor.
Your face lacked any reaction and emotion. Your face was blank as if the knife that was dug into someone’s chest was not your doing. As if the scene never happened. As if the blood in your view was merely water over a sleeping body.
Some of the blood brushed onto your beautiful dress but you paid no heed. You were certainly not in any rush, and certainly you were not panicking.
Albeit slowly realising, there was one thing that bothered you.
The silence. The deafening silence.
The silence was killing you, just like how you had killed your lover with your own two hands.
Your lover, the King.
Jeon Jungkook.
Was it your fault as you have killed him? You should be feeling guilty, you should be terrified, panicking, your body and mind filled with dreadfulness. You were supposed to be wailing, crying and screaming out of sorrow and grief.
Tale of woe.
You’ll think of it later.
Jungkook died of his own sin.
Your eyes moved slowly from the floor towards the body lying peacefully on the soft mattress. His eyes were closed. There was no hint of pain or discomfort on his beautiful face. His eyes were closed as if he was sleeping, as if this was another night of you watching him rest. His lips were slightly parted but there was no respiration that happened. There was no exhaling and no inhaling.
His dead body laid perfectly on the mattress.
Too perfect that it had you thinking, was he expecting this?
No one was perfect but Jungkook was the King. Enemies left and right, wanting him dead. To be assassinated in his sleep?
That was foolish of him; letting his guards down.
A hand was placed softly on your lover’s cold and pale cheek as you caressed it lovingly. “If you had not thought of committing infidelity, I would have forgotten about the task Taehyung had given me, my love.”
You rose and strode towards the vanity. The rouge was picked out of its place and into your hand. You picked up a brush as well before walking back to Jungkook. Your knees fell beside his bed as you unsealed the rouge. The brush was dipped into the jar of rouge and your hand moved the brush to the direction of his lips.
“Your lips are pale, Your Majesty.” You chuckled and began to brush the rouge against his lips.. “I love you just like how you always tell me to love you. I learned to love you until you learned to unlove me.”
The brush stroked against Jungkook’s lips, colouring them to the shades of red. As if his lips were a blank canvas, you brought the brush against his lips delicately, painting him to perfection. “You’re so beautiful, Jungkook, even in your sleep. Even in your eternal rest.”
Another stroke.
“If I can’t have you,”
Another stroke.
“Then, no one shall have the honour.”
A last stroke before you pulled away, admiring your art. His pale lips turned into his usual cherry lips. Dipping the brush into the jar of rouge, you tapped the brush lightly against his cheeks and dab it with your fingers to blend it smoothly.
“You were my life.”
After finishing his makeup, you put away the items you have held and pulled the soft duvet, tucking him in. His face was eerily calm, free of frown whatsoever. Perhaps, dying in his sleep was the least painful death you could give to him, despite the sin he had committed. What he saw before letting out his last breath was darkness and you.
A sweet and pain-free death, just for your lover.
You rose to your feet from your kneeling position and sat next to his inert body. Running your fingers through his fluffy hair, combing it until his raven-black hair was neat and tidy. You didn’t find the sentiment to cry, wail, even when you saw the blood seeping through the duvet, drenching a spot with blood, albeit not perceptible, you knew it was blood and his blood.
You had just killed your lover.
But you couldn’t think of anything.
What was right and what was wrong.
But then again, there was never a right and a wrong in this world. A wrongful act could be a righteous act and a righteous act could be a wrongful act. Mayhaps, you knew your action was a wrongful act, unjustified even, but you deemed this act to be righteous.
You were only preventing Jungkook from committing further infidelity and made him loyal to you forever.
“Fret not, my love,” you whispered. “I will rule your kingdom with my all.”
With that, you planted a soft kiss on top of his cherry lips. Your eyes were closed as your lips touched his cold ones. The kiss was empty. It lacked warmth, devoid of feelings and emotions but it lasted longer than intended. You pressed another kiss on top of his forehead. Yet another cold sensation.
“Was I stupid to love you, after all, Your Majesty?” You pulled away and stared deeply at his tranquil face.
The bright doe eyes you once adored have darkened and closed forever.
The sweet vocal of his that was always the honey to your ears has gone silent for eternity.
After what felt like hours of staring, you rose from the bed and smoothened the bed. Tidying up anything that needed to be tidied up. Once you were done, you took two steps back.
“Are you death or paradise, Jungkook?” Your voice came out as a soft whisper. “Is your death, the end of me? Or it’s the gateway to my own paradise?”
You walked towards the door with decisive steps, albeit unmindful of the blood that had stained her dress and the bloody weapon laid carelessly on the floor.
“You were the death of my morality,” You halted your steps. “But you were, are, and forever will be the only paradise I dreamed of.”
Turning back to see Jungkook for one last time, a glint of melancholy flashed in your eyes.
And that was it.
Your tale of woe.
“Sleep well and forever, my love. As you have slumbered to your eternal rest.”
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lmk your thoughts by leaving a comment or send in an ask! reblogging this means a lot to me, so i appreciate if you would ^^
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All rights reserved © 2022 kthyg. Do not copy, translate, modify or steal any of my work without my permission.
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moondustis · 4 years
one more time (m)
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pairing: jung jaehyun + reader genre: smut, angst, fluff / friends to lovers | wc: 9,4k summary: Maybe this right here is a story about growing up and finding yourself, or about finding love and being vulnerable. But it definitely is a story about friendship, skating, pancakes and Jung Jaehyun learning how to deal with his feelings. song rec: and july - heize ft. dean / i think - tyler the creator / thinking about you - frank ocean 
Jung Jaehyun is born on February 14 of 1997, valentine’s day. He is a cute and healthy baby, as he should be and cries from being outside the comfort of his mother’s belly for the first time. 
He grows up well, loved and cherished by the ones around him and filling his mother’s heart with joy and pride. He’s a happy child, then a smart teenager, just a little shy but still outgoing enough to be surrounded by friends all the time. 
He meets Seo Johnny at school and learns a lot of things from him, but most importantly he learns how to skate. And Johnny is a good friend, a good example as his mother says, because even if sometimes they skip school, he teaches Jaehyun that crying after he falls a bit too hard from a trick doesn’t make him less of a man. And Jaehyun embraces that, thinks that he always had too many feelings inside of him to begin with and he deals with all of them. 
And he’s okay, for the most part but somewhere along the way something shifts and it’s not as easy anymore. It’s not as easy as falling down on the hard concrete of his sidewalk and getting up again because college had a way of changing people, and it does a good job on him. He shuts down a good part of himself to other people, stays in his closed circle of friendships and leads his life like that, hoping that he can finally graduate and do something he actually enjoys, but at the same time dreading that day, because he wasn't sure if he was ready for the pressure of having to know exactly where to go in life. 
Maybe this right here is a story about growing up and finding yourself, or about finding love and being vulnerable. But it definitely is a story about friendship, skating, pancakes and Jung Jaehyun learning how to deal with his feelings. 
Jung Jaehyun is a fuckboy. 
Ok, not literally, but he fits the stereotype suspiciously well. For starters he’s one of the guys that like to skate around campus, and dresses like someone that probably listens to Mac Miller or Tyler, the Creator, with his vans and oversized t-shirts. To make matters worse he looks like a model, walking around with his perfect face and perfect body, making literally every girl in the class you share together swoon every time he walks into the room.  And honestly that’s all you have against him, because he doesn’t actually sleep around all that much and breaks girls hearts. Not that you have heard of at least and it was a relatively small campus. 
But see, Jaehyun is a confusing person, because even if he goes around the campus screaming as his friends do flips or whatever they’re called and sometimes wears t-shirts that say things like ‘fuck cops’, he’s also incredibly quiet and kinda shy from the interactions you had seen him have with your classmates. And on top of all that, he’s majoring in education to become an elementary teacher, like that isn’t the most adorable career in the world.
So yeah, he confuses you. Even more when your first interaction ever with him goes like this: 
You’re in the middle of Psychology 101, the coffee in your system being the only thing keeping your two eyes wide open as the teacher goes on with the lecture. You are not sure if you are really paying attention or just writing down whatever he says, because underneath all that coffee you’re actually very tired from staying up late writing an assignment, and soon the caffeine boost will go away, leaving you with the weird feeling of exhaustion. 
The ‘pssts’ start low. So low that you don’t even notice, but when a very insistent one is accompanied by a finger poking your back, you have to turn around to see what is going on, being met with Jung Jaehyun, cheeks pink, looking at you with a bashful look. 
“Hi.” Is all he says and nothing else, in a rushed whisper as the teacher continues on with the talking.
You blink slowly because the coffee doesn't actually make you think faster, before you’re whispering back “Uh, hi.” 
“Sorry for interrupting you.” That’s very considerate of him to say, your mind provides. “But I skipped the last class and was wondering if you took notes of it? So I can, like, copy them. Please.” 
He adds the last word quickly, as if he’s afraid you’ll think of him as rude otherwise. You haven’t done that much thinking about Jaehyun in the past, just the here and there thoughts, but none of them had been about him being anything but nice. And a fuckboy, but that’s beside the point.
“Oh.” You just look at him for a second before you’re snapping out of it, shaking your head as you turn to your notebook. “Sorry. You can, sure.” You flip your notes until you’re on the page you had messily written down the notes for last class, overreacting for a second that he would think you are stupid because of your terrible handwriting. But all he does is take your notebook when you offer it to him, quickly snapping a picture with his phone before he’s handing it to you again.
He thanks you with a smile that’s almost not there but that still makes your heart flutter involuntary. You had a thing for cute boys what could you do? So you smile back and it stays like that for another second until he decides to break the awkwardness. 
“Uhm, are you going to Taeil’s party this weekend?” Multiple questions fill your mind at that. Who’s Taeil? What party? Why the fuck was he asking you that? Are you hallucinating this from your lack of sleep?
“I’ll probably drop by to see how it is.” Is the lie you reply with, a shrug helping you play the unbothered act too well. It’s a little pathetic if you think about, but that’s the thing, you’re not thinking at all. 
“Oh, cool. I’ll see you there, then.” And that’s it, that’s the entire interaction and it leaves you confused for the remaining of the lecture, wondering if that actually did really happen because it sure felt a bit unreal. 
When you get to your dorm room after your class, the coffee high is completely gone and you feel ready to plop down on your bed and sleep for 5 hours until you have to be up again to finish assignments. But before you can do that. you see your roommate, Jungwoo, eating cereal on the kitchen counter and you can’t help but ask. 
“Do you know a Taeil?” Again, it was a small campus so there were probably not many Taeils around. That and Jungwoo actually knew a lot of people, from his connections, as he liked to say.
He thinks about it for a second, over a spoonful of cereal before he’s saying “Moon Taeil? Yeah he's in my class.” You can’t even be bothered by him speaking with his mouth full and the fact that you’re absolutely not sure if that’s the Taeil you’re looking for. 
“Nice. Do you wanna go to his party this weekend?” A bold invitation that makes Jungwoo raise one eyebrow at you. 
“What? Why do you wanna do that?” In all honesty you don’t know either, probably something about a really attractive man and your very out of usual interaction with him, but you won’t tell him that because facing Jungwoo’s teasing was exhausting. 
You shrug. “Just because.” 
That makes him squint his eyes at you. “Okay…. It's just that you don't go to parties.” In your defense, you do. You just hadn’t been to one since your freshman year, a whole one year and a half ago. 
“Jungwoo it’s a simple question.” You huff in annoyance because you’re tired and every moment that you spend in his presence is another step closer to just spilling everything about your short and weird interaction with Jung Jaehyun. “Do you want to or not?” 
“Yes.” He replies quickly, still giving you a weird look. “I can't miss the opportunity of seeing you drunk again.
“I'm not getting drunk.” You simply say before you’re walking to your room.
You get very drunk, smashed even, from something pink and slightly citrusy that you and Jungwoo had downed shot after shot of. The party was, well, a party. It wasn’t full but there was definitely more people than there should be at a house this small, and the songs playing weren’t exactly that bad, you even recognized one or two. 
And Jungwoo was as splattered as you, but he still offered to fetch you some water, with a promise of staying glued to the wall coming from you. And that’s where Jung Jaehyun finds you, barely standing still from how drunk you are. 
“___!” He says happily, catching you off guard and you wonder how he knew your name. But again you knew his and you shared a class together. 
He looks good, is the first thing you notice, with a snapback and a t-shirt that has a small bear on it and is too big for him. “Jaehyun!” You reply in the same fashion as he said your name and it makes him smile, a different one from the last time. 
“It’s nice seeing you here.” He says, moving to stand next to you on the wall and you’re just slightly overwhelmed by how good he smells. The world around you spins for a moment and you giggle for no reason. “Are you having a good time?” 
“Ugh!” First of all, a disclaimer. Drunk you was absolutely and completely stupid, a fool that liked to say nonsense and that’s why you say the next words. “Do we really have to do small talk right now?” 
He laughs at your childish whine, looking at you with eyes filled with amusement and appearing just a little drunk. Definitely less drunk than you. “What should we talk about, then?” 
Maybe he’s a bigger fool than you are for even entertaining your silliness. “I don’t know.” You look at him through hooded eyes, probably pouting from trying to think of something to say to a guy you just talked for the first time a week ago. “Don’t you miss, like, when we were kids and could just talk about whatever? Like what’s your favorite color, you know? Why did we stop doing that?”
In the back of your head, the sound of clown music starts playing. He on the other hand seems amazed by your blabbering. “Favorite colors?” His voice is just about teasing and you groan in slightly embarrassment. 
“You know what? Forget it. Shhhhh.” You drunkenly press one finger to his lips as if to emphasize your shushing. His lips twitch in the want to smile. “Let’s just do something else.” 
You don’t realize that your words sound suggesting but he does, raising one eyebrow and smiling at you. “Hmm, like what?” 
He moves closer to you but before you have the time to react, Jungwoo is coming back, water bottle on his hand and a look on his face that says he thinks you’re up to no good. He eyes you up and down before looking at Jaehyun and doing the same. He looks slightly more sobered up, but still tipsy.
“Jungwoo!” You exclaim, holding your hands out for the water bottle. 
He looks between you and Jaehyun before saying “Hello. Who are you?” It would have sounded slightly rude if it weren't for the cute tone he uses. 
You’re quick to say “This is Jaehyun, he’s-“
“I’m her friend.” He says it naturally and you wonder when you had gained that title, the giggle you let out against your own will, too drunk for you own good. 
Jungwoo says something to him that you don’t quite catch but then he’s dragging you away with a whine coming from your lips as you wave a sad goodbye to Jaehyun from behind your shoulder and he does the same with an amused smile.
“I leave you one minute alone and you try to act a fool in front of a man that good looking.” He whispers as you walk away and all you can do in return is laugh out loud.  You would probably not even remember any of this tomorrow, anyway. 
You remember everything, of course. And Jaehyun starts saying hi to you every time he sees you around campus after that, always with a smile and his dimples showing up, making you blush in a silly way. But it’s only after two weeks that you finally talk with him again.
You had met Taeyong on your freshman year and after finding out he was really similar to you, you had become friends quickly. He was someone that everyone immediately felt comfortable around, that’s why it was no surprise when you find out at his birthday party that he’s friends with Jaehyun too. 
When you arrive at the party, Jungwoo by your side, there’s not many faces that you don’t know and after you hug Taeyong with a kiss to his cheek, you spot him standing by the kitchen counter. There’s a beer in his hand and he’s wearing all black, a sight that you don’t mind looking at.
He doesn’t notice you at first, his focus on a taller guy talking to him, but when he does he greets you with a wide smile that is enough to turn your legs into jelly by itself, but then he’s making his way towards you. Your heart starts beating a tiny bit faster, your hand moving to fix your hair in habit. 
“Hello.” He greets and Jungwoo decides that’s a good time to leave you side and go talk to his other friends, not even sparing you an explanation. He knew what he was doing. “Didn’t know you were friends with Taeyong.”
You smile like a silly girl. “Yup, he’s like my soulmate.” 
His smile grows wider at that, a pair of dimples making their way to his face and you almost groan because there’s no way he could get any more charming than this. “That's how I know you are a good person.” He jokes and you let out a snort, giving him a funny look. 
“Our first interaction was me letting you borrowing my notes, that should've been enough.” You point out in a teasing manner, not really meaning the words. 
“You’re right.” The ghost of a smile graces his lips as he defends himself, the faint sight of a blush gracing his cheeks as he avoids your eyes.
He offers to get you a beer after that, leading you to the kitchen with a hand on your back that feels weirdly nice. You were never one to get stupid crushes but that’s exactly how you feel around him, like at any moment you will say or do anything really dumb because of your infatuation. You wonder if it’s because of his looks or the way he seems a little shy around you.
“By the way, you never told me your favorite color that night.” He says, eyes twinkling with mischief as he offers you the beer, which you gladly take after immediately letting out a groan.
“Ugh, shut up. Don’t remind me of that.” You are sure your entire face is red from embarrassment at just the thought of the things you had said that night. It wasn’t even that bad, Jungwoo had said, but you like to overreact, so you cover your face with your free hand.
“Why? It was cute.” His voice is filled with amusement and when you peak from under your hand you can see his face is as well. “I like how funny you are.” 
The words only make your face get hotter as you smile awkwardly. You were far from funny, your friends liked to remind you of that fact. But how could you be when you had friends like Jungwoo that absolutely made everyone in a room laugh without even trying. But still, his words make you feel a little proud, that at least you were able to make a pretty guy think that. 
“I don't have a favorite color, it always changes.” You say suddenly, going back to the previous subject to avoid making the conversation about you. Even if you had to talk about something like favorite colors. “I like when the sky turns pink during sunset, I guess you could say it’s that one right now. ” 
He hums, taking a sip of his beer before saying “It's a good one.” 
You huff, he was really trying hard for a conversation about such a stupid matter. Still, you continue to entertain it. “What's yours?”
He pursues his lips, think about it for a second. “I don't know… I like black.”
“Obviously.” You deadpan and it makes him laugh like you actually said something funny. 
Jaehyun stays by your side for the rest of the night, trying his best not to make small talk and it surprises you how easy he is to talk to. He asks you about your favorite everything, from animals to movies and it’s really nice to find out you two have more in common than you would ever imagine. By the end of the party you are glued to his side on a probably too crowded couch, his close proximity making you warm all over and only bothering the butterflies on your stomach more.
It’s when he lets out a loud laugh at something Jungwoo and Yukhei are going back and forth about, hiding his face on your shoulder as his whole body shakes with laughter, that you know for a fact you’re fucked. Completely fucked.
Jaehyun and you become friends very fast after Taeyong’s birthday. It’s almost weird, because both of you seem to be just a little too shy for you own good, but things just happen naturally when you are with him.
It starts with silly jokes passed around in notes on your shared lecture, with your face turning red from how hard you try not to laugh out loud and sharing your favorite songs with each other. Then it becomes grabbing a coffee after class, and sharing something sweet because you both deserve it after enduring such a boring lecture. It all leads to what it is now, two months later and your days are filled with Jaehyun’s comfortable presence, his laugh and late nights texts about any subject that comes to mind and sharing your biggest dreams and some of your fears with him. 
It scares you at the same time it makes you extremely happy, because you had never been someone who had many friends, letting people in and connecting was hard, so you decided very early that navigating life with a few close friends was enough. But Jaehyun makes it all seem very easy and it’s suddenly like you can’t imagine your life without him anymore. 
That brings you to where you are right now. You have both had a long week and decided that it would be nice to have a movie night, and after you had ate the chinese takeout you ordered, you settle on on his couch as romantic comedy movie plays. You’re both comfortable, his eyes stayed glued on the screen, laughing as a character makes a joke about oral sex. Maybe that’s why you ask your next question out of nowhere. Or maybe you’re just stupid. Probably the last one.
“Have you… Have you ever gone down on a girl?” The words are stammered out as you look down your lap, cheeks going pink. You immediately regret asking because you can feel his eyes on you as he searches for a response.
“Wha -- Where did that come from?” It’s even more unsettling that you can’t pinpoint exactly what he’s thinking. Sometimes Jaehyun was hard to read, and that bothered you. 
The small laugh that leaves your lips is fake. “It's a silly question, right? Sorry, I wasn't thinking.”You continue avoiding his eyes, picking at the nail polish that was already chipping on your fingers. 
“Its okay.” He’s quick to say, always making sure you’re not unsure of yourself.  “And, yeah. I mean, I have, of course.”
He says as if it’s obvious. As if it’s something that he absolutely needed to do and all you can say back is “Oh.” 
“Why?” It’s a good question, really. Because you have no idea where you are trying to go with this conversation, but now it got him to pause the movie and to look at you with expectation on his eyes. So you can’t do anything but continue. 
“I don't know…” You gulp down, slightly shaking at what you’re about to say. “I have never — No one has ever done that to me.” 
“Never?” He sounds surprised, annoyed even, but you wouldn’t know what he looks like because you continue to avoid his face, playing with the hem of you skirt instead now. 
There was no reason that you two should be having this conversation, because you were friends and nothing else. But again, friends talked about this all the time. Friends could talk about sex right? Friends could share experiences and joke about it without getting awkward or making a complete big deal out of something so normal. 
Jaehyun lets out a deep breath and then it’s silence for a second. You feel small and embarrassed, because deep down you know that you didn’t say this just as a normal friendly comment. It’s like somehow, you knew exactly that he would say what he does. Or better yet, proposition it. 
“I could…” His words are tentative, almost a whisper as if he wants to put the two of you in a bubble that no one can break in. “I could show you.”
Your eyes widen as you look at him “What? You — What?” 
And Jaehyun is so gentle, as he slides over the couch to be next to you, and give you the comfort you need, and as he cradles your cheeks with his hands. “W-We don’t have to.” He assures, but something on his voice that says he really wants to. “But I'll take care of you. If you let me.”
He’s too much, you think as you stare at his face with glossy eyes. There’s a line that’s been placed on your friendship, a very fine line between what it is now and what it could become. Right now that line is wavering, even more when all you can do is nod your head slowly, giving him all the agreement he needs to press his lips against yours.
It’s a sweet kiss, his lips molding to yours and you can’t help but sigh. It feels right, even if it maybe isn’t. He kisses you with the delicacy of someone who knows this could ruin something good, but at the same time with the determination of someone who wants this too much to care. 
He tilts his head, deepening it as he sucks on your bottom lip before he’s swirling his tongue on it, asking for entrance that you so gladly gives. And you’re not completely inexperienced, you had done this before and knows, how it feels to have someone on top of you, how it feels to have someone try to make you feel good, but when his tongue slides against yours you can feel your head spin and the arousal on the pit of your stomach only grows. 
It’s with slow and calculated moves that he gets you to lay on the couch, with him pressing kisses all over your neck and wherever he can. You watch with your heart beating too fast as he moves down, lifting your shirt a bit past your navel so he can kiss there too, and then he’s slipping your skirt off. 
It makes you antsy being in only your panties in front of him, even more when it’s just a simple cotton and pink material, but he pays it no mind. Instead he continues to press kisses all over your thighs, holding them apart when you try to close them and you shiver in anticipation.
“Are you nervous?” He asks, with fingers hooked on each side of your underwear, about to pull them down. 
You huff because isn’t it obvious? You’re about to have someone eat you out for the first time. Your friend out of all people. “Y-yes.” 
He smiles at you, a smile too sweet for what he's about to do but you still smile back. “Don’t be, I’ll make you feel good.” 
And you know he will because he’s a man of his words.
You close your eyes tightly as he slides your panties off, resisting the urge to completely close your legs because he’s so close and you feel so exposed. And he wastes no time, face just above you and when his fingers come in contact you jump a little. 
You feel as he parts your lower lips, a puff of breath making a shiver run down your body and then he’s pressing a kiss to your most sensitive spot. A whine leaves your lips because of the new feeling, and it only gets higher when his lips close around you, sucking like he has a purpose. It’s almost overwhelming, both because it’s him and because it’s the first time. He licks at your clit, with swirls of his tongue that are kitten like before he’s flattening his tongue down to your entrance, lapping at it and gathering your wetness so he can move to your clit again. 
You trash around and wail, too sensitive but too into it, even more with the way he grips at your thighs to keep them open. He seems to enjoy it, humming against you as he licks you like a starved man before he’s saying with his face still pressed to your center “Taste so good.” The words are muffled and they send vibrations to your core, making you blush as you let out a loud moan. 
You come easily, with laps of his tongue and the knot on your stomach getting tighter and tighter until it snaps completely and you cry out, a mess of curse words and his name and white spots blurring your vision. And he continues his ministrations, tongue pressing inside of your entrance as if he doesn’t want to let any of it to go to waste. 
When he comes up again his lips are red with your arousal making it and his chain shine. You don’t even have the time to feel embarrassed because he kisses you, a strong press of his lips against yours and then his tongue, that was just a second ago inside of you, invades your mouth and slides against yours. You can taste yourself on him and you can feel his hardness pressing against your exposed thigh, your head spinning as he moans in the kiss.
You try to move your hips to press against his in an almost shy movement, but he feels it. A groan escapes his lips as he breaks the kiss, looking completely disheveled. It’s a sight you would probably never forget. “Fuck, I don’t have anything on me.”  He breaths out  and you realize he’s talking about a condom and just the thought of him being inside of you is enough for you to close your eyes as a new wave of pleasure runs through your body. “I want to fuck you so bad. God, so fucking bad. Would you have let me, huh? Would you let me fuck your sweet cunt?”
He noses at your cheeks as you throw your head back. This is not something friends should be saying to each other, far from it. But you still nod, because you would without a thought. And maybe that’s your first mistake. 
Jaehyun fucks you for the first time on the first day of summer. Not that any of you knew that, it’s just something that if you were romantic enough you would think about. 
It’s hot inside his messy room, that you pretended not to notice for his sake. Even hotter with the way he presses kisses against your neck and thrusts into you in a pace that is as calculated as it is maddening. He’s good at it, not that it surprises you. 
He eats you out after he finishes inside the condom and you cry out his name because it’s like he’s trying to make sure that you should never settle for anything less than this. And he’s so willing, with his tongue pressing hard against you and with movements that make you grip at his hair for leverage. 
It’s as clear as day that he’s experienced at this, at least more experienced than you are, because your body count number doesn’t go higher than two and you had just gotten head for the first time a week ago. It makes you feel almost inadequate at the same time it makes a thrill run through your body, eyes glossy and wide as you stare at him practically devour you. 
Your second orgasm hits you with a loud gasp and your whole body shaking in his hold. He holds you like he won’t let you escape, and he doesn’t. 
It becomes a regular thing, the fine line you had drawn between your blooming friendship and something else completely gone as Jaehyun calls you on a thursday night, asking you to come over and then fucks you for the second time with the window open, because summer this year was almost unbearable and sweat clings to both of your skins as he makes you come with a shout of his name. 
It’s an unspoken arrangement, that when one of you needed it you could always call, be it because you’re so stressed from assignments that you need a way to let it all out or because you had a little too much to drink at a party and needed to feel it. 
It goes like this for the whole duration of summer and you think you don’t go three days without seeing Jaehyun. He basically memorizes everything that makes you shake and teaches you everything that he likes, and it’s good. It’s good and it’s easy, no strings attached and you’re fine with it. 
But here’s the catch, because there’s always a catch. You’re not really fine with it. 
You remember one time, when you were around 8, that a teacher made a joke about you and a classmate being more than friends. The mere thought of a romance at that age had made you cry out loud until your mother arrived to pick you up. 
The moment stayed with you, because even at high school, relationships were something you would rather not focus on, not until college at least. But when college came around you didn’t change, still putting your love life aside so you could focus on things that you considered more important.
Now at 21, and still single, it was easy to realize, even if it took some time to finally get out from the denial, that you were scared. Scared of commitment and of being completely vulnerable to someone, even if sometimes when you laid in bed you felt extremely lonely and when you saw your friends getting in loving relationships, it made you just the tiniest bit jealous. It wasn’t a great feeling.
You had never dated before, only had flings that didn’t last much. And you weren’t a romantic, not at all, didn’t think that a relationship would make you happy and definitely weren't willing to give up your dreams for one. But still, it hurtsj ust a little to see your friends settle in while you stayed alone and it hurts just a little that intimacy had become something you desperately craved.
And maybe at the begging of your relationship with Jaehyun you had thought that this would finally be it. And maybe you were also just stupid and too naive to let you relationship get to where it is, but it becomes something more. Somewhere between the first kiss your shared and him fucking you on the bathroom of some party, because you just couldn’t wait, Jung Jaehyun caves a place for himself inside your life and you let him, the feelings blossoming in your chest getting too big to handle every day.
And he is still confusing, because he is too nice, too gentle. He sends you silly pictures of himself during the day, tells you about the skate tricks he finally got right even though you have no idea what he’s talking about. He buys you sweets when you say you had a bad day and sometimes, the times you dread the most, he kisses you like he means something more with it. Sometimes he fucks you with unplaced gentleness that if you closed your eyes you could believe this was something more. 
But it isn’t because at the same time you hear whispers about a girl he was with at a party, you see his phone light up with texts that you don’t read, but your mind can’t help but overthink as something that makes your stomach turn.
But you let it happen, because in your mind maybe having him like this is better than nothing, at least for now. And maybe, even if you were craving for it deep down, you weren't ready to have it. So summer comes and goes and you wish your feelings went away with it. 
Watching people skate becomes an entertaining activity. Something about the movements and the sound of the wheels rolling on concrete made you extremely calm, putting aside the noises of screaming boys and all the curse words they said. 
Even with the direction your relationship took, Jaehyun still seemed to consider you a close friends, something you found extremely bittersweet. He still complained about his classes, still texted you stupid things during the day and he still took you to the skate park to watch him and his friends do tricks for hours. 
The only things that had changed were the sex and the fact you were falling in love with him. No big deal. 
You watch as Jaehyun’s tall friend, that had been introduced to you as Johnny, goes for a trick that involves him jumping and ends up falling, making everyone around him laugh and scream jokes. It was extremely amusing to see a bunch of 20 years old act so carefree and boyish, a small laugh escaping your lips.
Jaehyun helps Johnny up, a wide smile on his face as he says something you can’t exactly hear but it must be funny because it makes Johnny laugh. You’re so entranced with the scene that you don’t notice the red hair man approaching you.
“Whats up, ___?” Yuta says with a grin as he stands tall in front of where you’re sitting on a bench. He was one of the few of Jaehyun friends that actually tried to make you feel welcome when he brought you along to their skate sessions, always making conversation and offering to keep you company. 
“Hey, Yuta.” You smile back, shielding your face from the sun so you can see him better. 
“Just gonna sit here by yourself?” Shrugging you watch as he drops the skate he had been holding down and steps on it as a habit. “I can teach you how to skate if you want.”
He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, making you laugh. “No thank you, I've seen you fall too many times to consider that.” Jaehyun had already offered you the same thing too, but you had absolutely no interest in getting up that four wheeled thing and ending up with a broken bone.
“Please, I'm just falling to get your attention.” His flirty words are not a surprise. He had been like this from the moment you met, saying things that made a blush set on your face. At first it had made you confused but now you knew it was just how he was. “Besides, I never fall as hard as I'm falling for you.”
The last words are said in a sultry voice that makes you laugh even louder, hand coming to your face as you shake your head in disbelief. “Pfft, you’re so corny.” 
The sound of your laughter must have attracted attention, because next thing you know Jaehyun is approaching the both of you with his skate underneath one arm and a weird look on his face. “What’s up?” He asks when he gets close enough, dropping the skateboard down and lifting the snapback he has on to run a finger through his hair. 
Yuta rolls his eyes, feigning annoyance. “Jeez, nothing. Mind your business.” 
You laugh, giving him a pointed look that seems to amuse him to no end. “Don't be mean.”
That makes him smile and he winks at you before saying “Just ‘cause you asked nicely.” And then he’s skating away, leaving you and Jaehyun alone. 
He looks at you and smiles just shy from letting the dimples you liked so much show up. “Was he bothering you?”
You scoff. “Or course not, Yuta is harmless.”
“Yeah, right.” His tone drips in sarcasm as he sits down right next to you, legs spread open and an arm coming to rest behind you. Sometimes his actions screamed masculinity and it made you feel a weird thing inside of you. 
“He was just messing around, he says flirty stuff to everyone.” 
He huffs, looking around everywhere like he’s trying to avoid your face. “It’s just.. they keep talking about you. Pisses me off.” The words are barely audible, like he’s just saying it to the air and not to you. 
You’re confused, eyes dropping as you pick on the green polish on your nails. “What do you mean?” You didn’t think most of his friends even cared about your existence so knowing they talk about you in the way he’s suggesting is a surprise and it makes you antsy. 
He shrugs, giving a small laugh that’s merely another huff. “Doesn’t matter.” You want to ask more but just then he looks at you again, the sunset making him look almost angelic. He’s quick to add another question, as if to not give you the opportunity to say more. “Do you wanna go to IHop after?”
It catches you off guard, but you still nod. “O-Okay.” 
Jaehyun confused you some times and that’s what happens when he slides a hand to your cheek after nodding. The kiss he presses to your lips is chaste, not quick but also not long. It feels like something casual, like a couple would do out of naturality. 
It’s the first time he kisses you in front of his friends or outside of his room, for that matter. It makes the butterflies in your stomach go crazy but you’re not stupid and you would have to be to not realize what this is. He’s trying to show his friends that they shouldn't mess with you. 
It’s a bittersweet kiss, like most things seem to be these days with him. He walks away after breaking the kiss, with the excuse of saying his goodbyes before you can leave and you watch him with a twisting feeling in your stomach. 
The kiss is not mentioned again as you two walk side by side to the restaurant but the weird feeling sticks with you. Most days you try to act like nothing's wrong, because if you think rationally about it, it isn’t. But there’s something about the look on Jaehyun’s face when he talked about his friends, and there’s something about the way you want desperately to hold his hand but can’t, that makes you want to cry just a little.
He orders huge pancake pile that you both share, making you laugh when he stuffs his mouth too full and offering you the last piece because that’s just how he is. It makes you forget about the lingering feelings for a while, the warmth of having a friend like him settling in instead and you can’t help but wonder if it would’ve been better if it just stayed like this. 
When the pancake is over and you’re both too full to even have a conversation he slides his hand to where yours is placed on the table. It’s just a small gesture, him picking your hand up in his and eyeing your fingers before saying “I like when you paint your nails like this.”
He means the colorful setup you got going on, with each finger a different colors because you just liked how it looked and it made you happy. “Maybe I can do yours one day.” You say around a smile. 
And he agrees, of course he does. “That would be nice.” He continues holding your hand but you don’t think much of it.  “That movie we wanted to watched came out, wanna go watch it at my dorm?” 
In your mind you think that’s clue for something else so you just laugh, shaking your head. “I don't know Jae. I’m so full i don't think I can have sex without like throwing up.”
The laugh he lets out makes you heart feel full.  “We are just going to watch a movie.” He says while squeezing your hand softly. 
And you do end up just watching a movie, like old times. It’s fun and you feel happy, but the feelings in your heart come back in full force when you go back to your dorm and you can’t help to wonder what it would be like if you could just stay at his and cuddle like a couple would do. Then you wonder what it would be like if you hadn’t crossed the line.
If you cry yourself to sleep, then that’s beside the point.
Three days later Yuta asks if you and Jaehyun are dating, out of curiosity. The question makes your stomach turn, and when you say no he asks you out on a date. It’s weird, mostly because you think at first that he’s just joking as always, flirting with you to make you laugh. But when it dawns on you that he isn’t, you say you would think about it. 
You say that for two reasons. Just yesterday, you had to sit on a lecture while some girl whispered about how Jaehyun had a big dick and how she knew that was obvious. You had heard about people talk about him before, and it always made you feel weird but now, when every time you’re with him you can’t help but feel your feelings get stronger and stronger, it makes you feel almost sick. That’s reason number one.
Reason number one is that you have realized that you deserved to be on dates and have fun, and just feel like your feelings mattered and were reciprocated. 
So you say you’ll think about it and you do, and the realization you come to is far deeper than you expected. And in retrospect, maybe it was a bit out of impulse. 
You’re laying on Jaehyun’s bed, right after you two fucked, with you on top because he fell down and hurt his ankle. You’re wearing a big t-shirt of him and he has one arm across his eyes, recovering his breath and basking on the glow that is an orgasm.
You don’t know why you say it, but next thing you know you’re sitting up on the bed and letting the words out. “Yuta asked me out.”
His arms slides to his side as he looks at you, eyes swirling with something you can’t quite place yet. “What?” His voice gives it out, jealousy. “And what did you say?”
“I said yes.” You don’t take your eyes off him. It’s a lie because you didn’t know what you were going to say yet. But you felt like you had to say something to him before you made any decisions. Like you owned him something. 
“Why?” His eyebrows are furrowed and you can’t help but scoff.
“Because I wanted to.” You suddenly remember the girl from your class, and the other rumors and it just makes you feel bitter. He just mutters a low okay, like he doesn’t know what else to say right now and it just pisses you off. You wonder if it would be better if he protested against it. 
A lump forms in your throat as he avoids your eyes, and you decide that you need to be brave enough for once. “I think… That maybe we should stop doing this.” It’s tentative, the lump only growing as you watch him close his eyes tightly. There’s something you want him to say but you have a feeling he isn’t.
“Because of Yuta?” Your head drops as you shake it. He’s unbelievable. 
“No, what the fuck? Of course not.” You hiss, looking at him and wishing he would just look at you. Maybe that would make this better. “I- I just don’t think I can do it anymore.” 
It’s the truth. But why do you feel like crying? There’s a pain in your chest that makes you want to run from here and hide forever, a headache starting to form from holding back your tears. He takes a deep breath, finally opening his eyes but still not looking at you. “Okay. If that’s what you want.” He sounds pained but it’s all that he says. 
You get up from the bed slowly, gathering your things in complete silence and you know then that everything from now on will change. You wish he would say something, beg you to not leave, tell you that he doesn’t want to stop it. Wishes that he would just hold you and comfort you like he always does, but he doesn't. “We… We can still be friends.” You mumble out, because that’s the thing you’re scared to lose the most.
He lets out a sad little laugh that breaks your heart. “Of course. We’ll never stop being friends, ____.” 
And you can’t help but laugh quietly too, before you’re muttering out your goodbyes and leaving the room before you turn back on it like you want to.
Jung Jaehyun was not a big romantic, despite being literally born on the day that glorified it. It’s not that he doesn’t care about it, he’s still soft hearted after all, but the big gestures and all the dramatics that seemed mandatory to it just didn’t do it for him. He always thought that love should be something easy, that came naturally and without much thought not something that served to rip your heart of your chest and leave you restless.
That’s why he probably has so much trouble dealing with it, because it usually wasn't easy at all. 
He remembers when his parents got a divorce when he was in high school, something that he saw coming but still managed to mess with him. At the time he refused to cry about it or even acknowledge the whole thing was happening, instead staying out of home until late hours and deciding that some things weren't worth enough to bother about.
He went like that until Johnny said the words he thinks about sometimes even now. “You have to own your feelings.” He had said as they sat side by side on a sidewalk, sweaty from skating but with the adrenaline, that only feeling the wind as you go down a slope can make you feel, pumping on their bloods. “If you don’t you’ll never be able to be yourself. Or know what you want.”
Right now, as he thinks about that moment he gets a bit nostalgic, even feels like crying a little bit. Doesn’t help that he’s close to being high out of his mind. 
Johnny sits by his side, just like he did that day, only this time it’s at the balcony on the apartment they shared. He takes a drag from the blunt they had been passing back and forth for the last hour, watching the sunset and not really talking about anything in particular. 
“Do you think we can find love here?” He asks suddenly, the words escaping his mouth because he just couldn’t contain them anymore.
“What you mean here?” Johnny’s voice is slurred and he seems just as cloudy as Jaehyun is. If they weren’t high they would probably think this was far from a conversation to have in this state.
“In college I mean. I feel like every relationship that happens in this place is doomed to become just a passing thing.” He stumbles over the words, gesturing around with slow motion and it’s probably the deepest thing he has ever said, high or not. “Something to forget about after graduating.”
All his past relationships had gone away like wind, like something that never really even happened. It never felt important, like something that he would take him for the rest of his life. That thought bothered him for a reason and he always preferred to not think about that, but right now he feels like he can’t escape it anymore. 
His friend thinks for a second, the look on his face indicating he’s long gone as he stares outside. “I don't know man. I think you can find love anywhere if you are open to it.” He says simply and all in one breath. 
It’s silent for a moment and he watches the sunset, the sky a mix of orange and pink and it makes him think of you. These days his thoughts are all over the place, but your presence in them is constant. It had been just a week since the last time he saw you but it had definitely been getting to him, and it’s not hard to know why. 
“I think I’m in love.” It’s easy saying it than he thought it would be. “With ___. 
Johnny smiles knowingly. “Why do you think that?”
Because he can’t look at a sunset and not think of you. Because there are songs he can't listen without thinking about how you would probably like them. Because he catches himself thinking about the way you laugh with your cheeks turning pink when he makes a joke that is not even funny. Because of how you always have something smart to say back to his teasings. Because the thought of you being with someone else pisses off and because it feels safe and easy when he’s with you. 
“Because I miss her.” It’s what he decides on. “And I've never missed anyone like this before.” 
He feels like he has just let out a breath he's been holding on for a long time, his mind fuzzy and he can’t help but let a silly laugh.
“I think you should probably tell her that, then.” Johnny says simply, laughing too. 
“Yeah, I think so too.” 
You see him for the first time again two weeks after what happened. It had been enough time for you to get over it, but you don’t. Only further proof that your feelings ran deeper than you wanted them to. 
Even with the promise of staying friends, the need for a time to collect yourself was obvious, so you stay out of touch with him for these days and it’s hell. And you think about Jaehyun more than you want to, his face appearing in your thoughts every time you close on your eyes, no matter how busy you tried to keep yourself. That’s why your heart basically somersaults out off your chest when you see him on campus when you’re making your way to your dorm after a very boring lecture.
It’s cliche and something that would probably fit on a movie, the way his eyes go wide as he sees you all the way from where he’s skating with some friends, not even minding that Yukhei was in front of him and collapsing into him almost in slow motion. You watch as he falls down with your lips in a comedic ‘oh’, Yukhei coming with him as everyone around them falls into laughter. 
It doesn't seem to faze him, though. Because next thing you know he’s getting up, seemingly not hurt, helping his friend and picking his skateboard up. He practically runs to you after that, baggy clothes moving with him. 
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Is what you ask when he finally gets close enough to you that you can hear his heavy breathing. His cheeks are fully red as he pants. 
You look at him with wide eyes as he catches his breath, arms crossed in front of you. The antsy feeling on your gut only gets worst by the second. 
“Don't — Don’t date Yuta.” Is what he says after a while, the words rushed as if he couldn’t keep them in anymore and all you can do is gape, confusion painted all over your face.
He sighs deeply, hand running on his face. “I — Fuck. I know I sound like an asshole but I don't want you to date him, please.”
You narrow yours eyes. He hasn’t talked to you in over a week and this is the first thing he decides to say. “You’re making no sense right now.” 
He seems stressed, mouth opening and closing as if he really doesn’t know what to say. Like this is what it is, an impulsive action. “Listen, I’m not good at this relationship thing.” Is what he starts with, looking at you with eyes pleading and feet shuffling. “But I… I wanna try.” 
He pauses, taking a deep breath as you let the words sink in. Your head spins with his confession, to stunned to say or do anything but look at him with parted lips and softening eyes.
“Can you give me another chance?” He continues, voice dripping with something that sounds a lot like begging, but you know that’s not like him to do. “Just one more time. I promise I’ll do it right this time.” 
When his words finally settle in you can’t help but let out a laugh, shaking your head in disbelief. “Are you stupid?” His head drops immediately, ears turning red as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Come on please, don’t do that.” His bottom lips jut out when he looks at you again, you still smiling because he really is stupid. He really has no idea. “I- I’m in love with you. Fuck, I really am.”
He says the word in a sigh and it surprises you, catches you off guard because even if he just said he wanted to try again, you didn’t think that he was feeling the same way you were. You look at him for a second, eyes wide before your lips turn into a smile. “You really are stupid.” Another laugh and he looks defeated, until you continue. “I don't want to date Yuta. I never did.” 
He tilts his head, confusion gracing his features. “No?” 
“You wanna know why?” It’s a rhetorical question because you quickly add the words you have wanted to say for so long. The feelings that scared you but at the same time made you feel extremely alive. “Because I'm in love with you too.” 
It’s blissful watching his face turn into one of completely adoration as his lips turn into the biggest grin, dimples showing and you heart beats with all the love you feel for this stupid, stubborn and lovely man. “You are?” He asks, hopeful and around a smile.
You barely have the time to nod before he’s letting his skate fall to the ground and he’s coming forward to give you a hug that lifts you from the ground, a yelp coming from your lips but it quickly turns into a giggle as he twirls you around in his arm in pure happiness. 
For a second you forget about every doubt you ever had. You just let yourself bask in the wonderful feeling that is being held by him. 
He wastes no time to press a searing kiss to your lips when he lets you down, holding your cheeks in his hands and you kiss him back with as much passion. In the back you can hear the cheers of his friends, and even if you flip them over, you are still smiling.
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zeawoo · 2 years
— watanabe haruto
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PAIRING ▸ Snowboarder!Haruto x Fem!Reader
GENRE ▸ fluff, lowkey crack, enemies to lovers
SUMMARY ▸ When your best friends—Riki and Shota—bribe you into going on a snowboarding trip with them in exchange for a video game item you’ve had your eye on for a while, you agree to tag along. But when they leave you at the top of the mountain, you start regretting your decision.
DISCLAIMERS ▸ strong language, haruto says some pretty mean things to y/n (i.e i didnt think you were that weak) but it’s out of love dw, y/n is a little rude and overly competitive (she’s a hot-tempered Valorant player, what do you expect?), non-snowboarders will probably not understand the terminology or the movements that are described but that’s okay seeing as it hold no value to the story itself
TAGS ▸ @soobin-chois
a/n: big thanks to the wonderful @strwbrymlkes for proofreading and helping me come up with a title, muah ily nari bae <3
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"Wait guys don't just leave me here-!"
You don't even get to finish your sentence before your so-called best friends, Riki and Shota, turn their backs to you and glide down the mountain on their snowboards.
Oh fuck I'm fucking screwed.
Your body goes rigid when you realize that the boys just left you here, on top of a mountain, with a snowboard and no knowledge of how to use it. The worst part? You don't know how the hell you're going to get down. Yup, definitely screwed.
Now, how on earth did you even end up here?
Well, you have those two idiots to blame. It started this morning when both of them had spammed your phone with calls and messages, begging you to come join them on a snowboarding trip. You, who hates the cold and doing anything that demands physical labor, said no. The boys knew that much, but the trick up their sleeves was something that you couldn't resist.
"We'll buy you the reaver vandal in any color you want."
When you'd arrived at the ski resort, your friends had failed to teach you the basics of snowboarding before forcing you on a chairlift. They'd explained that there was a slope further away that was beginner-friendly so you didn't think anything of it. That is until you realized that to get to said slope, you had to take a black diamond track aka one of the hardest tracks at the resort that started with a very steep descent.
You weren't dumb, so obviously you refused to go down there seeing as you hadn't yet learned to even move with a snowboard strapped to your feet, let alone turn and most importantly, stop. Riki and Shota eventually gave up, ultimately deciding that your stubbornness was something they were never going to beat and instead went off without you.
And that's how you ended up at the top of a mountain at a ski resort with a heavy snowboard in your hands, and your dignity at stake. All because of your stupid obsession with Valorant.
Curse you, Riki! Shota!
You plop down on the white snow, undoing the bindings that glued your foot and the board together. You didn't know what to do. Tears were threatening to blur your vision and at this point, you were so thankful you had your goggles on so that no one could see how much of a mess you are at the moment. Seconds turn into minutes as you watch skiers and snowboarders alike get off the chairlift and race down different trails, joyous cheers coming from them when they start sliding down the mountain.
You fidget with your board, doing and undoing the bindings as to not look clueless to passerbys who, despite your efforts, pitied you for looking so lonely and miserable. You stop once both your feet are strapped in, a long sigh slipping through your lips.
"Well well well, fancy seeing you here." Your head snaps up at the familiar voice. Your breath hitches when your gaze meets the one person you despise the most; Watanabe Haruto.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You spit, the hopelessness you felt earlier turning into annoyance as a cocky grin tugs at his lips.
"I should be asking you that. Besides, you're not the one who's known as YG High's best snowboarder." At his remark, you roll your eyes and for the first time since this morning, you wish you didn't have your goggles on so Haruto could see that his arrogance is nowhere near flamboyance. "So?"
"So what?"
"You didn't answer my question. Why are you, L/n Y/n, of all people here snowboarding?"
At this point, you feel like a gazelle trapped between a pride of starved lions. You stop to think about your next words, grunting when every excuse you'd made up in your head didn't sound one bit convincing. So for a moment, you let your pride slip through your fingers like sand and force the words out of your mouth. "I was promised something I've been wanting for a while if I came here but now my friends abandoned me and I don't know anything about snowboarding."
Your gaze is trained on the powdery snow beneath your feet until laughter resonates from the boy who's standing in front of you, looking down at you as he has the time of his life seeing the one person he enjoys teasing the most in a situation where your pride can't save you. The weight of the death glare that's pointed at him finally settles when Haruto stops giggling like a madman. He almost gasps, wondering when the hell did you take your goggles off.
"Very funny, Watanabe. Now if you're going to continue then I suggest you do so when I'm not around, I'm so not in the mood right now."
He straightens, arms crossing as he lifts a brow. "Are you really going to let a little mishap like this get the better of you? Seriously, Y/n? I didn't think you were that weak."
His words make you livid. The competitive spirit in you makes it hard for you to stay calm as you send daggers at him, fists clenching so hard you're almost sure your palms are stripped of any blood flowing. Haruto knows how to make your blood boil and you despise him for that. He knows that provoking you by questioning your skills and your pride makes you pissed like no other. Your voice comes out like venom when you wipe melted snow off your face using the back of your gloved hand. "Shut up. I’m nowhere near weak.”
Haruto smirks in contempt. "Atta girl." Only one of his feet is attached to his snowboard. He didn't have time to strap them both in for the sight of your figure sitting in the snow next to the trail map had seized his attention. So the boy places his free foot on your board, in between the bindings, arm outstretched.
You hesitate for a moment before accepting it, wondering if this was a ploy to further make fun of you. In the end, you take his hand and in one swift motion, you're up on your feet. Not exactly gracefully, seeing as you almost face plant forward though luckily, Haruto is there to catch you. You can literally hear him smirk in satisfaction seeing you already struggle, but you decide to play it off.
Without a word, Haruto drags you to the edge where the surface starts to angle down. For a second, you panic, seeing how steep the slope actually is, and Haruto can tell when your grip on his hands tightens. "Don't wuss out on me now, Y/n."
"The hell makes you say that? I'm everything but a wuss." You hiss, but you know he thinks otherwise. Still, the boy simply shrugs and moves directly in front, facing you as his board slides down perpendicularly to the mountain.
"Turn your board like mine is."
Okay, that's easy. Done.
"Put most of your weight on your heels— Stop leaning your torso back that's why you're falling," Haruto says as he helps you up. Something in the back of your mind tells you that this isn't the only time you're going to be falling today.
"Bend your knees and control your weight." You do as he says, groaning when the board slowly turns parallel, and opting to drop on your bottom to stop yourself.
Haruto lets go of you to slip his goggles back down, then doing the same with your own before helping you back up. He can tell you're already discouraged. As he tries to find something to say that will bring your determination back, a kid—around seven years old—comes speeding down the hill, skillfully switching between his toe and heel edges.
"See that, Y/n?" He jerks his head to the little kid, making your eyes follow in that direction. "A tiny ass kid is better than you. Why don't you go ask him for some help, huh?"
That's all it takes for you to get back up on your feet, this time paying a lot more attention to how much pressure you put on each heel. You find that leaning more towards one foot turns your board completely straight against the slope, so to counteract that you dig your weight into your opposite foot.
You look up at Haruto with a satisfied smirk only to meet one of his own as he slowly slips his fingers away from yours. He slides down to a flat part of the trail, watching with crossed arms as you slowly join him. Okay, this isn't so bad, just balance out your weight and don't lean back.
When you get to the boy, he only nods in acknowledgment before clapping his hands together. "Right so you seem to be getting the hang of this quite easily— I don't know how the hell you did that cause it took me a good two days to master heel edge." You have trouble deciphering what he mumbled at the second half but you just decide to brush it off with a shrug.
"What's next?" You're getting impatient now, wanting to get down as fast as possible and redo the trail without anyone's help in typical Y/n fashion. Stubborn and in denial that you sometimes need it.
"Now try ridding down with your board parallel to the slope."
Your eyes widen, and you fight back a gasp. "Are you crazy? That's way too fast!"
"You'll be fine as long as you're able to switch to your heel edge when you need to slow down."
"That kid from earlier was doing it, so I don't see why you can't, Y/n. Unless you're a wimp, hm?"
Alright, that's it Watanabe fucking Haruto. I'd like to see you get your ass kicked by me in a Valorant duel after this.
A sharp breath leaves your lips as you start going down at a pace that's a little too fast for your liking, so in a semi-panicked state, you whirl your board around to that you're on your heel edge. Unfortunately, you must've done it too quickly because you end up on the ground, tumbling down the hill a few times before gathering the strength to stop yourself with your arms. Now you're laying on your back and you can hear Haruto approach from the distance.
What you didn't expect, however, is him coming to an abrupt stop, thus spraying you with snow.
"Oh, you're going to pay for that Watanabe!" You yell, sitting up and grabbing a handful of snow that you throw at him, but sadly miss.
The boy is laughing and that makes you want to whack him with your snowboard right here and now. Your anger blurs the fact that he's making his way down the mountain, and you only realize when he yells from a distance.
"Then come catch up to me! I bet you won't even be able to!" And just like that, Haruto turns a corner and disappears from your sight.
Oh, fucking hell he just left me here. Traitor.
That's when you decide to get revenge on Haruto for your not-very-pleasant snow shower. You get up on your feet and ease into the right position, leaning towards your front foot until you reach the turning point and try your best to stay calm. You start by pulling your back foot forward slowly to get on your heel edge, internally celebrating when you manage to stay steady.
And so with adrenaline and blood pumping in your veins, you adjust your goggles before continuing on with your quest to absolutely destroy Watanabe Haruto.
In the meantime, Haruto arrives at the bottom where he meets up with two blond boys. They share a quick side hug before the taller of the blonds speak up. "How's Y/n doing up there?"
Haruto smirks, "She's a surprisingly fast learner."
"Are you sure you didn't just bully her into being good?"
"Aye, Riki you know I'm not like that."
"Yeah right." The other boy, Shota, mocks the older.
"Fine, maybe I did. But hey, you weren't kidding when you said she's one hell of a competitive person. I compared a seven-year-old to her and it felt like she was gonna kill me." Haruto shivers at the thought of your deadly glare from earlier.
Shota laughs, patting the elder's shoulder. "She's a Valorant player man, what do you expect? And by the way..." The boy leans his weight on Haruto who groans, knowing exactly what he was going to say. "That PS5 you promised us for getting Y/n to come here, we're still waiting for it."
"Yeah! We didn't go through all that trouble for nothing!" Riki chimes in and he and Shota share a look.
"It's on its way to my house. Come get it tomorrow, kids." At that, the younger two jump around in excitement, hugging each other as they yell words of victory for attaining their game console.
Haruto chuckles happily. Just then, he hears a voice—your voice—shouting from the distance to "Watch out!". He turns around, but unfortunately isn't quick enough to move out of the way. Everything feels like it's moving in slow motion when you fail to break. You crash into Haruto's chest, sending you both toppling over. You don't even notice the boy instinctively wrapping his arms around you until you land atop of him, who lands on his back.
"Woah— Y/n? Are you okay?" Haruto asks. When he doesn't get and answer he starts knocking on your helmet. He relaxes when you respond by groaning and tapping on his arm to stop. Normally, you would've already been back up on your feet, pushing away the boy who somehow ended up being your savior today. Except your body doesn’t cooperate. Your arms don’t have any more strength in them, legs shaking from being in a squatting position the whole time. You are such a mess but that only makes Haruto’s heart flutter even more than it already is.
Your eyes close automatically as your body goes limp against Haruto. It feels nice just laying there. The sensation is as satisfying as reading a book on a rainy day or getting an Ace in Valorant. You let yourself just stay there and you almost doze off, wanting to reclaim the energy you spent getting down the mountain.
Haruto doesn’t know how to react. Who would when your crush is literally laying on top of you? His stomach tingles with what he can only assume are butterflies. He just lays there, internally panicking. After a few moments, though, he relaxes. Okay, this isn’t so bad… Yeah, this feels nice actually.
“I’m so tired.” You mumble into his neck and in return earn a chuckle, his hands rubbing up and down your back.
“Make sure to have a bottle of painkillers on hand, tomorrow you won’t be able to move properly.” His voice resonates right into your ear as you listen, half-asleep.
“I owe you one, Watanabe. Even though I hate to admit it, I really do. Name anything and it’s yours.”
“Then how about a date?”
You’re about to answer when you hear a pair of hushed voices a little further. “Quick Shota take a picture of them and post it on the school website! Y/n’s gonna try to bribe us to take it down and we can ask for Fifa 22 in exchange!”
Suddenly, you don’t feel tired anymore. In fact, your energy level only goes up when you spring up to your feet. You look down at Haruto, “If it’s a date you want then fine. But first…” You snap your gaze over to your two best friends. Their faces are drained of mischievousness when you kick off your bindings and start running after them.
“You traitors! How dare you abandon me at the top like that! GET BACK HERE!”
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whoreanghae · 2 years
sweet nothing ; chwe hansol
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genre - non-idol au, friends to lovers, forced proximity kind of
wordcount - 2.0k
disclaimers - not proofread, lowercase on purpose, reader's gender not specified, fic under the cut
a/n - this is partially a continuation of my last fic, question...?, its not like directly connected but reading that one would make little parts of this one make more sense! this one is also loosely based off of a taylor swift song, that song being sweet nothing from her new album. vernon and taylor is very special to me. i hope u enjoy! this is just a self indulgent fluff fic (aka most of what i write anyways). if you guys like this i might make an svt x midnights kind of series thing, im not sure if thats something anyone would be interested in but either way i hope u enjoy this one ^^
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since your friendship rekindling, you and vernon had spent more and more time together with every week. he practically lived with you for a week or two. you both enjoyed having each others company, and were both eager to catch up and learn new things together. movie nights, 2am walks, baking (and burning) cookies. it was as if you had never lost any time. 
in your reunition, you both agreed to try to steer away from romance for a little while. you both didnt want to rush into things, and just wanted to focus on re-befriending each other first. in the moment, it seemed like a great idea. and it was. except for during the overtly domestic moments you two spend together.
one rainy night while you were both watching movies in the comfort of your living room, you weren’t exactly focused on the movie. you were doing everything in your power to not constantly look at vernon. he was beautiful. like, beautiful. you glanced over at him from your opposite side of the sofa, his eyes locked into the tv and his features relaxed. seeing him made you feel warm. he made you feel like home. seeing him in this light reminded you of being in high school and staying up way later than you should have on school nights. 
you two were always the pair that everyone assumed would grow old together. everyone thought you were bound to be the high school sweethearts who remained sweethearts. in high school, you both were adamant about the fact that you were just friends. albeit, you always wanted more, but youd never dare to tell vernon that. little did you know, he wouldve scooped you up at the first opportunity. you were always comfortable with your friendship. that being said, you both did drunkenly kiss at a couple parties. but that was ‘forgotten’ by morning.
as the end credits rolled on the tv, you got up and made your way to your bedroom in order to stop yourself from falling completely head over heels in love with vernon. you were convinced that five more minutes on that couch with him would have driven you to insanity. you run your fingers through your hair and plug your phone in, anything to keep your mind busy. you sit down at your desk, running your fingers along the small items that take up space there. your eyes fixate on a small rock. you pick it up and roll it around in your palm. vernon always had a habit of giving you simple things that caught his eye, even when you were kids. its nice to know that some things never change.
you lay the rock back down in its place on your desk as you stand up and head back out into the main part of your apartment. vernon is sitting in his same position on the couch, scrolling on his phone. you yawn and sit back down, browsing the different movies and tv shows on netflix. you feel vernons eyes on you as you yawn again. “are you tired? we can just go to bed you know.” you try to play it off and act like youre not tired but yet another yawn proves you wrong. vernon laughs and stands up, folding the blanket that was in his lap and placing it back down onto the sofa. he stretches his arms over his head, and you practically have to peel your eyes away from watching his shirt trail up his stomach, revealing a thin strip of skin above the waistband of his sweatpants. 
you both make your way to bed, vernon retreating to the guest bedroom that he had basically made his home for weeks. with small smiles and a mumbled ‘goodnight’, you both head off to bed. you flick the switch on your bedside lamp as you crawl into bed and scroll on your phone. in the silence, you hear the rain outside begin to pick up more. then follows the thunder. the lightning of the storm illuminates your room, and before long the entire apartment is drained of light. usually if the power goes out, it comes back on within the minute. but you wait for what seems like forever, and nothing. you never were scared of the dark, but power outages always make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. you sit up in your bed and turn on the flashlight on your phone, filling the room with enough light for you to see. you quickly send a text to vernon and await his response.
y/n : are you awake?
vern :P : yeah, the storm kept me awake. why arent you asleep? 
y/n : i was on my phone, but now im kind of spooked because of the power outage and cant sleep :/
vern :P : come to my room, even just until the power comes back on 
you meekly make your way out into the hall, quietly pushing your bedroom door shut behind you. as you open the door to the guest bedroom, your phone flashlight fills the room. vernon is laying in the bed with the blanket pulled up to his chest, and you catch a glimpse of his bare shoulders. he pulls the blanket back and invites you in, and you happily oblige. its nice and warm under the covers, so you settle in next to vernon. you face each other in bed, exchanging smiles in the dark. after a moment, you feel yourself drifting off. a chill runs down your body, which signals vernon to move in closer. you feel his breath warm against your forehead as his arm wraps around your waist, tugging you even closer to his body. you hope you can melt fully into his touch. the place on your waist where his arm lays feels as though it is about to burst into flames. in a final effort to hide your bright red cheeks and ears, you bury your face into his neck. even though he wouldnt have been able to see your blush in the dark, he feels the warmth of your face against his skin anyways. but he’ll let you believe you were being discrete. 
you wake up to the streaks of light coming in through the window. you shift to your back, picking up your phone to check the time. 8:04am. vernon stirs in his sleep and wraps both arms around your torso, squeezing you close to his body. you smile to yourself as you run your arms around his neck and settle back into the bed. as you drift back into sleep, you swear you feel a small kiss pressed to your temple. you both wake up a couple hours later, bodies intertwined and breaths shared. vernon hovers over you as he reaches for his phone and you look up at him as his hair falls around his face. when he settles back down next to you, you reach for your own phone. you both lay in silence before you swing your legs over the side of the bed and get up. vernon makes a noise of disapproval as you stand up and turn to face him. he pouts as you laugh at his mannerisms. 
“where are you going?” he drops his phone on the mattress and turns to face you entirely. “vernon its 11am, we have to get up at some point.” you say as you chuckle. he slowly reaches over and grabs the hem of your shirt, causing you to lose your balance and land back in the bed with him. he has a satisfied smile on his face as he tucks his face into your neck. you cant help but smile as you run a hand through his hair, which makes him shiver. you both sit like that for a few minutes before vernon obliges and lets you get ready for the day. at that point, you just wanted to lay with vernon forever. but you knew that wasnt an option. 
vernon has to go home for some things that day, so you decide to work on some assignments that you have coming up. you spend all day in your office, working away and listening to music. you dont realize how long youve been working until vernon lightly taps on your office door, startling you slightly. you pause your music as you turn towards him. he smiles at your slightly shocked but happy face. “i brought us food, i know youve had a long week.” your heart feels warm at the kind gesture. “oh vern youre the best. let me finish up this paper and ill be right out okay?” he nods with a kind smile as he turns away back to the kitchen. you try to finish the assignment as quick as you can so you can spend more time with vernon. finally clicking the submit button, you turn off your computer and head out to the kitchen.
as you get closer to the kitchen, you hear a quiet humming meeting your ears. as you stand in the doorway, you encounter the source of the tune. vernon stands at the fridge, humming the tune of a song you dont recognize. he doesnt realize youre in the room yet, so you stand and observe him. he has to crouch to see into your fridge, hes taller now than he was when you saw him last. you smile to yourself. you cant believe how lucky you are, to be reunited with the person you never thought youd see again. as youre staring fondly, he closes the fridge door and stands up. he jumps slightly when he notices you, but he smiles after. seems you were both scaring each other today. you giggle as you step closer to him and he pulls you into his arms. you both sway back and forth in the dimmed kitchen lights. this is love. platonic or romantic, it doesnt matter. its love. he rests his cheek on top of your head as you close your eyes and sink into his chest. you stand in silence before he breaks it. “wanna go turn on another movie while we eat?” you nod and break away to the sofa. 
you both spend 5 minutes trying to find a good movie to watch before you start eating. it was always a tradition between you two, you couldnt start a meal until you both settled on a movie or tv show to watch. you both finally found the perfect movie, so you were able to start with your meal. after you both finished eating, you realized there was only one blanket left on the sofa. you glance at each other before vernon unfolds it and pats his chest, signalling you to share the blanket with him. obviously you take his offer. you lay your head on vernons chest, legs intertwined and the sound of his heartbeat playing in your ear like its your favourite song. he runs his fingers through your hair, and all of a sudden the movie is no more. you turn to lay on your stomach and look into vernons eyes. you see his eyes flicker down to your lips, the same way they did that night at the party when you met each other again for the first time in years. you lean in first this time, tenderly kissing him in the tv light. you feel him pull you closer as he deepens the kiss. when you both pull away, breathless, we gives you one more kiss on the forehead as you lay your head back onto his chest and slowly drift off to sleep. when he thinks youre asleep, vernon whispers “i love you” into your hair. you smile as you quietly say “i love you too” without opening your eyes to see his reaction.
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