#dina silver
weirdesplinder · 1 year
Lista di libri che possono cambiarti la vita o il tuo punto di vista sul mondo
Esistono molti libri che credo possano creare un vero cambiamento interiore nel lettore, ma è qualcosa di molto soggettivo. Per me e per la mia crescita magari sono risultati importanti dei romanzi che ad altri non hanno trasmesso le stesse cose. Però se dovessi dirvi qualche titolo che secondo me può veramente se non altro cambiare il punto di vista del lettore su alcune cose vi potrei elencare questi:
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- Il mondo di Sofia, di Jostein Gaarder
Link: https://amzn.to/3I5TxP7
Trama: Questo è il romanzo di Sofia Amundsen, una ragazzina come tante altre. Tutto comincia dalle strane domande che spuntano dalla sua cassetta delle lettere, passa attraverso le intriganti risposte dell'eccentrico filosofo Alberto Knox e approda a una bislacca festa di compleanno nel giardino degli Amundsen... Ma è anche il romanzo di Hilde Moller Knag, e per lei comincia proprio nel giorno del suo compleanno, passa attraverso l'insolito regalo che suo padre, il maggiore Albert Knag, le ha inviato dal Libano e approda a una notte stellata nel giardino della famiglia Knag a Lillesand... Ma è anche il romanzo appassionante della storia della filosofia, e per tutti noi comincia dagli atomi di Democrito e dalle idee di Platone, passa attraverso le geniali intuizioni di Galileo e il complesso sistema di Hegel e approda all'esistenzialismo di Sartre e al multiforme panorama del pensiero contemporaneo.
La mia opinione: questo libro non è altro che un piccolo compendio dei principali filosofi della storia sottoforma di romanzo per ragazzi, ma il bello è che non lo sembra. Non c’è alcun nozionismo, bensì le domande filosofiche che si pone la protagonista spinta da un misterioso qulacuno, sono semplicemente le domande che ogni essere umano si è posto prima o poi nella vita. Niente di più e niente di meno, e questo libro fa sopratutto capire come la filosofia non sia qualcosa di lontano da noi, una materia da studiare e imparare, ma scaturisce da noi stessi, dal nostro bisogno di risposte per poter vivere. La trama è semplice e al tempo stesso non lo è, ma ti pare letteralmente un mondo. Ricordo che lo lessi alla fine delle scuole medie perchè poi avrei iniziato il liceo classico e una delle materia che avrei dovuto studiare per la prima volta lì era appunto la filosofia. Ora inutile dirvi che questo romanzo non mi ha certo aiutato poi nello studio di quella materia, studiare filosofia vuol dire anche studiarne la storia ed è una cosa più seria, ma mi ha cetamente aperto la mente a domande che non mi ero mai posta e mi ha permesso di capire meglio da cosa nasce la filosofia e che i fiolosofi sono persone esattamente come noi che hanno semplicemente cercato delle risposte a quesiti universali.
- I Miserabili, di Victor Hugo
Link: https://amzn.to/3IsNIg5
Teama:  E’ la storia di Jean Valjean, ex carcerato, ancora ricercato che vive sotto mentite spoglie cercando redenzione e di Javert, il poliziotto che lo insegue. Ma è anche la storia di Cosetta, la bambina salvata e adottata da Valjean, e Mario, il giovane che si innamorerà di lei. Ed infine è la storia dell’immensa folla dei miserabili che popolano i bassifondi di Parigi in fondo quasi indifferenti ai grandi avvenimenti della storia che stanno vivendo.
La mia opinione: Se tralasciamo la trama centrale di questo romanzo che altro non è che un dramma, un tipico romanzo dell’ottocento con un personaggio principale che deve vivere un viaggio interiore di redenzione e che contine molti dei temi comuni a tutti i romanzi dell’epoca, ciò che veramente colpisce di questo libro, o almeno che ha colpito me, è tutto ciò che è stato costruito intorno alla trama. L’ambientazione storica e sociale è estremamente dettagliata e curata sembra quasi di poter respirare l’aria della Parigi dell’Ottocento quasi. I grandi avvenimenti storici vengono descritti sia da un punto di vista esterno, che da quello interno del popolo francese e delle classi indigenti che sono praticamente un altro personaggio molto importante del romanzo. La folla, il popolo quasi come mente collettiva come sentimento unico permea le pagine, e le descrizioni della vita quotidiana di così tante persone con vite e mestieri diversi è veramente affascinante. Questo non è semplicemente un romanzo che racconta una storia, è un romanzo che racconta La Storia con la S maiuscola.  Usi, costumi, credenze religiose e supersistizioni, peccati e virtù di kigliaia di persone sono decritti minuziosamente in questa pagine in modo così particolareggiato da quasi travolgere il lettore. Queste parti corali, questi affreschi storici sono ciò che ricordo di I Miserabili e che porto con me, non tanto la storia di Cosetta. E certamente questo libro ha ampliato il mio amore per la storia.
- Ka, di Roberto Calasso
Link: https://amzn.to/3XFEdyh
Trama: «Chi è Ka?» si domanda l’immenso uccello Garuda, sprofondato tra le fronde dell’albero Rauhina, quando incontra questo nome alla fine di un inno dei Veda. Ka è il nome segreto di Prajapati, il Progenitore, colui che ha dato origine ai trentatré dèi e agli innumerevoli uomini. Presto gli dèi e gli uomini lo avrebbero trascurato, sino quasi a dimenticarlo. Ka significa «Chi?», ed è l’ultima domanda, che si pone quando tutte le altre sono state poste. Ma prima dovranno scorrere molti eoni, sorgere e dissolversi molti mondi, in una sequenza di vortici il cui occhio è Ka stesso. Così appaiono i Deva, gli dèi che si battono contro altri dèi, gli Asura, per conquistare il succo inebriante del soma; i Sette Veggenti, che osservano il corso del mondo dagli astri dell’Orsa Maggiore – e talvolta intervengono; Siva, Brahma, Visnu, con le loro vicende intrecciate, variate, riverberate di èra in èra; manifestazioni della Dea, come Sati e Parvati, congiunte a Siva in amori interminabili; il giovane Krsna e il suo corteo erotico di mandriane, le gopi; Krsna maturo, che sovranamente regge le sorti della funesta guerra fra cugini tramandata dal Mahabharata; e infine, già in mezzo al kaliyuga, l’«età del colpo perdente» in cui viviamo, si fa avanti un principe che abbandona la casa del padre e scopre una via della liberazione mai prima calcata: il Buddha. Nella mente si compie ciò che nella mente aveva avuto inizio – e che forse innanzitutto nella mente era avvenuto, per chi sa che «il mondo è come l’impressione che lascia il racconto di una storia», secondo le parole di un antico testo indiano. Per rispondere all’ultima domanda occorre attraversare tutte le storie. E per attraversare tutte le storie occorre porsi, come accadde a Garuda, la domanda su chi silenziosamente le ospita: Ka. 
La mia opinione: Ho citato questo libro di Calasso, ma avrei potuto citare anche Le nozze di Cadmo e Armonia come libro che spalanca la mente del lettore, però siccome quest’ultimo si basa sulla mitologia greca e quindi occidentale, per me non è stato così scioccante poichè la conoscevo già approfonditamente grazie ai miei studi classici, mentre Ka essendo incentrato sulla mitologia indiana e asiatica mi ha certamente introdotto a qualcosa che non conoscevo e che quindi mi ha stupito di più. Ka è un libro senza trama o logica narrativa, è un lungo viaggio, circolare e convoluto all’interno della mitologia indiana e asiatica, un piccolo caleidoscopio di storie personaggi collegati e legati tra di loro da mille fili colorati. Certamnte se volete studiare la mitologia in modo serio questo non vi servirà molto saranno altri i libri da leggere, questta è solo una sgargiante introduzione, per niente chiara , ma senza dubbio affascinante a qualcosa che è lontano da noi occidentali. Mi ha affascinato come libro, sì, mi ha spitnto a studiare la filosofia e mitologia siatica più approfonditamente, no. io preferisco i libri più chiari e più logici per conoscere materie nuove. Ma senza dubbio mi ha colpito e non l’ho mai dimenticato.
- La città della gioia, di Dominique Lapierre
Link: https://amzn.to/3Yyl9Dr
Trama:  Deluso e amareggiato sotto il profilo professionale, un giovane medico statunitense lascia il suo paese e si trasferisce in India alla ricerca di qualcosa che gli restituisca il senso dell’esistenza, intraprendendo un lungo viaggio dalla ricca America alle bidonville di Calcutta.  Ma proprio qui, nelle allucinanti colonie di lebbrosi della «Città della gioia», in mezzo a inondazioni, fame e malattie, il protagonista riuscirà a ritrovare la forza di riscattarsi. Un romanzo sconvolgente, l’epica della speranza e dell’amore, una straordinaria lezione di coraggio.
La mia opinione: mi spiace che questo libro non sia più stato ripubblicato in tempi recenti perchè è veramente secondo me un romanzo molto ma molto importante per capire il concetto di volontariato o aiuti umanitari, o semplimente di altruismo e redenzione. Anche qui la trama non è niente di sconvolgente o nuovo, ho letto altri libri ancora più commoventi riguardanti i lebbrosi come ad esempio Moloka'i di  Alan Brennert (pubblicato in italiano col titolo L’ISOLA DEI FIORI ROSSI link: https://amzn.to/3jZw8XH), e in materia di redenzione/rinascita/altruismo sarebbe senz’altro da nominare SIDDHARTHA di Herman Hesse, ma sapete che io non scelgo mai la via più comune. A mio avviso o almeno per me La città della gioia racchiude in sè tutti questi importanti insegnamenti che è possibile ritrovare in latri libri, come un piccolo e prezioso compendio sottoforma di una storia semplice e chiara senza troppa filosofia, anzi a tratti fin troppo cruda e sintetica. Ma è questo suo essere così sintetica e vera che me l’ha fatta apprezzare di più. Non è senza dubbio un libro piacevole, ma insegna qualcosa in modo diretto senza fronzoli. Ne è stato tratto anche un film dallo stesso titolo che vi consiglio. E vi voglio citare anche un altro libro basato più o meno sugli stessi argomenti per me molto importante:The small woman, di Alan Burgess.  Non so se sia disponibile in italiano, ma è la storia di una missionaria inglese di umili origini in Cina. La vita di una piccola e modesta donna, che non ha grandi sogni aiuta solo un piccolo villaggio e poi akcuni bambini, ma sono le piccole cose e le piccole vite che alla fine contano, no? Anche da questo è stato tratto un film che amo molto intitolato La locanda della sesta felicità.
                                      - Amabili resti, di Alice Sebold
Link: https://amzn.to/3ItCM1K
Trama: Susie, quattordicenne, è stata assassinata da un serial killer che abita a due passi da casa sua. È stata adescata da quest’uomo dall’aria perbene, che la stupra, poi fa a pezzi il suo cadavere e nasconde i resti in cantina. E a raccontare la sua storia è lei stessa che come fantasma assiste al dolore dei suoi genitori e all’indagine sul suo omicidio.
La mia opinione: Sicuramente è la scelta narrativa di far parlare la vittima del suo omicidio e di farla assistere a tutte le conseguenze che ne seguono a rendere così emotivamente toccante questo libro. E ciò che lo fa funzionare così bene è nache che non è mai drammatico o troppo sentimentale, è realistico asciutto e chiama le cose col loro nome senza ingigantirle o minimixzzarle. Stupr e, omicidio, sono parole grosse, importnati che quin vengono utilizzate nel modo giusto e migliore per colpire il lettore.  Non per niente la’utrice è stata vittima vittima lei stessa di uno stupro che l’ha cambiata per sempre, come racconta nel libro LUCKY. E quando ha parlare è una vera vittima fa tutta la differenza. Ora non so se questo libro mi ha colpito tanto perchè sono una donna, non ve lo so dire, e non so dirvi se anche da un uomo può fare lo stesso effeto, ma di certo è un libro importante.
- Linea rosa, di Dina Silver
Link: https://amzn.to/3ItE6BS
Trama: Sydney Shephard è una ragazza sveglia, determinata e piena di vitalità. Frequenta l'università e ha un fidanzato straordinario, Ethan, che ama tantissimo e con il quale progetta di sposarsi. Un giorno però una doppia linea rosa su un test di gravidanza cambia per sempre i suoi programmi per il futuro: Sydney, infatti, scopre di aspettare un figlio... Grace è una bambina troppo alta per la sua età e ha una nonna che manda regali solo a lei e non al suo fratellino: quando, durante una lezione di scienze, scopre di essere nata anni prima del matrimonio dei suoi genitori, rimane turbata e comincia a farsi mille domande. Chi è davvero suo padre? Perché la madre l'ha tenuta all'oscuro di tutto?
La mia opinione: Dubito che questo libro sia ritenuto fondamentale o cambia vita da altre persone a parte me, molti neppure lo conosceranno, ma per quanto mi riguarda è un romanzo che pure nella sua semplicità affronta l’argomento di una gravidanza giovanile in modo semplice diretto e duplice, dal punto di vista sia della madre che della figlia. Quindi la storia si dipana tra passato e presente mostrando le conseguenze di ogni decisione passata. Non è niente di sconvolgente, nè un capolavoro della letteratura, ma trovo affronti questo tema e indirettamente anche il tema aborto, in modo molto diretto senza giudizio. Forse sorvola su alcune problematica, forse semplicizza troppo alcune cose, probabilmente esistono romanzi molto più forti diretti e importanti su questi stessi argomenti, ne sono più cvhe certa. Ma per quanto mi riguarda io ho leto questo e mi ricordo questo come una lettura che ha cambiato il mio punto di vista su alcune cose.
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hunnylagoon · 4 months
Right Where You Left Me
Pt 3: Being So Normal
Ellie Williams x Reader
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Horror pushes tears from my eyes as I uncover the corpses of your past relationships. Each of them dead and lifeless as the next. Because that is what you do, you ruin what is good and it makes me miss you less and less as everyday goes by.
Premise: You and Ellie were childhood friends until you drifted apart. Funny thing about soulmates is that they tend to find their way back to each other. On this night some questionable choices lead you to a vulnerable state where you run out of options.
Warnings: Angst / reader has religious issues / drinking / smoking / drugs
Part one here!
Part two here!
Part three here!
It wasn't as fun as I thought to watch you fall apart.
The morning after Christmas you left before I even woke, your makeshift bed made. You gathered all of the boxes of shit I collected off your dad's lawn and took off, leaving behind nothing more than a letter thanking my dad for his hospitality. 
When I came back to Northridge a week later it was like I was looking at a new person. 
Everything that had happened was swept under the rug, you lied and told the girls that you had a great Christmas. You started picking up overtime shifts, you were out more than you were at home.
I watch you stumble through the doors at five AM, makeup smeared, hair a mess and the fakest smile I have ever borne witness to, plastered across your face. You worked the closing shift almost every night and would go partying afterwards with your shitty co-workers who enabled this type of ruination.
I saw your stories too, shot after shot, In every single picture you nurse a drink in your hand or a cigarette wedged between your fingers. When did you even start smoking?
Abby and Cat didn't know just had bad you were but Dina was catching on. I remember how she would go out with you at the beginning, in her mind it had just been harmless fun until it was a nightly occurrence she started to get concerned.
It's like you've euthanized the person you used to be.
You can't even stand to be in a quiet room so you will it with nonsense conversation, hardly even words and laugh at your own jokes.
You used to glow. Back in middle school, you glowed like a candle that smelled of pumpkins and lattes, your love felt like sinking into a warm bath, comfort and security. In high school you glowed like the moon, no one could pry their wondering eyes away from your nerve-wracking beauty, gentle and empathetic.
Though now you do not glow, you burn. You burn like the end of a cigarette, the bud fluttering to the ground just to be crushed by the heel of muddy Converse. The spark of a lighter to ignite your stale menthol cigarette, slipped from bony fingers like clumsy matchsticks to the wilderness, to set what once was beautiful aflame.
Fire is only beautiful while it burns, I knew that soon you would smother yourself out to ashes.
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I've been nourishing my withering body with 50-cent packets of ramen noodles. 
I know that I'm not well, in fact, I think I've fallen off the rails.
When was the last time I got a full night of sleep? I'm not sure.
My days and nights bleed together and I can hardly differentiate the two. I hate everyone but I'm so starved for love I am searching everywhere for it, I look for it in dingy clubs and roadkill off the side of a highway, the bottom of a solo cup and the arms of one-night stands, I have even learned to lick it off silver knives. They have taken the rosery from my hand and replaced it with hard liquor.
I went out last night to forget like I do every single night. I look to the moon and pretend it is its being with thoughts and feelings, I act like I talk to it and it has said that it shines just for me.
Tonight, I will go out again. I smear glitter over my eyelids and slip into a silver sequin dress that doesn't even fall past my fingertips. I force my scabbed and bleeding feet into white stilettos that are sure to damage them even further. When I look in the mirror I feel a new sense of bitterness, like nicotine on the tip of my tongue, my face is thinning and my eyes are sunken in, dark bags hanging below the dull irisis. I cover it in concealer and bronze my face to help me look some sort of alive.
"Where are you going?" Dina asks me as I walk from my room and towards the front door, she has a tote bag packed up, her car keys in hand.
"The Monarch," I answer, it was a club on the main street, it tended to be the busiest also infamous for sketchy activity. My eyebrows furrow as I look at the tote bag in hand "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to Jesse's for the night, " She says, tonight her hair is loose and falling over her shoulders "Are you sure you wanna go out tonight?"
I nod, suddenly feeling vulnerable in my choice of clothing "Yeah," Sensing her judgement, I'm already getting defensive "I'm in college, all I do and go to work and school-
"Who's fault is that?" Dina cuts me off and my words fail me, I don't know what to say. She looks at me with disappointment glinting in her dark eyes.
My phone dings and I check the notification "My ride is here."
"Don't stay out too late."
"I won't," We both know that I am lying.
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I have been many things over the years, a pirate, a cowboy, a warrior; over the past five months alone I have been a lonely girl and a saint, now I am a drunk who drowns out her worries in vodka and overly sweet cocktails.
"To being young, dumb, and broke!" Kayla raises her shot, and the rest of the group does the same. The small glasses clink together, and some of the vodka spills before we all swallow them back and slam them back onto the bar.
The central focal point was the expansive dance floor, alive with bodies moving in rhythmic unison. Multicoloured strobe lights cut through the haze, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.
The bar, a gleaming expanse of polished metal, beckoned with the promise of libations. Bartenders, clad in stylish attire, skillfully craft cocktails. The mirrored backdrop reflected the kaleidoscope of lights and the animated conversations that unfolded in this hub of social convergence.
Overhead, suspended fixtures resembling metallic sculptures add to the overstimulation.
"Welcome back," The bartender, Mitch, smiles at me, I know him by name now that I've been bouncing around from club to club almost every night. "Long Island ice tea?" He asks, to which I respond with a nod. He's memorized my drink too.
Kayla is beside me while the others have dispersed to dance or converse, she sips a dirty martini. Her beautiful copper hair is styled into loose curls, she is clad in all black, a tube top, a mini skirt and tall boots as well as a slightly oversized leather jacket thrown overtop. She looks like the definition of a cool girl.
Everyone liked her. 
"So how are things with the roommates?" She asks me, her green eyes piercing mine, she has a slight smile on her perfect lips.
"It's fine," I lied, again. I knew Dina was getting tired of taking care of me when I was too drunk to make my own way home, all of the girls that Ellie brought over hated me. I haven't been seeing much of Abby but Cat and I were actually good.
I can tell that Kayla doubts my words but she carries on to another topic "Are you ready to get fucked up tonight?"
"Yes, ma'am," I giggle. Around the curved bar, I see a woman, she's in a red top and black jeans, her hair in a mousy brown shag cut. Obviously, she caught my eye. "Do you think she's gay?"
Kayla discreetly turns to look at the woman, she turns back to me grinning "No shit."
The woman catches me staring at her and smiles at me, of course, she has perfectly straight white teeth and a pretty smile. I sheepishly smile back "Hey, Mitch?" I wait for the bartender to give me his attention "Two shots of Everclear?"
That's how the majority of my night plays out; I dance for a minute, swaying to- not really swaying, I was dancing in a way that became a hazard to those around me then return to the bar to down more drinks.
"Hey," I hear a voice beside me, it isn't one I recognize, and when I face it, I feel my heartbeat pick up. It was the woman I had been eyeing, now that she's this close I can see the freckles scattered on her face. "Do you wanna dance?"
I can't help when my face splits into a smile, "For sure," I slip off the barstool and follow her onto the dancefloor, the lights are orange and hazy or maybe the haziness is caused by my drunken state. The woman says something to me but it's drowned out by the overwhelmingly loud music "What?" 
"I'm Karris," She repeats, smiling down at me.
"Cool!" I say. I followed Karris' lead with the dancing, she had a certain confidence in her. 
I swayed with each ungraceful movement. Karris, the opposite of me is attuned to the music, moved with a confident fluidity that balanced out my careless stumbles. She laughs at my dancing "Here, I'll help you out." She shouts, trying to be heard over the Rhianna song blasting in my ears.
She comes up behind me, snaking her hands down my torso until they find a resting spot on my hips. With a firm grip, she slows me down, and now I'm moving with her, as one.
My sequin dress shimmered with every twist and move, like a mirrorball, I too might hang. As the light shifts I could've sworn I saw Ellie in the face of Karris. 
I felt the liquor hit me all at once and my body became loose, melting into Karris, I'm almost limp against her touch. She's in front of me now and my arms are hooked around her neck while her slim hands lay on her midriff. 
Her eyebrows furrow as she says something to me but once again it it lost in all of the noise, I just laugh, pretending like I heard what she was saying and hoping that it wasn't something about her dog dying.
The pop song changes into some song in French, I can't make out the words. Wait, I aced every French test in high school, I step away from Karris, squinting my eyes as I stand still in the middle of the dancefloor trying to process the lyrics.
 Je veux te voir- I need you, no, that doesn't sound right. I want to see you, that's it. 
 je veux t'avoir- I want to hold you.
I want to hold you? Is that it? When did my French get so rough? I can't even think straight.
I swear on every god I was so drunk that I forgot I was in the middle of a dancefloor, it had slipped from my mind that I was dancing with someone, and all I could think about was my French classes from high school.
Age fifteen - Grade 10
The French lesson seemed to be even more boring than usual that day. Monsieur Cargin was babbling on and on about how there could be a room full of women but if there was one male rat you would refer to them using ils instead of elles. It was the same lesson I had learned every single year in French.
It took Monsieur Cargin thirty minutes to announce the project. "Pour ce devoir, vous écrirez une lettre à un camarade de classe sur vous-même, vous pourrez inclure des informations sur votre famille, vos passe-temps, vos sujets préférés et peut-être un bon souvenir. Si vous êtes ami avec votre partenaire, vous pouvez écrire avec lui sur quelque chose que vous attendez avec impatience. La lettre fera au minimum un paragraphe, je viserais plus haut si vous voulez une bonne note." Easy enough, a letter to a classmate about your self. "Avant de demander, vous pouvez choisir vos propres partenaires."
I look right over to Ellie from across the room after he mentions choosing our own partners, she doesn't meet my gaze though, she looks as lost as ever, rifling through some papers in her binder and I'm not even sure she understood a word of what the teacher said.
Monsieur Cargin lets us begin our project, everyone gets up from their seat to search for a partner; Ellie, seeing that everyone is standing up, gets up as well. I wave her down to my desk, she crouches beside it and asks "What the fuck are we supposed to be doing?"
I explain the project to her while she hangs off my desk and nods at everything I'm saying, giving me her full attention "Do you get it now?"
The next day we finished writing the letters and had to give them to each other before we turned it in, I gave Ellie my letter first.
Je suis heureux que nous soyons amis, non seulement parce que nos parents nous ont forcés à l'être, mais parce que tu es mon âme sœur dans chaque vie. J'aimerais te parler de moi, mais tu me connais déjà mieux que moi-même, alors je vais juste dire certaines choses que je sais sur toi. Vous avez lu chaque couverture de la bande dessinée Savage Starlight, plus d'une fois. Je sais que vous aimez faire du shopping dans la section hommes des magasins parce que vous pensez que c'est plus confortable même si vous finissez par ressembler à Adam Sandler. Vous détestez les mathématiques même si vous êtes vraiment bon dans ce domaine et vous aimez l'anglais même si vous détestez les études romanesques. Vous parlez à toute vitesse parce que vous avez tellement de choses à dire et pas assez de temps pour le dire, vous chantez comme une église avec une chorale et chaque fois que je vous vois entrer dans une pièce, je ne peux m'empêcher de sourire. J'ai hâte d'entrer à l'université, nous pouvons être colocataires et décorer la maison exactement comme nous le voulons, merci de toujours me supporter.
I'm glad that we're friends, not just because our parents forced us to be but because you are my soulmate in every single life. I would like to tell you about me, but you already know me better than I know myself so instead I will just say some things I know about you. You have read every Savage Starlight comic cover to cover, more than once. I know that you like to shop in the men's section at stores because you think it's more comfortable even if you end up looking like Adam Sandler. You hate math even though you are really good at it and you love English even though you hate novel studies. You talk at a mile a minute because you have so much to say and not enough time to say it, you sing like a church with a choir in it and every time I see you walk into a room I can't help but smile. I can't wait for college, we can be roommates and decorate the house exactly how we want it, thank you for always putting up with me.
I bent the rubric a little bit, talking about Ellie rather than myself but we were really getting graded on our French comprehension, not the subject matter of the letter. Ellie read it through, over and over, nodding her head along and pretending that it made perfect sense but I can tell by the way she squints her eyes and furrows her eyebrows that it doesn't make sense. She hand hers to me next, pride clear across her face.
Ton père est toujours en colère et je pense que c'est pour ça que nous sommes mariés. J'apprécie quand tu dors dans ma chambre et que nous nous battons avec des pistolets à eau. Mon film préféré à regarder est Star Wars, mais j'apprécie aussi Hunger Games parce que vous en êtes témoin. J'attends avec impatience une soirée cinéma ce vendredi avec vous. Tu es très cool, merci d'être mon ami.
Your dad is always mad and I think that is why we are married. I enjoy when you sleep at my room and we fight with guns of water. My favourite movie to watch is Star Wars but I also enjoy Hunger games because you witness it. I look forward to night movie this Friday because with you. You are very cool, thank for being my friend.
I can't help but giggle when I read it over, this causes panic in Ellie "Why are you laughing, what's wrong with it?"
"I love you but you are definitely failing."
I quickly helped her rewrite it before we turned it in, and she ended up getting a B with my revisions.
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"Are you okay?" I hear Karris, she looks a little on edge, probably because I went nonverbal and froze for a solid minute or two.
"She's fine," Kayla puts her hands on either of my arms which are currently plastered to my side "I'm just gonna snag her for a minute if you don't mind." Kayla didn't wait for a response she was already dragging me away, guiding me through the sea of people and into the bathroom.
I always hated the bathroom here. The walls were black tile with white grout and there was graffiti all over the stalls and ceiling, apparently, it added to the effect, I just thought it was fugly; not to mention how dimly lit it was, there were red LED strips behind the mirrors but that was about the only light source. If you were trying to fix your eyeliner, you 
"What is going on with you?" Kayla leans against the counter with the sinks, I'm right in front of her with my arms crossed.
"I just saw you glitch in real life," She raises her eyebrows "You literally froze, I thought you were having a stroke."
I wipe some sweat off my brow "My head hurts," I mutter, I've already had too much to drink and we really hadn't been there that long. My thoughts didn't seem to process. Now keep in mind that I was so insanely plastered that night that I don't remember everything verbatim, I had to take others' words for what happened.
"Do you want an aspirin?" Kayla asks to which I nod and she begins digging through her purse, she pulls out a little bottle and I hear the rattling of pills. It's so dark that I can only make out the vague shape of the bottle. She places a little pill into my hand and gives me a half-drunk bottle of Fiji water in my free hand.
I don't need the water though, I dry swallow it.
She tucks the bottle back into her purse and feels something, I see her eyes go wide and that alone begins to stress me out. "What?" I ask, with no answer. She dumps her purse onto the counter behind her and turns on her phone flash to look at each item, she snatches a bottle of Tylenol and takes the cap off just for her hand to fly over her mouth. "Is something wrong?"
"I didn't give you aspirin," She's fighting back laughter but her dainty features are etched with concern.
"So?" I say, "It's just Tylenol, it won't kill me," My speech is slurred from the alcohol in my system.
"Honey, it's not Tylenol," She lowers her hand from her mouth, pressing her lips together tight. "It's MDMA."
"Ecstasy," She corrects herself, making it easier for me to understand.
"WHAT?" My eyes go wide and my jaw drops "WHAT?" I repeat, running over to one of the nasty graffiti-covered stalls and kneeling in front of it, sticking my fingers down my throat to try and throw up to get it out of my system before it sets in. "Say something gross to make me throw up!"
"Uhh," Kayla stood behind me "Think of your dad getting off with your grandma!"
"EW!" I shout, turning to look at her with disgust on my face. "Why would you say that?"
"You told me to say something gross!"
"Not that!" I cry, slouching against the stall. I wish I had a time machine, I wouldn't just go back four hours, I would go back four years and make sure I play everything right. Maybe then I wouldn't be drunk and high in the bathroom of a dingy nightclub and I would still have Ellie.
"It's okay, honey, It's clean," Kayla walks closer to me, the heels of her boots clacking on the tile "I promise," She offers me a little rub on the shoulder "I promise I'll take good care of you tonight and make sure you're safe."
She was lying through her teeth, and just an hour later I was face down on the bar, lulling in and out of consciousness. That is the exact moment I started to think it wasn't clean like Kayla had said. My high didn't feel like what I was told rolling was like.
At first, I felt fine and then everything started to feel off. You know when you spin around a bunch super fast and your world spins under your feet? It was like that. 
Before I retired to the bar, I tried to get back on the dancefloor just for my body to betray me and collapse onto the ground, people around me had stopped to watch me stagger back onto my feet and wordlessly stumble away.
After I lift my head off the spruce bartop and don't see Kayla anywhere in sight for the seventh time, I reach for my phone that I had stuffed into my bra and dial up Dina. 
I hear the hum of the tone before it clicks and I hear her static voice on the other end. "Hello?" Her voice crackles.
"Dina, I'm on drugs."
"What?" I hear some shuffling in the background then what sounds like the click of a door "What drugs? are you okay?"
"I don't know," My voice drags out "Kayla took it out of her purse, said it was MMA and I'm not-" I hiccup "I'm not doing well."
"What the hell is MMA? Isn't that mixed martial arts?"
"Dina, I'm not doing martial arts, I'm doing drugs."
She sighs and I can feel her disappointment through the phone "Are you still at Monarch?"
"Hang on," Something shifts in the background.
"I'm kind of scared."
"Please just stay where you are-
"I love you, Dina."
"I lo- CLICK
My phone dies, and the screen turns black. I click some buttons for a moment to ensure that it's dead before I tuck it back into my bra and let myself lull back onto the bar, I rest my head on my arms and look at the displays of liquor surrounding me.
I lose track of the time that passes, in my head I am just about the win the 72nd Hunger Games, it's down to me and another tribute. There's an intense fight, I wind up underneath her and she presses a blade to my throat, I get a good look at her face and see Ellie but her face doesn't stay the same. It morphs through every version of her I had ever known. When we were seven, her grunge phase, when she let me do her makeup. This is when I give up, I know I don't have it in me to kill her so I lay limp and await my fate-
"Hey," A man sits next to me, his presence stood out effortlessly. With a strong, chiselled jawline and well-defined features, his face carried an air of that old-money elegance. His hazel eyes were softened by something (alcohol, probably), drawing others into their captivating gaze. Dark, tousled hair framed his face, adding an intriguing touch of ruggedness. He is clad in a white button-up and dress pants, I can well he's a blue-collar man just from the way he sits.
"What?" I squint my eyes at him.
"You're really pretty, I thought I would introduce myself," He smiles "I'm Emmet."
"Okay," I answer turning my attention to look ahead at the liquor display, watching the way the lights shone through them. Right now I don't care to make conversation, even if he looks like Henry Cavell, I'm fighting to stay awake.
One of his bulky hands reaches for my necklace, four of his fingers are beneath the cross, pressed against it while his thumb rubs it "You're religious."
I look down where he cradles my cross and try to jerk away but my body feels too heavy "Not anymore," I mutter. I put one of my hands over his to move it off me, he takes this as an invitation to hold my hand.
Emmet brings his head next to mine to whisper in my ear "So does that mean you're a good girl or a bad girl-
"It means she's leaving, actually," Ellie pushes him away abruptly, he looks taken aback while she doesn't give a shit. She begins to gingerly help me off the stool "Do you have everything?"
"Why are you here?" I ask "I called Abby."
"You called Dina and she's on the other side of town with her boyfriend so she sent me." Ellie slings one arm around me and I sink into her immediately.
"I hate you so much," I murmur under my breath.
"Yeah, I bet you do," She is gentle with me, she's treating me like I'm made of porcelain and I'll shatter at the slightest bit of harm.
Emmet looks crazily offended, his hands up in defence "Hey, we were having a conversation-
"Borderline harassment doesn't constitute a conversation." Ellie looks like she rolled out of bed, she is in her grey sweatpants and field hockey hoodie, her hair in the low ponytail she always wore to sleep. "Are you okay?" She asks, her tone shifting from harsh to soft.
"Mhm," I ball my fist up and rub my eye, smearing my mascara when I do so, I look down at my hand and see the remnants of my telescopic mascara and silver glitter smudged on it. 
I am killing myself slowly and it is no crucifixion. 
As Ellie helps me into the back seat of her car I feel like mold is growing on my bones just to way me down to the concrete where I will surely rot. "I don't write enough," I mumble "And I'm so lonely I'm searching for god everywhere but I can't find him."
Ellie gives me a little hum of acknowledgment her eyes briefly shooting to me in the rearview mirror before looking back to the road. 
"Don't worry, I'm not in love with you anymore," I say nonchalantly as I'm sprawled out in her back seat, watching the light from neon signs pass us by.
"I didn't know you ever were." She says softly, hands on the steering wheel, she steals glances at me. The towering skyscrapers loomed like sentinels, their reflective glass surfaces capturing the myriad colours of neon signs that adorned the streets.
"I hate you," I add on. The mix of liquor and whatever drug Kayla gave me was doing me justice, I couldn't hold back any thought, they all fell from my lips in a jumbled mess. "I hope you die, I hope we both die." Ellie doesn't have anything to say to that. I think to myself that if I die in this moment, I would not be afraid, I would greet death like an old friend with a bright smile and warm hug. "I don't love anyone the way I love you," My head lulls against the window "And your girls, they all hate me."
"So which is it?" She asks, feeding into my tangent "Do you love me or do you hate me?"
"I-" I think about it for a brief moment "I hope if I killed myself everyone who was ever mean to me felt responsible." I look up slightly, using the car seats to help me steady myself "What are you doing?"
"I'm taking you home," She says, biting the inside of her cheek "What are you doing?"
"I'm waiting for god to call me back."
I ramble on and on, it's a miracle that she didn't stop at the side of the road and dump me onto a curb. The traffic lights painted the road in hues of red and green, and the city lights flickered like stars, helping us find our way home. 
"Ellie," I say, a building up ahead catches my eyes "Ellie, pull over!" She thinks I'm going to throw up so she pulls her gray sedan over, as swiftly as possible. I stumble out of the car, my stiletto heel catches the ground in a weird way, my ankle goes sideways and I fall with it.
"Shit," Ellie rushes from the driver's seat to help me sit up straight. I use her as support to pull myself off the concrete sidewalk completely and walk towards the church up ahead like a zombie "Where are you going?"
"To clean myself from sin," I approach the church and force the heavy doors open; I knew for a fact even in my state that this church had its chapel open twenty-four hours from all of the Google pins my mom sent me when I first moved here. 
The chapel's interior was bathed in a soft, ethereal moonlight that filtered through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colours upon the polished wooden pews below. 
Smooth, cool stone formed the foundation of the chapel. The high, arched ceilings reached towards the heavens, adorned with wooden beams that seemed to cradle the sacred space below. The acoustics, shaped by the architecture, lent an echo to the moonlight whisper as if the very walls absorbed and magnified the prayers of the faithful.
Rows of meticulously arranged pews lined either side of a central aisle, leading towards the altar bathed in a soft glow. Carved with intricate detail, the altar served as the focal point, adorned with candles, floral arrangements, and sacred symbols. The air was scented with the subtle fragrance of incense, a sensory companion to the spiritual journey within.
Throughout the chapel, unlit candles are spread throughout. Above the altar, a crucifix hung solemnly, a symbol of sacrifice and redemption. Rays of moonlight seemed to converge upon it, imbuing the sacred symbol with a profound sense of grace. 
I try to compose myself the way you would a song or a speech and fall to my knees before the altar, clasping my hands together tightly. "My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. I wake young but feel as though my bones have resided on this earth for centuries."
I am at his altar but I don't feel him around me, where is his steady hand which used to guide me?
My hands grasp together even tighter "I am filthy, I'm disgusting," I choke out "I'm all used up and I need you to help me get better," I break my hands away from their position to wipe my eyes free of any oncoming tears before putting them right back "Fill me with your purity, I will be waterboarded by your sacred hand until holy water leaks from my pores."
Ellie hangs around by the entrance, sketched out by not only the creepy church but also my off-putting behaviour. She flinches at every shadow she sees, believing it to be a homeless person who was residing there for the night. I'm kneeling over in my sequin dress, one of the straps slips down my shoulder and my dress rides up, this is the most sinful I have ever been, synthetic sunshine coursing through my system.
"Make me love myself so I have room to love you," I feel so repulsive and dirty, soap and water won't make me feel clean so I'll try bleach and matches instead "I ask for Your mercy and grace to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Create in me a clean heart, God, and renew a right spirit within me, return my family to my side."
I search for some sort of sign that he is watching over me.
No sign that he is here.
The priest at my old church in my hometown had said that without doubt there was no room for faith. It wasn't doubt, it was absolution, he is not here and so I unclasped my golden cross necklace and discarded it on the ground before the altar, never again will I be haunted by a man who has failed to ever show me mercy.
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Ellie washes the grime off me with the detachable shower head. My hair is clipped up and I am hugging my knees, facing away from her in the bathtub. I feel a profound sense of shame and embarrassment all over again despite everything within me that is helping to take the edge off. 
She holds the shower head but looks away to give me some false sense of dignity, I cried the whole way home from the church about being filthy but with how many times I had fallen over, she didn't want me to hit my head in the shower so we settled on this.
"I'm done," I mutter and right away Ellie turns the shower off and grabs my house robe from one of the hooks on the door, she holds it up and waits for me to stand, still averting her eyes. I stand slowly, gripping onto the rim of the tub for dear life. When I slip into it, Ellie helps me move out of the bathtub and into my bedroom.
She lifts me onto the bed and tucks me in beneath my satin duvet cover. Ellie leaves for a moment but when she returns she has a bowl in case I need to vomit, a class of water, a sleeve of saltines and a bottle of actual aspirin.
"Goodnight," She begins to shut the door but I stop her.
"Can you stay with me?" My voice breaks as I say it "Just for tonight, I don't want to be alone." Wordlessly, she shuts the door and comes around the right side of my bed; Ellie is careful keep her distance from me but unlike Christmas, we face each other. "I don't hate you." I tell her because that is all I could recall saying in the car ride.
"I know."
"Do you hate me?"
"Of course not."
I don’t think I’m a whole person anymore, I think I’m made up from a dozen different perceptions of me. This version of me, born that night was anything but pure.
I am unlovely, so please, hold me gently and do not wreck me any further.
A/N: The drinking age in Canada is nineteen! They go to school in the true north strong and free. Also one more part left to go 👀
Tag list!
@elliesaturnsoftdrink @elliesaesp @melanie-watermelon @yalaysbee @laundrybag29 @readbydayana @skylerwhitwyo @lmaoo-spiderman @joliettes @kittnii @taylorgracies @sameenatruther @mikellie @belles-hell
Sorry if I missed anyone!
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seattlesellie · 11 months
୨⎯ a helping hand ⎯୧
pairing: loser!ellie williams x fem!reader x dina nolastname synopsis: ellie's too shy and too nervous to take it all the way with you, and thank god dina's right by her side. warnings: weed, smut, mdni, soft dom!dina, awkward top!ellie, sub!reader, oral (r receiving), fingering (r receiving) authors note: this is based off of a request i got but accidentally deleted since i'm a little braindead ˚ ༘♡ ✧༺♡༻∞
It was thick, and and hazy, and the pungent smoke hung lazily in the air. The scent was… captivating. It wasn’t bad — no, it was a tad skunky and earthy, citrusy. Piney too, and a little bit of spice. 
Something that smelled sickly sweet wafted through the air. It was almost intoxicating— The way her Jasmine and Vanilla fragrance mixed with the musk and and the resin. 
Dina took the skinny spliff in between her fingers. 
Ellie’s eyes took a on a reddish hue. They were glossy, and bloodshot. She wore this languid, almost dreamy expression on her face. It rendered a slight droop to her eyelids and a gentle, unfocused gaze. She always got like this. 
She was not quiet— no, she was relaxed, calm. Shoulders dropped down, she wasn't hunching, she was perfectly serene, slightly manspreading on the velvety, emerald green colored couch. A piece of lint landed on her faded beige khaki’s, and she flicked it away gently. 
Everything seemed to move so slow. 
“Are you gonna let go of that blunt, D?” you questioned, lazily grasping and squeezing Ellie’s light blue stress ball in your palms. You caught her playing with that when she kissed you, once — Just a mere week ago. 
“Are you playing with your fidget while we’re making out?” Your voice was breathy and faint, just above a whisper. You could taste her on your tongue, bordering going on cotton mouthed. 
“No — no, I’m — It’s…” she stammered, and let the ball fly out of her hand and land on the concrete floor. 
An awkward silence. 
“You make me nervous” 
“It’s not a blunt, babe, It’s a spliff.” Dina took another drag, and handed it to you. 
“Whatever.” you shrugged. 
It caressed down your throat, a slight burn tingled in its wake.
Ellie always loved the way you smoked. A well manicured hand squeezing the bud between your fingers, the way your eyes were forced completely shut when you took a hit, the way your eyelashes fluttered while you exhaled. In all honestly, Ellie just thought you were very pretty. It was not the reason why she dated you; you were funny, and smart, and sweet — and the way you laughed made her stomach tie in knots and her heart feel like it was trying to leap out of her chest and leave her still as a corpse. 
But that “pretty” part, made her very, very nervous. 
She shifted on the couch, lifting her legs up to rest her chin on top of them. Ellie couldn't help but look, examine the way your chest heaved up and down, with her gaze fixed on you. She had a bit of a… staring problem. You saw her gaze from the corner of your eye, and smirked. 
“Can you two stop with your little sex games?” Dina's voice pierced through, breaking Ellie’s trance. 
“Sex games?” you probed, followed by a small huff. This wasn't a sex game. No, no... this was — purely innocent. Just two gals, who happen to be fresh as a daisy lovers, staring at each other while their best friend is in the same room.
“Ellie’s staring at you like she wants to fuck. I’m not a ghost — I’m here too, hello?” She waved her hand from side to side. You could tell she’s here too, you’d be lying if you said nothing in this living room screamed “Dina’s house!”. A silver menorah that’s been laying on the kitchen counter since Hanukkah, with a layer of fine dust collecting on top of the highest branch, a white crocheted mandala hanging slightly loose over the flat TV, bright colored crystals, and some dark ones too — splattered all over the antique mahogany table. Yes, Dina was definitely still there. 
But still, so was Ellie. And being around Ellie… made you want to… Well — Sex games? Is that how Dina put it? 
“We’re not doing anything” Ellie murmured, reaching over to take the spliff out of your hand. Her touch lingered a tad too long, lengthy finger softly caressing yours. Maybe you were? 
“You can go to the bathroom if you want. I wont peep” Dina suggested with a grin. That little devil. 
Ellie almost choked as she exhaled, You chose to ignore. 
“Promise?” You asked. 
Ellie huffed, Yeah right. 
“Gimme” Dina whined, signaling Ellie to pass her the half finished spliff. 
“I’m not done” Ellie’s defended, and took another hit. Her eyebrows were hunched together, and a small line had formed, creasing right between them. God, did she look pretty too. 
“Give it, bitch” Dina moaned, and abruptly took the spliff out of Ellie’s wet mouth, Ellie groaning in response. 
Dina rolled it between her fingers, and gave it a small squeeze. 
“Ew! You fucking drooled over it!” 
“Fuck you man” Ellie hissed, bumping lightly into Dina’s shoulder. 
“But seriously… Where’s like—“ Dina inhaled, blowing the smoke into Ellie’s face. 
“Dude—“ Ellie huffed, waving her hand in the air as if attempting to disperse the thick smoke that enveloped them. 
“Where’s the wildest place you had sex?” Dina questioned, as she smushed the spliff on the ashtray, then casually picked off some leftover tobacco from the table, absentmindedly wiping it on the red ceramic surface.
Ellie felt her cheeks turn an adorable shade of light pink. She was a blusher, you soon came to realize. 
The sex thing... that was an issue — Well, it wasn’t necessary an “issue” but it was… a thing. 
You and Ellie hadn’t had sex yet. ₊˚⊹♡
two full months of dating, resulting only in heated make out sessions. Sure, Ellie played with your tits, breathy and panting, and you almost came when she made you jump up and down her creamy thigh, crossfaded and washed by a sudden burst of extreme boldness, but that was that. When you lifted your skirt up to let her see what was underneath (that day, was a mint green colored lace thong) she hastily pulled it down, followed by a whispered “m’sorry”, and when you pouted, nauseous and incredibly embarrassed, she calmed you down with soft delicate butterfly kisses on your nose and on your forehead. 
“Wanna take it slow” she mumbled, her cheeks turning a rosy pink, lips curling down to a pout — almost matching yours. 
Maybe she didn’t really like you like that, you wondered, hugging your pillow, hot tears smearing all over the bedsheet. Maybe you weren’t attractive enough, perhaps she saw you more as a friend… A friend she liked to kiss and only kiss, a friend who made her stomach flip and her mind race, but still, only a friend. 
If you knew that Ellie spent the entire night after that glorious encounter with her purple vibrator in between her legs and a pair of your panties stuffed inside her mouth, perhaps you wouldn’t have cried. Perhaps… you wouldn’t have been embarrassed. Thing is, you didn’t know. So you didn’t kiss her hungrily after that, and you didn’t sit on her lap just to watch her get flustered like you always used used to. You kept your distance, respected her boundaries, and pretended to let it go. Small pecks, hand holding, and one kiss on the pulse of her neck — That’s how it went. 
You crossed your arms, and fixed your gaze on the yellow colored wall behind Dina. 
“We made out in Jesse’s bathroom” Ellie said quietly. That you did, right after Jesse’s birthday party, you needed to “Clean the bathroom” because “A girl threw up and made a mess”
Dina rolled her eyes, and turned to face her. 
“I asked about sex” 
“Mhm” Ellie hummed, feeling her toes curl inside her Chuck’s. She wasn’t going to get this. 
“Don’t know why you need to know so bad” 
“I'm just... curious," Dina stated, her smirk growing wider as she looked in your direction.
“You two seem like freaks.”
Ellie bit her lip so hard it almost bled. She couldn’t look at you, too embarrassed to see the look on your face, so she looked at the ashtray, examining its sleek cover. Would you pout again? just like you did when she pulled your skirt down? will you look angry? sad? disappointed? 
“Cmon” Dina grumbled. 
“I wont judge —“
She glanced at you.
You looked at her like you wanted to shut her lips tightly together with a piece of tape. 
“It’s been kinda dry for me and I’m trying to live vicariously through my best fr—“ 
“We haven’t had sex yet.” Ellie blurted. 
The room fell silent. 
Ellie’s eyes were glued to the table. 
Why the fuck… would she say that? 
Dina cleared her throat, her gaze fixed firmly upon you. Her lips hinted at a grin, but she suppressed it, pressing them together into a straight line.
“Oh” Dina quietly said. Noted. 
Ellie shifted on the couch, and mumbled something you couldn’t hear under her breath. Could have been a “so nosy” or a “fuck off”, but alas, it was barely above a whisper. 
“Happy?” she murmured. 
Dina flipped her hair to the side, brushing her fingers through the thick, black strands. If you sat any closer, you would have been able to smell her pistachio-almond shampoo. 
“Pass me the weed? I wanna roll another one” Ellie groaned. 
“I dont have any” 
Ellie ts’kd, attempting to divert the conversation everywhere but towards what had just happened. Avoid, avoid, avoid. 
You sat quietly, manipulating the stress ball, squeezing it so hard your knuckles almost strained. 
It’s not like Dina didn’t know everything about you, because she did. It wasn’t confessing to some clueless stranger, this was Dina. And still, it hurt. You knew she wouldn’t judge you, never. But you — you would judge you. And that was worse. And now, this wasn’t an unspoken thing anymore. It was out there, waiting to be pounced on. 
Maybe… maybe you needed that. 
“Fuck” Ellie huffed. 
The room fell silent again. It wasn’t the smoke that made the air feel thick anymore. 
“Can I ask…” 
Dina turned her body to squarely face Ellie. 
“No," Ellie stated bluntly, her voice tinged with raspiness and hoarseness. 
“Was it like this with Cat too?” Dina asked. She always knew how to hit the fucking jackpot. Cat. 
“No, t’wasn’t” Ellie rolled her eyes. 
“Can you let it go?” 
This was a conversation about you, that you didn’t even participate in. Until you did, because you truly couldn’t help yourself. Was it you? Did Ellie just… Did Ellie just like Cat better? 
“Is it me?” Your voice was shaky, soft and quiet. 
She wanted to say no, Wanted to ask Dina to just let it fucking go. 
It was silent for a moment again, till it wasn’t. 
Ellie took a deep breath, slid off the couch slightly as the need to hide under it slowly overtook her. She crossed her arms.
You felt something turning in the pits of your stomach. 
“Oh” you whispered, god, that was painful. It was you. 
Dina’s mouth fell agape. 
“No— not like that” Ellie retreated. 
“No it’s… I get it. S’fine” 
There was nothing Ellie needed more than a punch in the gut to knock her out and a fat blunt intertwined between her fingers. 
“You don’t get it though” 
“Think I’m gonna…” You hastily started to look for everything you needed. Sunglasses, purse, keychain. You weren’t doing this. 
“Gonna go” 
“Hear her out, babe… Sit” Dina calmly suggested. It was as if she knew exactly what Ellie had in mind. It was you, but not like that. How could it ever be like that? 
“Just… Fuck” Ellie mumbled. 
“Cat — she didn’t… Can you sit down?” 
You stared at the floor. Maybe you should sit down.
“Okay how do I—“ Ellie began, scratching her head. 
“How do I explain this?” She looked at Dina. Yes, Dina knew. 
“Calmly, and with reason.” She squeezed Ellie’s bicep, followed up with a small, breathy “Fuck you” from Ellie. 
“Cat didn’t make me nervous like you fucking do, man— She didn’t make me rethink every single step I took and kissing her— Fuck” 
Silence again. 
“Kissing her didn’t make me feel like my legs were fucking wobbly or whatever.” 
“I dont wanna disappoint you.” The way it came out of her mouth, so real, and so raw… you looked… wide eyed. 
“Ellie…” you whispered. 
“Why would you disappoint me?” Gosh. Give her a little squeeze! 
“Because what if I don’t fucking know how— What if you don’t like the shit I do and what if you think I fucking suck and leave me and—“ 
“Can I say something?” Dina interrupted. 
“No, Dina” Ellie nudged her. 
“Ellie shut up, you’re rambling and it’s probably turning her off more th—“ 
“S’not turning me off” It was your turn to interrupt now. "You don't know how?" the brunette asked Ellie, with a teasing smile. Oh, she was making fun of her. Ellie barely picked up on that, too frustrated by her own thoughts running circles inside her foggy brain.
"I do know how— Just... fuck, Dina, just let it fucking go" 
“I can help.” Is all she said. Quiet, but confident. She could help.
“What?” you were stunned. Maybe she had a printed guide? A 101 on lesbian sex? 
Dina rolled her eyes and flashed her pearly whites. 
“Remember that time… when you slept over?” She had to stop herself from grinning again. Her tongue was bumping her cheek, like a naughty little chipmunk. 
“What time?” As if there weren’t dozens of those times. 
“That… Time” Dina tilted her head slightly.
“Don’t know what time youre—“ you rambled, soon to be cut off.
“Ellie—“ Dina turned around to face her, yet again. 
“I fingerblasted your girl” 
“What the f—“ Ellie blurted, and her mouth fell wide open. 
“Dina!” you yelled. 
“I’m just—“ She lifted her hands up in defense. 
“I wanna help because it clearly felt good and—“ 
“Are you on fucking drugs?!” Ellie blurted, and immediately stood up. 
“I mean we fucking smoked, Ellie” 
It was almost comical — how fast paced all of this… situation was.
The room felt silent again. How many more times could this happen? awkward silences, questioning looks. 
“I’m saying I wanna help you, El” 
“Let me show you” Dina’s voice was quiet. Genuine. Begging… almost? 
Ellie stared at the floor. And then at you — and then at the floor again. She could feel her hands grow clammy, and a droplet of sweat forming and flowing down her neck. Show her? why didn’t that make her feel nauseous? Why did she feel it in her fucking crotch?
"What the fuck does that mean?" Ellie shook her head.
“Only if it’s okay with you” Dina murmured softly, and gave you a warm, calming look. Comfort — Dina. 
“And with you.” She took Ellie’s trembling hand and gave it a small squeeze.
"I can show you just what I did." 
Ellie dropped her ass on the couch, and fuck — if her legs didn’t feel so fucking wobbly again maybe she would have stayed standing up. But she sat, her legs slightly parting. 
“Okay?” Dina quipped. 
Ellie gulped.
“I won’t steal her from you… I’ll be your… tutor?” Dina questioned, a sly smirk forming on her lips.
“Dina” You and Ellie said in unison. Ellie glanced at you. She felt ashamed, she felt sweaty, sickly, and too fucking turned on to move a muscle. 
“Let me take care of this” She sounded genuine. Like she truly wanted to help. No grin, no smirk, no attitude, just long eyelashes batting softly as the sun sank lower in the west.
“Okay?” she quipped softly.
Dina smiled so wide she had to bite her entire cheek to stop herself from fully crumpling down on the floor. 
You glanced at Ellie, then Ellie glanced at you. She still couldn’t… fully look, But this was something. A small agreement. 
“C’mere” Dina patted her thigh softly. 
It took you a moment, but you took up on her invitation. Hesitantly, you crawled slowly towards her. When you lifted yourself up in order to sit on her bare thigh, her purple thin linen shorts ending right where your ass met her leg, Ellie felt it in her guts. Her face twitched, maybe in jealousy, perhaps in confusion, but none of it mattered, since her clit throbbed inside her boxers. She didn’t know what was more painful, seeing you — sitting directly on your best friends thigh, getting felt up by someone else, or the aching of her own cunt.
“And I won’t kiss her if you don’t… want me too. Just show you, okay?” Dina whispered. Always so fucking attentive. 
“Mhm” Ellie hummed, as her mouth felt too dry to form any real, clear sentences. It was as if time stood completely still. She could stop this, she could. She doesn’t want to.
Meanwhile, you, you were trembling all over. It was almost too much — and nothing even happened yet. Dina's thighs were soft, and her scent tickled your nostrils. Vanilla, jasmine, almonds, and a hint weed. Her chest was firm as it brushed your back, two soft mounds caressing it. She let out a long breath that lingered on your neck, you hummed softly.
“Ellie… come closer” she whispered.
“Get on the floor… right between my thighs, okay?” It was the way she had said it, that got you. The way it came out to soft, so delicate, as if she was trying to comfort her, make her feel safe.
Ellie slowly crawled right where she needed her.
Dina bunched your skirt up just a tad, revealing a little bit of your upper thigh to Ellie. She sat directly in front, almost as if she was watching a movie, the bystander that she was. Her chest rose up and down. She’s never even seen that part of you yet. 
“This okay?” Dina whispered in your ear, her saccharine voice making your entire body shudder in response. 
A barely audible "Yeah..." slipped past your lips, barely more than a whisper, breathy and faint.
“Ellie?” Dina questioned, adverting her look to face the girl. 
“Have you seen it yet?” 
“N… no” she huffed. Her clammy hand formed in a fist, short nails digging crescent little moons on her palms. She hasn’t seen it. Of course she hasn’t. She’s barely seen anything.
“It’s so pretty” Dina teased, bumping her nose into the crook of your neck.
“She has a really pretty one” she whispered, and began slowly pecking your shoulders. 
“You gotta make sure you treat her good.” kiss. “Make sure she’s wet for you” kiss.
Ellie was breathing like she had run a marathon in the Sahara desert for 18 kilometers.
“Do you wanna maybe… Move her panties to the side?” 
Ellie gulped, you almost heard the fat glob of saliva slip down her throat. her mind almost went entirely blank. This could not, under any circumstances, possibly be real.
Another moment of silence. 
“No?” Dina questioned, running her fingernails down your thighs. She pinched one of them, pulling the fat between her fingers, making you jolt in her lap. 
“Yes” Ellie groaned. 
“Fuck I wanna—“ Fast paced, and needy. Slurring her words and trying to stop herself from fainting on the floor.
She jolted forward, practically leaping towards you.
“Do it…” Dina teased. 
Ellie’s hands were shaky, and her movements were agonizingly slow. As she brought her hand up your thigh, slightly tugging on your skirt, playing with the hem of it, you felt your mind melting completely off. You could only whimper in response. 
With an unsteady pull, your skirt was down. It stood pretty right above your feet.
“God” Ellie groaned at the sight. All she wanted to do, was lay her head on top of Dina’s thighs, as if they were two soft cushions, and stare till her mind completely liquefied.
“Did you pick them just for her?” Dina teased, taking both of your hands in her palms. You hummed in response.
“She’s such a sweet girl, isn’t she?” she looked towards Ellie. Ellie could barely make eye contact with Dina, let alone with you.
All she could do is moan softly in response.
“You can do it, El”
“F—ffuck off” she hissed.
She slowly moved the fabric to the side, and her eyes almost closed entirely shut when she unraveled your drooling, messy cunt. She could see the big wet spot on your panties, and all she wanted to do was suck the juices completely dry, clean them with her tongue until all that was left on the soft cotton thong was her own saliva. she wanted to digest you whole, taste the sweetness running down her throat, but all she could fucking do was pull them to the side, and let out an incredibly harsh breath— bordering on a grunt, almost a whimper. 
“Isn’t it so fucking pretty?” Dina cood, patting your pussy lips softly, each little pat making you buck your hips forward. She played with the sticky strings of slick that hung loose in the air.
Ellie ran her fingers through them, as if they were the strings of her guitar.
You — poor you, didn't even know where to look. 
All Ellie could do was hum, and stare like a tortured, bordering on perverted soul.
“Tell her” Dina commanded. 
“Tell her how pretty you think it is” she parted your puffy lips slightly, revealing the beautiful pearl that resided inside. The cool air, mixed with Ellie’s breath, so so close to where you needed her, made you shiver.
You thought you could come with just her looking into you, examining you as if you were some sort of art work, the most beautiful one she’s ever seen, with details carved by the Gods themselves, a pretty little button, a hole that clenched in and out— inviting her in, and lips like gentle curtains, soft and ethereal.
“Its so… fuck” She huffed. She could feel her mouth watering, the soft muscle hiding inside slowly grazing the top of her mouth. 
“So pretty” 
Before you could move and react to Ellie’s praise, Dina plunged a finger directly inside your greedy hole. Small, delicate, sheer little bubbles made perfectly round of your own juices formed on the tiny tip of her middle finger. 
“Ow fuck!”
Dina, quickly as ever, smeared them all over Ellie’s plump lips. 
Ellie fucking whimpered, and babbled about how good it tasted, and almost instinctively licked all of the gathered slickness that formed on her mouth. 
“Thats a good girl” Dina smirked, patting her fingers on Ellie's left cheek. 
“Dont fucking good girl me” Ellie hissed, almost falling to her knees when she heard the needy, long, high pitched moan that escaped your lips when Dina caressed your cunt again. 
“I see how it is” Dina nodded, grinning like the little minx that she is. 
“Tell her” She whispered. 
“Tell her how good she’s being for you then” 
Ellie gave Dina a questioning look, and stared at your hazed expression. You were wheezing, it was all so fucking much. Dina’s finger slipping in and out, Ellie staring and panting like a cat in heat, and the way Dina started slowly but surely, grinding your hips back and forth to meet Ellie’s hungry, desperate gaze was making you see a million galaxies every time you dared to close your eyes shut. 
“You’re being so good” Ellie whispered. 
“So good” she repeated. She was telling it to herself, now. 
Dina’s middle finger began forming slow circles on your clit, making you whimper out quiet sobs into her neck. 
“Look at her… I think she likes the circles”
She fastened her pace, making you cry softly.
“Tell her you like them”
“I li— I like the circles… God— yesss” you hiccuped, bucking your hips faster and harder towards Ellie’s face.
The way she looked at you, like she was absolutely ravenous, was inexplainable.
Ellie sat on her knees, legs slightly parted, both of her hands laying on the plush of your thighs. Forcefully, she parted them further apart.
She was utterly hypnotized by the way Dinas fingers pinched your swollen clit between her fingers, tugging at the little button. Every time she gave it a little slap, and stopped those agonizingly slow circles she was forming, almost as if she was creating something out of clay — Ellie noticed how your eyes completely shut, she noticed the juice leaking from your hole directly into your ass, making Dina’s thighs glimmer as the slick created a small, sheer puddle on her thighs. 
Ellie had to stop herself from taking her pants off and grinding on the fucking floor. 
“You like that baby?” Dina cood, plunging two fingers inside of your hole, pumping them in and out slowly. She made sure she was putting on a show for Ellie. 
“M’— oh fuckfuck” you babbled, feeling it jolt inside of your stomach. 
“You ready? Ellie? Touch her fucking clit” 
“I c—“ Ellie panted pathetically. 
“Make her come, c’mon, make her fucking come” Dinas voice was breathless and desperate. Somehow, she managed to keep it stern. She was in charge, for now.
Ellie’s fingers met your cunt, pinching your puffy outer lips together, her gaze fixed directly upon it, marveling in how louder you got when it was her who had her fingers caressing you. Dina made you feel good, sure, but it was Ellie who made the coil in your stomach tighten. It was her you craved. 
You needed her. 
“El—Mph— Ellie” You cried, as you felt her movements grow faster and faster. She wanted to drown herself in it, at last — her mouth was on you. She gave no warning, was she truly the student here? 
It was fervent, and warm, and the tight, pink muscle caressed you everywhere, from your clit, and then lapping up the juices gathering in your entrance, it all happened too fast. 
The thing is, she couldn’t help it anymore. 
“Put your—“ Dina breathlessly mumbled. 
“Put your finger inside when you eat her out” 
Her ears perked up, and she obliged. Ellie pumped them in and out, so long they almost grazed your cervix, over that one sweet spongey spot inside, rendering you almost unconscious. 
“Fuckkk” Ellie hissed, as she hungrily kissed your clit, sucking the sensitive little button in between her lips. 
“I wanna fucking—“ Ellie panted 
“Dont you dare keep your mouth off of her, Ellie —"
"You like when she does that?" Dina mumbled, gripping your tit with her left hand, her right one opening your puffy lips together to let Ellie's fingers slip inside easier, quickly pumping in and out like she was trying to win a race.
"I love it— oh god" you babbled. You were almost riding Ellie's entire face, your thighs clenching around her.
"Make her cum Ellie" Dina tugged the taller girls hair.
Oh, she fucking did. 
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ourautumn86 · 1 year
sexting with gf! ellie williams!☆ (pt. 3)
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cw; +18 content! minor dni!, sexting, public space (jesse’s party), usage of drugs (weed), smoking, reader and ellie being horny af, cursing, heavy make-out (semi public space), nipple play, tit sucking, hickeys, teasing, praising, dirty talking, use of pet names instead of y/n, fingering (r receiving), strap on sex, dom! ellie and sub! reader but they are kinda switches at the end, hard sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, squirting, oral sex (ellie receiving) not detailed (cliffhanger😋)…
me after writing this;🤕😵‍💫😩
it was friday night. and as every friday uni night, jesse had decided to throw a party at his huge house since his parents had left for the weekend on a business trip.
you were sitting with dina, chatting up as you two smoked down a blunt with him, but you couldn’t keep your eyes off of ellie, who sat in front of you on the other sofa, dealing some weed. it was something she would do every now and then to get some money. she always spend too much on you and your little dates. but you couldn’t love her anymore for it. last month she had payed you a week on a hotel near the beach. you had really made it up to her that night after a swim in the pool on your littlest bikini.
she was wearing his grew hoodie, the one you always borrowed from her since it smelled like her, and a pair of baggy jeans with a pair of converse. her hair was half up and half down in a messy bun, and her hands were adorned in rings. you could see the one you had bought her sitting on her ring finger, the silver shining against her skin. she looked so hot. even more when she’d shift just the slightest and you could see a little bulge on her thigh under her jeans; the shadow of the strap she had worn tonight. you knew she has done it to tease you. to turn you on. and fuck if it was working…
her reddish eyes fell on her phone when she received your message. she looked at you for just a second, smiling at you.
hey pretty girl
what’s up baby? having fun?
yeah, kinda missing you though
she chuckled, shaking her head.
missing me? i’m in front of you babe
exactly. why aren’t you on top of me?
you smirked when you saw her eyes widen just the slightest, her eyes scanning the room to make sure no one was staring at her phone. no one was. and they were too drunk or high out of their minds to even care.
shit princess
you feeling a lil needy baby?
you bit down on your lip, and she huffed.
you bit down on your lip while i’m talking to you again i’ll fuck you so hard you’ll cry
your cheeks burned and your thighs pressed against the other. you thanked god dina was too busy making out with jesse to notice the way you trembled.
i’d let you
fuck, i bet you would
ellie’s jaw tightened, and your pussy throbbed.
yeah… i’m so wet right now, can’t stop looking at your strap
ellie smirked.
you like it baby? it’s your favorite
that one that makes you cum like crazy
your breath hitched. you knew which one she meant. it was long, and purple, and was detailed at the tip and the base, where some veins popped out. you remembered the first time you two had used it and how much you had ended up squirting that night. the length of it had you seeing stars. every new harsh thrust abused you g spot and made you whimper over and over again. it drove ellie crazy.
i still remember how good you looked riding it for me baby, taking my cock so deep and nice like the good girl you are.
i remember it too
felt so good
your dick always feels so good…
i bet it does, huh? you’re always so loud for me
want it inside els
you want it inside, baby? want me to fuck it inside that little pussy of yours?
your panties were so wet…
yes els please
come here first baby, let me give you a kiss.
you were quick to sit up, her emerald eyes taking in your appearance and tight red dress. you looked like a fucking dream and she wanted to hear you moan so bad…
she patted her lap, and your cheeks reddened as you looked around. the music was loud, and the stoners room was actually pretty chill and empty. most people were at the salon dancing. you let out a little scream when you felt a pair of warm and strong hands grabbing at your hips and pulling you down. you landed on ellie’s lap, and an inaudible soft moan left your mouth when your clothed cunt made contact with her strap under her jeans.
“much better…” she smirked, her hands now on your ass. “now. why don’t you open your mouth for me doll?” she inquired as she leaned in, and your eyes fell to her lips. you hummed when her tongue pushed in between your parted ones, deeply kissing you. your hands creeped up to her hair, and shit, if you weren’t in public, you’d grind down on her to try and get some friction, ‘cause you were aching and needed her so much you felt like dying… “calm down baby, not going anywhere.” she teased you, pulling away when she felt just how needily you were kissing her back, how your whole body was shaking on top of her. “i’m all yours.” she whispered against your lips before kissing you again, and this time she kissed you with the same intensity, pushing you down on her strap and making you whimper on her mouth. her stomach was knotting, and she felt that if she didn’t fuck you she’d go completely insane. “let’s go up, hm?” she inquired, and with hazy eyes, you nodded, letting her get you off of her lap and guide you upstairs with her hand on yours.
one of the free rooms was locked behind your back, and quickly she was pressing you against the door and kissing your neck, her hands reaching down to the rim of your dress to pull it upwards.
you moaned and she groaned when one of her hands cupped your clothed cunt, panties all soaked and thighs covered in slick.
“ellie…” you whimpered.
“you’re so fucking wet baby…” she muttered, kissing you hard. your breath got punched out of your lungs when she raised you in between her arms and took you to the bed, crushing you under her weight. this. this was it. this is what you needed.
“please els… need you.” you whined, letting her strip you out of your dress, your chest now completely exposed to her hungry eyes. her touch was rough on your tits, pinching your nipples.
you were letting out this little sweet sounds that were making her impossibly horny. shit. you were perfect.
“i know baby, i know…” she cooed, pulling down her pants and stripping out of her hoodie to push your panties aside to take a look at your soaking cunt. your eyes fell on her huge strap, although your breath hitched when her fingers teased your folds and slick. “poor little thing just needs a good fuck, isn’t that right angel?” your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your back arched as you let out a loud moan when two of her fingers easily plunged inside, stretching you out. “that’s it. just needed something to keep her all nice and full…” your hands gripped the sheets underneath you as she started to fuck you with them. “atta girl, taking my fingers so good…” you gasped as her fingers curled and her thumb pressed against your puffy rosy clit.
“ellie, fuck!” you screamed. she always knew how to make you feel so good…
“so fucking loud…” she cursed. “haven’t even dicked you down and you’re already fucking crying.” she shook her head with a smirk when she saw the tears of pleasure reaming your eyes.
you whimpered, and she grunted, pulling her fingers out and and pulling from your hips to drag you closer. your thighs shook when you felt the tip of her strap tease your folds, lubing itself up.
your back arched and your jaw hanged loose when she started to push in, inch by inch of her cock filling your pussy. “you just love getting fucked, don’t you? my pretty girl always looking so beautiful taking me so deep inside her cunt…” she groaned and you whimpered when —even if she hadn’t finished filling you up— she tried to pull back. “fuck baby, you’re sucking me right back in.”
“don’t pull out.” you cried out, but she cooed.
“you know we need to go slow with this one baby, don’t want to hurt you…” you moaned when she thrusted back in, this time a little deeper than last time. “that’s it. nice and slow. gotta warm you up for my cock doll.”
you could hear the embarrassing wet sounds your pussy was making as you took her inside. you couldn’t help but flush all the way down to your chest. fuck. you were so fucking horny. it almost hurt.
“so wet… look at that.” she muttered more to herself than you, eyes on your cunt swallowing the strap.
one more thrust, there were only a couple of inches left to go.
“ellie…” you moaned as she started to get rougher, starting to pull from you onto her dick harder. “please… i can take it. i promise. please, ellie, please…” you babbled out, needing her to fuck you stupid. maybe she already was.
“so needy…” she grunted, and with a harsh snap, she buried herself inside you to the base. you swore you could see spots as the tip crushed your g spot, making you clench down around the strap. “shit, you’re squeezing my cock, baby.” she groaned as she started to fuck into you, each thrust quicker and harder.
“ellie!” you screamed, your moans getting cut with every snap of her hips. she too was moaning, low and heavy. you looked so good with your makeup now starting to get fucked up, marks on your neck and tits bouncing up and down… she couldn’t help but suck on them as the strap started to rub her clit, making her fuck you in need of her own release.
“fuck baby. doing so good for me. looking like a fucking angel while i’m so deep inside you…” tears were rolling down your cheeks, mascara staining your skin.
“i’m gonna cum…” you whimpered, feeling the knot on your stomach growing tighter and tighter. shit, she was fucking your brains out.
“yeah baby? you gonna cum on my cock?” you screamed when her fingers met your clit, rubbing it just the perfect way to have you trembling underneath her and falling apart, gushing all over the strap as your moans got louder and louder. ellie thanked god the music was loud as fuck, ‘cause she’d surely kill anyone who’d ever get to hear you like this. see you like this. you were hers. the hickeys on your neck were a proof of that, and she’d make sure to ruin you for anyone else. “atta girl. fuck. that’s it baby, keep cumming for me, you look so beautiful when you cum…” your ears were ringing and your vision was rimmed in black, the pleasure on your body being to much. and it only seemed to grow, and grow, and…
“ellie, i’m gonna… i’m gonna…!” before you could even warn her you were squirting all over her thighs, strap and the sheets, your back arching as you let out a broken, low and long moan that had her cumming on her own boxers. and how couldn’t she? fuck. that was the hottest thing she had ever fucking seen. and heard.
she was grunting as she fucked you two through it, the wet squelches of your cunt swallowing her cock making you feel dizzy and light headed.
when she finally stilled, you whined when she pulled out, but she hushed you with a soft peck on your lips.
“need to clean you up, baby.” she said before leaving the bad and going towards the bathroom to your left. you heard the water running for a moment before she was finally back, holding a wet towel. you hissed and shook when it made contact with your sensitive cunt, even more with your puffy and abused clit. “i know… but you did so good for me baby… took me so good. my good girl…” she praised you, —once she had finished cleaning up the two of you— leaving kisses up from your thighs to your stomach, chest, neck, and finally your lips. you hummed when her tongue entered your mouth, kissing you deep and slow.
you slowly rose yourself, and sat up to kiss her harder, this time pushing her down onto the mattress. her lips were shiny and swollen red when you pulled away, a string of spit connecting your mouth.
your lips next fell onto her jaw, and the on her neck, where you paused for a second, leaving open mouth kisses before sucking on her skin. wanting too to leave your mark behind.
“what are you doing?” she inquired, breathy, almost weak.
“wanna take care of you.” you said as you unclipped the strap and pushed it aside and onto the floor. you couldn’t care less. you’d clean everything later. one of her veiny hands found your hair as you pressed your lips to her sports bra, mouthing at her nipples, which pocked through the material due to her arousal.
you then went lower, onto her toned stomach, and then, your hands were tugging down on her soaked boxers.
your eyes fell on her cunt, sticky with cum, and you felt high.
you looked into her emerald eyes, and her lips curved in a smirk.
“go ahead baby.”
a/n; oh god i actually i am happy about the results of my writing in this one for the first time in like… weeks. hope you liked it too<3
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astroph1les · 6 months
ellie x reader where ellie is very protective of reader and is like “who did this to you? where are they ?!” after seeing readers nose is all busted up but it’s cause readers real clumsy and tried opening a door by pulling it but it was a push
bumps and bruises [e.w]
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summary: you hit your nose while passing by a classroom. ellie, being the protective girlfriend she is, is determined to know who had harmed you.
pairing: ellie williams x fem! reader
contains: mature language, established relationship, mentions of homophobia (the word ‘queer’) , college au, quiet!reader, protective!ellie, mentions of dealer!ellie.
word count: 1K
a/n: i’m so sorry that i changed the request just a bit. i hope you all enjoy anyways. i really enjoy writing writing ellie so keep it coming with these requests babes :)
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You examine the bruising at the bridge of your nose in the bathroom mirror, mumbling curses to yourself as the pressure aches. It was still faint but there were hints of yellow and purple slightly on the sides along with the bridge of your nose.
It had happened all too quickly. You were passing by a lecture room yesterday on your way to the bathroom when a student slammed the door open, hitting you right in the middle of your face. She, of course, apologized profusely to you after she heard a loud thump coming from behind the door.
But here you were with a bruised nose and Ellie was on her way to your dorm room.
Your roommate, Dina, reassured you that it would heal rather quickly and your nose was going to be just fine. That wasn’t what you were worried about.
When you heard the familiar knock on your dorm room, you muttered curses to yourself as you quickly smoothed out your frizzy hair and wiped underneath your eyes from the slightly smudged mascara from the day.
“Coming!” You call out to Ellie as you rush over to the door, gripping the handle to prepare for her reaction.
Once you unlocked the door and twisted the silver handle, you tugged the heavy wood open to see Ellie standing there with her signature gray hoodie and black skinny jeans with those Converse that had been through hell and back. She refused to let them go.
“Hey, I’m sorry I’m late, baby. Some frat douchebag didn’t have the right…” Her light green eyes flicker across your face about to lean in to kiss you but just as you thought, she locked her gaze on the bruising.
Her cold hands gripped onto either side of your face, tugging your face closer to hers.
“What fucking happened to your nose?” She seethed, examining the deep bruising.
“Els, it’s really nothing.” You try to reassure her, placing one of your warm palms onto her wrist.
“Who did it?” She released your warming face.
You frown at her words and grab ahold of her arm to tug her inside your dorm room. You shut the door and lock it, looking back at Ellie who had her hands on her hips. She seemed like she was waiting for an answer.
“Was it those fuckers who called you a ‘queer’ and said all that stupid shit about not belonging here?” Ellie was already pissed and there was no coming back from that.
About a week ago, there might have been these girls — whom you shared a course with — who had seen you and Ellie walking to the library holding hands. They later ambushed you once Ellie had to leave for a deal across campus. Their tones were so condescending and degrading when they told you; ‘you know, we knew you were weird but we didn't think it was because you were a queer.’
You didn't understand why they found you so weird. You were quiet in class, did not participate often, and more importantly; never once interacted with them.
“No, Els. They haven’t—“
“Did they do this? That one with the uh—“ She motioned with her fern-tattooed arm as she tried to remember what they all looked like. “— Goddamn Barbie’s hair— did she do this? I’ll fucking rip those extensions right out of her fucking head.”
You chuckled at her rage, covering your mouth as you let her rant on about these immature girls. As dramatic as Ellie is, especially when it comes to people who are one; homophobic, and two; mess with you, it warmed your heart to know she cared this much about you. Her intense eyes notice you holding back laughter, furrowing her brows.
“Why are you laughing?” Her tone is both confused and frustrated.
“Els, baby,” you walk over to her with a smile, taking her cold— seriously, you couldn’t understand how they were sub-zero freezing all the time — hands into yours. “Someone accidentally hit my nose with the door while leaving class. It was nobody’s fault but mine.”
Ellie’s eyes eased slightly as she was unsure if you were telling the truth or not. You lean up to kiss her gently, being wary of your nose and hoping that she will relax a bit more. Just as you hoped, one of her hands released yours to lightly hold at your waist.
Ellie pulls away ever so lightly so her lips are ghosting over yours to whisper; “You’re serious?”
You nod without another word before kissing her once again, accidentally pushing too into her. Your nose pressed into hers causing you to wince and pull away to pinch at the bridge.
“Fuck, babe,” Ellie groaned as she cupped your cheek to examine your face. “That door really fucked you up. You’re not, like, concussed or anything like that, right?”
“No. I-I mean I don’t think so.” You shake your head as you don’t believe you’re experiencing symptoms of having a concussion.
Ellie’s brows were still set in concern, her lengthy fingers carefully tracing your skin.
“Will you beat up the door for me?” You joke with a chuckle.
“I’ll fuck up that door for hitting you,” Ellie replies with an attractive smirk, her thumb lightly grazing over the slight bruising.
“I think the door’s gonna win, babe.” You respond as you tilt your head to look at her, running a hand up and down her inked forearm.
Ellie seemed visibly hurt by your comment before scoffing: “I’ll rip it off its hinges.”
How romantic.
“You know, I’d like to see that actually.” You hum with a nod.
“Let’s go. Right now.” Ellie jerked her head towards the door, a few strands falling out of her half-up, half-down hairstyle.
“Okay, but if we leave, you’re taking me to go and get ice cream after you rip the door off its hinges.” You grin and peck her lips.
“How about I just…” Ellie’s hands rest at your waist before giving your hips a gentle squeeze. Her eyes were raking over you rather hungrily and you knew what you would be in for sooner or later. “Take my girl out for ice cream and save the door ripping for another day?”
And yeah, you flushed at her calling you ‘her girl’. She loved acting like a hard-ass and stubborn in her everyday life but the minute she would come into your presence, she let down her guard— not by much, but just enough for you to be let in.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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taglist: @uraesthete @lightmywayout @imjustapearl @pinkblossomtreesun @marianeski @bellaramslover
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spaceshipellie · 10 months
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smut ✄ | fluff ♡ | angst ☾
tag: # tlou x cain requests 🌙 (includes blurbs of fluff, smut, angst with ellie, abby, & dina)
🪐 ellie
everything’s about you to me ✄ ♡ ☾
series masterlist (incomplete)
we were never just friends ✄ ♡ ☾
one, two, three, four (complete)
one shots
slow touch (sub!top!ellie) ✄
gamer!ellie x fem!reader ✄
ceilings (ellie x masc!reader) ♡
soccer!ellie x fem!reader ✄
sitting pretty (gamer!ellie) ✄
silver (ellie x masc!reader) ✄
sex paranoia ✄
easy mode (gamer!ellie) ♡ ✄
let me take care of you ♡ ✄
fill you up ✄
gamer!ellie teaches you a lesson after you piss her off ✄
hc’s, blurbs, drabbles
eating ellie out whilst she plays a video game ✄
rockstar!ellie x actress!reader
needy!ellie x top!reader ✄
ellie crushing on barista reader ♡
ellie’s bedroom window looking into yours (nsfw)
taylor swift lyric pranks (texts)
🦋 dina
stacy’s mom (dina x masc!reader) ✄
one, two
texts with gf dina ♡
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zombholic · 7 months
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“dude you raided your closet for like the millionth time, you have cute things!” dina groaned trying to help you find a cute outfit for your lunch date with the doctor. “yeah but dina it’s a fancy restaurant! i have nothing fancy oh my god i will kill myself” you sat on the floor defeated.
“wait, wait this is so cute! and so simple what the fuck” she held up a small, plain black spaghetti strapped dress, taking the dress for her you quickly threw your pajamas on the floor and slipped into the fitted dress “dina i look like a slut” the dress riding up your legs making you pull it down only for it to ride back up.
“bro hello? where was this damn body hiding?” looking at yourself in the mirror you turned to the side to check if your ass looked good “where was all this ass y/nn?!” dina laughed slapping your ass in a friendly way “stop being gay weirdo” you laughed grabbing your makeup bag “can you get my jewelry? just like a few rings and earrings, should i wear a necklace?” you started to apply a small amount of makeup but enough to make a difference.
“yeah wear a necklace, show your tits” she joked handing you small sliver hoops, silver rings and a necklace with your zodiac sign on it. “wow can i fuck you?” dina bit her lips and rubbed her hands trying to be seductive “girl i will kill myself” she rolled her eyes before you both bursted out laughing at her stupidity.
“ok lightskin justin beiber, which shoes should i wear?” dina told you to stand up before grabbing a pair of wedged heel boots that stopped at your shins “but wear your slippers cause i don’t need you crashing while driving in those” she handed you the boots.
“girl you got legs for fucking days” and yes you did, long legs that stood out “i’ll invite you to my wedding if you behave” you messed with her before slipping in some slipper and heading out to your car.
buzz buzz
starting your engine you checked to see if it was dina trying to be annoying.
Hey Y/n, I’m about 10 minutes away from the restaurant. I’ll see you there Sweetheart ❤️
hiii doc, im heading out right now, cant wait 2 see you! 🫶🏼
parking at the closest parking spot you could find on a saturday, you quickly slipped into your boots, grabbing your one and only expensive black coach purse that your mom got you for your birthday you threw your keys in the bag. walking into the restaurant you approached the hostess stand “welcome to vue rooftop, may i get your last name for your reservation?”
oh shit
you didn’t know abby’s last name “i’m so sorry give me one second” you moved to the side to quickly text abby.
hey, what’s your last name?
Anderson, are you here?
forgetting to respond to her question you told the hostess the last name “ok ma’am please follow me to the rooftop and i’ll show you your table” she gave you a sweet smile, guiding you to a very fancy elevator that seemed to go up for a good minute “i’ve never seen an elevator be so fancied up” you commented making the hostess giggle “i know, it’s really nice, you’re with doctor anderson right?” you raised your eyebrows surprised she knew abby.
“yeah, i am! do you know her?” “yeah! she comes here all the time but never have i seen her bring someone else” you felt something explode in your stomach, your face heating up as you tried to hide your smile. finally reaching the rooftop she guided you to abby’s table “a waitress will be with you shortly, have a pleasant day” she softly placed the menu on your side.
your heart beating fast when you see abby, “hey sweetheart, let me get that for you” she got up and pulled out your chair for you before going back to hers “you look stunning y/n” you placed your phone down by the table near your glass cup “and you look amazing doctor anderson” she chuckled at the name “you can call me abby” “i know but whats the fun in that?” you shrugged, giggling as you looked down at the menu, abby’s blue orbs never leaving you.
you stared at the menu wondering what the actual fuck majority of it says, you being you the facial expressions said it all “you look confused sweetie, what’s wrong?” she farrowed her brows “i’m not dumb i swear but-“ you whispered to her not wanting the other tables to hear “what does this even say? i can’t read it” you huffed out a confused laugh “here, you can get the same thing i do when i come here” she closes your menu.
the waitress came by to take your guys order “oh and can we a bottle of bourbon please” abby smiled sweetly at the girl before handing her both of the menus “i get to choose where we go our next date” you laughed messing around with the ring wrapped around your index finger “and where would that be?” she looked you up and down.
basically eye fucking you
“chilis, my favorite restaurant” she giggled at your choice “you’re so simple” you puckered your lips giving her a silly look “not really, not reallllyyy” she raised her brows before a waiter came by to drop off the expensive alcohol that was basically your whole paycheck.
she poured you both half a glass of it, handing you your glass you twiddled with the cup, smelling the alcohol as you tried your best to hide your ‘fuck this is strong as hell’ expression “do you drink? i’m so sorry if you don’t, i should’ve asked you beforehand” she apologized profusely “no no, abby i drink but i like very fruity drinks, i’ve never had strong liquor before” you took the smallest sip from the cup almost before pushing it away slowly trying your best to hide your very expressive face.
abby laughed even harder “you’re so cute, i’ll drink it for you babe, i’ll get you sweet tea?” you nodded preferring that instead.
the waitress came by with the bill and placed it on the table “just flag me down whenever you’re set” she smiled before walking off “i can pay half of it at least” you took out your card, abby grabbing your hand and pushing it down, shaking her head “no, i said i would pay, don’t even think about it” you huffed “ok but can i at least tip her?” she chuckled handing you the book, opening your wallet you pulled out a fifty dollar bill and placed it in the book “you think that’s a good tip?” “i think that’s more than enough ms. generous” she smiled.
after paying you guys headed back down “do you want to grab something sweet? i can show you a great ice cream place” she put her black leather jacket on before you two headed over to her car “oh my god is this a vintage bronco?” you gawked at her black car, amazed at how intact and beautiful it is “yeah, i restored it myself, i have a thing for fixing older cars” she opened the door for you to get in “oh we’ll have to come back because i parked my car in the garage” you hopped in dying at the beige leather interior.
she pulled up to this small outdoor soft serve place, waiting in line you felt yourself getting shivery and cold, feeling your nose and fingertips get colder by the minute, abby taking a notice quickly slips off her jacket to wrap around you “how are you cold sweetie? it’s only sixty-five degrees” she rubbed your shoulders trying to warm you up, you giggled looking up at her “sorry, i just get cold so fast out of nowhere it’s so annoying because i can never wear anything cute” you fake pouted “my friends like to make fun of me and call me cold blooded because i’m always cold” you two giggled.
“c’mere” she wrapped her giant arms around your frame, pulling you into a warm embrace, her hand on the back of your head rubbing your hair.
after getting your ice creams you guys sat in her car, as she heated the car up a tiny bit for you “what flavor was yours again?” you were licking up your ice cream cone making sure nothing dripped onto her car.
abby sucked in the air watching you, jaw tensing up, eyes never leaving your mouth “uh, sorry uh” she let out a breathy laugh “i got strawberry shortcake” you looked at her with your big doe eyes, confused why she was acting strangely.
“you got something on your face” she wiped her thumb slowly against the side of your sweet lips “thank you” you smiled sweetly at her “oh shit” she checked the time on her watch “work?” you questioned “mhm, i’m so sorry sweet girl, i’ll drop you off to get your car then i’ll have to head out ok?” you nod a little sad the date ended already.
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AUTHORS NOTE: yall dont EVEN my adhd is hyping me up so much im already writing part 4 SHORTIES
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::Download:: (Patreon - Free from 25th September 2022)
It was a close vote between The Real Housewives of Simnation (Nancy, Judith and Bella) and the Calientes, so I decided to give them a nod too, and it would be rude not to include Anaya in this, so she's also an official Real Housewife now (in The Sims at least!).
Each item comes in fifty swatches unless the description states otherwise.
Bella Dress - An asymmetric draped dress with a floral lace corset
Nina & Dina Dresses - Mini-dresses with a sequin collar and scallop sequin trim in gold and silver options
Nancy Dress - A very 2000s dress with a ruffle hem and sequins on the upper part and ruffles
Judith Dress - An off the shoulder full length dress with lace sleeves and overlay
Anaya Jumpsuit - An asymmetric jumpsuit with a metallic belt (six shade accessory overlay included) and five additional patterned swatches
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savannahsdeath · 9 months
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! contains nsfw
writers note: i want to thank you all for all the support on my other posts!! it means so, so much to me.. i always dreamt about being a recognized creator on here and yall really make me believe in myself istgg the confidence boost🙏🙏
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🌿 she buys you both matching bracelets<3
🌿 she often handcrafts accessories for you as gifts
🌿 she always helps you pick your jewels so they match your outfit even tho she has no idea about that😭her sense of style is just at a beginner level
🌿 when you are feeling down, she surprises you with a shiny new piece, knowing just the right one to cheer you up
🌿 everytime shes out with dina/jesse and she sees a shop with cute necklaces she just runs there. when jesse turns around shes already inside!! he always teases her about the fact shes literally spoiling you but she doesnt care. her excuse is 'happy wife, happy life' or smthn like that..
🌿 however she hates when you spend too much money on jewelry. like, its okay when she does, but you just cant
🌿 its because she prefers to buy you things by herself. why? its simple - you always reward her
🌿 youre hella mad at her that she always wears the same rings and that she doesnt match them with the weather, her mood and outfit like how could she be so tasteless😡
🌿 whenever shes going on a patrol you give her your bracelet or whatever<3
🌿 shes overall very happy you love jewelry because its easy to satisfy you. having an anniversary? doesnt know what to give you? a ring with some interesting history behind it !!
🌿 she obviously gave you a ring with her name engraved on it. its a simple silver one so it matches your every outfit and you can wear it everydayyy!!
🌿 you have sm of those shiny things you probably never even wore some of them sooo to prevent that everytime she buys you a new one she makes you wear it instantly. even if you keep saying 'look at me, i will look like an idiot, it doesnt fit!!' she doesnt care. she thinks youre overreacting sooo muchhh😭 because you are
🌿 one time she brought you a simple necklace that looked pretty basic and really like soft?? yk it was just so.. normal. but it was one youve always dreamt about because it has some realllyyyyy expensive things in them.
🌿 ellie randomly came up behind you and just fastened it around your neck. you were speechless. truly speechless. so instead of some 'thank you' shit you just turned around and kissed her.
🌿 she was giggling at how easy it is to please you (nah not really, she had to work extra hours to buy it but ykwim). you had no idea she buys you all these things mostly because of the way you 'thank her' for them. you always thought shes just being niceeeee
🌿 but yeah, you ended up filled by her fingers. you couldnt tell is she really that good or is it just the happiness from the gift making you feel better than usual. not like you dont feel good usually too, but this day was just something different. she barely even started and you were already soaking, moaning her name and turning into a wreck. literally, you were a whimpering mess. but she loved it (i mean, thats why she brought you that lil gift in the first place??)
🌿 you wake up next morning, your head on her chest, cleaned up and all (ellie definitely does the best after care). shes fully awake, stroking your hair with one hand and playing with your little fingers with the other. you looked up at her and she looked.. different? i mean she had that terrible smirk on her face as usually but you could tell something was off
🌿 she asked you some how are you feeling's and shi before simply saying "bad news"
🌿 you pulled away from her, leaning on your elbows, waiting for her to elaborate
🌿 "i dont know how this happened but.." she stretched her arm that was previously playing with your hair out and grabbed your new necklace from a bedside shelf. it was broken. literally cut in half.
🌿 "oh" was the only thing you managed to say as you lied back on her chest and her hand was in your hair again.
🌿 "dont worry, ill get you a new one. and this.. we can sell it.. y'know, theres a lot of people that wish to have one, even if its broken" she chuckled.
🌿 she wasnt sad at all, she just hoped you werent too. but you were. until she brought you a new one and fucked you to the point you almost passed out (this time without the necklace on)
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weirdesplinder · 1 year
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ellielatinagf · 2 months
Ellie Williams hc <3
I’m a new author. Might not update much but I will when I can! Sfw. Not proofread.Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Ellie would definitely be an iPad kid. She would also get mad when you interrupt her while she’s eating ramen and on part 36 of the Lorax movie on tik tok
She prefers silver jewlary over gold. She might have her ears pierced and put small earrings in them. Definitely has some simple black metal rings
The girl can skate. Not saying she’s the best but she can do some simple cruising. But she tried to do tricks to impress you and ends up with bruises and cuts
Cannot talk to women for the life of her. When you met Ellie you complimented her outfit. She got nervous and wanted to compliment you back but damn you were hot. She ended saying “oh thanks nice elbows!” The poor girl never lived that down
Is a Fortnite god. But one time she was so hyped for the game that when she died at 2nd place she flopped on the couch so hard she broke a couch leg. Jesse was laughing so hard you could hear him through the headset
When she was little she used to put on a hoodie and her hair on her forehead and used to pretend she was a boy. She would take pictures of herself on her little iPhone6. You somehow got the pictures and laugh at them every now and then
Ellie actually keeps her nails neat and clean. She’ll clean then and file them so they’re not too long. She’ll even put on a coat of clear nail hardener. And for some reason it’s actually really hot
Has drafts on tik tok of her trying to do the “one line” challenges and a bunch of other tik tok Games. However she also has some drafts of guitar playing and a couple thirst traps here and there
She’s your personal chauffeur and will call you her passenger princess. She will blast your shared playlist and have one hand on the wheel and the other in your hand. She likes to mess with people so at a red light she will look at the car next to her and go 🤨✌️
Your saved as “babe💋” on her phone and your contact photo is a cute picture of you in front of a statue or piece of art from a museum. Meanwhile her contact name is “smelly ellie” with a silly picture of her tripping or making a funny face
*Smelly Ellie calling*
You: Hey Smellie
Ellie: STAWP🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
As of her occupation, she might actually be a co owner of a guitar shop that Joel bought. Either that or she might work as a mechanic in Tommy’s shop
She follows NASA on Instagram and liked every picture they post of a new image of a star or planet. She’d also send it to you and spit fun facts about it
Her favorite character on SpongeBob is Patrick. She thinks he’s so underrated and a comedic masterpiece. She watches every episode of the new spinoff “The Patrick Show”
The girl has the weirdest conspiracy theories that sound so weird but she makes them make sense. Like you’ll both be out at a restaurant eating and she’ll start telling you how she thinks the world will end
I don’t know about this one but I think she’d also be interested in the ocean. Marine life is just as cool to her and loves aquarium dates (when she’s not hunting down Abby)
When someone says something dumb on Instagram or Tik tok comments she’ll report them and then forget about it. Then when they reply two weeks later saying the user didn’t violate guidelines she’ll get mad again
I feel like no one talks about high school Ellie enough!! The girl played sports like maybe lacrosse and basketball. Joel was in the stands with her uncle Tommy cheering her on and you were with Dina holding a poster and had made a jersey with her name and number on the back. She was a little embarrassed but loved it
She and Jesse tried to convince Dina to let JJ enter a toddler race for a cash prize of 100 dollars
Sorry if this is so bad omg I’m just starting out but thanks for reading!!! This was fun I’ll definitely do more! Don’t be shy drop some recs!
Free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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qvrcll · 8 months
college melodrama — IV.
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summary: with the party a few hours ahead, ellie’s plan to pursue you is in motion. what is just a few hours of light hearted pining is soon to divulge into uncanny violence and incoherent whispers.
warning: cursing, couple stuff LOL, pining, violence, fighting, alcohol
a/n: they post again!! hurrah!! okay but seriously, i missed u all so much :,) this was so fun to get back to, so lmk how this was!! make sure to vote at the end: remember, each choice affects how your story with ellie goes!! :-)
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It’s only a matter of hours before Naomi’s party — the thought of spending just enough time within that sweaty, frat-infused hub makes Ellie’s gut churn. But the freshness, the silver lining of your presence being there makes the decision worth-while. Makes it makes sense. She can’t help but be selfish — maybe ask for more of your time, already on your chat before she can compromise.
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But things go off the roster when she actually sets her brilliant plan in motion. It’s almost comical, how bad she is at this… thing. This thing you make her feel, make her carve promises and broken breaths like some bony cartilage lodged jam-shut into her throat. She’s nervous, and her body thrums with questions, with feelings, with the emotional strength of a love-struck teenager. This is not a good look, she thinks, but it’s worth it.
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You reach the party before you can complain again. The scent of sandalwood and poorly struck alcohol bottles meddles with the edge of your nose, pricks your senses with the promise of fun. Ellie looks over to you enthusiastically, something dancing in her eye when the two of you huddle over the threshold. Meanwhile, Dina makes something clear.
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Ellie loses you in the crowd: no biggie. She’s had tougher situations. Her daydreams are convoluted in the image of you, so what tough luck is holding back this simple thing of following the trail of you like a blinded fox? But before she can keep up this agenda, she feels her phone buzz too hard for its own good.
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It is not in Ellie’s best interests to panic. She’s reconfigured herself to not care. College has been tough and with its monthly roll of fresh shit to deal with, she’s grown bone chillingly stoic to the oddities that drift past her. But you — you’re far from odd. You’re of interest, a clear viewpoint she can pin against a storm of blue and brown and a haze that is prickly sweet. So, when she rounds the corner and sees you occupied with the fairly familiar Abby Anderson, with your lips etched with a frown and the onset of an argument forming, she launches herself into it. Head-first, unforgiving in her rudeness, pardon her.
“Excuse me — Y/N, there you are,” Ellie grins, a cheshire smile caked beneath that unrelenting gaze of hers. She approaches you like something of worth, of substance, and the mere action of her hand ghosting against the lower part of your back makes Abby’s eyebrows twitch with mirth.
“What, you got yourself a new girl to play with?” Abby means as a joke but it comes out harsh, words pressed with hate. You flinch, not meaning to but finding yourself disliking her tone — you’re not hers anymore and the crudity of her gaze makes you wither, rather than jump.
But before you can manage anything, Ellie finds it in herself to not toss the bullshit as play anymore.
“How about you fuck off?”
It was simple, something vulgar but straightforward in its essence. There was nothing standoffish about Ellie’s demeanour — even as she was standing here, collected in her converse and washed flannel that scratched the catch of her wrists as she balled them up, she appeared bigger than you felt. The pit of you stomach opens, gaping and squelching like a disgusting thing, truly, before Abby smirks, though there’s no humour in her air.
“Or what?”
“Wanna find out?”
There’s a pause, palpitation in the form of silence. And then, with no wait, a rude awakening is shredded in the movement of Abby’s fist, which makes its percussion clear against Ellie’s jaw, which sends the both of them flying for the rose coloured wood beneath.
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By the time Dina rushes past the herd of bodies that have begun to collect in mitigated whispers, in tell-tale beginnings of videos and pictures, Ellie is laying on the floor, mouth watering with the scent of her own blood. She’s laid damage on Abby but only barely, who picks herself off of the girl and looks at you pathetically. Her mouth opens and sews itself shut, before her exit was as unfortunate as her entry, and you’re left with little air in you.
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© 2023 qvrcll ! do not repost any of my works on any platform.
[taglist: @theganymedes @nil-eena @ximtiredx @inf3ct3dd @oceanparadox @cjrights @eveshyper @sosobaker @hsangel64 @zombie-catz @twsmalie @badbye666]
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asteroidzzzn · 10 months
pairing: rockstar!ellie x bartender!reader
warnings: cursing, smoking, eventual sexual themes, ellies kinda an asshole, reader is delulu (are u sensing a pattern here)
songs in this chapter: arabella - arctic monkeys
word count: 1.6k
a/n: every authors canon event is writing a band au, its my time now.
summary: the fireflies is a new band consisting of three people. after being cheated out by their former bassist, they needed to find a replacement, and quick. who better than you, the cute bartender that hasn't touched an instrument in years?
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you stumbled through the hot crowd of drunken bodies, searching for the side door. dozens of people were rushing to the stage where the new up-and-coming band was performing, making it even more difficult to push past.
you heard someone tap the mic, followed by a raspy chuckle which caught your attention. you paused in the crowd to briefly observe the band.
"hey, we're the fireflies, welcome everyone! before we start, i'd like you all to give a round of applause to jesse chang on the drums," a man with dark hair flipped and threw his drumsticks with his fingers while wearing a smug smile, having girls in the audience cheer and scream. showoff.
"dina woodward on the keys," a woman with thick eyebrows and her hair in a messy knot on the top of her head waved to the crowd.
"and of course, me, ellie williams, as the lead singer and guitarist," she played a quick riff, and the crowd cheered once more. "now, you may be wondering, where's our bassist? well, that bitch, abby anderson, stole our ideas and tried to take all the credit for two whole albums for herself."
there were scattered murmurs amongst the crowd. your curiosity was strangely piqued, despite already having a strong judgement towards band members. you had found them to be shallow and selfish because how could someone be in the music industry without being at least a little bit obsessed with themself and an asshole?
ellie continued, "so, excuse me if this song is a little off, we're in the process of finding a replacement for her, but the show must go on. this one's called arabella," she turned to jesse, "whenever you're ready."
jesse started up the song, ellie joining in with a few flicks on her guitar. dina's hands danced on the keys, creating an uneven yet flowing melody, and setting the mood for the song. ellie adjusted the mic, and began singing lowly.
arabella's got some interstellar gator skin boots,
and a helter skelter 'round her little finger, and I ride it endlessly,
ellie closed her eyes as she sang, furrowing her eyebrows with extreme focus. somehow, she had the ability to sing beautifully while expertly playing the guitar, and making all of it look like it was the easiest thing in the world. it was as if she'd been doing this from the moment she came out of the womb.
you found yourself mesmerized by the way the lyrics fell through her lips.
she's got a barbarella silver swimsuit
and when she needs to shelter from reality
she takes a dip in my daydreams
in the blink of an eye, ellie's fingers shifted from ghosting over the strings to quickly strumming. jesse tapped the symbols like a metronome as ellie's voice rose, evolving into an intense, almost shouting level.
my days end best when the sunset gets itself behind
that little lady sittin' on the passenger side
it's much less picturesque without her catchin' the light
the horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes...
you refused to acknowledge the way your eyebrows shot up and cheeks flushed as she drew out each of her words into a low whihne.
jackie, your coworker, found you in the crowd and slapped her palm on your shoulder, removing you from your trance.
"hey, i thought you were on your break? y'know, you don't need to stay in here," she needed to raise her voice because of the sudden cheering that had erupted from the crowd. your focus darted back to the stage to see ellie's head thrown back, having a guitar solo.
you quickly snapped your head to jackie, attempting to sound as nonchalant as possible. "just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, i'm heading outside right now," you swiftly left jackie behind and found the exit, drowning out the sounds of ellie practically moaning into the mic.
you groaned when the door slammed shut, falling back against the cool brick wall. you pulled a cigarette and lighter from your pocket. you shielded the flame from the heavy wind with your hand, inhaling deeply as soon as it was lit. you exhaled heavily, feeling the drums from inside pulsing.
you didn't know many things about ellie williams. you knew she was in a band, she could sing, play guitar, and you were very sure about one thing in particular. she was really hot.
you took another inhale. you knew nothing could ever happen between the two of you. you screwed your eyes shut with embarrassment when you briefly entertained the idea of speaking to her.
you wondered what she would say, if she would give you that smug smile she gave the audience. but maybe that look was reserved for screaming crowds that were basically on their knees for her. i'd be on my kne—
your disturbing thoughts were overdriven by the fear that your break ended. you pulled out your phone to check the time. two more minutes. you decided you should go back inside. you opened the door and made a dash straight behind the bar, pretending the band didn't even exist.
after four more hours of making ice-cold drinks until your hands became numb and dealing with gross old men hitting on you, you said goodbye to your coworkers to finally head home.
you pushed open the side door, trying to open a new pack with your lighter in between your teeth.
are you kidding me?
ellie emerged from the backstage exit, jesse right on her tail, yelling loudly.
"that was the worst we've ever done, ellie! i know you didn't notice because you're so fucking focused on yourself as always, but we need a bassist and now! we can't perform without one again, that was a shitshow!"
ellie simply rolled her eyes. "dude i'm trying to find one. you want me to fucking snap my fingers and conjure one out of thin air?"
your hands quit working on removing the plastic, staying quiet and eavesdropping on their conversation.
ellie halted in the middle of the alleyway just as dina walked in, dragging the instruments outside.
"thanks for all the help, dickheads," dina chuckled, but her face dropped when she saw jesse and ellie's furious expressions.
"um, i'm not actually mad, i don't mind carrying the stuff," she trailed off when ellie shoved jesse's chest.
"if you want a bassist so goddamn bad, find them on your own. just because i started this band doesn't mean you can't pitch in every once in a while," she spat, and jesse scoffed loudly.
"you're ridiculous."
dina set the luggage down and placed herself between the two.
"guys, this isn't the time to be talking about this," she guided them to the side of the narrow road. "you've been blocking that poor girl from getting out this whole time."
all three of them found your eyes and stared. you stared back with your nails digging into your pack, lighter in your mouth.
"um, i'm fine," you mumbled, stepping out of the dark corner. "jus tryin to get this open," you lifted the pack before getting back to your work on it.
dina approached you while ellie and jesse remained silent. "here, let me help you with that," she used her canines to rip a hole in the plastic, then slipped her nail in and pulled the whole covering off.
"hope you don't mind i put my mouth on it..."
"nah, i don't care," you shook your head, dropping your lighter into your hand and taking the pack. "you want one? unless you mind that i just had it in my mouth," you flashed a small smile while lighting the cigarette in your mouth.
dina snickered, "doesn't matter to me," she took one and leaned in, allowing you to light it for her.
you noticed ellie and jesse in the background glancing between each other and you and dina.
"i'm dina, that one's jesse, and she's ellie."
you nodded. "i'm y/n, i actually work here."
dina smiled and lifted her eyebrows. "oh no way, that's awesome!"
"yeah, i've been bartending for three years now."
dina gave ellie and jesse a quick look, and turned back to you, slightly more serious now.
"hey, sorry if this is too straightforward, but we're looking for a new bassist. you know anyone?"
you could have mentioned your brother, who built guitars for a living and regularly took gigs playing at restaurants. or any of your old band members from high school. they would have been a perfect fit. and you wouldn't get another opportunity like this again. you would have to be content with just observing while they were the ones on stage.
and yet, the words slipped out before you had a chance to think about them.
"i can play, a bit."
"oh, wait—" dina began, but the two lurking further away from you decided to finally join the conversation.
"are you serious? really?" jesse asked, excitement clear in his expression.
you nodded, suddenly very shy. "well, i haven't in years so i'm not the best, but i could just be a temporary fix until—"
ellie interrupted. "you don't have to be the best, just don't suck, yeah?"
dina and jesse simultaneously hit her shoulder from each side.
"ellie! be genuine," dina hissed.
ellie threw her hands up, jaw slacked. "i am! i actually am," she quickly swatted away dina and jesses hands that were ready to attack again and turned to you.
"i really—we're really grateful. this is truly so helpful to us. so, thank you."
you smiled and looked at each of them. dina slung her arm around you to show you off.
"see how easy that was, guys? you're welcome, by the way."
ellie and jesse muttered half-assed thank yous while looking everywhere except dina's proud face.
dina patted your shoulder and grinned. "welcome to the fireflies, y/n."
oh god. what have you gotten yourself into?
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a/n: woahhhhhhhh wow y/n is delulu whats new? im rlly excited for this story i have so many cool ideas!!! yay!! (*✧×✧*) hope u enjoyed this!
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vintagebbysworld · 4 months
Midnight Girls
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Summary : You meet Abby on the dance floor where you both completely devour each other, knowing you could never leave one another again.
A/N: Hi lovelies this is one of my first fics I’ve written in a long time, so please bare with me if it’s not very good lol. Let me know me your feedback, comment share etc. Don’t forget to credit my work and tag me :)
Warnings: 18+, minors & men do not interact, switch reader & Abby. Reader AFAB, described as feminine but feel free to change the description to anything you want. No body type or appearance really specified. POC friendly. Smut, tribbing/scissoring, exhibition, finger fucking, oral, slight mommy kink. Let me know if there’s anything I didn’t say :)
Word Count : 1k+ | not proof read yet
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Sweaty grinding bodies surrounded you, as you’re trying to find Ellie but seem to have lost them in the crowd.
Ellie and Dina, had insisted that you go out with them tonight as they wanted a “girls night.” But that insisted of them abandoning to probably go fuck in one of the empty bedrooms.
Seeming bored of options of what to do you make your way to the table of drinks, pouring yourself a shot, deciding to have the confidence to dance by yourself not letting the night get away from you.
Abby wanted to be anywhere but here. Just had gone through a horrible breakup being cheated on, Mel had brought Abby to try to lift her mood but nothing was shaking it. And Mel was nowhere to be found.
That’s when she saw you.
Different lights reflecting onto your skin, make your skin look fragile. Watching as you lifted your arms in the air, then slowly guided it down the valley of your breasts and down your hips.
Abby, wasn’t religious. But right there and then she wanted to get on her knees and worship you. Maybe truly you were a goddess and she had died.
And goddd…. that dress….
Silver backless dress, only being held up by 2 thin straps as it plunged down revealing your breasts. Not to mention it was barley covering her ass. She wanted to come and swoop you away, from the worlds eyes. Only for her view only.
She might be crazy? Already fantasizing about you, by just the look of you.
She had to have you.
You feel the music, your hips swaying and feeling pure euphoria. Eyes shut & Blocking out the world to dance by yourself. But as you opened them you made eye contact with the most beautiful girl you have ever seen.
A very tall, and muscular blonde. Staring straight at you, in nothing but black dress pants & white button down. The sleeves rolled up to reveal her breathtaking arms. She was nursing a drink, your eyes catching the silver rings on her thick fingers. You wanted her, god you wanted her.
Both of u still staring at one another, too afraid to look away as you might miss something. That’s when she had decided to start walking towards you. Meeting you on the dance floor.
“Hi, I’m Abby”
“Hi, Y/N”
“Do you usually stalk people on the dance floor?” You said in whisper.
“Only if they look like you.” She grinned, stepping even closer to you. Yelping, as she twisted your body and putting you against her front.
“Dance with me, just one dance.. I need to dance with you or I’ll hate myself for not having you in this moment against my body.” Abby leaned into your ear, spilling exactly what you were thinking.
“Then have me, dance with me.” You said out of breath. You were flushed and so incredibly turned on. She traveled her hand towards the side gap of your dress resting it on the plush of your stomach. Leaning in and kissing your ear and your neck. As you both began to grind into one another letting the music guide your bodies.
Nothing in the world mattered but you both on the dance floor. You felt on a high maybe it was the drinks or maybe it was meeting this women tonight. Who you wished would never wanted to leave your side even if it was dying wish.
You leaned your head back wrapping your arm around and holding her neck as you both breathed loudly. Feeling your panties staring feel wet and arousal leaking onto your thighs. Abby sucking and littering kisses on your neck, your hand sliding into her hair. Feeling like you could die on the spot.
Abby’s hand began to travel lower, her hands slipping into your underwear and teasing your clit.
“Wha-what are you doing?”
“Be a good girl, be a good girl and tell me to touch you. I’ll stop right here and walk away. Tell me you want this as much as I do. Let me fuck my fingers into you, while anyone could catch on what is happening. A dirty slut who has to be taken here on this dance floor. For everyone to watch.” Abby said into your ear, kissing it. Her finger barley touching your clit, feeling like a feather.
“Fu-fuck..fuck. Take me right here, I don’t care, I need it please. Please fuck m-e.”
Before you could even finish your sentence, she plunged two of her fingers into you. Making your arch your back and pull her hair. Earning a grunt from Abby. She was going so deep and hard but so incredibly slow.
“Such a good girl for me baby, taking my fingers and sucking them into your tight pussy. You’re dripping all over my hand. You’re such a little slut, better be quiet. You don’t want anyone to notice you.”Abby chuckled into your ear, going back to kissing your neck. As she fucked into you. Both of you grinding into each-other desperate for release.
Abby’s boxers were completely ruined. She has never felt so turned on in her life. She needed to have her way with you without people around. Nobody even took notice, to high or drunk to see that she was finger fucking you in the middle of dance floor.
Her hands pulled out eruptly, earning a whine from you from the loss of fullness. But Abby didn’t care, she put her fingers into your mouth covered in your wetness.
“Good girl.” taking them out and taking your hand leading you out of the dance floor into an empty bedroom. Closing & locking the door where she shoved you against the wall. Devouring your mouth like it was going to leave your body. You just as much trying to match her dominance, but completely consumed & taken by her.
“Fuck baby, take off your dress I need to see you.” Abby almost whining, as u took the straps peeling them off as your dress pooled at your feet. In nothing but skimpy thong and wet patch on them. Your nipples hardening at the cold air.
She took a step back, staring back at you as you looked like the most beautiful art she’s ever seen. In that moment, she knew you consumed her very well being. She could never let you go, never let anyone be able to see you like this. Her eyes only.
Before you even knew it, she was picking you up throwing you into bed. Crawling on top of you. Still fully clothed. Kissing you with every last soul in her body. You took the chance to swing around and push her into the mattress staring back at her, grinning.
“Tsk… never thought I would love seeing you on top of me princess.” she chuckled. But you shut it up as u kissed her neck. Unbuttoning her shirt, tossing it onto the floor as u traveled your lips to her nipples. Sucking them. Abby let out a whine and bucked her hips into the air.
You began taking off her pants and boxers leaving her just bare as you. As you sank to your knees peppering her thighs with kisses your mouth watering at the look of her honestly drenched pussy.
“Fuck- baby please pleas-.“ you didn’t let her finish as you dived your tongue into her slit. Lapping up her juices, humming at the sweet & salty taste. You never tasted anything better and wanted to devour her.
“Ugh..ahhhh- don’t stop please-ugh mom-mommy.” she called out into the air. Her ring covered hands getting tangled into your hair as she used your face to get off.
“Good girl Abby. Such a good girl for mommy.” you smirked into her pussy as she whined at the name you had claimed.
She couldn’t take it any longer lifting your body off the ground onto the mattress. As she pushed beneath her. Claiming back her dominance. Smiling at you as she slotted her pussy against yours.
“Sorry baby, I couldn’t wait… fuck I can’t stop you feel so good.” Abby moaned into your mouth as she grinded her wet pussy into your yours. Her clit overstimulated and your pussy feeling like the best thing in the entire world.
“Don’t stop, ugh don’t Abby. I need it so badly. Make me cum, make us cum. I need to feel you drench my pussy with your cum.” Abby whined at your words going faster as you both moaning out loudly as it was by far the best thing you both have ever felt in your lives. No partner, hookup, person could even match to what you both were feeling in this moment. The pleasure was so overwhelming that you both would cry if the other person stopped.
“I’m gonna cum, fuck baby. Cum with me please I can’t stop, stop I need you to cum right here, right now with me.” With that you both moaned & whined chasing the high. Then screaming out as you both completely soaked each-others pussies with cum. Slowly stopping trying to take a breath, as you just died and came back to life.
Abby crawled off you, laying on the bed as she cradled your body against hers. Both of you still trying to come off the high. You kissing her shoulder and now laying on her chest. Too scared to say anything as you wanted to never leave this moment. And stay here forever.
“I know we just skipped like 4 bases, but how does dinner sound tomorrow night?”
You giggled at her question. “I would love that.”
Both of you knew you had completely consumed each other. And wouldn’t dare to leave.
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Coming soon…. AFAB Ballerina x Boxer Abby 18+…
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crushedsweets · 4 months
Bing bong, I got a question.
What is Dina like in your AU?
Also, Merry Christmas!
-Bing Bong Anon
i realized i have no good footing for what i want dina to do in my AU. and so i kept putting this off. but i decided if i just talk, something will get out. so i got this.. THIS COVERS MY REWRITE OF DINA AND LAZARI!! <33
tw for cult topics, suicide mention, death, etc etc
i know i want lazari and dina's stories to intertwine.
i want them to be born into the same cult
dina is born to the leader. her birth is ceremonial and important, immediately she is treated like the second coming of christ. as she gets older, they begin to view her like a prophet of some sort - she's often referred to as a guardian angel just by existing, like her being keeps the cult intact and safe. blessings are attributed to her presence, loss is attributed to her absence.
as a result, she was kept under constant surveillance and incredibly isolated. she wasn't allowed friends, aside from some half-siblings who were still treated as below her. constantly being praised and treated like you are some sort of celestial being . . . really messes with someone.
in turn, lazari is in the same cult, but her mother was infertile, which the cult sees as a complete failure of a woman. so her mom sought out new forms of conception, and a demonic ritual involving zalgo took place. zalgo is lazari's "father", but she is raised by her mothers husband.
for opposite reasons, lazari is kept under constant surveillance and incredibly isolated. her mother is constantly doing rituals on her, trying to 'beat the demon' out of her daughter, as she regretted her actions the second lazari was born. she felt no love for her child. around age 7, lazaris mother does kill herself in front of her daughter. demonic tendencies begin breaking out for lazari
when dina is about 13-15, she begins sneaking out more often. it's just things like sitting on fields and talking to some random boys in the cult, something she'd NEVER be allowed by her parents.
one day, when she's out doing things she shouldnt do, she bumps into lazari. lazari is completely out of it, red eyes and black bloody oozing out of her mouth, all her veins are pure black and it looks fucking scary. and she bites dina. the next day, lazari looks normal.
dina doesnt tell anyone. she wasnt supposed to be out, she'd be in more trouble than it was worth to snitch on lazari. but shes scared, and she begins noticing changes in her own biology
her own veins darken, at night she wakes up black liquid fogging up her vision (crying a bit will get it all out), she is constantly ill, convulsing, etc. her own parents begin getting scared, and the rest of the cult begins whispering
and dina is fucking pissed. shes been given the entire world on a silver platter her entire life(aside from freedom), and lazari took it away in one bite.
after a couple months of dina's health and image deteriorating, dina is overcome with anger. she stumbles her way to lazari's little home, convincing her to go on a walk. lazari is suspicious but was raised to never deny authority, so they do.
dina guides lazari to the forest, deciding it her divine right granted by god to take lazari's life. completely convinced she is allowed to cast judgement on this 11 year old girl as punishment.
it doesnt work, very quickly they get physical - this 17 year old is trying to kill this 11 year old, but lazari is literally half demon. the second blood spills and lazaris adrenaline spikes, dina is slaughtered in the middle of the forest.
lazari tries to run away. but she is a product of zalgo, and zalgo is trapped in the forest due to slender pages decorating the perimeter. she'll stand at the edge of the forest, trying to get out, but there's some barrier that wont let her escape
and all the while, dina's corpse is being overtaken by zalgo
now lazari and dina are stuck in the same forest.
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creepywrites · 8 months
Real names
Jeff the Killer- Jeffrey woods
Liu- Louis Woods
Ben- Ben Lawman
Sally Dawn- Sally Dawn (formerly Williams)
Sam Williams- Sam Williams
Milo the Electrocuted- Milo Moretti
Lulu- Lucille Greatfield
Clockwork- Natalie Rogers (formerly Quellette)
Zero- Zero (formerly Alice Jackson)
Jane the killer- Jane Vaughn Richardson (formerly Richardson)
Mary Vaughn- Mary Vaughn
Jane Everlasting- Jane Arkensaw
Vailly Evans- Vailly Evans
Nathan the nobody- Nathan Lux
Eyeless Jack- Jack Nyras
Kate the chaser- Kate Hayes
Rouge- Heather Marshall
Wilson the basher- Wilson Marshall (formerly Warren)
X-virus- Cody Rogers (formerly David)
Lazari- Lazari Swann
Stripes- Eloise Swann (formerly Bellarose)
Kaidy- Kaidy Zalgo
Senora Zalleen- Senora Zalleen s.
Nina the killer- Nina Hopkins
Puppeteer- Puppeteer (formerly Johnathan Blake)
Zachary- Zachary Gibson
Emra- Aldrige
Bloody painter- Helen Otis
Suicide Sadie- Sadie nanook (formerly Bennett)
Roadwalker- Zayner Nanook
Judge angel- Dina Angela-Otis (formerly Clark)
Nurse Ann- Ann Mia
Randy- Randy Harrison
Sully- Sullivan Harrison
Keith- Keith Davis
Troy- Troy Green
Dollmaker- Vaughn Volikov
Svetlana- Svetlana Aristov
Vicky genocidal- Victoria Ross
Hannah the killer- Hannah Jackson
Hung iris- Iris Illman
Oggy- Oggy Jones (formerly Oggy)
Lifeless Lucy- Lucy Jones
Asylum Nancy- Nancy Adams
Chris the Revenant- Chris Myers
Monday Child- Christabel Smith
Laughing Jill- Laughing Jill
Laughing Jack- Laughing Jack
Ticci Toby- Tobias Rogers
Luring Lyra- Lyra Rogers
Killing Kate- Katherine  Knight
Lost Silver- Lost Silver (Hibiki)
Cata the Killer- Cata Blackwood
Rotten Abigail- Abigail Walker
The Hare- Lin Wang
The Doll- Andrea Stevens
Raven- Manon Plume
Anna Schurks- Anna Schurk
Weeping forest- Jenifer Rhynes
Nightmare Ally- Adeline Abendroth
Red Death- Sifreid Gadriel
Gas mask maid- Marion Gadriel
Tim- Timothy Wright
Jessica- Jessica Locke
Taylor- Taylor Lockecr
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