strangererotica · 29 days
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Stepdad!Hopper x Reader • age gap (reader is 21, Hop’s in his 40’s) • angst, mutual pining, masturbation mentioned, troubled marriage, Hopper is a pervert wracked with guilt aka my favorite kind of Hopper… 🤪
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You wiggled on Hopper’s lap, causing him to stifle a groan. God you were beautiful. So fucking pretty and sweet, using his lap to sit in while you did your makeup at the dresser mirror.
“Thanks for the boost, by the way,” you told him, smiling at his serious reflection in the glass. “I’m too short for this dresser, I swear.” You giggled, patting your cheeks with a rosy blush. “If it weren’t for you, I’d be stretching on my tiptoes just to put my makeup on.”
Hopper swallowed back another groan as you adjusted on his lap. “But with you in this chair, and me on your lap-” You finished slicking your lips with a cherry-flavored gloss, and popped them. “-We make a great team, don’t we?”
Hopper forced a polite smile back at you, struggling internally. He shouldn’t be enjoying this so much, or doing it at all. You were so trusting of him, so naive in many ways. Even though you were an adult now, Hopper was aware of the fact that you had next to no experience with boys. He wasn’t doing anything wrong right now, by letting you sit on his lap…not technically. But because of the feelings he’d secretly had for you, for awhile now, even the most innocent gestures Hopper made toward you felt taboo…
When he’d met your mother, you’d just turned nineteen. And without an older, stable male figure in your life, you became attached to Hopper quickly. After marrying your mother the following year, Hopper hoped you’d finally begin dating, forming relationships with boys your age. But now, at twenty-one years old, you still insisted on designating Hopper the only man in your life.
He hadn’t minded, at first. Not when his relationship with your mother was going well, when she and Hopper were still being intimate together. But things had soured between them over the last six months or so, to the point that now, Hopper couldn’t remember the last time he and his wife had made love. There never seemed to be any interest on her part, leading Hopper to wonder sometimes if perhaps she were having her sexual needs met by another man?
With the tension in his marriage at a peak and its intimacy completely evaporated, Hopper found his desires traveling elsewhere in the home. He hated himself for it, despised the way he came almost daily to the thought of having you…but the woman you’d become was a temptation too great for Hopper to ignore.
Seeing you every morning, moving about the house in just your pajama shorts and a tank top like it was nothing, Hopper realized how disgusting he’d truly become. You obviously trusted him, just as you had for years, enough to prance around him half naked and think nothing of it. This realization only added to Hopper’s guilt, making him hate himself a little more each time he masturbated with your body in mind.
“There,” you said, capping your mascara and placing it on the dresser. “All done. What do you think?” You fanned your fingers around your face and batted your lashes dramatically, smiling at Hopper’s reflection.
“Beautiful,” he replied; and from the almost reverent sincerity in Hopper’s tone, you knew he meant it.
You slid off his lap, his hands immediately moving to your hips to steady you as you dismounted. Hopper rose from the chair, turning aside so you wouldn’t see him discreetly adjust himself in his pants.
He sighed with relief, feeling as if he’d passed some kind of test. “Hey,” he said. “You really do look great, kid. But-.” Hopper moved his finger to boop your powdered nose. “-Who’s all this for, anyway? You gettin’ all dolled up just for the hell of it?”
You glanced down at the floor, a blush warming your cheeks beneath the makeup. “I…uh,” you stammered bashfully. “I have a date.”
Hopper’s eyebrows lifted, his lips parting in surprise. “A date?” he asked, before quickly softening the accidental sharpness in his voice. “Oh. Who’s the lucky guy?”
There was a pause before you answered Hopper, and he found it a bit strange that you didn’t answer him right away. Maybe you were just shy, he wondered? This was the first date Hopper had ever known you to have, in the two years he’d known you. Maybe the situation was so new, you didn’t know how to talk about it casually?
“Uh, just a guy from work,” you explained. “You’d like him, he’s funny. But serious too, when he needs to be.” You bit your glossy bottom lip, chuckling. “He kinda reminds me of you, Hop.”
Your stepdad’s eyebrow quirked curiously, as if he doubted your sincerity. “Hmm,” he muttered. “You meeting this guy somewhere?”
“At the new mall they just built, yeah,” you replied, checking your look again in the mirror. “We’ll probably see a movie, or something.”
Hopper nodded, another polite smile once again fixed onto his face. “Well, be safe,” he told you, and gently squeezed your shoulder before heading for the door.
“Just, one more thing,” Hopper said, lingering in your doorway. “What’s this kid’s name, anyway?”
You froze outwardly, but your mind was scrambling for a response. “Jack,” you blurted. “His name’s Jack. He’s a nice guy, really.”
Hopper’s brow was creased in ‘detective mode,’ a familiar expression for him, but one you rarely saw directed at yourself. He nodded silently as he exited your room, patting the doorframe on his way out. You watched Hopper leave, exhaling the knot of tension you’d been holding.
“Like I said,” he called from the hallway as he walked away. “Be safe.”
Be safe. A sentiment that struck you as both ironic and unnecessary, as you observed your made-up reflection in the mirror…the mirror you could easily access, without having to strain. You hadn’t needed Hopper’s lap to boost you; you wanted him to be there. The innocence you feigned around your stepfather was as fake as your date for the evening, Jack.
The truth, which as always is more complicated than fiction, was that you’d been in love with Hopper for awhile now. You weren’t as naive as he (and your mother) thought you were. What you lacked in actual life experience, you made up for in observing others. And as you began to see problems in your mother and Hopper’s marriage arise, you watched each crack form on the surface with a growing interest.
Although Hopper didn’t realize it, your choosing him as the only man in your life was not an accident. You didn’t want anyone else; you wanted him. Tonight had been a test, to gauge his reaction to you actually having a date for once. And from the way Hopper had reacted, his change of tone, his sudden and deliberate need for details, you were convinced that jealousy was at play in his response.
Reaching for your bag, you checked to make sure you had your car keys and enough cash on you for a movie ticket and some popcorn. You’d go to the mall and see a movie, just as you’d told Hopper, minus a date…
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…or at least, you thought you’d be going alone. You didn’t notice, as you exited the driveway and drove through the streets of Hawkins, that another (very familiar) vehicle was discreetly following a few cars behind you.
Hopper wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to see, with his own eyes, the boy you’d suddenly, uncharacteristically, made the choice to go out with. The expression ‘know your enemy,’ may have been resting at the back of Hopper’s mind as he followed you to the mall; but more accurately, Hopper was hoping to know his competition…
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yabakuboi · 5 days
tw: for implied past emotional abuse, im in my feels today
"What the fuck were you thinking?" Hopper growls. He's not quite shouting, but he's still loud, raised voice echoing through the living room. "She's not ready to drive yet, I forbade it, and what? You two decided that you knew better?"
Eddie rolls his eyes, but gamely keeps quiet. He knows Hopper's less upset with Ellie taking a spin through the parking lot and more upset about the property damage. Eddie's on her side though, that phone pole came out of nowhere. Must have been pretty rotted out too, to fall over that easily after a little love tap.
Ellie had done a damn good job fixing the huge dent in the bumper.
But if Hopper wants to be dramatic and chew everyone involved out, Eddie's not going to stop him. Whatever gets the guy's blood pressure back down.
"You're supposed to be responsible adults! Especially you, Steve!"
Rolling his eyes again, Eddie glances over, hoping to share a commiserating look with Steve.
Except Steve isn't looking anywhere but down, shoulders and spine ruler straight. Eddie stalls there, stuck on the way Steve's standing, tense from jaw down to his ankles, his hands balled into tight fists flat at his side, knuckles white. Hopper keeps ranting, pacing a wide circle in front of them, but Steve doesn't flinch, doesn't look up, doesn't react. It's like all the color has washed from him.
"Are you even listening?!"
"Yes, sir," Steve says tightly. He doesn't look up. Hopper keeps going.
Eddie watches as Steve's throat works to swallow, like he's choking. Like he can't breathe.
"Hopper," Eddie snaps. "Shut the fuck up."
Hopper whirls on him, livid, but Eddie's not looking at him, fixed on Steve as he reaches out. Tries to take Steve's hand, just holds his wrist when Steve can't unclench his fist, gentle as he touches him. Steve is tightly wound and trembling under his fingers.
When he looks, Eddie finds Hopper with deep regret on his face, struck silent. He doesn't say anything when Eddie leads Steve away, back out onto the porch. They sit on the swing, Eddie's arm around Steve's shoulders, rocking back and forth until the muscles loosen and Steve slumps, strings cut, into Eddie's side. They'll sit like that for a while more, watching the woods as the sun sets and listening to the dusk settle, crickets and cicadas and chats calling the moon up, filling their silence with nighttime music.
Later, Hopper will come out, temper cooled, and sit on Steve's other side. Will ruffle Steve's hair when Steve starts to stiffen. Will apologize when Steve eyes him warily.
Later, Eddie will scowl and glare, but ultimately keep quiet, unwilling to make the whole thing worse for Steve, another fight, another shouting match. Will stiltedly tell Hopper good night and take Steve home, wait patiently until Steve finally speaks, when he finally tells Eddie a little more and a little more, until Eddie's holding him tight.
That's later though. For now, he digs his heel into the porch, rocking them back and forth, and waits for Steve to breathe.
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
It’s uncharacteristically warm outside for late-winter in Hawkins, Indiana.
It’s 2004, and the whole entire Party is back in Hawkins to celebrate Jim and Joyce’s fifteenth wedding anniversary (it’s actually closer to their sixteenth by now, but they’ve all well and truly entered that phase of adulthood where planning things is next to impossible), and it’s the first time they’ve all been in one room since…honestly, Steve doesn’t even know when. Since Lucas’s wedding in ‘99, maybe.
Everyone is inside unwinding after dinner. Steve can hear them from where he’s sitting outside on the front deck gently rocking the porch swing Hop had installed years ago with one foot, a now-empty bottle resting on the unfinished pine floor by the other.
The front door of Jim and Joyce’s house quietly opens and Steve looks over as El steps onto the porch, closing the door behind her as soft as she’d opened it.
She pauses, her eyes turning wary as they slide off of him and onto the baby girl drifting asleep in his arms (his and Eddie’s littlest baby, Robbie – the older baby, Moe, who’s nearly three so not really a baby anymore, is inside still probably being doted on by all her aunts and uncles).
Even in her early thirties there are so many ways El is still just like the little kid Steve met back in 1984. At the same time though, she’s completely changed.
“Doin’ okay, Ellie?” he asks gently.
She nods.
“It’s getting loud,” El tells him, “Someone put on Jeopardy.” 
Yeah, that’ll do it these days – older and wiser they may all be, but any kind of trivia is still a vice for pretty much the entire Party.
“Well, you’re welcome to join us out here for as long as you like,” Steve replies.
He knows El is a little apprehensive around babies still, same as she is with cats and puppies – really anything small and vulnerable that might have been used against her many years ago, so he half-expects her to go back inside.
But she comes over and sits down next to him on the porch swing anyway and for a while, both of them are quiet.
Robbie exhales a satisfied snuffling noise that tells Steve she’s well and truly asleep.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees El’s hand twitch, like she was going to raise it but then stopped herself.
“Can I?” she asks tentatively.
“‘Course,” Steve tells her, and he watches as El runs the tips of her fingers over the wisps of soft hair on Robbie’s head.
“How old is she now?”
“Three months,” he replies, “Four in a week or so.”
“And she’s…she’s doing…good?” she asks, and there’s something so El in her tone, the same tone she always uses when she’s tip-toeing her way through something that, to her, is foreign territory.
“Mm-hm. She’s good.”
El nods.
“Your daughters are lucky,” she says, her brown eyes trained wistfully on Robbie even as she pulls her hand away. 
Steve thinks he knows what she’s getting at, but before he can ask, she keeps going.
“She’s gonna live her whole life never having to wonder if she’s loved or if she matters,” El says, “She won’t have to wonder because it’s always true. That’s special. I love Hop, and everything I have that is good is because of him, but…I still wish I could have had what you and Eddie are giving her too.”
And Steve knows exactly what she means because he feels the same way, because he thinks about it all the time, every time he thinks about his daughters and the way they are his entire world like he should have been to his own parents and yet never was, every time he thinks about himself and his father and his father’s father and knows it ends with him.
He’s not sure how to put any of that into words.
It’s El though, and he’s never really had to put those kinds of things into words with El, so he decides to just nod and settle back into the porch swing with his friend at his side and his daughter asleep in his arms and the faint noise of the people he loves most carried over them on the breeze of a warm winter evening.
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iridescentmemoria · 1 year
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I present to thee.. The gathering of the problematic DILF I spent way too long on this please like it.
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kate-komics · 2 years
Hopper is my favorite Stranger Things character. No one is surprised.
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delehosies · 2 years
sleepy mornings with hopper are always your favourite, and today was no exception – your eyes fluttered open to the warmth of the spring sun, seeping through the cabin windows onto your skin.
a yawn escaped from your lips as you stretched your arms out, making the tired hopper besides you groan, his strong arms tightening around your waist as you began your attempt to move from the comforting blankets of his soft bed.
“hmph, don’t think so…” he mumbled, burying his face into the back of your neck and pressing a few soft kisses to you – the roughness of his facial hair tickled you slightly, making a quiet laugh fall from your lips.
“i need to go, hop.” you did your best to move his arms from your waist, but your attempts were useless – he’s way stronger than you are.
hopper shook his head, pulling you in even closer to him. “just five more minutes, sweetheart.”
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rohondra · 2 years
thinking of a threesome with enzo and hopper 💕💕💕
The way that these two men wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off of you 😩
Enzo definitely favors your mouth. He loves your sweet little accent, loves watching how your lips pout when you’re accentuating specific words. He can’t get enough of kissing your plush lips all day, and fucking your throat allll night. He loves feeling the vibrations against his cock from you moaning when he tells you that you’re such a good girl, his good girl.
Oh my god and don’t even get me started on hopper hhhhh- he is obsessed with your thighs and pussy. There is not a moment in the day that his hands are not caressing your thigh or trying to tease your clit through whatever fabric is cock blocking him. He loves hearing your muffled moans as he’s lapping at your clit while his fingers stretch you out. The high pitched shriek that comes from you as he slides himself inside of you is damn near enough to make him cum instantly.
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bettercallwillow · 2 years
it's 5am, i can't sleep and i'm horny so here's a lil smut blurb ab jim hopper 😩
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You gasped as Hopper pushed you against the wall of his cabin, his rough hands already roaming your body. So many thoughts were rushing around your mind, he was your dad's best friend for god's sake. This was so wrong, the consequences of being found out heavy for both of you.
But did that stop you? No.
He pushed his lips against yours, licking your bottom lip for you to open your mouth. You obeyed almost immediately, humming in satisfaction when his tongue rubbed against yours eagerly. "Fuck, darling," Hopper chuckled when his hand met your clothed cunt, "Already fucking soaked for me, hm?"
"Wanted this for so fucking long," You whimpered, grinding your hips down on his hand. The older man groaned, pushing your panties to the side with haste and running his thick digits down your slit, "Got such a pretty pussy," he smirked, kissing down from your mouth to your jaw, and then your jaw down to your neck, "All for me,"
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sunricgod · 1 year
vance would be DEVASTATED that france lost the world cup.
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dilfbracket · 1 year
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Din Djarin (space pedro) vs Jim Hopper (80s dad)
"crack a beer open and play ping pong woth his small son"
"do an oil change?"
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noahmars · 2 years
Murray: If you had to choose between Y/N and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose? Dimitri: That depends, how much money are we taking about? Hopper: Dimitri what the fuck Murray: 63 cents. Dimitri: I'll take the money. Y/N: Dimitri!!!
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shannonxg · 2 years
Do you know the fics about Hopper asking if his friend, the reader can keep dimitri up in their house and they agrees and after some ups and downs they fall in love?
What if it included the classic trope of reader walking by when he walks fresh out of the shower, only wearing a towel wrapped around his lower half OMG MY OWN MIND IS MAKING ME SCREAM
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stevesnailbat · 1 year
anyways. day 1 of watching the last of us and i still don’t see what everyone sees in pedro pascal
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
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bestie, I fear I took this in the opposite direction that you wanted so I'm sorry
You were the last person he expected to see in his driveway, the sun had barely peeked through the darkness but he could see the mascara stains on your cheeks, see the way your hands shook around the strap of your bag- something was wrong, he could see that even without seeing any of the signs because you were there and you shouldn't be, you couldn't be, but you were.
"Y/n?" he frowned, putting out his cigarette and quickly pulling his pants on before skipping the two steps down the terrace towards you. "You okay, sweetheart?" he asked even though he knew you weren't, he needed to hear it, hear what caused this scene and how he could help. You shook your head, half-dazed when you looked up at him, the crease between your brow so prominent he was sure it was painful, having to fight the urge the smooth it out. "Let's get you inside," he decided, looking around the empty and quiet street quickly before taking the bag from you, a careful hand on the small of your bag leading you inside his place.
He was lost, no idea what do to other than take care of you, make sure you knew that despite whatever happened, you were safe, safe with him. He guided you to sit on his bed, pulling a shirt on before draping his blanket over your shoulders, returning with a glass of water that was placed into unsteady fingers before being discarded on the side table.
"You have to try and speak to me, baby," he noted after a second too long, sitting down beside you as you looked back at him with that look in your eyes, one he recognized, one he hated with a passion so deep it kept him awake at night knowing he wasn't allowed to act on it- wasn't allowed to avenge the girl behind those sad eyes, find revenge for the man who caused them.
"I don't want to, not right now," you whispered, biting at your lip when you crawled up his bed, Hopper not missing a beat before joining you, taking your figure into his lap as you melted into his arms, head resting against his as you breathed slowly. "Needed you," you admitted and he was on fire, ablaze, burning so hot that he thought the cabin would burn down around him until your voice came through again. "Only need you," you informed him and it was like a nail in his coffin, gluing him to this bed, to your frame.
"You have me, baby," he nodded, brushing his hands up and down your back. "I'm here."
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chaoticfandomthings · 2 years
So, Hop probably can’t use his real name anymore since the whole town/world thinks he’s dead, which means he will need a new name.
Which will be Byers. As in JOYCE AND JIM BYERS.
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