#did he just look at Lilith one day and go 'hang on. thats not my wife'
dyslexic-mess · 3 months
I buy that Alistor is on Liliths leash. How he got there, no idea, but I'd believe the real reosen he's hanging around Charlie is under orders considering how vaugh he's been about his motivation.
BUT. What I don't buy is Lilith being the big villen. I've seen a lot of people theorise that she's been missing because she's screwing around with heaven or she left because she saw Lucifer as weak or something, but I'm sorry. I just don't see it. Like.
This Lilith???
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Your gonna argue THIS woman just up and left her family??? No. Just- no. I don't believe it for a second.
So where IS Lilith, then? If she's not the big bad, pulling strings from behind the sceans, then where is hells queen? Well, this is where I get into speculation territory:
I think she's been kidnapped by Roo.
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toh-infodumping · 2 years
Added B-Plots and Additional Notes
Hunter’s name is Hunter in this AU due it being an actual mission under Belos’s orders. And with the public not knowing his name (most of the scouts don’t even know his name, let alone some of the coven heads) Belos gave him the ok.
He is CONSTANTLY working. He every day involves: him wakes up from only getting 2 hours (if he even gets that), goes to the coven meeting/checking in with Belos, heads to school, does school and most of his homework there, goes back to his castle, becomes the Golden Guard, starts doing his other duties of catching wild witches and Palismen, comes home, finishes homework, studies for a bit, and sleeps if able. Repeat, He manages to squeeze in a meal when he can.
He has a dislike for Lilith as he believes she isn’t suited for being head coven of the Emperor’s Coven but he also never does anything to throw her under the bus. He knows she’ll do that herself.
Also don't like Kikimora. They have a tense relationship.
When kids do try to bully/humiliate/prank Hunter by using magic on him, he retaliates with physical violence. In addition, no one there understands why! “Why don’t you just use your magic like everyone else!?” Which, Hunter will say, “I don’t need too. You make it easy to beat you.” And that’s how he gets the reputation of being known as the kid that CHOOSES to not use his powers.
Hunter enrolled at the beginning or very close to the beginning of the school year. So he’s been in school for a solid month (or however long it's been) before Luz gets there.
He prefers to be alone so he can focus on his assignment; both school’s and Belos’s.
B-Plot - Finding Hunter’s Uncle’s Restaurant
Luz, wanting to make friends with the lonely potions boy, approaches him. “Hello Hunter! You’re always so alone! And rumored to be weird!”
Hunter is caught off guard, “I’m sorry?”
“But you don’t have to be alone any longer! You can join our group! We— can’t change the fact you’re weird but–! We can hang out today! Willow, Gus and I are going-” Luz continues.
Which makes Hunter laugh, “Haha! What?? Noo. No, I don’t need friends. And even if I *did*  wanted to hang out after school, I can’t. I have work.”
This causes Willow, Gus, and Luz to question him about this. “You work? What do you work as?” (Hunter looks around and makes up something) “Your uncle runs a restaurant? What’s it called?” (Hunter looks around again and makes something up) - Entire conversation in the photo.
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But for the rest of the episode, it’s these three trying to find Trash Lights on Knee Pit that doesn’t exist. Hunter is unaware that they did this.
B-Plot - Tutor Please!
Luz is having difficulty with this potion. She expresses it to her group, which one of then suggests asking Hunter - the protege in potions for help.
Hunter doesn't want to train her. Man, does he NOT want to do this. And when Luz approaches him, he turns her down. However, Luz being Luz, puses and begs.
Causes a cat-mouse chase B-plot episode with Luz chasing after the potions boy for him to be her tutor.
A lot of "Human! The potion isn't hard!" "Well maybe for you! But I'm a little confused so if you can just-" "Read the instructions!! You can read, can't you?? Human's can see!"
It ends with Hunter caving and helping her out with the potions but refusing to open up. Just "Fine." (He puts his books on Luz's desk startling her) "Hunter!" (He sits by her) "I'm going to help you with this and thats it. See this? This means-" and the audio fades.
Hunter really doesn't open up either. He just passes on his knowledge, helps Luz understand and call it good. Luz however, sees this as "Oh so he CAN become my friend. He's just playing hard to get >:3"
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prinxlyart · 4 years
Your Vinira is sSO SWEET MY HEART US MELTING! How Viney not only accept Emira' stutter but straight up loves it?! Oh my poor bleeding heart! Now, my own question: How do the redeemed Blight parents react to their relationship?
Ooohhh see at least in my Willumity headcanons, Alador and Odalia don’t redeem themselves for several years. Like, maybe 8 or 9 years from when our girls first start dating. I imagine Viney and Emira become a thing in roughly the same time frame. So Emira doesn’t even tell her parents about her girlfriend. Viney introduces Emira to her parent(s) (eventually, maybe after like 6 months of dating?? Maybe a year?) and they are super wary at first because a Blight???? Is dating our daughter?????? And Viney reassures them that yes, they’re dating and it’s not some wild ruse. That being said, the heads of the Blight family also don’t know they’re dating so like. They’re trying to keep their relationship on the DL.
But if I’m gonna dip deeper......
( way deeper. This is another one of those Long One’s, lol )
I think....if Alador and Odalia catch wind of their daughters dating people they don’t approve of, there would be hell to pay. Like, all of them being grounded until further notice and that means escorts to and from school, no friends, no extra curricular activities, nothing but school and home. Not even their “approved friends” are able to communicate with them because their scrolls would be confiscated. Tutors (babysitters) while they do homework and further studying on weekends. No contact with the outside world. And if they even try to speak with anyone at school? They’ll all be pulled from Hexside and be homeschooled from then on.
All the while they’ll be using their connections to have Viney, Willow and Luz expelled, permanently. They may not have too much sway over these delinquents’ lives, but they’re going to make sure they’ll never be able to advance in society. And then they find out that this “Luz” is the Human that dared go against Emperor Belos? I can’t even begin to imagine the hell they’d bring down on them all.
So yeah, there’s a lot of disaster scenarios like that that haunt the Blight girls and ensure that they’ll never tell their parents of their relationships and will keep most displays of affection away from the rats that would somehow get the word back to them. At first it might hurt Luz and Viney to not be able to be affectionate, but Willow 100% understands. She already has that history looming over her in her memory. Viney and Luz will often use the Secret Room of Shortcuts in order to just hang out with their respective girls between breaks when they can.
I genuinely don’t know how the timeline of events will play out in the show in regards to Belos and the portal. It could take just days, weeks, months??? Years???? Before he’s taken down accordingly and a new portal is made.
Regardless, I like to think that in that time though, the moment the twins turn 18, they leave and they take Amity with them. They’re not just going to sit idly by anymore. Whether that means revoking their family name by some intensive ritual or just fleeing and using whatever money they took with them to find an apartment somewhere, they need to get out from under their parents’ thumb. As soon as they’ve established new lives for themselves, they are as open with their relationships as they want. They might even be a little over-eager, what with Amity kissing her girlfriends for probably too long at school in front of everyone, or Emira actively distracting Viney from her work while on the clock.
By the time we get to the point where they’re trying to re-enter their children’s lives, it’s stiff and awkward at best and like bulls butting heads at worst. The Blights are using any method they can to bring their children back home, whether it’s promises of extra freedom or putting in a good word to their coven of choice; even sending them extravagant gifts that none of them want. This maybe goes on for about a year before the twins and Amity agree to meet with their former parents. They bring their respective partners with them too; not as back up or anything, but mostly as moral support and as a giant middle finger to their parents.
Alador and Odalia don’t hold back their disdain. For their children’s’ foolishness, for their childish behavior thats ruffled so many feathers within the Emperor’s coven, for the damage they’ve all done to the Blight name; and for their daughters’ choices in partners.
They could take all of the other nonsense their parents were spouting, but being so outwardly hostile to their respective partners??? That causes Emira to nearly turn the entire Blight Manor upside down and Amity to summon an abomination large enough to chuck the manor into the Boiling Sea with her parents inside. Edric manages (somehow) to keep them both sane long enough to continue their conversation, at which point I think the Blights simply write off their girls’ anger as petty childishness.
And that. Is what sets off Luz, Willow and Viney. They absolutely go off on the Blights and just tear them both a new one. I think it’s been a long time since the Blights actually feared anyone besides the Emperor, but in that meeting, they feared these teenagers who seemed to radiate more power than they’d ever been witness to before. I think Emira and Amity are both shocked but Edric just gets comfortable and summons some popcorn to watch the show because finally, someone is telling off these miserable witches they used to call their parents.
They don’t meet with their parents again for a few more years after that encounter. I think Emira and Viney maybe break up once for a week before getting back together due to a misunderstanding, but Amity couldn’t possibly be happier with her life as it goes on, free from her parents and being able to be with her girls as she wants.
Over the course of the following years, they all still receive correspondence from their parents. On every birthday, they send a sum of money and a simple greeting. Every holiday season is the exact same. I think Luz is the only one to actually reach out to Alador and Odalia. I think she sends them a photo of their most recent holiday get together; where everyone is smiling or laughing or making messes or whatever. The exact opposite of every holiday held at the Blight Manor. They see each of their children, smiling and looking truly happy. And on the back, Luz maybe writes something about wanting to speak to them. Alone. Not with Amity or Willow, not with Emira or Viney, not with Edric, no one else. Just Luz and the Blights. They agree.
When Luz meets with them, it’s tense. They’re all quiet and stiff and still have an aura of hatred hanging between them. But Luz clears her throat and informs them that she’s planning on proposing to Amity and Willow. She’s still not sure when, or how, but it’s something she’s planning. She also informs them that if they don’t want to miss another wedding, they’d better clean their acts up and fast. And she just hands them a small scrapbook full of pictures of Emira and Viney’s wedding. They hadn’t even known it had happened. They weren’t informed, let alone invited, and Luz was granting them possibly the only chance they’ll ever have again at being in their children’s lives. Luz lets them know to reach out to her if they decide they want to be in their kids’ lives again and leaves them with the scrapbook.
When they do reach out, Luz shows up at Blight Manor with three others in tow: Eda and Lilith Clawthorne and Camila Noceda. They are three different kinds of pissed and the Blights have the good sense to just be good hosts and invite them in with little fanfare or argument. They all settle in with cups of tea and I think Lilith goes first; she tells them about how she’s had the opportunity to watch Amity grow up, even more so after she abandoned the Emperor’s coven. Over time she still acted as something of a mentor, but also as a parental figure when she or the twins needed her to be. She was honored to officiate Emira and Viney’s wedding. She’s grateful to be part of their lives because she’s been a witness to their incredible achievements. She really digs the knife in deeper when she tells them that Emira and Viney are considering having kids but Emira’s been especially hesitant due to fears that she’ll somehow end up like her parents.
Eda goes next, not even having touched her tea, just sitting with her legs and arms crossed and glaring at them in the most severe way. She tells them about the various sleepovers she’s hosted over the years. How at least half of those sleepovers found Eda talking outside with at least one Blight child if not all of them in the middle of the night.
She tells them she got herself a scroll for the first time ever because she knew those kids needed an adult figure that wouldn’t reprimand them for existing. They needed an adult figure to go to for comfort and guidance, someone that could reassure them that their best is more than enough. They don’t need to work themselves into the ground for a scrap of approval or force themselves into the rigid mold their parents made for them.
She tells them she’s seen more tears from the Blight kids than she’s ever seen from any other kind of creature. Not even Luz cried as often as they did, and she’s a giant softy (Luz lets out an indignant “hey!” At that and pouts). She tells them that she, Edalyn Clawthorne, the Boiling Isles Most Wanted, has provided more warmth and comfort for their kids in the time she’s known them than they [the Blight Parents] had in their lives.
Eda hasn’t had magic for years. But everyone knew how powerful she once was. They had all gone to school together too, of course they remember her and the trouble she caused. She lets them know that if she even had an ounce of the magic she once had, she would use it to decimate the Blight parents in every way possible for causing so much harm to three bright, talented, loving children that have grown into some of the most powerful witches the Boiling Isles has to offer. She also lets them know that before they even consider being part of those kids’ lives again, they have a lot of shit to work on and sort out. Because if they don’t? It doesn’t matter whether or not Eda has magic. She will decimate them.
Finally Camila sets her empty tea cup down and levels them with the most venomous stare she can. She’s the only one of Luz’s guests that’s actually also a biological mother. If she could, she’d probably go Super Saiyan with the sheer power she’s exuding with this stare. The Blights actually flinch which causes Lilith to have to hide a chuckle (she’s been on the receiving end of that rage before and she’s excited to see it unleashed on them).
She just starts tearing into them like her life depends on it. She doesn’t hold back in the slightest. She admonishes them for holding their social status at a higher priority than the safety and happiness of their own children. Her criticisms and curses are all laid out with razor precision. The longer she goes on, the more the Blights shrink in on themselves. Alador definitely starts crying at one point but refuses to wipe his tears away because he knows there’ll just be more anyway. The Clawthornes are shocked at seeing him cry, throughout their time at Hexside and while Lilith worked with the Blights in the Emperor’s coven, they’d never seen Alador express an emotion beyond irritation. Odalia also has tears in her eyes but she refuses to let them fall. Her face is bright red in shame though, it just grows steadily more red as Camila goes on. (Luz idly notes that that must be where Amity and the twins get their blushing genes from. She also notes that Odalia looks remarkably like Amity and wonders if that’s what Amity will look like when they’re that age. Her heart flutters a little at the concept of being with Amity for the rest of their lives, but she tampers down the runaway thoughts to refocus on her mom’s tirade).
By the time Camila’s done with them, Alador and Odalia are hiding their faces in shame. Alador’s trying to stifle his crying to the best of his ability cuz his breaths are turning ragged from how much emotion he’s experiencing. Odalia is desperately trying to wipe her tears away without ruining her makeup, but she’s also quietly sniffling and hiccuping. Camila sits back with a satisfied huff and Luz pats her shoulder (as a thank you? As a good job? As a ‘tag me in it’s my turn’? Who can say).
After letting the Blights collect themselves, Luz clears her throat to get their attention. She struggles for a moment to figure out the best way to say it, but ends up setting her jaw firmly and just blurting it out: she asks for their blessing for her to marry Amity.
After a moment of shocked silence, Luz’s courage starts to crumble a little and she begins to explain herself; she knows that Amity doesn’t value their opinion. She hasn’t for years now. Luz also doesn’t value their opinion. But if she’s going to such lengths to try and give one of the loves of her life her parents back? She may as well start off with a show of respect.
Odalia is the one that gets up from where she’s sitting and quietly approaches Luz. Eda and Lilith are about ready to throw hands if need be and Camilia starts to put her arm in front of Luz, but Luz stands up to meet her. Odalia gently takes Luz’s hands (she also notes that her hands are just as tiny and soft as Amity’s) and brings both of their hands up to about chest level. She has to clear her voice before she speaks; her throat became tight with the tears and hiccuping she was trying to hold back.
Odalia takes one hand to draw a large circle around their joined hands before clasping Luz’s hands again. She tells Luz that she absolutely has their blessing, and vows to do whatever she needs to to atone for the cruelty she put her children through. And so the Everlasting Oath is sealed.
Alador also stands up and does the same in a tear-strained voice. After his oath has been sealed, he places his hands on Luz’s shoulders and thanks her for being so damn stubborn.
They promise that they’ll be in touch with Luz again soon, but they need to talk to one another first and really sort everything out. Luz gives them a small smile and confirms that she’ll be waiting to hear from them as the Clawthornes/Nocedas stand up to leave. Before they leave, Odalia gently places a hand on Camila’s shoulder and asks her quietly if she could maybe come to her for advice on how to approach their children when they’ve figured themselves out. Camila stares at her for a moment before giving her a smile and nodding. She doesn’t have a scroll or anything, so she tells her to just reach out to Luz when they’re ready to talk. Odalia just nods and the Blights watch as their guests leave.
I think it particularly strikes Alador how casually Eda ruffles Luz’s hair and pulls her in for a side hug, loudly telling her how proud she is of her for pulling such a bold move. It dawns on him that he used to do that to Edric when he was still smaller than his own knee. It may have been after the first spell Edric ever successfully cast. Odalia sees Camila scoop Luz into her arms and plant a giant kiss to a her head, probably also praising Luz. They watch as Luz puts her arms around Eda and Camila’s shoulders as they leave the Blight estate and Alador closes the door before he starts crying again.
I think that’s the first time in years the Alador and Odalia really hug each other properly. Not to pose for a picture, not just a quick greeting as they pass each other in the halls of the Emperor’s coven, but like. For comfort. I don’t think they really realized how big and cold and empty their manor is until that moment.
I think it takes several months for them to get their acts together. They seek out a family counselor, they have weekly tea with Camila, they dust off the parenting books that have been untouched on the shelves in their library for decades. They look into Viney’s family and find out that she and Emira have started their own service beast program. The general air of grief and undertone of determination is interrupted by a moment of sheer pride at knowing their eldest daughter not only found someone she loves, but has taken the risk of starting her own business with her wife that’s a genuine service to the Boiling Isles. They make a few duplicates of the newspaper article they found announcing the grand opening of the first Service Beast Training Center and Shelter on the Boiling Isles and have it framed in different places; there’s one on the desk in their study, there’s another on their wall in their bedroom; they each have their own copy at their desks at work.
No joke, it’s taken Luz months to convince Emira and Viney that Em’s parents are trying to change. Emira has absolutely 0 faith in her parents being able to turn over a new leaf. It’s not until they hear Camila say that she’s surprised at the Blight’s improvement after their last tea meeting that they even consider that they actually are trying to change.
Luz coordinates a day and time for them to all meet once Emira and Viney agree to do so. I think they meet at a park somewhere, maybe a particularly nice public garden (maybe it’s Willow’s). Emira’s never seen her parents look so nervous before and that already sparks some hope in her heart that all of Luz’s efforts might not be naught. I think Odalia tries to reach out to hug Emira but like, actually flinches when Emira steps back. So instead they sit at one of the secluded garden tables and just talk.
Alador and Odalia apologize in as much depth as they can. Emira just sits and lets them say everything they want to say. Once they’re done with everything they can think of, they just sit in silence for a minute while Emira processes everything they’ve said. It’s not until Viney squeezes her hand that Emira finally starts crying. She wants to be angry, she is angry, but her entire heart feels like a full-grown griffon just stood up from where it was sitting and flew away. Her heart feels so much lighter. She stands up and moves to her parents and they stand and embrace her tightly for a while. Viney also feels like a huge weight has been lifted just watching the exchange. Maybe she also cries a little bit because she’s so happy to see her wife so happy. (And she maybe ignores the sound of a high five happening in the distance; she’s like, 90% sure Luz is there with someone else spying on them to make sure the meeting goes well).
All the Blights have full-on waterworks going on because they each individually realize this is the first time they’ve expressed their love for each other in probably more than a decade. Long before Emira and Edric took Amity and left. Viney maybe also hears a muffled sniffle and when she turns around to see, yup, there’s Luz, and she’s definitely crying into Willow’s shoulder. Viney rolls her eyes. Luz is such a sap. That’s probably why they all love her so much. She brings out the sap in all of them too.
After the Blights finally calm down, Alador and Odalia have an entire separate list of things to apologize to Viney for, which takes her off guard. She maybe expected an apology for the last time she saw them in person, but they went waaaay deeper than just that. And then they don’t stop at the apologies? They start thanking her for all sorts of stuff. Like loving Emira and being there for her when they weren’t. For helping her grow into the incredible person she’s become. They also congratulate them on their Service Beast Shelter and ask if maybe eventually they’d be allowed to visit and see them in their element. That’s when Viney’s face finally splits into a wide grin and she joins the big family hug they’ve got going on.
Lmao so yeah, long story short, it takes them a long-ass time, but eventually the Blights learn to love Viney 💖💖💖
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Hi Hello it me the anon from like 2 weeks ago that wouldn't stop asking questions and now im back :) so pls i Beg more Society Au Rants Also thanks for answering The Beta willow and Gus Fluff Thing means alot🥺
EYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY hell yeah lets go
Camila has absolutely No Idea what Luz gets up to but she usually doesn’t notice bc shes at work all the time and when shes back, Luz is either also at home or Luz is asleep (or left a decoy so her mom Thinks shes alseep). Camila at first worried that Luz never left the house all day but then she noticed her talking to Willow and Gus and was happy to know her daughter had friends. she later learns her daughter often leaves the house with said friends and Camila is pretty chill, thinking they’re just wandering around the town. she was less than thrilled when she came home one night ahead of Luz and had to wait an extra twenty minutes before her daughter slipped in through a window. ten more minutes and Camila was about to call the police/guards.
when Amity became good friends with the gang and was basically on Spying On The Scientists level, Luz had no issue taking off her mask. Amity wouldn’t rat her out and she was her friend, after all. Luz did it casually the first time when she was hanging w everyone and just talking and wanted it off. she looked over to Amity and that girl had her head turned in the complete opposite direction. Luz insisted it was fine but Amity sure as hell didn’t feel like she deserved that trust yet and...well, she wanted Luz to know something she didn’t. Amity already knew many of their bases, contacts, ideals, plans & backup plans. while knowing what Luz’s whole face looked like at this point wouldn’t do That much, she still wanted to give Luz something she could keep secret, should anything go wrong. am I simping for kisses on the nose of Luz’s mask? maybe
Barcus is basically the same as canon. he’s one of the mutated animals but is really chill. Viney and Jerbo are also aware of whats going down (and its a little terrifying for them since they’ll be adults & brainwashed in like 2 years) and hang around the edges of town and have their own secret passageways to get around. Luz stumbled across them on accident and since then the two groups occasionally team-up. typically its Luz, Willow & Gus causing trouble and the Double-Track kids being the cleanup crew, or act as someone for the group to retreat to when they’re done or it goes awry. Barcus also gets plenty of gossip from around town by acting as a normal dog and evesdropping.
the twins don’t take anything really seriously and at first never saw a reason to. they know every nook and cranny of nearly every lab and could sneak in and out whenever they wanted. this also meant they got into a lot of trouble with guards and scientists who they worked with and are often ‘forgotten’ when missions fail and everyone needs to leave quickly. or sometimes they’ll just send the twins out on missions far away and hope they take a while coming back. they keep getting more and more reckless in leaving the twins and Lilith keeps warning them that if anything happens to the twins out there and their parents find out it would be a VERY close call if the parents don’t put the breaks on the funding. not many people listen to her, THATS how annoying the twins can be.
this is also, coincidentally, how Emira met Viney. she was left behind in a massive rush to evacuate an area and was hurt and nearly got trampled. Ed had assumed she’d already left so he didn’t come back until a little while later to find her. Viney was inspecting the damage and found someone her age trying to drag herself through the mud. so she nabbed a half-conscious Emira, patched her up, and Oh God She Works With The Scientists FUCK Jerbo & Ed’s meeting was more along the lines of “someone please give me a break this chatty lunatic and I got stuck in a hole and now I’m subjected to dealing w him”
there have been occasions where when the kids come home, their parents are in the middle of being mind-controlled and leaving. at first they had to bite their tongues and let it happen, in case anyone was looking through their eyes and spotted them interfering, but then Luz said “fuck that im not letting my mom be part of this” and ever since every time she sees her mom being mind-controlled she has a bag on standby to put over her head and lock her in a room until it passes. Willow & Gus have learned how to do the same.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
OH MY GOD! ITS HAPPENING! Its only the summary and I’m emo 😂 I should be studying for my exams, but I have tomorrow for that ;)
Ok, lets do this:
"He preferred to hide his heart away. But he couldn’t hide David. He didn’t want to. David deserved to be seen." Like father like son. Both speeking poetry about their love ones. (and no, Idk which father I'm talking about 😂)
“I don’t think they are fake dating,” David hummed from the other end. “You don’t talk for hours every night if you are just fake dating.” (THANK YOU DAVID! SOMEONE THAT ITS NOT BLIND)
"They like doing chores. Let them do it. They fight demons all day and then come home and do chores. I feel like it’s their form of therapy. They need this.”“So, by not helping them, we are technically helping them?” Bapa had asked and Max had nodded with a grin. “Shadowhunters are weird.” “True dat,” Max had laughed. They were all weirdos. But Max loved them anyway. He loved his weird shadowhunters. (The domesticity lf this is killing me in a good way🥺)
“Will you on a date with me? Tomorrow?” Max asked then – because why the hell not. (Hell yeah Max. Go big or go home babe😎)
“This date is going to be the best first date in the history of first of dates.” In retrospect, he really shouldn’t have said that. (I'm already feeling his chaotic ass will do something like Magnus did, but lets keep hope)
"Maybe Lexi and Liv would probably enjoy a date – a fake date - in the arcade." Could I be more in love with both of them?? Is that physically possible?? 💙
Elyaas giving Max dating advice!! Lmaooo 😂😂
"His parents would not be pleased if they knew Max was summoning demons for relationship advice. But they had also encouraged Max to make friends with everyone regardless of their identity. So, technically this was their fault. They gave him very mixed messages."  YOU LIL SHIT. YOU ARE NOT WRONG THO...
FUCK. An attack??
You lil shit Max.
Yep, Rafael has to deal with it everyday 😂
"So, when he got tired, he would simply fix the problem by eating. It was a win-win to be honest." I feel like I should say something, but tbh it makes sense
Ok, this fight is intense
Wait. Anjali is there???  What?
Oh ok, it wasn’t
“Say the thing!”Rafael groaned and raised his hands, the alliance rune lighting up.“I’m not just a shadowhunter,” Rafael said through gritted teeth. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.” I'm dead 😂
“Well, demons are stupid,” Max pointed out. “Yeah, that makes sense,” Rafael said with a mouthful of food. “You are half demon after all.” “Asshole,” Max laughed and punched his brother.
“Text dad we are okay,” Rafael said, slowly recovering. “They will worry.”Max nodded and did that. (This just summ up sibling relationships so well *chef kiss*)
“It can be hard, Max. Bapak and dad…Sometimes I look at them and feel like I will never have what they have.” YUP. THEY HAVE SIBLINGS DYNAMIC. ALSO RAFAEL IS JUST 🥺🥺🥺
David got wounded???
Oh ok. False alarm.
Rafael sat down next to him and put Bapak’s head on his lap, gently massaging it.
“Are you okay?” dad knelt down next to his husband. “Just a little tired,” Bapak replied.A little tired. Max knew Bapak was fucking exhausted."  "Bapak never showed it. He never complained. Max wondered what else he hid away from everyone else." “Okay,” dad whispered and kissed his husband on the head. “Get some rest, my love.” Bapak nodded and closed his eyes as Rafael hummed something softly. (Well, now I'm crying 😭😭)
" His niece found an herbal medication that helps with the pain.” ANJALI!! I LOVE HER💙💙
"Dad finally smiled and went out to the balcony, phone in hand. He seemed to hang out in the balcony a lot lately" No no no. I dont like this. Babe find a better copying mechanism!!
"Bapak smiled then. A brilliant grin. The one dad probably fell in love with." jsyeihdiej I cant🥺💙
"Bapak sniffed when dad sat down next to him and gave him an odd look. But he didn’t say anything." Magnus tell him something. I dont like where this is going😭
“Does that mean Bapak is a capitalist?” Max asked. “Do not drag me into this!” Bapak protested and dad laughed at that" Ahh yess. Typical family discussions 😂
"David: Mr Herondale yelled “Yes! Two out of three!” (😂😂 I HONESTLY LAUGHED WAY TO HARD!!)
“Well, no! I don’t want drama. But I want you to be dramatic so I can tell you not to be dramatic!” I would like to say WHAT? but I honestly get it 😂
“Also, we all know you had an embarrassing crush on Uncle Jace growing up,” Rafael snickered. “And you definitely still have a crush on Uncle Jem.” Oh god 😂😂 but I mean... Who doesn't have a crush on Jem?
“Oh yeah?” Max demanded. “Well then let me explain your type. You are probably going to fall for someone who is like a combination of Aunt Izzy and Aunt Lily! Some femme fatale type who is a heartbreaker and looks like a supermodel and-” Boy got it right huh? 😂
“You two are dating?” dad demanded. “Since when? Who else knows about this? Why didn’t you tell us before? Were you dating when you were in London? Magnus, did you know about this?” “There you go!” Max yelled triumphantly. “That’s the dramatic reaction I was looking for. Thanks, dad!” lmaooo 😂😂
"And that’s how the next hour turned out to be the most painful and most embarrassing hour of his life." I. I have no words
“I’ll have you know this conversation utterly traumatized me. I demand financial compensation.” “Not happening,” dad said into his coffee, and Max groaned before walking back into his room. (THAT FAMILY 😂😂)
" I tried to hurt your father once.” OH no, the angst is coming
" He didn’t know about this. He knew about their story. Everyone did. The accords hall kiss. The fight in Edom. The changing of the law. Their love was legendary. Not this!" THIS IS BRINGING BACK SO MANY FLASHBACKS
“All I know is that I was terrified. I love your father. I love Magnus more than anything in the world. And I didn’t want to lose him. And I didn’t know what to do.” 😭😭 NOT AGAIN!!
"When you love someone so much, sometimes you do crazy things.” THIS
" Love had made a fool out of them. Love had made them blind." Yup. tsc: a summary
"When you love someone, you have to be honest with them" And THAT is character development!!
"They called it The Jem effect." I'm using this from now on 😂💙💙
"Uncle Jem was wearing a tank top and and ripped jeans." So its time for SIMP over Jem Carstairs? Okey then.
"In fact, he used to have a crush on both Tessa and Jem. It’s how he had found he was bisexual." Same here 😂
“In my defense, I was busy!!” “Oooo, someone has been getting busy!” Mina WINKED. (You lil shit! I love her 💙)
He didn’t know he could blush!!!
" They had gone to hell and back for Roman. It wouldn’t have been possible if not for Catarina. She was, and always has been, a miracle worker." Again, I love my queen💙💙
“I believe in Mavid supremacy.” ME TOO
"There is something so queer about Ferris wheels!" Someone needed to say this
"They had their own space in the spiral fucking labyrinth. These fucking legends." I BELIEVE IN WARLOCK TEAM SUPREMACY
"But Ragnor had always had a soft spot for Rafael." 🥺🥺
I love my warlock squad so much I cant-
Ragnor is so done😂
“I don’t want to lose him,” Max said it out loud for the first time. “But you will, Max,” Catarina said gently. “Everyone loses people they love. Every day. It’s how life works.” (its to early to be crying)
“Yes, we do,” Ragnor replied. “But it also means we fall in love over and over. Century after century. It’s our blessing.” (these warlocks are just to perfect)
“And that love is going to last for a lifetime,” Tessa said softly. “Can you imagine that? Someone loving you for centuries. Someone remembering you for eternity. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?” 🥺🥺
David deserved to be loved like that – endlessly and impossibly. (OK BUT THE PARALLEL)
Tessa should definetly write a guidebook
“Je t’aime à la folie,” Max said.David’s eyes widened. “Vraiment?“ "Je t’aime. Je t’aime de toute mon âme. Je t’aime pour toujours.” ( I literally screamed and woke up my sister, I just love them so much!!!)
"David smiled. The smile Max fell in love with" 🥺🥺
“I know I am not your forever and I am okay with that.” Max bit his lip. “Okay.” “But you are mine,” David said. “You know that, right?” (ksidjdldk its just all this was beautiful!)
“I got it all planned,” Max said – for someone who had no idea what he was going to do." (Me as I should be studying 😂)
" And you were just scared. You were just a kid." “I just…I just realized you might not have had that when you were growing up – that there might not have been people you could talk to about these things.” THAT!! LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!
"Max pulled him closer and kissed him again. Every kiss a promise. A promise to love. A promise to fight. A promise to survive" I would die for this two
OMG he took him to the Celestial Palace!! Thats so perfect and 🥺🥺
“Oh mon dieu! Ceci est incroyable! Il y a tellement de livres! Oh mon dieu! Je l'aime tellement!”💙💙 Idk how you manage to make me love David even more
“Of course he doesn’t hate you!” Max chuckled. “But he did say he will put your nerd ass in the silent city if you don’t bring me home by 11.” David blinked. “You’re joking, right?” “Of course,” Max grinned. His father had actually said that but there was no need to scary poor David any further. (😂😂 Imagine having the Consul as father-in-law, poor David)
“Yeah, not good with words my ass,” Exactly!! They say they are not good with words and procede to recite poetry of their love one??!!
Ughh I love this chapter so much and I loved how they deal with the inmortality thing! I just love when people comunicate and talk to each other! THATS A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP! And how they didn't repeat Alec and Magnus mistake. I just love it! *chef kiss*
Anyway, this was really long and it took to open notes to fullfill, so i'll just leave💙💙
Bro I just felt like I read the whole chapter again and I am feels. I AM FEELS SEND HELP. Not me catching feels over my own shit lmaooooo.
Thank you so much. I have some work to do and I was like meh and now I have some energy to do it lol. I hope you spend tomorrow studying! You better!! Good luck!
ps - I love you notice the parallels and references. It makes me lil heart go boop!
also why do I feel like y'all are eternally doing exams????
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multi-fxndom446 · 4 years
Far away
Mammon X Reader
Warning: just angst I think?
Summary: mammon is hurt that you replaced him with the brother that killed you
Okay so I’m really not gonna lie I love Belphie but I really think he was forgiven way to fast and if it went different I think Mammon would’ve been one of the angriest had he not forgiven Belphie.
Also should I do a part 2?
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Why? That was all Mammon could ask himself as he sat at the table with all of his brothers, poking at his food. Why had things changed? The answer to the question was simple and yet so complicated. Mammon’s eyes snapped towards the answer himself, Belphie.
Why had everyone forgiven him faster then it took Belphie to kill you? Why were they all laughing and joking with him like he didn’t do anything? Why were you sitting next to him..smiling at something he had said to you?
Why was everyone pretending you didn’t literally die in front of them?
Mammon’s gaze was stuck on you and your beautiful smile the smile that was once directed towards him and only him. He looked at the seat next to him where Levi now sat. It was the seat you would usually take to sit next to him.
He hated this. He hated this feeling. It wasn’t just jealousy if it was it wouldn’t have hurt so much. It was so so much more. You spent all your free time with Belphie everything you did now revolves around Belphie.
It wasn’t jealousy. It felt more like betrayal.
Finally his patience broke when your eyes connected with his and you gave him a small smile. His jaw clenched and he pushed away from the table, leaving the food he barely touched.
“Where are you going mammon?” Lucifer called out to him but Mammon just kept walking. Everyone went about there conversations as if he didn’t just storm out. Beel ate the rest of Mammon’s food and everyone continued on as they did before.
You glanced at his untouched food before you went to stand up to go after Mammon but Belphie grabbed your hand before you could. You looked over to him and he shook his head, “you need to eat, just let him go.”
You glanced at where Mammon left once again but nodded your head and sat back down, silently finishing your food.
Mammon stood just by the doorway for a few seconds, hoping you’d go after him but when he looked around the corner and saw you eating his head dropped and he let out a sigh. He walked up the stairs and down the hall to his room but just as he reached for his door knob his head turned to look down the hall where your room was.
He glanced down the stairs before he dropped his hand to his side and made his way to your room, the place he had spent many of his nights in. He glanced around him again just to make sure and then he let himself in.
The frown on his face only deepened when he looked around. He used to leave some of his stuff in here. His jacket, his toothbrush, his charger, HIS belongings. He did it in hopes to make you realized he wanted you to be his and only his. But as he looked around he realized you didn’t. The clothes he kept in the closet were replaced by Belphies, the toothbrush he kept in your room was now Belphies toothbrush, Belphies pillow was placed on your bed where mammon used to keep an extra blanket when you decided to hog the comforter at night.
He looked at your desk where the picture of you and him was covered up by a plushie Belphie got you. The only thing in your room that was mammon’s was his jacket that was hanging on the back of your chair.
He gripped the leather tightly in his hand, the other hand coming up to hold his chest where his heart was as if it would stop the heartbreak he was feeling. He was about to just take his jacket and leave when your door opened and you stepped in.
“Mammon?” You could only see his back and his hand gripping his jacket. “What’re you doing in here?”
It was now or never, “why him?” Your head titled in confusion, your eyes focused on the hand that fell limp at his side.
He turned his head so he could look at you over his shoulder and your eyes widened when you saw them brimming with tears. “Why Belphie? What did I do wrong?”
“Mammon you didn’t do anything.” You sighed, “can we talk about this later? I’m meeting-“
“Belphie?” He turned towards you looking for the answer he wanted. “You’re meeting him for another date?”
“It’s not a date mammon we’re just hanging out.” His hands clenched into fists as you tried to walk past him to grab something but he blocked your way.
“You’re always just hanging out with him now.” When you went to retort you saw the hurt in his eyes and stayed silent. “I just don’t understand. I have loved you since day one I’m the only one who has loved you for you! My brothers don’t love the real you, they love the idea of you being a descendant of our dead sister!”
You felt like someone had just thrown a rock full force at you. “That’s not-thats not true.” You told him
“It is! It is true!” He shouted throwing his hands in the air. “Lucifer has been trying to kill you since day one and all of a sudden he wants to spend time with you? After he found out the truth? Do you really think he was to busy to be the one to take care of you?”
“Yes! He’s always busy with Diavolo!” You argued but he just shook his head.
“No! Diavolo will do anything for Lucifer and Vice versa. If Diavolo really wanted him to do it he would have but he said he was busy and passed you off to me.” You stood silent. “Levi maybe the only other one that truly loves you because you earned his friendship and Satan to but Satan wasn’t there for Lilith! So of course he would choose you! Asmo just wants to dress you up. Beels just happy to have some part of his sister back. And don’t even get me started on Belphie.”
“Mammon please..” you said softly, feeling the tears start to come to your eyes but he either didn’t notice or was to angry to care.
“Belphie. He killed you. He never actually apologized to you and the only reason he feels bad is because he found out the truth. He killed you y/n! How can you just forgive him?! How can all of you just forgive him?” Mammon was loosing his breathe, “I held you in my arms, I begged you to stay! I did! Not my brothers. You saw it yourself. I was the one on the floor, I was the one covered in your blood, I was the one that cried and begged for you to be okay. I swore to myself I would’ve killed Belphie but then I saw you. None of my brothers felt the relief I felt when I saw you. They didn’t feel the utter happiness the love I felt when I hugged you and realized you were really okay. No they didn’t feel any of it because I’m the only one that’s in love with you!”
“That’s enough mammon.” You told him softly, still trying to wrap your head around everything he had just said to you. “I get your point.”
“Then tell me. Why him? Why did you replace me with him?” His chest was rising and falling rapidly with the amount of breathes he had taken.
“I didn’t replace you!” You shouted but his eyes flared a bright yellow and his horns came out.
“Look around y/n!” Your eyes were wide as you stared at him. Never had you seen him loose his cool to the point of his demon form coming out.
“Mammon your horns..” mammon took a step back, taking in a deep breathe, closing his eyes and rolling his shoulders. His horns disappeared as soon as his shoulders dropped and when he opened his eyes they were the same blue and gold you came to love.
“Then if you didn’t, tell me who you love more.” He said calmly.
“What? Mammon! I love all of you-“
Mammon’s calm didn’t last for long, “but how do you love me?! Do you love me as a friend as more as-as what y/n?! Do you love me more then Belphie?” The room was silent. Mammon watched as you tried and failed to find your answer. He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a shaky breathe. “Okay. I’m done.”
“What do you mean?” Your voice came out shaky, fearful for his answer.
“I have loved you since day one y/n. I know I’m the worst at showing it but I thought you at least figured it out. I have made sure you felt safe, loved every single day. But I’m done. I’m done playing this game. I love you and I will always love you but you can’t even tell me which brother you love more or if you love me more then Belphie. You can’t even let me down easy. You’re just leading everyone on.” Your eyes widened and you took a step towards him but he took a step back.
“No mammon that’s not true!”
“Isn’t it? Tell me, have I been the only brother you kissed?” Your eyes softened “I know you had the chance.”
Mammon glanced toward the door where he heard footsteps approaching. “You know how I feel, how I’ll always feel but I’m tired. Belphie can protect you from now on.”
“Mammon wait!” You went to grab onto his arm but he dodged you. Grabbing his leather jacket he left your room and closed the door behind him. “I never kissed them..” you whispered walking towards your door and letting your head fall softly against it, the tears slipping down your cheeks.
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Who you are. (Hamish Duke) Part 3
Summary: You were an Adepti for The Order but you were also a spy for Gnostic council. The council called you back to Belgrave to spy on Vera after the recent werewolf attacks which is when you find out something about one of your old best friends.
Words: 1165
Requested: Yes
Warnings or A/N:
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Hamish gave you a weird look. "What are you doing here?"
You nervously laughed. "I went for a walk and kind of gotten lost,"
"Why didn't you knock on the door, instead of staring through the window?"
"It looked abandoned and I did knock and no one answered,"
He looked at you. "Did you? I didn't hear it,"
"I might've not knocked loud enough,"
Hamish slightly smiled. "Well come on inside,"
You were about to agree when you felt your phone going off. You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and it was Vera saying that they were ready to start the ritual. You looked up from your phone. "I wish I could, but I got to meet up with Vera. Walk me back to campus, though?"
He looked at me for a minute. "Of course,"
You were halfway to campus when you looked at him. "Why does your house look abandoned like that?"
He shrugged. "I don't know. We were going to fix it but as time went by the look grew on us,"
"Oh fun,"
"It is,"
You playfully shoulder bump him and he did it back to you. "Can I ask you a question?"
You looked at Hamish and nodded. "Anything,"
"Why didn't you and Cassie never got along?"
You were about to answer but you shut your mouth, you two walked in slience for a few minutes while you gathered your thoughts. Cassie was Hamish's ex girlfriend that had was killed. You didn't know why and you never asked. It wasn't that you didn't like Cassie. You just thought Cassie wasn't the right fit for Hamish. Hamish was the type of guy who would rather sit back and drink his creations at home with the people he loved. Cassie was a wild one. Cassie would skip classes and party all night and any chance she got. She had Hamish wrapped around her finger and she got Hamish into some of her bad habits. The night she was killed, you got into it with her about Hamish. It was one of those fights that you couldn't control what you were saying or doing. "Y/N? You two were the most important people in my life at the time but the moment I started dating Cassie, you stopped hanging out with me,"
You stopped in your tracks and looked at him, confused. "I was the one who stopped hanging out with you? Me?"
You forced out a noise that was a mixture of a laugh and a scoff. "I wasn't the one who stopped hanging out with you. YOU were the one who did that. YOU wanted to spend all your time with Cassie. YOU were the one that ditched me. Cassie had you wrapped around your finger so fucking tight that you didn't see the way she was changing you and NOT in a good way. I stopped trying to hang out with you because I wasn't going to watch you throw your life away for some girl,"
"That's not even true,"
"Whatever, Hamish, I don't got time for this,"
You started to walked away when Hamish opened his mouth again.
"You had time when you got into it with her the day she was killed. Maybe, if you hadn't threatened her, she wouldn't have been distracted that day,"
You stopped walking once again, turned and looked at him. Since her death, you had felt responsible for her death. For months, you kept replaying the fight over and over again in your head and wishing desperatly that you could go back and change it. Wishing that you could have ingored her that day and maybe she'd be alive today. The fact that Hamish thinks this, shattered your heart and made you anger all at the same time. "You think, I haven't thought about that? That I could go back that day and had ingored her when SHE came at me? That I could go back and change it? Hamish, I know. There hasn't been one day that I haven't felt guilty about what happened.
Hamish tried to say something. "Y/N...I didn-,"
But you cut him off. "You know what Hamish? I'm done with this coverstation. I'm done with you. Just leave me alone and don't contact me,"
You turned around and walked to your car to get your ritual robes and then to the temple. You hadn't felt like this heatbreak of this magnatude since Hamish started to push you away. You wiped away your tears and walked into the temple. Vera spotted you. "You're late,"
"Yeah, sorry. I was busy when you texted me and I had to go to my car and get my robes,"
"We have extra robes here that you could've used,"
You sided eyed Vera. "Would you use them?"
Hamish's POV:
Hamish had walked back home feeling more stupid than he has every felt before. He didn't actually think Y/N had a part in her death because she didn't at all. She was killed doing knight duties. He didn't know why he said what he said. He just wanted to know what that fight was about but he went about it all wrong. He walked into the house and throw his jacket on one of the armchairs and plopped down on the couch. Lilith looked to the leader of the Knights. "I thought you were walking Y/N to campus?"
"I was,"
"Unless you ran, you didn't finsh walking her to campus, did you?"
Hamish shook his head no.
Randall walked into the living room and sat next to Hamish. "What did you do?"
"I royally fucked up,"
Lilith looked at him. "You got to be more specific, you royal fuck up all the time,"
"I've told you about Cassie?"
Lilith and Randall nodded. "Yeah,"
"Y/N and her didn't get along like at all. They were constantly going at each other. Y/N says its because Cassie wasn't good for me and was making me do bad things. Cassie says its because Y/N liked me more than a friend. The night she died, her and Y/N had gotten into it and had a huge fight,"
Hamish stopped himself because he knows he's an idiot for saying this to you.
Lilith walked over to the chair and sat in it. "And?"
"And I asked Y/N, why they never got along when I was walking her to campus.....I got angry when she told me her reason and I blamed her for her death,"
Lilith and Randall both looked at each other and then back to Hamish. "I think that is the most fucked up thing you've ever did. Its more fucked up than anything I've done and thats saying something because you know I kill a lot of people,"
Hamish looked at Lilith and ran his hands down his face and groaned loudly. "I'm a fucking idiot,"
Randall points a finger at Hamish, "A royal idiot,"
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iamtheempress · 3 years
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A Vegeta x OC Fanfiction (part 4) ¤ ¤ ¤
Calamatta managed to roll out of bed and redress herself. Pulling on the suit and grabbing a spare to bring with her on her trip to To-Rot. Leaving her room she met with Nappa. "There she is!" He chugged a caffeinated hot beverage down like it was nothing, Raditz stood beside him counting his wad of cash and stuffing it in his armor. 
"Pay looks nice." She yawns and stretches making her cute tail curl and back arch abit. "37,000. Not bad but could be better. Vegeta got the most of it." Nappa nods and pushes the yawning female saiyan a mug of the hot beverage. "Thanks...gonna need it." "Damn right you are! Vegeta is still sleeping. Weird he said he was gonna get up before us.. eh whatever. Lets get your pod and stuff ready then well worry bout him." Nappa said as Calamatta shined off the mug and pushed it away.
Upon going to the pod, her coordinates were set and everything was packed into there Raditz, who was standing besides her piped up, leaning against the pod with his massive arms crossed. "Dont take this the wrong way Calamatta but… why are you so…" he moves his hands in an hour glass shape and tilts his head. Calamatta went wide eyed and fixed her suit where her ass is. 
"If thats how you flirt with women that was a strike out, good lord! And I have know idea why! Its just my body shape idiot…" she comments hearing Nappa wheeze as he fixes some wires within the pod, followed by him clanging his head leaving. "Im not! I d-dont flirt its just that… well… shes got… n-nice legs and … a great fa-" Calamatta thwipped her tail like a nervous cat. The bay door slid open and Raditz's poor excuse for flirtation was stopped DEAD in its tracks. "Stop harassing Calamatta on her body type Raditz, Saiyan women were given bodys to kill, shes built like a fine tuned weapon whether you see it or not." Vegeta points up at Raditz who scowled with a full face of blush. "Oh so you look at her too Vegeta?" Calamatta slaps her forehead and raises her voice flicking Raditz in the forehead for his really stupid comment. "Can yall stop talking about me like im not fuckin here??" She snapped annoyed and heard Nappa close up the oxygen port.
 "Ready boss?" She asked Vegeta, who nodded and got into his respective pod and punched in the coordinates manually. "Later guys!" She got in and Raditz and Nappa left the pod evac room. 
Vegeta's voice sparked to life on her scouter. "Theres a hidden base by the most recent Frieza Force there.. we should make it there in an hour so that will be our base of operation. No breaches from outside forces." She nods and for the 2nd time in her life the pod flew straight out of the mothership into the cold vacuum of space. 
She crossed her arms and watched Vegetas whiz right past her hurtling with effort and ease to the planet that only seemed to become larger.. if that wasnt already more possible.
 She marveled at it… it was amazing. It was a shame she was there for a job to do. 
It was under 50 minutes where there pods broke entry to the planets atmosphere, careening and becoming hot to the touch, cold metal heating up faster, and faster becoming scorching red hot. Then the mountain range came into view, with the ship in sight the two pods crashed right into a large cave system. 
Welding their pods into the hard rock walls to jut through with 0 damage just enough room for the pods to open on the opposite side of the mountain. Calamatta and Vegeta pushed the button to open the pod bay doors, they took one solid whif of the atmosphere and Cala sighed. "To-Rot huh.. so wheres the base ship?" Cala steps her boots onto the alien planets surface. "5 miles that way. Stay within the tree line, follow my lead." The prince cracks his neck and blasts away leaving a trail of dust and debris behind him.
 "Say no more.." she stated following close behind Vegeta. Vegetas eyes were trained ahead. Toa ship that was covered in dirt and over growth. He tapped his scouter to be sure. "Perfect.. no signs of power levels. Excellent!" He smirked, the prince and Calamatta landed outside of the ship. Vegeta punched in a code and they were both let in. "Good.. now.. lets have a look around. The recent failed mission logs should have data from their logs. Have a look around for food and whatever else when i find the log ill call for you"  Vegeta announced as the hangar door shut behind them locking followed by a robotic voice. 
'Systems Armed'
Calamatta turned on her heels and scampered to the back of the ship. Vegeta watched the eager Saiyan trot away, with a sigh and a roll of his eye he headed towards the command deck of the ship. 
Collected with dust and opened up first aid kits, Vegeta scanned the surrounding area cautiously. 3 lone scouters covered in blood sat on the front of the deck. An ominous reminder of the past couple of grunts who died here. 
He snagged the three up and turned to call for Calamatta "Found them! Get up here!"
Calamatta dropped this box of rations she found and walked quickly to the front to see him plugging in the scouters logs. An unfamiliar voice chimed to life. 
"F-Force log number 1, we have arrived at To-Rot, this area is to be our base of operation since the inhabitants cannot scale plateaus or fly. We will commence terraformation and return in a week." Vegeta clicked the 2nd video, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. 
"F-Force Log number 2… uhm.. Que, Roa, and Gil went missing yesterday. We have been here for 3 days now and i have seen hide nor tail of them... ill send a distress warning to the mother ship but i will go and find my crew." 
He pressed the last one and the room suddenly became much heavier. "F-Force number 3… i found my crew.. w-whats left of them…" he held up baren bones and armor. "This planets fucked up… if you know whats good for you send the Saiyans.. theyll do a better job.. i couldnt save my crew! This is Nutte signing off… i'm going to look for Roa.”
"Thats… not good.." Vegeta groaned and plugged in the next scouter, A new crew came up on the screen, a crew of ten. The crew was looking around, brows raised and sweat on their brow. “So we are the 4th crew to come to this planet alone, from what were aware these uh… the main population of this race is highly hostile and we need to utilize lethal force...Well update as we go along.” After that log there was no update, no commanders log. He stepped away and swiped a hand through his hair. “Last log…”  He clicked on it which was 7 full days ago. 
A Log List of all the times this one computer has been logged into popped up. It was far more then 4.
10 Crew lists came through. Crews of upwards of 5 being the smallest to 30 being the most. All vanished within days of arrival. All of them mentioning, to send someone stronger, someone more capable. The Saiyans, they begged for the Saiyans help and they were all sent on suicide missions back to back to back to back.
Vegeta slammed his hands down on the console making it glitch the screen. “Of course theyd call for us…dammit!” He barked and kept his back turned away from her. “So they sent them on suicide missions because… they didn’t want to send us?” She questioned, furrowing her brows trying to wrap her head around the situation. “Frieza didnt want to send me and the other two… He sent US on a suicide mission.” Vegeta turned quickly and stared daggers into Calamatta, the overwhelming feeling of concern rain heavy within her head, and sat uncomfortably in her stomach like something she shouldnt have eaten.
Vegeta crossed the room and pointed his finger right into her chest a deep growl emanating from behind his bared teeth. “He went and sent ME with YOU so we can both perish!” “Hey hey what the hell! Calm down abit, well make it out of here ill follow orders.” Vegeta’s vein popped out on his forehead, eyes narrowed furious.
 “Thats not my point. Your optimism is the closest thing we have to any cocky behavior! It doesnt surprise me why Frieza sent me to a month long mission..” She put up her hands and once again her heart sunk; she went wide eyed staring into the princes heartlessly infuriated black eyes.
Friezas words rattled in her skull ‘your life is as forfeit to me as it is Vegeta…’
“I dont get why he would send both of us to die.” He turned back around and walked to a table with a map on it. “You stood at Frieza’s side for as long as you have been able to speak, you wanted freedom from him, now you might as well see the harsh reality, he never had any good intentions for you Calamatta. He wants you dead, so much so hell send the both of us to a lethal planet to terraform on our own…” He said flatly, Calamatta remained silent her tail loosely hanging from her waist. Her dignity and pride feeling like it was oozing out of her very pores. “Now get over here and lets get an idea of the land… this moon has two moons and we have to plan accordingly.” The map is very detailed of the entirety of the planet from the red deserts to the lush green forests and then to the grayed out city scapes. All of them giant hot beds of activity, teaming with life as they knew it. 
His orders were direct and bland. Calamatta dragged her feet, depressed. Feeling less and less like a Saiyan by the moment, it wasnt so much Vegeta.. it was how quickly she was starting to realize Frieza was right, and goddamn did it grate her nerves to know that... The idea of freedom is going to be lightyears more heavier then she could imagine, shes not even close and this is what she has to deal with. Calamatta tightened her tail back up around her waist and listened to her Princes expertise plan of attack.
¤ ¤ ¤
Tags:  @memevember @dragonblobz @gonuclear @msgreenverse @fallen--lilith ​ @jimbobslurpnchug @dragonballcollector @nikabriefs @lilhemmo @supremeleadershitlord @thotful-writing ​ @chickiedinner @anti-jaina @lizardhipsdontlie @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit ​ @solidsock​
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
This Life Chapter 13
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Title: This Life Chapter 13
Summary: Dean Winchester is the Vice President of the motorcycle club The Hunters. After almost 7 years in prison, he's free. But things have changed and Dean has to figure out how to put things back together.
Warnings: Language, violence, character death
AN: Thank you to the lovely @sams-serialkiller-fetish ! The song for this chapter is You Could Be Mine by Guns n’ Roses. And I know Dagon is one of the princes of hell and not Alastair, but the Horsemen are an old fashion group and don’t let women into the club.
“Fuck!” Ramiel called out as Abbadon dapped at his wounds with peroxide.
“Quit your whining.” She said, blowing a red curl out of her face. “The less you wiggle around, the faster I can get this done.”
“Those fuckers are dead!” Ramiel called out to the others sitting away from him. “They made me scratch up my bike.”
“Do you think there’s a new relationship brewing between those asshole hunters and that club that shot out Ramiel’s tires?” Alastair asked, taking a beer from Dagon. “Thanks love.”
“I say yes.” Asmodeus said, his feet up on the table as he polished an old pocket watch. His good luck charm. “Why the fuck else would those two be out here?”
“Looking for Sammy.” Azazel said. “And, if they’ve found him, we can find him.”
“And get back at the Hunters.” Lilith added as she rubbed Azazel’s shoulder.
“I don’t care what we do,” Ramiel sucked down the whiskey that was offered to him. “Those fucking Hunters are going to die. All of them. Starting with Dean Winchester.” That’s when the door opened and someone walked in.
“Am I late?” A voice asked.
“Gordon. So good of you to finally join us.” Asmodeus said, looking at his watch before snapping it shut.
“I had to lay low for a little bit. Things are getting a little heated over in Texas.” Gordon explained taking a seat. “I have information that little Sammy is in fact in that new club in California. I’ve heard some whispers.”
“Whispers aren’t good enough.” Azazel said. “We need proof.”
“I can get you proof.” Gordon said. “But I have this that you might be interested in.” He handed over a slightly blurry image that had been printed off at a library. Gordon had been doing some recon on the new club.
And his findings really did interest the princes.
“He’s alive.” Azazel said, passing around the image to everyone. “That bastard is still alive.”
“You know what they say. It’s hard to kill a cockroach.” Abbadon said, seeing the image of John Winchester.
“Then I guess we need to squish him properly.” Ramiel said. “Gather the other members. I think we need to head to California.”
Dean was passed out on the couch, drool drying on his cheek. Benny had made himself comfy on the floor. The two Hunters didn’t want to go back to their room for the night. They had stayed up talking with John most of the night. Andy had come home early in the morning to John, Dean, and Benny laughing. He didn’t stay to talk to them. Instead, he went upstairs to talk to Sam about the night at the bar and how Meg broke some guy’s nose.
But when Dean woke up in the morning, Sam wasn’t there. Andy was snoring away and John was in the kitchen making coffee. Dean shuffled into the kitchen, stepping over Benny and rubbing his eyes.
“Morning.” John said, pouring some coffee into a cup. “Want some?” Dean nodded. John slid him the cup he had just poured and made himself a new cup.
“When does Sam get up?” Dean asked. John looked at the clock on the stove.
“He should’ve actually already left by now.” John said. Dean choked a little on his coffee. “You okay?”
“Where’s he going?” Dean asked.
“Business.” John said. “He’s really good at this. I wish we could’ve convinced him to stay in the Hunters instead of going to college.” Dean just nodded and sipped on his coffee. “If you’re not going back to Texas right away, I thought that maybe Andy could show you guys around. Maybe you’d like to hang out at the bar.”
“I’ve always wanted to be a bartender.” Dean laughed.
“I’m taking the day off. Damn back is acting up.” John groaned. “But Andy would be happy to have you and Benny around. Especially if we’re going to make a partnership.” Dean nodded. They had talked about it the night before. Dean and Benny were going to have to go back to Texas, and they were going to have to tell the others that John was still alive. But John wanted to stay where he was with the Wayward Sons. He didn’t want to take the reins of the Hunters again.
Benny and Andy came in a little bit later as John and Dean were talking. John nodded at the two of them.
“Morning.” Benny grumbled, going to the coffee pot that still had a little bit left in it.
“Andy, I want you to take Dean and Benny with you to the bar today.” John said. “My back is acting up, so I’m staying home. But I want you to show off to them.”
“Yeah, sure.” Andy said. “I bet Ruby and Meg will love having them around.” John chuckled some.
“We gotta go back to our motel room and change.” Benny said. “I ain’t going near them girls again with the same clothes on.”
“Doesn’t matter. They still have to look at your face.” Dean joked, rinsing out his cup. “Drink up and we’ll head out. I’ve gotta take a piss.” Benny nodded as Dean left.
Fifteen minutes later, Dean and Benny headed back to their motel to clean up and change before they headed to the bar to meet Andy. A bar, Dean’s happy place. Someday he would leave the club and start his own bar. He sometimes wished that’s what John and Bobby had started instead of an auto shop.
John enjoyed the house to himself for a couple hours before Sam came home. He had been working a deal for John. He was learning how to be a great negotiator. John was really proud of him, even if he never said anything.
“Hey dad.” Sam said. “Things went good.”
“Fantastic.” John said.
“Where’s Dean?” Sam asked, going to the fridge looking for something to eat.
“Benny and him went to the bar with Andy.” John explained. Sam let the fridge door slam and he flopped down in the living room.
“As good as it is to see him, can he go back already?” Sam asked. John sighed.
“They’ll get bored and head back soon.” John said, looking at the magazine he grabbed off the floor. Sam nodded and let his eyes close.
That’s when the front door burst open and three guys ran in. John and Sam barely had time to react before bullets were flying. Sam cried out as a bullet hit his arm. John grabbed his gun that was laying on the coffee table and fired, hitting one of the guys. But someone came in through the backdoor and pointed his gun right at John’s head.
“Howdy Johnny boy.” Azazel laughed. “God, I didn’t think you’d be going into Heaven, but to still be here on earth? That’s mind blowing.”
“Azazel.” John growled. He didn’t lower his gun.
“Easy.” Azazel said. He motioned for one of the guys to switch places with him. Sam was on the couch, holding his bleeding arm as Azazel walked over and sat down by him. “Hey there Sammy.”
“Leave him alone.” John said. “This argument is between us.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Azazel hissed. “Now, why don’t you lower the gun so we can have a nice little discussion?” Azazel pointed his gun at Sam’s stomach then. One gut shot along with the arm wound and Sam would be dead. John looked between his bleeding son and the man with the gun before he clicked the safety on and lowered his.
“What do you want?” John asked.
“I want to know how you survived the fire.” Azazel said. “My informant told me how you were hiding out in California. It wasn’t that hard to find you once I knew that. You should cover your tracks better.”
“I’ll remember that.” John said. He started to get up, but Azazel clicked the hammer on his gun.
“Sit.” Azazel growled. John sat down again. “It’s rude to get up while we’re having a pleasant conversation.” John glared at him. “Now, tell me. How did you survive?”
“I got out before it caught.” John said. Azazel nodded his head.
“So that other charred body was one of my guys?” He asked. John nodded. “Well, that justifies this then.” He pointed his gun at John and shot, hitting him square in the chest. Sam screamed.
“Dad! No!” He made to get up, but Azazel quickly wrapped his arms around his neck, putting a perfect chokehold on him. Sam struggled to get away.
“Shh, shh. Relax.” Azazel said. “It’s okay. Naptime Sammy.” Sam’s struggles became weaker until he passed out, slumping against Azazel. “Shh, it’s okay.” He petted his hair, smiling some.
“Crowley.” Azazel said, getting on of his goons attention. “Go bring the van around so we can put Sam here in it. And that body.” He pointed over at the dead goon laying on the ground.
“What about him?” Crowley asked, motioning to John.
“Leave him. I don’t care what happens to him now.” Azazel said. “I got what I was after.” Crowley nodded and left to get the van. Things went quickly, even though it took three guys to load Sam in. Azazel and the others got on their bikes, ready to leave. Crowley was the last one out. He looked around at the broken in door, the blood, the chaos.
“I...I guess that’s what we do.” He mumbled to himself. He looked over at John and saw a little bit of chest movement as he sucked in shaky, shallow breaths. He knew he wasn’t going to survive unless something drastic happened. But he doubted that anyone was going to show up in the next twenty minutes or so to save him.
Crowley always carried markers and pens with him in his vest pocket. A lot of times, they would have to write something and he had seen one of the princes stab some poor kids fingers to get blood to write with. So he took to carrying writing utensils to save not only himself, but some of the others from being stabbed. He took one of those makers and wrote Horsemen in big letters on the wall. Because killing John was one thing, but kidnapping Sam was something else entirely.
Crowley ran out of the house then and headed back to Arizona, leaving John there to die.
It was later that afternoon when Benny and Dean returned to the house. Dean wanted to have lunch with Sam, and Benny was willing to tag along. They parked their bikes by the porch and Dean saw Sam’s sitting there.
“Good, he’s home.” Dean laughed. Benny smiled and they made their way up the porch when they noticed that the front door was wide open. Reacting, they grabbed their guns from their waistbands and made their way inside. They could smell the metallic tinge of blood. That’s when Dean’s eyes locked on the chair that held his dad’s body.
“Dad!” Dean yelled, running over to him. His head was slumped forward and his shirt was soaked in blood. “Dad!” He shook him, his head just rolling to the side. “Oh god.” He looked around and saw blood on the couch and blood on the carpet. “Sammy?!” Dean called out, but the house was silent.
“Dean.” Benny said, pointing at the wall Crowley had wrote on.
“I’m going to kill them.” Dean growled. “I’m going to kill them all.”
“We need backup on this one.” Benny said. “I’m going to make a couple calls but we will fix this.” Dean nodded and looked back at his dad. He was really dead this time. No smoke and mirrors this time.
But now, Dean was free from prison, and the Horsemen needed to be dealt with, once and for all.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @i-would-die-for-woodland-demars @dekahg @nanie5 @feelmyroarrrr @marvel-af @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @flamencodiva @bella-ca
This Life Tags: @soulslaststand @jamielea81 @caplansteverogers @becs-bunker @supernaturalwincestsblog @colie87
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23
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planetsam · 5 years
Lilith and Randall after she gets her memories back the first time
“Go away!”
Randall frowns at the door. He’s an RA and he’s used to people telling him to go away, but it’s usually guys and half the time it’s because they’re jerking off. Lilith has been violently opposed to people taking care of her since the day they met. The last time she had a cold and he brought her tea is something they do not talk about. Like that’s not a normal thing to do for someone whose sick. They both know he hasn’t moved from the door and she practically rips it off its hinges when she opens it. She’s breathing hard even though it’s been at least five minutes since something went flying out the window. He knows he’s not supposed to mention the wetness on her cheeks. She challenges him for a moment before turning back inside.
“I’m alive. You can go,” she snaps.
Randall takes in the sight of the damage. Order members die violently and often. And kids don’t usually bring furniture to their dorms anyway. Her having been in the Order though, it does explain why she picked what she did. How her room swings between the spartan bareness of necessity and the tendencies of a hoarder. When Hamish had jokingly asked if everything fit in her backpack and she had told him to fuck off, Randall hadn’t known how to look past the anger. She hadn’t said no. Lilith keeps her back to him and looks out the window. He knows better now than to have come up here with a set plan of how things were going to go. Lilith isn’t one for the beaten path. She hasn’t been for as long as he’s known her. She snorts out a bitter laugh and turns back around to him. She’s also not a coward.
“Ask it,” she says.
“Are you okay?”
“You are such an idiot!” She shouts at him, “of course I’m not okay! That’s not what I meant! Ask me about the Order!”
He frowns. He may have been an idiot about the whole ‘are you okay’ thing but she can’t honestly think that it matters to him. She does though, he can see that from the look on her face. She turns away before she rubs at her cheeks and swears. She doesn’t even try to throw things. Under all the defensiveness, he knows she’s one of the strongest people he’s ever met. Seeing something affect her so much makes his insides twist with a strange urge to destroy whatever that is. But the rest of him refuses to be thrown out of her room like this.
“I don’t care that you were in the Order,” he says. She scoffs, “you never talk about home. I figured it wasn’t a good situation. But that’s always been a part of who you are.”
“Not a good situation and the fucking Order are different,” she snaps.
“Not to me,” he says. She rolls her eyes and mutters something that sounds like ‘idiot’, “Seriously. I knew Jack was in the Order and it didn’t stop me from helping him. And he’s still in it!”
“You’re both idiots,” she tells him though it comes out slightly less furious.
“Yeah, but we’re idiots on your side,” he says.
She looks away and then looks back at him. Then she swats him on the arm again.
“Hey! I’m injured remember?!”
“Stop smiling at me!” She says, “every time I look at you you’re always smiling.”
“Because I like hanging out with you. Is that so hard to believe?” He can feel his face getting hotter by the second. He hates seeing her in pain but dear god this is not a conversation he’s ready to have, “I don’t even know I’m doing it.”
“How do you not know?” She demands rolling her eyes.
“Are you aware of every time you touch me?” He shoots back.
Her cheeks go bright red and he feels his stomach go somewhere around his ankles. He’s aware of it, he just doesn’t make it into a thing. Apparently so is she. They have an unspoken agreement to never talk about this. She definitely finds it to be a cliche. Just because they are a boy and a girl who get naked around each other and might have a certain level of attraction does not mean anything has to happen.
“That’s not the point,” she says, “this is stupid. i was in the Order!” She makes a noise, “i messed that up.”
“But you’re a great Knight!” He protests, “maybe you messed it up because this is where you belong. Like Jack,” she curls her lip, “Don’t you guys believe in fate? Destiny?”
“Do you?” She challenges.
“I think you both belong here,” he says without a moment of doubt, “I know you think I’m an idiot. That doesn’t change how I feel. Just accept it.”
Lilith is quiet for a moment and then takes a calculated step forward. Then another. Then she fists his sweatshirt and pulls him down to her level.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“You know i’m right,” he says.
“I know you’re an idiot,” she shoots back and shoves him. The pain is surprisingly bright and wet. When she yanks him back he hisses and she pulls the neck of his shirt aside. “You’re bleeding,” she says.
“Probably the magic from the sigil,” he says, dislodging her hand so he can pull off his sweatshirt. He looks at her. “I can patch this up.”
She grabs his wrist and pulls him into the kitchen. He forfeits a dishtowel to staunch the bleeding as she grabs things. Fortunately the freshest herbs make the best cocktails and she gets to work. He wants to tell her that she doesn’t need to do it, but he’s kind of fascinated watching her work. She spends the least amount of time in the kitchen. And always comes up with an excuse for getting out of it. Now he watches her work from memory, grinding and chopping things before adding them to a pot.
“Hey, so, do you think this is why you hate cooking?” He asks. She stops and braces her hands, “those initiates who got the powder always hate where it happened for one reason or another.”
“It’s the mind protecting itself,” she says, “rewriting things,” her jaw tightens, “I loved making potions,” she says, “chemistry was my favorite subject.”
“You’re an english major,” he say slowly.
Her fist clenches and he slides the nearest piece of pottery for her to throw before she cracks the island.
“I didn’t come here to study english! Business and chemistry. I was going to help people!” She smacks her hands down, “one mistake and it’s all gone,” she turns to the pot and curses, shutting off the flame, “shit. I have to—“ she shakes her head, “I did something wrong.”
“Screw those assholes,” he snaps, getting up from the stool, “it’s not gone. Not by a long shot,” she looks at him, “you just have to try again. What herbs do you need?”
“Randall,” she says.
“No, tell me,” he says, “Listen you may not know but I am a great lab partner,” he says, “I measure perfectly,” risking further bodily harm, he touches the back of her hand, “let me help, Lil.”
She looks at him finally and shakes her head.
“You’re hurt,” his stomach twists in disappointment, “Next time,” she says and he might feel better. Just a bit. She gathers everything and redoes it. He watches her work. Lilith isn’t someone who does things effortlessly. There’s care in her work. He watches her as she moves about. It’s rare that he gets to more than out of the corner of his eye. He realizes thats creepy, even as a thought and looks away, returning to looking out of the corner of his eye. She tips some into a mug and comes back over, “you ready?”
“Born ready,” he says.
“Lean over the sink.”
He does, trying to get as low as possible. She meets his gaze and he smiles encouragingly. She rolls her eyes and tips the contents over his shoulder. He braces for pain but instead it bubbles like peroxide, the skin goes pleasantly cool. Lilith peers over his shoulder. This close, the crown of her head is practically in his nose. When she looks up, she’s so close. His smile falters because it’s really hard to be in this position, but the fact that she’s on his shoulder instead of Hamish makes it not that bad. Not that bad and very hard in a very different area.
“It worked,” she says.
“Good job,” he tries for encouraging but his voice is a lot more strangled than he wishes it was, “wanna be lab partners?”
“What?” That gets her to jump back.
“Yeah,” he says, “if you were thinking about it.”
She’s honest to god flustered and fuck if he doesn’t find it hot. She collects herself.
“Lets survive this first. Talk about that later.”
Later, before they get her back, when he doesn’t know if they will, Hamish finds him sitting outside her door. Randall thinks Hamish is being ridiculous when he calls himself an old man, but he gets it when Hamish lowers himself next to him and doesn’t tell him everything’s fine.
“I think—“ he doesn’t have the right words for this. “What if she doesn’t come back?”
“You can’t think like that,” Hamish says.
“But what if she doesn’t?” He presses, something splitting in his chest. He never told her and he thought that was right. Protecting them somehow. But now all he can feel is the howl Greybeard wants to let out, “if she dies—“
“You will go on,” Hamish says firmly, “it’s the only choice.”
“Does it ever stop?” He asks finally.
“No,” Hamish says, “but you learn to carry it, the same way you learned to carry the hide.”
Randall doesn’t think he will ever learn to feel the ache in his chest as anything but a black hole. He doesn’t know how Hamish had carried it for eight years. The thought of her hide coming back, of someone else scratching their name into the chest makes him feel physically sick. Hamish gives him a tired, sad smile and clasps his shoulder.
“It will be okay,” he says.
“I don’t want it to be okay,” Randall confesses, looking at him.
“I know,” the older wolf says, “I know.”
Much much later, a girl with the sourest, most guarded expression he’s ever seen drops across from him at peer tutoring.
“Are you Lilith Bathroy?” He asks.
“No i’m the other Lilith,” she says sarcastically.
He grins. He swears she almost smiles back but Randall isn’t the guy who tells girls to smile. Even though he bets hers is great.
“There’s like five Randalls here,” he explains, “there might be another Lilith.”
“Just me,” she says pulling out a notebook.
“Okay,” he smiles, “so what’s tripping you up?”
She looks like she’s not sure if she can trust him. He finds he’d really like her to. Her eyes drag from his face to the scar that peaks out of his collar and back to his face. He’s had it for as long as he can remember. He’s not self conscious about it. He never tries to hide it.
“It gives me a headache,” she says finally.
“Like a mental block?” He says and her brows knit together. She nods, “no worries. We can get through it. Show me where you’re at.”
She turns the textbook so he can see and together they bend over it as he does his best not to be distracted by the smell of her shampoo.
Randall’s definitely not that guy.
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Episode 15 Replies
All SoS reply posts have spoiler caveats on them, but here it applies more than ever. Proceed with caution.
@sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “No, it’s nothing to do with–” … “N-no - no. It’s just a weird...”
@tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Percy: “Hello? Anyone–?”  Cornelia: “Hello yourself, Percy. What are...”
eyeballs at both of them
@jackssims replied to your photoset “Percy: “Look, let’s say Lyra hits the final two. Or the killer, let’s...”
A good speech from Felicity but that content is making me a little sus 👀 (granted my suspicion has drifted to her, so...)
IMO a good MMBC makes a Sim sufficiently suspicious, and a great MMBC makes every eligible party sufficiently suspicious. I’m aiming to make a great MMBC today. Well, all days.
(Also specifically to Jack: I won’t confirm or deny, but I will say it’s not like she’s not telling the truth. Trans people do know more how to survive than most...)
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset ““said anything yet.” Felicity: “-w- what was that? Listen.” ...”
She’s still Ron’s Delano’s sister!
@cafesimming reblogged your photoset and added:
i have the purest daughter #what an absolute sweetheart
tosimornottosim replied to the same: 
thats so pure...........
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I love Lavandar so, so, so, so so so much. I love all three of- I loved all four of them, but to see the enthusiasm you have for Lavandar makes my heart warm
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “M-morning, Kira. Hi, Toby.” Toby: “Hey. So, another last...”
I thought Toby said 'baby' instead of 'today' for a second I was like WOAH SLOW THE ROLL
I bet now you wish he hadn’t slowed the roll huh
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Kira: “Okay, if I’m guessing right here, we’ve got enough time that I...”
😊 !!
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Are you sure? You look distracted. Everything definitely...”
😭 this is pure
With all the tension between Percy and Kira since that incident in Episodes 5 through 7, I figured the latter could use some more bonding to cheer her up!
cafesimming replied to the same:
broke: intracontestant fighting woke: intracontestant friendship
There’s a time and a place for both; it just depends on what potential you can spot and what happens in game organically!
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Right, okay, okay, okay. How much do you know about snakes...”
it makes me very happy that "lavandar infodumps about lizards" is a tag
It’s mostly to contrast how worried she is that Lorelei doesn’t care about what she’s saying at all at the first, and how she’s more sure that she does later on. believe it or not I do try and include character growth every now and again
cafesimming reblogged your photoset and added:
😭😭 #baby
everyone is crying all over the place today and we haven’t even got to the real heart-hurt yet
cafesimming replied to your photoset “STOP IT!” *THUD* … *thud* “…” *shallow breath* “Nn… nn.”
Lorelei will never be able to play that brand of guitar again
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “I guess- I guess it’s your turn now, Lavandar?” ...”
*lets out held breath* ohthankgod
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Kira: “It’s funny, y’know. When you put it like that. ‘We’re...”
toby is fucking dead
Process of Elimination Strikes Again, in more ways than one
cafesimming replied to the same:
oh i am Not looking forward to this fallout. this isnt gonna be pretty on anyone
it wasn’t
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “˜Found Toby.’”
FUCK i mean i knew this was coming and i CALLED it that the lorelei contestant murder was gonna be this round but STILL FUCK
I mean To Be Fair you were warned it could be the case, as the end credits explain
tosimornottosim replied to the same:
jackssims replied to the same:
And it's too late, for me now Will not learn never know how Voided colours bleeding out My monochrome
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Victim: Toby Hale Cause of death: Blunt Force Trauma...”
cafesimming replied to the same:
@bountifulberries replied to the same:
I’m SO sad
And my thoughts are falling out Brain is splattered on the ground Hanging five feet in the air I figured out There's no way out
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Toby?!”  “–oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck–” “He’s… he’s...”
i'm so sorry lor
jackssims replied to the same:
This is. Upsetting
cafesimming replied to the same:
i want to help her. i wish i could help her
her heart is breaking so much. so so much
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “¦ Toby: “…n…” … Toby: “Wh… L- Lorelei? Lorelei, got- g-tta…...”
how dare you
What I think Vid is referring to is this insightful bit I clarified on Discord: 
ALSO SO okay okay: okay: one of toby's lines in the latest post "w-why can't I see?" that line keeps flopping back and forth between two different interpretations for me the first that it's part of my HC that ghosts see things differently to how mortal Sims do - which admittedly is something I haven't incorporated in some time the second? that lethe hit him so hard that he's become blind BELIEVE ME I DO NOT WANT THIS I DONT KNOW WHY IT KEEPS TELLING ME THAT 
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Toby: “Oh.” Oʜ? Toby: “…it’s my time, isn’t it?” Iᴛ ɪs. Sᴀᴅʟʏ,...”
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “¦ Lorelei: *almost a whisper* “I… d-didn’t want you to go either,...”
No More the Het Shit to Hit people with
jackssims replied to your photoset “Percy: “…t-this is my fault.” Lilith: “Pe- Per - Percy?”  Percy: “I, I...”
Lyra... Lyra! Lyra~
cafesimming replied to the same:
someone pls get my daughter out of the pool of blood
things you don’t want to hear at a police station
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Lyra. Got- gotta call - ” *wipes eyes* “- gotta call Lyra.” ...”
Oh, okay. I dunno why I thought Lyra was just going to waltz into the BC house, but I did. Calling her makes a lot more sense
Lyra: *kangaroo kicks down the door with her leg, falls flat on her ass* LOR HOLY FUCK
jackssims replied to your photoset “¦ Percy: “So? W-what’s it say?” … Percy: “Lorelei? What does–”...”
Poor Lorelei 😭
you sympathized even when you Did Not Know the extent
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “…Kira? … Kira.” Kira: “Yeah?” Lavandar: “Where’s Lorelei...”
watch your fucking language
sevenleafsimblr replied to the same:
poor Clover
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lyra: “How did you find out?!” Percy: “I- I can’t, I-”  Lyra:...”
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lyra: “How did you find out?!” Percy: “I- I can’t, I-”  Lyra:...”
At one point Kaspar liked up to this point then stopped cold and I was like “oh shit I killed them. reveal game too strong”
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “this wasn’t supposed to happen. none of tthis was supposed to HAPPEN....”
M e l o d y???????? M E L O D Y????????????????????????????????
M e l o d y
Jack said elsewhere: 
In all honesty my head is reeling from all of this I'm just very 👀 and 🤔 rn 
👀 I can see, but what’s 🤔 represent? Speculation?
Lissa said elsewhere: 
You've done some Good Shit Kara Get some good rest, you've more than earned it
Nope! Now I’m not queueing and any image I add won’t interfere with it, I’m gonna go double hard and double time on the installment subsequent. And hopefully it’ll be revealing enough to really make Lavandar sit up! ...from the pool of blood. 
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