#did I even change since the last time I made a pic like this 😭
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dewdroppdraws · 1 year
Hi I’m new to tumblr so I’m not sure how you normally post on here but I wanted to try posting some sketches of earth from tsams! I’m not the best with anatomy so I won’t lie I did trace over some photos (REAL PHOTOS NOT ART) I found on Pinterest and modified the proportions to fit my design, but I’m trying to improve lol. For now I just rlly wanted to flesh out my design for earth which I couldn’t do while my anatomy looked like crap 😭 all the full body ones I used references for but the one in the right corner was all me so I’ve got that to my name at least 💪 I’ll include my “reference” pictures as well :> and below the pics is an explanation of the design because I love to gush about this kind of thing. Fair warning, it’s pretty long LMAO
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Hehe now it’s time for me to gush about my lil design 😈
So the first major difference you probably noticed (aside from body shape) is the very fluffy clothing I have her in. The leg warmers and… fingerless gloves? Leg warmers that she put on her arms? Idk what the arm ones are called but yk what I’m talking about lol. When I first noticed earths little rainbow headband my brain immediately said “80’s workout videos”. The big hair, the rainbow headband, it just immediately jumped ot at me and stuck. I decided to give her oversized leg warmers in that same rainbow pattern because it made me sad that her actual design doesn’t have the rainbow anywhere else. It’s funky and I like it what can I say.
Next I decided I really wanted her to wear thigh-highs. I personally love thigh-highs and also it gave me an excuse not to think about her leg mechanics. I tend to draw Sun and Moon like ball joint dolls, but it gets a lil funky to draw when they are bending their limbs so having a fluffy excuse to hide them was ideal lol. I decided to go with the bold choice of putting thigh highs and leg warmers on her, which I don’t regret even tho it probably seems like a lot. I might change a few things about her later down the line since these were just basic sketches so don’t worry if you hate it.
I gave her shorts because a skirt just didn’t feel right for her. I feel like a daycare attendant would be very active, even if earth tends to sit with the quieter kids, and a skirt would be very awkward to climb around in. I figured shorts would be good. I drew them like jean shorts since that was the original intention but they could be cloth rather than denim gimme time to think about it 💀
I had a lot of trouble decided whether the thingies on her shoulders were stand-alone or like pieces of hair she keeps up front (probably attached cuz she’s a robot) I decided on making them attached to the bigger floor of hair cuz I thought it looked cutest on the pic with her shoulders up and in front of her face lol.
Onto her chest plate thing, I was considering making it an actual shirt but decided against it. I wanted her to have a crop top bc I love crop tops so I just made it so her chest area was painted like a shirt, and then her middle area was back to her “skin” color, so it’s almost like a crop top but not really…?
Last but not least is her face, I also made that her “skin” color and just put the blue and green as her cheeks! I thought it looked cutest that way. She also has heterochromia cuz when a character has two main colors I really enjoy putting them on opposite sides as often as possible haha. So her green cheek has her blue eye and her blue cheek has her green eye. I know her original model has two blue eyes but this was what I went with.
Anyways that was super long and I’m super nervous about posting this so I’m just gonna hit post and if I find a typo or decide my lil explanation was 4 paragraphs too many I’ll fix it later. Have a nice day whoever is still reading this! :>
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Velvet and Veneer headcannons cause I saw an edit of them on tiktok and i have wanted to do this for ages so- 💚
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Veneer is actually a few years younger than Velvet, the just pose as twins to be even more unique and because of their similarities (Veneer totally didn’t want them to think he’s a baby-🤭)
so technically, I think Velvet is 19 and Veneer is 16 (which is why he acts a bit childish and follows velvet around a lot)
velvet is a Scorpio making her birthday October 24th, and Veneer is a Taurus so his birthday is April 28th
velvet was really protective of veneer as a kid, but it went down the controlling road
veneer is gay (you can’t change my mind)
veneer can actually sing, which is why he used way less troll than velvet did (I can’t remember the movie but I feel like he used Floyd like 1 time 😭 I remember velvet going wild with it tho)
velvets favourite cake flavour is red velvet (lol)
veneer is a Ariana grande fangirl - he’s on her twitter can accounts, on her subreddits, literally made posts insulting people who said someone is better than her, etc
velvet grew up having a crush on Robert pattinson and Tom Felton lol
velvet LOVES Selena Gomez
veneer was a icarly child - he knows the theme song off by heart
velvet watches keeping up with the kardashians
the both watch love island lol
veneer is a just dance child
their last name is faux 💀 (Velvet Diana Faux, Veneer Louis Faux)
veneer sleeps with 100 plushies on his bed (most of them are childhood ones)
veneer has that fear of letting something go, which is why he has all his childhood toys still (I have this too)
velvet got kicked out of her school because she kept skipping lessons
velvet grew up wearing wedges so she never doesn’t wear heels
velvets nicknames for veneer: ven, bro, baby bro, beautiful idiot, goody two shoes (when they were younger)
veneers nicknames for velvet: vels, sis, hun, love
veneer has a crush on harley Quinn lol
velvet was favourited by their parents as kids
velvet is always on the newest tiktok trends, she does them instantly (most of the time she makes the trends lol)
veneer had a wattpad account as a kid and wrote the cutest but cringiest stories ever
veneer is autistic since he struggles understanding sarcasm, he repeats actions a lot, he finds it hard to say how he feels, etc (I’m not autistic even tho my friends think I am so I am so sorry if I have anything offensive or not true here)
velvet has a purple lambo and veneers lambo is green
veneer was such a goody two shoes as a kid
velvet was not happy when veneer was born cuz she thought she was being replaced and wouldn’t be the favourite anymore - but she loved veneer as soon as she, in her exact words: met him
veneer is dating kid ritz
velvet is single - she thinks she’s too good for anyone lol
veneers Disney plus profile pic is Kermit the frog and velvets is maleficent
velvet as a meme:
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veneer as a meme:
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veneers fav movie is shrek 2
velvets fav movie is the hunger games catching fire
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nekkodiaries · 1 year
⌖ the 7th shot. ┆ second base. [ 0.7k words + 2 pics. ]
killstrike: oi, i waited for 30 mins for ur stupid ass n u didnt come ://
killstrike: hey .. its been 2 days 😐 this isnt funny r u actually mad at me
killstrike: im sorry for calling u stupid 😕 even tho u kind of are
killstrike: 😕😕😕 its been 5 days since ur last active. are you okay?
jay sighs as he finishes sending the last message. summer break's about to end and the way she's been inactive makes him feel like this little friendship they've made's about to end too. maybe he should have taken heeseung's advice and asked for her number. or any other social media account.
this feels all too repetitive of the last 'incidents' he's had with her. she ghosts him and he gets anxious, staring at the screen until that little button beside her icon turns green, messaging her a couple of times even though he isn't getting a reply back. each message he sends knocking down hard on his pride, but he continues to type away. it almost leaves him upset at how he's actively trying to build a friendship with her, and her not caring enough to update him.
but he shoos his anxious thoughts away, convincing himself that maybe he's overthinking this. that even though she teased and insulted him quite a lot, she'd never completely ghost jay without reason.
just like magic, his phone vibrates. jay sits up from his bed, eyes glued on the little chat box he has with notursniper. she just comes back with a lame "haha hi." without anything else. was she not going to address how she was gone for a week? was she going to dip again?
killstrike: haha hi your face.
jongseong did not mean for his words to come out so 'upset' and pointed, but he actually was.
notursniper: hey 🥺 did you not miss your favorite sniper,, hmph
killstrike: you were gone for a week and you didn't tell me 😐
notursniper: i didn't have a choice !! i sprained my hand and my wrist hurts too much to hold my phone 🥺 can't even game grrRRr.
oh. that's why she was away. he wonders why she keeps getting into little accidents— from catching fever to spraining her hand. so clumsy, this one. he chuckles and puts his phone down briefly, rubbing his palm on his face as it dawns on him just how stupid he was for getting so deep into his mind about her short absence.
notursniper: oh god, you waited for me the day i slipped hhhhHhh I'M SORRY 🥺😭
killstrike: nah it's no big deal. i DID worry bc of ur sudden absence though. not fun. 😐😐😐 killstrike: anyw. do u wanna play now? i haven't duo-ed since u went AWOL on me
notursniper: guess you're gonna go awol on duo for longer because i can't play rn notursniper: i'm lich relly typing w one hand because my wrist hurts like a raging bitch.
his thumbs come to the screen to tell her to take a rest but heeseung's words come to mind. maybe he can ask for her twitter? pubg isn't as fun without her as his partner, plus he wouldn't have to log in everyday just to reply to her. god knows he's only been using the game to talk to her and not to actually game.
he stares at his phone for a while, thumbs slightly trembling at the thought of asking her to talk somewhere else other than the app itself. jay is nervous this would change their dynamics. but is it really that deep? maybe it is. maybe it's not. maybe he's just overthinking this again. but she might think otherwise— maybe she assumes he wants something more than a platonic gamer-friendship with her (which he does) but he doesn't want to outright give up his pride for that. then again, if he doesn't do this, he realizes she might ghost again and he's the one who'll end up having a hard time. so with his toes curled in nervousness, he types out a message.
killstrike: would it be easier to talk on twitter? only if you're comfortable. :)
notursniper: are going to second base rn? 😳😳
killstrike: . loRD. i should not have apologized that day 🧎���
notursniper: i'm kidding ! 🤣 give me you're @ and i'll follow you.
killstrike: same as my ign.
notursniper: boo 👎 boring 👎
killstrike: i don't take insults from 9-year olds. now go follow me and let's talk there so you can rest your wrist.
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masterlist. ┆ previous. — next.
summary: park jay lives life as a hot-headed gamer by day and.. well.. still a hot-headed gamer by night— except he secretly goes by the name killstrike. after losing a match, he finds himself trash-talking his teammate notursniper, who happens to be the mysterious classmate he's been admiring for over a year and more.
taglist [open] : @yvnjin-s @wondering-out-loud @rikisly @babystrlla @shinrjj @homelycat @annoyingbitch83 @fadedluvv @haerinism
permanent taglist: @duolingofanaccount @enhasengene
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archivistea · 11 months
please god post the pictures i dont play that game and i wanna see how bad they did that guy
HELPPPP okay yeah bet anything for u bestie
This got long I’m sorry
basically since na server is a year behind the cn server I remember seeing these last year and now it’s just like 😀 haha great bc THIS ONE is back again
so for na server’s first anniv it was like. first kiss themed i think 💀 I don’t play tot anymore but I did pull artem’s first anniv card and then dipped yippee
anyway for the second anniv it’s proposal themed ft. the first time they actually. well. bang 😭😭😭 jaw hit the floor when I saw the change in age rating like HYV HELLO
here r the pics from the trailer
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since this is literally an otome game this kind of fan service is to be expected yk.
but when I watched someone on the cn server generously post their playthrough of the second anniv cards last year artem’s really rubbed me the wrong way and it wasn’t until I came on here and some of the tot blogs I follow also shared a similar sentiment that i was actually able to realize why!!
god I wish I could find the original post I’m thinking abt bc op made so many good points but
basically they made the socially awkward doesn’t know how to talk to women married to his work senior attorney at themis law firm into this 😭 and even tho artem’s my favorite and part of me is like “ahaha damn” at this art (it’s very nice art) it just loses a lot of who he is and how he would treat his relationship w mc (to me at least)
and to make matters worse if I remember correctly he proposes at his boss’ wedding 😭😭like the reason they’re all dressed fancy is bc they were literally AT Celestine’s wedding
I love her btw she’s artem and mc’s number 1 supporter
Artem literally googles how to talk to someone you like and buys books on romance like he’s studying for an exam you really think he’s going to be this smooth
and he would literally never take that spotlight away from Celestine by doing that at her wedding even though she knew and wanted him to and was chill w it bc ofc she would
I just think there could have been a different way to go abt this story that could be much more meaningful 😭😭 and I’m usually not one to shy away from fanservice but. HES NOT ANOTHER JUMIN HAN
I didnt go through my mysmes phase in high school for this
anyway yeah that’s all
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adragonsoulants · 1 year
Forgot to share this crazy happenstance of events. So my family and I keep honey bee's, last year I developed an allergy to their stings but that's not important to this story.
Gonna put a break here but there's pics of bees swarming below the cut if you're interested!
So we have a little homemade green house out by our beehives and I was in there planting some gourd seeds that finally started to sprout ( 2/10 so far 😭) and while I was out there I was like "why do the bees sound like they've been getting louder?" Figured it was just me and didn't pay much mind.
Then I turn to leave the green house and see loads of flying around!! Startling! Caught them right as they were starting to swarm. I go in to talk with a family member about it but we've only had this happen once before and we didn't know till it was too late and haven't had a hive make it over the winter since. I decided to head back out and see what they're doing now a few mins later and sure enough! They were in fact swarming and had clustered on a nearby tree right in easy reach for us!
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They were really weighing down those branches, I think one cluster fell off because of the weight haha.
Sadly in the rush of things I left my phone inside while changing so I wasn't able to get any more photos of the process but it's a pretty simple one.
I'll try to explain it!
So basically we go grab an empty hive and put it under the clusters and just shake them off into the box haha.
If we had a little thing to put the queen we would go looking for her first (though we've never been good at that) so that we can be sure she got in. It kinda looks like those plastic hair clips with the claws, but like to hold a bee haha.
We know the queen is in the hive once other worker bees literally start marching into the box, highly recommend looking up a video of it, it's wild they just form a line walking right in. Other bees will stick their butts in the air and use their wings to fan out pheromones for other bees to find the nest.
After we get most the bees in we close up the top, we did put in some frames with some honey on them to give them a little boost and entice them to stay ;)
During the whole process the bees are surprisingly chill! Swarming bees (assuming they aren't of the killer bee variety) are! They have no brood or honey to protect at this point and are really exposed.
We had gone and checked our other hives as well as the one this came from to see if any others were about to swarm and they are all remarkably chill as well, we suspect whatever pheromones the swarming hive gave off was also affecting the other hives.
Oh and to add the hive that had swarmed had already FILLED with honey?! ITS NOT EVEN JUNE!! We gave them an extra honey medium and even took two frames out of their brood deeps that were just honey and scored them to uncap them so that the honey would be recollected by all the hives. And we replaced them with empty frames for them to hopefully put brood on this time.
Also the photo above, they aren't trying to establish a home there. They're collecting there to wait for scouts to come back and tell them about potential new locations for their home. Figured I should add that.
Also when a hive swarms they more like splitting into 2 hives. The one that leaves has the current queen that they've been training and getting ready for this. And the old hive is in the process of making a new queen with premade queen cells and they feed the larva a very rich honey, often called Royal Jelly, to turn what would just be a worker into a queen.
These little bugs really plan this shit out.
So anyways that evening we went to check on them and make sure they were still in the box and sure enough they're still hanging around!
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You might also notice that doesn't look like a typical wooden hive box. It's made of styrofoam so it's lighter than the traditional wooden nest while also being like 10x more insulating.
It gets pretty cold in the winter here with a lot of temperature fluctuations, lot of melt and freeze, and some strong northern winds so it helps them out in the winter.
Thanks for reading this word dump!
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taegularities · 1 year
I'm coming at you straight from finishing cmi 7.5 and AAAAAAAAAH. I love Jungkook so much and I love OC so much and I just want them to be happy and together and in love again 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also I know that you had a hard time writing this chapter, but you did so well, truly. It really made me feel like I got to know Jungkook so much better and I love him now more than ever (if that's even possible). This time I feel like my feedback will be more incoherent than usual, since I was lost for words so often, but it's still coming!
Aaand here is me being extremely stressed out and sad and feeling all of the emotions while reading lmao
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Contemplating my entire existence in the last one lmaooo can you see how flushed my cheeks are from all the emotions 🙈🙈🙈 These were all taken as I was reading and basically sum up why I like to read cmi when I'm alone in the room. Also add to that the fact I have audible reactions as well. excuse the babyface and pajamas lmao i had to get comfy
Anywaaaays, love you, Rid, and thank you for another masterpiece 💞💞💞
IVI, I SAW YOUR REVIEW, goooosh the things you notice. i admire your brain bc it's literally mine LMFAO 😭
no matter what's going on between them, jk and oc are 🥺 i had a feeling that chapter would change at least a little. btw, i'm beyond happy that you think i wrote it well :( i was so fkn worried when i posted it, so knowing that it was okay makes me feel a lot better about it !! <3
ALSO LET'S TALK ABOUT THOSE PICS. i didn't expect them but i won't complain !!! i told you already, but you're so fkn cute 😭 the flushed cheeks kajhdkjas that made me smile a lot 🥺 love love love you <3333
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look-at-the-soul · 7 months
Hi again! 🥰 Here's the second part of the gossip 😂😅 
Ok so about the first movie I mentions the The Batman Vs Dracula (2005)... honestly it's probably not a scary movie at all😂 I just have a very vivid memory or watching it as a kid and being terrified of "scary" movies very since. It was on of those straight to DVD animated movies. There was to be an animated cartoon show called "The Batman" and I use to watch it ALL the time with the animated Justice Leagues. The movie was one of those like off set ones. Like you know how there was Tom and Jerry the show and then they had all the individual movies with separate plots that kinda ignore the other stuff! It was like that and since it was like a kids show movie they actually probably didn't show any violence at all I was just not a child who liked vampires😂 The actor who actually voices Batman in the show and movie is the same guy who narrated the Curious George show so that about how kid friendly it was😂 I mean it probably wasn't a bad movie it just scared me so bad and I've hated movies like it since🤣 it took me ages to watch like Vampire Diaries or like Grimm after😂
I'm gonna be honest too😂 I also only watch The Christian Bale Batman movie after starting Peaky Blinders and hearing Cillian was in it😂 Plus my dad already had it so I don't have to pay😂 It was actually a good movie though! I still need to see the other two in the series😂And it defiantly have to look up Anthropoid too maybe if you think it's good! English is my only language but if Cillian's in it I can probably just watch for him😂😂
And ohh yes! I'd defiantly recommend some of those other movies too! Most of them are Alfred Hitchcock movies and his stuff is good (or the thrillers are)! I was even thinking a while back if trying to include in of his works in a Peaky Story I was trying to right! Did you know the first film he directed came out in 1922 (Number 13) ! It's technically on the list of lost films but be still released a good number in the 20's and 30's😂 I wanted to get something where the reader is at the movies with Finn or Isiah and when they hear who the director is they won't stop making jokes about his last name😂  
I'll defiantly have to take a look at "The Medic" when I can too! I'm honestly not super use to reading the real person stories, I usually stick to the totally fictional character, but I'll definitely have to give it a try if you think it's good! I think I've read some of the other stories on the lists though and I remember liking them a lot!! So I'll have to look into it!
I think I may end up leaning towards Bonnie or Michael for the comedy blood dialogue story, but I still want to write for Ollie, even if it is Platonic I feel like he's appreciated😂 He's basically to Alfie what Lizzie is to Tommy and we know how hard Tommy made it😅 I can imagine Alfie being even harder to work for sometimes when he's pissed (Even if I do love the man!)
And yes! Omg! Michael changed so much even after the first two seasons 🥲 I can both understand why it happens but also I really liked like S2 early S3 Mike who wasn't totally power hungry and trying to be a mini Tommy! Even though we see bar again once I always wonder what happens to his Foster Family, or at least his Mother and Brother!  I think if there was an episode where Mike like ran into his little foster brother who's grown up now it could have been interesting! Like it could have been cool to see how that played out if his little brother showed up one day needing help because he didn't realise mike wanted to forget them (Maybe I have a new idea now😂) The first time I saw him in the pics and trailer of season six with the mustache was kinda shocking to me. Because then I saw the mustache all I could thing about was how it remind me of Inspector Campbell's (And Hitlers). And since considering what Campbell did to the family (esp. to Polly for Mike to get out of jail that one episode in S2😭) it made me draw a parallel. It was like proof he had turned in to one of his families worst enemies and that's when I knew who was gonna die🥲 Or like it was proof he had kinda of turned into what both his mothers never wanted him to be😭 And that just struck me with how much he had changed since the start! I think Finn's character was kind of how Polly wanted Michael to turn out (At leat the part where he wasn't made for the family business) but because of all the trama he had gone though and his own inabliltiy to share his feelings or be content with what he had he kinda went down😭 He really was an interesting character though and I really did like him in the very first seasons he was in! I really do wonder how he would have turned out if he had never left his foster family after first meeting the Shelby's.
It did make me laugh the other day though. I was trying to start Animal Kingdom b/c I wanted to see more stuff Finn Cole was in, and it seemed to me like it was like a Modern Day American Peaky Blinders almost😂 And then I found two more thing he was in (I'm still looking for more😂) and I read their synopsis. And it hit my mind that based of those 4 movies Finn Cole seems to enjoy playing Characters that start of as like the "innocent Farm Boy / Nice guy" types and slowly become more corrupted or end up becoming power hungry or the "darker bad boy running from the law" type😂 Also he seems to enjoy taking roles with characters in difunctional Families, and don't get my wrong he plays those characters very very well (like the empty stare he did as Mike sometimes was creepy!) but I kinda want find something with him in it where I don't have to prepare myself for someone to die or murder someone every few episodes 😂
And that you for your kind words about your inbox being open💕💕💕 They really make me smile!🥰🥰🥰 I may have to do the thing you mentioned with a side blog or another one! That's so nice of you❤️❤️ Your so great!!❤️ I feel a little bad every time you say it's open but I still kinda hide😂😭 My anxiety has been getting better tough! I'm hoping that soon I'll actually get back on and start interacting with my actually blog and stuff! 💕🥰
And it's ok about the music too! One of my friends ended up finding a hurricane playlist on Spotify and I didn't realize how many songs there were referencing hurricanes😂 Once the lights went out we played Uno in the dark with only a small lamp to see our cards😂 it was actually fun and a good distraction! We also played Cards against Humanity enrich went how you may expect it to go with a bunch of college students😂
And here is my end now!❤️ I hope you  are doing well and I can't wait to hear from you again! I enjoy our messages very much! Have a great Day or Night!❤️
Xoxo Gossip Girl🤫
Hello darling, I’m so sorry this took me ages to reply!
How have you been? 🥰
(I’ll add this to the ask box I left for you in my master list (at the end).
I don’t remember watching that movie at all…. But since you mention it’s not scary, I guess I will add it to my list then! (I’m a chicken when it comes to terror films lol) omg I can’t believe never heard of this cartoon! Maybe it wasn’t popular in my hometown? Oh but of course I know of Tom & Jerry! It was one of my favorites! Just like the animaniacs (is that correct?) I remember watching the last Tom & Jerry movie in like 2021? But I guess the different plots was a plan so you didn’t have to watch it in order… oh no! curious George? Guess I will have to google that one! Because it does t ring a bell, I used to watch more like Melissa explains it all and Sabrina 🤭🤭 hahah about vampires since you enjoy them, did you see Buffy? Interview with a vampire is a must then, I know I watched that one a looong time ago! You know just about two years ago I was able to watch that Halloween film (sorry I forgot the name) where Angelica Houston is a witch and she and other witches get together in a hotel and they all turn into horrible women and then put a spell on two kids who saw them and turn them into mice? It’s an ancient film but I haven’t found the “courage”to watch it until recently haha
Oh don’t worry dear, I didn’t know it was Cillian until later hahaha because he looked kind of different as Dr Crane huh? Yeah! I liked it too, whenever it’s on the tv I watch it again :) oh you should watch Anthropoid it’s one of my favorites! Everything about it is amazing, the story, the characters… incredible work! Tbh, there are some films I only watched for him too 🤭 like Trascendence or Anna haha…
Ohhh thanks for the recommendation! The name doesn’t sound familiar, but sometimes I’m so so distracted that I don’t pay enough attention so maybe I’ve watched some of his films without knowing (?) hahaha I think that’s a great idea for one of those lines that feels so natural and funny! It’s an unusual -and funny- last name.
It’s been so long but I guess we were talking about mrs murphy’s fics (?) don’t worry if you don’t read the real person stories though, it’s understandable:) there are loads of other stories -all amazing- to read, I’m trying to catch up in a few but it’s a never ending story hahaha
So have you written for Ollie? Well you definitely have a true point there with the Tommy-Lizzie comparison and I also think Allie is probably as hard as a Tommy to work with…
Michael was a good kid, but he got carried away and like you said he tried to become a mini-Tommy and that messed him up, who knew things would end up like they did ? Right? It’s one of those things we got stolen from the show,like his adoptive mother forgot about him? They never crossed paths again? (Why does this sounds like a plot for a fic? 😂), ugh the mustache was horrible! 😳 hmm I see what you mean there, haven’t thought about the resemblance between Michael and Campbell until you mentioned it! It’s sad the way his character turned out, all of that frustration and anger towards his own blood? He had a good life, but well… he’s gone 😂 . She practically raised Finn! Another sad story, the poor boy doesn’t feel like he belongs there… and made mistake after mistake.
Oh is it good? Never seen it, but I think I remember watching some advertising for it in some channel… hahaha how’s the search going? I don’t think I have seen anything else from his work, I just know Ada (Sophie Turner) did another series but it was canceled later. Hmm really? That sucks! The poor guy will get stuck into that kind of characters and the. It will be hard for him to get different roles 😂 or so I think… why do I think he has the type for a doctor in Greys Anatomy? 😂 like one of those interns you really dislike because he’s a total douche 🤭 let’s hope he gets another kind of role where he’s not the resentful guy 😁😁😁
I mean it! Every time you need to talk to someone, you know where to find me! And no, please don’t feel like that at least not with me 🥰 feel free to come as a anon, side blog whatever makes you feel comfortable and safe! I haven’t heard from you, so I hope everything has been good with you darling.
I know the hurricane was a long time ago, but I’m glad that you guys found a way to stay busy during that time (I love playing uno btw! Can go for hours 😆), that’s my go to game sometimes! Most of the board games to be honest, monopoly, uno, memory…
This is all for now, hope to hear from you soon! Don’t hurry though take your time or reply in parts, whatever works for you! I really wish (worry) about your anxiety as I know it hits like waves at times, so take care of yourself, sending you all my love as usual, would love to hear from you!
XoxoGg s🤫🤐
Link to the most recent replies here and here ♥️
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
allow me to ask you again then lmao: have you read any kate fics that made you happy with so much cuteness, giggling and rolling around? you could say some of yours, yes, but I've already read and reread them 😭 kshskakgkwk I imagine you casually eating something after you've written the gayest or most sinful thing in the world, even both at the same time- woah wait, at the last minute you literally become the flash, but in the writer version, right??? I'm so honored that you have something of mine on your wall 👀 I think it can be both lmao.
look at us, disagreeing again. OKAY I take it back, glad you're going to spill more of these obvious thoughts. yeah, I like doing this as much as you like having me as your only star.
the moment I read “Crybaby” I thought you were talking about melanie martinez and I was like ???? you must have been taken by surprise, right? jdjskksk It was cute and the fact that it was on the 19th still reinforces my thought that this is so fuckin' cool 😙
SORRY BUT I thought you were going to say that you use Instagram to get bullied for those football pics lmao. I'm going to stop making fun of this and I'm going to be sad for you from now on, I'm sorry, don't tell this to the jury 😶 but... but we're the same age. no, it's not a conservative belief kwhsjkaqk I was saying this in relation to other topics in general. but it's literally not their fault, it's the parents' fault, which doesn't make things any better either.
it seems like you also have a great sense of judgment to be saying that. just letting you know 😌
sorry lmfao it's funny to say that... I'll probably do it more often. and your brain takes some breaks? when you're sleeping it doesn't count. STOP LMAO with just TWO names you convinced me to watch something more easily than anyone else has ever done. my smile disappearing with the “subtext” part. I THINK YOU SHOULD GIVE ME ANOTHER STAR WITH A MORE ELABORATED APOLOGY!!! kdhakakak good to know, I did my best on this one, and it was definitely not for that reason. nuh-uh.
– 🌟
the way i knew you were going to ask this again and i still couldn't come up with anything but my own fics. i feel like such a narcissist right now lmao. i also doubt i’ll be able to come up with a fic that isn't written by the authors i put on my recommended list a while ago. aksksjsjsj yeah, that happens very often. i’ll write my filthy gay smut and then i’ll go into the kitchen to make my dinner as if nothing happened. LITERALLY, i freak out and then my fingers fly across the keyboard at superspeed. you should be honored ☺️
mhmm, you want to tell me more about how glad you are? 👀 i- you know what? i’ll let this one slide this time.
you- i didn't wear my Crybaby shirt in honor of you today for you to mix tegan and sara up with melanie martinez. [picture of me and my cool shirt not included, btw] my heart stopped in a very literal way that day. i guess i’ll have no other choice than agree since you still haven't changed your mind about it being cool.
alsksjjsjsjs yes, that too but i prefer not to think about it 😐 the jury is very aware of you bringing this up and it will affect their future decisions. …my darling star, did you miss the part where i said exceptions exist? i’d love to know what these more conservative beliefs are ‘cause i can't think of any rn. i agree with that. but also, i was a kid once so i know it's not always the parents who are at fault.
i think you might be right 😁
you've got to stop describing it as funny, smh. hey, sleeping does count! it's like the only break i get nowadays. i knew it would work! thank me later. i mean, it's very obvious subtext so it may as well just be text. I KNEW IT WOULDN’T TAKE LONG FOR YOU TO ASK FOR ANOTHER STAR! don't take advantage of my kindness 👀 uh-huh, i guess i’ll believe you.
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inaworldlikethis52 · 1 year
Yesterday was a fun day but I have things to say LOL
First lol. I’m actually so surprised he was up LOL I was so nervous about that. But I literally told him I hope he’s up. And we confirmed twice and he texted in the morning.
He didn’t wish me Happy Valentines Day but it was not expected from him.
And lol at me saying it to him and giving him veggie sticks only for him to throw it in my back seat? And no thank you lol but I think he took it as a joke, which I mean I guess it was.
I also decided not to give him the card. I think it was a good decision not to.
The walks were very nice and the waterfalls were beautiful and I finally got a picture with him 😭 I was surprised he was okay with taking a pic with me.
On the way back I did wonder like what else would happen? Am I going home or will he invite me in. Lol.
He ended up inviting me in and I changed into more comfortable clothes which he was like uh wtf? Lol. Though I didn’t see like it was anything ??? I’m not gonna cuddle up with you in my sweaty clothes lol.
He put on a movie while he cooked dinner which was nice. He does that though when I come over but I’m just remembering how I thanked him for doing that and he said “I’d do it for anyone” which made me uneasy bc I’m not just anyone??
Dinner was good but we were also so hungry lol.
We tried to continue the movie but it wasn’t working on his laptop. A bit strange but then we ended up “hooking up”. It was maybe one of the best ones yet, though of course we made the stupid mistake of taking off the condom. It’s really a horrible decision and next time I do need to ask him if he’s sleeping with anyone else. As much as I do really like and care about him, I don’t think he 100 percent feels the same way about me and us continuing to have unprotected sex is not what we should be doing. Condoms are just not comfortable for me though. So if I can have that conversation of “am I the only person you’re sleeping with” and if I am and hopefully he’s honest with me, we can continue and just be careful. That scare should have taught us a lesson. But 2 rounds of it and successful rounds since he finished both times lol. It was a good night of it. But I 100 percent need to ask him bc I need to know that I’m safe with him. I’m literally putting my life at risk each time we have unprotected sex. We had a scare already and I know a baby is not what we need.
While laying in bed though I did notice a message thread from that Aussie girl. And this is where I have something to say. Okay. Should I have been looking at his messages? No. But he opened it up in front of me and he knew I was looking at his phone with him.
I caught some of it. He mentioned he was feeling like shit at the moment and need to move.
Not exactly sure what he meant by that though.
And her reply was “i feel like shit too if it makes you feel better….etc”
I don’t know the history between them but I do know he went to the city to hang out with her. He mentioned they met while he was in Denver. And they were texting on new years and she was saying last year was more fun. Could they have hooked up? Possibly.
But he’s having actually convos with her. Like he’s more open with her while I get “I’m well you” and nothing else.
Obviously I won’t mention it to him or anyone but since I have feelings for him and he knows I do, it’s going to bother me a bit how he can have convos not just with her but other people and not me. I know I’m so quiet though but more of an effort to get me to open up too could help. Yes, I know I could also just talk but sometimes when I do I feel like he’s not listening or cares and this actually goes with other people as well.
It felt nice though just to be with him and not even talk, but is he okay with that too? Is he okay with comfortable silence or does he feel awkward when it’s like that?
It was 11pm and I decided I needed to go home. Nothing was wrong though I was really enjoying the time spent with him. But I knew I needed to go home or else I would have fallen asleep there and no lol.
The thing is though. He did tell me to text him, and I assumed it’s when I got home and I sometimes do that. And usually when I do he replies right away saying good night. This time when I got home though I texted him and then said today was fun was a good day and he didn’t reply. I mean. Maybe he took a shower and then saw the message and figured it was late to reply? Though it’s never too late to text me. And I’ve gone home way later and he replied so I thought it was strange. Maybe he’ll reply this morning but I’m not going to text him again.
He also didn’t walk me to the door lolol. And he used to before. Idk. I’m trying not to fully overthink this but I can’t help it.
I do appreciate him hanging out with me, especially on Valentine’s Day. I mean. To him, it’s just another regular day and he’s not thinking much of it. But he had to know what day it was and you don’t just spend it with anyone?
We spent the holidays together. Like we have to both care about each other right?
We also could have been each others valentines by default lol and just not fully talk about it.
Anyway. Back to work. I also took a half day just to spend with him. I don’t normally do this. But that’s what I would do for someone I like and care about.
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lovexjoe · 3 years
Jack harlow imagine when yn is 7 months pregnant and she want to have. S3x
let me know if you guys like it 😭
Unfortunately Jack’s been on tour 90% of your pregnancy. It was hard and frustrating at times, but somehow you two managed with the circumstances given. He made you promise to document every moment for him, so he could feel like he was still present. Urban would send you pics of him reading baby books, cause he wants to get this right and be the best father he can be for you and your daughter. He would FaceTime you every night before you went to bed, even if he was tired after a show. Some nights you were too exhausted. You could not stay up to wait for his call and you’ll wake up to voice memos of him saying how much he loves you and your blessing.
“Hey Mama, I am so sorry to be calling so late and I know how tired you must be. Just know I miss you both so much. I can’t wait to hold you and feel her little kicks. I’ll be home soon I promise. Sweet dreams. Please send me pics of you when you wake up. I can’t wait to kiss you”
Things like this made your heart skip a beat. It puts your mind at ease knowing how much he cares and wishes he was home. The tour went by pretty quickly and so did your pregnancy.
You’re currently seven months, moving around is getting quite tough. Feet are swollen after standing for too long. Jack was very stern about you taking time off and enjoying the rest of your pregnancy.
“Baby I will take care of us. Please please for menstop moving about and rest!”
He finished his last show two nights ago and he’s currently stuck inside the home studio recording. His first night back, he invited Druski and Urban to help put the crib together. After an hour or two they accomplished it. Easier said than done.
You sat in bed, flipping through some old memories of you and Jack. You saw a video you two had made in the heat of the moment. Both drunk and high, resulted in you two documenting your most intimate and nastiest moments. Jack was celebrating his album release, which was the only given reason he wanted to get wasted at all. That was the night you made your babygirl. Watching the video and remembering every moment made you lost in a trance for a minute.
You pulled your legs together, feeling a sudden wetness. It’s been lonely and you were tired of using your toys since he wasn’t around. You closed your phone and headed down to the studio. As you opened the door, his eyes were focused on the laptop as the track keeps playing over and over. You knew not to bother Jack during his work but it’s been 7 months and enough is enough.
You walked up behind him and wrap your arms around him.
“Hey daddy….” You whispered in his ear and leave soft kisses on his neck. He hums at your touch.
“Hey Mama, you missed me huh?” He gives a small smile and slowly leans away from your touch. Trying to make the movement unnoticed.
He gets up from his chair, keeping you at arms length and admiring your belly bump. He smiles as he sees your daughter kicks at the sound of his voice. He knew what you wanted, but he was nervous and he doesn’t want you to feel rejected. He personally feels like it’s scary to have sex this far along even after reading how beneficial it could be for you.
“Jack, why are you stalling?” You looked at him confused
“What you mean? Baby I’m admiring you. You’re glowin.”
“I would like you to stop admiring me and fuck me like you did when you wanted to get me pregnant.” You crossed your arms and slightly tapped your foot. The pregnancy hormones was not soothing the situation. Because your sexual drive was through the roof and any rejection will result in a major mood swing. Jack’s whole demeanor changed as those words escape your mouth. You have never been this straight forward. No way he was gonna try and resist you. He wanted it as much as you did. Fuck the doubts. He backs you into the wall.
His cups your face, giving you the most passionate kiss that you been craving for months. The kiss started slow, then his tongue slips into your mouth to play with yours. His hands meets your breasts. He couldn’t decide what was his favorite; the fact that your breasts grew a cup size or two or your ass was getting fatter.
The lingerie nightie got ripped to expose your swollen breast. Jack takes a nipple into his mouth as his hand plays with the other. You were already a soaking mess, your body was so sensitive and it’s been waiting for him for so long. Your eager hands pressed against his joggers feeling how hard this made him.
He stops and stands over you; a smile creeping up.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this for the first time in my life. I’m so in love with you. Now get that ass upstairs, cause I’m gonna ruin you tonight” You turned on your feet to leave to the room with a giggle escaping as Jack lays a smack on your ass. Your wish was his command
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ace-memelord · 2 years
i just found your account through your eso screenshots and i love them so much, all your characters are so beautiful! i was wondering if you had any tips for taking pretty screenshots of characters? mine always have horrible angles 😭
Aw, thank you so much!! It always makes me happy to hear people like my characters :'3
Honestly, I feel like I'm still learning how to take good pics in ESO, but looking back since I started I know I've made progress! Just a quick note, I'm on PC and most of these tips stem from being able to use addons. 😅
The number one thing I would recommend is getting Screenshot Helper! It turns off all remaining UI elements (like quest markers) that are normally still there when you toggle UI off. It also lets you move the camera angle and zoom, as well as having a character portrait mode if you want full body pics! I'll showcase it a bit here:
and the character portrait mode!
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in addition to this, I recommend using Lovely Emotes and a reshade of your choice.
Lovely Emotes is a wonderful addon to use for keybinding your favorite emotes, and even works when the UI is off! In the last part of the video, you'll see me quickly switch between using 3 different emotes for example. It's a good way to spice up your pics!
As for reshade, that's completely up to you to find what you like best (as it's only function is to make your game look prettier). I've always used Neat Perfection, and it's definitely changed the game for me, not just for taking pics but regular gameplay too! I used to get eyestrain from vanilla shading but not anymore :)
Some basic photography tips: Even with addons, getting the right angle is still hard in ESO, so it may take a bit to find something you like. Don't be afraid to experiment 😎
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Zoom in! Choose a nice backdrop that complements your character, not overpowers them. If there's a lot going on behind you, the picture will look too busy (DOF will come in handy when focusing on your toon!)
Tell a story! Did your character get mudballed for the 20th time in Skywatch? Are they relaxing after a long day of adventure? Eating their favorite food? A picture is worth a thousand words! (as they say)
Finally, even though I've come a long way from the start, I still see room to improve my pictures. There are some other people I look to for tips and inspiration as well :) If you don't know them already, my friend cosmicallium, as well as misskerebear and lady-sleepless-gaming are wonderful in game photographers, I totally recommend checking them out!
That's all I have for now, but I hope it was even a little helpful :) Best of luck to your photography ventures, I'd love to see what you do!
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hatchetation · 2 years
what are your thoughts on a time jump between the last episode and this upcoming new one for ncis hawai’i? it seems like an investigation needed to happen with fact finding first regarding maggie shaw and then interview tennant? also don’t fbi trainees train at quantico in virginia? did whistler skip training and got her express badge? omg does this mean whistler will be shipped to virginia for some months hence the sad whistler looking at lucy’s chair because she’s saying bye? wtf i made myself with the sads and also confuzzled
Obsessed that this ask is almost entirely composed of questions!!
First off, my main question after watching the sneak peeks was about the time jump!! Like how much time has passed?? Maybe a couple of months? I think it’s a good move because that way we aren’t in the immediate devastating aftermath of Tennant finding out Maggie’s a bad guy. Instead we’re seeing the fallout from the last ep but also are in a better position to move forward. I will def be interested to see a kacy scene or two—a lot can change in a couple of months so I wonder if, for example, Lucy’s outrage will have simmered down…
As for your other questions about the fbi—I’m gonna guess since this is a tv show we’re gonna skip all that “training” and “preparing for a new role” crap 😂 Maybe Whistler’s training has happened during the time jump…or maybe it’ll never be mentioned. OR maybe some of her DIA training counted for the fbi (I’m pretty sure even non-field govt agents have to do some form of field/combat training). But if you’re right and that promo pic is of Whistler saying goodbye…I will be sad and confuzzled too 😭
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Lol not you bringing up the TomTati shippers😭 I can tell you that weirdly enough some Tom stans on twitter were seriously shipping them and can't wait for Uncharted for that reason (and yes, they are the ones who hate Z smh, not bc they're racist bc they ship them with Tati or any other woc really, but bc they hated that Z "hided" tom for years)
Anyway Tom and Tati are in happy relationships rn but what I can say is that I can't wait to see their interviews if they do any together! That clip of Tati saying that he has the biggest freaking heart always makes me 🥰. I wonder what on earth Tom did during filming that was so sweet that Tati said that, even though they didn't spend that much time together and aren't close friends really ? Like..she could have just said "yeah he's a nice guy and we had fun filming." point blank. But nooo she was really praising him and you could see in her body language that it was sincere😊
I honestly haven't been seeing a bunch of Tomtati shippers around since the jet ski pics last year lol, but maybe they have an underground shipping club or smthg. 😂
I too would love to know what Tom was doing on set that made her say such kind things about him! 🥰 Can't wait to see the press interviews.... 😄
Anyway, re: the Tomdaya hiding..... That's old news, and they're not hiding anymore anyway, so fans need to get over it already. 🙄 Maybe the way they handled the rlshp years ago was immature... but keep in mind they were YOUNG! They were babies when they first started dating lol..... That was prob the only way Z knew how to have a rlshp in the public eye at that time! 😔 Being with Tom actually prob helped her loosen up and to see that there could be a middle ground, and I think she tried that out with JE.
People change folks.
They shouldn't be criticized forever for their mistakes and shortcomings. People learn and grow as they get older. They find different ways of doing things, and diff ways of thinking. Why ppl keep bringing up the hiding stuff when it's been 2 YEARS since the Tomdaya breakup, and they are obviously happily back together again and are doing things differently now is beyond me. 🙄
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They are obviously HAPPY, and it's clearly evident that even Tom appreciates PRIVACY as well, otherwise he wouldn't be mean-mugging the paparazzi every time they catch him and Zendaya out together lol! 😅🤣
Tom and Z just needed to find a middle ground compromise, and I think they've found that now. 😊❤
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gracefulweather · 2 years
here i am 😅😅😅 a whole 25 days since i answered the last ask convo we had sdajflkjdslfkjas i need to make it a resolution to answer in a timely manner !
i hope you had a great new year !! i just vibed...? i cannot even remember what i did what the heck 😭 my only resolution is to try LMAO (haha i want to continue my chinese studies and maybe like be more active) what about you? are you the type to make resolutions and stick to them?
i'm also gonna be celebrating the lunar new year with my fam in a few days too, so i'm excited for that !
also realized that i have in fact pulled an eric pc before ajsklfjsld 😭 i now have a little space on the side of my shelf that i have hung a few sunwoo pics and it's ...everything to me ANYWAYS !! i have a cute little ikea shelf for my albums, and i display some pcs but not many, and there's a tasty txt poster on my room door. i also have some lyric art prints around my room too ! omg you had the clear phone case, i love that for you ! sangyeon 🥺🥺🥺 what kind of case do you have now? do you have any shelves for kpop stuff in your room?
hm...it really depends. but for the past three smaus, i usually make most of it before posting it, just in case i change my mind about plot points or something. but for lovesick, i have only made about 5-6 parts ahead from where i'm posting ! but i totally get that too, i still don't even really know how lovesick is gonna end so hopefully i think of something before struggling later hahah and tysm for reading it and leaving comments they always make my day
waiT WHAT the same person who arranged their ost is the one who did the amazing stage ver. and rock ver.??? HELLO I LOVE THAT BUT I AM GOING TO SUFFER I JUST KNOW IT
yess !! that's the one ! our beloved summer is good, but personally, i find it kind of slow. i gotta watch more heheh
i need actor haknyeon right now. hahah i wish hyunjae got to do more with that drama, that scene where he gets his little bandaid ripped off of his face keeps playing in my head hahaha
bro EXACTLY fantasy plots are always insanely detailed like how??
i love hoon's hair sm, but i think he cut it again ? i forget hahah but also award shows are so hard to keep up with i sometimes go on twitter and there are like three hashtags trending for it lol
wait bestie do u live in canada??
i'm just really sad abt tbz members getting c*vid :( and they are getting so much hate for it? esp eric? for literally no reason im really about to fight someone i just want my boys to get better
ohh ty ty !! :D hahah wait that post is so accurate lol the year did go by so fast
hope ur doing well ily !! <3
LOL dw about it!! i'm not doing any better here 😅 ahh how was your lunar new year and vday!! i had a bunch of good food and way too many bubble teas HAHA
trying is a very good resolution LMAO i've given up on making them bc i get bored of things so fast, but like... exercising more would probably be a good thing 🤡 ooh how are your chinese studies going? i wish i could read more but i've kinda just... accepted that i'll only know how to speak and not be able to read/write much 😭
oooh eric pc 🤩 that sounds like such a cute collection tho?? and lyric art prints whaooo the aesthetic ✨ i don't really have much kpop stuff so they're kinda just in random spots in my room but i do have some pcs and a banner from a bts concert on my shelf!! and some... very old.... exo posters hanging around that have been up since 2013 :') ah i have a pretty pink case on my phone now! omg do you have a binder with those little slots for pcs LOL
oh i see, i've seen people basically make each part as they go but like... i'd be worried about if the pacing is off or if changes are needed or something 😭 hope lovesick won't be too much a struggle for you but if you ever need another perspective or like a brainstorming sesh, lmk!!
LMAO the way the ost is supposed to come out in feb but there's been no news on it yet..... hopefully soon :')
ohh you found our beloved summer slow? i was thinking it might be too angsty for my taste since chanhee cried and all LOL but idk if i'll watch... there's a fic collab i joined based on kdramas and someone's writing hyunjae based on our beloved summer so i'll probably read that and see 👀 but bestie did you watch all of us are dead? i thought it was pretty good, gotta wait for s2 now!!
oooh speaking of actor haknyeon, i went and watched the first season of goedam!! and it's horror but not that scary tho some parts were kinda gory/disturbing? idk what i was expecting but each ep was like an 8 minute short film, super short so hak's role will probably be really small 😭
hoon's hair is back to black!! 😍 omg i can imagine there would be so much to keep up with as a multi... ooh did you like treasure's comeback? i love the song 🥺
yes bestie canada!!! feels kinda strange now that moonbae are back bc like i'm seeing them post pics of all these nice places that i've been to LOL. worried about eric tho :(( he stopped the bday wishes and pms and just... ugh i hope he's doing okay :( but it's nice that they finally get a break
omgomg ok i'm on chapter 17 of arisa where this new girl is introduced and manabe just kinda... stole the phones from tsubasa... i'm amazed at how 15 year olds can even pull this off LMAOO. but yeah it's good so far and everyone is so sketchy?!?? i'm anticipating lots of twists in here 🧐
ahhH hope ur doing well too!! <3
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luvdsc · 2 years
i actually just signed up for classes today and i got pretty much all the courses i wanted 🥳 i am looking forward to econ and art the most!
i was so so sad i couldn’t catch dpr’s set 😔 god la traffic is always so bad for what and i was looking forward to keshi as well but idk i was just so underwhelmed by the songs he played?? like i still enjoyed it but i think i was just disappointed bc i was hoping he’d play a song from his skeletons ep . speaking of hitc was the second time i got to see keshi live which was so surreal. that being said i’m really happy he’s getting sm more recognition he’s representing and making us viets proud!!! how close were u to the stages? i was more in the back in the first day BUT that kinda made illenium more enjoyable and i was close enough 2nd day i didn’t need to zoom in as much for joji :’)
literally not even a week after hitc i went to another concert akskdkdkf ok but this one was just absolutely insane and a completely different experience from the other shows i have ever been to since it was for a super popular rapper KAKSKDKDF me and my best friend were a double miniority being asian and girls surrounded by a bunch of non asian boys with a ton of sweat and bo 😭😭 i still had lots of fun tho like after i got out of the pit barricade and moshed outside of it. but out of all the concerts i’ve ever gone to seeing keshi back in 2019 is still the best by far i got to meet him and the opening acts take a pic w them AND one of them signed vans hehe i still have them til this day
my birthday was yesterday omg hehe me and my friends celebrated by eating out and i finally satisfied by xiao long bao cravings 🤩 we also went and got piercings too and crazy but it also happened to be my piercer’s birthday that day too 😳idk i’m an adult now but i also dont feel it kakskdkdkff
i agree with you about the all too well mv being unsettling esp when dylan and sadie were making out i was like ummmm UMMMM LMAKSKSF but ik it was done on purpose to make us uncomfortable which honestly really worked. as basic (maybe??? i am not sure tbh) as it may sound my favorites songs on red have always been red and everything has changed 😸 and its still true to now. ok i am not a fan of ed or his music at all but that song he did with taylor was just too cute especially when you watch the mv and ofc we are adding message in a bottle to it now as well into my favorites 👍 which album are you excited for to be re-recorded next? personally i am looking forward to speak now because ik im going to cry to the new ver of last kiss and back to december 🥲 - 💐 anon
aaaa omg congrats on getting all the courses you wanted, honey bee !!!! 💘 which econ are you focusing on? :o macro, micro, international, or another type? and omg art !!! what art will you be doing, sweetpea? 💞
omg i missed half of dpr because my flight kept getting delayed and eventually canceled so i had to rebook a new flight right then and there and couldn't get there in time 😭 they were sooo good live tho and i hope they come back next year 🧎🏻‍♀️ also yes, keshi was a bit underwhelming plus with the whole mic issue /: but i am over the moon that i actually got to see him perform live !!!!!! i love love love his music so much, and it felt like a dream to see him 🤧 and YES omg i'm glad he's getting more recognition and heck yea for the fellow viet pride !!! 💛 i was in the middle ! like not in the back but not very close to the front either so i still had to zoom in with my cam rip but it was sooo much fun 💓
oooo omg who did you go to see? oh god, the BO and sweat in raves and mosh pits 💀💀 it's unbelievable and i'm so glad we wear masks at concerts now. i'm glad you had a good time though, lovebug !! 🌸 NO WAY OMG YOU MET HIM ?? WHO WERE THE OPENING ACTS? AND THEY SIGNED YOUR VANS asdfhalksjda you're living the true concert experience 🤩🤩🤩
aaaa i'm so sad i missed it, this is long overdue, but happy (belated) bday, honey bee 💖💖 xiao long bao sounds so good aaaa i really wanna get some now 🤧 and omg new piercings !!!! which piercing(s) did you get? congratulations on being an adult now, lovebug 🥳🥳💜
YES oh my god when they made out i was like .... this should be illegal 😬😬 but yes she definitely proved her point with the casting and their acting. red and everything has changed are both so good !!!!! omg yes the everything has changed mv 🥺🥺 the little versions of themselves are so cute and that mv makes me smile :') yessss omg i hear message in a bottle playing on the radio in the car nowadays too, and it makes me so happy 🥰 i'm also looking forward to speak now !!!! YES omg last kiss hits so hard, and i also really love ours 🥺💗💗 i'm also hoping crazier will be added to her rerecording for speak now 🤧 also enchanted and long live ✨✨
how have you been doing, sweetpea? are you celebrating the holidays? are you doing anything fun for nye? 💕
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