#diagnose cerebral palsy
kidsorthopedic · 7 months
What are overuse injuries in the pediatric population?
Overuse injuries in pediatrics refer to a category of injuries that occur when a child or adolescent repeatedly engages in a specific physical activity or sport, placing excessive stress on a particular part of their body. These injuries are common among young athletes who train intensively or participate in a single sport year-round. Overuse injuries can lead to pain, impaired performance, and potentially long-term musculoskeletal issues. Here are some key points to understand about overuse injuries in pediatrics:
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Types of Overuse Injuries:Overuse injuries can affect various parts of the body, including:
Growth Plate Injuries: The growth plates, areas of developing tissue near the ends of bones, are vulnerable to overuse injuries.
Stress Fractures: These are small cracks or fractures in bones due to repetitive impact.
Tendonitis: Inflammation of tendons caused by repetitive movements.
Muscle Strains: Overuse can lead to strains or tears in muscles.
Apophysitis: Inflammation of the bony attachment points of muscles, commonly seen in areas like the heel (Sever’s disease) or knee (Osgood-Schlatter disease).
Risk Factors:Several factors increase the risk of overuse injuries in pediatric athletes, including:
Specialization: Young athletes who specialize in a single sport and train intensively year-round are more susceptible to overuse injuries.
Growth and Development: Rapid growth during puberty can change the biomechanics of a child’s body, making them more prone to injury.
Inadequate Rest: Lack of adequate rest and recovery between activities or seasons can contribute to overuse injuries.
Symptoms:The symptoms of overuse injuries may include pain, swelling, tenderness, reduced range of motion, and a decline in athletic performance. Children may also experience pain that worsens with activity and improves with rest.
Prevention and Management:Preventing overuse injuries in pediatrics involves a combination of strategies:
Monitoring Load: Coaches, parents, and athletes should be vigilant about monitoring training loads to ensure they are appropriate for the child’s age and development.
Periodization: Training should incorporate periods of rest, cross-training, and reduced intensity to allow the body to recover.
Proper Technique: Teaching young athletes correct techniques and movement patterns can help reduce the risk of overuse injuries.
Adequate Rest: Children should have scheduled rest days and avoid year-round intensive training in a single sport.
Early Intervention: If an overuse injury occurs, early intervention, including rest, physical therapy, and sometimes bracing, is essential to prevent long-term consequences.
Importance of Multisport Participation:Encouraging children to participate in multiple sports or activities can reduce the risk of overuse injuries by promoting a more balanced use of their bodies and reducing the strain on specific muscle groups and joints.
In conclusion, overuse injuries in pediatrics are a significant concern, especially among young athletes. Preventing these injuries involves a combination of strategies, with a focus on proper training, rest, and early intervention to protect the growing bodies of children and adolescents.
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maia-radfemdu · 1 year
my toxic Eastern European trait is I don't believe in adhd
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zebulontheplanet · 2 months
Saw a post and it really got me thinking.
The post was talking about why don’t lower support needs, higher masking individuals even believe that higher support needs, low masking, “severely autistic” people, exist. And that got me really thinking. Because, I do think they know we exist. I just don’t think they want too.
I don’t think they want to know we exist. They know we exist, but keep us on the back burner. They live in ignorance bliss of us. I have what some people would think of as severe autism. Im nonverbal (although nonverbal later in life. But outside people don’t care about that. They see nonverbal as nonverbal), I’m intellectually disabled, need help in everyday life, etc. but I’m in the middle. I’m moderate support needs. To me, I’m not severely autistic. But to society, I am considered and seen as severely autistic because society doesn’t have the understanding of moderate autism yet. They don’t understand it. And I’ve seen more times than I can count that severe autism doesn’t exist. Not because they don’t believe in severe autism the label itself because it’s “harmful” but because they don’t believe that it’s just caused by autism. They often believe that’s it’s caused by comorbidities. Like ID, or cerebral palsy, or apraxia/dyspraxia, or mobility issues, or genetic conditions, and so on. Although none of this is bad.
They believe that autism itself can’t create severe autism. Which…isn’t true. Before, it was believed that severe autism was the only type of autism. That it was the only type that existed and if you weren’t severely autistic then you weren’t autistic. Then more research happened, then social media happened, and now..white, lower support needs, high masking, late diagnosed individuals are the majority of what’s being centered. And, that isn’t bad. We need awareness of all autism. But when one type of autism gets centered, it becomes a problem. It becomes the new norm. It becomes what everyone expects out of autism now. Which, isn’t true. Autism all of all types and traits exists. Autism of all support needs exists.
When people say severe autism doesn’t exist, they’re ignoring and saying that a BIG percentage of autistic people don’t exist. They’re saying that we aren’t real. That we aren’t on the internet, or in the communities they live in, or in their schools, or whatever. We’re everywhere. Severe autism is still a thing. It isn’t a misdiagnosis. It isn’t from comorbities, although if someone’s autism is more severe from comorbidities then that isn’t bad.
I think a lot of people need to be more aware of severe autism. And not just severe autism like me or my mutuals, or the people you see here on tumblr. But the ones with even MORE severe autism. The ones who live in group homes, residentials, institutions, and so on. The ones who aren’t on the internet. The ones who aren’t here blogging about their lives. We need to be aware of them too. We need to believe they exist, and believe that their autism is real.
Don’t erase severe or profound autism.
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queerbuckleys · 1 year
No because this puts Shannon being 22 fucking years old when her mom is dying after her first battle with cancer. And she has a toddler that’s just been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Like no fucking wonder she wasn’t ready to be a mom. Her leaving sucks and she didn’t go about leaving gracefully. But how could she? She was 22, the prefrontal cortex isnt fully fused until 25. 22 years old is when you are usually making inconsequential decisions like who you’ll live with after college and what your first job might be. And her mom was dying, and her husband doesn’t understand cause he’s just been through his own hell. So she had to go.
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illnessfaker · 11 months
god this pisses me off though like trying to locate where the division between mental disability/illness and physical disability/illness using the body/mind is almost entirely irrelevant anyway because that's not where the distinction is actually created because the distinction is sociocultural. in other words, the distinction between mental and physical conditions is not an essential one, it is one that is externally created due to the ways in which they are stigmatized and also categorized and addressed by the medical establishment and society as a whole.
diagnoses of mental conditions revolve around analysis of thinking and behavior. diagnoses of physical conditions revolve around analysis of bodily function. sanism and ableism against mental conditions revolve around punishment for perceived deviations from normative patterns in thinking and behavior. ableism against physical conditions revolves around punishment for perceived deviations from normative bodily functioning.
obviously these two things have overlap. obviously appeals to neurological functioning are often made when it comes to sanism and ableism against mental conditions ("something is wrong with your brain") but that doesn't mean beliefs around brain dysfunction are the backbone of sanism and ableism against mental conditions. obviously appeals to psychological functioning are made when it comes to ableism against physical conditions (medical gaslighting and accusations of physically disabled/ill people just being "crazy" or "hysteric" or "making things up") but that doesn't mean beliefs around psychological functioning are the backbone of ableism against physical conditions.
yeah, conversion and psychosomatic symptoms exist. yeah, there are many cases in which mental conditions create chronic enough physical impairment or physical conditions create chronic enough impairments in thinking/behavior that the lines between mental and physical disability/illness. yeah, medications that alter neurological functioning are used in treatment for mental conditions, but again, the goal is changes in thinking and behavior + medication is not the only effective treatment. absolutely none of that means that the distinction needs to be thrown out wholesale because that would be like insisting we shouldn't make any distinction between men and women or transgender and cisgender anymore since gender is also socially-constructed rather than being an inherent quality - we still live in a society where gendered violence exists and where men and women/transgender and cisgender people are, broadly, not treated as if they are the same and have different enough general relationships to gendered violence that those categories are warranted in understanding how our society functions.
you can simultaneously acknowledge these 6 things as true:
mind/body dualism is a farce
there are mental conditions can be associated with chronic physical impairment or forms or chronic physical impairment that result from psychological processes (e.g PNES, conversion symptoms, etc.)
there are conditions that are definitively both mental and physical (e.g. motor disorders, neurogenetic disorders, incidences traumatic brain injury with chronic impairments as a result such as cerebral palsy.)
some medications for mental conditions can create chronic physical impairment (e.g. tardive dyskenesia) and some treatments for physical conditions can create chronic mental impairment
mentally disabled/ill people and physically disabled/ill people have many overlapping experiences in terms of ableism stigma/violence that can be grounds for solidarity
the distinction between the two is still warranted because when able-bodied neurodivergent people engage in ableism against physically disabled people or physically disabled people without particular mental conditions (e.g. intellectual disability, psychotic disorders, etc.) engage in sanism or ableism against people with said mental conditions, that's not lateral aggression - that's just straight-up aggression*
*consider that straight-up aggression can also happen within the umbrellas of physical disability/illness (sighted people directing ableism towards blind people/people with vision loss, hearing people directing ableism towards d/Deaf people, etc.) and mental disability/illness (mentally ill people in situations where they are at minimal risk for psychiatric violence encouraging psychiatric violence against those with cluster-b personality disorders or psychotic disorders, mentally disabled people who are not intellectually disabled speaking over or ignoring or co-opting terminology from those who are intellectually disabled.) this is all the more reason to not pretend that the overlap between mental and physical disability/illness means the distinction is useless altogether.
there, i spelled it out for you. can everyone shut up now?
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
Full Transcript up at the link.
MARSHALL: They did. So I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 18 months. But growing up, they just said I had tight tendons. And when I kind of pressed them as I got older and that explanation didn't carry water anymore, they told me I had hemiplegia or hemiparesis, so essentially symptoms of cerebral palsy that indicate paralysis on parts of the body. So they really tried to sidestep the kind of loaded term of cerebral palsy.
Dear Parents, Teachers, Babysitters (and other well-meaning authority figures in a kid's life):
Do Not Do This.
For crying out loud... Why else do you think "Cerebral Palsy" is a loaded term, in the first place?! Jeez Louise! You're not sparing anyone from stigma. You're the ones loading the word with stigma, like filling a wheelbarrow with bovine manure.
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
I’m Not Going Anywhere
Requested: yes
Summary: iceman finally gets the courage to confess his feeling for you after he learns you’re leaving Top Gun.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: angst. Crying. Arguments. Incorrect medical terms? Cerebral palsy?
Parings: Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x fém!reader
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Everyone was down at the beach for the day. The aviators had decided that they would have another volleyball competition today. You were sitting on the bleachers with your son on your knee, cheering with him as you watched Wolfman and Hollywood play. Ever since you arrived in Top Gun, Wolfman had instantly connected with your son. The RIO would often give him piggyback rides, seeing as walking took him a great amount of effort. Early on in his life, your son had been diagnosed with Cerebral palsy and because of that, was unable to walk for long periods of time.
Leonard had become a massive help to you in the past few weeks. Your son's father died early in your son’s life, leaving you to care for him on your own. You loved your son more than anything in the world, but sometimes, you were grateful to have someone else there to help you. You were drawn back to reality by your son cheering loudly as Leo scored another point. He grinned over at your little boy, waving to him before resuming his position. You smiled at the interaction. They continued their game against Chipper and Sundown, only one point away from victory. Loud cheers mixed with groans from the other team erupted from the court when Hollywood scored the last point.
You and your son cheered along with them. Leo rushed over to the pair of you, picking up your son and swinging him around. He giggled loudly. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Viper walk up to the three of you, smiling warmly at you and your son. The older man offered you a sympathetic smile and wrapped you in a warm hug. You had informed him of your decision to leave Top Gun last night after a frantic phone call. Viper had come over instantly, helping you with your son and calming you down until your own cries had subsided. It was then that you had decided to leave Fighter Town. It simply held too many painful memories for both you and your son. Maybe a fresh start would be good for both of you.
“Have you told them yet?” Viper questioned, drawing back from the hug. You shook your head slowly. Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you glanced over to when Iceman and Slider were playing their own game of volleyball. You had yet to tell the people that you considered your best friends about your sudden move. Viper patted your arm, offering you a knowing smile. It seemed as if the older man had picked up on your feelings for the blond pilot rather quickly, leaving you to question just how obvious you were. The man left you to your thoughts and headed over to your son. He smiled at wolfman and him playing in the sand.
With a deep breath, you sucked up all the courage you could and headed over to the court that Ice and Slider were on. You sat on the side and watched as they finished up their game with Maverick and Goose. You cheered loudly as Slider scored the final point. The taller man pulled Ice into him as they moved over to you. You offered them the best smile you could, which still seemed insufficient seeing as Ice’s eyebrows drew together almost immediately. “You okay?” He questioned, moving toward you and setting his hand on your wrist. You could only nod.
The pilot still didn’t seem convinced. You decided to just rip the bandage off. You needed to tell them. “I need to talk to you,” You started, doing your best to keep your voice measured. The boys nodded, following after you as you led them away from the bleachers. When you stopped, you hesitated slightly before turning to face them again. Something that definitely didn’t go unnoticed by the boys. You sucked in one last heavy breath. “I’m leaving.”
It was as if you hadn’t even spoken. Their faces remained the same, both staring at you as if you had grown a second head. “Pardon?” Slider questioned, drawing out the syllables. You sighed. Slider never used words like that. You watched as Ice’s face dropped.
“I’m leaving Top Gun this week,” You clarified. They continued to stare at you. As if in slow motion, you could see the walls that Ice normally had up, come back up. He was closing himself off from you. The thought almost made you cry. Slider only looked offended, as if what you had said was the worst thing he could imagine. The blond turned away from you. Tears rose in your eyes and a lump formed in your throat. “I’m sorry.” You choked out. You spun on your heel and walked away from them quickly, moving towards Leo and your son.
You didn’t tell them while you were leaving. You couldn’t. As hard as it was seeing Ice shut you out, you needed to do what was best for your son. If that meant leaving Top Gun, so be it. You stepped up to Leo and your son, wiping the tears from your lashes. Leo shot you a worried glance. You could only offer him a sad smile. He sighed and with a glance at his classmates, knew exactly what had happened. Your son continued playing in the sand while Leo wrapped his arms around you. He held you as you cried softly into his shoulder. His hand moved up and down your back, soothing you only slightly. He whispered quiet reassurances into your ear.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Ice was standing in the same spot that you left him, staring after you with a blank expression. Slider nudged his arm. “You look like you could kill him,” He murmured, talking about the RIO with his arms around your waist. When his pilot still didn’t show any sign of acknowledgment he sighed. “And I’m sure she could have used some comforting.” He gestured toward you. That seemed to snap Ice out of his trance. Slider watched as the pilot’s eyes softened instantly. He could count on one hand the amount of times that he had witnessed that happen.
Ice turned to his RIO. “What do I do?” Slider knew about his best friend's feelings for you. Saying that the man was head over heels in love with you would be an understatement. It was clear to everyone but you just how much Iceman loved you. It seemed as if you were the only person able to turn ice-cold, no mistakes into the version of himself that only Slider had seen. The RIO sighed. He could tell that you were hurt by their reaction and while his wasn’t the best he could have had, Ice completely shut down. It seemed as if he had retreated to default settings when you said that you would be leaving. He instantly regretted his reaction after you walked away.
“I don’t know what you can do,” He started, leaning back against a tree behind him. “I’d talk to her. Tell her that you want her to stay,” He continued. Slowly, his eyes drifted to where you were walking away with Wolfman who had your son on his shoulders. “But,” He got quieter, causing Ice’s eyes to follow his. “If she’s doing it for that little boy, I don’t think anyone would be able to convince her to stay.” Ice could only nod. His friend patted his arm before leading the both of them back to the court. There, they packed up their things and headed for their housing, ignoring the protests from Maverick and Goose.
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You were standing in your kitchen, wrapping up bowls before putting them into the cardboard box in front of you. There was a loud knock on your door, causing you to jump slightly. You set the bowl down before moving to the door. When you pulled it open, you came face to face with the side of Iceman’s head. He was bouncing his foot against your front porch, chewing his gum harshly, and fidgeting with the ring on his finger. You sighed quietly. You knew that these were all habits that he had when he was nervous.
You cleared your throat, startling him out of his daydream. Wordlessly, you stepped to the side so that he could come in. That only led to him standing in your entryway with his hands in his pockets and sunglasses still over his eyes. “I needed to know why.” He started, pulling the sun glasses off his face. You sucked in a sharp breath. While you were 90% sure that this was coming, you still weren’t prepared to try and explain it to him.
“It’s my son,” You spoke quietly. Ice followed after you as you headed into the kitchen. You stood on one side of the counter while Ice moved across from you. “He threw a dish last night,” The pilot's face instantly softened. He knew about your son's issues with the control of his emotions and had witnessed many of his outbursts. “He told me that I might not be here next year,” Your eyes met the blonds. “That I could be dead like his father,” Ice watched as tears formed in your eyes. He quickly rushed around the counter and wrapped you in his arms. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, shaking slightly in his hold.
The man could only shake his head, suddenly feeling like the biggest jerk in the world. “Don’t be sorry. You were doing it for him, yea?” You nodded softly. Tears leaked out and onto his black T-shirt. You could feel him begin to trace his fingers over your back. “It’s okay,” He murmured lowly in your ear. “Look at me,” He spoke again. One hand moved up to cup your jaw, tilting it up to face him. “It’ll be okay. You know I won’t let anything happen to either of you.” You nodded, lips parting slightly in shock. He only smiled down at you, like he had done so many times before. But this time felt different. Now, you could see the love that he had tried to hide in his eyes. You were shocked that it had taken you this long to notice. You looked at him the same way, admiration and love pouring out of the look you were giving him.
Maybe you didn’t need to leave right away. It’s not as if you had sold your house. Maybe, you could spend some time with Ice and try and figure out what would be best for all three of you. If you were honest with yourself, you were leaving Top Gun to ensure that you would be there for your son. But with Ice there to protect you, that suddenly didn’t seem as a reason to leave. Your son loved Iceman. So long as you had your boys in your life and they were both safe and happy, you had no reason to leave. Your son would be happy to hear the news. And you knew Ice would be happy to help you tell him.
a/n: thank you for reading! Requests are open.
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cassandraevans · 1 month
Be advised, before y'all send your angry asks, these are my opinions, angry opinions but that's all they are, you're free to have your own, that doesn't mean we have to fight about it. Different people will have different opinions. Let's all just enjoy the show we love.
Finally! My heart knows peace! Ughhg I've been so so pissed at the writers and Eddie for being such an absolute Akshat to Shannon.
Eddie himself has never been present for Shannon. Literally or metaphorically. He left for his deployment a week after Christopher was born.
He left his newborn child and his wife alone, granted it was his job. But what if she had postpartum depression like Maddie? Even without that we see how hard it is to care for a newborn child as a couple when Chimney and Maddie had Jeeyun, even with Albert and Anne's help they were overwhelmed. Yes Shannon's mother and Eddie's fault was there but he was the father. Fine, let's leave that.
He wasn't there even Christopher was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Shannon raised her son alone, imagine how scared and broken she must have felt when he was diagnosed, we see how terrified Maddie was when Jeeyun had a fever. But the writers completely disregard anything when it comes to Shannon.
After Christopher was diagnosed, Eddie ran away by enlisting again when he was supposed to be coming home, which he himself admitted, without telling Shannon.
And that scene of him, refusing and asking her to soothe a crying baby Christopher while she's literally telling him he shouldn't be a fucking stranger to his own kid? He looks at her like it's a punishment, don't anybody dare say he was overwhelmed, she was way beyond overwhelmed and he was basically refusing to be a goddammit father to his own kid. As if it was her responsibility alone to take care of the child that she had WITH HIM.
Her mother was dying from cancer, fucking cancer and he didn't even try to comfort her, at all. When she asked him to leave, he used that his family was gathered to celebrate his return as a reason that they can't leave now, no he said it wouldn't look good so they shouldn't leave now, not even you go first we'll catch up, he didn't even want her to go, he just wanted her to stay and take care of Christopher and him while he can go be a hero. Her mother was dying from relapsing cancer and he didn't even care.
What on earth did he think was going to happen? Was he expecting Shannon to wait until her mom was dead?
He had some right to be upset when she left, some. But he had to have seen that coming with now dismissive he's been of her feelings, and that her mother was fucking dying and he didn't want to leave Texas so she can take care of her and he has the audacity to blame her for it.
The fact that he was never been there for her for Christopher's diagnosis of CP, or after, to comfort HER, imagine how hard that must have been on her, alone, her mother battling cancer on one side, her child have cerebral palsy on another side and her husband never being present? Can't imagine how family was very keen to console her with the way they speak of her even after Shannon's death.
I imagine Shannon's mother died in the two years she was gone from Eddie and Christopher's lives, if the show mentioned it directly I might have missed it. But the point is Shannon had to LEAVE her child with his father so he can FINALLY start being a FATHER, and she dealt with her mother's battle and succumbing to cancer, ALONE. With no one to turn to, she was an orphan, even when she had a so called husband and a son.
And when she comes back what does Eddie do? He tries to keep her away from seeing her child like she's the one who's done all the sins. He waited and she never came back and he's mad at her for it? Oh did it ever even occur to him that there's another option, that maybe he could, you know, visit her? Maybe? Would it have killed him to do so? Would his entire family die if he like VISITED, not even moved but visited her, ONCE? He was oh so ready to up and leave Texas to Los Angeles when it for him but not when Shannon HAD TO?
The DOUBLE STANDARD here is off the charts.
He only calls her when he needs her to admit Christopher to school, he never tried to contact her before that, he never TRIED ANYTHING, from his end to fix their relationship that he himself broke piece by piece by breaking Shannon piece by piece.
Don't even get me started on once she comes back, and gracefully does what is needed for Christopher, because she fucking loves her child. And is even willing to apologize to him for what she did when he's the only one who should be apologizing.
But no an apology is not enough for him, he keeps her away from Christopher, he makes her beg him to let her see her own child, he doesn't even have custody over him. He justifies it by saying she abandoned them both? Then what the fuck was it that Eddie did when he reenlisted the moment Christopher was diagnosed? He himself admits later to Buck I think that that was him running away. And yet be has the audacity to punish Shannon for it? When she's the only one who stayed the whole time? Before being forced to leave to care for her dying mother, alone because whiny Eddie doesn't want to leave Texas and his family, boohoo.
Eddie makes it all about Christopher, he sure loves to hear that he's a good father when in truth he didn't even know the first letter of the word before he forced Shannon to leave Christopher with him. Eddie only started being a father to him AFTER SHANNON LEFT.
Eddie then "somehow ends up with her in bed" every time they talk, oh yeah somehow and he doesn't know how it happened at all. But when Shannon thinks that this, him taking her to his bed each time is him finally stopping gatekeeping her from her own child, he has the audacity to the ask if SHE thinks it's a transaction, that she sleeps with him and he let's her see HER SON, I'm sorry sir what the fuck else would she think? When her husband suddenly starts bedding her, of course she thought he finally let her back into her own fucking marriage. But no he just wants the sex but he wants her to stay away from her son cause she deserves to be punished for her sins, which he has committed teen folds.
But no she apologizes again. And he acts like he such a saint and it's a huge sacrifice that he's doing for his son when he FINALLY lets her see her son, that too only after Christopher asks, so no matter how long she kept begging him to let her see Christopher, he wouldn't have, but he sure would have loved to have sex with her the whole time. How is that not him taking advantage of his power over her, which is access to Christopher and using it to use her body. That's manipulation.
He loves Christopher, that's obvious, but it's also obvious that he doesn't even like Shannon but wants her body and wants her to always take care of Christopher and do nothing else ever.
He never once asked Shannon how she was feeling, he never once cared, to ask that. Not even Christopher was diagnosed, not when her mother had a cancer relapse, not when she came back for Christopher's school after her mother's death, he didn't ask her anything about her at all, about how she was feeling, as a result of his actions. She vouched for the ask admittance, that's it. He asked her to sneak out of his bed after having sex, by deceiving her, so that their son wouldn't see her, Christopher didn't even know she was in the same city as them. Eddiegot his sex from her, that's it, now she should leave and not be seen by their son, he got what he wanted and that's all that matters to him. She should never expect anything back for it, she could never, even when she desparately needed him, he didn't give her anything, he abandoned her first, again and again, he expected her to be always a wife and a mother but he was never a husband to her, he wasn't even a father until she left, she was alone in her marriage, Shannon was a married single mom. What pisses me of more is that he used their son to do it, he used their son to punish her, and when she asked for a divorce because he's a fucking shitty, absent, negligent husband who won't give her anything other than sex, he had the gall to be offended and angry at her for it, even after she died.
Of course the writers killed her off, she's better off dead than being married to him.
In season 5 I think, he finally brings her up and the fact that he kept her away from their son, he says he thought did it to protect Christopher, cause he didn't want him to be hurt by his mom leaving again but she didn't want to leave, she wanted them to come with her but who said no to that? Oh no must be someone else. He continues saying to he was really don't it to protect himself? Seriously? I wanted to reach into the screen and bang his head against the table. If anyone needed protecting in their marriage it was Shannon, from his emotional negligence and later manipulation by using Christopher to use her body.
Don't get me started on his dating Ana, she was amazing, in general and to Christopher, and to Eddie, which he didn't deserve one bit. Some people find this storyline boring and I agree but that's not the point. He was so sweet to Ana, so caring to not overload her or overexpect from her, I don't remember which episode it was or what it was about but Eddie said something like I don't want to spring that on you or something that essentially translated to I don't want to ask you to do that cause you shouldn't have to and it wasn't even a big thing. Yes she was his new girlfriend and all but he has never showed even 5% of that care or concern for Shannon, he never had a problem expecting anything and everything from her. He settled with Ana cause she was taking care of Christopher and him, he wants a girl to take care of him, perform her womanly duties while he lounged and prided himself on how great a father he is.
I can't say the writers don't know how to write a healthy relationship either. Cause Chim and Maddie, Athena and Bobby? Especially Athena and Bobby, cause when Athena's father gets into that accident? Bobby drops everything to go with Athena to go visit and stay with her in her parents house and supports her, granted he was already packed and prepared to leave for the vacation, but he left a very well deserved vacation to go support not only Athena but also her parents in their time of need, even when Athena's mom being very rude. if Eddie had been in Bobby's place he not only would have not cared and thrown a tantrum over how he didn't want to leave his vacation but would've also tried to stop his wife from going to check on her parent at all. That is if Eddie hadn't already guilt tripped Shannon into distancing from her rude mother had she been anything like Athena's, he would have thrown an even bigger victim tantrum about how he didn't deserve it and deserved better, nevermind the dying parent.
So the writers do know how to write a healthy relationship, even one that has problems, the couples overcome them. Eddie was just an undeserving asshole to Shannon. Who deserved far far better than she ever got with Eddie. Christopher deserved his mother, not his father gatekeeping him from her while having sex with her and asking her to sneaking out like a thief.
He's never once shown to realize any of this, how this was all wrong, how much of a double standard he had been utilising, how shitty of a husband he was, how he basically ruined her life. He's shown to be the poor victim who was abandoned by his wife and had to raise his special son alone, nevermind this was of his own engineering from all the negligent husband moves he pulled. Yes he's the victim of course.
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dissociacrip · 6 months
this is okay to rb i think, especially if you have anything to add or any insight. idk. i'm tagging this the way that i am because i'm seeking community/connection(tm) or something
hypotonia is not like. a rare thing. not really. but i do remember my OT googling what it was.
low muscle tone/hypotonia may technically be a symptom rather than a diagnosis (barring benign congenital hypotonia, which afaik is controversial) but it's the closest thing to a "diagnosis" i've been given for some of this stuff because the potential cause of it hasn't been investigated and i guess it's not exactly urgent since my particular case isn't severe and doesn't seem progressive (hypotonia can be progressive & is involved in some progressive and degenerative conditions.)
but i wish it was talked about more and i wish more was known about it works and how it affects bodily function and i wish what we DO know about it was more accessible to the public when it comes to those who suffer from it. it's also kinda hard whether to KNOW you have it or not since its "signs" have so much overlap with other conditions that aren't related to muscle tone. it ranges a lot in severity too. and there's two different types (central and peripheral.) it's linked to dozens of diagnoses too which is why i say it's not uncommon.
but also i guess due to the complexity of how it affects the body and its lack of distinctiveness with most of its symptoms makes it kinda...hard to talk about? and i imagine w/ some people it's hard to distinguish the effects of hypotonia vs. their other problems. issues with chewing, writing, breathing, speaking, posture, coordination, etc. can be due to so many different things ranging from mental to physical. but it's not always something that can be lumped together w/ those other things because there's "my muscles don't work" in a terms of chronic muscular pain vs. "my muscles don't work" in terms of, like, they lack the ability to adequately support the body and bodily movement. if that makes any sense.
which ranges from someone like me where having to hold myself up sucks + mild motor skill/coordination impairments and mild developmental milestone delays, but others never meet those milestones or need assistance with things like breathing and ingesting food.
it's not a diagnosis but it can affect the body in complex ways like muscle shortening and stiffness due to our bodies having to compensate in weird ways for the lack of adequate tone (esp those of us who grew up with it), tibial torsion and femoral anteversion, flatfoot and knock-knees, reduced cervical lordosis sometimes leading to bruxism and occipital headaches, etc. PT centered around muscle strengthening to correct my "improper" movement and stuff.
and there's other stuff that can come with it that people like to consider """gross""" like drooling, constipation and other gastric, and pelvic floor dysfunction which can result in incontinence/problems with bladder control. muscles are involved in a lot of things. wild.
i'm rambling but i just wish more people talked about it. all i really have is that one interview that surestep did with meagan veracha, who has hypotonic cerebral palsy, about living with hypotonia as an adult.
maybe i wouldn't care all that much if i had a diagnosis that would "explain it" but "i might have gHSD/hEDS" doesn't rly do that for me because ppl in those communities obviously focus a lot on the joint dysfunction aspect (because those 2 conditions center around hypermobile joints so that's just natural, it's not a bad thing per-se, barring other problems that those communities have) but for me my case of symptomatic generalized hypermobility is secondary in how it impacts me vs. my muscles being bad at their job and my hypermobility might even be secondary to my hypotonia anyway.
dyspraxia/DCD (some people with it have hypotonia but not all - i thought i had it before i was told i was identified as having hypotonia when i was a kid...over two decades late) is another guess but again that centers more around coordination than things like "anything other than lying in bed is hard on me because my muscles don't support my body like they're supposed to."
maybe muscle tone is a complex medical concept that shouldn't really enter the public lexicon but i have no other language for it.
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kidsorthopedic · 8 months
Identifying and Treating Neglected Fracture in Kids
According to the Canadian Paediatric Society, “Fractures are common injuries in childhood. While most fractures are caused by accidental trauma, inflicted trauma (maltreatment) is a serious and potentially unrecognized cause of fractures, particularly in infants and young children.”
Fractures in children occur when excessive force is applied to the bone. As the bone cannot absorb excessive force, broken bones or fractures occur. Excessive force can cause multiple fractures or specific fractures like wrist fracture, elbow fracture, or femur fracture.
Also, fractures in kids occur due to a variety of reasons – trauma, falls, direct hit, injuries, and lack of calcium. You cannot control or change the causes and number of fractures in your child. But you must treat the neglected factors early and properly to keep your child fit by eliminating the chances of functional disability and permanent deformity.
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What Should You Know to Treat a Neglected Fracture in Your Child Successfully?
A neglected fracture might occur in your child due to a variety of reasons. Also, the symptoms of neglected broken bones vary from one child to another. You can identify neglected fractures based on common systems like pain, swelling, bruising, redness, and warmth. Also, the affected area sometimes appears deformed due to the broken bone. It is always important to consult a pediatric orthopedic surgeon once your child finds it difficult to use or move the injured bone normally and naturally.
Experienced pediatric orthopedic surgeons diagnose neglected fractures in a variety of ways. They always start diagnosing by inspecting the affected area closely and physically. The physical inspection, along with the child’s medical history, helps experienced orthopedic surgeons to identify the condition and causes of the fracture. However, it is also common for orthopedic surgeons to identify the cause of broken bones by recommending X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and similar imaging examinations.
Treatment Options
The orthopedic surgeons diagnose neglected fractures in a variety of ways according to the severity and symptoms of the broken bone. Also, they prepare a personalized treatment plan for the neglected fracture based on your child’s age, medical history, and severity of the fracture. Also, they keep in mind your child’s capacity to tolerate specific medication or treatment options.
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Experienced pediatric orthopedic surgeons always start treating neglected fractures through non-surgical procedures like medication, cast/splint, and traction. But they treat neglected fractures surgically when the non-medical procedures do not work. They perform surgeries to reposition the broken bones or implant fixation devices.
The non-medical procedures treat neglected fractures gradually over a period of time. Your child will become fit and active after taking medication or wearing the cast/splint regularly for a specific duration. However, you must get the affected area inspected by the orthopedic surgeon regularly according to the treatment plan. On the other hand, your child needs to rest the affected bone completely and follow operation-care recommended by the surgeon when the neglected fracture is treated surgically.
You can easily get a neglected fracture in your child diagnosed accurately and treated effectively by consulting an experienced pediatric orthopedic surgeon. The orthopedic surgeons will help you to eliminate the risk of functional disability and permanent deformity by treating neglected fractures accurately and successfully.
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vaspider · 1 year
I'm not sure if you've had to deal with the discourse over whether mental health issues qualify as disabilities lately but I just realized i have a recent anecdote pertinent to the discussion.
I'm a truck mechanic. I work on the vehicles sometimes called big rigs, eighteen-wheelers, semis, and probably many other names. Vehicles designed to haul freight on highways. I think you and most of your followers get the idea.
Several years ago, ugly things happened to people i considered friends. I feel a level of responsibility for what happened but people I've told the story to insist it wasn't my fault. People who were there tell me the same thing. I still can't shake the feeling but my objective level of blame is irrelevant.
About a month and a half ago, something i won't be elaborating on very vividly reminded me of what happened. That reminder sent me on a spiral. I literally could not stop thinking about what happened. Literally nothing else was on my mind. I had to go into work for a swing shift (4pm-midnight) that day. I had to do an oil change on a truck. I forgot to reinstall the drain plug because i was distracted by thoughts on ugly things from my past, so when I tried to pour oil into the engine, the oil just spilled straight onto the ground. I didn't notice what I'd done until I'd wasted nine gallons of oil that way. I corrected my mistake, concluded the service, and started my next job, another oil change.
I still couldn't think about ANYTHING besides events I can't change and a burning desire to make things right. I did most of the oil change service then had the customer start the engine of his truck... Before i added any oil. The driver saw a "low oil pressure" warning on his dashboard and stopped the engine before it was too late but had he been less attentive, his engine would've been totaled, costing my company $50k USD or possibly even more. The only reasons i didn't lose my job are because my boss likes me and defended me to the corporate safety people, and because i have no other similar mistakes on record.
I've since learned that this is consistent with Real Event Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a subset of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder wherein the afflicted is hyperfixated on correcting past mistakes. Obsession with one's quality as a person, with one's morality, is the defining symptom. I haven't been diagnosed yet but I recently started therapy; my therapist might be able to provide such a diagnosis and help me deal.
The reason I'm telling you this is because it provides you with another data point in that argument i mentioned at the beginning of this ask. Mental illness nearly destroyed a truck and interfered with time-sensitive logistics. It nearly cost both a driver and his company significant amounts of money and lost time. Mental illness nearly cost me my career. If mental illness can take an otherwise-competent mechanic and turn them into a confused and distracted mess incapable of the simplest job a mechanic can do, i think it qualifies as a disability as much as, say, cerebral palsy or Parkinson's, or any other disabling medical condition.
(I'm probably gonna get hate mail and mockery (not from you, from the peanut gallery) for telling you about this major fuck-up but whatever. Maybe this anecdote will change some minds that need changing.)
Yeah, sounds about right. 💗
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miragemirrors · 11 months
i think there's something that should be talked about this disability pride month about when conditions that should be diagnosed at birth or infancy... aren't, usually because for some kind of prejudice doctors just don't believe the child's parents.
that happened to me. i have a hip deformity that makes my gait extremely awkward and this was visible for as long as i've been able to walk. doctors dismissed my mom about it bc she was a young new mother and a recent migrant from a stigmatised region. years later in school i was awful at PE because bad uneven gait and other motor skills issues and my teacher scolded my mom about it bc it was obviously her fault for not letting me play outside. flash forward 17 years, i get coverage denied for my 4th knee surgery, get a new doctor to look at me, and we pay 800BRL for an exam insurance didn't cover and FINALLY i get the diagnosis and yup i have a hip deformity that is normally treated in children BEFORE AGE 3 and permanent injuries on my lower limbs from walking on it raw all this time.
i also know a guy who was born premature and his mother noticed he had way altered muscle tone and doctors dismissed them for years bc they were shanty town people and obviously your baby is just lazy. turns out he has cerebral palsy.
even these big disorders and deformities that you'd think would always be noticed and treated get dismissed because of prejudice and in some cases these doctors gaslight those parents so well they refuse to listen to their child when they, a little older, bring up symptoms that are an escalation of those very same ones the parent brought to the doctors all those years ago
so anyway, if you're a late diagnosis or suspicion for something like that, here's an acknowledgement to you. this is very real and it happens way too much
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wtf-amiru · 17 days
God I hate having to do this but living through a natural disaster is rough, yo.
[the tldr is my handicapped family and I are living through a wild time of crisis and are asking for help]
I know I’m not on here as consistently as I used to be. This year has been rough on my son and I and I just haven’t had the bandwidth to be here much; it’s been the skin of our teeth since January due to emergency vet bills.
But let me just tell you about right now. Right now I am living through a natural disaster as two massive forest fires rage around me. Two communities have been evacuated to my town and we’ve been given notice to have a 72 hour kit ready to go.
Most of you don’t know I have a 15 year old son in a wheelchair but I do, he was born a full month early and has cerebral palsy, he’s very fortunate that it only affects his motor skills but it means a vastly different lifestyle for us than most are accustomed to. I can't go anywhere if he’s at home, regardless of his age, I can quickly run to the corner store but I cannot go anywhere because I don’t have a vehicle to load him into. I can’t work an ordinary job, living up here means I don’t have the resources I would in a city for work and also means i am constantly on call for anything he might need. The last job i had i lost because i kept having to leave for my son.
And me, I have adenomyosis, something akin to endometriosis but they don't like to operate with adenomyosis because it's actually less likely to kill you if you don't. The pain and agony you feel is the same, but it won't kill you [as quickly]. So I cannot work a typical job because of that either. I also have severe social anxiety and untreated adhd, and multiple joint/skeletal problems, life is just hard for us here in my house.
We get by, my son is incredibly smart and capable, a whiz on the computer and a pixel artist; and i run a small resin business out of my basement and we get by, roughly but we get by pretty ok.
Right now I live in the middle of a natural disaster epicenter, the only "safe" city for about 3 hours due to massive raging forest fires circling around us, and our safety changes with the wind.
The last 3 days were spent spiraling down a panic spiral as literally every form of communication was cut off. No cell phone, no internet, no landland; I had no idea what was happening outside. They were spent spiraling because my family is completely unable to comprehend the situation my family specifically was in, the one day my mother did come in to check if we were okay she only brought up the same anxieties i had been panicking about the day before and stormed out of my house when i asked for actual help [can you call our providers and make sure it wasn't a missed bill, i have diagnosed memory issues that feed a good portion of my anxiety] so again I was back in our little spiraling anxiety hole worse than before. What does this mean and why did I say i hate doing this at the beginning, well I'm here to ask for help lol.
My currently situation is "swamped with bills and unable to restock my online store" due to literally everything that's happening right now. I'm here to ask for monetary help and business help. Over the next day or so I will be posting my /ENTIRE/ inventory to my tumblr blog at a discounted price. Prices will already be discounted from their normal store price, I can ship to anywhere in north america and most overseas places although that is currently really up in the air due to fires but do please inquire on anything if you are overseas, i'll get back to you asap with if i can ship to you or not. Anyway currently posting my entire inventory and, honestly, asking for donations through my paypal to get my family through this crisis and back on our feet. I am the sole guardian here and as you can see/know/am learning/have a vague idea about I am fairly handicapped myself.
[I will also be accepting discounted dice tray commissions]
[also please be patient and understanding with me, severe social anxiety sometimes means it takes me a few tries to respond :3 but I'm trying my best here]
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[my PayPal qr, the email is also [email protected] or @brokenmoldoddities ]
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queerplatonicpolysho · 2 months
hi posting about my project sekai ocs
ok so their group name is Brighter*Days and they're a group of disabled future idols!
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cis-ish nby gay guy
Deaf, chronic pain (suspected fibromyalgia)
leader of the group
silver hair and eyes
smart and chill
autistic, OCD
Kamiyama High School, class 2-C
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diplegic ataxic cerebral palsy, manual wheelchair user
gold eyes, light-medium brown hair
sweet and shy
semiverbal autistic (uses AAC except to sing), ADHD
mixed black+japanese
Miya Girls', class 2-C
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trans lesbian
hEDS, POTS, MCAS, cane user
hot pink eyes, split colored light pink/light blue hair
outgoing and affectionate
Kamiyama High, class 2-A
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any pronouns
bisexual trans guy
VEDS, crutches+rollator user
brown eyes, red hair
moody and closed off
autistic, BPD
Kamiyama High, class 2-B
their sekai is the Playground Sekai, which is owned exclusively by Haruki. it's an old, dilapidated playground that is formed shortly after Haruki almost dies and is diagnosed with VEDS. Haruki shuts off everyone around him and pulls a Mafuyu (disappears into sekai for a while) before being found by his friends.
alt text will be added to images later i am so tired
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firefighterdiazx · 26 days
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Early Life
Eddie was born to a Swedish mother and a Mexican father in El Paso, Texas and has two sisters - Sophia and Adriana. Eddie met his wife, Shannon Diaz, when they were in middle school, and two of them started dating after reconnecting in high school, and Shannon got pregnant while they were still teens. Eddie asked her to marry him when she told him she was pregnant. However, complications arose during the birth and Christopher Diaz was born with Cerebral Palsy. A week after Christopher's birth, Eddie returned to Afghanistan to finish out his tour as an army medic but re-enlisted with the hopes of supporting his family. Once he left the army, Shannon left him and Christopher to take care of her mother who had been diagnosed with a rare type of cancer. She had asked Eddie to come with her multiple times but he hadn't been ready to leave his family. Eventually, Eddie left Texas with Christopher, moving to L.A. and pursuing his current job as a firefighter.
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insertsyscoursehere · 7 months
just took a look at Sophie's blog after seeing a post of urs about her on my dash and... holy hell she has gotten so much worse like- she's now saying disorders are a social construct???????
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Oh joy, gotta love transID stuff…
Listen, if someone suspects they may have traits of a disorder, it’s not that someone is transdisordered. They are probably showing symptoms of a disorder and should seek treatment or at least alert a trusted person in their life that something is up.
Do I think the way we treat the disabled is a social construct? Sure, that’s why we have mad pride and disability pride— because it wasn’t a choice for those who struggle.
Disorders are a social construct like asthma or cerebral palsy is a social construct— that is to say, not at all. A disorder is, by definition, something that hinders the ability to function, such as holding down a job or mobility or ability to discern between a delusion and reality. There are people who have managed their disorders, but that doesn’t mean they never struggle ever again.
Tbh, I feel like in the case of the claim she’s making, she fails to understand that a psychiatric disorder is the brain being a very smart but very stupid organ. That like any organ it is capable of failure, and that there’s no stopping it, only managing the fallout.
I didn’t have a hard life and get depressed simply through cultural osmosis or nurture. I don’t look within myself and identify as autistic. I was tested, misdiagnosed, retested, properly diagnosed, and they concluded that not only does my autism present as ADHD, but my cortisol levels are staggeringly high and my serotonin levels are lower than a contortionist limbo competition.
I feel like the only reason “transdisordered” became a thing—and mind you I’m making an educated guess here— is because we make fun of everyone who self-dx’s as if they’re all bad actors.
Self-dx is what kept me out of the hospital when I was too far from home and family to be in their insurance network. And it turns out I was right in my assertion— I have BPD and CPTSD.
There’s nothing wrong with the self dx pool, the water’s fine! But my disorders are not an aesthetic— they’re hard to live with and full of breakdowns and delusions that worry my family. To say it’s a social construct is to deny the very real pain that is caused internally and only focus on outward appearances.
Thank you for the ask, I hope your dash clears up soon. This garbage fire discourse sucks but there’s a strange beauty in it.
Most of all, have a great weekend. You deserve it!
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