#dem silly bois
erachiiii · 1 year
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Another out of left field thought crossed my mind so here we are;
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claudethecoolest1 · 2 years
when old avril lavigne is played and suddenly i’m a little twink rocking out
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coloursflyaway · 29 days
Good Enough
Pairing: Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland
Rating: T
Word Count: 4.000
Read on AO3
So, Edwin is in love with him.
Edwin loves him, and Charles genuinely never even considered the possibility of this, of them, before.
It might be because, back when he was still alive, his dad would have beaten the notion right out of him, but then again, his dad has been wrong about most things in his life, so fuck him.
So, Edwin is in love with him.
It’s… quite flattering, actually. To think that Edwin, who is beautiful and intelligent and educated, who can recite his favourite Keats poem by heart just as easily as tell you his favourite Mozart aria (it’s Konstanze, dich wiederzusehen from Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Edwin told him that, years ago), who knows spells and can read ancient Aramaic, who is the kindest, most brilliant person Charles has ever known, would love him.
Now, Charles knows that he is easy enough on the eyes, good with words and people, and has one hell of a swing if you give him a cricket bat, but the only reason he knows any Mozart aria is because Edwin showed them to him.
The only reason he knows Keats’ poetry is because Edwin would read them to him on slow, warm summer nights in the early 2000s.
The only reason he is here, is because Edwin let him stay.
So, it’s special, having someone like Edwin love him.
It’s fucking terrifying.
Because Charles is now holding the heart of the person he loves most in the world, and it’s a bigger responsibility than any he has ever taken on before.
He can’t fuck this up.
The thing is that nothing changes between them at all.
Charles isn’t sure if he expected it to, but what he is relatively certain about is that it most likely should. After all, it was an unexpected revelation, probably to both of them, definitely a shift in their relationship.
And yet, when Charles looks at Edwin, who is reading a novel whose name he cannot make out, curled up on the couch they have gotten for Crystal (and sometimes Jenny), he doesn’t feel different at all.
It’s still Edwin, his best mate, the boy that read to him when he was dying so he wouldn’t have to do it alone, who tries to smile whenever Charles shows him a new song he has fallen in love with, and occasionally fails hilariously at, who Charles would protect with his life and his soul and his cricket bat, no matter how high the stakes.
I love you the most, Charles thinks to himself, and smiles, because nothing about that has changed, either.
He has told Edwin that they would have forever to figure out the rest, and it’s the truth, technically speaking.
However, Charles doesn’t, because it’s Edwin and he has given Charles his heart and he doesn’t deserve to wait that long for an answer. It would be cruel in a way Charles cannot comprehend, and if there is anyone who doesn’t deserve more cruelty in their existence, it’s Edwin Payne.
The only problem with that fact is that Charles doesn’t know the answer.
He’s been thinking about it a lot, but the thing is, he’s never been in love before.
So he doesn’t really know what to compare his feelings for Edwin to, because, of course, they are greater than for anyone else, of course, Charles would sacrifice anything and anyone for Edwin, especially himself, of course, making Edwin smile is his favourite part of any day.
Because he loves Edwin, everything about him.
But is he, could he be, in love with Edwin?
Charles doesn’t know, nor does he know how to find out. It’s not like he hasn’t tried, but every novel he has paged through, every silly romcom he has watched, has been talking about butterflies in someone’s stomach, of seeing them in some new, golden light, of hearing violins playing when they speak, and Charles very much doubts that Edwin feels any of those things for him.
Otherwise he wouldn’t raise his eyebrows like that when he thinks Charles is being an insufferable little prick, he wouldn’t roll his eyes and tell him, “I know, Charles, you have told me a thousand times before”, whenever Charles brings up how much he wishes he could still taste things, or groan whenever Charles attempts to convince him to just try and let him put on some eyeliner.
(It’s just that Edwin would look so pretty like that, some kohl to bring out the warmth of his eyes, making them stand out even more than they do anyway.)
So all this talk of violins and sparkles and the need to give someone roses, if Edwin doesn’t feel that when he says he is love with Charles, then it’s pointless to consider, and anyway, those books and films describe people who have just met, not those who have known each other for twice as long as they were alive.
Maybe if he had just met Edwin, he would be hearing violins, Charles definitely thinks it’s possible.
Especially the violins in Konstanze, dich wiederzusehen.
“I just need some time alone”, Crystal says, putting on her jacket, while already opening the door. “And I am aware that that is a novel concept for the two of you, since you are basically attached at the hip, but for me, an alive human being, it’s really important to occasionally have a second of peace between almost dying and whatever we will have going on next.”
She stops to put on her shoes, almost falling over in the process, and Charles and Edwin share a look, a smile, and Charles thinks, I love you the most.
“Don’t follow me”, Crystal tells them, especially Charles, and it’s kind of cute, actually. “I’m going to get the biggest frappuchino Starbucks is legally allowed to serve me and I will not tolerate any ghostly company while doing that.”
Charles holds up his hands, still grinning, indicating his surrender in a battle he wasn’t aware they were fighting, and Crystal gives him a single nod before she walks out.
“So”, Charles starts, and turns around to face Edwin, who is already looking back, “what do we think this frappuchino she was talking about, is?”
Actually, there is one thing that changes between them after all.
It’s subtle, at least at first, but looking back, Charles isn’t quite sure how he managed to miss it for the few weeks that have passed. Maybe it was the shock of almost being forced to move on to the afterlife, the chaos of getting Crystal and Jenny settled in London, the fact that it seems to increase only slowly, incrementally.
Edwin has never been a physically affectionate person, completely contrary to how Charles is.
If it had been up to him alone, he would have hugged Edwin much more often, would have leant against him when they were looking through a book together, would have held hands to keep them from losing each other when things got hectic. But it wasn’t, and that was fine, so it was occasional touches instead, a hand on Edwin’s upper arm, his back, ruffling his perfect hair when he was doing something kind of dumb, kind of cute.
(That one always made him duck his head and smile, glance up at Charles through his lashes and allow a second to pass before he started fixing his hair again.)
Now, however, it’s… it’s not getting better, because there was nothing wrong with it in the first place, Edwin’s aversion to physical affection, but it is changing now.
It’s less that he initiates it, more than he allows it to happen more frequently. Sitting down next to Charles on the sofa instead of taking the armchair, allowing Charles’ hand to linger on his arm for a moment longer than expected, letting their shoulders brush when walking.
He’s not asking to be touched, not really, but something about it still makes Charles irrationally happy as soon as he catches onto it. Because Edwin deserves all the affection the world can offer, and Charles will always be here to give it to him.
So he reaches out in the morning, when the sun has just started to rise, and puts his hand on the curve of Edwin’s shoulder, right where it meets his neck, and points out that the clouds are turning the most beautiful pink. He throws his legs across Edwin’s lap when they settle down on the sofa at night, a book in Edwin’s hands, the tablet Crystal made him buy in Charles’. He pushes his fingers through Edwin’s hair, not to ruffle it, but just to pretend he can feel its softness against his skin.
It makes Edwin duck his head again, give Charles a little smile when looking up, and Charles thinks, I love you the most.
And thinks, I want to love you the most in every way you will have me.
“Jenny, I have a question”, Charles starts as soon as he has phased through the walls of her new butcher shop. It’s to her credit that she hardly reacts; the first time he had done that, she had thrown a meat cleaver right through his head. “What do you know about love?”
Instead of a knife, Jenny just throws him a weary look, an eyebrow elegantly arched. It makes Charles think of being scolded by the headmistress, a sensation that should be much more unpleasant than it is.
“Nothing”, Jenny answers and brings her cleaver down with a dull thud, separating flesh from bone, before looking up at Charles again. “No one ever knows anything about love and if they try to tell you otherwise, they are lying.”
There is a certain sense of finality in her voice and Charles knows he has been dismissed, no detention this time, but don’t dare to push it.
“Great”, he mutters, more to himself than to Jenny, “that doesn’t help me at all.”
“You should look at this, Charles”, Edwin says and turns the book towards him.
It’s late at night, Crystal having long since gone home and they are sat on the sofa, shoulders touching while they do their research. A new case has come up, and Edwin is trying to learn more about ancient Celtic runes, while Charles is pouring over a map of London’s underground; now, he looks up and at the page Edwin is showing him.
“We could add this to your bat”, Edwin explains, “it’s a rune for physical strength. Supposedly, it doubles whatever force you put into a hit.”
“Edwin, mate, are you trying to tell me I need help with hitting people?”
Charles is grinning, obviously teasing, and Edwin just scoffs, rolls his eyes.
And that is what Charles means; this isn’t birdsong and candle light, this is just how they always have been. This is what makes them them, even.
“Charles, do be serious”, Edwin replies, but there is affection in his voice, there is love. “I am perfectly aware that you can hit things very well, but that doesn’t mean that hitting them even better wouldn’t be an advantage.”
“I know. This is brills”, Charles concedes, and on a whim, nothing more than that, presses a quick kiss to Edwin’s cheek.
For a moment, he almost expects Edwin to admonish him, because this isn’t exactly something that they do, but instead he stares at him, before he ducks his head; Charles isn’t sure how he knows this, but if Edwin could, he would be blushing.
And it does something to Charles’ head, the thought that he would be able to make Edwin blush. It makes him stop dead in his tracks, look at Edwin not like he is seeing him for the first time, but like he could be looking at him for the rest of his existence and not get bored of it.
“Do you wanna do the honours of carving it? Since you were the one who found the thing?”, he asks just to say something, aware that his voice sounds slightly off, and thinks, I love you the most. I love you the most. I love you the most.
“Very well done, Charles”, Edwin tells him and clasps a long-fingered hand on Charles’ shoulder, peering down at the leprechaun he knocked out clean with his bat a few seconds before.
The rune really makes it pack a punch.
“I don’t think this will pose any further problems”, Edwin continues even as he crouches down to examine the passed-out form crumpled on the ground. He prods at it gently.
“It fucking better”, Charles replies, resisting the urge to pull Edwin away from the leprechaun, just in case that touching it might have some kind of magical side effect. “And if not, I’ll punch it right back out. I’ve got an Edwin Payne-improved bat after all, it won’t stand a chance.”
Just for good measure, he twirls the bat around once, twice.
This has always been one of his favourite parts of the job, the simple pleasure of knocking someone out before they get the chance to hurt his friends.
Edwin looks up at him from where he is crouching, and Charles grins at him, metaphorical adrenaline running through his non-existent veins still. He would punch out a bear if Edwin asked it of him.
Before he can say anything else, though, Crystal clears her throat from behind him, sounding decidedly less impressed.
“That’s really cool, yeah. New bat, I get it”, she says, walking around Charles so she, too, can see the unconscious leprechaun. “But you do remember that we actually wanted to talk to him, right?”
They get to talk to the leprechaun in the end, who turns out to be about as obnoxious as expected, but does admit to stealing the heirloom they were looking for for his pot of gold.
He even gives it back, but only after Charles has started twirling his bat again.
“And another satisfied customer”, Charles comments as they return to the agency, flinging his backpack into the corner.
“Client, you mean”, Edwin corrects, but still smiles at him, and pats the space next to him as soon as he sits down on the sofa. Charles flings himself down without a second thought, legs landing somewhere across Edwin’s laps, one of his hands settling on Charles’ ankles.
This is new, at least to some extent, and Charles loves it, the feeling of Edwin’s fingers on him. It feels right, somehow.
I just really love you the most, he thinks.
“Yeah, whatever”, he concedes and looks over at Crystal, who is watching them with something in her eyes that Charles cannot quite place. Not bad, per se, just…. Strange. “Doesn’t sound that good though, does it? And anyway, the most important thing is that they’re satisfied, right? Passed on right to the afterlife, no worries keeping them here any longer.”
“As if it’s only worries that could keep one here”, Edwin replies, his tone as dry as the desert, but making Charles laugh anyway. “We should be the best example for that.”
“You know what I mean!”, he shoots back, “It isn’t like with us, is it? Don’t think that the client was kept back by meeting the love of their life, were they now?”
It spills from his lips like nothing, without Charles thinking about it for a single second.
He’s still laughing, but Edwin’s fingers have stopped where they were gently stroking across the arch of his foot, and then Charles realises it, and for the first time, hears silence.
For the first time since they got back from Hell, they part when Crystal leaves.
The conversation had been stilted after Charles’...slip up? blunder? confession? and although it had been obvious that all three of them had been trying, it had been impossible to get things back on track.
So, Charles leaves with Crystal, telling Edwin he will walk her home, although that is something he has never done before, and Crystal lets him, although he is fairly certain she wouldn’t under normal circumstances.
She doesn’t need anyone protecting her from the city she grew up in after all.
“How do you know you’re in love with someone?”, Charles asks after they have walked in silence for a few minutes. He can’t think of a way to cushion the question, how to make it less awkward to ask, so he doesn’t bother with it at all.
“This is about Edwin?”, she asks, seemingly to clarify, and Charles nods mutely, not looking up at her. “I’m not sure. Especially not when it comes to the two of you. For Edwin, I could have seen from miles away that he was in love with you, even if he hadn’t reacted like he did when we first met. For you… you love him, anyone with eyes could see that, but if you’re in love with him, I think you have to figure that out yourself.”
“Do you know how it feels, though? Being in love?”, he asks, just in case Crystal can at least tell him that.
“I’m not sure”, she answers after a moment, then links their arms together, pulling Charles closer. “I think that’s different for everyone. But I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out what it feels like to you if you let yourself.”
He walks Crystal home, but when she asks if he wants to stay, Charles just shakes his head.
Edwin is back at the agency, and Charles isn’t sure exactly in which state, what he is thinking, and Charles cannot allow that. At least not for long.
What he does, though, is taking a little detour to the park not too far from their building.
It’s the first time he really pays it any mind, even if it’s most likely not the first time he’s been there, but now, Charles lays down on the grass, looking up at the night sky.
London is too bright for him to see many stars, but there’s a few of them; Edwin would surely be able to point out a constellation or two.
And that’s the thing, isn’t it.
Edwin isn’t here, and yet he is with Charles anyway, always, in every moment of his existence.
Sighing, he scrubs a hand down his face. There’s no way around it, it has to be now, and it has to be the right answer, the one he truly means, because Edwin deserves nothing but that.
No false hope, and no heartbreak that might be taken back along the line.
So, he thinks of Edwin, of his elegant hands and the swagger in his walk when he feels confident, of the colour of his hair and of his eyes, of the curves and slopes and sharp cuts of his face.
He loves that face, has seen it with every possible expression painted across of it, and still loves it.
The stars above are dim and partly hidden behind the clouds, so Charles lets his eyes slip shut, and imagines coming home to the agency and taking Edwin’s hands in his.
They would be just a little smaller than his own, his fingers slender and yet so capable, and if he could still feel, Charles is convinced they would feel cool against his skin.
He imagines pulling Edwin close and holding him like he has always wanted to, burying his face against the side of Edwin’s neck and pretending he can breathe in his scent. Having Edwin sneak his arms around Charles’ waist and cling to the back of his jacket, like he doesn’t want to let go again.
In his imagination, it feels a little like the hug they shared after being granted asylum on Earth, but it would be entirely different, because it wouldn’t be out of relief.
Instead, it would be just them, embracing to feel the other close.
And he thinks of pulling back from the hug, seeing Edwin smile and kissing the curve of his lips, nipping at them until he can make Edwin laugh and teasing his mouth open to lick into it.
It would be like kissing Crystal, kind of, only that-
Only that it wouldn’t be like that at all.
He runs back to the agency, as fast as his spectral feet can carry him.
Edwin is sitting right where he left him, almost like he hadn’t moved an inch since Charles walked out of the door, and he hopes to all deities he can think of that it isn’t so; knows, at the same time, that it is.
“Hi”, Charles greets, because he doesn’t know what else to say, and Edwin nods and gives him a smile, brittle and unsure and hopeful, all at once.
“Hello, Charles. Did Crystal get home safe?”, he asks, and it’s so painfully polite it makes Charles cringe.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure, of course she did”, he responds, trying to figure out how to begin saying what he needs Edwin to know, but Edwin beats him to it.
“Did you mean it?”, Edwin asks, breathes out the question like he still has lungs to do so, and it’s in that moment that Charles is more certain of his answer than anything else he has ever thought, because Edwin sounds small, sounds vulnerable and breakable and yet so fucking hopeful, and Charles wants to pick him up and cradle him against his chest and never let go again.
“Yes”, he says, and it’s sunrise and violins and bouquets of roses all at once, it’s a single word that changes the world around them. “Kind of. Let me explain.”
And Edwin nods, sits back with his hands in his lap and all Charles can think about is that those same hands belong holding a book, resting on the top of Charles’ legs, which should be flung carelessly across Edwin’s lap, just because Charles wants to be near him.
“You’re the love of my life, no matter what”, he starts, crouching down in front of Edwin so he can take his hands; they look so lost. “You have been for decades. I love you the most of anything in the world. I will always love you the most. Every time I look at you, it’s just that on repeat in my head. I love you the most.”
He ducks his head, laughing softly, because it sounds silly now that he says it out-loud, but when he looks back up, there are tears brimming in Edwin’s eyes, making them shine even brighter.
His lips are parted and for just a moment, Charles thinks about kissing them.
“And you know, I still can’t say that I am in love with you back, because you don’t deserve a lie, but what I can say, what I can promise you, is that I could fall in love with you. And that I want to. More than anything.”
A single tear rolls down Edwin’s cheek, glistening in the dim light, and Charles looks at him, and thinks, I do. I am. I love you the most.
“Could that be enough?”, he asks, squeezing Edwin’s hands in his. “At least for the start?”
And Edwin nods so frantically that more tears spill over, wetting his face, and Charles can’t help but laugh; how strange to think that making Edwin cry for once is not his biggest fear, but something that fills his heart with joy to the point of bursting.
“Okay. Brills, that’s-”, he replies, and can’t keep himself from smiling so wide it would hurt if he was still alive. “So, um. Can I kiss you? I really want to kiss you right now.”
Again, Edwin nods, and he is smiling, too, looks so happy that Charles thinks heaven must be overrated, because nothing in the whole of existence could compare to this.
He thinks of the scene he pictured in the park of holding Edwin close and how much in pales in comparison to this, to holding Edwin’s hands and watching him glow with love and hope and warmth.
And leans in to find out if the same is true for kissing him.
(It is.)
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azne09 · 7 months
One thing I learned while finally watching some classic horror movies this past October was just how freaking goofy killer/evil vilains are dear god 💀💀
Like in the second Friday 13th, Jason is SUCH A BIG DUMMY BOY LIKE- DAMN
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Look at this potato bag man 😭
Also, I still need to watch the other movies of the og triology, but Leatherface is just so adorable in the first movie THE DYNAMIC BETWEEN HIM AND HIS BROTHERS IS HILARIOUS SKDBZKZ
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I love dem silly old slasher killers ❤
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mightbemod · 1 year
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Not an april fools post, just finished some art i started yesterday lol. my boys <3
ill take this time to share my silly queer headcanons for them
Giorno is so transfem ace to me, she uses she/he prns. Ungalo would say "You're one of dem queers arencha?" He has ZERO gay thoughts (lie)(hes bi). Rikiel is nonbinary, and presents more fem, with any pronouns. Donatello is gay.
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yyunko · 1 year
Oh look-
An animatic-
I almost forgot the idol au I had of the boys, then I found this audio and thought of this lil silly thing.
Tord can def hit dem high notes.
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gemini-sensei · 8 months
This is an imagine for any of the boy's (Dem, Eli, Miguel, Robby).
It's Halloween. He's dressed as something silly, and Reader is dressed up as something sexy/suggestive. Reader wearing black lipstick, which is a little out of her comfort zone but he makes her feel sexy and confident about it. Then he suggests seeing how much of his length she can take into her mouth by using the lipstick rings as a system of measurement. 🫣 this is a really messy suggestion and I'm not good at English so I hope it makes sense!
This makes sense and I love it.
Demetri would totally have silly costume covered. He takes Halloween, and any excuse to dress up, seriously so his costume looks so good no matter how silly it is. It's as simple as being a wizard from his favorite video game and he feels inferior to Reader when she walks in as a sexy witch.
She looks so hot, he's happy to be wearing robes that hide his boner. He's literally staring at her as she walks over and he starts showering her in compliments. She gets flustered and thanks him but he keeps going. "I love that lip color."
"Oh, this? Thanks... I've never tried it before."
It's oblivious she's a little shy about it but smiles with all his praise. They hang out a bit before she ever even realizes he has a hard on for her pretty little costume that she's about to spill out of. Maybe they're at a party and she drags him along to dance, and she brushes her ass against his front and feels it. Thus giving her a mischievous idea.
She pulls him along to find a quiet, empty room. Maybe they end up in a little coat closet that has a little light to turn on. As soon as they get the door shut, they're squished together and he feels her up shamelessly now that they're alone. She immediately sinks onto her knees and pushes his wizard costume aside, getting into his pants with nimble fingers. She grins up at him.
"You like my lipstick so much, let's put it to the test," she says before taking his hard cock into her mouth. She take as much as she can manage the first time before gagging, but makes sure to wrap her lips around him tight amd leave a pretty ring behind before pulling off. She made it about halfway down his cock and grins as she inspects the dark ring. "I can do so much better."
He's in for a good time in that closet with his chubby, sexy witch."
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 7 months
Hello wifey!😚 I am hear to ask about Chrsyta and her boys!✨🍒🦇
What was their first “I love yous”??? Where were they when they said it, WHO said it first? Were they all together when said or was it just chrysta alone with one of the guys???👀 ((saying I love you seperated))
GET YALL A GIRL LIKE MJ (Oh wait, you can't caUSE SHES MINE/j)
Babes is a strong one for sticking around this long MWAH 🩷🩷 you have NO idea what the boys being softies so rarely does to me it makes me WEAK
NOW, into questions hehehe... >:]
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First 'I Love You?'
Starting this one off strong with Dwayne! I know, shocker that it isn't (*COUGH* Cherry's favorite *COUGH*) David, but our tall brunette was actually the first one to get a confession of feelings. 👀
It was after Chrysta decided to split off from the rest of the boys to take Laddie off and see some street performers and Dwayne decided he was the only who'd be able to keep his childish coven member and girlfriend in check.
Now, Chrysta had always used silly little excuses to (get spoiled 🙄) get Dwayne wrapped up in something she either wanted to do or wanted to have.
Example: "cause I'm too pretty to say no to?" "Cause I'm your favorite?" And it either made the two giggle or it worked enough Dwayne couldn't say no and was pulled into her mischief making. He doesn't look it, but he can be a pushover. 😉
"Dwayne? Can we please go get matching piercings?" Chrysta hurried over to the tall males side, Laddie tagging along her her hand was interlocked with his much smaller one, the boy looking just as excited, glancing between the two.
"No. Why do you want one anyway? Wanna get caught?" He had asked almost mocking, like a scolding parent, while he hooked a finger around one of Chrysta's hoop earrings, tugging on it gently to emphasize his point.
Chrysta studded put her bottom lip into a pout, giving a small huff turning her head from his hand and craning her neck up enough to look at him, before taking his hand into both her own, bringing it up to her lips to hide the little grin forming on her face.
"...Cause I love you?"
That did the trick. Dwayne fell silent for a second, obviously fighting every fiber of his being, keeping him from making a decision he'd regret.
"... Fuck..." He hissed through his teeth with a smirk he tried so hard to fight from showing. "You know how to get what you want with those big eyes, don't ya, babes?"
Chrysta didn't verbally answer, she just nodded with a small giggle, as her heart raced both relived and nervous about waiting for a reaction from the dark brunette to her silly little proclamation.
"How about we wait till Laddie's a little older for those. Can you do that for me, baby?" Dwayne spoke in a tender voice, getting closer to Chrysta's face, gently setting the pad of his thumb against her bottom lip while he spoke.
"Okay." She replied quietly, giving a little nod in case he hadn't seen her mouth the word, her gaze felt shy but she never looked away from him.
He kissed the tip of her nose in response, his thumb leaving her lip and his pointer finger gently ran down the bridge of her nose, tapping the end of it where his lips still lingered.
"I love you too."
Now David... He's a man who has been in immortality for a long time, and many days, and many years, he's heard 'I love you' from everyone and all. And everytime, that's all it's ever been. Words. Words from people who merely saw him as something he made himself appear to be, and never the thing he was- and I don't mean a vampire thing. But he was a man, for hells sake, a man with feelings.
So after a while, the meaning of such a confession was something he'd never take seriously, and some part of him almost made a promise to stay to that opinion, and stick to it for the rest of his immortality.
That was... Until she showed up.
"I love you."
The words left in a soft whisper against his skin, causing his eyes to open and look at the young woman who had made herself comfortable in what she considered safety, nestled against his side his one arm around her figure, the other resting behind the back of his head against her bedframe, while both of her own pale limbs were folded atop his shoulder, resting her chin atop them, her face so close to the side of his, he could feel her thick lashes brush against his jaw.
Her emerald eyes gleamed in the dim light of the lamp at her beside, sleep heavy on her eyelids as she fought sleeping just yet, the late night hour ticking by on the clock echoing in the empty hallway.
"You don't mean that." He responded simply, no malice or teasing in his voice, no heartbreak or longing, he spoke as though it was passing conversation. He turned his head to look back up at the ceiling, an ache where his heart used to beat strumming low in his bare chest. "None of them do."
It was quiet for a while, but there was no tension or awkward filler in it. It was almost.cknsidered peaceful, if Davud couldn't hear the furious beating of her heart thumping in his ears and the rushing blood deep in the veins on her wrists.
She exhaled a breath he supposed she was holding for a second, before he felt her fingertips brush against cheek gently grazing along the stubble etched down his jaw. "That's fine. You don’t need to believe me."
Her head lolling to the side, going limp against the comfort of pillows as she continued to stare at him while he fought even a single glance at her. "You don't need to love me right now, or ever. Just know that's how I feel."
Her warmth never left his side, even if he was expecting it, and to be left in the cold, hollow husk of his own comfort and body. But it never came, just like a response on the tip of his tongue he felt unable to say. It was only then, he cosidered to look back at her, only to see her eyes had finally closed, her heart slowing as she began to fall asleep, her lips slowly parting as soft breathing followed, rolling down is collarbone. She slept blissfully unaware of how up till this point, how much she'd truly captivated David.
He'd have to leave soon. Before the sun began to show in only a few hours, before he'd have his boys looking for him for running off into the night much longer than he expected. But... He didn't feel like leaving. He didn't want to leave. And he knew why. She'd know why too.
Yet she didn't pry it from his lips or demand him to say it. She'd wait, and she'd wait as long as her life could handle. He wondered if she already knew while he wouldn't be able to vocalize it, something deep down in his lost soul, could tell her, whisper to her in a moment of passion that he did love her. Maybe. Just maybe...
NOW breaking from the sappy and dramatics LMAO were going to Paul who had may or may not have been under the influence of... Um... A very likeable weed. 👁👁 And Chrysta was put on babysitting watching duty of the goofy rocker who was... High off his rocker.
Sort of like Dwayne, Paul's confession was spoken in a playful banter, but the words did the job. It started when Chrysta decided to tease her loopy boyfriend after he had cotinuesly confirmed he 'liked her so much' to which, she challenged him 'What if I like you more?'
So the banter continued and escalated until Paul had finally said "I like you sooooo much that I love you~"
Chrysta had a hard time keeping it together after that, and gladly accepted his offer in a kiss and hugs.
"Are you sure you're not just saying that cause your high, Pauly?" Chrysta asked, her chin perched on top of his head, blowing away a few strands of his crazy hair tickling her nose.
"Mnm, nope. S'all true, Dime-Piece. Knew you had be mine the minute I saw you." Paul responded, sighing content as can be as he inhaled the scent of weed and cherry perfume intoxicating his lungs. A dopey grin spreading across his face when he felt her soft lips press against his forehead.
And finally, Marko... Who was the toughest one to crack when it came to him actually saying the three words. Marko isn't one to get very lovey dovey unless it's very special, rare moments shared between him and one of his significant others. I mean, why waste time on words when he could express or share his love in so many other, better ways?
And much like David, Chrysta never really tried to get him to say it, and it didn't bother her. She knew if her boys loved her or not, and she knew Marko loved her, even if he didn't say it as kuch as she did. She could say it enough for the both of them, LOL.
He didn't actually say it to her for a long time- it was actually very far into their relationship- after the birth of three out of four of the girls (Annie, Jenny, and Tiff.) When he and her were trying to have a baby... But things weren't going as planned.
Marko and her were even supposed to have a baby before she and Paul were going to have one... So you can imagine the salt in the wound when things turned out how they did. It stung a lot.
It had gotten to a point the curly haired vampire was almost nervous that having a kid of his own was going be impossible- or very little chance of happening...
Until one night Chrysta had almost casually slipped in how they should be expecting a new member of the coven really soon.
It took a few seconds of denial as he bolted upright to look at her and ask 'Are you serious?' About twenty times, before he immediately scooped her up into his arms, holding her as tight as he possibly could as though he was terrified it was all dream, while repeatedly saying "I love you" muffled into her shoulder as she excitedly laughed in her lovers embrace.
Now it seems a day doesn't go by she doesn't hear the words from Marko. ❤️❤️❤️
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
I hear requests were open so it's crazy ape shit time 👺👺👺
Lemme getta man boobies obsessed s/o who loves s q u e e z I n dem milkers. I mean toe curling, back arching, obsessed with their honker honkers. For my bf triangle boi ofc. 😫😩
Also have a good day, drink sum hydration, eat dat raccoon trash, and sleep sometimes (last one is optional 🙃🙃)
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Grabbing the bouncy
forbidden fruit
Headcanons - drabble
Pyramid head ☆ aka the big dorito head of punishment
Tw: canon violence, pitiful attempts at NSFW, mature language, the big cunt being himself.
A/n: everytime I try to do something NSFW i always end up writing some hideous embarrassing atrocities but oh well, someone's trash is always someone else treasure. I did like a poll thing to know what people wanted to read first AND WHEN I TELL YOU ALMOST EVERYONE SAID PYRA TITS. YOU ALL HAVE NO FUCKING CHILL WITH ALL THAT BEING HORNY. everyone say thanks to my bruv here for requesting this gem
Ah yes, everyone's wet dream, the forbidden dorito head tits
Let's ignore the fact that if this giant bitch gets near us he would rip our sinful arses with his bare hands 
BUT for the sake of being silly whores let's pretend the big man can at least tolerate you and plays dumb at your questionable and foul behaviour 
Your attack at the geometry milkers took him by surprise the first time tho
It happens after he has finished his executioner duties
Ever since you have ended up in silent Hill and he has grown fond of you he likes to spend his free time observing and listening to anything you want to tell him about
He finds it so entertaining, to watch you explain things he would never understand with such passion. He kind of wishes to have the same enthusiasm for life as you do
Basically your like a cute dumb dog and he enjoys to watch your two working braincells struggle to function properly 
I think the only way you could actually grab those big ol tits is taking the chance when he's really tired 
My man walks around for hours dragging a sword as big as you, slashing shit and plus he has to exist with his own big ass heavy head 
He's built different but not that different 
I just know his shoulders and back are killing him
His relentlessness helps him to power through pain, tiredness ecc but when he actually stops and has to spend a moment being still and having time to actually think about how he feels he kind of crumbles under the weight of his exhausting life
The whole reason why he wanted to keep you was because you radiated some sort of calm. He literally finds himself attracted to your soft energy and when he's feeling too tired to even stand up he just looks out for you for some..YEAH WELL FOR SOME CUDDLES AND LOVE BRO. HE IS NOT JUST A GIGANTIC VIOLENT CUNT WITH A WEIRD HEAD, HE CAN BE SOFT TOO WHEN HE TRIES REALLY HARD
He's like always stressed because of what he has to do, having you around with your soothing way of being it's literally heaven for him
So when you see your big boi coming back after a long day of working, with his broad shoulders slumping slightly forward you already know what he wants
Silent Hill doesn't have many comforts so he gave you the best thing he could find for you to live in. 
Which is why you have like two really old bed mattresses on the floor, something that resembles a pillow and a blanket. 
"You're tired, aren't you big guy?" He just nods and plants his sword on the ground before scooping you up and heading towards the bed
He doesn't even asks anymore, when is cuddle time is cuddle time and you have to just accept it 
To be fair he was already involuntarily planting your face on his stinky chest
As he dozed off you tried to slowly give his aching muscles a massage 
Now, as he just relaxes under your gentle touch, your hands start to wander into the small piece of heaven that is his chest 
Bro was so happy and calm he didn't suspect what your foul mine was thinking about
He has the most soft but at the same time solid daddy milkers in the whole universe. It's like grabbing a really good stress ball 
You can feel some scars underneath your hands but overall his skin is surprisingly smooth and warm
Those BADOONKAS are so fucking big bro, you have to use both hand to properly squeeze 
At first it was just a like tentative squeeze out of curiosity and he let it slide because he thought you were just trying to help him release tension and since your hands are the size of a polly pocket then you had to get really into it
Now that second squeeze tho, that was personal
he went through not all 5 but maybe three of the stages of grief
he pulled you back holding your shoulders, giving you a inquiring stare just to find you staring right back at him
"I'm not going to say I'm sorry, they're really nice"
Now he is flabbergasted 
From that moment it was like you have discovered your new reason to live
And he had to suffer the consequences of having all those bouncy hoonkas 
Everytime, EVERY FUCKIN TIME, you always grab em tits
While he finds it flattering that you find his body so nice, it creates some sort of internal conflict 
Cause, mh well how to explain… listen I'm gonna say it, PYRA HAS A SIZE KINK. NO, I WON'T EXPLAIN ANY FURTHER 
It just boost his ego to know you find him so attractive, just the sensation of your soft hands worshipping his whole body softly but with all that care and passion
Yeah yeah, you give the stinky dorito snapped head the hots. Congrafuckinglations
I just want you all to know that I have very little knowledge of pyramid head so I'm doing shit with what vibes he's giving me and the vibes are big horny but will horny shame others 
Everytime he wants to play with you he will deny you access to his body
Just imagine this
You're about to attack his poor chest again and before you can even do anything he's already blocking you against the wall, caging both of your hands at each side of your head. "Hey! It's…it's not fair. I wasn't going to do anything" You're lying and he knows it by how red you're getting. The edge of his helmet brushes against your cheek slightly while his hands slide yours up, blocking them there to have you as expose as he wants.
His hands are so big, he can easily hold both of your wrist with just one. His other one roams freely through your body, the calloused fingertips makes you shiver. A small whimper escapes your mouth as his hand reaches your throat and squeezes just enough. You're squirming under his gaze, not from fear or displeasure but quite the opposite. He just enjoys the view of his little helpless y/n trying to get free when you both know perfectly that if he doesn't wants you to leave you're not leaving. Oh, you long feeling him so much you just can't take it when you can't reach him. 
Yeah bro really enjoys edging and denying shit like is no one business. Now that he knows your weakness he's gonna be a fucking menace
Like walking around with his whole upper body expose just to catch you staring and make you feel like a perv 
He's having the time of his life 
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valkeakuulas · 9 months
For the smut prompts: #1 with Fivescase please?
This one was fun to write! I tried to make dem bois not too silly but also keep it light, so hope that went well. :D
01. ❛ i’ve been thinking about you all day. ❜
Hardcase was inspecting the parts of his dissembled rotary blaster canon when someone draped themselves over his back, their arms hanging over his shoulders.
Someone with familiar gray and non-501st blue vambraces.
"Hello, Fives," Hardcase greeted with a smile, "did you enjoy my little present?"
"Hmph," Fives replied inelegantly, nuzzling at the back of Hardcase's head.
"Is that all you're going to say? Not even a simple thank you?" the heavy gunner chuckled, putting away the piece he had been cleaning and picking another, easily moving even with the whole weight of Fives in full-kit resting against him.
Fives made another grunt, this one more of 'kark them all' than 'so kriffing tired' kind of grunt.
"You're so eloquent today," Hardcase commented, amused. "Want to tell what's in your mind then?"
His smile grew bigger when the ARC's lips brushed the tattoo running down the back of his head, the scrape of the beard such a nice feeling in small doses. Almost as if getting scritched.
"You," Fives replied heatedly as he continued to trace the blue line with soft, barely-there kisses, "I've been thinking about you all day, you asshole."
Laughing, Hardcase jostled the other man a little. "You saying thinking of me has left you so annoyed? I'm hurt."
"Not as hurt as my deecee is. I bet there's a dent on my cod piece now; I swear I could hear it hit the plastoid when opened that comm. When the kriff did you even have time to do that?" Fives' hands had started to wander as he spoke, deft fingers easily finding the magnetic seals of Hardcase's armor and unlatching them.
That being a set of holopics of Hardcase posing with his rotary blaster cannon in some suggestive positions in full armor. It had been one fun search through the holonet to find different poses to use with the challenge of doing them without being completely nude.
The holonet had claimed that it was the illusion of what but actually wasn’t there was what made holopics like that sexy.
Clearly, it had worked.
Fives was gracious enough to let Hardcase put the pieces of the cannon away before the ARC bodily dragged the snickering heavy gunner into his bunk.
It soon turned into breathless laughter, interrupted by an occasional gasp when Fives continued removing Hardcase’s armor with the intensity of a trooper with a mission.
Once down to his blacks, Hardcase was no longer laughing but moaning as he arched up from the bunk. Fives had just finished unsealing the flaps at the bottom of Hardcase’s bodysuit and wasted no time pulling the hard cock out in the open. Leaning over the laying Hardcase, Fives started to pump it slowly from root to tip.
“You’re quite eager to get your hands on my cannon,” Hardcase mused and wiggled his eyebrows before groaning when Fives tightened his hold for a second.
“You and your stupid cannon,” the ARC muttered heatedly but couldn’t deny it, not with his thumb circling the cockhead, smearing it with the fluid that had started to gather on the tip.
Grinning cheekily, Hardcase raised a hand to run his fingers through Fives’ hair before tugging him down for a kiss. He shuddered when Fives gently bit his bottom lip, mouth parting with a moan that the ARC used to lick into his mouth. Hardcase all but melted on the bunk, humming in pleasure as now both Fives’s hand and mouth worked him up, arousal warming his body from head to toes.
Hardcase decided there and then that if this was the reaction he got, he would send more holopics to Fives in the near future.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
The censorship of Persona 4 has always been a fascinating topic to me.
Not only the whole "deleted queer romance dating paths with full dual language audio on disc still" part, which is over discussed.
But the margin writing. In 2007, the amount of queerness achieved seemed impressive, but SMT had intended more, far more. Kanji needed a "maybe it wasn't about gender but fear of rejection" buffer despite the gay hot tub and split queer self weilding gender signs.
And Naoto?
Boy, Naoto got taken for a ride.
Naoto was first designed as a cis boy, and yes, Kanji x Naoto, and Kanji's bisexual panic. However, the transing and detransing of Naoto began all at once. After all, it can't be censored as gay if ~he's actually a ~she, right? Nevermind maintaining masc presentation and shit but okay it's 2007, we get it. No need for the body alteration procedure with the shadow WE GOT IT OK.
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But then like, Golden and later content came out. And while I love me some Chad Yu, I'm less fond of the direction with naoto.
Every fandom in the history of ever has some self interested douchebag that literally refuses to let people debate things like queer cultural limits by era, design intent and changes, it's just What They Can Argue In Hard Canon, rather than What People Might Appreciate In Context Of The Show Paradigm.
So like, that kind of arguing already happened but everything that came in the reboot CLEARLY came with a new command from ATLUS international to Girl Up Naoto. Tittydance butch queen was apparently more marketable than dorky lil trans guy in the sidebar, so all the new content added eyelashes, changed Naoto's face shape subtly, shoved them in naked positions and bathtub scenarios and things they were clearly uncomfortable as hell in, and just left me sitting there squirming.
Even before I had unpacked my own trans shit it made me INTENSELY uncomfortable because NAOTO, regardless of what pronoun or gender you see on them, was intensely uncomfortable and nobody around them cared. And then the animation changed for the design change, and it just kept skewing further and further and further until by dancing spinoffs the character is barely recognizeable beyond color pallate.
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Like, I would never buckle down and really argue, "it is 100% hard text canon Naoto is trans and there is no other interpretation." But on the other hand, it's just as silly to argue it from the other absolute. Looking at the game history, a mix of intent, adjustment, barriers, dubs, translations, international marketing limits and whatever else completely recontextualizes the discussion in a way I don't think the average discourse really holds up to in meaningful lit crit, everyone's just yelling NUH UH at each other, as happens, in every fuckin' fandom.
Naoto, if anything, is more an interesting landmark historically IN queer and gender issues, with a flavor of Gold Star Attempt Totally Butchered Trans Stuff circa 200X. Was there stuff that is. Not. Great. Modernly? Yeah. All around. There's still lolgay jokes even in a game this gay, there's some dated elements all around, so it's just weird that this part of the debate is expected to be frozen in time and not discussed in the context of both the series and cultural evolution.
Anyway dems my thoughts.
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wishing-stones · 1 year
How would dem boys react if you pulled them into a silly dance?
Killer dances with you! He loves goofy fun. Plus, he likes seeing you happy! It's rare that he gets to enjoy clean fun with others like this, so he's soaking it up. Don't tell anyone. Dust might indulge you for a little bit, but he's not so high-energy. He's more likely to slow it down to just enjoy the moment. Still... you're happy, and he likes to see that. Axe will dance with you, and might even have you stand on his feet so he doesn't accidentally outpace you. He loves hearing you laugh and loves seeing you smile. Cross falls into step immediately. He's happy to dance with you and goof around at the same time-- but only if there's no one watching. He has to protect his pride and reputation after all. Baggs might dance with you for a little while, but he tires easily in physical things. You can absolutely pull him along on his heels and he'll let you, though! Nightmare might or might not, depending on the level of silliness. If you can dance together? Absolutely. If it's some sort of individual or line dance for a meme or something? He's out. He'll watch, though, because it does his bitter, sour old soul good to see you enjoying yourself.
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Rating Bucci Gang members on the 'how well could I bury my face into their tits' scale
(I did a La Squadra version of this first a little while ago, so for gits and shiggles I had to do the main team too as the second installment of this madness)
CW for man tiddies
Bruno Bucciarati: 10/10
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• I adore this mother of five with all my heart, I bet his chest would be so comfortable
• considering his height (185cm/6'1"), his chest would be easily accessible for ones face
• he's fairly slender, but seems to have quite a firm build, adding a comfortable firmness to the experience
• and paired with his kind paternal nature, I can see the overall experience being perfect as he'd happily let it just happen, perhaps seeing it as a silly form of affection and even perhaps even hugging back, only bringing one even closer to his chest
• Overall, a perfect, sweet VIP face in man titty experience
• bonus points for the open chested jacket (*grabby hands*)
Leone Abbacchio: 69/10
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• Zamn
• gotta love the goth dad tiddies
• for one, he is freaking tall too (188cm/6'2"), so one would have EXQUISITE access to dem bozongas
• he's broad too, broader than Bruno at least, so there'd be a lot to smoosh your face into, and a lot to touch
• I feel like he'd have quite a firm chest also
• was tempted to take points off for some possible flaws in his personality, considering he comes across as quite moody (and blue haha)
• but honestly, I feel like he'd freeze and not really give af
• with the smallest chance of being beaten off of him, face in tit experience is totally worth it
Guido Mista: 7/10
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• the gun boii
• love him so much, but he gets some points off for possible reasons I will explain in a moment
• on a positive note, he's also tall (182cm/6'0"), therefore, good access again
• I feel like he'd radiate a natural warmth as well, and he is also fairly broad/muscular, so it'd be pretty comfortable
• however
• I hate to be the one to say it, but I feel like his musky smell would ruin the experience (he kinda stinky)
• his personality however pairs fairly well though, he's sweet
• if he put on some aftershave, he'd get an extra point
Narancia Ghirga (aged up if desired): 8/10
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• the absolute bb
• he's an absolute sweetheart
• although he's a lot slenderer and a bit shorter (170.5cm/5'7") than the others, I feel like he'd be a pretty good head in chest experience
• tbh, with him, I'm talking about more affectionately, not as feral as I feel towards some of the others, he's seems too innocent for that
• but anyways, he's pretty muscular for his size and also, I feel like he'd give off a natural body heat too that's comforting, therefore making the experience comfortable too
• overall, it'd be a nice, adorable experience to rest one's head on his chest
Pannacotta Fugo (aged up if desired): 6/10
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• swiss cheese boi
• I think it'd be a pretty decent experience
• he's pretty tall for one (178cm/5'10") and I feel like he'd be comfy
• the only problem with this is maybe how he'd react or go about dealing with someone burying their face into his tits
• I feel like he'd just stand there, completely tense and stiff with his hands at his sides
• that would either be the case or I feel like he'd be somewhat outraged and maybe even get a bit pissy about it
• overall though, excluding those possible factors, decent experience but not the best
Giorno Giovanna (aged up if desired): 8/10
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• golden boi gets a solid eight
• he's fairly tall (172cm/5'8") and plus he also gets bonus points for the boob window
• I feel like he'd also have a natural warmth, not in an uncomfortable way though
• he's pretty reserved, so as perplexed as he'd intially seem if someone were to bury their face in his chest, I don't think he'd do anything
• I think he'd just let it happen tbh
• we need to also consider that he has Brando genes flowing through him
• so, maybe on another occasion, he'd indulge in it
• overall, it would be a pretty 'golden experience'
(I'm still mentally ill and apparently have no shame, and also, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!)
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lunathebee · 2 years
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Warning: none, except cursed words and not 100% proofread 🤷🏻‍♀️
A/n: this is just a silly little idea that I think about so I just have to write it out!
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His motto would be "When danger is near, Steven Grant has no fear!" (I can already tell).
Read the instructions out loud and wants to make sure he is doing everything correctly.
Also the type to lean in closer to the screen because "it's too dark" and then gets jumpscared 💀
When he screams, he screams with all his body and might tbh.
I can see the scenario of you making a video with him playing horror games, posting it on the internet for fun and then it blows up because everyone is obsessed with him.
*pressed many random buttons out of fear*
*somehow defeat the monster and even get a new highscore*
I feel like people would want his merch and he would be like "mer- merch? Is that a Latin word?".
Overall, please don't tell him to play horror video games anymore. It's tempting, but he would probably pass out from having heart attacks.
Bonus: Steven would prefer Animal Crossing or puzzle games, you know those type of games like ball sort or move the block? Yea he probably have them in his phone. He is like Sherlock Holmes but in a quirky way
It took him a long time to figure out how to move the protagonist around cuz he refused to read the instructions.
"So what? You just go and kill the evil guy, done" Like no Marc there is a plot-
He isn't that scared like Steven. Marc wouldn't scream, but he would get started.
And say stuff like "Oh shit-"
He is also very competitive and will only quit until he wins. He saw the ghost so many times, to the point if he saw it again he would be like "Not you again, MOVE *shove the ghost away*"
He have dem quick thinking skills so I believe he would try speedrun
Have the most potential out of the moon boys to have the title "gamer bf" 😩😩 His angry looks is 👌👌
Overall I would give Marc a solid 8/10, he is open-minded when it comes to horror video games, people wait for his review whenever a new one got released
Bonus: Marc is an old-fashioned man. He never lets anyone touch his phone because it has Ninja Fruit and he doesn't want to be made fun of 💀💀 I can't blame Marc, he rarely ever uses his phone and just needs to find something entertaining enough for 5-10 min (because that's all the free time he got).
How you even convinced him to actually sit down and play the game is a mystery (and a miracle).
He thinks video games are for kids.
Therefore it's pointless to him.
Jake aren't afraid of jumpscare, jumpscare are afraid of him. He is very verbal when he gets started (Spanish mixed with English curses would fill the whole room)
Would definitely run head in to the serial killer on purpose just so he could tell you the game end and he gets to leave 💀 If not then he would just sit and refuse to move the character to go anywhere; it would just stand there.
I can't possibly think of anything else because he is not a fan of horror video games (or any video games).
Overall, not a good experience, do not tell him to sit down and play horror video games (or any games) cuz he will give you a death stare.
Bonus: If Jake ever took an interest in something, it would be racing games, but he need the real deal, like this ⬇️, he won't hold tiny phone.
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Wait what are you doing here?.
You're not in the list.
"I want to try peasant's entertainment".
Khonsu: *look at screen and see the monster* "OH MY, WHAT HORRENDOUS CREATURE IS THAT? IT LOOKS EVEN UGLIER THAN YOU WORM".
You: Istg- 😃😃😃🔪🔪
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heartonxions · 2 months
plsplspls tell me about your thai shadow gear brain worms some more i wuv dem
UWAA... i will try my bestest .hehe. im so glad you like my thai sg brain worms...
Songkran-isms bc it makes sense
droy uses full buckets of water and it's fucking terrifying because he can absolutely lift all that and knock a bitch (jet) out if he so pleases
also has water backpack he carries around
jet dual wields water guns and likes chasing the tuk-tuks and busses and spray water in them
jet breakdances on the wet road and it really fucking hurts but also its so fun
jet loses his flip flops every year
levy doesn't really care what she uses but one year she did use an empty weed sprayer and still has phantom arm soreness
she pranks the boys by catching them with their guard down and dropping water in their pants
they do love driving around and do a splash drive buy, but they like walking the most
levy also does the most talcum powder applying tbh tbh
they get juvia in it <3 because obv
consider water rave festival au
lily.... stays at home.. jk he has perfect vantage point from above
gajeel thought he could be intimidating but there is no mercy...
Everything Else:
droy can do mean thai yell (you usually hear it during celebrations and the such, i can't explain it because I don't know the actual word for it but in this song the very first cry is what im talking about)
i don't even know if i can do a favorite dish they all like becuase i think they would like all of it lol... spice tolerance from most to least is droy, levy, jet
jet is a SLUT for thai ice cream sandwiches .. they're not like the american ice cream sandwiches btw, it's like ice cream in an actual bun with white bread or something
levy loves loves fish sauce and fruit. that boy loves tart shit ok guys. she gets like the underripe fruits and just eats that with salt, sugar, and pepper like it's nothign (she got gajeel hooked on it)
droy likes agar jellies and coconut rice .. heart..
jet has hella beef with this one thai auntie neighbor but no one can tell if it's genuine or like a secretly agreed on beef
khon masked dancer jet.
nang mai/rukkhadeva (ghost inhabiting a large tree) droy heh.. heh...
ive definitely said this but droy is a great luk thung (thai country) singer,
Songs Because I Can't Help It I LOVE MUSIC
droy and levy vibes tbh (tis also one of the iconic thai new years songs teehee)
jet new years song
jet and levy campy gay hostility
this isn't even major sg to me imi just in awe with how much i hate this song but also keep listneing to (if it sounds like a song talking about twerking, it is. and it's so . .. . /confused)
majorrrrr silly jet vibes (the song is about a scam caller getting pranked or something)
this song is like how i think jet and droy would "flirt" with levy in the way that it is a BIT and they are teasing gajeel, and its just silly (the song is silly and is basically hey girl have you eaten yet!!!!!)
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