#dark souls 3 headcanons
katyspersonal · 1 month
I am kinda interested, what is Sulyvahn exactly? Is he supposed to be a tree? I checked out the design of many bosses and it does seem that having tree elements in his design isn't unique as there many characters who have these elements as well (demons,humans,giants etc..) , also his wings look very similar to the wings of the "angels" we see in lothric.
I am pretty sure that with whatever turmoil the developers faced upon creating this character and deciding what he'd be, in the end they've settled for him being either a half-tree or a quarter-tree! Also look at these images:
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( x ) Ok sorry if I had to see it then so did you fdhjfhdssfd
Okay the thing about him, he was born in the Painted World, which would make him either a Tree Person or a Crow Person! He doesn't show any corvid features, and as for the wings, Tree People do have them anyways:
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His mother likely was Tree Person!
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( x ) The dialogue directly referencing this is a cut content, of course, but it is one of those moments where Fromsoft cuts something without actually cutting it!
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There is this particular Tree Woman who guards one of his youth spells, who is also heard crying before you approach her! As for why I'd mention he could be '25% tree' and not just a Tree Person, I will just quote what @val-of-the-north already said on the potential of Gilligan being his father:
As for Gilligan, it's probably to mention it as a jokey what-if lmao. People aren't ready for the truth. The gist of it though, is that in the area with that angry tree woman, there's a hidden, comically long wooden ladder that only appears when you defeat all the tree women in the area. Stupidly long ladders are the dude's staple, so the theory goes that it was Gilligan's way to come down, meet his family, and leave. Suly's mother would then hide the ladder so no one could use it. Of course, her son would one day discover the illusion and leave, dissatisfied with the Painted World, and her mother never saw him again
It's also worth pointing out that you can find Gilligan in the game itself, though he isn't exactly in a living state. He is found in the Profaned Capital surrounded by his wooden ladders. Suly has also been there as part of his rise to power so there's a second connection lol. Interestingly enough, his spell descriptions mention he "had not yet experienced loss", which might imply he did experience it in the future. It could have been losing his dad
So yeah, it might sound like a shitpost but like.. Where is the evidence against this idea? fdsjfjhds So if he had a Tree Person mother (who is 50% tree) and a human father, that'd make him 25% tree. AND it works with how as you can see from his model, he IS notably more humanoid than an average Tree Person! Nonetheless, still absurdly tall hahah
Personally, I think he doesn't have a face, either 🤔 It looks like it's not a mask, but his head and "face" is JUST like this, featureless. We were not supposed to see him 'naked' by normal means in the game, of course, but Fromsoft is notorious for putting too much effort into something only like, 3 dataminers on Earth will appreciate xd They bothered to model him this way under his clothes, so I just take it as legit! Nor I think that he somehow 'lost' his normal face later on.. though this IS a good question as to why his wings are considerably bigger than average Tree Person's ones, so I'll think about it later,
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warriordragonart · 6 days
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My interpretation of the Dancer while she was still human. Her hair is inspired by a mixture of Renaissance Italian and ballroom hairstyles and my headcanon for her name is Gwynneth!
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Patches will steal anything even birthdays.
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houseboywife · 10 months
The primordial serpents of Dark Souls: there is something under the surface
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Kingseeker Frampt and Darkstalker Kaathe are two characters that I would define as quite nebulous. Only appearing in person in Dark Souls 1, their presence nonetheless is felt even in future installments. But what exactly is their deal? It's a rather difficult question to answer, for a simple reason: they can't be trusted. At all. This post isn't gonna be a sort of unified theory on who the serpents exactly are: however I'll try to compile most of the information we know and can infer about them and why there's way, way more to them than what meets the eye. Waaaaay more. Yeah this is gonna be a long post. VERY long. But, in my humble opinion, quite thought provoking. Disclaimer: probably not all of the following was intended by the writers. But you know, death of the author and all. I think it's fun to speculate and create meaning even where there might be move.
That said, let's start with the Serpent Species.
Besides Frampt and Kaathe, the Dark Lord ending of Dark Souls 1 (which we'll get back to later) shows us a large number of Primordial Serpents, so we can assume that there's a whole species of them. Maybe. It's never brought up again. Nonetheless, there are several things we can infer about the Serpents in general, or World Snakes as they're known in japanese.
First off, presumably, they're ancient. Duh. How ancient? From the age before the First Flame, possibly. In Dark Souls 3, the description for the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring reads as follows:
A silver ring depicting a snake that could have been, but never was, a dragon.
Interesting. So snakes (or at least some of them) are some sort of imperfect, malformed dragons. Additionally, Dark Souls 3 shows some statues depicting a more humanoid version of the Serpents, of which we can ordinarily only see their heads. Considering their depictions are very different to each other, I'm assuming it's just an artistic interpretation and the sculptors didn't actually know what they looked like. However, one should note the locations of these statues: the Grand Archive (probably connected to Seath's Duke's Archives) and the Ringed City ("gifted" by Gwyn to the Pygmy Lords).
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Now, let us talk about Frampt.
That Kingseeker Frampt is lying to you isn't exactly a groundbreaking fact. After all, this close confidant of Gwyn is in cahoots with him regarding the prophecy of a Chosen Undead, a made up folk story to get some poor undead bastard to throw themselves in the fire in order to kindle it once needed. This is all bullshit obviously, there's no such thing as the prophecy and the kindling of the fire is an unnatural sin performed by Gwyn. This means that Frampt is manipulating you with incomplete information in order to get you to link the Flame. One would assume that this would be his ultimate goal.
Or is it?
There are several odd things about Frampt.
For starters, as mentioned before, the Dark Lord Ending. In it, when you refuse to link the fire, Kaathe (we'll talk about him later) makes a point to say that both he and Frampt will now serve you. Why would Frampt do that? You could speculate that he's bound by some sort of oath to the Dark Lord, perhaps because of his nature as a quasi-dragon born in the dark. This could maybe explain the statue of him found in the Ringed City. But by this point, everyone that could be considered his "superior" is dead, and I'm not sure why he would have any obligations to serve you: if he feared being killed by the Dark Lord, well, he could just hide. Perhaps his oath is more fundamental, and he can't go against the Dark Lord because of the very nature of his being. Maybe he allied to Lord Gwyn to try and break this shackle? Perhaps. But I suspect, once again, that there's more to it.
Let's take a look at a very strange mechanic: feeding Frampt.
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In Dark Souls 1, you can feed certain items to Frampt, and he'll pay you back with souls. Usually this is not really worth it, because he undervalues items a lot. However, here's the curious thing: for some items, he will only give you a meager 1 soul, while for others he will reward you with a bounty much higher than the value of the item. This is not a mistake, it's hardcoded in, so hey, it should have some significance. Let's look at these outliers.
Frampt will give you 1 soul for anything that has to do with either Seath the Scaleless or Smough; conversely, he will reward you handomely for anything that has to do with Gwyn (soul included), Gwyndolin (soul included), the Moonlight Butterfly, Dragons, Queelag and, funnily enough, women armor sets. So huh, let's unpack this.
It's the women's clothing, believe it or not, that provide some insight. Given that he pays you more for it, I'm assuming that he gives you more souls as a reward for bringing him that item. Either that or he's a misogynist, but I'm more leaning towards horny. And certainly the Soul of Gwyn, the one he pays you the most for, fits: your objective was to kill the crazed Gwyn, and his Soul proves that you've done it. You can't actually feed him it without going to ng+, but hey, it's a technical limitation
With Gwyndolin things start becoming a little bit strange. To have his Soul, you must have killed him. This is a problem for a few reasons: first off, it's his best friend's son. Why would he be happy about you killing him? Secondly, killing him means dispelling the Anor Londo illusion, meaning finding out that the Gods, and him, are lying to you. Now why would he be ok with you knowing that?
The Moonlight Butterfly is a bit strange, since it was created by Seath, but it seems to be connected in some way to Gwyndolin (the moon theming plus the same music). I don't think it's terribly relevant anyway.
Queelag, I have no clue about, epecially considering the fact that he gives no special reward for the Soul of the Witch of Izalith. It could either be because she's guarding the second bell of awakening or because she's hot. Probably cause she's hot.
Now, let's look at a strange thing. He gives nothing for Seath but a lot for the Dragons. Seath betrayed the Dragons, so this is relevant. But how? If he dislikes Seath, this would imply that he's on the dragon's side. But this cannot be, since the dragons and Gwyn are enemies. Maybe he just likes to consume dragon items in an attempt to become a full fledged dragon: this would also be strange considering his allegiance. Maybe he just enjoys eating dragon items but dislikes the taste of Seath (who is physiologically pretty different from other dragons). This, however, would imply that he also enjoyed eating Gwyn and Gwyndolin. Which, frankly, I find the most likely possibility, with interesting implications.
As for Smough, let's be honest, he probably tastes like shit.
Let's move on to Kaathe.
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Darkstalker Kaathe seems to be, at the same time, more and less trustworthy than Frampt. More trustworty because he's the one to tell you about the lies of Gwyn, and the truth about the Dark Soul. And he's not lying to you about that. At the same time, he convinced the Lords of New Londo do embrace the Darkness, as well as the people of Oolacile to dig up the corpse of a Pygmy which didn't end very well.
Not much else is known about him: a somewhat obscure fact is that he considers Seath the Scaleless to be a traitor: so, it seems, he's aligned with the dragons despite not being one. What this says about the other Serpent is hard to tell.
However, one last thing is known about him. He wants to let the Flame die, and make the world turn back to an Age of Dark.
Or does he?
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The Sable Church, helmed by Yuria of Londor, is an organization devoted to a single goal: usurp the Flame and bring forth an age not of Light or Dark, but of Hollows. This is different from an Age of Dark in several ways. First off, the Flame persists, but is claimed by an individual who is both Unkindled (that is someone who attempted to link the Flame but failed) and Hollow. In an Age of Dark, with the Flame gone, it is unclear what would happen: it is called many times "the age of humanity", but no one actually knows what humanity's original, primordial form is: for all we know, it could just be an existence spent in a formless void as wandering spirits.
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At the same time, nothing says that it couldn't be an utopia: but the point is that you can't know, there is an impassable veil that hides its true nature until it happens. At some point some embers will reappear from the Dark again, and bring forth a new age of Fire. But will it be a good one? Who knows. In comparison usurping the Flame is much more straightforward: similar to the current Age of Fire, except it's Hollows that hold power and not Gods. It is not clear how sentient would Hollows be in such an age, considering their usual zombie-like behavior, but since hollowing is tied to Gwyn linking humanity to the Flame we can presume that something would change, otherwise it would be quite a shitty age and idk why they would pursue it.
There's another thing about the Sable Church. From item descriptions and dialogue it is evident that they worship none other than Darkstalker Kaathe, who appears to have perished since the first game (there's a theory I like about it but this post is already long enough).
Now hold on, hold on. Doesn't Kaathe want to bring forth an Age of Dark? Where did Frampt go in all of this? What is going on?
Let's take a step back. If Kaathe wasn't lying to the Sable Church (and I don't believe he is) then he was lying to you in the first game. Not an unlikely prospect, since Frampt was doing the same thing. But why try and get you to be the Dark Lord if what he was looking for was a Lord of Hollows?
First off let's establish something. No matter which ending you pick in Dark Souls 1, I don't believe that an Age of Dark ever happens between that game and 3. This is because there seems to be a linear continuity (somehwat) between the eras the game is set in, which wouldn't be possible if, well, the cycle underwent a big reset. So even if you become Dark Lord, something happens to stop a true Age of Dark from happening.
With that out of the way, here's what I think. When is the only time that a Lord of Hollows can arise? Only when the world is in shambles due to the strain of the artificial cycle taken to its extreme. How do you get to that point? By continously linking the Flame and making it fight the Abyss over and over, purposefully feeding the feud between Light and Dark that should have already ended long ago, slowly weakening the Flame until it is just barely able to hold on and the entire world has been burned to ashes. At that point the Lords of Cinders arise from their graves to link it again, and again and again, until even them refuse to do it. At this point, the Unkindled will rise: after an endless, purposeful cycle of stirring both the Flame and the Abyss.
Flame and Abyss. Frampt and Kaathe.
I want to show something, now. An interesting little design on an otherwise unremarkable shield. The caduceus round shield.
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Two serpents heads, joined at the body. Now, is there any reason to presume that this shield is a true depiction of the nature of Frampt and Kaathe, some sort of bicephalous Ourobouros? Well, we don't know. It would certainly make some amount of sense, however. What I think is that, no matter how literally true this is, it shows at least metaphorically the relationship of the two Serpents. They're working together.
You're not the only undead that they contact, after all. Plenty more people, like you, in your world and parallel ones, are spurred by Frampt to link the Flame and by Kaathe to let it die. This is why neither of them particularly cares about you finding out the truth, or joining the other. You're just a disposable pawn in the grand scheme. When a Dark Lord arise, they pretend to worship them, only to betray them at the last second, getting someone else to kindle the Flame and keep the cycle going. Over, and over again. Till the Unkindled finally rise.
There are, of course, some open questions. Why do they want an age of Hollows to come to pass? Perhaps it is linked to their complicated relationship with dragons: after all, they're only incomplete dragons, and they would hardly have a place in an Age of Dark. Perhaps it has something to do with a promise made to the first Pygmies. Or then again, perhaps to defend against them. And then, what about the other Serpents? Are they working with them? Are they from other worlds? Are they all joined in some sort of giant eldrich hydra, its true body hidden from sight?
It is all very complicated, frankly. We probably will never know the true motives of the Serpents, as well as their nature: however, what I hope this analysis has made clear is that there is much, much more under the surface than what it seems like. Like their body. That's literally under the surface.
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fii-b · 6 months
The Firekeeper in ds3 is Gwyndolin from ds1
I know it sounds crazy but everyone's entitled to at least one insane fan theory and this is mine. The Firekeeper in Darksouls 3 does not play by the same rules as firekeepers before her. She cannot die permanently, she does not leave behind a firekeeper's soul if killed, and she is able to exist even when the bonfire she keeps is unlit (even prompting you to light her bonfire when you first meet her). It is also strange that we find a stray firekeeper's soul in the tower behind firelink shrine, one which takes a key sold at a high price by the shrine handmaiden. This tower also seems to hold the corpse of at least one other firekeeper.
When it comes to gwyndolin, it doesn’t make sense that she’d just fall ill out of nowhere. Even if she did, she is the god and leader of the darkmoon’s blades who server her every whim. Where she to fall ill, it does not make sense for them to abandon her in Anor Londo to get eaten by Aldritch, a known threat. Furthermore, it doesn’t really make sense that Gwyndolin would want to take over Anor Londo after she has confirmed Gwyn to be dead and the first flame to be linked. Gwyn treated her like shit her whole life and in Darksouls 1 it is no surprise that Gwyndolin would set up an elaborate smoke and mirror’s gambit to get her father killed and the age of gods extended. 
That said, Gwyndolin does not draw her power from the sun like her father and sister do. Despite being called “Dark Sun” Gwyndolin, she draws her power from the moon and from darkness. We know that Gwyn is afraid of the power of the dark and very much wants to keep those who can harness it subservient or powerless. This is likely why Gwyndolin was given a moniker denoting her as part of the sun and why she was relegated to duties which kept her away from the public eye. 
So, with all the background info out of the way, my basic headcannon goes like this:
After the events of Darksouls 1, Gwyndolin continues to run Anor Londo from the shadows for a time. When it comes time for a new undead to kindle the flame and no-one does so, Gwyndolin (knowing the emergency failsafe system will release Aldritch who she very much believes will be coming for her) creates a version of herself for Aldritch to eat and spreads the story that she has fallen ill as bait. (We know this to be within her power as she is both able to spread the chosen undead myth in DS1 and she is able to create a version of herself for us to fight, complete with a soul, without risking the illusions surrounding Anor Londo to all crumble at once upon her puppets defeat). Using this opportunity, she flees Anor Londo and replaces the firekeeper in Firelink Shrine. This lets her continue leading nameless undead into linking the flame and, because she is taking over the roll of firekeeper, it allows her to exist as a woman unquestionably (every firekeeper to date has been a woman). Like with linking the fire in ds1, this is a long-term goal and a personal goal of hers fulfilled at the same time. 
So ye~ 
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maranigai · 7 months
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Ds3!Ornstein sketch for the sake of my hcs.
He hates dragons, but the feeling isn't mutual.
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heraldofcrow · 6 months
Elaboration on the Cainhurst Siblings Headcanon
I remember now that my idea for Maria and Bloody Crow being siblings was something just for fun when comparing their in-game designs, connections, and battles, but there was also one of those “Oh shit, FromSoft may be recycling ideas again…” moments too. I mean, they absolutely do and I still feel like this was no coincidence.
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This is from my old post from last year or whatever, but let’s just recap the obvious here…Bloodborne had a lot of prototype ideas for Dark Souls 3, or at least…that’s my guess. They were clearly being developed around the same time, since BB was released in 2015 and DS3 in 2016.
Remember how the alpha version of DS3 and the city of Lothric in particular was all very Bloodbornesque and gothic? They changed it last minute probably because the influence was so obvious. There are other weird connections like this too, and the Maria/Friede similarities are no exception.
If you watch those VS battles on YouTube where we see Maria and Friede’s move-sets, they are undeniably linked. Maria was probably the beta version of Friede in a sense. She technically has three phases, starting with pure dex and swordsmanship, then moving onto the “enhanced” blood phase, and then ending with the full-blown fire and blood chaos.
Friede does the same, except with embers and eventual blackflame. Both of these women also did not want to use those final powerbombs though, because for Maria…it’s a sacrifice of humanity, and for Friede, it’s a sacrifice of the shelter she has created. Her painted world isn’t supposed to see flame.
Friede also seems to have the firstborn daughter syndrome of fearing failure to the point of desperation. She already let Londor down by being unable to usurp the flame, and part of me wonders if her story involved more guilt than is let on. Could she have abandoned Londor for shame? But…why not just keep trying to usurp after being turned to ash? I suspect Friede may have realized that Londor had some pretty questionable agendas and tried to redeem herself in the Painted World.
It’s so similar to Maria watching over the Research Hall patients (despite their misery) out of a desire to make up for what happened at the Hamlet. She is trying to do good, but she also is not helping anyone and still tries to bury the sins of her past. If she’s a parallel to Friede, I also think that’s why it would make so much sense if she were another tormented firstborn daughter with a heavy weight on her shoulders.
That’s when the siblings came in.
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The design similarities are obvious. The raven/crow aesthetic of Yuria’s helmet is even more blatant than the Cainhurst visor, but Bloody Crow himself makes up for it with his crow-garb. They both ended up looking like armored ravens.
Yuria is dedicated to the place her elder sister abandoned with a noticeable zeal. Londor is her everything. Kaathe is her idol. She’s willing to commit strong acts of cruelty to advance her goals and is undeniably a character with some pretty grey morals.
She evens asks that we kill one of our own friends (Orbeck) in the middle of her questline because apparently he is trying to take Londor’s throne for himself. We ourselves know this definitely isn’t true, but Yuria doesn’t care. Something about this implies she is lying to us just to sneakily get rid of the guy, probably because it’s personal.
So, we have our white-haired raven girl in service to her ostracized people and lord, who is openly manipulating us to complete her goals, and shares some kind of implied rivalry with one of our “friend” characters—sound somewhat familiar? Mayyybe?
Bloody Crow is explained all via context, but apart from his similarity to Yuria in design, he ALSO is oddly familiar to Maria herself. He’s the only hunter besides us that uses what is very likely her bone to quicken, he is implied to be from Cainhurst, but only halfway because of his blended attire/faction (like Maria), and his strength is something you can’t just brush off, which gives him the feel of being a much older hunter from Maria and Gehrman’s generation.
Really, he and Maria are the only Cainhurst hunters we seem to fight in-game that have actual connections to other characters, that stand out as especially powerful beings.
Arianna is no hunter, False Iosefka may have come from Cainhurst but clearly had more association with the the Choir, and that one random Cainhurst knight in the dungeons is…not tied to anything in particular?
Maria and Crow are stand-outs if we’re going by Cainhurst’s legacy, is what I am saying. Besides Annalise, they are seemingly the only remnants of their culture that actually indicate the true strength of their people.
Who else laid claim to such reputation? The Londor sisters.
Both Maria and Friede abandoned their people/homes, devoted themselves to “aiding” others in a secluded haven after a great failure, both became associated with an older male figure that they fight alongside, and both harbor some darker power that they don’t ignite until absolutely necessary.
Yuria and Crow are the dark, raven-warriors with red katanas in service to the lord/queen of the nation their counterparts abandoned, they share rivalries with characters the protagonist is meant to befriend, they wield exceptional strength but not the same level of power as Friede/Maria, and they both seem to have questionable agendas.
In conclusion, I suspect that Maria was the first Friede and Bloody Crow was a prototype for Yuria. Both character concepts were further developed in DS3, and in that case, the siblings theory for Crow/Maria would make sense. Now we just gotta fill in the blanks.
All this overcomplicated drivel to say that I like the idea of Bloody Crow being Maria’s younger, fully-related brother and have for a while now and this is not news to literally anybody lmao.
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jeandejard3n · 27 days
Bloodborne: Yharnam Sunset
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wintrsss · 5 months
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this is a redo my rules/ intro, so if this seems similar, that's why. lots has changed so feel free to reread. ^^
Helloo, I’m wintrsss, and welcome to my blog! I’ll be writing my own little ideas/scenarios for the character’s below, but if you’d like to personally request something, go ahead and request it through my ask box! (Requests are also really appreciated.)
Constructive criticism is much obliged! Let me know if there’s anything I can improve on and I’ll try my hardest to do so!
If at any time something I make contains spoilers, I will try to mark it as such.
I tend to get busy for random periods of time, so please understand.
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what's stated below can be subject to change. if you have any questions, let me know!
(TMTL: too many to list. I'll probably accept most characters requested, if it's not an absurd amount, but don't be surprised if I don't write for someone!)
(Inc. dlc: includes characters in the DLC(s) of the game. Npc's, bosses, etc)
(+: this means that the person mentioned before and after this sign go hand in hand; character x reader x character)
I CURRENTLY WRITE FOR— death stranding (sam p. bridges, higgs monaghan, cliff unger), dark souls 1-3 (TMTL, Inc. dlc), elden ring (TMTL), bloodborne (TMTL, Inc. dlc), lies of p (pinocchio, alidoro, romeo), demons souls (ostrava, yurt, garl vinland + maiden astraea), sekiro: shadows die twice (wolf, genichiro, isshin, emma, owl), witch hat atelier (qifrey, olruggio, easthies, beldaruit, utowin, hieheart)
I WILL ACCEPT— headcanons, fluff, yandere, poly.
I WONT ACCEPT— character x character, character x oc, minor x adult, full-on fics, mental illnesses/ disorders towards the reader (I don’t have much knowledge on this topic and don’t want to write them wrong and offend anyone!), any vague requests like (can you do [character] x reader hcs?) so please be specific on what you want!
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—death stranding
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knightscanfeeltoo · 3 months
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Oscar Loves his Distant Niece, Anri but Babysitting can be Tiring...
(I still have Very Mixed Feelings about Anri of Astora and I still HATE Dark Souls 3...)
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iguessigotta · 1 year
lorian 19
Intimate Moments prompts #19 - reassuring touches check my pinned post for available characters i hope headcanons are ok! i realized while writing this that my Lorian and Reader are like mirrors of each other. i'd love to play around with that some more
your (much smaller) hands on either side of his face
his (much larger) hand engulfing your hip
when you unconsciously scoot towards him in your sleep
when he curls himself tighter around your body, careful not to wake you
leaning your full weight against his side
him leaning a fraction of his weight against you in response
your hands combing through his hair, his head resting heavy in your lap
when he wakes up - he wasn't aware he fell asleep - to you tucking flowers into the intricate mass of braids you'd done while he'd slept
when he scoops you off the floor, pulling you into his arms and laughing at your surprised yelp before you melt into him
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katyspersonal · 21 days
Klimt headcanons (?)
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Tbh as much as I love joking that Klimt abandoned his religion as Saint of the Deep to be a simp, it is not actually what I believe, or at least it isn't that simp-le
I can't unsee a bident specifically as a very marine imagery, which makes total sense considering their connection with the Deep Sea! That's why I also give Aldrich himself a trident, as more 'full' symbol of that power! The thing is, bident is a downgraded version of a trident (yeah no shit), and not only Klimt uniquely has this weapon, but also was tasked to communicate with Rosaria, another key figure in that whole... mess. For me everything points out to the fact that Klimt was basically a vice. Special one amongst even the three Archdeacons that basically was tasked to speak for Aldrich and take his place when he was absent. Probably exactly what he was doing when Aldrich became too much of a sludge to function like he used to. In fact, he would be his successor if Aldrich ever was gone!
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Currently it is McDonnel who lowkey does that (not really lol), but that was not the original plan. What I do think happened was that Klimt could not handle it mentally when Aldrich actually was gone. Like, separation was so bad for him mentally that "faith" alone could not sustain it!
I think from the fact of already having admired Rosaria so much before pointed towards clinginess and emotional issues of some sort, and I also think he was the youngest one from the entire staff (but nonetheless the most "understanding" and earning Aldrich's trust more than even other associates.. or, maybe, it was being the youngest and the most vulnerable what made him the most perceptive to Aldrich's corruption? oh boy). It was the pain of dependency and separation, but also he decided that he did not deserve the second highest place in Church of the Deep anyhow if he was such a mess simply in the absence of Aldrich 🤔 The decision was not actual lack of faith but the guilt and realising he was useless FOR this faith as he was (though Royce definitely missed the complications thinking Klimt failed to "man up" basically and just felt vindicated that in the end HE was the one who stayed the most loyal lol)
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THE most likely conclusion is that this specific grub Rosaria is holding is Klimt himself, or, well, what is left of him! The thing is, this one is even more messed up than the average man-grubs who look like this, for the comparison:
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So bro overused rebirth even beyond what's already a critical point. It makes sense with his proximity, but also sorta doesn't, because how do you actually function as the leader like this? Bro probably just really, REALLY didn't want to exist anymore in a way
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thygeep · 5 months
I have strong and very not normal thoughts about the relationships between Lothric, Sulyvahn, Gwyndolin, and Aldrich.
Why is Lothric emo?
Why does Sulyvahn keep manipulating white haired pretty boys?
Brbrbrbr crying over Gwyndolin’s screaming
Why is Aldrich litterally Cannibal by Kesha someone make an amv NOW.
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Patches would eat those artifical cheese slices that taste like plastic. With the wrapper on them.
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houseboywife · 10 months
The tale of the three Ornsteins: a Dark Souls identity theft story
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Dragonslayer Ornstein is one of the most iconic characters in Dark Souls, and for a good reason. His design is incredible, and his fight in tandem with Smough is one of the best in the series to this day. It is therefore interesting to see how strangely handled is actual in-game presence his. I am perfectly aware that a lot of this is a result of somewhat inelegant retcons, but I will attempt to bridge all of the information together to paint a picture that I find to be, if not completely satisfying, at least consistent with what I believed happened to our good old dragonslayer.
Let's start with what we learn in Dark Souls 1, which is the most straightforward. Ornstein is a being of incredible strength as the leader of the Four Knights of Gwyn, Lordran's elite soldiers who are all unquestionably loyal to their Lord. Unfortunately, by the time of Dark Souls 1, the other Knights have either died or left, so he's left alone guarding the capital City of Anor Londo. He's however joined by his good buddy Executioner Smough: and by good buddy I mean insane psycho. Smough was considered as a candidate for the position of Knight of Gwyn, but the recruiters probably changed their minds after learning that he enjoys grinding the bones of people in his meals. Also, not a surprise, he really enjoys murder.
Anyway, the important point being is that Ornstein and Smough are guarding the chamber to Gwynevere, and fight you to the death if you want to go in. This begs a question: why exactly? Gwynevere is an illusion concocted by Gwyndolin, since she has left Anor Londo long ago. Hell, Gwyndolin is actively trying to get some poor sucker to link the fire, which would require you to get the Lordvessel, which is given to you by Gwynevere/Gwyndolin. Who also doesn't seem to be particularly concerned by the two strongest knights in the realm having just died.
So the main hypothesis is that Ornstein and Smough have been placed there by Gwyndolin to test you. After all the linking of the fire is a sacred act, and you'd wanna make sure that the person you send to do it would actually be able to: after all, as shown by Dark Souls 3, you can actually fail to link the fire. So perhaps, as I said, what Gwyndolin is doing is testing you: and I get using Smough for the task, considering that everyone hates him and he also is probably willing to prove himself to join the Knights, but Ornstein? At the twilight of the kingdom of Lordran, what use is there to having the strongest knight left sacrifice himself to test a random Undead? Well, hold on that thought. For now, let's just say that the Chosen Undead kills both and proceeds to link the flame, or walk away from it.
Back with a vengeance
So let's move on to Dark Souls 2 now. Here we are in Drangleic, a completely different land set after Dark Souls 1. Which makes it very strange that in that game you can find an "Old Dragonslayer", identical to Ornstein, chilling in a church.
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Now, let's not beat around the bush here: this is probably an impostor (among us????). A couple things make it pretty clear: first off, instead of using lightning attacks he wields darkness, which doesn't mean much in itself: however the Soul that you get from this boss says that "the Old Dragonslayer is reminiscent of a certain knight that appears in old legends", I'm leaning towards him being just an imitator. After all, beings with Fire Souls (Is it even a thing? You get what I mean) aren't able to come back from death, and killing Ornstein is mandatory to the story of Dark Souls 1, which we know already happened by the time of 2. The only alternative is that the Ornstein in Dark Souls 1 was an illusion, but that would be a bit silly, right?
The Ornstein in Dark Souls 1 was an illusion
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Well, uh, this is awkward. Dark Souls 3 comes in and, with extreme confidence, makes everything so much more confusing. This is becaus, after defeating Gwyn's firstborn, the Nameless King, you find none other than Ornstein's armor. But hey, it could be just a repli-
Golden armor associated with Dragonslayer Ornstein, from the age of gods, and imbued with the strength of lightning. In the dragonless age, this knight, who long guarded the ruined cathedral, left the land in search of the nameless king.
Uhhhh, let's check Smough's armor maybe?
Grotesque armor associated with Smough, the last knight to stand in defense of the ruined cathedral.
Well, at least now we know that the Old Dragonslayer was a faker????
Ok ok so, what happened? It seems like that, before the events of Dark Souls 1, Ornstein left his post to search for the Nameless King, and left Smough behind in Anor Londo. So well, the logical explanation is that the first one you fight is actually an illusion made by Gwyndolin. But! The "illusion" also drops Ornstein's own Souls behind. Now, this is a bit of a pickle.
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Before I go further, let me clarify something: Gwyndolin is also a character you can kill in Dark Souls 1 that returns in Dark Souls 3, but his fight is optional, and likely considered non canonical in 3. After all, there are other characters you can murder that show up again, the difference is that Ornstein is as far from optional as you can get.
So let's entertain that the Dragonslayer is an illusion: why does he drop his Soul, then ? I have an idea of what could have happned. First off, in Anor Londo you fight sever other illusions fashioned by Gwyndolin that all drop souls upon death. This, to me, seems to suggest that our favorite god of ambigous gender can't just conjure something out of nothing: they need souls.
Here's another piece of the puzzle: in the Dark Souls universe you can totally detach at least part of your soul from your body and be none the wiser. We see this with Gwyn, who gave a portion of his Souls to the Four Kings and other loyal subjects, and with Vendrick who, perhaps in shame, locked his own Soul away in the Shrine of Amana before going hollow. So I believe that the most likely explanation is that Ornstein, before departing to find the Nameless King, left his Soul (or a portion of it) to Gwyndolin in order for them to fashion an illusory guardian out of his likeness. Smough was there too, I guess. Probably Gwyndolin just wanted to get rid of him. That makes everything work out, more or less!
So let's answer one last question. Why did Ornstein seek the Nameless King? I've seen some people say that he was loyal to him all along, and some particularly creative theories state that he transformed into the dragon that the Firstborn rides. I find this to be a somewhat unsatisfactory explanation. Particularly the dragon part, of course, because the only character we ever saw meddle in dragon transformation experiments was Aldia who is probably the smartest person in the entire world, and even he didn't really get it perfectly right. Also there is absolutely zero evidence of it. Regarding the rest, well, I suppose it would be possible that Ornstein was loyal to the Nameless King, but why? He is a dragonslayer, after all, and the King was cast away specifically for having betrayed the gods in favor of the dragons (as a sidenote, the fact that the Ring of the Firstborn in Dark Souls 1 is slightly mistranslated and it made people think that he was banished for "losing the annals" is very funny. He was lost to the annals, there's no magical item named "the annals" which he lost lmao).
Anyway, I think Ornstein left to confront the Nameless King over his betrayal: perhaps he did so once his location on the Archdragon Peak became known. Talk to him? Kill him? Who knows. But is significative that the Dragonslayer Armor is found in the Nameless King's boss arena. I think that him and Ornstein engaged in a fight and, perhaps weakened by the lack of his Soul, the latter was defeated and died there. Whether this happened before or after Dark Souls 1 I do not know, but I have a feeling that this is how the warrior met his demise.
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Now, why did From Software decide to add this lore in Dark Souls 3 I have no idea, considering it's very marginal in the game itself and it could have easily been left unsaid. Perhaps this was the plan all along. I will admit that not getting to fight the real Ornstein is somewhat disappointing, but also having him show up in person in Dark Souls 3 would have been a bit much. Even then, one thing is certain: despite never actually meeting him, he's certainly a memorable guy.
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
for the headcanon ask, i'd like to hear something about 9 for Ariandel
Finally getting around to answering some asks, so here we are!
9. Childhood headcanon for Ariandel!
Growing up, Ariandel was always on the large side when it came to size. Even as a baby, he was fairly big for his size! Many would often mistake him for a toddler or a bit older when he was about a year old much to his mother's dismay. And having a baby as big as him was hard too considering she was on her own in taking care of him, which meant a lot of time and food had to be given to him to be sure he was at least well fed and taken care of. Not to mention, he was pretty heavy and hard to carry around.
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And even when he was a kid, he was still pretty damn big too that many often mistook him for an adult whenever they saw him. Only when he spoke did they realize that he was a kid and it seemed to further surprise and confuse many other Corvians as to how in the world did such a big kid come from.
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Yet, despite his big size, he was never cast aside or made to feel any less by the other Corvians around him. In fact, as confused as they were, they much enjoyed his company and found that he fit in just the same as them; being outcast and forlorn by the world that did not want them in turn.
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