danielmantel · 4 years
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https://mantelshistorier.wordpress.com/2020/03/17/fiktion/ #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #fiktion #forreal #prosa #idag (her: Barndomsriket) https://www.instagram.com/p/B91YlxCB2yC/?igshid=tqpzpyfhsu1m
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danielmantel · 3 years
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Det er stilheden bag fjæset her der er interessant. Det er lydene, det er afstanden til horisonten. Det er de vidder der er for store til at kunne ses. Det er et himmelhvælv for højt til at fatte. Det er vinden, det er det hele. Der untagelsesvis er tæt på at være... 'Det hele'! Hvad mangler? Hvis noget, er det et sted derude, bagved, bag horisonten. Der er langt... Og solen er med hele vejen. Det kan høres... --- Mere på Fb, og et link er umuligt; men: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4552899081414113&id=100000821994936 #mantelmomento #mantelshistorier #danielmantel #verdenerstadigmestgod #thisislife #thebestofportugal #https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4552899081414113&id=100000821994936 #altoalentejo #castelodevide #lifeisgood #theendandthebeginningformystory (usual one-off hashtag...) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW838IUMTim/?utm_medium=tumblr
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danielmantel · 6 years
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#https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/skygge-lys/ Danish. English version: This is just some trees. Looks like olive trees. And grass, a bit other dried out bushes, and a hillside. That's all. But not that's all like in "nothing else"? That is all like in ALL. Everything. I can't proof it, ofcourse. It's just my opinion. I sure don't expect others to understand. Actually, it's a selfie. I'm there, in one of the shadows. Sitting under one of those trees. You might not be able to see me. That's nothing new. But I'm right there. Don't wanna be anywhere else. That's all. And that IS really all. Not enough for you? Guess not. I couldn't care less. Selfish? Very! But about time. And I think, my opinion only, that you don't care either. Not really. Then it gets almost funny: Ok, you might be indifferent. Well, how much do you think I care about that? A competition of not caring. Take a look at my selfie: I'm gone ages ago. About time. Careless, carefree, only me and nothing else. But everything. THAT'S ALL! #https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/skygge-lys/ #selfie #altoalentejo #castelodevide #olivetrees #careless #selfish #myworld #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #gone #nowisthetime #dontevencareenoughtomakeanymorehashtagsbutiamtherenomatterwhereelseimightbeseenandamashappyascanbe (her: Alto Alentejo (intermunicipal community))
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danielmantel · 3 years
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Som var ord... (Uddrag:) Hov, undskyld. Der var lige et slip, et sug i maven, en bid afstand, en mundfuld tomhed. Et rum imellem eller et hul i rummet. Som en gammel radios vaklen mellem to stationer. Den svage knitren eller susen eller hvem der hørte det hvordan, var lyden af en hurtig men holdbar sammensvejsning. Eller en zappen fra en stor finger, sådan stikkende ned fra en sky på en skyfri himmel, det må man gerne tro. Det vigtigste: At få lappet hullet, lagt den smalle kløft hen under en bro, få vognen spændt for hesten, slutningen trukket hen over begyndelsen, hvordan det end dækkes til med klumper af ord: Det blev gjort så sk��nsomt at det næsten ikke blev gjort. Men det blev det! Et stearinlys der netop er pustet ud, har et kort øjeblik en lille glød på vægen. Dét hastigt svindende lyspunkt sender en tynd stribe op, et signal. Der siger at lyset er slukket. Men også at det kan tændes igen, uden at være gået HELT ud. Altså at samme flamme kan genskabes, hvis man er hurtig. Jaja, man kan altid tænde lyset igen, men så er det anden flamme. En ny og anderledes, ikke den der var. Uanset hvor meget den anstrenger sig for at ligne, og mange lader sig narre. Er man kvik, kan samme flamme gentændes, og måske var det hvad der skete. Eller noget andet, som den guddommelige pegefinger, eller hvad man vælger at se. Eller-eller, det betyder mindre hvordan: Det er nu igen muligt at huske i alle retninger. Uden at gå lige ind i en endevæg eller skvatte over en startlinje. (Forts på): https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3714839511886745&id=100000821994936 ELLER https://wp.me/p419Yf-ub #mantelmomento #danielmantel #prosa #fiktion #dansk #athuske #RIP #hukommelse #erindringer #slutninger #begyndelser #atfåhevettidligerehusketmedsomhvaddervilblivehusketogsåpåtværsaflivogdød (Usual one-off hashtag...) (her: Between Dimensions) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL2A_BahmoJ/?igshid=jxjhuh66l2s7
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danielmantel · 6 years
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BLINDFOOLED. He's totally baffled. Once again. So confused, that he's glued to the ground. It happens so often, too often, he's beginning to suspect something obstructing his moving around in this world. The failure might be a wrong wiring in his brain. But it's hard to tell: Like thoughts thinking thoughts about themselves. Like a mind being scrutinized by itself: Like… Now this tree. Is the slight quivering at the top for real? Are the tiny twigs above actually trembling? He can't move past that puzzle. Could it be a reflection? If so, reflected in him or by something outside his hyperventilating mind? Or, just to make things more complicated, a combination? Whatever possible, he makes into a metaphysical question. And, as we know, anything is possible. The tree begins to feel uncomfortable. Being observed so close, it shifts and moves, uneasy, just to avoid that stare. Checkmate! Or maybe he just need new glasses… #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #meltdown #wiring #baffling #foolingmyself #mindless #thinkingtoomuch #unreal #stupidtreeinmywaystopsmeinmyexploringrealityasifanythingisrealforreal (Usual one-off hashtag) (her: The Middle of No-where)
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danielmantel · 5 years
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Så hvidt at et hegn må vove sig bag små smil for ikke at sætte spor i ansigtet. Bagsiden af bortvendte øjne, hvor det hvide lige netop rører de stivnede dråber der skiller horisont fra et øjebliks blød berøring, hud en sag for dagens fortabte strålende glæde. Hegnet er nødvendigt for at en uendelighed, lige om det hjørne dagen er, følger med. Nu er fjernt i håndfladen, forsvinder i skyggen af hvide øjnes ansigt. Engang, en dag et øjeblik. Bliver jeg spor af små smils forsigtige berøring. Stilheden venter, videre end horisonten kan bære. Jeg rører ved en kold flade, mærker hvor min mund ikke er. Engang svinder øjeblikket ind til spor. Engang vendes det hvide i mine hænder. Indtil da. Er hegnet den nødvendige naturlighed. Hvide smil. Engang bliver ved. Videre. #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #mindscape #oneday #gone #fenced #insideout #outsidein #nowhere #allover #mindset #mindless #babbling #theirony #brainless #kinda #danish #fictionoverreality #prose #dansklitteratur #onemoment #akindasadbutsmilingdaywithalotofnonsensegoingthroughthislittlehead (Usual one-off hashtag...) (her: whiteout) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtGe7eGH0r5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h0vcjze4b50l
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danielmantel · 7 years
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Sometimes, just some times... Life is plain good. Simple and easy. As if the meaning was, that we humans were supposed to just exist. Just being... Human beings. Like every day was there for you to live through, without big trouble or deep worries. Just... Be. Nothing but your senses and sensing that you're part of a world that senses you too. Without anything special about that. Just another day for you, to do whatever good. Or do nothing, if that's what you want. With other people that also just enjoy existing... But THEN you're being shallow, not thinking enough, not reflecting or considering this or that! Oh no! Then you're being naive and superficial! Even turning this very complicated life into a banality! THAT'S not allowed! You have to be DEEP! With SO many layers in your mind, that most of them are hidden. You have to be confused. LIFE has to confuse you... No such thing as just... Being! No way! That's not life! Is it? #castelodevide #alentejo #existing #justanotherday #beingalive #sun #castelo #justbeing #life #maisumdia #simplicity #laurieandthestoryof (Yes, it's in there too, as it is in almost everything...) #somedaysyoujustfeellikeyoudonthavetodoanythingtobeapartoftheworldbutopenyoursensesandbealiveanditisntevenanykindofeffortitjusthappenslikeexistinghappens (Usual one-off hashtag... #udenfilter #mantelmomento #danielmantel #primeiroproximopasso (Even he is in this too, somehow...) (her: Castelo de Vide)
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danielmantel · 7 years
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https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/fejlbestilt-start/ #https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/fejlbestilt-start/ Danish prose... Sorry for everyone except the few millions reading that little language... #mantelmomento #danielmantel #laurieandthestoryof (VERY much the first lines of...) #primeiroproximopasso (AS WELL for Senhor Passo too!) #fiction #prose #mystory #novel #workinprogress #insideout #momentofzen #cafe #sosimple #start #momentofreflection #udenfilter #future #theveryfirstlinesincomingnovelinprogressandwillbefinishedevenifittakesfiveyearsorwhatever (Usual one-off hashtag) (her: Deep Inside)
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danielmantel · 5 years
NOTHINGNESS OR 54 SECONDS OR ONE MOMENT OR ONE AND THE SAME. Here is 54 seconds. Close to a minute. Or nothing. The rest... In danish: https://mantelshistorier.wordpress.com/2018/12/31/sekunder-afgoerende-alt-taet-paa/ (Version 2) #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #gellerup #seconds #nothingness #mantelshistorier.wordpress.com #timeless #amomentintime #theeyeofthebeholder #whatever #nouse #useless #onemoment #aminute #almost #justanotherversionofthesameandisn'tthatthestoryofnotonlymebuteverything (Usual one-off hashtag...) (her: Somewhere Far Away from Everyone) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtMIWMXHrm7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m7sqmjtgjkmx
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danielmantel · 5 years
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IN DANISH. SORRY... (Not really, but...) As it will be from now. With maybe a few exceptions... "Every cloud…" Vrøvl. Der er intet ædelt ved misfarvet stål, om så forsøgt forskønnet med gammeldags dinglende disko-kugler og kulørte kæder. Raslende som rustent jern, trods plastik i højeste potens. Hvis der var ører der kunne høre, ville de krølle tæer, men musik skal der til. Er konsensus. Fint ord der prøver at finde sin mening. "Intet er så skidt, at det ikke..." Mere indtørret savl. Det 'godt for noget' i denne solnedgang fordampede. Forsvandt forbrændt i febervildelse. Små stumper der kunne gløde men ikke flamme op, blev blandet i cementen mellem de mursten cellen er bygget med, splinter som spidser i en jernjomfru hvor åbne øjne er låst til indvolde. Ikke de nærmest liggende lige for fødderne udprikkede, men selveste solnedgangens. De er allerede i forrådnelse eller deforme af misbrug. At sådan en tilforladelig nydelig sky, godtnok underbelyst og botoxfyldt, indeholder så megen tristhed, tørre tårer og tabte timer, kunne føre til medlidenhed. Nårhja… Smart! Hele konceptet spiller på alle strenge. Men kammertonen der isner op gennem rygraden som et afpillet skelet af en opfedet kropsdue med otte behårede ben, laller den samme skudsikre skala til bevidstløshed, bastant bogstaveligt: Solnedgange er smukke! Solnedgange er smukke! Solnedgange er smukke! Helt til kvækken i kor. Oversat til dansk af hensyn til selvforskyldte tabere, hvilket er en pleonasme da tabere pr def er skyldige: Solens laden horisonter falde er en overlegen og dermed profitabel mekanisme. Fuldt ud rettighedsbeskyttet. Konflikten kribler i kløerne, spilleregler blandes med den ene hånd vasker en anden og andres og solens stråler får også lige en gang duftspray. FORTSAT PÅ: https://mantelshistorier.wordpress.com/2018/12/02/solsyg-skyafsky/ #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #sunset #lies #staged #mindscape #decieve #silverlining #gellerup #devilsinthedetails #fictionoverreality #prose #dansklitteratur #https://mantelshistorier.wordpress.com/2018/12/02/solsyg-skyafsky/ #mantelshistorier.wordpress.com #fuckthesehashtagsidontknowwhatmoretotagjustreadthedamnfulltxt (Usual one-off hashtag) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrSanr6nrAK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zj6wplenldiq
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danielmantel · 6 years
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THOSE INSISTING STORIES. And so the stories forced their way back. Not readable, not even as individual or separated tales. Not narratives. Yet. For very good reasons: I've tried to keep them out of my head. Reality had pushed aside fiction. I had told myself, trying to be serious. Yeah right. As if… Only fooling myself. This gave me a new insight. Don't know if I dream in colours. But my stories start out in all of the rainbows. Plus some. Fills my head, not even really born, but in random patterns. That of course aren't random at all. Changing for every time they block my view to reality. Thus making me doubt what's real and what's fiction, but then I just shrug: Back to the usual mindset. The stories are as real as any kind of reality. Now I know how they appear before they are conscious. Before they know themselves. Guess I better help them. Guess that's my purpose. Being the midwife of my own imagination. Forming my fiction. #mantelmoment #mantelmomento #danielmantel #danielversionII #fiction #stories #backoninstagram #toomuchreality #brainwork #pattern #colours #fictionoverreality #isthisme #question #answer #meandmymind #icanlivewiththat #afteralotofoftoomuchrealityitsactuallyarelieftoseethestoriesbeginningtoforminsidemybrain (Usual one-off hashtag) (her: Fix My Brain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpB5g3DHgRn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14gmgtp1zb9hm
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danielmantel · 6 years
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I see myself from the back. From inside the restaurant. I'm alive and happy. That means I took the hard way in. Not the easy way out. For some time I wasn't sure. That time is now. Seeing a picture of myself in the near future, free and letting time be time, not allowing thoughts to interfere or take control, and giving my mind access to whatever words is worth writing, not by any assignment or deadline, and... There's really nothing else to say. I had a choice. The tempting easy way out; just caving in. Or the hard way in; a maze with almost impossible obstacles the way out. It's still ahead of me. But seeing myself from the back, tells me everything. No matter what I must do to be there. Again. Happy and free. Being me. Just me, only me. #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #laurieandthestoryof (At least geographically...) #me #hardway #being #meandmystory #meandmymind #lisbon #wayin #portugal #home #aperiodintimewithsomeharddifficultiesofdifferentkindslowlyturningsotheeasywaybecomeslessattractiveandthewayinopensup (Usual one-off hashtag) (her: Lisbon, Portugal)
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danielmantel · 6 years
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I see myself from the back. From inside the restaurant. I'm alive and happy. That means I took the hard way in. Not the easy way out. For some time I wasn't sure. That time is now. Seeing a picture of myself in the near future, free and letting time be time, not allowing thoughts to interfere or take control, and giving my mind access to whatever words is worth writing, not by any assignment or deadline, and... There's really nothing else to say. I had a choice. The tempting easy way out; just caving in. Or the hard way in; a maze with almost impossible obstacles the way out. It's still ahead of me. But seeing myself from the back, tells me everything. No matter what I must do to be there. Again. Happy and free. Being me. Just me, only me. #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #laurieandthestoryof (At least geographically...) #me #hardway #being #meandmystory #meandmymind #lisbon #wayin #portugal #home #aperiodintimewithsomeharddifficultiesofdifferentkindslowlyturningsotheeasywaybecomeslessattractiveandthewayinopensup (Usual one-off hashtag) (her: Lisbon, Portugal)
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danielmantel · 6 years
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#https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/skygge-lys/ Danish. English version: This is just some trees. Looks like olive trees. And grass, a bit other dried out bushes, and a hillside. That's all. But not that's all like in "nothing else"? That is all like in ALL. Everything. I can't proof it, ofcourse. It's just my opinion. I sure don't expect others to understand. Actually, it's a selfie. I'm there, in one of the shadows. Sitting under one of those trees. You might not be able to see me. That's nothing new. But I'm right there. Don't wanna be anywhere else. That's all. And that IS really all. Not enough for you? Guess not. I couldn't care less. Selfish? Very! But about time. And I think, my opinion only, that you don't care either. Not really. Then it gets almost funny: Ok, you might be indifferent. Well, how much do you think I care about that? A competition of not caring. Take a look at my selfie: I'm gone ages ago. About time. Careless, carefree, only me and nothing else. But everything. THAT'S ALL! #https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/skygge-lys/ #selfie #altoalentejo #castelodevide #olivetrees #careless #selfish #myworld #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #gone #nowisthetime #dontevencareenoughtomakeanymorehashtagsbutiamtherenomatterwhereelseimightbeseenandamashappyascanbe (her: Alto Alentejo (intermunicipal community))
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danielmantel · 6 years
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#https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/skygge-lys/ Danish. English version: This is just some trees. Looks like olive trees. And grass, a bit other dried out bushes, and a hillside. That's all. But not that's all like in "nothing else"? That is all like in ALL. Everything. I can't proof it, ofcourse. It's just my opinion. I sure don't expect others to understand. Actually, it's a selfie. I'm there, in one of the shadows. Sitting under one of those trees. You might not be able to see me. That's nothing new. But I'm right there. Don't wanna be anywhere else. That's all. And that IS really all. Not enough for you? Guess not. I couldn't care less. Selfish? Very! But about time. And I think, my opinion only, that you don't care either. Not really. Then it gets almost funny: Ok, you might be indifferent. Well, how much do you think I care about that? A competition of not caring. Take a look at my selfie: I'm gone ages ago. About time. Careless, carefree, only me and nothing else. But everything. THAT'S ALL! #https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/skygge-lys/ #selfie #altoalentejo #castelodevide #olivetrees #careless #selfish #myworld #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #gone #nowisthetime #dontevencareenoughtomakeanymorehashtagsbutiamtherenomatterwhereelseimightbeseenandamashappyascanbe (her: Alto Alentejo (intermunicipal community))
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danielmantel · 6 years
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#https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/skygge-lys/ Danish. English version: This is just some trees. Looks like olive trees. And grass, a bit other dried out bushes, and a hillside. That's all. But not that's all like in "nothing else"? That is all like in ALL. Everything. I can't proof it, ofcourse. It's just my opinion. I sure don't expect others to understand. Actually, it's a selfie. I'm there, in one of the shadows. Sitting under one of those trees. You might not be able to see me. That's nothing new. But I'm right there. Don't wanna be anywhere else. That's all. And that IS really all. Not enough for you? Guess not. I couldn't care less. Selfish? Very! But about time. And I think, my opinion only, that you don't care either. Not really. Then it gets almost funny: Ok, you might be indifferent. Well, how much do you think I care about that? A competition of not caring. Take a look at my selfie: I'm gone ages ago. About time. Careless, carefree, only me and nothing else. But everything. THAT'S ALL! #https://mantelsroman.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/skygge-lys/ #selfie #altoalentejo #castelodevide #olivetrees #careless #selfish #myworld #mantelmomento #danielmantel #udenfilter #gone #nowisthetime #dontevencareenoughtomakeanymorehashtagsbutiamtherenomatterwhereelseimightbeseenandamashappyascanbe (her: Alto Alentejo (intermunicipal community))
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