vaultof-thoughts · 2 days
Stop taking it all so seriously.
If you're familiar with nd/av, you already know it's all an illusion. So why keep taking it all so seriously? seriously, be chill, have fun just enjoy the appearance! stop labeling things as "good" and "bad" - even better - stop labelling anything at all. Through this, you'll realize everything is just a empty appearance, another facade of " ". And again, this isn't a method. It's a call to your true nature. Once you stop taking thoughts, emotions and the seeming appearances to be real, you'll notice how peaceful and blissful you truly are, once you stop putting labels and limitations on yourself, you'll realize how free and happy you can be. You'll be free from desire and "lack". Because even those are illusions. Just try. Experiment what happens when you stop taking this "person" and their seeming "life" to be real. Cease thinking of a past and future and be present in the NOW, because that's all there truly is. You are "free" NOW. Stop tricking yourself by denying that.
Until next time
M༘ ⋆。 ˚
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i-amyou · 2 days
This is something I wrote in a Text to my friends Long ago, thought I'll share it now :)
"What is it that everyone seeks, but can never find. It's something that everyone IS, but still can't get it off their mind. Something people wait for, when they have it with them all the time? Something which only become apparent, when you put the seeking, wanting, and 'having' aside. Only when you look within, putting all the differences aside."
Look within, you have all the answers there. In silence, stillness, beyond every fleeting thought and feeling. It's right there, always Watching silently. Unaffected by every seeming experience, the only experience there IS.
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illuminatedmystic · 2 days
You are eternal yet you do not know , what a shame
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It does not mean just because you do not that you are ! You are not , you still are, Just like a blind hasn’t seen the colour Green , still doesn’t mean there isn’t the colour green.
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infiniteko · 5 months
->Here's the thing 👁️
The misconception of something "not working" is because you think there is "an ego" here to obtain something.. there isn't. The ego doesn't truly exist; it's just an illusion. You, as "THAT", already have everything you seemingly desire because nothing exists beyond "THAT"/you. It's an illusion that blinds your eyes, preventing you from seeing that you are already what you seemingly seek. Don't believe the "observer" is here, and the "observed" is there. The "observer" doesn't exist; everything is "THAT".
No one is observing; there's only the seemingly "observed".
How do you know you're seemingly perceiving something through "senses"? Isn't it because you were aware before interpreting it as "seeing, feeling, smelling, etc"? You think you're seeing, but no one is; it's just the "image" seeing itself. You think you're hearing, but no one is; it's just the "sound" hearing itself. It's all "THAT". Nothing is happening to you because there is no "body" here; you are the "screen", and these appearances happen "within" "THAT", on "THAT", AS "THAT".
You simply exist
And you know that, even without "senses".
"IT" does not need confirmation of existence through five senses; they are not what you perceive any experience with. Transcended them and this world. You lose the illusion of being here or there, trying to find your place; you only experience a still, unmoving existence. Even if the "illusory body" moves, you know you are still, becoming a stationary space allowing things to move within. Because you are not the body; the body is within you. Everything "you want" is there, on yourself; it can truly be felt you're not here because you're not the body. You'll realize you are the formless, nameless source of everything you seem to desire. You don't need to search or wait for another experience which is "THAT"; you are "THAT" now. This is the present truth."
~ infinite.ko / Koda❄️ & Dawa🌙
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onlyhere-onlynow · 1 month
The point of noticing your own true nature is to realize you’ve always been free to do whatever you want, however you want with any seeming experience you want AS THE AUTHORITY OF YOUR OWN PLAY.
“So I can feel-?” Yes.
“So I can do-?” Yes.
“So I can make-?” Yes.
“So I can have-?” Yes.
“But I can-?” YEEES. THE ANSWER WILL ALWAYS BE YEEES. Wanna be Spider-man? An artist? A doctor? Have natural neon rainbow hair? Grow wings? Be a hairless cat? A mermaid for a week? A princess for another? Then decide so, you’re free!
Tell me, if you know you can breathe, would you be asking questions about “doing so”? Or just decide it because you know you can? It’s the same here! If you knew your own omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience, would you be asking ‘How to’s and ‘Can I’s? Exactly.
It still is all " "; all YOU.
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deep-dark-fears · 1 year
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There's an echo in here. A fear submitted by Grace to Deep Dark Fears - thanks!
You can pick up original artwork and LARP supplies in my shop!
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feral-ballad · 8 months
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Forugh Farrokhzad, tr. by Hasan Javadi & Susan Sallée, from Another Birth: Selected Poems of Forugh Farrokhzad; "Servitude I"
[Text ID: "I am nothing, nothing, from head to toe."]
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lotusmi · 3 months
You'll Never Realize That.🖼️
(quotes by Dudaji ebook on Kindle) - thread on twitter
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''There's an assumption that you can follow some kind of path, that you can implement some practice, that you can learn some teaching. But there's no you - there's only Oneness. So, ask yourself: "Who is following what? Who will follow what?" Sometimes there is the pretence of "me", there is a seeking, there is a longing. No amount of meditation or effort or practice will ever destroy the illusion of "me", because the whole effort of trying to destroy it continues to reinforce this "me". So, there's no path, no practice, no teaching. There's no method, no technique, no formula.
There are no oughts, no shoulds, no shouldn'ts. There is no goal, no direction, no plan, no from here to there, no expectation, no intention, no "in order to", no calculation. It just simply is what-is or "what happens".
If there is a message, it points to this Natural Reality, a Reality that is boundless and beyond description. But if you search it, you will not find it. The more you seek, the more desperate your search become.
There is no answer to seeking and to the seeker, because there is no seeker. Every seeking is illusive, that there is nothing to be sought and nothing to be found.
What is pointed here is the fact that this whole movie that includes the seeker, the seeking and what is sought is illusory. There is no point in time and space to reach. There is no going beyond, no border to cross, no ultimate viewpoint to be acquired.
There is no enlightenment state as well as there is no unenlightened state. All states are imagined. You may be seeking for answers. You see yourself as someone searching for answers: a person, male, female, young, old, tall, short etc.
But you cannot find any answer, neither in this book nor anywhere else because there is no one seeking, there is no one alive. Nobody has ever born. There is not an "I" and there is not a "you". This is an appearance, not real at all, which therefore is like a dream.
In this oniric experience you are separate from all the things that surround you. But what also seems to be part of this dream is a feeling of unfulfilment.
The contents of your aware presence of consciousness are momentary dreams, unreal, without any independent existence outside of the mind that is conceiving and perceiving them.
In those dreams you see everything as a separate object, then there is a "you" as you believe yourself to be. Since there is no separate self, who is to affect change? When you take life on its own way, everything will be discovered to be the ground of Unconditional Love.
The World you perceive is entirely private, a dream. The world you can perceive is a very small world. It is you who have invented a totality to contain you as a part.''
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gowithinbitch · 7 days
please stop crying over inexistant issues
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illusion means what it means. there is nothing so please stop crying or at least stop thinking it matters.
Life in itself, real or not, does not matter. The body exist and then dies. You will never die. You were never born. You just are now, and now is forever.
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orrrganicgoosegoose · 11 days
And I wasn’t the player
One day, a young woman sat in front of a piano, like she did every other day as well. That woman was me, and one thing you should know about me, is that I cannot really play the piano.
I sat there, frustrated, struggling. I just couldn’t play that one part right, regardless of how hard I tried. And mind you, I had practiced that piece for years.
But then I remembered, I only play for myself, because it makes me happy.
So I gave up.
I just listened to the melody my hands were playing. And they played it well, even though I did nothing to make that happen. Like a spectator, I watched in awe as my own hands played with such ease something I had so long struggled to master.
And I realised,
I was not the player. I was the observer, and the melody, the notes, the music, they ran through me like a river, as long as I did not try to stop or control them.
And the melody did not care which note came first, for once I heard the next part of the melody, the one before ceased to exist.
And when the piece ended, I stared at my own hands, still on the keys of the piano, and I asked myself,
why it felt like I never played anything. The moment was over, and the next moment was truly unbothered by the previous one, just like the notes that together form a melody.
It appeared like a big whole, but in reality it was just made up of notes, moments, memories, woven together by a sense of oneness that cannot be explained.
And I wasn’t the player, I was just a part of the melody that flowed through me, and yet I was the entire melody and it was good that way.
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i-amyou · 1 day
The Truth Of I.
After ages of sharing my secrets with moon in low whispers and stolen glances, one night it shared one back with me. A secret which I have always known, somewhere deep within chasms of my seemingly tattered soul.
Moon asked me to listen, after listening to me for years. It reminded me of a beautiful dream I had when I was young, a dream full of love and warm sunshine. A dream where I giggled endlessly, chasing butterflies thinking they are fairies. Maybe they were.
It told me stories of the times I could not find my breath, my eyes too full of tears to distinguish the boundary between moon, stars and the space that held them up, as they all merged into one within the pool of my eyes.
After reminding me of all that It witnessed, moon asked me to sit with Her. Listening to Nothing at all. I don't remember when my tears started falling, or when I lost the sense of my name and identity. I could not tell where was the Moon, and where was what I thought I am. It was all One boundless space, where did it begin and where did it end?
Before I could make sense of it, I woke up. From a nightmare within the dream I once had. I found myself as the sun, as the moon, as the stars and the planets and infinite Universe which held it all.
I AM. Always have been. Illuminating like Moon in the darkest of nights, like radiance of million of sunrays converging at one point, THE truth of an eternal existence shone through.
A simple truth which was always evident, I only needed to listen.🌙
The Truth of I.
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illuminatedmystic · 2 months
Stop giving a f*ck , it’s whatever you want
The answer is always Yes , and stop treating this as a method it’s not !!
You are not at the mercy of world it is at your mercy don’t forget that
And I’m sick and tired of you victimising yourselves when you know you are god , so go within and stop crying like little babies it is embarrassing to witness God like that .
So pick yourself up
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infiniteko · 5 months
"Are you not tired?"
"[..]because you think your existence relies completely on illusionary sensations, it seems as if you cannot do what you want to do and are not where you want to be. But do you not see how limiting senses are? You are constantly seeking and waiting for some kind of experience to happen because of your belief that senses = experience. Rather than being THAT/Existence that already understands themselves as "THAT/IT".
"IT" is the "experience". Can you separate "Awareness" from what you're seemingly reading here?
So when you are experience what you want, why are you waiting for it to be "experienced" by senses? Can you separate senses from "Awareness"? -> Can you feel something without being aware FIRST?
Why are you endlessly seeking for another kind of experience to show up if "THAT" is always here? Every seeming "experience" is nothing else but "THAT". The person you think you are, is seeking to experience something. "THAT/Awareness" does not seek anything. "IT" is experiencing ITself.
"illusion" 1 = THAT.
"Illusion" 2 = THAT.
Isn't it obvious?
"People's" seemingly happy lives are illusory, but through seemingly unfortunate experiences (also illusory), you find (or rather remember) your true self and do whatever you want. Isn't that the best thing?"
~ infinite.ko / Chen, Dawa, Koda
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onlyhere-onlynow · 1 month
“I am aware, but I feel…” -> Who is the one that feels? Is there someone that feels? What is aware of this feeling? What is this feeling in the end?
“I am aware, but I think…” -> Who is the one that thinks? Is there someone that thinks? What is aware of this thought? What is this thought in the end?
“I am aware, but I doubt…” -> Who is the one that doubts? Is there someone that doubts? What is aware of this doubt? What is this doubt in the end?
“I am aware, but I fear…” -> Who is the one that fears? Is there someone that fears? What is aware of this fear? What is this fear in the end?
“I am aware, but I do…” -> Who is the one that “does”? Is there someone that does anything? What is aware of this “doing”? What is this “doing” in the end?
“I am aware, but I want…” -> Who is the one that wants? Is there someone that wants? What is aware of this wanting? What is this wanting in the end?
“I am aware, but I try… “ -> Who is the one that tries? Is there someone that tries? What is aware of this trying? What is this trying in the end?
“I am aware, but I see…” -> Who is the one that sees? Is there someone that’s seeing? What is aware of what is being seen? What is this “that is being seen” in the end?
Ponder on these questions and how repetitive it is. Question it all and see how you always end up with the same “thing”: NO-THING. Notice it yourself.
NoBODY feels, thinks, doubts, fears, does, wants, etc. YOU are aware of these seeming things, this illusion. They’re all equally illusionary, but at the end they’re nothing at all. No-THING is!
The only thing left is “I am aware”, but who is this “I” in the end…?
“ ”.
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fubukiiisss · 2 months
slowly ND has become another manifestation method (not av bc the train hasn’t reached that place yet 🎉) i just saw a post where someone mentioned that “you’re not getting your desire bc you keep thinking you’ll not get it” but in the same line say “there’s nothing to get, you’ve already have everything” yet talk about “getting” “not getting” and also follow up with “be happy imagining whether you ‘get it’ or not” sigh
i mean you do you, but that’s extremely misleading. reading that i literally got a stroke 🧍🏻‍♀️ bc it’s extremely all over the place, and moreover so much duality and limitation.
all you’ve to know is,
“ ” is all there is
“ ” is experiencing “ ”
there’s isn’t anything impossible, no limitation no failure, nothing is real, it’s all illusory as hell.
you can do what you want, quite literally.
awareness is all there is.
oneness 🪷
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nondualistic · 2 months
another common mistake lot of people make ( i did it too ngl ) is thinking 'being aware' ,'awareness' = seeing with ur eyes.
stop using a 'sense', that is illusory for validation.
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