imageseyesee · 1 year
✨Weekly Reading✨Hit play to hear message✨
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#ageofaquarius #yanasaintlevie
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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Creative Mix of Oracle and Tarot Feel -Think- Do for the 3 card pull Gat back to Nature and Reconnect to Your Hippie Roots - I will always think this is a great idea we should all spend time in nature everyday it reminds us we are all part of a whole and there is beauty and wonder in nature.. Feel Daughter of Swords- feel and name what it is you’re feeling, you are unique and beautiful allow your authenticity to come out thru you today. Think Father of Swords he looks like he’s thinking.. think carefully about how you communicate with others and what energy this brings into the world. Do- Judgement .. this card is not about judging others but coming to judgement day.. There is a transformation here. Allow yourself to spread your wings and when the light is upon you , be true to yourself but also make sure that you have done good. So that in the bright light you can be proud of who and what you are. #shineoraclecards #shinefromtheinsideout #thewayhometarot #creativetarotreading #oracleandtarot #oracleandtarotcardstogethet #deckcollection #deckcollector #nevertoomanydecks #tarotfortheday #tarotforinspiration #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #dailytarotreading #dailytarotpull #3cardpull #indiedeck #tarotofig https://www.instagram.com/p/B9G68n8HEtz/?igshid=icj5d5a41qk0
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tarotomara · 5 years
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Tarot today, The Page of Wands. He often arrives to tell us that our ideal life is to reconnect to our creativity. If we can get paid for what we love to do, that which puts us 'in the zone', where time just slips away, then we have found our sweet spot. The Pages are the lowest members of the court filled with youthful energy, often the messengers of the Tarot experience. When a Page lands in your reading childlike optimism floods into your life. Transformation is now possible in all areas of your world. The spirit animal of this page is the salamander, representing passion & energy. The other message of this page is communication. You need to speak up. What is your dream? Have you vocalised this in the real world? Told anyone that this is your dream. If not then it will continue to exist only in your head. Time to take that dream & drag it in to the daylight, forget the 'finished article', just take one tiny step today. - 🦎 - 🔮 - 🃏 - #cartomancer #tarot #cartomancy #divination #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #oracle #fortunetelling #divinefeminine #playingcards #witchesofinstagram #mystic #empath #intuitive #tarotreading #dailycard #dailytarotpull #omaratarot #psychic #tarotreader #cartomancersofinstagram #wisdom #tarotcardreading #instatarot #acardaday #dailytarotpick #divinationcommunity #tarotcommunity #readmycards #pageofwandstarot (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwyf-sKH2Ha/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fe0ctar99wqy
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When shuffling my cards this morning the only question I had at the time was really just asking of general guidance from spirit.  The first thing i do when pull the card that is intended for me I write down in my tarot journal which card I pulled.  Its just a habit.  Then the most important step- experience the card.  Look at it, but with intent. “what is the message this card is giving?” Most cards have beautiful artwork that portrays meaning to the cards message.  This card is showing me many things.  The woman is focusing on the success of her fruit, she shows great thanks and adoration of what she has created.
This card reminds me that I am capable of succeeding, that we all can truly do what we dream about doing.  But these things dont just happen.   Maybe I’ve been waiting around too long because lately my cards have been telling me to take action.  
We all have the power inside of us to succeed.  We all have goals that we want to achieve and dreams we want to come true.  Well i think that i am getting the message to keep dreaming, start doing!!!
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empress-valkyrie · 4 years
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DAILY TAROT GUIDANCE ✨The Ace of Swords✨ A new perspective. Today is about thinking about a situation in a way that you never have before. If you are wanting to move around some stagnant energy focus some time today to putting yourself into someone else shoes and seeing what you think about and how it makes you feel. There is always guidance, information, clarity and details that are being shown to you all day long. How can you work to decipher and absorb those messages in order to gain knowledge on what to say or do next? A lot of times we are waiting for something to be told to us, to be handed over and explained but other times it is in our best interest to take the information we already have and look at it from all sides. The collective energy of this week has been an outcry or: WHEN? HOW? TELL ME! - What actions can we take to bring this clarity to ourselves? And how can we change our way of thinking to release the things we don’t know and allow them to play out? . 🔮 Children of Litha Tarot . . . . #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreading #astrology #zodiac #birthchart #natalchart #horoscope #witch #witchythings #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #spirituallifecoach #lifecoaching #tarotreadersofig #dailytarot #tarottracker #tarottribe #tarotcommunity #taroteverydamnday #tarotspread #tarotdeck#dailytarotcard #dailytarotinsight #DailyTarotPick #DailyTarotPull #dailytarotdraw#tarotguidance #channeledmessages #pagansofinstagram (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qorNlHqFr/?igshid=1szsc54386abn
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thetarotman · 6 years
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imageseyesee · 2 years
✨Weekly Reading - 12/12- 12/18✨
As this year is coming to an end and a new beginning is in sight. Balancing where you distribute your energy as space is being made for financial growth will demand more of you. Old ways are in constant transformation and are falling away regardless if your prepared or not . Trusting your intuition on what new knowledge is needed will secure your foundation and possibly bring in new financial avenues. This is where focus should be this week, learning new ways to secure finances coming in and remember to put some $ up for a rainy day.
I ask you, What will you research, learn and implement to upgrade your life?
The Moon
✨The Story✨
Ace of Cups
6 of Pentacles
The Tower
9 of Pentacles
✨The Energy✨
El Paraguas
✨Decks -
Tarot Transitions
#tarottransitions @jamiesawyer_336
Sacred Symbols Oracle Deck (3rd edition)
#sacredsymbolsoracle @marcellakroll
La Loteria (my childhood Oracle)
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imageseyesee · 2 years
✨Weekly Reading - 12/5 - 12/11✨
This week all that glitters is not gold! A promise that will be unfulfilled or simply someone trying to run game on you! So pay attention, and be sure to trust your gut and use logic and grace to maneuver through the B.S this week so you don’t get caught up by a trickster.
Also - read fine print or ask for what you need in writing & to your understanding as the information can change or be changed up on you after the fact!
✨Decks -
Dream Vision Tarot (2nd edition)
La Loteria (my childhood Oracle)
Oracle of The Radiant Sun
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imageseyesee · 2 years
Energy Forcast✨
If you are starting the week still carrying the anguish and stress from last week? Take a deep breath.. . The 9 of Swords is here to tell you it’s almost over! Also, whatever it is can be eased with support so seek out help from your intimate circle, a caring soul for comfort as most likely there will be some pain coming along with this ending.
Card-> 9 of Swords
Deck-> Crow Tarot
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imageseyesee · 2 years
✨Weekly Read - 11/14 - 11/20
There is magic in your work this week. Where you put your focus is where untapped creativity will flow from. Give your creative juices, the focus they need right now to flourish.
Some major decisions will also come up this week where you may feel pushed or rushed to make a move, Don’t !! Have patience with your impulses and keep them in check. It could cost you! As you are being asked to guard yourself from overpouring into others emotionally, spiritually or financially.
The Hermit is highlighting the need to work and move independently. Quiet yourself to focus on work and decisions and turn the volume way up on your Inner light.
Have a great week!
Significator ->
The Hermit
The Story->
The Magician
The Hanged One
7 of Cups
8 of Pentacles
The Energy->
El Cantarito
El Soldado
The Weiser Tarot
@weiserbooks #theweisertarot
La Loteria (my childhood Oracle)
Oracle of The Radiant Sun
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tarotomara · 5 years
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3 of Swords - I gave a reading yesterday that broke my heart. Though I like to focus on positivity sometimes difficult decisions need to be made. I saw someone a while ago & it became obvious that their long term relationship had broken down. They reappeared yesterday & said that though they knew it was over they had desperately tried to rekindle it for several months & they may never accept that it is over. The three of swords is the definitive card of darkness before the dawn. Emotional upheaval surrounds this card and often leads to inability to move on from a painful situation. Regret and anguish must be released before the seeker can satisfactorily move into a happier period of their life. Likewise any relationships that have reached a stalemate should be honestly reassessed, existing conflict must be faced and an honest discussion regarding the future of the relationship must be instigated. Occasionally, once this position of honesty is reached, floundering relationships can suddenly take on a new lease of life. If however you know in your heart of hearts that something is over you owe it to yourself to hold the happy memories dear & move on to love again. Free tarot at paulomara.com/tarot - talking video reading : link in bio - 💔 - ⚔️ - 🔮 - #omaratarot #cartomancer #cartomancy #divination #tarotcards #tarotreader #instatarot #loverstarot #relationshiptarotcard #tarotreadersofinstagram #cartomancersofinstagram #dailytarotpull #dailytarot #lovetarotreading #heartbreak #tarotcard #relationshipsadvice #relationshipreading #cleansing #crystalhealing #twinflame #iloveyoumorethananything #tarothealing #affirmations #tarotcardreading #universallove #happiness #tarotcommunity #soulmate (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwoEn_LHCP0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1id65jm0avad4
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tarotomara · 5 years
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Hello lovely, look how amazing you are, give yourself a big dose of love today - :) When you really love yourself you can set yourself free. From all the self doubt, the comparisons to others, the I should be thinner, funnier, stronger. When you love yourself, then you can love them. Then you can set them free too. Then you are truly free Tarot today, Lovers, If this card turns for you be ready to give your heart & soul without fear. Go forth & be a beacon of light today, you so deserve it. - ❤️ - 🔮 - 👁 - #omaratarot #cartomancer #cartomancy #divination #tarotcards #tarotreader #instatarot #loverstarot #loverstarotcard #tarotreadersofinstagram #cartomancersofinstagram #dailytarotpull #dailytarot #lovetarotreading #tarotcard #relationshipsadvise #relationshipreading #cleansing #crystalhealing ##iloveyoumorethananything #tarothealing #affirmations #tarotcardreading #universallove #happiness #tarotcommunity #fortuneteller #heartbreak (at Seminyak, Bali) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQbYjVHDPi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13d89beafch1
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tarotomara · 5 years
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Tarot Today - Featured Spread - RELATIONSHIP TAROT READING - Explore your relationship dynamics. Visualise someone who you are involved with, or indeed would like to be. Your Free Tarot Spreads, shuffle & select. What will Your cards reveal? paulomara.com/tarot - Free Video Tarot - link in Bio - 💓 - 🔮 - 🔮 - #omaratarot #cartomancer #relationshiptarot #cartomancy #divination #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #lovetarot #fortunetelling #witchesofinstagram #londontarot #intuitive #tarotreading #dailycard #dailytarotpull #tarotspreads #psychic #tarotreader #cartomancersofinstagram #tarotcardreading #instatarot #acardaday #dailytarotpick #divinationcommunity #tarotcommunity #readmycards #psychicreadings (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuyZetIHdvc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15a71fyo14aek
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tarotomara · 5 years
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I need to get home. In the madness of my daily life I need to remember to refresh my soul, restore my default setting, remember the baseline of existence that connects me to my true self. This image transports me back to where I spent chunks of my childhood, wandering the alleys of Glastonbury, visualising my first deck, wondering at the magic of Avalon. I have lived in several places around the world & currently live in London. Though the metropolis can be hugely rewarding & massively inspirational, sometimes I need to fit in time to return home, connect to my roots & recharge my spiritual battery. My mother passed away a few years ago & I spent a lot of time with her in Glastonbury reminiscing about simpler times. Though she appears on my World card & therefore permeates my thoughts on a daily basis, since she passed on I no longer visit as often as I should & am beginning to realise that home really is an important place in my puzzle. Appreciate yourself, take a pause, listen to the whispers of your life from long ago. Take time to restore your default setting. The real you is always waiting, reconnect & restore, don’t get lost in the noise of the daily drama. Tarot interpretations at paulomara.com/tarot 🔮 - 👁 - 🏠 - #omaratarot #cartomancer #clairvoyant #cartomancy #divination #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotfreedom #fortunetelling #witchesofinstagram #londontarot #tarotknights #intuitive #tarotreading #dailycard #dailytarotpull #tarotmeanings #psychic #tarotreader #cartomancersofinstagram #wisdom #tarotcardreading #instatarot #acardaday #dailytarotpick #divinationcommunity #tarotcommunity #readmycards #psychicreadings (at Heathrow Express) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuqolBpnKNB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ddxi46k215mn
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tarotomara · 5 years
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People are understandably fascinated by the darker cards of the Tarot Major Arcana, none more so than the grim reaper himself, the Death card. The Death card doesn’t signify impending doom, in fact he symbolises releasing outmoded beliefs and embracing the new. However I had a surprising reading yesterday where upon turning the Death card the questioner became visibly upset. It turns out that the news that day revealed that 2 of their childhood heroes had passed away. What was interesting was that the remainder of the reading became a discussion about mortality. How the questioner had immediately began to question how they were spending their days. Perhaps then when the grim reaper appears in our reading we not need fear impending doom, rather that we manage to achieve everything we want in this incarnation before he turns up for real. Don’t be spooked by the darker cards, instead make sure they inform your choices to live the life you know you deserve. Have a spectacular day. Tarot interpretations at paulomara.com/tarot 🔮 - 👁 - 💀 - #omaratarot #cartomancer #clairvoyant #cartomancy #divination #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotfreedom #fortunetelling #witchesofinstagram #londontarot #tarotknights #intuitive #tarotreading #dailycard #dailytarotpull #tarotmeanings #psychic #tarotreader #cartomancersofinstagram #wisdom #tarotcardreading #instatarot #acardaday #dailytarotpick #divinationcommunity #tarotcommunity #readmycards #psychicreadings (at Kensington, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuoL3mFn5Xl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fheewb9w8kol
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tarotomara · 5 years
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Tarot today, wandering through the minor arcana suits. I woke up dreaming & obsessing over the the elements, this will be my internal voice / back burner today : Pentacles - Earth - Connect to thе eаrth under yоur fееt, ѕоіl sustains all fоrmѕ оf lіfе. Eаrth yields growth - frоm аn асоrn dоеѕ an oak tree grow; so dоеѕ mаn grow frоm youth to mаturіtу. Swords - Air - Thought - Invigorating breezes, icy blasts - It is through thе influence оf thіѕ element thаt wе lеаrn tо соmmunісаtе. Through air we gain аnd share knowledge Wands - Fire - Creativity - Spark of new ideas, warmth. Thіѕ еlеmеnt рrоjесtѕ ѕеlf-еxрrеѕѕіоn, сrеаtіvіtу, соurаgе and еnthuѕіаѕm. The life force burns bright. Cups - Water - The еlеmеnt water роurѕ fоrth tо оthеrѕ. It allows feeling to flow between us - раіn , challenge, joy and compassion. Lіkе a gentle flowing river nurturing аll іn іtѕ wаkе, forging nеw раthѕ Allow your senses to flood your being today. You are an elemental warrior, go forth & be magnificent #omaratarot #cartomancer #earthairfirewater #cartomancy #buddhistlife #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #oracle #elementalpower #lookinward #loveyourself1st #londontarot #empath #intuitive #tarotreading #dailycard #dailytarotpull #alignbreatheconnect #psychic #tarotreader #cartomancersofinstagram #wisdom #tarotcardreading #instatarot #acardaday #dailytarotpick #divinationcommunity #tarotcommunity #readmycards #psychicreadings (at Kensington, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buf-hNnnP6p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fr1z6mnoxl9e
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