#cuz it’s not like we have a real relationship in the first place
allhappyandgay · 10 months
*gives someone one tiny peek behind the curtain that is my internal world without elaborating*
my avpd brain: I FUCKED UP I FUCKED UP I FUCKED UP THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN LIKE THIS *had 0 plans on it happening at all let alone any other way*
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
Maybe The Narrator, Tyler and Male Reader as like a lil throuple or something? it can be anything idm🙏
Jack “The Narrator” x Tyler Durden x male reader
Relationship headcanons I guess?
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I love this gif,,,, whys he wearing his pants like that? who does he want to grab his hips like that, men???
Tyler is a real person in this universe, cuz it’s easier to write.
How tf did you bag not one mentally ill delusional guy, but two? Honestly, hats off to you. Cuz either you have to be just as unstable as them, or be weirdly too stable to even out their crazy.
So, depending on which, Tyler might not even pull off project mayhem if you are there to reel him in like a rabid Pomeranian wearing one of those full body harnesses.
Jack on the other hand just has so much insomnia it makes him kinda crazy, cuz not sleeping for a long time will drive you insane. Get this guy some sleeping meds, a noise machine, a weighted blanket and some of those melatonin gummies.
If you first start dating them after they start fight club, maybe you even met them there cuz one of your coworkers invited you, they’d still be kinda delulu and out for blood this time around.
Jack seems like he falls fastest, but Tyler falls hardest. You either deck both of them into the ground because its your first night at fight club, or they deck you and think you look so handsome with a bloody nose.
They’d keep circling you at fight club every week, in the beginning Tyler only does it cuz Jack likes you, and maybe Tyler is a little jealous you are taking his friends attention. At some point you’d be invited to their place.
Damn bitch, yall live like this? You try to be polite about it, but its kinda clear they live in a shithole. Screw Tyler’s whole, not owning anything and rejecting modern needs, you need a functioning shower and cable tv.
If Tyler bitches too much about your preferences, you just only invite Jack over, which has Tyler reeling too. So, whilst you are on the couch with an arm around Jack, Tyler can sit on his weirdly soggy mattress and pout.
I think we can all agree that Tyler would be jealous and possessive very easily, think a dog that seems chill, maybe a little hyper, but then snarling and snapping at anyone who comes near you or Jack. You are his, and his alone, so everyone else can stay away.
Jack is jealous and possessive too, but he’s less obvious about it, to others at least. You can tell from the way he glares or clenches his jaw, or how he bites a bit too hard when he makes hickeys on either you or Tyler.
Again, you are the most mentally stable out of all three of you, so you don’t get jealous that easily, compared to them. But that also means when you do get jealous, it has both Tyler and Jack climbing the walls, because its so hot to them.
Especially if you had to fight someone because they kept coming onto either of them, seeing you with a sneer and a bloody fist immediately has both these dudes feeling all types of hot under the collar.
Tyler is definitely a sloppy kisser. He kisses like he fights, overpowering and controlling, bites at your lips a bit too hard and grips the back of your neck and only let’s go when he’s gotten his fill.
For Jack it depends on how he’s feeling, if he’s feeling alright, he’s got the more normal kisses, maybe even just pecks. But if he’s wound up, jealous, or sleep deprived its more like how Tyler kisses.
But kissing them is also your best distraction method if either of them are getting a little too out there. Kissing or like, scruffing them or wrestling them a bit. Just keep in mind the last two most likely lead to something more.
Tyler is a blanket hog, whilst also somehow filling the bed as much as possible. Stretches out all his limbs, or keeps scooting closer to you and jack until you two are pressed up against the wall, whilst Tyler has the rest of it.
Jack is sticky when he sleeps, that meaning he’s hanging onto you. Got both arms and both legs wrapped around you, head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat cuz it helps him sleep. Sleeping between these two is hell in the summer.
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astrolavas · 1 year
Who do you think Hunter will stay with at the end of the show? Or who do you want him to stay with
tbh out of all the possible future caretakers of hunter, my primary hope for who will adopt him rn rly is camila. y'know, loved all the different possibilities too but…. camila ❤️❤️❤️ like, just. like. that's his MOMMMM
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the vision of him living with camila (and luz and vee), going to hexside (cuz obv there's gonna a portal), and having a woodcarving mentorship under the clawthornes' and some mentorship under darius. and then once in a while occassionally staying over at the owl house.... Y'KNOW? so real.
camila's just too perfect of an option, LIKE. he spent months under her care already, he doesn't have even one bad experience with her that could possibly make him doubt and feel bad abt their relationship (no feeling like he needs to prove himself to gain her respect, no complicated past that'd have to be dealt with, no wondering if the care he's shown is genuine, no previous authority issues, no previous hostility etc etc) like camila's been extremely sweet and caring towards him and nothing else since the very start. it makes me sOO... 🤲😔❤️
the very first MOMENT they interact and hunter kneels in front of her out of respect she warmly tells him to never do it again; makes it clear that he doesn't have to be overly formal with her. just offers her kindness, expecting nothing in return. right away.
camila is probably the first adult ever that hunter associates with only warmth and goodness and whom he feels comfortable with from the start, with whom he doesn't have any past grudges or things they'd need to work out, just.. unconditional love. and justttt just just oughhhghh she called him baby. she's been basically treating him like her son already, and she's SUCH a good and supportive mom, to luz, to vee, to hexsquad. she taught him how to sew. she DIVED into FREEZING WATER at an OLD ABANDONED CEMETERY without a second thought in order to save him. JUST!!!!
him wanting to impress her with the spanish. her touching his shoulder and him showing not even an OUNCE of fear, just smiling and knowing she's not going to hurt him. him taking up interest in camila's and manny's old hobby. camila having experience with dealing with grief.. oof. him being happy living in the human realm (wanting to do things in the demon realm as well but having ties to BOTH worlds). even the fact that the entire noceda family is clearly neurodivergent, just like him. even him being an animal enjoyer and camila having a vet clinic, which- he WOULD LOVE to volunteer there in his free time, like?? COME ON.
AND THIS???? okay......
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and we KNOW he WANTS to have a permanent family. it's established at the beginning of the episode when he looks sad as others hang up their family drawings. he wants ppl to care abt him, he wants to have a place to call home, wants to feel safe. he cries (from happiness) when luz calls him family.
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and camila cares abt all of these kids so much. she was willing to take vee and hexsquad in JUST LIKE THAT. we can even assume her and manny wanted more kids, like just OUGHHGH she wouldn't even have to think twice before taking hunter in permanently. and she most likely knows hunter doesn't have anyone. she's not going to let him just….. go away on his own after everything is over, or make him move out or sth 💀 she'll want to help him, she'll want him to be safe and cared for.
like the only other possibilities for who else hunter could stay with after the show were: darius, eda/the clawthornes, or joint custody. but imo after... he lived under camila's roof for MONTHS, found a place that he feels safe in.. nocedas are just the best and healthiest option for him. after he'd spent MONTHS feeling happy with camila, i don't think it'd be good for him to be thrust into a completely new environment, and.. there's simply no time for his connection with other adults to be properly fleshed out, or to establish that he'd prefer anyone over nocedas.
like, i feel like sth has to happen with darius as well cuz their arc is unfinished, esp since it's been hinted they've grown closer since ASiAS, and there's a lot they could talk abt now re: grief + darius' mentor... so they HAVE to reunite at least. however, in my opinion at this point of the show there'd be just no time to conclude it as a parent-child bond in a satisfactory way. especially because there would be a LOT they'd have to work through first, considering their very complicated past.
like, all these years in the coven, their relationship pre-ASiaS, how darius treated hunter all these years... we know their relationship has progressed positively since ASiAS (even though mostly in the background/subtext) but still, i feel like it'd definitely take a while until hunter felt truly comfortable while living at darius'. he'd probably worry that it's conditional, could even easily fall back into his old coven mentality/habits, would try to make darius proud no matter what, etc. etc. it wouldn't be the healthiest for him. although eventually he would get comfortable, and that concept also had sm potential, but like the journey to that wouldn't be quick, and it'd have to be an arc on its own too. and, again, there is no time for that. rly cheering for a reunion and a talk, maybe even a mentorship of sorts, but considering hunter already has a place he feels fully comfortable in and ppl who consider him family right now, i feel like him ending in a completely new place after all that wouldn't be his #1 preferred option.
same with eda/the clawthornes tbh; it had sooo much potential and he is technically related to them AND is going to find that out soon, so some kinda interaction/development HAS to happen, and he did say he wants to learn how to carve palismen, so a mentorship may also happen... but as for actual adoption mm i don't think anything can come close to how safe and happy and Good he's felt for those months while under camila's care. again, in the future things COULD develop in such way, but considering we have two episodes until we get a conclusion... mmyeah
so................ yeah.
i just have so so so many thoughts abt hunter finding a family and getting to be a teenager and feeling loved and feeling like he has his own place in the world and being safe and allowed to explore his interests and to be himself........ hunter nocedaaaaa oughhghhh 🤲❤️
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yak-leather-whips · 4 months
So this latest adventuring party at least for now puts to rest the idea that Kristen is going to give up being a cleric, and honestly? I think thats a much better thing for her character.
Cuz I get how a lot of people would feel that was a good choice for her, but if I’m being honest, it always seemed like…kind of a cop out to me. Like, to me it would kind of symbolize her reverting back to step one of her journey. Which is fine, you know, progress isn’t linear and all, but at this point, I think Kristen has made it to the point in her journey where she starts focusing on what she DOES want, rather than on what she doesn’t.
Like, for me, and also for a lot of other people, the first step on our journey out of religion was defining ourselves by what we’re against. Which, I wanna be clear, isn’t a bad thing! It’s a necessary step for a lot of people coming out of the sorts of all-consuming religious high control groups. We all know the stereotype of the “New Atheist” who thinks being against religion is the edgiest, most radical position anyone could possible hold. They make it the center of their identity, and while it is a stereotype, it also represents a real stage that a lot of people go through on their journey. This isn’t just true of religion, it’s a stage of development we all go through. Its a great way to identify problems.
But…if that’s the only step you take…you might find it a lot less fulfilling of a journey than you anticipated, because identifying problems is not the same as solving them. Like Kristen says at the end of sophomore year, doubt is a tool, not a belief. And its an important tool, but it can’t be the ONLY tool, cuz once you find something you actually want to pursue and commit to, whether that be a relationship or a community or a project, you may find that you don’t actually know how to do that in a healthy way. You’ve identified that what you learned from the group is unhealthy, but learning how to leave doesn’t teach you how to build something new.
For a lot of people the journey they take in leaving a religious group involves a lot of exploring other belief systems of various kinds, and most people eventually find something else that speaks to them. Whether that be another religion, or a spiritual practice, or a philosophical framework, or magic, or the power of friendship, or communism, or self-help podcasts, or a combination of the above. Very few people stay in that place of skeptical detachment forever. But even once you find something that you do want to pursue, learning how to invest in that takes a lot of work, a lot of trial and error, and at some point its gonna require you to decide you want to stay and do the work rather than running away.
It seems like Kristen is in that stage, where she has found something she wants, something she really does care about and believe in, and for the first time since leaving the church, she is having to make the choice to double down; to invest in what she believes in and work through the problems, rather than detaching herself at the first sign of discomfort.
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luvistqrzzz · 10 months
August slipped away into a moment in time 'cause you were never mine
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the summer i loved you — jake x f.reader wc — 3.3K
summary — where August was the month of new beginnings and first loves but mostly, heartbreak.
genre — friends to not lovers, second lead syndrome, angst, fluff, summer au, august inspired
warnings — sad ending, jake is a huge dee eye see kay (🤢🤢), profranity, heartbreak, not proofread
an — um guys haha def dont come at me for the ending 😊😊 but omg this had been in my drafts for a while now n im glad im able to release this in august ✌🏽😈 have fun reading pookies (1 fucking am rn imma die help)
ps — ☆ a visualizer cuz why tf am i extra ?!
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August is a weird month. It seemed to rush by you like a dream and yet at the same time it felt like the last period of every Friday, not finishing fast enough. You'd prefer the former.
August reminded you of memories— pretty but mostly ugly ones or maybe when the hurt in your heart ran so deep, even the happy memories turned ugly, didn't they?
It was not a month you enjoyed, you didn't like summers, you didn't like feeling like new beginnings and first love.
August reminded you of it all... It reminded you of Jake.
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It was 1st of August when you realized what those weird feelings were.
‘Y/N!’ You opened the door to the sound of your name, only to be met with a tired and almost teary eyed Jake. He looked up at you, mustering a small smile as you stood before him your mouth agape. 
‘A-are you okay?!’ you asked, pulling him into your house.
‘Um. Not… really’, your friend replied, scratching his neck nervously. ‘It’s just… she kinda broke up with me.’
She. he didn’t even need to mention her name and yet you let the word pierce your heart, a little. Kang Eunji. Jake’s girlfriend, well, ex girlfriend. 
It was her, always her. It wasn’t unusual for you to hear that they both had a fight but you never thought they'd break up. ‘What? Are you being for real?!’ You were shocked to say the least. Jake and Eunji were what people deemed to be the “power couple” at school. They wouldn’t break up, or could they?
He nodded and sat on the couch, ‘We were fighting over one of those petty matters again, she was angry why I was so busy. It was about soccer practice of course! And when I kind of lost it, she said we were over.’ His voice caught in his throat before he let out a small sob.
Your heart sank as you patted his back and pulled him close into an embrace, ‘Ssh, it’s okay’, you ran small circles on his, ignoring the butterflies set free in your stomach at the close contact. 
You could never understand what went on in their relationship. This may have been the first time they broke up but it surely wasn’t the first time Jake came to your house on the verge of tears.
You hated seeing him this way, like a broken record. 
‘What will I do now, Y/N?’ ‘You just broke up, it’s not the end of the world. Plus, you have the entire summer before you, right? We’ll figure a way out,’ You broke the hug, looking straight into his eyes, trying to reassure him.
But they all meant nothing. Getting reassured of a broken heart didn’t mend the damage, you knew better than him. Jake nodded nonetheless, wiping away the stray tears, ‘Goodness, I feel so dumb for just crying like this.’ ‘don’t be. You are allowed to feel your emotions.’
He gave a small smile in your direction and your heart skipped a beat.
‘So’, you turned towards the television, searching for a distraction. ‘You wanna binge watch something? Or maybe some Doraemon?’
Jake grinned, ‘I’d love that! What would I do without you, Y/N?’
You let out an almost sad chuckle, ‘I am the coolest best friend ain’t I?’ The word best friend left a bad taste in your mouth.
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4th August was when Jake realized the bookstore was his safe place.
Clink! The door to the bookstore opened with a small chime. You looked up from your position at the counter only to find Jake walk into the shop. 
He smiled before taking a seat beside you, much to your surprise. It wasn't unusual for him to drop by the store. But mostly he came for borrowing a book or having a quick chat with you. 
But never like this.
'So, how are you doing?' You asked, turning towards where he sat, fidgeting with a pen. It was a slow lazy afternoon with barely any customers.
'Oh, uh, I'm fine. At least I'm trying to be. We had so many things planned and like, it feels weird. We were good for each other…' he kept on rambling about his latest break up.
You could feel your heart clench a litte. You understood why Jake was doing so but it didn't help. It didn't help that there were two broken hearts in the same room. It was always you and the second lead syndrome against the world.
Sometimes you really wondered what you had done to be stuck in the loophole of falling for a friend.
You had been friends with Jake since middle school, always finding yourself blush whenever he was around. 
The first time you tried confessing to him during Valentine's Day in freshman year, your hand baked cake (which you had prepared for hours) got destroyed. You kind of gave up on him, treating him as a friend.
Well, that was until Eunji came along last year. Seeing Jake with her brought about a fresh wave of emotions you think your heart had forgotten.
It hadn't. 
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The bookstore was Jake's hideaway from the world. He loved everything about it. Loved how calming it was and the people who came in always greeted him with a smile. He was a quaint place, maybe mysterious in a sense that Jake didn't want to uncover the secrets it hid.
He liked how you let him sit there for the entirety of your shift. But mostly he loved the conversations.
Throughout the summer, Jake couldn't remember the number of times he found you sitting with him, flipping through some book as you both chatted away, be it in the lazy afternoon or under the evening sky, where the buzz of the grasshopper was the only thing he could hear. They felt weirdly intimate, like the secrets he used to keep as a kid. He almost wanted to gatekeep them. 
'Sorry do I bore you here?' You asked one day. It was a question bothering you for a while.
Jake frowned, 'What? No. Of course not, Y/N. You could never bore me.' But you were unconvinced, 'No, like, who spends their summer sitting in a small little barely functioning bookstore except maybe be. You must have a lot of plans, right?'
'I wouldn't lie. I haven't ever spent such a quiet summer but turns out, I like a lot. Too much for my own sake. The bookstore isn't boring. Rather, it gives me a sense of escape from reality.' He gave you a reassuring smile.
'Also', Jake added as a second thought. 'You aren't boring Y/N. You just make it all loads better.'
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Your phone went off with a sharp ring. Your alarm wasn’t set to ring today. Who could it be? You groaned as you sleepily grabbed it from the nightstand. Without even checking the name, you picked up the call, ‘Hello? Who?’ ‘It’s me Jake, you dummy!’ His excited voice came from the other side.
You yawned, ‘What do you want?’ you checked the time, ‘It’s literal fucking half past four.’ ‘More reason to wake up, right?!’
‘Shut up, I’m hanging up and-’ ‘No no! I really did plan a surprise. Get ready, please, just for today. Please’, he begged from the other side.
Now, you were definitely wide awake, upon hearing his voice. He had planned what…? ‘Okay but the surprise better be good.’ ‘Also! Keep your bicycle ready.’
‘There you are!’ Jake greeted you with a wide smile as you grumbled and walked down the road with your bike where he stood. ‘You don’t get to smile like that after pulling me up from sleep’, you muttered angrily.
But really who were you to complain? It was Jake and you couldn’t deny the fact that you were genuinely excited for what was coming. It was always an adventure when it came to him.
‘You won’t be disappointed, trust me’, he said, boarding his bike and motioning for you to do the same. 
You breathed out a calming sigh, looking ahead at the empty road. Thanks to summer, the sun was already somewhere there on the horizon, spreading a fuzzy glow around you. Everything looked simpler, softer. In the light of the dawn, your thoughts felt less complicated, you almost felt it would be easy to sort out your feelings. Would it?
You turned to look at Jake, cycling in peace, a small grin on his face, ‘Told you! I sometimes go out on early morning rides, especially if I have a lot on my mind.’
‘So, why are you taking me then?’ ‘I don’t know. I just have a feeling you’ll like this place’, he shrugged. ‘Plus, I like spending time with you’, Jake added as an afterthought.’
A blush crept into your cheeks at his words. Stop over thinking you scolded yourself. But you couldn’t help the hope blossom in you. False hope. 
‘Here we are’, Jake spread his arms wide, showing you the view. After half an hour of cycling through empty streets and quiet places, you found yourself on a small hill. It was pretty abandoned, the only sounds that reached your ears were the chirping of birds and the whistling of trees in the cool summer morning.
In front of you lay your town and the forests beyond it. Those familiar buildings looked all new when you saw them from top of a hill. It radiated calmth… and comfort.
Or was the latter because of the person beside you? 
‘Thanks’, you spoke in a soft whisper but then you felt a hand tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. Your heart stopped as you turned towards Jake looking at you with a fond smile and slowly pulled you closer, resting his head on your shoulder. 
You couldn't process what he was doing. Was it all intentional? No, it was the usual playful Jake you knew, right? But the usual playful Jake wasn't like this. He had pulled you into a hug several times but never like this.
Never so tender in his actions that it made you think otherwise.
'I like the view so much. I hope you do too. It's just… very special, I had never shown it to Eunji either. People ruin things', he sighed, looking ahead. 
You scoffed as an attempt to lighten the atmosphere, 'So, I'm not a person?' 'No, you're Y/N. It's an entire special thing to be in itself.'
You didn't know what it meant anymore. The secret smiles, the small actions. You weren't oblivious, you saw it all but your face masked it behind the friendship.
But was it even friendship? You hoped it wasn't. You hoped you both had crossed the line of being "just friends".
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It was the 20th of August when Jake liked mint chocolate ice cream. 
He touched his cheek as a familiar warmth flooded in at the sight of you. What was happening to him? Ever since the day on the hill, he had been feeling weird. Be it when he visited the bookstore or when you both hung out during the day (or night).
The way your laugh sounded in his ears, when you smiled, he noticed the way his heart skipped a beat. But he loved the most when through the afternoons you talked. Just talk, nothing and everything.
Jake had never felt so connected to anyone. You both had always been friends but seeing a friends standing before him, two ice creams in hand shouldn't make Jake blush.
But it did.
'Hey Mr.Zoned out!' You snapped your fingers before him, pulling him away from his thoughts. You handed him his ice cream while joining him on the curb. 
He made a disgusted face at the cone you were holding, 'Ugh. Mint chocolate.' You slapped his shoulder playfully, 'Yah! You are a person with zero taste.' 
'Oh really? Lemme try it then', Jake replied, challenging you. He scooped a bit with the plastic spoon before closing his eyes and tasting it. 
'Ew', he gagged. 'This tastes like fucking toothpaste', he wiped his mouth in disgust.
'Shut up, no need to be so over dramatic about it all', you chuckled and rolled your eyes. 
Jake looked at you as you continued eating and looking at the street in front. It was almost 5 in the evening, the kids were out playing but their shouts were only distant noise because all he could hear was your voice. All he could see was you. You weren't bright like the background but in his eyes, you were glowing. The sun falling on your face, as if highlighting only you in his eyes.
Almost as if on instinct, his hand slowly reached out to your free one, his fingers finding yours and intertwining them together.
You stopped, your heart beating way too fast, you could almost feel the redness of your cheeks.
What was happening? What was Jake doing? Why was he doing this? 
It felt wrong, you knew it. Your intuition could tell it. This was something you had waited forever to happen, but you knew this couldn't be.
Let go of his hand, Y/N. Let go let go let go let go… don't let go.
You didn't, too foolish and in love to walk away. And maybe that was the first mistake you had made.
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The first rain of August came on the 25th.
Why was rain often associated with sadness? No, rain didn't mean sadness.
Because on that one day of August, you stood outside the bookstore looking at the dark clouds, the rain gave you hope.
You sighed, no wonder your mother kept on insisting you to take an umbrella. Now, there you were, standing in front of the closed shop.
But a bright yellow thing caught your eye, standing out in the dull gray background. You squinted your eyes as the figure came closer.
Your stomach jumped. Had he come for you? 
He ran through the rain, his bright smile evident as you stared at him in wonder.
'What?' He asked. You shook your head, 'You…?' 'I came for you. You always forget your umbrella.' He completed the sentence for you.
Your mouth formed an "O" but a soft smile spread across your lips. 
'Here', he handed you the spare umbrella in hand and took hold of your wrist, pulling you into the rain.
You shrieked, 'At least let me open mine first.' He laughed at your sight, moving closer and holding his umbrella over you.
You noticed every single thing, the things you had noticed a hundred times before. But mostly you noticed his little actions.
The ones that made you fall for him all over again.
'Fuck, if I catch a cold, it'll be your fault, Sim Jake', you threatened the boy standing in front of your porch, grinning. You both had recklessly ran in the rain as a result the umbrellas had been pretty useless… but it was fun.
'Don't worry', he stepped forward, a certain fondness flickering in his eyes. 'I'll be there to bring you the meds.' 
It happened in a fraction of a second, swiftly, Jake bent down and gave a sudden kiss on your cheek. It was soft as a feather, almost like it didn't happen.
But you felt it. You almost felt dizzy, her cheeks heating you. You brought your hands to where he had just kissed you. It had happened, hadn't it?
But before you could say anything, Jake turned around, his head hung low in embarrassment but his stomach full of butterflies and sprinted in the opposite direction.
Had he meant it?
As Jake walked his way back home, his head filled with thoughts of you, a sudden buzz of his phone. He took it out, expecting a text from you.
But no… It was someone else.
His heart dropped. A contact that hadn't been there since 1st of August.
"jake, im so sorry."
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But what followed after that day was something you had always feared. 
He ignored you. Every text, every call, no reply. Did he just get awkward? But even an awkward Jake wouldn't be this rude. Or was he angry with you? You didn't even do anything.
The next time you saw Jake, three days later, was when you went on a grocery run.
You could spot him anywhere. 'Jake! Wait', you called out to him. He didn't stop. 'Omg, stop being a shit head would you?! Stop fucking ignoring me!' You huffed, annoyed. 
That's when you saw his figure slowly turn towards you. 'Sorry', he muttered. You ran a hand through your hair. sorry? That's all he had to say? 
'Look, if it's about that day then forget it. You-you never kissed me.' 'What? Of course not, it isn't about that day', he replied. 
You looked at him confusedly, 'Huh? Then why, Jake? I had tried calling and texting you so many times but you couldn't bother to reply to me.'Your voice slowly rose.
'I was busy catching up with Eunji okay?!' his tone matching yours.
There came that name. Her name. Did you hear it correctly? What was she doing in this conversation?
'E-eunji…?' you looked at him, at loss of words. 'I thought yo-you were over her?' 
He gave you a look of disbelief, 'No. That day she sent me a text and I realised… I wasn't.'
Why did the crack in your heart deepen? Why was it always you who got hurt? 
And you couldn't help but ask, knowing the answer would make you feel worse, 'What about us then, Jake?' 
'Us? Y/N what are you talking about? We are friends, we always have been. There is no us.' 
There, the final blow. 'Why did you make me feel so special then? All for nothing? You know how much I like you, so much that everytime we spent time together this summer, I got my hopes up. I was so foolish, because of you Sim fucking Jaeyun. And that day you kissed me, I thought, finally you'll realize but no. It's always her, isnt it?', you didn't scream but the crack in your voice said it all.
And Jake remained silent through it all. because he knew he deserved 'So, this summer meant nothing to you?' You sniffed, a single tear rolling down your cheek.
'Nothing.' But you missed the flicker in his eyes. The flicker that said otherwise.
That it wasn't nothing, it was his eveything.
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August 31st was when you lost it finally.
‘It was just a summer thing’, the words rang in your ear, loud and clear. They drowned the voices of all the chatter of classmates. ‘y/n? y/n? Are you okay?’ Lily asked beside you, furrowing her eyebrows in worry.
But you couldn’t respond to her, at that very moment, you thought you couldn’t do pretty much anything except look. Or rather stare at the sight unfolding before you. Before you knew it, the plastic cup fell from your hands, the beer splashing all over the floor and getting the attention of the people in the room, the attention of them. 
In the haze, you met your eyes with his, the soft brown ones that you had fallen in love with, the one which enveloped you in warmth. But now they felt like they were hurting you, the annoyance in them.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you turned around. The room suddenly felt too small, the stares of the people felt accusing. You let go of Lily’s hand that gripped your wrist and ran in the opposite direction.
Did you hear footsteps behind you? Were they Jake’s? You hated to admit it but you wished they were. You wished that he was the one following you, the one who'd hold you back.
For once, prove it to you that you weren’t the second lead.
But he wasn’t there.
You found yourself rushing to the porch, the sounds fading out. But you could hear the blood pumping in your ears, the sound of your shallow breath that you had been holding for so long.
He wasn’t there. What did you even expect?
You were a summer thing for him… but he was your summer love.
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permanent taglist open- send an ask- @rikizm @str0l0gy @yenqa @heetoldme @crxzs @s00buwu @nhularin
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skylitcreations · 7 months
Can I just say that I deeply appreciate Remedy showing a marriage that has problems but still works to sort through those despite terrible circumstances because they care about each other enough to do so? I see so many people assume the worst of Alan and Alice's marriage just from the brief glimpse we get while Alan is in the middle of a really rough point in his life to the point they assume she is in an abusive relationship and that she must be crazy to keep trying to find him and not move on.
But Alice made this very clear in AW2 that he didn't get mean until the writer's block hit. When most all of your income comes from your creative endeavors and you reach a block in that, there's a lot of pressure on you to create even when you can't. When you're the primary breadwinner of the home and everyone else relies on you and you can't do the one thing that makes you useful? It's devastating and can ruin so much of how you view yourself.
Did he handle that stress well? No, of course not. He was going through it and didn't care who he brought down with him. Was that healthy? No. It was the exact opposite. Something major had to happen for him to learn his lesson and realize he was being stupid. They clearly had a strained marriage cuz of that, and it could have ended with a divorce despite them loving each other. Sadly, the wake-up call he got was far worse.
Alan didn't know how to handle his negative emotions in a healthy manner, and now he's in a position where those negative emotions quite literally became a weapon against him and everyone he cares about. He's having to face his demons in the most extreme way, and it's made him realize what's truly important to him.
And Alice, haunted by everything that happened (and, eventually, being literally haunted) began to try and stop letting her fears drive everything and take control of things herself. Through this, she began to face her fear of the dark head-on in order to try and make sense of everything and see if she could get Alan (the REAL Alan) back.
They both pushed through because they care about each other more than they care about their faults. Marriage has its ups and downs because we as human beings have our ups and downs. It's not all happiness and roses. Marriage has its thorns. But if you only concentrate on the thorns rather than figuring out ways to work with those, then you'll miss the appeal of the roses and forget why you liked them in the first place.
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#13: I Love You (S8E14)
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Ahhhh probably one of the most anticipated exchanges between Rick and Michonne, and of course, it was sensational. This scene powerfully reiterated that these soulmates truly mean the world to each other. And after seasons of communicating those special three words through every look, touch, kiss, and conversation, we finally got to hear Rick and Michonne directly say what's always been true - they love each other 🥰 Wholly, Deeply, and Forever...
This ily moment, adorably spoiled by our lovely captains 😋, is so tender and heartfelt while also being so natural and clear that these two have been verbally expressing I Love You’s for a while. 
(Side note: I know there’s often debate on Rick’s hottest season lookswise, and really you could make a great case for any season, but lemme just place my vote here for season 8 right quick. 😊 Something about Season 8 Rick was extra fine. I feel bad cuz he was in pain all season, which I truly hate to see...but Rick was looking real right even while everything was going wrong ijs. even tho I think Rick Grimes' TOWL era is about to take the cake 🤭)
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Something I so love about Rick and Michonne's relationship is that whenever they go through hardship they ultimately step closer rather than apart. They always eventually close the distance, which was evident in this lovely 'I love you' scene.
And I feel grateful that after experiencing such a devastating loss of their son, Carl, (why, TWD, why? 😭) and having to go on their journeys of grief, Rick and Michonne find their way back to each other truly in this moment. It doesn’t always go that way when a couple loses a kid as we’ve seen from other characters in this very series. But for Rick and Michonne, what they have is so unbreakable that, even in the hardest storm, their love still shines through, rises above, guides, and centers them.
So reflecting on Richonne's I Love You scene will forever have me like...
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There’s also a beautiful and heart-rending honorable mention scene in this ep where Rick wipes Michonne's tears and Michonne opens up with Rick (and even makes reference to her son Andre 😭) while trying to help him heal at Hilltop instead of running out and about to get away from his grief.
But Rick still has a bit of savage Rick to get out of his system, so he and Morgan go hunt down some saviors first.
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(Side note: while we're talking season 8, this 100th ep kiss in the season 8 premiere also deserves a big honorable mention because...🥵🔥🔥)
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When Rick returns to Hilltop after wildin out with Morgan, he’s finally gained clarity on what he needs to start focusing on and who he needs to be healing with. Which leads to him saying those three very special words to the very special woman in his life. 🤗
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So the scene starts with Rick returning to his room in a clean fresh tee, showing a clean fresh start to me. (Also Rick + a white tee has been a great combo since season 1, y'all) And he finally knows it’s time to let his wife and son guide him and read Carl's letter.
Michonne enters sorta hesitant I think because when Rick and Morgan returned they def looked like they had dabbled in the dark side out in those woods, and so she might be wondering what headspace Rick's in after whatever he just did.
But the thing about magnets is they always find their way back to each other and so Rick's not grown more distant but rather more aware of how he needs to navigate this season with her.
She finds him holding the letter, and Rick first says, "Thank you." Again, I love that Rick always thanks Michonne. Like as early as when they were strangers in s3, Rick has always vocally expressed gratitude for Michonne. And, in this moment, he knows how much Michonne has been his rock during this unbearable time as well as still fighting for their son Carl and his wishes, and so Rick thanks her for it. Her presence in his life is invaluable and he knows it.
Also, I adore the shared breath they both take when he says this. #TheyAreOne. And Michonne's so relieved that Rick has arrived at this point in his grieving journey.
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Then Rick says he’s sorry which is also great cuz he knows going out and handling all this alone is not how magnets do. And Michonne is so understanding when she says, "You don't have to be."
It's just more proof that she is the exact kind of loving presence Rick needs in his life because she’s so good at both accountability and empathy. (Also in 4.09, Rick tells Carl sorry, and Carl also responds with, "You don't have to be." 😭)
And then Rick, knowing how blessed he is to have Michonne love him and stand with him through it all, turns to her and so tenderly says, "I love you." Beautiful x10. 🥹✨
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I love how melodic it's said. 🥰 It’s this lovely quiet moment and Rick says it truly like it is a reassuring reminder of something he has expressed to her often and feels deeply.
I love that he turns to really look her in the eyes and has this little nod and subtlest smile when he says 'I love you.' And you just know he genuinely means this. It’s so great, and I could replay it 1000 times idc. 
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And Michonne really does complete the perfection when she so movingly says, "I love you too." 🥹✨
Again, you can feel how much she means this. The emotion on Rick's face, when he hears his wife say she loves him too shows that he also can feel how much they both mean this, especially as a small tear can be seen. They are everything to each other. 🥲
(Side note: One of the many reasons why I was so elated to hear Rick call Michonne his wife in that TOWL trailer (which I'm still there btw - haven't left since I first heard it 😋) is because we who love their love story of course already knew he views her as his wife (since 2016) and that he'd refer to her as that in the spinoff series, but by saying it in the trailer it showed that this isn't some big reveal they have to wait to say in the new show. Michonne has been his wife for the longest. Rick has viewed her as his wife for seasons. Their marriage is not a new TOWL development, it is an element of TWD. And scenes like this ily scene in season 8 make that crystal clear. (also I cannot wait to hear Rick call Michonne his "wife" even more and to hopefully hear Michonne call Rick her husband 😊)
I adore that we had so many moments of Rick and Michonne communicating 'I love you' to each other in different ways leading up to this point, and then this scene gifted us with the actual direct ILY exchange between them, and of course it was perfect and proof that...
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I really feel confident this wasn't intended to be R&M's first time ever saying "I love you" directly either. In this scene, both of them seemed to communicate it in a way that said this is something they've said before and often. (like it feels like they don't show Michonne's facial expression upon hearing Rick say 'I love you' because this isn't a first. She's heard that man tell her this several times before 😋)
I like to think that why these season 8 'I love you's carry so much weight right here and now is because it might be the first time they've said it to each other post-losing Carl. 😭
How heartwarming is it to know that even in a sea of pain, Rick and Michonne still want each other to know that while their whole world has been changed, the one thing that hasn't changed is their love for each other. 🥹
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Their love story is just heavenly. To go from staring at each other through a prison fence and thinking they’d patch her up and then she’d be gone to now declaring their love. Perfection. 🙌🏾
And ILY’s do not seem like a phrase either Rick or Michonne take lightly or would just say to anybody. For them to express this and fall in love with someone, the connection was going to have to be deep and special. And what they found with each other is the deepest love so of course they can tell each other these 3 words with ease.
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And because Richonne is the gift that keeps on giving the scene doesn’t stop there. Michonne then approaches Rick and lovingly takes his face in her hands as they share a sweet kiss. 🥹
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And only Richonne can make their movement after the kiss feel as passionate and intimate as the kiss itself. Cuz after finally connecting like they’ve been longing to do, Rick and Michonne stay in the moment, looking deep into each other's eyes before leaning their heads against each other with that blessed mirror giving us all the angles. 😍
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I love that mirror, y'all. 😋 I'm deeming that mirror and the set designer who placed it there some Richonners cuz, baby, they knew what we needed to see...
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The way Rick and Michonne touch each other is always electric, and I love that they seriously feel like one as she rests her hand on his heart and he gently moves his hand up her side. These actors are so gifted at not wasting a single moment or action because they communicate Richonne's love in every second of a scene.
(and when richonne inevitably does that signature forehead touch in TOWL, after years apart...y'all I just might ascend to the heavens right then and there 😇)
It’s also sweet the way Michonne looks at Rick before leaving for him to have this time alone to connect with his son and read the letter.
Having the scene end with Rick reading his son's letter in a whole mirror as opposed to the shattered mirror he saw himself in earlier in the ep, is lovely. And it speaks to the power of Richonne that Rick could arrive at this point, ready to slowly but surely start healing. 
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“I love you” really is communicated in every Richonne scene. And while season 8 was a weak one overall, one thing it did well was illustrate the stunning strength of Rick and Michonne’s exquisite and powerful love.
And I love knowing that, thanks to TOWL, we're sure to have some more Richonne "I Love You" moments in store. #GiftThatKeepsOnGivingAndGiving 😌
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milgram-tournament · 6 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 1, Match 3 THROW DOWN vs. THIS IS HOW TO BE IN LOVE WITH YOU
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for THROW DOWN:
silly point is that throw down was my top song for this past year and i havent even been into milgram that long so. good song. also i sang it on stage once so. anyway
Flower imagery!!!! god i love flower imagery
the vocals are good
it has a banger es cover too
"ethics are a delusion" is singlehandedly the funniest line to come out of the t1 songs
the mv is SO pretty like. holy shit
the first note constantly jumpscares me
also i like the clock sounds in the background of the verses
the instrumental,,,,
throwdown is just a really nice. calmish song that still has the whole desperation thing conveyed through his voice props to va for that cuz its relatively subtle but really adds to it imo
im reiterating that ethics is a delusion is the funniest thing to me
also i really like the bridge (the whisper part)
irrelevant to the song itself but i like his fit in throw down i'd wear that irl
gardening/pruning as imagery is so fun for a surgeon character
also vocally i just really like throw down its calm sounding yet theres a hint of like. desperation? despair? in his voice and thats really cool to me
Jackalope's note: Only one propaganda piece... hmmhehe. Well, I'm glad our resident pretty girl got tons of asks! But I feel a little bad about Shidou, so let's let him argue his case at least! Oi! Shidou! Get over here! Oi! Sheesh, it's like he can't even hear me! This is why I need to send the reminders early...
(mod's propaganda: While I love both songs very much, Throw Down has a special place for me in that I can actually sing it. You sing way too fast, Mappi!! I also just think using flower imagery both made the MV one of the prettiest ones we have yet and helped distance both the viewer and shidou himself to the reality of his sin... I also really like the ethics is a delusion bit lol)
Propaganda for TIHTBILWY:
okay so like the thing im most in love with: the VOCALS!!!! this song has an absolutely AMAZING singer and AMAZING vocals!!!! the way the conversational talk-singing lines still feel so musical!!!! the cute cute cuteeeee mahiru voice!!!! it brings you so much energy!!!! its a song sung with so much love!!!! mahirus va brings such an amazing feel to the song with such amazing talk-singing!!!! its very skillfully done and it happens in i love you too!! mahiru songs r the QUEENS of musical talk singing
the silly phone call bit. kurururu~!
the little vocal flourish and the way her voice raises up like an excited exclamation in the final prechorus!! daijoubu nante kirai DA!
its such a fast song but everything flows so well!!!! it makes it feel so bright and cheery and peppy!!
the instrumental is so underrated just LISTEN to that catchy bass line thats so pretty in the verses!!!! no for real even if u dont vote this is how to be in love with you go listen to the bass line in the verses it works to move both the song and the listener forward at mahirus sweeping breakneck pace. and the cute keyboard sounding and synth instruments!!!! its SUCH a danceable song!!!! i cant listen to it without bopping along in my seat
the way the ominous bits are subtly hidden? it all sounds so cute but there are just these Things that she sings that are really kind of concerning and unhealthy when she sings them!! and the veiled desperation to be in her relationship- listening to that and the cheery tone and breakneck, quick song pace, it really does represent mahiru SO well. she throws in all these little bits that just go noooo teehee the relationships just fine!! when it REALLY isnt
i would listen to mahiru talk for hours
the MV!!!!!! HER FASHION SENSE THE MAGAZINE STYLE!!!! the magazine style especially works so well with her character!!!! its so cute and stunning and just looking at it you have a blast. also her birdcage!!!! her birdcage and the bright orange and the pink bars!!!! the way everything desaturates and becomes more sickly looking when she wakes up at the end!!!! its such a happy carefully curated and designed dream and then it drains away!!!! also god all her outfits are stunning. mahiru call me
the way she sings "overheat de~!" cutest thing in the WORLD.
the little faces she makes!!!! godddd shes so expressive
actually the whole songs so expressive!!!! shes putting her all into it!!!! her words have so much expression in them!!!! once more praising mahirus va the way her voice can soften and become bright or subtly desperate so quickly is MASTERFUL control of expression when singing and its so underrated. join me in being insane over miho okasaki delivers her lines. shes such a perfect mahiru.
funniest es cover. hands down. funniest es cover.
this is how to be in love with you is FREE serotonin!!!! free energy right there!!!! this is how to be in love with you sweep!!!!!
-The song is so cheerful!! I always feel like dancing and singing when this one comes up in my playlists!! Absolute banger, mood definer, kicking sadness in the shin with those high-heels and then hitting its face with a cute purse -THE HIGH-HEELS STEPPING TO THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC IN THAT ONE SCENE (0:50). SIMPLY ICONIC. NO ONE DID IT LIKE HER. -👠💅👝👗 -She is slaying. Look at her outfits. She put so much effort there. She gave it her all. Absolutely serving. -SUKITTE KIMOCHI WAKATTA TSUMORI? NARA KONO MAMA FUTARI O-VA-HI-TO- DE -The storyline of the mv MAKES SENSE and you can form a COHESIVE TIMELINE OF EVENTS (unlike other unspecified contestants' mvs you know 🙄) -look at herr 🥺 she beby 🥺 all she did was love too much 🥺 we all love mappi don't we 🥺 she deserved more let her win this pleease 🥺 -No medical malpractice happened in the making of this mv 👍
I care so much about This is How To Be In Love With You- it's visuals are brilliant in the ways it conveys its themes and narrative. I'm never normal Ever about the "Love as marketing" symbolism that is brought in by the use of magazines. It's a lovely upbeat song but the Horrors are Always Lurking under it, the breakup Ritual line is my Favorite Line cause its so horrifying but its said so casually and its so good oh its so good-
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trexiejan · 5 months
My opinion : Babs was deaged to be with Dick.
Okay so I've seen so many dickbabs shippers try to deny that Barbara was deaged to fit Dick for the purpose of defending dickbabs or make them look better i guess. They keep saying that wasn't the reason why she was deaged. they always point to the 1st time she got deaged.
like why are they so upset when they see people say that. I wonder if they care more about the ship than barbara as an individual character.
cuz if they truly liked Barbara separately from Dickbabs maybe all the anti-dickbabs comments wouldn't be an issue for them. 🤷‍♀️
anyway i'm going to explain why it's true.
here's the thing :
Barbara was deaged multiple times
Crisis on Infinite Earths wasn't the only time she was deaged, she got deaged again in other books/continuites.
So The real question is where did they deaged her to be the same age as Dick to make them work not when was she first deaged. (we all know it's always in dickbabs comics where she's written as the same age as dick, i wonder why)
The 1st time she was deaged was in Crisis on Infinite Earths, it was so Jim could be younger but they only decreased her age slightly because she's still written as older than Dick, here is a panel from Secret Origins #20 that was published in 1986 exactly 1 year after she was deaged in Crisis on infinite earths (1985) she said Dick is too young for her and that batman is always the one on her mind. So Dickbabs during this time still has a big age gap so they're still unable to work.
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The 2nd or 3rd time she was deaged is in dickbabs comics where she was finally made the same age as Dick so dickbabs can finally work as romantic pairing. 
Instead of being older she's now written as a part of Dick's generation.
From a congresswoman to someone who went to highschool prom with Dick.
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Even Tom Taylor wrote them as childhood sweethearts so he can portray them as soulmates in his comics. a huge wtf moment for me because Babs wasn't originally this young when she first met Dick 😭
pls She had a PHD, has been working as a librarian and congresswoman when dick was still a young boy in gotham.
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Barbara is now written as a part of his generation and his one true love since day 1. (from an independent congresswoman to Dick's childhood sweetheart and girlfriend who revolves around him)
Before Dickbabs couldn't work because of their age gap but now they can work. thanks to dickbabs comics deaging barbara again and this time for the sole purpose of reducing Babs into Dick's love interest.
So Just because she wasn't deaged to be with Dick in her 1st deaging doesn't mean she wasn't deaged to be with Dick in her 2nd or 3rd deaging 🙃
Dickbabs shippers can deny it all they want but at the end of the day dickbabs wouldn't have worked out if she wasn't deaged to be the same age as dick.
and even if they're right, let's say for the sake of their argument they're right that babs wasn't deaged to be with dick, it still doesn't change the fact that dickbabs is weird.
Regardless if Babs was deaged to be with Dick or not, It's still weird to see Dick being put in a relationship with a woman who was originally a congresswoman when he was still in highschool.  
It's like deaging Batman into a teenager (like let's say it's because they want to make Bruce appealing to teenagers) but years later they decided to give him a love interest who is also a teenager as part of the new batman stories.
So even though his deaging has nothing to do with women or shipping in the first place, it's still weird to suddenly see Batman in a relationship with women who are a part of dick's generation knowing he was originally much older than them.
Like Bruce/Raven or Bruce/Starfire suddenly becoming a thing 🤢 No amount of deaging would be able to justify those pairings.
The same happened to Barbara she was originally a part of Batman and Superman's generation.
for goodness sake she dated Superman!!!! She was so much older than Dick.
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Also remember when Dickbabs was originally a pedo-like ship and it was so controversial and hated the same way Brucebabs was hated today? Because Barbara the adult woman is kissing minor grayson but now she's fully making out and having sex with minor grayson in dickbabs comics.
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The reason why Dickbabs fans don't want people talking about this is because they care more about making dickbabs look good than barbara's independence. They don't care that Barbara lost her independence, her phd, her solo careers, her librarian and congresswoman job because of dickbabs shipping.
They don't view Barbara as a character seperate from dick. Barbara is trapped in this relationship because of people like them. They don't fight for Barbara's independence. The only thing they want from her is to be the girlfriend of Dick and nothing else. It is so hard for them to let Barbara Gordon be independent and not just “Nightwings girlfriend."
Barbara's real enemy is the dickbabs ship. Before, she is able to stand on her own, but now she's nothing more than just a love interest who can't live without dick and too dependent on him and his solo books to exist.
DC really needs to get Barbara some actual character building that doesn't involve Nightwing whatsoever but it's hard to do that when she won't even stop chasing Dick nonstop like a dog in his solo books and thinking about him 24/7 because of writers like tom taylor who is always busy making babs' entire personality all about dick than writing solo babs stories.
Dickbabs is unnecessary and disservice to her character, it does nothing for her independence. She is forever demoted to Dick's love interest unless they free her from this ship.
poor babs she deserves better than people who only want to associate her with dick 24/7.
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itgomyway · 9 months
why you already have your “desires” ♡
non dualism means there’s no duality in your world. theres no other force at play here. it is just you. everything that manifest into your reality is as real as you let it become. your fingernails being painted vs not painted is up to the observer; you.
you cannot keep letting your senses dictate what you have. not now not ever not even when it seems like they align exact with what you want. these senses are always misleading. i have money but its not physically touching my hand. does this mean i dont have it?
for example. more than half of you are manifesting a relationship (which is 100% OKAY. never let anybody make you feel bad for it). however, since you know about non dualism, you know that everything is consciousness meaning everything is you. this includes your sp.
when ppl say your relationship always reflects how you feel about yourself THIS IS TRUE because it is just you. everything is you. my boyfriend and how he treats me is a reflection of how i view myself. ill give you an example:
when i first met him i wanted someone who would always be there for me and always want to take care of me. and he showed me that. but due to my ptsd, i used to have episodes where id push him away and believe he didnt rlly like me or want me. we spoke less and he gave me my space and it used to upset me and id be confused until one day he did smth nice for me and when i said thank u he thanked me for “letting him love me”. this was months ago so i didnt think ab it much at the time but i literally was not letting him.
he had no choice but to follow my rules. he had no choice but to present the way i assumed he would and he directly told me this what does this have to do with non dualism? like i said, everything is me. theres no outside force doing something to me, it is just me.
and there is no separation involved. there’s no imagination that has to reflect to the real world theres no 3d conforming to the 4d and there. is. no. waiting. this has nothing to do with time. time is a concept the ego (you) created to better comprehend your senses (also you)
so when i tell u whatever u “desire” is yours, IS YOURS. the little voice in the back of your head telling you to think logical tell them to shut up because logic is another ego-centered term. the ego (who is you!) was created to protect your body. but you are not just your body.
you are pure consciousness. you are everything even what it is you desire. desiring doesnt exist when you are already everything you desire. you want that man? then hes yours babes. you want a fat paycheck? then its yours
“but i say that and then i check my bank account and-“ aht aht. what did i just tell you? stop leading your understanding with misleading senses. there is no separation from what you want and want you dont want because everything is inherently neutral in the first place.
theres no différence between the number in your bank account and the number “in your head”. the bank account and number arent even real in the first place so why do you care? be fucking free from anything you have once deemed “physical” therefore real. cuz none of it is babygirl
if you ever find yourself not believing bc you dont “see it” then remind yourself that you’re still looking at it from a point of duality which is wasting your time because you are one ☝️
© itgomyway
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blue-slxt · 11 months
The 3 Musketeers
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: This is my first 3 way smut I've ever written. This is also my first time writing Lo'ak. I hope it came out good. All characters are aged up.
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Navi!Reader x Lo'ak
Warnings: explicit smut, p in v, oral (m and f receiving), praise kink, soft dom reader, switch neteyam, creampie, threesome
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: You and the Sully boys have always been thick as thieves. Recently, your bond has evolved into something more.
You always had a close relationship with the Sully brothers. You and Neteyam were the same age so you grew up attached at the hip. Officially speaking, you were one day older. And naturally, Lo’ak followed the two of you everywhere because he thought you were both so cool. The three of you were like the “3 musketeers” as Jake would say. You didn’t really get the reference since it was an Earth thing, but you liked the sound of it. It meant that the 3 of you were inseparable and had something special. But no one knew just how special your bond had become recently.
It started off innocently enough. You were teasing the boys the way you typically would until a play fight for dominance turned into…something more. You and Neteyam had always had this strong, unspoken tension between you and, you would never admit this, but you had secretly always felt a strong attraction to him and his strong warrior persona. So it was a pleasant surprise when your play fight turned into a full blown make out session, complete with feeling each other up on the forest floor. The real surprise was when you noticed the bulge in Lo’ak’s loincloth. Him being so turned on by watching you get felt up was unexpected, but you found yourself enjoying being watched, which was even more unexpected. Before you knew it, you found yourself being shared between the two of them taking turns having their way with you.
The flashback is enough to distract you while sitting on the floor of your marui, sharpening your spears. You suddenly hear the flap of your home flip open and it’s Neteyam holding an array of food and snacks for you. “Hey, missed you at the celebration tonight. Figured I’d come bring you some snacks.” He said holding out the leaf with the food for you to take. You place it on the nearby table, “Aw, that was sweet. You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but I figured I didn’t want you to miss out.” He explains rocking back and forth on his feet and his tail flicking back and forth which usually meant that he was up to something. “What’s up ‘Teyam? I know you too well. Plus, your tail betrays you.” You start to walk towards him with a sly smirk on your face. He averts his gaze from you, looking literally anywhere else. You can notice a slight blush rising to his face and the tips of his ears. ‘He’s so cute’, you think to yourself. Then, it his you. “You came because you just wanted to see me! Cuz you liiiiike me”, you tease poking him in the cheek. His blush deepens and he tries to maintain a ‘stern’ eye contact with you to tell you to quit it, but he can’t prevent his wandering eyes from trailing up and down your body.
“So what if I did?” Neteyam states, standing up a little straighter and puffing out his chest trying to assert confidence and dominance. You raise an eyebrow at him, “Well, somebody’s feeling bold today. That’s perfect...it’ll make it that much more fun to watch you beg.” You whisper the last part next to his ear and he clears his throat trying to not appear flustered.
You drag your fingertips down his arms and grab his wrist to lead him all the way into your marui. You walk him over towards your table and stand in front of him. You grab his chin to make sure he keeps his eyes on you, “You know you never need to find an excuse to see me. We can play together whenever you want, ‘Teyam”. He opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off by softly kissing his lips, still holding his chin. He relaxes into the kiss and you feel his calloused fingertips tracing your waist, wanting to pull you in closer. His touch sets your skin ablaze and your vision becomes hazed with hormones. You break the kiss and Neteyam’s eyes follow your lips desiring more connection.
You hop upon the table behind you and decide to have some real fun with him. “Kneel.” One simple command and he eagerly obliged. “Good boy”. You extended your long and slender leg towards him. He holds your leg, looking up at you the whole time. “You know what I like, so get to it if you want your reward”, you tell him in a stern tone.  Without any further instruction, Neteyam begins placing feather-light kisses up the length of your leg. Each peck sent shivers down your spine and straight to your pussy. The throbbing was intense, as if you had a second heartbeat in your body and you had just hiked the entire height of the Hallelujah mountains. When he reaches your inner thigh, he begins to place little kitten licks here and there making you bite your lip.
He comes face to face with your loincloth and his pupils dilate wanting to devour you whole. He moves his fingers to slide your loincloth to the side and you swat his hand away. “Naughty boy, you know the rules. You have to ask me nicely”, tease dripping through your words. He smirks up at you liking the way you always wanted to be in charge. He continues peppering kisses up and down the length of your leg, pleading between each kiss. “Please *kiss*, please yawne *kiss*, I want *kiss* to taste you *kiss*”. You loved the view of watching the mighty warrior Neteyam on his knees in front of you begging to bury his face between your thighs. The sight alone was enough to make you feel euphoric. Definitely something you would be storing in your mental vault for late nights when you were alone and in need of release.
 His eyes find yours again and you nod giving him permission. His ears perk up momentarily giving away his excitement. You can feel yourself practically dripping out of the fabric of your loincloth by the time you let him touch you. He slides the fabric to the side and exposes your glistening lips and dripping hole. His pupils fully blow wide open at the sight and he swallows back spit trying to keep from drooling down his chin. The sensation of his tongue finally making contact with your swollen clit makes you jolt with pleasure. He continues to lick and kiss and suck all of your juices as if it’s his last meal. Your head falls back in ecstasy, “mmh…fuck ‘Teyam” you moan. “You’re such a greedy boy…mm!” you tangle your fingers in his braids gripping them as it’s the only thing anchoring you to reality at the moment.
Suddenly, you hear the faint sounds of footsteps approaching. Your first instinct was going to be to pry yourself from Neteyam’s mouth and frame yourself as casually as possible, until you see Lo’ak appear in your entryway. Your eyes meet and he freezes. “Hey Lo’ak”, you manage to breath out between moans. Neteyam is unphased by his brother’s sudden interruption and continues feasting on you. Lo’ak temporarily snaps out of it long enough to close the flap of your marui behind him as he steps in.
You use one finger to gesture ‘come here’ to him. You can notice him already stiffening in his loincloth. He walks around to your side and you hook your finger under his necklace to pull his face to yours. You crash your lips onto his and he hungrily kisses you back. You grab his hand to guide it to one of your breasts. His hands were so big, he could essentially cover your entire breast with it. His fingers roughly grope your skin and he rolls your nipple between 2 of his fingers. Between all the stimulation on your body, you could feel a knot tensing in your core, threatening to snap at any second. You moan against Lo’ak’s kiss and pull away, “Fuck ‘Teyam….mmh I-I’m gonna….” You struggle to get your words out. Lo’ak pulled your face back to his in another kiss.
Neteyam continued his assault on your most sensitive bit and sucked on your clit completely driving you over the edge. The knot deep within you snaps and you close your legs around Neteyam’s head still gripping his hair in your hand. Lo’ak pulls away from the kiss to watch your face contort in pleasure and then bliss out after riding out your high. You can notice out of the corner of your vision that he’s stroking himself through his cloth with his free hand. You want to swat his hand away and make him ask you permission, but he swats your hand away instead and trails kisses up and down your neck, nipping at the spot just below your earlobe. Lo’ak always was a lot more difficult to tame than Neteyam, but you liked that quality in him. Neteyam finally releases your clit and your legs fall limp on the table. You use your grip on his hair to pull his head back to see his chin shining in the light. It drips down his neck and you feel the fire inside of you reignite at the sight of him covered in your juices.
“Oh, you’re such a pretty boy, Neteyam.”
You finally find the strength to stand and walk around to the other side of the table. Both of the brothers’ eyes are watching you intently waiting to see what you’re up to. You untie the top that just barely covers your chest and step out of your loincloth leaving yourself completely exposed. You lie down on your stomach across the table and hold your head up in your hands looking between them. “Well, don’t keep me waiting. Off with them.”, You order. Neteyam and Lo’ak look at each other and quickly give a nod of agreement before removing their own cloths. They were both indescribably hard and oozing precum out of their tips. Neteyam had a good inch or two on his brother, but Lo’ak was definitely thicker. Your eyes go wide with excitement and your tail is swaying like crazy behind you. You can’t decide who you want to be inside of you first.
You tell both of them “come here” and they approach your face. You grab Neteyam in your hand and let a long trail of spit flow from your mouth to his tip and use it as lubrication to start stroking him. The feeling sets a fire in his chest and his ears fall flat against his head. Meanwhile, you open up wide for Lo’ak to enter your mouth. His size is massive, but your determination was greater. His slides in slowly, wanting to feel your tongue across every passing inch until his was all the way in and touching your throat. He sucks in a sharp breath and throws his head back enjoying every second of you. You bob your head up and down on his length while making sure to continue to stroke Neteyam at the same pace. Grunts and moans fill the silence in your marui and you thank Eywa that everyone is at the celebration tonight, because otherwise they would definitely hear you.
You pop off Lo’ak and leave a long string of saliva connecting your lips and his tip. You can see the longing in his face from the loss of friction he so desperately craved. You gesture for him to go behind you and his ears perked up immediately. Eyes full of lust and hunger. He practically runs around to the back of you and now you take Neteyam into your mouth. He always tasted so sweet and it drove you mad. Lo’ak takes a second to admire your still dripping pussy, “shiiit…”, and he knows he can’t contain himself anymore. He lines the head up with your opening and slams into you in one swift motion making you jump and yelp at the sudden intrusion. He’s always so eager. He can’t even wait for you to adjust to him inside of you, he needs this friction now.
He starts pumping into you at a fast, but steady pace. The tinge of pain you felt in the beginning is completely gone and replaced with a greedy desire for him to fill you up. The lust filled haze causes you to suck on Neteyam even harder. At this point, now he’s bucking his hips forward into your face. Each thrust from Lo’ak pushes you further down onto Neteyam and vice versa. Neteyam’s length in your throat leaves you no space to breathe and you gag at the constant poking, but he doesn’t let up. You look up at him eyes full of tears and drool falling from your lips. You look a sloppy mess, but he loves it. He absolutely relishes in the sight of you being a mess on his dick.
“Oh, you’re such a pretty girl, yawne”, he moaned imitating your comment to him just moments ago. “You look so pretty swallowing my dick”.
Lo’ak chimes in from behind, “fuck, I know I’ll never get tired of this pussy. Mmh! It’s gripping me just right..”. It’s all you can do just to manage a weak ‘mhm’ from around Neteyam’s shaft. The vibration makes him twitch in your throat. His eyes squeeze shut and he grabs your head for even more leverage to push inside you. At the same time, Lo’ak is digging his fingers into your hips to push as deep as physically possible into you from behind. You can feel your whole body on fire from the overstimulation. Lo’ak is the first to speak up, “Shit, I’m gonna..” and Neteyam says “Me too, bro”. You can feel your own high approaching and it makes you feel like your body is coming undone.
You don’t know what possessed you in the moment, but you lock your ankles together around Lo’ak and intertwine your fingers around Neteyam so that neither boy can pull out of you. You want every single drop that they have in them. You feel Neteyam release first. He ruts himself all the way into your mouth until your nose is touching his pelvis. His thick seed shoots straight down your throat and you happily swallow all of it. Then, you feel Lo’ak with two hard, sloppy thrusts pump everything inside of you that he has. The heat is enough to drive you to your own finish. Your body convulses between the two of them and their hips stutter in their pumps riding out their own highs.
Once you all come down, both brothers pull out of you. You can feel Lo’ak’s seed dripping out of your hole and down your leg. You fall limp across the table with your chest heaving up and down trying to catch a decent breath. The boys walk around to the front of you and stroke your face lovingly. You let out a sigh of relief as you slowly regain your senses. And just when you think you have regained some strength in your body Lo’ak turns to Neteyam and simply asks, “so….switch?” and a mischievous grin slides across both of their faces before turning back to you. You already know this is going to be a loooong night. But there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
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rottingpirate · 1 year
Hope you're doing well! I really love your writing!!!
How would 141 + König react to male reader attempting to fluster them with cheesy pick-up lines?
Thank youu <3 Hope you're doing well also
TF-141 + König w/ M!reader attempting to fluster them
warnings: tiny bit suggestive?, just fluff
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A nervous wreck.
He hasn't been in many relationships before, so making him flustered is easy. 
Brush your hand against his? Shaking. Compliment him? Gone. Hug him? Face heats up like no one's business. Take care of him? Bewildered. Kiss him? He's gonna be avoiding eye contact for the rest of the day. 
Most of the time he gets flustered because he doesn't expect the compliments and flirting
He absolutely adores you, but is terrible at communicating how much he loves you. 
Very awkward in the beginning of your relationship 
"Forget Ironman and Spiderman, I'll be your man." 
 "I've got all these forks and knives all I need is a little spoon."
König.exe has stopped working…
Getting him flustered is hard.
How can you make a guy like him a flustered mess?
For real though…
He's very foolproof
He isn’t very chatty and can sometimes be oblivious to your flirting.
Doesn't pick up on it
"You look good today." "I'm wearing sweatpants, covered in blood and sweat?" "And?"
You'll get a bigger reaction out of him in private
Also, I don't think he likes being called any pet names, in public at least. But in private he might be into it a bit more.
Some cheesy pick up lines from books
"I don't have pick up lines, but at least I have you."
I mean, what doesn’t fluster Soap?
He once tried to high five you, but you just laced your fingers together and held his hand. 
Hand holding in general
It doesn't take much to get him flustered tbh
"Say baby. You're pretty, I'm pretty, what say we go back to my place and stare at each other for a while."
Boy was speechless. "Is that from Johnny Bravo??"
He acts all tough but when you compliment him then he's dumbstruck
Tries to hide his face in the crook of your neck or in his hands
Redirects your attention to something else so you don't see hid face
You can fluster him
No matter what
Shuts down for a quick second
His heart does a little flip each time
"Ayo babe you like dragons? Cuz I do and that would be a good shared topic of interest to talk about. Cos I have a level 100 dragonite, just saying...."
He burst out laughing after staring at you for a good second
Tries to get you back no matter what
Tries to catch you off guard
He doesn't hesitate to whisper stuff in your ear, touch you while you try to work
He's unamused
Scoffs while rolling his eyes
Might play along at first but will get tired of it if you keep it up
He’s definitely the type to brush off compliments
Waves them off
But he might be screaming on the inside
"Yeah, Call me Edward cuz I'll be Cullen you."
"Y/N, it's 3am go to sleep…"
But as fast as he gets flustered, he recovers easily as well.
When he recovers, then he's gonna take the challenge and try to make you flustered.
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cxhleel108 · 4 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: Here we go again…
(Sorry friends a bitch was getting crunk the last two days so I did not have time to do this until today❤️)
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• Ok before we even start why is he sitting like thiskdmsmsnsnd someone help me.
• So the customization…I told y’all I wasn’t trying to gag too hard when they first revealed MC and this is exactly why cuz once again why we only get braids for textured hair??? They’re not even free like y’all already pissing me off.
• So clearly this season is about zodiac because why else would we only be getting star sign tattoos?
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• Meet Jaylin y’all😝😝😝 You’ll be getting all her info soon.
• Everyone hating this swim suit but it actually being my favorite. The others were just ok to me Idk sue me.
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• Mind you it’s only been like 2 minutes and we already causing issues.
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• I think we’re already getting married tomorrow guys Idk.
• And he has a lion tattoo so that means he’s most likely a Leo and my girl is a Gemini oh look how I ate this pairing up!
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• Oh Theo stans I’m so sorry…
• I’m so glad I’ve never ended up getting the guy stuck in the “Day One” couple like I really would just end it all.
• The job options being the exact same…ok! I wanted her to be an athlete anyway😁
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• Him assuming that he had a high chance of being picked when Oakley and Jin are present…I just busted out laughing.
• Yeah all this talk about compatibility and these dudes talking about being “magnetized” and “drawn” to us is def giving let’s compare our charts to see if we should fuck each other or not.
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• Such a real bitch oh Claudia I love you already💯💯💯
• Sophie telling me to cool it around Jack like I want him…I just busted out laughing again.
• Our date with Theo just feeling like two people building a friendship and not a relationship was nice I would love for it to stay that way tbh (Him like 5 minutes later saying he was trying not to flirt with us can they not do this again like please).
• Jack’s date was a snooze fest who’s shocked? Also him having two moms just makes sense Idk why.
• I am gonna have so much fun replaying this season to do Jin’s route omg this man is too good.
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• Yeah I already don’t like Emel. Girl who is bringing yo ass a bouquet at 8 in the morning??? Don’t piss me off.
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• Uhhh cuz I’m badder than you, duh!
• Outfit time🥳🥳🥳
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• These are cute!
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• This is not!
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• Right…anyways so!
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• Yikes!
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• Hehehehe no y’all don’t understand like she is already my bestie fr. Love when one of the girls is here for the fuckshit.
• The drama that be happening sometimes be so stupid like girl. Claudia sitting here telling me everyone was mad at each other on DAY FUCKING ONE because nobody wanted to be with who they were with…do y’all just come on here and then forget how the show works.
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• Oh girl just stop like fuuuuck😭😭😭
• Outfit time again✨
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• The panties did not need the sheer added.
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• This literally being a swimsuit.
• Claudia’s outfit is so cute ugh werk!
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• He wanna compete with me so bad!
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• I’m cryinggggg why we really living the storybook romance that Emel keep begging for.
• Me & Oakley: “Cheats are the lowest of the low”
• Also Me & Oakley: *Eating each other’s faces off outside*
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• Yes please get Emel out of here before she takes Willow’s place and actually starts annoying the fuck outta me.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 7 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 90... You have been warned...! 👌
What an adorable little chapter today!! It sure was a sweet one...!! 🤗
Honestly, nothing too crazy happened in today's chapter, but there is still quite a bit that I wanna talk about...!! 😁 So let's get to talking about it, shall we...? 😊
The chapter begins with Anya tagging along with Yor, who's taking Bond for a walk...!! 😁
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Once there, Anya's having the time of her life until she overhears some kids talking about this old man...:
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And when I first saw this man, my theorist brain started thinking of all the possible people who this man might be...! 🤔
Is he possibly one of the scientists that experimented on people and animals to give them powers? (Like Anya and Bond... 🤔)
Does he have powers like Anya? (Maybe to read minds or something else...! 😲)
Is he a long lost relative of one of the Forgers? (Most likely to Anya, but Yor and Loid are also possible...! 😌)
Honestly, out of all the possibilities that I thought of, being a long lost relative to one of the Forgers is what I think is the most plausible...!! (But for now, he's just a random old man.)
Anyway, because of what those kids were saying about him, Anya thought that the old man was a spy, but he just wants to go home to his wife...!! 💗
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So, Yor, Anya and Bond decide to help the lost old man find his home...!! 😊 But since he mumbles a lot, Anya uses her powers to, um... Varying degrees...! 😅
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OH MY GOD ANYA!! 🤣That is NOT at all what the old man was thinking...!! 😂
Yor, Anya and Bond take the old man to the market because he remembered that he was gonna go do some shopping...! 😄 And as they walk through the market, the old man remembers how it was during the war... 😔
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Every time when I see stuff about the war that took place in this story, it always makes think about all the horrible conflicts that are happening out in the world right now and how I hope that one day no one will have to suffer through things like war ever again...
Anyway, Yor, Anya and Bond try to figure out where the old man lives, but they end up back at the park...! So they try again and...:
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After running around some more, they stop near a place that sells waffles and the old man offers to buy Anya one...!! Then, Yor has a thought:
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Oh, my heart... 💔
Honestly though, this is probably my favorite moment in this chapter...! 💗 Just the fact that Yor thinks about if Anya misses something that she never had, it makes me wonder how Yor will feel when she finds out that Anya didn't really have anything until the Forgers came to be...
Then, the gang gets a lead as to where the old man might live thanks to a coupon that fell out his pocket and Anya recognizing where it's from...!! And then...:
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They end up at their apartment building...!! But, all is not lost because this IS where the old man lives!! 😆 We see Twilight helping the old man's wife with moving because they are going to be living next door to the Forgers...!! 😊
Lastly, the old man and his wife properly introduced themselves as Sigmund and Barbara Authen...
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...and two of them get real lovey dovey with each other after being reunited...!! 💗🤗💗
And that was Mission 90, and it was such a sweet little chapter...!! 🤗 I am loving the recent focus on showing more of Yor and Anya (and Bond) together, their relationship just makes me so happy...!! 💗 Something else that I'm wondering is if whether or not Sigmund and Barbara are gonna show up again in the future (and if they'll have a secret connection to Anya in some way) because I both love them and are quite intrigued by them (especially since they were actually given names...!! 😌) I also wonder if the Authens' relationship is a possible hint as to how Loid and Yor will be like to each other in the future...!! 💗😏💗
Something that I just realized is that ten chapters from now, we'll be at Mission 100!! 😆 I don't know if Endo will do something special for this milestone, but I sure do hope that he does!! 😊
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say about this chapter...!! 😁 So until the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! 👋😄
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justeclotilde · 11 months
Thoughts on LEGO Monkie Kid, pacing, and season 5
I’m taking this from Twitter, but basically this thread about “Say something BAD about the show Monkie Kid” came up and my biggest gripe so far has been :  The show has way too short episodes. Like, 11min30. And tries to do SO MUCH in those 11min30 that either somethings get scrapped (DBFamily but not just that) or big important elements get solved way too fast (Samadhi fire and broken scroll among other things). And it steams I think from the fact that the show went from episodic to serialised while keeping the same amount of time. 
I ramble :  I see a lot of newcomers say that they jumped s1 and 2 and really started with s3/4, and while everyone has their reasons I think that’s silly Because that format is what made me love the characters and settings in the first place. The episodes are short, so the show can only focus on a tiny thing, but sprinkled LBD being a menace throughout the season, with the spider gang being a menace. And now ? lBD is still reveared as one of the best villains, and Spidergang is still very appreciated. Same thing for DBF : Red Son was slowly developed through s1, and returned on s3 Granted he wasn’t in s2, but since he was a major part of s1, and the spider queen special, we grew to care about him and the family to an extent. Because that’s what the show is good at ! Characters interactions, character personalities, CHARACTERS !! And now, the show is going for serialised, which is great and maintains attention, but it wants to do too much with the same amount of time: - In s2 : LBD took 10 ep to build her mech. MK started slowly to grow, and his relationships were explored one ep at a time. Slowly. - In s4 : we lose SWK, MK meets Azure, we learn about Tang, Pigsy and Sandy through their ancestors, we start to question MK’s existence, Monkey MK, the scroll is a menace, Azure betrays the group, MK loses his mentor and morale, DBF is important but scrolled, the JE is defeated and BAM world explodes we have to kill God in 4 episodes now. 
Granted for the characters as well it feels rushed. We don’t have to see everything either. Of course. They have a life outside the show. And overall they did a good job in those 11 bloody minutes 30.
Now that we have a bit of breathing room, maybe it’s time to have that character moment by episode we’ve been asking for instead of cramming feelings and heartfelt conversations in an episode while the world is teared apart outside. Especially since we’ve seen the characters go through hell for a whole season. MK needs to breath but he isn’t the only one. We could have an episode on Red Son and his time in the scroll, an episode on MK going monkey a whole episode, an episode on SWK and Macaque in coloc, an episode on Tang Pigsy and Sandy trying to get back to their lives since they’re the most normal of the bunch - technically (cuz apparently having episodes focused on them in s4 wasn’t enough to have conversations about it but that’s a gripe i have with the community for LATER). We could have SWK and DBF reminisce on their time together, since DBK is one of the last friend that doesn’t QUITE hate him anymore, or an episode on how Nezha starts rebuilding Heaven by himself while keeping the JE power safe, or an episode on Mei just being awesome honestly, like just Mei observing MK going insane and being the girlboss she is, especially since she went through the whole “excess power that could kill everyone you love” and is still living with that, in a way. That could answer where the Samadhi fire business went. Cuz like in real life some things are tamed but don’t disappear, she might still be struggling but has learned to live with it. And MK is going through a similar path. We could also have Red Son in this one since he’s honestly the most controlled in a way.
And through all that… discretly… the world starts to break apart again ? Tears appear and with it new monsters and ghosts of the past maybe start seeping from the Underworld ? Maybe an unmasked man tries to prevent Mk’s attemps at coming back to some normal because as long as he’s confused and scared he stays the Harbinger of Chaos ? Idk ! TL:DR A lot of critics I see sum up as « They should show this more, why did THIS disappear out of nowhere, this is wasted potential », which seeps from the show not having time to show all that happens at once. Maybe it’s time to take a breather and tackle the problems one at a time again, ep by ep, like in season 2. And then go back to « We’re all gonna die in 4 episodes » to get the panic back on track.
Anyway Please come talk to me about the show and your theories, or headcanons about what the characters are doing now that the wreck of S4 has rolled past them. I wanna talk about my babies some more...
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turtleofdamascus · 1 year
In praise of the non-canon moments in sab2 and my ratings:
Just want to appreciate these moments the writers added cuz idk I feel like they do understand the characters. It’s like watching fanfic. Hot take: I sometimes like them so much more or just as much as the canon scenes taking place.
kanej chapel scene in s1
iconic. One of the best non-canon things they added to show Inej's first kill. And it be for Kaz. AHH and in a chapel. The symbolism. The emotion. And of course the delivery of Kaz saying "Look at me" while leaning in but not touching. 10000/10
Nina and Kaz fake couple scene
I'm dying I cannot with this scene. This is perfect. I always wanted a fake dating scene in the books. And this was perf. "He's all hands" and Kaz's face looking slightly terrified and horrified. Also ahhh him having to take off his gloves to do the tea ritual. I gasped. It was so surreal. And then Inej watching tear tear. 9000/10
Kaz panicking at tea time
I gasped when I saw this. I think this was insane. Cuz in the books, all we get that is similar is the... prison carriage scene. But this- this seems even more exposed. Kaz panicking and then putting his hand down and then, Nina putting her hand on him and Kaz looking terrified then running through the streets and then Inej carrying him and... then him curled up holding his cane without his gloves and Inej being there to give his gloves and witnessing it. Ahhh like first of all, looks like a nightmare for kaz but dang idk if we get such a scene capturing the vulnerability of kaz ahh. The writers knew exactly how to torture him. It's so crazy bc Freddy can play him with nerves of steel but then in a puddle of fear and I'm in awe. The shaking and the curling up in the corner. I'm in tears. 10000!/10
Wylan monologue on butterflies
This was hilarious and very Wylan. So nerdy. 900/10
- feeding the team butterflies… ummm
I don't know if this brought me out of the show, bc it was so bizarre. But ahhh Inej on top of kaz trying feed him a butterfly while he's having a nightmare was just-- ahhh most strange situation I could think of but also ahhh the angst. I was screaming no don’t touch kazzz. I guess the scene was another excuse to torture Kaz and I ate it up. AHHH the fact the only inej could help him. 900/10
-the Jesper and wylan piano tuning
Also such a random scene but I loved it so much. Lol the fact that wylan pretends they're piano tuners bahaha. And then he congratulates Alby's playing and then proceeds to show off. Such a fun scene. 9000/10
Jesper being in prison carriage scene
Screaming crying and throwing up. when i saw this in the first episode. I gasped and in the first 5 minutes AHH. What. Idk i kinda loved that jesper was there. There's so much trust in their relationship and seeing kaz struggle right in front of jesper was so painful. Ahh him gasping for breath and trying to hide it. Is heartbreaking. And then Jesper being like "boss", and then "kaz" and his eyes being so concerned for his friend and calling for help. I cry. 10000/10
Hallucination scene
Once again performed beautifully. The stares. The "May I" and then gently pressing Inej to him. The hand on the cheek. And Inej giving him the intent stare. The soft kiss. UMM. I don't like that it's a hallucination. But i do find it fascinating to compare the "I want you" of this and the actual "I want you". THEY are BOTH delivered similarly. So in some ways,,,, I see this as a look into a future. Not unrealistic. If we never got a "real" I want you. I would be angrier. so for that it gets points back. WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE A KANEJ KISS> 9000/10
Also some thoughts on canon moments brought to life perfectly:
Kanej "I want you" church scene
“You,Inej, you…. To die buried underneath” Kaz never said it but ahh his eyes looking so ... distant and his lips forming the words and then the delivery of the "To die buried..." with his eyes rolling upward. Perfect. Perfectly delivered. AHHH. Freddy understands Kaz.
"I want you" - Idk how freddy can go from being the most monstrous looking person to turning his eyes into these round boyish eyes. So... open and round. And ahh you can see Kaz trying... so hard to show he's giving his all. And then when he takes his gloves away and you can see his shuddering breath. Ahh
"Gloves on" delivered so sadly and brutally. Amita's eyes so... yearning but letting him down. Ahh felt like a breakup. Almost made me wish they cut the line. Because the show!kaz was trying to hard. I kind of wish in some way they didn't say this canon line lol. I want Inej to see he's trying.
And then when Inej leaves... and we are left looking at Kaz. His eyes watering. And looking so heartbroken. Stab me.
This was delivered perfectly. I-chef’s kiss.
The Dregs fight
Ahh the fight was amazing and stunning with the speed ramping. And kaz using his cane to lift a chair and slamming his cane into people faces. Chef's kiss. Freddy giving his all. THIS IS BRUTAL KAZ I NEEDED. YESSS feral kaz. How did i deserve this 100000/10
Pekka Rollins revenge scene
UMM... Freddy/Kaz gave it his all. And I bow before him like Pekka. AHHHH. The glares. The delivery of every line from the books UMM. Praise. "Buried." "Six feet deep" . Also seeing Kaz getting beat up was so painful but ahhh performed so well. The framing of the shot where Pekka bows before him... and it's silent almost. It looks like a painting. I'm stunned. Also the delivery of the line "quitclaim for inej ghafa" AHHH. Ahh idk... the protectiveness. 10000000/10. AMazing showstopping. I can't believe they plucked it from the books.
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