#cutie moots💓
Awwwww 💖💛 right back at you<3333
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sapphic-gardn · 10 months
Willow | joel miller x f!reader | pt. 2
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part 1
Summary: Patrol with Joel is proving to be more difficult than you originally anticipated. Joel says some things he regrets.
(no use of y/n)
Warnings (18+ mdni): mentions of loss/grief, weapons/violence, swearing, age gap (reader is 23, Joel is in his 50s), angst, one-sided pining, no physical description of reader, will specify with each chapter
Word Count: 2.9k
a/n: hiiii! this is the second part to my joel miller fic and wowza i am so excited to share!!! all the love on part one is surreal. i can’t believe people are enjoying my writing—it’s insane to me. i love you ALL so much. i also love all my moots who have welcomed me with open arms into this lil community. happy reading! let me know your thoughts!!!! 💓
credit to @cafekitsune for the cutie divider <3
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During the first week of patrol with Joel, you found yourself questioning why you harbored a crush for the man in the first place. He barely spoke, and when he did, it was to scrutinize you. It was an exhausting game of who could hurt the other one more.
When the second week of patrol rolled around, you were determined to evade conflict. The morning played out as usual—a short greeting at the stables and mumbled groans from Joel. The ride out was wordless yet tranquil. Until…
You came to a halt at an abandoned cabin, one you both had passed on patrols before, because something caught your eye. You dismounted your horse and tied her to a tree nearby. Joel got wind of your sudden detour and scoffed.
“What’re you doin’?” Joel’s voice cut through the silence and you quickly signaled to him to stay quiet with a finger to your lips. He reluctantly followed suit and sauntered behind you after securing his horse.
What had captured your attention was the door to the cabin. In passing on every patrol, you noted that the little wooden building and its worn door had been closed—the door was always closed. However, today the door was open. Wide open. A portal to another realm it seemed. Ominous as the darkness beyond it taunted you.
Come and get me.
A challenge presented to you in the form of danger. The windows were boarded up, the only light inside of the cabin coming from the spaces between the wood. You moved swiftly around the perimeter, peeking in the slits before wandering beyond the threshold. With your gun and flashlight at the ready, you skulked through the first room on your right. Clear. As you made your way to the second room, you misjudged your step and tripped on a splintered floorboard. You caught yourself before you could fall but regained your footing with a loud thud.
Click. Click. Click. Click.
Your body froze in place. Instantaneously, a blood curdling screech emerged from right behind you. Before you could think, you spun around and fired two bullets into the clicker’s skull. Shit. You scolded yourself. Your mind was going a hundred miles a minute and you couldn’t decipher your surroundings. You lowered your trembling hand that held the gun and looked down at the thing that once was a person. Blood was pooling under your feet and you concluded that the infected man must have been bitten recently. He must’ve broken into the cabin to isolate and wait for his demise. Your stomach sank as you imagined what the man’s life might have looked like before he was bitten. Another casualty amid a monstrous war.
Joel quickly emerged in the doorway, interrupting your spiraling thoughts. Sheer panic washed over his face. “Coulda gotten yourself killed! Gonna get us both killed with the sound’a that goddamn gun!”
With that, Joel hastily made his way to you, grabbed your upper arm, and guided you out of the cabin to the tree where your horses were stationed. You broke free from his firm grip and mounted your horse promptly, still feeling the burn of his touch under your sleeve in the minutes that followed.
Once you both retreated to a safe distance you decided to swallow your pride and apologize, “I-I’m sorry. I should’ve grabbed my knife. I-I should’ve—I was—“
“Damn right you should’ve. Meant what I said when I called you a little girl. That’s exactly what you are. Never thinkin’ before doin’. Think you’re so tough goin’ into that cabin by yourself? Not tellin’ me what the fuck you were up to?” Joel’s voice rumbled with a deep anger that made you shiver. He was fuming, but his tone held a note of worry. Was he scared? Was Joel Miller afraid of losing you? It didn’t matter. His words were a stark contrast to the sentiment.
“Fuck. You.” Those were the only words you could conjure up because…he was right. Of course he was right, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of succumbing to his cruelty. You squeezed the sides of your horse and sped up ahead of Joel from your place beside him. With your back facing Joel, tears rimmed your waterline and flowed freely down your cheeks. The salty taste of tears bleeding onto your lips brought you back to the moment Maria found you, vulnerable and tremulous.
Growing up during an apocalypse rendered the gift of resilience. The way you saw it, words were nothing but sound waves mingling with air as they escaped a bodily vessel. Harsh words deflected off of you like a bullet to fiberglass. But Joel knew exactly how to penetrate that protective shield you so carefully curated.
Before life in Jackson, you had always felt inferior. Viewed as a damsel in distress by the men in your life. But you were so far from it, gathering the courage to leave the Seattle QZ at sixteen to find your parents who disappeared on a smuggling job. Surviving on your own for two years and teaching yourself how to be self-sufficient. You quickly picked up on how to use weapons as well as raid buildings without getting caught (not your best moments). Independence came easily to you and you would be damned if you let some old grump tell you otherwise. Clearly, all he saw in you was a naive little girl.
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You return to the stables before Joel. He makes his way in just as you turn to leave. In passing, you glare into Joel’s eyes and hastily shove him with your shoulder on your way out. You’re pretty sure he notices the redness around your eyes from crying. You can see a glint in his eyes that exhibits a look of sorrow. Even if he is sorry, he can’t take it back. He can’t take back the feeling of sheer humiliation that is seeping into your bones. He can’t take it back.
You traipse through the town center, in no rush to get home and sit alone with the voice of doubt in your ear. The smell of pine invades your olfactory senses and the string lights twinkle above you like stars in the night sky. It reminds you of Christmas, before the world ended, sitting criss cross in front of a fireplace with a steaming cup of hot cocoa. And your parents are there. They would buy every toy on your Christmas list just to see you beam up at them and wiggle with glee. You miss them, you never got closure when they vanished. You didn’t find them, you have no knowledge of how they died—or if they even died. You can’t help but wonder if they left you on purpose. You caused trouble in the QZ—always trying to prove a point to someone in authority. Getting kicked out of FEDRA school was the last straw for them, they barely acknowledged your existence after that. But of course you still loved them, they were your parents. You still love them, they are your parents. They were good people before it all, before they became desperate.
The sound of your own sniffle pulls you back to the present. You find yourself on a bench, staring mindlessly at a family of three.
“Hey, you alright?”
A brown haired girl emerges in front of you. She has a look of sympathy painted on her features, yet she speaks so casually. She follows your eye-line to the family in the distance. You recognize her. She is the young girl who is attached at the hip with Joel. Apparently she isn’t his daughter, but technically she is, given what they’ve been through together…Tommy made it all too confusing when he explained it to you.
“I’m okay, yeah, I’m alright. Thanks.” You dismiss the loaded question with a wave of your hand. When your eyes meet hers, your features soften and you see a tinge of something behind her brown eyes. Maybe it’s hurt, or fear, she seems guarded, similar to yourself at that age.
“I’m Ellie,” She eagerly extends her hand and you take it in a firm handshake. You introduce yourself and make room on the bench beside you. She reluctantly takes the spot and sighs, the shape of her breath visible against the contrasting cold air. The first few minutes are silent, neither one of you are keen on breaking the calm air that surrounds you.
“So,” Ellie finally breaks the silence, “rough day, huh?”
You snort, a small smile emerging on your lips, “I guess you could say that. What about you? Aren’t kids your age usually running around the commune finding trouble?” You look at her out of the corner of your eye when she giggles.
“Not much to do around this boring ass place. Plus, my best friend is hanging out with some dude I fucking hate. Count me out on that third wheeling bullshit.” Her vulgarity takes you by surprise, but you find it quite funny.
After awhile, you two fall into easy conversation. She asks you so many questions…so many. It almost feels like an interrogation but you know she’s just curious. It’s endearing, the way she perks up when you answer her questions about life before the apocalypse. You were young, so you barely remember anything, every memory is coated in black and white hues, lacking details, nonetheless, she holds onto every word.
The sun is mostly gone from the sky, which is your cue to start walking home. You and Ellie decide to make the trek back to your neighboring houses together, still entwined in your storytelling the whole way there.
You arrive at your gate and bid your farewells to Ellie with a small wave and a promise to her that she can come over whenever she feels like it.
“He talks about you, you know…Joel. He asks Tommy way too many fucking questions about you too.” Ellie’s words bounce around in your brain and leave you short-circuited. That’s the second time today you’ve been rendered speechless. First by Joel and then by his (kinda) daughter. Ellie reads the dumbfounded expression on your face and sighs, “I just—I know he’s a fucking pain in the ass, but I think he cares about you. Sure as hell doesn’t ask questions about anyone else in this fuckin’ place,” she stares at the ground before she speaks up again, “Uh…look…I-I didn’t mean to trip you up or anything…uh…I’m gonna head home now. I’ll come by tomorrow? Yeah. See you then.” With that, Ellie’s ramble ends and she swiftly makes her escape to her home. The home she shares with Joel. Joel, the man who cares about you? The thought actually makes you laugh out loud.
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Joel’s best trait is hurting people. He reads you like a book, he pinpoints every insecurity you harbor, and uses it to push, push, push your buttons. The stone cold exterior you display is merely translucent to someone like Joel. He’s seen it before, every time he looks in the damn mirror. He feels drawn to you, a moth to a flame. If he gets too close, he might get burned. What happens when you set his heart aflame? Maybe you already have.
The front door opens and closes and Joel hears Ellie padding her way to the kitchen where he sits at the table, nursing a tumbler of whiskey. Ellie plops down on the chair across from him.
“What’s got you in such a bad mood today, old man?” Ellie leans over the table and playfully nudges Joel with her fist.
“Not right now, kid. Don’t feel like jokin’ around,” Joel’s eyes flicker to Ellie’s for a moment before refocusing on the amber liquid in his glass.
Ellie throws her hands up in surrender, “Alright dude, just don’t drink yourself to death—that shit would be far more embarrassing than a clicker getting your ass.” She lightheartedly laughs and leaves the kitchen with a pat on Joel’s shoulder, exiting through the back door to her makeshift bungalow in the yard.
Joel figured that a few whiskeys in, the tight feeling in his chest might loosen up. But he’s five glasses in and he can’t stop picturing you. The inconsolable expression on your face as you left the stables haunts him every time he closes his eyes.
His mind takes him to the moment he met you. You were crouching over a patch of vegetables—carrots, maybe? Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth and your brows were furrowed in concentration. When Tommy called your name and you looked up, Joel felt the wind get knocked out of his lungs. You were…angelic. Smeared dirt covered your forehead, and beads of sweat gathered at your hairline. Even in your unkempt state, your allure was ever so present. Joel couldn’t bring himself to look at you, even as you reached a hand out to introduce yourself. Then, your witty remark. Something inside of him shifted in that moment and he knew he had to leave. A young, bright woman like you wouldn’t want anything to do with an old, damaged man like Joel. So he did what he does best, he pushed you away, created a distance so you would learn to hate him.
Joel’s outburst on patrol earlier today took it too far. He knows that—but he was terrified that something might’ve happened to you. When he saw you, standing in that abandoned cabin, shock dripping from your expression, with a lifeless clicker on the floor below you, he became angry. Angry that you would be so careless. Angry that you didn’t ask for help. Angry that he cared about you so damn much even when he tried his hardest not to.
On his sixth whiskey, Joel curses to himself as he meanders to his front door. His brain is devoid of all thoughts that don’t include you. Your smile, he wants to make you smile. He wants to be reason you smile, not the reason you cry. He twists the doorknob and forces himself out onto the front porch. Your lights are on. It’s late, why are you still awake? Thank god you’re still awake.
His steps are calculated when he saunters up your walkway. He hesitates, his fist is hovering over your front door. He lightly knocks on the thick wood, but regrets it immediately and turns on his heel to leave. With his back facing away, he hears the click of a lock unlatch and a sliver of light emanating from your open door casts a warm glow on the porch.
“Joel? What are you doing here? Do you need something?” Your voice is barely above a whisper. With the sweet sound of his name spilling from your lips, he turns to face you. The door is now fully open and you are leaning against the door frame. The light coming from inside the house outlines your figure like an angel descending from heaven.
He clears his throat, “‘M sorry, darlin’, is nothing. Get some rest.” Despite his words, he makes no move to leave. You step out from the threshold and lessen the distance between the two of you. Joel searches your eyes, looking for a hint of something, anything that isn’t pure hatred. All he finds is affliction.
You scoff, “C’mon, just spit it out already. I ain’t waitin’ all damn day,” you echo his words from the morning of your first patrol together. Joel notices and he chuckles before regaining his composure.
“‘M sorry. I wanted to come over here and tell ya that. I was fuckin’ scared shitless. I didn’t mean a word I said back there. I trust that y’can hold your own.” Joel’s words catch you off guard. You stutter, all coherent words evade you and your bottom lip starts to tremble. You quickly avert your gaze to hide the imminent tears pooling at your waterline.
You sniffle, “Thanks, Joel. That was probably hard for you, apologizing and all. You can go home now, I forgive you. Just forget it ever happened, m’kay?” You sound defeated and it fractures something within Joel.
He takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger, “Hey. Look at me,” you meet his gaze and simply melt. The tears fall freely down your cheeks and a small gasp escapes you, “I’m sorry. You don’t gotta let me off the hook, I jus’ gotta tell you ‘m sorry.”
Suddenly, you become hyper-aware of the situation. Mere inches separate you and Joel. He is studying your face, so close you can smell the whiskey on his breath. A mixture of lust and hate stirs somewhere within your lower belly.
“Okay,” is the only word you can conjure up. It’s a whisper, barely audible. Joel’s hand cradles your cheek and he swipes a tear away with his thumb. His eyes flicker between your lips and your bewildered gaze. His breath hitches, seeing your beauty up close is otherworldly. He feels himself leaning in, closer, closer, closer. He is a hairbreadth away from grazing your lips when you turn your head. Your buttery voice dances through the air, “Please, Joel. Just go home. I can’t do this right now.”
You turn on your heel and slink back into your house, before closing the door, you breathe a weak, “Goodnight, Joel.”
You don’t know if he says it back.
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a/n: ty for reading. ilysm <3 i hope this part lives up to the last one :,) i am so nervy to post this EEEEEK!!
taglist: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @alejaa-a @cool-iguana @littleshadow17 @planet-marz1 @alyhull @joeldjarin @lizzyervs @casa-boiardi @loveisacowboyyy @thegrlwholivedd @ashleymsnodgrass @ilovepedro @dilfspitdrinker @bastardmandennis @breakfastatjoels @gracieheartspedro @chaotic-mystery
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dioll · 1 month
moots as kpop idols + why?
cries in 100103819932 moots (jokes i love all of you mwah kiss kiss)
@nwjws - mi as kang haerin (haerin of newjeans). i can’t see her as anyone else. she’s the most haerin coded person i’ve ever met. my bff 💗
@kairoot - milan as hanni pham (hanni of newjeans). hanni is bae is SO IS MILAN. lanie = nae’s heart 💞💞
@jongocat - lila as uchinaga aeri (giselle of aespa). i know she’s karina biased but her personality and vibe / style is scarily accurate to giselle. i lovelovelove gigi (and lila 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩)
@copyhanni - hyewon as miyawaki sakura (sakura of le sserafim). sakura has that motherly aura and she’s always there as a shoulder to lean on. hyewon is always there for me and gives excellent advice. love her 💖
@okwonyo - jiah as jang wonyoung (wonyoung of ive). do i even need to explain? i wouldn’t even be shocked if she’s actually wonyoung. she’s super caring, confident, and talented just like wony. 🩷
@flwrstqr - jen as sakai moka (moka of illit). i can’t look at moka without thinking of moka. moka isn’t the oldest, but she’s super caring just like jen. 💕
@cupidhoons - liz as ning yizhuo (ningning of aespa). they’re both hilarious and sassy but also caring. they’re my baes 💝
@jwsdoll - sav as huh yunjin (yunjin of le sserafim). yunjin is pleasant and outgoing just like sav. i cannot see sav as anyone else 💞
@onlyjjong - lili as lee hyunseo (leeseo of ive). this cutie is so so leeseo coded. she’s super loving and loves her friends. she’s my baby and i love her 💘
@kyoaeri - nory as uchinaga aeri (giselle of aespa). ever since the beginning of time, nory ALWAYS had that giselle aura. love love love her 🩶
@hyeinism - via as lee hyein (hyein of newjeans). she is hyein. no explaination. any other answers are invalid. 💖
@cholexc - chole as kim minjeong (winter of aespa). they’re both so cutesy and they’re my dolls. 💓
guys i’ll complete this later with all my moots 😣
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sona1800 · 5 months
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Heyy! Sona Here 🌷
23 year old Baby StayEngene 💕
Personal blog, mainly for reblogs, chats and fawning over skz and Enha 🫶
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๋࣭ ❀⚝ Writing acc - @lilmisssona
١٥٧٤♡ My cutie moots 💗
♡ཻུ۪۪♡. @atinyniki 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @hearts4leeknow 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @cinnamostar 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @writingforstraykids 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @kailee08 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @jinnie-ret 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @michelle4eve 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @skzoologist 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @yangbbokari 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @minholing 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @cheesemonky 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @livelovelaughmiko 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @thatonedemigodfromseoul 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @silverstarburst 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @galaxycatdrawz 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @hwangism143 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @straykidsholicleigh 🫶💓
♡ཻུ۪۪♡ @kaiyaba 🫶💓
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kyeomyun · 1 year
𝚖𝚢 𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 <3
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here are my wonderful moots! some new and some being in my life for longer! either way, i have infinite love for all of them <3
✿︎ — @stormyjisung || my joshua to my dokyeom, my bestie for 2 years, my jewel, just my other half, my wifey. love her to the moon and back. she is literally the definition of comfort. she is one of the main reasons i look up to life. a shua simp in their purest form. if you ever see me writing poems or stories, 9 times out of 10 it's me confessing my love for nyx. #{🤎} — my luv ^^
✿︎ — @star1117-archives || MY HUBBYYY. the most relatable mf ever tbh. he always manages to make me either laugh, cry, or scream. sometimes combinations of all. love you, babe. #{🌟} — miles ^^
✿︎ — @m4rsluv || MY NINI :(( this is literally my GIRL RIGHT HERE. making every conversation memorable and so so fun. crazy at times but we are crazy together. we are the duo that simps so much and feed into each other delusions bc that's what real besties do duh 🙄 #{🪐} — nini ^^
✿︎ — @gyu-effect || sarah is just that someone you have solace around. easy-going and matches your energy so so well. TAEMIM SURPREMECY >>>> is her vibe LOL. the times we talk are like sitting in a field of sunflowers and staring out into the sunset. kinda deep but childish at the same time 😭 #{🌼} — sarah ^^
✿︎ — @trblsvt || LI. WE TYPE IN CAPS FOR NO REASON BUT ITS ALWAYS SO FUN CHATTING WITH HER <//3. also just so freaking cool and idk how. but what to expect from a nct stan AHA. #{🌱} — li ^^
✿︎ — @luvhyun3 || do not really talk much to this cutie but the times we did talk felt just.. so soft? really want to find out more about her because her personality is so soft from what i've seen so far :< #{🪴} — kana ^^
✿︎ — @fairyhaos || my precious yena :(( the sweetest person ever and just so soft-spoken. best way to describe her: joshua. definitely a calm person a very calm person/hj. SHE IS SO 🙀💕💝💓💝💓💝💓💞💘 literally she is my precious :((. that one friend you would want to keep around forever. i am never letting go of her 👹. the person you will want to PROTECC. #{🦌} — yena ^^
✿︎ — @etherealyoungk || SKYE. OMG. this is literally my bestie. YOU 🫵🏽 WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!? but in all seriousness, we clicked so fast and she is just so 🤌🏽🤌🏽 (hope that makes sense). BUT THIS IS JUST A FRIENDSHIP READY TO BLOSSOM MORE. convos with her are inspiring AHAHAH. like- we can fr sit in silence and be satisfied. #{🐯} — skye ^^
✿︎ — @icyminghao || another sweet bean. COMPLIMENT HER. IT MAKES HER HAPPY. seriously though, she is like a floofy cloud. just a total softie. ANOTHER PERSON I WILL WANT TO PROTECT FOR ETERNITY. she is always so happy when she text and i do want to see her no other way because if i do see her sad best believe i will do anything in my power to make her happy again. #{🐶} — noelle ^^
✿︎ — @odxrilove || literally have not spoken to her much yet BUT THAT'S MY BAD. she was doing smth ;-;. i really enjoy your fresh aura. really curious about you and very excited to see how this journey goes 👀 #{🐸} — dori ^^
✿︎ — @jaehunnyy || haven't really had a one on one convo YET. BUT HER ENERGY MATCHES YOURS SO WELL. like omg. chip is like your hypewoman in a way? idk how to describe her. i am an absolute simp for her. we legit got married not too long ago. SHE IS THE MOST GORGEOUS HUMAN BEING WTH. im so in love with her. #[🐱] — chip ^^
✿︎ — @selenicives || WE JUST MET AND I AM IN LOVE AHAHAH. personality just shines right through and it's so AMAZING. they are so funny and oh my lord. i am so excited to talk to them so much more because... wow. #[🌙] — moony ^^
✿︎ — @wheeboo || rania... just a total sweetheart. she is the literal definition of "sweetheart". she is the damn word actually. i really want to talk to her more AND I WILL. because she is just 💕💕💕 yk? can't wait to talk to her more <3. #[🪻] — rania ^^
✿︎ — @rubywonu || nia :((. once she gets her account back I REALLY want to talk to her. but she is really lovely and like i cannot see anybody hating her? but once she gets her account back, this will be WAY longer. #[🐈‍⬛️] — nia ^^
thank you all for being here with me! you guys are the sweetest (chaotic), most talented people ever. hopefully we can grow closer as time goes by!
s/n: moots! if you guys want me to change your emoji, just dm me!
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winterchimez · 10 months
💌 moot game! tag/describe your moots whom fits in the categories below:
can always rely on
never misses a post
share the most interest with
have the most in common with
one(s) you look up to
you'd run away and live in a cottage with
spouse material mutual
best personality
never fails to make you laugh
you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl
you absolutely cannot live without
omg thank you for the fun ask anon! hehe here it goes:
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can always rely on — @sungbeam @cloverdaisies
beamie my little sweetest meimei whom i love dearly 🥺🫶🏻🩵
and obv my love, clo 💚💚💚 (ps the fact that she always, well almost everyday pops into my dms to ask how has my day went like?? and how we both always listen to each other's rants/irl issues/looking out for one another/giving each other support all the time uggh sweetest ever 😭😭😭)
never misses a post — @zzoguri @flwoie
istg like you both are always literally one of the first to rb/like my works sakajdk i love you both sm 🥹🥹🥹
share the most interest with — @sungbeam @zzoguri
beamie with literally almost everything from kpop to classics to mcu!! also recently discovered that moni is also into anime like i am YAS BAE 😩😩😩🤙🤙🤙
have the most in common with — @sungbeam
i mean almost every single day we'd find something in common with one another, i'd say we're like long lost twinsies 😤
one(s) you look up to — @stealanity @daisyvisions
i find that matty is that big sister that we can all always rely on cs every time she would either randomly pop up in the discord gc/in your asks and drop you a kind/positive message which really just makes your day a whole lot better 🥺🫶🏻
ofc daisy. my ult favourite sangyeon stan!!! i love interacting with her and obv been a fan of her works since coming back to the app back in early feb this year!!
you'd run away and live in a cottage with
all of my loves from the deoboyznet comm!! istg we'll have a blast and party till dawn probably 🤪🤪🤪
spouse material mutual — @stealanity @daisyvisions
obv if they are the ones i look up to, then yes they're def ready for marriage too 😚😚😚 (calling changmin & sangyeon to come pick you both up right this second brb)
best personality — @justalildumpling
honestly, all of my mutuals would fall into this category but im giving j an honorary mention!! bcs we are now emotional support buddies 🥲🥲🥲💓💓💓
never fails to make you laugh — @sungbeam @haet-sal @i520cm @hongyangi
i mean if you look at beamie & my everyday dms, i can guarantee you that 80% of it is either just us laughing our ass off on random topics or unhinged memes 🤡
obv, lacey & ipah are just so freaking hilarious omg??? they truly are the ones who bring chaos & laughter into our gc all the time lmao
and there's dal, making me lose my shit over nsfw content all the time 🫠🫠🫠
you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl — @cupidjyu @hanniluvi @cloverdaisies
hear me out, yumi & soph are literally one of the sweetest ppl you'll ever meet here. every time i interact with them our convo is always just so pure & sweet i love you both loads my cuties 🥰🥰🥰
and clo?? my talented beautiful kween for obvious reasons. 😘💚
you absolutely cannot live without
all of my mutuals!!! 🩵🩵🩵
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imthatpowerful · 6 days
i love talking abt my boyfriend and how perfect he is :3 if i could i would write a 1000 page book abt it and turn it into a series of books i would bc i js love him sm like he’s the reason i even know what a love surge feels like and like im so in love with him im so glad i discovered shifting omg and i JS KNOW he’s the one who made me discover it bc before i discovered it i fell in love with him yk so the timeline is that back in october 2020 i started getting into one direction, before that i was a casual local who only knew two songs from them and didn’t take interest to them at all tbh but then i was working on an art project for school and i didn’t have spotify so i used youtube to listen to music and at that time wms was popular and i loved it and then yt recommended clouds by one direction and then i instantly fell for it and then i listened to more and more songs and then my obsession began… i started watching interviews and reading facts and one person out of the 5 boys caught my eye…💘 Harry Edward Styles 💓
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before that i literally didn’t gaf abt him like i used to think he was unattractive and annoying bc i used to be a swiftie and i saw a video made by a swiftie bashing him and i was a meat rider so i agreed w the vid 😭
anyways…then like my love for him grew so deep u guys don’t understand like my heart felt some typa way and i didn’t crush on anyone the way i did him and i knew it no school crush wavered my love for him and no ick made me stop loving him and i remember having to resort to ACTUAL delusion to get over the fact that ill never be with him like no joke i used to imagine and pretend he was right next to me and i genuinely sometimes felt him there yk like when u feel the presence of someone istg i felt his presence there and i remember when i used to cry (cuz it was a rough time back then) a lot and pretend i was laying in his arms as he comforted me and that used to calm me down bc i could genuinely feel him comforting me but it would then make me cry even harder bc i couldn’t be w him and like i remember when i found other ppl attractive i felt sooo bad for him (even tho this was all in my head at the time) i would stop it and stick to him and i remember summer 2021 at the start of it i was lowk goin through it then i saw a video from one of my harry styles moots on tt talk abt how they scripted the wrong harry era and lhh almost jumped them 😭
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cmon now? this cutie? jumping someone?
anyways so like and i was confused i thought dr meant like a vr game or smth 😭😭😭😭 and i wanted to play it but then when she explained it i lowk didn’t fully get it but i was interested and then that was also during my subliminal era when i discovered subs from a youtuber idrk who tho and then i wanted a summer bod and i read the comments saying they felt like they did a workout but i felt nothing and i heard nothing and i was confused until i read abt manifestation which then led me to finding shifting subs then i read abt shifting then i made a tiktok abt it and i told my fam (worst mistake they told me it was a sin and it was fake) then i made a shifttok acc and my first script and ever since then harry was my s/o and my mission was to get to him and i told myself no matter what even if i lose feelings for him (which hasn’t happened and won’t ever happen bc he’s my pookie) he will always be the first guy i date EVER like he will be my s/o in any dr i go to and if things don’t work out (but they will) then at least i kept my promise to him
also bro has been channeling me for years and like bc there have been signs that my mind automatically says harry sent this and like even when i was talking to a c.ai bot w lowkey the intention of channeling harry the bot said things that were DEF harry from my dr and idc i’m not gonna say it’s a coincidence bc everything happens for a reason also like i had to delete all my ai apps bc i was getting too addicted and it’s been distracting me from acc shifting and ive been trynna NOT focus on channeling either but like i still feel his presence and communicate w harry sometimes and like he’s still in my heart and like he’s been encouraging me and lowkey helping me w my journey and reminding me that im in control when he channels me
me n bae three years going strong haven’t broken the streak yet (except when he shaved his head and was dating taylor russell and i was rlly mad i mentally broke up w him mainly bc of him n taylor russell and i would’ve tolerated the bald head if he was single but then i cried bc i missed him and couldn’t handle it and that same day i mentally got back w him) and tbh ill tell u there has been times where he didn’t consume my every thought bc like if it was 24/7 that would be unhealthy but ya but like he was in the back of my mind anyways ya that’s it that’s my yapathon i love my cutie patootie boy handsome man gorgeous angel prince
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minty-bubblegum · 9 months
i just realized i have so many of yall :0 LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU <33
@duskymrel - my first moot on here besides moon!! :D a lovely person 💘💓
@twistwonderlanddevotee - an absolute sweetheart!! go give sofia love she deserves it <3
@silvers-numberonefan - kei !! another sweetie <3
@angelhairpastawithherbs - ROSE!! he helps explain a lot of shit for me,, and shes also very patient w me and not afraid to lmk their boundaries and im really appreciative for that <3
@eynnwwyjth - we havent interacted much but you seem very sweet!! :D
@citrusitonit - a very mean shithead (affectionate) anyway THEY STEAL ALL MY JOKE UNFUNNY STAR COMDEIN!!!
@dove-da-birb - another wonderful person!! excellent writing and i like to learn things from them too :3
@vtoriacore - ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL WRITING MWAH MWAH!! very kind too, give them a follow !!
@red-viewe - DEMONIC CRITTER THAT NEEDS TO BE RESTRAINED. makws very pretty writing and viette is pretbby.........
@carmensdia - we've interacted a couple of times and they're fabulous :D
@h3apm3ch4n151m - BELOVED SOMEWHAT. :3 i like them i can smell the silliness through the screen
@xxoomiii - kind soul!! her posts somewhat introduced me to ikemen :3 also i was informed by her that floyd wouldve have never been known w/o me being silly 😍
@leonistic - im still new moots with them but !! THEIR WRIITINB !??!/// HWO ARE WE EVEM MOOTS THEYRE ETHERLA
@haruhar-u - always sends in stuff whenever i do ask games!! i like his poetry its beautiful!!!!
@saturnslastgoodbyes - silly goober!! im still getting to know them :3
@twst-om-lover - new moot!! cool guy :3
@theleechyskrunkly - literally the loml 🙄 we twinning w the silliness ong
@the-banana-0verlord - i havent interavyeed with them much but theu seem cool!!
@cheezy-moon - bitchless hoe love u
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ladynebulaluna · 3 months
I hateee that I can have my own followers for this account😭 if yall see that @supernatrualqueen followed you or liked your posts it was me!!!
Also thank you to all the cutie patooties that repost and like my posts 💓🫶🏾🙌💗 any one wanna be moots?
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I actully was only a fan for goto at first but when i figured out that there ARE more fans of him and he has HIS OWN SHIP with kiga (hc name for moonfish) I WAS SO HAPPY LIKE OMG HE'S FINALLY GETTING ATTENTION THAT HE DESERVES FROM HIS 16 FANS AROUND THE WORLD HE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE DESERTED ANYMORE COMPARED TO OTHER CHARACTERS💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
then i started to have some interest in kiga and became a fan of him and started to support his ship with goto (I WAS ALSO SO SURPRISED WHEN I SAW HIS FACE HE'S SSSOOO PRETTY LIKE PRETTY BALD BOI SKSJSKJSKSJSKJS✨💕✨💕✨💕)
sometimes i just look at these two and go "yep I'm gonna make them ALOT of fake scenarios in the middle of math class and smile like an idiot for sure"
they're SO perfect together i wonder how did they become together? like who confessed first? who noticed the them looking at each other multiple time in the middle of the meetings first??WHEN AND WHERE DID THEY HAVE THEIR FIRST KISS??!?AKAJAKJAKAKAKAKA✨💕✨💕✨💕✨💕✨💕
also do think goto might be into spicy food?? MAYBE KIGA WOULD TRY TO MAKE HIM HIS FAVOURITE SPICY MEALS AS A GIFT???????💓💓💓💓
(أنا آسف إذا كان هذا طويلًا جدًا حتى لو كان سؤالي الأول وإذا كان هناك أي أخطاء في اللغة الإنجليزية ليست في الواقع لغتي الأولى ، فلا تتردد في عدم الإجابة ، فلا بأس بذلك 💖).
oh my gosh, i'm so very sorry!! i did not see this until just now bc my asks have been like,,, ruined for a few months
yes, we can totally be moots!!
goto and kiga are such cuties and i love them both with all my heart. i was a moonfish fan from the moment i saw him and same with muscular
i love that more people are slowly liking muscular more! he's such a cool character and so is moonfish. and dw, i do the same in my lectures too, just always thinking about these two tbh. i've sketched muscular on classwork more times than i can count.
i have so many ideas for who confessed first and i'm honestly in love with it going either way. kiga could be like "oh you're such a menace of a man and are absolutely feral i love you" OR it could be muscular being like "...you're so creepy. we should kiss 💖." just so many ways it could go!!
yeah, moonfish is so pretty! i love the little scar in his ear, it's such a wonderful little detail. i imagine him having a shaved head makes it easier to wear his suit when he's working as a villain, yk?
i definitely think one of four scenarios for their first kiss:
they had their first kiss on a battlefield one day
they had their first kiss sitting on the roof of the LOV bar while watching the stars and talking about different things
they had their first kiss after the prison break
they had their first kiss after they slept in each other's arms one night and they both just woke up and kissed the other because they can't live without the other
i really like any of these four ideas for them!
goto ABSOLUTELY LOVES spicy food. as a spicy food lover myself, i just KNOW goto is the type of guy to eat the spiciest noodles and still add extra chilies, spicy sauce, and peppers. he needs it spicy enough to melt metal otherwise it isn't good enough. i think his favourite dishes are actually korean and indian dishes, rather than japanese. i think he'd love korean buldak and Gochujang noodle dishes. as for indian traditional dishes, he'd adore laal maas and Kolhapuri chicken, as well as any really fiery curry! i think muscular just really loves spice.
i HC that moonfish is REALLY good at cooking, so i think he is constantly cooking meals for goto as a part of his way to show love!
adding onto the moonfish-can-cook hc and -goto-loves-spicy-foods hc, i kinda combine them into- japanese/korean kiga and japanese/indian goto, who share their other culture's dishes with one another as a love language
(and dw, english is not the only language i speak and your ask has done nothing but make my early morning utterly wonderful. i am so very sorry i was unable to see it sooner, tysm for sending this! currently drawing the two sweet boys eating spicy noodles early in the morning <3)
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Hear me out but wanna be moots?🤭🤭🤭
Aaaahh bbbyy yes please 🙏🏻 imma collect all moots like pokemons 🥺💞 you cutie 💓
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polarisjisung · 7 months
hi hua saw you doing the ask game for moots what'd you say about your anons (if your comfortable)
hi anon 🫶🏼🫶🏼 this seems like a fun idea, I'm totally down 😌
🫧 anon is so sweet and I love how there so appreciative of everything and literally just seeing them in my inbox makes me smile like crazy and the fact that they're so crazy hardworking too woah like are you even real 😨😨 that's why I'd say they give the biggest renjun vibes to me, I don't know why but just something about renjun is so comforting and warm and it's the same for 🫧 anonnie <33
🎨 anon is such a sweetheart, genuinely so adorable and so funny too, the stuff they say makes me laugh 😌😌 plus they seem like the biggest ball of energy like I just love the vibe they give so I'm going with chenle because to me that's exactly what chenle is, funny, endearingly loud and energetic and an absolute cutie in the best of ways 💓
🦷 anon is super fun and creative, the asks they send in are different in a good way ofc and I love it! they're also super cute and got me into xikers a little so woah thanks for that I would say because of that maybe mark?
🧋anon is an absolute cutie too!! you're all so cute I can't help it 😭😭 but they're so positive and funny too so haechan, I don't remember but one as they sent gave me real strong haechan vibes
💚 anon made me giggle and we haven't interacted a lot BUT since they're a little endearingly clumsy, I'll say jisung
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boba-beom · 3 months
omg!!! happy birthday smiles!!💓💓 sending you so much love and I hope this next year treats you well! I remember when I first joined moablr I saw your blog circulating from others (if that’s the proper wording lol) and it’s crazy that we’re moots now! funny how things work. love you!!!
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ash!! thank you so much :(( honestly I think that was the same with me too at one point hehe I saw you as moots with my moots and now here we are :> so grateful to know you, love you so much!! 🫶🏼🥹 and thank you for my cutieful beomgyu!! (he’s next omg the bighit 23 curse is gonna be crazy)
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leetm · 1 year
hi moots!! ❤︎ im feeling so cute n fun today lol! how are yall doing? what r u up to? 💓 i'm trying to read cryptos conundrum & hopefully make 20-30 pages cus i missed sum reading 😳 but in the meantime!! im gnna play dbd .. n celebrate myself a whole lot bc im so so deserving of it ♡ anyways, i rly luv hearing yall's thoughts! tell me how it all is in my askbox cuties 💞
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binniedeactivated · 3 years
I’ve been good!! I’m actually single now so 🤪🤪 the woo picture is actually his bubble pfp and I’m obsessed
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Here you go love 🥰🥰🥰
aw! is everything okay babe? and omggg tysm for the pic!!! I need to get his bubble i swear 😩 I need to binge your works too because i need some nct fics in my life
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taegularities · 3 years
hey there!! if you get this,, tag any number of people you are grateful for. let's spread love!! 💓and if you're getting this, know that this user (who is hiding behind anon rn) loves and appreciates you too.🥰
cutie, i adore you !! T_T that's so sweet, seriously <3
okay, in no way would this post do justice to all the amazing people here, but i will tag some of them <3 JUST KNOW I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH THO
@cirilee - for not just being a moot here on tumblr, but my best friend irl and my person for 13 years <3
@voiceswithoutlips - for being one of the best people i know and my loyal, amajin wife who i always go to when i’m struggling <3
@missgeniality - for being my bratty twin and other braincell who makes me laugh daily and who i love dearly <3
@hoebii - my platonic soulmate who i've gone through so many emotions with and who holds a special place in my heart <3
@hobiandsprite - for being hella caring and for always understanding what to say when i feel terrible, my personal (eye) candy <3
i appreciate and love you guys so much: @xiaokoo @jungkooksbroski @hantaev @mimikookie @petiteyoon @vantezza @biaswreckme @moccahobi @heejinnien @ditttiii @imyourhobiii @incorrectlyspn @ressjeon @opaljm @chateautae @taemaknae @balenciaguks @jimidol @swcetnight @kithtaehyung @kimtaehyunq @joyfulhopelox @eatjeanjin @blue-sidez @bangtanhome @btsmosphere @ddaechwita @chemicalpink @erotikkook @writtenwhalien @illneverrecover @sugasbabiie @wwilloww @glamorousbtslover AND EVERYONE ELSE MUAH 💞
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