#cus yall are in my asks box being mean
graycious-tea · 27 days
When I tell you I am this close 🤏🏻 to dm-ing Lou to tell him we love and adore him and what he’s doing with Tommy because of all the hate that cutie patootie of a man is getting…
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lekeyeh24 · 1 year
If your comfortable with it could you write 42!miles and black widow reader 'enemies to lover's ' type of thing but what if in another dimension they are older and have kids and those kids getting in dimension 42. They are twins and 15 but just them being confused couse "why were our parents so mean to each other when they were our age"
ofc thanks for the ideas guys i love it please send me all your guys ideas and i will totally write them as soon as possible!💕
earth 42 miles morales x fem black/Latina reader enemies to lovers
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Miles pov
I was walking up the stairs when I felt someone bump into my left solder as I looked up to see who the hell bumped into me I realized it was y/n I rolled my eyes and said “watch where your going you need glasses or sum damn” you see me and y/n NEVER got along it was because when we were younger she stole my juice box from me and drank it as I was CRYING so I pushed her and she pushed me and we got into a fight (yall they were both 5✋🏼😭) after our moms broke us up we both yelled at the same time “I HATE YU” and that how we hate each other.
y/ns pov
“me? watch where your going dickhead you the one whos in my way” Miles gets on my nerves and always starts something. while youbwere both arguing his mom mrs. rio yelled “BOTH OF YU ENOUGH. Miles, ¿qué te pasa? y tú/n, ¿qué te pasa?, solías estar tan cerca ahora, mirad todos, solo prepárate, estamos cenando en el apartamento y/ns, date prisa antes de que la comida se enfríe.” you both stared in shock as miles mom had went into my apartment door. We both looked at each other just then I lightly shoved him out of my way he glared at me as I walked passed but i didnt care i went into my apartment door miles following not far after me.
no ones pov
as the night when on miles and y/n were in her room doing what their moms had asked them to do get along but oh no they were arguing in her room as well until this big hole came out of no where and they hadn’t realized that two 15 yr old twin boys had came out from the portal looking right at them.
miles pov
me and y/n were arguing when all of a sudden we heard a voice called out from in her room, we kept arguing think that it was one of our moms talking or something when in reality it was theses two twin boys in the room
Carters pov (one of your twins)
“mom dad?” I said two the two people standing infront of us “nah thats not them they look our age and they are arguing.” cameron said also joining the conversation the two who were arguing snaped their heads towards us in confusion. In fear y/n went behind miles while miles just looked at them funny, the two twins who were in the room laughed at their parents faces.
y/ns pov
“w-who are yall?” I asked in confusion , they both looked at each other them back at us and said “we are your sons from a different universe” they both said at the same time “what the fuck” miles said.
no ones pov
after sitting down and telling miles and y/n everything miles and y/n soon turned red in embarrassment. they had both realized that they were married and had kids together and that they were in love. when the two twims went back to their universe it was different for y/n and miles they got closer when the days went by and miles finally asked y/n to be his gf. You both lived a happy with with one another and had two handsome baby twin boys named carter and Cameron.
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
Heya, I hope you’re doing alright. May I request some headcannons of the Aot girls, plus Hange, with a s/o with a massive sweet tooth, like almost to the point where they would fight over the smallest piece of chocolate? (God knows I would)
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- Mikasa finds your obsession with sweets adorable. She’ll constantly buy and or make you some sweets which makes your heart melt lmao. Mrs. Cakerman *cough cough I mean she got that cake tho* Enjoys making brownies with you and see you eat up all the batter before it’s even in the pan lol. She thinks is so sweet *pun intended 😏😏*
- Always shares her sweets with you, I mean ALWAYS. You never have to ask or take she’ll just hand you some. And she knows when something is up when you don’t eat any sweets. She reads you like a book, always taking down mind notes of what your favorite sweets are and some new ones she should try making. And she hella makes sure you brush your teeth good she don’t want her babayyyy gettin annay cavities 😏 (Mikasa you can f my cavities)
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- Bro annie got a sweet tooth aswell. Not to your crazy GIVE ME THIS BITCH OR ILL SLICE OFF YOUR PENIS type crazy. Just like if you holdin a donut home girl gonna get a bite.(plus I hc that’s her favorite food) Annie thinks your obsessive Behavior can get annoying at times (or so she says) but she stills love you but CHILL THE FUCK OUT IM GOT GIVING YOU MY FUCKING DONUT AND YOUR NOT CUTTING OFF MY NIPPLE! *ahem* sorry. I’m getting a bit to carried away.
- Doesn’t mind baking for you but doesn’t do it a lot. Mostly buys you sweets. And she isn’t gonna sit there and just let you devour a whole 12 box of donuts until you’ve lost all sanity but will limit you on how many sugary things. Plus it gets annoying everytime she kisses you she feels like she just gave head to that fukin lucky charms guy, like shit taste the rainbow, fuck wait that’s skittles. Her favorite phrase is “catch a break or catch these hands”
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-oh hanji baby 😩😩😩 Damn.. them cheeks is the only sweet thing I wanna taste rn. This got so inappropriate so fast. They’ll sometimes buy you sweetsss and themself to bro. THEY HAVE TO FUCKIN HIDE IT FROM YOUR ASS BC U SMELL THAT SHIT FROM MILES AWAY LIKE FR.
- Hanji will fight you aswell for the last peice of chocolate, you think you being their partner will automatically mean you get babied? I mean duck yeah but like they don’t play around when it comes to food, like shitzzzzz they will in to bite a chunk outta dat ass if you’re willing to aswell (I’m sorry they just keep on coming like how my dad did, without a condom, why tf was I born)
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-okay this situation is like death. Like u enter it, you already see Jesus like. homie will beat you for food. Homie will suck your tiddies for food, ESPECIALLY SWEETS BRUH- Like this is a death or death situation, either way of y’all gonna die.
-well now you get all the sweets to yourself cus she kind of.. ya know.. like 😵 :/
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- pieck with dem cheeks 🤤🤤 She loves you to death she really does BUT DAMN IS SHE WORRIED. She thinks tahts probably bc of everything you went through as a kid is why you eat sugary foods. Weird logic. Okay pieck. Trauma with a little bit of.. spice.. no sugar-
- She likes baking you cakes alot :D and is surprised when you eat it all in less then 5 minutes :d. Honestly mom- milf material like hell yes
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trashcanfills · 3 years
Hey hey welcome to this trashy blog! Here’s some stuff to keep in mind if you hang around.
I don’t take requests but I will entertain any asks that has cool ideas and stuff you wanna share with me.
No rude/racist/sexist/any form of discrimination allowed in my asks because I like being decent and interacting with only decent people. You can ask questions if you dont know or worried abt coming across as insensitive because I believe in educating, but I will call you out if you are doing the above or being an ass in general.
I do SFW and NSFW. Im not exactly to restrictive on who reads my content because I’m aware there will be those who try and find out to sate their own horniness curiosity but please do so in safe spaces and beware because the internet is Not a Nice Place. There are always creeps and assholes about so please be careful.
No noncon, under-age relationships, paedophilia or incest of any kind. Just no.
No scat/vomit/pee kinks, sexualised gore, consensual noncon or sadism/masochism. Not kinkshaming but I’m not comfortable and my writing will be shit. You guys don’t deserve that.
I am absolutely ok with yandere and dubcon. Do specify if you talking abt the yandere version of the character otherwise I will assume it’s just the normal character from canon.
I primarily do Canon characters x Reader, but I’m also open to character x character! However note I will have my own opinions on some ships that might not settle well with you guys, so ask me opinion first before sharing and for that I will warn you, but I will still try my best to deliver me ideas lolololol
Warning: for the darker themes, me writing about them does not mean that I endorse any of it e.g abuse, yandere, dubcon, etc. in real life. This is immoral behaviour that can greatly harm people. There is a clear line that separates fiction and reality. Acknowledge it and respect it.
If you do not like the content from this blog, block and unfollow exists for a reason. :)
Current Fandoms/Characters Open for IDEAS YEEEEE
Overwatch (yes Im still doing this because I love the game even if Blizzard is a fuck up)
Stain from My Hero Academia (because I’m a fucking Stain Simp as you all can tell. Also cus I have not read the manga in so long due to lost interest and Im not sure if I’m picking it up again soo just him for now whelp)
Genshin Impact but im still new to the game and fandom so it will take a while before Im able to write for the entire character cast. So far I can write for the Traveller Twins, Kaeya, Lisa, Diluc, Amber, Jean, Fischl, Klee, Bennett, Mona, Venti, Zhongli, Childe, Xiangling, Xinyan, Qiqi, Kazuha, Yoimiya, Thoma, Ayaka, Ayato, Itto, Heizou
Blog Status: Ask box open but uhhh might take a while to respond because Im still a procrastinator bitch. Will complete the requests that were submitted in my inbox before but again procrastinating bitch.
This post will be pinned and updated for over time so do check it out before submitting any requests. Play nice yall.
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drangues · 4 years
*Hops on the Trauma!Atsushi train* Can we talk more about his hallucinations? Like, give me the ADA realizing he's seeing the Headmaster, and even if they aren't experts Ranpo and Dazai and Yosano are all on that shit and how to deal with it correctly in seconds, because the first two are geniuses and the latter is a damned medical professional and if that means expanding to mental health then so be it. They make sure to tell everyone else the do's and don't's, and everyone gets a crash course.
me: *drawing*
yall, swarming into my ask box: IT ALL STARTED WHE-
welcome to the trauma atsushi train!! and yes, DEFINITELY, tho i feel like yosani would be more better on this while ranpo knows the causes and the signs but not so much on how to deal with it and dazai is a blend of both, though i have a feeling he himself doesnt know how to like, comfort (i mean go back to him slapping atsushi)
T H O maybe dazai didnt realise how severe it was and thought it was just as atsushi let it out to look like; “self pitying” and dazai has never felt like it will help since he himself feels like he cant self pity cus of the fucked up shit hes done in his port mafia days
ANYWAYS, YES, I AGREE the ADA would Definitely have a mental health awareness meeting thats pretty broad but also then informing on the do’s and dont’s 
the thing we all seem to forget is that atsushi JUST got out of the orphanage when he was found and then thrust into a new enviroment where he was suddenly safe (kinda), warm, had enough food, people that didnt treat him like shit and so on and so forth. but then it’s so hectic so he barely was able to process his trauma (apart from how he already dealt while STILL being in his traumatic situation) so once it all settles down and is all calm it just slowly and surely starts like,the trauma is like,,,Settling in and his brain is realising “Yo that was some M A D fucked up SH I T-”
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dopeloverx · 5 years
DopeLoverx: all these spikes and shit DanielTheKing: you thought you was a god? ThatsTy: like y df my nigga aint puttin his hand up like he blokn det shit? DopeLoverx: let me move ThatsTy: yuh ThatsTy: i did DanielTheKing: we can swap dope DopeLoverx: ty besti ThatsTy: like shiiid im Vip, DanielTheKing: they can't attack u DanielTheKing: but they can hug u DanielTheKing: z ThatsTy: mfs still huggn me Guest_EvilXMarc: are my spikes in your way? DopeLoverx: YES! DopeLoverx: >>>>>> DanielTheKing: ion feel em Guest_EvilXMarc: oh lol DopeLoverx: lol ThatsTy: but wen i wasnt vip tryna hug a girl det was vip i kouldnt DanielTheKing: damn ty Guest_EvilXMarc: they look sexy Guest_EvilXMarc: . DanielTheKing: errbody love u ThatsTy: sit weird DopeLoverx: lmfao DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx: right ThatsTy: my first imvu account i was 13, llf den i neva got on afta i turned 14 n hea i am 2day ThatsTy: gah bak on 2 years ago DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: you go way back then DanielTheKing: yah they changed that vip shit ThatsTy: fakts DanielTheKing: when it first came out u couldn't nun to vip DanielTheKing: u was a peasant ThatsTy: nah Guest_EvilXMarc: . Guest_EvilXMarc: lol ThatsTy: u still kant G Guest_EvilXMarc: >.> DanielTheKing: how they huggin u then ThatsTy: buh ion undastand how dey huggn me cus dude next to me was vip she hugged him n he basically pushed ha ass ThatsTy: im like wtf? DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: ur vip broke ThatsTy: i need my money bak Guest_EvilXMarc: is he typin about me? DanielTheKing: nah Guest_EvilXMarc: oh DanielTheKing: sumtin else marc Guest_EvilXMarc: im too high Guest_EvilXMarc: smh DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: i be tha only sober mf on imvu Guest_EvilXMarc: tryna slide on ole girl next to me ThatsTy: nah DopeLoverx: lol Guest_EvilXMarc: >.> DopeLoverx: its new years ThatsTy: z Guest_EvilXMarc: happy new years to everyone Guest_EvilXMarc: hope you guys get drunk DanielTheKing: it must be new yrs erryday for sum folks then ThatsTy: gne head n slide ThatsTy: G ThatsTy: its a open spot nex to ha ThatsTy: @Dope ThatsTy: yoo Guest_EvilXMarc: @strawberry Guest_EvilXMarc: have a boyfriend? DopeLoverx: when he move i want my corner seat back DopeLoverx: z Guest_EvilXMarc: oop DanielTheKing: lol ThatsTy: u havn a photo shoot dope? DopeLoverx: not rih now why ThatsTy: kus llf u dne changed hella times i just noticed det ThatsTy: i thought u was leavn n kummin bak buh u neva left DopeLoverx: cause the organe was getting on my nerves Guest_EvilXMarc: tryna show off in front of her new friend DanielTheKing: z Guest_EvilXMarc: @Marcus ThatsTy: dead asf DopeLoverx: and the way my back look in the white was frustrating Guest_EvilXMarc: lol. DopeLoverx: so i had to change again ThatsTy: uuh huh ThatsTy: i see DopeLoverx: yuh DopeLoverx  rolls eyes ThatsTy: llf i jus asked sweetheart a nigga was curious, i dead ass thought u was takn pics of yaself Guest_EvilXMarc: @strawberry imma sing to ya Guest_EvilXMarc: hold up DanielTheKing: z Guest_EvilXMarc: lmaoo DanielTheKing: -dies- DanielTheKing: wah u gon sing Guest_EvilXMarc: idek Guest_EvilXMarc: gimmie some DopeLoverx: dont encourage him DopeLoverx: << ThatsTy: he muss b on mobile ion see nobody name strawberry n hea DanielTheKing: z Guest_EvilXMarc: i need a love song DopeLoverx: ikr DanielTheKing: that her mobile name ThatsTy: uhh huh ThatsTy: i see DanielTheKing: dope they be comin for u Guest_EvilXMarc: @magnolia tell your friend to stop cappin DopeLoverx: smh idk why ThatsTy: z Guest_EvilXMarc: she know she want me to sing to her Guest_EvilXMarc: . DopeLoverx: i dont ThatsTy: z Guest_EvilXMarc: lol dont be rude Guest_EvilXMarc: 😂 DopeLoverx: besti wyd ThatsTy: < DanielTheKing: bout to go turn on this heat ThatsTy: yooo DopeLoverx: lol DanielTheKing: cold af DopeLoverx: YOOOOOOO DopeLoverx: llol 8amz has left the chat DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx: i wanna watch a movie DopeLoverx: any suggestions DanielTheKing: lol idk @ dope DanielTheKing: what u like DopeLoverx: action adventure thriller DopeLoverx: i kinda want a good thriller DanielTheKing: thrillers be havin u on that edge of ya seat DopeLoverx: my lips are numb DopeLoverx: im never doing this shit again DopeLoverx: omm DanielTheKing: doin what DopeLoverx: drinking DopeLoverx: i dont drink DopeLoverx: tryna be cool and shit ThatsTy: yall Daniel finna die DopeLoverx: >> DopeLoverx: why DanielTheKing: damn ThatsTy: kus his girl gne kill em DanielTheKing: drank too much huh DanielTheKing: aye man its a new yr ThatsTy: nah ion do det no mo ThatsTy: im tied asf tho DanielTheKing: can't put that on me so soon DopeLoverx: what did u do ThatsTy: ima b da one dets gne get killed by my girl tbh DanielTheKing: idk what ty talkin bout DanielTheKing: i was doin me Guest_EvilXMarc has left the chat DopeLoverx: ty butt dont make my head hurt DopeLoverx: lol DopeLoverx: im so confused ThatsTy: nah ima blame u too so yo girl kan kill u too DopeLoverx: Seee thats why you my fam ThatsTy: dets y he dyin llf DopeLoverx: you already knew DopeLoverx: z DanielTheKing: yah ThatsTy: im tied asf ThatsTy: its 3:45 DanielTheKing: hell yeah it is DopeLoverx  slips on dawsons breek ThatsTy: tf is det? DanielTheKing: a song ThatsTy: oh ok ThatsTy: buh she dancin on beat doe ThatsTy: z ThatsTy: well she was DopeLoverx: my bihh lookin like oooo yo bihhh lookin like naaahhhh DopeLoverx: Droptop freak and she flossin DopeLoverx: ayeee DopeLoverx  twerks   DopeLoverx: my bihh loookin likoooo yo bih lookin like nah nah DanielTheKing: so Ty u drug free DopeLoverx: i fuckin love that song DopeLoverx: z DanielTheKing: i can tell DopeLoverx: thats all i wanted to hear DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: damn i hate shop on here DopeLoverx: im done DopeLoverx: im sleepy kinda DopeLoverx: if i get another new years text DopeLoverx: im turning my phone off DanielTheKing: ooo that alcohol kickn in DopeLoverx: my lips are still numb DopeLoverx: i keep biting them DanielTheKing: i guess u gotta sleep it off DopeLoverx: i gotta work tomorrow DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx: im a light weight DanielTheKing: wha time DopeLoverx: i cant smoke either cause the weed too stong DopeLoverx: my nepheew got me some gas 1 time DopeLoverx: im thinking im taking that shit DopeLoverx: till i hit it forreal DopeLoverx: almost died DanielTheKing: lol DanielTheKing: were you coughing? DopeLoverx: when i was hitting it nahh DopeLoverx: not till the last hit DanielTheKing: gon cough out ya lungs on tha floor DopeLoverx: shit was painful DopeLoverx: and i was passed out in the next room DopeLoverx: shit was uncontrollable DanielTheKing: awwww DopeLoverx: i dont do drugs DanielTheKing: say no to drugs DopeLoverx: lol DopeLoverx: riii DopeLoverx: im a good girl DopeLoverx: see:) DopeLoverx: my high tho is sex frfr DanielTheKing: lol DopeLoverx: good sex younger looking skin DopeLoverx: more smiles DopeLoverx: lol DanielTheKing  whispers: whats ya fav position? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lllol are u serious whats urs   DanielTheKing  whispers: doggy and cowgirl lol KGTF has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: oo. depends on teh mood   KGTF: Yoo DopeLoverx: HAPPY NEW YEARS! DopeLoverx: WHATS GOOD MF DanielTheKing  whispers: a quiet place is a good thriller KGTF: Happy New Years KGTF: Lmaoo KGTF: And Shii CHiLlin DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i saw it it was kinda like bird box hella random DopeLoverx: how was it it bringing in 2019 KGTF has left the chat DanielTheKing: damn he left quick DanielTheKing  whispers: u saw searching? DopeLoverx: lol DopeLoverx: i tild u i was boring DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll yep seen that 1 too   DanielTheKing  whispers: damn you seen it all DanielTheKing  whispers: movie buff ass DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i love watching good movies i use to live at teh theater   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i use to wanna be a actress DanielTheKing  whispers: u saw the commuter? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: nahhh lol DanielTheKing  whispers: damn it'd be cool hanging wit u i love watching movies together DanielTheKing  whispers: its pretty good DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont think i have DanielTheKing  whispers: and i love thrillers DanielTheKing  whispers: and romance haha and action DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: aww DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im sure ur a romantic   DanielTheKing  whispers: only for the right woman DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ") i wou;dnt expect otehrwise DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: what time is work DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: 3p i close DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im fucking pissed too DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but its whatever DanielTheKing  whispers: u got time DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: oh yeahh DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: did u make breakfast DanielTheKing  whispers: i been in here the whole time DanielTheKing  whispers: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: ima make it later in tha day DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: what was he talking about getting u in trouble DanielTheKing  whispers: oh cause i got a bestie thats a female DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: hmmm DanielTheKing: yaasss its warm now DopeLoverx: lol me and blankie making sweet warmth right now DanielTheKing: haha thats wassup DanielTheKing  whispers: why you say hmmm? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont wanna get u in trouble   DanielTheKing  whispers: loll ima not stop having friends cause my gf DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: tho me and toast got something i still move like im single lol DanielTheKing  whispers: people like me and i can help ppl by being me so i cant stop DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: um lol   Guest_pabloperp has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thats no how that shit works DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: what u mean DopeLoverx: people are so weird DopeLoverx: :x DanielTheKing: jump out a plane #2019 DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: you respect her wishes no friends mean no friends lmfao Guest_pabloperp has left the chat DanielTheKing  whispers: Nah b thats not me if i can help someone ima do it DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll   DanielTheKing  whispers: i give a part of myself to my gf no1 else gets that should be enuff DanielTheKing  whispers: you can't hog some1 for yourself ppl aren't made like that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thninks about my clingy nature   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: >> um yeah right   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: ima be a psychologist DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thats a pefect idea i wanted to be a thearpist   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: bro swear we friends af DanielTheKing  whispers: ppl seem to love getting advice from me lol DanielTheKing  whispers: so we aint go sumn special goin on? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: cause u talk to people in a way they understand DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: wait huh DanielTheKing  whispers: people are simple to me DanielTheKing  whispers: im just messin wit u DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: you a scorpio tho DanielTheKing  whispers: we vibe really well i love your energy and honesty even tho u try to hide it sometimes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: hide my energy? DanielTheKing  whispers: nah your feelings DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: rolls eyes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: what feelings lol DanielTheKing  whispers: like if you feeling a way about something you tend to tuck it away at times DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: no comment   DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: its cool...i know most guys are terrible listeners DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: why you feel like im a good fit as ya bestie DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: cause u fun to talk to u keep the convo going you always roll with the vibe i throw   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: imvu dont do that shit nomore DanielTheKing  whispers: gotta make tha most of the time u have DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: on earth? DanielTheKing  whispers: plus your vibe is fun lol you always on sum crazy DanielTheKing  whispers: nah with the ppl you come in contact with DanielTheKing  whispers: anything can happen a person mite have to leave imvu for some months DanielTheKing  whispers: then that energy aint there no more Guest_pabloperp has joined the chat Guest_Kingjay23136 has joined the chat Guest_Kingjay23136 has left the chat Guest_pabloperp has left the chat ThatsTy has left the chat DanielTheKing  whispers: that was random af DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: nah its a convo never feel like that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: with me   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: cause i try key word TRY not to hold back with you   DanielTheKing  whispers: im not expecting you to lay it all on me cause u still gettn to know me DanielTheKing  whispers: i just know that as people we go thru so much DanielTheKing  whispers: and alot of times we dont have ppl to just express ourselves to or with DanielTheKing  whispers: so we carry alot of pain with us and its rough DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: your gonna make me cry that shit is so real   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: the people im around i dont expess myself too DanielTheKing  whispers: like you could be a kid who went thru abuse but couldn't say nun or cps would come take u DanielTheKing  whispers: that shit don't go away DanielTheKing  whispers: or if ya parents was on drugs or u saw someone u was close to commit suicide DanielTheKing  whispers: its alot of shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: that happen to you DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DanielTheKing  whispers: so i just say ppl need to just be them cause its not guide book to this life shit DanielTheKing  whispers: shit alot happen to me lol DanielTheKing  whispers: but parental abuse was something yes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: mom or dad DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DanielTheKing  whispers: dad DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: alcohol? DanielTheKing  whispers: nah just cause he could DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: beat u woop you verbal? DanielTheKing  whispers: beat down with items, fist, verbal all that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im so sorry DanielTheKing  whispers: i wasn't even mad bout that abuse cause shit happens DanielTheKing  whispers: i was more mad at the adults around who knew and aint do shit DanielTheKing  whispers: they just let it happen DanielTheKing  whispers: that was my proof to know adults are fucked up DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: not even adults just some peopl DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: people DanielTheKing  whispers: that shit drove me insane tho DanielTheKing  whispers: couldn't trust nobody forever DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: smh DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: since then ... DanielTheKing  whispers: that shit warped my personality for many yrs lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: how   DanielTheKing  whispers: like i didn't wanna be a victim DanielTheKing  whispers: but i couldn't be me without existing with that pain DanielTheKing  whispers: so i kinda acted like someone else for a time being DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: what was your safe place like someone else who? DanielTheKing  whispers: like i just was trying to hang with otha ppl who were prob bad for me DanielTheKing  whispers: just to avoid living with reality DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: do u ever feel like it happen for a reason   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: it being 2019 DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like have you grown into a better you DanielTheKing: hell nah i wouldn't wish that on anyone DanielTheKing  whispers: but um DanielTheKing  whispers: i've grown alot since then DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: got caught slippin DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lmfaoo DanielTheKing  whispers: the only thing that came out of it was me being able to know how much pain the world is in DanielTheKing  whispers: and how easy it is to hide it cause i hid it very well and i still hide it at times DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: .... DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: the realest shit i was told as a child when i tried to express my feelings like the REAL shit   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: "sounds like a personal problem" and "Noone cares" DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but i dont feel that way   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i care about people DanielTheKing: your fam tell u they love u DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lmfao   DanielTheKing  whispers: this damn thing keep fuckn up DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: there u go   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing  whispers: but my parents never told me that DanielTheKing  whispers: nore any of my fam DanielTheKing: i grew up fast af DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my dad died protecting me   DanielTheKing  whispers: this mf cursor boy DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my mom had been thru some shit b4 that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: when i was in HS she told me everyday just dont come home pregnant   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont even be out like that lol DanielTheKing  whispers: man shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: she got preg young with my sister and got married young and then the crack era hit   DanielTheKing  whispers: i never had one sex talk with my parent DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and their dad my sister and brother   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: their dad was hooked on drugs DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and my mom was taking care of them   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: holding shit down DanielTheKing  whispers: i fell into porn at 10 and foul language DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: until my moms mom died then she had to take in her lil sister   DanielTheKing  whispers: ever since then i felt like an adult lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and her husband the fatehr of her two childer hooked on drugs raped my moms little sister DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and that shit fucked her up DanielTheKing  whispers: wtf DanielTheKing  whispers: you can unsee shit ya know DanielTheKing  whispers: can't DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: then fast forward 4 years later she meets my pops DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: whos a family man supporter all that   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: never married has me lol   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and not even a year after that hes gone   DanielTheKing  whispers: shit cray DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: so my mom gonna became   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: different ig   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: always over protective controling   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: grumpy   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i hate to say it lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: she didnt like hugging us DanielTheKing  whispers: being a parent is hard af and scary DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: or kissing us DanielTheKing  whispers: my parents never hugged till i was grown DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ikr DanielTheKing  whispers: well my mom at least DanielTheKing  whispers: my dad shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol shit cray DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my moms been in and out the hospital   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: she let me kiss her and tell her i love her i had to leav her there 1 night DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: after going thru this break up   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like god knew i needed someone   DanielTheKing  whispers: the world is fucked up man DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like walking around straght face any dude looking at me getting mugged DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol but inside lol DanielTheKing  whispers: and ppl try to act like we all doing well like everything all good DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i just wanted a genuine hug DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: someone i felt like i could trust to tell me they love me   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: all i got is my mama   DanielTheKing  whispers: ikr DanielTheKing  whispers: the i love you words genuinely with a hug touches your soul DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my brother and sister different dad they blamed my mother for their fater raping our aunt DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and they didnt like me cause i was born outside   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: so just imagine thru the years   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol the saltynesss and shade DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol the fakeness DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol it was sad   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: we just started getting along again but tbh i still dont trust them sometimes   DanielTheKing  whispers: i bet it was DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont trust their intentions   DanielTheKing  whispers: i wouldn't honestly some shit just dont go away DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i make more money than they ever and my dad before he died set me and my other brother up really well with money   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: so they use me sometimes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but because my heart is so giving   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: it hurts hwne i need them in return and they cant deliver i dont want the money i just want my sister ya know DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont want shit you have lol DanielTheKing  whispers: like one reason i wouldn't wish this on anyone cause i was paranoid one time DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: just show me you care about me like yall care about each other   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: a little of what i been thru as far as family lol DanielTheKing  whispers: the word family don't mean nun to me DanielTheKing  whispers: i've seen fam do some dispicable things to each other and its sad DanielTheKing  whispers: yall blood   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thats why i adored my ex he was family oriented   Guest_Basseses has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: always with his family or doing something for his family DanielTheKing  whispers: i do alot for my fam tho DanielTheKing  whispers: thats why my last 5 yrs been hellacious to some degree DanielTheKing  whispers: somebody always need sum and i dont ask for nun in return DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: bro ya boy broke my heart lmfao   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im still kinda shell shocked DanielTheKing  whispers: my boy? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ya boy meaning the dude DanielTheKing  whispers: oh DanielTheKing: since we scorpios lol DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: oh my goddddddd DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lmfao DanielTheKing  whispers: this cursor is annoying DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: rofl DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but yeah and then when i see him   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: all i get is Im sorry   DanielTheKing  whispers: im sorry cause i miss that good pussy DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: 6 mos i went over that shit like where is baby somethings wrong why cant i get in touch   Guest_Basseses has left the chat DanielTheKing  whispers: they right tho DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: then wehn i did talk to him   DanielTheKing  whispers: times does heal most things DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he was like we gonna be together again and i love you this and that   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and i saw the bitch DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he was with on thanks giving DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i asked him before that   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: a few days before cause it was his birthday DanielTheKing  whispers: was his new chick looking like nahhhhhhh? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i wished him a hbd   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i asked him if he had a girl or was talking to anyone DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he straight up lied to me bro DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and said NO   DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: wtf DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im thinking we gonna be together again and then i saw the bitch   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he sending me pics of us   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: frm the summer before   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: AND YOU GOT A WHOLE BITCH! DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he dosnt know i know but after i saw that shit i stopped talking to him DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont ever wanna feel like that again left in the dark DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like i trusted u   DanielTheKing  whispers: damn love DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: if u need sum and i got it u got it   DanielTheKing  whispers: that relationship really fucked wit u DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i question my sanity still DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like was i crazy for believeing it was real DanielTheKing  whispers: nah   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like what did i do wrong for him to do that to me DanielTheKing  whispers: you wanted it be real cause you were giving it your all DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he had me thinking it was forever shit lol DanielTheKing  whispers: it wasnt u it was him DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i feel so stupid   DanielTheKing  whispers: u gave ya energy to tha wrong nigga DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i never saw this guy coming   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i use to tell him you never know someone until at least 2 -3 years   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: in a relationship DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: 4 years lateer   DanielTheKing  whispers: relationships are for adults tho DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: this shit happens   DanielTheKing  whispers: its hard af if u still learning yourself DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: yeah we were young   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: jhene aiko was our summer song lol DanielTheKing  whispers: like if iwas in a relationship when i was younger DanielTheKing  whispers: i would've been a savage i swear DanielTheKing  whispers: i didn't give no fucks 6horty has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: see that relationship turned me into a savage loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i was talking to mad dude   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: not to sound like a hoe DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i was faithful for 4 years even after he ghosted me   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i had a 1 night stand   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: started fucking this dude i met over th esummer lol   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: it was crazy DanielTheKing  whispers: im still a savage tho DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ive calm down since then   DanielTheKing  whispers: i just don't act on it DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: u? DanielTheKing  whispers: yah DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: really? lol DanielTheKing  whispers: i can't make a woman fall in love with me and drop her like a brick cause idc DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: but i wouldn't do that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol i still dont get it   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and then feed me bullshit   DanielTheKing: i can't i would feel guilty now DanielTheKing: but catch me some yrs ago DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: smh lol ive never been dirty like that DanielTheKing  whispers: i would sell u a dream like a mf DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but its fuck him now DanielTheKing  whispers: and have u thinkn all kinda shi DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: where ever he is now i hope he realizes he broke someones heart who rode for them   DanielTheKing  whispers: i like a woman with a nice body DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: we use to have this thing where we would fall out and be liek nahh we together till the lord says otehrwise DanielTheKing  whispers: so she can be my snack lol DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol and the lord sid otehrwise DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: llol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: u a scorpio i know u a freak DanielTheKing  whispers: shit a extra freak DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol i know DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: well DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont know know but im sure   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol youd def keeo me wet DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: on that note DopeLoverx   yawns   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: its about time for me to goto bedddddd DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DanielTheKing  whispers: lol DanielTheKing  whispers: id be askn can i hit it in tha mornin too DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol be good DanielTheKing  whispers: i needa hit tha gym soon DanielTheKing  whispers: this 6'4ness i going to waste =(( DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: well babe DopeLoverx   hugs u   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im headed out   DanielTheKing   hugs u back   DanielTheKing  whispers: sweet dreams strawberry DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: you have a wonderful night as always a pleasure DanielTheKing  whispers: big factz!! DanielTheKing  whispers: nite DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es3Fm7dLm2o DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: tell me youll listen to it DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and tell me what u think 6horty has left the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: this is my sleep mood rihgt now DanielTheKing  whispers: i got u ima leave a message for u DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: mk hhun   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: good night   DanielTheKing  whispers: b4 u go DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing  whispers: u know what's tha best DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ?? DanielTheKing  whispers: when someone u really vibe with tell u why you mean something to them DanielTheKing  whispers: to hear that is priceless it feels like time stopped for a sec
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