#crossroads henry
lostonehero · 10 months
More crossroads, Henry
More adventures in puberty Micheal is suffering.
Drunk Henry is something warning for smut and dubious content mostly because William is incredibly shy.
Jeremy is intersex he really doesn't care, but his mom had to give him a second talk with the old man
"Happy birthday, Micheal." William smiles, placing down a cake in front of Micheal. It reads happy 15th birthday.
Micheal wasn't exactly feeling happy his body hurt, and his appetite was completely gone. He hasn't told anyone, nor has he really been vocal about how uncomfortable he has been. He put on a fake smile and accepted the first slice. It was a carrot cake his father baked for him himself.
Jeremy smiles. "Thank you, Mr. Afton. How does it feel to finally be on my level?"
Micheal huffs. "You're only 3 months older than me, and you don't see me holding it above Charlie that I'm a month older." He takes a bite of the cake it was really good, but he felt bile rise in his throat, and his stomach wasn't having any of it today.
Charlie shrugs. "I don't care. We're all born in the same year." She has already finished half of her slice. "But Micheal opens my gift first."
Jeremy crosses his arms. "No, he opens my gift first since it's obviously better than yours."
Neither of them have noticed Micheal push his slice of cake away as he hugs his stomach. He barely got down lunch earlier, and he can already feel that fighting to come back up. Father said growing pains could cause nausea, but maybe that was for Charlie with her period.
William notices his son's change in behavior almost immediately. "How about Micheal goes to his room to get my gift first?"
The two teen huff but nod.
William takes this chance to help Micheal back to his room and lightly closes the door. "Hey, my little fox, what's wrong?" His son was still shorter than him, but he knew with the late bloomers in his family it was only a matter of time.
Micheal leans his head into his father's chest. "Stomach hurts." He frowns. "Body hurts too, don't wanna ruin the party."
"Micheal, it's your party. You can decide how it goes." William frowns as Micheal goes a shade paler than he normally is. He places his hand on his forehead, no fever, but he feels cold. "Alright, that's enough. we can reschedule." He can see his son try to protest, but he sways on his feet, nearly falling. William hefts him into bed and tucks him in.
"Mmmh, sorry." Micheal pulls the blanket over his head.
William shakes his head and heads back out. "You two are free to do what you wish, Micheal doesn't feel well."
Jeremy frowns. "But I got him something important, like really important."
William sighs. "No, Micheal has a fever, and I will not have him straining himself."
Charlie frowns. "He didn't even touch his cake."
Jeremy pauses. "He didn't, but he loves carrot cake." He mumbles something in German. He places a newspaper wrapped gift. William couldn't determine what it was. "Can you give this to Micheal when he wakes up, I'm going to ask my mom to come by."
William nods. "Of course, and please do, I don't want to drag Micheal to the hospital. He really doesn't like them."
Jeremy leaves with Charlie following him.
"What was so important?" Charlie sighs, following behind the blonde.
"It's a personal gift." Jeremy shrugs. "I didn't think he was sick. He just looked tired. That old man has been pushing all of us. I just thought it was that."
Charlie frowns. "But we're fine." She crosses her arms. "Pa isn't targeting Micheal either."
"I know." Jeremh frowns. "Let's just go. I want him to be ok."
"So what did you want to ask me about?" Charlie jumps in front of Jeremy.
"I mean, I already asked my mom and the old man, but uhhhh, I got lady bits now." Jeremy shrugs. "The old man said it was possible, I mean, I don't feel any different. I still feel like a guy, yaknow?"
Charlie tilts her head. "But you don't have boobs?"
"I mean, the old man just says I'll be able to have kids like a woman could, or like a man if i choose." Jeremy shrugs.
"Huh." Charlie pauses. "Do you bleed?"
"No, I just have another hole." Jeremy frowns. "Although I have the best of both, I am both man and woman." He stands posing like a strongman.
"Ugh, you guys are getting the cool stuff." Charlie kicks a rock in front of her. "All I've been getting us this stupid charm getting bigger and more elaborate, and these fucking boobs. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable a bra is? Of course not." She sighs. "Besides now, boys are looking at me, and I don't like the attention. I'm not interested, and I just want to keep working on machines. Maybe in the future, I would want someone else, but I'm happy now with you two idiots."
Jeremy sighs. "I get that, but uh, I was asking Micheal out on a date in my gift..." He shrugs. "I know the whole queer people are evil thing, but he makes me feel good, and I really like him. Oh fuck what about school?"
"I'll beat anyone's ass if they come after either of you." Charlie sighs. "You know Micheal's had a crush on you for awhile."
"He what?" Jeremy's voice cracks as he grabs Charlie by her shoulders. "What do you mean he has a crush on me?"
"He has liked you for like two years. He woke me up when he figured out he was a queer. I guess you leveled up on queer? I really don't know how it works." Charlie shrugs, pushing pass Jeremy. "Come on, we're almost at your place."
"But Charlie, what did he say about me?" Jeremy runs after her.
A red-headed man stood over the curled up body under the covers. There was a light frost over the blankets and the smell of smoke from burnt sheets. "You poor thing." He sits on the edge of the bed. "I know you can't hear me, but I did this for my son as well. I can't get close to my granddaughter like my son can. She's getting to be as dangerous as he is. I didn't know humans developed at different rates, some slower, and some faster. Your father called it a late bloomer, but it seems you will be developing in quick bursts, unlike your friend who has been changing slowly from the start, giving his body time to adjust."
The red head flicks his fingers, and the sheets and bleddinng have changed to clean fire and freeze proof bedding and sheets. "Your father is quite protective, thanks to my son, which makes this difficult, but..." He placed a black and red gift at the foot of Micheal's bed. "You're going to need this, and you'll need something hearty when you wake up." A bowl of thick chunky liquid, like a stew, appears next to Jeremy's gift. It's unnatural in color, and it seems to glow. "Finish the bowl it should help your stomach against the changes."
He pats Micheal's leg and gets up. "Sleep well, young warrior." And in a puff of smoke, he vanishes.
Jeremy opens the front door. "Mother, are you home?" He yells a greeting in Yiddish.
"Jeremy, why are you home? Oh honey, did it go poorly? Come on, I can get you some... Oh, hello, Charlie."
"Hi Ms. Fitzgerald, Micheal hasn't even seen it." Charlie smiles.
Jackie pauses. "What?"
"Micheal got sick, and can you come over to look at him?" Jeremy wrings his hands. "He didn't even eat his cake, and he loves carrot cake."
Jackie frowns. "Ok, ok, come on, I'll drive over." She sighs. "Let me get my medical bag first ok just wait in the car."
The two teens nod and follow orders.
Jackie shuts and locks the door. She didn't need William hovering over her shoulders and her son watching from the doorway. She sighed as she moved the blanket off Micheal and saw the empty bowl next to his bed. "Don't pretend to sleep, I know you're awake."
Micheal had his eyes screwed shut. "It hurts...."
Jackie pauses, ok, he wasn't pretending. "Where does it hurt?"
Micheal groans and hugs his chest. "Dunno hurts."
"Ok, just breathe." The color of the crumbs of the food tipped her off to the old man visiting, along with the new bedding. Micheal felt like ice and fire at the same time. Ok, this wasn't a virus. This wasn't even a sickness. This had to run its course. She could at least help him through the worst. "Micheal, I need to remove your shirt and shorts, leave your boxers on."
Micheal pulls his shirt off it has singe marks along with frost and kicks his shorts off. He tries to grab for his blanket but Jackie stops him.
She could see his own muscles and bone twist under the skin as if they were trying to figure out their new positions. Angry red marks twisted around Micheal's skin, and he had moved himself to his stomach. The swollen mass on the end of his tail bone had to breathe, and she didn't want to wait for it to burst itself. She pulls out a sharpened scaple from her bag. "This his going to hurt. Bite down on your pillow now."
Micheal follows instructions and screams, feeling the sharp blade pierce his skin and feel the pressure release. He's crying as he is afraid to move and feels something warm drip down his back.
Jackie uses an antibacterial wipe and cleans the area. "You did a very good job. Now I'm going to clean up the blood, and then you can see what I pulled out. Try not to move it so fast it's very new and will be growing more. Thankfully now not internally."
Micheal takes a breath and finally looks back, opening his eyes. It was small black with a splash of red and a very sharp hooked point at the end. It reminded him of a pig's tail mixed with a devil one. He can feel it stretch as it grows longer in front of his eyes. He can assume that it's going to get thicker as it gets longer.
Jackie brushes Micheal's hair back. "Your body got you a gift for your birthday." She gives a small smile. "You're going to need to eat more than that stew. Your tail will otherwise take from your body as it grows through the rest of the day. Don't be scared, alright. I'll make you something hearty and filling to help. Go put on a baggy shirt and don't put on pants."
Micheal finally sits up, hugging his chest. "Is this bad?"
Jackie shakes her head. "Not at all, Micheal. Your body is changing in two ways. Normal puberty, and well, the effects of working with that old man. Now my son is going through similar changes. Do you want me to ask him to come talk to you?"
Micheal nods and pulls his banket around him.
"Ok, I'll make you something to eat." In German, she opens the door and calls for her son, and I pull him inside while she heads out, shutting the door behind her.
"Micheal is fine." Jackie stares at William while she chops some of the vegetables she pulled out for a stew. "Your family must have spruts of growth rather than a constant cycle. The changes to his body happened as would his normal growth spurts would. Currently, he is growing a tail, and my boy has already started to trim his horns along with gaining new body parts. However, he isn't done, but the difference is Jeremy is constantly changing slowly, so he isn't in pain like Micheal is going through bursts of growth."
William frowns. "I did most of my growing between 15 to 19. Is he growing a tail? Is he ok?"
"He's in pain, but that's to be expected, I cut an opening so it wouldn't have to burst through the skin." Jackie pauses, putting the vegetables into the pot. "He needs support, I can't magically take his pain away. Just don't make him feel alien or like a freak of nature. Maybe walk around in your monstrous form, which makes him feel comfortable with his body changing because he isn't alone."
William nods. "Yes, of course I would never want to harm him." He pauses. "Micheal likes chicken soup, but uh, a hearty stew works, he hates mushrooms don't put thoes in."
"Give him another slice of the cake. He needs all the calories he can get." Jackie smiles softly. "I'm making him some hearty stew. I won't add mushrooms, alright. However, wait till Micheal opens his door back up to give him more food. I wouldn't want to interrupt the two talking."
"Right. I can tell Henry to bring home extra food." William is already calling the fazebear diner he was working at.
Jeremy sits next to Micheal on his bed. He has a red blush on his face, and he had to force himself to look away from Micheal. "I uh my mom told you I'm changing too." His voice cracks. "I uh yeah."
Micheal nods. "Yeah, she said something like that." He looks back, and that small pig like devil tail has doubled in length and thickness. "I feel like a freak."
Jeremy looks back, and his face goes a few shades darker. "I uh, can I give you your gift now?"
Micheal raises his brow but nods about to reach for it, but Jeremy leaned close and kissed him. A loud crack was heard as Micheal pulled away pale and gasping hugging his chest. His tail is now 5 feet in length, thick and strong. He could feel tears prick the corners of his eyes, and he was shaking.
Jeremy gasps. "Micheal, I'm so sorry. i-" he stops as Micheal locks their lips again.
"N-now get your mom, please." Micheal has gone a few shades paler, and Jeremy can feel a warm wet spot grow next to him.
Jeremy doesn't need to look to know that blood. "Y-yeah." He rushed out of the room. He starts to speak rapid German and Yiddish.
Jackie hands William the wooden spoon. "Stir the pot till I get back." She grabs her back and heads back inside the room, locking the door.
William notices the blood on Jeremy's hands. "What happened?" He feels an odd restraint as he can't harm the boy even though he knows that's Micheal's blood.
"Micheal's tail grew really fast, and there was blood, and, and..." Jeremy was shaking. "Did I hurt him?"
William felt something twist in him. "Jeremy, come here and wash your hands and them cut up some more carrots and onions."
Jeremy nods, following the directions. "Micheal likes peppers too."
"He likes to eat them raw. These are to be cooked." William sighs, relaxing as he distracts Jeremy. He didn't understand why everything shifted, like when Henry first told him to be a better father. Maybe Jeremy was a key to helping Micheal get better. He didn't really understand it, but he would do it if it meant Micheal would be ok.
Micheal's breath was heavy, and he looked close to fainting. "It's cold..."
Jackie had pulled Charlie into the room. "Now, Charlotte, I need you to make a fist. I'm going to take your blood and give it to Micheal. Ideally, your father would be better, or the old man, but you are half, so it will have to do." She sighs, taking out a needle.
Charlie nods, holding out her arm. "I want to make sure Micheal is ok." She frowns. "Why not his father or Jeremy?"
Jackie smiles. "Human blood types can be tricky, and if they don't match, it could kill him, and since this is an underworld issue, a little boost won't hurt him in the long run." She sticks Micheal fast and connects the line to Charlie. "It's going to feel weird, and I need you to relax."
Charlie nods, staring at Micheal, as her blacken blood travels to him. "Will this make him better?"
"It's going to stop him from dying of blood loss." Jackie sighs, watching Micheal pass out. "I'm going to set a timer. I want you to yell when it goes off. It's to stop it from taking too much from you. I know you think you can give more, but sweetie, you're only half, and this will have to do till your father gets back home."
Charlie nods. "Ok. I promise." She frowns. "Will Micheal wake up after this?"
"Hopefully, yes. Also, tell me if he bleeds through his bandages, that means his stitches came loose." Jackie smiles and turns on the timer.
Charlie nods. "Ok, got it. Can uh Jeremy come back in here? I know he wants to talk with Micheal."
"Only if he feels comfortable to do so." Jackie hums and slips out the door.
Jeremy was washing the used pans while William was letting the stew simmer. They both stopped and stared at Jackie when she returned.
Jackie takes a breath. "Charlie's doing a live blood donation, I would prefer it to be Henry. However, this will do for now. Micheal fell back asleep, and Charlie wanted to know if you'll come back into the room, Jeremy."
Jeremy nods, placing the dishes on the drying rack and practically runs to the room.
William looks back to Jackie. "Will he be ok?"
Jackie nods. "The blood will help his body adapt and stop him from bleeding out. Although we will be doing a second one when Henry returns from work. Charlie's young and doesn't even make the cut-off age to donate." She crosses her arms. "We're going to need food for both of them."
William frowns. "He'll recover?"
Jackie nods. "He's resilient, and he can handle this." If she believes this, maybe it will be true.
Jeremy sits awkwardly next to a sleeping Micheal, careful not to move the needle in his arm. "Are you ok?"
Charlie shrugs. "I'm getting hungry, but besides that, I'm fine. Why won't he wake up?" She looks back to Micheal, who was dead asleep.
"Blood loss is serious. Your body can't function without it." Jeremy stares at the timer. "It's going to go off soon."
Charlie nods. "I know... I hope my dad comes home soon. He can probably help more than me." She wipes her eyes. "It's supposed to be his birthday. He shouldn't be hurt."
"I kissed him." Jeremy blurts out. "He kissed me back, too. He can't die. We have to plan our future."
"One kissed doesn't mean you two are married." Charlie smiles softly. "But I guess you two do fit together well enough."
"You think so?" Jeremy flinched when the alarm went off, and Charlie shouts. "Geez. You're really loud."
Charlie's smirk fades when Micheal doesn't even flinch. "He always gets mad when I try to wake him like that..."
Jackie opens the door. "You've got a nice set of lungs, alright arm." She removes the needle and tube. "Alright, go get a bowl of stew for yourself. Jeremy, are you ok?"
Jeremy nods. "I don't want to leave."
"You don't have to. Ah, Charlie, your father is on his way back. He's going to help Micheal out just like you did. You did a very good job." Jackie smiles as Charlie nods and leaves.
Jeremy frowns. "Is he getting better?"
"He has a bit more color, and his breathing has evened out, but he still needs more. I know for a fact he's running on fumes. I don't know what triggered that fast reaction, and I stitched his back up he doesn't even have any developing wings or spines for his back. His body is preparing the wrong things for parts that haven't even formed yet." She sighs. "Keep an eye on him."
"Yes, mom." Jeremy mumbles, looking guilty.
"Jeremy, this isn't your fault." Jackie smiles and rubs her son's shoulder. "I'll bring you some food later."
Henry hated needles, but he would be damned if his father was the one to do this and not him. He was doing his best not to look or make a face. He watched Jeremy watch over Micheal, and he didn't understand William's odd comments about the boy either. He finally forced himself to look at the tube. He never really noticed his blood like like pitch. He hopes this wouldn't hurt Micheal, but Jackie did say it was safer than giving the wrong blood type.
Jeremy shifts uncomfortably. "Are you ok, Mr. Emily?"
Henry sighs. "I'm fine. Just never liked needles." He leans back in the chair. "Has Micheal woken up yet?"
Jeremy shakes his head. "No, but mom had to redo his stitches. I hope he wakes up soon. Mom says he has to eat."
Henry could tell Jeremy wasn't saying anything, but he wasn't going to push the kid. "You're changing too, so how is that going?"
"It's fine. mom says it's going slow enough. I won't really feel anything besides normal growing pains. Mom showered me how to file down the horns on my head so they won't show through my hair." He stares back to Micheal. "Mom days, Micheal's will happen in a shorter period, making it more violent and dangerous."
Henry nods, staring at Micheal, who slowly opens his eyes. "Welcome back."
Micheal groans, sitting up. He looks around, still very dizzy and out of it. "Arm warm..."
Henry nods. "Because I'm giving you blood, Micheal."
"Feels weird." Micheal slurs out. "Hungry though..."
Jeremy jolts up, hopping out of bed. "Mom made soup for you." He runs out.
Micheal swallows. "Mmh, tired."
Henry sighs. "That could be from blood loss. Look at your arm. We're fixing that." He smiles softly as Micheal finally realizes he's getting blood.
"Oh.... ok....." Micheal kind of fumbles grabbing the glass of water on his bedside table spilling most and only drinking a little. He's still really out of it.
Henry gets up and moves closer, helping Micheal with his drink until he has had enough. "Alright, come on, you're ok." He rubs Micheal's back. "Feeling a little better?"
Micheal shrugs. "Hungry..."
Jeremy comes back in almost spilling the bowl of stew on the floor. "I got some stew."
Micheal makes grabbing hands, and Henry stops him, holding his hands in place. "Smells good."
Henry smiles, taking the bowl and spoon. "Ok, we're going to eat slowly, Micheal."
Micheal huffs frustrated and unable to get out why he's upset. He eagerly takes the first bite, drooling a little on his thigh.
Jeremy hops back up on the bed. "Your dad helped, too."
Micheal hums eating every bite with a new vigor. He doesn't speak until the bowl is empty. "C-can I have more?"
Henry chuckles. "Yeah, alright. Let's see if we can head to the kitchen so we can clean your bed."
Jeremy helps Micheal to his feet he sways but doesn't fall leaning heavily on Jeremy. Henry is on the other side, so the tube doesn't get pulled out. They make it to the kitchen as Micheal sits down, and Henry hands over the bowl, as Jeremy sits next to Micheal.
"Mikey, you're awake!" Charlie shouts, taking a seat across from him.
"....loud." Micheal mumbles.
Charlie giggles. "I know I am."
Micheal gives a small smile.
Jackie sighs. "You're still too pale for my liking. I apologize, but you can't disconnect from your uncle yet."
Micheal nods, greedily accepting the next full bowl eating by himself.
Henry smiles. "I'm happy to help my nephew." He sighs. "Is everything ok?"
"Well, he's alert and awake, and he has his appetite back, which means the treatment is working better than hoped. However, you can only go another 10 minutes before it becomes too much for you." Jackie sighs. "I will need to get your father to help out. Don't don't argue with me. You've been hooked up to Micheal for an hour. I don't need you collapsing as well."
Henry frowns but nods. "I know how to get him."
Micheal holds his bowl up. It's empty, and it seems like he has tuned out the entire conversation.
"Jeremy sweetie, go fill up Micheal's bowl." Jackie strains a smile. "William, grab my bag, now, and a tarp. Henry, thank you for the help, but I am going to disconnect you, and you better get your father." Her tone doesn't leave room for an argument.
William pales and nods, rushing to Micheal's room.
Charlie frowns. "What's wrong? He's awake and eating isn't that good?"
Jackie sighs, removing the needle from Henry's arm. "The way he's eating is as if his body is preparing for another immediate change, and that means the stitches I put on are going to snap, and Micheal is going to bleed a lot again. So I need you to go out with your father and grab the old man."
Henry nods. "Of course, come along Charlie."
"Yes, dad." Charlie follows him outside.
Jeremy gives Micheal the refilled bowl again. "You have to promise me you'll be fine we have to talk."
Micheal doesn't even acknowledge him as he eats.
"Henry Arthur Emily and Old Man Consenqueses, you both are under my temporary control until I release you." Jackie snaps her fingers and chains wrap around both men's necks. "I will not have you two fight while I'm trying to treat Micheal."
The red head glares but golds out his arm, knowing better to fight against control like this. "How do you know my name?" He growls as the needle pierces his skin, and the glowing black liquid moves to Micheal.
Henry was pulling at the chain around his neck. "W-what is this?" He felt angry as he kept pulling at it, and it wouldn't come off.
Consequences looked to his son. "Our names have power over us. If a human knows how to use it properly, they can form temporary contracts controlling us until they release us." He turns his attention back to Jackie. "How do you know my name?"
Jackie hands dripping red blood as she tries to stop the bleeding on Micheal's back. "Don't play coy with me. You're in the inner circle and are infamous for choosing to deal with humans. My little drink months ago was a trick you could fight it, and that tipped me off. Your son doesn't exactly have that ability due to well not really understanding his abilities, but you, you're an expert acient one of the originals."
"You're quite smart for a human." Consenqueses leans back.
Henry frowns. "Can I take this off?"
"No, because enough need to be on your best behavior, now eat the food in front of you, you need to regain your strength." Jackie watches Henry eat against his will.
Charlie frowns. "Are you hurting my dad?"
"No, sweetie. I'm just making sure a fight doesn't break out so I can keep an eye on Micheal. However, I need to ask you to take Jeremy and William to a different room, I rather not have an audience as I pull apart Micheal's skin to fix the damage of the rapid growth and pit things back in the proper place." Jackie sighs. "I need to focus because this can be dangerous."
Charlie nods and grabs the two and heads outside.
Jackie's attention returns to Micheal. "I apologize, but I can't use painkillers to help you." She opens her bag, pulling out several tools and parts. "Tell me, Consequences, have you ever seen a human grow wings in this process?"
"No, that's impossible. Living warriors picked by the underworld can not have wings like those who are from the underworld. Those under contract and turned can have wings like my son's consort." Consenqueses pauses, unable to see what Jackie was looking at.
Henry coughs as he finishes his food. "William isn't a consort!" He sputters face growing red. "I uh... er.... we're just close."
Jackie smiles. "Thanks. I needed the smile." She pauses as there's a loud crack as she reaches inside. "Fuck..." She starts cursing in German and snaps her fingers.
Consequences nod, losing his human form and letting his blood flow faster. "I can give more?"
Jackie takes a breath, and blood coated her hands to her elbow as she pulls something out of Micheal's back. "Henry, I need you to keep from anyone entering this room, no matter how much they beg."
Henry pales at the sheer amount of blood but does as he is told as he opens and shuts the door behind him.
Jackie pulls out a second object, then a third and fourth lower on micheals back. "No flesh yet, if there will be any. Two looks like the start to arms, the others.... you're going to be proven wrong." She takes a breath. "Increase blood flow and calcium in the blood. I know you can handle that."
Consenqueses nods. "No flesh?"
"No, but they are growing more bone. However, I know for a fact flesh and bone during these transformations grow at the same rate." She frowns. "What is actually happening to him? You must tell me."
"....I don't know." Consenqueses answers honestly. "Even with the strongest I've seen throughout history, I've never seen one so violent."
Jackie bit her lip, and the answer made a pool of dread grow in her stomach. "Alright. Keep the blood and calcium flowing, and use magic if you must keep replenished. I've made sure that none of these parts are growing inward or growing into muscle or organs."
"Will he survive?"
"I don't know."
The two fall into an uneasy silence as the cracking and stretching of bone fill the silence.
Jeremy and Charlie had fallen asleep, and William was barely keeping his eyes open. He looks at Henry leaning on the door. "It's almost 2am." His voice is ragged and exhausted. "Can you tell me anything?"
Henry shakes his head, grabbing the metal chain around his neck. "I have to guard the door. Thank you for bringing the two to bed."
William nods. "Do you know if he's still alive?"
Henry shakes his head.
William frowns his eyes red from crying after the two teens went to bed. "Is this how you felt when I-" he can't finish as he covers his mouth.
Henry nods.
William drags himself to the floor and hugs his knees. "I-i'm sorry." He swallows, tears dripping from his eyes again. "He turned 15. He's still a boy, Henry. He can't die he has the rest of his life ahead of him."
Henry wants to reach out and comfort his partner. He stops himself as he can't leave his post. "Micheal will be fine he's got my blood and my father's. He will survive."
"He's my baby, my little fox. He still has to outgrow me and become a man himself." William sniffs shaking. "I want my son to be ok."
"He will be ok." Henry smiles softly he's trying to believe his own words.
Consequences mouth was dry as he removed the needle from his arm with the command. "Don't release me yet. I wish to observe him when he awakes."
Jackie sighs, two massive skeleton wings on Micheal's back along with long skeletal arms with long boney hands with claws. "I understand. I will not go clean up Micheal's room, and then come back here and clean this room, I'm going to take Micheal and clean him off."
Consequences nods and goes to follow orders. He watches his son own chain vanish, and he has fallen asleep.
Jackie picks up Micheal, and he is lighter than he should be. "I'm sorry, but you need to get cleaned." He is limp in her arms as he breathes quietly. Jackie takes him to the bathroom and starts a bath, cleaning him off slowly, so careful not to wake him up. Hopefully, she can get enough sleep to continue his treatment.
Henry woke up the light streaming into his living room and his daughter poking him. "Dad, wake up. You're not supposed to sleep on the floor." She was crouched over him, hugging her knees. "Micheal's awake and finished the stew Ms. Fitzgerald made, Jeremy made you guys eggs."
Henry rubs his eyes. "Charlie?"
"Also, I don't want to wake up Uncle William." Charlie sighs.
Henry blinks, sitting up. "What time is it?"
"11?" Charlie gets up. "The old man is still here too. He keeps staring at Micheal, but I don't think he has noticed yet."
Henry sighs and gets up. "William wake up Micheal's awake."
William snaps his eyes open, sitting up and scrambling to his feet. "Micheal's ok?" He stares into the kitchen, and Micheal is nodding off into his stack of pancakes Jeremy made for him alone.
Micheal is half asleep more lucid than he has been his new parts have gone mostly internal and saved for a few bones poking out. "No more..."
"Finish your food." Jeremy huffs. "I made them with chocolate for you."
Micheal sighs, cutting into the stack. He takes a bite, and his eyes light up. He quickly finishes his plate. He huffs. "Shut up."
Jeremy smiles, triumphed. "Do you want more?"
"No." Micheal groans, laying his head against the table. "Stop it, I'm too full."
Jeremy smiles. "Good."
William rushes over, sitting across from Micheal. "Are you ok?"
Micheal nods and yawns. "I'm stuffed and tired. Jeremy's going to kill me with food."
Charlie giggles. "You're the one who ate the pot of stew cold."
"Shut up." Micheal sighs. "I'm fine, father."
William sighs and smiles as Henry joins him at the table. "I'm glad Micheal, you had us scared."
Henry narrows his eyes, staring at his father. "Why are you still here?"
Consequences points the metal around his neck. "She released you, not me." He smiles with too many teeth. He is behind the couch he was keeping an eye on Jackie, who had collapsed from exhaustion.
Charlie shrugs. "Pa hasn't moved from that spot either."
Henry takes the plate of food with a soft thank you. "He better be careful."
Jeremy sighs, sitting next to Micheal. He reaches out under a rather table to hold Micheal's hand, who accepts the touch. He has a nervous smile and a slight red blush. "I hope you two like the food."
Micheal squeezes the hand back. "I can take care of the dishes."
"You don't have to." Jeremy sighs as mkcheal stares up at him. "Well, I mean if you want to, that's ok."
Micheal sits up and nods. "Yeah, I'll clean up."
William and Henry share a confused glance, but nothing really comes to mind on why they are acting strange.
Jeremy Micheal and Charlie rushed back to Micheal's room so they could finally watch him open his gifts. Henry and William were in the living room. Henry was glaring daggers at his father, and William was leaning back on the loveseat relief had seeped through his bones.
Jackie had woken up and is sipping on her coffee. "Are either of you going to say anything?"
"I have nothing to say to him." Henry scowls crossing his arms.
Consequences smirks. "You do take after your mother."
"Hold your fucking tongue before I rip it out of your mouth." Henry hisses.
Jackie makes a note that Henry's mother is an extremely sore subject. She pinches her brow. "Alright, that's enough. Consequences: Go check on Micheal, and tell me the truth of your findings."
He gets up and nods, heading to the teens' room.
"Henry, why do you hate him so much?" Jackie sighs.
Henry sighs. "I don't hate him, I hate that he made a deal with my mother. I shouldn't exist." He crosses his arms. "Ma deserves an unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere to be forgotten." He rubs his lower back where the brand was burned into his skin. He frowns. "That's enough of that."
William speaks up. "Henry relax, she isn't here, nor will ever come up from where she is you told me that yourself."
"I know." Henry relaxes slowly. "I know. She would hate you and probably drop you off to the pig pen." He let his accent slip. "She did the same to Jen's father."
William raises his brow. "I don't know what that means."
Jackie's eyes widen, connecting the dots. She worked on a farm in her youth only for a year, but it was enough.
Henry pauses and sighs. "I do have to visit with Charlie." He shuts his eyes. "I was hoping to push it off till Charlie was 18, but I can't make excuses anymore."
William reaches out and pats Henry's hand. "We can come with you."
"Abostuely not!" Henry growls. His tone doesn't leave room for an argument or any comments.
Consenqueses returns to the silence of the living room. "I can give you my analysis."
Jen sighs. "Please tell all of us."
Henry was curled into the corner of the couch, arms crossed, and he looked a mixed of upset and uncomfortable. William's arm was outstretched to lay on Henry's back, which seemed to comfort him ever so slightly.
"Micheal has stopped changing for now, but I fear the next will be more violent. However, the bones have tripled their density all over his body, making him strong and tough. He is the first living turned to ever have wings. Even if they are skeletonized, his two new arms can move and work as nimbly as his normal arms. He can fly for short distances he needs to build up his stamina. There are a few marks on his body, seemingly hinting at where the next parts will develop from. I did not see them all due to his hair and clothing he refused to remove. He is fully lucid and responds abnormally fast to stimuli."
Jackie nods. "Alright and my son?"
"Development is slow his body barely reacts to the change as anything more than slight discomfort as growing pains." Consenqueses hums. "Do you wish to know about your daughter?"
Henry grits his teeth and sighs. "Yes."
"She's dangerous, and I haven't been able to remove her seal to actually look." The red head frowns. "She doesn't trust me, but she needs to release it before she loses control, and it breaks."
Henry sits up and stares at his father. "What do I do?"
"A father dauther training session." He smiles. "I seem to recall ours when you were her age."
Henry looks away. "Because I picked fights with everyone." He nods. "Alright, we can do it now."
"I'm sure she will love that." Consenqueses smiles.
Jackie nods. "Good idea, go grab Charlie, then follow Henry out to a remote area. Willaim, could you go with them?"
"What, why?" William scowls. "I have to look after my son."
"Because if Henry loses control, you'll be able to bring him back." Jackie hums. "Not that I'm expecting that. I'll look after Micheal, remember I am a doctor."
William sighs, knowing she is right. "Fine, but I want a report when I get back."
Jackie chuckles and nods.
They were in an open field of an abandoned farm in the middle of Utah. Henry shifted nervously. "I'm not going to do this if you don't want to."
Charlie stared up at her dad. "No, I want to do it, Micheal gets cool wings, and Jeremy has both parts and horns. I want to see what I have."
"Charlie, I don't want to accidently hurt you." Henry sighs, ruffling her hair. "When I fight, I fight dirt and rough. I don't want you to get really hurt." He pauses, not understanding what both parts mean. He has to ask her later.
Charlie vibrates in excitement. "Does this mean I get to fight dirty too?"
Henry blinks. "I mean a fights a fight Charlie you must do whatever you can to win." He raises his brow when Charlie smiles.
"Yes! I want to go all out, please, dad?" Charlie tugs at the metal symbol.
Henry sighs and chuckles. "Alright, alright, just tell me if it hurts ok, and I'll stop."
Charlie nods she is absolutely not going to do that and will fight till she passes out.
Henry takes a breath and grabs the metal it burns in his hand and melts as he removes it. The black band around his daughters neck flashes and rune like symbols spread all around her body, shattering one by one as an inky black envelopes her.
Henry barely has time to register the foot about to hit his face. His body had already shifted as he ducked to dodge, but it caught his horn snapping it. "Charlie?!"
A eerie giggle fills the air. "Dad, you told me anything goes." Charlie smiles. "Look at how cool I look."
Henry opens his eyes and puffs out his feathers. Charlie was really his daughter. He stared at what took his daughters place. Her dirty blonde locks have tinted black and red ends and seem to defy gravity. Her horns twisted up and had black flames above them. She had a massive pair of fluffy wings along with a much small pair of scalled wings. Her tail was fluffy like how a porcupine looked fluffy. She had a massive chainsaw in her hands, and her feet were clawed, and it looked like she was wearing heals, but upon closer inspection, there was a sharp bone spur coming out of her heel. Her ears pointed and teeth sharper than any dagger, and had claws on her hands and feet.
Consequences in awe with his mouth open. "Well, I'll be." He looks over to William, who wasn't paying attention to Charlie, but had his eyes glued on Henry. "This will be much more fair than I realized. She even summoned her own personal weapon without proper training."
Henry steps back and stares. "Are you ok?"
Charlie pauses. "Of course I am, I feel jittery, and I want to hit things." She fluffs out her wings. "Can we get ice cream after?"
Henry chuckles, stretching out his wings. "Ok honey, only if you knock me out." He holds his fists up. "Now let us actually begin."
Charlie nods, and her chainsaw vanishes. "Ok, I won't use a weapon since you don't have one." She giggles. "Love you, dad."
"I love you too, darling." Henry smiles bracing for impact as Charlie vanishes.
Jeremy vibrates with excitement. "I have something to show you."
Micheal raises his brow, they were in the forest collecting ingredients with Jackie. "If it's that frog again, I'm leaving you."
Jeremy huffs. "It's not."
"Alight fine, what is it?" Micheal smiles as Jeremy pushes his socks down.
"Eye, see you." Jeremy giggles as eyes open up on the back of his ankles. "I also got mouths on my palms, but I don't think they are as cool as extra eyes. Mom says I might be developing more on my back."
Micheal's eyes widen as he crouches down. "Do they feel weird?"
"Not really, but I can see out of them. They have a weird film over them, so they don't really feel different than my nails." Jeremy pulls his socks back up after he closes them. "Pretty cool, right?"
Micheal nods. "Can I see the mouths?"
Jeremy opens his palm, but suddenly, Micheal sinks through the ground. "Micheal?!"
Jackie sighs and looks back. "Don't worry, it's his first summonce. The old man probably needed -" She covers her face as Jeremy vanishes as well. "Damnit, I wasn't able to ask if Jeremy confessed yet."
Charlie gasps, picking up Micheal and then Jeremy in her arms. "It worked, yes!" She is running around the field laughing.
"Charlie?" Micheal gasps. "Put me down!"
Jeremy starts to laugh. "No, go faster."
Henry groans as he gets up. He cracks his back as he returns to a normal human form. "I'm so proud of her." His eyes are wide and full of pride.
"She kicked you in your groin when you hugged her." William sighs.
"She fights just like me." Henry bounces on his heels.
William pinches his brow. "Why is that good?"
"Because that means she will do anything to win. Which also means she won't be trusting and getting herself killed." Henry smiles. "Also, she did summon your son and Jeremy."
William crosses his arms. "I suppose I can accept that."
Consequences sigh. "Child quit your running they have to replace your seal!"
"But this is so much fun!" Charlie giggles.
Micheal goes limp. "Charlie, please, I don't like being carried." He regrets his words when Charlie stops and throws him across the field. He releases his wings, ruining his shirt, but stops his trajectory and lands peacefully. "RUDE!" He shouts at her. He's laughing, though.
Jeremy chuckles, climbing off of Charlie. "You're zooming around like a puppy."
Charlie smiles. "I have a lot of energy, but the old man says you two have to..." She stops holding her neck, collapsing to her knees. Her monstrous form fades to her human one as she shudders. "That felt worse than last time." Her eyes roll back, and she passes out.
"I'm sorry!" Micheal shouts running over.
Charlie huffs, waking back up. The black choker seems to have roots into her veins that fade into her skin, and the metal charm has doubled in size. "Ugh, warn me next time, you jerk." She pauses as Jeremy waves his hand, and the black in her veins subsides, and it looks like a normal necklace. The charm didn't shrink but has a few more chains, allowing it to hang lower. "Both of you stop." She whines. "It feels weird."
"Sorry..." Jeremy looks away face red. "Your clothes are a bit torn up."
Charlie looks down but doesn't cover herself as she gets up. "Ugh, I wanted to break my bra, not my shirt." She sighs. "I'm fine, I feel better. Still warn me when you're going to do that either of you."
Micheal rolls his eyes. "That was for throwing me."
"Micheal." Charlie huffs glaring.
"Charlie." Micheal matches her gaze for a moment before the two start to break down laughing.
Henry rushes over with William. "Charlie darling, are you alright? You collapsed."
"I'm fine, dad. Ruined my shirt, though, and my shorts. Oh wait, can we all get ice cream now?" Charlie smiles.
"How about you get new clothes first." Henry sighs really trying not to think about how much Charlie has matured because if he did, he would be attacking any guy that even came close to her.
"Ugh lame." Charlie huffs.
"Micheal, are you ok?" Wlliam is brushing the dirt and leaves off Micheal.
Micheal smiles. "I'm ok, I'm ok." He sighs. "A little hungry, but besides that, I'm fine."
"We should go back and get you checked out anyway just to be safe." William sighs.
Jeremy waves. "Hi again, Mr. Afton." He pulls a frog out of his pocket. "Wanna see a cool frog we found?"
William steps back as it tries to jump on him. "Absoutely not."
Micheal snickers, as Jeremy chuckles.
It's been three weeks, and Charlie's birthday was coming up, but the start of school was tomorrow. Charlie huffs, packing her bag. "Can we just skip this?"
"Education is important, Charlie." Henry smiles. "Besides this winter, we're going to visit your aunt down south."
"I get to meet grandma?" Charlie looks up at Henry who forces a smile.
"Yeah, you'll meet her." Henry sighs. "I believe William will be visiting his family with Micheal."
Charlie sighs. "Do you think I could summon him while at the farm?"
"No." Henry sighs.
"Oh..." Charlie frowns. "Does that mean Pa is going down too?"
Henry pauses. "No? He's still under contract with Jackie, right?"
"Yeah, but Ms. Fitzgerald has been trying to break it, and he has stopped her every chance." Charlie sighs. "Jeremy's been talking about it."
"Ah, I have to come by there then to ask what's going on." Henry smiles. "Now, set up your outfit for tomorrow. The first day is always fun."
Charlie rolls her eyes. "You know it's not." She huffs.
William sits next to Micheal on his bed. "Aren't you excited for school? You've got that new art class you're looking forward to and trying out for the school musical."
Micheal is quiet. "One of the football guys saw me with Jeremy. The whole will know on the first day." He pulls at his shorts. "I'm already going to have to change in a different room because of my tail, but they know I'm a queer."
William pulls Micheal into a hug. "Breath my little fox. If they even try anything, I want you to break bones. I don't care about the rules or the consequences, but you will defend yourself."
Micheal frowns but nods. "I will protect Jeremy, too. I don't care if I get hurt, I can bounce back, I'm strong, and I can even go against Charlie. I don't want him to get hurt."
"Protect yourself first, ok." He kisses Micheal's forehead. "Remember, we have a suit fitting soon."
Micheal sighs. "I know..."
"I don't like it either. I would rather be expending fazebear entertainment to other states than go." William sighs. "One trip and never again. I promise."
Micheal nods. "Ok..." He sighs. "I have to pack my bag."
Consequences sat I'm the uncomfortable plastic chair next to his son as they stared at the principal. The entire football team decided to jump Micheal and Jeremy. Charlie got involved, and the entire football team is out for the season, along with everyone else who tried to attack them.
"Now I understand Micheal's father couldn't make it." The principal sighs, narrowing his eyes. "Your boys and er... daughter have attacked these boys without a care. You have destroyed our team for the future for a few name callings." He scowls. "I don't support these queer aid ridden kids, but this is pushing it. How can you stand these boys turning away from God into sin?"
Consequences hold his arm in front of his son. "Afront to God? Which God? Come now, you can't just invoke a deity without saying their name."
The principal gives a look of disgust. "Our God the one true God."
The red head sits up his eyes, glowing a red. "Now that's no fun. However, I was told by my current owner to take care of this." He grins and snaps his fingers, both men vanishing, leaving Henry alone in the office.
Henry blinks. "Dad?" He jumps when they all suddenly reappear.
"We've all come to an agreement." Consenqueses smiles. "The other children won't bother them either anymore."
The principal hugs his chest. "You are free to go." His voice horse and eyes seem to stare into nothing.
Henry follows his father out of the door. "What did you do?!" He hissed.
"I merely took care of things like Jackie told me to. The children are free to return to classes." He smiles.
Henry scowls. "What did you do?" He stands in front of him. The three teens are behind him.
"I merely gave him and the attackers an audience with what they assume to be God. She wasn't happy to see them." Consenqueses smiles. "He was adamant that his rule was God's plan. He never specified which one, so I made an educated guess it was Christianity, and well, she wasn't happy. Lucy doesn't like it when humans take the word of angels over her."
"W-what?" Henry's eyes widen. "Lucifer is the Christian god?"
"Well, in a sense, but no. Angels kind of created the Bible to spite her, and humans kind of ran with the rest. Angels and devils never have gotten along, and Lucy is a god because she controls hell. Lucy isn't a demon like how we aren't demons. We dont have a name for what we are." He pushes back his red hair. "Now move along children you have classes to attend."
The three teens nervously run back to their final classes of the day.
Henry was on his third glass of bourbon as he laid back on the couch. "William, I want to forget today." His face was red, and he was tipsy at best he has a very high tolerance.
William raised his brow. "As you keep saying." He had barely touched his first glass, he mostly stopped drinking after becoming Henry's he had gotten what he wanted, and he wanted to remember everything of his partner. "Your father speaks in riddles, so why believe him now?"
Henry finishes his third glass and pours a heavy-handed fourth. "He doesn't lie. He merely withholds the truth." He was drunk enough his accent was on full display. "William." He whines drinking half his new glass. He sounds like he's being a fussy child.
William reaches out, but Henry slaps his hand away. "Henry, just because the kids are spending time at Jackie's doesn't mean..." He sighs as Henry finishes his drink and crosses his arms. "Henry, please."
Sober Henry was already a touchy person, and William had never seen anything more than a tipsy Henry even after he tried to kill Charlie. He reached out and grabbed William, pulling him to his lap. His eyes glow red as he stares at William.
William felt exposed, and his purple rabbit ear dipped in front of his face as his wings tried to wrap around him.
"My little rabbit." Henry slurs, reaching up and rubs circles with his thumb on the soft ear. "Little rabbit, little rabbit is so soft."
William's face was red, and he only had one out of six eyes open. "H-henry, you have to get to bed."
"No." Henry growl suddenly grabbing the purple rabbit ear pulling William down. "I want.... " His accent thick and rich like honey. He lets go of William's ear as his mind sluggishly catches up with him. He licks his lips. "Take off your pants and underwear."
William has to do as he is told, and he stands there half naked. "Henry, I'm all for this. In the privacy of our bedroom."
Henry snaps his fingers, and he is also naked from the waist down. "Sit my rabbit." He watches William move robotically and impaled himself with barely a whimper.
William shudders. "H-henry, please." He bites his lip as Henry kisses and sucks along William's neck. His wings stretch out as he whines. "Henry, please. I don't want anyone to see us through the window."
Sharp claws dig into William's shoulders. "No moving." Henry stares up at William. "No one else will see my view. You are mine and mine alone. I don't like sharing." He seems to switch between possessive and innocent in a flash as he traces his hands along both pairs of arms. "You're mine."
William turns his head, noticing all the curtains were shut, and they were thicker and black as if to hide their very presence from any prying eyes. He shudders, feeling Henry's claws trace patterns into his lower back. "I am yours Henry, that hasn't changed since you marked me."
Henry rests his head on the crook of William's neck. "No sharing." He seems to be dozing off. "You're warm and feel good."
William frowns, knowing Henry will be asleep soon. "Henry, my love, can I move?"
Henry hums, wrapping his arms around William. "Time for a nap." He pulls William and himself to lay on his side on the couch.
"Henry!" William blushes and covers his face with his free pair of hands. Henry was out cold. Ok, now William learned a few things. Henry is very possessive when drunk and doesn't exactly like sharing. Henry also doesn't think things through or realize how tired he is halfway through. Henry also sleeps like the dead, and since William wasn't released of this command, he had to wait for Henry to wake up.
William woke up first. He honestly had no idea how he fell asleep in the first place. Ok, he still isn't back in human form, and Henry is still buried deep inside of him. The curtains are doing their job better than he could ever expect he can't even tell if the sun had come up. He leans his head on Henry. "Can you please wake up? I don't want the kids to find us." He nudges Henry's shoulder.
Henry groans unwrapping himself from William. "My head... my...." his eyes open to his normal amber, and his face grows red. "Did I hurt you?"
William sighs. "No you didn't even cum. You got possessive and then fell asleep. You, however, did command me not to move, hence the situation. To be fair, if we wouldn't lock like this, I would have found drunk you cute."
Henry covers his face. "You can move and do whatever you want right now. I'm so sorry."
William pulls himself off of Henry. "Next time, get drunk in our bedroom. I will not risk being caught."
Henry nods, red-faced. "I'm sorry..." He pauses, looking around. "Did I change the curtains?"
William snickers, picking up his discarded clothes. "You told me you owned me and that you didn't like to share."
Henry groans. "I'm so sorry." He lets one of William's hands grab him and pull him up.
"How about we get ourselves cleaned, and you can wallow in guilt and embarrassment later." William huffs when he returns to his human form. "Bloody dammit."
Henry smiles and leans into William's touch. "You're not as slick as you think you are. You can go all out tonight when we are in our room together. You have free range over me tonight since I took advantage."
William sighs. "I suppose that has to work." He smiles as Henry kisses his cheek. "But seriously, I need to clean up. You didn't come, but you've been in me for hours."
Henry nods embarrassment in his features. "No more drinking."
William smirks. "I never said that. I said in our bedroom, Henry. I like how possessive you get drunk."
Henry is red-faced now out of something other than embarrassment. "Duly noted."
Micheal slipped out of Jeremy's bedroom blanket wrapped around his thin frame. He heads to the couch and curls up. He wanted his foxy plush or something to wrap around. He couldn't wake up Jeremy. He didn't know how to explain his behaviors. He wants to go home and just finish fixing Foxy, and he could have them again to use as comfort.
He pulls the blanket over his head. He's been doing so well at hiding. He didn't want Jeremy to know he was a freak who still had stuffed animals and wanted more. He didn't want him to see him pathetic like this, unable to talk and just listless. He can feel himself getting overwhelmed with his thoughts. He curls up on the couch and shakes until his body gives into exhaustion.
Charlie pulled back Jeremy from the living room and pressed a finger over her lips. "Be quiet."
"Why? Is Micheal ok? He wasn't in my room." Jeremy can feel worry claw at his throat.
Charlie sighs. "Micheal has fits. Well, he calls it that. He hasn't had one in a long time, but when it happens, he can't talk, and he's really vulnerable or incredibly defensive." She looks over to the couch where Micheal was bundled up in the blanket completely covered.
"Did I do this? I shouldn't have pushed for him to stay in my room or that we should have defended ourselves. I hurt -" Jeremy stops when Charlie smacks the back of his head.
"Hush." Charlie sighs. "He's always been like this. Just relax he just needs rest, and that fixes it."
Jeremy nods and blinks. "When did you get earrings?"
Charlie tilts her head confused and feels her ears. "WHAT THE HELL." Her shout wakes the entire house.
Micheal falls off the couch and glares at the direction of the noise. He pulls the blanket around him. He gets up, walking over to Charlie. He had his arms crossed and a scowl on his lips.
Charlie sighs. "Sorry, but what if you suddenly woke up with piercings?"
Micheal raises his brow and then sees them. He points to metal charm around her neck, then to the earrings.
Jeremy nods. "They are the same design... oh, the old man was talking about how your seal will grow and change."
Charlie huffs. "I was hoping this would grow enough. I could use it like a whip."
Micheal shakes his head and walks back to the couch.
Jeremy follows Micheal, grabbing his hand. "Hey, Charlie told me you can't talk right now." He smiles at Micheal's shocked expression. "I'll just talk enough for the both of us. Wait, do you think I can talk out of the mouths on my hands?"
Micheal smiles and pulls Jeremy into a hug.
Charlie gives a thumbs up and then frowns. "Ah wait, dad's gonna be mad. He didn't want me to get my ears pierced."
Micheal gives a silent laugh.
Jeremy giggles. "I'm sure he will understand."
The red-headed old man walks in with a scowl scratching under the metal around his neck. "Your mother wishes to understand why you are yelling at this hour."
"Oh, that's my fault, Pa. I woke up with earrings." Charlie raised her hand and then ran up to him. "See, Jeremy and Micheal seem to think my seal got bigger."
Consequences has an unreadable expression as he tilts Charlie's head to get a better look. "That observation is correct. We will have to do more exercises in that field to keep your growing power from shattering your seals."
"Oooo, fun. I like training in combat." Charlie smiles, running back and grabbing Micheal and Jeremy. "More training for all of us."
Micheal nods, his face looks eager, like he has excess energy that he has to release.
Jeremy smiles. "Yes, but you have to throw me again. I want to work on my landings."
"I thought you would never ask." Charlie laughs.
Jackie comes walking in her blonde hair was a mess, and she has bags under her eyes. "I appreciate that you three are up, but I will not have you three make a racket at 7 in the morning." She sighs. "Consenqueses make them breakfast and help them get out their excess energy, I've got a shift tonight, and I really need to get more sleep."
"Of course, lady Jackie." Consenqueses smiles.
"I told you no terms of ownership. You refuse to be freed, so you're more like an unwanted pet." Jackie sighs. "Don't cause too much trouble, you three."
"Yes, mom, love you." Jeremy smiles.
"Of course, Ms. Fitzgerald." Charlie gives a thumbs up.
Micheal just nods, grabbing Jeremy's hand.
Consequences smiles at the three. "That means training for the rest of the day after you eat. These suspension punishment is my gain."
The three nod.
William dropped his glass of water shattering on the floor as the front door was kicked open. "Bloody fucking cunt." He turns and glares at the intruder, who was Consenqueses, and he was holding the three passed out teens. "What happened?" He grits out seeing his son out cold.
Consenqueses chuckles. "My son redecorated, huh?" He drops the three teens on the couch where they curl up against each other.
"It's nearly midnight! What did you do?" William growls.
"Just some training." Consenqueses smiles. "They sure have more energy than I was expecting."
William pauses he finally notices that Consenqueses has a black eye and a busted lip. "Training?"
"Jackie told me to have the kids burn off excess energy. Training is the best solution to that." The red head sighs. "My boy won't be happy his little darling has more seals on her now."
William sighs. "Well, you're lucky he sleeps like a rock." He starts to clean up his mess. "I'll take them to bed. You can go."
The red head smiles and vanishes.
William finishes cleaning up his mess and sighs, finally heading over to the three teens. Micheal was fine and was wrapped around Jeremy, and Jeremy was fine as well. Charlie had pushed those two away and splayed out on the couch. He was surprised she hadn't fallen off. He only came down for a drink after Henry fell asleep after he had his fun being dominant against his owner.
William shook his head. Sure, he loved being dominant, but it wasn't often he could, and that made it even better. He can't think of that right now. He had to get these kids to a proper bed. He somehow managed to pick up Jeremy and Micheal together and bring them to Micheal's bed. Charlie was a bit harder she moved a lot in her sleep and was as solid as her father. He barely got her to bed.
He sighs and heads back up to Henry's room. He really needed to discuss things with Micheal. He knows the boy is only 15, but he still is a teenager, and it's only a matter of time before the physical nature of his relationship comes to light. He needed to sit both boys down for that talk.
He shook his head, shutting Henry's door and crawling back to bed. He covers his face he forgot about the water he was still thirsty.
Jeremy woke up with pain and something wrapped around him. Opening his eyes, he knew he was in Micheal's room, and it was probably Micheal wrapped around him. Yesterday was nonstop training, and the old man put them through the wringer. He really needed to warn his mom about phrasing. Also, why did the old man still want to be controlled by his mom? His mom didn't want it. He shook his head, snuggling closer to Micheal. He also wondered if Micheal was going to start talking again soon. It wasn't important he just missed his voice.
Micheal pushed his face in the crook of Jeremy's neck, making the blondes face light up red, and he could feel blood running south.
Jeremy swallowed. Please, not now. He didn't want to ruin this. Micheal's hot breath on his neck only made things worse. He crosses his legs. Ok, this wasn't working. "Micheal? Micheal, can you let go?" He can feel him shift and let go, turning around, letting him scramble out of bed and rush to the bathroom.
Henry watched the blonde blur run to the bathroom from Micheal's room. "Oh good afternoon...." The door slams shut. "Jeremy...." He turns to William. "I can understand teenagers sleeping to noon, after what you told me, but the rude behavior is something else. Although I can't say anything, I was much worse."
William sighs. "Micheal was wrapped around him, and he probably couldn't get up to use the bathroom. He's a boy Henry. We both know how uncomfortable that can be."
Henry sighs and nods. "You're right. Besides, I know how hard it is to detach Micheal when he sleeps."
William nods. "It's quite sweet." He smiles as Jeremy finally leaves the bathroom. The red face makes William raise a brow, however.
Jeremy groans, covering his face.
"You alright there?" Henry walks over. "You look pretty...." Teenagers, they were teenagers, not children. "Do you need a fresh pair of clothes?" He says quietly.
Jeremy stares at the floor, embarrassed. "Y-yes, sir."
Henry smiles softly. "Alright, I'll grab something for you."
Jeremy nods, hugging his chest, and returns to the bathroom.
William raises his brow when Henry walks past him. "What was that?"
"William, they're teenagers." Henry sighs heading down stairs to the laundry room.
William covers his face. "Fuck."
Jeremy looked down at the table, unable to look William in the eye. "I know I'm disgusting."
William felt a twinge of sympathy and sighed. "You're a teenager. You don't exactly have great control over yourself yet."
Jeremy grips at his pants. "I'm sorry. I just I don't know. Mom says that it's normal, but I didn't want to, I'm not... I'm not ready."
William's face softens. "Jeremy, look at me." He waits for the teem to look up at him. "It's ok to not be ready yet. You're young. You have time. Even if you're never really as long as you never harm Micheal, it will be fine."
Jeremy nods. "Yes, sir." He blushes as his stomach rumbles loudly.
"Come on, I'll make you something. You three were dead to the world last night. I can only assume how hungry you three will be." William moves over to the fridge to take things out.
Micheal shuffles out of his room to the smell of food. He still couldn't talk, but he had his foxy plush in his hands he still needed to fix the stitches, but he didn't care he had to have them on him. He sits next to Jeremy and puts his plush in his lap.
William knows exactly what is happening with his son when he takes his foxy with him. He looks to Jeremy, gripping the pan in his hand tighter.
"Still not talking?" Jeremy pauses when Micheal nods. "Ok, then I'll talk for you."
Micheal smiles shyly and hugs his foxy.
William relaxes instantly. "Ok, if you're speaking for my son, now what does he want?"
"Food?" Jeremy looks between them, and Micheal gives a silent laugh and nods.
William smiles. "Alright, I'll make give you both a plate." He hands both teens a full plate of eggs and bacon. "So Jeremy was telling me about your adventure yesterday."
Micheal nods, swallowing another bite of food.
William pauses, hearing his partner give a startled yell. "I'm assuming Charlie is awake."
"Charlie, what happened!" Is heard down the hall.
Charlie had her arms crossed as she stared at her father. "I didn't do it."
Henry sighs, pinching his brow. "I'm not saying you did."
"The old man says my seal got bigger and stronger." Charlie huffs, tugging as her new earrings. She had 4 new pairs along her ears. "I don't like them."
Henry covers his face, taking a breath. "Charlie, don't pull at them."
"I wanted this chain to get long enough I could use it as a whip." Chadlie huffs. "Not these stupid earrings."
Henry shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Charlie, how about we get used to these things? You're still only half. You can't hide like I can."
"I know the old man keeps telling me that. We had a really fun day yesterday. We trained all day, and I got to punch the old man in the face." Charlie smiles.
Henry chuckles. "That's my girl." He says as he ruffles her hair.
Months passed in a blur until the dreaded day came. Henry sighs the sun barely over the horizon. "Charlie, come on, we are driving down."
William and Micheal already left for their early flight. Neither man was happy to go.
Charlie came down her two new bracelets shined under the light. "I'm ready." She picks up hers and her fathers suitcase. "I can't wait to meet grandma for the first time. I also get to see Aunt Jen again. Oh, and Gareth, I can ask him how college is."
Henry sighs, watching his daughter head to his car. He was wondering if faking an accident would get him out of this.
It was pouring outside, everything looked and felt gray. Micheal sighs, pulling at the suit on his body. He hated it. It felt tight in the wrong places and scratchy. He felt his father hold his shoulder.
"Micheal enough, you just have to wear it for your grandparents, and you can take it off once we're done." William sighs. "I'm sorry about your hair as well."
Micheal shrugged his hair and could grow back, and Jeremy stuttered at his haircut, which made him feel good. "You don't even like your parents. Your father hurt you."
William nods. "I know that, Micheal, but we must keep formalities. I also have things to collect from the old house if they didn't throw them out. You can take whatever you want as well."
Micheal nods as they approach the withered door and knock. An old woman opens the door and scoffs. "You're late."
William fakes a smile. "Different time zones, mother."
"Bah, at least you have a decent looking eldest. Come in, your father has to talk to you, and show him the boy." She waves letting the two inside.
Micheal immediately felt uncomfortable even more than before. "Hello, ma'am." He bows in respect like his father taught him to.
"He knows manners better than you brat." The woman huffs. "Did your American business fail yet?"
William keeps his fake smile on his face. "No mother, we've expended to different states. We even have a location in New York."
"You would have done better here instead of with that dumb American." She huffs.
"Yes, mother." William moves forward and out of earshot of Micheal and his mother as he speaks to his father.
Micheal stood there awkwardly as the front door opened again. His breath caught in his throat, and the woman who entered was his mother. He hasn't seen her since she left him telling him how much a mistake and a monster he was. He looked away, stepping back.
"Ah, the only good thing my son ever did was marry you." Micheal's grandmother smiles. "My son is talking to his father. You can take them both after."
Clara nods, looking at Micheal up and down.
Micheal frowns, and he wants to run away. He takes a breath. "Hello, mother."
"Micheal." Clara barely acknowledged him. "You will come visit my parents, make friendly remarks to your siblings, then leave."
Micheal nods, he was happy his siblings are ok, but he knew he won't have long with them. His gaze turns to his father, who has returned with a broken lip and a cut on his cheek.
William straightens his tie. "Clara, I didn't think you would be here."
"I am, and you will be coming with me to make formalities with my parents and sign the divorce papers." She narrows her eyes. "It's the least you can do."
William sighs and nods. "Very well, Micheal, come along."
"Yes, father." Micheal frowns following close behind his father.
His mother's place was a mansion, and it was the only way Micheal could describe it. His father said it was an estate. It just felt too big. The couch he was sitting on was too stuff as his father went with his mom to see his other grandparents. He missed Jeremy, and he missed his uncle. Everything was so different, and cold.
Micheal doesn't notice the two pairs of eyes on him as he crosses his arms. He never wanted to come back here. His mom was awful, and so were his grandparents. He sighs. "I just want to go home." He mumbles.
"Micheal, is that you?" A female voice broke the silence, a girl with red hair and a blue dress come into his vision, and a boy behind her both has green eyes like his father.
"Lizzie?" Micheal looks up from his seat.
"It really is you." Elizabeth smiles. "I've missed you. It sucks here."
Micheal nods. "It does."
"Come on, let's go somewhere with fewer eyes." Elizabeth smiles, motioning to the guards.
"Please." Micheal gets up and follows her. "Hi Ev, it's been a long time."
Evan looks away and stays quiet.
Elizabeth sighs as they ender a large living room. "Evan's just nervous. How have you been?"
"High school is something." Micheal shrugs, standing awkwardly. "I've been doing my own thing, I guess. Fazebear has become so popular that it pops up in a few different states. Uh, how are you two?"
Elizabeth huffs, plopping herself down on the couch. "It fucking sucks, mom treats me like a doll and commands everything I do. She makes me do ballet. I want to play rugby, but no, that's a boy's sport, and ladies shouldn't have anger."
Micheal chuckles. "You would get along well with Charlie. You both like hitting things."
"I guess?" Elizabeth sighs. "Can I just hide in your luggage and come back with you?"
"I don't think that's how it works." Micheal sighs, pulling out an old leather bound book. "Evan, want to look through my sketch book?"
Evan cautiously approaches and takes the book and heads to the farthest corner from him.
"Don't take it personally. Mom has been telling us from the beginning that you and Father are evil. I don't believe her." Elizabeth sighs.
"I figured as much." Micheal crosses his arms. "Besides, mother, are you two ok? Making friends?"
"Not really everyone thinks we're dumb Americans because of our accents. Everyone is so elitist here." Elizabeth frowns, looking down, crossing her arms.
"Well, what do we have here?" A male voice interrupts the conversation.
Micheal's eyes widen as he spins around. "Y-you! Get out!"
The red head smiles with too many teeth. "Oh Micheal, I didn't know you had siblings. Oh, don't look so frightened, little ones. I'm merely checking on your brother."
"I don't need you here." Micheal huffs. "You're scaring them both get out."
"Micheal, who's that?" Elizabeth gets up and hides behind Micheal. "How did he get in? There are guards all over."
"Consenqueses I told you to leave. I'm on holiday break." Micheal stands up straight glaring at the man.
"You are, but your body isn't." He smirks. "Come now, I know you can feel it coming."
"I am fine!" Micheal shouts, stepping back. "Don't I can handle it. I can hold it off j-just..."
Elizabeth scowls, swallowing her fear. "Leave my brother alone." She stands in front of her brother. "Fuck off."
"Such a mouth on a child." He smiles and looks down on her. "I like that."
Elizabeth doesn't fault when he gets closer. "I said fuck off and leave him alone. Go ahead. I will scream, and the guards will come in, or I'll just fucking bite you."
Consenqueses laughs. "A little spitfire. Oh, I really like you."
"Lizzie...." Michael pulls her back, but it isn't enough to stop the sudden shift, and since he was holding onto his sister, they went together.
Consequences scowls his gaze turns to Evan who was in the corner shaking. "Relax, child, I ain't gonna hurt you nor them. I didn't even take them." He vanishes, leaving Evan alone.
Charlie was rubbing her eyes as she hugged her chest. "Micheal....?" She looked up, and Micheal was in front of her. "I didn't think it would work." Her eyes were red and puffy, and her shirt was torn, and Micheal could see a fresh brand on her stomach.
Elizabeth blinks, looking around. How did they get in a barn? She looked past Micheal to see another person she looked familiar too.
Micheal pulls his suit jacket and tosses it at Charlie. "Charlie, what happened? Is that why the old man came by?"
"W-what?" Charlie hiccups trying very hard not to start crying again. She ties the suit around her stomach. "N-no."
"Charlie?" Elizabeth spoke up, startling Charlie.
Micheal crawls over to her and motions for Elizabeth to follow. "I was with Lizzie when you summoned me. It's ok, though."
"Summoned?" Elizabeth raises her brow and sits on the other side of Charlie.
Charlie laughs, rubbing her eyes. "C-can I explain?"
Micheal nods. "Go ahead."
"Please." Elizabeth sighs.
William sighs, following Clara to the room where Micheal should be with his siblings. He was more amused with the fact that Clara's parents wanted to invest in fazebear entertainment and wanted to keep in contact with him and Micheal because he's very promising. The door opened, and William's heart dropped.
Clara looked furious. "Who are you, and where is my daughter?"
William swallows. "Consenqueses?"
The red head sighs and gets up from talking to Evan. "I believe Elizabeth went where Micheal was summoned to, I have an idea to where, but I am unsure if that is the truth."
"We told you no summons while we were on holiday." William scowls stomping up to Consenqueses. "You're still under Jackie's thumb why are you here?"
"Your son is going to go through another change quite soon." He smiles. "I was told to get him to a safe area. I, however, did not summon him, and as far as I know, Charlie's seals are in place, which means she is unable to."
William rubs his temples. "Who else could summon him?"
"I am unsure." Consenqueses drops his smile. "I am acutely aware of the greater problem." He turns his gaze to Clara and then looks back to Evan. "Child, how about an adventure?"
Evan looks between his mom and dad and nods. "I have to return Micheal's book."
Clara huffs. "Evan, don't you dare. You cretin bring my daughter back to me now and remove yourself from the residence."
Consequences bows. "As you wish." He snaps, and he vanishes with William and Evan.
. ....
Elizabeth nods. "Why can I get cool powers and go on adventures? I'm stuck being mothers perfect fucking doll." She scoots closer to Charlie. "You ok?"
Charlie nodded, and her long-winded explanation helped calm her down from crying more. "Yeah, I'm ok. Sorry for dragging you both here."
Micheal shrugs. "It was suffocating there, and dad got a busted lip from talking to his father. Mother still thinks I'm a monster."
"My grandma branded my stomach." She removes Micheal's coat, showing a fresh brand on her stomach. "I now know where dad got his. Dad went out into town with Aunt Jen, I was just trying to help with the work, and she didn't like that. A girl shouldn't do the slave work. I think I hate her."
"She sounds gross." Elizabeth cringes.
Charlie nods. "Dad is scared of her."
"I don't blame him." Micheal frowns.
"Wait, does this mean I'm back in America?" Elizabeth smiles as Charlie nods. "Fuck yeah. Wait, I got to get Evan, too....shit"
"Lizzie..." Micheal sighs and smiles. "Yeah, that would be nice."
Charlie frowns. "I don't want to go back out."
"Want me break your seal so we can run?" Micheal looks over to her.
"No, I just want my dad." Charlie hugs her chest.
"I want my dad too." Elizabeth frowns.
Micheal sighs, pulling off his tie. "Come on, let's try to fine Uncle Henry." He ties his tie around Elizabeth arm in a bow. "There now your outfit is complete."
Elizabeth smiles, getting up. "Thanks."
Charlie gets up as well. "I know which direction they went."
Micheal nods. "Come on, then let's go."
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pippin-katz · 9 months
6 More Little Faces Alex Makes That I Love - Part 2
(not ranked in any order)
No. 1:
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I love the smile he does right before this, but I also love this. He gets a little emotional. You can see in the way his mouth moves and his nostrils flaring that it looks like he’s a little choked up.
You know when you’re not crying, but you can feel that throbbing sensation in your throat, and you know you might start crying if you’re not careful. You start swallowing a lot to try and keep it back.
That’s what I’m seeing here, and that’s super sweet because he loves Henry so much that he might cry.
No. 2:
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Do you think he knows? Do you think he’s doing it on purpose?
That right there is the “lifts eyes” look. That right there is exactly what authors are picturing they write something like this:
Alex looked down at where the key sat against his chest. The cool metal was a stark contrast to Henry’s hand. Goosebumps spread across his skin, centered on where they were touching. Alex raised his eyes to meet Henry’s.
Like sir, can you not be a walking fictional character? You might as well have walked out of the book.
No. 3:
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There is no other word for this but swooning. Again, might as well have walked off of a page with how perfect his physicality and expressions are.
No. 4:
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This look right after Henry says they’re committed to each other is perfect. He stays neutral enough not to be rude, but you can see it in his eyes and his eyebrows how determined he is.
He’s looking at Philip here as well, who has been giving Alex rude looks since they sat down; his face particularly after he says “god no” to the question of reading the emails is borderline disgusted, and if you watch his eyes, he looks at Alex more than Henry.
Kudos to Philip’s actor for being able to subtly imply his layers of prejudice with as little screen time as he has.
Alex’s responding stare is like he’s challenging him. His eyes say, “if you have a problem with that, you’ll have to fight me over it, because I’d die before I’d let you take him from me.”
It’s obvious from the moment the king starts talking that Alex wants to speak up, but he knows this is Henry’s fight first. He holds himself back for as long as he can and lets Henry do the talking.
At this point, the king has already dismissed Henry’s request for support and right to be happy, so Alex is definitely pissed off, and then Philip is a dick; his patience is running out.
It’s amazing how a tiny change in facial features can speak volumes without saying a word.
No. 5:
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This breaks my fucking heart every time I watch it.
His eyes are noticeably red from crying, which I have no idea how he did because he's not actually crying in this scene, so it wasn't from filming it over and over again. Maybe they filmed the Kensington Palace scene prior to this one, on the same day or something, cause he was crying in that one.
Anyway, this expression just kills me, because he's reached the crossroads. He can either keep waiting, not knowing if Henry will ever answer him, or he can go to London to get his answer.
And the idea that Henry may not see him and how that would be it, the true end to their relationship, fucking devastates him.
You can see it in his eyes and the deep breath he takes that he's imagining it. He's playing it out in his head, him going to London and being turned away, and having to go about living his life without Henry in it.
Just the idea of it is enough to break his heart, and it breaks my heart to look at.
No. 6:
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I love and hate the way Alex's face slowly falls when Henry says he should leave. Think about this for a second.
They live on separate continents with an ocean in between them. Alex is the First Son, and Henry is a fucking prince. They were texting for months before they got to see each other for New Year's Eve, which was the only reason why Henry was able to go to the States. He's only in the States now for the dinner party being hosted for the Prime Minister. He's flying back to London tomorrow.
They have no idea when they'll see each other again.
Henry has the idea of inviting Alex to the polo match, so he might be a bit optimistic, which is probably why he was still smiling when he pulls away. He's thinking about it, and has been for at least a little bit, probably since after the Red Room encounter earlier that night.
But Alex?
He has no idea how long it will be until the next time they're able to see each other in person again. Henry texted Alex for the first time on August 27th, and they weren't able to see each other in person until New Year's Eve. That is four months.
Since they were just friends during that time, it probably was no big deal, but now? Now they're going to be constantly thinking about each other. Thinking about getting to hold each other again, getting to kiss each other again, getting to do more explicit things again- all of it.
And Alex doesn't know when he'll get to do any of it again once Henry leaves. He even goes to say, "I guess I'll see you-" when he and Henry start talking at the same time.
Henry inviting him to the polo match is a promise of getting to see him next month, so probably a week or two, depending how far into the current month they are. It's probably part of why he smiles so much when Henry leaves. He has something to look forward to.
But in this little moment, Alex probably feels so sad because he knows Henry has to leave, but he really, really doesn't want him to, because he's not just leaving for the night so they don't get caught in Alex's room together. Once he walks out that door, he doesn't get to see him for who knows how long.
Agh, okay, that's all for part 2! I'm not too sure if I can make a part 3, but we'll see!
part 1 | part 3
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delicatefestcloud · 9 months
I just saw someone call movie firstprince toxic bc Henry told Alex "sometimes I feel like you don't know me at all..."
I can't believe people, especially those who read the book, could miss the point of that scene entirely: Henry was terrified. He believed that coming out was not an option AT ALL for him. So what he meant by "you don't know me" was "you don't know that I can't do what you're asking of me" which is to fight for their love. During that whole monologue, Alex was quiet, listening as Henry let all his frustrations out:
" I didn't grow up with a loving family"
"I have centuries of history bearing down on my shoulders"
"I can't afford to be reckless"
"I will not trade one prison for another"
These are legitimate points that Henry was making, and Alex respected that, but he also understood that Henry was looking at what Alex wanted: for them to be happy together - not out (yet), just together- as impossible because it's not sustainable to live in different continents and have a secret relationship forever when you're a prince and he's an aspiring politician. With the spotlight on both of you like that, you will be found out. Alex finally understood just how "out of the question" Henry believed them being together publicly to be. That's why he told him "fine, I'll leave, but nothing will ever happen to you (if you decide that you can never let anyone love you. You will live the rest of your life alone, is that what you want?)."
Henry was then forced to see that he is at a crossroads:
Either he lets Alex go, never see him again, live his life in a way that the crown approves of, and never be happy.
Admit to himself that the love he has for Alex and the happiness he found with him are worth the terrifying notion of one day facing his grandfather and the country and saying "This is who I am, this is the man I love, I know you'll never accept that, but i'll take your disapproval over not being with him -over being miserable for the rest of my life."
He chose the latter. How could he not? when Alex, the love of his life, the man of his dreams, flew across the ocean for him, and was standing right there, in tears, fighting for them, all while making it clear that he will respect Henry's wishes if he tells him to leave.
This scene started with both Alex and Henry seeing something that the other did not see: Alex did not see just how walled-up Henry was about the idea of them ever being able to love each other in public. And Henry did not see that there just may be a chance for them to be happy. That him living his life alone and miserable is NOT set in stone.
I love this scene so much because they actually listened to each other. They both considered the points the other was making. Neither of them was trying to "win" the argument. They were both stripping themselves bare, being the most vulnerable they've ever been in front of each other.
Henry did not just change his mind out of nowhere: for the first time in his life, he was given a glimmer of hope, and he let himself be brave enough to take it.
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eating-plastic · 11 months
Carnival Lights: Henry Barrow x Reader
Warnings: mentions of murder (come on, it's Henry), swearing, some mean!Henry, naive!reader, sunshine!reader x grumpy!Henry (my favorite dynamic lol), some fluff, probably grammatical errors
Word Count: 3434 words
A/N: This is for that anon that asked me if I wrote for Henry Barrow (assuming that they wanted me to write something for him lol). I know I said I was going to take a break from Killer Frequency, but the “people pleaser” in me wanted to get something done. So yeah, I hope this isn't too disappointing. I also hope that my interpretation of Henry is to your liking (you gotta get creative when given a blank slate like him 😆). As such, I also hope anyone else that is a fan of this skrunkly also enjoys this as well. Oh, also, this takes place before the events of the game during Marie and Henry's "national murder tour" leading up to Gallows Creek. Just thought you should know that. Bye!
Sparkling lights and the sound of upbeat music and screams of excitement flood your senses as you skip through the crowds attending your hometown's yearly carnival. You had always partaken in the festivities ever since you were a child, and the event still filled you with joy. Some of the older booth vendors and ride operators even knew you by name.
You had originally shown up with two of your friends, promising that they wouldn't get too "lovey-dovey" with each other since they were a couple, but that was broken about 15 minutes into your arrival. Feeling like a third-wheel, you broke off from them, not really caring too much. You could easily enjoy yourself here without them.
After you finished playing a game where you had to try and hit cartoon sea creatures with a water gun (and failing since your aim wasn't the best), you decided to head to something you knew you were good at: the funhouse maze.
You knew the maze like the back of your hand, and could easily make it from the entrance to the exit, so you decided to see how many combinations of routes you could go. You wanted to know every nook and cranny that these dark, black light lighten halls had to offer.
Once you got bored, you began to make your way to the exit. Once at a crossroad where you needed to turn right, you stopped when you heard a man let out a shout of frustration. Worried that they were lost, you made your way towards the noise to help them out.
'God fucking damnit,' Henry thought. He was so fucking close to getting the man his mother told him to kill. He was right on his tail and then...he was gone. Now he was lost in this Goddamn maze and it was all his stupid fault because he knew he wasn't good with mazes. It was a good idea in theory, since the man would be all alone with no one would hear him scream. But of course in practice it had to bite him in the ass.
He tore his mask off and shoved it into his large duffle bag at his side. God, was it making it hard to breathe in this stuffy prison. Not to mention how that man was probably long gone by now.
'Augh, what am I gonna tell mom?' worry began to flood his mind. She was no doubt going to be pissed at him.
Luckily for Henry, his unaware savior was approaching.
As soon as you rounded the corner, you were now facing a man of decent stature, with long hair, a black trench coat, and a large duffle bag at his side. It was quite odd attire to be wearing in the middle of summer, but maybe he was just a worker at the haunted house who wanted to try out the maze on his break. He also seems to be oblivious to your presence, muttering to himself.
"Hi!" you chirp, causing the man to jump and spin around.
"The hell are you doing, here?" he hisses.
"Uh, it's a maze at a carnival. I'm here having fun," his harsh tone was completely lost on you. "You're lost, right?"
"What do you think?" he snarls, but you just laugh.
"Yep! I thought so! Come on, I'll show you the way out," you grab his hand, noting that he was wearing black leather gloves. Also odd, but once again that could've been just another part of the haunted house attire.
The man rips his hand from your grip as if yours had burnt his. You look back at him confused, but just shrug and begin to run off towards the exit.
"Hey, wait!" the man shouts and begins to chase after you, making sure to be on your tail so he could leave.
Eventually, you and him were able to taste the fresh air of the carnival, with the added smell of fair foods. You turn to look at the man, only to be taken aback a bit.
He looked to be a boy about your age, with piercing eyes but a very handsome face. You also noticed that he was unfamiliar to you.
"Huh, I don't think I've seen you around before. Are you new?" you smile at him, but he just turns to walk back towards the crowded rows of booths. "Hey, wait up!"
You decide to follow him. If he was new, you didn't want him to be overwhelmed or lonely.
"I'm Y/N!" you grin, but he just continues walking forwards. His eyes scanning the crowds and his jaw tight.
"Oh, you don't talk much, huh? That's okay! What do you wanna do? Do you wanna get something to eat? Oh! Or we co-"
"Look, don't you have friends or something that you can go hang out with?" he asks sharply. Unfortunately for Henry, the tone was once again lost on you.
"I do, but they'd rather make out in the tunnel of love than hang out with me," your tone drops slightly which makes Henry's eyebrow quirk up. After a couple of seconds though, just shake your head and smile back at him. "It's okay though, because I met you! I love meeting new people!"
'Jesus, what was your deal?' Henry thought. You were like a Care Bear in human shape. So sickeningly sweet that it was making him feel weird. How could someone like you exist in the cruel world his mom had told him so much about? Has it not broken you, yet?
"Oh, look! Bumper cars! You wanna go do those?" you beam up at him. Henry sighed. If he put up with this, maybe you would leave him alone. Besides, you provided him good cover. A new face like him dressed the way he was all by himself may drive suspicion. So he turned his head to look at your eager face and uttered one word.
You weren't bad at bumper cars, but you also didn't win. Not that you cared though, especially since your mystery man had won. You were surprised at his skills and made sure to tell him.
Henry listening to you gush over him was odd. Not used to getting such praise from someone who wasn't his mother. And like with his mother, it made him feel good.
You continue to skip through the crowds with him at your side. He was still scanning all of the people around you, but his jaw wasn't tight anymore. That elated you, as you took it as him finally enjoying himself. You both stop when you hear someone call your name.
"Is that you, Y/N?" the voice of an older man called from a game booth. Your face brightens and you run to him, Henry following after you.
"Frank! I haven't seen you in ages!" you hug him over the booth's countertop. Henry tenses up and watches the man closely.
"You're one to talk! I haven't seen you since you were just 'this' tall," Frank levels his hand to show just how small you were when he had last seen you. He opens his mouth to speak again, but stops when his eyes fall on Henry. "Hey, Y/N, who's your friend?"
"He's new in town! I saved him from the maze!" you chirp.
"Ah, okay," he drawls, looking at Henry suspiciously. Upon seeing you look at him fondly though, he puts on his best "friendly face" and holds his hand out. "Pleasure to meet you, son."
Henry looks at Frank's hand before shaking it, still analyzing the older man. You are completely oblivious to the tension, as you look at the milk bottles that are stacked up in the booth.
"Hey, Frank! Care if we play?" you pull some tickets out from your back pocket. Frank's mood changes at the sound of your voice and smiles at you.
"Of course! You and your friend here get three shots," he kneels down to hand you three baseballs first.
You throw all three and only get three of the six bottles down.
"Oh, well! Your turn!" you turn to smile at Henry and move out of his way. Frank hands him three baseballs just as he did with you. He takes the ball, pulls his arm back, and....
All six bottles tumble down with a force that startles both you and Frank.
"Well I'll be damned! I have never seen anyone knock those bottles down like that! You play baseball, son?" the older man asks Henry, amazed.
"No," he says, shortly.
The older man clears his throat at the awkward silence before looking towards the stuffed animals that hung around the booth.
"Well, you won. Pick out your prize."
Henry wanted to just walk away, but looked at you in his peripheral. You were staring longingly at a pink elephant plush that had a cute, cartoony face. He points to that one.
"This one right here?" Frank asks, taking the elephant down. Henry nods. "Alright! Here ya go."
Henry takes the stuffed animal and nods at him.
"Bye, Frank!" you call as Henry begins to walk away from the booth.
"Bye, Y/N! See you next year!"
As soon as you both are five feet away from the booth, Henry practically shoves the plush at you.
"You wanted it. I got it. Now take it," he says shortly. You look up at him, confused, but he still continues to walk forward and scan the crowd. You take the plushie and smile at it. It was the cutest thing you had ever seen, with the softest fur you ever felt.
You squeal and pull Henry into a hug, thanking him. He tenses up and pushes you off.
"What the hell are you doing?" he scowls.
"I-I'm sorry, I-I just w-wanted to...," you trail off, hurt evident in your voice and eyes.
Your change in demeanor causes Henry to feel guilty, and the couple of eyes he could sense on him only added to that feeling. He sighs and rests his hand on your shoulder.
"Look, I'm...I'm sorry, okay. Just...just warn me before you do that again...please," his voice is now soft as he looks at you, wanting you to know that he did really feel sorry.
"Okay," you whisper, still feeling miserable about making him uncomfortable.
"Hey, why don't...," Henry thinks for a second. "Why don't we go on a ride, huh?"
"Okay," a smile forms on your face. "Which one do you wanna go on?"
"Whichever one you'd like," Henry gives you the first genuine smile you had seen that night. This causes your own smile to grow and you take his hand to lead to one of the more thrilling rides. Henry doesn't rip his hand away this time, allowing you to drag him to where you wanted to take him.
Once at the ride you wanted to go on, you handed your elephant to the ride operator and Henry hesitantly gives up his bag, before you enter the ride.
By the time the ride had ended, you and Henry were wobbling in the best way possible. Henry let out a shaky laugh. He had never felt so alive. Where had this been his whole life? You let out your own laugh at Henry's reaction, before you and him collect your belongings and go on to do more rides and games. While walking, and even making some small talk with your mystery man, he stops when he spots a phone booth.
Henry thinks about his mother, about his mission. He had to call her, to tell her about how he couldn't get a good opening. He wouldn't mention how he was getting distracted or how he was having fun with a living ray of sunshine. He knew how she would probably react if he was honest.
"Hey, uh, Y/N?"
"Yeah?" you look up at him, beaming.
"I, uh...I have to make a phone call. I-I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay! I'll wait right here!" you chirp.
He nods and gives you a small smile, before walking to the booth.
Henry enters the booth and sighs. He rummages around in his pocket before finding some quarters and inserting them into the machine. He lifts the phone and inserts the number to the motel room he and his mother were staying in. He waits, tapping his foot nervously as he waits. Then it stops, and a familiar voice speaks from the other end.
"Yes?" his mother says.
"H-Hi, mom."
"Oh, Henry!" her voice is cheerful. "Did you finish your 'assignment'?"
"No, I haven't. I can't get a good opening," he doesn't mention that he had lost the man to begin with. "Besides, this one person won't leave me alone. They're constantly following me around and bothering me."
His mom sighs on the other end and thinks.
"I'll be over there in a bit. Keep trying, dear. And remember, if you do find your opening, do what you must. Poor kid," she mutters towards the end of the statement.
Henry's stomach drops. He knows instantly what she meant. He didn't want to hurt you. You had nothing to do with...with all of this. You were an innocent, sweet person in this miserable world. Why get rid of someone like you?
"Henry, sweetie, you there?" his mother questions.
"Y-Yeah, yeah, I, uh...I was just looking around. Look, don't worry about coming over. I got this, I promise. I'll call you if I need you, okay?"
"Hm...okay," she pauses, clearly skeptical at her son's words. "Please just stay safe, okay? I love you."
"I love you too, mom. Bye."
There is a click, and then the line goes dead. Henry lets out a shaky breath and sets the phone back on its cradle. A knock at the booth startles him out of his thoughts. He turns around to see you looking at him, concerned.
He opens the door to the booth and steps out.
"Sorry," you apologize. "I just wanted to know if you wanted something to eat. Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah, yeah...don't worry about it, okay? Food, uh...food sounds great."
"Okay. What would you like?" Henry thinks for a moment before cracking a smile at you.
"Surprise me!"
You nod and walk off to find a food booth. You knew exactly what you wanted to get. You had been craving it ever since you entered the carnival grounds.
Henry followed behind you, curious as to what you were going to get as you passed booth after booth. Then you stop, just what you were looking for.
"I was wondering when you were gonna show up," a woman greets you.
"Hi, Pam!" you smile at her and hand her some dollar bills. "Two candied apples, please!"
"Two?" Pam cocks her head to the side until her eyes fall on Henry. "Oh, I see."
She smirks, interpreting the mystery man besides you and how you were lovingly holding your elephant plush as a date.
A few moments later, Pam turns back to you and Henry with two candied apples in her hands.
"Enjoy, you two!" she winks at you when you and Henry take your treats. The two of you walk once more, while Henry investigates the sweet in his hand. You look over at him and laugh.
"What? Have you never had a candied apple before?"
"Uh, no actually. Are...are they your favorite?" he asks.
"Uh huh!" you nod eagerly. "I have to have at least one when the carnival's up!"
It was true. Ever since you had the teeth to eat them, candied apples had been your favorite treat, even with all of the cavities you had gotten over the years because of them.
Henry slowly raises the apple to his lips and bites down. The taste causes him to pause. He had never tasted something so sweet. It seemed fitting that they were your favorite.
"You like it?" you ask.
He nods his head, before he takes another bite.
"So you really aren't gonna leave tomorrow?" you look at Henry sadly.
"Yeah, I-I'm, um...I'm afraid so."
You had learned that Henry was just visiting your hometown on a road trip with his mom. You thought that was fun, because your family always goes on road trips every summer, and yet you were going to miss your new mystery friend.
"Oh, Y/N! There you are!"
You and Henry turn around, seeing your two friends running towards you.
"Yeah, we were really worried!"
That causes Henry to stare daggers at them. They were worried? If they were so Goddamned worried about your safety, then they wouldn't have abandoned you.
"Uh, Y/N...who's this?" they both look at the man beside you that was making them feel uncomfortable under his stare.
'Good,' Henry thought.
"Oh, this is just my friend I made who kept me company this whole time," your voice is still cheerful, but you were still trying to guilt them. Henry smirks at that.
"Oh, well, uh...it's-it's getting late. We should start heading home."
Your eyes widen at that and you look down at your watch. It was almost midnight. God, your parents were gonna kill you.
"Yeah, you guys head to the entrance. I'll catch up!" your friends look at the boy besides you. Despite being the same age as them, something about him didn't seem right. They slowly turn around and do as you told them. As you watch them go, you hear a certain someone mutter something behind you.
"What?" you turn to look up at him.
"That's my name," Henry says.
You try the name out and smile. The sound of you saying his name made his chest feel weird.
"You look like a 'Henry'," you quip.
"That a bad thing?" he quirked an eyebrow at you.
"Nope!" you giggle and shake your head. Your demeanor changes and you awkwardly fiddle for something in your back pocket.
"Here," you hand him a small slip of paper.
Henry takes the paper and unravels it, a phone number revealing itself to him.
"Just in case you wanna keep in touch, o-or you know...just letting me know if you're gonna be in town again," you sheepishly state, squeezing the elephant in your arms. You had written your number down when he went off to make his phone call. You felt silly since you didn’t even know his name yet, but you knew you liked him either way.
"I, uh...I think I'll do just that," he smiles at you and puts the paper in his pocket. You smile back.
"I'm gonna hug you. Is that okay?"
Henry laughs, before opening his arms to you. You wrap one of your arms around him and he wraps his arms around your waist. Neither of you want to pull away, knowing that it would mean the end of your night together and who knows how long until you see each other again.
Unfortunately, your friends were waiting for you and he had a mission that you were unaware of. You pull away first.
"Goodbye, Henry," you quickly press a peck to his cheek. He tenses, but then looks at you shyly.
"Y-Yeah...goodbye, Y/N," a shade of pink crosses his face. He then clears his throat before pointing to your plushie. "You take good care of him."
You giggle and nod your head, before turning and walking away from him. Not even five feet away from him, you turn back and wave both your hand and your elephant's arm goodbye. Henry shakes his head and smiles, lifting his hand up to give a small wave of his own.
He stood there, watching your figure get smaller and smaller, until you disappeared into the crowd entirely.
The man was killed swiftly in the haunted house of all places. No one suspected a thing, believing that the body was just a prop and the screams just sound effects.
Now Henry was laying down on his bed in the motel room his mother had rented. She was in the bathroom washing his knife and mask.
He could still hear the noises of the crowds cheering, feel the shakiness in his limbs after a thrill ride, taste the candied apple on his tongue, and feel your kiss on his cheek.
Perhaps when he and his mother got into the next town and had to split up again, he would see if that number you gave him was real.
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mayasdeluca · 4 months
Station 19 Season 7 Episode Info
7x01 ‘This Woman’s Work’ Written by: Henry Robles (5x05*, 5x17*, 6x02, 6x15*) Directed by: Paris Barclay (1x01, 1x02, 1x10, 2x01, 2x08, 2x17, 3x01, 3x02, 3x07*, 3x16, 4x01, 4x03*, 4x13, 4x16*, 5x13, 6x10*, 6x15*) Synopsis: Andy steps into the station's captaincy as Jack's life hangs in the balance. The team is called to a hostage situation. Natasha fights for her career, and Maya and Carina make a choice.
7x02 'Good Grief’ Written by: Meghann Plunkett (3x04, 3x12, 4x06*, 5x06, 5x15, 6x12) Directed by: Tessa Blake (2x03, 2x16, 3x06*, 5x11) Synopsis: Ben and Theo respond to a challenging Crisis One call, and Jack struggles adjusting to his new reality. Maya and Carina treat a nanny with a surprising diagnosis. Travis finds a surprise at Dixon’s wake, and Vic joins Beckett at a family funeral.
7x03 'True Colors' Written by: Staci Okunola (5x10, 5x17*, 6x09, 6x17) Directed by: Peter Paige (4x14*, 5x02, 5x08, 6x02, 6x07*) Synopsis: The Station 19 crew struts their stuff at the FABruary Winter Pride parade, where Maya encounters someone important from her past. Carina looks to Bailey for support, while Travis and Eli arrive at a crossroads.
7x04 'Trouble Man' Written by: Mellow Brown (6x05*) & Sybil Azur (new writer) Directed by: Stefania Spampinato (!!!!!!!!!!) Synopsis: The Station 19 team faces a grueling 24 hour shift that threatens to split them apart. Andy must make an impossible decision; and Maya and Carina navigate new parenthood.
7x05 (100th Episode) 'My Way' Written by: Emily Culver (4x10, 5x04, 5x09, 6x04, 6x16) & Alex Fernandez (6x10*) Directed by: Daryn Okada (2x10, 3x12, 4x12, 5x05, 5x15, 6x06) Synopsis: Andy Herrera earns her captain’s stripes as she fearlessly leads her team during a life-or-death emergency at Seattle’s most beloved landmark. Vic struggles with emotional burnout, and Maya helps Carina navigate some difficult news.
7x06 'With So Little To Be Sure Of' Written By: Rochelle Zimmerman (4x09, 4x15, 5x03*, 5x11, 5x16, 6x06, 6x11) Directed By: Boris Kodjoe Synopsis: With both Vic's job and Crisis One in jeopardy, a flashback shows how the program has changed the lives of the team and the local community. Meanwhile, Ben keeps a secret from Bailey.
7x07 'Give It All' Written By: Heidi-Marie Farren (new writer) & Leah Gonzalez (5x07*, 6x08, co-wrote 5x16, co-wrote 6x17) Directed By: David Greenspan (3x08*, 4x10, 5x07*, 6x13*) Synopsis: The crew responds to a call at a local park, only to have their assumptions challenged by the Tulalip Tribe when they arrive. Meanwhile, Maya confronts her past, and Carina goes on the offense.
7x08 'Ushers Of The New World' Written By: Shernold Edward (new writer) & Beresford Bennet (co-wrote 6x11) Directed By: Letia Solomon (new director) Synopsis: Station 19 uses its clinic to care for asylum seekers who have been bussed in from out of state. Meanwhile, Natasha gets a visit from her sister, and Vic receives surprising news.
7x09 'How Am I Supposed To Live Without You' Written By: Zaiver Sinnett (4x03, 4x15, 5x08, 5x14, 6x07*, 6x15*) Directed By: Tessa Blake (2x03, 2x16, 3x06*, 5x11, 7x02) Synopsis: When a wildfire threatens Seattle, the crew must jump into action to save their city. Meanwhile, as the station undergoes changes, Andy contemplates the future.
7x10 'One Last Time' Written By: Zoanne Clack (6x18*) Directed By: Peter Paige (4x14*, 5x02, 5x08, 6x02, 6x07*, 7x03) Synopsis: As Station 19 continues to battle an existential wildfire, the team grapples with the possibility of a future that will be changed forever.
(* = episode that includes multiple and/or good Marina scenes)
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steddiebang · 9 months
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Crossroads (Hellfire on my Trail)
Author: @nevertheless_5 l Artist: @hels._art l Artist: @sunflowerharrington Posting on Tuesday, October 10
Like the infamous urban legend, Eddie meets the Devil at a crossroads and cuts a deal to become a rockstar. In exchange, Henry Creel wants to be his occasional puppetmaster. He grants Eddie one year of his shiny new life to choose to either finalize his deal or break it. As he grows more famous, makes a record, and starts a nationwide U.S. tour, Eddie thinks he’s gotten everything he ever wanted. Then he meets Steve Harrington and realizes how wrong he was. He also didn’t get all the fine print of his contract with the Devil. An explicit, slow burn, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers tale. Tagline: Love be the Devil but it won’t get me.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Eddie kept looking because the guy was hot. Those boring clothes were a little too tight and all Eddie could process was the bulge in his jeans, toned muscles that were obvious under his pastel shirt, and hard forearms. He looked strong, like he worked out. Probably exactly that douchey type, yeah. His face was kind of ridiculous too. Thick, dark eyebrows, defined jaw, moles or freckles dotting his neck and face like beauty marks. He was pretty.
So maybe he was a little taken aback by the guy’s looks. He wasn’t about to show it. Good-looking guys like him were a dime a dozen. Probably straight as an arrow too. He looked it. Boring. 
“And who are you?” Eddie said and looked down like he wasn’t interested in the answer. He watched himself strum the guitar. 
“Who are you?” 
Eddie laughed. “If you’re here you should probably know that already.” He looked up to another bitchy expression and hands still on hips. “What are you, venue staff?”
The man scoffed. Eddie strummed again and turned one of the tuning pegs to adjust the sound, strummed again.
“Hey, stop that.” 
The man placed his hand on the neck of the guitar like he was going to take it and Eddie stood up quickly, pushing the guy back with his body, the guitar between them. He didn’t like people touching his baby, certainly not some random dude with a chip on his shoulder. He wasn’t afraid of his size either. They were the same height anyway, even if pretty boy had 20 lbs or more on him. 
“Back off,” Eddie said, eyes locked on the man, but he wasn’t backing down either. 
The guy’s annoyed expression was angry now, and yeah there was green in his eyes. Eddie could see it really well now that they were so much closer. His dark eyelashes were kind of absurdly long too. Christ, he looked like a girl. Eddie’s gaze fell to pretty boy’s lips without his consent. The hard line of them right now couldn’t hide how they’d probably be soft and sweet to kiss, and Eddie wanted to kiss them, well, if he didn’t rip the guy’s hand off his arm first.
“That’s Munson’s guitar and I’m in charge of it, so hand it over.”
Eddie laughed. “You’re not in charge of it.”
“I’m his guitar tech actually, so yes I am in charge of it, and I don’t appreciate you fucking with the instrument.”
The heat in his voice and that he’d cursed made Eddie smile now. He would never deign to let it show, but he decided he liked how this guy didn’t back down. Also, he was pretty amused that he didn’t have a clue who Eddie was. Idiot. A pretty idiot though. He could work with that, could push this game a little further. 
“Oh, you don’t want me fucking with your instrument huh? You sure? I’m pretty good at it.”
The guy seemed to flatline for a moment before narrowing his eyes, getting the gist of what Eddie was saying. Eddie looked him up and down slowly, acted like he was considering it and, oh, this guy didn’t like that at all. They were still so close, and Eddie ran his hand up the collar of the guy’s shirt. Pretty boy stopped Eddie’s hand immediately, gripping it tight, and that actually hurt a little. Strong, yeah. Eddie grinned.
“Watch it.”
“Or maybe I’ll let you fuck with mine instead. You might like that.”
The guy practically sneered at him, disgusted. Eddie grinned and shrugged. It didn’t bother him. Typical straight guy reaction. Eddie knew he was attractive, so it wasn’t any skin off his back. If anything, it made this more fun. 
“But either way, Adonis, I’ll be tuning my own guitar, thanks. Don’t need your help.”
The guy looked a little confused by that, especially when Eddie stepped away to sit back down and mess around with his guitar.
“Uh.” Eddie looked up and the guy seemed a little lost now. He swallowed and followed that eloquence with, “I’m Steve. What’s…your name?”
Eddie grinned. “I think you might have guessed. Smarter than you look, huh?”
A flash of anger passed over the man’s features before he composed himself. “Eddie Munson?”
Eddie nodded and started to hum along to the song he was playing now. He could feel Steve’s eyes on him and wondered what he was thinking. Probably freaking out that he’d pissed off the boss. The boss who had kind of hit on him. Eddie decided he’d put him out of his misery. He didn’t look up when he spoke. 
“I’ll take care of the Warlock and my acoustic too. You can handle the backup guitars, cords, amps, all the other fun stuff. Got it, Steve?”
Eddie looked up and a little of the defiance was back in Steve’s expression. He found it funny that he was correcting himself now, wanted to be called Harrington instead apparently.
“Harrington then. My other offer still stands by the way.” Eddie grinned at him and Steve looked confused for a second. Just one.
“I don’t mess around with rockstars.”
Eddie glanced at him, raising his eyebrows as he strummed. “Oh? Why’s that?”
“Lots of reasons. Plenty of other people around who are up for that. Men, women, whatever you want.”
“But not you?” Eddie pressed, letting his gaze slide over Steve’s features again. He really was beautiful. Not Eddie’s type at all but there was something about him. Maybe he just liked what he couldn’t have. Steve stared back and seemed to have shut a wall down over his expression. It made Eddie so curious. What was he afraid to show?
“No, I…ah, relationships are kinda bullshit and casual stuff, well, I don’t fuck around on the job.”
That wasn’t what Eddie had meant with his question, and he couldn’t tell if Harrington was avoiding saying whether he was straight or not by deflecting. But if the guy was queer Eddie felt he would have gotten Eddie’s point. So yeah, probably straight. That wouldn’t deter him from flirting in the future though.
Read more on October 10!
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welcometololaland · 8 months
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thanks for the tags friends - y'all have been busy!!!! all your snippets are in queue (or posted this morning when I momentarily forgot I had a queue). thank you for sharing your talents with me - I love reading them on my morning commute 💜 and I love you all for thinking of me and encouraging me!!!
From Eurotrip (as voted by you)
Henry gets to his feet – infuriatingly elegantly – and stretches his arms above his head. “Thank you,” he says softly, catching Alex’s gaze before he digs his sunglasses case out of his pocket. “I needed that.”
“I was kinda surprised,” Alex admits, fumbling with his backpack to find his own sunglasses, before the train lurches again and he has to lunge for the nearest handrail. “I thought you said sleeping was not really your thing.”
“It's not usually,” Henry says, pushing his sunglasses up his nose before snapping the case closed and throwing it in his bag. “But I barely slept last night.”
“Why?” Alex asks, in a way which is probably quite rude.
Henry shrugs. “A few reasons,” he admits quietly. “I was having difficulty…handling the tension between us.”
“In the pool.”
Alex finds himself at a crossroads. He could keep talking as if he knows exactly what Henry is referring to, but suddenly he’s unsure whether Henry is alluding to the almost-kiss, or just the tension in general; the awkwardness they spoke about that morning.
“Oh,” he says instead, diverging from his plan to ask about the kiss. “Well, things are not awkward anymore, right?”
“Right,” Henry agrees, although the response sounds weaker than Alex anticipates.
A random passenger to his left catches his gaze and winks. Alex isn’t quite sure how to respond to that.
thank you for tagging me: @lightningboltreader @strandnreyes @sherryvalli @kiwiana-writes @indomitable-love @birdclowns @inflarescent @orchidscript @alrightbuckaroo @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses @tintagel-or-cockleshells @lemonlyman-dotcom @tailoredshirt @louis-ii-reyes-strand @tellmegoodbye @cha-melodius
im super late so open tag and tagging just in case: @ladytessa74 @catanisspicy @inkweedandlizards @fitzherbertssmolder @goodways @clottedcreamfudge @reyesstrand @reyescarlos @sunshinestrand @reasonandfaithinharmony (any gif wips?) @redshirt2 @freneticfloetry @ambiguouspenny @hoko-onchi-writes @kiloskywalker @sanjuwrites @lilythesilly @irispurpurea @everwitch-magiks @walkinginland @three-drink-amy and @rmd-writes @pragmatic-optimist and @celeritas2997 just because 💜
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silverliing · 1 year
So in ST1 when Jonathan gives Will the forever famous mixtape he says it contains the following artists:
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In ST1 we listen to two of those artists; Bowie(arguably) and joy division
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So I want to predict that in ST5 (which is going to heavily call back to ST1) we will be hearing from the remaining 2 bands: television and the smiths
Now I absolutely hate morrissey so you’d have to actually pay me to sit down and predict which smiths song it will be but I think in the case of Television it might be pretty clear which song it could be—which is also coincidentally their most popular
So if you’ve ever listened to television you’d know that their lyrics are notoriously vague and poetic and hard to interpret, but for our specific purpose I think it’s pretty on the nose on what (and who) it would be about.
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It’s about Will’s past and his experience with the hive mind.
“The embrace of life” could refer to him overcoming the HM with the power of love, however the “kiss of death” would then be an interesting and rather romantic way of describing the events that took place beforehand. That is of course, unless there was something about the power afforded to him by the HM that Will found alluring/could still be subconsciously drawn to….
I think in ST5 Will will be seriously tempted by evil. Not controlled, abducted, or possessed, but tempted.
With the Mind Flayer back in ST5 we will see Will struggle with the dark allure of power and his relationship with Vecna will be kind of like that of a trickster at a crossroads. Vecna will try to make Will fall in order to gain whatever power he’s seen in Will, and Will will have to resist the calling of being part of something greater once more.
In essence the song Marquee Moon is about wanting to change, about being unsure of that change and ending up back where you started. I think it is a more experienced and mature version of Should I Stay or Should I Go from S1 which would make it a very fitting addition to the final season. In the song there is also a reference of a mentor figure— which could really be anyone but I think we’re all thinking of the same person…
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Queer Henry let’s gooooooooooo
I wanted to point this out because I think that the relationship between Will and Vecna/Henry will definitely be much more than just a trickster at a crossroads that I previously described and instead more like that of a corruptive mentor— think Anakin and Palpatine. Vecna/Henry will have to make very good points in order to sway Will and Will might even fall for it at the beginning. And here comes the queer Henry theory because Will is going to have see in Henry the closest thing to understanding about his own experience and that is why the pull to the dark will be so strong. So those strong points Vecna/Henry makes will have to be related to their sexuality (wills biggest struggle in the show).
But unlike that bitch Anakin, Will is going to ultimately resist the call because he draws his strength from love instead of hate, etc.
Furthermore, I’ve seen people online trying to interpret the actual meaning of “marquee moon” with the general consensus being that it’s supposed to represent the embodiment of time passing. Often it is interpreted as a marquee like the ones that shift between letters and words and on which you’d have to physically wait in order to get all the information across, but I can think of another “marquee” you’d have to wait on. A sign of metal and glass which is circular— like the moon—; a clock.
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Time is said to be a central element of ST5 and I think that just like the time between Star Wars episodes 2 and 3 during which Anakin’s corruption was slowly building up, Will’s “corruption” will also take place over a period of time, likely starting before the time skip and slowly grating him throughout the years.
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Tl;dr Vecna is going to be a mentor figure for Will and sway him to the dark side, this will likely take place between the two time periods of ST5 and most importantly New York art punk band Television’s hit 1977 song Marquee Moon will be featured at some point.
I also just think that the guitar intro in MM would be a sick transition song to indicate the time skip in the show
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sunflowerharrington · 8 months
I'm so excited to share this with everyone!
Henry Creel art for the wonderful Nevertheless5 (ao3) @annafallsdown @annanevermore. This is based on her amazing version of Henry from her Steddie Bang fanfic: Crossroads (Hellfire on my Trail). I had so much fun drawing him! 🖤
It’s messy, it’s imperfect, but it’s my style and it’s perfect to the author and I. I hope you all like this as much as Nevertheless and I do. Background is based on a suburb in SoHo but I felt like it fit the Crossroads vibes so well.
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Created for the @steddiebang 2023🖤🔥
Your honour, he is slaying. And as always, click the picture for better quality.
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thegenerouspeach · 27 days
A pinch of salt.
*An AU*
Henry Fox used to be a world–renowned chef who has fallen out of high standing and is desperately trying to rebuild his career. He manages to land the highly sorted after catering gig for the surprise party hosted by the team of Texas Governor Alex's Claremont-Diaz. Alex has recently lost his wife in childbirth and is now a single father in the final year of his term as governor.
Alex in Texas fist fighting sentors and making headlines that can ruin him. Henry in London, watching as his chain of restaurants close down one by one, at the edge of a burnout.
Both in their late 30s, both at a crossroads, they meet and hook up after the party. The wild fires of life destroying them individually seem to stop burning when they are together. One weekend together in Austin, and it's as if they are finally discovering their truest self's in each other.
Neither can explain the strong magnetic pull that so quickly drew them together. After just a few months of attempting a long-distance relationship, they find themselves questioning how love and life ever managed to make it this far, one without the other.
Now, they find themselves in two completely different worlds, trying to make one life together. Can Alex's political career survive his violent outbursts and coming out of the closet? Can Henry overcome the backlash that lost him his franchise and risk starting over? Will these opposing problems prove too much for their love to survive?
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ettawritesnstudies · 1 year
WIP Intro
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[Image ID: A digital painting of a crossroads with various road signs indicating route 1 south and milemarker 0, exit 0. It's night and there are dandelion puffs growing on the grass around the signs, with pine trees in the background. A ghost girl sits on top of the exit sign and blows a wish on one of the dandelion puffs. End Image ID]
The End of the Road
Category/Genre: New Adult Coming of Age / Paranormal, slow-burn friendship-> romance
Themes: road trips, leaving behind your hometown, the friends you know are transitory but you can't help but get attached to anyhow and the friends you make out of necessity that you can't help but feel you've outgrown, hauntings, ghosts and ghost towns, liminal spaces, the echos of grief, mental illness
Warnings: Death, mention of suicide, alcohol/drunk driving, smoking
POV: Dual 3rd person past tense
Status: Outlining, drafting through summer - autumn 2023
Winnifred Armstrong barely eked out her degree from the community college while working retail at the local Walmart with the annoying people from her high school. Armed with a diploma and four summers worth of savings, she's determined to get away from her crazy family and this dead end town where everyone knows her name and everyone's asking what she's making of her life. She doesn't know the answer yet but she'll figure it out somewhere that's not here.
Henry Priceton recently graduated from a well known private school. He's trying to live up to all the expectations of his family and his community who see him as "the smart one who made it" but he's saddled with way too much student debt for a degree he kind of hates. Hey, it makes good money in a boring 9-5. He can figure out what he's doing with his life off the work clock once he gets out from under the thumb of his micromanaging parents.
When these old high school classmates both find jobs in a faraway city, their meddling parents decide it would be a great idea for them to share the cost of a moving van and drive their things out together. They get along, but they're not friends, and both hope to take turns driving and spend their breaks sleeping and listening to music through headphones. But as both the conversation and the road roll on underneath them, Winnie and Henry realize they both have ghosts they're trying to outrun. Will they be able to ditch what's haunting them before they reach the end of the road?
Ask if you want to be added to a taglist! Thank you @siarven for helping me develop this <3
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lostonehero · 11 months
So, heads up, upcoming intersex Jeremy, but I will be using the outdated term since the story takes place in the 80s so I just want to give a warning to everyone when I finish the chapter
It's not a major part of the crossroads, au. I just want to give people a warning in case I know it can be offensive
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imaginationiskeyy · 1 year
I thought some of you may enjoy my list of Father/sons and bromances whether it be by blood or not so I thought I’d share some of my favs! :D (Please feel free to add to it)
All shows are in alphabetical order.
🎥 = Movie 📚 = Book 📺 = TV series
Father and son
Shawn Davis and Vic Davis (The 2nd 🎥)
Christopher Diaz and Eddie Diaz (911 📺)
Harry Grant and Michael Grant (911 📺)
Judd Ryder and Stuart Ryder (911 Lone Star 📺)
TK Strand and Owen Strand (911 Lone Star 📺)
Alex Standall and Bill Standall (13 Reasons Why 📺)
Jack McClane and John McClane (A Good Day to Die Hard 🎥)
Lee Adama and Bill Adama (Battlestar Galactica 📺)
Jamie, Danny and Frank Reagan (Blue Bloods 📺)
Chris Halliwell and Leo Wyatt (Charmed 📺)
Josh, Brody & Bruce Murakami (Crossroads a Story to Forgiveness 🎥)
Scott Norris and Mike Norris (Crush 🎥)
Kyle Harmon and Horatio Caine (CSI Miami 📺)
Pacey Witter and John Witter (Dawson’s Creek 📺)
Jason Dixon and Mike Dixon (Disconnect 🎥)
Bradley Branning and Max Branning (Eastenders 📺)
Ben Mitchell and Phil Mitchell (Eastenders 📺)
Ephram Brown and Andrew Brown (Everwood 📺)
Bode Donovan and Vince Leone (Fire Country 📺)
Hal, Ben, Matt and Tom Mason (Falling Skies 📺)
Peter Bishop and Walter Bishop (Fringe 📺)
Indiana Jones and Henry Jones, Sr. (Indiana Jones 🎥)
Tom Garvey and Kevin Garvey (The Leftovers 📺)
Sam Monroe and George Monroe (Life as a House 🎥)
Nathaniel Bazile and Jack Bazile (Life Unexpected 📺)
Ryan Mitchell and Captain Mitchell (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue📺)
Shawn Spencer and Henry Spencer (Psych 📺)
Luke Morrow and Jacob Morrow Sr. (Purple Hearts 🎥)
Max Kenton and Charlie Kenton (Real Steel 🎥)
Jughead Jones and FP Jones (Riverdale 📺)
Duval Pritchard and Jimmy Pritchard (Second Chance 📺)
Clark Kent and Jonathan Kent (Smallville 📺)
Finn Scott and Damien Scott (Strike Back 📺)
Jonathan, Jordon and Clark Kent (Superman and Lois 📺)
Dean, Sam and John Winchester (Supernatural 📺)
Stiles Stilinski and Noah Stilinski (Teen Wolf 📺)
Josh Shannon and Jim Shannon (Terra Nova 📺)
Kevin, Randall and Jack Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Stephen Jameson and Roger Price (The Tomorrow People 📺)
Cordell, Liam and Bonham Walker (Walker 📺)
August Walker and Cordell Walker (Walker 📺)
Carl Grimes and Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead 📺)
Like father and son
Evan Buckley and Bobby Nash (911 📺)
Jake Peralta and Captain (Ray) Holt (Brooklyn Nine-Nine 📺)
Spencer Reid and Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds 📺)
Nick Stokes and Gil Grissom (CSI 📺)
Sky and Saul Silva (Fate: The Winx Saga 📺)
Bode Donovan and Manny Perez (Fire Country 📺)
Matt Saracen and Coach Taylor (Friday Night Lights 📺)
Jess Mariano and Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls 📺)
Harry Potter and Sirius Black (Harry Potter 🎥+📚)
Steve McGarrett and Joe White (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Peter Parker and Tony Stark (Marvel 🎥)
Timothy McGee and Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS 📺)
Tony DiNozzo and Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS 📺)
Christopher Lasalle and Dwayne Pride (NCIS New Orleans 📺)
Darius Tanz and Liam Cole (Salvation 📺)
Walter O’Brien and Cabe Gallo (Scorpion 📺)
Jason Hayes and Clay Spenser (SEAL Team 📺)
Sam and Dean Winchester and Bobby Singer (Supernatural 📺)
Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke (White Collar 📺)
Brax Wolff and Christian Wolff (The Accountant 🎥)
Luke Matthews and Holden Matthews (Beyond 📺)
Jamie Reagan and Danny Reagan (Blue Bloods 📺)
Jared Booth and Seeley Booth (Bones 📺)
Wyatt Halliwell and Chris Halliwell (Charmed 📺)
Jay Halstead and Will Halstead (Chicago PD/Med 📺)
Mike Leighton and Angus Leighton (Code Black 📺)
Robert Sugden and Andy Sugden (Emmerdale 📺)
Hal Mason, Ben Mason and Matt Mason (Falling Skies 📺)
Newt Scamander and Theseus Scamander (Fantastic beasts + where to find them 🎥)
Troy Otto and Jake Otto (Fear the Walking Dead 📺)
Tim Riggins and Billy Riggins (Friday Night Lights 📺)
Seth Gecko and Richard Gecko (From Dusk Till Dawn 📺)
Max Lawson and Jake Lawson (Geostorm 🎥)
Brad Land and Brett Land (Goat 🎥)
Peter Petrelli and Nathan Petrelli (Heroes 📺)
Brax, Heath and Casey Braxton (Home and Away 📺)
Gray Mitchell and Zach Mitchell (Jurassic World 🎥)
Joey Cassidy and Nick Cassidy (Man on a Ledge 🎥)
Loki Odison and Thor Odison (Marvel 📺+🎥)
Lorenzo de’ Medici and Giuliano de’ Medici (Medici 📺)
Don Eppes and Charlie Eppes (Numb3rs 📺)
Nathan Scott and Lucas Scott (One Tree Hill 📺)
Elijah Mikaelson and Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals 📺)
Bailey Salinger and Charlie Salinger (Party of Five 📺)
Beto Acosta and Emilio Acosta (Party of Five [2020] 📺)
Leo Corbett and Mike Corbett (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy 📺)
Brody Romero and Levi Weston (Power Rangers Ninja Steel 📺)
Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows (Prison Break 📺)
Thomas Peaceful and Charlie Peaceful (Private Peaceful 📚)
Luke Morrow and Jacob Morrow (Purple Hearts 🎥)
Ronan Lynch and Declan Lynch (The Raven Cycle 📚)
Sebastian and Francis (Reign 📺)
Lip Gallagher and Ian Gallagher (Shameless US 📺)
Will Byers and Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things 📺)
Jeremiah Fisher and Conrad Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty 📚📺)
Jordan Kent and Jonathan Kent (Superman and Lois 📺)
Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester (Supernatural 📺)
Jack Pearson and Nicky Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Kevin Pearson and Randall Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Scott, John, Virgil, Gordon and Alan Tracy (Thunderbirds 📺+🎥)
Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries 📺)
Cordell Walker and Liam Walker (Walker 📺)
Like Brothers
Judd Ryder and TK Strand (911 Lone Star 📺)
Alex Standall and Zach Dempsey (13 Reasons Why 📺)
Oliver Queen and John Diggle (Arrow 📺)
Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn (Arrow 📺)
Matty McKibben and Jake Rosati (Awkward 📺)
Seeley Booth and Lance Sweets (Bones 📺)
Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter (Boy Meets World 📺)
Jake Peralta and Charles Boyle (Brooklyn Nine-Nine 📺)
Angel and Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel 📺)
Kevin Ryan and Javier Esposito (Castle 📺)
Matt Casey and Kelly Severide (Chicago Fire 📺)
Jay Halstead and Greg Gerwitz (Chicago PD 📺)
John Casey and Chuck Bartowski (Chuck 📺)
Angus Leighton and Mario Savetti (Code Black📺)
Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds 📺)
Nick Stokes and Warrick Brown (CSI 📺)
Zeke Pedrad and Four (Divergent 📚)
Ephram Brown and Bright Abbott (Everwood 📺)
Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon (The Flash 📺)
Joey Tribbiani and Chandler Bing (FRIENDS 📺)
Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan (Greys Anatomy 📺)
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (Harry Potter 🎥+📚)
Steve McGarrett and Chin Ho Kelly (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Steve McGarrett and Lou Grover (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Caleb Odell and Ty Borden (Heartland 📺)
Colby Thorne and Dean Thompson (Home and Away 📺)
Gregory House and James Wilson (House 📺)
Eliot Spencer and Alec Hardison (Leverage 📺)
Lucifer and Dan Espinoza (Lucifer 📺)
Angus MacGyver and Jack Dalton (MacGyver 📺)
Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson (Marvel 🎥+📺)
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes (Marvel 🎥)
Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson (Marvel 🎥)
Newt and Thomas (The Maze Runner 🎥+📚)
Merlin and Arthur Pendragon (Merlin 📺)
Will Lexington and Gunnar Scott (Nashville 📺)
Tony DiNozzo and Timothy McGee (NCIS 📺)
Sam Hanna and G Callen (NCIS LA 📺)
Nick Miller and Winston Schmidt (New Girl 📺)
Michael Bishop and Seymour Birkhoff (Nikita 📺)
Seth Cohen and Ryan Atwood (The OC 📺)
Prince Charming and Captain Hook (Once Upon a Time 📺)
JJ and John B (Outerbanks 📺)
Daniel Pierce and Max Lewicki (Perception 📺)
Michael Scofield and Fernando Sucre (Prison Break 📺)
Shawn Spencer and Burton (Gus) Guster (Psych 📺)
Richard Gansey and Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle 📚)
Nolan Ross and Aiden Mathis (Revenge 📺)
Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews (Riverdale 📺)
Michael Guerin and Max Evans (Roswell 📺)
Alex Manes and Kyle Valenti (Roswell New Mexico 📺)
Michael Guerin and Max Evans (Roswell New Mexico 📺)
Liam Henstridge and Jasper Frost (The Royals 📺)
Bravo team (SEAL Team 📺)
Clay Spenser and Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team 📺)
Jason Hayes and Ray Perry (SEAL Team 📺)
Jace Herondale and Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters 📺)
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Sherlock 📺)
Jax Teller and Opie Winston (Sons of Anarchy 📺)
Kirk and Bones (Star Trek 📺+🎥)
Spock and Kirk (Star Trek 📺+🎥)
Han Solo and Luke Skywalker (Star Wars 🎥)
Poe Dameron and Finn (Star Wars 🎥)
Damien Scott and Michael Stonebridge (Strike Back 📺)
Mike Ross and Harvey Specter (Suits 📺)
Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf 📺)
Stephen Jameson and John Young (The Tomorrow People 📺)
Alaric Saltzman and Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries 📺)
Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead 📺)
Neal Caffrey and Mozzie (White Collar 📺)
Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr (X-Men 🎥)
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mashed4077 · 1 year
frank goes to maine jokes are funny and all but hear me out: hawkeye goes to indiana.
picture this. it's only been like six or eight months since the war ended and hawk's doing rock-bottom awful. he can't form new attachments and the war haunts his every moment, so he's grown rlly dependent on keeping in contact with everyone, bc they're the only ones who get it. he's already been down to boston to see trapper and to bother charles, he's even impulsively made his way to iowa and missouri to see radar and potter (and showed up on their doorsteps out of nowhere). he tried to visit henry's widow and kids on his way back through illinois, but he couldn't bring himself to. he calls margaret & bj routinely, and he maintains correspondence with mulcahy & klinger over in korea (im ignoring aftermash. or maybe it's just too soon, neither is back in the US yet). he's even managed to remember the names of a few stand-out patients he had and done his best to reach out to them.
at some point, he fixates on the fact that he's managed to keep up with everyone important but frank. nobody knows what happened to him. margaret hasn't heard from him, and she won't contact him. he could be dead for all they know. something about it rubs him wrong, about the gap, the missing piece - the lack of control. it's been really bothering him that he patched up a thousand soldiers in korea and he'll never see any of them again, and in his head it makes sense if he can at least hold on to fifteen or twenty of the people he met over there, that might be enough. and he knows frank's name and where he's from and that he has a practice, which means he can find him. another person he can hold onto, because the idea of letting go and moving on is terrifying, and feels completely unattainable
so what does hawkeye do. he makes his way to fort wayne. he finds a phone book. he asks around.
what does he find? the only thing i know for sure is that frank and louise definitely divorced, and he lost most of his assets. is he living in a depressing Divorced Guy apartment? is his clinic gone? did he actually get promoted to lieutenant colonel or was he lying? did he get put on meds? did they transfer him from a korean army hospital to a civilian hospital in indiana (as a patient)? is he still there, or did they release him? how well is he functioning? did he bounce back or is he still a wreck? is he healthier or worse? did he mature, grow, and gain insight at all? is he a little more self aware? if he's doing better, does he know what to do with himself or is he at a crossroads in his life?
either way, hawkeye realizes frank's the only one doing just as bad as he is / who's just as unsure where to go next as he is. and he's certainly the only one who's as alone as he feels.
maybe it's platonic. maybe he decides if he helps frank get his shit together, it'll help him figure out how to deal with things and move on too. and frank's the only one he can latch onto like that. everyone else, he can't just inject himself into their life while he sorts through his own shit. he can't burden any of them when they're busy with their families and careers. but frank - he has nothing. and he's doing worse than hawkeye, so hawk figures it's nicer that way, that it's not just about him, that they can help each other. and maybe, maybe frank finally gets a little redemption. finally gets the chance to grow a little.
maybe it's romantic. maybe one of the things frank's coming to terms with post-divorce is his attraction to men. maybe hawkeye's the first person he really talks about it candidly with, and for the first time, hawk's exhausted enough and feels bad enough that he doesn't answer with jokes when frank opens up. he takes him seriously. they reach that level, where frank's doing too bad to be a miserable snotty wretch and hawkeye's too fucked up to be a smart-mouth and to mock him, and that mutual exhaustion accidentally allows for trust and a sense of camaraderie.
either way... what if they helped each other to heal again? frank's always been fucked up, but much too deluded to admit it or try to grow. but i think his experiences in korea broke him, and i think there's an opportunity, there, for him to be remade into a better and healthier person. and hawkeye was ok before, but the war broke him, and he just needs to find a way to get back to himself. maybe they could help each other do that.
and if you're thinking, well, frank's a bigot, he doesn't deserve redemption or happiness - frank just absorbs whatever makes him feel safe and secure. his attitudes are things he was conditioned to believe, and he's stuck by them because they give him guidelines and a sense of order in a senseless, confusing, and frightening world. and you know what else? he believes those things because he thinks he's supposed to. frank latches onto authorities or individuals that he can base his life around, and in that way he's very moldable. this is why frank & margaret's relationship was far from a traditional conservative heterosexual one, like they both claim to believe in the sanctity of. the amusing hypocrisy out of them crops up partially because frank seems to be capable of disregarding an authority (like, say, the bible, particularly the seventh commandment) and his belief in "what should be" in favor of a person he's emotionally invested in. and, ofc, if it serves his own needs.
this is to say, within the context of the circumstances im describing, i think hawkeye could rlly help frank 180. it'd take a minute, but i believe if he began to value making sure hawkeye approved of him, a lot of his problematic beliefs would no longer get callously spouted, and he might even get better about thinking them in the first place. and hawkeye would love trying to educate someone who's not stupidly arguing nonsense points in favor of fascism, who's instead listening intently because why should he continue to follow the beliefs passed onto him by a family that spent his early years hurting and hating him? isn't it better to listen to the man speaking to him patiently and kindly, if a little irritatedly (bc everything hes saying should be common knowledge) - the first person who's ever really made an effort to care for him?
maybe one could argue that wouldn't be genuine, but im not sure how capable frank is of genuineness. i think he can grow in a lot of other ways, but his propensity to manipulate will take a while to unlearn, bc it's a survival tactic and he's never had a healthy relationship where he didnt feel a need to do that to ensure his security. of course, who knows if this post-war, shared-trauma-bonded relationship would be any semblance of healthy? but i think it sure would be fascinating
it's in the way frank's not even fully a person. he's a bunch of books on how to be a successful all-american man in a trenchcoat, just emulation and regurgitation, and yet he's genuinely incapable of actually embodying it. he's always failed at that. he just doesnt have it in him. and i think hawkeye, who's always rejected all the things frank's aspired to be, who failed on purpose and created himself in his own image.. would be capable of and would love the challenge of helping frank become his own person. and you know what else? hawkeye's not capable of the ol picket fence marriage. idk if hes capable of day in day out domesticity. with a man or a woman. i think surrendering into smth thats soft and loving would drive him a little crazy. but i think whatever the hell bizarre disaster relationship he developed with frank .. i think it might be enough for him
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beelmons · 1 year
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Escapade 4
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!reader Rating: Explicit, readers under 18 are not advised to read this story. Tags: smut, best friends to lovers, possible angst at some point, porn with plot, mentions of weapons, minor OC appeareances for plot purposes, mentions of death for plot purposes, unprotected sex, reader drinks a bit of alcohol. Summary: A new case drops and someone you know is involved. Spencer is there to help you through it. Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 / 3: Bonus | 4 | 5 | 6 A/N: Repost so it can appear in tags. If you want to be added to the tag list for future chapts, let me know in the comments or my ask! Tag list: @punkndisorderrly
Best thing about sleeping with someone from your same line of work was the amount of understanding they could have for your lack of availability. Being professional, as long as you weren’t under the sheets, was a priority for both Spencer and you. The Missouri case had gone without further issue, and mind you, neither another escapade. UnSub was caught after only three days, families reunited, a good ending to a job well done, as happy as they come. Best part about it all: it was time to celebrate.
—Sorry, guys, I have a date to get to. —Morgan responded when Garcia proposed margarita and nacho night at one of the local Mexican pubs.
—What? You didn’t tell me about that! —Penelope reproached.
—Sorry, mama, escaped my mind. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. —Derek took a second to kiss his best friend’s head before darting out of the ballpen with a wave towards the rest of you.
—God, JJ? —she looked expectantly towards the blonde.
—Sorry, PG, Henry is out with a cold and Will’s got a shift.
—Jesus, I hate mommy duties, although mothers are awesome and real-life heroes that deserve all the respect and love in the world. Go take care of your munchkin and have a good night. —she patted Jennifer on the back, basically pushing her out of the way.
Hotch was locked in his office, and Rossi was long gone since it was cigar club night. Prentiss looked at her with pleading eyes, too tired to voice out any complaints, which Penelope understood the meaning of in no second. She gave her a sympathetic nod and Emily bolted out of sight. Everyone knew a calm night with Sergio was due for her, and well deserved, too, but that meant it was your turn under the Penelope Garcia Polygraph sight.
—I’ve got plans tonight, P. —you answered in a hurry.
—And the holy spirit! —she grumbled in complaint—Of course you do, you are a highly solicited beautiful being. —you crossed puzzled gazes with Spencer at the bizarreness of the compliment she offered— I guess it’s just you and me, boy wonder.
If you were given a wish to have any moment in history turned into a picture you got to keep, you would have asked for Spencer Reid’s face after he heard those words. You hadn’t officially told him, but after being left with the frustration that night in Missouri, when Morgan became the least desired intruder, you assumed you would take the raincheck as soon as you landed back in DC.
—You wouldn’t believe me if I said I also have a date, would you? —Spencer asked Penelope as he fidgeted with the strap of his bag.
—That depends, would you be telling me the truth?
—No. —he answered softly, almost ashamedly.
—Then it’s settled! —Garcia responded with a bright grin— I promise not to have you out so late, okay? Just entertain me for a while, it’s not every day that we get such happy endings, it’s just fair we have a happy night, too.
The smile that crept through his lips defused the annoyance growing within you. It was hard for Reid to say no to Penelope due to having an unyielding love for her, amongst other reasons, so they shortly found themselves at the bar down the street. You walked with them up to a crossroad before you took the bus home. Tiny, trivial problem: you didn’t have any plans. You made the excuse up hoping Spencer would have one of his own and the night would end in either your apartment or his. Perhaps you weren’t as connected as you thought, or maybe his social life was just that sad, regardless of the reason, you were now on your bed laying down with your eyes fixed on the ceiling, bored out of your mind.
Few blocks down the road where your workplace was located, Penelope and Reid shared a plate of vegetarian nachos, courtesy of the ethical agricultural practices enthusiast, and downed a couple strawberry margaritas.
—I swear, three days, I mean, it’s gotta be some sort of record, right? —Penelope gushed about their recent solving.
—Our shortest has been two days, twelve hours, and thirty-four minutes. Ten hours, actually, and five minutes if we don’t count the briefing meeting and jet ride.
—Still, you guys did an excellent job. Who would have thought something as happy and colorful as a balloon would inspire someone to kill? And most importantly, how do you figure out something like that?
—Hotch gave me the credit for the breakthrough, but I had help. —he clarified, and rightfully so, since the idea of a balloon fetishist being the UnSub had occurred to you before he modified the profile based on that assumption.
—Ah! —she exclaimed excitedly— that’s right, that little partner of yours is a real smart cookie, and pretty too, the guy she ends up with is going to be incredibly lucky.
—Right. —something in Spencer seemed to dim at her words and the pursing of his lips, which always gave him away, didn’t fail to notify Penelope.
—Aw, don’t worry Reid, you’re always going to be her true love.
—What? —he almost stuttered as he asked, genuine surprise in his voice—What do you mean?
—It’s like me and Derek, right? Sure, he has all these women, but who does he love more than anyone else? —she made a pause to point at her entire person— There’s just something about the bonds we create in that office, what starts in the BAU remains forever.
Spencer was about to contribute to the statement, until a familiar voice interrupted his train of thought.
—Please don’t say that Penelope, it would mean the bet I made with Prentiss regarding the fourth Mrs. Rossi will go on for an eternity. —you barged into the conversation.
You could see the way the woman’s face lit up, her hands clapping together as she watched you approach the table. You were walking from behind Spencer’s seat, they had chosen a booth, so his head had to tilt upwards to catch your face. You motioned for him to slide further against the wall to leave space for you to sit down, which he gladly did; you made sure to set the jacket you had just removed on your right thigh, the one that was grazing Reid’s, as you took a seat next to your partner.
—What are you doing here? —she asked with particular joy in her tone.
—Got stood up. —you shrugged off the question nonchalantly.
—No way! —she exclaimed a bit too loud, possibly the margarita’s doing— Do not worry my sweet child, his loss, we will make sure you forget all about him. I’m getting us another margarita round.
Although he wanted to object to the idea, being that he wasn’t that fond of drinking until passing out, Spencer was left with his mouth open as Penelope dashed outside the booth and toward the bar on the other end of the establishment. There was a minute of silence as you looked back at Reid only to find that his eyes had landed on you first, he furrowed his brows briefly and licked his lips, you knew he did that when he struggled with finding words.
—I’m sorry you got stood up. —he said.
—Reid, I didn’t have any plans. —you couldn’t help but laugh quietly at the obliviousness of the man before you—I made them up thinking we were going to pick up where we left back in Missouri.
—Oh. —his tone was disappointed— yeah, I didn’t get the hint.
—No joke. —you smiled reassuringly in his direction—We could still get out of here, though, maybe back to my apartment?
You made sure to lock eyes with him as you let out your sentence, your hand travelled to the side, caressing the thigh that was closer to yours on a place that was certainly not appropriate for coworkers. The touch made him flinch and his hand was quickly on your wrist, causing it to stop your movement.
—Are you crazy? —he whispered—If she sees us, we won’t hear the end of it.
—God, all right. —you grumbled, retracting your hand.
He was right, you hated that about Spencer, he was always right. However, something you would soon come to find out, he was also always horny ever since you started your little arrangement and he seemed to be feeling more confident and daring, too, a rare combination of attitudes when it came to the young doctor. As you moved your hand back, his didn’t stay put, he swiftly moved to tug on your middle arm, forcing you closer to him as he whispered into your ear.
—We’re going to make Garcia company for a couple more margaritas, we will escort her back to her place, I will offer to do the same for you like the gentleman that I am, and we’re going back to your apartment so I can behave like anything but, got it?
His face was so close to yours you could feel his hot breath brushing the side of your neck. His grip wasn’t hurtful, rather commanding, and the way his voice lowered to mutter such words had electric shocks sent throughout your entire body. A smug smile drew across his face at your shocked expression, if he was doubting his sexual skills a few days back, you couldn’t find any trace of hesitation now. But it was nice, the confirmation that the burning desire to be with him again was not one-sided.
—Sorry to be back so quick, —the words from Penelope, whom you didn’t even notice approaching the table as you focused on the instructions your partner was giving you— and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Hotch needs us back in the office.
—You have to be fucking kidding me.
Two astonished pairs of eyes landed on you. You didn’t mean to say that out loud, if you were being honest, but your frustration was growing uncomfortably fast, and there just seemed to be so many obstacles for you to have Spencer’s balls in you, something you desperately wanted. You backed your reaction with an explanation on how the night was not going the way you had planned, and Penelope seemed to understand. The three of you walked back to the office as Garcia explained you some details of the case Hotch had emailed her beforehand. You were the first to arrive back to the round table and earned a heartfelt apology from Aaron for making you come back so fast, couple minutes later Rossi walked into the room with a strong smell of Cuban cigar and an annoyed look on his face, followed by Jennifer and Emily who looked like death itself had taken pity on them from how tired they seemed, and shortly thereafter Derek joined you with mere disappointment in his eyes. He took his seat, defeatedly, next to you.
—Feel you. —you muttered for his ears only—Didn’t get any tonight either.
—See, the reason I look so pissed is not because I didn’t get any, it’s because I got half.
You let out a quiet ‘oof’ in solidarity and decided to pat his shoulder. Derek was sitting on your left while Reid remained on your right, apparently unaware of your interaction with your mutual coworker.
—I’m aware some of you had other commitments, and I do apologize for making you come back in such a rush, but the director has asked personally for our help, and this case needs to be handled with outmost secrecy.
—And why is that? —David asked.
—Because it involves deceased FBI trainees.
Hotchner’s tone was as stern as ever, and you could hear the quiet gulps everyone let out. Each member sitting around the table had been a cadet once, a justice-filled kid with ambition to take over the world, it was unsettling, to say the least, to picture such dreams turned to ashes because of a serial killer.
—There are two dead and two missing so far—Garcia took the controller away from Hotch when she noticed him struggling with the button—Dylan Parker, 28, was found hanging from his room in Philadelphia, initially presumed suicide until forensic evidence showed no trace of rope fibers on his hands. Andrea Rogers, 27, alleged car accident in Norfolk, alcohol levels were high but there was no sign or residue of alcohol in her mouth or throat. As for the missing agents, there’s Carlos Gonzalez, 28, last seen leaving the FBI building here in Quantico-.
—He looks familiar—JJ interrupted.
—He works as a desk clerk in human resources a couple of floors up, Dylan Parker is an archivist for the Intelligence and Research branch in Philadelphia, and Andrea Rogers was a data analyst for the criminal justice information services located in Norfolk. None of them with high-risk jobs or sensitive information to have extorted. Who’s the last one, again? —Reid offered an explanation of his own, earning a playful glare from Garcia who was trying to finish her presentation.
—Right on the money, baby genius, and if you don’t know the last victim’s name it’s because I, in fact, have not told you yet. Conrad Smith, 28, he’s a Virginia P.D. desk clerk in D.C. who was reported missing by his soon-to-be ex-wife when he didn’t show up for court last week.
—Hold on, you said the connection was that they were FBI trainees, but this Conrad guy isn’t even in the bureau, why is he involved in the investigation? —Morgan barged in.
—None of them are actual agents, they are all administrative staff —Emily contributed.
—The connection is not referring to their current occupations, rather, it refers to what they went through previous to obtaining their current jobs.
—They all completed the FBI Academy training program but weren’t hired as Special Agents. —you finally spoke.
There was something about your tone that snapped everyone’s attention to you, and it certainly piked their interest when your eyes seemed to tremble at the picture of Officer Smith. Hotch took a mental note of your reaction, and the silence was starting to become awkward and tense. You were thankful for the way Spencer distracted everyone with his following statement.
 —Judging by the ages, they must have crossed paths in the academy, which means it is likely that our UnSub also went to the academy during the same period or he’s part of staff or faculty. —his eyes would switch between the team and you as he spoke.
—That’s the reason why this must be handled internally, it would affect the credibility and reputation of the bureau if word got out that there’s serial killing happening within the domains of the main office. Garcia, do background checks on every staff member working at the academy, classroom teachers, tactical trainers, even dorm monitors and cleaning staff. Reid, I need you to build a geographical profile for the attacks, we need at least an idea of where the UnSub lives, otherwise we have no real lead. Dave, take Prentiss to the local M.E., we are running an independent autopsy on the bodies of Dylan Parker and Andrea Rogers to see if there’s anything that initial reports might have missed. The rest of us will interview family and friends of the victims, they are driving in as we speak. Get to work.
At the boss’s commands everyone scattered from around the table. You were the first one through the door, your stomach felt queasy, as if something was swirling within you. You walked decisively past your desk, only dropping the file in your hands as you did so, and towards the kitchenette, as you arrived you took a second looking anxiously in every direction, had you really seen what you saw? You placed your arms around your stomach to soothe yourself as you continued to pace around the limited area while deep in thought.
—Hey —A familiar voice by the entrance made you flinch in your place. You hadn’t even realized that Reid had followed you the instant you left the meeting room— You okay?
—I’m fine. —your voice broke slightly at the affirmation
Reid simply stood there, watching as you fidgeted with your blazer and a hurt look in his eyes.
—Where do you know them from? —he dared to ask, noticing the surprise on your face at his inquire he decided to explain his reasoning—Your shoulders dropped, you are hugging yourself, which is a sign or self-comfort, and you just…—he made another short pause to clear his throat—you look sad, and I’m worried.
You weren’t sure if it was the way he always showed up when you needed him, or that he could read you like you were a children’s book, or simply the fact that one of your old friends from the academy was missing with the possibility of being murdered, but your chest felt so heavy, so tight that the only relief was to cry. Your tears started rolling down your face before you could even notice; Spencer took a couple of doubtful steps towards you, arms slightly spread to his sides, and only engulfed you into a hug once you closed the gaps between your bodies. You sobbed gently into his shoulder as he patted your head soothingly.
—I hadn’t seen Conrad in three years, even when we promised to stay in touch, —you mumbled against the fabric of his vest—the rest of them, I didn’t really know them well, but we shared some classes and were paired up in practice runs at Hogan’s Alley, the tactical training field.
After finishing your sentence you pulled back slightly, enough to be able to look at him in the face, but not for his arms to fall from your body, instead he loosely let them rest on the area of your waist, as he had familiarly done before during more intimate meetings.
—There is a possibility he’s still alive. —he tried to reassure you.
—There’s also a possibility we just haven’t found the body yet.
Your head dropped at the thought, if there was something as beforehand grief you were certainly feeling it at that moment; families, friends, they cling to hope, innocent minds can’t comprehend the reach of evil, but you knew, you knew what could happen, what probably already happened. As you were buried in a spiral of pain, you felt cold fingers against your chin forcing it up. Spencer made sure to look you dead in the eye as he spoke.
—Do you trust me? —he asked.
—Of course. —you answered with a confused tone, unsure of why such question would arrive now.
—Then believe me when I say we’re going to do everything we can to find him.
His face had gotten so close you could have sworn he was going to kiss you, his eyes travelling from yours to your lips and back. Your heart was pounding so hard into your chest, but what for? This man had seen you naked in more than one sense, what was there to be nervous about? Before you could find your answers, the sound of steps approaching caused you to separate hurriedly. You jumped back to create more space between the two of you, and as soon as you did, Hotch’s figure appeared. He took a second to read the situation, noticing how both of you seemed to focus on anything but his stare.
—Something the matter? —you asked to avoid a questioning from him.
—I need to see you in my office, immediately.
You nodded in response and followed after your boss without a further word, but that sentence would make anyone nervous no matter the time or place it was said. When you were finally behind the walls of his office Hotch poured a glass of water and signaled for you to sit down on the guest chair, leaving the glass by your side.
—Garcia has confirmed that all the victims were in the academy during the same period of time, she also found out that another two members dropped out in the same year, which should now be considered part of the victim pool.
—That’s great, but shouldn’t we be telling this to the entire team? —you questioned, and you heard him sigh.
—Your name shows up as part of the graduate class for that same year. I would like to know the nature of your relationship with each of the victims assuming you crossed paths at some point.
—Um… —you nervously stated, still not quite ready to talk about the situation yet— Parker and Rogers, I really didn’t know them well, Parker really had issues with handling guns, he would always doubt himself during tactical missions, Rogers was the complete opposite, always struggled on classroom assignments, as for Gonzalez, he was interested in securing a stable job, he just wanted to get into the FBI for the benefits and retirement plan.
—And what about Conrad Smith? —Aaron had that face that you knew well, the ‘I already know, I just want to hear it from you’ face, and through hardships you had learned that it was better for you if you just came clean.
—Conrad was interested in the psychology of the criminal mind. —you admitted— his end goal was to run the BAU one day, he mostly struggled with the social part of it all, he wasn’t very well liked by others. As for the nature of our relationship, we became close friends during the training period, and remained as such, but I hadn’t reached out to him for around three years.
—Do you know the reason for their departure from the academy?
—No. —you shook your head—There was a rumor about issues with the final tactical test, but Conrad never really told me what happened. It wasn’t until a day before the ceremony that he told me he wouldn’t be attending.
—Alright. Anything else I should know? —he looked at you expectantly, and you simply shook your head. He took a second to look at you, who was still a bit restless from the news, before he spoke back up—If you wanted to retreat from the case, I would understand.
—No fucking way, Aaron—you snapped resolutely at him.
—Okay. Check in with me every once in a while, cases with personal attachments can become difficult and you could accidentally endanger yourself, or the team. Reid will shadow your interviews, and you are not to go anywhere without him, understood?
—A babysitter? Really, Hotch? —you scoffed with an offended tone.
—No. —yet his was never changing— A friend that will keep a clear head if grief takes over.
Beautiful reminder of the reason you wanted to join the BAU in the first place: Aaron Hotchner. After having him as a guest speaker in one of your classes, you always found fascinating the way he would turn every tragedy he went through into a learning opportunity, and the devotion he put not only in his work, but in protecting everyone around it. You responded with yet another nod of your head and he signaled for your dismissal.
The case was going to be hard, no doubt, you couldn’t remember the last time you felt this stressed knowing someone’s life was in your hands, it was hard to focus on the tasks you were given. Lost in thought, you dropped on the chair by your desk suddenly noticing a sticky note that wasn’t there before.
“Meet me by the parking lot, third floor, row Z, spot 45.”  
It wasn’t signed, so you got an eerie feeling from it.
—JJ, has someone been in my desk? —you asked your coworker who happened to be walking by.
—Not that I’ve seen. By the way, I’m taking Andrea Rogers’s dad, Dylan Parker’s brother should be here in about 20 minutes.
—Okay, thanks.
You were intrigued by the text that was now in your hands, so you looked around in search of any clues. Everyone seemed busy, they were hanging to the promise of doing everything they could to find the missing people. Perhaps you were thinking too much, plus who would try to hurt you in the middle of a Federal Law Enforcement Building? You double checked the holster to make sure your gun was on you before headed to the instructed place.
Being almost midnight, the parking lot building was empty asides from a couple official SUVs, a little creepy if you were being honest. On the spot number 45 there was a parked vehicle and you started to approach it slowly, your hand travelled to the handle of your gun, the windows were polarized so you couldn’t see inside even when you tried. The driver’s seat’s door opened, and your instincts kicked in, you unholstered your weapon and pointed it towards the man coming out of the car.
—It’s me! It’s me! —Spencer yelled as he held up his arms.
—Jesus Christ, Spencer! —you yelled back as you put everything back in place— Don’t be leaving cryptic messages like that, I thought you were a hitman!
—Sorry! I figured you would get it was me from the handwriting. —he answered as he got out of the vehicle.
—Next time, just sign it.
You laughed and moved to the front of the car to rest against the hood, Reid followed you, standing right in front, his back against the building’s wall.
—Listen…—he began to talk.
—Reid, I appreciate it, but I really don’t feel like talking about it just yet.
—I know. I called you here because… —he licked his lips nervously— you were there when I really needed to clear my head, I want to do the same for you, I want to be here for you in the same way.
You raised your eyebrows as heat ran through your body knowing full well what he was talking about. Your throat cleared and you examined your surroundings quickly, making sure there was no one around that could overhear.
—I have an interview in twenty minutes, I don’t think we would be able to have a little escapade right now. —you said in protest when he took a step closer and his hands rested on your hips the same way they had been before in the kitchen.
—I went over every maintenance report for the last week, this section has two defective security cameras and have been deactivated for maintenance, but it hasn’t been completed yet, it’s scheduled due tomorrow. Prentiss and Rossi are out at the M.E.’s office, JJ and Morgan already took the interview rooms and Hotch is hiding in his office. We are in the clear.
Without letting you process the amount of information he gave you in such little time your friend’s lips were already on you. You could feel him grip the fabric on your waist with force, but the way his mouth moved was tender in comparison. Your head felt light-headed trying to comprehend what was going on, but your body caught up without hesitation, your arms moved to wrap around his neck while you returned the kiss.
Shortly after, you felt his entire body pressed up against you, if you didn’t know better you would have guessed that the urgency to please you was more about his desire than yours, but you needed this, god, you needed him. His hands soon began to press the fabric of your shirt up in attempt to untuck it from your dress pants so he could feel the skin underneath, the coldness of his fingertips made you shiver and caused a moan to come out. You sensed the smirk forming on his face at the sound, and he wasted no time before his tongue darted into your mouth. As a reflex, you jumped up to be sitting on top of the hood, your hips were at the same level as his and they rolled on their own against his crotch.
The little make out session was just adding to the burning sensation in between your legs and by the hardness in his pants he was having the same reaction. You pushed him back by the shoulders gently forcing the kiss to be broken, which earned a complaint on his side in the form of a whimper; your hands worked quick to undo your pants and he focused on his bottom clothes at the same time, you wiggled on top of the hood to lower them to your ankles, only your underwear remaining on. Reid took a second to move the piece of clothing away and rest it against the hood, the metal was cold, and the contrast felt interesting against your hot skin.
You looked down, eager to see if your anticipation was shared, and you were pleased to see that it was. When he freed his member, you reached out to grab it by the base to give it a couple of experimental pumps, he must have been frustrated because the low groan he let out was music to your ears. Without a word, he moved the fabric covering your core to the side and positioned his tip at the entrance, but before he entered you, he grabbed your legs again and looped them around his middle. His forehead laid on yours, and his eyes stared deeply as he pushed inside you. Aware of the sound you were about to make, his lips attached to yours once again, and your whimper was muted by the now familiar presence of his tongue.
His hips began to move and his palms were pressed on each of your sides against the hood. He was gentle, not doubtful was before, he was taking his time letting you feel every inch of him inside your walls, the quiet groans still being absorbed by your lips. You were tempted to grab his hair, to tug on those locks you loved so much, but you knew too much mess would give you away.
His hands gripped on your hips and tugged towards him, making you fall with your back fully against the hood. You moaned quietly at the roughness of his actions, the new position allowing him to hit deeper within you, you could see him entirely now, how his hips snapped against yours, the frown of concentration in his face, his reddened lips, and it only contributed to your excitement. His pace changed to a quicker one, and his hands decided to explore the front part of your body under your shirt, one of them gave a soft squeeze to your breast over your bra, and he wished he could see you fully naked in that moment, watching them bounce as he pounded into you.
The frustration of not being able to fully show him the pleasure he was giving you was excruciating, forcing yourself to stay quiet, to not scream his name every time the entirety of his cock was inside you, it caused a grimace on your face, and he noticed, one of his hands escaped the inside of your clothes and laid on your cheek instead, the pad of his thumb rubbing against the bone area. You felt your heart pound faster and warmth in your stomach you had long forgotten about. Without thinking, your palm laid on his, and you bit your bottom lip as his hips never ceded their thrusting.
He bent over to land a final kiss on you, his movements becoming slightly erratic, the remaining hand slid down your body towards your intimate parts and his thumb began to rub your clit in circular motions. The combination and the thrill of being in such a public place was enough to throw you over the edge, as your walls began to clench around him you could hear a deep, throaty groan coming from his throat, your nails dug onto the skin of his hand and your legs clenched around his waist when you reached your climax. He gave a pair of additional thrusts until he could no longer hold back, his entire body moved back and his hand held the base of his member, pumping it fast to push himself to reach his own orgasm, and when he did, he turned to a random spot to let out his seed.
You laid on top of the car with a pout in your mouth, Spencer was still panting from his high when he looked back and shot you a questioning look.
—What’s wrong? —he asked with concern.
—Seems like a waste. —you answered, referring to the place he had shot his release on.
He broke into a chuckle and pushed one of your legs playfully after fixing his outfit back up before he took your pants and handed them over. You slid your legs inside the clothing and jumped carefully off the hood of the car, trying your best to remove the couple wrinkles it had gotten in the process.
—Come on, lets head back, there’s work to do —he observed.
—At least now I got a clear head to go on the case.
You walked together side by side and you couldn’t see the bright smile that appeared on his face at your words.
—So, who are you interviewing? —he asked to break the silence.
—Dylan Parker’s brother, I guess Hotch will take Conrad’s mom —you made a pause, and he wanted to inquire about Conrad Smith, but a surprised gasp from your mouth interrupted him— wait, what’s the story for today?
—Oh, don’t worry. I walked Prentiss and Rossi to tell them about specific questions I wanted from the M.E., as for you, I would suggest you say you needed some air and we bumped into the elevator on our way back.
—That genius mind at work is truly amazing. Which reminds me, Hotch wants you to shadow my interviews, you know, just in case my judgement is clouded.
—That’s fine, I have experience babysitting Henry, pretty sure you won’t be a lot of trouble —he joked with a playful tone.
—In your dreams, Reid. —you teased back.
The exchange stopped once you entered the elevator back to the BAU office and there was a warm and loving aura that surrounded the two of you, it was making you nervous, if you were honest with yourself.
—After you. —his inviting voice snapped you out of your trance.
—Oh! Thank you. —You exited the lift with a smile and he followed behind, but before you crossed the main entrance you stopped in your tracks, your hand gripping his arm to make him stand with you— And thank you. —your second ‘thank you’ was softer and sincere, referring to the way he had just treated you.
He replied with an awkward smile and a nod of his head, without any other word he opened the crystal door for you to go in.
—I’ve been looking for you, Dylan Parker’s brother just arrived. —Hotch approached the two of you as soon as you stepped in, sensing an odd atmosphere surrounding you he questioned you— Are you good to do this interview?
—I just needed some air. —you quickly lied— I’m good to go, I swear.
—Okay. —Aaron nodded in response—Reid, I want you to observe, and any field activity that you might run into I want you to go with her, understood?
—Got it.
Without anything further, the Unit Chief drifted back to his interview room, and you felt like you could breathe again. Your mind was clear, and so was your objective. It was time to work hard to find the truth, and you were determined to do so.
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2am Transitus thoughts since I can’t do fanart right now.
I am THE number one Lavinia apologist, idk what exactly Arjen was doing with her but her being desperate and going to Henry because she wanted the screaming ghosts in her head to stop and Daniel happened to have this dickhead for a brother makes a lot of sense to me.
On the flip side, I have no idea why they threw the “also I’m totally cool with killing my daughter for monetary gain” motivation in there. I’m sorry it makes zero sense to me and I hate the Wicked Stepmother trope as it is.
Why is she married to Abraham in the first place then? What solid reason do Abby and her have to hate each other when Abraham seems like a grounded, reasonable human being he who knows an evil white lady when he sees one? Why does Lavinia, in a conversation WITH HERSELF, say that she regrets what she did to Abby and should go and comfort her after Message From Beyond? Why is the character designed to resemble the “”Gypsy”” archetype a greedy and untrustworthy troublemaker for no genuine reason??
Last point notwithstanding, her motivation in canon just confuses the hell out of me. Through the entire second act she oscillates between a desperate, suffering woman who just wants Daniel to leave her alone that Henry takes advantage of, and a calculating evil witch character that’s just as shitty as Henry himself. Pick a lane, lady.
I have this pile of retcons and headcanons where I just completely got rid of the inheritance-chasing fortune teller persona and made Lavinia’s ability to see Daniel completely spontaneous (though she does have some backstory it makes a little sense for that I completely made up out of thin air, may talk about that later but we’ll see how this post does). The short version is that she’s the same as everyone else. A normal person loves their family, who endures a horrible experience, whose horrible experience is only amplified by their low socioeconomic status, and who is brutally taken advantage of by Henry to a violent end. She did some awful shit but ultimately it comes down to Henry being a manipulative asshole. Lovely.
…but then my aunt bought me this little aesthetic pack of tarot cards last nigtt he and I started reading about the history of this occult stuff in Western countries. And it got me thinking about another way she could be characterized.
I’m not gonna go into a tangent about this but the point is all that divination stuff like tarot cards, ouija, crystal balls etc became popular as novelty in the 1880s and 90s, especially in England and the United States. There were of course occultists who took it seriously but in widespread terms it was sold as what it was today. A harmless little game.
I dunno. Maybe Lavinia got really into that stuff as a hobby and that’s why it’s not weird that Abraham is married to a “”witch.”” Maybe she has it in the back of her head that none of it is real, just a way to kill time and a quirk of her personality.
Then Daniel dies, and she starts seeing spirits. With no genuine explanation. In desperation she associates it with her stuff and tries to talk to him that way, but it’s like Ayreon and his visions. He doesn’t know about Time Telepathy and she doesn’t know about the “crossroads” world Daniel is spending an unusual amount of time in. Little pointless explanations of something far bigger than they can envision.
Abraham doesn’t believe her and thinks it’s just her being way too serious about her occult stuff while he’s busy trying to keep his daughter from regressing any further than she has.
Henry is the only one who will talk to her and go along with her terrified ramblings, not because he believes her but he sees an opportunity in a clearly hysterical woman and she’ll be more cooperative if he pretends all of it is real.
Then she dies, and through it is forcefully disillusioned from her little games even though they’re all she could hold onto for an explanation.
I dunno.
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