#cristofori's dream
strangelock221b · 1 year
I just wanted to share one of my all-time favorite instrumental pieces -- "Cristofori's Dream" by David Lanz. The title refers to the inventor of the piano.
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writtenbyevie · 1 year
orchid and jasmine for the asks? :0
hello my darling!! thank you for the asks!! ✨💛
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
Oh wow that’s hard!! From a more technically standpoint I love
Both are prime daydreaming and writing material. My mother always used to play me Cristori’s Dream so it has a lot of sentimental value.
Just talking personally though, I have loved this song
since I was eleven years old. It’s what I imagine falling in love sounds like 💖
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
A running joke in my family is how my sisters and I refuse to rewatch Wall-E and Nestor because we cried so hard in both.
I don’t know if there’s anything I’d say I’d NEVER ever watch or read again. That being said, I loved Midsommar but I associate it with a very toxic relationship in my life (love dramatic irony) Plus my dad is a quadriplegic so the ending scene was ROUGH for me 🫠
Thank you again for the asks my darling!! Sending you all the love 💖
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aquoteamusetheword · 8 months
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The Music of My Life
“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” ~ Debasish Mridha
I remember when I fell in love with music, rock music. It was when my very cool uncle Lynn returned home from Vietnam. He had a reel-to-reel tape deck and giant headphones (hence the picture). This is when I first heard Iron Butterfly, King Crimson, Yes, Led Zeppelin, Warm, to name a few… I was hooked.
My Mom and stepdad loved music too. Our road trips always included loud signing with the windows down. I will never forget the Christmas when I received my first stereo. I still know my first two vinyl albums; Supertramp ‘Breakfast in America’ (a favorite even today) and John Lennon / Yoko Ono ‘Milk & Honey’.
Many Friday and Saturday nights were spent playing bumper pool in my friend Stephen's basement. We had a car 8 track player wired to a set of speakers. The only 8 track we had was Bad Company ‘Burning Sky’, I still know every word to every song.
Eventually, we purchased a CD player for the house. My mind was blown when I listened to the full digital recording that was Dire Straits ‘Brother in Arms’, I am sure our neighbors enjoyed it too.
In the event that someone under the age of thirty-five is reading this, I have some explaining to do. Here is a brief history of pre recorded music in my lifetime. In my early childhood vinyl LPs were what we listened to at home. The only option for the car was the 8 Track. If you don’t know what an 8 Track tape is, imagine a case twice as wide and twice as tall as your iPhone. It made up for its clunkiness by pausing and changing tracks in the middle of every other song (usually during the best part of the song). Finally, cassettes arrived, they were roughly half the size, played on both sides and you could record LPs on to them (I know the technology is overwhelming). CDs ushered in the digital age.
Believe it or not, we used to hear a song we liked on the radio, actually drive to the music store, browse the CDs, find the one with the song on it, pay $12.99 (if it was on sale), hope the rest of the songs were good, spend and hour recording it on to cassette so that we could listen to it in the car, this was a far cry from “Alexa, shuffle the hits of the eighties…”
I worked at Musicland when I was in college. After school, my first 'real' job was to manage the one in Brookwood Village in Birmingham. This store was the number one Jazz and Classical location in the entire 2000 store chain. We played it every morning and I learned to love these genres as well. David Sanborn ‘Straight to the Heart’, David Lanz ‘Cristofori’s Dream’ and Nigel Kennedy ‘Vivaldi’s Four Seasons’ are all still in my rotation.
It was here that I met the sweetest older man, Stan. He walked the mall a few times a week and he knew and loved classical music like no one else I have ever known. He was in the middle of the long and arduous task of buying CDs to replace his LPs as they were being released. I had his list and anytime a we received one of the recordings on CD, I would give him a call. We often had lunch in the food court, he taught me about classical composers, I taught him about Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Stan stopped walking the mall. I left two messages about new arrivals and he didn’t show. I was concerned and missed my friend. A few days later a man entered the store and asked for me, I introduced myself. He told me that he was Stan’s son and that his father had passed away. I never even knew that he had cancer. I will never forget the next words from his mouth…” my dad wanted me to tell you how much he appreciated your talks and you calling him, and he wanted you to have this.” He handed me an LP wrapped in brown paper. We embraced, he departed. I went to the back, shed a tear and unwrapped a pristine copy of ‘Meet the Beatles’ on Apple records, still in cellophane. I have never even had it appraised, to me it is priceless.
“Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things” ~Psalm 98:1
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blairsanne · 1 year
For the Music ask: 13, 27 and 9
Thank you for the ask!! 💛
13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
This was so hard because I was born in 88 and all the songs I kept thinking of were inevitably early 90's. 🤣 However, I discovered that one of my very favourite songs of all time happens to be from 88!
Cristofori's Dream by David Lanz
Probably not at all what you were expecting... An instrumental song I happened across at some point.
This song was a constant friend to me on early morning walks and late nights in my room in high school. I associate it very much with being alone and a dreamlike mental state.
27: A song that breaks your heart
This was also difficult because I listen to a LOT of sad music and always have.
I'm Ok by Call Me Karizma
Riz has a lot of songs that deal with mental illness, but this one is particularly sad. Maybe because it's not about his own struggle but someone else's?
9: A song that makes you happy
I interpreted this as a song I put on to make me happy, rather than a song I listen to when I'm aleady in a great mood. When I want to up my mood I usually put on something from like Ashnikko, Qveen Herby, etc. I love pop music, but it's typically rap or other songs that go hard and self-praise that get me hyped haha. Something that makes me feel like I'm still tough and can get through whatever. So I give you my current mood booster:
Dirty by Grandson
Thanks again for the ask! 💛💛💛 My music taste is very eclectic so I always think "whatever I pick people won't like it" haha. For the last one, I was torn between answering honestly and trying to find a song that might make others happy.
Ask game
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cirrus-grey · 2 years
Recently my brain has been attempting to play me a medly of "Faroe's Song" from Malevolent, "Cristofori's Dream" by David Lanz, and the piano bit at the end of "Cheers Darling" by Damien Rice (with occasional deviations into Chopin's "Waltz in C-sharp minor"), and honestly? I'm kinda digging it
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shefancdotcom · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lanz, David : Cristoforis Dream CD New Age Easy Listening Vintage 1998 Narada.
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rohitmarri · 4 months
Music has been an integral part of human culture for centuries, and the evolution of Musical Instruments has played a significant role in shaping the diverse sounds we enjoy today. From ancient times to the modern era, various instruments have emerged, each with its unique history and cultural significance. Musical instruments have captivated audiences across different cultures and continue to be cherished for their distinct melodies and harmonies.
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The Ravanhatha, also known as the Ravanhatta, is an ancient stringed instrument that originated in India. Its name is derived from two words: “Ravan,” referring to the mythical demon king from the Hindu epic Ramayana, and “Hatha,” meaning hand. The instrument is believed to have been created by Ravana himself, showcasing his exceptional musical skills. The Ravanhatha consists of a resonator made from a hollowed-out coconut shell or gourd, covered with animal skin. It has two main strings made of horsehair or metal, which are played with a bow made of horsehair. Nowadays Ravanahatha is mostly played in the Indian state of Rajasthan and Gujarat.
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The piano, a widely recognized instrument in Western music, has a rich history that dates back to the early 18th century. It was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori, an Italian harpsichord maker, around 1700. Cristofori’s invention was a breakthrough in musical instrument technology, as it allowed for dynamic variations in volume and tone. The piano consists of a keyboard with 88 keys, each connected to a hammer that strikes a string when pressed. The black keys represent sharp and flat notes, while the white keys correspond to natural notes. This arrangement aids musicians in easily identifying and playing a wide range of musical tones on the Piano Keyboard. The strings are stretched across a wooden frame, and a soundboard amplifies the sound. The piano’s versatility and expressive capabilities have made it a staple in classical, jazz, and contemporary music.
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The Harmonium, also known as the pump organ, is a keyboard instrument that originated in Europe during the 19th century. It was developed as a portable alternative to the pipe organ, allowing musicians to create organ-like sounds without the need for a large instrument. The harmonium works by using foot-operated bellows to force air through metal reeds, producing sound when the keys are pressed. It gained popularity in India during the colonial era and became an essential instrument in Indian classical and devotional music. The harmonium’s distinct sound and portability have made it a beloved instrument in various musical genres.
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The Sitar also spelt sitar, is a plucked string instrument that is synonymous with Indian classical music. Its origins can be traced back to the 13th century, and it has since become one of the most recognizable and iconic instruments in the world. The Sitar features a long neck with movable frets and a resonating gourd body. It has a varying number of strings, with the most common configuration being seven main strings and several sympathetic strings. The Sitar is played by plucking the strings with a wire plectrum, creating a unique and mesmerizing sound that is characteristic of Indian classical music
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Who doesn’t know about the Guitar? It is one of the oldest and most basic instruments in the music world. It usually has six strings. It is played with both hands by strumming with a guitar pick and simultaneously fretting with the fingers of the other hand. It is one of the famous musical instruments. Playing guitar seems fascinating in movies or dramas but what about turning this fascinating dream into reality? All you need is passion.
The origin of musical instruments is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of human beings. The Ravanhatha, Piano, Harmonium, Sitar and Guitar are just a few examples of the diverse range of instruments that have shaped the world of music. Each instrument carries with it a rich cultural heritage and a unique sound that continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Whether it’s the haunting melodies of the Ravanhatha, the expressive versatility of the piano, the soulful tones of the harmonium, or the enchanting sounds of the sitara, these instruments remind us of the universal language of music that transcends borders and connects us all.
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squirms-mckenzie · 1 year
for you, anon, and anyone else who is curious - this is my favorite piece by the guy who sang me happy birthday one time.
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idreltde · 2 years
Cristofori' dream es tan hermoso TwT✨️✨️, llevo las horas oyendolo en bucle....
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phantommoonpeople · 7 years
I find this to be very calming, I listen to it every time I get sad or scared or even angry….it always helped calm me down
I hope I can finally help you, I’m sorry I’m a bad friend. I’m sorry I’m useless and can’t cheer you up……
I’m sorry…
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writtenbyevie · 2 years
Evie love how are you doing? ❤️ For the ao3 wrapped: 27, 29, and 30 are the ones I’m super curious about!!! Big love you <3
my beloved julie hello 💖!! I am doing well!! I always love seeing your name in my notifications. Instant joy 💫 anywho how are you✨?
27. what do you listen to while writing?
It depends on the scene! I have to be careful listening to songs with lyrics, as I can find them distracting. Like I can't hear my own thoughts over the vocalist? I'll also get caught up trying to write to rhythm of the music. (That being said I listen to music a lot BEFORE I write as source of inspiration/set the vibe)
I really enjoy listening to ambient/atmospheric songs. Here are a few!
bella's lullaby (the twilight renaissance is upon us BABY)
Some other great instrumental songs are Arrival of the Binds and Transformation by the London Orchestra, anything by Emma Louise but especially 17 Hours, Atlas Eyes, and Stainache (she's a singer but very soft) Wind by Prm, The Smallest Piece from Beasts of No Nation, Turning Page by Daniel Jang, Wanderlust by AK, Discovery by AK, Cristofori's Dream by David Lanz, and Hijo De la Luna by Olga Benito to name a few!
29. favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Well first I want to thank you Jules for this question, as it forces me to self-reflect in a POSTIVE way, which I think all of us writers could do more of. Be proud of your work!! Anywho here a few lines I loved :)
from star-stitched:
This quote describes both Kiyoomi's and my relationship with OCD so it has a lot of personal meaning for me :')
 “It’s fine,” Motoya assures. “Do your stuff.” I know you want to, being the unspoken thing. 
And yet. 
And yet, Kiyoomi never wants to. But he always does. A marionette with his strings wrapped around his throat. Bound by Bad Thoughts. Strangled by the fabric of who he is. Kiyoomi never wants to, but he always does. 
I also liked this description of Kiyoomi thinking Atsumu is about to touch him after a successful service ace (they're thirteen during this)!
Bad Habits, Bad Thoughts, Bad Days. A malady melody in a relentless crescendo. A desperate chant of,
don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t—
I won’t.
Miya steers clear of Kiyoomi and drops down onto the ground in front of his spewing bag. A sudden caesura. The closing of a conductor’s fist. Kiyoomi’s worries tucked away in the bed of his palm. It leaves him almost dizzy. To be well within someone’s reach, only for them to take nothing but his breath. Hold it for him in their hand. 
from earth and moon
both of these quotes I like in terms of their prose and what they represent thematically! This one pertains to what Suna sees as the inevitability of Osamu leaving him due to outside forces.
Osamu kisses him back like he’s crafting rice, wrapping hands, looking at stars. He kisses Rin like he’s an open wound and he knows. (Rin should stop acting as if he doesn’t.) He kisses Rin like they have time. 
They don't. Not really. Not even the rain can make Rin forget that now.
Now, Rin thinks of gravity. Gravity, the pinnacle force, which tethers together the earth and moon. Gravity which can tug on time and space like Osamu does with Rin’s hair to kiss his neck. (He does). Gravity which can pull a moment away from the greedy hands of memory. Gravity which can make something last.
Rin knows forever is too much to ask of anything, of anyone. But could he at least ask for this moment to last? Stretch it out like Osamu’s back in the grass. Cup it like his face in the morning. Hold it like his body in bed. Could Rin at least ask for this moment to last? Please? For now?
I enjoy this next one as it represents the motif of cyclical universes! Sue me I’m a slut of adjectives and adverbs (context they're watching a documentary together)
Rin watches the slide of the screen's prismatic light over Osamu’s enraptured expression. Empyrean ivories, astral blues, elysian reds. Osamu, in celestial technicolor. Rin watches the world end and begin again on Osamu’s face. Infinity becomes briefly human.
Anywho, if you liked those quotes then it'd mean the world if you checked out those stories :)
30. biggest surprise while writing this year?
Probably how much I missed it! While I've been writing since I was a wee lass, I only wrote original works and primarily focused on scripts from high school onwards. In college, I hardly wrote for fun at all, since I just didn't have time.
BUT I started writing regularly again in September of 2021 after discovering fanfic and I remembered how much I loved writing in general, but especially narratively. I've re-fallen in love with words and the wonders they can do :)
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toujouhidetora · 4 years
i made the mistake of listening to contemporary classical instead of my usually ~throw that ass back make it clap~ music on my walk and that combined with the dying light filtering through the autumn trees has got me all the way fucked up
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artistrybyarielle · 5 years
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artwithlama · 4 years
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“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” -Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
Listening to: cristofori’s dream - David Lanz
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wiredlogan · 2 years
The Christmas Party
Author’s Note: When I was little, I loved the movie Rise of the Guardians. I loved it like it was one of my own stories, and to this day I still appreciate the beautiful world and well written characters. As a child, I liked to imagine that every year, the Guardians got together at North’s for a Christmas/New Years Eve party. But despite how much I wrote about RoTG, I never wrote about their yearly Christmas Party (with the exception of my fanfiction Found but Lost… but Sandy was having a mental crisis during that party, so I don’t count that one).… until now. 
I wasn’t originally planning on sharing this, especially since most of the characters are my own characters who no one would recognize, but I feel after this crazy year, we could all use a bit of nostalgia. 
. . .
Sweet thrums of a piano, rising and falling, filled my ears: a solemn, lone harmony. The hum of strings filled the background. 
Cristofori’s Dream.
My eyes fluttered open. I leaned over, reaching for the pallet I used as a headboard. With a groan, I snatched my phone from the top. I rubbed my eyes as I clicked the power button.
7:00 a.m., December 31st. 
I swiped right. The instrumental music stopped.
Yawning, I rolled back onto my pillow. I stretched my arms over my head and just listened to the silence for a moment… enjoying the warmth under my furry blankets. 
After laying there for a minute, waiting for my brain to wake up, I pulled myself upright. Ivory was sprawled luxuriously over my pillow again, leaving my head to lay flat on the mattress. Amber rolled upside down in her chair. She blinked blearily and let out a happy good morning trill. 
I ran my fingers through Ivory’s fur, and she arched her back. A purr rumbled in her throat.
It was finally New Years Eve, the day I had been waiting for. As usual, I didn’t have much planned for the day. Tonight however… I had a party to attend.
At the thought, a wide smile filled my face. I giggled and squeezed my fists.
Every year, I looked forward to North’s Christmas and New Years party months in advance. I already had my entire outfit picked: a dress, shoes, jewelry, makeup, hair… With everything going on in the world this year, I would daresay I was looking forward to the party even more than usual. 
Ivory leaned over and ran her tongue across my cheek. 
“Alright,” I giggled. “You’re hungry, I know.”
I enjoyed one more minute in bed, then let out a breath, and hopped out from under the blankets. 
. . .
I leaned back in my round chair, a book propped up on my knee. Scarlet. It was a great book… imaginative, with amazing worldbuilding… but tonight, I found myself staring blankly at the pages, my eyes moving over the words but none of them registering. 
My leg began to bounce again, and I sent another glance up at the window. The only thing filling the sky was a gentle snow. I let out a huff, scratching Amber behind the ears and turning my attention to Ivory, who was batting a catnip toy across the floor. 
I was ready much too early… as usual. I was already wearing my dress, which I couldn’t help but think was the perfect dress for a Christmas party– a deep maroon red, completely made of soft, velvet material, with long sleeves and a unique, v-shaped neck topped by a bow, almost like a choker. I completed my outfit with black stockings and heels. My makeup was completely done as well: matching red smokey eyes and lipstick. And, to finish off the look, I had managed to curl my pixie cut. 
A knock came from the window. My heart leapt. Sure enough,  I turned to find a familiar gold face and waving hand. I waved energetically and pulled the window open. 
“Hi, Sandy and Aila!”
Sandy directed his gold cloud inside my window and the two stepped down onto the floor. Sandy was dressed in a dapper golden tux with a bowtie. Aila wore a long, gray fur coat with the buttons open to reveal a dark green gown with shining silver designs and off the shoulder long sleeves made of sheer material. The outfit was pulled together perfectly with a square cut green gem on a silver necklace and matching earrings. 
I wrapped my arms around her. “Aila, I love your outfit!” I gasped.
“And you look gorgeous as well,” Aila replied in a refined tone. 
I gave Sandy a hug. “It’s so good to see you guys.”
Sandy pointed to me and then the window. 
“Yup,” I replied. “I’m ready. Just let me grab my coat.”
 I snatched my black trench coat from where it hung on the back of my door and picked up my matching maroon clutch as I slipped my arms into the sleeves. I tucked my scarf inside the coat.
Sandy waved his arms. A large dreamsand cloud appeared under his feet. Aila climbed aboard and gracefully took a seat, tucking her legs by her side. “Come on up, Logan.”
I gave Ivory and Amber one last kiss each, then clambered onto the dreamsand cloud. It bobbed a bit under the new weight, but I tried to ignore the movement. I sat delicately beside Aila. 
Sandy lifted his arms into the air and the cloud drifted upwards. We headed out the window, paused so I could shut it (without locking it), and then we started off into the night sky. 
. . .
Sandy dipped the cloud down outside of North’s estate, rolling in over the walkway that circled the fountain. He slowed to a halt in front of the staircase, which led up to the glass front doors. He stepped off and offered a hand to help Aila down. She planted a peck on his forehead as she passed. I giggled at the blush creeping across his face as he helped me down off the cloud next. 
My heels clicked on the brick pathway, and I drew in a deep breath, pausing for a moment to take everything in. Gentle, fluffy snow was falling from the navy sky, clinging to my wool trench coat and hair. Several intricate snow sculptures lined the walkway around us, and the sound of running water in the fountain filled the air. I could just barely hear the muffled Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite rumbling inside the walls.  
North, as usual, had gone all out with the decor. The rails on both sides of the staircase had been lined with garland, lights, and red bows, and two bushy wreaths were placed on the front doors. 
“You guys want to get a picture?” I asked, pulling my phone from my pocket. 
Sandy nodded energetically and Aila chuckled, “Sure.”
I flipped the camera to front facing, and Sandy and Aila crowded into frame beside me. We turned so the camera could catch North’s beautiful decorations behind us, and snapped the photo. We also snapped a silly one. I tucked my phone back into my pocket, knowing they would be pictures to cherish. 
The three of us headed up the steps, chatting and laughing together. Sandy knocked, and both doors parted inwards. Gavotta Allegro began to play just as we stepped inside. 
The pole was decorated completely in green and red, the classic Christmas colors. Strands of garland dipped from the balconies, and red bows hung everywhere. On the right, the globe had been moved below the floor (although, of course, North had a smaller version at his control panel to keep an eye on things), leaving a large space for dancing.
Straight ahead, a huge Christmas tree stood several floors above my head, decorated with red, white, and green ornaments that shimmered in the string lights. And to the left stretched a long, wooden table decorated with a red runner, glowing candles, berries, pinecones, and bunches of pine. Several plate settings lined each side.
As the three of us removed our coats and handed them to the yeti standing beside the rack, another yeti approached with a tray of small, steaming cups of hot cocoa and eggnog. 
I gratefully took a cup of hot cocoa, which was complete with a little swirl of whipped cream, a tiny peppermint stick, and dusted cocoa powder. 
“Time to eat like garbage,” I grinned to myself and took a swig. 
“Welcome, Logan!”
I glanced up to see North parading towards us, his arms open wide. I threw my arms around him, and he squeezed me tightly. “Good to see you!”
He headed past me to Aila and Sandy, greeting each of them individually. Behind him, I found several familiar faces.
Jack, Bunny, and Holly were chatting beside the Christmas tree, both sipping small drinks. Tooth was excitedly gushing to Greely and his new “friend” Evelyn, and behind them, Onrenya, Runa, and Snotlout were all casting hungry glances at the table. Hazel was messing with something on the control panel, and Zenna and Hawthorne were laughing with each other in the corner. 
Warmth bloomed through my chest. A smile pulled up on my lips, and I headed towards the crowd. When Onrenya noticed me, she bounded over and threw her arms around me. “Logan, your outfit is to die for! So adorable!”
I giggled. “I should be saying that about you.”
As usual, Onrenya had gone with a unique, bold look: a dark red pants suit with a low cut top, ruffled short sleeves and a flared bodice, complete with a black belt, heels that would probably break my ankles if I tried to wear them, and ruffled black earrings that almost looked like flower petals.
“Hi, Logan!” Runa approached next, and we shared an embrace. “How are you?”
“Wonderful, wonderful,” I replied. “And how are you two?”
Snotlout stepped forward and took her hand, and the two of them smiled. “We’re doing great,” Runa answered.
The two were matching, Runa in a wine colored, lace dress and Snotlout wearing a gray suit and matching tie. 
“Are Tawny and Hookfang here?”
Runa snorted with laughter. She nodded towards the large glass window behind the tree. I glanced back to see two giant dragons rolling together in the snow. 
Tooth appeared beside us, and, once again I found myself in a tight hug. “Hi, Logan! How’s the tooth that’s been bothering you?”
I scrunched my brow. “How did you– nevermind.”
Greely and Evelyn followed behind her. The two of them were also matching, Evelyn in a billowing silver gown and, to no surprise, holding a book by her side, and Greely in a matching black and gray tux.
We chatted and laughed for a bit, and then the sound of someone striking a glass with a spoon drew our attention. North was standing in front of the table, a huge grin beaming across his face. “I hope everyone is hungry.”
Runa and Snotlout sent each other an eager glance, and Snotlout rubbed his hands together.
“Because dinner…” North paused for effect, “is served.”
He stepped out of the way, revealing lines of yetis surrounding the table, each carrying a silver tray with a lid on top. 
Eager voices filled the room, and everyone flooded for the table. Each seat was decorated with a red napkin folded on top of white plates with the thoughtful addition of a pine branch and some berries. 
I found my nametag glowing in the candle light and took my seat between Zenna and Holly. Before either of them sat down, I snapped a picture of my hand delicately holding my fancy red glass to model my nail art, which I was particularly proud of.
Zenna and Hawthorne sat on my left, and Zenna and I shared a hug. She wore a simple dress with a white bodice and champagne colored skirt with just a hint of shimmer to it, and Hawthorne matched her with a tan and white tux. 
Holly and Jack took their places on my other side, Holly wearing a stunning, off the shoulder navy gown and Jack matching with gray and navy. The three of us just managed to exchange greetings as the yetis placed the entrees in front of us. Then, North stood up at the head of the table.
He lifted his cup and we all leaned closer, eager to hear his traditional toast.
“A toast, to all you fine people. This is the largest Christmas party I have ever hosted, and it wouldn’t have been possible without you.” He smiled warmly across the table. “And to a peaceful year. I know most of you are not officially Guardians, but our success would not have been possible without so many hands on deck.”
We lifted our glasses all together, and water and eggnog splashed as the glasses clinked together.
The yetis lifted the lids from our plates. Sweet and savory smells billowed through the air in clouds of steam. My stomach growled. 
On my plate sat a seafood platter, complete with crab legs, clams, mussels, shrimp, halved lobster, and even decorated sushi rolls.
A chorus of satisfied gasps and laughter filled the room. I glanced around the table. There were so many different delicious dishes. Zenna had ratatouille that looked shockingly like the movie version, Hawthorne salmon, Holly a steak bigger than her head… There was food from every region, even different time periods. 
I dove right in. Everything was delicious, as usual. Perfectly cooked and seasoned. There was a special drizzle over the seafood that tasted absolutely delicious. North glanced around the table with a satisfied grin, then dug into his own food. 
The meals were gone in minutes, but North wasn’t done yet. Next came the desserts, each one carefully chosen. I, of course, got cheesecake. And it was the most delicious cheesecake I’d ever eaten. 
Eventually, everyone had finished and leaned back in their chairs, leaving empty plates scattered about the table to be collected by the yetis. North casually excused himself from the table and bustled into the other room.
A chuckle rumbled through the room, and we all exchanged amused glances across the table.
North burst back into the room, a velvet red sack slung over his shoulder. He dropped the sack onto the floor, and it peeled open just enough to reveal a stash of wrapped presents.
“Oh!” Holly exclaimed. It was both her and Evelyn’s first time at one of North's Christmas parties, so she didn’t know he did this every year. The two of them shared a surprised look, and then Holly and Jack whispered something back and forth.
North reached into the bag and pulled out the first gift. “First, we have…” he squinted at the name tag. “Evelyn.”
Evelyn accepted the gift with a wide grin. “Oh, North, you shouldn’t have.”
“Nonsense. It’s my job,” North guffawed heartily. 
Greely nudged her, guestering to the gift, and everyone watched as she tore open the packing paper. Her eyes bulged as she reached into the box on her lap. She lifted a brand new pair of ballet slippers. Gasps and giggles filled the room.
Evelyn turned one of the shoes in front of her face, inspecting the shining material and lifting up the draw strings. “North, you’re my new favorite person.” 
Greely raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?”
Evelyn set a hand on his shoulder. “Second best still means a lot.”
Laughter rumbled through the room.
“Next!” North announced. He plunged his hand back into the bag and pulled out a grass- green gift. “Bunny!” 
Bunny leaned across the table and accepted the gift, and was already ripping it open before he sat back down. He tossed the paper back to reveal a bright set of watercolors. He grinned, brow scrunching slightly. “Watercolors?”
“Figured it's time to try a new medium,” North winked as he reached back into the bag. Next came a long gift wrapped in gold, sage, and white. I immediately smiled, already recognizing my favorite colors. 
The gift was past towards me, and all eyes watched as I ripped through the paper. I pulled the lid off the white box, and a smile stretched across my face. A laptop bed tray sat before me, complete with a side drawer for pencils and pens, a cup holder, and even a slide out tray for food. 
A couple “oohs” and “ahhs” rippled over the table. 
“You have no idea how much I wanted one of these!” I exclaimed. 
“Yes I do,” North chuckled. He pulled out the next gift, covered in all black wrapping. Hazel.
She ripped open her gift to reveal a 3D chess board. She sent a shifty glance around the table. “Anyone wanna play?”
“Oh no,” I chuckled, and laughter bubbled across the table. 
Next came a glittering gold gift, which was passed to Sandy: a heated blanket big enough for two. Zenna received a well polished, vintage bedside lamp, Hawthorne a set of expensive teas, and Aila a pearl necklace. Onrenya got a shelf made from an old guitar, Runa a sleek, shining dagger, Snotlout fireproof hair gel, and, finally, Greely a gold ring. 
After everyone had gawked thoroughly at their presents, North clapped his hands together and stood. “Who’s ready to dance?”
But no one moved. Several knowing glances were shared across the table. 
“What is…” North trailed off as Onrenya beamed at him. 
“Actually, North,” she replied. “We have a little something for you.”
North squinted in confusion. Hazel reached under her chair and lifted up a medium sized box wrapped in red and green. 
For a moment, North simply glanced back and forth between us and the gift. 
“Go ahead, North,” Jack insisted. “Open it!”
A smile slowly crawled over North’s lips. He reached over the table and accepted the box. “Thank you,” he replied, his voice suddenly a bit hoarse. “Thank you all.”
We all watched as North peeled back the wrapping paper. Sandy set an arm around Aila’s back and pulled her closer. She rested her head against his shoulder. Jack and Holly sent each other excited glances, obviously holding hands under the table. 
With the paper gone, North stared down at the box in his lap. Everyone leaned forward with anticipation. 
He lifted the top, and his eyes widened. Out of the box he pulled a wooden case with his name engraved over the lid. He popped open the lid. His hand automatically reached for his mouth, just touching his chin. He raised up a set of silver ice carving tools, all with stunning mahogany handles, each resting in its own velvety red slot, and each engraved with the initials NN. 
“They’re beautiful,” he replied. He turned one of the tools over in front of his face, examining every angle. 
He set the case on the table and stood. “Come here you guys,” he exclaimed, suddenly bombastic again. He extended his arms to the sides. 
Jack practically barreled over the table into his embrace, followed closely by Sandy, Aila, and Onrenya. I joined next, Runa and Snotlout dragged Greely, who reached out at the last minute to grab Evelyn by the arm and pull her along. Zenna and Hawthorne followed a bit more slowly. After a bit of coaxing, Hazel finally joined us. 
We all squished together and North squeezed us tightly. “Thank you all so much.” he wiped the corner of his eye.
“And thank you too, North,” I chimed in. “You have no idea how much I look forward to this party every year.”
“And I could say the same,” he murmured. 
“Alright,” Hazel spoke from the very middle of the hug, where we had pushed her. “I’m feeling claustrophobic.”
“You’re afraid of Santa Claus?” Snotlout blurted. “Then I have some bad news for you.”
I burst with laughter. The hug slowly dissolved, everyone still giggling. 
“Alright,” North’s booming voice returned. “Who’s ready to dance?”
A cheer rose from the group. North pressed a few buttons on his control panel. The lights dimmed, replaced by an ambient gold glow, and the quick beats of Russian Dance began to play.
Evelyn let out a little gasp. “I remember how to dance to this!” she said to Greely. 
Unfortunately for her, Onrenya overhead. She bounced closer, grabbed Evelyn by the arms, and tugged her onto the dancefloor. Evelyn crossed her arms in front of her and awkwardly hovered there as Onrenya began to freestyle, once in a while guestering for her to start. 
Evelyn attempted to shuffle off the floor, but the rest of us rushed past her, pushing her back. 
She disappeared behind the group as I began to dance with Runa. She seemed to know what she was doing, so I just followed her. The two of us spun around each other hand in hand until we were dizzy. 
Bunny suddenly bumped into me. Runa and I skidded to a halt to see the others had stopped dancing. Instead, they were gathered around in a circle, all of them clapping. Runa and I exchanged a glance, then pushed into the circle together. 
There in the center, Evelyn was bouncing gracefully across the floor. She twirled and leaped with grace, kicking her legs and arms out to the side in perfect sync with the beat. She bounced up and down on her toes with no effort whatsoever.
Runa and I glanced at each other in shock, and then the two of us began to clap with the others.
The song built up speed, preparing for the big finish. Evelyn spun over and over and over again, growing faster and faster. She planted one foot after the other, twisting with such grace and speed I couldn’t imagine how she was staying upright.
The last chords of the song boomed abruptly. Evelyn would have landed perfectly, but someone had dropped some wrapping paper on the dancefloor. She slipped, landing directly into Greely’s arms as the final beat struck. 
The two of them chuckled, and I couldn’t help but notice the redness filling Greely’s pale cheeks. The crowd burst into cheers and applause. 
“Beautiful, Evelyn! Beautiful!” North exclaimed. 
“That was amazing!” Tooth chimed in. “Where did you learn to dance like that?”
I lost sight of Greely and Evelyn in the crowd. Another classical song, this one a bit slower, began to play steadily from the speakers. But almost as soon as the song began, it stopped abruptly. The lights dimmed.
An ear bleeding loud, heavy beat filled the speakers: “I don’t want a lot for Christmas…” I clapped my hands over my ears. 
I glanced up at the control panel and, of course, there stood Onrenya and Jack. Both were overzealously belting out the opening lines of the song at the top of their lungs. 
I tried to join them, but found myself laughing so hard I couldn’t get any words out. North lifted a fist, looking like he was about to yell, but then he simply rolled his eyes and grinned.
Jack hopped up onto the table and opened his arms out to Holly as he sang, completely overdoing the already frilly tune, “Make my wish come true…”
Holly drew nearer, planting her palms against the table and raising an eyebrow. Jack bent down to her height, leaning closer. “All I want for Christmas… is you!”
The beat picked up. Holly snatched Jack by the arms and tugged him right off the table, onto the dancefloor. 
The floor erupted into dancing and singing. 
Onrenya skipped out from behind the control panel and grabbed my hands. The two of us began to jump and twist, singing obnoxiously and laughing even louder 
Zenna and Hawthorne, to my surprise, had made their way onto the dancefloor, even if their dancing was a bit more… subdued than the others. Sandy was pulling off some cheesy dance moves, such as the pop and lock it and, of course, the moonwalk, to make Aila laugh. Somehow, Runa and Snotlout had dragged Hazel out, where she was (badly) dancing. Even Bunny was dancing awkwardly in the corner. 
We danced most of the night to several upbeat Christmas songs. Underneath the Tree by Kelly Clarkson. Mistletoe by Justin Beiber (which Holly and Jack constantly made fun of). Ribbons and Bows by Kacey Musgraves. 
A few slow songs came on as well. One thing I always loved about North’s dances was no one was left out of slow songs. At a normal party, I would be heading to the sidelines, a single pringle watching the couples rock slowly back and forth in the romantic lighting. As much as I loved watching my OTPs dance with each other, it always felt lonely sitting to the side. 
But, like I said, there was always someone to dance with at North’s parties. They weren’t very shy about it. For one slow song, I danced with Greely (until I gave him a pep talk to try dancing with Evelyn), Onrenya (though we made a joke out of it), Sandy, and even North. 
Finally, at 11:50, a huge countdown appeared on the ceiling. 
The music quieted back to gentle, classical music, and the lights slightly brightened, just enough that we could see without being completely blinded. North stepped up to the control panel. “Everyone,” he announced. “It’s time to make your way to the balcony!”
We all ushered towards the coat rack, everyone buzzing with excitement as we slipped on our jackets. 
Hawthorne, Zenna, and I were the first to head towards the balcony. A pair of yetis opened the bay doors, and we stepped out into the frigid air. I shuddered a bit, finding a place to lean against the railing and watching my breath puff out in clouds. Slowly, everyone filed out onto the balcony. With us altogether, the cold seemed to disappear, replaced by spirited excitement.
For a few minutes, we crowded together and chattered. I caught a glimpse of Sandy and Aila towards the back of the group, no doubt preparing for the annual fireworks show. 
Finally, North appeared through the doors. A huge beam followed him, light casting the countdown into the sky. We had exactly one minute until midnight. 
We all leaned forward with anticipation, watching every passing second. At the 30 second mark, we began to count aloud. Our shouts echod across the mountain ranges of the pole, over the snowy ground. I felt my heart quicken as we reached ten seconds.
“Five… four… three…”
Our voices grew louder with each number. Sandy stepped forward, releasing a ball of dreamsand into the air. 
“Two… one!”
Sandy’s fireworks exploded in the sky. The balcony erupted into cheering. The instrumental version of Auld Lang Syne began to blast from inside the doors. 
All around me, the couples greeted the new year with a kiss: Runa and Snotlout, Holly and Jack, Sandy and Aila, Hawthorne and Zenna. To my surprise, I just managed to catch a glimpse of Greely and Evelyn sharing a passionate kiss at the other end of the balcony. 
Gold fireworks showered down from above. All different shapes of bright light erupted from the sky with resounding booms.
My heart fell still as I watched, lost in the moment. A soft smile stretched across my face, and time seemed to slow. 
The past year had been… something. Sickness… anxiety… fear… uncertainty…
I caught a glimpse of Onrenya guffawing obnoxiously. But there had been laughter. 
At the other end of the balcony, Greely and Evelyn were the last couple still kissing, completely oblivious to everyone around them. Strong bonds had been forged. 
North threw his arm around Bunny with a hearty laugh. Other bonds had been strengthened. 
And a new year was waiting. A promising year. I felt an excited buzz in my chest at the thought. At the end of the year, what will I have accomplished? What will I have written? There were so many possibilities. So many stories yet to be told. 
I sent a glance over the group around me. So much had changed in the past year. We had changed.
But I knew they would always be a part of my life. 
. . .
After the fireworks, North invited us all inside for hot drinks. I grabbed a cup of hot cocoa, and we gathered around the table, chatting excitedly. After about a half an hour, people began to drift off. 
Zenna and Hawthorne had left immediately (they never were big party people), Runa and Snotlout had quite the flight ahead of them, so they left next, Bunny and Tooth both headed home around the same time, Evelyn and Greely had mysteriously disappeared (though if I knew Greely, he was taking her on a romantic date somewhere), Holly was practically asleep on her feet, so she and Jack left, and Hazel and Onrenya stuck around surprisingly long before they finally left as well. Sandy, Aila, and I were the last to leave.
Hugs were exchanged, all of them long and tight (especially North’s… he practically crushed my organs). 
Sandy and Aila flew me home once again. I popped open my window to be greeted by Ivory and Amber, both of them purring happily. 
“I’m sorry, Ivory,” I chuckled, picking her up and planting a kiss on her head. “I didn’t get to kiss you at midnight!”
I gave Sandy and Aila an extra big hug and thanked them for the ride, and they headed home as well. 
I eagerly made my way to the shower. There was something so relaxing about washing off all the makeup, peeling out my dry contacts, and taking the bobby pins from my hair after a long night of fun and memory making. 
When I was clean and comfortably dressed in my fancy pajamas, I nestled down in bed. Ivory and Amber cuddled up close, and I settled deeper with a sigh. I could barely keep my eyes open at this point, but before I surrendered to sleep, I scrolled through the photos in my phone.
There were so many pictures that would last a lifetime… Onrenya photobombing so I could practically see up her nose when I tried to get a cute picture of Zenna and Hawthorne, Snotlout chugging soda, quite a few selfies (I had made sure to get at least one selfie with everyone), some videos of the dancing…
With a smile, I turned off my phone and placed it on my headboard. I laid back on my pillow and finally allowed my eyes to slide shut. I was out almost immediately, with the sound of laughter and singing echoing in my ears. 
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading my short story! I hope you enjoyed it. If you’re interested in reading more about Runa or Aila, feel free to check out my fanfictions, Cursed One and Found but Lost: 
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hixystix · 2 years
2 & 3
2. A song that’s an old favourite?
"Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" by Green Day. Was there a song that was played more at high school events? I think not.
3. A song recently rediscovered?
"Cristofori's Dream" by David Lanz. I listened to this one so much in high school that my mother used it as a gauge of how depressed I was feeling (the accuracy of that as a measure was eh but she would get worried whenever I played it on repeat). And then, for some reason, it fell off my radar again for years until I decided to put together a high school nostalgia playlist.
Thank you! Sorry I didn't get to these before I crashed last night!
Ask me for songs!
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