#crest of aubin
mwezina · 1 year
The Hanged Man & FE3H
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The Hanged Man is an archetype that represents sacrifices in the pursuit of a greater goal. Some say The Hanged Man is meant to be Odin, when he spent nine days hanging upside down from the branches of Yggdrasil in order to receive knowledge and wisdom of the world after he killed himself (yeah, the Norse gods are a mood too). While others see The Hanged Man being punished for a crime, since traitorous criminals in Italy were hung upside down as a punishment. Ultimately, The Hanged Man represents a transformation of some sort. From not knowing to knowing. Guilty to repentant. 
The crest associated with this archetype is the Crest of Aubin. Aubin is a masculine French given name meaning “white” or “bright”. It is also possibly a misspelling of Saint Albinus of Angers, a patron saint of protection against pirate attacks. 
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The dragon associated with this crest is the Ice Dragon. Ice is a symbol of power and aristocracy in Japan due to the expense of being able to have ice yearlong. It can also be a symbol of frigidity, since ice is cold and unbending, unlike water which is flowing and malleable. 
I like to think that the Ice Dragon is one who is covered in ice. Perhaps it had a cold personality, and lived all alone, parsing knowledge and observing the world from its cool throne in the mountains. 
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The character I connect to all these things is Yuri LeClerc. He is willing to sacrifice many parts of himself for the sake of others. He sacrificed his scholarship at Garreg Mach in order to save a member of his crew. He sacrificed his own dignity in order to become adopted. And he sacrificed others’ view of him in Cindered Shadows in order to stop Alferic. He also appears to be a traitor, and has been summarily punished for it (most of it appearing to be self-imposed). 
I have a hard time connecting him to the name of Aubin, but… he has a white cape? He does also protect others from unscrupulous thieving bands, which can sort of be like pirates. 
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Finally, Yuri has an interesting connection with ice as he rubbed shoulders with aristocrats as a commodity himself. He is the “ice” that nobles would like to have as a show of power and money. Just like ice, Yuri is chilly to those around him in an attempt to keep his dignity and sense of safety. 
Overall, Yuri is well-integrated with the out of game connections to his crest and dragon name. My question still remains… How come Constance just makes no sense while the other Cindered Shadows characters are doing just fine? What do you guys think? Is Yuri well-integrated, or is he just as messy as Constance?
Previous: Justice
Next: Death
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randomnameless · 7 months
About crest removal, I think it's a non issue for humans. the difference is I don't see it as mere blood, I see it as tangible power that was never theirs to begin with.
IMO, This power belongs solely with the Nabateans. We know from Rhea that Sothis' never intended for humans to get crests. This power was either stolen from the Nabateans through violence , forcibly put into people through vile experiments , or given by the saints only out of sheer desperation to stop Nemesis.
Crests that get passed down are just crests that their ancestors stole or got through magictechy means. Either way, they were never meant to have it and the only reason it ever became part of their identity is because of the toxic "Crest System" they created around it due to their obsession with power.
How is a crest all that different from hereditary titles to humans ? in Fodlan, Crests are a valuable commodity that they obsessively collect like land, titles, and relic weapons (Book of Seiros II) . It's a tool, its Power. It's not really part of their natural identity, it never was.
At best, Crests are part of someone's identity like Hereditary Titles and Class is. And i don't really have issues with removing people from the top 1% or stripping titles from people LOL.
Yes they'll probably have an identity crisis, but I suspect it's more a result of having lost access to power rather than losing a piece of their core identity.
Like is Edelgard going to give a damn she lost a crest? I agree, she would be PISSED ! But it has nothing to do with it being part of her identity. It's because it's power she can no longer use to wage her war with.
Hopefully this is making sense cause Ive never been good at voicing my thoughts LOL . I dunno what it is exactly but something about the idea that crests are part of their identity just sounds so... false.
My mind goes to the times when warmongers stole relics from the peoples they genocide and how they claim it as their own and continue to benefit from it years later. The exploitation and greed pisses me off I guess.
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(Those are old asks, august and september - I wanted to write something serious, but then forgot, and here we are, in november lol, sorry anon(s)).
To First anon,
I would agree about Crest only being something that doesn't belong to them and not "blood" for the Elites (or first generation crest wielders), but for their children who inherit it?
It's part of who they are (that's not the only part that makes them an invidual, of course) and they were born with this. Should you give away a "part" of yourself, because your ancestor, who ultimately passed it down to you, stole it 1k years ago?
Also, I think that there is something important about how Nabatean blood, thus Crest, can appear in humans : in FE16, we learn Nabateans and Humans can have offsprings together (Flayn and Linhardt's paired ending). Ergo, a being with both bloods (their resulting children have crests of Cethleann!) can "naturally" exist - and I am pretty sure if you exsanguinate said beings from 50% of their blood they die - humans can have Nabatean blood (or Nabateans can have human blood).
Besides, Nabateans can choose to share this "power" with humans to save them (Yuri, Jeralt).
We will never know what were the "rules" if there were any about sharing blood with a human, but both Rhea and Aubin (if he was a Nabatean, but imo, this blood = crest strongly suggests he was!) wished to save a dying human kid. Crests isn't only "power", it's also some sort of powerful "medicine" able to help and heal humans!
I agree though, Humans being humans and greedy would later create some sort of hierarchy using Crests as a mean to discriminate - and what is even more saddening, is how Adrestia, the place where the humans got their crests without "stealing" them from Nabateans - is the place that puts the most value on Crests as someone's identity (whereas the Kingdom values Crests for the power it can bring, Adrestia seems to value Crests just as a social "plus").
In the case of crested families, well, those games being what they are, we have no character who is thankful for their crest because it means they are able to help others or do things other people cannot do (maybe Dimitri?) - but take a person with a crest of Cethleann who prides themselves on being able to heal a flu by snapping their fingers, someone from a family that is well known for being the best healers in the region, if you remove the power of their crest, what are they now? Just healers, who cannot heal life threatening conditions and ailments that they could previously heal with their crest.
So while I agree a crest can be seen as power, and power is ultimately a tool, it can also be part of your identity. Miklan thought he wouldn't be anyone without a Crest, and resented Sylvain for being the person he was supposed to be (the future Margrave Gautier).
For Supreme Leader though, I agree, she'd more pissed at losing "power" and not part of her identity - and yet, the idea of "removing" crests from humans who got them, from the Elites, or from direct blood donation (or because those humans are hybrids!) imo feels wrong.
Annette was born with a crest of Dominic, should she get hers removed to "apologise" for what Dominic did eons ago? Should she lose a part of herself ?
I think the difference between Hereditary Titles and Crests is how Crests are basically part of that someone - yes, Annette technically should never have had a crest, but are we really going to exsanguinate her to remove "part" of her blood? Hereditary Titles are social constructs - Crests, in the Fodlan World, are biological parts of someone.
Oh, and now that I think about it, iirc, Yuri is quite proud to have his crest, because his crest is the proof Aubin existed and helped him, and motivated him to save/help people.
That crest is a part of his identity and what motivates him.
While it's still irksome that what was, at least in the Elites's families, stolen "property" being passed down as their legacy, the children of the Elites just happened to be born with those things - it is irksome, but again, I don't think they should "pay" for what the Elites did by "losing" parts of themselves - that, in any case, cannot return to the one from whom that "property" was stolen!
And again, Fodlan gives us the perfect counter-example with Adrestia - humans got "crests" from willing sources, but with time, they use that same power against the ones who gifted that power to their ancestors!
The Elite's descendants are the ones to protect the Nabateans, when the descendants of the humans favoured by Nabateans are the ones who now want to kill them! Yuri, in his most "canon" routes, sides with the Nabateans. Jerry refuses to work with them. And yet, they both got blood from a Nabatean.
It's almost as if the origin of the property/blood/crests doesn't matter, what matters is now what the current humans are doing with that "power".
I kind of understand your feelings about Crests, anon, even if I disagree! It's such a shame that the Fodlan games basically don't really care much about Nabateans to give, say, reactions to people learning where their relics and crests come from, and how Nabateans would react to that.
Ultimately, Rhea's choice of sparring the families and children born with those crests saves her in the BL routes, and yet, Macuil is ultimately right in GW, with the cruel cutscene from Nopes where we see Goneril oppose Seiros in Tailtean, and GW ends with Rhea opposing Goneril (and her pals)' descendant in the same plains!
Humans being greedy and exploiting something that weren't theirs to begin with is annoying, but put in balance with ultimately, striking children for the sins for their ancestors by depriving said children of parts of themselves feels, imo, as wrong.
Don't worry about voicing your thoughts even if it ends up as a messy ask lol, I always plan to write something coherent, then I remember I forgot a thing, and it ends up in, well, some sort of non-coherent wall of text lol
As for you, second anon -
Not everyone from the cast!
Adrestians got their Crests from, per Nopes, consensual "blood sharing", and then they passed it down to their descendants... who will later turn agains the very Nabateans who blood shared :/
Yuri ultimately got his crest because Aubin wished to save him, and did so by giving him his blood, ditto for Jeralt.
So I wouldn't say it's the worst way possible - but what I feel was the intention of the devs with this question (even if they clearly gave a quarter of a fuck about it!) is not what should befall the playable cast who got their crest from the Elites, but what the playable cast should do now, with that power. Will they use it for "good" reason, or use it for "bad" reasons ?
Like, in Rhea's lines from Nopes to the crest bearers who descend from the Elites :
"The goddess protects those who wield the power of their crest with a righteous heart."
or in JP : 紋章の力を正しく行使する限り, 主はあなた方をお守りくださるでしょう。
Which, googlised is something like " As long as you use the power of the emblem correctly, the Lord will protect you."
Those children cannot do anything about the dead Nabateans they share some blood with, but they can at least make sure "dead Nabatean"'s power isn't used for nefarious stuff.
Tl; Dr : Humans can get crests from 4 different ways (blood transfusion, directly descending from a Nabatean, descending from someone who got a crest or killing a nabatean), and only one is really condemnable, but for the other 3?
Crest "removal" procedures deus ex machina nonsense kind of piss on those differences and is the easy way out to, again, absolve humans of their agency, we go to an easy "well they don't have power so they won't use it for stupid stuff" route instead of going to the moer common and harder "no matter how you got them, use your powers responsibly" route.
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isephierreo · 1 year
Crests' Color While Using It
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Crest of Flames, Riegan, Dominic, Lamine, Chevalier, and Noa all have a yellow tint while using it.
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Blaiddyd, Fraldarius, Gautier, Daphnel, Charon, Gloucester, Seiros, Cethleann, Macuil, and Beast all have a blue tint while using it.
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Cichol, Goneril, Aubin, and Ernest all have a green tint while using it.
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Crest of Indech is have a distinctive cyan color.
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The color of the Crest of Timotheos is unknown. as unlike other Crests, the Crest of Timotheos appears dimly while in use, making its color difficult to identify and even to notice.
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It is also worth noting that the Crests that was used by the beasts classes has a purple color.
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Hegemon Edelgard's attacks feature something similar to the latter, with the Crest of Flames appearing in red and the Crest of Seiros in purple.
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
Random crest post
(Note: Sacred weapons are sort of like relics, but do not require a crest to wield, but they are more powerful WITH them. Relics can be wielded by those without crests, but wielders take damage when usng them)
Thorn Dragon Sign - Crest of Ernest Anna No relics or sacred weapons
Wind Dragon Sign - Crest of Macuil Monica Wind Caller's Genesis (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Sky Dragon Sign - Crest of Seiros Rhea, Edelgard Seiros Sword (Sacred), Seiros Shield (Sacred), Labraunda (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Crusher Dragon Sign - Crest of Dominic Annette Crusher (Relic)
Shield Dragon Sign - Crest of Fraldarius Felix Aegis Shield (Relic), Sword of Moralta (Sacred)
Bloom Dragon Sign - Crest of Noa Constance Scroll of Talos (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Light Dragon Sign - Crest of Cethleann Flayn, Linhardt Caduceus Staff (Sacred), Amalthea (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Flame Dragon Sign - Crest of Daphnel Ingrid Luin (Relic)
Grim Dragon Sign - Crest of Blaiddyd Dimitri Areadbhar (Relic)
Craft Dragon Sign - Crest of Gloucester Lorenz, Lysithea Thyrsus (Relic), Axe of Ukonvasara (Sacred)
Kalpa Dragon Sign - Crest of Goneril Hilda Freikugel (Relic)
Earth Dragon Sign - Crest of Cichol Ferdinand, Seteth Ochain Shield (Sacred), Spear of Assal (Sacred)
Ice Dragon Sign - Crest of Aubin Yuri Fetters of Dromi (Relic)
Fissure Dragon Sign - Crest of Gautier Sylvain Lance of Ruin (Relic)
Water Dragon Sign - Crest of Indech Bernadetta, Hanneman The Inexhaustable (Sacred)
Storm Dragon Sign - Crest of the Beast Marianne Blutgang (Relic)
Lightning Dragon Sign - Crest of Charon Catherine, Lysithea Thunderbrand (Relic), Suttungr's Mystery (Hopes exclusive, Relic)
Dark Dragon Sign - Crest of Timotheos Hapi Hrotti (Hopes exclusive, Relic)
Star Dragon Sign - Crest of Riegan Claude Failnaught (Relic), Sword of Begalta (Sacred)
Snow Dragon Sign - Crest of Chevalier Balthus Vajra-Mushti (Relic)
Aegis Dragon Sign - Crest of Lamine Mercedes Rafail Gem (Relic), Ichor Scroll (Hopes exclusive, Relic), Tathlum Bow (Sacred)
Honorable Mentions
Crest of Flames
Amyr, Sword of the Creator
Athame, Ridill, Asclepius (Found in Houses files, but can only be wielded in Hopes, attuned to the cut Crest of Agartha)
Dark Creator Sword, forged with the crest stones of Noa and Timotheos
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deathbirby · 11 months
Hero's Relics Origins - Part 1
Trigger warning here! This post gets quite graphic.
What are Relics?
Alright, I'll speedrun the explanation.
The Goddess used her own blood to create her children, who would come to be known as the Nabateans. The Nabateans are dragons who can turn into humans. Rhea, one of these Nabateans, explains what the Relics are.
"The same is true of the Crests of the 10 Elites and the other Crest Stones... They were born of the blood and hearts of the progenitor god's children." - Rhea
The Crest Stones are their hearts, and the Relics are their bones.
Now, lets take a look at the Heroes Relics, their associated crest, what dragon they are, what their Nabatean Title is, and what arcana they belong to.
Some parts are left out because of missing information!
Heroes Relic - Crest - Dragon - Title - Arcana
N/A - Ernest - Thorn Dragon - ? - The Fool N/A - Macuil - Wind Dragon - The Wind Caller - The Magician Aymr* - Seiros - Sky Dragon - The Immaculate One - High Priestess Crusher - Dominic - Crusher Dragon - ? - The Empress Aegis Shield - Fraldarius - Shield Dragon - The Steadfast - The Emperor N/A - Noa - Bloom Dragon - ? - The Hierophant N/A - Cethleann - Light Dragon - The Benevolent One - The Lovers Lúin - Daphnel - Flame Dragon - ? - The Chariot Areadbhar - Blaiddyd - Grim Dragon - The Vigorous - Strength Thyrsus - Gloucester - Craft Dragon - ? - The Hermit Freikugel - Goneril - Kalpa Dragon - ? - Wheel of Fortune N/A - Cichol - Earth Dragon - The Hammer of Judgment - Justice Fetters of Dromi - Aubin - Ice Dragon - ? - The Hanged Man Lance of Ruin - Gautier - Fissure Dragon - ? - Death N/A - Indech - Water Dragon - The Immovable - Temperance Blutgang - Beast - Storm Dragon - ? - The Devil Thunderbrand & Suttungr's Mystery - Charon - Lightning Dragon - ? - The Tower Hrotti - Timotheos - Dark Dragon - ? - The Star Failnaught - Riegan - Star Dragon - ? - The Moon Vajra-Mushti - Chevalier - Snow Dragon - ? - The Sun Rafail Gem & Ichor Scroll - Lamine - Aegis Dragon - ? - Judgement Sword of the Creator - Flames - ? - The Beginning - The World
* Aymr is unique because Seiros is still very much alive. This is possible because it's made out of Agarthium and probably not out of any Nabatean.
Crusher is made out of the Crusher dragon.. I wouldn't be surprised if its title was "The Crusher" at this point.
Why is the Aegis Shield not made out of the Aegis Dragon??
One could assume that Sothis is a Divine Dragon.
The Immaculate One is called The White One in Japanese.
Okay, so what exactly is this post about? I just told you their origins, right? Yes, but I like to ramble. That means that I'll also be talking about which body part the Relics are potentially made out of, and what animal the dragon form could've looked like.
Let's unpack!
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Crusher Dragon
That's a lot of fingers. It's like the hands have been crushed together. What kind of animal even has bones like that? I don't know.
Aegis Shield
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Shield Dragon
Is that a face? There are two eye sockets and a mouth that has been melted shut. It even has the part that normally shows a crest on it. Maybe it has been flattened to work better as a shield, or maybe the Shield Dragon's head was always a bit flat?
What about the back of the shield?
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Look at that. It's like it has been fused together with the breastbone. What if it's made out of the chest of the Shield Dragon? It could've had a shield there. But where are the ribs?
Maybe it's a mix of both? The face/head is used as the front of the shield, with the breastbone making it more sturdier.
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From this angle, it looks like it's smiling!
Or maybe it's trying to scream.
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Flame Dragon
When I saw this, the first thought that came to my mind was "That's a weird bird."
You've got the hole for the eye and a massive beak. And hey, what animal better fits the "Flame Dragon" than something like a phoenix? Sure, it might be flat, but who doesn't flatten a skull when turning it into a spearhead?
It could also be something like a fang or the femur that has been sharpened. Who knows?
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Grim Dragon
It looks like a very, very long hand. What animal has a hand like that? Well, usually aquatic animals do. Think of dolphins.
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Cetacean's hand
Or even a mosasaur!
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Look at those hand bones!
This animal was said to be very powerful, and would fit with both the Strength Arcana and the grim concept. Grim can also mean things like ferocious and ruthless. It doesn't always have to mean something gloomy. And even then, it could still work with this extinct creature.
And hey, it's an aquatic animal. It fits quite well with the 'Blue' part of the Blue Lions , and Dimitri could be the Lion.
Of course, you can also argue that the Grim dragon looked like a lion and that Areadbhar was made out of its ribs. These ribs could be fused together to make a spearhead.
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Craft Dragon
Spine! Those are vertebrae with spikes coming out of them. For some reason it's bent around the Crest Stone. I am not sure what the bottom part of the bone is. It doesn't look like any bone I know.
Not sure what the Craft Dragon looked like. All I know is that it probably had some spikes.
The Kalpa Dragon! Now, before we look at the mutilated corpse, you need to know what Kalpa actually means.
(in Hindu and Buddhist tradition) an immense period of time, reckoned as 4,320 million human years, and considered to be the length of a single cycle of the cosmos (or ‘day of Brahma’) from creation to dissolution.
Got it? Good! Lets look at the relic.
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Kalpa Dragon
That looks like a sail! Now, you might say that no sail in existence has bones between the spikes. That makes no sense. That's soft tissue or something, not bone.
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Dead dragon in FE: Echoes
Fire Emblem dragons are just built different!
But yeah that's it. It's made out of the sail of the Kalpa Dragon. What animal does the Kalpa dragon look like? No clue. Let me just type "Animals with sails" in Google Search..
Alright. A Dimetrodon, a Sailfish, a Spinosaurus, an Edaphosaurus, and a whole lot more.
I would say that one of the dinosaurs fits best. Mainly because Kalpa means an immense period of time. There were no dinosaurs around 4320 million years ago, but you get the idea.
Of course, you could also say that the Kalpa Dragon looked like any other dragon and just had a sail. That's also possible. I mean, look at the picture of the dragon from Echoes. That thing even has horns and everything! If you were to take the sail from it, you wouldn't know that it looks like a pretty normal dragon.
This entire post is speculation. The Heroes Relics aren't enough to say what the original dragon could've looked like. They only gives us bits and pieces. A relic might've had a feature that is seen in one animal, but it can still look like a completely different animal even with that feature.
Areadbhar might be a hand, but that doesn't necesarrily mean that it looked like a marine reptile. Maybe it looked like a fusion between a lion and a mosasaur. Maybe it just takes a little inspiration here and there. They are still dragons in the end, even if they might have the features of some normal animals.
I probably should've made this clearer at the start of the post, but I believe that my explanation works best with the image I have shown earlier.
In short, the Relics may be made out of a body part that usually belongs to a certain type of animal, but it can still look completely different from that animal. What I come up with is pure speculation.
Let's keep going.
Fetters of Dromi
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Ice Dragon
That sure is a hand.
Yeah... I don't know what animal this could even be. It's the Ice Dragon. What ice-related animals look like they have hands like that?
I have no idea.
Lance of Ruin
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Fissure Dragon
The spearhead could be made out of another bone like the fang, tailbone or another spike.
What about the spikes? Are they fangs?
Well, Miklan turned into a Black Beast, which gives us the chance to examine him. The shape of demonic beasts are nearly always the same, so we won't be looking at that. Instead, we'll be looking at the more unique features of this Black Beast. Take a look.
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Those spikes coming out of its back look like the spikes on the Lance of Ruin. It also has 'rocks' covering its back.
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This part looks like the vertebrae with the spikes still attached to it. You may notice that there are more than one attached to one vertebrae. This isn't the case with Miklan, but he isn't exactly a carbon copy of the Fissure Dragon.
I believe that the Fissure Dragon had multiple spikes on its back protruding next to each other, much like a Kentrosaurus.
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If you were to look at it from above, it would look somewhat like a fissure. Other features of the Fissure Dragon would likely be that it's covered in black scales or 'rocks' like on Miklan's Black Beast form.
It might also have wings. Why do I say this?
Look at this.
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Compare that to the Immaculate One's little back sail.
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It says that it's used to mantain stability in flight. This could mean that Miklan's Black Beast form simply doesn't have a fully formed sail yet.
Before I move on. I have no clue what this text says, and I would appreciate it if someone could translate.
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Google Translate says something like "If you get transformed by a Heroes Relic, a part of your body will be covered in armor. This is because there is a component of the bone used for the blade." or something like that.
This post is getting too long. It gets continued in part 2.
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asperrusual · 2 years
some lingering 3H questions:
how the fuck did thales disrupt byleth’s divine pulse when jeralt was being killed and why did he never attempt to do it again?
how exactly does monica have macuil’s crest when it’s implied he hated humans too much to ever share his blood with them?
what is the deal with the crest of ernest? no one with it was among the saints, the elites, or the apostles. there’s neither a sacred or relic weapon associated with it and was apparently “lost to history”. is that nabatean still alive? if so, where the hell are they? and why is anna the only one to have their crest? are they secretly the progenitor of all the annas across the series and that’s the reason they all have that weird nurse joy thing going on?
how the hell do all the wolves just happen to have major crests? yuri got his directly through aubin sure, and balthus might be in a similar boat, but what about hapi and constance? like, among everyone born with an inherited crest at the time of the game, less than 10% of them have major ones. did cornelia’s experimenting turn hapi’s crest into a major one?
seriously, what the hell happened to patricia after duscur?
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bluebudgie · 2 months
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My six endgame units and their crests :')
1-Aramis' unit (formerly "Let's go lesbians", now "the siblings squad and Leah") featuring from left to right: Leah, Gilbert, the man himself, Hilda and Primm. (Shoutout to Virginia who was here until the final battle)
2- Sanatio's unit (aka "the angel squad") with Ochlys, squad leader Sanatio, Gloucester, Sharon and Sanatio's boyfriend Nigel (shoutout to Miriam who was part of it before Nigel joined)
3- Auch's unit (aka "the RGB squad") which was an absolute powerhouse of destruction featuring Dinah, Fodoquia, Rosalinde, chicken mage Auch (I have no idea how to pronounce that name in english) and Eltolinde.
4-Lhinalago's unit (aka "the archer squad") which is secretly Rolf's unit because Rolf carried the early game, featuring Ithilion, Liza, the op man Rolf, Lhin and the most adorable girl in the game Yunifi.
5-Aubin's unit (aka "Aubin's unit"), the force of "I won't keep this early game unit in the long run- oh nevermind they rock". Featuring "I'm putting FE armoured units to shame" Hodrick, Bertrand, Aubin, best girl Chloe and Guts Berserk Magellan.
6-Obligatorily Alain's unit, aka the "would be weird if the protagonist didn't have a squad" squad. This one changed a lot since I could never settle on a formation but I think we're now good with Renault, the FE lord, Raenys, Scarlett and Umerus. The last three are girlfriends.
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ulircursed · 4 months
♡ !
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from here!
name: ancha (as both sides of her parentage have names tied to constellations, she is also named after a star! this one is in the aquarius constellation, and is designated theta aquarii)
gender: female (she/they)
class: trickster (swords + magic)
major crest of aubin, minor ullr blood
the mix of holy blood and major crest causes some stress on her body; less so than the canon surgeries, but her body is living under constant strain. physiologically, her hair has a 'washed-out' coloring that can just barely pass as natural, and her lifespan has likely been affected, though no one knows to what extent
born and raised in the abyss, it is the only home she has ever known and she is very loyal and protective to its denizens as a result. aware of her noble lineage on andrei's side, but knows that it is a thing of the past, and fully embraces her status as an abyssian. andrei is resigned but accepting of this attitude, as his mind is cemented into a similar view when paired with yuri
between both parents, she has access to all the weapon types of a master knight except axes, and has dabbled in all available areas. however, she prefers to play a supporting role in battle rather than a damage-dealing one. frequent user of foul play
a shy and somewhat timid child, having inherited little of either parent's ability with words in a public setting. her good looks get her far, but she is unable to persuade people of much that they aren't already willing to do. a bad liar. likes having a routine and is unwilling to stray too far from status quo
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blaiddydbrokeit · 1 year
Just saw this so. Crest themed tarot game?
From your birth cards (calculate here if you don't know), pick one of the two you feel describes you better to find out which crest from FE3H you would have, and its weapon. Put your results in the tags!
(Based on the analysis from the Japanese side of the 3H community, we'll run Cichol as Justice and Blaiddyd as Strength for consistency.)
The Fool - Crest of Ernest (Unarmed)
The Magician - Crest of Macuil (Windcaller's Genesis)
The High Priestess - Crest of Seiros (Seiros Sword and Shield)
The Empress - Crest of Dominic (Crusher)
The Emperor - Crest of Fraldarius (Aegis Shield)
The Hierophant - Crest of Noa (Scroll of Talos)
The Lovers - Crest of Cethleann (Caduceus Staff)
The Chariot - Crest of Daphnel (Lúin)
Strength - Crest of Blaiddyd (Areadbhar)
The Hermit - Crest of Gloucester (Thyrsus)
Wheel of Fortune - Crest of Goneril (Freikugel)
Justice - Crest of Cichol (Spear of Assal)
The Hanged Man - Crest of Aubin (Fetters of Dromi)
Death - Crest of Gautier (Lance of Ruin)
Temperance - Crest of Indech (The Inexhaustible)
The Devil - Crest of the Beast (Blutgang)
The Tower - Crest of Charon (Thunderbrand)
The Star - Crest of Timotheos (Hrotti)
The Moon - Crest of Riegan (Failnaught)
The Sun - Crest of Chevalier (Vajra-Mushti)
Judgement - Crest of Lamine (Rafail Gem)
The World - Crest of Flames (Sword of the Creator)
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aubins · 1 year
EST  ( @estians ) est is a golden deer student & i’m happy to offer her for any of the mission board tasks if you’d like one o7
riding / flying +1 (w/ chrom)
escape the courtyard (w/ sakura)
any skill +1
YURI  ( @aubins )
any skill +1 (needs a golden deer)
sword +1
crest stones
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onyxedskies · 2 years
okok so thank you @purpleheartemote for inspiring this but i am here with an au
so imagine: what if dimitri, instead of being rescued by gilbert and taken back to fhirdiad, was brought to shambhala in the aftermath of the tragedy of duscur? what if he and edelgard were reunited there, in the cold dark of the experiment cells, latching onto each other for security?
what if the fraldarius’ took over as the royal family, the blaiddyd bloodline almost entirely wiped out? what if felix was the house leader?
what if edelgard figured things out? what if she went to rhea and asked for her help to save dimitri and destroy TWSITD instead of destroying the church first because of the conversations about faith she’d had with dimitri in the caves? what if TWSITD eliminate her the same way they did in AG, causing the war to happen anyway?
what if dimitri was turned into a weapon, getting the crest of aubin on top of the crest of blaiddyd? what if he was used against faerghus against his will, body controlled by TWSITD?
just some very very complicated thoughts
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wherefore-whinnies · 1 year
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emblem Byleth's engraving symbol is purple and has a similar shape to the crest of Aubin!
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randomnameless · 1 year
(not the voice line anon )
I do think Rhea knows it's inevitable for mortals to eventually die from old age and it's just a fact of life. The translation completely changed the words and tone of her lines though. Like yes I do think that's what Rhea kinda sorta IMPLIED but that's NOT what she said.
Also The problem with nemesis is it would take centuries before he and his elites will die from old age and with them alive it would mean constant war. Also theyre waging war using the remains of her mother and kin (who they murdered), I wouldn't let them live either.
I recall Apostle Aubin lived mad long like until he met Yuri!!! Which means nemesis, even without being preserved by TWSITD, could potentially last just as long! Endless war and suffering due to near immortal corrupt powerhungry genocidal humans is not ideal (which is exactly what TWS wants)
Also If fe3h is related to the 3 kingdoms... well historically, like before it became the 3 kingdoms , there was already alot of chaos due to warring warlords and Nemesis and the elites reminds me of warlords all trying to gain more and more power through conquest. Flayn did say they wanted to conquer the world
Well the thing that makes me doubt it is how Rhea had human allies, I mean she was lugging around Wilhelm during the War of Heroes when Wilhelm was well past 100 (assuming he wasn't crown at 10 old lol), and until 21ish years ago, Jeralt was still fit/strong enough to be the Legendary Blade Breaker, Captain of the Knights of Seiros.
So unless crested humans's bodies age exceptionally fast past 280 years old (if Jeralt is 300 in Nopes) I don't think his general low perf battle wise is only due to his age.
Nemesis'n'Dudes were, at best, around 170-ish years old (let's say he was 20 when the Red Canyon happened, and it happens not earlier than -40. Nemesis was born in -60? He dies in 92, which would make him around 170-ish by the time he dies?) and were still forces to be reckoned with, Seiros the Warrior herself not stomping them. 100 years later they suddenly suck?
I mean, it's definitely possible, but saying this is the reason why he lost?
I can't see it - however, leaving the Knights and living on the run, not following the hard training regimen/mission knights do might have dulled his blade, Rhea herself complain about not letting her blade becoming dull by wanting to spar more with Catherine, so, idk.
Ahaha, Aubin and the Apostles are another debate lol, imo I'm firmly convinced they were Nabateans and not Crested Humans, but there are enough clues to go both ways!
As for Nemesis, sure, knowing how Nabateans want a peaceful Fodlan and Rhea had her personal revenge on top, she'd have most likely wanted Nemesis dead asap, but she still "waited" 70 years before going to war with him and 150 years after Zanado to kill him, if Jerry sucks because of old age, they could just have stalled.
Sadly, about all those points you raised, we can just theorise and honeypot and HC things away, because the devs dgaf about those things and unless we get a guidebook like Tellius did 10 years after its release, we might never have answers :/
(but even if the book is published, you can bet it'd won't be localised for the US market, unless Treehouse can edit it lol)
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aurheatum · 2 years
Challenge: Elite Four and Champion Rhea (Team 8 Bronze Round)
@aubins @lockpicnic@pridelessdaydreamer @hresvelged
Rhea’s investigation into Rusalka had been so far, well, less than ideal. She refused to believe that knights under the church’s banner would simply walk away from their duties - beautiful surroundings or no, but neither did she wish to think ill of the locals.
Still. It became difficult to doubt the involvement of magic when upon falling into slumber Rhea finds herself not in the sweet embrace of dreams but in a humongous coliseum the likes of which she has never seen.
(At first, she thought it a dream of the past. A dream of Adrestria. But no the architecture and atmosphere her is all wrong.)
Across from her stood a fiery beast, an opponent she would be less wary of if she did not then notice the other challengers at her side. They were all students - Empress-to-be Edelgard and her fellow classmate who bore Ceathlean’s crest, the young Yngvi of the Golden Deer, and Yuri Leclerc; and while she knew them all, she would not say she knew them equally.
She had no time to learn of their individual talents but It mattered little. They were under her protection, and so she would lead them to victory.
“Stay behind me, all of you,” she tells them, raising her sword (strangely not her Seiros sabre), “this will be a testament of what you have all learned this last year. But I ask you be cautious for this is certainly not an Academy ordained event.”
Rhea attacks Volcano Beast with Shadowkiller. Roll 1d20 -> 5. Hit! Weapon’s special ability: If unit lands a hit, guarantees critical activates. -2 HP. Volcano Beast at 8/10 HP.
Rhea launched herself forward, for unfamiliar sword or no she knew her foil work. The blade is dull, however, and unwieldy in her hand so it takes a precious moment to right her stance but when she does the cry of pain that erupts from the monster plays like a beautiful melody across the coliseum.
Volcano Beast counters! +0.5 damage to attack now that it is down 2 HP. Roll 1d20 > 10. Hit!  -3 HP. Rhea’s HP: 7/10
The melody turns against her, however, pain shooting through her as the notes of the giant’s roar turn cacophonous. She lets out a harsh breath but does not stagger.
“It is no creature of the goddess but its strikes are true. Please, all, remain prudent!”
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inigostears · 1 year
UGH WAIT can we PLEASE get more info on vivianne??? im so interested
i have a whole ass google doc HERE that goes a lot more into detail about her. it's not, like. 100% complete or anything, but she's been in the works since like, before the ashen wolves DLC came out LOL
here's an old ref (done in like, late 2019 i think? maybe early 2020? i need to do an updated version LOL) :
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to summarize her:
vivianne is a part of the golden deer house! she and her family live in deirdru.
so before yuri and the rest of the ashen wolves came along, i had originally written (and still will because fuck u intsys this is my real estate) that vivianne has a major crest of aubin! she comes from a once noble family that was the main inheritors of the crest, but she is the first person in many, many years to publicly have the crest. because of this she and yuri are now bffs and no i will not be taking criticism. if intsys is going to do me dirty like this i WILL be cringe and i WILL be free.
vivi's main hobby is blacksmithing! she adores all sorts of weaponry, fighting styles, armor, and even metal accessories. she even made the roses on her head! she is very attentive to the weapons people fight with, and if she were to be in the game, she would give certain characters their own weapons (she creates her own in byleth's). she also made her own armor in her timeskip design! she's a huge nerd when it comes to this stuff, and will absolutely tell you her opinion even if you didn't ask for it.
she's also a bisexual disaster. like, horribly so. she can be quite boisterous but when she sees somebody she finds REALLY attractive? she freezes on the spot. once she gets comfortable, though, it doesn't happen AS often.
she can get INTENSELY focused. be it on tests or blacksmithing. she will literally, unintentionally block everything else out until she finishes something. like, the teachers at garreg mach have just stopped trying to get her to finish a test when the bell rings lol. i wish i had her focus.
and... that's all i can really cram in here without like, spamming and like, going on a huge tangent LOL. but also if any of u also have ocs..... show me...... i beg of u and i swear vivi will become bffs with them!!! >:)
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iturbide · 2 years
Guys guys guys ! Remember Crests are dying out? Dimitri confirms its fading away in his support with sylvain! Ingrid is the ONLY one in house Galatea with a crest . Holst judith edmund are all leaders in the alliance without a crest. And Of emperor Ionius's children Edelgard was one of the only kids (if not the only one) with a MINOR crest of seiros . You know what this means? This means that fodlan , even without edelgards war, was ALREADY CHANGING LMFAO. They have no choice but to accept being crestless because soon enough they will all be crestless 😂! (the humans anyway)
Honestly all this just confirms how edelgards one true goal is the total conquest of the continent under adrestia, which she says is "superior" to the other 2 "mere offshoots" (Her words not mine).
You're exactly right about her wording -- she really does not think the Kingdom and Alliance legitimately wanted to be independent, despite any and all evidence to the contrary. But I also think that it's not fair to boil down her motives solely to conquest.
So this got touched on somewhat in the Crest Virus discussion quite a while back, but Crest inheritance is a gamble and has been for generations. The only guaranteed way to get a major Crest is to receive blood directly from a dragon; after that, the usual genetic lottery goes into play, meaning that a rare few people win the jackpot, some get lucky, and most come away flat broke.
While Crests were undoubtedly more prevalent in the past when the genome wasn't so scattered, after a thousand years it's getting to a dire point where families are getting desperate for Crests. We meet a grand total of 9 Major Crestbearers during the course of Three Houses (14 if you include the DLC characters):
Catherine (Major Charon)
Felix (Major Fraldarius)
Anna (Major Ernst, DLC exclusive)
Hapi (Major Timotheos, DLC exclusive)
Balthus (Major Chevalier, DLC exclusive)
Constance (Major Noa, DLC exclusive)
Yuri (Major Aubin, likely a first-generation Crestbearer; DLC exclusive)
Jeralt (Major Seiros, first-generation Crestbearer)
Rhea (Major Seiros due to being Seiros herself)
Seteth (Major Cichol due to being Cichol himself)
Flayn (Major Cethleann due to being Cethleann herself)
Byleth (Major Flames due to bearing the Creststone of Flames)
Lysithea (Major Gloucester, product of Twisted experimentation)
Edelgard (Major Flames, product of Twisted experimentation)
Of that list 2 are first generation Crestbearers who received their Crest directly from a Child of the Goddess (one of whom is DLC exclusive); 3 are themselves Children of the Goddess; 2 are the direct products of experimental procedures by the Twisted; and 1 has a Creststone implanted in them as the source of their Crest. This means that at most, playing without the DLC, there are only 2 Major Crestbearers in the entire game whose Crests don't arise from special circumstances; if the DLC is factored in, that number rises to 6.
I've mentioned in other rambles that I tend to think the Insurrection of the Seven arose because Ionius was attempting to consolidate power with the intention of changing the inheritance laws. He saw the writing on the wall, that the Crest-bearing bloodline was fading to the point where very soon there would be no heirs who inherited Cress; though it failed in the end and led to untold suffering for his children, he may well have been trying to address this very issue with his power play. And Edelgard, once she emerged from the Twisted experiments, set her eyes specifically on taking down the Church specifically because she believed (wrongly) that they were responsible for the Crest System, and that eliminating them would allow her to rebuild the system from the ground up without the existing bias toward Crestbearers.
Yes, it's true the world was already changing before she set her plans in motion -- but that in no way changes the fact that she was trying to do good, even if her means were flawed.
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