#creation through astrology
ancientgoddessofegypt · 6 months
Script Manifestations: The Astrology Edition - Using Mars+Neptune/Scorpio Placements & The Mental Power Of Mercury
Scripting manifestation involves us to use our minds to cultivate the story of our reality we would love to see for ourselves. When we grab does pens to write in those journals about the little things we want we must gravitate to what motivates us to want more. What dreams are we going after? What does your subconscious say about your desires? What does our hearts continue racing? This is why my theory for planets mars,neptune, & mercury come in as the 3 main planetary energies to focus on when writing your scripts to change your reality. Scripting is one of the best ways to dive into the reality we wish to see for ourselves, leaving nothing to chance.. and if you had the power in your hands, why would you?
Also looking at the sign placement of scorpio will help benefit us. If you ask why scorpio, it is simply because scorpio has the ability to use the power of their tongue to magnetize things to them. Wether you have scorpio strongly in your chart filled with stelliums, your big 3 or simply connecting to a certain house, this is how you will polarize the dreams/reality you want to you.
So for people who want to know the best possible way to script using astrology, heres a few theories/observations i picked up.
Mars is the forced within us, the drive, the motivation, the energy we use to go into something head first without thinking it through. Mars is the ruler of aries, but most don't know it is also the co ruler (and the original ruler in sidereal) of scorpio.
The reason why i used mars as the first planet to work with is because mars is the physical aspect of something coming to fruition. And from what I noticed, the script manifestations that did come through i had to ACT out something. Like it couldn't of happened if i didn't do the research, didn't go out there seeking and looking for something to do, or even commit to the thing that i was working on. For example, one day i randomly wrote about the day i wanted to have out in the city, i put it in real good detail (mercury) and even imagined how it would go (neptune). One thing that stood out that day was that i randomly walked passed a store where they were playing live music, at first i felt like i didn't have enough time but then i felt this 'pull' to go in and said fuck it why not lets have some fun! I went in and saw some people in there groovin so i started groovin too! I went home later and checked out the journal and you know what was in there? I literally wrote that i would have the opportunity to just break out and dance and feel myself feeling the good spirits in the area and thats EXACTLY what happened. I didnt remember doing that and thought that was crazy how i got it but overall it was a real special day (and i put that it would be a 'special' day too!)
So with that being said you should utilize mars in your story because you have to will it into your reality by putting the effort & energy forward to get that outcome. Don't leave nothing up to chance if you don't have to.
Now we're dealing with neptune and the imaginary tales that we face when we're alone. Our inner selves mirror the reality we currently live in. Do you not like where you are? Its your job to look into the mind to see what is happening. The power of the imagination can create worlds in our current reality to bring forth the magic we need in this lifetime. So using neptune isn't the easier of the bunch when manifesting and heres why: the imagination doesn't always bring us to the destination. It dissolves the cloudiness that was in the way of us remembering exactly what we want to do. Neptune is the creative force, but with mars it can be willed into reality by simply listening to the higher heart. Everything doesn't always make sense, but the intuitive side of neptune flows and presents us with possibilities for the imagination to show forth its creativity in many ways. Neptune dissolves the means of taking things too serious, so with scripting being in 'delusion' (and i say this lightly) helps with mars walking into the door of unknown territory. Focusing on the higher self and its wants brings longer satisfaction in the souls drive for the human experience to be what it wants and not what YOU and the ego/conscious prefers. In order for things to flow smoothly, we must first meditate (neptune) on what we want, let the mind follow up with the details & description of something (mercury) and then awakening into that idea/plan and going for it with no remorse (mars). Allow your brain to sore into your consciousness to see all the ideas and different places you can go to in your mind, because practicality never wins with neptune. Ever.
Now neptune and mars together brings things to a grounded level. Mars is only doing what the mind wants, so the conscious side of our brains moves to the assertion of what we need or want at that moment. Anything is possible, which is why mars is important in scripting. Once the idea is already plastered on a sheet of paper, we can now admit that we must lead to where the idea paints us to be in. And no matter what obstacles seem to be in the way, it will not stop you from making sure the idea pans out the way it is suppose to. No matter how much we have in store, mars and neptune never care to be prepared... somehow this where mercury comes in.
Mercury is the prepared and unprepared energy of the two. It is the trickster that uses its mind to get what it wants and a lot of times is quick on their toes. Mercury is the descriptive story teller and needs to write out its ideas in order to see the plan come into fruition. Mercury doesnt like doing everything without a blue print, this is the more 'practical' energy of the bunch. Connected to both gemini and virgo, mercury is strong with its power of the mind, the voice, and the brain. So when we're scripting our manifestations, we must ponder on the idea before we go in tooth n' nail. Mercury thrives off the detail of a story, and again, you are the creator of your story.
Now adding all three planets together, we have mars the force in getting the idea to come into fruition. We have neptune, the one that starts it off with the imagination, & our friend mercury who is the planner and the one who pays attention to detail. With scripting all of these are a must and the feeling you get when writing them down also counts for something. Aspects & house placements are important in this too. If you have any random placements like neptune-sun, or mars-venus, mercury-jupiter this detail is wonderful because neptune/sun should focus on the self expression of the imagination. Mars/venus expresses itself through what you have a divine love/passion for, & mercury/jupiter should focus on the optimism and what it believes to be true. Hope this helps as i will present more on the aspects/signs/and house later on.
Now I added scorpio because scorpio is the witch of the zodiac. Its the one that uses its tongue to will what it wants. It can create spells out of the power of its mind and is useful when scripting our realities the way we see fit.
I'd say it's the perfect energy when writing down a clause for the end of our script. It's the spell that magnetizes the fruits we wish to bare. So I say whatever placements you have with scorpio is helpful with script manifestation. For example lets say you have scorpio in the 5th house, this is the house of childlike expression, romance, and talents. So each script you make you can focus on love, sensuality and what ever you are extremely passionate about because THIS will magnetize itself into your reality much faster than anything else. Same for any other house. Scorpio is what we are most passionate about so focusing on the house its in is important. If there is a particular placement in scorpio this can work as well however my focus was more onto the house cause I believe this is fine little detail in script magic. Hope this helps! Part II on this soon!
Ask me questions on how you feel about your placements when working with script magic!
I will be doing a second part of this focusing a small detail on neptune/mercury/mars in the houses & sign. Thank you for listening <3 cheers!
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kairologia · 3 months
Your untapped talents according to your fifth house.
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In traditional astrology, being Venus’ joy, the fifth house is (among others) a signifier for natural talents, as well as hobbies you would enjoy most or thrive at.
Which are yours?
· Aries in the 5th house (Sagittarius rising): you possess a proficiency in competitive or energetic sports and activities, a natural ability to lead a team, an uncanny ability to face & overcome your fears, as well as high stamina & endurance. Steadfast in your beliefs and capable of debating in their favour anytime of the day.
· Taurus in the 5th house (Capricorn rising): you’re naturally talented in gardening & cultivating a beautiful, lush & luxuriant outdoor space, effortlessly skilled in arts like painting, sculpture, or pottery, and excellent at cultivating artistic talent in others (would make a great art professor).
· Gemini in the 5th house (Aquarius rising): you have unrivaled storytelling and writing skills, an innate versatility in performing arts such as acting or comedy, & skilled in employing incisive language to convey complex ideas or emotions. You may have a talent for photography, drawing, or manual/visual arts.
· Cancer in the 5th house (Pisces rising): you’re skilled in acting out intense scenes or writing emotionally charged stories, talented in interior design and making every new place you inhabit feel like home. Usually talented in cooking &/or baking. Great swimmers too.
· Leo in the 5th house (Aries rising): Leo fifth houses are highly creative in fashion-related endeavors such as designing clothing items or costumes, have natural flair for performing arts and a natural ability to captivate an audience or command attention. Great at improvising and coming up with stories on the fly.
· Virgo in the 5th house (Taurus rising): you’re talented in crafts like knitting or woodworking, editing or artistic critique, photography. You’re the go-to person for event organization & planning. Skilled at DIY crafting projects, scrapbooking, manual creations such as jewelry making or ceramic works. Great debators, too.
· Libra in the 5th house (Gemini rising): you have outstanding diplomatic skills & are capable of negotiating your way through just about any situation. You're skilled in creating harmonious compositions in visual arts or music. You would definitely enjoy ballroom dancing, painting, & decorating spaces. You also have a natural sense for aesthetics & beauty.
· Scorpio in the 5th house (Cancer risings): you would make a great taboo/erotica/crime fiction writer or visual artist. You're also talented in writing intense and charged scenes or lyrics, & are capable of evoking strong emotions through artistic expression. You would probably enjoy investigating mysteries & delving into occultism.
· Sagittarius in the 5th house (Leo rising): you’re amazing at inspiring others through creative expression, great at documenting experiences through photography or journaling whether in remote destinations or within your hometowns & making the mundane seem interesting. You’d make a great writer of philosophical or esoterical fiction or analysis.
· Capricorn in the 5th house (Virgo rising): usually great at forms of art that demand focus and discipline. you're the type of person that can master more than one classical instrument if you were to put your heart into it. You would enjoy collecting antiques as a hobby, & have potential to be an eloquent & articulate speaker & writer.
· Aquarius in the 5th house (Libra rising): terrific at advocating for social change & making unheard voices feel heard through artistic or creative expression, and creating experimental or avant-garde works. Potential great musicians. The type of person who can turn even the blandest looking items into something uniquely gorgeous.
· Pisces in the 5th house (Scorpio rising): you have an innate versatile talent at anything creative as you’re capable of creating immersive artistic experiences that can even cloud the senses. Potential talent for dancing, occult or spiritual pursuits and intuitive painting as well. Would definitely enjoy swimming & marine life exploration.
P.S : one configuration cannot describe your entire experience. you may not relate to certain points, as you have had life experiences that shaped you and an entire chart consisting of inextricable elements that need one another to make sense.
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astrobaeza · 8 months
unconventional and inescapable fame indicators in the birth chart pt. 1🌟
some people want to be famous -- and that's okay! But for other's, it is their destiny. Meaning, yes, their purpose in this lifetime is to be seen, adored, and renowned (good and bad). Astrology can help you identify how or when you might become famous and maybe even if you are meant to be.
(personal planets = Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury)
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29° on a planet or house
An anaretic Leo degree, this is found in the charts of not only individuals who are destined for fame, but fame that is powerful, eternal, and historical. This is the type of fame where they most likely always knew they were going to be somebody because --more often times than not --- this degree ensures you are. Ultimately, this is a karmic degree as fame is a karmic lesson. With this degree, it is imperative to remain humble and not let your power change you -- as famous as you can be is as infamous as you can become.
Donald Trump and Drake have a Leo Ascendant at 29°(both are globally known)
Jordan Peele has his 10th H at 29° Aquarius and he has gained a long term reputation for his innovative work as a director of films like Get Out
Rapper Central Cee has his 9th House in 29° Aries and has gained extreme social media fame.
2. North Node in the 5th and 11th H
The houses of creativity, entertainment, and art and the house of groups, networks, and friendships. Having this fated point in either of these houses can indicate someone who can be extremely influential through their creations, work, or anything made or presented by them (sometimes even themselves).
Ariana Grande does not have any traditional fame placements, yet has her NN in her 11th House and is one of the biggest pop stars in the world. She has amassed a large following of people and will continue to do so.
3. 12th House Placements / Stellium
To have a 12th house stellium is to be capable of a different kind of fame. This is the fame that is not just visible, but the most influential and impactful I believe. The 12th house rules the subconscious, all things hidden, the collective as a whole. It is to reach people on a level that is not visible -- to influence masses as a whole. It is being able to reach people on a subconscious level, and understand and touch mankind due to this spiritual magnitude. This is superstar power. Think Beyoncé, Doja Cat, The Weeknd, Justin Bieber. Love them or hate them, their fame is more than just being known. They are icons of our generation, LEGENDS in the making. Their work, them as people, their media presence is unforgettable and irreplaceable.
4. 28° on a planet or house
The notorious "millionaire degree". This is also the "household name degree" and sure enough, this degree is found in the charts of people who are not only influential but unique in their influence. "One-of-a-kind" energy. To have this degree in your chart is to always be remembered for something, even if you are no longer famous. It is for your name and YOU to be known in a unique way on a medium or high-scale level.
Kim Kardashian has her Sun, moon and Jupiter at 28° and she is indeed a household name in media.
Ice Spice has her Mars at 28° and she is on her way to becoming a household name in the music industry.
5. 9th House Stellium + the above degrees on this house
The ninth house governs higher education, philosophy but also the media. With a stellium in this house, there is a concentration of energy on these matters. This can result in being social media famous, or famous in the media as a whole or through use of media.
Rapper Diddy has his Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in his 9th house and he is definitely a legend (again, love him or hate him).
Leonardo DiCaprio has his Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Uranus in his ninth house and he is an icon in the movie industry.
Ultimately, these are a few of the more unconventional or specific indicators of fame. And ultimately it is up to the individual to utilize their potential. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stay tuned for part 2!
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the triple goddess in astrology
the triple goddess is represented by 3 archetypes in 1 to describe the multi-layered experience of the divine feminine. they are the maiden, the mother, and the crone.
the maiden: venus
the maiden is the archetype of the young woman who is grounded in her identity, her sexuality, her gifts, her desires, and her standards. she's confident in herself and what she wants, allowing her to cultivate meaningful connections that elevate her on this soul journey. she recognizes that this is her world and you are just living in it. the sign of your venus tells you how you are meant to embody this maiden innerG.
☾⋆。 for example, a virgo venus is meant to embody her maiden energy through being of service to herself and others with integrity. this means that she doesn't let people take advantage of her and she doesn't do shit for people with manipulative intentions. she only allows what serves her highest good into her life, from what she eats to the environments that she takes space in, because when she focuses and allows only what serves her, she is also of service to The Most High.
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the mother: moon
the mother is the archetype of the woman who gives birth to her creations + nurtures them so that they can grow to sustain life on their own. this is deeper than just having kids —this applies to all creations which once started off as a desire. she is an effective nurturer because she recognizes the importance of taking care of herself first. she uses her heart space to heal her wounds through compassion + forgiveness and in turn cultivates a loving community through the love that she fosters. her first home is herself and her life is a desired reflection of everything she already holds within her. the sign of your moon tells you how you are meant to embody your inner mother innerG.
☾⋆。 for example, a capricorn moon is meant to embody their mother innerG by reconciling the energy connected to family trauma (especially their parental relationships) and not letting their childhood traumas + resentment bleed into the way that they care for themselves and others. she doesn't add unnecessary pressure to herself and shows grace to self + others. she leads by not being too hard on herself and those that look up to her and depend on her. she trusts herself to lean into her femininity + allows others to support her instead of always being the one that others are always relying on.
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the crone: saturn
the crone archetype is the wise, older woman who is a pillar in the community, being able to provide support and insight for others due to the hardships + lessons that she experienced. people look up to her as an authority figure because she has the wisdom to guide others in the right direction. she isn't distracted by what's going on in the world + uses her time wisely because she's aware that she won't be here forever. she doesn't entertain bullshit and while others may call her mean, she stands firm on her boundaries. this is that grandmotherly innerG that is very supportive + protective of our highest good by holding us accountable. the sign of your saturn is meant to show you how to embody your inner crone.
☾⋆。 for example, a cancer saturn is meant to embody their crone by holding herself emotionally accountable to cultivate healthy connections with others. she is aware of the "generational curses" that she has karmically acquired though the bloodline and doesn't play the blame game, recognizing that it is her duty to break those curses so that those same karmic patterns aren't played out in her connections and the family that she has/will create for herself one day. she is aware of the complexity of humans + their emotions and is able to teach + heal others through her own experiences with family + other loved ones that are or were once near and dear to the heart.
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the-moon-devi · 8 months
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Erda (894) ~ Past life recollection, South node energy, the ability to see into the past. This asteroid is similar to Urda (167).
Circe (34) ~ Your magickal gifts, Where/How you isolate yourself to practice your craft. Your striking, and special qaulities. (This can show working with plants, and herbs!; I have this in my 12H, and it sits to close to my ASC.)
Magion (2696) ~ The Magician/ Mystic; One who knows how to work with magic. Depending of the sign can show what type of magic you're skilled in. For those of you who practice any kind of magic consistently, I recommend checking the Persona Chart for this asteroid!
Celestia (10) ~ Heavenly one, connection to the cosmos / most high. Angel energy, and may have the gift of divine insight, and cosmic downloads. Keeper of cosmic wisdom. This asteroid somewhat reminds of the asteroid Akasha (5881).
Merlin (2598) ~ The Echantress/ Magician; Occcult Wisdom, Warrior energy, alchemy, majestic energies
Hypnos (14827) ~ The gift of dream sight, prophetic messages through dreams, the ability to Astral project. Dream magic/ Astral projection may be a very strong gift for you. If you have this in the 1st house please protect your energy. Most of the time these natives have very strong dreams. (I have this in my 1st house, and my dreams have always been very intense, and prophetic.)
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Cassandra (114) ~ The Seer; This asteroid represents intuitive abilities, and the gift of foresight. The saying for this asteroid is literally, "The one who goes unheard". Cassandra was a Greek priestess who worked under the God "Apollo". She had the ability to provide prophetic messages. This was very useful in Greek history. If you have this in the 1st or 10th house this could manifest as you having very strong and potent prophetic abilities but people may not believe you until it happens.
Telephus (5264) ~ Telepathy, the gift to connect to others minds, and break into the subconscious or conscious mind of others. The ability to know what others are thinking. Gifts with telekinesis. This can be a very great gift to have!
Anubis (1912)~ Necromancer, this reminds me of the death card. The gift of possessing very ancient knowledge of alchemy, you could easily work with chaos or dark energy. Transmuter energy.
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Pythia (432) ~ Oracle of Delphi; The Oracle/ High Priestess "one who can channel the word of god" The messenger. Divination, prophecy, & magic.
Medea (212) ~ The princess, The wise one; one who can work with herbs, holistic healing.(I've first hand seen a very powerful herbalist with this in their 10H! It was in pisces btw!/ conjunct their North Node!)
Deucalion (53311) ~ Divine Intervention, death, The passage of renewal, magic, manifestation.
Aesculapia (1027) ~ The Shaman, The Healers Journey; Herbs, healing, restoration, health, mystical, holistic healing, Naturalness.
Kaali (4227) ~ The Dark Mother; Kundalini Energy, The Cosmic Mother, One who see's all. Tantric and taboo energy, the height of transmutation energy, "The Left Hand Path", enchanting and creation energy (Love this asteroid so much, Kaali was one of the first dieties to reach put to me, and I have this ☌ my North Node!)
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Asteria (658) ~ Magick, Oracles of the Night, Stars, Practicioners, starseeds, vivid dreams, astrology, prophecy, dream Magick.
Sibyl (168) ~ A Woman Who Has The Gift Of Foresight; prophetess, witches, messengers of the gods. Oracles, divine messages, foretelling.
Hekate (100) ~ The Triple Goddess; dreams, cancerian energy, moon, ghost, keys, opening new doors, mediumship, Magick, dark goddess, the dark mother.
Black Moon Lilith (H21) ~ Magical, Dark Magick, chaos Magick, sex and tantric Magick, hypnotic energy, psychicism, shamanism.
Hades (h41) ~ The occult, darker magic, banishment Magick, the ability to transmute negative energy, karma.
Urania (30) ~ Astrology, muse of the stars, astronomy
(I have this is in my 10th/ ☌ Mc, and ⚹ ♆ 🤭)
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If you guys enjoyed this, Lmk if you want to see a Part 2! Happy Spooky Szn! 🔮🪄 Til' next time....𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝔁𝔁
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eamour · 9 months
goddard · glossary
if you are currently reading neville goddard‘s books or listening to his lectures, you might encounter terminology that can be a bit confusing or irritating at first. with this glossary, i want to help you to understand what neville is actually trying to convey!
phrases listed from a to z
as within, so without﹕nothing comes from without meaning all manifestations of you come from within aka from your subconscious
assumptions harden into fact · an assumption, though false, if persisted in, will become factual and materialise aka appear in your physical world
buying the pearl of great price﹕this pearl is your imagination and buying it means to sell beliefs that we think are powers to guide our life aka astrology, tarot, religion, and so on
consciousness is the only reality﹕things can only exist within your consciousness
consciousness is the way or door through which things appear﹕I AM or the awareness of being is the only reality
creation is finished and everything exists﹕there are infinite states and combinations of states (a state also being a reality) into which you can fall (that already exist)
everyone is you pushed out﹕the world reflects your inner beliefs and the people around you are only messengers telling you who you are
feeling is the secret﹕the feeling of knowing is the secret — the only thing you need to do — in order to manifest whatever you want
imagination creates reality﹕whatever you assume and accept to be true in your imagination determines your physical reality, the 3D
no one to change but self﹕you need to only change yourself (your thoughts and therefore your awareness) in order to see changes in the physical world
rising in consciousness to the naturalness of being the thing desired﹕you will draw your manifestation onto you once you start to feel natural about your desire and having it
self must be expressed﹕the state you occupy reflects your concept of self and has to be physically mirrored
serving two masters﹕occupying two states of consciousness that are oppositional
shutting the door﹕shutting out what i am now aware of being (and claiming myself to be that which i desire to be)
the conceiver is ever greater than his conceptions yet ever remains one with his conception﹕the power (you) conceiving and the thing conceived (the things you have manifested) are one but the power to conceive (the power to create) is greater than the conception (creation)
the signs always follow, they never precede﹕things have no reality other than in consciousness. therefore, if you become conscious of something first, the thing is compelled to appear
the world is a mirror﹕the world is forever reflecting what you are doing within your imagination
thinking from the end﹕unification or fusion with your desire as you think from having it; claiming your desire in your imagination
thinking of the end﹕separation from your desire as you only think of it; daydreaming about your desire
to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled﹕assuming to be or have the thing desired and knowing that it‘s yours
to die in one state and to live in the other﹕leaving the old, undesired state of consciousness and embodying a new, desired state of consciousness
to put new wine in old bottles or new patches upon old garments﹕taking with you into the new consciousness any part of the old man aka old beliefs
with love, ella.
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astroeleanor · 20 days
𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡Zodiac Signs Who Radiate Divine Feminine Energy 𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡
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What is Divine Feminine Energy?
At the heart of divine feminine energy is the capacity to nurture and care for others. This quality shines through acts of kindness, empathy, and support. It involves creating a safe and loving environment where growth and healing can flourish. Most importantly, divine feminine energy brings healing, both physically and emotionally.
A key characteristic of divine feminine energy is emotional depth—the ability to embrace sensitivity and process emotions, leading to deeper connections and understanding in relationships. Instead of pushing forward aggressively, this energy emphasizes stillness, receptivity, and going with the flow. It involves being open to receive and allowing things to unfold naturally, especially by following nature’s cycles. There is a strong connection between divine feminine energy and the natural world. This energy aligns with the cycles of nature, such as the lunar phases, seasons, and the processes of birth, growth, and renewal. It recognizes and honors the interconnectedness of all life.
Divine feminine energy is also a wellspring of creativity and artistic expression. It inspires new ideas and innovations by valuing the arts, beauty, and the creation of aesthetically pleasing environments. Prioritizing cooperation over competition, divine feminine energy values collaboration and the building of community. It seeks to create harmonious relationships and spaces where everyone feels valued and included.
Throughout history and across cultures, divine feminine energy has been represented by various goddesses, deities, and mythological figures. Examples include goddesses like Gaia, Demeter, and Aphrodite in Greek mythology. These figures perfectly embody the essence of divine feminine energy.
*Divine feminine energy transcends gender and can be expressed by anyone.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ The Divine Feminine Zodiac Signs in Astrology ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
(Apply to the Feminine Planets VENUS & MOON, plus Rising Sign)
Cancer, ruled by the Moon, possesses a deep emotional understanding which aligns with the divine feminine’s ability to feel deeply and intuitively grasp others' emotional states. Offering support and empathy, not only reflects the divine feminine’s nurturing side, but it also emphasizes the role of Cancer as the archetypal mother, who provides unconditional love and care. This nurturing quality is central to divine feminine energy, which supports and sustains life.
The Moon’s rulership over Cancer also highlights this zodiac sign’s connection to lunar cycles, which influence emotions and life rhythms. This is highly important when taking into consideration the divine feminine’s alignment with nature and its phases of growth, rest and renewal.
The Pisces archetype is deeply connected to divine feminine energy, which includes qualities like compassion, intuition, and a sense of interconnectedness. As a Jupiter-ruled water sign, Pisces can deeply understand and connect with others’ feelings, providing nurturing and facilitating emotional healing for the people around them.
Pisces is also known for its strong intuition (water) and spiritual depth (Jupiter). This allows them to perceive truths beyond the physical world, aligning with the divine feminine's emphasis on inner wisdom and spiritual awareness.
Divine feminine energy honors the interconnectedness of life, which can be seen through the Pisces archetype. Pisces ha s a strong sense of universal love, it can see beyond individual differences, emphasizing cooperation and compassion.
Taurus, as an earth sign, symbolizes groundedness and a strong connection to the physical world. Taurus is like a strong tree that stands firm even in strong winds, embodying the divine feminine's role as a provider and sustainer of life. Much like Mother Earth provides us with food and shelter, Taurus brings stability, security and reliability.
Additionally, Taurus’ connection to the earth element, includes an awareness of natural cycles, like the changing seasons and the phases of the moon. This reflects the divine feminine’s ability to live in harmony with nature and respect its rhythms, ensuring you live in sync with the world around you. It’s also worth mentioning that Venus’ rulership over Taurus reflects its connection to art, creativity, and the ability to create beauty in everyday life. just like divine feminine’s capacity for creation and innovation.
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yoga-onion · 4 months
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (5)
Wuxing – the connections between the Five Dragon Kings (Ref) and the Five Elements philosophy 
To better understand the origins of the Five Dragon Kings and the ancient Chinese legend, it is worth mentioning the wuxing of natural philosophy, which states that all things are composed of five elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth.
The underlying idea is that the five elements 'influence each other, and that through their birth and death, heaven and earth change and circulate'.  
The five elements are described as followed:
Wood/Spring: a period of growth, which generates abundant vitality, movement and wind.
Fire/Summer: a period of swelling, flowering, expanding with heat.
Earth is associated with ripening of grains in the yellow fields of late summer.
Metal/Autumn: a period of harvesting, collecting and dryness.
Water/Winter: a period of retreat, stillness, contracting and coolness.
The wuxing system, in use since the Han dynasty (2nd century BCE), appears in many seemingly disparate fields of early Chinese thought, including music, feng shui, alchemy, astrology, martial arts, military strategy, I Ching divination, and traditional medicine, serving as a metaphysics based on cosmic analogy.
The wuxing originally referred to the five major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus), which were thought of as the five forces that create life on earth. Wu Xing litterally means moving star and describes the five types of Qi (all the vital substances) cycles through various stages of transformation. As yin and yang continuously adjust to one another and transform into one another in a never-ending dance of harmony, they tend to do so in a predictable pattern.
The lists of correlations for the five elements are diverse, but there are two cycles explaining the major interaction. The yin-yang interaction, which by increasing or decreasing the qualities and functions associated with a particular phase, it may either nourish a phase that is in deficiency or drain a phase that is in excess or restrain a phase that is exerting too much influence (see below):
The Creation Cycle (Yang)
Wood feeds Fire
Fire creates Earth (ash)
Earth bears Metal
Metal collects Water
Water nourishes Wood
The Destruction Cycle (Yin)
Wood parts Earth 
Earth dams (or absorbs) Water
Water extinguishes Fire
Fire melts Metal
Metal chops Wood
The Huainanzi (2nd BCE) describes the five colored dragons (azure/green, red, white, black, yellow) and their associations (Chapter 4: Terrestrial Forms), as well as the placement of sacred beasts in the five directions (the Four Symbols beasts, dragon, tiger, bird, tortoise in the four cardinal directions and the yellow dragon.
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ヒト型爬虫類 (5)
ここで、五方龍王の起源、そして古代中国の伝説をよく理解するために、万物は火・水・木・金・土の5種類の元素からなる、という自然哲学の五行思想について触れておきましょう。 5種類の元素は「互いに影響を与え合い、その生滅盛衰によって天地万物が変化し、循環する」という考えが根底に存在する。 
水は、冬の雪に覆われた暗い大地の中に潜む新しい生命の可能性と静寂の時期。 漢の時代 (紀元前2世紀頃) から使用されてきた五行説は、音楽、風水、錬金術、占星術、武術、軍事戦略、易経、伝統医学など、中国初期の思想の一見バラバラに見える多くの分野に登場し、宇宙の類推に基づく形而上学として機能している。 
五行の相関関係は多様だが、主要な相互作用を説明する2つのサイクルがある。陰陽の相互作用は、特定の相に関連する資質や機能を増減させることで、不足している相に栄養を与えたり、過剰な相を排出したり、影響力を及ぼしすぎている相を抑制したりする (以下参照):
火が土 (灰) をつくる
『淮南子』(紀元前2世紀)には、五色の龍(紺碧・緑、赤、白、黒、黄)とその関連性 (第4章: 地の形)、五方位への聖獣の配置(四枢の四象徴獣、龍、虎、鳥、亀、黄龍)が記述されている。
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
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Aries Placements - Have the ability to drive anything into fruition. They can have a goal and see the plan through with an interesting amount of imagination and practicality in place. These aren't the type to sit down and 'wait' for things to come to them, they will simply be stubborn enough to do it themselves. Everything may not have gone as planned on the first go, but with time and stability they will come out greater and gain a sense of self-mastery in their craft.
Venus Placements - People with venusian aspects like sun/moon/rising have a gift that contains a higher amount of charm then most. These individuals can utilize their personalities in a way that will get them favored. Like their gemini friends, they can be a lil tricky to figure out. It is because they are able to use their beauty as a shield (as well as an illusion) to get what they want in life. It is only when they are self aware of this gift, they can use it to get whatever it is they desire.
Neptunian Placements - Neptunians have a gift in being the muse of creation. They are splendid in their craft of creating safe spaces for their imagination to dwell in. Whether its through art, fashion or just simply existing, like their aquarian buddies they have this gift of connecting to the stars way before everyone can catch up. They can come off a bit crazy to others, but in hindsight they are deeply aware of self and have a mass amount of empathy that allows them to read reality the way it is, and share that insight with the rest of the world.
Pluto Placements - Plutonians can undergo a lot of stress when they allow things to fester without bringing attention to the matter. These are the individuals to suffer in silence and by not saying a word they can cut out any forms of emotional support if they are not aware of themselves to escape the astro-cities that can sometimes be the danger of their own mind. (Moon/Pluto Placements - Outlets for your emotional expression is a necessity.) When there is no guidance for your emotions to thrive you will end up rageful and continuing to feel the lesser dense emotions hiding in your body. It will eventually way on you and it'll take a toll on your spirit. The power beneath this placement is to hold on tightly to that powerful entity you know is divine no matter what they tell you.
Plutonian Individuals may find themselves in the arms of people who are testifying their gifts right in front of you. Some wish to belittle and do harm to you because in the mirror they do not see the same light or dark power that you continue to see in yourself. So these people will always try to bite you to get a piece of it themselves, but in the end it never turns out the way they think. It turns sour.
Sun Placements - So I noticed the more sun placements an individual has, the more difficult this energy can be to surrender to. A person with sun/neptune may have a difficulty with expressing their empathic nature because the world isn't connected to their astral body like they are. When they express themselves, its like their connecting to their soul that feels out of the human experience. They have a different connection to the world then most, so they'll be often misunderstood. But in general, sun placements can feel a bit off in society because the world is always saying their cocky or arrogant when really they are free of the world and its restraints. Sun placements (no matter how big or small the aspect) have to deal with a lot of people taking themselves for granted. When they are sent to be a light, others are horrified by their shadows being shined on (sun/pluto). The more placements (especially conjunctions you have) the more you'll be tempted to stop the light since others will attempt to bring you down with them. It's a path that builds for a leader to take ship, not to dim down.
Uranian Placements - Ahead of their time but mostly because the world isn't ready for change. When these individuals get a hand on how society operates, they become powerhouses who are the tyrants ready for newness.These brainiacs are capable of being connected to the cosmos where receiving divine information on how to move and where to go gives them great benefit. They only thing I can say to them is, you have to be mindful of the company you keep. Because not everyone can see the vision. Do not allow any and everybody to take up space for whatever it is you claim as yours. Just because THEY can't see it doesn't mean its not real. Again, the things you see come through in your mind is a gift that the cosmic connections of space gave to you. You know the true concept of time more than anyone else, and with that you are able to gather up the right information, make your abilities/skills stronger than ever and than boom. The big bang. It all works in the end, dont force yourself to know everything. Just focus on the stars.
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astrofutureguy · 1 month
Aries: Testing with their body and gaining strength and superiority.
Leo: Proving their value and showcasing their talents.
Sagittarius: Improving and expanding their individuality.
Taurus: Stabilizing life through wealth, sustenance, and security.
Virgo: Embellishing resources by sharing, helping, and exemplifying.
Capricorn: Creation of new resources through patience and productivity.
Gemini: Honing through information to get more of their desires fulfilled.
Libra: Initiating relationships to find more networks and opportunities that deliver satisfaction.
Aquarius: Making innovation and growth the key to offer a pleasant experience for the masses.
Cancer: Learning newer ways to express and affirm emotions without restraint.
Scorpio: Protecting vulnerability and regulating emotions to gain power and dominance.
Pisces: Understanding and beautifying the unexplored to transcend the mundane.
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bessiejoan · 7 months
Astrology: Venus and pleasure
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When we struggle with or disconnect from Venus, we are not able to enjoy and find pleasure. When Venus is operating in its integrity, this is some of what we experience:
Venus Aries/Mars - ability to enjoy hard, physical work or exercise. They enjoy independence and getting something done. They find excitement and challenges pleasurable.
Venus Taurus - the ability to derive and create pleasure through food, cooking, decor, and objects. Extra sensitive to textures. The ability to make the environment multi-sensory. Venus finds beauty in the act of creation.
Venus Gemini/Mercury - the ability to enjoy poetry, writing, art, and music. They find conversations pleasurable and can be fun for others to talk to.
Venus Caner/Moon - the ability to find enjoyment in their mum or motherhood. They feel the joy of being safe at home. They are extra sensitive to softness. At their best, they find listening to and following their intuition pleasurable.
Venus Leo/Sun - the ability to love the limelight and being the centre of attention. The way others love them can also bring them extra attention in public. They are proud of what they love.
Venus Virgo - they can find enjoyment in looking after themselves and others. They find pleasure is experiencing their health improve. They find pleasure in order and symmetry.
Venus Libra - the ability to find pleasure in shared experiences, in communicating with another, and in an exchange of love. They find joy in justice prevailing and equality. The ability to find beauty in others to equal degree in which they find it in themselves. Relationships are an art form that they continue to learn from.
Venus Scorpio/Pluto - ability to enjoy pain, control, money, hurt. Satisfaction from total dedication and loyalty. At their best, they can find pleasure in transformation and rawness.
Venus Sagittarius/Jupiter - ability to enjoy learning and teaching others. Venus well aspected and appropriately used is moral and honest. When venus operates truthfully here, it is humble because it loves its teachers. The ability to have fun at parties and events.
Venus in Capricorn/Saturn - the ability to find pleasure in hard work, control, and leadership positions. The ability to enjoy the slow process. At their best, being respected and respecting others is pleasure.
Venus in Aquarius/Uranus - the ability to enjoy destruction and change. They find beauty in rebels, punks, and outsiders. They find joy in breaking social norms and shocking conservatives.
Venus in Pisces/Neptune - the ability to find pleasure in drugs and alcohol. When Venus is well aspected here and operating well, it does not need to go to excess. Rather, it can experience intense pleasure through smaller amounts of drugs and alcohol. It is also the ability to find pleasure in spirituality. They find beauty in the mystic and magical. Venus finds limininal places pleasurable.
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venussaidso · 9 months
Rahu Dominant Themes — 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 (part 2 of) 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟕
warning ⚠️: suicide, death, movie spoilers!
All the Rahu nakshatras are ruled by deities related to the weather. Rudra (Ardra), being god of roaring storms. Vayu (Swati), being god of wind. Varuna (Shatabhisha), being god of the seas & sky. This validating the volatile nature of these nakshatras, explaining why they get a reputation of being unstable and emotional in tropical astrology being cast as water signs.
The story of Vayu's son being struck by Indra's weapon and Vayu wishing to cause harm to all his subjects shows the intensity of Swati. Lord Vayu lives inside all creatures. So when his son was severely injured, his rage grew as no one batted an eye, his fury making all worlds start to feel like hell. Creating unhappiness in all lives. Even the gods were miserable, constantly hoping for some sliver of contentment back. Swati is where desire is born from a state of misery and lack. Vayu's rage translated in everybody's affliction. Their punishment being in a cycle of desiring and suffering. Being that Rahu is constantly dissatisfied, chasing things he might never attain, or attaining desired things which never fulfill the heart, we see how it's perfectly expressed with Vayu through Swati. And Vayu himself, representing the rage of injustice in the world and causing obstruction through Swati as I briefly touched on in the first post.
About justice and morality, which I see in the other nakshatras. In relation to Rudra's story: Lord Brahma, the Creator of all creations, was harassing his own daughter (who he created directly from his semen), Saraswati, continuously pushing his sexual advances on her even as she ran away. He sprouted five heads in search for her when she disappeared from his sight. And immediately, Lord Rudra cut off the root of his heads. He condemned him for his incestuous actions and decided that there will be no proper way for anyone to worship him as he is unholy. Brahma was ostracized. Ever since that incident, Brahma has been reciting the four Vedas as a way to repent. Rudra being righteous in the story, cutting what is so clearly wrong and sinful. From that, we can see how this manifests through Ardra as I touched on in the first post.
Then Lord Varuna, ruling over Shatabhisha, is the guardian of moral law. He punishes sinners by binding them with his famous noose which is in the form of a snake. His name can be derived from the Sanskrit root which means 'to surround' or 'to bind'. This referencing the rivers and ocean surrounding the world which are ruled by him and him binding sinners in justice. Varuna plays a crucial role in framing your principles, values and beliefs & religiously operating from them.
Despite these deities literally being deities and natives with these nakshatras just being human, we can still see how there can be righteousness expressed through them in many ways. And fighting/advocating for what's right in a sinful society. A lot of advocates I found have other recurring nakshatras such as Uttara/Purva Ashada, Uttara/Purva Bhadrapada, Revati, Hasta, and Ketu nakshatras. And among the list are also Rahu nakshatras or Rahu influence.
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Some examples above of important activist figures who fought societal inequities and inhuman laws in history with Rahu nakshatra/prominent Rahu influence.
Endless desire being birthed from dissatisfaction is a theme also found in Ardra. And that is because of Rudra. Rudra was created from between Brahma's eyebrows as a result of his anger which was triggered by his ignorant passion. The Bhagavad-gītā scriptures describe the essence of Rudra in such a way: Krodha (fury/rage) is the product of kāma (desire/lust), which is the result of ignorant and egocentric passion. It is when the desiring is unsatisfied that rage is born. This causes one to become enslaved by their senses, the material world, and their desires. Such themes manifest through Ardra, which forms a powerful axis with Mula. Mula which kills all desire and ego as it recognizes it as the root of all evil. Mula, who is ruled by the deity Nirrti, who is also known as the ferocious Goddess Kali - slayer of men! Kali grants liberation by removing the illusion of the ego. Emphasizing that we are the eternal I AM and not the body. Goddess Kali is a manifestation of Rudra/Shiva. Though, they oppose one another. Both being ferocious, they are still at two opposite ends of the spectrum. Rudra's rage being driven by desire and the ignorant ego, Kali's rage destroying desire and ego. The two deities ruling the two nakshatras which are at opposite axis of each other, being perfectly paired with the representative shadow planets Rahu and Ketu, which is so fitting.
The most perfect media story that represent these respective energies is the Turkish drama called Aşk-ı Memnu. In which the female lead is played by a Mula Moon and the male lead is played by an Ardra Moon (with a Swati Sun). And the Latin telenovela version of it, Pasión Prohibida, in which the female lead is also played by Mula Moon and the male lead is played by an Ardra Moon again!
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The male character in this forbidden love story starts to lust after his uncle's newly wife and eventually she ends up desiring him as well. They both give into their desire and start to have a secret affair which leads to them falling for each other. Their sinful/lustful relationship leads them to misery. The male character, being Ardra, ends up feeling wrongful and rejects her when she proposes them to run away together. She even plans on divorcing his uncle in order to be with him, but now he's choosing to run on a false/illusory moral compass "doing the right thing" (yet he's still hiding the truth from his uncle). Her, being Mula, acknowledges they're in love and is willing to expose everything for them to be together (Ketu being unrealistic and irrational). She realizes her attempts at convincing him are futile, and she ends up killing herself on the day of his wedding to another woman and their affair gets exposed to everyone. She did this knowing it will bring him his very own death. He dies too, figuratively. On the finale, both soap operas show how he is left with absolutely nothing in the world. This being the works of Kali through Mula, killing him and draining him of everything. Because it all started with the Ardra character, he initiated the affair and pushed his lustful advances on her. Rudra, desiring and lusting, only creating his own downfall. So perfectly shown in these soap operas.
Now, Rudra can be the destroyer of desires as well. As he creates misery, he can destroy it. He is the Destroyer, and he acts as a healer. Rudra literally means "one who destroys all problems from their roots", which emphasizes the power of self-liberation. Emphasizing the self-power Rudra holds! And just like Vayu was the bringer of unhappiness, he is also the ones who breathes life and happiness into all living things as well. This shows the dualistic nature in Swati and Ardra, and the power these nakshatras holds.
There seems to be an understanding in self-creation and manifestation in all three of the nakshatras. Vayu is the breather of life and happiness, but also the bringer of misery and death. Rudra is the creator and destroyer of illusions. Varuna being the king of the universe. It's very interesting to find manifestation themes in films that have some Rahu and Rahu nakshatras roles playing around them. Such as the film 13 Going On 30.
13-year-old Jenna, played by Christa B. Allen who has Moon conjunct Rahu, wishes on her birthday to be a successful, beautiful, charismatic 30-year-old version of herself.
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And her wish comes true as she wakes up as her desired version, played by Ardra Ascendent Jennifer Garner.
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And the film 16 Wishes directed by Swati Sun, Peter DeLuise. A teenage girl has created a list of things she wishes to happen on her 16th birthday and everything manifests exactly the way she wanted.
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Both stories show the dissatisfaction experienced by the main characters with their manifested desires, which perfectly shows the nature of Rahu. After getting everything they wished for, they still want to go back to the way things used to be before.
Interestingly, the theme of 'trapped in a movie' is something that I found related with Rahu influence. For example, the film The Final Girls is about a young girl, who just lost her mom, getting teleported into a movie starring her mother. The actress playing the young girl is Taissa Farmiga, who has her Moon Rashi Lord in Swati and her Atmakaraka planet in Shatabhisha. And the film is made by Todd Strauss-Schulson who is an Ardra Sun and Swati Moon.
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Also, The Truman Show, starring Swati ASC Jim Carrey, who plays a insurance salesman who is oblivious to the fact that his entire life is a TV show watched by the entire world, that everybody around him is an actor — everything around him is a fake simulation.
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Then, there these two kdramas, titled "W" and "Extraordinary You". In W, a young woman teleports into a famous web comicbook which was written by her father and meets the main character whom she falls in love with, later realizing that she was the one who created him from a childhood drawing (which her father took inspiration from). He comes to the truth of his nature as a 2D-character and decides to take control of his own destiny from the writer. He is played by Lee Jong-Suk, who is a Shatabhisha Moon. And his love interest who indirectly created him is played by Han Hyo-Joo who is a Shatabhisha Sun.
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Then, in Extraordinary You, a high school student realizes on her own that her reality is not real. And she then discovers that she is not only in a comicbook, but she is a background character in which her doomed destiny is decided by the writer. She attempts to change that, wanting to fulfill her desires (Rahu) and dreams of love. She is played by Kim Hye-yoon, who is a Swati Moon. And another character who comes to the realization of the unreality of things (and that he never had a choice in his identity) is played by Lee Jae-wook, who is also a Swati Moon.
Rahu is very much material-world-based, as everything that drives it is purely based on ego and all things of the five senses. It's outwardly chasing, engaging with the world purely on changing it, and attaining desires. Rahu represents the modern-world. Hustle culture, hook-up culture, productivity, transactional relationships, to-do lists, politics, activism etc. All these things that are a part of the human ego's world. It feels real because it's all happening to your ego. But Ketu kills the ego, thus killing the illusions (the world surrounding the ego), and Rahu drives the ego, thus upholding the illusion around it. I mention this very obvious observation as a way to connect all the mentioned films above.
Although it'd be very fitting for Ketu to be the one who awakens you first from the illusions, it is actually Rahu. The films 13 Going On 30 and 16 Wishes showcasing one's attainment of their desires being very unfulfilling and even wanting things to go back to normal - thus appreciating the things you took for granted. It could even go so far as to deciding to walk a spiritual path from all the resulted emptiness from material things. Then that's where Ketu 'welcomes' you.
The very unreality of the world we live in is incredibly Rahuvian, especially the discovery that you were 'never really human' but merely a character. This theme, from a Ketu perspective, suggests that you are Consciousness, and you fooled yourself into believing you were a mere human because of how the world (Rahu) appeared to be so real to your human mind. So "you got lost in the sauce". And the identity you think you are is as unreal as the world, it's all an illusion. Ketu challenges, "If not the body, if not the thoughts, if not the story you've been told, if not the emotions, who am I?" Rahu cannot answer. Rahu can only showcase the unreality of things, such as the Rahu-influenced kdramas I mentioned above; "W" and "Extraordinary You". It is Rahu that causes illusions, and waits for you to break the illusions.
One theme I found interesting and noteworthy which has Rahu/Ketu influence is body swapping. Popular films I found carrying this concept of people's 'souls' switching bodies have an underlying message of understanding someone else by literally walking in their shoes. And also valuing the life you had before, being grateful for what you took for granted, and having a better understanding of other people. The understanding that no one's life, no matter how flashy and stunning it seems, is really perfect or worthy to put on a pedestal. This understanding being mostly showcased in films such as 'The Change-Up' and 'Freaky Friday'.
In Change-Up, two best friends have polarizing lifestyles. One is a busy lawyer who is a responsible father and husband. And the other is an actor who is still a free, bachelor playboy. Both desire each other's lives and a body swap happens, which has them realizing how challenging it is to be each other. Now they want to revert back to their original lives, now valuing what they took for granted. It stars Ryan Reynolds, Swati Moon, and Jason Bateman who has Mars in Swati. In Freaky Friday, a mother and daughter who don't understand each other at all end up body swapping and they learn things they never knew from experiencing each other's lives, which heals their relationship. The film stars Lindsey Lohan who is an Ardra Sun and Jamie Lee Curtis who is Mula ASC.
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Then the two films you see on the left are about two pretty teenage girls swapping bodies with unattractive looking, greasy criminals (one a robber, another a murderer). Comedies showing how ludicrous it is for greasy looking, middle-aged, white men to have the soul of a teenage girl, though the movies do show the beautiful bond between friends who can recognize each other even if they were in another body. This likely playing into 7th house and 11th house themes as Hot Chick stars Swati/Libra natives, Rob Schneider & Rachel McAdams. And Freaky starring Shatabhisha/Aquarius natives, Vince Vaughen and Kathryn Newton. (As shown in the visual)
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Here are more examples of body swapping movies/tv shows shown above: "Alchemy of Souls (season one)", "Mr Queen", "It's A Boy Girl Thing", "Dating The Enemy", "Secret Garden".
Thank you so much for ending here! Now, onto preparing the next post like this about ketu 🫠 byeeeee.
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sensualnoiree · 3 months
astro notes: the sun 🌞
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The Sun represents the central principle of vital energy and conscious selfhood in the birth chart. Just as the Sun is the central entity in the solar system, it is also the central entity in the individual psyche reflected in the birth chart. Your Sun sign is considered the core of who you are in astrology. It represents your vitality, your sense of self, and your individuality. The Sun in your birth chart symbolizes your spirit, inspirations, motivations, personality, expressions, life force, and personal identity. The sign the Sun sits within on the day of your birth shows how this life force expresses itself in the world and what traits you are building throughout your life to feel and become more of yourself.
The Sun represents spiritual intelligence. Light is a symbol of intelligence or an awakening, and the Sun, as the supreme source of light in the human world, represents the highest form of intelligence, spiritual intelligence. The Sun symbolizes the Creator in various spiritual traditions, with prophets and messengers acting as mirrors, reflecting the sun's rays. This concept is central to progressive revelation, the belief that the universal God continually sends guidance to humanity through different prophets, all reflecting the same divine light.
In Japan, the Sun is revered as a goddess, the personification of the physical sun and the Ruler of Heaven. The Japanese Sun-goddess, Amaterasu, is considered the founder of Japan, and all emperors are known as "Sons of the Sun." In Shinto, the ancient religion of Japan, nature is worshipped, and the Sun plays a central role in rituals and customs. The Sun is seen as a source of physical stamina, business success, and protection from invasion.
In Christianity, the Sun has been used metaphorically to represent Christ. Christ is often referred to as the "Sun of Righteousness," and his birth was symbolically linked to the sun's creation in early Christian literature. The winter solstice, December 25, was chosen for Christmas because of its association with the invincible sun in pagan celebrations.
In ancient Greek art, the sun symbolized eternity and stability, despite the constant flux of time. The sun god Helios was worshipped in the Seleucid east, with bronze coins depicting a fusion of Helios and Apollo. The Vergina Sun, a rayed solar symbol, represented completeness and totality, symbolizing the 12 gods and the four elements.
In Native American traditions, the Sun is revered as a living being, connected to all aspects of nature. Native to the Americas understood themselves to be part of a larger interconnected web of life, where everything is sacred and connected. The Sun is viewed as essential for life, providing warmth, light, and energy to sustain all living beings.
The Sun holds immense significance across various cultures and spiritual traditions. It represents the core of who you are, your vitality, and your sense of self. Spiritually, it symbolizes the highest form of intelligence and the source of all light.
The Sun's symbolism reflects its universal importance as a life-giving force that sustains all living beings. Whether as a celestial body in astrology, a goddess in Japanese mythology, a metaphor for Christ in Christianity, or a symbol of stability in ancient Greek art, the Sun's significance transcends cultural boundaries, reminding us of our interconnectedness with the cosmos and the natural world.
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astrolovecosmos · 5 months
Zodiac Signs of Life, Death, Rebirth
Aries- Marks the beginning of spring, is known as the beginning, the spirit, newness, youth, being first. A sign associated with life, the start of life.
Taurus- Metaphorically the body that contains the spirit. Is connected to earth, nature, and creativity. A springtime sign that has connections to the growth and stability of life.
Leo- Associated with creation itself, royalty, the sun, sustaining fire or heat, creativity, is a summer sign when the world is buzzing with life.
Virgo- A sign that is lesser known with their association to life. Virgo is about life in use, metaphorically think of a garden or farm. Also, many astrologers connect Virgo back to goddesses of farming, life, and fertility such as Persephone, Demeter, Ceres, and Artemis.
Capricorn - The only sign I can think of that is associated with just death without the same connection to birth or rebirth. Scorpio may be dark, connected to destruction, and associated with death but also transformation and rebirth. Aquarius is associated with change and destruction but doesn’t have the same connections to life/death as other signs and doesn’t mark complete ends, grief, or melancholy like Capricorn does.
🌊 Signs are connected to both death and birth or rebirth through the element itself and many individual associations. Some quick examples:
Scorpio - An autumn sign marking the veil between life and death, Halloween themes, transformations, willpower.
Cancer- Marks the beginning of summer, nurturing, associated with children, motherhood, fertility, is connected to the ocean and the life and death of it, along with the 🌕
Pisces- Has strong spiritual ties to life and death, marks the flowing and fluidity of the self and life, is a winter sign but shows the flexibility and movement of water and how it can shape life.
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
Your Planet and Careers (Vedic Astrology)💼
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The 10th house in Vedic Astrology is known as the Karma Bhava. This celestial abode holds the key to one's career, profession, reputation, and public image. Now let's uncover the profound impact that planets residing in the 10th house can have on an individual's career path and their potential for success in the professional realm.
Sun (Surya)
When the Sun graces the 10th house, it signifies qualities of leadership, ambition, and a strong drive for success. Those with this placement may find success in government roles, politics, administration, management, or any field that demands authority and visibility.
Moon (Chandra)
The Moon in the 10th house suggests a career in nurturing, caregiving, or public service. Individuals with this placement may excel in professions like nursing, social work, psychology, or any occupation involving interaction with the public.
Mars (Mangala)
Mars in the 10th house indicates a competitive and determined nature, making individuals suitable for careers in sports, military, law enforcement, engineering, or entrepreneurship. They may thrive in dynamic environments that require quick action and initiative.
Mercury (Budha)
Individuals with Mercury in the 10th house possess strong communication skills, analytical abilities, and a flair for intellectual pursuits. This placement can lead to success in fields such as writing, journalism, teaching, public speaking, or any profession that involves critical thinking and problem-solving.
Jupiter (Guru)
Jupiter's presence in the 10th house is considered auspicious for career growth and success. Those with this placement may excel in areas like education, law, finance, spirituality, or advisory roles. They may also find success in positions of authority and leadership
Venus (Shukra)
Those with Venus in the 10th house may find themselves drawn to careers in the arts, fashion, or beauty industries. They could excel in fields like modeling, music, or event planning, showcasing their creativity and aesthetic sense.
Saturn (Shani)
Saturn in the 10th house signifies a strong work ethic and a disciplined approach to career goals. Individuals with this placement may thrive in professions that demand patience and long-term planning, such as engineering, government roles, or business management.
Rahu or Ketu (North Node / South Node)
When Rahu or Ketu are positioned in the 10th house, individuals may face unexpected twists and turns in their professional journey. They might need to navigate through unconventional career paths and industries, adapting to challenges and changes along the way.
it can bring a sense of unpredictability and sudden changes in one's career path. Individuals with this placement may have unconventional career choices and may find themselves drawn to unique or innovative fields. Rahu in the 10th house can indicate a strong desire for recognition, fame, and success, leading individuals towards careers in media, entertainment, technology, or research. However, it can also bring challenges related to deception, illusion, and unexpected twists in one's professional life.
You may find success in careers that involve innovation, technology, and creativity. Suitable career paths may include:
Technology: Fields such as IT, software development, cybersecurity, and digital marketing where creativity and innovation are valued.
Media and Entertainment: Careers in film, television, advertising, social media, or content creation that require a flair for creativity and a desire for recognition.
Entrepreneurship: Starting a business in a cutting-edge industry or launching a startup that offers innovative solutions to existing problems.
Research and Exploration: Pursuing a career in scientific research, space exploration, or cutting-edge technologies that push the boundaries of knowledge.
Occult Sciences: Delving into astrology, metaphysics, or other mystical practices that tap into hidden knowledge and unconventional wisdom.
Ketu [South Node]
Spiritual Guidance: Becoming a spiritual leader, counselor, or teacher who helps others on their spiritual journey and inner growth.
Alternative Healing: Practicing holistic therapies, energy healing, or alternative medicine to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Meditation and Yoga: Teaching meditation, yoga, mindfulness practices, or leading retreats that focus on inner peace and self-discovery.
Charity and Nonprofit Work: Engaging in humanitarian efforts, social work, or volunteering for causes that align with one's values and principles.
Psychology and Counseling: Pursuing a career in psychology, therapy, or counseling to support individuals in their emotional healing and personal growth.
Overall, the placement of Rahu or Ketu in the 10th house can bring both opportunities and challenges in one's career journey. By embracing the unique qualities and lessons associated with these lunar nodes, individuals can navigate their professional paths with resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to explore uncharted territories in pursuit of their true calling.
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be consider for Accurate Personalized Predictions.
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funky-astrologer · 9 months
Love & Marriage in Astrology 🌹
*Happy Libra season, and happy Autumn equinox, or Mabon to those who celebrate🥀🍁
Enjoy <3
Although love and marriage may seem different across a wide array of cultures and customs, astrology is a wonderful way to observe our experience with love.
Love is vast and expansive, and heartfelt. If you have Venus-Neptune aspects, you may feel this more deeply.
Love is deep, passionate and at times painful, for those with Venus-Pluto aspects.
Love is also wonderful and provides us with opportunity to experience the beauty in life and within ourselves, so says the Leo Venus.
Looking through the basic lens of astrology, love is ruled by Venus. However, there is a wide range of forms love can show up as.
So, what denotes love in astrology?
By observing one’s planets, houses, aspects and asteroids, love is revealed. In honor of Libra season, I think this is the perfect topic for us to delve into…
We spotlight with Venus here as the goddess and planet associated with love and romance,
in myth and astrology.
Venus denotes more than love though and provides us with our values.
The things we hold near and dear. This includes people, places and material things.
Venus is pleasure, joy, and heartfelt sincerity.
If you have Venus prominent, consider yourself on the romantic side of the spectrum and seek to delight in the experiences with those you love and care for.
Unite your values with those around you--become one if you must.
Where does your heart truly lie? Venus may reveal to you the answer.
7th house🌹
The 7th house is a house ruled by Venus and relates to the idea of commitment. This may be as deep as the bonds we form by contract--through union such as marriage. Or ones we form through mutual satisfaction. The 7th house is love, romantically and platonically.
Your 7th house reveals how you relate to others. The people you care for deeply, and those you don’t.
Are you diplomatic with others? Are you enticing? Are you provoking? The 7th house reveals this insight, and how to relate to others more harmoniously, in line with our values and in a manner which we deem as appropriate.
It is a shadow house, as it governs our open enemies and the qualities we don’t like in others.
And yet, everyone is a teacher, and those same qualities are within us.
What does the company you keep say about you?
Love & Marriage Asteroids🌹
Eros - Eroticism and passion, that which we crave and deeply desire. Eros drives sacred connection that leads to creation and fertility.
Psyche - The Greek word for “soul.” Love that fulfills us mind, body and spirit.
Juno - Ideal, true commitment and our approach it. Are we overjoyed at the notion?
Do we feel resistance to it? Is commitment traditional or unconventional?
Aphrodite - Aphrodite is the goddess of love itself, including self-love as well.
This represents love in all aspects. The love we enjoy, and the love we hate.
The love we can’t get enough of, and the love we’ve had too much of.
Are you too sacrificial in love, or are you devoted to passion and connection?
Adonis - The ideal mate we are drawn to, and renewal of love.
Can represent love triangles as well.
Amor - Our version of the highest and most unconditional form of love. Often regarded as true love.
Groom & Breide - Exactly what they sound like, Groom and Breide give insight into the chosen mate. These asteroids can be used in predictive astrology and may denote qualities sought out in a life partner.
May also represent relation to the life partner.
Does your family like them? Are they family oriented at all?
Alma - The Spanish word for “soul.”
Alma represents things and connections that touch you deeply. If your Alma conjuncts your partners Venus or 7th house, consider them your perfect complement.
Cupido - Lovestruck. Love that is playful in essence and serves as joy.
That crush you had in school who made you giggle a bunch? That’s Cupido. It is love that is lighthearted but also deeply impactful, think your “first love”. Does they still affect you?
What lessons could you learn from Cupido?
Sappho - Represents same sex love, even if the experience ultimately serves as guidance.
Also represents erotic poetry and lyric.
Are you incredibly drawn to the notion of love letters? Sappho may be why.
Persephone - Love/marriage that is transformative and intense, even a bit painful, yet brings balance to our lives. From personal experience, it can represent love that serves as a placeholder as well.
Karma - Can represent karmic relationships, especially if in a partners 12th house. Karma may also signify having a shared life destiny with someone else. We look to karma within synastry to see how a person may contribute to our experience with “karma.”
Union - A mutual joining of energies. This asteroid can be looked to for areas of commitment, such as the ones we find ourselves naturally drawn toward.
I hope you are doing well amidst the retrogrades! If you are looking for a chart reading to help you navigate, I do offer them, so please don’t hesitate🙏🏽
If you are interested to know more about love and how it may manifest in your chart, you can email and schedule a reading with me, or visit my Etsy shop for 50% off your chart reading. ☺️
Make sure to grab my printable moon planner for the month of October if you are looking to manifest with the moon phases 🌙
We have a lunar eclipse next month! 🖤🤍
I also offer custom birth flower art, as well as custom zodiac oils.
You will find something you like I assure you!
Thanks for the support! <3
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