#cpa exams
andrewkatztutoring 5 months
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Andrew is a graduate of the New York University Stern School of Business, where he received both his Bachelors degree in Accounting and Finance summa cum laude and his Masters degree in Accounting. He previously worked in the Transaction Advisory Services Group of PwC CMAAS doing carve-outs and GAAP readiness projects. He currently works at Friedman LLP in the Real Estate Auditing Group, which specializes in auditing large real estate investment funds. While at Friedman, he has also done work in the Forensic Litigation and Valuation Services/Transaction Services group dealing with litigation damage support and M&A transactions.
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tiredbutlit 8 months
Started the day by heading to my Alma Mater for a career fair, but this time I was on the recruiting side of the table. After that I went to the office as Ryan Reynolds was speaking at the NY office today and there was a watch party for the broadcast at my office. Favourite quotes from it were:
"Hail Satan" in reference to an add he helped produce.
"I have a white belt in nerd" when asked a question regarding technology
Decided to skip the Becker broadcast tonight as another coworker confirmed it's just a repeat of the recorded lectures, also I'm very sleepy. But I should have time to study on Friday/the weekend.
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maxwellcpareviews 1 year
Helping Students to Pass the CPA Exams
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Helping Students to Pass the CPA Exams is a comprehensive guide that provides detailed strategies, resources, and tips to help aspiring Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) prepare for and pass the CPA exam. The guide covers topics such as: exam structure, recommended study materials, test-taking strategies and more. Know More: https://maxwellcpareview.com/
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seminalstudy 9 months
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馃帶 currently listening to: acceptance tender wednesday morning
anyone else tried out spotify's new daylist?
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togrowoldinv 3 months
Thinking about hugging Natasha Romanoff 馃ズ
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ckmstudies 10 months
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August 2nd:
I decided to push this exam back. I was so stressed out and never meeting my study goal each day and just falling further and further behind. My mom finally pulled me aside and told me to move my exam that this stress isn't worth it when it might cause me to make a worse score. It cost $35 to move the exam but now I'll take it September 6th instead of August 25th. I redid my study schedule leading up to the exam and now my daily goal is two modules a day which is much easier than the three I was trying to do and never got to. It's also easier to convince myself to start the work when my to-do list is shorter. Today I studied for three hours and forty minuets and finished up module three and got half way through module four. I'm very happy with this as I got a slow start to my day with having to switch everything around. I'm so much more relaxed now that I have more time!
Today's accounting topic: The economic order quantity inventory model attempts to minimize total ordering and carrying costs and can be applied to the management of any exchangeable good. Just-In-Time inventory model was developed to reduce the lag time between inventory arrival and inventory use.
Other activity: I finally finished a full crochet clothing item! I finished a blue shirt and I love it so much. I've weaved in all the ends and blocked it and got to wear it to dinner with my mom.
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dathen 1 year
I had spent the day wearily over books, and, simply to keep my mind occupied, went over some of the matters I had been examined in at Lincoln's Inn.
This NERD reading his Comfort Law Books that he鈥檇 studied for his exam just to keep himself sane.
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taycpastudies 4 months
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Back into it! Started restudying yesterday for my last CPA exam! I鈥檓 manifesting that this will be my last take, and in August after I hit my 1 year work experience I鈥檒l be a CPA!
Frustratingly, I have to wait until June to get my score even though my exam is in mid-March, which is pretty dejecting, but I鈥檓 sure I have enough time in the next 6 weeks to really get well prepared!!!
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andrewmnyard 1 month
waiting until june 4 for a score on a test i took in march is psychological torture. like what if i failed. what if i passed.
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wttcsms 1 year
y鈥檃ll i will write ok, but im dropping my hoes, i just graduated with my bachelors, im starting my summer internship, im entering my masters program, im going to start gaining research experience bc while i do have a job that will directly help me gain said research experience, i want to be the most competitive candidate bc in three years time, i hope to start applying to phd programs in the northeast bc i decided i just can鈥檛 get enough of academia 馃
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gwgaccountant 26 days
I've been looking into CPA review courses, and I'd like some advice on which to take.
Becker seems like the gold standard; UWorld boasts the highest pass rate; I've seen decent reviews for universalCPAreview, and it's a lot cheaper than the others. By which I mean using it for a year would cost $699 instead of the $1200-2200 of other major review courses.
Whatever I pick, it's going to be a significant purchase. So I'm curious what other people have to say. Do any of you have experience with some CPA review course or opinions on them? Are there any resources you'd recommend? Any other advice?
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andrewkatztutoring 1 year
For more guidance on passing the REG section of the CPA exam, sign up for Andrew Katz Tutoring. They are the聽best CPA tutoring聽in town, offering online classes through private or group sessions. Here you will get personalized assistance in creating a study plan along with practice tests and valuable resources.聽
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tiredbutlit 8 months
Hung out with my grandma which took up the majority of my day but I did have enough time to finish the book I was rereading. Got through my language study apps. Might study for REG before I go to bed but I'm not certain. I signed up for Beckers live sessions this month so that starts tomorrow.
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maxwellcpareviews 1 year
Mastering the Art of Studying: How to Prepare for Your Cpa Online?
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Have you just started your CPA journey? Are you trying to optimize your study timeline and CPA study sessions? After teaching students for over 1,000 hours, i鈥檝e learned these high-level cpa skills that i will share in this article. Overall, you will notice that patience is key to the CPA exams. Realize that this is a multiple-month journey.
Read More -
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karnalesbian 9 months
it still drives me insane that out of absolutely nowhere I ended up becoming an accountant with no background in the field whatsoever. literally complete 90掳 turn from everything id ever done professionally
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otf4lyfe 2 months
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