#covid spike
newscast1 · 1 year
China censors report on this city seeing half a million Covid cases a day
China censors report on this city seeing half a million Covid cases a day
Amid the reports of crematoriums being flooded with bodies and hospitals running out of space, a Chinese health official claimed that half a million people in Qingdao city are being infected with Covid every day. New Delhi,UPDATED: Dec 24, 2022 12:16 IST Patients lie on their beds at Central Hospital in Zhuozhou city in northern China’s Hebei province on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022. Nearly three…
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holyvirgilscriptures · 6 months
When a person belonging to a minority group says or does something bad, you are, of course, free to criticize them. But it still does not give you the right to be a bigot. Noah Schnapp sharing stupid, careless, and uninformed geopolitical opinions deserves to be called out, but it does not mean that you suddenly get to tell him that he should have been gassed by Hitler or killed by anti-Jewish hate groups or terrorists — both things I've read on Twitter and on Tumblr. It does not justify you calling him homophobic or antisemitic slurs.
"But he deserves it!" you argue. First of all, why do you think so? What makes it okay for any person to be given the green signal to get called slurs, or have people advocate for them to get hatecrimed? And more importantly, you are only signaling to your Jewish friends that you are actually capable of antisemitism. Same thing goes with your queer friends, or any friends belonging to a minority group. When you justify one form of bigotry, even to just one person — you justify all forms of bigotry.
So if you find yourself doing any of these, ask yourself why it's so easy to slip into bigoted rhetoric instead of simply focusing your criticism on what a person did/said.
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vitrificvitriol · 1 month
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Late night sketch
Bonus Astrotrain, who is waiting very patiently outside for them to stop fucking around:
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communistkenobi · 4 months
professor asked me why I’m wearing a mask. I’m sure you can use your doctorate to puzzle that one out dude
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over the past two months or so i’ve read a combined total of 2,443,207 words of spuffy fanfiction
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tomorrowusa · 14 days
Bad news for Republicans: violent crime is down across most of the US.
Donald Trump and far right media want people to believe there is a massive crime wave sparked by hordes of bloodthirsty migrants charging in waves across the southern border. In fact, the spike in crime which began with Trump's botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
To hear the latest version of Donald Trump’s “American carnage” narrative of a country lost without him, you would think law-abiding citizens are cowering in their homes or stockpiling weapons to deal with a massive crime wave that’s due to illegal border crossings caused by various nations emptying their prisons and by leftist “Soros-funded” prosecutors gleefully opening our own penitentiaries. The idea of an ongoing crime wave is incorporated into all sorts of MAGA rhetoric, including claims that prosecutors pursuing cases against Trump in New York, Atlanta, Florida, and Washington, D.C., should instead be frantically trying and jailing predators who are cavorting on the streets. The alleged threat of murderous “animals” who entered the country illegally has been crystalized by Republican agitprop about the tragic death of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, who was murdered while jogging, allegedly by an undocumented Venezuelan migrant. But graphic, horrifying anecdotal evidence does not an actual crime wave make. And the more we learn about what’s actually happening in our major cities, the clearer it is that the surge in violent crime that did occur during the COVID-19 pandemic continues to subside. The COVID crime surge largely ended in 2022. Then the incidence of murder and other violent crimes dropped significantly in 2023, according to preliminary federal data, as CNN recently reported:
Fact check: Trump falsely claims US crime stats are only going up. Most went down last year, including massive drop in murder
To the degree that migrants are involved in criminal activity can now be attributed to Trump's blockage of border security legislation in the House by his spineless minions on Capitol Hill.
Bipartisan border deal hits legislative wall as Republicans say they will block bill
Republicans are now officially the owners of border chaos – not the solution to it.
Back to the featured article...
[W]hen a long upward trend in crime during the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s — a true crime wave — finally came to an end, then dramatically reversed. The current numbers are beginning to show that we’re more than likely in a long period of stable (and, by past standards, relatively low) crime rates that were briefly interrupted by the many dislocations the pandemic caused in American life (and police effectiveness). So the myth of a deadly threat to Americans stemming from liberal policies on the border and in the justice system is mostly just that. Perceptions of public safety, of course, aren’t always in line with objective reality, and violent crime is horrifying even if it’s not as prevalent as law-and-order demagogues suggest. An October 2023 Gallup survey that coincided with growing evidence of dropping crime rates showed 77 percent of Americans agreed there was “more crime” in the country than in the previous year.
Spectacular crime stories are always going to grab headlines. If it bleeds, it leads has been one of the mainstays of American journalism for centuries. You'll never see a headline in the NY Post like Murder Rate Plummets!.
One thing that is often overlooked is that the "long upward trend in crime during the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s" mentioned in the article came to an end in the 1990s during the Clinton administration.
For ideological reasons, Democrats have been too restrained about publicizing their own law and order successes. As with the 1990s, another drop in crime is taking place under a Democratic administration – despite GOP attempts to exploit individual incidents of crime.
Donald Trump himself is a "one man crime wave".
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darkwood-sleddog · 5 months
My symptoms are very “mild” but having Covid still scares the shit outta me.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Ugh. I thought I'd slept enough to recover from that horrific migraine yesterday but after being upright for a few hours and trying to do work I've given myself a fever.
Someone send me to the English seaside for my health, please. I need to recline like a delicate Victorian lady and watch the sea lap the shore for the sake of my health.
Hopefully not while coughing ominously into a white lace handkerchief.
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sophsweet · 6 months
How the Gates Foundation Hijacks Global Health for Power and Profit
After much though and a continuing stream of new evidence coming to light, I am going to do this. This is a timeline of events leading up to and surrounding the coronavirus outbreak in late 2019. I still cannot prove that the long-lasting, breath-shortening cold many people caught in December 2019 was in anyway related to COVID-19. I also cannot find information – most likely because in 2013,…
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alexanderlightweight · 7 months
If u want to send in prompts that’s fine am gonna be hooked to iv’s and out of it from meds most of today so
Yeah :/
As we all know Covid sucks
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didanawisgi · 14 days
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19 infection has led to worsened outcomes for patients with cancer. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein mediates host cell infection and cell-cell fusion that causes stabilization of tumor suppressor p53 protein. In-silico analysis previously suggested that SARS-CoV-2 spike interacts with p53 directly but this putative interaction has not been demonstrated in cells. We examined the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 spike, p53 and MDM2 (E3 ligase, which mediates p53 degradation) in cancer cells using an immunoprecipitation assay. We observed that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interrupts p53-MDM2 protein interaction but did not detect SARS-CoV-2 spike bound with p53 protein in the cancer cells. We further observed that SARS-CoV-2 spike suppresses p53 transcriptional activity in cancer cells including after nutlin exposure of wild-type p53-, spike S2-expressing tumor cells and inhibits chemotherapy-induced p53 gene activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2. The suppressive effect of SARS-CoV-2 spike on p53-dependent gene activation provides a potential molecular mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 infection may impact tumorigenesis, tumor progression and chemotherapy sensitivity. In fact, cisplatin-treated tumor cells expressing spike S2 were found to have increased cell viability as compared to control cells. Further observations on gamma-H2AX expression in spike S2-expressing cells treated with cisplatin may indicate altered DNA damage sensing in the DNA damage response pathway. The preliminary observations reported here warrant further studies to unravel the impact of SARS-CoV-2 and its various encoded proteins including spike on pathways of tumorigenesis and response to cancer therapeutics.
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scogito · 3 months
Per chi ha fatto il vaccino anti COVID-19 e sta cercando qualche soluzione per disintossicarsi, segnalo due terapie che sono mirate ad abbassare i livelli di proteina Spike nel corpo (può formare coaguli di sangue anche a distanza di due anni).
Fonte: Dr. Carlo Tonarelli:
UNA CURA CONSIGLIATA PER ANTIDOTARE il Vaccino COVID Moderna o Pfeizer. Gli ultimi studi confermano efficacia Nattokinasi per eliminare la proteina Spike - Leggi ultimo articolo Abbiamo aggiunto , su indicazione del Dr. Citro la Bromelina alla formula delle capsule anti-Spike! Oggi 19 Ottobre incontro con il Dr. Massimo Citro che ha ribadito i problemi del long Covid a seguito dell ‘ incontro di Sabato 16 Settembre con una quarantina di colleghi col prof.Di Fede responsabile dell’istituto IMBIO di Milano , ematologo e ricercatore , Mentre di Fede il mese scorso ha illustrato un più moderno approccio diagnostico alla malattia parlando di nuove scoperte nell’interpretazione dell’Emocromo( esame del sangue di base ) e del dosaggio delle Citochine salivari che permettono di comprendere le disfunzioni e lo stato immunitario del paziente e predire l’infiammazione cronica silente e i processi di invecchiamento sia fisico che mentale. E Il prof. Di Fede ha sottolineato l’importanza del Glutatione e della Vit. D , e della NAC , il Dr. Citro ha aggiunto l’importanza degli enzimi come la Bromelina e la Lipasi per degradare la proteina Spike . Questo fa sì che la formulazione più adatta per cercare di eliminare la proteina Spike sia proprio : Nattokinasi, VitD e Glutatione e NAC con aggiunta di Bromelina e Lipasi. Ho aggiunto , per conoscenza, la cura proposta dal cardiologo americano dr. Mac Colluough. Ritengo entrambe valide sulla base della letteratura scientifica , l’unica perplessità è l’utilizzo della Curcuma che in certi soggetti è epatotossica. Più di mille riviste scientifiche documentano gli effetti avversi e i disturbi causati della proteina SPIKE contenuta nei sieri a RNA per Covid 19 o i problemi legati al long-Covid . Come effetti avversi le pubblicazioni documentano quanto è avvenuto nella prima fase :trombosi,trombocitopenie, miocardiopatie e occlusioni dei vasi della retina. Oggi vengono segnalati danni al sistema nervoso centrale di vario tipo con perdita del gusto e dell’olfatto, stanchezza debilitante, amenorrea, perdita della memoria ,riattivazione di forme tumorali silenti e aumento di malori improvvisi. -> Le sostanze che in letteratura, secondo i diversi autori , che sembrano avere caratteristiche per poter “ripulire“ il nostro sangue dalla proteina sono: la Nattokinasi, Il Glutatione, la Vit. D e la N Acetilcisteina o NAC, la Bromelina 100 mg. Nessuna azienda farmaceutica ha prodotto un integratore che contenga queste quattro sostanze. Si può provvedere a questa carenza con una preparazione galenica disponibile in confezioni da 60 capsule.Una cura di due mesi , una capsula al mattino 1/2 ora prima della colazione, ha Il costo che si aggira sui 60 euro. La farmacia Goso di Vallecrosia prepara anche la formulazione ideata dal dr. Mac Cullough 180 cps di Bromelina 165 mg Curcuma. 165 mg nattokinasi 67 mg prezzo € 130 prendendo 3 cps al giorno si riesce a coprire i due mesi di terapia.
Il lavoro del Dr. Mac Collough Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike Protein Detoxification in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein as a Therapeutic Target The majority of the global population has contracted COVID-19 and/or taken one of the many COVID-19 vaccines. As a result, the injurious SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has been an antigenic exposure to most in the world. Provided the infection was treated early and limited to the nasopharynx without invasive disease, the infection was self-limited without sequelae. Mucosal immunity with IgA, T-cells, B-cells, and natural killer cells handles the coronavirus and defends the body against systemic illness.1 However, in the setting of invasive disease with COVID-19 pneumonia, viremia, cytokine storm, thrombosis, and end-organ injury, there is evidence of widespread residual replicating SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in tissues for months, and the S1 segment within CD16 monocytes for more than one year.2
Covid, le proteine spike accelerano la formazione di coaguli https://www.seguonews.it/covid-le-proteine-spike... L'analisi di immunofluorescenza ha mostrato che la proteina Spike presente sulla superficie cellulare dopo le dosi di vaccino, o aver contratto SARS-CoV, viene degradata quando la nattochinasi è aggiunta al mezzo di coltura. Pertanto, i risultati di questo studio suggeriscono che la nattochinasi presenta un potenziale per l’inibizione dell’infezione da SARS-CoV-2 attraverso la degradazione della proteina S. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9458005/
Fonte Dr. Giuseppe Cusumano: terapia C.R.A.Pu
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the-knife-consumer · 8 months
I feel like im.about to vormit 💔💔💔💔
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pummelingbat · 3 months
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Herbie masked up for breakfast✌️🧡
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myconetted · 5 months
fuck. honestly we should just be masking every winter.
i know some people think we should be masking all the time but i think that's both politically untenable and not as useful for the average person, but winter has always been a time for passing around tasty food for the holidays as well as whatever shit you caught on a plane (strep, flu, cold...)
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mindshelter · 4 months
people have been dropping like flies with quote-unquote flu symptoms... happy new year! masks on!!
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