#countryhumans fic
myfuckingpenexploded · 7 months
Very shameful self promo
I have a fic, as some people may know. And I decided to take a tip from another person to show it off here lol (if you are uninterested already just scroll it gets more awkward from me avdbejwtygad
So its called Till we fall into place and im proud of it :3
So without further ado or however you spell that word bc im not googling it, here's info about it!
Its a countryhumans fanfic (bare with me ok? Im trynna make it not that problematic and its working so far)
It's ongoing but as of this post it has 19k words and 17 chapters :)
Its all fluff, no nsfw stuff :D
The main ship is poly (if you've liked my incorrect quotes thats very much the vibe)
I can promise one chapter per month, but most of the time we have a once every 2 weeks schedule
Its very queer and very focused on at least some historical accuracy as the main trio is as I have dubbed them 'the ancient trio'
It's a bit sporatic so chances are whichever character you read fics about is in there as either a secondary character or a filler pov
its a bit stupid but eh, whatever
Sorry for the long post, this post is in no way me forcing you to read it as I understand it's not everyone's style but if it does spark interest feel free to pop into the comments there and say hi :)
(Edited since there have been some changes)
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crystal-consumer · 6 months
Snippet from my fic ig?
So aparently my fic may do better if I post snippets on here so ima start with the first chapter snippets (aka funny quotes)
“BITCH GIVE ME BACK MY HAIR!” A red country ran past the door, chasing another holding a ponytail. “Can you guys please shut up? I’m tired” A country still wearing her pyjamas asked, flinching as a recipe book flew at her head.
“So, who is it?” Romania asked, baring their fangs.
“What do you mean?!” France asked, shoving his phone deeper into his mattress.
“Come on, I know these things, so tell your” Romania cleared their throat “OLDER sibling, who you’re so desperately in love with”
“BOOM! I knew it! It’s a him!” Spain yelled before regaining his composure and coughing awkwardly.
Portugal, seemingly having spawned out of nowhere, passed ten euros to him.
Spain emerged from his closet of shame
SHIT! She had forgotten about class. She jogged towards their homeroom, the two of them probably looking ridiculous.
A dude holding down a miku dress so it doesn't fly up and a stumbling idiot trying not to fall. 
She barged into the room, panting. The teacher wasn’t there yet. Thank the stars.
Her classmates glanced up at the commotion. 
So yeah, all quotes from my fic, very chaotic.
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(tysm to @chessna2)
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thefrogswhospoke · 2 years
girlies I'm not s-live s-laugh slaying the house down today 😨😨😨
pray for me y'all- all of the fics are hot ASS and I am getting tempted to write my own
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New Fic up! Everything takes place in a Masquerade hall. Thanks to Fluff for giving me this prompt! The prompt takes place in chapter 4, and I'm taking requests for later in the fic as all of these are connected but not directly.
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gunkyengines · 6 months
Looking up reference images for military uniforms in the very early 20th century but getting a mixed assortment of uniforms from other periods: Hmm, that looks sinister, probably shouldn't use that. Hmm, that looks sinister, probably shouldn't use that. Why are modern uniforms coming up? I specified the 1900s, I don't get why this modern shit is here. How am I ever going to find good clothing references if I- Hmm, that looks sinister, probably shouldn't use tha-
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beast-feast · 9 months
Finished reading the Fic Thing and it definitely is a relic of it's era. It's not Bad but it's super rough everywhere and very fast, and very weirdly vague about some moral things that shouldn't be vague. The general idea though is actually pretty cool; it's like a Slender Mansion type thing and you (the Y/N) are essentially an alien compared to the residents.
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ala-adavia · 9 months
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A new part of the story "Elpis Tournament" has already been released in both reading platforms!
I decided to share a piece of it 😅
Wattpad — English version
Ficbook — Russian version
Welcome my stars 🌟
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theworstcreature · 1 year
*reads fics for piece of media I’ve never even touched* omg I just loved that scene when the character did -thing that never happened- and also how gay they are
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unicornsaures · 2 months
"Germany-Kun!!! What are you doing!!" "Heh,,," "What?" "Heh,,," - Average countryhumans fic
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myfuckingpenexploded · 10 months
Info about my chs au cause i'm bored
Kinda random, just chose most for vibes. Organisations/Unions/whatevers are normally older.
Based on how big the country is, example: Canada being tall, Greece being short.
Relationships and stuff: 
It really depends. Some countries decide to have mortal partners, but most of them, being done with the grief of losing them so quickly, date other countries. This is frowned upon by the leaders of the countries, so it is mostly kept secret (unless it’s for alliance purposes).
While all countries are born sexless, their parents/the country that founded them, often decides their gender, leading it to be possible to be trans, technically.
Some countries have wings, most are born with them (mostly if their national animal has wings), but some gain them after a victory or a change in their government. Most countries with wings don’t like them being touched, as they are very easily broken.
While they do exist, they don’t interact with anyone much due to how devastating it would be to the world if an entire damn continent died. They all have wings. They work closely with organizations. 
Animal parts:
A bit different than wings, as sometimes it’s just if the country has a connection to the animal example: White Deer tail Canada, due to the large amount of deer. It’s most common for countries to have tails or mutations in their limbs, while ears are much rarer.
Countryhumans cannot get pregnant, they simply can’t. Rather, the way “children'' work, is more like when they/ the country’s leaders ‘create’ a country, it spawns in (sometimes as a child or sometimes as an adult, it depends)This explains how the usa and france only have two years in difference, despite france technically being his ‘dad’. In cases like that, when they’re close in age, they act more like siblings.
States and provinces and stuff: 
They’re technically children of the country they’re from, but again, normally they act like siblings
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crystal-consumer · 6 months
Crystal? Over-explaining a fake disease they made for a fic? Yes, ofc it is.
Greece's ailment
Greece is a unique case, because I don't think there was an actual moment when Ancient Greece stoped being Ancient Greece.
Rome has nero the pyromaniac
Egypt has their general decline into lack of power
But Greece just kinda... stoped being ancient. And that's the problem. When the others fell, their children/the countries they left behind, steped up in their place. Ancient Egypt was replaced by Egypt. Rome was replaced by the latin countries. But Greece? Greece just faded into the shadows, letting their modern day counterpart take control. But some small part of them still wanted to hold on. To see what the world can become. So by accident or on purpose, they merged with the current day Greece. This caused catastrophe. Curent day Greece (who i'll refer to as Cd Greece) wasn't prepared for this. This was unheard of. You can't just refuse to fade away. That's not how it works. You can't have two versions of a country in one vesel.
After much deliberation with everyone, they decided that Ancient Greece had to be sealed away. But something went wrong. Instead of sealing them into the darkest corners of Cd Greece's mind, they trapped it in the past. They trapped Ancient Greece in a state of mind that they think it's still when they were alive. They still see countries as they were when they were alive. While they're calm most of the time, when put in situations that are familiar to Ancient Greece, they take control of Cd Greece. Cd Greece is still fully conscious while this happens. They just can't control their own body. In this struggle for power, Ancient Greece uses what used to be a blessing as a weapon. The once blessed gift of producing offerings malfunctioned during the sealing. So instead of just materializing, they appear in the stomach, tear-ducts and veins. This causes extreme pain/discomfort for Cd Greece. Ancient Greece's blessing only spawns in offerings to gods that can be useful, so depending on their mood, diferent things happen. from simply throwing up lavenders and crying perfume to bleeding wine out of their ears and chocking on rocks. So yeah, very diverse reactions.
if you have any questions my ask box is always open :)
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latinotiktok · 8 months
hablando de fanfics cagados.
No sé por dónde empezar pero voy a tratar de explicar esto lo mejor que pueda. Para el que no sepa hay un fandom de "countryhumans", que es países humanos (y no, no como en hetalia. eran bolas pelonas con las banderas todas pintarrajeadas en la cara. por lo menos en todo lo que es Hetalia tienen la DECENCIA de tener un medio de origen) donde todo el fandom se crea sus propias versiones y propio canon. cómo se pueden imaginar lleva a cosas muy... problemáticas a veces por decir de menos.
Bueno, por ahí de 2019 yo caí en el fandom ese, y como era un usuario de Wattpad pues me puse a buscar fanfics en esa página rancia y maligna. Y ahí encontré un fanfics del que no me acuerdo el nombre, pero era de una usuaria (? que se llamaba "mami-onu" en Wattpad. El fanfic si no mal recuerdo era uno donde la ALEMANIA NAZI volvía a la vida y decidía ir hacía un barrio? o edificio de la ONU(hasta las organizaciones eran humanos, y todos hombres también. Yaoi world.) y de ahí pasaba muchas cosas, la Unión Soviética tenía tensión romántica con la ALEMANIA NAZI. REPITO. ALEMANIA NAZI. y también El imperio de Japón y Italia Fascista estaban ahí como amigos del NAZI y creo que también eran shippeo. cuestión que esto sinceramemte era MUY común en esta comunidad, pero a mitad de la historia (o al final?) hay una fiesta por alguna razón, y en esta fiesta todos los países y organizaciones se empedan y cogen. algunos de los shippeos canonizados fueron; La ONU, la CIA, el FBI y no se quien chucha más, Norcorea y Surcorea (que eran HERMANOS EN EL FIC), Italia Fascista y Japón imperial, y LA ALEMANIA NAZI y LA UNION SOVIETICA.
y eso no es lo peor. lo peor de todo es que a este final tan ESTELAR le siguió un fanfic donde LA MAYORÍA DE LOS SHIPPEOS, INCLUYENDO A NOR Y SURCOREA QUE COMO MENCIONE ERAN HERMANOS *SE EMBARAZABAN Y TENIAN HIJOS A LO MPREG.* era horrible, los estados unidos de embarazo de rusia y perdió al bebé, portugal y españa tuvieron una hija ciega (la escritora lo trataba como lo peor del mundo), no estoy seguro si la alemania nazi se embarazo y ya no me importa. pero uno de los capítulos más absolutamente repugnantes fue uno donde China y Japón son el ship principal.
resulta que Japón era un bebé cuando China era un adulto, y China lo conocía. y lo tuvo en brazos. y pensó que era un bebé muy atractivo, lo suficiente como para DARLE UN BESO EN LA BOCA?? y se implica que el imperio japonés (quien es el padre de Japón) vio esto y lo único que hizo fue HACERSE EL MEDIO ENOJADO?? todo esto en un flashback, por qué en el presente China se estaba COGIENDO a Japón. Y OTRA VEZ SU PADRE NO DICE O HACE NADA??? btw Japón es una caricatura muy asquerosa, se viste y actúa como mujer y se implica que su padre está decepcionado en el (no hablemos de las políticas de nada de esto por que termina todo mal)
bueno cuestión que yo era un fan de seguir está serie y burlarme en los comentarios, y un día una cuenta recién hecha me empezó a responder a mis comentarios muy enojado. y se perfectamente que esa cuenta era un alt de "mami-onu" para q no le cayera una funa por decirme tales barbaridades que no colaban ni abajo de tal fanfic.
bueno, había MUCHO más en ese fanfic, y en esa cuenta en específico. pero creo que o se borró la cuenta/fanfics o se cambió de nombre el usuario ese. y francamente no tengo ganas de volver a revivir esos momentos xD. perdón por mucho texto mods de latinotiktok, pero tenía que dar mis dos granos de arena.
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aang3ll · 5 months
Finally, an intro post
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(Please ignore my horrendous handwriting)
You can call me Rain or Angel :))
I use any and all pronouns, as seen above! Things I'll do on this blog
-Write requests/Commissions
-Terrorize lees
My hobbies
-Writing lil songs
-Watching COD
-Bullying @xoleevia and @tikalee <3
REQUEST RULES (Requests open)
_________________________________ 1. ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW 2. Sometimes, there may be certain characters that I don't want to write for due to personal reasons, so please be respectful of that 3. You are allowed to request for fandoms that aren't on my fandom list 4. If, for some reason, your request is not fulfilled, please do not deal with this situation by getting angry and spamming my inbox or smth. Instead, simply shoot me a DM, and I will either get onto your request, and/or explain to you why your request wasn't or will not be fulfilled (depends on the request) 5. And lastly, please do not hate on certain requests just because you do not like a character or fandom Also, please note that fics and stuff probably won't be very long, because I have low writing stamina __________________________________________________________
Fandoms ___________ (Noted that I CAN and WILL binge through an entire series or smth just so I can accurately fulfill a request)
-Marble Hornets
-Murder Drones
-Call of Duty (Modern Warfare)
-Undertale (And most AUs)
-IT (1900's 1 and 2, as well as 2000's 1 and 2)
-South Park (Kids AND Adults)
-Gravity Falls
-Death Note
-Mean girls
-Little shop of horrors
-Maze runner
-Hunger games
-Stranger Things
-Girl, interrupted
-The Black Phone
-Demon Slayer
-Amanda the Adventurer
-Rainbow Friends
-G.O.B.B (Garten of BanBan)
-Helluva Boss
-Hazbin Hotel
-Nightmare Before Christmas
-Wendall and Wild
-Steven Universe
-Spooky Month
-Sanders Sides
-Handplates (An Undertale AU that was made into a comic, you can watch it on youtube!)
-Fantastic Mr. Fox
-And if you really want to, you can even request fics about yourself! :) (If you would like the fic to be with another person you know online or IRL, that is also allowed, just please provide proof that you have their permission, please! This can be done through asks or DMs, or even by asking them to post that you have perms!!) _____________________________________ Characters I will absolutely NOT write for _____________________________________ -CC!Dream (I may consider writing C!Dream, but only under VERY specific circumstances.) -Alex (Marble Hornets (We're a system with a Brian alter, who gets triggered by Alex)) -Belos (TOH(Do I even need to explain?)) -Mineta (MHA(^)) -Eric. Fucking. Cartman. -Any lusttale characters -Graves (COD) -Offenderman (Creepypasta) -Henry Bowers + other IT bullies (We also have Richie-) -If you request for QSMP, I will ABSOLUTELY NOT write for Forever. -Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls(Sorry y'all, I love Bill, but he's hard asf to write for with fluffy tickles-)) -FUCKING PENNYWISE THE GODDAMN DANCING CLOWN -CC!Wilbur. However, I will still write for the bursonas. (Ghostbur, Revivedbur, ETC.) ______________________________________________________________ Boundaries ------------- -Fic requests? / Duhh -Art requests? /Most likely not, I can't draw very well -Teases? / Have at it, my friend -NSFW asks/DMs? / No. -DMs from 18+? / No thanks, it's nothing against you guys, I just don't really like talking to adults without other people knowing what's going on, if that makes any sense -Nok-Tkl asks / Ofc! -General DMs / I don't mind, as long as you're under 18 :) -Minor interaction? / Yep! -Over 18 interaction? / Sure, as long as you don't DM! -K1nk/NSFW/Fetish interaction? / No ty ______________________________________________________________ DNI -----
1. Proshippers
2. K!nk + N$FW accounts
3. Zoos + Maps + Nomaps
4. Homophobic + Transphobic + Racist folks
6. Pseudogenic + Tulpa + Endogenic systems. Need I say more?
8. Colleen supporters
9. Anyone who isn't against $@ + @buse
10. "Super Straight" folks. Just say you're transphobic lol 11. CC!Wilbur supporters.
----------------------------------------------------------------- All organized tags so far! ----------------------------------------------------------------- #aangel - All of my posts are tagged with this! #nontickles - Anything that isn't t-word related! #aangel writes - All of my fanfictions are tagged with this! #aangell draws - All of my art is tagged with this! #aangell mha - All of my MHA related posts! #aangell creepypasta - All of my creepypasta related posts! #Tika's tag - Anything having to do with @tikalee! #Olivia's tag - Anything to do with @xoleevia! ----------------------------------------------------------------- And, that's it, folks! Have a wonderful day/night!
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victorysrain · 6 months
Waking up w/ America HCs ♥️
Warnings: nope :)
genre: fluff
request: no
Gn!Reader x America
He pulls you close in the night, resting your head on his chest
he gives your neck, gentle kisses, and whispers his good mornings to you
he loves to play with your hair, it helps him sleep
he lets you see his eyes without his sunglasses, and loves when you complement them
he likes it when you snuggle with him, even if he has work
he usually will be the first one awake
he likes it when you play with his hair, even if he doesn’t say it
he keeps you close
you guys listen to music
he presses soft kisses to your lips
he likes the way your hands fit in his
he loves it when you call him ‘Eagle’ (ur nickname 4 him)
he never wants to lose you
I can make this into a full fic if y’all want!! I do not own countryhumans. I do own this hc.
don’t share w/out permission
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nat-of-personifs · 5 months
Okay but like. What if we whumped personified places
(This isn’t directed towards most of my follower base so that’s why I sound different)
I say ‘whumped’ but they could fulfill pretty much any role. Of course there’s the usual stuff about sensitive issues and whatnot, but also, royal/political/iron curtain whump (@dresden-syndrome) are already established things and so is the existence of multiple fandoms dedicated to personifications that contain HEAVY angst. Countryhumans may be a cautionary tale but hers is not the only one we should tell.
She/her is the default for personifs who are not primarily located on the internet (such as fandoms), and all personifs accept being referred to with she/her by humans, regardless of their gender(s).
Personification as Whumpee:
-countryspirit trying to survive under the rule of a monarch who is incredibly oblivious to her needs, or a paranoid dictator carrying out purges of her best at random and leaving her confused and disoriented.
-Personif bodies are composed of the feelings and memories of the people they, well, embody. Removing a memory is removing a physical part of themself. Enter a dictator trying to rewrite history.
-environmental whump, as the victim of a natural disaster. ‘fire season fic’ is a whole ass genre in Welcome to the Table and it absolutely decimated me, go read When The Fires Burn by TWolf_XD on AO3 if you haven’t already.
-eternally, conquests and invasion.
-the personification’s own people persecuting her as a witch, or similar undesirable.
-cityspirit of fame struggling to keep up with the cameras.
-personification completely dependent on one person. extra spice if it’s the founder. (shameless plug for my Ira and Aaron series)
-unrecognized personification suffering under the weight of not being considered real.
-cityspirit in the process of being demolished.
-the victim of sacrificial rituals. they are the whole life of the community and can be beheaded as many times as is necessary, as they will not die, at least permanently.
-their ruler-to-be’s whipping boy (gender neutral).
-places where the government and society are conceptualized as a family—with the absolute monarch as father.
-personification forced to marry her despot. capital cities were once considered the wives of their patron gods.
Personification as Whumper:
-eternally, conquests and invasions.
-exploiting exchange with her leader to the point where they collapse from somatic burnout.
-laughing at the miseries of those she has outcasted.
-the ‘mother country’ and her ‘children’.
-the private torment of the ruler-to-be.
-cause of environmental whump; leaving her least favorite people quite literally out in the cold.
Personification as Caretaker:
-the entire concept of the mother/fatherland. she will be there, welcoming you home.
-the anger of a personification when you hurt someone she loves is *not* something you want to be in the way of.
-cityspirit becoming surrogate mother to an orphaned child.
-countryspirits sending aid to one of their own.
-personiftranslate Operation Yellow Ribbon.
-countryspirit taking care of her wounded ruler-to-be, providing them with solace and a window to the lives of the common people.
-personification literally just existing in a space where she is needed. she is made of the feeling of belonging the way we are made of connective tissue, so long as she accepts you.
-human finding a fandomspirit and answers to why they are the way they are (me).
I just finished a book about SA during wartime and I have Brainrot but I’m not sure if I should elaborate.
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