#coraline lore
magick-memes · 11 months
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singingvio · 6 months
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So my partner and I got to talking about Beldam lore in Coraline and how she’s got a lot of fae traits, and I was like… what if Wybie was a fae…
So, yeah! Fae Wybie! Also known as Beldam 2: Electric Boogaloo
Don’t worry, he’s friendly!… mostly.
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whisperingrockandroll · 11 months
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Gear up, kids, because this will be a long one.
It's been a while since I posted a new comic. Pretty soon there'll be a bunch, because I've been sitting on a mountain of scripts and just started making progress on actually making them into comics. I wanna build up a nice little backlog that I can queue up and not worry about for a long while. In the meantime though, I have something I hope will tide you guys over.
There's been a problem with my comic from the very beginning I've never really thought to address for years, and until now, I never found a good place for it. That problem is "worldbuilding." Originally when this comic started out, it was just a Psychonauts comic. Then I got into Mystery Kids, and the MKs just showed up out of nowhere.
If you're still interested, click under the cut. If you already find this post boring and kind of long, just skip it.
We never got any information on how the Mystery Kids club started or how they all met. For the longest time, I kind of just defered to the collective fandom's various disorganized headcanons and ideas and stuff. But I think enough time has passed that those ideas have all changed, been forgotten about, or branched off into their own individual works.
So, it's finally time for me to fix that by giving this comic its own set of lore and backstory. In this post I'm going to explain how everything happened, how the kids came together and what order everything happened in. This is kind of written for my own personal amusement, but also as a guide to keep in mind when I'm writing new stories in this setting, to keep things consistent.
The first step for this little exercise is to figure out when all the stuff in the original "canon" happened. This is where things get a little messy, because we have to figure out a proper order for everything so all the pieces can fit into place.
First, we have to come up with a system for naming the different eras and phases where things happen, so we can more easily compartmentalize the different events. So we'll call the first year the Mystery Kids are together "Year One." Anything before that we'll call Year -1 or -2.
Year -2 is where we'll put the events of Paranorman. They happen in Fall, around Halloween probably. Nearly the end of the year. It's important to set this part the furthest back for reasons we'll get into later.
Year -1 is where we'll put Coraline and Psychonauts. Dipper and Mabel are still in Pidemont. There are a few references in the comic to Raz still having a water problem due to "the curse." But in PN2 he conquers the curse. We'll chock that up to lingering after-effects and him trying to get past the mental block.
Near the end of Year -1, Aggie returns and reunites with Norman in events identical to how they played out in Ask-Norgatha. A lot of things that happen are very similar to that old blog, with the exception being Norman and Aggie don't get together. That comes later.
Year 1 is when Gravity Falls happens. Coraline and Norman are family friends (or cousins? I haven't decided, maybe not. Maybe 'honoary cousins'?) Anyway, so: things play out pretty much how they did in that fan episode people made. Doctor Loboto (during a villainous relapse, or a manic episode) comes to Gravity Falls, Raz and Lili chase after him, Coraline and Wybie come with Norman's family on a vacation to Gravity Falls. Aggie stays behind because Norman doesn't want her to get lost. At this point, her Poltergeist powers haven't kicked in yet and other people can't see her, meaning she'd have no way to get home.
So, during Loboto's shennanigans, the kids all come together to stop him. That's when we move into…
Note: in this period, my comic has a lot of Holiday specials. We're operating on Peanuts rules here, where the time-scaling slides around to keep the characters from aging. But we'll say in the "real" canon, the stuff that happens on Holidays actually happen on regular days, for the most part. If things "have to" happen on a Holiday, they'll all happen on the same one, just at different times. We'll try not to think too hard about this, because it's just a cartoon. We're out to make a consistent world, but not to arbitrarily restrict ourselves. None of this stuff happened in the "real" world anyway.
Anyway, moving right along to the rest of "Year 1." This is for the comics I made while the show was still airing, so things all kind of click together.
This is where the first Mystery Kids Adventure happens. The kids are all united and save the day. All of this happens right in the middle of the events of Gravity Falls. From then on out, the kids have adventures together on and off, but its a little hard because they have to travel a pretty great distance to hang out together. They keep in touch on social media and stuff, occasionally finding ways to fake excuses to go out and travel together. But mostly, the group is pretty disorganized.
Dib is also a mindless fanboy of the group and wants to join, but everybody thinks he's weird and annoying, so they try their best to politely blow him off. Then he builds a teleporter that lets the kids get together easier, but the thing just barely works. Dib is made a "junior member" and just sort of hangs around.
The kids have a "clubhouse", but it's just a shanty shack built by Soos, half a mile away from the Mystery Shack.
At some point during this period, the Bedlam returns and the kids have to team up to stop her. Aggie helps somehow with her newly-emerging poltergiest powers. The Bedlam is defeated, and that's the last "real" adventure they have for a little while. They don't have a reliable way to meet up anymore, so they only get together for parties and stuff. This is where the Season 3 Finale happens, if you've read my archives.
From Season 4 and onwards, everything that happens to the Mystery Kids happens in Year 2. That's where we are now.
It starts with Dib on one of his own little adventures. Somehow, he ends up stumbling on an abandoned treehouse that used to belong to the Kids Next Door. It hasn't been populated in years, but its full of still-functional tech that just got left behind. With it, Dib's able to power-up the teleporter technology and now the Mystery Kids can come together whenever they want. You need to stand perfectly still for like five minutes for the teleporter to work, so it isn't a "get out of danger free" plot device.
Seems like a REALLY important development to happen offscreen and go totally unmentioned, right? Well… I thought of it retroactively, so, whoops! But it's fine. We'll just have to make a flashback comic later where the kids find it.
So, from now on, everything that happens in the comic happens here, in Year 2.
If you've read this far, I'd like to thank you for humoring my nonsensical fanfiction ramblings for my silly mspaint webcomic. I hope you had fun and got as much out of that as I did. I'm really happy I was finally able to put it all together in one coherent place.
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melit0n · 2 months
Reading Coraline and also reading The Fellowship of The Ring for a book club is giving me such whiplash 😭
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heretodefyfate · 5 months
Wish i was better at competitve playing so when i make new "form" for a pokemon, i could actually think about their utility and how to build strategy around them
Instead of giving them ridiculous stats as an instant win button
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vampireacademytls · 8 months
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Lore, rabbit holes, wikis, and Reddit posts. Gimme pls
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books-in-a-storm · 1 year
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November 2022 JOMPBPC: Day 30 Read In November
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themiiofalltime · 1 year
Mii Lore: Coraline
Unlike the character of Mr. Neil Gaiman, our Coraline is a fisherwoman in the Streetpass Mii Plaza game Ultimate Angler.
Coraline is an employee of the local fishing club house. She teaches the player the basic mechanics for fishing, which is all fine and dandy until the boat is hit by a legendary monster. Coraline and the player return to the local fishing club house, now baitless. Coraline’s father, however, is very excited by the mention of the legendary monster and wants the player to report said monster when they see it. (so like moby dick except the guy is a little less intense, it’s not a whale, and there’s not murder, so maybe not like moby dick at all, anyway this doesn’t have anything to do with coraline so i’ll shut up)
Ultimate Angler and Coraline herself were developed by a company called Prope, within Nintendo(?) The company was originally meant to be a part of Sega’s “support program for Independent Game Creators” and was founded by Yuji Naka. Ultimate Angler was one of the games that Prope produced for the 3DS, with others including Monster Manor and Feed Mii (sources are mixed for others).
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organcollect0r · 9 months
I love the “children’s horror” genre.
Coraline (the movie at least) is the biggest example. The Coraline movie impacts kids the same/in a similar way as how The Exorcist or Hereditary impacts adults.
anyways, coraline is a gateway into horror, and I stand by that
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glass-trash-bab · 2 years
I wanna make a game just about the Brody kids fucking around and getting kidnapped by Anti and the atmosphere is really tense and unsettling but I don't have the Skills to make it god dammit
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coraline was so right i literally do feel like this every time i write:
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aita for talking about fnaf to my little cousin?
so fnaf is one of my (im 21) special interests for a while. my little cousin (age 7) has been mentioning it lately, because he heard about it from kids at school. Because of this i've ended up telling him about a lot of the lore and stuff, and trying to explain things to him. Additionally, he asks me questions about fnaf, and I do my best to explain it to him. I also sometimes watch fnaf videos with him.
My mom says i shouldn't do this because he gets scared easily by stuff, and his mom doesn't really like him to see scary stuff. My mom says I shouldnt tell him about fnaf or show him stuff from fnaf.
Both my mom and his mom will go out of their way to hide scary things from him like halloween monster pictures. Part of this is because he got kind of scared of opening doors due to the Doors game on roblox. He is too scared to sleep in his room alone and always sleeps in his mom's bed because he is scared of the dark and has nightmares sometimes. And he wasn't allowed to watch any youtube on halloween because of possibly seeing scary stuff. They think that the scary stuff is what made him scared of the dark and have nightmares, and not be able to sleep in his room alone.
In my opinion, I don't *think* im doing anything wrong, because when I was a kid, fnaf came out, and plenty of kids were into it, and have been ever since. And ever since fnaf, theres been many things inspired by it that kids like. Like poppy playtime and Rainbow Friends and all that. I also loved horror and creepy stuff as a kid. I liked creepypasta, but I can relate to being scared by some of that stuff. As a kid I was really really terrified by the rake creepypasta.
Also in my opinion I think he knows and understands his own limits, because one time we were watching a fnaf video, and he seemed to think the video was too scary and wanted to stop watching it. So we stopped watching it and did something else. And he seemed fine after we stopped didnt seem scared or upset after that. I also feel like in my opinion, explaining the lore to him makes it *less* scary, because he's understanding the "how and why". however because the fnaf lore does involve child death i see how it could be bad for him to learn about it.
He seems to enjoy it though, I'm not forcing it on him and he loves to ask me questions about it, and is excited whenever he comes over to talk about it. Also we've played things together before that are "scary" like baldis basics, and then also a minecraft backrooms game which actually ended up scaring me more than him!
Basically though Am i the asshole for basically going against what my mom and his mom think he should be doing? I can see how his mom especially might think i could be crossing a line because of what she wants for her child. Obviously his mom might know him better because he is her child after all. And because of my autism I don't really understand childcare and childraising. And it is hard for me to understand their perspective. I am still very childlike and dependent on my parents so I don't have a fully formed adult perspective yet I dont think.
But at the same time I almost feel that she is being sheltering, because I've noticed its common for kids to like this sort of thing, and its not always necessarily a bad thing. Because also theres scary movies like coraline but are geared for kids. (My little cousin didnt like coraline, thought it was scary, but thats just an example.)
I feel like also they should trust him more. He seems to know what is too much. Because he is vocal to say what is too scary for him. He seems to be able to set boundaries about it, because he will say that he doesnt want to play a minecraft game that is too scary, or watch a video that is too scary. I'm also rarely the one to pick the games or videos we play, it's his own interest.
Fnaf has been something we both really enjoy, and to me that is special when we get to enjoy something together. I of course still often play with him when its something only he is interested in, but not always. The times I don't play with him are when I'm doing something relating to one of my other special interests and I can't handle being interrupted. Which makes him sad that I can't play but he does understand that because of my autism that it would be difficult on me to stop my activity. I really like that he is into fnaf now because that means its something that I can enjoy for special interest reasons and he gets to hang out and play with me.
But AITA because this is against his mom's wishes?
What are these acronyms?
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niredsw · 12 days
okay guys hear me out!
sbg coraline! au everyone!
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ashlynn as coraline (obv) and aiden as wybie (we love our weird obsessed boys)
the twins are the ladies (i think their names were april and miriam)
logan is either the black cat or wybie's grandma 'cuz both fits him in a way i cant understand myself
and ben is mr. bobinsky because they both love to put on shows and sing!
the other mother is either the centipede phantom or barron, you cant convince me otherwise (even tho i dont think ashlynn would fall for their lies it still fits them, also barron is a manipulator so it fits,especially the other mother being a bug-like thing and the centipede phantom is literally a centipede!)
i'm going to draw it and drop more lore about it later but i need to gather my thoughts first 'cause this literally came into my mind in the shower, so stay tuned for updates!
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
I just wanna ask about the ghost children in Coraline- is one of them a fairy?? The one who eats the plate of flowers in the dream?
And if so, is that just to allude to the existence of fairies in the past, just for fun? Or is there another reason?? To round out the existence of the beldam with the existence of other sort of mystical beings?? Or is there a metaphorical aspect to it?
Also, how far apart does the beldam eat?? A fairy seems like it would be very far back in history, with the other children and coraline being much closer together in time. Why such a gap in her consumption? Does she get hungrier the more she eats? Does the beldam eat other things as well, like snacks, with children’s lives being the main course? Or is that insinuating fairies existed much more recently, and there is no time gap?
Is the beldam much younger than I thought?? Somewhere around 200/300 years old? Did she have a human life at some point, but became pickled and immortalized by her evil practices? Or is she as old as I assumed, like an ancient predatory entity that began when life began?? Or something else?
Plus, what would a fairy want that her fairy-parents weren’t providing? Pretty much the same as a human, but with different materials? Or are the family dynamics and expectations based on an entirely different system? What would a fairy’s fantasy world look like???
I had to ask. I know that maybe its left to the imagination on purpose and there is no answer……. but omg I wanna know SO BAD. I want more coraline lore !!!!!! Thank u love u bye !
Yes, she was a fairy when she was alive. As for the rest of your questions, they are indeed all very good questions.
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xitsensunmoon · 4 months
You know, it has come to my attention that I should ask this question for my sake.
On a scale of Coraline (a 1 which is thrilling and not too scary) to Alien (a 10 which is too much scary) how scary is your Biting the Hand that Feeds AU?
I don't interact with much horror elements and I'm just wondering what I should gauge my tolerance to because I like your work a lot but also I may not... be able to handle it in the future depending one what you do as a creator.
Also as a disclaimer, I'm not telling you to change your story or your art or anything, this is me trying to be responsible for myself.
It's hard for me to tell you on a scale from Coraline to Alien because I consider both of them scary but in a different way. I'm not sure if I can compare movies to comic series either, there are no jumpscares and scary sounds, no tense music, just purely your imagination and visuals.
I don't think I will go further in graphic visuals than what you saw today. Some gooey, fleshy bits and blood, nothing specific or detailed.
I'm keeping up with a lot of Fnaf type of scary. Murders, gore, disturbing imagery and as disturbing plot. There will be scary faces(but you have seen those from me quite often I would guess), scary situations, violence, gore and a lot of angst. Some of the things that I have planned are simply gut wrenching because of how unfair and unnecessary cruel they are, how realistically hopeless, not because of gore or blood. I don't like being overly explicit when it's not needed and I'm not going to be but some things need to be shown, not told.
I know I started this au purely with fluff but I was always saying about how the actual lore is pretty dark.
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singingvio · 6 months
The Coraline movie and Sally Face are eerily similar and I love it like
- the protagonist has blue hair and pronouns and a dad with terrible posture
- the sidekick character knows all the lore, believes none of it, and has that Scoliosis Slouch(tm)
- Cat.
- the basic plot is “curious kid moves into a new apartment (or something similar), their parents don’t really care what they get up to, and so they proceed to make a really weird friend out of pure convenience and find out that ghosts are real and they’re being specifically targeted by some terrifying entity that takes on the form of people they know. Meanwhile their friend takes a hot minute to realize the protagonist is not actually crazy, or if they are, at least they aren’t a liar and the building really is extremely possessed. Also there’s a cat, and the cat is a little weird.”
- also there’s multiple super weird cryptic neighbors who are… rarely dressed, for some reason. One of them has a weirdly plot relevant connection to their pet.
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