#cook job
hubjob · 10 months
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Gi Group SpA ricerca persone con un minimo di esperienza nel settore della ristorazione o del servizio bar che possano affiancare lo chef nella preparazione di piatti per pranzi di lavoro.Leggi attentamente tutti i termini e le condizioni prima di candidarti per questi lavori. Di seguito sono riportate le qualifiche e l’esperienza minime richieste per questo lavoro.
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your Jeremy seems like the kinda guy that, when he first sees scoop'd Michael, just goes "yooo sick dude!"
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YOU GET IT… I’M GLAD y’all get and like Jeremy,,
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deunmiu-dessie · 2 months
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sorry, was thinking about doing domestic things with fiancé!ghost, like making cookies and him messing up something in the process 💀--- cause even though ghost is good at most things, this man does not have a cooking bone in his body, maybe he can make a few simple meals but for the most part ( something you taught him btw ), he'll leave the meals and meal prep to you ( besides, he enjoys ur cooking ). so when you pull him to the kitchen and ask him to make cookies with you, he's reluctant but of course he agrees, ( he'd burn the world if you asked ) though, making cookies is a lot harder than he expected😭
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"si, the butter--- it's burning."
your fiancé, always standing so tall and imposing, is slightly hunched over the stove wearing your pink apron that you had 'forced' ( wouldn't call it that since he literally bent down so you could put it on him but... ) over his head. despite him being so focused on the task at hand, he'd ended up burning the butter rather than browning it.
"ah fuckin' hell."
he stirs it for one moment more before looking down at you, "y'sure we can't use it?" he mellows at your beaming smile, deflating as you shake your head.
"simon, baby, it's basically tar."
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ (rehehehehe how simon looks most days when youre teaching him to bake.)
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likeprongstostars · 17 days
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 3 months
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Chef Eliot.
Leverage S01E03/S02E05/S04E01/S04E15/S05E01/S05E04/Redemption S01E04/S01E08/S01E11/S01E14/S02E03/S02E04/S02E06.
Bonus squish:
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
Enchanting as always: Carmilla~!
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Human disguised Carmilla Carmine with her hair up and down in the style of my #HHStargazersAU! She doesn't play a major role or anything, nor will I focus much on the other Overlords. I'll mostly keep it between Chaggie & Radioapple, but @softholly made me curious about what Camilla would look like if I were to draw her in my story. I got the curly haired idea from one of her daughters. As for WHY she would be disguised as a human if we were to see her in my AU... Surely you didn't think Vaggie & Alastor are the ONLY angelic/demonic entities roaming the Earth now, did you? =) Question is, why are any of these powerful beings on the mortal realm to begin with? Guess we'll later find out~! XD -Bubbly💙
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yasmeensh · 1 year
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Wooden sword ✨ Third thumbnail coloured... Should make some more soon. It was fun working on these Zelda 1 sketches :)
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epiales06 · 10 months
The most relatable thing anyone has ever done, in my opinion, is Chris Nolan working SO HARD to squeeze Cillian Murphy into every Dark Knight film.
Like Batman Begins? He’s the secondary antagonist, he belongs there.
Dark Knight? Kinda makes sense that he’d pop up just to tie loose ends I guess but it doesn’t totally work…
Dark Knight Rises? He’s taken over the legal system??? What’s he doing there? Why’s he there? How did he even get into this position?? I mean yass queen slay girlboss but bro??? He has like 1 minute of screentime and within that minute he disses Bane IN FRONT OF HIM?? And there are NO CONSEQUENCES???????
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greg-montgomery · 4 months
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Aaron - princess treatment - Hotchner 🎀
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benevolenterrancy · 4 months
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I'm reading bk6 and have just met ghostfire!Hua Cheng. i am enamoured...
feng xin and mu qing are trying to be supportive of xie lian's bizarre new castle but they're drawing the line at the evil little fire demon that seems to hate absolutely everyone except xie lian
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be-an-echo · 5 months
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Merry Christmas guyyyss🎄
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hongluboobs · 2 months
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Hey girl you must be an angel. because a
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oneofthosenightbees · 5 months
listen listen listen. Im here to ask a very important question. The world has to know- How many women could eligos carry I GOTTA KNOW (dont take this seriously im just being silly and gay-)
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As many as she wants!
(Also Guison is joking, promise)
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 months
My Favorite Continuing Manga I Read in 2023
I went into the brand new manga I read in this post, but here's an update on some great continuing series!
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Shout out to She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat for having phenomenal storyline about find the courage to cut toxic family members off, which is pretty rare to see (in manga especially)! The story explores how your family can impose a relationship with food that harms you in many different ways, and how finding acceptance of your food habits helps you heal. It also continues to be a lovely exploration of queer adults finding themselves that makes the point that your experiences don't have to fit in a box.  And I appreciate that they included a character who doesn't like eating that much for me to relate to! See my first review here, 
Now for a quick word about the other great continuing manga I read:
- I Want to be a Wall really upped it's game and included a nuanced discussion about asexuality that I loved seeing. See first review here.
- Yuri is My Job is still the best lesbian drama manga around and hits hard. See previous discussion here,
- A Man and His Cat is still the sweetest and Yona of the Dawn is as action packed and intriguing as ever...I feel a climax slowly coming!
- A Bride’s Story is still wonderfully done historical fiction with lush art while How Do We Relationship continues to develop its web of queer relationships nicely.
- Witch Hat Atelier is still a wondrous story of magic, creativity, accessibility, and struggling under unfair systems, all told in a fascinating fantasy setting with loveable, complex characters and incredible art.
A lot of manga I like concluded this year too, so let's take a slightly longer look at the conclusions!
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Dungeon Meshi- The conclusion to one of my favorite fantasy manga ever was fittingly bombastically weird and fully satisfying. It filled you up like good food should. Live well instead of being consumed by fear of death and loss. Eat well instead of working yourself to the bone and neglecting your needs. Follow your own path, but cherish your connections and get together for a good meal. This series and its intricate world and wonderful characters will stay with me for a long time.
Catch These Hands- See my first review here. I enjoyed the cute conclusion to this series, and it was nice to see a little ace rep and a message about not conforming to society's expectations of "adulthood". It's an ode to delinquent girls that a sukeban stan like me can get behind! A lot of the stuff that annoyed me in the second volume was mostly dropped for the third and fourth, so that's also nice.
Run Away With Me Girl- See my first review here. I wish this had been a little longer, but the conclusion worked well and was cathartic.
Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon- See my first review here. A nice conclusion to a cute, slow-paced little romance series, with yet more ace rep!
The Two of Them are Pretty Much Like This- see my first review here. This conclusion felt a bit rushed, with plot lines still dangling, like it was cancelled early or something. But the series is still good overall, and I'll miss it.
My Love Mix Up -This sweet-as-pie series about cute gay misunderstandings leading to romance comes to a fittingly sweet conclusion. It's sad waving goodbye to these silly, good-hearted kids, but I'm satisfied with where they ended up.
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chuthulhu-reads · 2 months
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[ID: A panel from Dungeon Meshi. Laios, with a downcast expression, is saying, "Ducks don't come along carrying leeks on their backs, you know." Marcille, looking even sadder, says, "I'm sorry. You're right." End ID.]
...God, the carnage that would be unleashed by letting Laios loose in the Pokemon World, tho. He'd make the BDG video look extremely sober and hinged. Professor Oak would ask how his pokedex is coming and he'd hand over a cookbook he's writing. He'd find Mew under the truck and roast it whole like a chicken. AO3 has zero crossovers so far and I don't know if I'm disappointed or relieved
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not smart as in intelligent but smart as in "people use my above average skills in math to deny me support in every other area of life"
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