#conjuring of a white christmas
12am-motivation · 1 year
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Definitely the latter
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blue-temperature · 1 year
[ESP] Obey Me — Conjuring of a White Christmas —
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Una Navidad Blanca Contigo
— Asmodeus: ¿No vas a tomar una siesta, Belphie?
— Belphegor: Nop. Tengo una regla de no dormir en lo absoluto cuando estés en los alrededores.
— Beelzebub: No quieres que Asmo ponga pintura en tus uñas sin que lo sepas, ¿Cierto?
— Leviathan: La forma en la que lo dijiste LMAO.
— Asmodeus: Beel, ¿Podrías al menor llamarlo por lo que es? Manicura.
— Mammon: ¡D’AAAAH!
— Satan: ¿Qué sucede, Mammon? Estás siendo odiosamente ruidoso.
— Mammmon: ¡N-N-N-Nada!
— Belphegor: ¿Qué sucede? ¿Estás viendo el pronóstico del tiempo?
— Beelzebub: ¿Por qué gritaría tan fuerte por el clima?
— Mammon: ¡No es NADA, dije!
— Satan: Huh. Parece que el clima estará bien en navidad.
— Mammon: ¡GAH! Solo cállate, ¡¿Quieres?!
[ ¿Quieres que nieve? ] ✓ [ ¿Qué opinas, Lucifer? ]
— Mammon: ¡Dah! ¡¿No es obvio?! Es navidad, después de todo.
— Leviathan: *jadeo* ...¡Espera! C-Creo que lo entiendo... ¡¿Querías ir a una cita con MC el día de Navidad, no es así?!
— Belphegor: ¿Qué...?
— Asmodeus: ¡No es cierto!
— Satan: ...¿Disculpa?
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— Mammon: La Navidad en el mundo humano se trata de citas con mucha nieve... ...eso es, disfrutar una Navidad blanca, ¡¿Cierto?!
[ ¡Mueran, normies! ] [ Es verdad, es una manera popular de celebrar Navidad. ] ✓
— Satan: Una Navidad Blanca, ¿Dices?
— Asmodeus: Mmm... MC y yo, caminando en las calles con luces de neón mientras la nieve cae gentilmente a nuestro alrededor...
— Belphegor: Yo calentando las manos de MC en las mías para que dejen de temblar, con el aire tan frío que podamos ver nuestra propia respiración...
— Beelzebub: Apuesto que sería extra delicioso si tomamos sopa caliente juntos en la nieve.
— Leviathan: Se me ocurrieron millones de escenarios diferentes...
— Lucifer: ...Supongo que tienes razón.
— Mammon: ¡¿Lo ves?! ¡¿Qué te dije?! De cualquier modo, el punto es que, ¡NECESITAMOS tener nieve en NAVIDAD!
— Asmodeus: Solo teneos que encontrar una forma de hacer que llueva ese día, entonces.
— Beelzebub: Estoy de acuerdo.
— Belphegor: Eso SI conseguimos que nieve... ¿Quién va a ir a una cita con MC?
— Satan: Podemos volver a eso luego.
— Lucifer: Primero lo primero, tendremos que conseguir un poco de nieve. Solo entonces podemos decidir quién irá a una cita con MC. ¿Está claro?
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— Mammon: ¿Y? ¿Cómo haremos que nieve exactamente?
— Beelzebub: El pronóstico del tiempo dijo que estará bien, ¿Cierto?
— Satan: Cierto. Eso es lo que estamos intentando cambiar.
[ ¿Por qué no llamamos a una bruja que sea capaz de hacer que nieve? ] [ Le preguntaré a Thirteen si puede ayudarnos. ] [ Hagamos un cañón de nieve. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: ¿Un cañón de nieve? No sabía que tenían cosas como esa en el mundo humano.
— Leviathan: Lo busqué. No hay manera de que podamos construir algo como eso.
— Mammon: Vamos, debe haber algo que podamos hacer.
— Satan: Simplifiquemos las cosas. Para que nieve, necesitamos nubes. En ese caso, simplemente tenemos que encontrar una forma de nubes de nieve aquí.
— Beelzebub: Suena bien.
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— Solomon: ¿Quieres saber cómo distinguir entre nubes que producen nieve y las que no?
— Leviathan: Sep. Pensamos que sabrías, así que vinimos a preguntar.
— Solomon: Hmm, esa es una pregunta difícil. Verás, la manera en que se forma precipitación es más o menos la misma, ya sea lluvia o nieve. Además de las nubes, tiene que haber una diferencia en la temperatu—
— Mammon: ¡Guárdatelo, Sr. yo-sé-todo! No vinimos aquí para una lesión de meteorología.
— Simeon: Entendemos que quieren hacer que nieve. Pero la Navidad es más que solo eso, ¿No es así?
— Luke: Mhm. Hay un montón de cosas que necesitamos preparar para la ocasión.
[ ¿Como medias? ] [ ¿Como pollo o pavo asado? ] [ ¿Como árboles de Navidad? ]✓
— Raphael: Aunque no hay árboles del mundo humano en Devildom. Me estaba preguntando si las lanzas serían un sustituto aceptable.
— Mammon: Nuh-uh, amigo. Eso es demasiado.
— Solomon: ¿Están planeando hacer que nieve en todo Devildom?
— Leviathan: Eso es lo que planeamos inicialmente, pero...
— Mammon: Ya sabes, quizás no tenemos que hacerlo a una gran escala.
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— Belphegor: Si simplemente queremos hacer que nieve en ciertas áreas, ¿No sería más rápido preguntarle al Señor Diavolo?
— Beelzebub: *masticar* *masticar* *masticar*
— Belphegor: ¿Ven? Beel está de acuerdo.
[ El como lograste descifrar eso me supera. ] ✓ [ Tienes razón. Lo está. ]
— Satan: No te preocupes. Yo tampoco entendí una palabra.
— Lucifer: Deberíamos confirmar el punto de vista del Diavolo en el asunto primero.
— Diavolo: Ciertamente. Puedo hacer que nieve.
— Belphegor: ¿En serio?
— Diavolo: Si. No debería ser un problema si limitamos las áreas a RAD, la Casa de los Lamentos y la Sala del Purgatorio.
— Mephistopheles: Tontos. Dejen de molestar al Señor Diavolo con tales asuntos triviales. Si quieren nubes de nieve, pueden ir a buscar algunas a una montaña nevada o algo.
— Diavolo: Qué, ¡Eso es! ¡Esa es una idea brillante, Mephisto!
— Mephistopheles: ...¿Huh?
— Diavolo: ...Bueno. ¿Por qué no intentan visitar la Montaña de Boundless  Permafrost*? (* Un juego de palabras que sonaría algo así como “la montaña de la helada permanente sin límites”.)
— Beelzebub: La Montaña...
— Belphegor: ...de Boundless...
— Satan: ...Permafrost?
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— Leviathan: La Montraña de Unlimited Permafrost... Maldición.
— Asmodeus: Cierto, probablemente te estés preguntando de qué estamos hablando, MC. Hay un lugar en Devildom llamado la Montaña de Boundless Permafrost donde nieva todo el año.
— Belphegor: Aunque todos huyen de ella, ya que su ambiente es tan duro.
— Satan: Naturalmente, no estamos interesados en ir tampoco.
— Leviathan: Ese es el por qué nadie lo mencionó antes.
— Satan: Ahora que el Señor Diavolo lo mencionó, la Montaña de Boundless Permafrost parece un lugar donde es probable encontrar nubes de nieve.
— Mammon: Woa. ¿Estás pensando en ir, Satan?
— Satan: No dije eso, ¿O si?
— Beelzebub: Bueno, ¿Quién va entonces?
— Belphegor: ...Esto no nos está llevando a ningún lado.
[ Yo iré. ] ✓ [ Preguntémosle a alguien. ]
— Leviathan: Lolol, vamos... Espera, ¿Lo dices en serio?
— Asmodeus: ¡No me digas que planeas ir sola! ¡Estaría enfermo de preocupación si lo hicieras!
— Mammon: ...Bien, lo tengo. ¡El Gran Mammon va a ir a la Montaña de Boundless Permafrost!
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— Mammon: Escuchen todos. Esto es importante, así que lo voy a decir de nuevo. Yo iré a la Montaña de Boundless Permafrost.
— Belphegor: Uh-huh... Eso no es sospechoso en lo absoluto.
— Asmodeus: No hay manera en la que Mammon tomaría tal riesgo sin preocupación. Él tiene segundas intenciones.
— Satan: Yo digo que solo quiere impresionar a MC.
— Mammon: ¡¿De-De qué están hablando?! ¡C-C-Como si lo fuera!
— Leviathan: Justo en el clavo lolol.
— Asmodeus: En ese caso, yo también iré ♡
— Satan: He cambiado de opinión. Iré con ustedes.
— Beelzebub: Yo también.
— Belphegor: Si Beel va, yo también.
— Mammon: ¡Maldición, esto no es justo!
[ ¡¿Por qué no vamos TODOS juntos?! ] ✓ [ Me quedaré detrás de ellos. ]
— Lucifer: Considerándolo, esa parece ser la mejor opción.
— Satan: bueno, hay nieve, pero...
— Asmodeus: Esperaba más de una tormenta de nieve.
— Belphegor: Literalmente solo está nevando alrededor.
— Mammon: Eh, ¡¿A quién le importa?! Estoy feliz de que no sea tan peligroso como esperábamos. Honestamente, parece una montaña nevada regular para mí...
— Beelzebub: Hey, Mammon. No te muevas mucho por alrede—
— Mammon: ¿Hm?
— Leviathan: ¿Pisaste algo?
— Lucifer: Ciertamente lo hizo.
— Mammon: ...¿Huh?
— Satan: ¿Qué está sucediendo? el clima de repente se ha vuelto peor.
— Belphegor: Quizás el clima en la Montaña de Boundless Permafrost no es necesariamente mala para empezar.
— Beelzebub: ¿A qué te refieres, Belphie?
— Belphegor: Quiero decir que podría haber algún tipo de trampa en el lugar para eliminar a los intrusos.
— Mammon: ¡Woa! ¡¿Eso significa... ...que hay un TESORO en algún lugar de esta montaña?!
— Asmodeus: ¡¿Disculpa?! ¿Cómo llegaste a esa conclusión?
— Mammon: ¡Woo-hoooo! ¡Dulce, dulce tesoro! ¡Estoy yendo por ti, bebé!
— Beelzebub: Espera, Mammon. No vayas por tu cuenta.
— Satan: No tiene sentido. Él ya está fuera de alcance para escuchar.
— Lucifer: Santos cielos...
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— Mammon: ¡Wooooo! ¡Todo ese dulce tesoro, esperando para volverse mío!
— Asmodeus: Eep, ¿Qué está sucediendo?! ¡La nieve se ha vuelto mucho más fuerte ahora!
— Satan: Es Mammon.
— Lucifer: En efecto. Mientras más lejos corra hacia la montaña, más trampas activa.
— Beelzebub: ...¿Deberíamos hacer algo?
[ ¡Mammon! ¡QUIETO! ] ✓ [ ¡Detenlo, Beel! ]
— Mammon: *yelp* ¿Por qué tu... ¡Maldición, MC! Al menos dame un aviso, ¡¿Quieres?!
— Belphegor: ¿Hay algún punto en hacer eso?
— Asmodeus: ...¿Hm? Hey, ¿Qué es eso? Algo grande está mirando hacia nosotros a través de la tormenta de nieve.
— Satan: Es un abominable hombre de nieve, conocido también como un yeti.
— Lucifer: Ya veo. Esto debe ser obra del yeti.
— Asmodeus: ¿Te refieres a que la trampas del yeti son para proteger su territorio?
— Belphegor: En ese caso, si pudiera compartirnos una de sus trampas con nosotros...
— Leviathan: ¡Podríamos ser capaces de hacer que nieve!
— Beelzebub: ¿Satan va estar bien negociando con el yeti?
— Asmodeus: Él dijo que entiende su idioma un poco. Estoy seguro de que estará bien.
— Satan: Siento tenerlos esperando. Tenemos un trato. Acepta compartir sus trampas con una condición.
— Mammon: ¿Si? ¿Cuál?
— Satan: Quiere que ahuyentemos a los fantasmas en la montaña. Cada uno de ellos.
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— Mammon: En ese caso, ¿No deberíamos solo rodearlos por la fuerza?
— Beelzebub: Esa probablemente sea la mejor manera.
— Satan: Estoy en desacuerdo. Podríamos intentar convencerlos de irse.
— Belphegor: Mhm. Podrían escuchar a la razón.
[ ¡Atrapémoslos! ] [ ¡Convenzámoslos de irse! ] ✓
— Satan: ¡Escuchen, fantasmas! ¡Si acceden a irse de esta montaña, prometemos proveerles un lugar con mejores condiciones de vida que los que disfrutan actualmente!
— Belphegor: ...Uh, no creo que hayan escuchado una palabra de lo que dijiste.
— Asmodeus: Este parece un trabajo para el pequeño viejo yo. Yoo-hoo, pequeños fantasmitas ♡ Vamos, ¡Deleiten sus ojos conmigo...!
— Lucifer: Parecería que tus encantos son inefectivos contra ellos.
— Asmodeus: ¿Cómo pueden no entender mi magnificencia? ¡¿Qué tipo de estándares de belleza tienen los fantasmas, de todos modos?!
— Leviathan: *jadear* *jadear* ...¡¿Qué demonios...?! ¡Eso tomó AÑOS...!
— Belphegor: Estoy feliz de que fuéramos capaces de atraparlos.
— Satan: El yeti nos agradeció también. Como prometió, nos dio una de sus trampas caseras.
— Lucifer: De acuerdo. Es momento de regresar a casa.
— Simeon: ¡Bienvenidos de regreso a todos!
— Mammon: ¿Eh? No sabía que estaban aquí.
— Raphael: Vinimos desde que Diavolo nos dijo que se habían ido a la Montaña de Boundless Permafrost.
— Luke: Entonces, ¿Cómo estuvo?
— Solomon: Fascinante... ¿Dicen que el yeti hizo esto?
— Satan: ¿Estás interesado en ella, Solomon?
— Solomon: ¡Por supuesto! No es que todos los días se pueda ver una trampa hecha por alguien más que un hechicero o un demonio. ¿Te importa si la toco? Podría ser capaz de crear una especie de cañón de nieve mágico basado en esta trampa.
— Lucifer: Claro. Se nuestro invitado, Solomon.
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— Mammon: ¡Lo hicimos! ¡Una Navidad blanca está segura ahora!
— Satan: Todo lo que queda para cada uno de nosotros es hacer nuestras propias preparaciones para Navidad.
— Belphegor: ...
— Beelzebub: ¿Sucede algo, Belphie?
— Belphegor: Siento que nos estamos de olvidando de algo...
[ Aún no hemos terminado nuestros planes. ] [ ¿Preparaciones para la fiesta de Navidad? ] ✓
— Leviathan: ¡Sup! Eso es exactamente... ¡NO!
— Belphegor: Supongo que aquí es donde nos separamos. No más familia feliz.
— Beelzebub: Uh-huh. De aquí en adelante...
— Lucifer: ...debemos competir por el derecho de pasar la Navidad con MC.
— Asmodeus: Ustedes lo dijeron ♡
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— Raphael: ¿Cuál es el problema? Luces extrañamente exhausta.
[ Oh, ya sabes. Cosas. ] [ ¿Si? ] ✓
— Raphael: Si, te ves (así). ¿Sucedió algo? Puedes hablar conmigo, ¿Sabes?
— Raphael: Ya veo. Así que, esencialmente, has sido sometida a los varios caprichos los últimos días. bueno, ¿Por qué no propones pasar la Navidad juntos como grupo, entonces? Probablemente sea lo mejor.
— Belphegor: ¿Qué sucede, MC? ¿Por qué la reunión repentina?
— Simeon: ¿Tienes algo importante que decirnos?
[ ¡Tengamos una gran fiesta de Navidad juntos! ] ✓ [ ¡La Navidad se disfruta mejor como grupo! ]
— Mammon: ¿Huh? ¿Una fiesta?
— Luke: ¿Todos nosotros? ¡¿Eso significa que estamos incluidos también?!
— Simeon: ¿Aunque no estaban discutiendo por quién pasaría la Navidad con MC?
— Diavolo: Si ese es el caso, ¡Hagamos una gran fiesta con el cuerpo estudiantil en todo RAD!
— Asmodeus: Vaya, esto de repente se ha vuelto más grande.
— Satan: Dudo que haya lugar para alguna objeción.
— Mephistopheles: ¿Y por qué siquiera soñarías con objetar la propuesta del Señor Diavolo?
— Diavolo: Muy bien, está decidido entonces. ¡Por este medio nombro a todos los presentes miembros del comité de planificación!
— Luke: ¿En serio? ¿Todos nosotros?
— Diavolo: ¡Es correcto! Me gustaría que todos organizaran los detalles e hicieran de esta fiesta un éxito. MC, ¿Puedo confiar en ti para instalar la fiesta junto con nuestros nuevos estudiantes de intercambio? Me gustaría que aprendan de primera mano como los estudiantes de RAD se involucran con los eventos escolares. ¡Cuento con ustedes!
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— Raphael: Se supone que veremos las preparaciones de la fiesta de Navidad hoy, ¿Cierto? Parece que nos falta un miembro...
[ Chat: 
Thirteen: Estoy resfriada. No me puedo mover. No cuenten conmigo. ]
— Raphael: Bueno, no podemos esperar que una persona enferma se una a nosotros. Entonces supongo que seremos solo nosotros dos hoy.
— Luke: Hey, ¡Ustedes dos! ¡Es bueno verlos!
— Simeon: Nuestro grupo está a cargo de la decoración del lugar.
— Leviathan: Recuérdenme otra vez por qué tenemos que hacer esto. Como la mariposa social que definitivamente NO soy.
— Beelzebub: No sabía que simplemente preparar una fiesta te hacía una mariposa social.
— Belphegor: Ignóralo, Beel. No necesitas tomarlo en serio.
— Leviathan: ¡Bueno, deberías! ¡¿Qué si la población de normies en RAD incrementa debido a esta fiesta?!
— Belphegor: Hey, Beel. Creo que la decoración está ligeramente fuera de lugar.
— Beelzebub: ¿Debería moverla más a la izquierda o la derecha? Creo que la tuya necesita arreglarse también, Belphie.
— Luke: En realidad, no es el lugar lo que está mal. Es porque la tienes al revés.
— Simeon: ¡Cuidado, Beelzebub! Se movió de nuevo cuando le quitaste la vista de encima.
— Leviathan: Uh-huh, por SUPUESTO que nadie me está escuchando. Como sea, ¡Lo sabía!
— Raphael: ¿Qué es esto? ¿Algunos trozos de papeles malditos?
— Leviathan: ¡No! ¡Es un muñeco de papel modelado a partir de un personajes de TSL!
— Luke: ...¿Huh? ¿Por qué está decoración está mojada?
— Belphegor: Oh, ¿Te refieres al de pastel? Esa sería la saliva de Beel.
— Luke: ¡Ew!
[ ¡Haz algo más Navideño, Levi! ] [ ¡Deja de babear, Beel! ] ✓
— Luke: ¡Eso es cierto, Beelzebub! No deberías ensuciar los adornos en los que trabajamos tan duro.
— Beelzebub: Tendré cuidado de ahora en adelante.
— Luke: ¡De acuerdo! ¡Demos lo mejor para hacer muchos adornos para el día de la fiesta!
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— Barbatos: Bueno, bueno. Hola, MC y Raphael. ¿Están aquí para inspeccionar nuestro trabajo?
— Raphael: No tanto inspeccionar sino observar, diría yo. ¿Puedo preguntar de qué está a cargo tu grupo, Lucifer?
— Lucifer: Estamos en el proceso de ordenar y clasificar los regalos para el cuerpo estudiantil de RAD.
— Asmodeus: Mammon y yo fuimos forzados a organizar todo esto, por cierto.
— Mammon: ¡No puedo creer que no me paguen por esto!
— Mephistopheles: ¡¿Por qué estoy atascado haciendo el mismo trabajo que Asmodeus y Mammon?!
— Mammon: ¡Hey! ¡¿A qué te refieres con eso?!
— Asmodeus: Vamos, Mephisto, ¡Tienes que ser más suave con nosotros! Todo lo que tienes que hacer es ordenar las direcciones de todos y la orden para entregar los regalos, ¿Cierto?
— Mephistopheles: ¡¿Por qué no intentas tú hacer mi trabajo entonces, si crees que es tan fácil?! Digo que tontos incompetentes como ustedes están mejor haciendo trabajo manual.
— Mammon: ¡¿Qué dijiste?! ¡¿Estás buscando una pelea?!
— Raphael: ...¿Quiere que haga llover lanzas en ustedes?
— Mephistopheles: ¡T-Todo menos eso!
— Mammon: ¡Eep!
— Lucifer: *suspiro* Ha sido así todo el día. Desafortunadamente, han gastado más tiempo discutiendo que haciendo trabajo real.
— Barbatos: Supongo que no tenemos opción. Lucifer, ¿Serías tan amable de asistir al equipo de distribución de regalos?
— Mammon: ¡Muajaja! ¿Escuchaste eso? ¡Eres parte del equipo de entrega, perdedor!
— Lucifer: Tu también, Mammon.
— Mammon: ¡¿Qué mierda?!
— Barbatos: Lo mismo para ti, Asmodeus.
— Asmodeus: ¡¿Huh?!
— Raphael: ...Por cierto, ¿Qué es ese aroma exquisito?
— Barbatos: No estoy seguro de si exquisito sea la palabra correcta...
— Mammon: ...Por si acaso, mis instintos me están gritando que no lo huela.
[ Vayamos a ver qué es. ] ✓ [ Pretendamos que no lo notamos. ]
— Barbatos: En ese caso, permítanme acompañarlos. Me gustaría asegurarme de que ninguna de las instalaciones esté dañada.
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— Raphael: El aroma parece venir de aquí...
— Barbatos: ...En efecto, parecería que si.
—  Raphael: Que indescriptible y tentador aroma.
— Barbatos: Me temo que no comparto tu opinión...
— Diavolo: ¡MC, Raphael! Ah, veo que estás aquí también, Barbatos. Escuché quejas acerca de un hedor ofensivo que impregna los terrenos de la escuela... ¿Podría ser esto?
— Solomon: ¿Hm? Oh queridos, parece que he sido descubierto. Que mal. Estaba esperando sorprenderlos.
— Barbatos: Así que eras tú, después de todo...
— Solomon: Estaba horneando algunos cupcakes para todos. ¿Creen que podrían ayudarme a entregarlos?
— Diavolo: Solo para confirmar, por cupcakes, ¿Te refieres a esos restos carbonizados que estás sosteniendo actualmente?
— Solomon: Es correcto. Mira este crocante color marrón dorado. Lucen bastante bien, ¿No?
— Raphael: Cierto. Lucen para chuparse los dedos.
— Barbatos: ...No entiendo ninguno de tus sentidos culinarios.
[ Barbatos ya preparó algunos bocadillos para todos. ] ✓ [ No creo que nadie los quiera ahora mismo. ]
— Barbatos: ... ...Si, lo hice, en realidad. De hecho, hice cupcakes y algunos otros productos horneados para todos los que han estado ayudando a preparar la fiesta.
— Solomon: Supongo que tienes razón. Hmm, ¿Qué debería hacer con ellos?
— Raphael: ¿Te importa si me los como todos?
— Solomon: ¡En lo absoluto! Estaría feliz si lo hicieras.
— Diavolo: Bien pensado, MC. Gracias a ti, fuimos capaces de evitar un escenario potencialmente desastroso.
— Barbatos: Efectivamente. Hubiera sido terrible si todos hubieran quedado incapacitados ahora, considerando todas las preparaciones en marcha. No puedo agradecerte lo suficiente, MC.
— Diavolo: He estado mirando el progreso de todos antes y ahora y, por lo que he visto, parecen estar haciéndolo espléndido. A este paso, ¡Es seguro que nuestra fiesta sea un éxito tremendo!
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— Asmodeus: ¡Yay! ¡Salud!
— Luke: No digo que no debamos, ¿Pero cuántas veces hemos hecho esto ya?
— Mammon: Vamos, es una ocasión festiva. Tenemos permitido celebrar tantas veces como queramos.
— Leviathan: Ugh, es por eso que odio a los normies...
— Solomon: Estoy feliz de que la fiesta fuera un gran éxito.
— Simeon: Yo también. Les debemos una por hacer un gran trabajo instalándola.
[ ¿Qué les gustó más? ] [ Tenemos que agradecerles por tener todo a tiempo. ] ✓
— Raphael: Cierto. Como resultado, podríamos comenzar a ensayar antes de lo planeado. También seremos capaces de discutir y decidir los arreglos de asientos con todos.
— Belphegor: Por cierto, ¿Han terminado de repartir los regalos?
— Lucifer: Si, cada uno fue distribuido.
— Asmodeus: Hey, espera un minuto. ¿Dónde están nuestros regalos?
— Beelzebub: *masticar* *masticar* *masticar*... ¿Esto es comida?
— Belphegor: Lo es, eso significa que ya has recibido más de lo que te corresponde, Beel.
— Diavolo: No te preocupes. Naturalmente, ¡Preparamos un regalo especial para todos ustedes!
— Mammon: ¡Maldición, si! ¡Generoso como siempre, Señor Diavolo!
— Solomon: Parece que es momento de la gran revelación.
— Luke: ¿Es un dispositivo mágico?
— Solomon: Si. Lo hice modificando la trampa del yeti. Aquí, miren.
— Luke: ¡Vaya...!
— Belphegor: Está nevando...
— Asmodeus: Qué romántico ♡
— Satan: ¿Qué dicen si hacemos otro brindis mientras esperamos a que la nieve se asiente?
— Barbatos: ¿Todos tienen una copa?
— Lucifer: Bien. Brindemos una vez más por esta nieve.
— Mammon: ¡Uno, dos, tres!
— Todos: ¡Feliz Navidad!
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Historia Especial
— Beelzebub: Ha pasado un tiempo desde que fuimos a la montaña para buscar nieve. De cualquier modo, ¿Qué paso con la competición por el derecho de pasar la Navidad con MC?
[ Supongo que todo se derrumbó. ] [ No tengo idea. ] ✓
— Asmodeus: Bueno, ¿Qué se puede hacer? Mammon no ha pensado en como decidirlo aún, a pesar de que fue el que lo sugirió en primer lugar.
— Belphegor: Aunque no importa a quién elija. Todos sabemos que él va a terminar perdiendo de todos modos.
— Mammon: ¡Hey! ¡¿Saben que puedo escuchar todo lo que dicen, cierto?! Ahora, miren, estoy pensando en la mejor manera de dec—
— Luke: ¡C-C-C-Chicos! ¡Malas noticias!
— Beelzebub: ¿Qué sucede, Luke?
— Luke: ¡Rápido, la TV! ¡Enciéndanla AHORA!
— Mammon: ¿La TV?
— Leviathan: Aye, aye, capitán. Listo, hecho.
— Luke: ¡Mira el pronóstico del tiempo!
— Belphegor: No es posible. ¿Una tormenta de nieve justo antes de Navidad...?
— Simeon: Hey, todos.
— Solomon: Finalmente te alcanzamos. De seguro eres un corredor rápido, Luke.
— Raphael: Así que, ¿Han visto el pronóstico del tiempo?
— Satan: Lo vimos.
— Diavolo: ¡Excelente! ¡Eso hace las cosas mucho más fácil!
— Lucifer: Bueno, bueno. Primero, los miembros de la Sala del Purgatorio y ahora ustedes dos.
— Barbatos: Sentimos molestarlos.
— Diavolo: Se espera que la tormenta de nieve disminuya para la víspera de navidad. ¡Por lo que... ...propongo que tengamos una Navidad ligeramente diferente de lo usual este año!
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— Diavolo: Sugiero que cubramos a la ciudad y a RAD con adornos Navideños de nieve.
— Leviathan: ¿A qué te refieres?
[ ¿Quieres que hagamos cabañas de nieve? ] [ ¿Quieres que hagamos muñecos de nieve? ] [ ¿Quieres que hagamos esculturas de nieve? ] ✓
— Belphegor: Cierto, ustedes hacen grandes esculturas de nieve en el mundo humano, ¿No?
— Asmodeus: Eso suena muy divertido ♡ ¡Cuenten conmigo!
— Mammon: Espera, se suponía que decidiríamos quién pasaría la Navidad con...
— Solomon: ¿Hm? ¿Pasar la navidad con quién?
— Satan: Cállate, Mammon. Ya hay siete compitiendo por el lugar. ¿Realmente quieres bajar tus oportunidades de ganar? Sugiero que nos quedemos callados al respecto de nuestros planes y nos apeguemos a la idea del Señor Diavolo por ahora.
— Mammon: ...Tch. Bien, si tú lo dices. En ese caso, ¡Tengamos un torneo para ver quién puede construir la la cosa más genial de nieve! Si yo gano, MC pasar—
— Leviathan: ¡Wee woo, wee woo! Ajem. ¡No creas que puedes engañar a la policía PDA!
— Diavolo: Discutamos esto más en detalle mañana, ¿Si?
— Lucifer: Bueno, eso ciertamente arroja una llave a nuestros problemas. ¿Cómo te sientes, MC? ¿Cansada de todo este lío?
[ Seguro que si. ¿Puedo tener un beso? ] 1 [ ¡Estoy muy cansada! ] 2
1: — Lucifer: Por supuesto. ...Vamos, ven más cerca. Mn... Siempre estoy aquí si me necesitas. No te apoyes en nadie más. Ven conmigo. ¿Está claro?
2: — Lucifer: No estoy sorprendido. No hay necesidad de tomar todo lo que mis hermanos dicen en serio. Siéntete libre de ignorarlos como creas necesario.
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— Barbatos: Leviathan, Mammon y yo estaremos a cargo de hacer cabañas de nieve.
— Asmodeus: El Señor Diavolo, Satan y yo estaremos haciendo una escultura gigante de nieve de Lucifer ♡
— Luke: ¡Y yo voy a hacer hombres de nieve con Beelzebub y Belphegor!
— Leviathan: Mientras que tú, MC, ¡Estarás trabajando independientemente como superintendente jefe!
— Satan: No sería justo para ningún equipo tener a MC para sí mismo a este punto.
— Beelzebub: Aunque está bien hacer preguntas.
— Asmodeus: Ooh, ¡Tengo una pregunta sobre las cabañas de nieve!
— Mammon: ¿Qué? ¡Hey, Asmo! ¡YO voy primero!
[ ¡Tomen turnos y no peleen! ] ✓ [ Acabo de recordar algo. ¡Hasta luego, chicos! ]
— Barbatos: Determinemos nuestro orden justamente con un juego de piedra, papel o tijeras.
— Luke: ¡Quiero unirme también!
— Simeon: Siento que tengas que lidiar con todo esto.
— Solomon: Tienes mi simpatía.
— Lucifer: Por el amor de Dios. Esos idiotas nunca aprenden, ¿No?
[ ¿Qué estarás haciendo, Simeon? ] 1 [ ¿Qué estarás haciendo, Solomon? ] 2
1: — Simeon: ¿Yo? Estoy haciendo algo que está garantizado que hará acelerar tu corazón. Sólo dejémoslo así.
2: — Solomon: Planeo hacer algo que todos puedan disfrutar.
— Lucifer: Necesitamos negociar la ubicación con Diavolo primero. Una vez que esté decidido, podemos ponernos a trabajar.
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— Luke: ¡MC! ¡Viniste! Estamos buscando un lugar para hacer un muñeco de nieve. Queremos hacer una grande, ¿Sabes?
— Beelzebub: Este jardín parece un buen lugar para hacer uno. Hay un montón de espacio para hacer rodar una bola de nieve.
— Belphegor: Me gustaría ver si hay un lugar mejor. Separémonos y exploremos nuestras ubicaciones potenciales.
[ Acompañar a Luke. ] 1 [ Acompañar a Belphie. ] 2  [ Acompañar a Beel. ] 3
1: — Luke: Eso pensé. El jardín de la Sala del Purgatorio es demasiado pequeño para hacer un muñeco de nieve... ¿Conoces algún buen lugar, Raphael?
— Raphael: ...Lo siento. Mi mente se quedó en blanco.
— Luke: ¡Está bien! Si encuentras algún lugar bueno, por favor háznoslo saber.
— Raphael: Seguro. Lo haremos.
— Luke: Además de encontrar un lugar, también tenemos que conseguir guantes gruesos para hacer rodar la nieve. ¡Amaría tener guantes a juego contigo, MC! Vamos a comprarlos pronto.
2: — Belphegor: Si, esto podría funcionar. siento que podríamos conseguir un montón de nieve aquí. Oh, pero las plantas de aquí son un poco—ouch. ...Accidentalmente me corté con una de las espinas.
[ Será mejor que te bese. ] ✓ [ ¡Dolor, dolor, vete! ]
— Belphegor: Mn... ...¿Eso fue un beso mágico, MC? Ya no duele tanto. ¿Puedo besarte para descubrirlo? No te importa, ¿Cierto?
3: — Beelzebub: Deberíamos tener un montón de espacio aquí para hacer un gran hombre de nieve. Aunque hay muchas cosas, así que tenemos que tener cuidado cuando rodamos la nieve. Cambiando de tema... Se siente un poco como si estuviéramos en una cita.
[ ¿Quieres besarme y hacerlo más como una cita? ] ✓ [ ¡Corre fuera del parque! ]
— Beelzebub: Me gustaría eso. ...Mn... Increíble. Se siente incluso más como una cita ahora mismo. ...¿Puedo besarte de nuevo?
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— Asmodeus: ¡MC! ¡Finalmente regresaste!
— Diavolo: Me gustaría pedirles un favor. Explicaremos las cosas una vez que lleguemos a la habitación de Satan.
— Satan: Bienvenida, MC. Iré directamente al grano. ¿Cómo están yendo los demás equipos?
— Diavolo: Si vamos a hacer una gran escultura de nieve de Lucifer, pensamos que podríamos también asegurar que nuestra creación sea más refinada que la de los demás equipos.
— Asmodeus: Exactamente. De esa manera, podemos mostrarle a Lucifer cuando lo amamos y lo apreciamos, ¿Cierto?
— Satan: Si tú lo dices, Asmo. Solo estoy haciendo esto por malicia.
— Diavolo: De cualquier modo, apreciaríamos si pudieras venir ocasionalmente e informarnos de cómo les está yendo a los demás equipos. Contamos contigo.
— Satan: Me dirijo a la biblioteca ahora. Hay algo que me gustaría buscar.
— Asmodeus: ¡En ese caso, voy a salir por un momento!
— Diavolo: ¿Qué hay de ti, MC?
[ Me quedaré. ] 1 [ Seguir a Satan. ] 2 [ Seguir a Asmo. ] 3
1: — Asmodeus: Bien, querida. Te alcanzamos luego ♡
— Diavolo: Este es nuestro arte conceptual para la escultura de nieve de Lucifer. Se ve bastante bien, ¿No lo crees? ...Whoops, cuidado. No tan cerca. De otro modo, lo tendré difícil conteniéndome de besarte.
[ No me importa. ] ✓ [ No. ]
— Diavolo: ...Mn... ...Amo esa mirada en tu rostro. Eres absolutamente encantadora, MC. Me gustaría besarte un poco más. No te importa, ¿Cierto?
2: — Satan: Me gustaría buscar maneras efectivas para moldear la nieve. ¿Podrías revisar esas estanterías por mí? Yo buscaré por aquí... ¡...¡ ¡Cuidado!
— Satan: ...Esos libros casi caen en tu cabeza. ¿Tu mano se deslizó? Realmente tienes que tener más cuidado.
[ Besarlo. ] ✓ [ Asentir. ]
— Satan: ¡...! ...Eso fue furtivo de tu parte. Bien. Dos pueden jugar ese juego. Espero que estés preparada, MC.
3: — Asmodeus: ¿Sabes? Encontré algunos accesorios el otro día que aposté que lucirían realmente adorables en Lucifer. Estoy bastante seguro de que lucirán bien en su escultura de nieve también. Además... pre-ordené algunos accesorios a juego para nosotros también cuando los compré ♡
[ Déjame darte un beso de agradecimiento. ] ✓ [ Eso es realmente dulce de tu parte. ]
— Asmodeus: Mn... Jeje ♡ ¡Gracias, MC! Eres la más linda ♡ ¡Te amo! ¡Te los pondré una vez que hayan llegado cuando tengamos algún momento a solas! Espero que estés emocionada ♡
— Diavolo: ¡Excelente! Regresaron. Continuemos con lo que habíamos dejado—
— Leviathan: ¡No tan rápido! ¡Objeto fuertemente que acaparen a MC!
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— Leviathan: ¡Me llevaré a MC conmigo, muchas gracias! Además, ¡Tengo una misión súper importante que solo puede ser llevada a cabo con MC!
— Diavolo: ...Se han ido.
— Satan: Apenas tuvimos tiempo para detenerlos.
— Mammon: ¡Es bueno verte, MC! ¡Bien hecho, Levi!
— Barbatos: Estoy impresionado de que realmente fueras capaz de traer a MC contigo.
— Leviathan: ¡De cualquier modo, vamos a nuestros asuntos! ¡Ta-dá! ¡Mira esto!
— Mammon: Este no es una cúpula al azar, ¿Sabes? ¡Es un modelo de cabaña de nieve tamaño real!
— Barbatos: Estábamos pensando en cómo de grande debería ser la cabaña de nieve y nos decidimos por esta.
— Leviathan: ¡La idea fue hacerla lo suficientemente grande para ti y una persona más!
— Mammon: Bueno, ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Pruébalo, MC!
[ ¡Vamos dentro, Barbatos! ] 1 [ ¡Vamos dentro, Mammon! ] 2 [ ¡Vamos dentro, Levi! ] 3
1: — Barbatos: Estaba casi seguro de que lo habíamos hecho un poco a la deriva, pero ahora que realmente estamos dentro, se siente un poco apretado. Estar así de cerca contigo, no puedo evitar sino...
[ ¿Quieres besarme? ] ✓ [ Se siente un poco incómodo. ]
— Barbatos: ...Si. Precisamente. ...Mn... ...¿Tal vez estabas pensando lo mismo? Si es así, creo que puedo predecir tu siguiente pensamiento. Debes estar pensando que te gustaría besarme de nuevo...
2: — Mammon: ¡Woa! ¡Así que así es como es por dentro! Se siente como un escondite secreto, ¿No lo crees? El tamaño es justo, pero siento que falta algo.
[ ¿Quieres besarme? Nadie puede vernos ahora. ] ✓ [ ¡Aunque se siente cómodo! ]
— Mammon: ¡¿Qué...?! ¿Estás flirteando conmigo? ...Bueno, supongo que no me importaría complacerte. Mnnn... ...Maldición. Me siento un poco extraño. Maldición, esto es tu culpa, MC. Será mejor que tomes responsabilidad por esto...
3: — Leviathan: Es lo suficientemente grande para los dos, pero personalmente, quiero un poco más de espacio. Como que, piensa en ello. Necesitamos una habitación para una TV y consolas, ¡Sin mencionar algo de espacio para mover tu control por alrededor!
[ ¿No vas a besarme? ] ✓ [ ¡Momento de aislarnos del mundo exterior! ]
— Leviathan: ¡¿Huh?! ¡N-N-No digas esa palabra tan casualmente! ...Quiero decir, no es como si no quisiera. Quiero decir, me encantaría... ...Mn. *suspira* ...Si esto fuera una simulación de citas, esta escena sería totalmente un flag event y sería guardada en nuestra caja de recuerdos. En realidad, ya podríamos haber desencadenado un evento...
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— Thirteen: ¿Una competencia para ver quién puede hacer la cosa más impresionante de nieve? Dios, que idea ridícula. Las cosas que tienes que aguantar.... Seguramente hay mejores cosas que hacer, como prepararte para la tormenta de nieve. Solo ten cuidado de no enfermarte, ¿Bien? No quieres perderte toda la diversión.
— Mephistopheles: Ahí estás, MC. Quería preguntarte algo. Escuché que los hermanos están haciendo varios objetos de nieve. ¿Alguna actualización de su progreso?
[ ¿Estás preocupado por ellos? ] [ Es un secreto. ] ✓
— Mephistopheles: ...¿Perdóname? Tienes agallas para hablarme de esa manera. Escúchame. Como miembro del Club del Periódico de RAD, es mi deber reportar el maravilloso evento que el Señor Diavolo planeó...
— Raphael: Todos los miembros de la Sala del Purgatorio parecen estar disfrutando. Ellos determinaron hacer algo que todos puedan disfrutar.
— Mephistopheles: ...Raphael. ¿Estás libre?
— Raphael: Por ahora, al menos.
— Mephistopheles: Bueno, está decidido. ¡Trabaja conmigo, Raphael!
— Raphael: ...¿Disculpa?
— Diavolo: ¿Dices que Mephisto y Raphael se unen a nosotros? Vaya, ¡Esas son excelentes noticias, MC! De acuerdo con el pronóstico del tiempo, comenzará a nevar mañana hasta las vísperas de Navidad. Le estaré prestando a Lucifer el parque como él solicitó. Esto feliz de ver que todos han estado trabajando tan duro en las preparaciones de Navidad. ¡Estoy esperando el día del evento!
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— Lucifer: ¿MC? ¿Qué estás...? ...Por supuesto, la respuesta es obvia. Diavolo te envió, ¿Cierto? Bueno, supongo que no me importa si espías nuestras actividades. Siéntete libre de mirar todo lo que quieras.
— Simeon: ¡Hey, MC! No me di cuenta de que estabas aquí. ¿Puedes adivinar qué es esto? Te dejaré ver. Nuestro equipo construyó una pendiente gigante. Una vez que tengamos la nieve suficiente, seremos capaces de deslizarnos por ella. Vamos. Escalemos hasta la cima juntos.
— Simeon: Mira, ¿No es increíble? Puedes tener una vista completa de la ciudad desde aquí.
[ Ya que solo estamos nosotros dos, ¿Por qué no nos besamos? ] ✓ [ ¡Esto es increíble! ]
— Simeon: ...Estaba pensando lo mismo, para ser honesto. Mn... ...Eso fue adorable, justo como pensé. Me aseguraré de que la Navidad sea incluso más emocionante. Espera y verás, MC. Te garantizo que será especial.
— Mammon: ¡Yo, MC! Llegas tarde. Parece que va a empezar a nevar pronto.
— Asmodeus: Estamos todos preparados y listos para la Navidad ahora ♡
— Beelzebub: Solo necesitamos esperar que deje de nevar, entonces podemos tener todo listo de una vez.
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— ???: ...MC... MC...
— Thirteen: MC. Vamos, despierta ya. No seas una dormilona. Traje un regalo de Navidad solo para ti, ¿Sabes? Quiero decir que debes estar súper agradecida y emocionada, pero... Veo que ya estás rodeada de regalos por todas partes. Oh bueno, no importa. Ten, toma esto. Si estás buscando a los demás, se apresuran por aquí y por allá. ¿Por qué no te apresuras y te unes a ellos? Chau.
— Luke: ¡Hey, MC! ¡Mira! ¡¿No son increíbles esos hombres de nieve gigantes?
[ ¡Vaya, hicieron un montón! ] [ ¡Son enormes! ] ✓
— Belphegor: Mira este extra grande. Beel y yo lo hicimos juntos.
— Beelzebub: Sup. Llevé a Belphie acuestas e hicimos una gigante bola de nieve.
— Belphegor: ¿Ves esos hombres de nieve que están en la calle que se dirige hacia el parque?
— Beelzebub: Eso significa que los yetis se han ido por ese camino. Vamos tras ellos.
— Asmodeus: ¡MC! Finalmente estás aquí ♡
— Diavolo: ¡Mira esta enorme escultura de Lucifer! ¿No es maravillosamente realista?
— Satan: Oh si. Increíblemente realista.
— Lucifer: ...Ciertamente pareces estar disfrutándolo, Satan.
— Satan: Lo estoy. Presenciar esa mirada en tu cara ha hecho mi Navidad diez veces mejor.
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— Lucifer: Por el amor de Dios, MC. ¿Cuánto tiempo planeas mirar esa repugnante escultura de nieve? No solo te quedes ahí. Vamos dentro.
— Simeon: ¿Ves eso, MC? A los yetis realmente parece haberles gustado nuestra pendiente.
— Mammon: ¡Vamos, lleva tu trasero hacia allí! Nuestra cabaña de nieve es mucho mejor que esa pendiente!
— Leviathan: Nosotros nos dejamos llevar haciendo nuestras cabañas de nieve que se volvieron ridículamente grandes.
— Solomon: Ven conmigo, MC. Podemos deslizarnos juntos.
— Mammon: ¡MC se va a relajar con nosotros! ¿Cierto, MC? Prefieres las cabañas, ¡¿Cierto?!
— Lucifer: Es suficiente, Mammon. Compórtate.
— Mammon: ¡Lucifer! ¡Puedes intentar actuar todo responsable, pero apuesto a que planeas totalmente tener a MC toda para ti!
[ ¡Quiero jugar con los yetis primero! ] [ ¡Juguemos todos juntos! ] ✓
— Asmodeus: ¡Cuenta conmigo! Es navidad, después de todo ♡
— Beelzebub: Tienes razón. La Navidad solo es una vez al año.
— Satan: Además, hay muchas cosas que podemos mirar y jugar.
— Belphegor: Si, divirtámonos juntos. Aún tenemos mucho tiempo hasta que la nieve se derrita.
— Lucifer: Solo no se dejen llevar mucho y se lastimen o a alguien más, ¿Entendido? conjuring of a white christmas
— Mammon: ¡De acuerdo! ¡Primero, carreras de trineo! El ganador pasa tiempo esta noche c—
— Leviathan: Eh, ¿A quién le importa eso? ¡Raphael y Mephistopheles están planeando una fiesta para esta noche! ¡Ahora mismo, lo más importante es divertirnos lo más que podamos!
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lexezombie · 17 days
I'm back to my shenanigans of fusing horror movie characters together again
(if yall got any suggestions, feel free to comment <3 genders are randomized as well)
1 - Carrie-Anne (Annabelle + Carrie White)
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2 - uhh tbh idk what to call her (The killer from DeadTone + Harry Warden)
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3 - this ones actually 2 years old and has no name but eh (Billy 1974 Black Christmas + 90's Pennywise)
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37 notes · View notes
iovesia · 4 months
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tbosas mlist.⠀ 𑇓 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪ ⠀ex-bf!coriolanus snow⠀𝑥⠀f!reader.
synopsis. the last thing you wanna do is share a cabin with your ex— let alone be snowed in together.
contents. modern au. headcanons. established relationship?. forced proximity. implied infidelity. toxic!coriolanus. brief nsfw. not proof read.
⋆ 𓂃 ゚ .⠀josie's little note: merry late christmas my lovelies! here's some holiday themed smut from yours truly.
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𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ⠀you and coriolanus had conveniently broken up in the coming weeks before the annual ski-trip with your friend group. your paranoia got the better of you when you notice him and a certain brunette songbird getting closer.
"nothing's going on— you're being crazy," he sighs, rolling his eyes as he suddenly gets out of bed. safe to say, your accusations had killed the mood according to his haste in putting his pants back on.
"would it even really matter as long as i come home to you?"
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ safe to say, you put your foot down that night and called it quits. coriolanus being a stubborn bastard couldn't help but badmouth you to your mutual friends— creating an awkward tension for the upcoming trip.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ the trip was doomed from the start when you realised you would be squeezed against him in the tiny travel van to the cabins. none of your friends were willing to trade, choosing to sit with their own lovers— so there you were, pressed up against coriolanus' side. the blond made no effort to even acknowledge you, keeping his head facing the frosty window for the entire 6 hour drive.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ to make matters worse, you completely forgot that you two had initially booked a cabin to share. you were too embarrassed to ask your friends to trade, while coriolanus shamelessly demanded his friends to swap with him.
your friends shared brief glances before shaking their heads no. coriolanus lets out a scoff, like a spoiled brat not being handed his present— while you tried to maintain some level of humility. there was no need to spoil your friends' vacation as well.
you could handle a week with your ex.. right?
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ unfortunately, coriolanus had other plans. now that you two weren't together anymore, you finally started to notice all his little .. quirks that you were ignorant to before.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ like his incessant need to keep everything organised, keep everything clean. can you brush your teeth quieter? it's annoying to listen to. organise your clothes! don't leave your suitcase sprawled out. you knew he was acting out because he was bitter. but to avoid another argument, you begrudgingly obeyed his complaints.
"i nearly tripped and broke my neck. twice," he mumbles venomously, purposefully shoving your suitcase to the wall with his foot. mimicking his tone under your breath, you stand up from your bed.
"since when did you become a tightass?" you retort.
"since when did you become a slob?"
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ thankfully, during the majority of this hell-week you managed to avoid coriolanus while skiing, and choosing to sit at opposite ends of the table during dinners. you can feel his piercing glare occasionally, but when you turn to meet his gaze, he turns his head away.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ your mutuals friends pry the two of you for information on why you split up. while you remain vague, you overhear coriolanus smugly conjuring up some story about you being insecure and over possessive. what a hypocrite.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ just on the evening of your final night in the cabin, you hear a sudden thud that shakes your nightstand. the wind and snow were bad during every night of your trip— but this .. this one was especially bad.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ much to your horror, the only thing that awaits you the next morning is not your friends in the van packed and ready to go.. but a thick sheet of white. pure, hard snow. the snow almost reached the top of the door frame, successfully trapping the two of you inside.
"you've got to be kidding me.." you huff, your shoulder pressed against the door. coriolanus has his back against the door next to you— the two of you banding together to try and shut the door again.
the heavy snow barely makes a dent as you both huff and puff, pushing with all your might. "maybe if someone used their eyes before opening, we wouldn't be doing this," coriolanus rolls his eyes.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ the hours are painful and awkward. according to your group chat, you're gonna have to wait out the snow til the next morning. so much for hotel service. it wasn't all bad in the beginning, with you and your ex just sitting in opposite ends of the room, scrolling on your phones.
you were giggling at a random video on your phone when you felt a nudge on your shoulder. furrowing your brows, you turn to see coriolanus standing oddly close behind you, his face blank.
"what do you want?" you shrug him off.
"phone died," he replies, annoyingly taking a seat right on your bed. you raise a brow, suspiciously eyeing his nonchalant behavior as if he hadn't been throwing himself a pity-party the last few weeks.
"so read a book," you scoff.
"didn't bring one."
"take a nap."
"not tired."
"then imagine me caring," you roll onto your side of the bed, back facing him as he continues to invade your space. coriolanus tilts his head, his face still expressionless as he watches you scroll on your phone.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ you couldn't avoid coriolanus's intense stare. it was penetrating into the back of your head. he was always like this. an observer. practically monitoring every little thing you were doing. it was one of the reasons you fell out.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ coriolanus kept edging closer to you, trying to sneak a peek at who you're texting and you keep shuffling away, trying to preserve an ounce of privacy in this cabin.
"can you not?" you close your phone, setting it to the side. coriolanus' blank face breaks into a sly smirk, as he shrugs his shoulders. "you're so nosy."
"don't want me to see your texts to sejanus?" coriolanus pouts mockingly, his head tilted. "you've always had a thing for him.. everyone knows it— it's probably why you couldn't commit to a real relationship."
there's mockery laced in his tone, but you notice the hint of bitterness. your blood boils at his insinuation. coriolanus's habit of nonchalantly bringing up everything he deems "wrong" with you irks you to no end.
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"you know what i mean."
"that's so rich coming from you," you quip, sitting up from your position. you glare down at coriolanus who was sprawled over your designated bed, like a cheshire cat. "you're used to be all over lucy gray when we were together— didn't see you complaining about commitment then," you throw the pillow at the blond.
"that was different, and you know it," coriolanus scoffs, dismissing your valid point as he gets off the bed, tossing the pillow back at you.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ coriolanus's little quips were just fuel to the fire, as the two of you fall into the vicious cycle of another argument. this tiny cabin keeping your loud voices bouncing off the walls.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ his cold blue eyes glaring down at you, a finger in your face and condescension leaking from his words. you spit back throwing accusations after accusation that coriolanus dismisses easily.
"fuck you, coriolanus," you whisper coldly. his warm breath hits your face, his nose a few inches from yours as his deadly gaze mimics yours. a pregnant pause fills the room, as if all the air has been sucked out the cabin.
"fuck it," coriolanus hisses. his pale fingers pinch into your jaw as he tugs your face close, his lips smashing against yours. you let out a soft squeak in surprise and anger. you slap at his chest, trying to shove him away as he moves his free hand to your waist, pressing you up against his lean figure.
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ ྂ your venomous words were consumed by the echoes of moaning and panting. his cruel jabs swallowed by your lips, but his anger evident in how hard he pinches your waist.
"sorry.. did you say something?" coriolanus croons, his forehead against yours. you pant and whimper softly, unable to bite back as your nails dig into his shoulders. his hips were unrelenting as they rutted against you, almost like he was trying to hurt you. your words come out garbled as coriolanus's fingers toy with the bundle of nerves between your legs. "that's what i thought."
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coriolanus snow taglist. to be added !
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© 𝐈𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐀, 2023. do not copy, repost or translate my works.
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corroded-hellfire · 5 months
Okay. I absolute love ASW serie. And i have a request about the boy’s holiday concert and knowing what Eddie thinking when she arrived. 🥰
I love see you in my notifications. You’re the best 🫶
Ooh I’ve been so excited for this one! Been chomping at the bit for it to be Christmas time so @munson-blurbs and I could write it lol. Eddie’s mentioned before how pivotal of a moment this was in regards to how he feels about reader, so I’m very glad and thankful you requested this. I hope you enjoy ❤️
Words: 4.5k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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4:56. In four minutes, Eddie is supposed to take Ryan to school. The concert doesn’t start until 6, but kids have to be there early to warm up. He’s not quite sure how much a vocal warm-up will help second graders harmonize, but he’s not about to be the parent whose kid shows up late. 
His wife apparently does not share that same concern. 
Brittany was supposed to be home to watch Luke; Eddie knows better than to drag him along any earlier than he has to. Ryan is nervous enough about his solo, and he certainly doesn’t need his little brother incessantly asking questions that will only fuel his anxiety. 
“Daddy?” Ryan comes down the hall with you following close behind. “Can you tie my tie?”
Eddie nods, tongue poking from between his lips as he kneels down and fixes his son’s tie. It’s still a bit crooked—there are minimal opportunities for him to wear one as a mechanic, and even fewer now that he and Brittany rarely go on dates—but it will have to suffice. 
Tears gather in your eyes as you look at Ryan’s outfit, the red tie completing his white button-down, black slacks, and shiny shoes. “You’re so grown up!”
You catch Eddie glancing worriedly at the clock. He’s changed out of his coveralls and wears a maroon button-down shirt, cuffed at the elbows, and pants that match Ryan’s. He’s absolutely delicious; the thought of being the one to unbutton him has sweat prickling under your arms. 
“Ry, why don’t you go and get your brother?” Eddie says as gently as he can. Vaguely aware of the tension growing within his father, Ryan nods and heads off to do as he’s told.
As soon as the boy is out of earshot, Eddie mumbles, “shit” under his breath, and rubs his hand across his forehead. 
“He has to be there by—” you start to ask but are cut off by Eddie’s exasperated sigh.
“Yes, we need to leave. Now.” Eddie takes a deep breath and his eyes trail over to you. “Oh shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to jump down your throat like that.”
“Hey, no, it’s okay,” you assure him with a shake of your head. “I completely get it. Brittany’s late, you need to get going, it’s stressful.”
“Yeah, Brittany’s late,” he murmurs more to himself before addressing you. “There’s no reason for me to take anything out on you, you’ve been nothing but wonderful.” His words send a pleasant tingle down your spine. As he takes a step closer, you look up at him beneath your eyelashes. “I’m sorry I snapped, sweetheart.”
“Really, Eddie, it’s okay.” Your hand comes up to rest on his shoulder, trying to emphasize your point. All it does though is leave both of you on pins and needles at the touch. “Why don’t you go ahead and take Ryan?” you offer, reluctantly bringing your hand down. “I’ll bring Luke by for the start of the show. This way you don’t have to try to wrangle the little monkey while you’re getting Ryan where he needs to be.”
Eddie’s brow furrows together and he eyes you warily. “A-Are you sure? Because I don’t have a problem taking on both of them. I’ll use a spare tie as a leash for Luke if I have to.”
You can’t help but giggle at the mental image that conjures. Luke would manage to get a foot or so away and Eddie would reel him back in like a catfish. 
“I don’t mind. Really. Cross my heart and all.”
Eddie takes another moment to consider it and concedes as he nods his head. “That would be really helpful. Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” you say with a dismissive wave. “I enjoy the talks Luke and I have when we hang out. I always end up learning something new.”
“Oh yeah,” Eddie agrees with a breathy chuckle. “Has he told you that one milliliter of ocean water can contain about 10 million viruses? I got that one at dinner the other night.”
“He has,” you say with a soft giggle. “And yet, he still says going to the beach is what he always wishes for when he throws a coin in the fountain at the mall.”
“Are we going?” Luke’s booming voice precedes both boys as they come into the room. The younger Munson brother looks more annoyed than anything. He probably knows he’ll have to stand around and do nothing before he is forced to sit in an uncomfortable seat and made to listen to his schoolmates unwittingly butcher Christmas Carols. 
“Nope, you’re coming with me,” you tell Luke, poking him on the top of his head as he walks by. “Daddy’s taking Ryan to school now and I’m gonna take you for the show.”
“Oh, good,” Luke says with a sigh of relief. Even Ryan looks a bit relieved; he knows it’s hard to corral his little brother. 
Eddie’s also noticeably calmer as he prepares himself to leave the house. He pats his pockets, and the jingling of keys lets him know he’s got them. Another pat to his back pocket confirms he’s got his wallet as well.
“All right,” he says, looking to Ryan. “You got everything? We ready to go?”
“Uh, I think so,” Ryan says. He looks down at the secured tie around his neck and can’t come up with anything else he might need. 
“Then let’s hit the road. We’ll see you guys later,” Eddie says, nodding at you and Luke.
“Bye, Daddy! Remember, don’t drive on black ice!”
Luke’s warning makes you giggle to yourself as you wave Eddie and Ryan out the door. Once the sound of Eddie’s truck has faded out of the driveway and down the road, Luke turns to you and places his hands on his little hips.
“What’re we gonna do?” he asks. 
“Hmm.” You pretend to ponder over his question as you walk to the other side of the room and pick up your purse. “What about, we go up and get your nice clothes for the concert and put them in your Scooby Doo backpack.”
“Why?” Luke asks, wrinkling up his nose. The small boy has a lot of adorable quirks, but you’re pretty sure that one’s your favorite.
“Well, I was thinking,” you say with a shrug. “Nothing goes better with a Christmas concert than some cookies and hot cocoa. I thought you and I could go grab some at the cafe near my apartment. And I know you, you’ll end up wearing half the snack, so it’s better we don’t get you into those nicer clothes until you have to.”
Luke’s big blue eyes light up at the idea of the sugary confections. His head nods so quickly that, with his small shoulders, he looks like a Munson Bobblehead. 
“Good idea!” he calls behind him as he races towards his room, nearly tripping over his own feet. “I’m okay!”
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The auditorium buzzes with excitement as you and Luke make your way down the aisle. Eddie sits in the front row, easily spotted by the mess of curls tucked into a low ponytail. His brown eyes nearly pop out of their sockets when he sees you. 
“Oh, wow—I mean, you made it!” Eddie can’t help but gaze at the way your green velvet dress hugs you in all the right places. It’s flattering without even teetering on inappropriate for an elementary school concert. He recovers awkwardly but quickly, reflexively pulling at his collar to give himself more room to breathe. “Here, um, you guys take a seat…”
Luke bounds over to his dad, plopping into the chair between the two of you. Better off, Eddie thinks wryly, before I do something I really shouldn’t. He glances over at the handmade Naughty and Nice list propped up on the stage; if anyone could read his thoughts right now, he knows exactly where his name would be written. 
“Daddy, I had hot cocoa and cookies! And the cookies had chocolate chunks in them. Not chips—chunks,” Luke clarifies, underscoring the importance of differentiating between the two. 
You shrug guiltily. “Sorry, I needed a way to get him out of the house on time,” you explain. 
Eddie laughs, ruffling Luke’s hair before turning to you. “Didn’t anyone teach you not to negotiate with terrorists?” But above Luke’s line of vision, he mouths thank you, the inaudible movement of his lips sending sparks to your lower belly. 
Someone slides into the seat next to Eddie; you expect him to say that it’s taken, but he barely notices. Neither does Luke, and that’s what breaks your heart. Both he and Ryan are so accustomed to their mom missing important events that they no longer bat an eye. 
The lights in the auditorium dim and the audience breaks into polite applause as the spotlights click on and teachers usher their small students to where they’re supposed to stand. You have no doubt this is part of what they practiced with the children being here so early, but there’s a handful of kids who still don’t seem to have a clue of what they’re doing. 
Ryan is easy to pick out of the crowd. He’s one of the taller boys in his class so he stands up on the back rafter, a spotlight hitting his hair just so to make it look like a honey brown waterfall. Quickly, he catches sight of you as well and waves to you, his father, and brother as the rest of the kids are reaching their intended destinations on stage. Both you and Eddie acknowledge Ryan with small waves, but Luke whips his arm up in the air and waves it back and forth like he’s trying to signal a helicopter where to land. 
Feedback crackles over the microphone on center stage as a teacher steps up to it. She clears her throat and shields her bespectacled eyes from the bright lights aimed her way. She taps once, twice on the microphone before she leans in to speak, short blonde curls falling in her face.
“Thank you, everyone, for joining us this evening for Hawkins Elementary School’s Festive Fun Holiday Concert.” There’s a small smattering of applause before she continues. “I am Mrs. Pierce. My class, along with the classes of Mrs. Lopez and Mr. Abrams, have been practicing very hard to bring you all a Christmas treat this evening.”
Luke has already tuned out the talking, his head on a swivel to take in all aspects of the small auditorium. He looks from the speakers to the light fixtures adorned with green garland, back to the kids on stage, then down the rows of the audience to see who all is there. You gently take his littler hand in yours and give it a soft squeeze. Just to ground him back in this moment from wherever his mind wandered off to. He smiles when you shoot him a wink and, now that the teachers are done talking, finds it easier to zone back into the show. 
Tinny music begins to play over the speakers stationed around the space and it takes you a moment to place the song as Let it Snow. The initial singing by the children is jarring, but not nearly as off-key as you were expecting. Some of the songs are a bit rough, but some are surprisingly pleasant as well. 
As the music transitions to the next song, you see Ryan take a step down from his rafter and make his way towards the front of the stage. He goes to one of the two microphones low enough for the children to access and waits. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer starts with all the children, but by the look of how nervous Ryan is, you’d wager that he has a solo coming up. His small fingers twist against one another as he does his best not to look out into the crowd. Though he’s naturally a shy boy, you can tell there’s some stage fright in there as well. It’s evident that his part is fast approaching when you see his little chest swell with breath, then release it slowly. Grinning from ear to ear, you watch as Ryan takes half a step closer to the microphone and opens his mouth.
“Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say,
‘Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?’”
A look of relief washes over Ryan’s face, but you can also see a bit of pride in the way that he smiles. And he should be proud! His small solo was excellent, and you can’t wait to dote on him over it later. 
You glance over at Eddie; his grin stretches across his face so widely that you wouldn’t be shocked if his cheeks hurt. He catches you looking and turns his head slightly, one eye winking as if to say, thanks for being here for my kid. Thanks for being here with me. 
And maybe it’s the way you giggle, or the way you make sure Luke is comfortable before easing back into your seat, or the way you cheer for Ryan like you’re at a stadium concert, but something shifts within Eddie. He’s always found you beautiful; tonight, you were downright stunning in that dress. It was the oldest cliché in the book: dad crushing on the hot, young babysitter. That’s how he’d managed to brush it off all this time. He was a man with needs, you were an attractive woman. Simple biology. 
What he’s feeling now is anything but straightforward. He doesn’t just want to sleep with you; no, he wants you by his side at every school function, every birthday party, every moment of his life, big or small. And not as the babysitter; as his girl. 
No, this is not a crush, and it’s not a cliché. It’s love. 
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After the concert, both you and Eddie are excited to greet Ryan and gush over how well he did. The unspoken fear that you both have though, is that the seven-year-old will be heartbroken when he finds out that his mother didn’t attend the performance. While Luke fidgets where you wait outside of the auditorium for his brother, you and Eddie trade nervous glances as the kids start coming out.
“Where is he?” Luke bemoans after the third student comes out and it isn’t the one he wants. 
Ryan comes barreling out of the red double doors, laughing with a group of his friends. The moment he spots you and his family, he waves goodbye to the other kids and dashes over to you. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Eddie holding his breath, waiting on pins and needles to hear what the first thing out of his oldest son’s mouth will be.
“I did it!” Ryan cheers.
Eddie sags in relief and even you feel unburdened of a weight you weren’t aware you were holding. The smile on Ryan’s face is pure glee and he’s practically jumping up and down on the spot.
“I’m so proud of you!” Eddie tells him, throwing one arm around the boy’s shoulders and ruffling his hair with the other. “You were the best one up there.”
Ryan’s cheeks turn pink at his father’s praise. Of course, you just pile on top of it, relishing in the way he gets embarrassed and overjoyed at the same time. 
“My little George Michael!” you say as you pull Ryan in for a hug. His nose wrinkles up at your comparison but the smile on his face only grows.
Luke looks up at his big brother. “Y’know, I always thought it was froggy Christmas Eve.”
Despite his better judgment, Eddie asks, “bud…why would Christmas Eve be froggy?”
“I dunno,” Luke shrugs, “maybe Santa was delivering a lot of frogs. Or the reindeer got tired, so he had frogs pull his sleigh. Or—”
Eddie puts his hands on Luke’s shoulders and laughs. “All right, Frog Boy. What do you say we get home and celebrate Ryan’s rockstar moment?”
Everyone agrees to that, the four of you walking through the double doors and into the parking lot. Ryan takes Eddie’s hand, and Luke takes yours. 
“Where’d you park?” Eddie asks you, and you realize he wants to escort you to your car. Heat creeps up your neck at his small act of chivalry. Part of you suspects that if you shivered, he’d offer his jacket. 
Maybe if you were more courageous, you’d test that theory. 
“Oh, um, over there.” You point towards your car, leading the way. You can feel Eddie’s eyes on you; protectiveness with a hint of possession. It’s lust with something you can’t quite put your finger on. 
You dig your keys out of your bag, smiling triumphantly when you find them quickly. “I’ll see you boys tomorrow?” You laugh kindly, ruffling Ryan’s hair. “I’m so proud of you, Ry. You’re brave and talented.”
A blush settles into Ryan’s cheeks. “Thanks. Um, I’m glad you got to hear me sing. You’re the best.”
“Me, too,” Eddie chimes in, clearing his throat. “I mean, I’m glad you got to hear him sing, too. Not that I think you’re the best. Not that you’re not the best, because the kids love you, and you, um—”
“Hey, look what I found!” 
Eddie has never been more grateful for one of Luke’s interruptions. “What is it?”
“Mistletoe!” The little boy holds something that is certainly not mistletoe above his head. “See?”
Ryan scoffs. “That’s a leaf.”
“And a very dead one at that,” Eddie muses, plucking the stem from Luke’s fingers. 
A pout puckers Luke’s lips. “You gotta use your imagination!” he insists, taking the pseudo-mistletoe and jumping up and down between you and Eddie. “Now…you…gotta…kiss!”
“No, we don’t,” you and Eddie blurt out in unison. 
“Yes, you do,” Luke indignantly sighs. “It’s the law.”
Before he can wimp out, Eddie swoops in and presses a chaste kiss to your cheek. Your skin tingles where his lips brushed against it, and you’re left speechless. 
Luke, however, remains unimpressed. “That wasn’t a real kiss!”
“Yeah, well, that’s not real mistletoe,” Eddie retorts, trying to compose himself. “C’mon, let’s get home. It’s past your bedtime.”
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Eddie was hoping that the ride home would help lull the boys to sleep like it used to when they were babies. Ryan still has adrenaline going through him from the concert though, and Luke is feeding off of that energy.
They’re both talking a mile a minute and neither one of them quiet, but Eddie doesn’t hear a word they say because his mind is so focused on you. You offering to bring Luke to the school later when he had to bring Ryan. You in that curve-hugging dress. You showing up for Ryan when his own mother didn’t. You, with the softest skin when his lips brushed your cheek. 
Realizing that he’s in love with you should make Eddie feel worse than it does. The guilt that’s gnawing at his stomach is somewhat abated by the fact that Brittany’s been screwing a litany of men for years. Does it make it worse or better that she probably had no feelings for any of those men? He’s not sure it’s possible for her to truly love anyone besides herself.
Eddie can’t help the smile on his face as he thinks about his feelings for you, though. The way you make him happy is something that he hasn’t experienced in years—if Brittany ever truly made him this happy at all. Everything about you brings joy to Eddie. Well, other than when he thinks of how much younger you are and how you’re surrounded by college age guys who must be tripping over themselves to go out with you. That provides him with a sickening feeling that leaves him dizzy. It’s much easier to focus on the fantasy of being with you, not the reality of where or who you might be headed home to tonight. 
When Eddie pulls into the driveway, the boys are decidedly less quiet, though they’re still chatting away. Brittany’s car is parked there as well, sitting idly next to where Eddie’s truck now is. Eddie wordlessly gets out of the car and lets the boys keep talking about whatever it is they’re talking about as he walks with them up to the front door, the light dusting of snow floating down kissing their cheeks and noses. 
“It’s late, I want you boys to head to your rooms and put your pajamas on, okay?” Eddie says as he unlocks the door. Both boys agree—begrudgingly, on Luke’s part. 
Brittany isn’t in sight when they first step into the house, which has Eddie breathing a sigh of relief. He really shouldn’t be feeling that way about seeing his own wife, should he? Oh well, that ship sailed a long time ago.
The boys head down the hall and as Ryan passes the kitchen, he skids to a halt and does a double take. 
“Hi, Mom!” he says with an enthusiastic wave. Eddie’s prepared for his oldest to launch into the story of how great the concert was and how much fun he had, but he just continues down the hall towards his room. Luke didn’t even stop to greet his mother. 
Eddie drops his keys in the bowl by the door and shrugs out of his leather jacket. It’s slightly wet to the touch from the flurries that landed on him between the truck and the house.
If Brittany had just missed an event of his, Eddie wouldn’t give two shits or make a big deal of it. But this was Ryan’s big night, something that she should have wanted to and made sure to attend. Now Eddie feels the need to make a stink about it.
He wanders into the kitchen and slips his hands into the pockets of his jeans. As soon as he steps inside, he sees Brittany leaning against the counter with a glass of water in her hand, absolutely glaring at him. The look takes him aback. Why in the hell is he getting that look? She’s the one who has to explain herself. 
“I can’t believe you,” Brittany says, further shocking her husband. 
“I…what?” Eddie asks. He almost feels too dumbfounded to speak. It quickly crosses his mind that maybe she somehow figured out the epiphany he had about his feelings for you tonight, but if Brittany could read minds things would have gone downhill a lot sooner in their marriage than this. 
“You left without me. You couldn’t even wait until I got home?” Brittany slams the glass of water down on the counter and takes a step towards him. 
Eddie quickly checks to make sure the boys haven’t stepped in behind him before he raises his eyebrows and lowers his voice.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I did wait, Britt. I waited until the last goddamn minute. But Ryan had to get to the school, and I wasn’t about to make him late just because you couldn’t be bothered to be home on time.”
The sneer Brittany gives him could curdle milk. 
“So now my son is going to think that I don’t care because I didn’t go tonight,” she seethes.
Eddie toys with the idea of telling her that he didn’t seem to care one iota that she wasn’t there, but he doesn’t want Ryan to catch even a smidgen of her wrath. 
“You have a car. You know where the damn school is. Why didn’t you get your ass over there when you got home?”
“That isn’t the point!” she snaps. Eddie now knows that this argument has moved from rational and logic, to whatever bullshit straws Brittany can grasp at. 
“Okay,” Eddie says, knowing full well he’s already fighting a losing battle. “What is the point?” He crosses his arms over his chest and Brittany mirrors the action, as if annoyed she didn’t think of taking up the offended posture first. 
“That you didn’t wait for me. Your wife. I had to come home probably five minutes after you left!”
“And I told you why we left when we did. I also provided you with what you could have alternatively done, but that would mean admitting that you’re wrong and God forbid you do that.” Brittany opens her mouth, but Eddie shakes his head and cuts her off before she can say anything. “Fucking forget it. It’s late, I’m tired, I’m going to bed.”
Eddie goes to turn down the hallway towards the master bedroom when he realizes he never took off his boots. He stalks back to the front door and kicks them off, using the wall for balance. When his eyes flit back up from his feet, they catch sight of his jacket—and Brittany’s next to it. He narrows his eyes as he looks at them side by side. His is still wet from the melted snow coating it, but Brittany’s is wet as well. It’s not just the side where his jacket is brushing up against it, either. Eddie reaches for the arm of the jacket on the opposite side and feels that it’s just as wet as his own. If Brittany had really come home just after they’d left, there’s no way it would still be wet.
Dropping the jacket sleeve and letting out a huff of unamused laughter, Eddie shakes his head in disbelief. He shouldn’t be surprised, really. Brittany is no stranger to lying. She probably got home about five minutes before they did, but in typical Brittany fashion, had to spin everything so she’s the victim even when she’s the one in the wrong. 
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie mumbles to himself. He rubs at his eyes as he walks back down the hallway. He’s way too tired to deal with any of this bullshit. 
It doesn’t matter, he tells himself. I’ll just get ready for bed and then I can lay down and think about the woman who actually shows up for me and my boys—and try to imagine she doesn’t do it purely out of the goodness of her heart, and that she enjoys spending time with me as much as I do her.
He can hear Brittany talking on the kitchen phone, prattling on to her friend about how her awful husband cruelly abandoned her at their son’s holiday concert. Looking over at the empty half of the bed, he pictures you sleeping there. His arms would wrap around you as you whisper about how proud you are of Ryan or relay a funny tidbit from Luke. Eddie would kiss your forehead as you drift off to sleep, reveling in your beauty even as you slumber.  His own eyelids soon grow heavy with the day’s physical and emotional exhaustion. Before he falls asleep, he manages to eke out a wish to dream of you tonight. 
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xcyphoz0a · 4 months
4 steps to (not so) discreetly show interest + the one moment you do.
Recipient: @yuellii , secret santa event! Enjoy :)
Gender neutral reader, fluff TW/CW: injury(minor) Word count: 2739 Proofread: n/a | she think’s she’s discreet, her act is to perfection. is it? oh, no, no– you know. it’s painfully obvious but you can’t help but watch in amusement, watching as she trip on her own heels, but you’re there to help. | A/N: set in modern times, highschool au, ITS CHRISTMAS, SNOW!! :D
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Furina, as confident and enthusiastic she may be on stage, still has sides that she feels difficult to show– perhaps some of her more softer and ‘weaker’ sides that she kept behind the facade of flamboyancy.
Recently having found newfound interest in you, the school librarian, she couldn’t help but subconsciously make her way to the school library, taking a seat near your station, peeking from the top of her book as she watches you work on your laptop.
Perhaps it was in the spur of the moment, or it was her muscles that moved on their own, when she had walked up towards the small desk, slamming her hands down on the table.
Eyes moving rapidly from your startled form towards the book ridden wall, she finds her words stuck in her throat, unable to form a coherent sentence.
You adjust your posture as you form a small smile, not knowing what to say.
“May I help you?”
Furina finds her face flaring up into fire as she rethinks her sudden movements, finding herself at a loss of words. She stares at you for a good while until you wave a timid hand in front of the famous school actress.
“Ah, I thought I saw a bug near you– haha…”
The heterochromia girl wanted to sink into a hole and never be seen again– what kind of excuse was that? – to her, it seemed like a loss of face as one of the best students with great acting in the drama club. 
“I… see. Thanks for your concern.” Your voice is laced with some bit of confusion, watching the flustered girl run outside of the library.
1) Befriending you
Furina, at first, finds this idea of hers quite easy.
“You know, I think befriending them is the easiest way to win their heart!” Her voice is filled with anticipation, until she gets shut down by another club member.
“But that can make them only see you as a friend, perhaps?” Yun Jin suggests, “It may not be a 100% possibility, but there’s a chance.”
“True, true, like, you might become one of those second leads that finds their romantic interest get taken away by someone else!” Hu Tao chimes, hands animatedly flailing around.
Furina slumps down on the chair as she sighs. Perhaps she just had to keep it to herself.
“But you can try to woo them, find out their interests maybe?” Nilou pitches an idea.
The white haired girl straightens back in her chair again, grabbing a hold of the red haired’s hands, heterochromic eyes sparkling as she hurriedly mutters out a thank you, running towards the library.
The three look at the door that Furina dashed out of, sharing a knowing look as they hear her footsteps fade.
The sliding door of the library opens as the girl slumps down a bit, taking some breaths as she makes her way to her usual spot to ‘read’, sneaking glances at your form typing away on your laptop. Tapping sounds of the keyboard is heard throughout the ambient silence as Furina closes her book, walking towards your desk as you look up at the approaching figure.
“May I help you?” You close your laptop as you tilt your head.
“Ah, no– I just, well, wanted to know you better– I think my actions yesterday shocked you a little, yeah?”
You smile as you nod slightly, finding some amusement in the obvious stuttering the famed actress’ words. You think you know what’s going on.
Furina conjures up a small smile, “So, as an… apology! I’d like to treat you to something you like, if you have the time…” voice fading as she waits for your response.
“I’m free today after club activities, is that okay with you?”
The girl in front of you perks up as she nods, the single lock of hair seemingly also bouncing up and down, thanking you for your time as she makes her way out of the library– in a calmer manner.
As the door closes, you can hear a faint, ‘Yay!’, with excited footsteps fading into the distance.
2) Sitting closer
After Furina’s apology, the two of you became closer, finding the two of you going out regularly towards the small cafe outside of the school after club activities from school. Some days when one of you didn’t have the time, it felt slightly odd and empty, finding nothing interesting to do.
You haven’t noticed yet, but Furina thinks it’d be better for you to not to know, as she takes the seat opposite of you in the library as she opens the book to the bookmark she placed, blushing when she finds the exact book next to your arm, with a small paper folded saying ‘Furina’s’
The white haired girl thinks her club members– friends– are delusional when they tease her about how you may like her back.
She wishes it was true, but the chance of you liking her back in that way was way too low. Always slamming her forehead onto the round table in the drama room.
Today, she came from the drama room once again, though with a slight red marking on her forehead from the excessive slamming of her head onto the table, smiling weakly as you turn your head towards the library’s entrance, greeting her like you always did.
You refocus on your laptop again, until you jerk your head back towards Furina, eyebrows furrowing at the circular red swelling of her forehead. Standing up from your seat, you walk towards the white haired girl, brushing her hair from her face.
“You’re hurt…” 
Furina’s unable to think nor respond as she slightly malfunctions between the small distance from you to her, once again, finding herself at a loss for words.
You take the girl’s hand as you lead her towards the infirmary, setting Furina down on one of the beds as you search for a cooling pack in the fridge.
“You should be more careful next time, what if you get a concussion?” Your voice is laced with concern as you carefully pack the cold pack with tissue, setting it on the girl’s forehead.
“I accidentally slammed my head on the table too hard today– nothing serious!”
You sigh as you let Furina hold the ice pack on her head, making sure to check for any signs of other damage, until you find a small but bleeding cut on the top of her knee.
“What happened here?”
“I don’t know how that happened, really! I’m serious… I didn’t feel anything there–”
You rush to get some disinfectant and a bandaid, setting a chair towards the bed as you sanitise the cut, applying some pressure. Setting the bandaid on the small injury, you look at the girl as she stares back at you, dumbfounded and flustered.
You squint your eyes in confusion until you recall your actions, finding yourself flustered and bashful as well.
3) Trying to impress
The day after that small interaction was pretty normal.
“...I’m telling you, Furina, they definitely like you back!” an energetic voice is heard outside of the drama room as the said girl slaps her hands on Hu Tao’s mouth.
“Be quiet! I don’t want anyone to hear about this– I want to keep my dignity today!”
Yun Jin laughs as she agrees with Hu Tao, “I’m sure (y/n) likes you back, you said they were also flustered in the end as well, no?”
“But still– they could be just caring…”
This time, Nilou shakes her head. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of (y/n) doing that to any of their friends– I can try ask Tighnari– he’s one of their closest friends, if my memory serves me right.”
Slightly– quite obviously– desperate, Furina nods, clasping her hands around Nilou’s own.
“That’d be wonderful! Thank you so much, Nilou~”
A few days later, Nilou brings in newfound information from Tighnari about you.
“Apparently, they aren’t outwardly caring, but do care for their friends… oh! And he did say they seemed to find interest in someone in the school, but didn’t tell him who…”
Furina, with the first bit of information, perked up in glee, though soon dropped on the floor in some despair when she heard the latter.
“They definitely don’t like me back… archons, what will I do?”
As the imaginary rain and thunder cloud splashed tears of despair onto the white haired girl, Yun Jin speaks.
“That mysterious person could be you–”
“That, is being delusional!” Furina chides.
“Maybe you can try impressing them in some way?” Hu Tao mumbles, chin on hand, “They’re the librarian, right? Try reading something they like or something, I don’t know~”
With the brunette’s suggestion, the girl in distress seem to have a weight lifted off her shoulders as she smiles.
“Great idea, Hu Tao!”
And off went Furina, skipping towards the entrance of the library once again.
Yun Jin sighs in amusement, closing the room’s door, chuckling at how this situation felt like many cliches in romance dramas.
When the familiar footsteps of Furina’s shoes clacked on the wooden and marble tiles of the floor, you look towards the library entrance, expecting the white haired girl to arrive soon enough.
“Welcome back.”
Furina’s eyes seemingly brighten when she hears your voice, as she nearly skids towards the opposite seat, sitting down in front of you as she leans towards your laptop.
“So, (Y/n), I think I’ve ran out of books to read, any suggestions for books you like?”
The girl prides herself for not stuttering this time– she thinks that now, she perfected her acts to hide her feelings.
“Oh? Well– I don’t really have much suggestions, but I can lend you a book that I finished reading last week, if you’d like?”
The floating lock of white hair bobs up and down vigorously as Furina hears your suggestion. You smile a little, reaching down for your back and picking up the hardcover book.
“Tell me about it after you read it, yeah?”
4) Jealousy?
Furina thinks she really isn’t the jealous type– especially when she isn’t in a relationship at all.
She also thinks that she shouldn’t really be jealous when she thinks–thinks– you smile more when you’re talking with Neuvillette.
But she can’t help but find a grimace settling on her face whenever she sees the tall white haired man in the library, taking her seat as you both talk about some matters surrounding costs in the library– it wasn’t something really meaningful, but perhaps it was the jealousy setting in, as she feels like the person you were interested in could be one of her friends– moreso babysitter– but still, she disliked the odd feeling in her chest.
“What if they like Neuvillette? I definitely saw them smiling–”
The rest of her words are muffled in her sweater sleeve as she buries her face, unable to knock the odd feeling in her chest.
“That’s your feelings acting up there, messes up with your logical view on a situation, Furina.” Yun Jin sighs, patting the despair stricken girl on the back.
“But still, think about it– it’s possible!”
Hu Tao seems to be fed up with Furina’s continuous despair, drawling out,“Yeah, yeah, what were they talking about anyway?”
The latter’s mouth thins out to a straight line. “Costs…”
Several sighs are heard from her club members, as the white haired girl peeks up from her arm.
“Yeah, no chance of (Y/n) liking Neuvillette, he’s in the student council, of course he’s going to talk about costs with the student librarian!”
Hu Tao sighs, hands and shoulders creating a shrugging motion as she slumps down to her chair.
Furina sighs as she slinks down on the chair, heterochromia eyes staring up at the ceiling.
However, the four club members’ attention is directed towards the door, several knocks heard from outside. Furina weakly speaks,
“Come in…”
Your hand slides open the wooden door to the drama club, waving a small ‘hi’ towards the startled three. Your shoes make little sounds on the floor as you tap the white haired girl’s shoulder, watching the girl immediately correct both her posture and expression.
“Are you still coming to the cafe? You weren’t near the library for a while, so I wanted to ask–”
“Oh, it’s already time? I guess I was a little caught off, haha– shall we go now?”
You nod, already near the entrance door as you wave back towards the three other members, taking the much happier girl in tow with you as the two of you walk towards the cafe outside of the school.
“I’m like, 1000% sure that they both like each other, it’s so suffocating–”
“I think so too…”
5) Your own interest.
In your opinion, you didn’t really find anyone in the school pretty interesting– though your friends, particularly Tighnari and Cyno, did comment that it was most likely due to how much time you spent stuck in the library.
It all changed when a random girl– which you later knew as one of the most popular and famous actress in the drama club in the school– slammed her hands in front of you.
After the small interaction, you found slight interest towards her, finding amusement whenever she tripped on her own heels, both metaphorically and literally, stuttering in the moments when the both of you were alone, and how she became more fidgety during those moments.
You didn’t know that you’d find someone as interesting and funny like Furina in your school years, but you think that this pretty much changed when you saw the girl hurt.
It must’ve been your subconcsiousness acting, because you barely remembered what happened, but you know you remember how Furina stared at you, face red hot, as you found yourself close and taking care of the injury. You remember how after that day, you’d find yourself blushing and warm thinking of the girl.
It was until Tighnari told you that Nilou– one of the other drama club members– asked him for some of your information, telling you his own thought– which you can directly quote,
“Maybe Furina asked her? They’re all pretty close, so it does make some sense.”
Especially when you told Tighnari about how you did find some interest in Furina, Tighnari did convey some information, though taking away some information just for some amusement.
It also didn’t really help when one of your other friends, as well as senior, Lisa, told you that your interest was most likely romantic attraction after you told some of your feelings about Furina towards the senior librarian.
With you, nearly a hundred percent sure about your feelings being reciprocated, waited for Furina to be at the library or its vicinity, but weren’t able to find her after your conversation with Neuvillette.
Perhaps, you think, she went home because of the cold? It is winter…
You take some hesitant but haste steps towards the drama room, knocking on the door as you hear the familiar yet uncharacteristic deflated voice of the white haired girl speak out a weak ‘come in’. You sigh in slight relief, knowing that she didn’t go home yet.
When the two of you make your way towards the cafe that the both of you mostly went after extracurricular activities, you decide to say your feelings– it was now or never.
“Wait, I have something to, uh, say.”
The girl next to you turns towards you, attention focused on your tensed form, eyebrows raising up in both confusion and anticipation.
“Uh… I– I like you, a lot, really…”
Furina’s face heats up, blinking incredulously at you as you look away, unable to look at the heterochromia eyed girl, finding interest in the falling snowflakes from the dark but nice clouds in the sky, though your head immediately turns back as you feel her hands taking your own.
“That’s– that… I– I like you too!”
You smile. Your confession definitely wasn’t one of the smoothest, nor was it the best– but you knew that now, your feelings were reciprocated.
“So, we’re official now?”
“Of course we are– besides, you should be feeling grateful that I– Furina– even liked you back~”
You bonk her head slightly as the two of you make your way towards the cafe, snow crunching on the pavement as you watch the warm orange fairy lights decorate the cafe.
“Merry Christmas.”
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hbyrde36 · 4 months
Burnin' For You
(Pt 1 of 2) AO3
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Written for the Spicy Six Winter Fanworks Challenge
Hosted by @thefreakandthehair!
Dialog Prompt: “Who sets the fire alarm off at 3am in December?” / “Who runs outside without a coat at 3am in December?”
Ever since Steve's ex broke up with him and walked out on their life together he hasn't been able to sleep in their apartment on his own. For months now he's taken refuge in the space under his desk, in his /thankfully/ privacy office on the 8th floor of a high-rise on the edge of the business district. It was all going fine, really, until the night the fire alarm went off.
WC: 2,557 | Rating: E (for smut in pt. 2!)
The ear-piercingly loud siren of the building’s fire alarm jerked Steve out of an already fitful sleep. He startled awake, tried to sit up, and wound up banging his head against the underside of his desk hard enough to see stars. 
Just what he needed, another knock to the head. As if the two concussions he’d picked up playing sports back in high school hadn’t been enough.
He laid there like an idiot for a moment or two, hoping it was a mistake and the grating sound would stop on its own, but the wailing of the alarm only seemed to grow louder the longer he was awake. 
What was he supposed to do now? 
The obvious answer was to follow protocol and go outside to wait for the fire department to arrive, which he really, really, didn’t want to have to do. In his defense there was no smell of smoke or anything but seeing as it was the middle of the night and everything, there was basically zero chance that this was a drill.
He sighed heavily and reluctantly got up, shoving his feet into a pair of slippers he kept in his office for late night trips to the bathroom, or sometimes to the coffee machine in the break room when he really couldn't sleep, and grabbed his cell phone off the charger. He didn’t bother stashing his pillow or rolling up the sleeping bag, still hopeful that it was a false alarm and he’d be back in no time to resume what was left of his night on the hard floor with its all too thin commercial carpeting.
He walked on autopilot to the elevator, remembering just as it dinged and opened that if there really was a fire or some other emergency, he should be taking the stairs. He shuddered as his mind conjured up high resolution images of being trapped in there as the building burned down around him. 
Thanks for that, brain.
He shook his head and quickly backtracked to the stairwell access door.
Steve shivered, wrapping his arms around himself as he crossed the street wearing nothing but red checkered flannel pajama bottoms and a white long sleeve t-shirt, his version of Christmas pajamas. Not that he felt very festive this year, but he was trying. At least he had something on his feet. He blamed sleep deprivation for the fact that he hadn’t thought to grab his coat off the rack on his way out.
He came to a stop next to the building that faced the one he’d just fled, chin tucked in tightly to his chest, slowly curling in on himself more and more as the cold seeped into his bones. It couldn't have been more than forty degrees outside. His teeth chattered and he wondered how long it would take for the fire department to arrive. Maybe he could just sneak back into the building for his coat. It wasn’t like there was anyone around to stop him.
The abrupt sound of a throat clearing loudly nearby made Steve nearly jump out of his skin. His head snapped up, locking eyes with a man who was leaning against the wall not five feet away from him. Steve knew with certainty that he’d never seen him before, even in passing. He would have remembered those deep brown eyes and gorgeous head full of long dark curls. He wasn’t sure how he’d missed noticing the stranger’s presence just now, his only excuse being that he hadn’t expected anyone else to be around at this time of night. 
“Oh, uh. Hi.” Steve stuttered out awkwardly. “Were you in there too?” 
“Yeah.” The man said, sounding a little nervous himself. Steve guessed he was also surprised to see another person.
“That’s odd.” Steve said, tilting his head to the side. “I didn’t hear anyone else in the stairwell.” And with the way his own footfalls had echoed on the steps he thought for sure he would have.
“Oh. I took the elevator.”
“That was pretty dumb, what if it got stuck?” It was a little tactless even for Steve, given that he’d almost done the same thing, but could he really be blamed for putting his foot in his mouth given the hour and the circumstances?
The stranger raised both eyebrows. “Wow, charming.”
“Wasn’t trying to be.” Steve grumbled.
“Okay, fine. If there was a fire it would have been stupid, but clearly… ” The other man trailed off, gesturing towards the building which sat whole, still, and very much not on fire in front of them, before grumpily pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket.
Steve swallowed hard. Smoking was a disgusting habit, or so he’d been trying to tell himself for the past six months since he decided to quit, but damn if this infuriatingly attractive stranger didn’t make it look hot. The way he raised one to his mouth and wrapped his plush lips around the end of it had warmth pooling in Steve’s gut despite the frigid temperature surrounding him.
Nope. He wasn’t going there. He needed to deflect, now. 
“But you couldn't have known that. Unless… '' Steve paused, a thought occurring to him. Suddenly it clicked and he was livid. “Oh you absolute fucking asshole!” 
It probably wasn’t completely fair, but it was easier to be pissed off at some jerk, cute or not, for being an idiot than it was to face the truth. He wouldn’t be in this situation if he could just sleep in his apartment like a normal person, but ever since Tommy left he couldn’t stand being there for any longer than it took to take a shower and change his clothes. It was supposed to be their home, their life that they were building together, until it all fell apart.
“What did I do?!” The other man squawked in reply.
Steve gave him an unimpressed look, gesturing to the cigarette in his hand and, more pointedly, to the smoke that was curling up and away from it. 
“Shit.” He cursed, throwing the cigarette to the ground and stubbing it out violently with the toe of his boot, as if getting rid of the evidence now would erase it from Steve’s mind. “It was an accident, okay? It’s never been a problem before, I just blow the smoke out the window and it’s all good, usually, but I guess the direction of the wind wasn’t on my side tonight.” 
Steve bristled. “Well thanks to your accident,” He began, using air quotes to highlight how ridiculous it sounded. “I'm stuck out here freezing my ass off. Who sets the fire alarm off at 3am in December?!”
The man smirked, an expression that somehow made his already stupidly pretty face that much more attractive, and crossed his arms over his chest as he spoke. “Who runs outside without a coat at 3am in December?”
Well, he had him there. 
Still Steve glowered, willing a scathing retort to form on his tongue. But, before he could manage it the doe-eyed stranger was shrugging out of his jacket and stepping up to drape it across his shoulders. The leather was worn soft and smelled vaguely of tobacco and some expensive brand of warm, spicy cologne. Steve breathed the scent in deep and felt the beginnings of a blush crawl up his neck to settle on his cheeks. 
“Better?” The stranger asked, voice gone soft in a way that sent shivers up Steve's spine that had nothing to do with the weather. 
“Yeah, uh, thanks… “
“Eddie.” Steve repeated, liking the way the other man’s name felt on his tongue. “Steve,” he said, introducing himself in return before adding, “but, won’t you be cold now?”
Eddie shrugged. “I’ll be fine, I run hot.”
You can say that again.
Steve looked Eddie up and down as subtly as he could manage, taking in the way his newly exposed t-shirt was stretched tight across his body, accentuating lightly toned arms and a thin waist. He bit down on his lip hard, trying to snap out of it. He couldn’t remember ever being this attracted to someone at first sight. 
“If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?” Steve asked.
“14th floor, Hellcheer studios. Do you know it?”
Steve nodded. He’d never visited that part of the building before, but he knew of the small yet successful startup production company that was housed above his own offices.
“I sneak in here a lot at night to record when inspiration strikes. I don’t like taking up time that could go to other artists. There's less pressure too, when no one else is around. Just me, my guitar, and a microphone.”
“Couldn’t you get in trouble for that?
“No, it’s, uh, let’s just say I know the owners really well.” Eddie chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “What about you? And don’t say working.”
“How do you know I’m not here burning the midnight oil, same as you?”
Eddie laughed and shot him a truly wolfish grin. “Well, for one, no one really works between Christmas and New Years unless they absolutely have to, and for two, you’re wearing pajama bottoms, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, right.” 
Steve deflated a little. He’d completely forgotten the state he was in and was instantly embarrassed at the reminder. He didn’t even know what he was still doing here. He was so stupid, standing on a street corner waiting for the fire department when really he should just get over himself and go home, be normal. 
He slid his shoulders out of the leather jacket to try and give it back to its owner before he fled, but Eddie was having none of it. He wrapped it right back around him, only this time they were facing each other and Eddie had to move in extra close to swing it around his back. So close that Steve could feel the other man’s warm breath brush across his cheek as he spoke. 
“No, please keep it on.” Eddie began, rubbing his hands up and down Steve’s covered arms, warming him further. He kept his voice low and gentle and the whole thing was so undeniably intimate that Steve thought he might actually swoon. “I can't have you freezing to death when it’s my fault we’re stuck out here. I’m sorry if I said something to upset you. I didn’t mean anything by it, I swear. I was just…  teasing, I guess, and maybe a little curious?”
Steve was too tired to come up with a believable excuse, if there even was such a thing.
“I, um, I can’t sleep in my apartment anymore. Ever since my ex left I just… it doesn’t feel right to be there alone?” 
It was quite the admission to make to a perfect stranger on the sidewalk in the middle of the night, but despite his initial embarrassment, there was something about Eddie that made him want to open up. He felt strangely safe.
“I’m sorry, that must be rough. How long has it been?”
“A few months.”
“Oh, Steve.”
“And I know what you're going to say. I should be over it by now. That’s what everybody says.”
“Actually I was going to say, your poor back. I can only imagine how much it’s suffering sleeping on a cot or god forbid the horrible floors in that building.”
“Oh.” Steve said, looking away.
“Hey, you’ll get over it in your own time. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” Eddie said, reaching up to cup his cheek. The hand was so warm on his icy skin that Steve was helpless to stop himself from nuzzling into the touch. 
“Thank you.”
A beat of silence fell over the two men and by all rights it should have been uncomfortable, standing there wrapped up in someone he didn’t know, but Steve couldn't bring himself to care. Eventually the sound of sirens in the distance prompted him to speak again, knowing the fire department would be there soon. 
“I kinda am, y’know? Over it, I mean. My ex… looking back I’ve realized he wasn’t the best person. I don’t miss the relationship exactly, I think it’s more like I miss what could have been.”
Eddie hummed in agreement. “I get that.” He said, and paused before asking, “why haven't you moved?” 
“I think at first it was because I hoped he’d come back.” Steve answered, risking a glance into Eddie’s wide sympathetic eyes. “Pathetic, I know.” He murmured. 
“None of that Stevie, you’re not pathetic for holding out hope.”
“After a while I realized it was for the best. Tommy… I don’t think he was ever as committed to us as I was. I don’t think he even liked me by the end, let alone loved me.” Steve sighed, closing his eyes against the memories that flooded his mind.  “I was offered a promotion. It would have come with a huge pay raise but it also would have meant longer hours at the office and less time at home. I turned it down, there wasn’t any amount of money worth that, to me at least, and besides, I like my job. Tommy didn’t agree, he was furious.”
“I’m sorry, but the guy sounds like a dick.”
Steve laughed, cracking a smile for the first time in a long time. “Yeah, yeah I guess he was.”
A fire truck with flashing lights came barreling around the corner seconds later, coming to a stop directly in front of them. Eddie, to Steve's disappointment, let him go, explaining that he should be the one to talk to them since the whole thing was his fault, and stepped away to greet the handful of responders.
It was only a few minutes before Eddie came jogging back, a look of obvious concern pinching his face. 
“I tried to tell them it was my fault, that it was a mistake, but their chief said he has to clear the building anyway and it could take a while. I don’t think we’re getting back in there tonight. I guess we’ll both have to head home for the night.” Eddie sounded sad at the idea, as if he were as upset as Steve was that their time together was coming to an end. 
But maybe it didn’t have to.
“It’s alright, my apartment isn’t all that far from here.” Steve said, contemplating the best way to make his move. 
“I’m sorry,” Eddie said, grasping Steve’s hand and squeezing it. “I know you said you hate sleeping there alone.”
This man could not be real, Steve decided, he was far too fucking sweet. And something about that must have made him feel brave, because he looked Eddie right in the eyes and just went for it. 
“I was sort of hoping… maybe I wouldn't have to sleep alone?”
Eddie raised a single eyebrow, face breaking out into a tentative smile. “Are you sure?”
In reply, Steve tucked a finger into Eddie’s belt loop and tugged him forward, closing the distance between them as he crashed their mouths together. Eddie let out a pleased hum as he deepened the kiss, and Steve was pleasantly surprised to find that his lips were even softer then he could have possibly imagined
Part 2!
Thanks and love to @penny00dreadful for being the best cheerleader and beta reader a gal could ask for! 🥰
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....would you ever consider writing something about how Alfred feels about Bruce's shop girl 👀👀👀?
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Warnings: Some angst; mostly fluff; Bruce Wayne’s Top Notch Communication Skills and secret keeping (same tags as last time, but still true); Alfred's point of view
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The trug is the perfect size. He doesn’t have to sacrifice flowers or produce in favor of his tools, or vice versa. Alfred leans back from the flower bed he’s been weeding, brushing the dirt from his gloves. He thinks of her every time he uses his trug, or either pair of his new gardening gloves. Where some of his other gifts from Bruce have been well-meaning, but not quite to his taste, this Christmas’ selections were both fashionable and functional.
Alfred smiles to himself as he thinks of young Master Wayne and his new companion. 
She seems to bring something light out in him, something that’s been hidden since Bruce returned to Gotham with renewed purpose. There was some lightness with Rachel, of course, but it had been marred by their long shared history, and their mutual care and concern for the good of Gotham city. 
This woman has a concern for Gotham, of course, but she is one of the city’s citizens in a way that Bruce has never been. She’s opened a different side of this city to Bruce—one that may not be perfect, one that certainly has its problems, but contains pockets of hope in the darkness. She’s a middle ground for Bruce, one that he’s surely lacked and needed since he was a boy.
Alfred does wonder what lengths Bruce may go to maintain this relationship, if it wasn’t for his…Nightly activities. Alfred pushes a soft sigh through his nose, head shaking a touch as he leans forward again, tugging and working up a particularly stubborn and well-rooted weed. 
He doesn’t know what Bruce will do to maintain the relationship as it is. 
Alfred can see a few cracks forming in their foundation. Well, it was to be expected. Bruce’s actions as Batman have hardly slowed or stalled since he met her. Alfred has seen her hold questions back—over dinner, breakfast, lazy afternoons spent together in the penthouse. It’s in the way her eyes have narrowed, her lips pursing into a questioning pout. Those expressions are often quick to dissolve when she catches Alfred’s eye, a smile pulling at her lips, ease overtaking her curiosity. 
But it’s surely only a matter of time before that curiosity drowns out all else. 
Alfred sighs heavily, peering down at the pulled buds of white clover before setting them down in the trug, alongside the other pulled weeds. 
It could go on, for a time. She could dismiss her suspicions in favor of her interest in Bruce. Or, she could push him for the truth—and lord only knows what Master Wayne may conjure up in that instance. Another lover? Someone like Liz Wyatt, or any one of the other highly publicized ‘relationships’ that the papers have put forward? Or perhaps some piggish show, not unlike the one that Bruce put on the night of the fire at the Manor?
But then, Alfred’s not particularly sure that that last tack would work. Their bond was predicated on Bruce showing her the truth behind the public façade. He can’t imagine that Bruce would follow suit if her suspicions swelled, and show her the man behind the mask. 
Alfred leans back again as his phone buzzes in his pocket. He brushes his gloves clear of dirt again before he reaches into his pocket, pulling his cellphone out. He eyes a message from Lucius, tapping out a reply before tucking the phone away again. 
It is quite handy that he can text without taking off his gardening gloves. 
Next Part
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withacapitalp · 9 months
How to Rehabilitate a Jock Pt 16
Part One Part Fifteen Link to Ao3. Part 17
So late but I needed to post this as soon as I was happy with it haha! Thank you to @stevethehairington for betaing and @thefreakandthehair for listening to my endless rambles
Step Sixteen: Fix What You Brea
Decorating a christmas tree was an interesting experience. 
It wasn’t like Eddie had never seen a tree before, it just wasn’t something he had ever personally done. Before living with Wayne, his parents had never stayed in one place long enough to have a tree, and after he moved in with Wayne, they both agreed that the money would be better spent on having a present for Eddie instead of a tree to just stare at. Eddie had always thought it would be kind of stupid anyway. What was the point? 
But decorating Steve’s tree was actually pretty enjoyable. 
Sure, Frank and Jeff were fighting over eating the popcorn string instead of hanging it up, and yeah, Jonathan kept making little side comments to Nancy about it that were almost a shade too sarcastic for comfort, but the air was filled with laughter, and Steve was directing him on where to put the important ornaments, so it wasn’t all bad. 
“What about this one?” Eddie asked, holding up a delicate glass design. It was shaped like a pair of ballet slippers, hanging on a pink ribbon that gleamed in the lights on the tree. 
This was the best part in Eddie’s opinion. Every single one of the ‘special’ ornaments had some story attached. A family anecdote or a tradition long held. Steve wasn’t on Eddie’s level of storytelling, but there was something incredibly cozy about holding out an ornament and listening to Steve tell the tale as they hung it up together. 
“That ones my mom’s,” Steve said, his voice inordinately warm as he took the ornament and leaned into Eddie’s space to place it on the right side of the tree almost all the way at the top. “She was a ballet dancer back in the day. The ribbon is from her first set of pointe shoes.”
“That’s cool,” Eddie said, looking closer. Sure enough the satin was too thick to be a traditional ribbon, and there were rips in it that had been sewn back together with pale pink thread. 
“Yeah. You have to replace pointe shoes every twenty hours of dancing or so, but my mom’s family never had much money, so she used hers until they were too broken to dance,” Steve explained, tracing his index finger down the side of the ribbon, his eyes far away somewhere Eddie couldn’t quite reach. 
It was strange to think of anyone in Steve’s family as anything but rich. The Harringtons were well known snobs, and although Eddie didn’t personally know Steve’s mom, he had definitely heard about her. Head of the PTA, head of the ladies auxiliary, head of the church prayer group. She was a socialite through and through. 
Initially Eddie had heard the word ‘ballet’ and imagined an uptight little prima in a sterile looking studio with starched white tutus and perfect form. Steve’s story had shifted that, and now Eddie’s mind was conjuring up images of a tiny girl practicing and practicing her steps with shoes that were tearing at the seams. A small child trying and trying to be as good as everyone else when the tools she was working with were nowhere near what everyone else got to have. 
The same way Eddie himself had practiced on his first guitar before he had started dealing and was able to afford his Warlock. 
“Why’d she stop dancing?” Eddie asked softly, suddenly desperate to know the answer. He needed to make the two images connect, needed to find the through line that could turn a poor kid who just wanted to dance into a formidable small town queen. 
“She married my dad,” Steve replied, giving the exact answer Eddie hadn’t wanted to hear. “They moved here, had my brother, and Mom didn’t need to work anymore. The back room used to be her studio, but my parents decided to make it a second office for my dad.”
Eddie bit his tongue, looking at the tree but avoiding the shimmering ballet slippers sitting on the branch above his head. 
Steve’s mom had been like him, then she married a rich guy, and gave up all the things that mattered for money. She had been just like him, once upon a time. 
Would that happen to Eddie? 
Was he turning into someone different now because of his crush on Steve? 
It wasn’t a completely lunatic idea. He was here decorating a tree, which is something he normally saw as completely arbitrary and useless. He was letting a jock into hellfire, and not just any jock but the King. 
Would being near Steve chip away at all of Eddie’s long held beliefs? Would he move backwards and backwards because of this idiotic infatuation, until his guitar was just an ornament on a tree? 
And then with just one look, Steve erased the entire idea. One flash of those big brown eyes and that little side quirk of his head, and Eddie is a goner. There was no way Steve would ever turn his partner into some cookie cutter perfect picket fence person, no planet on Earth where Steve wouldn’t love someone enough to love their weird bits too. This was Steve. 
And besides, it wasn’t even like Eddie was the kind of person that had a shot with Steve in the first place. For a lot of reasons. 
“Sorry, got lost in thought, Sweetheart,” Eddie said, crooking his mouth into a half smile and ignoring the panging ache of guilt crushing his chest. Steve’s shoulders relaxed and he leaned closer, letting his arm rest against Eddie’s. 
“Well, don’t go somewhere I can’t follow,” He murmured, the smell of his cologne and the feeling of his body sending Eddie into a tailspin. 
Just like before when their hands were joined and Steve’s warm breath was blowing across his frozen fingers, Eddie’s mind stuttered to a halt. The endless loops and running thoughts were stuck in place, held motionless by the enigma that was Steve Harrington. It was overwhelming, too much and not enough all at the same time, and Eddie needed to get away from it before he did something he couldn’t take back. 
“C’mon, we’ve still got work to do, lazy bones!” Eddie chirped, slipping away from Steve and practically jumping over to the box of carefully packaged decorations. He was so focused on escaping, that he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings until it was a moment too late. 
At the same time Eddie picked up the next ornament, Jeff and Frank’s battle over the popcorn string reached its apex. Jeff let go of his side of the string, and Frank flew backwards. He barreled into Jonathan, who crashed into Nancy, who stumbled and bumped into Eddie just enough to make him lose his grip. 
The air was filled with the terribly delicate sound of breaking porcelain, and everything seemed to freeze in place. All six of them stared at the ground, where a tiny angel rested in three pieces where it had once been whole. 
“Shit, I’m sorry-”
“We were just fucking around, but we shouldn’t have-”
“Steve, I’m so-”
Floods of apologies from the rest, but Eddie stayed silent. He was watching Steve like a hawk as he slowly bent down on one knee and began to collect the pieces of the broken ornament. 
Steve hadn’t said a word yet, but he was still saying plenty. His shoulders were almost at his ears, and his fingers were shaking as they tried to grab onto the porcelain remains. His expression was neutral, but his eyes were starting to take on an honestly terrifying shine, and his blinking was getting more and more rapid by the second. 
Eddie should have left it alone, should have given Steve space to collect himself, but he had never been good at leaving things be. So, knowing it was the wrong thing to do, Eddie knelt down by Steve and reached out to put a hand on Steve’s shoulder. 
“It’s fine,” Steve instantly replied, a completely hollow smile materializing on his face as he continued to blink far too much. He leaned away from Eddie’s touch, a tiny jerky movement that put a twenty pound weight on Eddie’s chest. Steve scrambled upwards, cradling the broken ornament close to his heart as he continued to fake a smile. “It was an accident, Babydoll. No worries.”  
It was an accident, but that didn’t make it ‘fine’. Steve was obviously so far from fine, and even that little silly name wasn’t enough to assure Eddie of the lie. It actually made it worse, like Steve was trying to appease him, to make Eddie let it go, when he really didn’t think he should. 
“I’m gonna go see if we have superglue. It doesn’t look too bad,” Steve said to the entire group, still faking it. Unlike Eddie though, the rest were buying it, tension leaking out of them with relieved smiles and quiet sighs. “You guys finish up though, people will be here any minute.” 
And then he was gone, ducking into the kitchen and disappearing from view, leaving Eddie unmoored and unsure of where to go. Every fiber in his being wanted to chase after Steve, catch him alone and hope that he wouldn’t keep trying to hide, but he was stuck in place. Steve had leaned away, escaped as soon as he could, that had to be a sign that he didn’t want Eddie near him. 
Wasn’t it? 
“Nice job, butterfingers,” Frank joked, gently jabbing an elbow into Eddie’s ribs in an effort to lighten up the air around him. 
Eddie threw him a distracted smile, still staring at the doorway Steve had disappeared through and trying to ignore the part of him that was desparate to follow. 
“I’m gonna go check on him,” Nancy murmured to Jonathan, nearly inaudible over the sound of Jeff and Frank looking for a broom to get any remaining slivers of porcelain on the ground. Jonathan nodded with a quiet hum, kissing Nancy on the cheek before letting her go without even a word. 
Because it was oh so natural for an ex-girlfriend to leave her current boyfriend in the dust to go check on her ex-boyfriend. 
Eddie watched her perfect little curls bounce in their perfect little ringlets as she practically skipped out after Steve. Now Nancy was going to go in there and comfort Steve, act all sweet and soft and drag Steve into thinking that she cared when she was the one that had cheated. Hell, maybe they would even kiss, and she would have her hooks in Steve again. 
Why wasn’t Jonathan upset about this?!
… Why was Eddie so upset about this?
Eddie let his eyes slip shut, his breath escaping in one huge gust as he finally began to wilt. It wasn’t really any of his business. He and Steve were friends. That was all. If Steve wanted to kiss Nancy, then he would kiss her, and that wasn’t Eddie’s choice. All Eddie had was a fanciful crush, a ridiculous dream, a hope for something that he should never have let himself hope for. 
But still. 
“I’m gonna find a bathroom,” Eddie muttered to no one, slipping out of the room and carefully creeping down the hallway towards the kitchen. 
He could hear the indistinguishable sound of voices coming from the room ahead, the open door tempting him closer and closer for a taste of what Steve and Nancy were discussing. 
Was Eddie really doing this? 
Yes. Yes he was. 
Resolved, Eddie leaned against the hidden side of the doorway, letting his head hit the wall as he shut his eyes and focused on eavesdropping. 
“-really don’t want to talk about it, Nancy,” Steve said, sounding utterly exhausted as cupboards opened and slammed shut. 
“Okay,” Nancy relented, clearly not happy to let the subject go, “let’s talk about the other thing?”
Other thing?
“Other thing?” Steve asked. Eddie bit back a snicker, his heart fluttering at the way Steve had mirrored him without even knowing it. 
“You invited Eddie?”
The humor instantly fled, rushing out of the hallway along with all of the oxygen, leaving Eddie dizzy and struggling to breathe. His indulgent smile soured into a scowl, and his hands curled into tight fists. 
It was the tone. That tone that Eddie had heard his whole life. The condescending, lower-than-me, dirt on the shoes of society tone. It was the kind of thing that girls like Nancy could use because they lived in perfect two story houses on cul-de-sacs, and Eddie was trailer trash from the bad side of town. 
Well fuck her. Fuck Nancy Wheeler and her stupid perfect life, and fuck her for hating him just for existing. Eddie could hate her right back. He had hating the conventional down to a science, an art form almost. He was brilliant at striking first, and he had half a mind to walk in there and tear her down a few notches, just for the fun of it.  
“What is your problem with him?” 
Eddie stopped in his tracks, blinking his eyes open and staring in shock at the wall in front of him, watching Steve’s shadow turn to face Nancy’s. 
“I don’t have a problem,” Nancy scoffed. 
“Obviously you do, Nance,” Steve shot back, crossing his arms  “Eddie’s a good guy. They’re my friends.” 
A good guy. 
It wasn’t exactly a glowing recommendation or anything, but the words and the protectiveness in Steve’s voice was doing terrible wonderful things to Eddie’s stomach. His fingers were still burning from being held by Steve before, and now his brain was on fire too, caught in the blaze that was Steve damn Harrington. 
“I… I just think he might be trouble,” Nancy admitted softly, quickly continuing when she heard Steve’s inhale of interjecting, “and not in the way you’re thinking! I promise.”
A long silence, one that gave Eddie too much time to think, one that left too much room for endless questions with zero answers. 
What kind of trouble did Nancy think Eddie was dragging Steve into? What would Eddie do that she was so scared of? Did she really care that much about Steve’s reputation? Steve didn’t even care about it anymore! 
Was she scared for her brother? Why was all of this so damn cryptic?
“In what way?” Steve finally asked, and Eddie leaned in, needing the answer.
“Just-” Nancy cut herself off with a frustrated little sound, and her shadow eclipsed Steve as she stood on her tiptoes to put her arms around his shoulders. 
“If you ever need to talk. About anything. Me and Jonathan are here. We would never judge you for anything. You know that right?” 
Eddie barely heard it, the words muffled between the two bodies, but he heard Steve’s soft chuckle, and saw the way his shadow arms wrapped around Nancy.
Even just an image of them on the wall looked so… right. 
It made a small part of Eddie die inside. 
He closed his eyes once, hating the burn that was already there waiting. He shouldn’t have come over and listened. He shouldn’t have done any of this. But as Eddie took a step back to walk to the living room with his tail tucked between his legs, Nancy spoke again. 
“And you need to tell them about El before she gets here.”
Who was El? 
“Shit, you’re right,” Steve sighed, pulling away from Nancy, “I totally forgot.”
“Do you remember the story?”
“Nancy I’m the one that came up with it,” Steve said, annoyance tinging his voice, “I remember the story.”
Eddie was definitely eavesdropping about something bigger than relationship woes now, and the mystery of it all dug right into his soft spot, pulling him away from his aching heart and tugging him forward with a desperate need to know more. 
This was the thing that Wayne always tried to warn him about. Eddie’s need to know everything was always getting him in trouble, and he had heard plenty of times about what curiosity did to cats. 
That was all true… but the thing that Wayne always seemed to forget was that satisfaction brought that cat back. 
“It’s important that we get this right, Steve. You know what-”
But whatever Steve knew, Eddie didn’t seem destined to hear it. As he leaned closer, intent on catching every word, he overbalanced, tripping over his own feet and slamming his entire body against the other side of the doorway, coming into full view of both of them. Steve and Nancy both jolted, pulling away from each other and staring at Eddie with slack jaws and wide eyes. 
“This is what I get for never tying my shoes,” Eddie joked awkwardly, trying to be casual as he straightened up and let out the world’s worst fake laugh. His brain was racing, running as fast as it could to come up with any rational reason for him being there besides eavesdropping. 
“Are you okay?” Steve asked, his brow furrowing. He didn’t even seem to catch what was going on, but Nancy was practically glaring, her lips pursed in quiet fury. 
“I’m fine, Sweetheart,” Eddie reassured him, ignoring Nancy’s look in favor of focusing all of his attention on Steve. If he played it right, then Nancy calling him out would just look like she was against him, which Steve had already tried to stop. 
He wasn’t being manipulative. This was just strategy, the same kind of strategic thinking that any dungeon master worth their salt would employ. It was improv, a game, an act. Nothing bad. Nothing wrong. 
So why was guilt creeping cold fingers down Eddie’s spine? 
“What do you want?” Nancy asked, clearly trying to go for nonchalant but coming off completely cold with her crossed arms and flat inflection. It wasn’t working in her favor if Steve’s quick sharp look was anything to go by, and Eddie did his best not to preen under Steve’s protection. 
“Drinks? The boys were wondering if you had anything stronger than eggnog,” Eddie wondered, coming up with his excuse on the fly. It would work. Frank was never one to turn down a stiff drink, especially if it came loaded with whatever ridiculously expensive alcohol the Harringtons were keeping stashed away here. 
Nancy tossed her hair over his shoulder, raising a single brow as her expression stayed firmly unimpressed. It made Eddie want to squirm in place, but he held firm, meeting her head on. 
“You know there’s gonna be kids at this party, right?” Nancy said, her voice a little less frosty, but a hell of a lot more condescending. “And the chief of police.”
Eddie bristled, opening his mouth to tell her exactly where Hopper could stick it, but Steve intervened before he could. 
“There’s nothing wrong with having a little,” Steve offered in a mediating tone, already moving towards one of the high cabinets and starting to open it. “But just one before they get here. Last thing I need is the brats trying to convince me they’re old enough for whiskey.” 
“Jack and Coke? Or are you spoiling me with the good stuff?” Eddie asked, possibly laying it on an inch too thick, but unable to help it when Steve was giving him that fondly annoyed side eye. 
“We do not drink the good stuff as a mixed beverage,” Steve lectured, grabbing a fat bottle from behind a box on the shelf and bringing it down, “but I think breaking out the crown wouldn’t be amiss.”
“A crown for a king!” Eddie crowed, taking the bottle of Crown Royal from Steve and wiggling his eyebrows. Steve huffed out a soft laugh, shaking his head at Eddie’s antics and turning towards the fridge. 
“Here, Nance,” Steve said absentmindedly, holding out a bottle of coke for her, “take that inside and you guys can make your own before everyone else gets here. I’ll be in once I find the glue.” 
“Why don’t I help you?” Eddie blurted out, his mouth moving before his mind even caught up with what he was saying. 
“Oh, sure,” Steve agreed, still distracted as he began to root around in cupboards. 
“You’ll be needing this,” Eddie said sweetly, offering up the bottle to Nancy as she walked past him. 
Nancy’s eyes narrowed impossibly further, and she let out a short sigh, taking the bottle of alcohol with a vicious little swipe and striding out of the room. Eddie watched her go, barely resisting the urge to stick his tongue out at her retreating form. 
He had won. That was what mattered. 
Did Eddie even know what he had won? No, but he still felt like he did. 
Once it was just the two of them, Eddie’s hackles began to slowly lower. There was no need to be on guard when it was just him and Steve. He idly twirled around the kitchen table, leaning against the counter on the other side of the kitchen and looking around the room with distracted curiosity. He had been in the kitchen before, but never really cared enough to explore the details. 
Now every fridge magnet was a new discovery, and the way that the spices were lined up on the rack was information that seemed important. But the most interesting thing in the kitchen was the angel on the counter right by Eddie’s fingers. 
It was a pretty thing, delicate, but somehow still beautiful, even in parts. The sculpted wings were curled around the figure of a little boy, kneeling with his hands cupped over a star. At the bottom of the ornament was the name ‘Jaime’ in ornate script. 
“Who’s Jaime?” Eddie wondered aloud. He had mostly been talking to himself, but his words caused Steve to stop short, flying around from the drawer he had been searching through and whirl around to face Eddie.
“Where did you…” Steve trailed off, noticing the angel. He wilted like a dying flower, biting at the inside of his cheek as he turned his back to Eddie, returning to the drawer of odds and ends. 
“Jaime’s my brother,” Steve said shortly. 
Eddie’s shoulders were starting to tighten, but he pushed through the feeling. It wasn’t a rejection, or an outright refusal to speak. Steve was just being cagey, secretive the way he sometimes was. 
Eddie could crack that. 
“Ah, yes, the elusive mystery brother,” He joked, putting on a fake accent and bopping over to Steve’s side, bumping against him in an effort to get Steve smiling again. “Will the elder Harrington sibling be making an appearance at tonight’s festivities?” 
Maybe if he was, Eddie would get some answers. Reasons for the panic attack at the Hideout, or some details on the mysterious ‘El’. The possibility of unraveling another part of Steve was enticing, coaxing Eddie further down the rabbit hole. 
Just like that the curiosity was gone. Instantly killed by the way Steve’s adams apple was starting to bob, and the sharp shaking inhale that went along with it. Eddie’s heart fell to his feet, and his fingers felt cold for the first time since Steve had touched him. 
“I was just kidding around. You don’t have to-” Eddie began.
“It’s okay,” Steve interrupted, still worrying his lip as his eyes darted around the room, looking everywhere but at Eddie. He was gearing up, trying to find what he wanted to say or maybe trying to force it out. Either way, Eddie was going to be frozen in place until Steve was ready to speak. 
“Jaime um… Jaime died,” Steve finally managed, the word practically shooting out of his mouth the second he was done choking on it. 
It was like being dunked in a freezing cold shower and tossed out in the snow. Not only had Eddie forced Steve into talking about his dead brother, he had broken the ornament obviously meant to commemorate him. 
If he had a gun, he would be pushing it up against his temple. Nope. Even that wouldn’t be enough. 
“Fuck,” Eddie hissed out, wishing he could just shut his damn mouth for once, but he was too keyed up to stay quiet. The apology was worthless, but it was already spilling out of his mouth, vomiting itself up, “Steve, I-”
“Really, it’s fine,” Steve insisted, busying himself with looking for the glue. “How could you know? Besides, he died before I was born, so…”
“So?” Eddie prompted, not really sure where Steve was going with that. 
Steve said ‘so’ like that meant it didn’t matter, but from just one glance Eddie knew how much this did. Steve, who was one of the most open people Eddie knew, was hunched over, practically trying to disappear from Eddie’s gaze, hiding away whatever emotions were trying to push themselves up to the surface, demanding to be felt. 
“So- I don’t know,” Steve said, cutting himself off with a sigh. He held up the tiny bottle of superglue, walking over to the other side of the counter, his back to Eddie again. “But it’s my mom’s favorite ornament, and she would get really upset if she came home and it was broken,”
Steve gave a tiny laugh that wasn’t really a laugh, the tip of his finger running over the edge of the wing like it had run over the satin of the ballet slipper ribbon. 
“Not that I even know when she’s coming home again,” He whispered, the bitterness in the words so heavy that it was sitting on Eddie’s tongue. 
It was just wrong. Eddie had never heard Steve sound so beaten down, even in the parking lot the other night. This was somehow worse than just watching Steve shake through an unseen panic that he couldn’t control. 
But, unlike that night, Eddie could do something about this. So, rather than satisfy his own curiosity, Eddie put his needs to the side. 
“Can I?” Eddie asked, holding out his hand for the glue and the angel. “I work on miniatures all the time. I’m super steady.” 
Steve looked down at the hand outstretched toward him, then up at Eddie. A long slow look that went deep in Eddie, making him want to squirm with how far it was going. 
Then, finally, Steve relented. He handed over the pieces and hopped up onto the counter, watching Eddie like a hawk. 
Eddie immediately went to work, bending his head close to the angel and narrowing his eyes as he carefully glued first the broken wing on, and then the small corner of the name plaque. He held both in a firm but soft grip, balancing the ornament effortlessly between his hands as he waited for the glue to bond the pieces back together. And, as he did all of that, he worked up the courage to say what he was thinking. 
“You know it’s okay, right?” Eddie whispered, unable to make his voice any louder. 
“What is?” Steve whispered back, just as quiet. 
“If you aren’t okay,” Eddie replied, braving a quick glance up at Steve’s face. 
It was the wrong thing to do. The blank look of utter shock on Steve’s face was painful, hurting Eddie inside in a place he didn’t even know existed. 
All at once Eddie was sure that he was the first person to ever tell Steve such a thing, and that was just… too much. It was too much pressure, too much potential to fuck it up and hurt Steve even more, too much of a chance that Eddie would say the wrong thing. 
But it was also too much to not be sure Steve knew that it was the absolute truth. 
“You’re allowed to not be okay,” Eddie said, gently placing the repaired angel in Steve’s palm. 
Taglist: @paopaupaus @zerokrox-blog @surferboyzaza @whatever-is-a-good-name@minjintea @addelyin @5ammi90 @hagbaby420 @shinekocreator @bornonthesavage @starxlark @electrick-marionnett @resident-gay-bitch @ash-a-confused-enby @classicdinosaurdeathpose @valon-whomsttf @rotten-lil-goblin @thereindeerlady @love-ya-kash @kerlypride @sparkle-fiend @thefreakandthehair @flowercrowngods @milf-harrington @sadcanadianwinter @gothbat99 @hotcocoaharrington @henderdads @lightwoodbanethings @colorful565 @h0n3y-dw @craterbbox @sourw0lfs @lesliiieeeee @bidisastersworld @tinynebula @ravnlinn @bonescaro @mexmatch @cottagecoredreams @joruni @hellykelly @maegan1116 @farewell-wanderlvst @desertfern @due-to-the-fact-that-im-a-slut @anythingforourmoonyedits @eerielake @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sidekick-hero
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missmyloko · 4 months
What's In an Obi? Part 8
On The Tenth Day of Fun I present... another obi! So far everyone's really liked the obi features, so to tide you over until tomorrow's feature here's another gem!
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Image courtesy of Komugisaran. Owned By: Nishimura (西村) in Gion Kobu Motifs: Fruits Easily one of the most unique obi out there wandering the streets of Gion Kobu, this piece uses both realism and faux shibori yuzen to artfully conjure images of fruits to life! The fruits displays include but are not limited to: Bananas: The iconic fruit known around the world, the bananas give a nice pop of bright color. Apples: A favorite among the Japanese, apples come in various colors and shapes, but the most iconic is the red apple, made famous in the tale of Snow White. Oranges: The fruit that's a color, it's a bit of a background piece here. Chestnuts: A favorite fall snack in Japan and known in Christmas carols in the West, these can even be seen as kanzashi motifs! Strawberries: Another popular fruit in Japan, it's known to grace the likes of fancy desserts that are both given as gifts and enjoyed by people of all ages. Grapes: A fruit that's also often given as a gift, prized grapes can cost hundreds of dollars per bunch and are given for special occasions like New Year's. Persimmons: Also a popular fall fruit, they're picked and dried on racks throughout the winter and then enjoyed as a sugary snack. The kamon is even colored the same color as the fruits to match the overall theme!
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lumosinlove · 5 months
Christmas Eve Will Find Me
One: Sirius
Salazar Headquarters
London, England
“This is the part that you’re not understanding Agent Black.”
Sirius had never been built for the cages of board rooms. Mahogany tables and whiskey glasses. Bottled water placed evenly at each leather chair. Suit and ties, pressed collars and eyeglasses that would show everyone in the room whatever files needed to be seen, privately. Sirius wasn’t build for the glasses, either. He didn’t like seeing the images so close, as if his very own brain had conjured them.
Especially not the one in front of him now. Familiar, but, then again, not at all. A ghost he saw every night, but never like this.
“Why don’t you try again then,” Sirius said to Lucius Malfoy, who sat opposite him, at the other end of the long table. His fair, nearly white hair was tied back low against his neck. Though he stared with dark eyes right at Sirius, they both looked at each other through the image screened in front of them. Through Remus’ brown eyes and bow of a mouth. Sirius was glad no pair of glasses would show the room how hard he was digging his fingernails into his palms below the table.
Malfoy drew an annoyed breath. “Agent Lupin, presumed dead after the Greece incident along with Agent Logan Tremblay—” He glanced to James, who was sitting very still. His usual glasses—a light, airy brown compared to these black frames—folded on the table in front of him. “Is alive.” Malfoy’s long fingers flicked. “For six months, Agent Lupin blinked out. Assumed dead. Now, there he is.”
The photograph had been pulled from a bank security camera in Athens. Remus wore no hat. He carried no bag. Supposedly no weapon, though it was hard to tell and Sirius had never known him to go without one. None of Salazar’s agents ever did.
“Right where we left him, it seems,” Malfoy said. “Greece. Athens.”
“And Logan?” James asked, leaning forward. “I—Agent Tremblay.”
“If we knew anything more, we would have said.” Malfoy had a way with coldness. “Would we have not?”
James said nothing. Sirius felt his stomach twist.
Something in Remus’ face was wrong. It was wrong. He couldn’t place it. Vacant. Shaken. No weapon, no phone. He’d looked nearly right up at the camera. He would never have done that if he was hiding, like Malfoy clearly thought.
“We bring him in.” Sirius’ eyes went to James again, who was looking back this time. “Agent Potter and I will make contact.”
Malfoy just shook his head and laughed. “So confidently said. Tell me this, then. Why did he not bring himself in?”
Sirius couldn’t deny that he had no answer. He couldn’t look away from Remus’ face. Too open. And if he was there in Greece—alive alive alive—where was Logan?
“No contact,” Malfoy said. “You will take a surveillance team. and you will follow him.”
“Follow him?” Sirius shook his head, just as James began to protest, too. “He’s not a target. This is Remus.”
“He is a target as long as I say he is,” Malfoy snapped. “He failed to report. He failed all protocol, and now, suddenly, here he is. Out in the open.”
“You think someone turned him,” James said softly. “That’s—that’s impossible—”
“Nothing is impossible,” said Lestrange from Malfoy’s left. Her curling hair fell elegantly over her wide-shouldered suit, but she was smiling as if this news gave her pleasure. “If he is no longer loyal, you can see why we would need to know, Potter.”
Remus. Remus, who he had thought he had lost. Who he had spent the last six months trying to bury without having a body or a reason. Remus, who he had never even gotten to kiss.
“Find him.” Malfoy arched his fair brows. “Find Lupin, Black.”
“And what?” Sirius said. “You already don’t trust him.”
Malfoy leaned his hands on the table. “If he is what I think he is, then you will kill him.”
Sirius had a flat, but he wouldn’t have called it a home. James, at least, had Lily. Lily and their son, warm bodies and food to come home to, when he came home at all. Now, there was fried egg and ham sandwiches on the stove panini press, quiet jazz playing in the living room in the hopes of keeping the two year old Harry asleep, and Lily standing in front of him pouring whiskey—because he obviously looked like he needed it.
“Alive,” Lily kept saying. She set the bottle down hard. Her tears gained different intensities, but she hadn’t really stopped crying since they had told her. They weren’t supposed to tell her.
She had a dishcloth in one hand that was being used as a tissue, and a greasy spatula in the other. Her dark red hair was tangled, falling out of two braids, and she gave a great sniff before turning back to the stove.
Sirius gave himself a bit more Scotch. He shouldn’t have agreed to come for dinner. He needed to be alone. He needed to sit in his cold, black and gray, expensive as hell, too big penthouse and picture Remus’ face before that security footage.
It was wrong. Something about it was wrong.
“Alive,” Lily said again. “God bloody fuck. Fucking shit.” A sailor, she was, when Harry wasn’t around. She turned on Sirius. “And Malfoy really said—”
“Yes,” Sirius said.
And the sick part was, Sirius could feel the gun in his hand. He could feel how he would do it. Sometimes, Sirius tried to avoid seeing faces, or it simply needed to be done, sneaking up from behind. But he knew Remus’ nape. He knew Remus’ shoulders. Any part of him, any air movement around him, Sirius would know. He felt like he would know his blood. The blood that had been in the sea foam.
“You could never,” Lily said, and took a bite out of a slice of tomato.
He’d never get close enough to get a gun on him from behind. Remus had the instincts of lightning.
“You can’t, he has to know that.”
The second Remus looked at him, Sirius would be finished. Weak muscled and drowning. It didn’t matter what was in his hand, it didn’t matter what Remus had done. It didn’t even matter that he had left Sirius behind and in the dark. Sirius would need him, solid and real.
Lily was watching him silently when James walked into the living room from showering. His dripping hair was getting the neck of his t-shirt wet, and he looked just as grim as Sirius felt. Through the kitchen doorway, he saw him lean over where Harry was sleeping in his crib and reach down to stroke his hair.
“Well,” he said when he took the stool beside Sirius—and some whiskey, too. “Wheels up tomorrow night. We’re taking a red-eye.”
“They called?” Sirius asked.
“I don’t understand.” Lily slid the sandwiches onto a serving plate and began cutting them in half. She reached for her whiskey and took a long sip, ice clinking. “Jesus. Do you want ice, Sirius?”
Sirius shook his head.
James couldn’t do it, either. Not if it came down to it. But, then again, he would do it just to save Sirius from having to do it. Sirius knew that. And if they found Logan…
“Finn,” Sirius said suddenly. He looked over at James, and Lily made a wounded sound. “We have to tell him.”
James paused from where he was using his shirt to clean water droplets off of his glasses. “Why the fuck would we do that?”
Sirius leaned forward. “Because—”
“One glimpse of Remus doesn’t mean that Logan—”
“But it could.”
“But it doesn’t.”
“But if it had been Logan we were shown on that screen, I would make assumptions about Remus, and I would be glad for that sort of hope.”
James fought through a beat of silence. Lily put a hand on his back. Sirius had seen James’ face in all sorts of ways. Easy, dinner party, happy. Focused, inches from death, or being caught.
“You should tell Leo,” Lily said.
Leo Knut. On their team, too. Hacker. Legend. So fucking young. Could get into absolutely anything.
“He probably already knows,” Sirius said. “Just because he wasn’t at the meeting, doesn’t mean anything. He’s a different department.”
James hesitated a moment before he admitted, “He found the footage.”
“What?” Lily exchanged a surprised look with Sirius.
“Leo,” James said. “He found the footage.”
Sirius sat up. “You mean they were still looking?”
James shook his head. “Not them. Leo.”
Sirius stared at him.
“Just Leo.”
“What…” Sirius swallowed. “Why would he…”
“I asked him to,” James said more quietly. His eyes darted to Lily. “Just…in case. But I’d given up hope months ago.”
It was a very James thing to do. Sirius shouldn’t have been surprised. But the thought of Leo Knut and his soft blue eyes keeping feelers out for two boys who were supposed to be dead made Sirius have to sit down. It was part of his job, sure, but Sirius had spent what felt like an eternity seeing Remus everywhere that he wasn’t. And Leo and Logan had been the closest. He knew how exhausting it was.
“He’ll be on our team, then. When we go.”
James nodded. “I’d say.”
“Good.” Sirius looked down at the sandwich on his plate. “That’s good.”
The next gap of silence was what movies left for something grand and encouraging and sure. We’ll bring them home. I know it. We’ll bring the goddamn love of your life home.
But James and Sirius both knew better.
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gisellaswrld · 2 months
ᯓ★ masterlist est. 02/18/2024
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blurb — after a breakup with a crummy boyfriend, you find yourself at the bars with your closest friends.
every night you’ll hold me and tell me i’m much more than my past; oh how i wish i could believe — after a phone call from your father, you end up losing yourself. yet luke is there to pick up the pieces, as he always is.
i’m at a loss of words even looking at you; no pain could ever reach how it felt when you twisted the knife — traveling to michigan due to the loss of your father sucked. especially when a familiar face longed to speak to you.
forevermore i wish i didn’t remember how it went; yet with you, i forget every moment about it — you go to your childhood home at the request of your parents. while clearing out your things, you find yourself lost in the thoughts of your ruined home.
i’d go out of my way to receive your attention; wide eyed at the circumstances i’d do for you — after an argument with quinn, you find yourself at the bars with your less than protective friends. quinn becomes the savior, yet things still weren’t right.
i look at you wondering where your mind is at; you’re the first choice in my heart always — being selected as a celebrity captain along side your brothers for the nhl all stars games was a situation you never thought of. leading up to the games, you made jack and quinn promise that brock would be the first pick. but after a small fight the morning of the games, you decide otherwise.
you were okay before; you’ll be okay after — you had to learn how to adjust to your boyfriend’s trade
did we ever think this was the way to speak; new year’s day was at its peak — after a long confusing situationship with jamie, a no contact break leads to a new years confession.
the words we speak; though many unspoken; prove i love you dear — although we never said it to each other, i think we both knew.
i never doubted your loyalty once; until you decided that being loyal meant hurting your lover — after many conversations with the fantilli family, you decided to make one last attempt to reach out to adam pt1 , pt2
the white snow casts a bright film over the town; you shine the brightest in my eyes — during an off day, connor finally takes you to look at the christmas lights in chicago.
you filled a hole in her heart; how she wishes you were there forever — after a long roadie, mat turns up at your apartment. he was shocked when he seen your young daughter awake, and they have a small heart to heart.
overwhelming how much i am grateful; you are her own — mat requests that you and your daughter attend the home game for your daughters 4th birthday. somehow, mat conjures up the best birthday present for your daughter.
hughes brothers — their texts with their lovers pt.1 , pt.2
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Stats from Movies 401-500
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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The Platform (2019) had the most votes with 1,912 votes. Sauna (2008) had the least votes with 546 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Zombieland (2009) was the most watched film with 69.3% of voters out of 858 saying they had seen it.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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Slender Man (2018) was the least watched film with 71.9% of voters out of 1,354 saying they hadn’t seen it.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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American Psycho (2000) was the best known film, only 1% of voters out of 1,171 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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Beaten to Death (2022) was the least known film, 92,86% of voters out of 658 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
Prey (2022) M3GAN (2022) Caveat (2020) Patchwork (2015) All Cheerleaders Die (2013) The Final (2010) Disturbing Behavior (1998) The Gate (1987) Sssssss (1973) Xtro (1982)
Body Melt (1993) Mr. Sardonicus (1961) The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) Eating Raoul (1982) Peeping Tom (1960) Night of the Scarecrow (1995) Bad Milo! (2013) Patrick (1978) Beaten to Death (2022) Lovely Molly (2011)
The Passenger (2023) Rent-A-Pal (2020) The Cell (2000) Faust: Love of the Damned (2000) The Children (2008) Prince of Darkness (1987) Escape Room (2019) Eraserhead (1977) Incubus (1966) Blacula (1972)
I Drink Your Blood (1971) Dementia (1955) Hollow Man (2000) Thir13en Ghosts (2001) The Endless (2017) Bite (2015) Idle Hands (1999) Undead (2003) At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (1964) Daddy's Girl (2018)
Bad Boy Bubby (1993) Warm Bodies (2013) Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021) The Haunting in Connecticut (2009) The Stepford Wives (2004) Fright Night (2011) The Witches (1990) The Hills Have Eyes (2006) Cat People (1942) AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
King Kong (1933) The Happening (2008) Blade (1998) Blade II (2002) Blade: Trinity (2004) Bone Tomahawk (2015) Resident Evil (2002) Don't Look Now (1973) I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) What Lies Beneath (2000)
Sauna (2008) The Orphanage (2007) Eight Legged Freaks (2002) The Windmill Massacre (2016) Antlers (2021) Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) Dark Signal (2016) When Evil Lurks (2023) Huesera: The Bone Woman (2022) Halloween (2018)
Halloween Kills (2021) Halloween Ends (2022) Smile (2022) Orphan (2009) Orphan: First Kill (2022) Fresh (2022) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) White Noise (2005) The Platform (2019) In the Tall Grass (2019)
Slender Man (2018) It Chapter Two (2019) Annabelle (2014) The Conjuring (2013) The Nun (2018) Urban Legend (1998) Bones and All (2022) Deep Rising (1998) Black Friday (2021) Werewolf By Night (2022)
Deathgasm (2015) Slither (2006) American Psycho (2000) Friday the 13th (2009) Revenge (2017) Host (2020) A Bay of Blood (1971) Black Christmas (2019) Zombieland (2009) Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
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awkwardtickleetoo · 7 months
Sweet Like Maple Syrup
hi everyone!! so this fic is entirely dedicated to @mushiewrites for their birthday next week!!! everyone say happy birthday mushiiiiieeee <333
originally i was just gonna post it on his actual birthday but i got impatient and really wanted to post it early so here it is :D i hope everyone enjoys!! especially mushie bc he deserves the best birthday present ever which is obviously a cal fic, duh 🙄
again everyone with them a happy birthday and enjoy the fic!! :)
lee!dream, ler!sapnap, 5k words
Dream wasn’t sure how long Sapnap had been planning this, but he did know that he hadn’t been flustered that much in a long time.
It started that morning.
Dream had woken up just like any other morning– at a whopping one o’clock in the afternoon, which was the closest to morning he’d gotten all week, after being sick for the previous one and working himself to the bone to catch up on his projects after that fact– with the only difference being a text from Sapnap sitting on his phone when he nearly blinded himself with it to check the time. It wasn’t unusual for him to wake up to a text from Sapnap or George, but today’s text was out of the ordinary specifically because of the message itself.
meet me in the kitchen when you wake up ;)
Dream blinked a few times, squinting at the brightness of his phone screen, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger before reading the message over again. What could Sapnap have needed? The text was only from half an hour prior to him waking up, but if Sapnap had urgently needed something, surely he would’ve come to get him? What did he need in the kitchen, and why was there a winky face, and what was going on, and why was he so nervous to find out, and–
The sudden smell of breakfast foods wafting into his room pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked over to his cracked open door– wait, did he leave his door open? He could’ve sworn he closed it before going to bed, did Sapnap check if he was awake before texting him?– as the smell grew stronger. Dream took in a long inhale, humming softly at the incredible smell, before groaning as he pushed himself off the bed to stand up. He pushed his arms above his head, arching his back and groaning again as he stretched his sleepy, sluggish body out, before ruffling his own hair and stomping his way down to the kitchen to see what the fuss was about.
The sight he was met with when he made it there was… way, way more than what he was expecting, if he was being honest.
On the kitchen island, there were placesets made for two people, set in front of the barstools, behind various plates and platters with more food than Dream could conjure up in his mind on a good day.
There were two separate plates of pancakes, what looked like multiple different flavors, two stacks to a plate with each stack being five pancakes high. Next to that, a platter– Dream recognized it by the snowflake details on the edges as the Christmas themed one his mom had given him when they moved into their permanent home– with eggs on it, some scrambled and some sunny side up. A third plate, a completely different color and size to the rest, this one being smaller and blue, more flat than the other white ceramic ones, was piled high with crispy, wonderful smelling bacon. Finally, there were two small bowls, one being clear glass and the other being a slightly bigger white ceramic one with blue stripes on it, both filled with an assortment of fruit, tossed together to make a beautiful display of shapes and colors. Between the dishes were various condiments and additional toppings; ketchup, maple syrup in a glass bottle that Dream had never seen before, extra chocolate chips, whipped cream, and even a jar of bright red cherries.
And, behind all of the mountains of breakfast foods, standing in front of the stove as another batch of bacon sizzled in a pan and the fan above it whirred loudly, was none other than Sapnap himself. Dream watched silently as Sapnap turned off the burner, pushing the pan of bacon over to the side while he wiped his hands on the kitchen towel.
To say Dream was in awe would be the understatement of the year.
“Woah…” Dream spoke, mostly to himself, voice scratchy and still thick with sleep. Sapnap whipped his head around at the sound, smiling widely as soon as he saw the older man in front of him in the doorway of the kitchen, all ruffled bed hair and loose t-shirt and pajama pants and bare feet.
“Hey!” He said happily, wiping his hand one final time before making his way over to where Dream was standing.
“What…” Dream said again, glancing between his friend and the food, making eye contact once Sapnap got closer, smelling of smoke and bacon and sweet pancake batter. “Wh… Holy shit, Sap…”
“G’morning, cutie,” Sapnap replied through his giddy smile, resting his hands on Dream’s shoulders, standing up on his toes in his socks to place a gentle kiss on Dream's cheek. Dream felt the heat rise to his face, subtly overwhelmed by the sudden affection and bewilderment just minutes after getting out of bed, and he stared with wide eyes at Sapnap as he pulled back. He blinked rapidly, his mouth open just slightly in his shocked state, but Sapnap paid his confusion no mind, continuing to speak as if everything was normal. “Hope you’re hungry! There’s plenty of stuff to go around, so take anything and everything you want. Didn’t wanna have too little,” He finished with a pat to Dream’s shoulder, his hands sliding down his arms until he was able to hold onto one of Dream’s hands. “C’mon, cute thing. Let’s get goin’ before anything gets cold.”
“Sapnap…” Dream muttered, tilting his head to the side and looking down at his best friend adoringly.
“Yes, my baby boy?” Sapnap replied, mirroring Dream’s head tilt and smiling up at him in a way that made Dream’s tummy flutter.
“What the fuck…” He asked, exasperated already, shaking his head while a fond smile pulled at his lips.
“What do you mean? I can't make a gourmet breakfast for my favorite puppy just ‘cause I want to?” Sapnap explained, voice innocent and excited, but his choice of words and the smug look on his face when Dream let out the smallest gasp at them told Dream he wasn’t as innocent as he seemed.
“Oh, Sap, don’t do that,” Dream complained, shaking his head again, looking down at his bare feet against the cold tile as he felt himself flush further.
Sapnap smiled, reaching one hand over to suddenly scratch at his tummy, making Dream squeal and jump back, only to be stopped by Sapnap’s hold on his arm that he used to pull him back.
“Sapnap!” Dream yelped, pressing his palm to his tummy to keep the area safe. “Don’t– don’t do that, that’s not– that’s not–“ Dream stammered, the blush on his face and the butterflies in his tummy so strong he couldn’t even attempt to finish his sentence. Sapnap only giggled, placing another kiss on his cheek before tugging him by the arm towards the barstools.
“C’mon. Sit,” He commanded gently, patting the seat of the stool for Dream to take– which, unsurprisingly, he did– while he grabbed the spatula to serve Dream his food. Dream went to reach for his own plate at first, but Sapnap snatched it up quickly before he could grab it.
“Sapnap,” Dream rolled his eyes playfully, though he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
“What looks good, Dreamie?”
“I can do it myself.”
“No, you can’t,” Sapnap replied, using the spatula to point to the stacks of pancakes. “Blueberry, chocolate chip, or plain?”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” Dream said, though his chest was still blooming with warmth, his heart skipping a beat every time he glanced around and saw everything that Sapnap had done, just for him. When he looked back up at Sapnap, the younger man simply gestured at the food again, waiting for Dream to just give in and accept his fate. Dream’s eyes softened, and he curled in on himself slightly, clasping his hands together in his lap and twisting the ring on his pointer finger nervously. “Blueberry.”
“Of course,” Sapnap obliged, sliding three blueberry pancakes onto Dream’s plate, carefully keeping them to one side. He gestured to the eggs next. “Scrambled?” He asked, and Dream nodded shyly. “Perfect. Bacon too?” Sapnap asked as he shoveled a small pile of scrambled eggs onto the plate, before gesturing to the bacon with the tip of the spatula as well. Dream nodded again, his smile widening.
“Yes, please,” He replied quietly, watching Sapnap finish off his plate with a few strips of bacon and carefully place it back in front of him. “Holy shit, man,” Dream muttered, still very much in awe of everything happening.
“There you go, pretty boy. You can help yourself to any toppings or fruit if you’d like some, that part’s all you, so… enjoy!” Sapnap said with a frankly adorable smile, grabbing his own empty plate and piling it high with food as well.
“Sap, I…” Dream began. “I just– I don’t… I don’t know what any of this is about, but… tha– thank you for… literally all of this,” He finished, looking over at Sapnap as he closed the refrigerator after grabbing the carton of orange juice. He looked over at Dream, smiling kindly as he poured two glasses and placed one in front of both of their finished plates, before moving over to stand next to Dream, catching his eyes as the elder stared up at him.
“Aw, baby doll,” Sapnap cooed, his subtle Texan accent lending itself to the phrase, enough to make Dream’s eyebrows furrow and his lips form into the tiniest pout. He cupped Dream’s face gently, rubbing his thumbs under his still sleepy eyes. He moved one hand under his chin, gently tilting his head up further. “You’re so welcome. I just wanted to do something nice for you, sweetheart. Only the nicest stuff for my best puppy, right?”
“Ugh, Sapnap,” Dream whined, and suddenly he surged forward and wrapped his arms tightly around Sapnap’s waist, hugging him so close and so tight it would have knocked him over if he didn’t grab onto Dream’s shoulders to brace himself.
“Oh– Dream! Holy shit,” Sapnap said through a shocked laugh, steadying himself and hugging Dream back. “Okay, okay, easy, puppy. Relax.”
“Sorry,” Dream replied bashfully, loosening his grip slightly but still leaving his arms around Sapnap’s waist, looking up at him adoringly.
“No! No, don’t be sorry at all, I love it when you get all touchy like that. It’s really cute,” Sapnap replied, running his fingers through Dream’s untamed curls, in an attempt to fix them from where they were still messy from sleep. Dream giggled, pressing his temple against Sapnap’s ribs, as Sapnap rubbed a hand up and down his back.
“Shut up, you’re such an idiot,” Dream replied, making Sapnap giggle.
“Yeah, but you love it. Okay, we actually have to eat now or the food is gonna be cold and taste like ass, so…” Sapnap pointed out, letting his hands slip down to Dream's sides, squeezing twice before quickly pulling back, leaving Dream reeling.
“HEY–“ He yelped with a flinch, tensing his arms to his sides and watching Sapnap with a slack jaw as he sat down and began pouring syrup on his pancakes like nothing happened. Dream scoffed, reaching for his glass of orange juice to take a sip. “You’re insane.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Eat your breakfast,” Sapnap replied nonchalantly, but the smug smirk stayed strong on his face as he did so.
They finished eating a while later, finishing just barely over half the food between the two of them and at least a glass and a half of juice each.
If Dream were to claim the rest of the meal was uneventful, that would be the second understatement of the year.
There were several times throughout the meal, more than Dream could think about counting without getting flustered beyond belief, where Sapnap’s devious fingers found themselves gravitating towards Dream’s body. Countless times, he would squeeze above Dream’s knee and over the tops of his thigh, moving down to his inner thigh with tiny pinches every so often, the poor boy barely protected by the thin pajama pants he wore. Sapnap would spider his fingers over his kneecap, squeeze above his hip bone, poke at his side and claw at his ribs, and he even went as far as to shoot his hand towards Dream’s tummy, though he didn’t actually tickle there just yet.
Dream jumped every time, flinching wildly, kicking his leg out and hiking his knee up. He curled his toes, dropping his fork each time with a clatter against the plate in favor of grabbing and pushing at Sapnap’s wrists, twisting his torso away, whining at him to ‘stooooop, Sapnap, stop it, that’s not fair!’ each time he attacked– a request Sapnap obviously never obliged.
Dream felt like he’d been sent to purgatory, doomed to sit on edge next to Sapnap for the rest of eternity, waiting and waiting for the next tickle attack, never sure when it would happen or where Sapnap would target.
Or maybe he’d been sent to heaven. That was more accurate. But he’d never tell Sapnap that, not in a million years.
By the time all the empty dishes were in the sink and Sapnap had begun placing the leftover food in containers to be finished at a later time, Dream was, understandably, extremely nervous. His cheeks still felt burning hot, his fingers returned to twisting his rings around them, his knee bounced up and down from where he stayed seated at the barstool after Sapnap had scolded him and smacked the back of his knuckles with a plastic tupperware lid when he tried to help him clean up, telling him ‘down, puppy, I’ll get everything put away, don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours’ firmly enough that it made him giggle from the fluttering of butterflies in his tummy. He watched Sapnap work, trying his hardest to cool down his flushed face, but he learned the hard way that it was nearly pointless to try.
“Sapnap?” Dream began softly, as Sapnap opened the fridge and stacked all the leftovers inside.
“Yes, handsome?” Sapnap responded, smiling as Dream’s smile turned bashful once again and he squirmed in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest and biting his lip. “What’s up?” He prompted, placing the condiments in the door of the refrigerator before closing it, finishing the clean up of the kitchen.
“Can you… Can I like… Can I ask what– what all of this is for?” Dream stuttered out, confusion still evident on his face. Sapnap chuckled at his hesitation, walking over and standing in front of him again, carding his fingers through his hair once more.
“Sure, you can ask that,” Sapnap replied with a nod, but silence is all that followed, Dream waiting for Sapnap to elaborate and Sapnap doing nothing of the sort. Dream’s eyebrows furrowed again, more confused than ever, before he broke the silence himself instead.
“So… wh-what is… what is it for, then?” He asked slowly, and the hand in his hair then became two, cupping the back of his neck and scratching the back of his hair there. His shoulders dropped instantly, his body melting into the soft touch as he hummed softly at the feeling. Sapnap laughed once again at his stuttered question, pausing before he responded, in a way that still did not answer Dream’s question.
“You’ll find out soon enough…”
“Sap, what–”
“C’mon…” Sapnap cut him off, taking a step back and reaching down to uncross the taller boy’s arms. Dream let his arms slip apart, smiling as Sapnap grabbed his hands and pulled him to stand up. “You need anything before we go? Water, bathroom break, anything like that?”
“No, I don’t think so, but I don’t even know what we’re–”
“Good answer,” Sapnap cut him off once more, before turning towards the stairs and leading Dream up to his own bedroom. Dream chuckled as he was pulled along, and then once again when they made it to Sapnap’s room and the younger boy dropped Dream’s hand to hold the door open for him.
“After you, pretty boy,” Sapnap said as he gestured for Dream to follow him in, making Dream shake his head fondly as he did so.
“You’re such an idiot,” Dream spoke through a wide smile, and he heard the door close behind him before Sapnap’s hand was in his again.
“Right you are, baby,” Sapnap replied with a poke to Dream’s cheek, and Dream’s lips pressed together through his smile as the bright blush quickly returned to his face, even worse than before. “Alright, c’mere,” Sapnap continued, guiding Dream over to his freshly made bed and turning him to face away from it.
“Sapnap,” Dream replied, his nerves setting in again. He still felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach, his chest tight and tingling, something in it making him feel giddy, like sparks of electricity were stinging underneath his skin wherever Sapnap’s hands trails over while guiding him back.
“Shh, it’s okay. Just relax,” Sapnap said softly, stopping barely a foot away from the bed and looking up at Dream with a devious glint in his eyes.
Then, suddenly, there was a shove against his chest and a foot behind his knees, knocking him down and pushing him backwards onto the mattress, and Sapnap was kneeling above him just as suddenly, knees on either side of Dream’s hips but not sinking down to straddle him just yet.
“WH–“ Dream yelped, bracing his palms on the bed, trying to push himself away, but Sapnap landed a hand on his chest. He didn’t push him down, didn’t grab his shirt, still didn’t sit on his hips, he just pressed his palm to Dream’s chest and smiled when Dream looked up at him with a shocked expression. “Sap– Sapnap, what is–”
“Listen, puppy,” He began, and Dream couldn’t stop the whimper he let out, always sensitive to that name, especially when Sapnap would say it in moments like this. “Just relax, okay? This isn’t for anything or because of anything, You didn’t do anything wrong or anything to warrant this. I’m just really in the mood to tickle you today.”
“Wh-what? Sapnap, you– that’s not–” Dream tried to argue, shuffling slightly to lay more comfortably against the bed, dropping down from his palms to his elbows, Sapnap’s hand staying on his chest as he moved.
“Shhh,” Sapnap soothed, pressing his finger to his lips as he did so. “I just want to, alright? Thank you so much for letting me pamper you and take care of you and make you all sweet and pliant for me.”
“I’m not plia–!” Dream tried to argue, but then Sapnap’s finger was pressed to his lips just the same, cutting off his words as he shushed him once again.
“It’s okay, Dreamie,” Sapnap spoke, reaching behind him and pushing Dream’s legs to make sure they were flat, before dropping down to sit on his thighs. He then reached forward to tap Dream’s elbows, hinting at him to lower them to lay down flat. When Dream whined and shook his head, pulling them closer to his body and pushing himself up higher, Sapnap retaliated by harshly digging his fingers into his ribcage.
“NO!” Dream yelped, arching his back and immediately falling down against the bed and shoving at Sapnap’s arms, exactly as Sapnap expected him to. Sapnap pulled his hands away, pressing both palms to Dream’s chest to keep him laying down as Dream wrapped his arms around his torso to protect himself from another attack.
“Okay?” Sapnap asked, raising his eyebrows at Dream. Dream knew the okay meant multiple things– an okay as in ‘you’re gonna listen to me now, right?’ An okay as in ‘is this okay with you?’ An okay as in ‘this is the plan, got it?’– and Dream knew his answer to all of those was okay, yes, confident enough to nod his head in response.
“Okay,” Dream muttered, unable to stop either the blush and the smile on his face from growing, and he settled himself back against Sapnap’s bed, the cool pillow under his head soothing him even as he brought his hands up to cover his blushing face, letting out a muffled whine as he relaxed into the blankets below him.
“You comfy, darlin’?” Sapnap asked, letting Dream adjust himself however he needed in case he wasn’t. Dream whimpered at the question, shifting his shoulders a few times before nodding in acknowledgment. “Good. I’m glad,” Sapnap said with a smile, before lightly taking the hem of Dream’s t-shirt between his fingers and pushing it up to reveal his tummy. Dream gasped, shooting his hands down to cover the newly exposed skin, pulling his shirt back down.
“Oh, nohoho!” He replied, giggling nervously, pressing one palm to his stomach and covering his mouth with the other to hide his giggles, shaking his head quickly.
“No, c’mon, Dreamie. Let me do it.”
“I cahan’t!” Dream said through a whine, pressing his hand in harder when Sapnap tried to push his shirt up again anyway. “Noho! Sap, plehehease!”
“C’mon, puppy. I wanna get your tummy, don’t you want me to?” Sapnap asked, letting his voice drop off to a soft tone, making it nearly impossible for Dream to deny the accusation. Instead, he threw his arms over his face to hide in them again, kicking his legs uselessly behind Sapnap, but otherwise doing nothing to stop the smaller boy from tugging his shirt again, bunching it up around his ribs so his whole torso was on display. “There we go, there’s my good boy, thank you, Dreamie.” Dream whined again, dropping one arm to wrap around himself again, sliding from his ribs to press his fingertips into the soft skin of his lower tummy, curling them lightly around the waistband of his pajama pants, before swinging back up over his face once again. “Aww, poor thing. You must be so nervous, huh?” Sapnap cooed, resting his hands on Dream’s sides and gently rubbing his warm skin with his thumbs. Dream whimpered and nodded, his tummy jumping at the movement of hands against it.
“Just–” Dream mumbled, moving his arms away from his face so his voice could be heard. “Be nice, please?”
“Aw, puppy,” Sapnap cooed, sticking out his bottom lip, making Dream cover his face again. Sapnap pressed his palm against Dream’s stomach, rubbing his thumb there as well and making him let out a small squeak as he tried to suck his tummy in on instinct. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll be so gentle with you. So, so gently, my sweet boy,” Sapnap promised, and before Dream could respond to him, he used both hands to gently drag his pointer fingers up and down Dream’s sides. Dream gasped, his hands jumping down to bat at Sapnap’s, trying to push the offending fingers away, but Sapnap only swatted him back and kept up his tracing. “See? Gentle. Nothing to worry about, right?”
“Mmmm…” Dream hummed, not exactly reassured by Sapnap’s comfort, but curling his hands into fists and restraining himself from fighting back regardless. Sapnap decided to push slightly further, gently tugging the waistband of Dream’s pajama pants down a couple of inches to reveal the jutting bones of his hips and the line of sensitive skin between them. “Oh god, Sahahapnahap!” Dream whined, moving his hands over and uncurling them to cover the exposed area. Sapnap gently pushed them away again, pressing them down against the bed with his fingertips and watching as Dream gripped the comforter tightly in his fists to stop himself from interfering with the tickles.
“Oh, perfect, Dream, stay just like that,” Sapnap praised, and then brought back his two pointer fingers, tracing gently around Dream’s upper tummy, over his sternum between his ribs and over the fronts of them as well. Dream squealed, sucking his stomach in and half-arching at the feeling, immediately lost in helpless giggles at the feeling. “There we go, puppy, that’s good, right?”
“Ihihi hahahate thihihis…” Dream whined out, his fingers flexing and stretching out as Sapnap moved to the sides of his tummy, jerking towards him to attempt to stop him before he controlled them again and brought them back down by his sides. He squirmed as much as he could, shaking his head, squeezing his fists against the blanket, shifting his shoulders constantly, kicking his legs out, anything to help him deal with the unbearable tingly feeling, but nothing seemed to work. He was still lost in the sensation, unable to focus on anything but how much it tickled. “This suhucks sohoho bahad…”
“Nooooo, it’s okay, you love this! You love your tummy tickles!” Sapnap stated, a fact they both knew, but one that made Dream whine and squeeze his eyes shut even harder anyway. “You’re so cute, Dreamie, I just can’t get over how adorable you are.”
“Wh– shuhuhut uhup!” Dream protested, throwing his head to the side and trying to lean as far into the gap between Sapnap’s pillow as he could get. “Dohon’t say thahahat!”
“I can’t help it!” Sapnap said in his own defense, smiling when his tracing fingers swirled around to Dream’s lower tummy and made him gasp and bite his lip before he returned back to the sides of it, adding a second finger with each hand now. After a few seconds, he switched to his whole hand, forming it into a claw shape but not using it for that motion just yet, instead just dragging his nails over Dream’s incredibly sensitive skin. Dream let out a squeak, embarrassing enough that he attempted to clamp his lips shut and let out soft whimpers instead of his bright giggles. “Hey! Don’t do that, let me hear you laugh!” He protested, using his claw shaped hands for their intended purpose twice over Dream’s sides just to make him open his mouth again.
“AH– Sahahap!” Dream yelled out with his sudden burst of laughter, pushing further into the pillow, falling back into his high pitched, breathy giggles when Sapnap returned to his tracing.
“Thank you, beautiful…” Sapnap began, earning a groan from Dream. “You really are like a puppy, aren’t you, darlin’?”
“Nohohoho!” Dream whined out, but Sapnap knew damn well that Dream was aware it was true. Sapnap giggled at Dream’s protest, pushing further, backing Dream into a corner.
“No? Gentle tummy tickles always get you all melty like one, though, don’t they?” Sapnap asked softly, his voice fond, and Dream whimpered and shook his head.
“Thahahat– that’s nohot truhuhue! I’m nohohot!”
“Okay, so I should stop calling you puppy, then? If you’re so adamant that it’s not true…” Sapnap smiled at Dreams silence, followed by his fluttery giggles, as he leaned his head back against the pillow as it lolled to the side, a dopey smile on his face. He swallowed against his laughter, attempting to start speaking, before falling back into his giggles and squeezing his eyes shut. “Huh, baby? What’s that?”
“Mm–” Dream whimpered again, flexing his fingers against the comforter and tightening his fists, loosely hitting them against the bed below him to expel the flusteredness that prevented him from answering. “Sahap…”
“It’s okay, you little goober,” Sapnap said, quickly bringing one hand up to ruffle Dream’s still messy hair before continuing his gentle tracing with it, making Dream’s giggles brighten happily as he squirmed under the affection. “I know you love being my sweet puppy, don’t you?”
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!” Dream whined into the soft material of the pillow as he returned to his hiding place, jumping and squealing suddenly when Sapnap hit a particularly sensitive spot on his tummy, barely a few inches to the right of the little dip in the middle of it. Sapnap giggled at him, using his other hand to cup Dream’s side gently and using two fingers to scratch at that spot mercilessly. Dream squealed again, much louder now, curling the other way against Sapnap’s hand on his side and trying desperately to get away from the offending two fingers. In response, Sapnap squeezed his side once, making him jump back the other way, repeating the agonizing cycle. “Nahahaha– plehehehease! Sahahapnahahap! I cahahahan’t–!”
“Awww, my poor puppy,” Sapnap cooed through a pout, giggling when Dream whimpered and pouted up at him too, before getting lost in laughter again. “Does it tickle, baby?”
“Mhm!” Dream agreed through his laughter, nodding his head quickly, squirming as much as he could in his pinned position.
“Yeah, I’m sure it does, sweetheart,” Sapnap said with fake sympathy, but he still decided to stop both techniques for the sake of keeping the tickles bearable.
Well, kind of. Until he thought of a new idea.
He shifted his hands down, returning to just his pointer fingers, and he began dragging his nails above the line of his displaced waistband between his hip bones. Dream squeaked at the change in technique, arching his back and trying to push his hips down into the bed, away from the tickles.
“Nahahaha! Sahaha– noho, plehehehease!” Dream’s voice was pleading, high pitched and whiny through his struggles. His hands smacked against the blankets, still able to hold back from pushing Sapnap away for a few more seconds. But, eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore, and his hands shot down to grab Sapnap’s wrists, struggling to pull him away with how weakened the tickles had made him. “Sahahap, plehehease, c’mohon, plehease stohohop!” He pleaded, before he was able to yank Sapnap’s hands away from him, giving him a much needed break in the tickles. “Oh my gohohohod…”
“You okay there, giggles?” Sapnap asked softly, lacing his fingers with Dream’s and rubbing the backs of his knuckles with his thumbs. Dream hummed and smiled, nodding his head up at Sapnap as he blinked his eyes open to look at him. Sapnap nearly teared up at the relaxed expression on Dream’s face– the calm smile that overtook his lips, the fond look in his eyes when they made eye contact, the way his head tilted back and sideways into the pillow as he laid there, content and smiley and letting Sapnap play with his fingers and rub his knuckles. “Aww, my puppy, you’re so sweet.” Dream giggled at the compliment, his nose scrunching up with his laugh and only making Sapnap feel more warmth in his chest. He looked so cute, Sapnap almost wanted to squeeze his face, pinch his cheeks, bite his nose, anything to get the cute aggression out of his system.
Conveniently, he remembered Dream was still pinned underneath him.
So, he pulled his hands away and suddenly latched them onto Dream’s hips, squeezing the spot just above the bones and digging his thumbs into the spot just inside them. Dream broke out into loud laughter, kicking and squirming and thrashing underneath him, grabbing onto his wrists to try to pull his hands off and rid himself of the excruciating feeling.
“SAHAHAP?!” Dream yelled out, his fingers continuously slipping off Sapnap’s wrists and having to readjust their grip, even as Sapnap’s hands remained unwavering in their movements. To be even meaner, Sapnap took in a deep breath, then leaned down and blew a long raspberry over the same ticklish spot to the right of his belly button, making Dream’s laughter grow even louder, much more shrill and raspy now. “WHAHAHA– NOHOHO, PLEHEHEASE!” Dream’s pleading fell on deaf ears, even when he moved his hands to push desperately at Sapnap’s head and shoulders and arms and knees to try and push any part of him away. He was unsuccessful at every attempt, and he had no choice but to sit through what Sapnap did until he decided he was finished, completely helpless to the devastatingly ticklish experience for as long as Sapnap deemed fit.
And if Dream tried to claim that he didn’t love every second of that day? Well…
That would be the third understatement of the year.
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dallasdoesntexist · 7 months
dark academic things I love since moving to Edinburgh
I recently moved to Edinburgh to study psychology at the University of Edinburgh. These are some things I like to remind myself of how privileged I am to be able to experience when I'm feeling a bit melancholic
The sun against Arthur's seat in the morning
Feeding the squirrels in George Square garden when you got to the lecture too early
The empty Royal Mile on your way to your 9AM
Mourning the loss of Teviot Row House (may she rest in peace... for two years while she gets renovated)
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Watching the sun paint the sky pink and the buildings a deep orange as it sets, cup of hot earl grey tea, laptop open, notebooks everywhere, LED candles flickering around the room.
Tutorials where people take things as seriously as you do
Walking around Greyfriars Kirkyard on a crisp autumn evening, sipping chai from a local coffee house
Sharing biscuits with the crows in Holyrood park
Disgracing the architecture of the Holyrood Parliament building -- much preferring St Andrew's House -- but also just disgracing the Parliament as a whole
Not feeling like you're trying too hard; everyone's trying harder than you
Meeting a bunch of Oxbridge rejects. Being thankful you didn't apply (and thus avoided that embarrassment...)
Buying dried herbs from the herbalist across the street from the university to make your own tea blends
Quoting Shakespeare; someone finishes the quote for you
Pondering your own mortality in the many museums across the city (especially the Surgeon's Hall museum...)
Feeling validated when someone mentions they're on their third coffee of the day and it's only 12PM
getting the bus from Old Town to New Town, being able to look out across the North Sea. Mentally conjuring up Siren's songs
Venturing out to Leith for the Witchcraft Market once a month
Pinning handouts of poetry to your pin board in your room. Saves you spending money to print off your own
the Law library
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Taking a French class, because Greek clashed with your main course and Latin had prerequisites. Studying all 3 on your own out of spite
Being taught in the Anatomy Lecture Theatre, where Burke and Hare delivered bodies to
It's normal to wear a suit and tie every day; it's also normal to wear a hoodie and jeans if you woke up too late from studying all night
Cringing when someone compares the city to Harry Potter. Then softening as you realise they're just noticing the same magic that you noticed, too, only articulating it differently
Watching the trees turn red and scatter their leaves across the pavement before they're carried away by the wind. being reminded once again of your own approaching doom
Going to the Frankenstein bar, zoning out of the conversation and watching the black&white film that plays on loop. Then talking at the person next to you about the inaccuracy, using quotes from the novel to back up your argument
Bonus points if they agree
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Everyone freaking out about deadlines in a few weeks' time; knowing you'll be fine, because you developed your study methods in school
The Christmas market coming up
Farmers' markets on the weekends
Beltane Fire Society, and the upcoming Samhuinn festival in the pitch black of Holyrood park
Imagining the horses and their carriages trotting along the cobblestone roads
Fantasising about moving to Dean's village; knowing you'll have to settle for Stockbridge
Or wanting to move to Murrayfield, but not wanting to be too far from the university
Vanilla room spray. Fresh black coffee. Biscuits to dip into it
Being the one people go to for answers, but only helping them if they're genuinely stuck and want to learn
Cashmere scarf, tweed coat, saddle bag -- copious amounts of compliments on your outfit choice
Watching the bats flutter past your window
Not being able to go into the castle, lest you fail all your exams!
Buying a hefty coat from Armstrong & Son's vintage emporium
Double doors built so small, you have to open both in order to get through. Then feeling like a villain as the heavy wood slams behind you
Dimly lit, dark wooden hallways
Free coffee, if you know where to look
Taking a nap in the library between lectures. No weird stares
Being able to spot the people you know have definitely read The Secret History, or The Song of Achilles, or The Picture of Dorian Gray
Avoiding the touristy areas, but finding places just as good
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gogandmagog · 9 months
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When Anne dressed for it she tossed aside the pearl beads she usually wore and took from her trunk the small box that had come to Green Gables on Christmas day. In it was a thread-like gold chain with a tiny pink enamel heart as a pendant. On the accompanying card was written, “With all good wishes from your old chum, Gilbert.” Anne, laughing over the memory the enamel heart conjured up the fatal day when Gilbert had called her “Carrots” and vainly tried to make his peace with a pink candy heart, had written him a nice little note of thanks. But she had never worn the trinket. Tonight she fastened it about her white throat with a dreamy smile.
— Anne of the Island, Lucy Maud Montgomery
The continuity of the pink enamel heart necklace takes readers all the way through to ‘Anne of Ingleside.’ Howeverrr, when we backtrack to this same chapter of ‘Anne of the Island,’ we remember Anne giving the necklace an ‘energetic twist’ and breaking the chain, after Phil tells her that she heard Gilbert was on the verge of announcing his engagement to Christine Stuart.
That Anne is still wearing the necklace on their 15th wedding anniversary implies therefore that, canonly, Gilbert was informed of and/or discovered that Anne purposefully broke the necklace, and why; only for Gilbert have a ‘that surely won’t do’ moment, and clearly have it re-chained or mended.
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