#compulsive liar headcanon
soulsxng · 2 months
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Name: Hope (Elpis)
Age: ???
Species: Spirit/personification of false hope
And so it was Hope that saved humanity from the evil and miseries that were unleashed from the depths of Pandora's box...or so some would believe. So Hope themself wants to believe. In actuality, the story is a bit more complicated than that. After all, Hope emerged from Pandora's box just the same as the others. There's a good reason that other stories suggest Hope is just an extension of suffering.
An extension of Moros, who wants to reclaim them. To make them realize that the "hope" they give is just as vicious as the things that he, himself, could inflict.
But they will never accept that. Not truly.
They tell themself that the hope they spread amongst the people is good. That it's better for them that way, to deny and ignore their destinies until it's finally claimed them. Everyone deserves comfort. Deserves to believe that everything is okay-- that they are okay.
Even if it's only a beautifully woven falsity.
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dcvina-claires · 7 months
i talked a bit about this with my friend who watched ofmd but i feel like i need to say it on here too. izzy wasn’t the only disability rep on the show. i’ve seen people complain that they killed off the only disabled character and if they do realize that other characters are disabled, they say it doesn’t matter because “it wasn’t as serious as izzy” and like… that’s the whole point. that’s what makes it good. spanish jackie is easily one of the most powerful characters on the show. she has like 20 husbands. she’s universally feared and she does all this with a missing hand. and then there’s ed. i’ve seen a lot of people say that his disability is a headcanon but he literally wears a knee brace. you don’t do that for the aesthetic. being upset that izzy died because it takes away from disabled representation and then refusing to acknowledge ed’s is straight up just hypocrisy. lucius is also easily recognized by the fact that his finger is literally made out of wood. there was a whole episode surrounding its amputation. and that might not seem like a big deal but lucius is an artist. i’m also an artist. i don’t know how i’d relearn drawing if that happened to me so the fact that he works around it and finds a way to keep doing what he loves is so meaningful. he’s also in a relationship with another disabled person, pete. pete has a speech impediment and cleft lip. he’s still seen as a fun and desirable character. he’s one of the only main characters who’s married. he has his flaws, he’s a compulsive liar and says the wrong thing sometimes, but his disability is never made into one of those flaws. i understand being upset that izzy died. he was a great character who represented a lot of people, but he wasn’t the only one. you don’t get to pick and choose which characters are disabled enough for you. disabled people aren’t your tragedy. they deserve to have stories outside of that too
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(performance of rory culkin)
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headcanons/notes because I watched lords of chaos again (English is not my first language)
♡- Euronymous is a compulsive liar, he would say anything to look good in front of you and he would support it until he dies or until it goes wrong
♡-He has a way with words to convince you, he manages to make you believe what he believes (although he changes everything to his convenience)
♡- If you are in a religion he will try to convince you that it is a form of oppression and you should get out of it, no matter if you are comfortable with it.
♡- He pretends to be a bad boy all the time when he's with you and his friends, but we know that when he gets to a private space he likes to cuddle up with you and watch some weird movie.
♡- HE HATES GROUPIES, so it is clear that he is a faithful boy who respects your limits, knows how to keep himself in line unless you allow him to go far.
♡- Although he enjoys chaos, it is clear that he has limits and would even prevent you from seeing the band's concerts or strange things that his friends do. He also wouldn't let you enter the circle with all those boys.
♡- a little possessive perhaps, he likes to have all your attention just for him
♡-He clearly likes to be in charge and be the leader, so
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blueberryblanket · 8 months
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I have restartitis but in my defense, your Honor, I love her.
Some character notes under the cut!
Her childhood name was "Snake" thanks to her forked tongue and subsequent lisp.
Her first attempts at being a bard did include dragonborn throat singing. It did not go over well. She now sticks to mostly Faerun classics.
She's a self-described "compulsive liar with a heart of gold." She does not see a contradiction in this whatsoever.
She's 6'5" without the heels.
Headcanon: traditional dragonborn beauty standards consider pale/dull scales unattractive. She wears a lot of bold, gaudy colors to make up for it, but she's still pretty insecure about it and takes offense at being called pink.
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tinyprettysoyeon · 2 months
hiii, can you make jongseob (P1HARMONY) as a yandere, pretty please? 🥺🥺 nsfw or sfw idrc (((love both
Hii anon! I made headcanons of both ^^
Requests open <3
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✮💿 You wouldn't realize it at first, he always seemed very kind and loving.
✮💿 At first you found his clingy behavior very adorable but as time went on you found it quite annoying.
✮💿 He went from constantly holding your hand in public to outright not letting you leave the house.
✮💿 God forgive that you want to go see your parents:
"Seob, my life, let go of my leg!"
"NO! You're going to abandon me, you're going to go with the first man you meet, right? Stop being a liar! You want to abandon me"
✮💿 He was not only clingy, but an excellent manipulator.
✮💿 Do you want to go out to eat something? Jongseob has to be with you feeding you. Do you want to go out and buy something? Jongseob is there holding your bags. Don't you want Jongseob to go with you? He will grab a knife and threaten to hurt himself through tears because obviously you don’t love him anymore.
✮💿 He will also gaslight you to make you think you can't live without him.
✮💿 Did I mention he's compulsively jealous?
✮💿 Jongseob can't tolerate the idea of sharing you with anyone else. He becomes jealous of even the slightest attention you can give to another person.
✮💿 If a person approaches you he will lunge at you kissing you while he looks at the other person.
✮💿 Although let's not forget that he worships you.
✮💿 You'll get as much cuddles as you want, he'll sleep with you even if you don't want him to.
✮💿 He will praise your body by kissing it all over.
✮💿 The possessive side of him won't go away, he'll hickey everything he can.
✮💿 Although at the same time, he will be delicate with you, he doesn't want to break you in such an intimate moment.
✮💿 Believe me, he will not take his eyes off you at any time, he is capable of cumming as soon as he sees your face of pleasure when inserting his cock.
✮💿 He will go crazy if you decides to ride him
✮💿 (Bonus points if you grab his cheeks while riding him)
✮💿 He won't admit it but what he wants most is for his s/o to be dominant and force him to do things.
✮💿 Maybe he will come sooner because of how excited your body makes him.
✮💿 Well now let's move on to the oral.
✮💿 He loves to give it before receiving it, he can literally spend hours going down on you, overstimulation doesn't matter.
✮💿 Although he also likes to receive it, what he loves the most is when you look at him with those beautiful eyes of yours <3
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jaylienpotter · 8 months
Marauders Era health headcanons!!
James - ADHD (combined), dysgraphia, bipolar I, seasonal depression, colourblind
Sirius - borderline personality disorder, C-PTSD, partially deaf, clinical depression
Remus - autism (high functioning), general anxiety, anger issues, clinical depression, physically disabled (multiple sclerosis), asthma (yet still smokes), chronic insomnia
Peter - dyslexia, compulsive eating, general anxiety, obesity
Lily - OCD, anorexia, obesity, lactose intolerant
Marlene - ADHD (hyperactive), borderline personality disorder, insomnia, dyscalculia
Mary - panic disorder, body dysmorphia, OCD, PTSD (from the war)
Dorcas - bulimia, anaemia, social anxiety, dyslexia, vitiligo
Regulus - schizophrenia, clinical depression, C-PTSD, gender dysphoria, autism (high functioning), partially blind, insomnia
Barty - pyromania, schizoaffective bipolar, malignant narcissist (antisocial personality disorder*+ NPD), PTSD, insomnia, substance dependency, alcoholic hallucinosis
Evan - ADHD (inattentive), tourettes, kleptomania, schizoid personality disorder, pathological liar
Pandora - autism (low functioning), body dysphoria, trichotillomania, sleepwalking
*Barty's ASD is severe, being considered a psychopath
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cyanidas · 1 month
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🃏 Kokichi Ouma Age-up Timeline 🍇
Here, I've used his initial designs as inspiration! I like looking back at older designs cause for a lot of them, it's like watching them grow up!
Headcanons under cut (HUUUGE SPOILER WARNING FOR DRV3)
(Content Warning for child abuse, mental illness and disorder, self harm, generally dark and unsettling topics ahead)
First off, I'm firm in my take that Tsumugi was lying about everyone being fictional. There's a lot that doesn't match up, and the local V3 fandom celebrity responsible for the Amalgamate fic has helped me tremendously in solidifying my stance. I think they absolutely do belong to the DR universe, but the memories they get that aren't part of their backstory are completely fabricated.
If there's any additional input on V3 in Raincode, don't let me know because I haven't played yet ;w;
That said, there's many things I, like Kokichi, will refuse to clarify or elaborate on. His character demands mystery, and it would be a trivialization of his writing to just. lay it all out there. I think approaching his writing with the mindset of knowing the whole truth would be to bastardize his integrity and simplify him in a distasteful way - so all my headcanons here will be written and are intended to be seen as broad strokes as opposed to finely tuned detail.
I like to think of his past as muddy and confusing, even to him. There's not a lot he can remember clearly, and constantly confuses different takes on his memories. To me, it's clear that lying is a huge trauma thing to him - I would assume multiple sources would be responsible, like authority, family, and peers.
He's been lying as a means of survival, with multiple layers of how he feels about it - despite what he says, there's not actually one truth. Multiple truths exist for one single thing, and I think that mindset is something that scares him tremendously - he'd probably say that reality is just a lie you tell yourself, in order to justify trivializing and minimizing both feelings/emotion and trauma.
In his head, there's so much wrong with him that he can't even begin to unravel himself and understand everything that's happened to him, why he does what he does, why he feels what he feels... so on. He feels multiple things that often contradict each other, and he doesn't know how to understand that, so he often switches his justifications to suit whatever narrative he needs to cope.
In general, however, he claims he's just lying. There are in fact, genuine times he does actually lie... but rather than being a true compulsive liar, he is actually a compulsive method actor. He's so empathetic to everything and everyone, that he can easily switch his masking techniques to suit whatever he or others need, and does so involuntarily most of the time, though he does know how to "switch it on" purposefully.
In his earlier ages, he may have suffered from a guardianship similar to what those who have DID had gone through (not me projecting lol /hj). He's been bred and born into tragedy, not unlike Komaeda but absolutely distinct from him in that I do not believe this boy has had any good luck with anything in his life - not family, not friends, not money, nothing. I might even go so far as to assume that, similar to Yasuhiro having an unnaturally high good luck, Kokichi is suffering from unnaturally high bad luck.
I noticed that, on a lot of his designs, he seems to have always had *something* covering at least one of his hands - and even on his final design, though it could just be a design fluke or something weird with perspective I misunderstood, you can see the smallest scrap of fabric underneath his right sleeve that could be seen as another hand/wrist covering. When lined up with the other designs, it could very easily be taken as a wrist bandage - at least by my eyes. So, I (and a lot of others it seems, especially those who identify with him) have taken this to mean he may in fact be self-harming, and has been for a long while. Anyone who hyperfixates on this guy wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if that turned out to be true.
I think that age 11 is probably what Kokichi himself would think of as his 'turning point', just going off of my little chart here; something tremendously awful happened to him, then. To fuel speculation and abide by his character rules, all I'm going to definitively say is... he likely wouldn't even trust doctors with a needle, let alone his life.
So, the hardest year of any modern kid's life... 12 years old. In my family especially, it's the worst year you'll ever face, and my god was that true for me. So I think this year fits him for gaining his... as the creators put it, 'otherworldly' expressive nature. This is the year he completely stops putting effort into trying to understand the truth, and fully embraces the chaos that is his reality. He's fine!!!!!! :)))))
He mellows out around 15, and I like to think of this year as his cringe-fail-iest year to date. This motherfucker would likely be seen in Hot Topic, jamming to MCR, glomping his friends, verbally roleplaying, so forth. His phone signature is a series of kaomojis. Idk if there's a similar equivalent of being a cringe baby weeb for Japanese who are my age, so I'm really just basing this on my own experience of being 15 in 2011. But whatever the equivalent is, he is absolutely it. 15 year old Kokichi is current Kokichi's most embarrassing time ever.
However, it's also likely the age he started his talent's namesake - of becoming the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Which, I choose to believe is, much like Kokichi in general, both true and false. Same for his actual group, DICE. Both is good ;o)
Following his talent, he has a natural command to his voice that feels as though you're forced to hear him speak. No one can really talk over him unless their ability to do so demands it - say for example, Sonia, the SHSL Princess. Due to the nature of their talents, I think Sonia's voice and ability to command would absolutely trump Kokichi's. However, due to the aforementioned bad luck, people are compelled to not trust him - even if what he's saying is true. (Kokichi voice: oh pythia we're really in it now)
Also, you can't really tell because of all the scarring, but 15 and 19 are the ages where he stopped going outside so he's paler and paler, lol
And my last one, I love to imagine that due to his talent, he's actually intensely adept at fighting, especially dodging. In fact, I think he's even way smarter than he'd like to believe!
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sillylittledudestuff · 3 months
travis phelps headcanons
travis is actually agnostic, but hides it
he has heterochromia, but he wears colorized contacts to hide it
travis has dyscalculia
he has MANY fears including, hemophobia, phonophobia, claustrophobia, nyctophobia, and catagelophobia
he has a secret phone to text sal with
he bleached his hair to look less like his dad
bruises SUPER easily
he’s a compulsive liar, like sometimes can’t help it; he’ll lie over small stuff
sadder headcanons
his dad “punishes him” for small stuff like not doing his chores correctly, not getting home fast enough, etc
dad not only physically abuses him but verbally abuses him, denies him food, locks him in the basement/attic, makes him sleep outside entirely, and sometimes SA him
his mother isn’t present anymore, but when she was travis would take SO many hits for her
travis is like SUPER skinny.. like insanely skinny. you can legit see his ribs ( mainly hides it by wearing baggy clothes )
he tried self harm as a form of relief and when people didn’t notice ( mainly because of his other cuts and bruises and stuff ) it worsened it for him
was weirded out when sal was being nice to him because he’s genuinely never had someone other than his mother care for him
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rabbitenn · 7 months
Can you write out some headcanons of what you think it would take for Tenn to fall in love with someone?🙈in my mind he’s a hard nut to crack so I want to know what would make his heart break from its cage and start fluttering!🤍thank you <3
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Maybe this feeling wasn’t in his plans, but all he wants is to feel the warmth of your affection.
ft. Kujo Tenn x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, romance.
hello, dear and thank you very much for your request ! I always love it when you guys ask for Tenn content, he deserves all the love in the world <3 I also included an additional mini scenario, I hope you like it ! My apologies that I couldn’t post it sooner !
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— For Tenn to start taking a liking to someone, they’d need to be kind and hardworking.
— Those are attributes that he very much shows, even if he may not realize the former sometimes.
— It’s endearing to see how you give it your all, trying your utmost to do your job/passion/hobby perfectly.
— Plus, if it’s something to do with an audience, like being an artist, a musician or idol too, a writer, streamer, etc, Tenn can relate so much to the feeling of doing your best to make them happy.
— Tenn dislikes inconsiderate people, that is why I mentioned kindness as another key quality he’d be attracted to (also, who doesn’t like a kind and caring partner?)
— The center of TRIGGER is always giving his everything to everyone, doing all he can and more to make his fans and the people that are important to him happy.
— So when you care for him, doing your best to make him smile, to make him comfortable, Tenn can feel this warm sensation in his chest… Almost like a desire to get closer to you, to share more with you, to return the gesture…
— It’s so cute, you think, how his eyes widen and the pink tint on his cheeks deepens when you give him one of your sweet smiles as you hand him a lunch box you made for him.
— As much as you love charming angelic center of the stage Kujo Tenn, there’s something so adorable about his feelings being so raw in his expression.
— You’d love to kiss him.
— And you don’t know yet, but he feels the same way.
— A sort of magnetic pull, a sense of yearning akin to the anticipation he experiences before stepping on stage.
— Another quality Tenn would like in his potential s/o is honesty. Compulsive liars are the kind of people he doesn’t get along with (I mean, pretty common sense again).
— So, please, be honest with him! Even if sometimes there are things he won’t tell his fans in order to avoid them worrying, if you are truthful with him, it makes Tenn feel valued.
— The same goes for any actions or kindness you extend towards him.
— To see you caring for him from the bottom of your heart and for who he is as his own person, rather than just for his idol image…
— Tenn has to let you know how much he appreciates you.
— Has to let you know he loves you.
— And that is exactly what he will do.
Shades of argent blue paint the wintry evening sky.
Sunset is approaching, the glowing trail of the dusky sun lining the horizon, readying the stage for the appearing constellations.
Beneath this moment, tinted in shades of both night and day, two figures stand.
If a young shooting star were to see the world for the first time at this moment, it’d believe one of the two people is an angel.
Right now, you are staring into this person’s eyes.
They remind you of the cotton candy you ate with him just a while ago at the amusement park.
He smiles softly.
For you to surprise him with tickets and fulfill his dream date… It’s true you’ve become pretty close, but this gesture alone melts the singer’s heart.
This isn’t the first time you’ve been so good to him, either.
It’s been a while since his heart started dancing to the song your affections played for him.
He had never verbalized it, though.
But today, as a halo of early night surrounds the quiet street, he has to tell you.
“[Y/n],” The idol calls you, his expression tender but solemn. “There is something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” He utters, breath coming out in puffs that merge with the first stars.
“What is it, Tenn?” You prompt him, that smile filled with kindness you always gave him, illuminating your features.
One of his hands reaches to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, his lingering touch sizzling as it sends waves of fiery shivers down your spine.
“You’re so kind to me, so good… You make me happy.” Tenn says, voice soft. “I want to be with you. Not just as friends. I love you.”
Your gaze widens, the shimmer of a charmed night reflected in your eyes, staring at the curve of Tenn’s lips as he gives you his sweetest smile.
“Tenn…” You return his smile, as you throw your arms around him. “I’m so glad… I love you too.”
In the threshold of your beloved’s shared residence, two figures stand.
The ancient stars watching from above smile knowingly; they had already foretold how the angel’s invisible wings would wrap around his lover.
— In addition to all of the aforementioned attributes, Tenn himself mentions how he’d like to be with a partner who understands the music/show business industry well.
— There are times when he may not be able to spend all the time he wants with you, since his job requires hours upon hours of practise.
— In other instances, you two may have to keep your relationship a secret, so as to not hurt the fans and avoid mass media.
— Being with a lover who could understand that, plus enjoying at least to some extent the world he’s into, would really make him cherish them more. (And not only that, but someone like that would be highly compatible with him as well, from an objective point of view).
— So, what would it take for the perfectionist idol’s heart to start fluttering? To sum it up, kindness and care for him and for all of those he holds dear (please, get along well with Riku too!), earnestness and hard work, knowledge of the showbiz world and being considerate and honest.
— Hold Tenn’s heart of gold gently, please, he needs and deserves all the love.
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cosmictyto · 6 months
Concept/headcanon - Cicero with Trichotillomania
(Is this self indulgent? Yes, yes it is. Am I doing this silly, minimally edited, free-writing exercise to keep myself from pulling? Yes, yes I am.)
Obligatory warnings since this mentions hair pulling, anxiety, obsessive & repetitive compulsions, balding, damage to the scalp, embarrassment from said balding, etc.
In this hypothetical o’ mine, this all flared up during his time in Cheydinhal. But, before that, I could see him being the kind of guy who’d run his hand through his hair or tug slightly as a self-soothing mechanism when stressed. His scalp is generally sensitive and he enjoys the feeling of someone touching it either by combing his hair or running their fingers through it.
The plucking didn’t start immediately. While, yes, he was upset to lose the Bruma sanctuary and his siblings, he could manage that. It was all the pressure that came after.
Other sanctuaries were being destroyed. The active listener was being threatened. He botched his contract. Their communications were cut off. The listener was dead. The Night Mother forced out of her crypt.
More and more.
He’s elected to be in this revered role. He also has to learn how to DO said role via old books and just kinda… have faith that he’s doing it right. Probably with the constant nagging feeling that the lack of any new listener might be his fault (since the NM’s corpse is her conduit to speak with mortals, and if she’s not taken care of properly her connection is severed.)
Even more pressure as the Cheydinhal sanctuary is crumbling around him. One by one the remaining members die and more and more pressure is put on Cicero. All the while he’s also fretting over why the NM won’t just speak to him instead.
With Garnag left MIA, Cicero is just left completely on his own. Stuck (presumably) underground and unable to really leave the sanctuary.
All the while, he’s been rubbing his scalp and tugging at his hair to just get even the slightest feeling of peace, pacing all throughout the halls waiting for Garnag to come back with supplies. Being overwhelmed with laughter. Until, one day, while rubbing his head he feels something off. A single hair with some odd texture. A wrong texture. He plucks it, feeling the sharp sting fade into a wave of soreness, pulls the strand taught between his fingers. Investigating it. His hair is normally smooth and silky. But this one wasn’t. Something… clicks.
It started with one… Then another, and another, and another.
If his hands weren’t busy preparing oils or tending to Mother, he was plucking. Sometimes he’d feel the length of the strand, other times he’d touch the root of the hair to his lips (something about the sensation was pleasant. Blissful even.) But as soon as he tossed the strand aside, his hands were back at his crown foraging for similar threads.
It became a pattern. A frantic rhythm. Pluck, feel, touch, toss. Over and over. His hands hasty and shaking slightly. Part of him knows that this isn’t right, but he. just. can’t. stop.
The halls of Cheydinhall are dusted with shed ginger strands from where Cicero would pluck as he paced, muttering and laughing to himself to fill the empty air. And as he ran out of “bad hairs” he started targeting the “good ones.” But, of course, it wasn’t the same. It didn’t scratch that same itch. And that was just as maddening as the silence. His plucking grew more and more intense and rough.
It eventually gets so bad that the crown of his head starts to bleed and scar. But, then the scabs give him something else to futz with.
Later, after he makes his jester outfit and sends out the letters to Astrid, he finally notices just how much damage he’s done.
There was only one mirror in Cheydinhal. In the liar Rasha’s room. So, he used it to get a good look at his new outfit. He’s dancing about, humming. And then he finally notices the massive bald spot, pale white and covered in maroon scabs, on the crown of his head.
The humming stops. His heart sinks. His stomach twists. The immediate wave of panic and shame stung at his eyes. What you were doing never fully clicks until you’re staring at the consequences of your compulsory actions head-on.
Instinctively, his hand claws its way through what little remaining hair he has left back there. And he pulls it back with a yelp, gripping his wrist with his other hand. His fingertips tingle with pressure as he forces himself to not try and pluck or pick. And something in his mind burns at the thought.
Before anything else happened, he grabbed his hat and pulled it taught against his head. Out of sight, out of mind. Like it never even happened. He still had enough hair on the rest of his head, so everything looked fine. He could feel the itching feeling fade as he tried to even his breathing and just… forget everything he just witnessed.
And it worked. As long as he kept the hat on, the habit was temporarily broken. Plus, he was so busy trying to move mother across the continent, there wasn’t any time to fret, or pace, or pluck.
He did have a slight flare-up with his eyebrows and eyelashes while on the long, long boat ride to Dawnstar. The rolling waves made him nervy and nauseous. And the very thought of his mother, stuck in the cargo hold, being constantly surrounded by ship crew made his skin crawl. He just couldn’t help himself. But, that never felt “as right” as it did with his head hairs.
Then, things got better. A new, true Listener was found. His life was spared. The pretenders who dishonored the name “Dark Brotherhood” felt the wrath of Sithis. And now, there was an opportunity to start anew!
Post-DB-questline, I imagine his plucking would slow down significantly. For the first time in a long while, things are stable. He’s not alone. Mother is happy and actively talking to someone. Things are looking up. He still falls into old habits here and there, since you never fully stop with these sorts of things, but he feels the urge way less. And when he catches himself doing it, he’ll try and redirect instead to something that needs both hands. There’s always something in the sanctuary that needs cleaning or mending. He’s even working on a new jester’s outfit (because it’s too damn cold in Dawnstar for his current one) and he’s doing all the embroidery work himself.
He did too much damage to his scalp, though. Some of the hair has grown back. But, it’s patchy and thin. Baby fuzz mixed with old, long strands. And, yeah, this is a sore spot of his. He knows it looks odd. He wears his hat almost 24/7 because he’s so self-conscious/embarrassed about it. It’s an unfortunate reminder of his lowest point. So, he tries to keep it covered and to not think about it. (And if you dare try to take his hat “as a joke” you’re dead. No warning, just stabbing.)
Maybe, just maybe, if you’re close enough with him he’d be fine taking the hat off. But that’ll take a lot of trust before you get to that point. And it’ll take even more than that before he’d even let you touch his head/hair. (However, when you get to that stage, he will 100% melt into a puddle of goo if you comb his hair.)
Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for reading! I only edited this lightly so apologies if anything’s worded weird or if there are any mistakes.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
𝐁𝐒𝐃 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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🌼 = Fluff 🔞 = Smut ⛓ = Dark content 💔 = Angst 🥀 = Hurt/Comfort 🤕 = Whump 🔷 = Other
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Armed Detective Agency:
↪ Atsushi Nakajima
↪ Osamu Dazai
That Place (Dazai x gn!Reader) 💔
↪ Doppo Kunikida
Two of Two Kinds (Kunikida x fem!Reader) 🌼
↪ Kyouka Izumi
↪ Ranpo Edogawa
↪ Akiko Yosano
↪ Kenji Miyazawa
↪ Yukichi Fukuzawa
Port Mafia:
↪ Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
↪ Chuuya Nakahara
His New Trainee (Chuuya x fem!Reader) 🔷
Welcome Gift (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼
The Man and the Puppies (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼
Mutually Beneficial Transaction (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼
On the Verge (Chuuya x fem!Reader) 🤕
Calmer Waters (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🥀
Star-Crossed (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼
Rockstar Chuuya (Chuuya x gn!Reader) 🌼🔞
↪ Michizou Tachihara
Random Tachihara Headcanons 🔷
michizou tachihara as your highschool boyfriend (Tachihara x gn!Reader) 🔷
Unspoken (Tachihara x gn!Reader) 🥀
↪ Gin Akutagawa
↪ Ichiyo Higuchi
↪ Kouyou Ozaki
Sakura Kisses (Kouyou x gn!Reader) 🌼
↪ Sakunosuke Oda
Decay of Angels:
↪ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Discipline (Fyodor x gn!Reader) ⛓
Tired Turtle Doves (Fyodor x gn!Reader x Mykola) 🌼
Dark Roses and Souls (Fyodor x Mykola) 🌼
↪ Mykola Hohol
nikolai x reader in the winter (Mykola x gn!Reader) 🌼
Tired Turtle Doves (Fyodor x gn!Reader x Mykola) 🌼
Dark Roses and Souls (Fyodor x Mykola) 🌼
↪ Sigma
Vanilla and Lavender (Sigma x gn!Reader) 🌼
The Other Perspective (Sigma x fem!Reader) 🌼
Home Is Where the Heart Is (Sigma x gn!Reader) 🥀
The Guild:
↪ Lucy Maud Montgomery
fluffy lucy headcanons (Lucy x gn!Reader) 🌼
↪ Edgar Allan Poe
↪ Mark Twain
Watermelon Cruiser (Mark x gn!Reader) 🔷
Hunting Dogs:
↪ Ouchi Fukuchi
↪ Saigiku Jouno
Jouno with a quiet and touchy S/O (Jouno x gn!Reader) 🌼
↪ Tecchou Suehiro
Lovesick Tecchou Headcanons (Tecchou x gn!Reader) 🌼⛓
↪ Teruko Okura
↪ Mushitarou Oguri
Secret Secret (Mushitarou x gn!Reader) 💔
↪ Paul Verlaine
The Moon and the Sea (Verlaine x Rimbaud) 🌼
↪ Arthur Rimbaud
The Moon and the Sea (Verlaine x Rimbaud) 🌼
Misc. Headcanons:
how i think bsd characters would hug: ada edition (ADA)
how i think bsd characters would hug: pm edition (PM)
Reader who sleeps with a tank top (Dazai, Ranpo, Chuuya)
Reader who sleeps in a nightgown (Dazai, Ranpo, Fyodor, Mykola, Poe)
Being their Older Sibling (Kyouka, Kenji)
Reader who is flexible (Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor)
Helping to take care of a reader who struggles to eat (Atsushi, Dazai, Chuuya, Oda, Fyodor)
Reader who is flexible pt. 2 (Kunikida, Mykola, Sigma)
how i think bsd characters would hug: misc edition (Jouno, Tecchou, Sigma, Mushitarou)
They find out you're Dazai's sibling (Chuuya, Fyodor)
When they have a nightmare about you (Atsushi, Dazai, Chuuya, Tecchou)
When Reader flinches after they yell (Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa, Chuuya, Poe)
An S/O who has their opposite personality (Fyodor, Mykola)
Reader being the "perfect" assistant (Kunikida, Chuuya)
When their S/O is a compulsive liar (Dazai, Ranpo, Yosano, Chuuya, Fyodor, Mykola)
Reader with trauma and trust issues (Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor)
When their daughter tells them she has a boyfriend (Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Sigma)
An S/O who outsmarts them (Dazai, Fyodor)
Their first kiss with you (Atsushi, Oda, Lucy, Tecchou)
If the BSD boys were my coworkers (Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Akutagawa, Chuuya, Poe, Steinbeck)
Them with a manipulative S/O (Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor)
Them with an S/O who meows (Ranpo, Chuuya, Jouno)
When you blow them a kiss (Tachihara, Tecchou)
S/O who hides under the bed (Dazai, Kunikida, Chuuya)
Rubber duckie, you're the one~ (Atsushi, Dazai, Ranpo, Chuuya, Mykola, Poe, Tecchou)
If the BSD girls were my coworkers (Kyouka, Yosano, Kouyou, Gin, Higuchi, Naomi, Lucy)
The Flags in Highschool (The Flags)
"Can't Sleep?" (Dazai, Kunikida, Fyodor)
"Men with Slutty Waists!" (Dazai, Chuuya)
Cuddling Headcanons (Tecchou, Jouno)
BSD boys with a self-sacrificing girlfriend (Fyodor, Poe, Ranpo, Jouno)
Hunting Dogs Headcanons:
Hunting Dogs with an energetic S/O
Hunting Dogs with an S/O who eats ice
When their S/O feels inadequate
Hunting Dogs with a clumsy S/O
Hunting Dogs with a silent S/O
Hunting Dogs with your child
Hunting Dogs with a mean S/O
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Obviously I will continue to update this list as I release new fics but it might take some time between each new fic and me updating this, sorry! Also if there's a character you like that I haven't put here, you can still send reqs for them!
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anewkindofme · 7 months
Welcome to anewkindofme’s tumblr!
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Hi there! My name is Taylor and I’m in my late 20s. I’m a lesbian with diagnosed ADHD and bipolar disorder. I also struggle with sensory overload. I have dabbled as an online caregiver in the past but have sort of retired for mental health reasons. I still make content for fandoms as it does help my mental health nonetheless. I’ve been writing agere content for a little over 15 years now!
I write sfw agere fics, make moodboards, write headcanons, etc. I only write platonic agere dynamics. One of my favorite tropes is found family!
Currently, I’m mostly writing Grey’s Anatomy & TVDU fics, but I would be interested in writing for other verses (from media I watch). Even if I can’t get the muse to write a certain fic, I’m always down to write headcanons or make moodboards! Requests are open so feel free to hit up my inbox!
I do not write romantic pairings practicing sfw agere, even if it’s strictly non-sexual. I do include romantic pairings in my fics but only for married caregivers. Even then, I keep their interactions to mainly kissing or flirting and it won’t take up the entire fic. I will never write about incest!
My fics do include a variety of discipline, including spanking but I don’t include it as much anymore and it’s usually just a few swats with the hand. But mostly it includes grounding, timeouts, etc. If that bothers you, my fics probably aren’t for you. I also have a couple of verses with non-sexual breastfeeding and diapers. I am a compulsive tagger on both Tumblr and AO3, so just check those out!
I’ll only write for the fandoms listed here. I also stick to the headcanon I have for how a character is classified. For example, I know some people see Dean as a Little, but I only view him as a caregiver. I would struggle to write him otherwise! But always feel free to ask me whatever!
Do not sexualize my fics or interact with me if you are anti-agere, racist, homophobic, ableist or transphobic. Several of my fics include POC and queer characters, as well as characters with disabilities.
I also want to mention that I don’t do character x reader fics, they’re just not in my wheelhouse!
Fandoms I make content for:
The Vampire Diaries Universe, including The Originals & Legacies
One Tree Hill
Grey’s Anatomy, including Private Practice (I haven’t seen enough of Station 19 to make content)
Teen Wolf
Once Upon A Time. At this time, I have not seen OUATIW, so I cannot make content for characters that were strictly on there. I could for those that also appeared on the main show, such as Will Scarlet.
Pretty Little Liars. I have not watched any of the spin-offs, so I only make content for the main series!
9-1-1 & 9-1-1: Lone Star
Criminal Minds
My ask box! I keep anonymous asks on. Requests for fics, moodboards and headcanons are always open! At this time I am not accepting headcanon requests for 9-1-1 Lone Star.
My current master list! Please checkout the tags before reading. Please remember: No content is worth your mental health! Take care of yourself, friends.
My current list of characters I headcanon as Littles and Caregivers! If you don’t see one on here, feel free to ask me how I sort them! I will also include ships on here for caregivers, as well as my NOTPs.
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not-quitenormal · 6 months
New headcanon: Galinda is a compulsive liar. A bold-faced liar, though her intentions are somehow always good.
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eyefocusing · 28 days
might be a random question but do you have any neurodivergent headcanons for the aerialbots?
im not immune to hcing all of my faves as autistic....
ok but like in every superion bio theres mention of him tamping down/blocking out his components to become the cold, focused combiner that he is, and i feel like "supressing yourself so you can actually function" is just sooooo on the nose, yknow?
skydive obviously has a special interest in history and war strategy. helpful, when you're the strategist of the team. hes like, a genuine savant when it comes to flying, but he can easily get caught up infodumping abt the pilot who created the technique theyre trying to practice, instead of actually practicing. hes the kinda guy who has to make Everything about his special interest, but stays pretty quiet if he cant.
slingshot is SO classic Cant Regulate Emotions At All. he makes up for it by being a showoff and a compulsive liar. neither of these things make anyone like him much. he tends to have meltdowns with some frequency, which hasnt done much for his reputation either. his meltdowns are usually overwhelming for the other aerialbots too, so they end up scattering and leaving silverbolt to fix the situation.
many many feelings about fireflight autism bc he gets woobified a lot (i remember poking around the tf plotbunny lj a year or so ago and seeing a bunny from like 2008 abt him "suffering from autism" so hes at least always had That Vibe). hes just very observant. doesnt really have a lot to say! but not really a good listener either because he WILL start thinking abt that interesting rock poking out of the wall or that bird he saw while he was out earlier, and just completely misses whats being said to him. he and skydive are a good mix bc skydive can just talk and talk abt his jet fighter blorbos and fireflight can do fireflight things and theyre both fine with this. also think abt this ⬇️ kind of scenario a lot
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hes also most likely to collect Weird Stuff. his whole personal shelf is full of bins of strange twigs or scrap metal or basically anything that catches his interest. hes a bit of a corvid tbh
if fireflight is the guy that everyone assumes is autistic, then air raid is absolutely the guy everyone assumes has adhd. his attention span doesnt exist, unless hes doing something he wants to do. hes the closest thing to an adrenaline junkie the team has. raid doesnt go off on his own the way fireflight does, but the odds of him actually following through on orders and plans are slim. he tends to run into walls and corners and doorways a lot (he and flighty both have spacial awareness issues, but fireflights are more obvious in alt mode, and air raids in bot mode).
silverbolt. has to manage all of them and himself. and its incredibly overwhelming. from the outside hes got the vibe that hes one bad incident away from shutting himself in a broom closet for the rest of the day to get away from it all. hes got a bad habit of getting stuck in his head, and his thoughts tend to doom spiral after awhile. but thats like half the reason the other aerialbots are so annoying at him, and he can uh. appreciate. their methods of getting him away from himself. most of the time. i like putting everyone in a planepile because i think bolt would like the feeling of the others weight on his wings. it makes him feel grounded
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Aroace Asriel will always be my favorite headcanon. :)
Along with him being a compulsive liar way before being turned into a flower.
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phosphorus-noodles · 3 months
joel joel joel joel 🎭💄😬😭😶 <3 (and also the anger one if u want. and also oli if you want? if this is too many feel free to leave any out sjdfklsdj <3 <3 <3)
it's NEVER too much i love joel and also oli <33
but i'm not doing every canon iteration i think i'd die /silly, so my au it is because i think that's predictable enough from me,
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
Ohh... lots of things...
There's a stream clip somewhere where Oli says Joel is a compulsive liar and I latched onto that. Man lies ALL the time about stuff just. because. he just does it, he doesn't think. it's usually harmless?? like "do you like x food" "ohh yeah! i looove x food! ^^" because... what if they get mad at him for saying the wrong thing :(
I dunno, man's got anxiety and he lies a lot compulsively because of it- also lots of "what are you doing?" "nothing!!" when it's literally. the most arbitrary thing. you don't need to hide man it's okay,
Oli lies to be funny. He lies to commit more to the bit. He also lies to repress his feelings and bottle them up so they never see the light of day <3
💄 An appearance headcanon
I think I did. I change it a lot tbf. But I don't think I posted the one I'm thinking of- it's lots of bright colors!! He likes to dress nice but not too stuffy, look nice but feel nicer yk? And he likes his hair fluffy and bouncy and curly and ouhrghjg,,,
And he used to HATE his rainbow freckles bc he thought they were stupid, but Oli helped him change his view on them hehe <33
Oli's kiiinda the same way? But not really. Doesn't really care about how he looks when he's just hanging around, but if he can get Joel flustered by dressing up nicer, ohhh he cannot pass that up 😌🫶
😬 A headcanon about the worst thing they’ve done
The worst thing Oli ever did was talk to Joel. The worst thing Joel ever did was talk back.
That's a joke but. man. consequences or something, /silly
Nah the REAL worst thing Joel's ever done was probablyyy... let Oli stay the night that one time?? Like after the events of this fic- I'd imagine Joel's parents were Royally (hah) upset the next morning when they see that their child was sleeping with the son of their (now dead) political rivals ghjfgjf... like Joel feels 100% justified in the whole thing (and also rather enjoyed it, tyvm) but also,, he was probably grounded for literally a month if not longer afterwards hgjfhgjf.....
For Oli... I'm sure he's an absolute Joy to have in class if you know what I mean (/silly) like he is tormenting the halls of the palace and being a general nuisance but none of it would really be "worst thing ever" bc he's a prince and also just goofy so he's annoying but the staff loves him yk. I think what would be considered the "worst" thing though is gonna be in the next fic I post :3c
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them
Gosh... I mean... I do kill them kinda. That's pretty significant. Joel dies horribly and Oli is trapped in stone for 200 years. That's pretty awful.
But that hasn't happened Yet and I dunno if I'll ever have the heart to write that particular scene ghfjgd... like I know how it happens in my head. but. I can't do that to them by putting it in writing </3
Besides that... Oli's parents did die too. Still dunno if it was political conspiracy or not. But either way, that's pretty awful and traumatic for him- and he couldn't be with his best friend for a few months before that and then afterwards he STILL couldn't be with him for a while... brutal for him :(
And Joel's upbringing is just kinda... sad. He's sooo lonely and then he FINALLY gets a friend and of COURSE it's the ONE PERSON he's not allowed to really talk to and his parents aren't supportive at ALL of their friendship but they gotta grin and bear it bc yaayyy alliesss and it's so tense and awful and makes him feel guilty because it's like he's gotta choose his family or his only friend but his family was always so neglectful anyway so why would he choose them but that's his Home and- anyways. Any event involving that whole dynamic is his worst, hope this helps ^^
+ A headcanon relating to anger
Hmm... anger is tricky. I feel like Joel is definitely the kinda guy to bottle it all up because he's not allowed to Feel those things or Show them yk. So every once in a while he explodes into frustrated growls (yeah. he definitely growls. but it's like if an ouppy was baby growling,) and hot angry tears and it's just..... oh sweetheart,
I think Oli's kinda the opposite?? Y'know the post that's like "life shattering tragedy = oh rip L" but "mild inconvenience = i want to kill everything dead forever !!!" he's like that. Gets Real Mad over all the small things but when something Big happens he's just. oh. ok 👍
Like he's still mad, but he just goes blank. What's he supposed to even do. His brain just Stops Working once the mild inconveniences pile up to be too high. Yes he is awful at dealing with stress how could you tell /silly
😶 A random headcanon!
Like it's a special interest of his but like unofficially. If given the chance he would 110% give up being royalty to go be a field researcher studying sniffers. But also not a field researcher because they're endangered :(
In my au I've decided sniffers are indeed still alive but they're (almost) all kept in one big sanctuary in Mezalea. Maybe there's a few wild ones left but like no one's seen em so it's assumed they're all there. I figured if this au takes place ~200 years before "canon empires" and also irl dodo birds were around in the 1800s... yeah sure, why not? Sniffers can be canon <3
Of course when Oli hears about this he absolutely learns how to shapeshift into one to impress Joel. Which absolutely works. Because oh my void sniffers,,,,
I can't really think of an Oli hc I've been wanting to talk about?? Just that 1) he regresses into small animals when things get Too Much, and 2) he likes to shapeshift into funny little animals to play with Joel sometimes ^^
(character ask game!)
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