#commander Stamets
Round Three
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flownwrong · 1 month
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Star Trek: Discovery / Mirrors (5x05)
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ilovefredjones · 4 months
tilly is doing too much to be a cadet goddamn
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disco-bang · 1 month
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Disco Bang Sign Ups Open!
A reminder that sign ups for the Star Trek Discovery Big Bang challenge are still open for authors, artists, and betas! Come join us 🖖🚀✨
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Author sign ups: 2 April - 28 June Artist sign ups: 2 April - 26 July Beta sign ups: 2 April - 2 August
What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a long-form fic challenge with accompanying artwork. Authors sign up to write a fic that is, at a minimum, 15k in length, and Artists sign up to create fanart for those fics.
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Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery Pairing: Jett Reno x fem!reader Words: 1.8K Summary: Jett overworked herself, so her girlfriend really needs to take care of her. A/N: Since no one else seems to be interested in Jett Reno ( since I couldn't find any x reader fanfiction featuring her anywhere), I took matters into my own hands. Only something small, but so that at least something is there.
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Sighing, she sat up. "Zora? What's the time?" In within seconds, the familiar female voice sounded out of nowhere. "It's just 0034 hours, Lieutenant." She heaved another sigh. "Thank you Zora." "My pleasure." As quickly as her voice had sounded, it died away and she sat alone in her quarters.
She was aware that fatigue was written all over her face, however, she couldn't possibly sleep, not as long as the space at her side was empty. Dejectedly, she put aside her personal PADD, on which she had been reading until just now, flipped the covers aside and swung her legs out of bed so that her feet touched the floor.
As she got up, she grabbed the robe that was lying on a chair next to the bed and put it on so that she wouldn't just be scurrying through the halls in her pajamas. Quickly, she slipped on her shoes and was out the door a few moments later. Her destination: engineering.
While she leaned against the wall in the elevator, waiting to arrive at the right deck, she rubbed her eyes and had to stifle a yawn. It was already the third time this week that she had to drag her girlfriend to their quarters to sleep, and it was only Friday night. Of course she had been aware that it would not be easy to be in a relationship with a workaholic, but it was getting ridiculous in her opinion.
Silently, the elevator doors opened and as she exited, a small group of ensigns came up to her, nodding with smiles. She could only half-heartedly return it.
If she was honest with herself, she was really starting to worry about Jett. When they had entered into this relationship, she had known that the engineer often worked longer hours than was good for her. Especially when she had been bickering with Stamets again and the two of them had their unspoken competition in 'who can last longer until they pass out', which they both claimed not to. Nonetheless, it drove not only her, but Doctor Culber crazy as well.
She had also known that Jett had not had it very easy. She knew what had happened to her wife and that she still mourned her to some extent, even if Jett refused to admit it. She also knew that Jett, unlike herself, had fought in the Klingon war and she knew very well that it had left scars. And finally, she also knew that Jett preferred to bury herself in her work rather than talk about her feelings, a reason why it took them two eternities to pull themselves together, and liked to bury herself in her work, often for hours.
Still rubbing her eyes, she walked down the hallway when a person joined her from one of the side corridors, looking just as tired and exhausted as she was. "You back here too?" Hugh's voice sounded even more exhausted than she felt. "I wouldn't skip our nightly meetings for anything in the galaxy," she joked rather poorly, but elicited a weak smile from Hugh. "And how long is Reno working now?" "About eighteen hours. Stamets?" "Likewise."
Wearily she looked up at her friend. "She's driving me crazy Hugh." "I understand that." He smiled at her with what she liked to call his 'counselor smile'. "But they're worth it, aren't they?" "Still up for debate." Grumpy as she might sound, however, she had to agree with Hugh. Jett Reno was worth every hour of lost sleep and every minute of worry.
Side by side, Hugh and she entered Engineering, only to see the image that had greeted them both for the past few nights. While Stamets stood at his console with sleepy eyes, swapping one hologram with scientific information for the next with rapid movements, Jett was up to her elbows in one of the walls of the ship, repairing God knows what.
Hugh and she gave each other one last tired look before separating to collect their respective partners. As Hugh thus set to work pulling Stamets away from the holograms, she squatted on the floor next to Jett and regarded her gently for a few moments.
Her slowly graying hair fell lightly into her eyes, which were so fixated on the work that they didn't even notice her. At some point during the day, Jett had loosened and opened her uniform collar and rolled up her sleeves, presumably to work better.
In the background, she heard Hugh gently talking to Stamets, though she tried to tune it out. Gently, she put her hand on Jett's shoulder, hoping not to startle her. "Hey." Engrossed in her work, she didn't even seem to recognize her properly. "Not now, I'm busy."
Slightly amused despite the circumstances, she shook her head and gently shook Jett's shoulder. "Don't you think it's about time to go to sleep, darling?" At the sound of the last word, Jett paused and slowly pulled her arms out of the shaft so she could lift her head. As soon as their eyes met, she frowned.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your station?" Her gaze slid down her, which only deepened the frown. "And what the hell are you wearing?" Gently, she smiled at her and touched her gently on the elbow. "I'm wearing my pajamas. Jett, do you have any idea what time it is?" The other woman dropped onto her butt and stretched her legs, groaning slightly. " I was actually going to say 1900 hours, but somehow I have a feeling that's not quite the truth."
"Honey, it's almost one in the morning." "That would explain why I'm starting to get a little tired." "Come on now," she tugged gently on Jett's arm. "Off to bed with you." Jett, however, merely pointed to the opening in the shaft in which she had been engrossed until just now. "I still have to-"
"No." Her voice was sterner now and she looked admonishingly at the older woman. "Someone else can do that for you. Jett, you've been up for almost eighteen hours. It's a bigger risk to keep you working here than to wait for someone else to come." For a few moments, Jett returned her gaze somberly before rolling her eyes in defeat and rising. "All right. I do think you're exaggerating, but - woah."
Jett swayed, and had it not been for her, the engineer would have slammed headfirst into the nearest console. With difficulty, she managed to hold Jett up by the arm and make sure she didn't instantly fall to the floor. "What were you going to say? Jesus Jett, when was the last time you ate something?" Jett narrowed her eyes, so strained she had to think. "When did we have breakfast?" "Oh my God!"
If she'd had her hands free, she would have rubbed her eyes in weary frustration. "You're coming now." Jett seemed about to protest, but one look at her girlfriend told her it would be safer to keep her mouth shut. Reeling with fatigue, Jett was pulled across the room, and even though the engineer seemed annoyed, she remained silent.
Hugh threw them a tired smile as he continued to try to get Stamets to leave the room before they left Engineering.
Silently, they walked side by side to the turbolift, in which they rode side by side, also silently. As soon as the turbolift stopped, she pulled Jett along, still not saying a word. The silence was only broken when they arrived in her quarters and Jett was stowed away in one of the armchairs. "I'm sorry."
She could see how much of an effort it had taken Jett to say those words, and her expression softened instantly before she knelt down in front of her. "It's okay." With an affectionate smile, she stroked Jett's arm. "I'm starting to worry, though, Jett. I've had to drag you out of the engine room more than twice this week because you've lost track of time. And to make it worse, you're refusing to do basic things that the human body needs while you're engrossed in your work. That's not healthy." Concerned, she stroked Jett's hand. "Promise me you'll try to work on it. I don't care how. Set an alarm, program the replicators next to the engine room to program your food at certain times and let you know. Anything. Please."
Jett grumbled softly to herself before sighing. "I guess I could set some kind of reminder for myself. So you don't have to worry too much." A smile spread across her lips and she pressed a tentative kiss to Jett's cheek. "Thank you." Jett didn't reply, though she could detect a hint of a smile. She got up, scurried into their bedroom, and returned with Jett's pajamas in hand, which she pressed into Jett's hand.
"Can you manage to change and wash up? Then I'll see about getting something to eat." Jett mumbled something to herself, but actually managed to get up and stagger into the bathroom. After a few moments, when she still hadn't heard any muffled noises that might suggest Jett had fallen or hurt herself, she exhaled calmly and began putting the shoes Jett had taken off earlier next to the door next to hers.
She then went to the replicator and replicated a small portion of chicken soup. She knew Jett didn't eat much anyway and didn't want to strain her stomach unnecessarily, knowing that Jett slept poorly if she did. When she emerged from the bathroom, she didn't have time to do anything, as she was instantly shipped to one of the chairs and her plate was pushed over to her. "Eat up." "Yes ma'am.
For a few moments she watched Jett eat her soup before getting up and going to the bathroom. There she collected Jett's dirty clothes and uniform and put them in the basket, which was picked up daily for cleaning, and turned the shower down completely to zero, since Jett, as usual, had not turned it down completely.
While she was gone, Jett had finished eating and put the used plate back in the replicator. The moment she returned from the bathroom, Jett nibbled on a small piece of licorice. "What?" she defended herself. "Blood sugar was low." "Of course."
Lovingly, she stroked Jett's hair. "Come on. Time for bed." Surprisingly willing, Jett allowed herself to be led into the bedroom, where she dropped into bed without much ado. Her girlfriend just shook her head in amusement, pulled out the covers and gently laid them over the engineer. Only then did she slip out of her robe and shoes and slip under the covers as well.
Slowly, she slid over closer to Jett and wrapped her arms around the woman, pressing her chest against her back. "Always so clingy," Jett muttered, half asleep. "Shut up, you love me," she returned, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Mhhh. Your luck."
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fortheloveoflatinum · 25 days
Disco Thoughts
Hey there, don't let me be the one to spoil it for you. Click at your own discretion, because here there be spoilers for Star Trek: Discovery.
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When are we going to see Detmer and Owosekun? Are they even going to come back for the finale? I feel like we have a whole new bridge crew and as much as I respect the idea of the Bajoran pilot - what was her name again? - she's just a stand-in. She has had a few lines of sub-standard dialogue by this point and I am unimpressed. Detmer at least had some tension to her - she was a very angry character, to the point where that was her defining character trait (I can't remember the episode but I can't forget the scene where Saru is leading the crew in a dinner and Detmer makes up a rhyme about Stamet's blood. I think it was shortly after they jumped to the future.) 💔
Um since when are so many Commanders allowed on one ship? And why were they all passed over for promotion, having loyally followed Michael into the future - as Paul reminds us right before she blasts him out of an airlock - so she wouldn't have to be alone? Rayner seems like a wild card. I would have loved to see one of the original bridge crew who followed Michael to the future get a chance to shine as her Number 1. Just because Rayner needs a second chance doesn't mean that others don't deserve a first! 🌻
Who else loved seeing Bryce command the ship? That was a first I think, and speaks to my earlier point that he would have made a great Number 1. He stays level and calm - unlike, ahem, a certain Commander *coughs* Rayner. 😂
Part of me really wants to see Michael save the galaxy yet again, but don't you think it would be more fun if, say, she failed and Stamets did it single-handedly for a change? 😉
I was talking with my neighbor (he's also a Trekkie) and we were thinking about the choice to make the Breen liquid. Why? Well, because of the Founders, of course. If all the changeling-like, Founder-esque species allied together during the Dominion war, this adds exactly no layers of nuance to DS9 canon because one can throw one's hands quite neatly in the air and say, "Heh. Our old enemy, xenophobia strikes again. Thank goodness we have our own personal savior conveniently captaining a ship capable of going anywhere in the galaxy at the press of a spore drive button, right?" 🙏
Also I personally think answering the question of, "What does a Breen look like under their helmet?" takes away from their mystique. And their fearsomeness. It humanizes them, okay, and that was the one thing the Breen didn't need. They're Breen! Also, heheh, green. ❇️
Just kidding. Imma miss the ever-living daylights out of Disco when it's gone. I was kind of hoping for it to end with a bang, but it seems a whimper is all we'll get. 😭
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samnotsammy12 · 1 year
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Rewatching Discovery and i just realized that Nhan’s dress version of the Discovery uniform has ZIPPER POCKETS
And I don’t think the pants version has any pockets so that’s a hilarious reversal of the current common dress vs. pants situation that most people have problems with
Also the scene where Georgiou is like “in my universe Stamets was pan and we had DEFCON-level fun together” and she leaves and Tilly just goes “What just happened?” SHE’S SO CUTE I LOVE HER
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
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chillychive · 2 years
Episode 1 {SEASON TWO BABY!!}
"I expect you to be friends." -Sarek, oddest dad of the year.
Tilly yelling LMAO
yet again, being a transporter guy is awkward lmaoooo
Do not covet thy neighbor's star ship. LMAO
he's hilarious omg.
think of all the syllables that wasted their lives im dying.
his interaction with Tilly I'm dying
He's such a good Captain
poor paull
OH!! The engine room is the spore drive room but they moved it at the beginning of season two and they're converting the room back to a standard engineering room! Thanks Tilly for explaining! lmao.
poor paulll :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
that was sweet until the last thing he said and now im sad. poor tilly. They need to stop telling her to be quiet. :(
"I was expecting a red thing. Where's my damn red thing?" LMAO
Nhan's so pretty.
I feel like I should stop writing down every funny thing Pike says... I'm not trying to become a transcription lmao.
Also Connolly... dude. Just stop.
I wish there was a closed captions mode that only captioned dialogue, not sound. The sound captions can be rather annoying if you are hearing and don't need them, but you also can't delete them for the people who are hard of hearing or deaf.
Connolly you idiot. and he jeopardized everyone else's lives as well.
The "we have him, right ladies?" and Owo and Detmer looking at each other like ????? before saying "absolutely"
I love Nhan
The fact that Pike didn't die here is truly remarkable.
Poor Saru was so worried. oof.
Eww Tellerites have purple blood.
why did the main screen on the bridge crack when the asteroid hit it?? Are you telling me they made a bridge where a single pane of glass is all that protects from space.
OWWWW. i love that they let her scream at the pain and all of that. like points.
oh my gosh nerdssssssssssssssssssssssssss i love them alll
not them catching an asteroid. I love them.
yes pike :) i love him
I love a lot of these people, as I'm sure you can't tell lmao
I love Tilly <3
DID YOU SEE THAT {ofc ik you didn't im the one watching it but like ahh} The fortune cookie Pike was holding said "Not every cage is a prison, nor every loss eternal." They knew exactly what they were doing when they zoomed in on that. POINTS!
ahhh I love this episode.
How does she have clearance to be there???
And to listen to his personal log?????
the signals.
That's why it's called brother!
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defconprime · 2 years
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Paul Stamets from Star Trek Fleet Command
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isagrimorie · 1 month
i forgot that tilly was asked to be the first officer of discovery in the third season. and, I think how mind-blowing that is. i like discovery a lot but sometimes the writers make truly mind-boggling choices.
i forgot that tilly was just a cadet in s1 and then an ensign.
making her an (acting) first officer, while still an ensign, was a bizarre choice. (harry kim is crying somewhere)
especially since nilsson and rhys take control of the bridge when the command team is out.
unfortunately, the way discovery is configured we don't really know most of the bridge crew.
or, maybe it would have been better if a new character was introduced as their 32nd-century guide and as a temporary XO.
but also, who is the senior staff of discovery? do we know?
i assumed that culber was CMO all this time only to find out from interviews he wasn't the CMO.
stamets can't be the chief engineer since he's science division and he mans the spore drive function and not the whole ship. i assume its jett reno.
who was the head of security when nhan left? is it rhys??? why is booker (who I really like) memory alpha listed the head of security of discovery (season 4)??? he's not starfleet.
i just realized the whole problem why they got tilly as acting first officer is because I don't think any of the writers in seasons 2 to 3 of discovery sat down and solidified the hierarchy on the ship other than captain.
it's so nebulous and it doesn't need to be nebulous.
it's like how inconsistent the ranks are on SNW uniforms.
i know these are nitpicks but these are details that help build out the world. and it's such an easy thing to address too, it's frustrating they don't.
and this is on the discovery writers for not taking the time to iron it out. i understand they want to focus on different people and keep the heroics away from the bridge, other than saru and michael. but that doesn't excuse how lazily they went about it.
anyway this is just a bug bear that I stumbled on when I remembered how tilly was made into acting first officer of discovery. it didn't niggle at me back then but somehow rewatching voyager and a lot of other trek made me realize, I can actually pinpoint the line of command on each show but stumble on it when it comes to discovery seasons 3 and 4.
again, i think this is why season 5 is doing a great job. wilson cruz said that by season 5 he might as well be the CMO, so I'm taking that as canon.
this is what happens when every season and episode is just one story of crisis situations without any standalone downtime episodes.
(this is also a problem for picard s3. it's the single story and 10 episode thing. it ties the hands of writers.)
what i wouldn't give for a discovery episode where the ship is just doing routine maintenance. follow an engineering team down a jeffries tube, watch them have a boring senior staff meeting where all department heads report to michael.
(wait, have we seen discovery do a senior staff meeting scene?)
have rayner sit down and manage personnel.
honestly, i think the trek that does the best in doing personnel, handling extras, and making a realized world is still ds9.
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Round Two
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Well I've tried to avoid spoilers but their are a few things I know going in the appearance of a character from ENT I'd originally guessed Trip Tucker because he died in a weird way and in non-cannon he did things after his "death" but a sci fi news article discussing Daniels gives me a feeling it's him makes more sense though and I saw two images one of a old Burnham and one of Burnham and Moll standing in front of some light on a cliff or something due to a current boycott of Paramount and Paramount+ I'm watching this from a pirate cove and I'd encourage you to do the same and without further ado live blogging of Star Trek Discovery and as always 🌟SPOILERS🌟
Season 5 Episode 10
I'm still sad this is the last episode of DIS
Well I'm glad it's longer then a regular episode but part of me was hoping for a 2 hour finale but considering it wasn't known until after shooting that it was the last episode and then reshoots that I'm sure are the extra length of this episode
I wonder if we'll see the Breen that went in before Moll and Burnham?
Huh Burnham had the same thought
Nooo Burnham
Oh there's one of three Breen cracked like an egg
And their is the other Breen not a happy one either maybe if the Breen had sent scientists instead of Soldiers they'd be more willing to work together Burnham
Damn that was a football tackle
About to be pulled away by a hurricane and still trying to punch damn Burnham is right "STOP IT"
Lots of slow mo
Damn the Breen is back
Why is Moll flying with a gun?
Why did Moll shoot the Breen? I mean the Breen is under her command
No wonder the Breen was so mad their own boss killed the other Breen like a cracked egg I'd be pissed too
Damn Moll is not likable even for a villain
Yeah that's what I thought
Now thinking about it I definitely thought that Detmer and Owosekun would be back by now tbh
Yeah Nhan stepping up suck it admiral
"At least the Breen have a vested interest" didn't you just kill your own Breen soldiers?!
Return of the spinning camera and a surprise appearance of shaky camera
Since it's the last episode I want to say I think DIS has my favorite Engineer crew out of all the Trek shows between Stamets, Adira, Reno and the occasional Booker, Tilly or Culber it has my favorite dynamic
There's one of the images that was spoiled them standing in front of whatever that ripple thing is
Oh they aren't fighting Tahal yet? Then what Breen Is Discovery fighting oh is it the Ruhn Breen Dreadnought or whoever runs it now Moll or that Asrisar Breen
"Ambassador Saru are you insane?" Is hilarious
Just like her Breen colleagues don't turn your back on Moll
Moll isn't very smart Burnham told you the clue and you didn't even use it
What was that scream Moll that was some serious yelling in lower case
Yes trust the good doctor odd visions or whatever
Damn Seru that was cold as ice
I swear Burnham is like the perfect Federation Captain because I would have been pissed
I kind of like that the most powerful tech in the universe is represented with some simple glass triangles
Ancient humanoid appearance!
Something before the progenitors? Mmmh interesting I know Q and the Guardian Of Forever were before the ancient humanoids I'm pretty sure but not much else is known
I love that it's Booker that's with Hugh others would try to explain or theorize but Booker is just like "damn that's crazy" the same nonchalant attitude when Hugn decided to join in the shuttle in the first place
Wow that's a lot of camera spinning
Separate the what?
Damn the ancient humanoids really trying to put this technology off on someone else
A TNG Enterprise D style saucer separation WOOOOOOOOOOO BABY
Is that the Breem Scout ship it looks nice
Ain't no way they just spun that colossal giant Dreadnought like a bayblade that was totally cool
Damn the Progenitor really gave Burnham a crash course on almost all of existence huh?
Honestly I've been thinking all season that kind of technology needs to go permanently
I'm sad Stamets won't get his legacy dream the spore drive program was canceled and made secret, spore drive didn't replace the regular warp drive in the 32nd century and now unable to study the progenitors tech what I'm really sad about is that this arc for Stamets won't be resolved because this is the finale
Picard Wine, Geordi old visor and a baseball presumably something to do with Sisko interesting
Kovich was Daniels all along?! This isn't what I thought the returning ENT thing was gonna be I'll be honest I was actually surprised
Yes! The Saru x T'Rina wedding what everyone was hoping for
Talaxian pirates? Mmmmh
All of the dress uniforms and fancy wedding clothes look great
Old Burnham and old Booker look like themselves but with gray hair I look forward to seeing irl old compared to TV old like they did for TOS, TNG and DS9 episodes where it showed a older version of a character and then people put up a image of them later irl when the actor was actually older
Burnham 33nd century civilian clothes look like she ready for the wild west I guess some fashion just comes around huh
Admiral you say
Oh that's a alien deer cool
Ooooo another uniform
They got kid in Starfleet already wow future jumps do that though
I like these even further in the future 33nd century uniforms that admiral one is nice I like the line going down the pants but I also liked that on the PIC S3 uniform too so I guess I'm just a sucker for that uniform design choice
I also like the new 33nd century Starfleet logo
For future versions of the Starfleet logo post ST Nemesis I think this new one and the Future Imperfect TNG one from the fake future are probably my favorites
Damn how many refits has that ship undergone to be still be in service
For a minute I thought she was about to pass down Discovery to her son
So a short explanation of Calypso but I still don't understand why Zora had to wait for Craft or the importance of Craft tbh and poor Zora has to wait 1000 years alone is so strange I also assume it was a life or death thing with the crew abandoned ship rather then this whole red directive thing its just kind of odd
Ah Detmer and Owosekun finally returned for the last few minutes of the finale
Ah a impressive fleet shot I do love the Merian Class, Kirk Class, Courage Class of my personal favorite out of the 32-33nd century ships the Eisenberg Class
So that's it the end of Discovery it had its hurdles but it also started Nu-Trek I personally am indeed a fan of the show this and Lower Decks are definitely my favorite of the Nu-Trek shows I am sad to see it go
It started my tradition of watching Nu-Trek and drinking canned Guayaki Yerba Mate late at night and it started many fond memories I've never said this online before but I never watched the last episode of ENT until the pilot of DIS came out I waited years to watch it but I couldn't bring myself to "finish" Star Trek until a new show was announced so I waited years to watch that last episode of ENT and after years of waiting and it was terrible but luckily this finale was better then that
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science-lover33 · 8 months
Decoding the Pharmacological Symphony of Turkey Tail Mushroom: An In-Depth Analysis of its Chemical Composition, Immunomodulatory Mechanisms, and Implications in Cancer Therapeutics 🍄🔬
Salutations, esteemed Tumblr intellectuals! Brace yourselves for a cerebral sojourn into the pharmacological labyrinth of Turkey Tail Mushroom, an exploration that transcends the ordinary and delves into the intricate interplay of its chemical constituents, the sophisticated mechanisms of immunomodulation, and the far-reaching implications of its therapeutic potential in the intricate landscape of cancer biology. Prepare your minds for an expedition into the realms of molecular complexity, immune orchestration, and therapeutic promise. Grab your favorite scientific journal, a pen, and perhaps a lab coat, for this journey is not for the faint of intellectual heart. ☕📚
Chemical Symphony: An Elaborate Choreography of Bioactive Compounds:
In the molecular ballet of Turkey Tail, bioactive compounds are the principal dancers, each executing a meticulously choreographed routine. Polysaccharopeptides (PSPs), intricate glycoproteins with immunomodulatory acumen, command attention. Through the fine-tuned modulation of immune responses, these compounds stimulate various facets of the immune system, orchestrating an elaborate dance that amplifies the body's ability to recognize and eliminate neoplastic cells. Concurrently, beta-glucans, linear glucose polymers, contribute to this biochemical ballet by fine-tuning immune cell responses, enhancing the overall antitumor immune surveillance.
Navigating the Anti-Tumor Terrain: A Molecular Expedition:
Our scientific cartography navigates the expansive anti-tumor terrain mapped out by Turkey Tail's polysaccharides. The inhibitory effects on tumor growth and metastasis are akin to molecular fortifications against cancer progression. Through intricate mechanisms involving the activation of natural killer cells, cytotoxic T cells, and macrophages, Turkey Tail emerges as a sentinel, curbing the unchecked proliferation of malignant cells. Additionally, its antioxidative prowess, rooted in compounds like ergosterol peroxide, further shields cellular structures from oxidative stress, a nexus in carcinogenesis.
Immersive References: Nourishment for the Inquisitive Intellect:
1. Stamets, P. (2012). "Turkey Tail: Old Medicine, New Hope." Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, 11(1), 54–59.
- Stamets' exposé weaves a tapestry connecting ancient medicinal wisdom with contemporary insights, shedding light on Turkey Tail's multifaceted potential.
2. Wasser, S. P. (2011). "Current findings, future trends, and unsolved problems in studies of medicinal mushrooms." Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 89(5), 1323–1332.
- Wasser's comprehensive review acts as a meta-analysis, synthesizing the current knowledge landscape of medicinal mushrooms, positioning Turkey Tail within the broader discourse.
3. Sun, J. E., Ao, Z. H., Lu, Z. M., Xu, H. Y., Zhang, X. M., & Dou, W. F. (2002). "Antihyperglycemic and antilipidperoxidative effects of dry matter of culture broth of Inonotus obliquus in submerged culture on normal and alloxan-diabetes mice." Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 95(2-3), 285–292.
- In the realm of metabolic interactions, this study offers a glimpse into the potential implications of Turkey Tail compounds in managing hyperglycemia and lipid peroxidation.
4. Kidd, P. M. (2000). "The use of mushroom glucans and proteoglycans in cancer treatment." Alternative Medicine Review, 5(1), 4–27.
- Kidd's magnum opus serves as a compendium, dissecting the applications of mushroom-derived compounds in cancer therapeutics, providing a nuanced understanding.
Empowering the Community: A Call for Translational Excellence:
Knowledge is a potent elixir, yet its administration demands finesse. As we unlock the mysteries of Turkey Tail Mushroom, let us champion translational excellence, bridging the realms of bench and bedside. Always, without exception, seek the counsel of healthcare professionals, for personalized insights into the delicate interplay of molecular intricacies. Our collective journey extends beyond unraveling the pharmacological nuances; it's a clarion call to empower our community with the technical acumen to navigate the dynamic expanse of cancer research. 🌐💚
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Your musings on this intricately detailed exploration are most welcome!
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
Modern Star Trek has made meaningful advances in the area, with the inclusion of Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) and Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz) and the introduction of characters like Adira Tal (Blu del Barrio) on Star Trek: Discovery. However, nostalgia for 1990s Star Trek can have frustrating results. The third season of Star Trek: Picard, essentially a nostalgic revival of The Next Generation, marginalized its preexisting queer characters and scrapped its central transgender metaphors. However, modern Star Trek also — like a lot of modern fan service- and nostalgia-driven media — struggles to engage meaningfully with its relationship to a complicated history. Modern Star Trek shows tend to treat Rick Berman’s Star Trek shows as a lost and idealized past when everything was perfect. This is perhaps most obvious in the way that these shows fetishize Starfleet, an institution of which The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine were frequently and justifiably critical. That’s why “we are Starfleet” has become something of a mantra for these shows, a way of treating Starfleet as a stand-in for the franchise and its values. However, treating Starfleet as a stand-in for the larger Star Trek franchise, particularly in the context of this 1990s nostalgia, means wrestling with that complicated history in a meaningful way. It is something that Deep Space Nine did regularly but that most of these modern Star Trek shows have been unable to do. “Ad Astra Per Aspera” is an episode the franchise should have made decades ago. This is what makes “Ad Astra Per Aspera” so bracing. It’s an episode that puts the era of the show that Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is so nostalgic for on trial. It’s notable that the first witness is Captain Robert April (Adrian Holmes), not only the first canonical commander of the Enterprise but also one explicitly modeled on Gene Roddenberry. Una protests to her lawyer, Neera Ketoul (“Ketoul” spelling TBA, Yetide Badaki), “What was that? You’re supposed to defend me, not attack Admiral April, not indict the Federation.”
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fortheloveoflatinum · 21 days
Disco Predictions?
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