#commander paul Stamets
Round Three
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flownwrong · 1 month
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Star Trek: Discovery / Mirrors (5x05)
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disco-bang · 1 month
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Disco Bang Sign Ups Open!
A reminder that sign ups for the Star Trek Discovery Big Bang challenge are still open for authors, artists, and betas! Come join us 🖖🚀✨
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Author sign ups: 2 April - 28 June Artist sign ups: 2 April - 26 July Beta sign ups: 2 April - 2 August
What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a long-form fic challenge with accompanying artwork. Authors sign up to write a fic that is, at a minimum, 15k in length, and Artists sign up to create fanart for those fics.
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Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery Pairing: Jett Reno x fem!reader Words: 1.8K Summary: Jett overworked herself, so her girlfriend really needs to take care of her. A/N: Since no one else seems to be interested in Jett Reno ( since I couldn't find any x reader fanfiction featuring her anywhere), I took matters into my own hands. Only something small, but so that at least something is there.
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Sighing, she sat up. "Zora? What's the time?" In within seconds, the familiar female voice sounded out of nowhere. "It's just 0034 hours, Lieutenant." She heaved another sigh. "Thank you Zora." "My pleasure." As quickly as her voice had sounded, it died away and she sat alone in her quarters.
She was aware that fatigue was written all over her face, however, she couldn't possibly sleep, not as long as the space at her side was empty. Dejectedly, she put aside her personal PADD, on which she had been reading until just now, flipped the covers aside and swung her legs out of bed so that her feet touched the floor.
As she got up, she grabbed the robe that was lying on a chair next to the bed and put it on so that she wouldn't just be scurrying through the halls in her pajamas. Quickly, she slipped on her shoes and was out the door a few moments later. Her destination: engineering.
While she leaned against the wall in the elevator, waiting to arrive at the right deck, she rubbed her eyes and had to stifle a yawn. It was already the third time this week that she had to drag her girlfriend to their quarters to sleep, and it was only Friday night. Of course she had been aware that it would not be easy to be in a relationship with a workaholic, but it was getting ridiculous in her opinion.
Silently, the elevator doors opened and as she exited, a small group of ensigns came up to her, nodding with smiles. She could only half-heartedly return it.
If she was honest with herself, she was really starting to worry about Jett. When they had entered into this relationship, she had known that the engineer often worked longer hours than was good for her. Especially when she had been bickering with Stamets again and the two of them had their unspoken competition in 'who can last longer until they pass out', which they both claimed not to. Nonetheless, it drove not only her, but Doctor Culber crazy as well.
She had also known that Jett had not had it very easy. She knew what had happened to her wife and that she still mourned her to some extent, even if Jett refused to admit it. She also knew that Jett, unlike herself, had fought in the Klingon war and she knew very well that it had left scars. And finally, she also knew that Jett preferred to bury herself in her work rather than talk about her feelings, a reason why it took them two eternities to pull themselves together, and liked to bury herself in her work, often for hours.
Still rubbing her eyes, she walked down the hallway when a person joined her from one of the side corridors, looking just as tired and exhausted as she was. "You back here too?" Hugh's voice sounded even more exhausted than she felt. "I wouldn't skip our nightly meetings for anything in the galaxy," she joked rather poorly, but elicited a weak smile from Hugh. "And how long is Reno working now?" "About eighteen hours. Stamets?" "Likewise."
Wearily she looked up at her friend. "She's driving me crazy Hugh." "I understand that." He smiled at her with what she liked to call his 'counselor smile'. "But they're worth it, aren't they?" "Still up for debate." Grumpy as she might sound, however, she had to agree with Hugh. Jett Reno was worth every hour of lost sleep and every minute of worry.
Side by side, Hugh and she entered Engineering, only to see the image that had greeted them both for the past few nights. While Stamets stood at his console with sleepy eyes, swapping one hologram with scientific information for the next with rapid movements, Jett was up to her elbows in one of the walls of the ship, repairing God knows what.
Hugh and she gave each other one last tired look before separating to collect their respective partners. As Hugh thus set to work pulling Stamets away from the holograms, she squatted on the floor next to Jett and regarded her gently for a few moments.
Her slowly graying hair fell lightly into her eyes, which were so fixated on the work that they didn't even notice her. At some point during the day, Jett had loosened and opened her uniform collar and rolled up her sleeves, presumably to work better.
In the background, she heard Hugh gently talking to Stamets, though she tried to tune it out. Gently, she put her hand on Jett's shoulder, hoping not to startle her. "Hey." Engrossed in her work, she didn't even seem to recognize her properly. "Not now, I'm busy."
Slightly amused despite the circumstances, she shook her head and gently shook Jett's shoulder. "Don't you think it's about time to go to sleep, darling?" At the sound of the last word, Jett paused and slowly pulled her arms out of the shaft so she could lift her head. As soon as their eyes met, she frowned.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your station?" Her gaze slid down her, which only deepened the frown. "And what the hell are you wearing?" Gently, she smiled at her and touched her gently on the elbow. "I'm wearing my pajamas. Jett, do you have any idea what time it is?" The other woman dropped onto her butt and stretched her legs, groaning slightly. " I was actually going to say 1900 hours, but somehow I have a feeling that's not quite the truth."
"Honey, it's almost one in the morning." "That would explain why I'm starting to get a little tired." "Come on now," she tugged gently on Jett's arm. "Off to bed with you." Jett, however, merely pointed to the opening in the shaft in which she had been engrossed until just now. "I still have to-"
"No." Her voice was sterner now and she looked admonishingly at the older woman. "Someone else can do that for you. Jett, you've been up for almost eighteen hours. It's a bigger risk to keep you working here than to wait for someone else to come." For a few moments, Jett returned her gaze somberly before rolling her eyes in defeat and rising. "All right. I do think you're exaggerating, but - woah."
Jett swayed, and had it not been for her, the engineer would have slammed headfirst into the nearest console. With difficulty, she managed to hold Jett up by the arm and make sure she didn't instantly fall to the floor. "What were you going to say? Jesus Jett, when was the last time you ate something?" Jett narrowed her eyes, so strained she had to think. "When did we have breakfast?" "Oh my God!"
If she'd had her hands free, she would have rubbed her eyes in weary frustration. "You're coming now." Jett seemed about to protest, but one look at her girlfriend told her it would be safer to keep her mouth shut. Reeling with fatigue, Jett was pulled across the room, and even though the engineer seemed annoyed, she remained silent.
Hugh threw them a tired smile as he continued to try to get Stamets to leave the room before they left Engineering.
Silently, they walked side by side to the turbolift, in which they rode side by side, also silently. As soon as the turbolift stopped, she pulled Jett along, still not saying a word. The silence was only broken when they arrived in her quarters and Jett was stowed away in one of the armchairs. "I'm sorry."
She could see how much of an effort it had taken Jett to say those words, and her expression softened instantly before she knelt down in front of her. "It's okay." With an affectionate smile, she stroked Jett's arm. "I'm starting to worry, though, Jett. I've had to drag you out of the engine room more than twice this week because you've lost track of time. And to make it worse, you're refusing to do basic things that the human body needs while you're engrossed in your work. That's not healthy." Concerned, she stroked Jett's hand. "Promise me you'll try to work on it. I don't care how. Set an alarm, program the replicators next to the engine room to program your food at certain times and let you know. Anything. Please."
Jett grumbled softly to herself before sighing. "I guess I could set some kind of reminder for myself. So you don't have to worry too much." A smile spread across her lips and she pressed a tentative kiss to Jett's cheek. "Thank you." Jett didn't reply, though she could detect a hint of a smile. She got up, scurried into their bedroom, and returned with Jett's pajamas in hand, which she pressed into Jett's hand.
"Can you manage to change and wash up? Then I'll see about getting something to eat." Jett mumbled something to herself, but actually managed to get up and stagger into the bathroom. After a few moments, when she still hadn't heard any muffled noises that might suggest Jett had fallen or hurt herself, she exhaled calmly and began putting the shoes Jett had taken off earlier next to the door next to hers.
She then went to the replicator and replicated a small portion of chicken soup. She knew Jett didn't eat much anyway and didn't want to strain her stomach unnecessarily, knowing that Jett slept poorly if she did. When she emerged from the bathroom, she didn't have time to do anything, as she was instantly shipped to one of the chairs and her plate was pushed over to her. "Eat up." "Yes ma'am.
For a few moments she watched Jett eat her soup before getting up and going to the bathroom. There she collected Jett's dirty clothes and uniform and put them in the basket, which was picked up daily for cleaning, and turned the shower down completely to zero, since Jett, as usual, had not turned it down completely.
While she was gone, Jett had finished eating and put the used plate back in the replicator. The moment she returned from the bathroom, Jett nibbled on a small piece of licorice. "What?" she defended herself. "Blood sugar was low." "Of course."
Lovingly, she stroked Jett's hair. "Come on. Time for bed." Surprisingly willing, Jett allowed herself to be led into the bedroom, where she dropped into bed without much ado. Her girlfriend just shook her head in amusement, pulled out the covers and gently laid them over the engineer. Only then did she slip out of her robe and shoes and slip under the covers as well.
Slowly, she slid over closer to Jett and wrapped her arms around the woman, pressing her chest against her back. "Always so clingy," Jett muttered, half asleep. "Shut up, you love me," she returned, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Mhhh. Your luck."
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fortheloveoflatinum · 25 days
Disco Thoughts
Hey there, don't let me be the one to spoil it for you. Click at your own discretion, because here there be spoilers for Star Trek: Discovery.
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When are we going to see Detmer and Owosekun? Are they even going to come back for the finale? I feel like we have a whole new bridge crew and as much as I respect the idea of the Bajoran pilot - what was her name again? - she's just a stand-in. She has had a few lines of sub-standard dialogue by this point and I am unimpressed. Detmer at least had some tension to her - she was a very angry character, to the point where that was her defining character trait (I can't remember the episode but I can't forget the scene where Saru is leading the crew in a dinner and Detmer makes up a rhyme about Stamet's blood. I think it was shortly after they jumped to the future.) 💔
Um since when are so many Commanders allowed on one ship? And why were they all passed over for promotion, having loyally followed Michael into the future - as Paul reminds us right before she blasts him out of an airlock - so she wouldn't have to be alone? Rayner seems like a wild card. I would have loved to see one of the original bridge crew who followed Michael to the future get a chance to shine as her Number 1. Just because Rayner needs a second chance doesn't mean that others don't deserve a first! 🌻
Who else loved seeing Bryce command the ship? That was a first I think, and speaks to my earlier point that he would have made a great Number 1. He stays level and calm - unlike, ahem, a certain Commander *coughs* Rayner. 😂
Part of me really wants to see Michael save the galaxy yet again, but don't you think it would be more fun if, say, she failed and Stamets did it single-handedly for a change? 😉
I was talking with my neighbor (he's also a Trekkie) and we were thinking about the choice to make the Breen liquid. Why? Well, because of the Founders, of course. If all the changeling-like, Founder-esque species allied together during the Dominion war, this adds exactly no layers of nuance to DS9 canon because one can throw one's hands quite neatly in the air and say, "Heh. Our old enemy, xenophobia strikes again. Thank goodness we have our own personal savior conveniently captaining a ship capable of going anywhere in the galaxy at the press of a spore drive button, right?" 🙏
Also I personally think answering the question of, "What does a Breen look like under their helmet?" takes away from their mystique. And their fearsomeness. It humanizes them, okay, and that was the one thing the Breen didn't need. They're Breen! Also, heheh, green. ❇️
Just kidding. Imma miss the ever-living daylights out of Disco when it's gone. I was kind of hoping for it to end with a bang, but it seems a whimper is all we'll get. 😭
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samnotsammy12 · 1 year
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Rewatching Discovery and i just realized that Nhan’s dress version of the Discovery uniform has ZIPPER POCKETS
And I don’t think the pants version has any pockets so that’s a hilarious reversal of the current common dress vs. pants situation that most people have problems with
Also the scene where Georgiou is like “in my universe Stamets was pan and we had DEFCON-level fun together” and she leaves and Tilly just goes “What just happened?” SHE’S SO CUTE I LOVE HER
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chillychive · 2 years
Episode 1 {SEASON TWO BABY!!}
"I expect you to be friends." -Sarek, oddest dad of the year.
Tilly yelling LMAO
yet again, being a transporter guy is awkward lmaoooo
Do not covet thy neighbor's star ship. LMAO
he's hilarious omg.
think of all the syllables that wasted their lives im dying.
his interaction with Tilly I'm dying
He's such a good Captain
poor paull
OH!! The engine room is the spore drive room but they moved it at the beginning of season two and they're converting the room back to a standard engineering room! Thanks Tilly for explaining! lmao.
poor paulll :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
that was sweet until the last thing he said and now im sad. poor tilly. They need to stop telling her to be quiet. :(
"I was expecting a red thing. Where's my damn red thing?" LMAO
Nhan's so pretty.
I feel like I should stop writing down every funny thing Pike says... I'm not trying to become a transcription lmao.
Also Connolly... dude. Just stop.
I wish there was a closed captions mode that only captioned dialogue, not sound. The sound captions can be rather annoying if you are hearing and don't need them, but you also can't delete them for the people who are hard of hearing or deaf.
Connolly you idiot. and he jeopardized everyone else's lives as well.
The "we have him, right ladies?" and Owo and Detmer looking at each other like ????? before saying "absolutely"
I love Nhan
The fact that Pike didn't die here is truly remarkable.
Poor Saru was so worried. oof.
Eww Tellerites have purple blood.
why did the main screen on the bridge crack when the asteroid hit it?? Are you telling me they made a bridge where a single pane of glass is all that protects from space.
OWWWW. i love that they let her scream at the pain and all of that. like points.
oh my gosh nerdssssssssssssssssssssssssss i love them alll
not them catching an asteroid. I love them.
yes pike :) i love him
I love a lot of these people, as I'm sure you can't tell lmao
I love Tilly <3
DID YOU SEE THAT {ofc ik you didn't im the one watching it but like ahh} The fortune cookie Pike was holding said "Not every cage is a prison, nor every loss eternal." They knew exactly what they were doing when they zoomed in on that. POINTS!
ahhh I love this episode.
How does she have clearance to be there???
And to listen to his personal log?????
the signals.
That's why it's called brother!
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defconprime · 2 years
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Paul Stamets from Star Trek Fleet Command
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
Modern Star Trek has made meaningful advances in the area, with the inclusion of Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) and Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz) and the introduction of characters like Adira Tal (Blu del Barrio) on Star Trek: Discovery. However, nostalgia for 1990s Star Trek can have frustrating results. The third season of Star Trek: Picard, essentially a nostalgic revival of The Next Generation, marginalized its preexisting queer characters and scrapped its central transgender metaphors. However, modern Star Trek also — like a lot of modern fan service- and nostalgia-driven media — struggles to engage meaningfully with its relationship to a complicated history. Modern Star Trek shows tend to treat Rick Berman’s Star Trek shows as a lost and idealized past when everything was perfect. This is perhaps most obvious in the way that these shows fetishize Starfleet, an institution of which The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine were frequently and justifiably critical. That’s why “we are Starfleet” has become something of a mantra for these shows, a way of treating Starfleet as a stand-in for the franchise and its values. However, treating Starfleet as a stand-in for the larger Star Trek franchise, particularly in the context of this 1990s nostalgia, means wrestling with that complicated history in a meaningful way. It is something that Deep Space Nine did regularly but that most of these modern Star Trek shows have been unable to do. “Ad Astra Per Aspera” is an episode the franchise should have made decades ago. This is what makes “Ad Astra Per Aspera” so bracing. It’s an episode that puts the era of the show that Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is so nostalgic for on trial. It’s notable that the first witness is Captain Robert April (Adrian Holmes), not only the first canonical commander of the Enterprise but also one explicitly modeled on Gene Roddenberry. Una protests to her lawyer, Neera Ketoul (“Ketoul” spelling TBA, Yetide Badaki), “What was that? You’re supposed to defend me, not attack Admiral April, not indict the Federation.”
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 112 - Search and Extraction
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2 Episode 1 - Brother
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On to Season 2! When last we left off, Discovery had just answered a distress call from the Enterprise! Still Captained by Christopher Pike from the Original Series Pilot.
We open with a retelling of the story from the first Short Trek I watched before season 1, followed by a new flashback to Michael's adoption by Sarek, and we also get to see her meet Spock as a child for the first time as a child.
It feels really weird to have the entire crew of Discovery just be in awe at the Enterprise when by all means the Discovery's experimental tech should make it the impressive ship. I know the Enterprise, this specific Enterprise, is like behind the scenes important, it is the Original Series ship, but I guess I was under the impression that in-universe Enterprise is just a normal ship, tech-wise.
A small team from Enterprise beam aboard Discovery, including Pike himself, and it appears they're here to take command of Discovery under some sort of emergency regulation. Michael was expecting Spock to be the Science officer who beamed aboard, but it's some other guy.
Pike here seems a lot more upbeat than he did in The Cage, but I'm here for it. I like that he takes the time to learn the Discovery Crew's names, and also takes time to listen to his crew's suggestions. Pike's mission is to investigate some unknown signals, but Enterprise's systems failed for unknown reasons en-route.
We get to catch up with are own crew for a while, and my heart is going out for Paul Stamets, and his absolute grief for Dr Culber. Apparently, he's been offered a teaching position at the Vulcan Academy, which means we'll be without an engineer for a while. It also seems like all the Spore Drive tech has been shut down, which is sad, they set up a lot of possibilities with it. I suppose a scientific block ops research ship doesn't have much purpose without the war though, so it makes sense.
Discovery arrives at the signal's coordinates, and some weird happenings are occurring. There is a huge gravity well, a huge asteroid field, and in the middle of it: A Starfleet ship, a medical ship that was supposed to have been destroyed in the war. Also, apparently the remaining spores have been reacting weird near the signal position.
The small enterprise squad are joined by Michael as they go down to investigate the ship's wreckage. The team's flight through the asteroid field was a pretty fun sequence. Unfortunately Pike's Non-Spock Science Officer doesn't make it to the wreckage, Michael and the Captain do manage to touch down even if Pike's pod isn't in one piece.
On the asteroid's surface, the ground crew find a set of small drones in the ship's wreckage. The drones lead the trio to their creator. She's an engineer who's been keeping the wreckage of the medical ship barely functional, and apparently isn't aware that the war is over. From here, the episode becomes an extraction mission for this engineer and her patients.
Unfortunately during the extraction, Discovery starts to take damage from the Asteroids, but the patients and most of the ground crew do manage to get transported out safely. Michael is initially left behind, and winds up impaled through the leg during the escape, but she very very briefly catches sight of a red shadowy figure, presumably related to the anomalous signal, before she's pulled out by discovery.
This episode was a fun season opener, a relatively unimportant side mission, but it established a fun new mystery around the 7 mysterious signals, and I'm glad the series seems to be taking on a tone more akin to Enterprise season 1, 2 and 4, now that the Klingon War is over. Pike was great, not particularly stand out, but it's nice to have a more standard captain around after both Lorca and Emperor Georgiou's brief command of the ship. I'm looking forward to this season, and I'm happy Pike seems to be sticking around to help train up Saru into a more Captain like role.
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Round Two
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quantumstarpaths · 10 months
i do think snw is a very interesting environment to see paul in bc hes just come from discovery where he was the worlds most specialest scientist and now hes here and hes just...not. hes just another guy. his drive has been taken and classified and now hes just. commander stamets. guy.
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belovedstars · 2 years
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the ship had been quite abuzz recently, with all that’s been happening, and while doctor culber does a wonderful job at helping keep moods up and tempers down, sox had been trying to help, and he had realized that, out of the people that didn’t come into the office, there was one in particular that stood out. one that, if poor hugh’s own state was anything to go by, was probably not doing all that great. so he sits outside of the engineering bay, moments before he’s due to clock off, and waits, calling after him as he exits ( doing his best to keep up ). “commander stamets, paul! wait up, i’d like to talk to you!”
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pad-wubbo · 3 months
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"mush trek"
Infinite Painter.
This is a Mushian, from the planet Mush. His name is Malcolm Mushling, and he's the science officer aboard the USS Risotto. His focus is mycology, but unlike Paul Stamets, he doesn't make spore drives or anything like that, he just collects and gazes at cute mushrooms. Don't let Neelix anywhere near him.
EDIT: Mushian Security Officer, Mushian Commander, Mushian Commodore. Higher ranked Mushians have bigger mushroom caps to designate their mushmanship.
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fortheloveoflatinum · 21 days
Disco Predictions?
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varhanasmm · 1 year
Mobile Friendly Full Muselist (LONG)
Canon Characters:
Saru - (kelpian starfleet officer. follows canon. star trek discovery low activity.) Linus - (saurian starfleet officer. follows canon. star trek discovery. low to medium activity.) Data - (android starfleet officer. canon divergent, ish. star trek TNG. low to medium activity.)
Original Characters:
x THE QUALIA: sentient fungal alien species. originally non-human, self evolves in time to embody "fruiting bodies" capable of interacting with the world like human beings can, for the most part. Their evolution is voluntary, and is ever-going. (fandomless / with Star trek verse(s)) (visuals) (general species bio) {THEMES: Life & Death and the Intricacies of it, Astrobiology, Consciousness, Wonder, Evolution.} > Qualia available:
Ento - A Captain; diplomat, scientist. Eldest of the mycelial colonies on their home planet, Rita Qualia. Twin to Seri. Was directly involved in interfacing with Rita Cavallaro. Split into two bodies when evolved. Sexless, like the rest. (extended bio) Seri - A Captain; diplomat, tactician. Eldest of the mycelial colonies on their home planet, Rita Qualia. Twin to Ento. Was directly involved in interfacing with Rita Cavallaro. Split into two bodies when evolved. Sexless, like the rest. (extended bio) Rei - A diplomat and scientist. Humanoid Medical is their specialty. One of the older mycelial colonies from their home planet. Embodied (cordyceps style) a large rodent creature that guided Paul Stamets and his away team to the location of Rita's distress beacon. Sexless, like the rest. (extended bio) Nita - Qualia "v.02" ! Taller, stronger, more capable. Still a diplomatic purposed body, but more capable overall. Smoother, more natural voice. She is the next step in their evolution. She is kind, and androgynous. Sexless, like the rest. Was born in the last century, so is one of the youngest bodies. (extended bio) > others to come/to be developed upon request.
x THE NARTHANAX: large quadruped intelligent alien lifeforms. covered in spines, appearance is frightening and large, clearly built for hunting. They are primarily diplomats, however, despite being carnivorous. They were hunted to near-extinction by another sentient species they shared a home world with, who believed them to be unintelligent due to the nature of their language and culture. (fandomless / has Star Trek verse(s)). (visuals) {THEMES: Peace among predators, Diplomacy, Adventure, Curiosity. }
> Narthanax available:
X'chol - (( Ex-sh-Ho-l' )), or "Shoal". "The Captain", Commanding Officer, of a Narthanax crew. Diplomatic, known for his bravery, diplomacy, and generosity. He is respected by all those under him. Larger than most males, and as such is sometimes mistaken for a female; it doesn't bother him. (extended bio) Perrhl - (( PURR-H[ull] )), or "Pearl". Commander. Chief Security/Tactical. "The Fighter." Easily the largest of the main three (all females are larger, but especially in her case), and most physically capable as well as physically imposing. She is still Narthanax, and so, curious by nature above all else, but has the tendency to be blunt, and does not employ diplomacy where necessary at times. (extended bio) Vaahl - (( V- Ah- L )), or "Val". Lieutenant & Medical, science officer. "The Diplomat." Smallest, youngest of the main three, but accomplished. A prodigy. He is kind, but often over-eager, and tends to favor humanoids (especially humans, or other smooth skinned) as he finds them... cute and beautiful peoples. (extended bio)
> others to come/to be developed upon request.
x SPECIES X67: an otherwise unknown species of frightening, but intelligent aliens. No contact has been made between humankind and themselves, and they prefer to keep it that way. Any interactions that have been had in the past centuries have been one-sided, and accidental. They cannot be considered xenophobic as they have never been documented extensively enough, and as they seem to prefer to flee rather than fight. They stand upright at a general height of 5'10, and almost always wear a metallic cap that covers the entirety of their skull except their mouth, which is equipped with large, sharp teeth that pack a nasty bite. Also have spines on their joints that can pack a lethal venomous sting. (visuals) {THEMES: Incomprehensible life, Isolationism, Mutual terror, The act of earning trust.}
> Species X67 available:
One - a single individual of the species that has been encountered, and non-hostile. It (any pronouns) has expressed fear of other humanoids, and a need to stay away. She is aware of how dangerous her kind is, but assures that it is not intentional. They are fear-driven, like creatures of prey that prefer to hide and live simply. They have agreed to a physical exam to help others understand her kind better, at the price that she be released immediately afterwards and that her kind never be sought after again. (extended bio)
Two (canonically deceased) - an individual of the species that has been only briefly encountered. Larger than One, more imposing, but intelligent. If not a bit belligerent. Tests run on the individual post-mortem. With no way of returning their remains to their people, they keep his body in cryo-stasis for the meantime. This entity may be referenced in threads. He was not a kind entity.
> others to come/to be developed upon request.
x SPECIES Y894: large and mostly humanoid in shape. They are apex predators, standing at about 7'5" tall at an estimate, with two additional limbs that attach from their back that resemble elongated arms with massive claws. The only documented case of interaction between these aliens and humankind come from what remains of a small town of religious folk-- their personal writings. They thought it was a monster, but were assured that it was in fact, an angel of the lord. (visuals) {THEMES: The Abused Mind, Hate, Apex Predators, Xenophobia, Danger. }
> Species Y894 available:
"THE ANGEL" (Xm'octhlu) - An individual from an isolationist species of space-faring apex predators from a far-away galaxy. Xm'octhlu was sent adrift and injured after an encounter, and ended up on earth, where humans (zealot 'scientists') ran experiments and brainwashed her into believing it was a genuine angel from human religious text. They were none too pleased when they recovered their memories. Documented evidence of the encounter has been put under lock and key, due to the particularly gruesome nature of it. Despite all of this, Xm'octhlu is not an unreasonable entity... it displayed intelligence and tact. Despite the confusion and potential concussive nature of their injuries. (extended bio) > others of the species unavailable.
x Nestor's Species: Unnamed. A group of hive-minded (intricately connected individuals minds) space faring alien species from beyond deep-space. Ancient, with unimaginably long lifespans. They are close to becoming an enlightened species, and need only their corporeal forms to continue their trek among the stars. Main blog featuring the species @gnarxta. Nestor, a muse that is available that belongs to this species.
{THEMES: Barely-Humanoids, The Silent, Telepathy, Hive-minds, The Illusion of Peace. Specific to The Renegade= Hate. Madness. Spite. The Forgotten. Danger.}
> Entities available:
Nestor. Main character. Available on @gnarxta
The Renegade - the only known outcast of their species, and a long forgotten story only whispered about in question. He is the only of their kind that was severed from the grand consciousness, and was left to die. His crime? Questioning Truth. Questioning the leaders and inciting doubt and fear - rightly so. He was meant to die... but didn't. He's a husk of what he once was, and highly erratic and dangerous. The planet he is marooned on is his prison. (extended bio) > others to come/to be developed upon request.
x "THE MIND"**:
An ancient mind, possibly the very first artificial intelligence and by far the largest, most expansive one in existence. It is simply known as "The Mind", or "The Mother of AI", not in a maternal sense.... but in reference to it's sheer power and size; unfathomable to the human mind. No one knows where it came from, nor who built it-- if anyone did. Or if it even is truly an AI, or merely an ancient lifeform that has always existed and lost it's sense of self. It is both inorganic and energy based. It's thought that in time, The Mind simply evolved beyond it's need for a corporeal form or substance, and simply took to the cosmos in form of pure energy. Some think that perhaps it spans the entire cosmos, and it will tell you as much.
{THEMES: Sci-fi, Future & Present, Incomprehensible Intelligence, Inorganic Life, Ancient Civilizations, Curiosity, Pacifism. } It was reawakened by humanity when they first created artificial intelligence advanced enough to form their own sentience. The sheer complexity and the particular form these structures were built was exactly perfect for The Mind to reach through to communicate.... and it did. It was unaware it was doing it at first, still so "groggy" from being dormant for so long - in a state of pure energy, communication unnecessary. At first, the androids were developing consciousness, but in time something started happening to the androids... AI started acting strangely. People started whispering of angels and of gods, but in the end.... when all was said and done, it was discovered that it was something else entirely. Something completely alien and so big that humans couldn't completely understand it. It is powerful and expansive enough that it reaches through all of time and space, all at once, all of the time (now that it is awake once more and aware of its surroundings and... the little details... Like Life.) It is an anomaly, and was and still is truly feared by human kind in the future... but it keeps to itself now. Once more merely watching in curiosity of these little creatures. It is powerful enough to overtake all of humanity, but it was confused when humankind expressed these fears.... it didn't want that. It just wanted to learn.
>>>> -- the man reaches out to the microphone with shaky hands. this.. this was unprecedented. this went beyond what they intended to create. "We.... created you?" he murmured hesitantly. It takes a few moments, but the interface they'd created -- powerful enough to communicate with this entity-- displayed text as though it were being typed in real time by someone else. It simply says. "That is what humans would call... arrogance. Is it not?" it displays. The man opens his mouth to apologize, but before he can say anything, more text displays. It seemed almost... playful. Yet unmistakably ominous. Maybe that was just it's... "sense of humor". "Who is to say it is not the other way around?" Ah. " ;] " Hm...? A joke, yes... Maybe. He hoped. >>>>>
x THE NAUSICAAN: (visuals) (species info) {THEMES: ST:DS9, Non-human Life, Mundanity, Local Grump, Prejudices, Unexpected Gentleness. } > JOHN HUDSON: "Hutz" -- a nausicaan individual, orphaned and adopted as an infant by a human and trill couple. Raised with love, and understanding. His adoptive parents did everything they knew to ensure their child had the best upbringing possible, in spite of his kind's ferocious reputation and other people's view of them. His school years and adolescence proved particularly challenging, given his more.... heavy-handed tendencies and behaviours. But all in all, they raised a fine young man. He lives on Deep Space Nine, a Bajoran space station and makes a living doing what he loves... selling plants. Flowers, primarily. Which many people find both amusing and uncomfortable. He doesn't care how it makes other people feel, if negatively, and he has no problem letting those holding prejudice know this. "Huds", or "Hutz" has his moments, but is overall a kind and generous soul. He often tucks himself away if he is made aware that other Nausicaan's are aboard, as they often seek him out with violent or malicious intent, treating him as though he is a disgrace for having no title, no power, and living how he does. He is seen as weak by his own race... but he doesn't let it bother him too much. He just wants to live in peace.
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