just like a silly little rant bc I feel gaslighted sometimes
I seriously hate how like there will be the most bbgist, jaw dropping, toe curling, making me scream without the s, making me giggle and kick my legs in bed as I watch the screen, making me think I'm having a fever because I get so excited to see them on screen character just to go on Tumblr and search up the character x reader to see like almost no posts and the two posts I don't even like because the reader is so y/n coded... Like it makes me so mad bro 😭
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Reblog if you love AO3 and appreciate their volunteers who are working harder than God, fighting battle after battle, making sure the place that is a safe space for every fandom is staying up and running for all of us
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Hi! I just saw Discovery (Season 5) and there’s this new character that I’m obsessed with, Commander Rayner :) I won’t say anything about the plot, just in case you haven’t watched the season yet, but if you have, I need a fanfiction of him, because there’s NONE, and the man is SO HOT!!
Maybe a Rayner x Reader?? He’s kinda an asshole that only cares about the mission at hand, so maybe he’s being an asshole to the reader, and then she gets mad (or they, whatever you prefer) and he has to apologize?? I love a good groveling 🤭
I would love that! If you’re not comfortable writing this, then I completely understand, just ignore this request then.
But if you do write it, please tag me, I don’t want to miss it for anything in the world!!
Have a nice day!
Yeah, you're right. Ufortunately I haven't been able to watch the fifth season yet, since I don't have Paramount +, so I will have to wait until it comes out on Blueray or DVD.
However he does sound interesting, so if I write something for him, I will definetely tag you :)
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My dear Indi, I need your expertise !
Do you have any ideas or headcanons for Andorian outfits, from lighter to warmer? What would they look like in general, what texture is most appreciated or considered fashionable ?
Thanks ! 💙
Hello Zier! Let's see what I can do for you! Fair warning, this one is going to be image-heavy.
For the most part, Andorian fashion in my headcanons isn't unified. Different folks prefer to wear different things, same as Humans, but there are broader elements that are quite common.
Firstly, we know from ENT and subsequent appearances in the modern Treks that Andorians tend to wear a lot of leather, often embossed or tooled to have a particular sort of feel. The samples below from Discovery give me powerful 2009-2013 Gareth Pugh vibes.
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Beyond that, the only other time we see Andorians is when they're in Imperial Guard or Starfleet uniforms, which mostly just gives an overall impression of leather, suede, and future-kevlar.
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The Andorian ambassador in "Terra Prime" had a very different feel from these, of course, and that shiny outer robe ultimately inspired Thoris' official get-up.
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By contrast, some super early screen tests and comic book depictions for everyday Andorians look rather different, however. We've got draping fabrics, robes, tunics, some thigh high boots, and what looks like bits of armoured studding and chainmail. That's quite the departure from the other depictions!
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And then, of course, we have Shran's post-Imperial Guard coat. This one gets its own mention, because that coat is fabulous.
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Honestly, this isn't a lot to work with. It's better than nothing, of course, but the different depictions feel very disjointed and all over the place. There's no sense of unity in the designs across the board.
So, from there I looked to real-world fashion to help me build a better idea of what I wanted my Andorians to actually look like outside of a uniform. As much as their depictions would lead us to believe that Andorians have an oddly prevalent leather kink, that's really not practical. Leather is a useful material, and certainly a heavily carnivorous population would end up with quite a lot of it, but surely that can't be everything they wear. So, I started looking around for things that felt like they fit the vague aesthetic we were given to work with.
Below are some samples from the ungodly huge pinterest board I keep for ideas and references for Andorian fashion. I think these mostly hit all the key notes for my headcanons.
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A lot of these images are very bland in terms of colour, particularly by Andorian standards, but I think you should be able to see what I've drawn inspiration from.
What I ended up with was a combination of future-fashion elements, and influences from places like Japan and India - with a heavy slant towards using leather, silk, velvet and occasionally soft, drapey fabrics. Heavy ornamentation, such as embroidery, is very common but lacework on clothing is actually quite unusual. Andorians tend to find it catches on their chitin and tears too often to be worth the fuss.
In particular, I really like the idea of layers, off-set or asymmetrical necklines, and elements of structural/architectural fashion for Andorians. Tooled leather is very popular, as well.
Another detail about Andorian fashion that I've mentioned a few times in other posts is that they like to show off their chitin patterns. Often this is done using leather as the medium, but embroidery is also a perfectly acceptable option. Often times, these articles of clothing (usually outerwear but not always) will have a Clan sigil somewhere on it as well, but it's not at all a requirement. These practices accomplish a couple of different things:
Firstly, it offers prospective playmates a tantalising 'preview' of what's underneath. Andorians are not shy about these things, nor do they understand why aliens think they should be. Some Andorians find particular types of chitin patterns very attractive, while some are averse to partners with what they perceive to be too much or too little chitin - or worse, chitin patterns that are far too similar to their own, which would suggest a shared lineage somewhere.
Secondly, it shows off Clan affiliations, especially for Clan members who were not born with their Clan's 'typical' chitin pattern. (Married individuals will often wear things that show their affiliation to both their birth Clan and their marriage Clan, as well, though these are usually ornamental items such as jewellery or hair pieces.)
Thirdly, wearing one's Clan affiliations stamped on their sleeves can sometimes serve as a conflict deterrent. Some Clans are just not worth picking a fight with, and knowing who's who ahead of time instead of after someone says something spectacularly stupid tends to save lives. Since the Unification, the need for these sorts of deterrents has dropped substantially, but it's never entirely gone from Andorian society.
This is not to say that I imagine that all Andorians wear the same things. Being able to express individual preferences is very important, especially in a society where most other individualistic pursuits are seen as counter-productive to the harmony and unity of a community.
Shral, for example, deviates from the norm by preferring dark colours and minimal ornamentation. To other Andorians, his sartorial choices are almost conspicuously bland. On the other end of the spectrum, Thelen adores vivid colours - neon oranges, shocking yellows, acid greens - and fully embraces the bombastic colour palettes his people are known for. Thoris is doomed to be trapped in billowing robes he'd much rather burn in a steel drum behind the embassy under cover of darkness, but he prefers layered tunics, boots, and breeches that don't inhibit his movement. Vrath is in the middle of the road, favouring bold colours and practical clothing but never quite able to resist bits of ornamentation that give her wealthy Tha'an Clan allegiance away. Miraal, on the other hand, adore soft, draping fabrics and wears very little leather, or any other similarly heavy materials, and she prefers to wear minimal ornamentation so as not to distract from her wares.
In terms of seasonal clothing, Andorians can tolerate very broad rangers of temperatures, and they have thermal regulators built into much of their clothing. They can get away with quite a lot, in terms of weather, but a heavily cultivated sense of caution generally prevents them from wandering out into surface conditions wearing anything less than full winter gear - though, naturally, their idea of full winter gear is rather lighter than what a Human would go in for. In extreme heat, Andorians have no problem wearing as little as possible - often to the consternation of other species who do not share their total lack of nudity taboos.
Regarding colours, I headcanon that much like how Vulcans view green as a traditional mating colour owing to the hue of their blood, and Humans view red much the same way, so too do Andorians with the colour blue. Just wearing blue alone isn't an invitation for anything, but it is very noticeable and considered a very attractive colour. Wearing a particularly fetching shade of blue while lurking in a bar and being very noticeably single, however...
Andorian silk is a luxury item, one one in high demand. Made from cocoons harvested from a domesticated relative of the infamous Andorian ice borers, it's ten times stronger than Terran silk, rendering it resistant to slashing and piercing damage. It can be woven into heavy brocades or crafted into a diaphanous, organza-like material, or blended with other fibres. It almost always has a slight iridescent or even metallic shine to it, a highly coveted property, and it is ludicrously expensive.
Hope this helps! <3
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Quick addition:
In German, all the nouns are capitalised. "I" is not.
"Mein Gott" ~ "My god." "Aber ich bin hier." ~ "But I'm here."
Okay, I've seen this done wrong often now, so a quick guide to the beautiful German language especially regarding nicknames.
It's rather easy in ENglish, because you can use every nickname, like "my love" or "my darling" for every person of every sex. IN Germany, that is unfortunately a bit more complicated, because in Germany we gender everything. The door is feminine, the table masculine, the pig neutral and so on and so on. Because of that we adapt our words, especially possesive pronouns.
Just, a quick example, below is a table with all the different ways to say "my".
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In German we change the pronoun or "adapt" it regarding the "genus" (gender), Numerus (number) and "Fall" (cause). There are four cases in the German language, Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ.
I won't explain them all, because that would be too difficult. However, this is why it's not enough to put "my" in Google translate. Or just "love". You can't translate things word for word into another language, you need context [btw don't use Google translate. It's really not that good]
"My love" [as in, the feeling I feel]
[My love for him...]
"Meine Liebe"
[Meine Liebe für ihn....]
"My love" (as a nickname)
"Meine Liebe" (addressing someone of the female gender)
"Mein Lieber" (addressing someone of the male gender)
However "Liebe/Lieber" is not necessarily the best way to translate it, because it's more like a "my dear". You can go with "Meine Liebste/Mein Liebster" but that's very old-fashioned, like 19th century kind of old-fashioned.
What I also often find is "Liebchen" (though I've never seen it written correctly". It's alright I guess, but I personally have never heard someone say it.
Yes, "Honig" is the german word for "honey" but noone calls their s/o that?! At least I've never heard of it. Just do your research, please
Another important thing when writing about a German character:
Like in many languages, like French for example, there are two ways to directly address one person:
The informal way "Du"
And the formal way "Sie".
Unless your two characters are in a working relationship and suddendly declare their love, don't ever use "Ich liebe Sie." That's like saying "I love you Sir/Madame." If your characters know each other informaly, adress each other with first name etc. it's ALWAYS "Ich liebe dich."
Please, if you write for a character, that speaks a language you don't, translate everything in context, even if you only need one word. Don't use Google Translate. If you can, ask native speakers. I can asure you, most are happy to help.
I am, if anybody has questions regarding translations. It just makes the whole reading expirience more pleasant and makes you look like a better writer.
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My sole reactions to The Underworld Saga
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Shout out to that asshole that is the reason why I only fall in love with the weird alien characters.
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Aww, thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️ I'm Happy you liked it so much. And I will gladly tag you in Future stories ☺️
Christmas Bakery
Pairing: Koval x fem! Reader (3rd POV) Fandom: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Words: 1.8K Summary: Koval learns about this so called "Christmas baking" that his wife seems to love A/N: A little sequel to "Romulan Summer". You don't need to read this to understand this one
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Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. A page was turned. The occasional beep of a PADD confirming the entered entry as saved and sent.
For the past hour she had been sitting curled up together with a book in her hand in the only chair in Koval's office, apart from the chair in which her husband had been sitting and working for several hours. She had joined him, having grown tired of the emptiness in their room, and since he had promised not to mind, she had made herself comfortable in the soft velvet cushion.
She didn't mind that they hadn't exchanged a word with each other in the past hour. In fact, she enjoyed the silence, something her former self would probably never have thought. In the past, she had always found silence unpleasant, especially when other people were present in the room, and had done everything she could to make that silence disappear. With Koval, however, it seemed different to her. The silence was now no longer heavy and oppressive on her shoulders, but wrapped her much more like a soft, light blanket and made her forget everything around her as long as Koval's steady breathing could still be heard. Of course, she loved to lose herself in quiet conversations as much as heated discussions with Koval, but she had learned to appreciate the silence.
A knock, however, abruptly interrupted the silence and made her look up. Koval, his eyes still fixed on the display of his PADD, barely raised his voice, but the dark humming sound reached behind the thick door and, with his permission, the doors slid aside to reveal Cetax, one of the kitchen staff.
He was still quite young for a Romulan at forty, yet his family had served Koval's family for centuries, so he had already made it very high in his position, organising and leading the kitchen staff. His hair was dark and slightly longer than the military cut she was used to from Koval and his "colleagues", and although his posture was tight and his features seemed like a mask at times, the mischief lived in his dark eyes.
With a quick movement, he bowed. "Forgive the interruption, Dhaemnasi, however your wife asked me to inform her when her order has arrived in the kitchen." At his words, Koval finally looked up from his PADD and raised an eyebrow as she straightened, peaceful calm replaced by anticipation. "Then it's here?" Cetax nodded slightly. "Daie, Ihhei." A delighted squeal escaped her, which she struggled to suppress, clapping her hands enthusiastically before abandoning her book on the table beside the armchair and leaping to her feet.
Koval rose as well. "E'lev, what is Cetax talking about?" She smiled a little sheepishly. "It's winter on Earth right now and I used to do a lot of baking with my family and friends at this time of year. Biscuits, sweets, things like that. It's a tradition and I was hoping to continue it here this year. That's why I had asked Cetax months ago to get me the necessary ingredients." Koval again just raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly to the side. "I didn't know you could bake."
She snorted in amusement. "That's because you never let me in the kitchen for fear I'll burn the house down." "I just don't want you to get hurt." She smiled widely, stepped towards him and put a hand to his cheek. Behind her, she heard Cetax shift uneasily from one foot to the other and had to stop her smile from widening. Humans could already be uncomfortable showing tenderness and affection for their mate in front of outsiders. Romulans took this to an even greater extreme, so she dismissed him with a wave of her hand behind her back.
"I know that, darling." Lovingly she caressed his cheek with her hand and for a moment Koval allowed himself to close his eyes. "However, I long for those little things that have been normality for me. I also promise that this time you won't have to call Doctor Onduk." It was meant as a joke, however Koval's face remained serious.
"You could have seriously hurt yourself, e'lev." "I know," she murmured, looking down only to feel his hand run through her hair a moment later. "Promise you'll be more careful this time." She looked up, a slight smile on her lips, and nodded as her fingers traced his. "Promise." Gently, she touched his fingertips to his, bringing back the old familiar feeling of warmth and affection she usually felt when she kissed him in this way. Her smile grew a little bolder. "Unless, of course, you drop your incredibly important work and come with me to make sure the oven doesn't devour me."
She had joked, assuming that Koval would roll his eyes in amusement and let her go to the kitchen. Instead, he considered for a moment, switched off his PADD and quickly brought her hand to his mouth to press a kiss to its back. "By all means, lead the way, Ihhei." Her eyes widened. "Really? You would really stand in the kitchen with me and bake?" Koval smiled slightly, amused, and put a hand on her hip, pulling her close enough to feel his hot breath on her neck and whisper in her ear. "You don't think you're the only one with hidden talents, e'lev. Besides, I'm the only one who gets to devour you."
She grinned at him, blushing though, and turned to place a hand on his chest. "Oh, I know you have many talents, husband. Anything else would have been rather disappointing from the Chairman of the Tal'Shiar, don't you think?" Chuckling, she pressed a light kiss to his lips before taking his hand, careful not to look too scandalous to the servants, and pulled him after her to the kitchen.
Once there, they found that Cetax had already ordered all the kitchen staff to clear the kitchen so they could have their peace. Clever man. With great interest, she began to unpack the contents of the large box that stood on the kitchen island and examine it for imperfections and damage, only to find with satisfaction that everything was in tact. Koval had stayed in the background the entire time, quietly watching her as she inspected the ingredients. Only when she had finished did he detach himself from the shadows, as he often did, and step up beside her, a thin smile on his lips and an eyebrow raised. "And how do we proceed, Chef?" She looked up at him and slapped him gently and jokingly against the arm. "Like any good cook starts. Wash your hands." "Ssuaj-ha, Rekkhai."
Laughing, she pushed him to the sink where, under her watchful eye, he cleaned his hands, perhaps a little more thoroughly than necessary, only to step aside and ask her to go to the sink. She quickly washed her hands in contrast, knowing full well that hands had a very different meaning in Romulan culture than in human, and wanting Koval to stay on task, she then hurried to the kitchen cupboard from which she had taken out two beige kitchen aprons. She tied one around herself and threw the other to Koval, who caught it with equal ease and scepticism. "Really? Is that really necessary?"
She just grinned and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Yes. It will protect your clothes and besides, you'll look wonderful in it." Without giving him another look, she turned to the ingredients. She decided to start with the basic starter biscuits, which were plain and simple, but unbelievably delicious. She quickly gathered the ingredients and placed them on the work surface. Koval had meanwhile stepped next to her, she had been right, he looked wonderful in an apron, and was looking intently at the ingredients in front of them when his gaze caught on something. "What purpose does this serve?"
Confused, he held several biscuit cutters in the air, which came in a variety of shapes, and she chortled softly. "We won't need these until later. They're for cutting out the dough to give the biscuits a shape." Koval meanwhile inspected a cookie cutter in the shape of a reindeer. " I didn't realise a circle wasn't enough." Smiling, she rolled her eyes and took the biscuit cutter from him. "They do taste the same in each shape, however, it does add a certain sense of ... festivity." "I see." He sounded unimpressed, however she hadn't expected more from him. "Why don't you go and get a bowl, the whisk and the scales from the cupboard, will you?"
Koval complied with her request, though he again seemed sceptical. "We have new-fangled technologies. Why use the old ones when the new ones are better and more precise." Sighing, she took the whisk from his hand and waved it under his nose. "Because otherwise it won't feel like winter and Christmas." After that, her husband remained silent and together they weighed the ingredients they needed and added them to the large bowl. However, when it came to mixing, Koval insisted on doing the work, justifying it by saying that he was stronger and had more stamina and so would finish the job faster. He did not want to hear her protest that it was not about speed but about feeling.
Koval was right and a few moments later the yellowish dough lay rolled out and ready to be cut out in front of them. Although Koval's scepticism was clearly written on his face, every now and then, when he thought she wasn't looking, she caught him with an amused smile spreading across his lips as he stabbed the cookie cutter into the dough and produced little fir trees, Santas and candy canes.
Gingerly, she slid the tray with the finished cut-out biscuits into the oven, quickly closed the door and then turned to Koval. "So, was that so bad now?" The corners of Koval's mouth twitched, he stepped towards her and put his hands on her hips. "It was ... acceptable." Outraged and amused at the same time, she braced her hands on her hips. "Acceptable? How can you ...." With her hand she reached for some leftover flour and before Koval could react she had already smeared it over his face and was on the run, laughing as she ran out of the kitchen.
For a few seconds, Koval stood dumbfounded in the kitchen, gazing after his wife, before an almost devilish smile crept onto his lips and he stood up, eyes wide with amusement, before following after her.
Needless to say, it was ultimately Cetax's job to keep the biscuits from burning and to clean up the kitchen and get everything ready for decorating, albeit with a small smile on his face. Which was perhaps due to the fact that one biscuit had mysteriously disappeared at the end.
Dhaemnasi - Adress fort the Chairman oft the Tal’Shiar Daie – yes (inferior to superior) Ihhei – madame E’lev – darling Ssuaj-ha – Understood (formal/military use, inferior to superior) Rekkhai – ma’am / sir (in galea [military])
@bigblissandlove1 @akamitrani
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x reader should be (and, generally speaking, often is) the most accepting fanfiction space because its consistently, and almost exclusively an expression or fantasy of being desired or wanted or wanting—or in an even more basic sense, considered. even if you dont explicitly self-insert, even if there’s a an oc thats just you but better or a faceless insert u make - it starts with the same premise. which is wanting to be seen or desired by some extension of who you are. or wanting to fantasize explicitly about a life that isn’t yours, any life but yours. its admitting more openly than other mediums—i want someone to want some part of me. to take interest in me sexually or romantically or platonically. i want this element of myself to be considered or thought of. sometimes that is accomplished through writing, and sometimes that is accomplished through reading and seeking to bits of yourself in other peoples. the other half is having space to want and yearn for something else. how liberating it is to admit that you’d like to be somewhere else.
and it is hardly a flawless medium and im really, really simplifying it but i do think that there is something uniquely enjoyable and freeing about it. i want agency in the stories i love. i want my presence to haunt this fiction like a ghost. i want to be loved, i want to be interesting. i want to experience hundreds of lives that aren’t mine. i want i want i want. this a story of you. this is a story of me.
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🫂 Character/s you'd like to be friends with
There are many good ones to be honest
OOO uhhhh I gotta say Major Kira and Odo! <3 I love them sm. I just started Ds9, and I love them already!!
(Ofc basically everyone, but those are my top two!)
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You're welcome I guess? And don't worry, it's Not that bad, it's just a bit exhausting to read as a native speaker. And if that mistake happens in every second sentence, I start to loose interest even if the story itself is good.
But like I said, if you ever need something, just tell :)
Okay, I've seen this done wrong often now, so a quick guide to the beautiful German language especially regarding nicknames.
It's rather easy in ENglish, because you can use every nickname, like "my love" or "my darling" for every person of every sex. IN Germany, that is unfortunately a bit more complicated, because in Germany we gender everything. The door is feminine, the table masculine, the pig neutral and so on and so on. Because of that we adapt our words, especially possesive pronouns.
Just, a quick example, below is a table with all the different ways to say "my".
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In German we change the pronoun or "adapt" it regarding the "genus" (gender), Numerus (number) and "Fall" (cause). There are four cases in the German language, Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ.
I won't explain them all, because that would be too difficult. However, this is why it's not enough to put "my" in Google translate. Or just "love". You can't translate things word for word into another language, you need context [btw don't use Google translate. It's really not that good]
"My love" [as in, the feeling I feel] [My love for him...]
"Meine Liebe" [Meine Liebe für ihn....]
"My love" (as a nickname)
"Meine Liebe" (addressing someone of the female gender) "Mein Lieber" (addressing someone of the male gender)
However "Liebe/Lieber" is not necessarily the best way to translate it, because it's more like a "my dear". You can go with "Meine Liebste/Mein Liebster" but that's very old-fashioned, like 19th century kind of old-fashioned.
What I also often find is "Liebchen" (though I've never seen it written correctly". It's alright I guess, but I personally have never heard someone say it. DON'T JUST TRANSLATE RANDOM PETNAMES FROM ENGLISH TO ANOTHER LANGUAGE
Yes, "Honig" is the german word for "honey" but noone calls their s/o that?! At least I've never heard of it. Just do your research, please
Another important thing when writing about a German character:
Like in many languages, like French for example, there are two ways to directly address one person:
The informal way "Du" And the formal way "Sie".
Unless your two characters are in a working relationship and suddendly declare their love, don't ever use "Ich liebe Sie." That's like saying "I love you Sir/Madame." If your characters know each other informaly, adress each other with first name etc. it's ALWAYS "Ich liebe dich."
Please, if you write for a character, that speaks a language you don't, translate everything in context, even if you only need one word. Don't use Google Translate. If you can, ask native speakers. I can asure you, most are happy to help.
I am, if anybody has questions regarding translations. It just makes the whole reading expirience more pleasant and makes you look like a better writer.
21 notes · View notes
Okay, I've seen this done wrong often now, so a quick guide to the beautiful German language especially regarding nicknames.
It's rather easy in ENglish, because you can use every nickname, like "my love" or "my darling" for every person of every sex. IN Germany, that is unfortunately a bit more complicated, because in Germany we gender everything. The door is feminine, the table masculine, the pig neutral and so on and so on. Because of that we adapt our words, especially possesive pronouns.
Just, a quick example, below is a table with all the different ways to say "my".
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In German we change the pronoun or "adapt" it regarding the "genus" (gender), Numerus (number) and "Fall" (cause). There are four cases in the German language, Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ.
I won't explain them all, because that would be too difficult. However, this is why it's not enough to put "my" in Google translate. Or just "love". You can't translate things word for word into another language, you need context [btw don't use Google translate. It's really not that good]
"My love" [as in, the feeling I feel]
[My love for him...]
"Meine Liebe"
[Meine Liebe für ihn....]
"My love" (as a nickname)
"Meine Liebe" (addressing someone of the female gender)
"Mein Lieber" (addressing someone of the male gender)
However "Liebe/Lieber" is not necessarily the best way to translate it, because it's more like a "my dear". You can go with "Meine Liebste/Mein Liebster" but that's very old-fashioned, like 19th century kind of old-fashioned.
What I also often find is "Liebchen" (though I've never seen it written correctly". It's alright I guess, but I personally have never heard someone say it.
Yes, "Honig" is the german word for "honey" but noone calls their s/o that?! At least I've never heard of it. Just do your research, please
Another important thing when writing about a German character:
Like in many languages, like French for example, there are two ways to directly address one person:
The informal way "Du"
And the formal way "Sie".
Unless your two characters are in a working relationship and suddendly declare their love, don't ever use "Ich liebe Sie." That's like saying "I love you Sir/Madame." If your characters know each other informaly, adress each other with first name etc. it's ALWAYS "Ich liebe dich."
Please, if you write for a character, that speaks a language you don't, translate everything in context, even if you only need one word. Don't use Google Translate. If you can, ask native speakers. I can asure you, most are happy to help.
I am, if anybody has questions regarding translations. It just makes the whole reading expirience more pleasant and makes you look like a better writer.
21 notes · View notes
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Pairing: Senator Vreenak x fem!Reader Words: 1.2K Summary: Vreenak knows a lot about humanity and their sentiment towards certain traditions. That didn't prevent him from being surprised when comming home to a newly styled house A/N: Not completely satisfied with this one, but it won't get better
Not my gif!!!
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Vreenak was not sure whether to feel amused or sceptical.
Of course he knew why she did what she did, after all he was not stupid or simple-minded. Vreenak was aware of the human tradition, which to his knowledge was celebrated in many, although not all, cultures on Earth at this time of year.
He was also quite aware that people who celebrated this festival tended to become incredibly joyful and emotional. They started seeing friends and family, even if they hadn't seen them since the last festival, and bought loads of unnecessary things that they would pack away after a month anyway.
And in addition, he was quite aware of people's tendency to decorate their dwellings unnecessarily and load them with rubbish.
He was aware of all this, but nevertheless he had not been prepared to come home that evening and find the house in such a state.
As soon as he opened the door, his entrance hall greeted him, dressed in dozens of twinkling fairy lights. After setting down his bag and taking off his coat, he let his gaze slide with scepticism over his wife's handiwork.
The aforementioned fairy lights stretched throughout the entrance hall, over railings and door frames, up to the ceiling, which was several metres above Vreenak's head. Also on the ceiling were colourful spheres and greenery, the branches of which were tied together with careful red bows.
Whether he liked it or not, Vreenak had to admire his wife's willpower and stubbornness in putting the decorations up there on the ceiling. He knew from his own experience how difficult it was to get to the ceiling.
Nevertheless, he still wasn't quite sure what to make of the display.
Sounds from the lounge caught his attention and on silent soles he slipped through the corridors of her dwelling until he arrived at the doorway to their lounge.
A slight smile crept onto his face at the sight.
On the floor, surrounded by boxes of various sizes, squatted his wife, her brow furrowed as she concentrated on untangling the string of fairy lights in her hands. Scattered on the floor around her were baubles of various colours, more fairy lights, the green branches he had already noticed in the entrance hall, and various wooden figures, which seemed bizarre to him.
Some of them he could still understand, for example the one that was probably supposed to represent a snowflake.
However, Vreenak was not sure who the blond wooden figure in the white dress and with wings was supposed to represent.
He had seen this representation several times before, but had never shown enough interest in it, to search for the answer.
The most striking thing, however, was the huge wreath of branches that stood on the table. There were four red candles on it, and here too he could make out the already familiar balls and cones. Even if he couldn't quite make sense of it.
"Damn thing," she growled, tugging briefly at the string of lights. "You'd think in the 24th century we'd have strings of lights that would be easier to untangle, but no-" A curse escaped her, causing Vreenak's eyebrows to shoot up. "Half an hour I've been fighting you you bastard and it's no use."
Quietly, Vreenak approached her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Well, well, I haven't seen you so dedicated in a long time, e'lev." As soon as his hands came into contact with her shoulder and his voice reached her ear, she flinched and wheeled around to face him, her eyes wide with shock.
"Oh heavens, Vreenak! Don't scare me like that!" He chuckled in amusement and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck just below her ear and could feel a shudder rush through her.
"You're getting inattentive, wife." He ran a hand through her hair. "You must be careful. Otherwise someone might hurt you." She leaned back and he could feel the smile on her face.
"That's what I married you for, isn't it?"
"And I thought it was because of my irresistible charm and good looks."
"If anything, it's for your power and money," she returned with a laugh before turning slightly sideways and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"I didn't expect you to be home so early. I had hopes that maybe I'd be done decorating by the time you arrived. "A sigh. "Well, most of it down here is done."
Vreenak settled on the floor and pulled her into his arms so that his chest was pressed against her back and buried his nose in her neck. "And may I know the reason for which you so adorn our home, e'lev?" Her hands wandered back to the string of lights.
"I don't think I need to explain to you what Christmas is."
"No, but it doesn't explain the state of our home."
Playfully, she slapped his arm. "Oh please, don't act dumber than you are. I was trying to get into the Christmas spirit. On Romulus, Christmas just isn't that sought after due to the absence of other humans. I was just craving something typically Christmassy." She sighed and traced the lines on his palm with her fingertips, causing a shiver to run through him.
"But perhaps I should have asked you first, e'lev. Forgive me."
Vreenak clicked his tongue. "Nonsense. You are my wife and as much lady of the house as I am lord of this house. To be more accurate, the house is probably even more yours than mine, considering how much time you spend here." He pressed a kiss to her neck and she chuckled softly, bringing a smile to Vreenak's lips. He couldn't stand it when she was sad.
"If it makes my wife happy, she may put up as many decorations in this house as she likes." A glow spread across her face and she turned, but Vreenak raised an admonishing finger.
"However, I have one condition. We will not put a tree in our house." A sigh escaped her, however, she nodded in agreement. "Very well. We will just have to settle for these." She took one of the small twigs in her hand and waved it in the air.
"Tell me, my dear husband, are you aware of the tradition of these twigs? What happens if you stand among them with a person?"
He shook his head silently and leaned back a little when he saw the mischievous smile on her lips. "Well then, allow me a demonstration."
Silently, Vreenak smiled to himself as his hand moved to her neck while her lips caressed his. Of course he was aware of this tradition.
"I would like to call it a day," she murmured, "however, I still have to finish my fight with this string of lights." He smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"Then I wish you good luck, my wife. I am aware that you can fight your battles alone, allow me to get you some refreshment. Kali-fal, perhaps?"
Agreeing, she nodded and Vreenak rose before bowing playfully. "I will return shortly, Ihhei." Her laughter followed him into the kitchen and he could not hide his own smile.
Truly, he would be able to tollerate this bit of decoration if it put his wife in such high spirits.
And perhaps, he thought, as his thoughts returned to the green branches, not all decorations were so awful.
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Prompt #1087
She wanted it all. The lazy mornings in bed, the fight over which movie to watch, the bumping into each other in their small kitchen. The disagreements and the tears and the kisses and their love. For once she wanted to be selfish, and she wanted to have it all.
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Make That Step.
This part takes place a few minutes after the events of this post.
Blueberry man being soft.
A/N : It turned out to be wayyy more complicated to write than expected. It was supposed to be longer than that, but I chopped the half of it. For my own mental health. Hope you'll like it anyways !
Standing behind the daycare’s blind window, arm crossed behind his back, Tysess could not forget the sight of Bax’s trophy. He rued not having it snatched off ! The moment his gaze landed on Haza, he inwardly swore this would never happen again. He owed her !
In the corner of the eye, he recognized the Admiral, joining him in the intimacy of the tinted glass. He knew exactly what she came for; He was too aware of what she thought of his frenzied moments. After what happened in the Holodeck, he was ready to face his responsibilities. 
He waited for her to speak. But instead of blaming him, Janeway remained silent, smiling as she watched the kids. 
“Someone seems to socialize !” She said with amusement. She remembers how Haza once tried to avoid direct contact. How she’d navigate around people like a satellite and freeze if one of them gave her attention. Her tail would tuck between her legs, her neck bow forward; She had everything of a scared puppy ! Only Tysess could approach without her growling…But there she was now ! Trying to mingle with kids of various species. All on her own ! She was unrecognizable ! 
“Yes. She adapts quickly. That’s her main strength.” He sounded compassionate, tenderized even ! Katelyn knew that despite his stoic behavior, the Andorian grew fond of the wild cherub. He, who once pleaded in favor of returning her home, probably did a hundred times more for her than anyone else. Even ignoring his superior’s order...Janeway’s expression faded as she recalled the skirmish with the Ferengi moments ago. If the baby could bring out his good sides, it's like she could also dust off his old faults…
As if he could read her mind, the man closed his eyes, pondering his words. “I apologize for the disciplinary offense, Admiral. But I could not let someone flout twice the integrity of a crew member, no matter their age.” He bowed his head respectfully, antennae lowered, expressing the sincerity of his remarks. “My emotions overwhelmed me.”
A crew member ? He gave the girl a name, started a quarrel and insisted on having her in the daycare instead of the Wildlife Department ! She was obviously more to him than a simple Dauntless resident. But of course he would hang on his pride and pretend otherwise ! 
“Once, you would have fought to defend your honor. But it’s like Haza’s is more important to you.” Janeway said smiling. A discreet chortle lifts his shoulders. At least, this incident allowed her to see Tysess’s progress: If the poacher dared to defy him a few years back, he would have received a second ticket to the Sickbay. She was glad to see the anger once burning in his eyes give way to softer intentions. “I understand your will to protect her. However, emotions can be terrible advisors sometimes…Listen to them first, but don’t let yourself blindly guided.” 
“I understand. It won’t happen again.” He paused, almost hesitant. He had to face the facts and admit that he cared for this little thing. Why exactly ? Was she reminding him of his first steps in Starfleet ? Very likely. Do Andorian instincts push him to give her a second chance ? Absolutely ! Behind his fathomless attitude, Tysess knew Haza found in him a secure, trustworthy pillar. Firstly confused and annoyed to be her chosen, he realized she could not do him greater honor ! During the last couple of months, he grew the idea that she needed him as much as he needed her. “Admiral ?” He took a glance inside the Daycare, thoughtful. “I’d like to ask you a favor, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure ! What is it?” 
“I’d like to keep Haza under my tutelage. I will take all available measures to ensure her education and protection.” He took a deep breath. “I am aware of the work involved, especially since we don't know more about her species. But I take the oath that my leadership abilities won't be affected !”
The woman remained prohibited. The emotion and resolution radiating from the Officer hit her like a wave. The great, distant, grumpy Tysess was adopting a child ! Could you believe it ?! 
“Given all you’ve have done so far…how could I refuse ? I’m convinced you will be an amazing father !”
the Adorian coughed nervously, his antennae stiffen. “A tutor is all I can be for her.” He insisted, trying to keep his composure. “I could never replace her parents since we’re not the same kind. My culture will undoubtedly bias her natural instincts. I am not legitimate to be considered more than an educator.”
Kathryn knew how difficult it was for him to open his heart. He was probably dealing with a bunch of conflictual feelings right now…But she couldn't help but tease him. “Then I’m sure you will be a fantastic tutor !” She resumed with a warm smile. “However, even the most involved parents' education is partial.” She resumed, with a comforting tone : “Allow yourself to make mistakes. She won’t blame you for it if you learn from them !” 
He needed a few seconds to absorb her words, to cool his mind as the epiphany put its grasp on him : His life was about to change. Radically. Regardless of his underlying stress, the Andorian couldn't help but feel a hint of excitement and happiness. “I’ll do my best !” He said, a smile growing upon his lips. “Thank you, Admiral !” He calmly headed to the Daycares threshold. Before the door swept open and finally revealed his presence to the kids, he froze, bashfully scratching his head “May I…hum…afford to ask for a cot and a few warm blankets?”
His embarrassment was almost palpable and for a moment, she wondered how his face wasn't showing its most fantastic shade of purple. If Noum was here, no doubt the poor guy would flow under a wave of puns. Kathryn had to fight her cheekbones not to make things worse.
“Sure thing, Commander !”
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