#coloring this show is a nightmare i'm sorry
ayo-edebiri · 23 days
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She had asked the desperate farmers and rationed soldiers to teach her their languages before she killed them. And when she had cobbled together enough words and grammar, she stopped asking. Claudia was a thing of little indecision, a manic tour guide. And any castle with ties to Vlad Tepes or Vlad Dracul, however slight, had to be explored. And I endured it all for Claudia, whose rage toward me and my refusal to burn Lestat had dulled into a bitter silence.
Delainey Hayles as Claudia
Interview with the Vampire (2022 -) I 2.01
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
OMGOMG i love baby mommy sevika, but i keep thinking…. what would sevika be like with a kid who isn’t technically hers? like, reader had a child with someone else before even meeting sevika, and she always thought she hated kids and that it was a total dealbreaker for her, until she meets YOUR kid.
i can imagine the awkward first time meeting, tea parties in the living room while you’re making dinner, guarding that kid like her life depends on it when you all go out somewhere, letting them crawl into bed between the both of you when they have a nightmare :(( baby fever is a crazy thing fr.
men and minors dni
sevika's obsessed with you. it's pretty obvious.
she's always got her eyes glued to you from where you work behind the bar.
when you talk to her, she's always got a sweet little smile pulling up at the side of her lips as she listens, a sparkle in her eye each time she makes you laugh.
so, you aren't surprised when she asks you out.
you're just... a little hesitant.
"i'm sorry, forget i said anything, this was so stupid of me..." she sulks, turning away and rubbing the back of her neck. you squeak and reach over the bar, grabbing her wrist.
"i'd love to!" you say. she blinks in surprise. "it's just... i have a kid." you say. sevika blinks again.
"what?!" she asks. you laugh and nod.
"...yeah." you say. "i know you aren't really the 'kids' type, so... it's okay if you don't want to go out anymore." you say. sevika blinks again as she takes in the new information.
"since when?" she asks. you laugh.
"she's three and a half now." you say.
"what the fuck? why'd you never tell me?" she asks. you shrug.
"you're always talking about how you hate kids, i figured you wouldn't really be interested in hearing about mine."
"those are other kids, this one's yours! of course i wanna hear about her!" sevika shouts. you grin, then pull her across the bar to kiss her on the lips..
when you pull away, she's blushing.
for your first few dates, it's just you and sevika. you don't want to introduce your kid to anybody until you're certain they'll be around for a long time. she understands. and she absolutely loves spending some one-on-one time with you.
but, the more pictures of your kid you show her, the more stories you tell her about the little girl, the more sevika gets excited to meet her.
and then, about five or six dates in, sevika tells you she's in love with you. and your babysitter has a family emergency, and calls you half way through the date (while you're riding sevika, the both of you moaning 'i love you's against each other's lips) to tell you she's coming back to your apartment with your daughter in tow, and she'll be there in ten minutes.
you don't really get to prepare for any of it-- all you have time to do is pull your pants up and hide sevika's strap before your daughter is bursting through the door with a loud "ma! i'm home!"
at first, sevika's nervous as shit.
but you watch all her hesitation melt when your daughter lights up at the sight of a new friend in her home and starts lobbing her with question after question.
"what's your name!?"
"how old are you?"
"thirty eight."
"woah! that's so much older than me. i'm four!" she exclaims, waggling four fingers in sev's face. sevika chuckles.
"i thought you were still three."
your daughter groans. "i'm three and nine tenths, that's basically four!"
"you're right, i'm sorry." sevika says.
"what's your favorite color?"
"purple?" sevika guesses.
"me too!" your daughter gasps, clambering into sevika's lap. you cringe as you watch it happen, knowing how clammed up sevika gets when it comes to physical affection, especially from kids, but you're shocked when you watch sevika simply wrap an arm around her waist and help her adjust in her lap.
"what's your favorite animal?" sevika asks. your daughter grins.
"rhino!" she says. "it's like a unicorn and a dinosaur had a baby." she says.
"that's a good point." sevika says, smiling sweetly down at your daughter.
all your fears of the two of them meeting evaporate.
from that point on, the two of them are besties.
every time sevika comes over, she immediately searches for your daughter. when you've got her at the sitters, sevika pouts, complaining until you shut her up with kisses.
"i thought you hated kids." you complain one night as you watch sevika play dollhouse with your daughter. (she was supposed to be eating dinner with you on the couch while the two of you watched a movie.)
"yeah, 'cause most kids suck. you've got a real good one here, babe." sevika says, ruffling your daughter's hair, making her giggle.
sometimes, sev will come over to keep your rugrat occupied while you clean or cook or catch up on household chores. she's fucking amazing with her.
you've caught her with various clips in her hair and glitter on her eyes and lips as your daughter plays 'beauty salon' on her. sevika just grins and shrugs, then holds up her nails, all messily painted rainbow, for you to examine. "like my new look?" she asks. you snort.
"you might need some touch-ups, but you're really rocking those bobbles babe." you say, pointing to the little bobbles decorating the tiny ponytails in her hair.
sometimes, you'll catch them playing 'dinosaur', which is just sevika crawling around as your daughter straddles her back, cackling when sevika sits up on her knees and roars.
sevika quickly becomes your daughter's favorite person. when she doesn't come over, your girl pouts, asking you 'where your lady friend' is tonight.
and when she finally moves in with you, sevika becomes the designated 'storybook reader' at bedtime. apparently, she 'does the voices way better than you, ma.'
your daughter calls her 'babe'-- since it's what you're always calling her.
sevika's such a sucker for your girl, always sneaking her candies and eating her veggies off her plate for her, shooting her a wink each time.
and when you're out in public, sevika's always got your girl on her back, giving her a piggyback, and shooting nasty looks at anyone who does a double take at the sight of sevika toting around a squirming, laughing little girl.
one night, the two of you are curled in bed and sevika sighs.
"i never thought i'd love a kid like this." she says. you smile.
"you love her?" you ask. sevika nods.
"so much. it's insane. like... i'd die for the little shit in a heartbeat, y'know?" she asks. you grin and nod, pressing a kiss to her head.
"'s called being a mom." you say. sevika blushes, and you kiss her again.
over time, your girl starts calling sevika 'step-ma sev' or 'silly sevy' or, most commonly, 'stinky sev.'
sevika never complains about her, either. not once. not when she's on a sugar high and screaming while she runs laps around the house, not when she paints on the walls of your and sev's bedroom, not even when she interrupts you and sevika mid-sex to crawl in bed beside you, scared of the monster shaped shadows in her bedroom.
before she proposes to you, she asks your daughter for permission to join your little family. your little girl gives it gladly, but, her being five and all, accidentally ruins the surprise for you.
"'s sev' gonna propose to you when i'm there or is it just a special ma n' sevy thing?" she asks one morning as you're whipping up breakfast.
sevika freezes where she's pouring a glass of orange juice, and you burst into laughter.
"i dunno, baby, do you think you should be there?" you ask your kid. she nods.
"duh! i wanna see the fancy ring!" she says. you giggle.
"you wanna see a fancy ring huh?" you ask, ignoring sevika's stuttering beside you. "come with me." you say, waving your daughter to your bedroom.
when you return, sevika's still frozen in place, and your daughter is giddy with excitement, her hands behind her back.
"stinky sev!" she exclaims. sevika blinks down at her.
"y-yeah?" she asks, nervously.
your daughter thrusts the tiny velvet box in front of her, flipping open the lid, revealing the ring you'd picked out for sevika a few months ago.
"look what my ma got you!" she exclaims.
sevika blinks up at you with tears in her eyes and you shrug, gently taking the ring from your daughter's grip and sevika's hand in yours.
"you wanna be mine forever?" you ask. sevika blinks, tears quickly falling down her cheeks.
"you fucker, i wanted to do it first!" she complains.
"that's a dollar in the curse jar!" your kid exclaims. you both laugh.
"i should warn you before you say yes, though, i'm kinda a package deal with this brat." you say, ruffling your daughter's hair. she giggles.
"hey! i'm not a brat!" she exclaims. and then, when sevika laughs and swoops in to kiss you, "ewwwww!" she cries as she runs away.
sevika chuckles against your lips and you pull away with a smile.
"is that a yes?" you whisper. she nods, her voice too shaky for words.
from the living room your daughter calls for you. "did she say yes ma?"
"she said yes, babe." you call back.
"fuck yes!" she screams.
you and sevika both turn your heads to glare at her for the word.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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yanteetle · 1 year
May I request platonic yandere ROTTMNT turtles kidnapping a scared reader they see as a sibling? Like, them all working together to kidnap the reader. Also, you make good art :)
Note: please turn up your device's brightness!
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It's Mikey's birthday and luckily for him, his beloved brothers have a special new surprise for him to bring home...
Sorry for the horrendously long wait! This took some time to cook up, so thank you for the patience :) Surprisingly, the coloring process for this piece was much more tolerable compared to my last illustration, despite being more taxing and complicated. Although, I can't say the same for the lineart. That was a whole nightmare that took me 4 whole days to complete. I played around with perspective, and although it's not all that accurate, I tried my best to make it look how I wanted it. I've included the versions of the illustration with and without the dialogue bubbles, since I wanted to show some of the details that was covered by the text! I had some fun trying to make the background look like a convincing space despite my lack of skill in that field. Sorry if my English doesn't make sense, I'm overstimulated from high dosages of caffeine so I apologize in advance :)
taglist: @dynabann
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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Kraven The Hunter x fem!reader
Summary: You meet a dangerous stranger in the woods...
Genre: SMUT (nsfm)
Warnings: kinda dark but still tame, cheating (reader), unprotected sex (pls use contraceptives in real life!), oral sex (m receiving), praise kink, degradation kink, rough sex, riding, he spits in reader's mouth 👀, kissing (duh), fingering, light misogyny, ik he has a name but i use Kraven in this, bad russian google translate maybe (I AM SO SORRY I DID MY BEST—if you speak Russian and have any suggestions… please 🙏 ) LISTEN…I'M SORRY LIKE I COULD NOT RESIST WRITING FOR HIM…HAVE YOU SEEN HIM? Probably NOT comic accurate…
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You don't know what you hate more at the moment—your boyfriend or the continuous sweat forming on your hairline from the dampness and heat. It's becoming dark outside, which should cool the air and help with the heat but not as much with how pissed you are at Chris. 
With a small squeal, you stumble on the roots of a tree, gasping as your ankle twists awkwardly in your hiking shoes and the buzz of an insect flies around your ear. You swat your hand near your cheekbone. You're holding the branches you'd found in one arm now as the stickiness of the air makes your skin feel heavy. 
Screw you bugs! 
Screw you woods!
And most of all screw you Chris!
You're too immersed in your hatred that you don't realize you've fallen into an animal trap until it's too late. You scream, the branches falling from your arm as your body folds and the net wraps around you, pulling you up into the air. The rope burns your exposed skin as you squirm. This had to be a nightmare, some sick cruel joke Chris is playing on you. You half hope he'll jump out from behind the bushes and laugh in your face. 
You wait in silence for a moment but your boyfriend doesn't show up. 
"Help!" You scream out helplessly, "Is anyone there? Please, I-I'm trapped," you call. 
"Hmm, yes, that is the point of one of those," a deep voice drawls from behind you and you wince. You try to strain your neck to look at the newcomer but you can't move enough to see who it is. It certainly isn't Chris. Chris doesn't sound like that.
"Please, can you help me?" you plead shamelessly now. 
Your heart is beating so hard. You hear the creak of leaves and dirt as whoever stands behind you walks closer to you. You feel them turn the entire net around and soon you're face to face with dark piercing golden eyes. A color you can only describe as supernatural. 
"Now why would I help you? You stumbled into my trap—that makes you my prize."
The man is tall and strong. His shoulders are broad and his hair curls messily across his forehead. He's wearing an open vest made of brown leather and adorned with fur, thick leather bracers, and a necklace where three animal teeth hang.
You concentrate on the sharpness of the teeth for a while, ignoring how very much shirtless the man is against them, but eventually you lose focus as with a swift motion, he uses a knife he'd taken from his belt to cut the net and you crash to the ground. 
Immediately, the dirt sticks to your sweaty skin as you scramble up onto your feet. You brush hair from your face and stumble back, almost falling again until the man's large, calloused hand finds your forearm and he holds you still. "Calm down," he says hoarsely, his eyes narrowing and his grip tightening.
"You don't wanna run from me, gorgeous. Clearly, you don't know your left and right around here but I do. So, stay still for me so I can think about what I'm gonna do with you."
He has a thick accent and you find yourself nodding. He drops your arm and you don't move. You look up at him as he looks around, rubbing his hand over his jaw like he's debating his next moves. You can see his knife, which he has secured into his belt again, glistens with blood and your stomach churns. 
"Please don't hurt me," you whisper.
The man stares at you blankly, his eyebrows crease as he looks you up and down. After a moment, the corners of his lips curl upwards and he moves closer. You squeeze your eyes shut, scared, and you gasp inaudibly as a tear escapes you. 
The man's thumb wipes it away, his hand cupping your cheek and he speaks a language you don't understand—russian you assume—"Я бы никогда не подумал причинить тебе боль, (I would never dream of hurting you)," His tone seems sweeter than how he'd spoken before but all hopes of him translating what he'd said disappear when he asks:
"Why are you out here all alone?"
You recover from his touch as it leaves you and you try and explain, "I'm not alone. My boyfriend," you turn to look behind you but all you see is the trees and hear the rustling of animals in the shadows, "is around here somewhere," you finish.  
"He left you? Alone? Now? It's almost dark," the man accuses as if it had been your choice.
"I- I was supposed to bring branches for the fire," you say quickly, gesturing to the branches that had fallen from your arms. The man looks where you're pointing and chuckles darkly. 
"Oh, милый (darling), those aren't branches. Those aren't even twigs."
You glare at him, not finding it funny at all, "Well, I couldn't carry the heavier ones," you defend and the man interrupts with another chuckle.
"Ah," he smirks, "so why was it you who went out? Can your man not care for you properly?"
You scrunch your nose, "What's that supposed to mean?"
The man's smirk turns into a smile, his teeth showing, and you can't help but feel butterflies in your stomach as he smiles. He's handsome—almost too handsome for someone who looks like they live in the woods.
"I mean," he drawls, leaning in even closer, "what kind of man allows his woman to do all his labor, leaving her on her lonesome and vulnerable to bad men like me?" Your breath hitches and your eyes widen when he finishes, "Your man is a pathetic little boy who doesn't deserve a woman like you."
Your mind races. You want to defend Chris, tell this man that Chirs is an amazing, loving, boyfriend—but another part of you can't deny Chris had basically coerced you onto this hike, on your birthday nonetheless, and then promptly abandoned you to fend for yourself.
However, those details weren't what your mind latched onto. No. As you stare at the handsome stranger, his words ring in your ears; "bad men like me"
The man can tell and he chuckles, "Don't look so scared. I like you. You're the most entertainment I've had in a while. Come," he beckons you over, turning around and gathering his net over his shoulder. When you don't follow instantly he calls out, "I can offer you shelter and food, and a fire," he adds with a glance over his shoulder, "Unless you'd rather find your way back to your boyfriend. Your choice, милый (darling)."
So, you end up in the man's home. The man—who had finally introduced himself as Kraven— lives in a small cabin that's obviously been worn out by time and weather. All the furniture looks barely used—as if there hasn't been life inside this cabin for a long time. 
Kraven's hospitality is coarse and oddly demanding as he pours you some honey tea he made himself and hands you some bread. You don't complain, you're starving. As Kraven makes a fire, he mumbles things in Russian and occasionally he'll look over at you, sending a shiver up your spine. Your hair is wet from the shower you just had and the strands stick to your cheeks.
Your mind wanders to Chris. Is he okay? It is a warmer night—so he really shouldn't freeze to death. You feel guilty for having accepted Kraven's offer but your thoughts are interrupted by the fire starting and Kraven stands. He runs a hand in his curls and drops his vest on the couch near you. You look up, suddenly extra aware of how shirtless and toned he is. 
"Продолжай смотреть на меня так, и у меня не будет другого выбора, кроме как трахнуть тебя прямо здесь и сейчас, милый, (Keep looking at me like that and I'll have no choice but to fuck you right here and now, darling)," Kraven says in a growl and the only word you recognize is the last one since he's used it a few times.
"What does милый mean?" you ask, attempting to pronounce the word but fumbling it. Kraven smirks and tilts his head as he walks closer until he's sitting next to you. 
"It's a term of endearment," he chuckles, "like darling—or honey."
You feel your cheeks burn. It's almost worse to hear him explain the term rather than just using it. You look down at your hands, feeling Kraven's warmth next to you. He smells like pine-wood and ashes and the scent is invading. You feel safer near him then you'd ever felt in Chris's arms. Guilt settles in your stomach again. 
"Ты так сладко пахнешь. (you smell so sweet)," Kraven says again and his hand comes up to move some stray hairs behind your ear. The air shifts and sexual tension settles around you and the feeling dances across your skin with fervor. 
You don't dare turn your head to look at him, afraid of how he's staring. "What does that all mean? The Russian?" you mutter.
"It means I want to kiss you, doll," Kraven chuckles and his hand cups your chin and he turns your head so you're staring at him. Your eyes are round and he chuckles, "what do you say милый (darling)? Will you indulge me? I wanna see if you taste as good as I think you do."
Your heart jumps in your throat and suddenly you feel very small compared to him. Your eyes flicker to his lips and then up to look into his eyes. They sparkle darkly and you wonder if anyone has ever been able to say no to those eyes. You surely won't be the first. You nod. 
Kraven leans in and captures your lips with passion so fierce you're afraid your lips will bruise. Still, they slide across his easily and it's as if you've been molded for one another. Kraven's hands tighten in your hair, bunching up the strands so he can control your head movements. Control. His entire demeanor screams control.
"Good girl," he mutters with a smirk against your lips and his hands move to grip your hips. You're wearing some shorts and a shirt you found in the bedroom when you changed from your shower.
You gasp as he helps you up and you straddle him now. With a humph, he lifts up his hips and slides his knife holster to the side so it isn't digging into your thigh or his. He grins wolfishly, continuing to kiss you. His lips trail up your neck and near your ear. 
It never felt like this with Chris. Sure, it had been fine—it had been good even in the beginning—but this? No, nothing could compare to this. 
Kraven's hands are large and strong against your skin as he kneads your waist and ass. "Ты такая хорошая девушка для меня (You're such a good girl for me)," he whispers, his voice hoarse, and as attractive as it is, you whine and furrow your brows.
"Please, don't talk in Russian anymore. I can't understand you," you pout, pulling him closer as you unconsciously grind your hips into his for more friction. "I wanna understand you," 
Kraven grips your hips harder and rolls them onto him, earning him a soft moan that falls from your lips. "Alright, darling, alright," he smiles and kisses you again. "Tell me, do'you want more from me? Seems like you do," he grinds your hips again, punctuating his words as he teases you mercilessly. 
You are at loss for words. This is wrong. You're cheating on your boyfriend, you try to remind yourself, with a man you met in the woods. But if this is so wrong, why does it feel so good? You moan. You desperately want to slide your shorts and panties down to allow even more friction on your clit. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment and you must look so needy. 
Kraven hooks his fingers in your waistband, running his thumb over your hip, reading your mind, "Is this what you want, darling? You wanna rub yourself on me like a little slut?" 
The insult shouldn't be as hot as it is, but when it's followed by a searing kiss, the word is honey on his tongue. You moan and drop your head in the crook of his neck, grasping onto his shoulders as you lift your hips so he can easily slide your panties and shorts down. "Please," you whisper, nails digging into the muscle of his shoulders. 
Kraven smirks and, as he holds your nape with one hand, he uses the other and finds your pussy. He explores your folds, wanting to make sure you're wet and ready for him. He rubs your clit, earning him smaller, more high pitched sounds from your parted lips as your wetness seeps over his hand. 
Kraven teases you for a little while longer, murmuring praises in your ear until he suddenly spreads his legs and you fall to your knees in front of the couch. You gasp, looking up at him from the ground. 
He looks majestic, sitting there, as if the couch was his throne and he was a King. 
Kraven's smirk widens as he fists one hand in your hair, using his other hand to lick his fingers clean of your arousal and then swiftly unbuckle his belt. He stares at you as he does this and tilts his head. "D'you do this for your boyfriend, gorgeous?" Kraven seems amused by the word boyfriend, as if it's some game to him. 
You nod, sinking onto your heels as you watch Kraven pull out his cock. He's big and hard and your eyes widen. "D'you like doing this?" he asks, his voice low. You catch his eye and shake your head honestly. You didn't like giving Chris head—but Chris's dick didn't look like this. Your eyes snap up to Kraven's cock. 
"You'll like it with me," he adds, smirking, and guides your head to his cock. You let him, having no complaints as you take him in your mouth. You're nervous at first, unsure of what to do, but soon you gain more confidence as you try and take him even deeper. 
You gag a little and Kraven just tightens his hand in your hair. 
"You can take it. I know you can, doll. There," he coos, clearly enjoying your work as you adjust your mouth around him. "There, yeah. That's my good girl." Kraven grunts out the word "my" and warmth pools in your stomach. You moan around his cock, sucking faster as if to respond yes, I am yours.
With a pop, he pulls your head away and tilts your chin. He helps you up to straddle him again, keeping you eye level as he positions his cock at your entrance. He squeezes your cheeks, opening your lips, and then spits into your mouth before claiming your lips again. Your eyes flutter shut as you feel him against you and he sinks you down onto him. 
"Can you feel me, милый (darling)?" he grunts, moving you on his cock slowly, torturing you. He chuckles darkly when you whine. 
"Mmh," is the only sound you make as he fills you up. It feels so good. 
"You feel full, hm?" Kraven taunts, moving your hips a little faster as his hands grip your hips hard enough to bruise. He pulls one away a moment and rips your shirt, attaching his lips to your hardened nipples as you squeal. 
"Yes, oh, I feel so full," you whimper, bouncing up on him, helping him so you can go even faster and deeper. "Shit, you're so big."
"Шлюха (slut)," he groans, the word slipping past his lips in ecstasy as he kisses and sucks across your chest. You whine, wanting him to tell you what the word means so you can understand him but Kraven smirks. He kisses your collarbone and then, using his strength, he easily flips you over so you're laying on the couch and he's on top of you now. 
Kraven sinks his cock back into you as he snaps his hips hard. You gasp, wrapping your arms around him and your nails slide up and down his back, and he groans with pleasure at the sting. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck please," you plead, eyes rolling as your body shivers.
"You're so tight around me. As if you were made just for me," he says as he continues to fuck into you. "Does your boyfriend fuck you this good?" Kraven asks, his accent thicker as he loses himself in the pleasure. His hand comes to wrap around your jaw as he holds you in place under him. 
You shake your head. 
"Слова (Words)," he growls but then curses and says, "Words, darling. Tell me."
"N-no. He doesn't fuck me this good," you whisper as Kraven's cock slides into you. You're so wet and he's so hard and this is so so wrong. 
"Yeah? You gonna run back to him now, bunny?" he snarls and nips as your earlobe. He thrusts harder and smirks at the pet name. "Hmm. run little bunny, back to your poor excuse of a boyfriend? No," Kraven grunts, as if he's made a decision, "I'm keeping you, doll. I can take care of you better than he can."
You moan at this and nod, "Please," you whisper, feeling your thighs clench around him as you can feel your orgasm approaching. 
Kraven feels it too. "You're squeezing around me, Шлюха (slut), do you wanna come?" Kraven teases and his thrusts slow. You whine and look at him, your eyes becoming teary from need. You nod.
He laughs and kisses your lips with a grin, "Alright, you can come. Go on, let yourself come all over my cock," he smirks against your skin as his sharp teeth nip at your neck. 
 You whine, letting your body finally relax as you come. You gasp, your eyes rolling from pleasure as your legs feel like jello. Kraven finishes inside you with a grunt and you whimper at the feeling.
He smiles as you sink into the cushions and your eyes flutter. His large hand comes to hold behind your head as he pulls you up and leans you against his chest. 
While Kraven's touch is comforting, it's also possessive and claiming. His thumb strokes over your hair and his lips kiss your head. He's holding you so close you're almost afraid he'll never let you go. You sigh when he slides out and picks you up in his arms as he stands.
"Good girl," he mutters as he walks you to the bathroom and adds, "You did so well for me." You let yourself relax in his arms as he promises he'll be here from now on. You're his now. 
You're so blissed out from your orgasm that your mind doesn't understand what that truly means. Instead, you shut your eyes and let him take care of you and, with a small smile, you think,
Happy. Fucking. Birthday. To. Me.
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
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You were once his colorful spark of adventurous dreams while he was stuck in a monotone nightmare of what had been chosen for him. And now, years after he'd escaped and quietly disappeared, he's back- and you're nothing but strangers.
Tags/Warnings: non-idol AU, Angst, Friends to strangers to lovers, smut, I know you've all been waiting for what mom might make out of the groceries aka topless calvin Klein kook, mentions of death, mentions of questionable past time activities (smoking, drinking, drugs but no consumption of such, sex, gambling), more TBA
Length: ???
-> this is going to be a One-shot. Additional content can be added if requested.
🌟 This work has Patreon perks! Please check my navigation post (pinned) for more info!
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"Where's puffball?" Jungkook asks, carefully walking into your apartment, visibly tense as he follows you slowly, rather taking a look around.
"Where he always sleeps." You simply say, and Jungkook needs to think for a second, before his face turns towards the corner near your entrance door, where a small coffee table stands instead of the tiny red dog bed he was expecting-
A picture of the tiny off-white poodle mix on top of it, his baby blue collar in front with a candle unlit.
"Oh.." jungkook can't find the words, his throat suddenly clogging up. Everyone always said how ugly that dog was, and yeah, objectively he was- with the overbite and tongue hanging out, he truly wouldn't have ever won a beauty contest. But you loved the little guy- and Jungkook loved him too, despite his constant yapping.
"Died of kidney failure last year December." You shrug as you search through a bookshelf, opening a folder with documents. "Wasn't surprising."
"I'm.." he starts, before he bites his lip, scratches the back of his neck. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You chuckle, trying to just brush it off. Truth be told it still hurts to talk about it- but you don't want him to know that. "You didn't kill the guy." You joke, taking out some paperwork as you sit down on the couch.
"No, It's not that-" he says, eyes focused on the grey-ish pull out couch in front of him.
The same you both made love on, years ago, the same he held you on through the entire night before you went for a round two in the morning, the same he decided that he needs change on.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there. To.. comfort you." He offers.
Again, only a shrug of your shoulders. You don't acknowledge him at all, it feels like.
And he can't even blame you.
"Here- that should be all the papers for the car." You instead change the topic, holding out the documents- which he takes, though he sits down next to you as well, with a respectful distance. It feels off, awkward, like punishment for his cowardly behavior years prior.
It's like you switched sides- your tattoos covered up by simple black leggings, blank white top covering your upper half. The only hint of color is in the split ends of your hair- though even that's faded to the point of almost being unrecognizable.
And now he's the rebel of the two of you, going against the norms with his tattoos and piercings and hair and everything- something he'd always admired you for, back then.
But the world had finally broken you down it looks like- society having forced you into submission after all, despite your back then huge ambitions.
"Are you sure I can just.. have it?" He asks again, just to make sure you really don't want the car any longer- and you nod.
"I had a seizure three months back, so I'm not allowed to drive anyway." You say nonchalantly, leaning back against the couch, arms and legs crossed to almost fend him off it seems like. "Not that I'd want to ever again." You confess.
"..down the old EDM club." He suddenly says, looking at you. "Near the main road. That was you?" He asks, and you nod, though your furrowed brows and challenging eyes show clearly that you're asking for why he knows about it. "I.. kept up with the news and.." he sighs, running his fingers through his hair, the other hand careful not to clutch the papers too hard. "I wanted to know you're alright."
"Cool." You simply say, nothing else.
He looks at you, waiting for something more you might day- but you don't. You just look at him with a strange mixture of emotions he can't really distinguish. It's all washed together into one muddy mess- and he knows it's his fault that you're so on guard.
He's a stranger to you now, after all.
"Car was never fixed up, by the way." You say, moving to get up. "So you've got some work to do or money to spend." You say, and Jungkook gets up as well, walking after you towards the door that you open for him.
He slips back into his Chelsea boots, before he looks back at you, mouth opening before you can even deny him. "I know you're pissed at me." He says. "And you got every right to."
"Great we talked about that- now leave." You say, pointing out the door.
"I'm not gonna say this to get my dick wet." He tells you with a serious face, as you stare him down, daring him foe his next words. "But I need you to know that you.. what happened between us, that was fucking special." He says. "So much so that I knew I had to change in order to.. become someone." He says.
"Someone what?" You ask, crossing your arms defensively- because his words are getting to you.
"Just someone." He explains. "I wasn't anyone at all back then. Just.. a puppet who did what I for told. I had no personality. No ambitions, nothing- I only had you." He words out, and your gaze softens. "And I couldn't stay with you because.. I would've probably hurt you at some point."
"You still did." You say, and he nods, tongue playing with his piercing.
"I did." He agrees. "But not as bad as I would've if I'd stayed." He tries to justify. "I- listen, can't we.. start over?" He wonders, looking at you with hopeful eyes. "We're basically strangers by now anyway, aren't we?"
You are.
The jungkook in front of you is nothing like the blank canvas he used to be. He's vibrant despite the lack of color he's actually wearing, full of emotions, opinions and views. This jungkook is filled to the brim with things-
While you've become empty instead now, taking his place.
"I don't think I'm the person you remember." You deny. "We don't fit- in fact, we never did." You shake your head.
"Five years might change a lot-" he says, round black orbs watching you intently. "-but the won't change what's in here." He says, offers, hopes, inked finger gently pointing to where your heart sits underneath the shirt and your skin and bones.
And much to your demise, he seems to be right.
Because you're sure he can probably feel it beating faster from this faint touch alone.
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two-white-butterflies · 11 months
drug (two) | toto wolff
Description: He meets his girlfriend's parents, and they don't like him. (age gap.)
Pairing: toto wolff/horner!reader
part one
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"We're trending, and not for a good reason." you chuckled nervously, browsing through the thick of social media. Darn Twitter's post viewing limits, there were at least a million posts mentioning you. "Bad publicity is still publicity," Toto responded - closing his eyes in his inability to fight against rest.
"Hm, will you tell my father's publicist that?" you teased him and all color drained out of his face. He reached for his reading glasses on the bedside table, eyes slightly narrowing against the sharp light. "What is it about?" he groaned in an attempt to have a clear view of your phone. "-ever heard of dark mode?" he humored, slightly freezing when he sees the article's title.
"They make it seem like we're a divorced couple," he joked again, but it was clear that he was panicking. He hoped that nothing would come out of Christian. He prayed that his rival would learn to accept the change sooner than the media could get a wind of it - but nay, Toto was always a dreamer anyways. "Well, aren't you?" you giggled.
"I'll have this wiped off the face of earth," he mumbled to himself, reaching for his laptop hidden under the bed. "Gods I hate it when sports magazines push out this non-sports crap," you rolled your eyes - contemplating on whether or not you should message Christian. He was the only person that could fix this.
A sigh escapes your mouth. He wouldn't understand.
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"How did you get rid of that article anyways?" George couldn't help but ask while taking the cooler out of the trunk. "I had to convince a close friend to buy the company," Toto sighed.
"I can't believe that we're living in a reality where Wolff-Horner babies are possible." Lewis chuckled, taking a swig of his beer. Gods, there were a million ways that this one could go wrong. "You're thinking way too far into the future," you chuckled - helping George carry the ice creams inside the house.
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Christian half-expected his daughter to show up around Toto Wolff's arms, but he was more surprised to see the man show up alone. "Nice seeing you again," Geri smiled, welcoming the Austrian with arms open wide. "I wanted to bring Y/N but she feels under the weather." Toto reasoned for his daughter, but he already knew that it was some half-baked attempt to evade this dinner.
"Rainy seasons always make her sick." Geri sympathized. Christian shook his head in disbelief. No amount of clarity would ever make his wife believe that you were anything less of an angel. "I'm sorry for being late," the man apologized, sitting on the chair parallel them.
A waitress comes towards them with a menu, but Toto ignores the sheet of paper. "I'm not really here to have dinner. I wanted to inform you of something," he started with a tone that told Christian that he wasn't going to like where the conversation was going. "What is it?" he couldn't help but ask - taking a sip of his lemon water.
"She asked me to marry her." Toto began with a sad smile. "No, no fucking way." Christian shook his head. If this was Toto's way of inviting them to the wedding then the wedding wasn't fucking happening. "And I redirected her." he added and Geri let out a sigh of relief. You were too young for marriage.
"Because I knew that you didn't approve the both of us." he breathed, looking to the far horizon. Toto was a traditional man. He dreamt of a house in Beverly Hills or Bel Air - beside some hot shot producer - inside a house that seemed like a cleaning nightmare. He wanted a small family, a white picket fence with fun neighbors.
He'd be willing to let that go - all for you.
All for your family that didn't love him in return.
"Is this your way of trying to convince us? Y/N's had her turn of older billionaires in the past - they're all the same. I'm not letting her make the same mistakes again," he responded with courage.
Toto stood up - fiddling with his Patek Philippe watch.
"I want you to think about it, Christian. I really love your daughter."
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@oceandeepthirst2 @h-c-u @perihelioneclipse @fallwinterr @ohkapten @crimeshowjunkie @ironcowboycopnickel @clusidino-27 @luckyladycreator2 @upsteadsstuff @omgsuperstarg @champomiel @wavesnotfeelings @soph1644
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eternal-curse · 6 months
imagine if popular vampire media characters all had tumblr. that would be so hectic lol they’d have so much beef with each other
#this is about to be super out of character for all of them #but humor comes at a price
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👨🏻‍🦲 colin-robinson-69-420 Follow
Callout Post for @mag𝗂strate-murder (aka Astarion Ancunín)
@mag𝗂strate-murder (prev URL was @year-of-the-carr𝗂on-crow) has shown some absolutely vile, revolting, disgusting, toxic— sometimes downright evil— behavior on numerous (and lengthy!) occasions. This behavior has been repeated again and again. I would be willing to forgive and forget all of these things, IF they were first-time events or isolated incidents. They are NOT isolated incidents.
The list includes (but is not limited to):
Trying to attack his friends while they're peacefully slumbering.
The murder of countless (countless!) innocent people.
Theft. Maybe even robbery. Idfk.
Showing annoyance at the idea of saving entire groups of people from being enslaved or mass murdered. (These were two separate occasions... Yuck!)
I know I’m posting this at 8 o’cock, so many vampblr users may be currently asleep, but it’s my civic duty to provide information for the uh. The people at large. So there are more details, more moral crimes, and proof of all of the heinous actions this spawn has committed under the cut.
------------------------- read more -------------------------
🗡 magistrate-murder
I'm flattered. You just can't take me off of your mind, can you? Do you dream of me? I hope they're nightmares. 💕
🩸 blood-and-book-reviews Follow
I love how "theft" is directly between "killing innocent people" and "is chill with subjugation and mass murder"
🎸 the-vampire-queen
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#did anyone else notice how they said 'moral crimes' #as if murder and theft and etc are legal? #lol? #weird... #<- prev's tags #my tags -> #YES OMG I NOTICED THAT TOO. #also what the eff? OP had to point out that astarion's a spawn? #why does it matter that he isn't a full vampire? #as someone who’s a vampire/demon hybrid that’s kind of a red flag to me :/ #ugh this is SO not math
12,987 notes
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📚 j-harker
I’m missing @m𝗂ss-mina-murray. Currently out of the country for work.
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💁🏼‍♀️ slayer-summers
Oh, I'm sorry :( At least the view is beautiful, where are you?
📚 j-harker
Transylvania. Why?
💁🏼‍♀️ slayer-summers
Get Out Of There Immediately Jonathan Harker Leave Get Out Now Get Out Go Leave Go Now
#buffy talks #slayer posting
548 notes
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🎸 the-vampire-queen
I just learned about "vegan vampires." That's so stupid. Just eat the color red ???? It's NOT that hard
🎀 miss-draculaura
🎸 the-vampire-queen
I'll make an exception for you
🎀 miss-draculaura
1,600 notes
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🐺 the-vampire-lestat
A preview of my upcoming book:
I am the vampire Lestat. I'm immortal. More or less. The light of the sun, the sustained heat of an intense fire-these things might destroy me. But then again, they might not.
I'm six feet tall, which was fairly impressive in the 1780s when I was a young mortal man. It's not bad now. I have thick blond hair, not quite shoulder length, and rather curly, which appears white under fluorescent light. My eyes are gray, but they absorb the colors blue or violet easily from surfaces around them. And I have a fairly short narrow nose, and a mouth that is well shaped but just a little too big for my face. It can look very mean, or extremely generous, my mouth. It always looks sensual. But emotions and attitudes are always reflected in my entire expression. I have a continuously animated face.
My vampire nature reveals itself in extremely white and highly reflective skin that has to be powdered down for cameras of any kind.
And if I'm starved for blood I look like a perfect horror- skin shrunken, veins like ropes over the contours of my bones. But I don't let that happen now. And the only consistent indi- cation that I am not human is my fingernails. It's the same with all vampires. Our fingernails look like glass. And some people notice that when they don't notice anything else.
Please, contain your excitement.
🐺 the-vampire-lestat
Who is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way?
💁🏼‍♀️ slayer-summers
Would you believe me if I told you we're still trying to figure that out?
#buffy talks #well ebony isn't real #but we still don't know who tara is
6,666 notes
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🦇 cravensworth-king-of-bottoms
I've heard a rumor about this online webbed site; that is which it is filled to the brim with abstinants, celibates, and the like.
📸 liam-de-lioncunt Follow
Ugh... As much as I hate to use popular gifs, I feel compulsed to post this before anyone else does.
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There. I did it first.
🦇 cravensworth-king-of-bottoms
Tonight, we FEAST. NYAH! HAH!
628 notes
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🎸 the-vampire-queen
Just recorded this Mitski cover
6 notes
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🧛🏻‍♂️ tepes-the-first
Why is it that when Gods demand blood, it's called a necessary sacrifice, but when I, Vlad Dracul,
💛 alucard
It's because you're evil.
🧛🏻‍♂️ tepes-the-first
For the last time, change your URL. Your name is Adrian.
📚 j-harker
I didn't know you had a son!
📚 j-harker
Wait, what was the original post about??
🧛🏻‍♂️ tepes-the-first
Don't worry about it.
📚 j-harker
Okay. :)
4,279 notes
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💁🏼‍♀️ slayer-summers
I'm starting an emotional support group chat for slayers, does anyone want in?
💑 armand-de-la-cruz
Yes please!
⚔️ nandor-the-relentless-3
⚔️ nandor-the-relentless-3
Why do you want to be in a vampire slayer group chat Guillermo??????
⚔️ nandor-the-relentless-3
Answer my texts Guillermo
63 notes
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✨ edward-cullen Follow
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My beautiful daughter. Looks just like her mother.
🍷 dimitrescu-winery
Get that wretched monstrosity of a child off of my screen.
🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
wait, Ravioli is a real child? i thought she was just a photoshop meme of @the-vampire-lestat’s daughter Claudia?
6️⃣ vampire-count-er
What is the Vampblr number of the day? Let’s count the vampires of Tumblr above me in this post to find out!
Ah, that’s one vampire.
TWO! Two vampires!
THREE bloodsucking vampires! Ah ah ah!!
The number of the day is three!
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7,012 notes
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🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
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💀 real-carmilla
🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
please check your dms carmilla i sent you my address
1,982 notes
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👨🏻‍🦲 colin-robinson-69-420 Sponsored by Blaze 🔥
The new The Vampire Lestat album sucks.
Get it? It sucks.
Because he’s a vampire.
It’s pretty funny, if you ask me.
#lestat de lioncourt #satan’s night out #the vampire lestat #vampblr #not a callout post
438 notes
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🌙 werepire
Is no one going to talk about how problematic Marceline’s girlfriend is? Just because they’re both royalty doesn’t mean that Bonnibel can do whatever she wants with no repercussions.
I mean, here’s an article explaining all the horrible stuff she’s done [link]. Are we just going to pretend none of it happened?
👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 nadja-of-antipaxos
Hard agree. Down with the monarchies.
She can, however, do whatever she wants because she’s hot
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hellwantfuckme · 5 months
want to stay the night?
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summary: after a nightmare, Azriel only wishes be at home, almost unconsciously he ends up where he feels most at home.
warnings: fluff, nightmare
author's note: happy new year everyone! What better way to start the year mixing Azriel and some fluff. Hope you like it :)
Eclipse had never given herself the privilege of contemplating how much things had changed. Perhaps she had never had time to do so. There had always been one event after another, one problem after another. The orange glow of the candles provided just enough light for her to vaguely distinguish one thing or two, and she didn't want any more light.
She just sighed, sinking into her bed, trying to refocus on the words written in the book on her lap. As she had been trying to do for about an hour, and naturally, she couldn't. About two hours ago, a suffocating feeling had settled in her chest, irrationally. Followed by a panic that had her heart racing, as if something was terribly wrong.
But she couldn't say what, she couldn't get an explanation. Sometimes, after a lot of coffee, she felt anxious. That was the excuse she tried to come up with, but it was four in the morning, and with the House of Wind refusing to give her more than two cups of coffee a day, it didn't make much sense. Eclipse rubbed her chest, as if she wanted to get rid of the discomfort that had taken root there.
Sounds of footsteps, too heavy to be Nesta's, and too clumsy for Eclipse to identify if they were from Cassian or Azriel, sounded from the hallway, and stopped at her door. Before Eclipse could ask herself any questions, two soft knocks sounded on her door.
Dark irregularities, breaking the peace, seemed to warp the air, seeped under her door, the shadows of Azriel, Eclipse quickly recognized. And she had the unsettling feeling that they were watching her closely.
Eclipse pulled the quilt off her legs, getting out of bed. She walked to the door and opened it, clear doubt on her sharp features.
Her eyebrows raised at what she had in front of her, not because of Azriel, but because of his state. His skin was covered by a thin, very thin layer of sweat. His messy onyx hair, as if he had run his hands through it a couple of times. Dark circles adorned his eyes, a worrying dark color. The tension in his shoulders was obvious, the wings tightly folded, pressed against his back. And there was a gleam in his frenzied, desperate hazel eyes that made her chest tighten in concern.
"Azriel." Eclipse called, daring to put her own hand on top of Azriel's.
"What's wrong?" concern rang clear in her voice. Her eyebrows furrowed gently.
Azriel seemed to snap out of the frenzy he had been in, tensing up again. He withdrew his hands from her face, standing to his full height, the tension returning. Her skin felt cold without the warm contact; Eclipse had the impulse to take his hand and put it back on her face. She stopped before she could fully form the thought, but she didn't miss how he hid his hands behind his back.
Her shoulders slumped, for a moment Eclipse feared she was too transparent with her feelings, for a moment she feared showing too much of the sadness she felt at witnessing that act.
"I'm sorry," he said, little more than an embarrassed murmur.
Eclipse shook her head and forced her limbs to move, and to look away, because, for a second, she felt like she could get lost looking at him, trying to decipher how to wipe the embarrassment from his tone, how to let him know, without being too obvious, that the scars on his hands were not something to be ashamed of, and certainly not something to hide from her. She took a step back, leaving enough room for him to enter, a silent invitation. Offering any kind of comfort she could offer him at this moment.
Azriel entered, without exchanging any words, though Eclipse noticed the way Azriel's shadows hid on his back, swirl around his wings. She closed the door and gathered courage to ask softly, gently:
"Are you okay?" Although it was obvious he wasn't, Eclipse asked.
Azriel's chest rose slightly as he filled his lungs with air and let out a sigh through his nose, his gaze wandering slowly around the room. Stopping to look at the bookshelf filled with books and some others stacked in corners, or on the desk, before looking at her again.
He lowered his chin, a slight nod. She just looked at him, fixated on the tension in his shoulders. Eclipse licked her lips, as if she wanted to say something more, but, in reality, she had nothing to say, nothing to offer if she didn't know, in the first place, why Azriel was there.
"Was it a nightmare?" Eclipse asked, Azriel nodded again, something changed in his eyes, in the difficult-to-read stoic expression, a subtle hint of fear. It seemed like he was recalling whatever he had dreamed about. And if he seemed remotely comfortable before, now he just seemed tense again. Eclipse knew it was better not to press on the subject, to ask what the nightmare had been about. This man had five hundred years on her, it could be about anything.
Before she realized what she was doing, Eclipse stepped closer until she was mere millimeters from him, her eyes at his clavicle level, she leaned her neck gently to look into his eyes. His were already on her, and her heart skipped a beat. His scent, cedar and mist, filled her lungs. It surrounded her like a warm blanket, she blinked, looking around, deciding.
She then tiptoed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling his body gently toward hers. She hugged him lightly, a grip that could hardly be called a grip, an invitation to step away if he did not feel comfortable, if he did not want to. Or maybe just a test of her doubts about it.
Azriel remained still. A second, two. Eclipse was about to step away, the proof of shame appearing on her cheeks and tinting them. But before she could step away and, well, face this, Azriel wrapped his huge arms around her waist, hugging her tightly. Eclipse was surprised but her own hug tightened on his shoulders, her chin against his shoulder as she felt Azriel burying his face in the hollow of her neck.
Eclipse held back a sigh.
The tip of his nose swept across her exposed skin, Eclipse felt how he subtly inhaled, and his arms tightened around her.
Eclipse was sure he felt her racing heart against his own, and when the tip of his nose swept across the skin above her pulse, she was more than sure. But he didn't let go, he hugged her as if he wasn't going to see her tomorrow. And since he didn't make any move to step away for a while, she didn't either. She was incredibly aware of how the thin fabric of her nightdress suddenly felt like a barrier between her skin and his, how her head was spinning, perhaps from nerves.
Eclipse was certain she had never been hugged like that in her life, she was sure that any hug she had ever given in her life had been empty, while a part of her that she didn't know was troubled, calmed down.
Finally, the pain in her calves from standing on tiptoes was too much, and she released her grip on Azriel. He seemed reluctant to let her go for a fraction of a second, but he did so anyway. The gods knew that Eclipse wouldn't have cared about the discomfort of being on tiptoes if he hadn't let her go.
Their eyes connected again, his clouded by something that Eclipse couldn't discern. In the years she had known Azriel, that fog had appeared a handful of times. The first time they saw each other after she was transformed into Fae against her will, the first solstice she spent in Velaris, the time she had gotten hopelessly drunk with Nesta and had trouble climbing the stairs and just sat there.
"Do you... want to stay the night?" The question came out of Eclipse's lips before she could stop herself. She instantly regretted it. Even when the boundaries of their friendship were blurry, Eclipse feared she might have gone too far. Crossed a line.
No. She was sure she had crossed a line, but she found herself fearing his reaction.
Azriel seemed surprised, for just a few seconds. Then he nodded, his wings moving slightly with nervousness. Eclipse, for the second time, held back a sigh.
Her hand instinctively found Azriel's, guiding him to her bed. Eclipse contemplated the size for a brief second, then assumed that, actually, it was more than big enough to accommodate his wings.
Eclipse slipped under the duvet, taking the right side of the bed, and moments later felt the mattress sink beside her. She laid on her back, turning her back to Azriel, regretting the distance between them as Azriel repeated her actions.
For a moment, a tense silence settled between them. Then Azriel spoke:
"Can I hold you?" Eclipse wasn't sure if she had imagined the longing in his voice.
Perhaps it was the vulnerability in the moment, the intimacy, that gave Azriel enough courage to ask.
Azriel's arms were around her in an instant, around her waist, and he drew her back until her back was pressed against his chest. Eclipse settled, Azriel's scent enveloping her. The tension leaving her as Azriel did the same, pulling the duvet over them both.
Eclipse felt Azriel burying his nose in her hair, inhaling. And with her heartbeat calming down, Eclipse relaxed until waves of sleep found her body.
Eclipse had been sure that the whole house had been silent before, now it seemed... it seemed to hold a different kind of silence. She wasn't sure if it had anything to do with the house itself, or if she was imagining it. She just knew that she fell asleep much faster than she ever had in her life. And with Azriel holding her from behind, she had never felt so... at peace.
She fell asleep seconds later.
ੈ ✩‧₊ ˚ੈ ✩ ‧₊ ˚ੈ ✩‧ ₊˚
Azriel moved in his dreams as a line of light unfortunately crossed his face, just above his eyes, waking him up.
For a fraction of a second, he was confused about where he was, as he never left the curtains open before going to sleep and the smell surrounding him was like vanilla, and curled up in his arms was the completely relaxed figure of Eclipse. He didn't tense up or immediately get up in an unfamiliar place as he expected himself to do, something, his instinct or his own conscience, told him he had nothing to worry about. When his eyes rested on her, he remembered everything that had happened the night before.
His heart raced a little, watching as some brown strands fell over her sleeping face, how angelic she looked asleep. But there was something more in her features that for a moment filled Azriel's core with satisfaction: she seemed completely calm, nothing bothered her for a few seconds, there was a difference when she simply slept, peacefully like everyone who surrendered in Morpheus's arms, and when she was calm. Calm as if there was nothing that could disturb her, until Azriel noticed that the light also fell on Eclipse's face, she snorted with annoyance, turned and buried her face in Azriel's chest, wanting to avoid the honestly bothersome glow in her dreams. Then she stayed still, her breathing slow and steady, she was asleep.
Azriel wasn't sure if it was right to have brought her closer to his body, to have surrounded the sleeping figure of Eclipse with his wing, preventing any light from disturbing her dreams. But by the way her body had nothing to complain about, no headache, or sore muscles, or tiredness from a lack of sleep, he didn't want to get up. Even when the most logical part of him told him to get up, that he was encroaching on Eclipse's space.
Even though it didn't seem so, because of the way she cuddled up against him asleep.
Azriel had never slept better in his life. The truth hit him quickly. And he just sank a little deeper into the mattress, his eyelids heavy again.
He promised himself that he wouldn't sleep much more, he had tasks to do during the day, he had a pending training with Cassian. But nothing prevented him from falling asleep as well, nothing worried him as he felt he held his most precious possession, the only person worth it.
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realisticjupiter · 2 months
I have another request, sorry ☹️
I just love the way you write sm 😭
Could you maybe write y/n comforting Chishiya after a nightmare where he looses her? I feel like he's biggest and only fear will be to loose her
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Summary: Comforting Chishiya after he wakes up from a nightmare.
Pairing: Chishiya x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff , Light angst
Warnings: mentions of death & blood!
Word Count: 734
a/n: no need to apologize, I love doing requests! hope this slightly fits your expectations 😅<3
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There you were. Just inches away from him with your back turned, unable to see the look in his eyes as he got used to his fuzzy surroundings.
"y/n?" Chishiya whispered, bringing his arm out to turn you from your shoulder.
"Oh, Chishiya! Did you finish the game yet?" Your voice was distorted and faded as you talked.
"What game?" He shook his head, noticing the color of your hair but unable to see the color of your lips.
"You didn't finish it?" Your voice was suddenly sad, your facial expression showing nothing more than terrified.
"No?" He furrowed his brows, confused where any of this was coming from.
He could tell how scared you were without you being able to speak. He couldn't open his mouth to ask if everything was okay, or what was wrong.
All he saw was that red laser that he's become far too familiar with the sound of.
Through your skull.
And now, on the floor--bleeding.
Chishiya shocked himself awake, breathing heavily as sweat stuck to his forehead and his entire body heating up under the large comforter.
His breathing was loud and erratic as he tried to calm himself, looking over to see the back of your head but far too afraid to reach out to see if you were awake.
You stirred in your sleep at the sudden movement, turning your head and peaking an eye open.
"Chishiya?" You mumbled through a husky tone.
"Hm?" He hummed, watching your face with an expression you've never seen before.
You could tell he tried his hardest to appear nonchalant, but no amount of masking could hide the scared look in his eyes.
"You okay?" You asked, bringing a hand to swipe away the hair that stuck to his forehead due to the sweat.
"No," He mumbled, barely above a whisper as he looked at you.
"Nightmare?" You asked, keeping your voice low as if another octave would scare him away.
"Something like that.." He nodded, turning on his side with an attempt to be closer to you, which didn't go unnoticed.
"What was it?" You whispered, bringing yourself closer to him to brush your nose against his own.
Your fingers traced light circles on his cheek, grazing your cold toes against his warm body. He leaned into your touch, bringing a hand to hold onto your waist.
"You died, and I think it was because of me." His voice was soft and cold as he let the words fall from his mouth.
His grip tightened on you as he shut his eyes, trying to lose the images of the dream in his running thoughts.
"Well, I'm not dead, I promise you that." You chuckled, drifting your face closer to his to lightly graze your lips against his.
"'M very real..." You smiled widely, mimicking his actions to shut your eyes as well.
Chishiya couldn't help but let a faint laugh from his chapped lips, looking down at you as you clearly tried not to fall asleep with closed eyes.
Silence filled the cold room as your fingers continued their movements of soft circles grazing his skin. Your legs warming against his and your mind wandering with the inability to sleep.
"Chishiya." You spoke once more.
"Hm?" He hummed, opening his eyes to fully take in your tired, yet peaceful state.
"Don't ever blame yourself, if I die." You shook your head, bringing your hand down to bury itself in the hair that rested on the nape of his neck.
He stayed silent with a shaky breath, not knowing how to reply. He couldn't promise, because he knew he would. No matter what, he would find a way to tell himself he could've done better.
"I won't have to, because you won't die." It was as if his words were more to himself than to you, his hand falling to your back to pull you flushed against him.
"Okay." Was all you muttered before kissing down his cheek, resting your head underneath his.
He held you close, his arms tightening against you as the nightmare invaded his mind. It was as if he was stuck in a loop, thinking about the feeling he had when he heard that sound so vividly.
He had to stop thinking about it. You were right there with him. Not dead, not on the ground covered in blood, but with him and nowhere else.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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ratstwond · 4 months
Smiling Critters? As if the cartoon show?
Disclaimer: This is made for fun, there's no specific lore to them.
Warning: Bad English.
MC will be a Red Panda, since i did research about these little fellas and immediately fall inlove with them. But that doesn't mean i won't write for Lamb!Reader or Other animal!Reader.
Reblogs and comments are encouraged! Any kind of interaction are appreciated!
Pervious || Next
Confusion plastered on your face when you rolled to the side, expect to feel the hard, unforgiving cold floor. You were met with the soft patches of grass, tickling your skin, swaying slightly to the cool wind. Colorful flowers surrounded you as if they're concerned. The smell of fresh air assaulting your nostrils, lacing with a tint of newly baked pie. Sounds of laughters and happy squeals filled your eardrums instead of off-putting silence or screams that get you traumatized for days. Your body is light, relaxed, the backpack's absence seems to
Is this heaven? Or a dream? Was everything in Playtime.co just a nightmare? So many questions running through your mind.
Bird's chriping snap you out, you brush it off. More distracted by the newly surroundings, warmth envelopes like a weighted blanket as you squint in surprise when the sun light grazed your eyes. Unfamiliar with the sudden change of environment. Being in the dark for so long with makeshift lights and sunny sky had your body unconsciously adapted, naturals make you recoiled.
You feel like crying. You don't know when was the last time you bother to think about the outside when all you focused was trying to survive. Reality hit you like a truck and left you broken.
"Oh no no! Don't cry!"
In the midst of moment, hands reaching out to cup both sides of your face, tilting you chin upward gently. You can't help but jolt, quickly get on your feet and stood with your arms raised, tail puffed up and claws out.
You got a good look at the foolish soul that dared to touch you so suddenly and immediately you recognize the familar mascot. A bear. Who's equally as spooked as you, debating whether back off or calm you down. Red fur with some lighter tone of red, heart necklace dangling on its neck, signature blackened eyes with white pupils, and a stretched out smile. She is nervous, and you're too. Both of you had a stare off for what seems to lasted 3 minutes before the bear decided to cut the tense string.
"Hi-! My name is Bobby Bearhug."
You stared, Bobby took it as a sign to continue.
"I'm really sorry.. For touching you so suddenly like that. It wasn't a wise choice-"
"No-nono! It's okay! It's not your fault, i wasn't in my right mind!"
Now it's her turn to stare at you, unexpected as you fumbled, fiddling with your fingers nervously. Now it's her turn to jolted when you let out a short scream after you took a good look at your hands- er paws? Colored fur instead of normal human skin you once had. Panicked, you ran to a nearby river, glancing at your reflection just to be met with a whole new body. Built exactly like the critters, black conjunctiva with white pupils, unsual big mouth. A red panda. And oh you smell like old books-
You grabbed your own ear.
"Wah- hey!"
It was a bit stupid to tug it so harshly like that, the painful ache on your head is enough for you to know that this is real. You groaned in pain, sitting on the grass then get spooked by seeing your tail tucked beside you. Bobby, upon watching you - couldn't help but snort while you're busy freaking out by your own tail.
She shook her head, taking her seat beside you - who had done with their silly antics and is too tired to move - as she only smiled. You're still confused why all of the sudden you woke up in another- word? Yet, weird shits happened all of the time so you maybe will just go along with whatever came to you.
You told Bobby your name, which, the bear immediately brightened, smiling happily. She shakes your hand when you held out,
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"You're silly." She added.
"Thank you."
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oliversrarebooks · 3 months
The Rare Bookseller Part 40: The Maestro's Mark
Prev > Masterlist > Next
June 1905
TW: mind control, body control, captivity, human auction, abuse, burning, branding, mouth whump, forced self-harm, dissociation, this one's kind of a doozy isn't it
"Sir -- " Fitz's voice had returned to him, and he was dismayed to find it shaky and weak, much like his knees. Beside him, Miss Lily was gripping his chain so hard he thought she might crumble it to dust. "Sir -- who was -- "
"The Maestro, an old and powerful vampire lord. My sire, and Alexander's sire as well. The one responsible for turning us into vampires," Miss Lily said, picking him up into a princess carry. "I wasn't expecting him to be here. He normally does not purchase his thralls."
"Is he --" Fitz faltered with the amount of questions he wanted to ask, before settling on the most important one. "Is he cruel, sir?"
She hesitated to answer as she carried him backstage and out into the hallway. "...Yes," she finally said. "Yes, he is cruel. I'm sorry."
She sounded like she meant the apology, and Fitz's too-short life flashed before his eyes.
"What should I do, sir?"
"There's nothing you can do now. Nothing you can do but be obedient. Try to find the private places in your mind to retreat to, places where he can't reach. Eat whatever you're offered when you can. Sleep as much as possible. And never be defiant, even for the smallest matter. The price will never be worth it."
"...You seem as though you know what you're talking about, sir."
"I was his thrall, once."
It was a colorful and loud nightmare as Fitz was carried through the bustling hallway filled with vampires and their newly purchased thralls, talking and laughing and showing off their fashions. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that when he would open them, he'd be somewhere else. The lumpy couch in his drafty, shared apartment. His dressing room backstage. Even the opulent prison of his bedroom back at his family's home.
He'd found that unbearably oppressive at the time. Perhaps he'd been a fool to leave, after all.
When he opened his eyes again, he was in a small room primarily occupied by a desk and a few chairs. A vampire in a fashionable black dress, her neck and ears dripping with jewels, entered the room. "Oh my, Lily, your expression is better suited for a funeral. You've sold your little project for an extravagant amount of cash. Whatever could be the problem?"
Miss Lily's face was sour as a lemon. "You know very well how I feel about my sire, Colette."
"His money will spend as good as everyone else's. If you ask me, you were a little too attached to this thrall."
"I don't care one iota about this thrall," she said, her grip tightening on Fitz's shoulders. "I just think that no one, not even a thrall, deserves the displeasure of serving my sire."
"And yet, I assume you'll want your share of the earnings."
"And yet."
The door opened, and Fitz's new owner entered the room. Perhaps it was Fitz's fevered imagination, but even the gas lamps seemed to flicker in response to the foreboding aura. He gave Miss Lily a small nod, and Fitz felt her fingers dig in tighter, painful.
"It's truly an honor to do business with you, Maestro, sir,"  said Miss Colette, settling behind the desk. "Now, then, sir, you'll owe eleven thousand dollars, unless you require any additional services..."
"No, thank you." He was staring at Fitz now, and it felt like icicles sliding down his back. Fitz couldn't help the impulse to look away -- and realized that he couldn't. He was caught hopelessly in the web of power once more.
His master, as soon as the money was handed over. His master forever. There would be no escaping a man like this.
Never be defiant. The price will never be worth it.
Never be himself ever again.
No, he had to snap out of it. There had to be a way out of this. Some way to charm him, to appeal, to get them both on the same side. There had to be. Weaseling out of bad situations was one of his specialties.
The Maestro was reaching into his coat and pulling out a pouch of what looked to be actual golden coins, as if he were some kind of royalty. Miss Colette didn't seem to regard this as strange, taking the coins from the pouch and weighing them on a small scale. Satisfied with the amount, she handed him a contract to sign.
"Now, if the transaction is complete," he said, "please leave so I can discipline my spawn and my thrall."
"Of course, sir." Miss Colette filed out of the room immediately.
Fitz's protests and his screams died in his throat, along with his desperate impulses to flee anywhere. He was under his new master's power again, frozen in time. He'd never escape, of course, but it still hurt to not even be allowed to try first, to be trapped in a treacherous body that wouldn't obey even his smallest commands.
"Lily," he said, approaching her, and Fitz realized that Miss Lily was holding him in front of her as though Fitz could shield her from her sire. "This thrall has an excellent bloodline and potential. Why did you train him improperly and allow him to make an embarrassment of you?"
"He's a performer by nature, sire, as I'm sure you can see," said Miss Lily, and she sounded as subdued and fearful as Fitz was, a far cry from her confident nature when enthralling him. "He is fully trained and obedient. I simply thought it was amusing to allow him to continue to perform, sire. Plenty of vampires would desire a thrall for entertainment. I don't think he's an embarrassment. It took skill to render him obedient while keeping his personality intact."
If Fitz could move, he would be nodding vigorously, appreciative of Miss Lily's defense.
"Yes. Performance is his nature, that much is true just by looking at him. But you need to be in better control of the thralls in your care, not allow them to preen and pose on the auction block." He reached past Fitz to touch Lily's hair, tucking loose strands of her hair into her bun. Fitz could feel her hands tremble. "Oh, child, I worry that I am too lenient on your soft heart. I don't understand what I did to be cursed with two spawn so gifted and yet so foolish."
"Thank you for your patience with us, sire."
"Indeed. And because you do often delight me, I will allow the punishment to be light."
"Yes, sire. Thank you, sire."
"Here. Take my knife." The Maestro held out a silver knife in a white-gloved hand, and Lily let go of Fitz's arm to take it. "You will find an unoccupied bathroom. You will remove your dress so that you do not bloody it. You will cut out your tongue. You will clean yourself and your surroundings thoroughly. You will then put your dress back on and join my other wayward spawn in the parlor."
Fitz's eyes widened at the description of the punishment, the only movement he could manage. He wanted to run. He wanted to scream. He couldn't do either. Miss Lily let go of his arms, and as she exited the room, head bowed low, he had the desperate, irrational impulse to stop her. True to her advice, she showed no sign of defiance, even when her sire was asking her to do the unthinkable -- as a "light" punishment. From the hard look in her eyes, he had no doubt that she was going to do it.
The door clicked shut. And Fitz was alone with his master.
The strange power forced Fitz's head up to look into the Maestro's eyes as he drew near, like a puppet on strings. With a surprisingly gentle touch, a gloved hand reached out and ruffled his hair, then hooked a finger under his chin and inspected his face from each angle. A soft finger traced down his neck and exposed collarbone, but there was no indication from his heavy aura that the vampire wanted to feed. There was no indication of any desire at all. Just control. Pure control.
What could he do to sway a man like this? He recognized his look, the man who was used to being the most powerful in the room, the kind who couldn't spare a scrap of tolerance for anyone else. No humor, no imagination. The kind of person Fitz usually avoided, or brought up on stage only to tease and get a response from the audience. On stage, Fitz held the power.
His new owner was center stage, now, and not one to relinquish the spotlight easily.
"Fitzwilliam de Hastings," said the Maestro in that musical voice. "You will answer my questions honestly. First -- do you fear me?"
Fitz felt his tongue loosen. This, at least, was an easy question. "Yes, Master."
"You are correct to. At least you are not that sort of fool. Now, tell me -- did you wish for my spawn Alexander to purchase you?"
He recalled the pathetic, fleeting hope he'd had when he'd flirted with Mr. Alexander in the showroom. Yes, yes he had, but he suspected that was the wrong answer. What had worked on Mr. Alexander wouldn't work here -- he needed to work a new angle. "I did think that at first, Master, but then you made that impeccable entrance. You're clearly the vampire all other vampires respect -- it's an honor to have been purchased by you."
The Maestro nodded, then removed one of his gloves.
A percussive crack rang through Fitz's ears, and it took his brain a moment to catch up and realize that he had been slapped hard across the face.
"Do not ever lie to me, child, and do not insult me with your cheap flattery. This is your only warning," his master said, in precisely the same tone as before, not betraying anger or disappointment or any emotion at all. "Try again. Did you wish for my spawn Alexander to purchase you?"
"Yes, Master," said Fitz immediately, praying that he wouldn't incur any further punishment. His tongue. He'd ordered Miss Lily to cut out her own tongue. And if his master wanted to do the same to him, there'd be nothing he could do about it, his very body out of his control.The thought of being permanently rendered mute, unable to joke and flirt and tease and perform --
It hadn't settled in before, had it? What it truly meant to be in thrall to a vampire. Between Miss Lily's mesmerism and his own hubris, he'd imagined himself getting out of this by charming the vampire, carving himself a better life through wit and charisma, as he'd always managed. But these vampires were so much more powerful than him and always would be. What good is wit against a creature who can control your body on a whim, or take your mind away with a word?
He couldn't save himself. No one was coming to save him. There was only him and his cruel new master, and he was unable even to express the despair bubbling up within him. A fate so much worse than death, inescapable.
The re-gloved hand stroked Fitz's cheek gently in the place that was still stinging from the slap. "Despite your ill manners, you have potential, Fitzwilliam. My darling Lily saw that in you, no doubt. A born performer with a compelling presence. Sharp minded. And so, so beautiful. A pity about your headstrong nature," he said. "But you needn't concern yourself. I only need to patiently carve away your imperfections. And I am a very patient vampire."
"Thank you, Master," said Fitz, who had never been more frightened of so-called praise in his life.
"More importantly, I believe you are the key to finally breaking my Alexander's will."
"...I don't understand, sir."
"Thralls aren't meant to understand, child. Thralls are meant to obey. And I have decided what young Alexander's lesson will be." He drew his hand away. "I will give you to Alexander."
Fitz couldn't help but furrow his brow, confused. That couldn't be right. 
"It will be a test for him. One that he will fail."
The Maestro pulled a small metal cylinder from his coat. He carefully lifted the glass from the lamp sitting on Miss Colette's desk, beckoning Fitz forward. Fitz felt himself sleepwalking towards his master, even as the Maestro dipped the metal object in the lamp's flame, even as Fitz realized with growing dread what was about to happen.
"He will forget you belong to me. He will desire to possess you, cherish you, perhaps even love you. He will believe he can rescue you from me. He will be incorrect. I will allow him to believe this, then I will take you from him, and I will break you, and suffering will be a teacher to you both."
Fitz's heart pounded.
His puppeted body gracefully knelt upon the carpet, the crushed red velvet of his dress cushioning his legs, as he looked up in terror.
With a calm, unreadable expression, the Maestro pulled down the neckline of his ball gown and pressed the burning metal to Fitz's flesh, just below his collarbone.
He couldn't scream. He couldn't flinch. He couldn't fight or back away. He couldn't do anything but feel his eyes filling with tears as the white hot pain seared through his body.
Fitz barely even noticed when the brand was pulled away, because the pain hardly lessened. His master was examining his handiwork, and, seemingly satisfied, made Fitz's body stand.
There was no way Fitz could be standing through the shock and the pain, but the puppet strings controlling his every move made it so, forcing him to walk on weak and shaky legs.
"Now show your gratitude for my precious gift."
Fitz's body curtsied low. 
But Fitz's mind, flooded with pain and endorphins and magic, was traveling far away. Away from here, anywhere but here, anything but this. Anything but an inescapable descent into hell.
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Well, wasn't that fun.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist @xx-adam-xx @ivycloak @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @pokemaniacgemini @sowhumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @shinyotachi @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada @typewrittenfangs @tessellated-sunl1ght @cleverinsidejoke @abirbable @ichorousambrosia @a-formless-entity @gobbo-king @writinggremlin @the-agency-archives @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @enigmawriteswhump @foresttheblep @bottlecapreader @whump-on-a-string @whumpinthepot @cinnamoncandycanes @avvail-whumps
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a-jynx · 6 months
forgetting the universe (astarion/reader, astarionxgale)
i hope you enjoy this new fic!
tw; mention of blood drinking, mention of death/character passing, heavy on the angst, smut, somemore angst, and hopefully some comfort! And a lot of back and forth on feelings from Gale. Bloodweave lover!!!
*Gale's thoughts are BOLD & italicized *Gale in disguise is Italicized
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A gentle shake woke him. A noise of disgruntle urged through his lips as he turned over, stuffing his face back into his bedrolls' sorry excuse of a pillow.
"Five more minutes," he huffed, scrunching his nose. A scoff could be heard above him as he was harshly shaken. Snapping his eyes open, he sat up on his elbow and looked to the assailant. "Do you mind? Some of us need-"
Swallowing thickly, he faced the soaked face rogue. Another nightmare... "I- I hadn't realized," Gale coughed, feeling heat rush his cheeks. "Are you alright, Astarion?" His voice low, afraid to scare off his vampiric companion. His usually well-done curls now limp around his eyes and ears. Brilliant ruby-colored eyes now dull and wet as Astarion swallowed, shifting closer to the wizard. Crimson stains were brushed across the vampire's lips.. He must've recently fed. Gale hummed at the thought, quickly shaking his head and finding himself pressed closer to his companion. His friend...
"I'm forgetting them," Astarion whispered, a strangled noise coming from his throat as Gale blinked. Them. Of course.
"I'm forgetting my lover already." Tears streaked down his cheeks as Gale sighed, turning his body towards the man. His hands shook as he pulled Astarion into his chest, his thumb trying to soothe away whatever pain ails him. Astarion turned further into the warmth given to him, sighing as he pressed his nose to Gale's neck. His pulse quickened.
"Show me them."
"What?" Gale leaned away, running from the shiver that coursed up his back as Astarion licked at his stained lips. "I know I woke you from a deep sleep, but try and use that," he gently flicked at Gale's temple. "Oh, so plentiful brain trapped behind your precious locks." His voice ended on a whisper, yet there was a hint of... Desperation?
Gale swallowed around the lump forming in his throat. Astarion's eyes jumped to his Adam's apple bobbing, something flashed across his crimson eyes. "Alright, just this once though..." The wizard murmured into white curls, feeling his tongue grow heavy and his mouth dry as he inhaled. "Just this once..."
A whisper of Disguise Self swirled around Gale's body. Tendrils of purple wrapped around his body and draped him in softer tones, his beard slowly shortened, if not disappeared altogether. His deep brown eyes shined against the soft candlelight. Astarion breathed a sigh, new tears ushering his cheeks. A trembling hand caressed the wizards' cheek. His feather-like touch brushed across the scar that decorated his past lovers' flesh. He could see the freckles he once counted with kisses, stating that he was counting the stars to his universe.
So, why would you take yourself away..?
Tears dripped onto the bedroll squished between their bodies. Your heat grew as Astarion drew closer - he could hear the thrum of his heart drumming against his ribs.
"Why? Why would you leave me?" The vampires' voice cracked as his sharp nails dug into the shoulders before him. A sharp whine left your parted lips while clenched teeth held back the hiss.
Gale had not a clue. One night, three - no four - months ago, you had got missing. The party searched for four days and three nights. He was the only one brave enough to face Astarion during the search; asking if he needed anything. He was always met with resistance or anger. The next morning that found your body... Mangled. The blood Astarion once treasured to suckle from your neck, now laid out and splattered the land before them.
The following night, Gale had been the one to comfort the angry rogue. Watching over him as he guzzled down bottle after bottle of whatever he could find. He had been so in love with you... He thought you to be immortal.
The world has a cruel way of checking ones' reality.
"I never chose to leave you," you all but whispered into his space. His lips hovered over your own. The smell of iron and wine strong on his breath. Your eyes fluttered closed as your lips pressed together. They moved together, teeth nipping and his fangs digging into your fattened bottom lip. Leaning back on your elbows, you fell away from Astarion's assault, brandishing your neck as he followed the juncture, pressing hot, open mouth kisses across your flesh.
"I- By the God's- I wouldn't leave you." Your voice shook as he nipped at your collarbone, suckling at the flesh until a dark bruise settled on your skin. "I loved you." A whimper fell from Astarion's lips as he tugged at your clothes, his hands shaking as the fabrics melted away from your body.
"You love me." His voice countered, causing a hitch in your throat. His body hovered over you, watching as your chest rose and fell quickly. "Say it. Say you love me." His voice held bite as he stared into your eyes, tears now dried and replaced with something... Carnal.
"I-" Your voice died, catching in your throat. Astarion's brows furrowed, leaning down and pressing soft kisses to your stomach, a hum leaving him every time your muscles lurch from his touch.
"Say you love me," he whispered against your taut skin. Glancing up through his low lashes while his tongue peeked out from his fangs, licking at the sharp tip. "Say you'll never leave me and... And that you need me as much as I need you." Astarion's voice wavered, as you stared down at him, tears prickling your waterline.
He was breaking...
"No! No, I am your Star, and you are my Universe, remember...?" His voice quivered as you swallowed thickly, blinking as a tear slipped down your cheek. Licking at your drying lips, you nodded. Give this to him. Give him the comfort he's begging for...
"I love you."
This is wrong.
"You are my mighty Star, and I am your whole Universe."
I'm not them.
"I need more than ever, please, my Star."
Pull back. Let go. This isn't how I wanted to do this!
Astarion's eyes fluttered closed as if remembering each syllable that escape your lips. Listening to your words as if they were gently caressing his skin. Just as his fingers caressed your flesh, gentle red lines etched across your thighs as he sighed.
"Thank you." The words whispered into the air before he shot up your body, slamming his lips into your own. Teeth clashed as he maneuvered his hips to grind against your own. Deep groans erupted from deep within your chest causing a smirk against your lips. Your lips followed as he leaned away, interrupting your journey with his fingers brushing against your swollen, darkened lips.
Your tongue lolled out, accepting his digits with a hum. He watched with a smirk as your spit slickened up his fingers, and with a nod he slowly dragged them from your mouth, chuckling darkly as a string of spit connected you still. Settling back on his haunches, he dragged your body closer as your ass rested against his thighs.
"Hips up, and do try to keep it down," he grinned, flashing his fangs with a lick. "Our companions are trying to get their beauty rest." As the last word left his lips, his fingers prodded at your entrance. Your eyes widened as your hand shot out, digging your nails into his forearm.
By the God's-
"Fuck," whimpered through your lips as his slick knuckles slid in and out of you. Your spit had given you little lube as you gasped, feeling a second finger slid beside the other. Each thrust caused you to keen, your toes to curl as his fingers scissored and his thrust quickened. Your mind began to cloud over. You felt Astarion's weight shift further onto your stomach, causing your body to curl further into itself as his lips pressed softly to yours.
"Let go, let me see you." His words melted as you inhaled a gasp, flinching as his fingers pulled from your warmth. You blinked as you watched his hand loosen the hold of his pants, causing you to whine at the sight before you. His cock sprung free, teasing your lower stomach with the tip as his precum oozed freely.
Shaking your head, you dug your nails further into his skin, no doubt leaving crescents in your wake. He tsked, moving back and allowing your body to relax against his thighs once more. You flinched as he spat into his hand, slicking up his cock with a mixture of his saliva and precum. You felt your mouth began to water.
"Steady breathes, my Universe," he murmured, grasping his cock and teasing your entrance with the tip, smirking to himself as your muscles jumped and your brows furrowed at the feeling. "Relax for me, enjoy our mixed bliss together." He pressed into you, tilting his up as if in prayer. A deep groan erupting from his slack jaw, oh you felt like heaven...
Gale's eyes snapped open as Astarion gently thrusted. Prodding his cock further into the wizard below him with low lidded eyes. The dark brown disappeared into his head as the vampiric rogue bottomed out with a smirk and a coo.
"You lost your disguise, oh, Great Gale of Waterdeep." Astarion cooed teasingly as Gale huffed, trying to keep his breathing steady from the intrusion.
"I'm, fuck, I'm sorry Astar-" A sharp thrust cut off Gale's voice, causing him to keen at the deep feeling. His body fought to tense up as Astarion kept shallow thrusts moving the man below him, grinning as the usually cocky wizard lost his words.
"I told you," Astarion pulled out fully causing a whine to leave Gale, his teeth clenched as his eyes drifted open, meeting the darkened vermilion. "I am your Star," he pushed back into Gale before gripping the wizards' hips and deeply thrusting. Gale's body jumped with each thrust as his mouth went slack, his eyes pinched closed in pleasure.
"And you are my Constellation." Astarion whispered, his thrust becoming sloppy. Gale keened at the words; he could feel tears brewing behind his lids, but he couldn't break the piece of heaven he had right now. He needed this. They both did.
Gale flinched as a hand reached up, caressing his scruffy cheeks as Astarion's grip squished them together causing his lips to purse. "Look at me and tell me you do not feel this," his voice cracked as his hips met flush against Gale's ass. His free hand reaching between their bodies and grasping Gale's stiff cock, rubbing his thumb over the tip as precum leaked like a waterfall. Leaning over, Astarion spat onto the tip causing Gale to lurch as his hand worked him quickly, rotating his wrist while listening to the slickness work over the wizards' cock.
"I-" Another thrust punctured his words.
"You were the only comfort I've known since their passing. The only one I craved on nights where the nightmares lingered too much," Astarion choked out as Gale glanced to his face, meeting his once again glossed over eyes. Trembling fingers reached out, brushing a limp curl behind the Elf's ear. Astarion grit his teeth and slammed a final thrust before spilling into Gale, shivering as the warmth shivered down Astarion's back. His hand worked over Gale's cock quickly, leaning down and gently sucking at the tip as his body quacked, leaning back Astarion watched as his cum shot across his stomach, tears dripping down his slightly flushed cheeks.
"You were all my brain consumed after their death." Tears splattered onto Gale's cum covered stomach. He gently leaned back, pulling his cock from Gale's body and watching spurts of cum dribbled down his back.
The crickets and rushing river joined in on their gentle breathing, small huffs as they sat and stared at one another. Astarion cleared his throat, wiping his cheeks and chin as Gale swallowed thickly around the lump growing in his throat. They cared for one another, now in more ways than one. But... It couldn't work.
Could it?
"Astarion, I-"
"I know... This was a one-time thing." He huffed with a sniffle, tucking a curl behind his sharp ear. Gale frowned. Why.. Why did he sound disappointed? "I came to you in a vulnerable time, and you assisted me with it. Thank you, Gale of Waterdeep." Astarion teased with a grin, shifting to his feet as Gale sat there, watching.
"Astarion, I... I'm truly sorry for your loss." He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling his stomach knot with dread whilst still feeling the warmth left inside him, cum and tears drying across his stomach.
Astarion sucked at his teeth, nodding before moving towards the tent entrance. He paused, his fingers digging into the tents' fabric before huffing out a breath and pushing out into the night, leaving Gale with his mind warped and his gut mangled.
Settling back into his bedroll, Gale felt his eyes begin to water. Squeezing his eyes tightly, he allowed the tears to cascade down his cheeks and disappear within his beard. Tangling his hands together, he picked at the torn flesh around his nailbeds while flashes of Astarion and you danced across his mind. The two of you were so happy together. Jealously bubbled in his chest as he slowly opened his eyes, staring at the top of his tent with ache.
Sitting up, he reached over and pulled his robe over his head, standing and snuffing out the candle before him. Pushing out into the still night, he glanced towards the fire and seeing the coals smoldering away whilst everyone rested in their tents. Gale found his eyes lingering towards Astarion's tent, another bubble of anxiety plowed up his back. Twisting his hands together, Gale marched towards the vampiric companion's homely refuge.
He stood before the flap, watching as candlelight danced from within. Inhaling deeply, he pulled back the flap and moved into the warmth. Astarion's attention snapped towards him, the book in his hand now forgotten on his lap. "Gale..? Back for a second-"
"I do love you."
They sat stunned at one another. Gale's eyes wide as he gnawed at his bottom lip. Astarion stared at the wizard with somewhat glittering - hopeful yet cautious- eyes. Astarion slowly stood, allowing the book to tumble from his grasp as Gale stood stoic, his jaw tightly set. He moved closer, eyes darting around the brunettes' face - studying him as he lifted a gentle hand, caressing the loose locks.
Gale hummed. "I do love you. I.. You lost someone truly dear to you, and I am sorry for that, however, the day you came to me for comfort those months ago - and tonight - I couldn't help but feel like it was meant to be a blessing in disguise," his voice travelled a mile a minute as Astarion's brows furrowed, causing him to triple back.
"Not that them dying was a good thing! By the God's, Mystra give me strength - I just meant-" Astarion pressed his index against the stumbling man's lips as a soft grin fluttered across his own.
"You're rambling again, darling."
"Right. Apologizes." Gale chuckled as Astarion dropped his hand, gently grasping his before sighing.
"I... I understand what you are saying, Gale, but could we really make this work?" His voice dropped as Gale's brows furrowed, his hands now caressing the bundle of hands in front of him, dragging the rogue closer.
"We can make it work. They would want you to be happy-"
A smile split his crimson-stained lips apart, the tips of his fangs peeking out. Tilting his head up, their lips connected.
Soft. Gentle. No rushing, no teeth clashing against one another in a rush for a taste of one another. Gale sighed against the iron-tasting lips, pressing his forehead against Astarion's temple. He could feel his heart thrumming against his chest as he held his companion close. Astarion suddenly stepped back, tugging Gale behind him to the bedroll below. Their arms wrapped around one another, Astarion pressed tightly into Gale's chest with a content sigh.
Their shared breaths mixed with the nights' gentle sounds. Their holds tightening on each other as the world seemed to grow quiet while they breathed each other in, feeling the weight of one another in their arms. Gale curled his head against Astarion's loose curls, breathing in the Bergamot and rosemary mixing with the iron scent still lingering on his skin.
This is what you would've wanted.
You would've wanted them to find each other and seek comfort. Especially Astarion. He had fought so hard to keep you, but the world ripped you away... Only to gift Gale in your place. It had been cruel, yes. But, in the back of his mind, Gale believed you pushed them together in the end. Tugged them together so that they may find peace in this chaotic life that you left behind.
With a final glance into the white curls below, Gale pressed a soft kiss to the vampire's crown before whispering into his hair, "I promise to love you, my Starlight."
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white-00-7 · 1 month
The fallen
Lucifer x reader
( after Adam died)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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It was a regular day in the hazbin hotel. Charlie was doing redemption exercise with Angel Dust. Nifty was running everywhere to dust the place up, Vaggie was close to Charlie to help her , Alastor was in his chair as in the lobby could be heard a soft jazz song. Lucifer was in his apple tower. His room and workshop when all of the sudden a bright light illuminate his room and a crash sound outside the hotel making it to tremble a little.
When thwy all go outside to see what happened they see 2 angels fighting. One was an exterminator the other was strange. Her wings were a fuze of colors as the univers with stars, her black hair as the night was tied in loose braid. She was dressed in a royal blue dress that was covered in purple armor. She had a spear next to her but she was using her fists to fight that angel. She was speaking in a language that made then wonder what is she talking about. Even Lucifer haven't heard it before. After she threatened the angel she took their halo and broke it in her hands then get up and throw then away as they angel flow to the portal to heaven the one with wings of a galaxy was screaming at them something that was like swears and threats. After the portal close she sigh then took her own halo and look at it. Then in a fit of rage she broke hers to. She turn around to see demons in front of a building and took her spear and point it at them.
"Cine sunteți? De ce va uitați așa la mine?" (Who are you? Why are you guys looking at me that way) she speaks in that strange language again. Charlie come closer the the angel and ask her "Are you ok? You look hurt....your bleeding". The angel look at her smile as she understood what language to use to speak with them. "Hello. Yes I am good. But I want to ask you if you could show me the way to Charlie Morningstar? I heard that she can help me in a way to accept that I'm in hell. But first to tell you my name." She bows softly but with elegance. "My name is Y/n. I am the angel of galaxy. First to be created by the God and the last. Queen of dreams and hope and protector of balance".
Y/n pov:
'They are looking at me like I'm some kind of ghist or something. Hell. It is because of my wings?' She thought and hide her wings in her back. The girl with red circles on her cheeks and a big smile looks like an angel....is she the daughter of my little morningstar? "Hi my name is Charlie. Why don't you come in and let us help you patch up? I think you have a story to tell and maybe you will want to stay here" she said and approach y/n and she accepted Charlie hand. She made her spear disappear then walk into the hotel followed by the rest. Charlie sat her down on the couch as the rest sit around to listen.
"Ok so as I said I am y/n. The queen of dreams and hopes and protector of balance. I was the first and last angel of galaxy that God created. To protect humans by all kinds of threats from space like asteroids or black holes, to put stars on the night sky for them and to go to the dreams realm to fight with the nightmares who terorise humans. Being just me I dress differently as you all can see. I like white but my skin is already made of moon light and stardust. Dress differently speak differently and think differently. They thought that I am the problem. When I find out what they did to my little morningstar when I was gone I started to ask why and to find out, but they sended me on a mission again. I came back a week ago and when I find out finally when they did with Samael then here in hell killing innocent demons I started to question then to press them to stop. I told the whole heaven what they did and finally when you guys saw me I was fighting and destroyed the exorcism. I'm sorry it took so long to come here. Truly." She looks at all of then embarrassed then at Charlie and what she thinks it was her little star. Samael but now Lucifer.
Lucifer was startled to hear his other name then look at her puzzled. Charlie had tears in her eyes but then Angel Dust spooke "What do you mean by your little morningstar?" She smiled at then and blush softly as then sigh and open her palms. A soft light that sparks with a light so beautiful that made you feel warm and comfortable. "This is what humans called the star of morning. The first star to appear on the sky and the last to go. My little morningstar. This star is under Samael name because God wanted it to be so." She looks at Lucifer and smile as he was almost in tears. She put the star away and when the light disappeared she looks at all of then then wince and cover her right side of her stomach. Gold blood was gushing out and she started to breath heavily. "C...can someone carry me to a room? Preferably at the top of this building and to stich me up? Thanks" after those words she fainted.
Third person pov:
Y/n fainted as soon as she finished talking and Lucifer caught her body in time before falling. He looks at her puzzled and feeling strange after hearing her story. He knew of her name. Never seen her before tough. He looks at Charlie and she got up and started to walk upstairs where she thinks is the best room for her new guest. Lucifer placed y/n on the bed and snap his fingers to make some pijama pants and shirt appear. She give then to Charlie and told her to call Vaggie and change her clothes and dress her wounds as he leaves the women's alone.
(Not my art)
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ryotono · 1 year
More Upper moons and [Y/N] and quotes and Chaos, curse and whatever the god damnit it's this
Enjoy! :D
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[Y/N]: good evening, my only amazing master Muzan, the glorious king of demons
Muzan: what did you do?
[Y/N]: I burned down a city
Muzan: what
[Y/N]: yeah ik I f*cked up but listen-
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[Y/N]: I will die for you.
Kokushibo: we are demons, in fact we can't just die
[Y/N]: I would take a bullet for you
Kokushibo: It wouldn't affect you
Kokushibo: don't be dumb and kill yourself, you need to serve Muzan
[Y/N]: kokushibo for the glory of akaza tits, pls accept my demonstration of love
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Douma: ngl master Muzan, but [Y/N] is your favorite isn't?
Muzan: of course they are, they can f*ck the whole mission? Yeah, but at least THEY COMPLETE THE MISSION, THING NONE OF YOU DO, Y'ALL PIECE OF DOG SHI-
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Daki: oh yeah, how did you get rid of that group of slayers?
[Y/N]: well...
Demon slayers: We got you demon, there's nowhere to run!
[Y/N]: Guess have no choice, going to use mine Blood Demon Art...
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Kokushibo introduces Kaigaku to the rest of the upper moons:
Kaigaku: hi
[Y/N]: what the f*ck was that
Kaigaku: It was me, Kaigaku, the new upper moon
[Y/N]: oh, jesus christ! Is that a fucking Gremlin?
kokushibo: [Y/N] no
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Akaza: How are we going to tell Muzan that we failed the mission?
[Y/N]: distracting him!
Akaza: how?
Akaza: ?
[Y/N], dancing: tell me, tell me, tell me, you, want me, want me-
Akaza: NO
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
After Swordsmith Village Arc events:
Muzan: [Y/N] what do you have there?
[Y/N]: oh, after you sent me to help Gyokko and Hantengu and they failed miserably, I was on my way back and found this doll.
Muzan: doll?
[Y/N]: yeah look! (show Yoriichi Type Zero)
Muzan: FUCK-
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X: What's your opinion on [Y/N]?
Muzan: just another lazy pig who works for me (you are his favorite child)
Kokushibo: as longs they serve Muzan, I'm fine (he loves you)
Douma: [Y/N]? I love [Y/N]! Even when I can hear they walking inside my walls, threatening me, almost ripping my head of, and giving me nightmares every night, I love them!
Akaza: it's okay ( he loves you too, especially after you beat his ass in a fight)
yes you're strong as hell here love u
Hantengu was crying a lot, so take it as his opinion.
Nakime: PLEM PLEM PLEM sorry (Translation: she likes you, good job!)
Gyokko: That Satan and Lucifer bastard child, always breaks my pretty pots and calls my art bullshit! (bc it's bullshit, anyway, Gyokko doesn't like you since he gifted you a pot, you yelled "YEET" and threw it away)
Daki: [Y/N] is not like these uglies, they have good taste! She is referring to herself (She adores you and would do anything to protect you, but would probably fail and call her brother)
Gyuutaro: meh they cool I guess (Guess what! He loves when you hangout with him and his sister and you ofc)
You three match nail color
Kaigaku: Terrifies me (In fact, he is traumatized because of you)
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More Extra! (Because I think this post is short, and not that funny)
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[Y/N] missions be like:
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That's all for today!
Thank you all for interact with my other post about [Y/N] and Upper moon, makes me really happy, love y'all!
Again, sorry for any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language.
Bye ;)
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Ooo ooo! I got a good one:D
Slashers finding and reacting to their s/o in the brink of death because of another slasher!
Angst to fluff pls:D
That really IS a good one.
Slashers finding their s/o close to death thanks to another slasher
Warnings: Blood
Jason Voorhees
He notices your sleep getting more and more restless lately. You complain about frequent nightmares, and often wake up with cuts and bruises that weren't there the night before. Jason tries so hard to dismiss it as coincidence. Hell, you are living in a forest; there are a myriad of ways to injure yourself here without noticing. Against his better judgement, he goes out to deal with the recently arrived campers.
When he returns, he immediately notices you thrashing around in your sleep, and the red stains spreading from your skin to your sleep clothes and finally to the bedsheets. Jason panicks, and tries to shake you awake. This isn't good, you're losing so much blood... No, he can't lose you. Not like this, not in any other way either. By the time you finally wake up, you are already dangerously weak from the blood loss. Jason patches you up with the first aid kits from the cabins, praying that it is enough. Then he gets ready to sleep.
Seems like that pesky old man didn't learn his lesson last time. But Jason gladly repeats it, hoping it will stick this time, and returns to your side. Your hand is warm in his, and your face is slowly gaining a bit more color. He sighs with relief.
You'll be okay.
Vincent Sinclair
You just wanted to take a walk in the sorrounding woods. Nothing to be worried about, right?
Well, wrong. You hear the chainsaw from far away, but you play it off as just a trick of your imagination, or maybe just some workers from the county. What you did not expect was the huge man in a leather mask breaking out of the woodwork and coming right for you. The saw digs into your side, but you somehow manage to get away.
Vincent is looking for you. You left on your walk an hour ago and have yet to return. You're never gone for that long. Everything within him freezes when he sees you stumbling out of the forest, clutching the gaping, bleeding wound.
He takes you into his arms and lets out loud gasps and whines, his unuseable vocal cords straining to form words he cannot speak. He drags you back home, where Bo and Lester are watching TV. Bo drops his can of beer when he sees you. "Shit!"
"That looks bad. Vinnie, we need to take them to the hospital..." Lester takes over carrying you. From far away, the whole family hears the chainsaw roar.
Vincent stares at Bo head on. And he signs. "Let me borrow your shotgun."
He did not end up killing your assailants, but a very pissed off Vincent coming after them with Bo's shotgun taught them not to bother the Sinclairs again. After they are dealt with, Vincent has Bo drive him to the hospital, where you are. You open your eyes and find yourself sorrounded by your family.
"Sorry I made you guys worry", you mutter.
Vincent squeezes your hand and shushes you. You need to focus on getting back on your feet.
Freddy Krueger
When you come stumbling into his dream realm, he immediately notices that something is wrong. You are *bleeding* and pale as a ghost, and can barely stand. You're not sleeping... *you've fainted*!
"Shit shit shit..." He props you up. "Hey, who did this?!"
"Hock...." You sputter. "Hockey mask..."
His eyes widen and he gnashes his teeth. "Jason? That fucking hockey puck?!"
You nod weakly. "I... I'm hiding... Don't know how long... Must have passed out..."
Freddy grabs your shoulders a bit tighter. "Listen to me. I need you to wake up, right now. I'll show that fucking mama's boy what happens when he fucks with you. So go on! Wake up! Wa-..."
He finds himself stuffed into a closet with you, and reminds himself to teach you better hiding spots once this is over. You pass out again almost immediately, and while Freddy hates to leave you like this, he has a disobedient *dog* he has to deal with, first.
Once Jason has been sent back to where he belongs, Freddy returns to the closet, where he finds you slowly coming to.
"Did you have a nice nap?", he asks cordially. He is glad to see you awake again. That means the injuries may not have been as bad as they seemed at first. But still... "You should probably get to a hospital..."
"Yeah... Probably..." You fumble your cellphone out of your pocket and dial 911.
Later, once you're sleeping peacefully in your hospital bed, Freddy pops back into your dreams.
"That'll teach that bastard not to show his ugly mug here again", Freddy sneers. "Are you okay now?"
"Couldn't be better", you reply with a smile.
Freddy is pretty rough around the edges. But during moments like this, he shows that he really cares.
Bubba Sawyer
Maybe Drayton was right when he said that nothing good would come out of this road trip. But you love wax museums and Bubba had heard about this really famous one in Ambrose... He would have never guessed that it would end like this.
You have been separated from the rest of the Sawyers, and now everyone is frantically looking for you. Most of all Bubba, who blames himself for not taking better care of you.
They track you to the Sinclair house, where Bubba hears a pained howl from the basement. And when he finally reaches the secret workshop, he sees the masked man dig his ornate carving knives into your flesh. The man himself has a pretty nasty bite wound on his hand; a display of you fighting back when he tried to inject you with the paralytic.
The chainsaw roars to life, and the man with the carving knives only barely manages to dodge it. He seems to know well enough that he and his little butter knives have little chance against the chainsaw, so he retreats, while Bubba cuts you lose from the operating table and carries you upstairs.
Bubba isn't the only one who would have loved to make these rotten brothers pay for hurting you, but your health was more important right now. He *somehow* managed to talk Drayton into taking you to the hospital, despite the eldest's protest about the cost.
Bubba hates that Drayton won't allow him to visit you, but when you come back, the first thing he does is hug you as tightly as a drowning man clinging to a lifesaver.
Don't ever scare him like that again, please.
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swoonbots · 1 year
Wally: Overstimulated Drabble
CW: Vomit
Summary: Reader gets overwhelmed at their welcoming party.
Your past meal laid splattered across the bright patchwork grass. It left a burn in your throat, and you groaned.
To say you felt bad would be an understatement, there was a pounding behind your eyes. Sweat dripped off you. You groaned, shutting your eyes tight.
Today had started off good. You had finally finished moving into your new neighborhood, sure you were the only human but that wasn't so bad, right?
These puppet folk didn't understand the limits of the human body. That horned girl has nearly ripped your arm out of its socket in her excitement to show you around the neighborhood.
You were practically tossed around all day and at the end, you were invited to this living house called 'Home' where a welcome party was thrown for you.
You were grateful, of course. Everyone was so, so kind to you, showering you in gifts and praise. But it was all so... Overwhelming.
Thankfully, the party was nearing its end. The sun was going down and everyone was beginning to lose their energy. You took this moment to escape the thundering laughter and much too friendly touches and escaped into Home's Backyard. A forest.
As you stumbled deeper and deeper within the woods, the sounds grew more silent and you released a breath you hadn't known you were holding.
It came to you all at once.
Vomit spews past your dry lips, gasping for air.
Too much. It was all too much. The bright colors, the constant flow of voices. Guilt racked your mind. They were only being friendly. Yet you couldn't help but feel bad. Your head hurt. And you were tired. Your body shook and trembled beneath you.
"Neighbor..? Is that you? Why'd you leave..?"
A monotone voice approached you from behind. It was Wally's. The man who was somehow okay with living inside a sentient house.
"I'm fine, " you called out, your voice hoarse, "Go back inside."
"But I don't want to. It's a bit too loud in there. Julie and Sally have taken to karaoke."
Sounds horrible, you thought to yourself.
The grass crunched under Wally's shoes, "Did you come out to take a break? You were looking a bit pale in there."
You stood back up, turning to find his voice .
"... Yeah. Sorry. I'm just.. a bit overwhelmed at the moment."
"That's okay too... They're like this whenever someone new moves in."
Wally's figure revealed itself to you, lax as always.
"It's getting dark out. Let's go back inside. I'll tell them that it's time to go home for the day."
You perked up, "I-! That isn't necessary! They're having fun, I dun wanna ruin that just cause I'm a little overwhelmed."
Wally just shook his head.
"You're not the only one. Home is starting to get tired too.. It's not neighborly to overstay your welcome.. Come."
Wally's felt hand slipped into yours, "It's important to let the people around how you feel, Neighbor. Or else nothing will change."
Wally spoke barely above a whisper. You appreciated that. He led you back to Home.
"Let's not make your first memories here sour ones, hmm?"
A/N: Inspired from last night when I had too much sugar and felt like actual garbage. I feel like the world of welcome home would be a sensory nightmare. Anyways, Wally, Howdy, and Eddie are up for requests.
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