studypsy · 6 years
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The other day i was in the library taking notes for my project!🐨🐨🐨 studygram: studypsyy
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studytune · 7 years
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07/03/17 ♪ my theme for july is pastel nature! the waves are hand drawn, but i did reference a photo. ++thank you for 2.8k! (i’m not even done with my 1k blog rates aghhh i’m sorry) i am so so excited for what is to come in my bullet journal! this theme is so exciting to design.
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curiosi-tea · 7 years
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25042017 Oops I forgot to post this yesterday 🙈 so, I: completed a poetry comparison, made physics flash cards, made some more An Inspector Calls notes & completed the day's duolingo heh
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violerg · 4 years
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Qué nueva habilidad aprenderemos en este tiempo de crisis ? #quedateencasa #usaeltiempoparaaprender #café #coffestudy #marketingdigital Foto por @igor_plaza_photo https://www.instagram.com/p/B_XrSXBlxbW/?igshid=8ih2dfz9pq5m
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studyblrchlo-blog · 7 years
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03.03.17 Woke up early so I could study all day ! I’m determined to finally finish this textbook and understand my USA history class ! Also this is a picture of my town from the day I went to the library with my boyfriend, it was so so so cute ! ☀️
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studykyuu · 7 years
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days of productivity [27.01.17] [1/100] first original post! & first attempt at a mind-map. we're studying ancient egypt in ancient history and it's so interesting!
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Eleven Q&A
Nominated by the lovely @beta-ceti
1~Favourite TV series? 
My favourite TV series of all time has to be The Mighty Boosh. It always just brings back good memories and I still manage to find it funny after having watched it so many times. 
2~A song you can’t stop listening to
Probably “Best Friend” from Bare: The Musical. I love Alice Lee & Taylor Trensch so much. I’m pretty sure i have listened it almost everyday this week, so i guess that classifies as a song that i can’t stop listening to.
3~Does your personality match your Zodiac sign?
On most levels i’d say yes. I’m a cancer and for the most part i am pretty emotional and I also really like water 😂.
4~Favourite place to relax?
My room tbh. I have a really good bean bag which is the perfect place to read when i need time to myself.
5~Something exciting that’s coming up
In August i’m taking the train with the rest of my friends to Weymouth as la kind of last get together before we all go off to different six-forms/colleges.
6~How organised are you?
I guess it depends? Some weeks i could be the most organised person you meet and the next I won’t even be able to remember where i put the pen that was just in my hand. I guess the same could be said for when i make plans, i either know everything about what’s happening or I don’t even know when it is as i haven’t written it down. So i’m claiming this as averagely organised 😂.
7~Favourite youtuber?
I don’t really have one as i usually use youtube for watching random videos or songs so i never really watch the same youtuber repetitively.
8~Any random hobbies?
I quite like origami and i play the piano but i don’t think either of those are very random.
9~Favourite place you’ve ever visited?
I visited a really nice place in France a couple of years ago but i can’t think where it was at all.
10~What did you want to be when you were younger?
I wanted to be a writer, astronaut, firefighter, police officer, and a vet all at the same time.
11~Did you have to Google your Zodiac sign for #3?
Yes, yes i did.
My nominations are: @sapphoslegatee, @kankenstudy, @gracesstudyspace, @medblurred, @az-studies, @knibsey, @nouvellestudy, @smartgirlslikeadventures, @coffestudying, @kai--studies, @pomodorostudy
My questions:
1~ Favourite book/book series? (doesn’t have to be current)
2~How would your friends describe you?
3~What is your MBTI type?
4~Which do you prefer: seaside or countryside?
5~Favourite aesthetic?
6~If you could have any job in the world, what would you choose?
7~Do you have any idols or favourite people?
8~What helps you to relax?
9~Any ships you love?(Fandom or boat, i’m not picky)
10~Do you have any rituals for before exams or important events?
11~Marmite, do you love it or hate it?
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My name is Mara, I’m Italian and I’m new around here 😊
A few random things about me:
I study humanities (Italian Literature mostly);
I’m a proud Slytherin;
I’m a feminist;
I speak Italian and English;
I watch a lot of tv shows (and sometimes I write fanfiction);
I love books and reading;
I love pizza, coffee and cinnamon;
I’m a huge fan of Christmas!
I’m currently trying to improve my Latin! 
If there’s any Italian student out there please let me know! I’d be delighted to follow you!
Blogs that inspires me:
@studyquill @emmastudies @ennui-for-me @coffestudies @studying-towards-success @athenastudying @blissfulstudies @petites-notes
Sono Mara, sono italiana e sono nuova da queste parti! 😊
Qualche informazione casuale su di me:
Studio Lettere (moderne, triennale);
Sono un’orgogliosa Serpeverde;
Parlo italiano e inglese;
Guardo una quantità vergognosa di serie televisive (e talvolta scrivo fanfiction);
Amo i libri e leggere;
Sono vegetariana;
Amo la pizza, il caffè e la cannella;
Adoro il Natale!
In questo periodo sto cercando di migliorare il mio latino!
Se c’è qualche studente/ssa italian@ fatemelo sapere, sarei felicissima di seguirvi!
Alcuni blog che mi ispirano:
@studyquill @emmastudies @ennui-for-me @coffestudies @studying-towards-success @athenastudying @blissfulstudies @petites-notes
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pseudonomiss · 7 years
my superduper late studyblr intro!
hi guys! okay so I’ve had this account for literal years now, and I’ve never taken it too seriously and I’ve never even officially introduced myself, and I think it’s finally time for me to do so. so! here we go!
just a little about me:
•my name is shelby but people rarely actually call me that, it’s usually something like shelbo or shelbs or shelbatron or shelbarooni or sheebo or shelbadook or anything else. I really don’t care what you call me honestly : )
•I’m 18 years old (I’ll be 19 in november)
•I’m *technically* a freshman in college
•I live on the east coast of the US
•I’m an INFP and even though I’m not into harry potter, I’m a ravenclaw
more stuff about me:
•I’m currently taking english, latin, yoga, chemistry, calculus, and ag extension
•I love love love books and reading and writing and I’m always open to suggestions (honestly, please give me more stuff to read)
•I’m a classics nut, I’ve taken latin for 5 years and I love the language and the history and while fluency is my ultimate goal, I’ve had so much fun with the culture itself
•I’m also a theatre nerd! I’ve never seen a broadway show and I’ve never had a lead role but acting defined my high school experience and I love it so much!
•I am a complete grammar freak. although I hardly use correct grammar in real life (or online) I take pride in knowing the practically useless rules and regulations of the english language
goals I have for this yearish:
•dean’s list! or at least a 3.25. that would be nice
•get a raise at my school job! most of the people I work with have no future there and hate it ans can’t wait to leave so sorry if this is mean but I’m ready to take their raises lmao
•I want to do the 100 days of productivity thing but idk if I can do that, I might start with 50 or 30 days of productivity at first
•stay on track to graduate in 3 years! this is really really important to me!
studyblrs I love and appreciate and from whom I take much inspiration:
@classicalstudies @hufflepuffwannabe @studyquill @studink @revisicn @stodies @apollo-studies @katsdesk @dotgrids @flowerylatin @caffestudy @alimastudies @academiix @camistuds @intellectys @mildstudies @totoro-studies @birdkostudies @studyspiration-coffee @48jn @geekstudy @quacklr @focusign @dracostudies @coffestudies @succulentstudy @steudious @dungeonstudy @studyblr-please @x-studying-x @studie-s @etudient @studyplants @studyign @elkstudies @brbimstudying @areistotle @legallyplanned
so yeah that’s about it! thanks for reading all that guys, ily!!!
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studytune · 7 years
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07/08/17 ♪ this is the notebook i oftentimes use to practice brush lettering.
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architstudy · 7 years
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Hello everyone!! We checked out all the blog that reblogged the Studyblr Awards post, and omg thanks so much to every single one of you who participated, there were so many people than we expected, but we spent two days checking your blog and here we are! 
We want to thank you too for following us, you guys are so amazing and lovely, these awards were for celebrating our 5k follower milestone, and right now we have more than 7k followers, so thanks so much again, this really means a lot to us! So, here you have the results, there are a lot of winners but we couldn't avoid it hahaha we love your blogs and if you are reading this, go and check this super awesome blogs out!! 
Super pencil (Favorite URL) - @studyingncoffee @studiousthings  @ravenclawstatus
Gold compass (Favorite icon) - @sadestudy  @hufflepuffwannabe @rhubarbstudies @coffestudies
Stronger structure (Favorite theme) - @noodledesk  @broadwaystudies @narglestudies
Harder Brick (Favorite posts) - @mochas-and-math @sweeterstudies @astudyingbibliophile
Squarer square (Best Handwriting) - @pcntagon @ellastudyblog @lilsdesk @astralistudies
Straighter line (Favorite notes) - @academc @pharmdstudies @self-inkingquill
Golden square (Favorite Bujo) - @ii-humss-life-ii @abby-studies-art @moonshinestudies @skiesandjournals
Golden plans (Cutest doodles) - @stvdybuddies @mintnotes @chrissiestudies
Rounderer circle (Favorite originals) - @elsastudies @stawbeestudy @jiyeonstudies @hittingthebooks
Harder concrete (Favorite stationary) - @stellastudiesart @bionctes @alistudys
Brilliant mind (Favorite masterpost) - @thestudyfeels @themedtimes @optomstudies
Cuter cuter (Best Printables) - @nerdybun
Rise up architect (Favorite study place) - @midsomer-studies
Architect in process (Favorite baby blog (less than 1K)) - @studyhardsleepharder @meg-is-studying @notgreathandwriting
Architect of the year (Nicest blogger) - @quotidianmaladies @pennyfynotes @gloomstudy
If you win this we’ll be reblogging 100 posts from you, please be patient with this cause there’s a bunch of you and it will take us a while, but we’ll definitely get to you! Also for the screenie or self-promo, all you have to do is send us a message when you want it and tell us wich you prefer and we’ll do it! We are here 24/7 and we hope to hear from all of you! Thanks so much for participating and congrats to the winners, love from us! ✨
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studyhards · 7 years
(nevermind i just saw your response to someone else's pineapple pizza ask oops) unpopular opinion 2: i didn't like the divergent series
haha no worries. i agree! i feel like it was overrated (and the movie was cringey to me for some reason)
send me ur unpopular opinions
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studytune · 7 years
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07/13/17 ♪ my productive summer morning routine written down!
i don’t finish this every day, just usually 3-4 days in a week. otherwise, i’m just not feeling it or i have plans.
**xc is cross country; long distance running over various terrain like grass, sand, over hills, etc. a race is 3 miles.
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studytune · 7 years
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5.29.17 - 6.3.17 // only two weeks to go now! i hit 100 (130) followers now! thank you!! [i haven’t been posting much because finals rip]
🎶 “crazy in love” by seventeen
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studyblrchlo-blog · 7 years
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12.03.17 I’m so stressed at the moment. Deadlines are approching and I haven’t done half the work necessary. I’m spending my Sunday studying and I guess it’ll be good ! I hope you’re all feeling satisfied with yourselves !
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studykyuu · 7 years
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days of productivity [28.01.17] [2/100] some biochem and english lit! we're doing romeo and juliet, which is my least favourite shakespeare play, but the themes in it are still pretty interesting to learn about 🌹
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