#cm season 7
reinanova · 18 days
rewatching season 7 episode 23 of criminal minds (the one where jj gets married and emily leaves the team) and you can’t tell me jj getting married isn’t a big factor in why emily leaves
she’s in love with a married woman now, of course she’d want to leave to spare herself the heartbreak
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*Emily shopping in the grocery store* 
*Ashely Seaver shopping in the grocery store* 
*Emily passes Seaver* 
*Seaver passes Emily* 
Seaver: … wait a minute
i mean, did anyone ever tell her?
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I dont think anyone has really processed the ending of "Epilogue" because i feel like if we had, we would talk about it more.
Rossi literally holds his ex wife in his arms as she kills herself, and he can't do anything to stop it. Tha'ts fucking heavy. That is absolutely brutal. People don't recover from that shit. How does he recover from that shit?
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abc1dspntjlc4 · 1 year
Season 7 of criminal minds is an apologies for the stupidity of season 6
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Therapist: Now what do we say when we have anxiety?
Emily: My anxiety may be chronic but this ass is iconic
Therapist: No!
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hepbaestus · 7 months
I just saw the flashback mullet that they have Spencer in 7x22 "Profiling 101" and my god it is bad.
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Let’s be real, only J.J. or maybe Garcia, was going to figure out it was a family of unsubs. Why, you ask? No one else on that poor team had two caring AND present parents long enough.
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leabunny · 1 month
watching spencer help deliver a baby oh my god i love him
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kreepja · 4 months
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Best. Quote. ever Overall i liked this unsub a lot and this quote just hits very deep
+bonus point: sad hotch💔
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starwolfafton · 3 months
On s7 e5
So far can't tell what I think of the unsub
Mother needs severe therapy
Seems like a good mom tho
Reid has depression
Still my autistic baby tho
I eat crayons
No mrs smith don't go with him
Humming won't drown out the screams
At least it's not a pedophile
His hair is epic
His hair and smile steals the show even by a dumpster and a dead body and blood
I want a show that's just Reid's daily life
Ayo Garcia
Oh no another child
Still no pedophile
Damn Reid recognized another drug addict
Ugly ass voice Timmy
Anger issues much
Forced adoption lol
Lmao stab him kid! Stab him Bobby!
Yum jam
Is Reid okay
If my boi gets hurt I'll kill them
Why is the mom getting arrested
Oh protective custody
Oooooh beer yummy
Oh shit bad husband
One of my classmates nickname is Timothy
Fuck is he a telemarketer? Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh scary
Oh shit 911 operator job
Nooooo Shannon
Ooooooo big mcdonalds
My autistic baby
Oh rossi and his ex
Trans Reid, make it canon
Emily literally got a second chance
Cus she died
But came back
Daughter > bf
Ayo sussy Garcia
Not looking forward to the kevin-garcia break up
Gurlie don't let him in
A child
Kinda ugly dress
Kill me
Reid's side profile
Punch him Shannon
Pretty white dress
Would wear it if it was black
T Pose
POV shampoo commercial
My autistic baby is leaning up through the middle like me
Awww I love ur mom too
She's lying
To keep Shannon safe
Oh shit he pushed her
Oh it wasn't a wedding dress
Ayo he in the closet?
I want Reid to just have a huge closet
I want him to wear heels and platforms
Please i need it
Ayo what she gonna say
Wtf is that sickness tho?
What it do
Oh no
Oh she wants to kill herself
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maschotch · 2 years
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
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I'm all in for Dave teasing and praising Aaron. I won't even ask to show me another member of the team that can do this & Aaron would discuss his dating life with them. There isn't anyone else who can do this. At the same time I'm, "His husband is RIGHT THERE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" All this dating another female... The writers were freaking cowards, the channel, for rejecting Spencer, JJ, Emily, Penelope being queer, too. Aaron is bi/gay & I will die on that hill. Not to mention David that's been married 3 times & still couldn't do this. It's so easy to drive him to "Okay, I have feelings for this man & they're not going anywhere. I guess I'll have to live with that" & then he DOES. People that's been married to the opposite sex but still came out as gay. I am willing to accept this in both Dave and Aaron cases (even though, ok, Dave is most likely bisexual. Aaron might be, too, but he can easily be gay.)
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Family. Tbh, I love watching them eat. I wonder if it's the actors having lunch during filming, or it's done for realism, but they're clearly eating. I love when they all sit in the same room, eat while working (or not) & just have some kind of break. Guess this is all they can have, eating during working (dinner at Rossi's was an exception that Aaron persuaded him to do).
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Spencer and the team's reaction <3
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My boys. <3
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Why did I think of Aaron immediately? You know, losing Haley and all.
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Makes me think of Adam Jensen & his lying ex. While Jennifer may not be that back, it gives me serious war flashbacks & rises my anger towards Megan (?) again. Adam seriously deserved better & I hate that blond asshole.
"You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough."
Aaron saying/quoting this on their way back? I'll make this about him and Dave as well.
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These two have more chemistry than her and Spencer. It's not hard — she and Spencer don't have any chemistry at all.
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As always. :/ Strauss is constantly away, but sometimes they make it official and other times they don't. I honestly don't know why they keep holding on to her character. She's useless.
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I WILL MAKE IT ABOUT HOSSI. holy shit. idk, there's something about their colleagues noticing and teasing them about it. Derek can afford that a bit (but I'm glad he's mature enough not to continue the conversation while Garcia was, IS HE DATING????), but Dave is still the only one who can push Aaron's buttons way further.
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Aaron rushing home to his husband. <3 So many scenarios to play with.
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sillylilsoul · 2 years
i really wish morgan and hotch stayed in the show til the very end
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Reid wearing a collared shirt, tie, and sweater vest to watch the triathalon Hotch competed in is the most Reid thing ever, i love that man so much
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
“he is the perfect man. he doesn't hog the blankets and he poops in a box.”
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kudaai · 2 years
getting really into Nostalgia™ today
deeply tempted to reread the hp books & rewatch criminal minds
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