#cm season 6
lovemggubler · 1 month
Season 6 Spencer Reid
Criminal Minds Season 6
Episode 2 - JJ
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Episode 3 - Remembrance of Things Past
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Okay can we talk about Spencer Reid 's hair during CM Season 6??? Because wth how does he look younger during S6?!
it's the hair that's making him look like a baby
MY BABY :') he's literally older than me but THAT'S MY BABYGIRL.
also the scarf? the necktie + scarf?
violet looks really good on him. I AM WEAK
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Criminal Minds Into the Woods (6.09)
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*Emily shopping in the grocery store* 
*Ashely Seaver shopping in the grocery store* 
*Emily passes Seaver* 
*Seaver passes Emily* 
Seaver: … wait a minute
i mean, did anyone ever tell her?
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why do they always make Prentiss babysit the new agents. First it was agent todd and emily was begging she get a second chance, and now its agent seaver, im just like idk i guess its cuz she didnt get off on the right foot and wants to help the others but I just feel so weird about it, like idk y'all i just feel weird.
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sapphicprentiss · 7 months
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Criminal Minds + Halloween
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lilliejareau · 9 days
EMILY EDIT!! posted on tiktok, please go check it out there too! 🫶🏻
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entrop-y · 8 months
while on principal i hate all of the hollywood reboots and remakes because they’re largely soulless money grabs, i do hope reid comes back for the next season of cm evolution
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drreidsphds · 2 years
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starwolfafton · 3 months
Watching Criminal minds, fucking amazing. Currently on season 6. Episode 23.
The end of s6 ep22 is giving mom and dad.
Reid's hair is fucking iconic.
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spentfromspence · 1 year
What are ur most favourite spencer hair cuts/styles
Okay, this is a really hard question tbh 😭
I really like his hair in season 2, especially paired with his glasses. He just looks so cute and dorky lol
Although his hair in season 6, y'know the one where its super short? Yeah, I like that style a lot too. I don't know why I like that style so much but I do, I think it's really cute on him
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hepbaestus · 7 months
Matthew Lillard?!
What are you doing in an episode of Criminal Minds?
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snarkylinda · 11 months
remember when JJ told Spencer 'stop being you'... pepperidge farms remembers.
Oh yeah that was the moment why I can't ship them tbh. Like it was not said on a fit of sudden rage and then later regretted or smth, it felt too....cruel for no reason. And again of his response was an something mean back I could say "oh there they go, the most unmature members of the team again" but no, his response was an "I can't" and hers was a "yes, you can"... And that was never rectified or anything BRO. Good thing you love that man Ms. Jareu- just not when he is being himself I guess. You could had said you found him hot instead, y'know?
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undercovercannibal · 1 year
I consider Spencer's haircut in season 6 a crime, especially after we only got the boyband haircut for a measly three episodes :/
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woodchoc-magnum · 1 year
just curious, what about criminal minds upset you so much? i know what almost got me to stop watching at one point.
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lol it's kind of a long, boring story
So I got into it really early on; started watching from when Season 1 was airing on TV, joined the LiveJournal fandom probably... during season 2/3, started writing fanfic, shipped Hotch/Prentiss. I was a moderator on the Hotch LJ page for a long time and had a group of friends on LJ, we all loved Hotch the most and I think we all shipped Hotch/Prentiss.
CM was a weird show because the start and ends of the episode would have the character development stuff, but the middle was all about the cases - from memory (I haven't seen an episode since... 2014/15 probably) in the earlier seasons, it was pretty light on character development. You vaguely knew what was going on with the characters outside of work but it wasn't like 911 where there was a balance between work stuff/non-work stuff.
ANYWAY the reason I mention that is because at the time any H/P crumbs were literally crumbs, and I don't think I ever believed that they would go canon (and they didn't).
SO. I was super into the show in seasons 3, 4 and 5, very active in the fandom on LJ, writing fanfic etc. I sort of pinpoint a change in the show at the 100th episode - they built up to it, it was this HUGE thing (I even took a sick day from work so I could stay home, download and watch it) and then... idk. For me, after that, the show wasn't the same but I can't really explain why.
Then in Season 6, they decided to fuck with the formula. They fired Paget Brewster and AJ Cook; they "killed off" Prentiss and sent JJ away and brought in a new blonde FBI agent who was supposed to take their place (this was also around the time they made the first spin-off).
So for me, someone whose favourite characters were Hotch and Prentiss, that was a huge slap in the face. It also felt like the show was very anti-women in general and that the female characters on the show were just interchangeable. There was a huge backlash against it on LJ at the time and it honestly really soured the entire show for me from that point.
I sort of dipped out of the fandom but I kept watching, through the Jeanne Tripplehorn season and the Jennifer Love Hewitt season, but what was really pissing me off at the time was just... the constant, never-ending episodes about women being raped, tortured and murdered. It just felt like it was every single episode, and I was already burnt out on the show but sort of watching it out of obligation, because I still loved Hotch.
And then Thomas Gibson turned out to be a total fucking dick IRL, he got caught out cheating on his wife with a fan and made this super cringey hot tub video that was fucking gross, and then he punched the producer on set or something and got fired (I can't remember in what order that happened though). As soon as that happened, I went, oh, I'm free. I don't have to watch this shit anymore. I think that was right at the end of Season 9, and so I just stopped watching instantly and never went back to it.
And they literally brought Prentiss back to replace him. It was just like, fucking salt in the wound. The whole thing still makes me angry - not TG getting fired, but just the way the show treated the female characters from Season 6 onwards. It was so fucking shitty and there was no good reason to fire either of them - they ended up bringing AJ Cook back super quickly because they knew they fucked up.
Anyway, 911 is the only "procedural" style show I still watch and I don't consider it a procedural in the traditional sense (there's more emphasis on the personal lives than the work stuff, which I like). I will not watch any other police/fire/medical procedural shows, I'm just not interested. CM really burned my bridges on those.
I still think the earlier seasons of CM were probably pretty good and I have considered rewatching Seasons 1 to 4, or even to the 100th episode again, but... I see clips of it now occasionally and I'm still cringing? So I'm probably not there yet. And I've seen clips of the new season that literally make my skin crawl with how stilted the acting is and how cheap the whole thing seems to be, and I feel like I made the right choice in staying away from it.
(I also absolutely grew to hate MGG/Reid as the show progressed, so yeah.)
In conclusion, I hate it and have no good feelings left towards it. Paget Brewster has always deserved better than CM.
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Okay but why did they have to make ray and sydney so fucking hot? like why was that allowed? I shouldn't be attracted to the god damn unsubs lmao
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ilostyou · 1 year
also for anyone keeping track of my 911 consumption i did in fact watch three full seasons this past week
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