#clean chimney
chimneysweeping · 2 months
How Professional Chimney Cleaning Can Extend the Lifespan of Your Chimney
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Is your chimney due for a cleaning? Neglecting regular chimney maintenance can significantly reduce its lifespan, increase the risk of chimney fires, and compromise the safety of your home. That's why professional chimney cleaning is essential to keep your chimney functioning at its best.
With years of experience in the industry, our team of skilled technicians knows how to thoroughly clean your chimney, removing dangerous creosote buildup and preventing costly damage. Our brand voice is professional and trustworthy, and we take pride in delivering exceptional results to our customers.
By investing in professional chimney cleaning, you can extend the lifespan of your chimney and ensure it operates safely for years to come. Regular cleaning not only eliminates creosote but also clears out any blockages, preventing smoke and carbon monoxide from entering your home.
Don't wait until it's too late. Contact us today to schedule a professional chimney cleaning and protect your investment. Trust in our expertise to keep your chimney in prime condition and provide peace of mind for you and your family.
The importance of chimney maintenance
Professional chimney cleaning is a specialized service provided by experienced technicians who understand the intricacies of chimneys.
These professionals use specialized tools and techniques to clean your chimney thoroughly, removing all the built-up soot, debris, and creosote.
During a professional chimney cleaning, the technician will inspect your chimney to identify any potential issues or damage.
They will then use brushes, vacuums, and other tools to clean the interior walls of the chimney, ensuring that all the creosote and debris are removed.
This process helps to prevent chimney fires and improves the overall efficiency of your chimney.
What is professional chimney cleaning?
Regular professional chimney cleaning offers a multitude of benefits for homeowners. Here are some of the key advantages:
Reduced risk of chimney fires: Creosote, a highly flammable substance, accumulates in chimneys over time. Professional chimney cleaning removes this dangerous buildup, significantly reducing the risk of chimney fires.
Improved airflow: Soot, debris, and blockages can restrict the airflow in your chimney, leading to poor combustion and reduced heating efficiency. By cleaning your chimney, you ensure optimal airflow, allowing your fireplace or stove to operate at its best.
Prevention of carbon monoxide buildup: A blocked or poorly maintained chimney can lead to the accumulation of carbon monoxide in your home. Professional chimney cleaning clears any blockages, ensuring that smoke and carbon monoxide can safely exit your home.
Extended chimney lifespan: Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of creosote and other harmful substances that can deteriorate your chimney over time. By investing in professional chimney cleaning, you can extend the lifespan of your chimney, avoiding costly repairs and replacements.
Enhanced energy efficiency: A clean chimney allows for better combustion, improving the energy efficiency of your fireplace or stove. This can ultimately lead to lower heating costs and a more environmentally friendly home.
Benefits of professional chimney cleaning
It's important to be aware of the signs that indicate your chimney is due for a cleaning. Here are some common indicators:
Foul odor: If you notice a strong, unpleasant odor coming from your fireplace or chimney, it may be a sign of a buildup of creosote or other debris.
Excessive smoke: If your fireplace or stove is producing excessive smoke or the smoke is backing up into your home, it could be a sign of a blocked chimney
Soot buildup: If you notice a significant amount of soot accumulating around your fireplace or on the walls of your chimney, it's a clear indication that your chimney needs cleaning.
Decreased efficiency: If your fireplace or stove is not providing sufficient heat or is burning fuel at a faster rate than usual, it may be due to a dirty chimney.
Animal activity: If you hear or see animals, such as birds or squirrels, entering or nesting in your chimney, it's a sign that there may be blockages or debris that need to be cleared.
If you notice any of these signs, it's crucial to schedule a professional chimney cleaning as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your home.
Signs that your chimney needs cleaning
Professional chimney cleaning involves several steps to ensure a thorough and effective cleaning.
Here's an overview of the process:
Preparation: The technician will prepare the area around your fireplace or stove to protect your home and belongings from any debris or soot that may be dislodged during the cleaning process.
Inspection: The technician will inspect your chimney to identify any issues or damage that may require additional attention.
Cleaning: Using specialized brushes, vacuums, and other tools, the technician will clean the interior walls of your chimney, removing all the built-up soot, debris, and creosote.
Clearing blockages: If any blockages are identified during the inspection or cleaning process, the technician will clear them to ensure optimal airflow.
Final inspection: Once the cleaning is complete, the technician will conduct a final inspection to ensure that your chimney is clean and in proper working condition.
The entire chimney cleaning process is typically completed in a few hours, depending on the size and condition of your chimney. Professional technicians take great care to minimize any mess or disruption to your home during the cleaning process.
The chimney cleaning process
Regular chimney cleaning can address and prevent many common chimney problems.
Here are a few examples:
Creosote buildup: Creosote is a byproduct of burning wood, and it can accumulate in your chimney over time. If left unaddressed, creosote can become a major fire hazard. Professional chimney cleaning removes creosote buildup, reducing the risk of chimney fires.
Obstructed airflow: Debris, animal nests, and other blockages can obstruct the airflow in your chimney, leading to poor combustion and reduced heating efficiency. Cleaning clears out these blockages, ensuring optimal airflow and improving the performance of your fireplace or stove.
Cracked or damaged flue: The flue is the lining of your chimney that protects the surrounding structure from heat and combustion gases. Over time, the flue can become cracked or damaged, compromising its effectiveness. Regular chimney cleaning allows technicians to identify and address any flue issues before they worsen.
Water damage: Water can cause significant damage to your chimney, leading to cracks, deterioration, and mold growth. Professional chimney cleaning can help identify any areas of concern and prevent water damage through the application of waterproofing solutions.
By addressing these common chimney problems through regular cleaning, you can avoid costly repairs and ensure the long-term functionality of your chimney.
Common chimney problems and how cleaning can solve them
While it may be tempting to attempt chimney cleaning as a DIY project, it's highly recommended to hire a professional for this task.
Here's why:
Safety: Chimney cleaning involves working at heights and handling potentially hazardous materials. Professionals are trained to navigate these risks safely and have the necessary equipment to protect themselves and your property.
Expertise: Professional chimney technicians have years of experience and knowledge in chimney cleaning. They understand the intricacies of chimneys and can identify and address any potential issues during the cleaning process.
Thoroughness: Professional chimney cleaning ensures a thorough cleaning of your chimney, removing all the built-up soot, debris, and creosote. DIY cleaning methods may not be as effective, leaving behind dangerous residues and blockages.
Time and effort: Cleaning a chimney is a time-consuming and physically demanding task. Hiring a professional allows you to save time and energy while ensuring the job is done correctly.
Insurance and warranties: Reputable chimney cleaning companies often provide insurance coverage and warranties for their services. This provides you with peace of mind knowing that you're protected in case of any unforeseen issues or damages.
DIY chimney cleaning vs. hiring a professional
The frequency of chimney cleaning depends on several factors, including the type of fuel you burn, the frequency of use, and the condition of your chimney.
As a general guideline, it's recommended to have your chimney professionally cleaned at least once a year.
However, certain situations may require more frequent cleanings. For example, if you frequently burn wood or use your fireplace or stove intensively, more frequent cleanings may be necessary to prevent creosote buildup.
Additionally, if you notice any signs of chimney problems, such as excessive smoke or soot buildup, it's important to schedule a cleaning as soon as possible.
Consulting with a professional chimney technician can help determine the appropriate cleaning schedule based on your specific circumstances.
How often should you have your chimney cleaned?
When choosing a chimney cleaning company, it's essential to find a reputable and experienced provider. Here are some tips for finding the right company:
Ask for recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have had positive experiences with chimney cleaning companies. Their firsthand experiences can provide valuable insights.
Check credentials: Ensure that the company is licensed, insured, and certified by relevant industry organizations. This ensures that they meet industry standards and have the necessary expertise.
Read reviews: Look for online reviews and testimonials from previous customers. This can give you an idea of the company's reputation and the quality of their services.
Get multiple quotes: Obtain quotes from several chimney cleaning companies to compare prices and services. However, keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best.
Inquire about additional services: Consider companies that offer additional chimney-related services, such as inspections, repairs, and waterproofing. This allows you to establish a long-term relationship with a trusted provider.
By taking the time to research and choose a reputable chimney cleaning company, you can ensure that your chimney receives the best possible care and maintenance.
Investing in professional chimney cleaning is essential for maintaining the longevity and safety of your chimney.
Regular cleaning removes dangerous creosote buildup, clears out blockages, and prevents costly damage.
By scheduling professional chimney cleaning, you can extend the lifespan of your chimney and ensure it operates safely for years to come.
Don't wait until it's too late. Contact our team of skilled technicians today to schedule a professional chimney cleaning and protect your investment.
With our expertise and commitment to exceptional results, you can have peace of mind knowing that your chimney is in prime condition, ready to provide warmth and comfort to your home.
Finding a reputable chimney cleaning company
If you have a wood-burning fireplace or stove, it is recommended to have your chimney cleaned at least once a year.
Burning wood produces creosote, a highly flammable substance that builds up on the interior walls of the chimney.
Over time, this creosote can become a fire hazard if not properly removed.
Annual chimney cleaning helps prevent the accumulation of creosote and reduces the risk of chimney fires.
Gas fireplaces and stoves generally produce less creosote compared to wood-burning appliances. However, that doesn't mean you can neglect chimney maintenance.
It is still essential to have your chimney inspected and cleaned regularly, typically once every two years.
While gas appliances produce less creosote, other debris like leaves, animal nests, and soot can still accumulate and block the chimney.
Regular cleaning ensures proper ventilation and prevents potential hazards.
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The Importance of Regular Chimney Cleaning for a Safe and Efficient Home
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Are you aware of the potential dangers that can arise from neglecting regular chimney cleaning? Many homeowners overlook this vital maintenance task, unknowingly putting their homes and loved ones at risk.
In this article, we will discuss the importance of regular chimney cleaning for a safe and efficient home.
A chimney is not just a decorative feature; it serves a critical purpose in your home's ventilation system.
Over time, soot, creosote, and other debris can accumulate in the chimney, obstructing the flow of smoke, toxic fumes, and gases like carbon monoxide.
Build-up can lead to dangerous chimney fires or even the leakage of harmful gases into your living space.
Regular chimney cleaning is essential to remove these hazardous substances and ensure the proper functioning of your chimney.
By scheduling annual inspections and cleanings, you can prevent:
Potential chimney fires
Improve indoor air quality
Maintain the energy efficiency of your heating system.
Don't wait for a disaster to strike. Prioritize regular chimney cleaning to protect your home and your loved ones from avoidable risks. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of professional chimney cleaning and maintenance.
The dangers of a dirty chimney
A dirty chimney poses several risks to your home and your health.
Accumulation of soot and creosote can obstruct the flow of smoke, causing it to back up into your living space. This can result in a smoky and unpleasant atmosphere, as well as potential health issues from inhaling the smoke.
Smoke-related problems
Dirty chimneys can also lead to the leakage of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide into your home. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that can be deadly in high concentrations.
Regular chimney cleaning ensures that any obstructions or blockages are removed, allowing for the safe expulsion of these gases.
Furthermore, a dirty chimney can affect the efficiency of your heating system. When your chimney is clogged, the airflow is restricted, resulting in reduced heating performance and increased energy consumption.
By keeping your chimney clean, you can ensure that your heating system operates at its optimal level, saving you money on energy bills in the long run.
The benefits of regular chimney cleaning
Regular chimney cleaning offers numerous benefits for homeowners.
It significantly reduces the risk of chimney fires. The removal of soot, creosote, and other flammable materials eliminates the fuel source for potential fires, keeping your home and loved ones safe.
Additionally, regular chimney cleaning enhances indoor air quality.
A clean chimney allows for the efficient expulsion of smoke and gases, ensuring that your living space remains free from harmful pollutants.
Particularly important for individuals with respiratory conditions or allergies, as poor indoor air quality can worsen their symptoms.
Moreover, a clean chimney improves the energy efficiency of your heating system. When your chimney is free from obstructions, the airflow is unrestricted, allowing your heating system to function optimally.
This results in better heat distribution, reduced energy consumption, and lower heating costs.
Signs that your chimney needs cleaning
It's crucial to be aware of the signs that indicate your chimney needs cleaning.
One of the most obvious signs is the presence of excessive smoke when using your fireplace or stove. If you notice an increase in smoke, it may indicate a blockage or build-up of soot in the chimney.
Another sign to look out for is a strong and unpleasant odor coming from your fireplace or chimney. This can be an indication of creosote build-up, which not only affects air quality but also increases the risk of a chimney fire.
Additionally, if you notice any debris or particles falling into your fireplace, it could be a sign that your chimney needs cleaning. Loose debris can accumulate and cause blockages, hindering proper ventilation.
How often should you clean your chimney?
The frequency of chimney cleaning depends on several factors, including the type of fuel you use, the amount of usage, and the condition of your chimney.
As a general guideline, it is recommended to have your chimney professionally inspected and cleaned at least once a year.
If you primarily use your fireplace or stove as a supplementary heating source during the colder months, an annual cleaning should be sufficient.
If you heavily rely on your chimney for heating, it is advisable to have it inspected and cleaned more frequently.
In some cases, external factors such as weather conditions or nearby construction may contribute to a higher accumulation of debris in your chimney. In such situations, it is essential to monitor the condition of your chimney and schedule cleanings as needed.
Chimney cleaning methods and tools
Chimney cleaning involves various methods and tools to ensure a thorough and effective cleaning process.
Professional chimney sweeps utilize specialized equipment, such as
chimney brushes
remove creosote, and other debris from the chimney.
Chimney brushes are available in different sizes and materials, depending on the type and size of your chimney.
These brushes are attached to flexible rods, allowing the sweep to reach every corner of the chimney.
The brushes agitate the debris, dislodging it from the chimney walls, while the vacuum collects the loosened particles.
For more stubborn build-ups, chimney sweeps may use chemical cleaners specifically designed to dissolve creosote and soot. These cleaners can be sprayed or brushed onto the walls of the chimney, followed by a thorough brushing to remove the dissolved debris.
DIY chimney cleaning vs. hiring a professional
While DIY chimney cleaning may seem like a cost-effective option, it is generally recommended to hire a professional chimney sweep.
Professional chimney sweeps have the necessary expertise
Professional equipment
Perform a thorough clean
Ensuring safety
Chimney cleaning requires working at heights, handling potentially harmful substances, and dealing with fire hazards. Professional chimney sweeps are trained in safety protocols and have the necessary insurance to protect themselves and your property.
Moreover, professionals can identify potential issues or damage during the cleaning process. They can provide recommendations for repairs or maintenance to ensure the long-term safety and efficiency of your chimney system.
The cost of chimney cleaning services
The cost of chimney cleaning services can vary depending on factors such as the size and condition of your chimney, your location, and the extent of the cleaning required.
While this may seem like an additional expense, it is important to consider the long-term benefits and potential cost savings. Regular chimney cleaning can prevent:
costly repairs due to chimney fires
damage caused by blockages
prolong the lifespan of your chimney system
reducing the need for premature replacements
Chimney maintenance tips for homeowners
In addition to regular chimney cleaning, there are several maintenance tips that homeowners can follow to ensure the safety and efficiency of their chimneys:
Install a chimney cap or spark arrestor to prevent debris, animals, and sparks from entering the chimney.
Trim overhanging tree branches near the chimney to avoid the accumulation of leaves and twigs.
Use proper seasoned wood or approved fuel for your fireplace or stove to minimize the production of creosote.
Monitor the condition of your chimney regularly and address any signs of damage or deterioration promptly.
Keep the area around your chimney clear of combustible materials to reduce the risk of fire.
By incorporating these maintenance practices into your routine, you can prolong the life of your chimney and ensure a safe and efficient home.
Conclusion: Prioritize chimney cleaning for a safe and efficient home
Regular chimney cleaning is crucial for maintaining a safe and efficient home. Neglecting this essential maintenance task can lead to:
chimney fires
poor indoor air quality
increased energy consumption.
By scheduling annual chimney inspections and cleanings, homeowners can prevent
potential hazards
improve air quality
enhance the performance of you heating systems.
Don't wait for a disaster to strike. Prioritize regular chimney cleaning to protect your home and your loved ones from avoidable risks.
By investing in professional chimney cleaning services and following proper maintenance practices, you can enjoy a safe and efficient home for years to come.
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dawntainbobbynash · 1 month
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Well, what do you think happened?
I think he killed his wife.
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sakuplumeria · 5 months
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“It’s Louis, isn’t it?”
Another comment by @hergan416 stirred up this mental image I just have to pour out. Still about @ashcadence ‘s Louis and his telekinesis magic power~
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hinderr · 7 months
Grogu Djarin with that child labour fit (ref under the cut)
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godlesslostsoul · 5 months
Everyone should have a character they relate to closely so much so that they consider themselves a variant because I think it adds an extra layer of love for a piece of media
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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s. s ave me, meoto…
#n o t me clinging to meoto to retain my sanity bc g o o d l o r d today was the worst#today was truly a very bad; very horrible day indeeeeeeed#man. today truly was a comedic tragedy in every way possible. i’d laugh if i were anyone else tbh#first i couldn’t start my workstation bc we were out of this cleaning acid thing.#t h e n this other branch lab sent over a precise amount of [reagent] that we needed to make the cleaning acid thing#*and* what’s worse was that they also demanded like. 1/5 of the acid we mixed. like bro. make it yourself mans.#but the worst part was when i tried to use a dropper to poke this sediment out of [tube i was supposed to be cleaning]#bUT THEN HALF OF THE DROPPER MELTED BC THAT BUGGER CAN’T HANDLE HIGH TEMPERATURES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA#stupid new droppers man. the old droppers could handle 100 degrees just fine. s o now the tube is clogged with melted plastic and it’s just.#life’s *really* great sometimes yk~~~~? (ʘ‿ʘ)#and so the night shift dude who came to take over the workstation against expectations seemed kinda pissed that i hadn’t started anything#and im just there. with my intestines wriggling about like internal abdominal worms. tryin not to cry in the face of my mistake.#while he’s fumin’ away like a freakin’ chimney or sth. like. man. no one asked you to take this workstation. you came here on your own. :(#anyway i ditched him and left for my break to calm myself down only to be approached by some random terribly lost middle aged to old lady#who was looking for directions to *somewhere* but she only spoke chinese aaaaaaaa#and i can’t read maps/i don’t even live in the area of my workplace so i have no idea if the lady managed to make it safely#but. lol. the lady showed me her message screen when she asked me for directions to her destination#and by pure coincidence the person she was texting is apparently related to someone with the same first name as me#the cons and cons of having common names man. i hope the lady managed to find her friend with the same name as me though lol#anyways. pls hw im begging. pls drop the crossfade for lxl birthday tmr i n e e d more meoto to carry on—#s o b s this is what im living for now ig. meoto………..
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maladaptvs · 6 months
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oneawkwardcookie · 2 years
I miss you, yeah, I miss you Though I’m tryin’ not to right now I can't help it, I just
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
*Crawls through your chimney*
HAVE YOU SEEN GOD (aka Divine Yudil costume in my silly Nier gacha)
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*Sits and enjoys the cookies while continuing to admire God*
*eats cookies with you* WOW! What an outfit!!! LOOK HOW GOOD THEY (he?) LOOK AHHHH!!! I love the flowy fabric around them especially! It's giving Persona vibes plus Bravely Default and I'm OBSESSED!!! Thank you for sharing, friend! :D
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if-th3n-else · 6 months
Just turned on the heating for the first time of the season... Already seeing money running away through the window 🙃
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mari-beau · 6 months
PSA: Utilities Charge Whatever They Want
So like, if you're paycheck to paycheck, if you're having financial difficulties, pay close fucking attention to your utility bills...
Because look at this bullshit.
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Guess what happened in the 61 day billing period for 9/28/2023 statement date?
I moved into my fucking house. And started running my stove/oven and then eventually my furnace.
Guess what wasn't being used in every previous billing date shown here...?
NATURAL GAS. Like literally (in the actual definition of literally) none of it. Almost had my dad going to check if there was a leak in the lines at one point over the summer because nothing was being used. But nope, it's just the gas company charging whatever the fuck they feel like, whether you've used anything or not.
CONCLUSION: Pay attention to your bills because what they do is charge you based on an estimate of what your neighbors are using, not what you actually use. If you're having financial issues, call up your utility company and tell them that you will be calling in a reading every month (because they only send a person out to do an actual reading every other month, or now, every few months with ours, and just charge you whatever they want otherwise, and adjust it later when they do an actual reading... you can see in my bill they owed me a ton of money, because $11.17 is lower than the base charge for even having the gas turned on). And at least in NYS (or my county anyway), you have the right to demand they bill you on your actual usage by calling in a reading yourself because they don't want to pay someone to go out and do it monthly (but you can be damn sure they're going to charge you monthly).
*Also note: the double-billing 61 days on top of already being billed for 35 days of presumable the same time-period, and yet still, completely nonsensical invoice when you click on it. Their numbers come out of their ass.
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fooltofancy · 1 year
i don't miss living near most of my family, tbh, but i DO miss terribly the recovered meth addict uncle.
#he and my aunt are the kindest just like#they have a house (my grandpa's old house) full of kids whose parents are in the system#they always have#my aunt has a cleaning business thay almost exclusively employs folk recovering from addiction or domestic violence or any number of other#things#for which montana just does not provide the resources to deal with#this woman has brittle bone disease and is never not broken in like four different places but you can NOT keep her stationary#she is doing things and she is doing them because she's too fucking full of love to stay still#my dad is also very full of compassion so like it does happen in that family but where for him religion has closed him off from the world#god just means love for my aunt and uncle.#unconditionally#i grew up in the church and ive NEVER seen christianity like that#like for the record i still think theyre wrong lmao and the system they work in is harmful#idk theyre the only people ive ever known who actually prioritize folks' needs over their salvation#and that's really important#it's real missing the members of my family ive more or less lost because i had to fuckin run from the rest of them hours#he's the first person i told abt the tattoo im gonna get for my grandma someday#i have almost no memories of her where she wasn't just wreathed in smoke#even when she said she stopped smoking she never did lmao she was just. an absolute chimney of a woman#anyway she collected v kitsch strawberry things so im gonna get a kinda kitschy botanical halfsleeve at some point thats just#strawberry plants woven through with stylized cigarette smoke#anyway i was like this is probably irreverent af and some family members will NOT like it and he like LAUGHED and grabbed my arm#just like losing his shit#NO YOU HAVE TO
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sunflowermp4 · 1 year
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nepttunnee · 1 year
i think for fob 2020s era patricks hat obsession should be a little wizard hat
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pastafossa · 2 years
FLOORS ARE FINALLY DOOOOOOOOONE! 😪 Now I just have to clean up and wait for insulation to be put in (July 7th) and drywall (July 14th). Painting to be done after. I won't be able to get all my stuff up into my room until everything is done, but we're getting there at least. One step closer to my DD themed bedroom!
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