#clan: crater
the-lost-river · 11 months
I forgot about this glimpse into my notes for CraterClan ibfisaif
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yuesya · 4 months
What would happen if shiki actually died during the kamo clan fiasco or if gojo eventually saw shiki's eyes in a tube or something
Uh, zenith of stars would be marked as a completed story I guess?
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starrfang · 1 year
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demonoflight · 1 year
Fun facts and tidbits from Deep Cut’s stage dialogue:
While Shiver and Frye have favorite weapon classes they swear by (stringers for Shiver and splatanas for Frye), Big Man is the kind of guy who uses different weapons for different stages. Some of the weapons he uses are brushes (at Inkblot Art Academy), blasters (at Humpback Pump Track) and sloshers (at Eeltail Alley).
Frye likes coming up with attack names for Specials used in highly specific ways and charging in with a war cry in turf battles. She is not stealthy.
Deep Cut sells their treasure from the Crater at a high price to a guy running a shady stall in Hagglefish Market.
Shiver’s need for speed is not limited to riding Master Mega into battle. She has openly contemplated taking the cars at Mincemeat Metalworks and the Manta Maria itself for joyrides, and her parents were worried about her riding a bicycle because she’s a danger and a menace to everybody and WILL run you over.
Some stage dialogue basically confirms Deep Cut are housemates (oh my god they were roommates) - the three of them even go shopping for groceries at MakoMart together (Shiver recommends buying in bulk on Tuesdays for great savings!). Frye keeps trying to sneak unapproved snacks into their cart, but Shiver and Big Man are on to her shenanigans.
Big Man has been teaching the girls how to cook ever since they started living together! In Japanese, Shiver straight up admits to struggling with cooking when she moved out of her parents’ house since she’s never really had to cook before, and Frye says before Big Man taught them the basics she mostly ate junk she got from the supermarket. Either way, Big Man points out Frye has a bad habit of putting a ton of sugar into EVERYTHING. She’s... she’s working on it.
None of the Deep Cut trio have ever lived in a housing complex with apartments like Flounder Heights. Frye is very open to the idea, but Shiver isn’t since she thinks she wouldn’t get along well with neighbors.
Deep Cut’s go-to venue for birthday parties is Big Man’s house. It is unclear if it’s because it’s the biggest and nicest of the clan houses, or if it’s because Big Man (and his family by proxy) are the most easygoing and willing to hold parties there.
Both Big Man and Frye have a past with Undertow Spillway - Big Man got lost there once as a child while chasing butterflies, while a young Frye used to skip dance lessons and take her little brother with her to explore and look for treasure.
Frye used to skip school a LOT.
Deep Cut has filmed music videos at Mincemeat Metalworks and Hammerhead Bridge, but the latter was never released because Big Man was knocked over by a strong wind.
Some time ago, Deep Cut were extras for a movie filmed at Scorch Gorge. They were only in the film for two seconds.
Deep Cut are completely weirded out by the NILS Statue, are further weirded out by the fact no one really talks about anymore, and think it’s stupid that there are still tour boats sailing right by the statue. See, they CAN be sensible every once in a while.
Big Man likes to imagine the big cranes at Sturgeon Shipyard combining into a giant robot. Big Man is a nerd.
One of the Mahi-Mahi Resort dialogues has Shiver complaining about how hot it is at the poolside. In English, Big Man suggests taking a dip in the pool, and immediately realizes his friendly advice could be misconstrued because what works for him does NOT work for an inkfish. Compare and contrast Marie telling Callie to take a dip in said pool back in the first game’s NOA translation... they’ve definitely gotten better about this, Big Man really just comes off as a well-meaning goofball here. Meanwhile, in Japanese, Shiver’s complaint brings him to a realization: “so THAT’S why you keep standing in my shadow when we’re here...”
Frye is the kind of person who goes into turf battle with a weapon in one hand and a snack in the other (the only person, Shiver insists). This has made her the target for seagulls enough times that she has issued a public service warning about the little snack thieves.
Once, Frye used Zipcaster to enter one of the high cages at Scorch Gorge... and could not figure out how to get out. There were tears. She insists she didn’t cry and does not want to talk about it.
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neteyamswifee · 1 year
ᴄʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴍᴇ; Jake Sully x Omaticaya! Reader
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Warnings; Smut, Oral-Sex, Kissing, soft!dom Jake Sully, arranged marriage mentioned (i guess somehow??) silly grammar lol. Praise maybe? Mention of death
Half an hour ago twilight set in and Pandora became a single bundle of colors. After Jake proved himself worthy of the Omaticaya Clan, I wanted to reward him with something. Something my sister Neytiri would have liked too. I swallow hard at the thought of her.
Where I'm leading Jake right now, Neytiri and I have always tried to keep the bad away.I didn't want to break that habit by thinking about her death over and over again. "where are you taking me beauty." he gasps as he tries to keep up with me. "Hurry up, he's always at his prettiest this time," I explain, grabbing Jake's hand, pulling him behind me down the long path to the clearing. He almost trips over his own feet because he only has eyes for Pandora's flora and fauna.
When I stop at a small field, we see a landscape surrounded by trees, full of bright mushrooms, soft grass and directly above the huge panorama of polyphemus. The planet that Pandora orbits and one of the largest in the entire Alpha Centauri solar system. Jake is amazed when we settle down in the middle of the field. "He looks kind of.... so much bigger than usual from here."
I have to grin because Neytiri always said the same thing. "In fact, it looks the biggest from the Hallelujah Mountains. There's even more space there. Sometimes you can even see its craters from there." Fascinated, he observes every meter of the purple planet. It looks incredibly cute, almost like a little kid. I bring myself to say something. "Neytiri said I should show you this if you've had at least three fights with someone. I think it's about time." I rub my eyes laughing. Jake laughs too. "I also won three times, you have to say that." He was right ,and more than anyone else he deserved to be part of the clan.
Out of nowhere, silence fell across the field. "I'm sorry about what happened to your sister." I sighed. "its okay." is the only thing i get out because i know that i start to cry with every further word. I start playing with the weed to distract myself somehow. Jake leans back in the grass and from a lying position, reaches out and strokes my hand. "How does Tsutey deal with that?" Rolling my eyes, I also fall backwards. "Of course he's sad but I'm the next contender for the mate's pact so he's not completely lost." He sits up confused. "what do you mean by mate pact?"
I stare at him in disbelief. "That with Neytiri and Tsutey wasn't out of love, for Eywa's sake. But father is getting weaker and weaker, it's important to take care of successors." Jake looks at me like I've gone completely insane. "You don't want that, I mean... do you like Tsutey?"Amusingly I pushed him away. "Absolutely not, but how seldom does that happen?" Still disbelief in his eyes. "what is wrong?" he looks like he saw something die before his eyes. and with that „something“ the shimmer in them died too.
"I'm just saying you don't want him so why don't you just drop it and refuse." Now the question had become a personal attack. "Jake...a whole clan, a family, a people cling to it. How selfish I would be if I renounced the goodwill of my people." And when I said those words, I knew what he meant. My face sagged no matter how hard I try to turn my face to stone.
Jake sighs heavily. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to attack you."
I say nothing and just turn back to Polyphemus."Let's just enjoy this okay?" Jake nods and we sit cross-legged next to each other. But no matter how hard he tries I can see the disappointment on his face.
We stay like this for a while . Both sit on this field and are silent while the Poyphemus passes us. After much deliberation, I just grab Jake's hand and without a word he locks our fingers together.
"If I could, I would have chosen differently." I whisper. Jake's gaze is still in the sky. "Who would you have chosen." he asks. I turn my head towards him, looking into his eyes while he still holds my hand.
"you" I breathe.
The moment feels honest, sincere, real. I think so far nothing has cost me more willpower than the second Jake kissed me. Not because I didn't want it, no, but because I knew that anyone else wouldn't have wanted it but me. If I imagine Neytiri could see us right now, I don't know if she would be proud or disappointed.
Jake kisses with a passion that ignites something inside me that cries out for more. His tongue asks to be let in and I hardly feel his warmth before he pulls me onto his lap. "This is what I dreamed of when I wasn't with you." he gasps.
Our kiss is hot, demanding, and has been postponed for so long I'm almost sorry for how he must have felt. And somehow I'm also sorry for what's going to happen now, for what might disappoint my father. Jake's hands roam from my neck down to my ass, he hugs me tighter as if nothing would fit between us anyway.
As he pulls my top off, he doesn't break the kiss for a second. We turn around, now I'm lying under him, my hands on his chest, wandering down to get rid of the last piece of cloth. I moan as Jake presses his mouth against my wet center and licks me until my legs tremble. His one hand rests between my breasts on my stomach to hold me down as often as my back arches with impulse.
Instead, I fumble in the grass with my hands that I can't find, and they land on Jake's shoulders, clawing at the streaks of blue skin. "Shit." I keep moaning.
Jake takes this as an incentive to stick two fingers inside me and the urge to let the whole planet know how well Jake Sully makes me cum is too great. I'm so close to climaxing when Jake grabs my thighs and rolls me onto my stomach.
I moan and all I feel is his hand on my butt and his warm cock at my entrance. I was greedy and sat up a bit. His hand pushed through my back just before he entered me. I bit my lip almost bloody trying to keep my mouth shut.
Jake bends one of my legs slightly to get me back onto my back, his cock not leaving its place.
"Oh my fucking-" a finger brushing my lips stops me.
"It's not your god who fucks you, I do. Say my name for his." Jake's thumb is wet with my lips and he's massaging my clit with it.
"so who fucks you my sweetie?"
„you“ I gasp and groan loudly as Jake slides his entire length into me.
He carefully holds one of my legs, the other hand rests on my lower abdomen where the imprint of his cock is reflected. This whole scenario drives me crazy. Jake keeps thrusting into me, holding my breasts or stomach, but his hands never leave my body. Much like his cock, even as he moans after my yeasty orgasm, he doesn't pull it out but remains in position.
Behind him I see Polyphemus in all his splendor and stars, which I imagine from the sheer effort. His thing is still inside me as he checks on me to make sure everything is alright.
He caresses my face, my arms, my belly. "Did I hurt you?" he carefully wants to pull himself out of me, but I wrap my legs around him so that he bends over me. I just shake my head in a daze and kiss him. "mhh-mhh."
Jake smiles and kisses my forehead. "You seduced me." he jokes and slowly falls down next to me. I move closer to him and lay my head on his chest. "Liar. That the guy from the other planet wants something from the daughter of the clan leader sounds much more believable." I only swear. "I’m a fool for you." he whispers.
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smalllady · 7 months
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Places in Mass Effect 2 - Tuchanka Scarred by bombardment craters, radioactive rubble, choking ash, salt flats, and alkaline seas, Tuchanka can barely support life. Thousands of years ago, life grew in fierce abundance under the F-class star Aralakh (a Raik clan word meaning "Eye of Wrath"). Tree-analogues grew in thick jungles, their roots growing out of shallow, silty seas. Life fed upon life in an evolutionary crucible. This world died in nuclear firestorms after the krogan split the atom. A "little ice age" of nuclear winter killed off much of the remaining plant life. In recent centuries, many krogan have returned to their homeworld. The reduced albedo has caused global temperatures to rise. In order to maintain liveable temperatures, a vast shroud was assembled at the L1 Lagrange point. It is maintained by the Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission (CDEM), which is based on orbiting battlestations. CDEM ADVISORY: Visitors to Tuchanka land at their own risk. The CDEM will not attempt to extract citizens threatened by clan warfare. TRAVEL ADVISORY: The ecology of Tuchanka is deadly. Nearly every native species engages in some predatory behavior; even the remaining vegetation is carnivorous. Travel beyond guarded areas is strongly discouraged. Population: 2.1 billion Capital: Urdnot (since 2183) CDEM Garrison: 2,400 (in orbital battlestations) Orbital Distance: 5.3 AU Orbital Period: 16.7 Earth Years Radius: 8293 km Day Length: 21.4 Earth Hours Atmospheric Pressure: 1.1 Earth Atmospheres Surface Temperature: 72 Celsius (36 in shrouded areas) Surface Gravity: 1.14 G
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stealingyourbones · 11 months
Submitted Prompts #119
*hands you an entire wasp exoskeleton I found on the ground* I have a thought :D
Tim Drake's Wacky Adventure Through Time, but at the end, some brazen Observant decides to throw him into the Dan timeline as a cautionary tale because if all the bodies he left behind as his farewell gift to the League of Assassins.
He saw Dan, but not what happened that brought him about.
Instead, what happens is that Tim takes it as a challenge, and upon returning to his own time, does his usual "4 days of no sleep" research binge.
He finds Phantom, establishes the Fenton-Phanrom connection, and upon finding that there was a scheduled meeting between Danny, his teacher, and Danny's parents.
So, still in a panic at the future death of his dad Bruce, Tim defaults to his tried and true Red Robin Special: high-grade explosives.
In the future, he'd seem the crater that was left behind in Amity Park. Tim had thought Dan had left that crater in his uncontrolled ghostly rage.
What Tim didn't expect was for the exact same crater to be left behind by his explosives...along with vaporising the bodies of Jack and Maddie Fenton, Tucker Foley, Samantha Manson, and Jazz Fenton.
And the the Wail. The sound of pure grief and rage that was heard even in Elmerton. The mourning scream of a banshee that has lost their entire clan.
The near-physical wall of pure grief rattled all of Amity Park, leaving almost everyone of it's residents crying just by being within the town as their ghost hero mourned the deaths of everyone he loved.
Tim feels like he just made a huge mistake that could have been avoided by talking things through with the "target"...
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things-of-fire · 14 days
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Hello Warrior Cats community,
I haven’t picked up a Warriors book in years, but I’m obsessed with Tumblr’s new favorite girlfailure and I would like to join the headcanon train!! Idrk who Nightheart and Sunbeam are but I see a lot of speculation that she’s their kit. Despite this, I think it’d be cool if she were in Windclan, as Windclan is said to have the closest connection with Starclan (but I have no clue if that’s still canon/acknowledged.) Based on my vague knowledge of Sol, I think he could be the voice in her head pushing her to break the clans’ connection with Starclan and embrace him as their spiritual guide free themselves and their ancestors from their useless code. I’m a BIG fan of the “moonpool is a place full of eldritch horror” thing we’ve collectively agreed upon, as well as the idea that without a site for Starclan to communicate through, that burden is placed onto this poor random apprentice. Also into Moon^2, but if Moonpaw makes friends with any cat on the other side I hope it’s Leafpool because I think that’d be really beautiful!! I also hope she connects with/seeks out MothWing. Final hopes are that Moonpaw is a little weirdo and she doesn’t get a boring love interest—at the very least, I think any relationships she has (romantic or otherwise) should be complicated by the fact that she’s Plagued By Visions, especially if those visions are controversial.
[Image ID: the artist’s interpretation of Moonpaw, a confirmed protagonist from the upcoming Warrior Cats arc. The artist portrays Moonpaw as a thick-furred black and white cat. She has dark splotches across her body and a completely black tail, save for a tiny white fleck at the tip. The spots on her face resemble the craters of the moon, which is referenced to the right of her. Moonpaw’s eyes are large and amber. The fur on her face droops, forming a crescent shape. She’s looking sadly to the side. Above this drawing is a sketch of Moonpaw standing in the Moonpool. An arrow points to her, labeling her “Starclan’s favorite wet cat.” Sparkles surround her and the water. She is sopping wet, with water dripping off her long fur. She looks to the distance with comically large eyes and flattened ears. An unknown voice says to her, “Moonpaw? What are you doing!?” End ID.]
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rassicas · 1 year
Hey, I have a question stemming from the most recent splatoon band lore. My understanding is that a) Shiver is an Octoling b) Octolings did not live on the surface until recently and yet c) Deep cut knew (of) each other as kids. Am I missing something, because I can't figure out how all of these things can be true at the same time.
I've seen some confusion floating about and I've gotten a few asks about this exact thing, so I think its about time I made a little write up about it. the fault here is in point b. The truth is: In Inkadia, Octolings did not openly live on the surface until recently.
Meaning that -outside of Inkadia, there were Octolings living freely. -within Inkadia, there were Octolings living in Inkopolis in secret, before the events of Octo Expansion, and even before Marina left the army. For the first point...the band Diss-Pair!
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its mentioned in the Haikara Walker artbook that Ikkan met Warabi overseas, as in outside of Inkadia. it's mentioned in Warabi's bio that his parents (presumably octolings!) are famous actors, and that Warabi has toured around many different countries. (source)
And more importantly...
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Massive floods were the catalyst for the Great Turf War, with habitable land being an already scarce resource. Deep Cut's ancestors used their clan's powers to create a whirlpool that drained the floods and saved their homeland. (ENG just says the '3 lights consumed the disaster' but JP states they made a whirlpool. with the Eiffel tower's presence and all the debris in the crater...could it be the floodwater drained into Alterna?)
So what happens if there's no flood? No war, no octarian exile. I doubt Shiver's clan is the only long standing family of Octolings living freely in that area. after all, Octolings and Inklings living in harmony was the norm before the war.
I'm thinking that the Great Turf War was limited to inkadia... Or its something like the great floods affected various parts of the world, and the GTW was actually a world war, and battles broke out globally. Regardless, not everywhere had such battles between inklings and octolings, such as the Splatlands. (I'm leaning towards it being an inkadia-only thing, but we know next to nothing about the rest of splatoon's earth right now) Note how far the GTW craters are from the Splatsville. (hi res)
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as for Octarians other than Marina living in Inkadia before OE...there's tidbit that implies this.
In Haikara Walker, there's an article about the Inkopolis Backstreets (the s2 tutorial area). It was the center of Inkopolis street fashion culture before Inkopolis plaza took the stage. So at least prior to ME 2014. The article is written in-universe by an author who personally experienced this change in culture over the years. (you can read it here) At the end, it is revealed the author is an adult octoling wearing a hat and mask to cover some Octarian traits.
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(It's just a reused player model. but interesting to think about...woody kawahagi, what is your origin story?)
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crater-clan · 7 months
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CraterClan Moon One
Within the crater, the new clan of Snakestar’s attempt to gain their bearings in their new camp. Snakestar managed to convince a few loners to follow the ways of StarClan, even if it means having to answer a thousand questions that the cats have.
The two apprentices that joined, Algaepaw and Shardpaw are given their mentors. Algaepaw gains Dahliaswoop and Shardpaw gains Havenpelt. The first patrol they have is a nightmare though and Dahliaswoop and Havenpelt are both injured by a stray dog from the Atom Pack. Milktuft treats the two of them while Algaepaw boasts about how brave the two of them were.
Shardpaw and her father, Airlilac, quietly scoff at Algaepaw as she boasts to the clan. Shardpaw states that if it was her and Airlilac out there that they would have scared the dog off without any injuries. The two of them still have the mindset of a RADS cat.
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the-lost-river · 10 months
Gravelkit... bestie...?
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bl3upi3 · 1 year
Don't play with fire (chapter 1)
[Lo'ak x OC]
DISCLAIMER: This Avatar fan fiction is made only with the help of my imagination. I wanted to imagine a story that would take place in Avatar 3 so after "the way of water". I read that this movie would be about fire people, so I tried to imagine this clan with the information found on interenet. In this fan fiction Lo'ak is 18 years old and everything that is said about "The Ash People" in this book was invented and was not certified by James Cameron. English is not my first language so sorry if I don't know some of the words, please be indulgent, I might edit this story once I finish. I still hope you will like it.
Summary: One year after the events in the Reefs, the Sully family decides to move again, to a new clan said to be able to bring the dead back to life. What happens when Lo'ak meets the princess of the volcanoes? Him who was already promised to the Metkayina princess finds himself in a strange situation when he falls for another girl.
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I am Äära Te Wungihaw Ìhasì'ite daughter of the Olo'eyktan Rime and the Tsahìk Ìhasì, we are what we call "Ash People".
We live in the upper reaches of Pandora, more precisely in crater of volcanoes. Our skin is a grayish blue, hence the name "Ash People", our skin is also thicker than the other clans. We were known to be the strongest warriors on Pandora but also the most savage, often said to be heartless. People also thought that because we worshipped fire, the warm side of Eywa, that we had a certain connection to the dead. At least that's what Jake Sully believed when he took his family to the hills thinking he could bring their elders back to life.
"I see you Rime I see you Ìhasì. I Jake Sully ask your clan to help me and my family" the oldest man spoke, my people surrounded him my father made his way through them followed by my mother and I. Everyone around him was making noise and telling him to go home. 
Crouching down I hissed at them as I walked around his family, he was accompanied by his wife and children and a human who was protected by the Sully children. A boy about my age, a girl a little younger and a little girl hidden behind her mother.
"How dare you enter our territory with an enemy," my father said, pointing to the boy from another race.
I looked at the Na'vi protecting him with a hand on his shoulder, and turned my head slightly to the side at the sight of a five-fingered hand.
"This is one of my sons Spider, after him comes Lo'ak" the Omatikaya man pointed his hand at the boy I was looking at "and my two daughters Kiri and Tuktirey".
"The demon's blood runs in their veins" I spoke in turn, motioning to the hands of their children. Everyone around me started to scream and shout and the smallest girl hissed at me.
"Let him talk" my father said looking at me with irritation, I looked down and the noise around me decreased.
"The Metkayina have already accepted us, I used to be a member of the Sky People but I have adapted, I ask you to help my family".
"My husband adapted and led a war against the Sky People. Spider is part of our family and lives like we do." His wife stepped forward to speak to him.
"What is your request?" my mother asked. The boy who I thought was named Lo'ak turned his head toward me followed by the boy named Spider, and they began to talk to each other, I hissed at them once more.
"We heard that you have the power to bring the dead back to life," he began and I saw my father raise an eyebrow listening to his request carefully, "My oldest son, Neteyam, was killed by the Sky People and we want revenge. We would like to ask you to join us in this battle.
"But first you want us to bring your son back to you," my mother continued. Jake had been able to talk to my parents, our clan loved to fight and especially if it was against humans, making a deal against a war was the best choice he could make. "It's going to be hard but we'll do everything in our power to listen to you and help you but nothing can be assured".
"We'll stay as long as needed" Jake answered quickly, satisfied with the answer he got.
"This is my only daughter Äära who will show your children our way" I rolled my eyes and rolled to my feet to stand by my parents.
"Do I really have to do this? They are not welcome" I whispered in my mother's ear.
"But first everyone should be welcoming to the Sullys" she spoke loudly, looking at me out of the corner of her eye.
After that the family followed us to a tent that was free for them as everyone went about their business. 
And to make a good impression my parents organized a feast in the evening. The volcano we were on was not active at the moment but we could see through some cracks in the ground the lava underneath, which provided us with heat and light even though there were torches everywhere.
The party took place in the main square around a big bonfire. I was forced to spend the evening with my parents and the Sullys.
" Mom, it's too hot " the little Tuktirey complained to her mother.
A small laugh escaped from my mouth and the two boys next to me immediately turned their heads.
"What's your problem?" asked Lo'ak, the smile on my face disappeared.
"Look at you, all sweaty and your human who can't even breathe without his mask" my eyes never leaving the other Na'vi's. 
"My family will get familiar with the place, we just need some time" he replied curtly. He stepped forward, clearly irritated by what I had just said and I did the same.
"You are too weak" he moved forward again until he touched my chest."Take back what you just said" he pushed me in anger but the little human came between us.
"Calm down" when his hand touched my belly, shivers ran through my body and I immediately stepped back.
"Don't ever touch me again" I slapped his hand "And if you create problems in my clan I promise to kill you with my own hands" I pointed my finger at the Na'vi threatening him. 
"Calm down" when his hand touched my belly, shivers ran through my body and I immediately stepped back.
"Don't ever touch me again" I slapped his hand  "And if you create problems in my clan I promise to kill you with my own hands" I pointed my finger at the Na'vi threatening him. 
I realized that our parents had witnessed all of this, I exhaled and headed for our tent, having enough of this bullshit.
" Excuse my daughter" my mother said behind me, I heard her footsteps following me home.
"What do you think you're doing?" she asked, her orange eyes searching for an answer in my eyes.
"I have a feeling they're only going to get us into trouble, they're not even real Na'vi," I replied.
"You have to try, aren't you tired of being alone?" she grabbed my forearm.
"Yeah" I lowered my gaze to look at her hand on me.
"Imagine how lonely they feel too. They lost their sons, you know it's hard," I remembered the miscarriage she had. My mother always had a problem having children so when she found out she was expecting a baby she was the happiest. But that joy was taken away when the child came into the world without a heartbeat. She managed to get pregnant again years later and today she is in her sixth month, this baby was awaited by the whole village.
"But..." I relaxed my eyebrows, "maybe you're right..." 
"You will help them hunt our way" she continued and I met her eyes again.
I rolled my eyes, "Okay, but don't make me spend the evening with them" she let go of my arm and came to rest her hand on my cheek.
She smiled and said, "Get some rest," before walking out to meet our guests.
A/N: I love Tsireya very much but I needed to write a fanfic for all my Lo'ak's girlies. I hope you like the idea and that you will like this new story. This book is also on my Wattpad @_bl3upi3
Comment if u want to be added to the tag list !
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iwantjaketosullyme · 1 year
𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭
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➺ pairing: aged up!neteyam x omatikaya!reader (angst) ➺ summary: 'and i say your name in hopes you'll hear it in the stars' (w/c: 1.7k) ➺ warnings: death, grieving, hurt (not rlly any comfort), reader is a lil unhinged?? a/n: loosely inspired by mitski's 'carry me out' so go listen to that, cry a lil bit then come back nd cry some more :( kind of a long drabble, na'vi dictionary at the end !!
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
Every night, you return to the rock on which he died.
His rock. It is where you feel closest to him. Everybody else seems to find solace in the fleeting moments spent with a version of him at Ranteng Utralti, where he is Neteyam and simultaneously, not Neteyam. A cruel merging of both his pure spirit, innocent to his own death and an extension of your memories of him.
You, on the other hand, are too preoccupied with lamenting over the new memories with him that cannot be made – there were parts of Neteyam you were yet to discover, parts of him even he was yet to discover. You mourn not only what once was, but also what never was and never will be.
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For Kiri, he is the protective pseudo-twin that effortlessly intimidates the skxawng that dared to tease her for her extra finger, by virtue of the squaring of his shoulders and the furrow of his brow. The white knight she never asked for, but would always appreciate.
For Lo’ak, he is the all-encompassing security of the known world made flesh and bone. A constant. Constant companion, constant rival, constant scapegoat. As a young boy he pinned all his hopes and dreams on Neteyam, nearly idolising his brother, the mighty warrior.
As he grew in both stature and teenage angst, he began to pin his anger at the world that did not understand him and refused to accept him onto Neteyam too.
As he watched the body of his brother sink to the bottom of the ocean floor, the innermost part of him whispered that all that he had pinned over the years grew and grew until it was what tied the metaphorical rock to Neteyam’s ankle, ensuring his fate below the sea’s surface and amongst the ancestors.
Even Kiri, the resident empath, does not understand when you admit your aversion to visiting him at the spirit tree. That version of him is ever close, but ever out of your reach. What she does understand, is when you confide in her that you think the sea yearns for the sky as you do for your yawne.
When the roaring waves crashing against one another almost make it look as if the sea has grown limbs, extending its appendages in an effort to grasp at the elusive sky. Equally near as it is far.
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It is here, on this solid rock that you make your peace with the truth. Cold, hard and unmoving, like this rock. You lay in the same position as the last version of him you came to know; a young man stripped of his cognizance, relieved of his typical reservations and nobility, finally expressing his heart’s desire. To go home. 
Moved by raw emotion, you compress the length of your form against the boulder, rough surface digging into your back the same way it would have pressed into his – you long to feel his pain. You stretch your arms out beside you, feel the grooves formed by an unknown number of years of erosion. Erosion caused by the sea. The sea gives, and the sea takes.
Each night, you slip away from the communal meal, running from the sympathetic looks of concerned clan members, or the softly – but firmly – spoken sage words of wisdom from Neytiri intended to comfort you. But only you know what comforts you best. 
Each night, you run your palms over the jagged edges of his rock and find a new crater within it that you had not noticed before. With each new trace of the same surface you remind yourself of the events of that night, explore another possibility of how it could have ended, what you could have done differently.
It was on that night that you learnt of the cruelty within the Great Mother’s just nature. Of course, you would never dare to question her, for you knew of the love she held for each and every one of her children. This would not, however, fill the gaping hole in your heart that Neteyam had made his place of permanent residence.
It would not remedy the odd lightness you felt on your right shoulder in the dead of night, your body yearning for the familiar weight of his weary head as he finally rests after a long day of protecting everyone but himself. Whispers his grievances into the crook of your neck, secrets he could never fathom telling anyone else. Eternally the saviour with no complaints.
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It has been a little over four weeks since you lost your life’s love to the waters around you, and thus the customary mourning period has come to an end. With your knowledge of this comes the realisation that you can no longer grieve your loss so openly anymore; up until this point you had been merely going through the motions of your daily duties. Physically present, but neither mentally nor emotionally – behaviour most unlike you. 
Like most in the Omatikaya clan, you were not left unscarred by the Sky People’s greed, be it from the events of the Great War nearly two decades ago, or their recent resurgence in the forest, and so grief was not an entirely alien concept.
With a community of people as close as yours is, was (you must remind yourself that you are no longer a tsmuke of the Omatikaya but of the Metkayina now), it was near enough impossible not to have lost a loved one. You had come to understand that there was no one way of grieving.
That did not, however, prepare you for what you feel currently. Your previous battles with grief had caused a hot anger to sear through your being, fuelling your hatred for the tawtute impostors and renewing your thirst for vengeance. You had cried, dried your tears and ploughed on. This time could not have been any more different for you. This time, yours was a fossilised kind of sadness.
No matter how understanding the Sullys are of your shared grief, with every interaction you have with them you feel obliged to remove the dark veil of your heavy countenance for their sake. Sometimes, when your sense of hurt pushes your thoughts to be more callous than empathetic, you wonder why exactly everybody else is able to move on but you cannot. 
Is it because Jake and Neytiri still have three other children to nurture and watch flourish? Because Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk will still have each other? Neteyam was, is still your one and only. As the man intended to be your mate, he was the sole reason why you had even relocated to Awa’atlu with the Sully family. Without him you do not yet know quite how to live.
When your thoughts are more rational and the fog of despair lifts momentarily, you can see the way it still affects them. You hear it every time Neytiri speaks, a gravity present in her voice that was not before – an echo of the keening wail of a newly bereft mother.
You see it in the quiet, steely glint of determination in Jake’s gaze when he has his secret meetings with Tonowari. Where Lo’ak’s nonchalant nature would previously have meant he skives from training in favour of a deep sea swim with Payakan, now he is always first to arrive at the section of the shoreline dedicated to training and last to leave. You know, undoubtedly, another war is coming. 
Until then, you will cling to the sanctuary that this rock offers you. Here, you are free to bear the burden of your grief without shame. Carry the weight of it, feel its pressure, let it mould you into a misshapen form no different to the rock you lay on, hunched shoulders and weary back. As you lay back, you allow the gentle waves to lap over you. 
You cannot help but wonder what Neteyam must have been thinking when he was laid out here. Did he know that he would be leaving you like this? A small part of you hopes that the coaxing tide will drag you out to sea, beyond the reef, down, down, down into your watery grave so that your body can finally rest, surrounded by the sea anemones. Surrounded by Neteyam.
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Gazing up into the night, you give your thoughts the freedom to take shape; twist and turn as they so wish. You imagine them being made physical before your eyes that are glazed over with unshed tears. You will them to float skywards, beyond the cover of night, up, up, up above the ether to reach the stars that hold your beloved. Silent prayers to the still night’s sky.
A small rock pierces the atmosphere, crossing the sky’s black canvas with speed swifter than a palulukan in pursuit and velocity greater than an ikran flying into battle. Lost in thought, you nearly miss the sight of the shooting star, white hot rock cutting through an obsidian sky. An auspicious symbol. 
In your eager attempt not to lose sight of it you sit up abruptly, nearly keeling over as you stretch your neck to gaze up towards the sky. You manage to keep it in your visage, panic rising when it crosses over into your peripheral. Wasting no time, you crawl over, scurrying on all fours to the other end of the rock, from which it is perfectly in your eyeline. 
Incensed, your arms that are now grazed by the harsh edges of rock stretch out towards the star until you can feel a dull ache in the joint that connects it to your torso. Entire body extended, you open your palms wide to their full span, clutching at the fiery rock before clamping your fingers so tightly together, you can feel the skin pulling tautly over bone.
The gesture is a physical confirmation of your understanding of this phenomenon ordained by Eywa, a promise to her that you will listen. A promise to Neteyam that you will live.
You strengthen your grip on this promise and tuck it away in your heart, in the space that Neteyam used to reside in. Rolling over, you ground yourself, leaning your back against the rock. His rock. He was your rock.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
na’vi dictionary
ranteng utralti - the spirit tree // skxawng - idiot // yawne - beloved // tsmuke - sister // tawtute - sky person, sky people // palulukan - thanator // ikran - banshee
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© iwantjaketosullyme tumblr 2023
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adampalharine-art · 8 months
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Day 014
Leo takes a strong blow that knocks him to the ground, the world spins yet he is fully aware that the armor was coming at him. He gets to his feet with difficulty, his vision is blurred, but suddenly chains wrap around her throwing her away, towards Rapha, who hits her throwing her against the ground, opening a large crater there.
Leo falls back down, supporting himself on the sword, feeling Mikey's hand pulling him up.
Mikey: – Are you okay?
Leo: – I'm fine... – he closes his eyes trying to focus, he had suffered a concussion. – This isn't working... Every time we destroy it it regenerates... - and it didn't help that he was holding back for fear of hurting Yuichi. – Mikey, you have to know a way to stop this thing.
Mikey: – I-I don’t know. The legends didn't say much, just that it was sealed by a warrior from the Hamato clan, precisely because they were unable to destroy it.
Leo: – There has to be a way! – he felt Donnie's energy weak, dwindling, almost disappearing, they needed to end this quickly to help his brother. – Think Mikey, you always had good instincts!
Mikey: – I-I don't... – he purses his lips, lowering his eyes, seeing Donnie's bomb, picking it up and analyzing it for a few moments, thinking about it.
Leo: – What? Do you think this could destroy her?
Mikey: – No... Yes, but... – looks from the bomb to Leo. – B-but if... We use it...
Leo understands what his brother meant, destroying the armor with the bomb meant destroying Yuichi along with it. He closes his eyes thinking about it, thinking about his boyfriend, feeling his eyes fill with water.
Leo: – Let’s do this.
Mikey: – Are you sure?
Leo: – Yes! – he lied – Let's go.
Mikey agrees, already throwing himself into the battlefield, spinning and throwing his chains around that thing, trapping it tightly, grinding his teeth as his feet drag on the ground as he is pulled.
Leo: – Rapha move away! – Slider tries to warn his brother as he approaches with the bomb in hand, pressing the button, ready to launch it, but before he does so, the chains that hold it explode.
Shredder hits Rapha who had not yet had time to move away, throwing him away, he grabs Mikey's chains pulling him tightly towards him, the armor's jaw dislocates and he seems ready to bite and devour the youngest. The boy closes his eyes, waiting for the impact, he actually hits something, biting his lip and tasting blood in his mouth, hitting the ground shortly after.
Leo – Mikey! The bomb! – the boy opens his eyes. Seeing Leo between the creature's teeth.
Mikey – Leo...
Mikey goes into shock, first Donnie and now Leo? As he tries to understand, he listens in horror to the sound of his brother's shell cracking and his scream of pain. Mikey gets up to help him, but Rapha arrives first, grabbing the armor by the head, throwing it away.
Mikey – No, no, no... Leo! – He slides on his knees to his brother in time to catch him before he collapses. - You also do not! – presses on the wound, trying to stop the blood.
Leo – It’s okay, I’ll be fine. – He says sitting down, grinding his teeth. – I can still fight. – I could still move my arm, a little, but I could.
Rapha lands next to them, or rather falls suddenly, grinding his teeth, seeing Donnie falling there, approaching his brother, placing two fingers on his neck, feeling his heart beating. Looking at Leo and his wound, looking at the bomb in his hand. Decision making.
Rapha: – Get out of here.
Leo and Mikey: – What?
Rapha – Get out of here, take Donnie to the hospital, his heart is weak, but he still has a chance to save him. I will stop this.
Mikey: – Rapha, don’t do that...
He looks at his brothers, smiling. Approaching the two and hugging them.
Rapha – It's okay... It's going to be okay...
He says this, taking the other bomb from Donnie's waist.
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imnotgreen-art · 2 months
starting off strong with a warrior CAT
(several cats?)
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this is a redesign of jaggedjaw. he was part of a old but sorely missed warrior cats AU focused around new clans living in the aftermath of nuclear fallout!! and they are all a little bit funky a little bit mutated
I ramble ⬇️
jaggedjaw was a member of the aptly named Toxicclan which was the most effected by radiation and poisoning. they lived bravely close to a crater and were sort of like the shadow clan equivalent; they were all turned a bit mad, had a general thirst for power, hated the other clans for driving them into quite possibly the worst place to live ever actually
jaggedjaw has considerable backpain, regularly talks to his conjoined brother who is believed braindead, and constantly outlives his life expectancy through sheer force of will
to be honest the au was pretty amazing, I created it alongside my good friend basil, it was a bit of a bustling community for a short while but was ultimately killed by exam season :') although there is SO much I could post about it it's actually ridiculous
There were 5 clans
- Toxicclan (lived at the edge of the crater)
- Shardclan (lived in an old shopping center/mall)
- Sewerclan (I wonder where they lived)
- Driftclan (they lived in an airport)
- and Scraperclan (who lived on top of a cluster of skyscrapers)
ALL the humans were dead >:) and the cats had lost contact with Starclan because a thick smog blocked out the night sky (and the sky in general to be honest) and so their mission was to rediscover the stars
also this was the first design for jagged
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CONSIDERABLY eerier somehow
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bonefall · 1 year
I think you might be talking about me--i sent in the post thanking you for giving Sorreltail epilepsy and I told you about my daughter. We missed the post about Shadowsight now having full epilepsy, but I want to thank you again. Shadowsight is her favorite cat, and she's so happy.
Glad to see you around!! Yep, I fixed Shadowsight too, in a way I hope you'll both like.
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[ID: Better Bones Shadowsight. He is a large gray tabby with a black mohawk and red eyes. He has a jagged, red scar down his eye, splitting his ear in half, down his neck, and continuing down the arm.]
Since Sorreltail has absence seizures and her epilepsy is on the mild side, I went and gave Shadowsight a more severe type to get a better range of rep.
He has clonic-tonic seizures, which he was born with.
The seizures are NOT related to visions anymore! That's just a thing he has.
Tawnypelt's Clan is going to get reduxed into something less about needing to save the tribe again (which I have issues with as the narrative keeps taking away the tribe's competence and agency), to Tawnypelt seeking treatment for him.
Since his type is more severe than Sorrel's, his treatment plan includes chamomile.
Chamomile is poisonous to cats in high amounts, so its dose is carefully controlled.
I plan to show him growing more skilled as a medic with preparing his own medications, as measuring the dose is quite delicate.
It'll be served in broth form because the idea of him lapping up tea out of a little painted bowl is irresistible
And when he's possessed...
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[ID: Better Bones Shadowsight. He is a large gray tabby with a black mohawk and pink eyes. He has a jagged, blue scar down his eye, splitting his ear in half, down his neck, and continuing down the arm]
The split ear is made to look like radio antennae. Like he's picking up signals.
The lightning bolt is what gives him that connection to StarClan and its warriors. Ashfur had intelligently blocked off the rest of silverpelt, so Shadow was only hearing HIM.
It glows blue because the electric is running in it, also Ashfur Symbolism.
The final battle with Ashfur is MUCH different. It takes place in the land between StarClan and the Dark Forest-- The Meadow of Young Stars.
Ashfur absorbs several cats and becomes something so large and strong that it can't be killed by regular claws
And it's in this moment that Shadowsight confronts the man who used and controlled him.
"You're nothing without me, Shadowsight! What are you doing?! Stop!"
He blasts the lightning bolt right back at him, giving up the connection to StarClan that Ashfur had given him, using it like an electric tether to hold him in place
He can't hold him! Rootspring, Strikestone, and everyone else he'd lost in the Impostor's Tyranny leap into action to hold him as he holds down Ashfur
It's that moment where Bristlefrost realizes what she must do
Instead of falling into water, Briss lines up, charges, and body checks the eldrich horror out of the sky like a shooting star
They burn up in orbit, crashing down to Earth as a pair of meteorites. There is going to be a crater on the map from this point on.
After this, he starts to look like the first image. His blue scar fades to light red, and his eyes go back to scarlet.
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