bonefall · 3 months
(dif anon) So is Ashfur grooming Shadowsight a plotline you would keep/rework in BB? I'm not so keen on the way canon used it to retcon his epilepsy, but I do think a plotline examining how clerics can be vulnerable to abuse from StarClan spirits is kinda compelling
Shadowsight's epilepsy is staying in BB, the Erins can try and take it away again over my dead body
Yes, that's staying and BB!StarClan was reworked with unfairness in mind.
This time around, I'm considering the idea that Ashfur didn't work completely alone. After the events of Squirrelflight’s Horror, Silverpelt's divisons are starting to crackle the stars.
Skystar and the other more traditional spirits are losing patience with the peace that Fire Alone brings, and the ways that the code has been bent.
They feel that honor is being lost in their descendants.
Even angels disrespect the collective; see how Skypelt has its own heaven? With a demon in its midst? There is blasphemy even in the skies.
Firestar and the more modern pantheon are ferociously defensive of the choices of the living. StarClan exists for them; not the other way around.
Meanwhile, Mousefur has gone missing. Others start to blink out, too. This is causing panic... and Ashfur keeps it quiet that he's the only one who knows where they've gone.
The angels that plan action probably were a small group to begin with, radical spirits. Skystar and Ashfur are two of them, and Ash is the "youngest." So when he comes down to the mortal plane and betrays them, very few other angels knew what had happened.
(I might even have a few angels be doing the various supernatural things in that first book, but slowly, Ashfur is wittling down their numbers until it's just him.)
I'm still working out specifics, but the other angels that Ashfur has consumed are giving him a massive power boost. He can use this to jump between planes freely, and he's able to do some whacky things like weave dreams and pull nightmares out of the Dark Forest.
The most important unique power he has, which he can do ALL on his own once he's absorbed enough starpower, is blast Shadowpaw with a bolt of lightning. The electric current runs through Shadowpaw's brand new scar, giving him a connection to StarClan like he's a little radio tower.
Thing is... when StarClan is blocked off, the only signal he receives is Ashfur's.
So, Shadowpaw.
From the time he was very young, Shadowkit has had an unhealthy relationship to life and death
He watched a lot of cats die before he was old enough to really understand it, and the only one who came back was Heartstar.
His epilepsy was so severe it would have been terminal. He was prepared to die as a kit.
Tawnypelt took him to the Tribe to learn more about treatments, bringing back a method of refining chamomile to manage the convulsions.
When people come back from death, it was to serve "a purpose."
He feels like he needs to be special, like he needs to find the great meaning in his life. The reason why he's still here.
In BB, there can be guardian angels. Cats you knew in life who decide to watch out for you in the afterlife. Moleflight is Jayfeather's, Shrewface is Squirrelflight’s. Ashfur poses as Shadowpaw's.
THAT is how I plan to address my criticism. Ashfur DOES build a very personal, trusting relationship with Shadowpaw, pretending to be the one who's here to give him the destiny he craves. Pretending like he's someone looking out for him.
I actually LIKE how desperate the situation was in-canon and I want to stress how none of this was Shadow's fault, so I also plan to keep that they had very little choice. Shadowpaw trusts his angel completely, and Ashfur coaches him on saying all the right things.
The older Clerics are suspicious, but... what else can they do?
Also, instead of framing this all as something Shadowpaw needs to "atone" for, I'm going to make certain cats unfairly scapegoat him for bringing the Impostor into the forest. Shadowpaw himself agrees with them, blaming himself, but he has to learn it wasn't his fault.
He DIDN'T let anyone down by failing to live up to great expectations, and there's no way he could have known that Ashfur was using him. This never happened before, he always made the choice he thought was right and tried to make up for harm done, and he's not responsible for what his abuser made him do.
I actually want to have him figure out some of this by talking to DF demons, towards the end. Cats faaaar more responsible for what they did in life than him.
Ravenwing in particular, who was also mislead by a rogue StarClan spirit, but... ultimately decided that if StarClan was right in their judgement.
He was told (by Birchface, but he still doesn't know who it was in particular) to make three kittens unsafe by revealing their parentage. His choice killed three innocent children, and lead to the Queen’s Rights.
And StarClan was furious that he'd ever believe they'd want something so CRUEL.
And even if they DID want something so cruel... "Then they wouldn't have been ancestors worth following. And that's why I believe it's right that I'm here."
As a Cleric, he had authority on their behalf. And if they would misuse it through him, he wishes he could have just given it right back.
And Shadowsight's lightbulb goes Ding!
The very last thing Ashfur does in TBC, when the jig is up and he's about to be killed by the Lights in the Mist and a bunch of Demons who have come to defend their home, is swallow a Founder-- Skystar.
He takes the level of a true god, and reaches a nearly undefeatable level of power. Instead of black water, he's so large, malicious, and has a gravitational pull so massive it starts destroying the afterlife. It shatters the purgatory (Meadow of Young Stars) into floating cosmic fragments, and Heaven and Hell are set to collide.
Shadowsight confronts Ashfur, politely explaining that he's, well... done a lot of thinking, and, he doesn't really want what he gave him. "You can, uh, have this back!"
And blasts the lightning from his scar right back at him, like a chain, holding the screeching eldrich horror in place. Every ally he's made, here in the DF, come down from StarClan, and as Lights in the Mist, jump to his side. They can't hold down Ashfur, but they can hold SHADOWSIGHT
While they're all supporting him, Bristlefrost sees the one chance to get rid of him, once and for all. A clear shot. She bolts, pounces, and SHOOTS right into Ashfur like a falling star, knocking them both off the edge of the heaven he destroyed, burning up in orbit with a monster a hundred times her size.
And after that, Shadowsight has to go home and live with this.
He gave up the very connection that made him so special, and now he has to go back to being a Cleric without StarClan.
but the other Clerics accept this. They have to. They were all complicit in the choices that allowed the Impostor to rise.
What Shadowsight learns is... everyone was part of this. From those who made the follies with him, to the supporters and rebels against the impostor, to those who helped him realize his worth, to Bristlefrost who ultimately killed Ashfur.
He is valuable because living is valuable.
Everyone, and everything, matters. All cats have a role to play, and he was never alone.
I want to close him out in BB!TBC on a tea scene that parallels the various points in his life. Others used to prepare his chamomile treatments FOR him, in careful doses, because it is a very serious medicine. Now, at the end, he's the one brewing it.
A fully fledged Cleric, who realizes he's never been alone. Cats who love him were around him the whole time, making his medicine, and they'll love him even after he's given up his powerful gift. So now he's at the stage in his life where HE can make that medicine, share his wisdom with others, and find fulfillment in the skills he's acquired over a hard life brightening.
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bb-fennelposting · 8 months
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Title: Darkness Within
Arc: The Broken Code
Country: China
Type: full cover art
Characters: Ashfur, Bramblestar, Shadowsight
Artist:   刘野  Liu Ye
Source: https://warriors.huijiwiki.com/wiki/Category:%E5%88%98%E9%87%8E%E7%BB%98%E5%88%B6%E7%9A%84%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87
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dude someone give shadowsight a hug an some free therapy please oh mh god this poor dude
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
Did you name your novels or were they just ShoH 1, ShoH 2, ShoH 3, etc.? (If yes, can you also tell their names please?)
Hi there, thanks for the question! In my head they were Volumes 1-20-something--actually, if you’ll believe it, in my head for a long time I named the books after colors, and somehow kept track... but at some point I did put a formal list of potential titles together. I never used the “real” titles mentally, except for The Bridge of Bones, Fortress of the Dead, and the books in Series II and III: I still remember thinking of the first book in Series I as “red” and the second book as “orange”... 😬 And the files/scenes in each book were labelled “aaa”, “bb”, “++”. The more letters there were, the number of times the scene had been rewritten (so “a” was a first draft of the first scene in the book, and “aaa” was the same scene, but more polished... what was I thinking?)
Anyway, I had to go digging to remember my ideas for the titles of some of the earlier books, so please forgive any cringyness lol, I was pretty young when I wrote Series I! I also don’t know if these are all of the ShoH novels--these are just the main chronological ones, but there were some spin-offs and AUs that I don’t name here!
Series I: World Without End
The Witching Wheel 
Blood and Fire
Gunpowder Magic
Battle Mage
The Knife That Spoke
The Code of War
The City of Midnight
The Foundling’s Soul
The Silver Covenant
The Gates of the Earth
Child of the Stars
Series II: The Storm of the Worlds
The Thunder March
The Lightning War
The Conquered Sky
Series III: The Land of the Gods
The Eternal Sea
The Country Cloaked in Moon
Bridge Series: 
Fortress of the Dead
The Bridge of Bones
The Razor Crown
The God-King’s Sun
Series IV: The Naming of All Things
The Council of Kingmakers
Canticle of the Namer
The Blessed Isles
Read below if you want as concise of an explanation for these titles as I can provide!
In case you’re curious, Series I up until Battle Mage follows the protagonist, Arainia, as a young girl (I think 11 or 13) after the death of her mother, being sent to Solhadur amidst family conflict with her father and older sister, her various adventures there at school (meeting Red, Pan, Neon, etc.), graduating, attempting to join the Ket army (it’s complicated), and then deciding to join the Shepherds at around 18 or 19. She undergoes training in the academy, joins her squad (this is where Trouble, Riel, Chase, Halek, and the rest come in), and becomes a Shepherd officer alongside her childhood best friend Blade in Battle Mage. The Knife that Spoke and onward details various missions, investigations, battles, recruitments, and adventures that they all embark on as young adults into their twenties, with some books following different perspectives in the squad (Blade, Riel, Trouble, Chase, Halek, Red, Wintry, and Junoth [the last two not in the game] all get their turn narrating a book or at least a large part of one), with Shery, Ayla, Mimir, Lavinet, Tallys, Neon, Croelle, and many other characters featuring heavily. Around this time, civil war is brewing between the Elves, Ket, and certain factions of Mages, and Endarkened attacks soon begin to rise as the Order struggles to keep the peace. 
Series II details the outbreak of total world war that is essentially the Castigation in the game, with Western Norm kingdoms and territories suddenly and unexpectedly marching on the East--except in the novels, demons and demon armies are also involved, and the war is ultimately averted/ended in a truce as both sides finally unite to confront the Endarkened. It’s during this time period that Riel defects and seemingly betrays the group in favor of “the other side.” Blade is also seemingly killed at the end of the first book of this series and doesn’t reappear again until the third book, Arainia is captured and held as a prisoner of war all while thinking her best friend is dead, and it’s an upsetting time for everybody. Junoth also actually dies. RIP. Croelle pops in to save the day!
Series III details the aftermath of the war and a mission to find unoccupied land for displaced factions of soldiers, diplomats, traders, and civilians from the Norm territories (led by Riel), leading to a voyage across the Mirror Sea to explore the vast continent to the south of Blest, called colloquially “the Land of the Gods.” The second book in this series is also when Blade and Arainia FINALLY confess their feelings for each other and get together, and the big love triangle in the series is finally mostly settled. Oh, but things also aren’t perfect because the Order forbids relationships between officers (like they’ll actually be fired, not Blade’s lame rule in the game lmao), so they live in fear of being discovered because neither wants to quit being a Shepherd! Their hope is that Blade will be named Commander when the current one resigns, and then he can just... change the rule LOL. 
The Bridge Series has some companion novels that take place in between Series III and IV; Fortress of the Dead is Croelle-centric (this is when he informally joins the Order in the books) and The Bridge of Bones details some political bullshit and coups and conspiracies within the Order when its Commander dies unexpectedly and seemingly names a shady outsider (Edric) as the new Commander instead of Blade. The group is placed on different squads to split them up and prevent rebellion from brewing (it happens anyway), and it’s all very crazy. This is also when Lavinet sort of becomes a good guy, Shery becomes a badass, Shyf Cian first appears as the HR rep everyone hates, and this book is also pretty Chase-centric (he pretty much saves the day) and features a Mage serial killer, a psychopathic criminal syndicate leader, and an evil Changeling! I think it’s my favorite novel of the series. From what I remember, The Razor Crown and The God-King’s Sun are just super angsty for no good reason other than I guess I felt like writing a lot of angst--though the God-King’s Sun is also the first appearance of a true Autarch in the series. 
By the time we get to Series IV, the characters are in their thirties, settling into adulthood and their respective roles in life. Blade finally assumes command of the Order, Blade and Arainia get married, Halek and Wintry have a baby (Kana!), Halek turns 33 and has a life crisis, Arainia gets pregnant (and then kidnapped for a large part of her pregnancy lolll), Riel and Chase finally make reluctant peace, some other stuff happens, uh there’s some Mimir stuff in there, Red successfully makes a trip to another world, and Arainia gives birth to a Ket-Mage son in... I think it was either The Canticle of the Namer or The Blessed Isles. 
So... yeah! 28+ main novels, and I’m still going, just for me! 😂 I tend to write a lot of AUs of the series in my off-time, though sometimes the AUs are just “what if this took place in the same world but things are totally different--like what if they were politicians instead of Shepherds, what if the Shepherds functioned differently due to a different historical event occurring, what if the Castigation happened but it was Mages who instigated it, what if they were soldiers in a war 5000 years before the main series takes place, etc.”; or they take place in totally different worlds, like the characters as cops in a modern world that has cell phones and cars but also still has the Diminished races and magic somehow!
Thanks for your question, and for reading this long talk! 😅
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ironxkid · 3 years
list your fav characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
mcu - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Carol Danvers, Maria Rambeau, Monica Rambeau, Maria Hill, Nicky Fury, Phil Coulson, Maya Hansen, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, and a bunch of others sdgjhfgdshj 
warriors - Alderheart, Squirrelflight (Working Partners give her a bREAK oh my god), Shrewtooth, Ravenpaw, Cinderpelt, Yellowfang, Firestar, Sandstorm, Fernsong, Crookedstar, Brambleberry, Shadowsight, Tawnypelt, Littlebird, Newtspeck, Badgerfang, Twigbranch, Fidgetflake, Stonefur, Willowbreeze etc.
wings of fire - Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, Glory, Sunny, Whiteout, Mangrove, Sundew, Willow, Mandrake, Umber, Moonwatcher, Winter, Turtle, Gill, Blue, Cricket, Hazel, Fathom, Indigo, Darkstalker, etc.
animal crossing - Goldie, Zucker, Isabelle, Tom Nook, Timmy and Tommy Nook, Blathers, Celeste, Digby, Flora, Spork, Pompom, Fang, Cyrano, Kid Cat, Midge, Diana, Axel, Muffy, Fuchsia, Coco, Alfonso, Julian, Vic, Nan, Big Top, Colton, Vesta, Apollo, Diva, Puddles, Francine, Rudy, Mira, Ketchup, Bruce, etc.
bones - Vincent Nigel-Murray, Temperance Brennan, Seeley Booth, Angela Montenegro, Jack Hodgins, Zack Addy, Camille Saroyan, Lance Sweets, James Aubrey, Daniel Goodman, Caroline Julian, etc.
the librarians - Cassandra Cillian, Jacob Stone, Eve Baird, Ezekial Jones, Jenkins, Flynn Carson, and a few others I’m forgetting rip fdgshjdfshj
star wars - Rose Tico, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, R2-D2, BB-8, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Bodhi Rook, Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus, K-2SO, Mon Mothma, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, etc. ((don’t talk to me about the last two movies fdsghjfdgs))
pacific rim - Mako Mori, Raleigh Becket, Stacker Pentecost, Newton Geiszler, Gottlieb, Herc Hansen, and Chuck Hansen ((I’ve only seen the first movie))
wolf’s rain - Toboe, Blue, Hige, Kiba, Tsume, Cheza, Quent Yaiden, Hubb Lebowski, Cher Degre, Gramps, and Gehl ((maybe a few others? it’s been a hot minute since I’ve watched the anime dsfghjf))
jurassic park - Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm, Lex Murphy, Tim Murphy, Robert Muldoon, Sarah Harding, Nick Van Owen, Eddie Carr, Billy Brennan, Erik Kirby, and probably a few others I’m forgetting fsgdfds
tagged by: @fullofmemories
tagging: anyone!!
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need1etail · 4 years
root shadow? 🎉
These boys. Are so soft. And I adore them.
I just. They're so cute and their interactions are so much more natural than BristleRoot's . . . OKAY LEMME RANT ABOUT THIS FOR A SECOND, BristleRoot is definitely one of those "Love at first sight 😍" kinda things, at least on Rootpaw's side. It just doesn't seem natural, it just seems forced and jeurjsjdjx ugh. I would've loved to see Rootpaw slowly realizing his feelings for Bristlefrost, and honestly when it comes to ShadowRoot it kinda seems like that's the case. Rootpaw thinks about Shadowsight quite a lot actually in LS and TST it's cute! I was talking to my bf the other day and I said "I keep saying that I hate AlderNeedle and I always think that I'm just being stupid and that the only reason I dislike it is because it's straight but no you dumbass it's because it's forced. I'd be just as upset if a gay relationship was as forced as AlderNeedle is." And that's exactly how I feel about BristleRoot as well.
Back to ShadowRoot, it reminds me of Qinter (from WoF). It seems a bit more fleshed out and obvious, with Shadowpaw and Rootpaw both being seen as "weird little apprentices". Qinter still pisses me off TO THIS DAY because Qibli and Winter's relationship was so much more fleshed out than Qibli and Moon's relationship.
Anyway that was sort of off topic but what I mean to say is: it seems like ShadowRoot will be more fleshed out than BristleRoot and that pisses me off.
ANYWAY sorry dhwisjsggs for getting off topic. ShadowRoot is a really cute, soft ship as most medicine cat ships are (not saying Root is a med cat, it just seems as though ships involving med cats are always cuter even though it's forbidden 😂). It seems as though Rootspring has a crush on Shadowsight just as much as he has a crush on Bristlefrost. Root's got a big heart.
I can't decide if I see Root's crush on Shadow being once sided or not. It seems like Shadowsight is too busy to think about romance but I love the idea that he just. Can't get that silly SkyClan cat off his mind. Like he's sorting through herbs and his mind wonders to those soft blue eyes and his lovely smelling fur. He starts wondering what he smells like. Pine maybe? No, no, that's not it. Oak? Alder? Maybe just the forest in general. He smells like a warm, sunny- NOPE, that's enough Shadowsight, keep working. I LOVE IT.
They're just. So soft. I adore them. Sorry this was mostly me ranting about Qinter and BristleRoot 😂 I'm just tired of straight ships fucking over better gay ships tbh . . .
Also sorry i keep saying rootpaw i keep forgetting he's a warriorsbjwjxxn our bb's all grown up 🥺
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raindrawsaus · 4 years
Hee hee. I think you know one of my requests lol. Stonefur! For the others, hmm... Lionheart, Strikestone, Shadowsight, and Beetlenose. That's all I can think of lol. That project looks fun! If only I can draw like you XD
YAS MY BB STONEFUR! I'll keep him in mind when I go back through the suggestions 👀😳
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bonefall · 6 months
shadowsight honor title proposal: shadowsmite (rhymes and also he kind of smited ashfur)
Hmmm... problem is that he didn't do the smiting, it was Bristlefrost. Though it is also in character for Heartstar to do such a dramatic naming for her boy, and also present ShadowClan as the biggest heroes of the whole conflict.
(And she's not entirely unfounded here. ShadowClan and SkyClan were the big bananas in opposing the Impostor. But she is also definitely puffing.)
But somehow that feels too big. Shadow wouldn't like such a title, it would make him uncomfortable to take Bristlefrost's achievement when his friend and ally Rootspring is still mourning. He helped, and was helped. And... that's a really serious and meaningful takeaway for him.
Maybe something about lightning rods? I wonder how I can translate that into a warrior name...
Maybe Shadowpeak, Shadowpoint? Oneshadow? Might be a good place to break out Ul-Arra in Clanmew...
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bonefall · 8 months
Sorry, I'm a fucking idiot but what's Shadowsight's relationship with the Dakr Forest Peeps??? Somehow Don't know how to search properly 😭😭😭
OH dw djrhddj it's kind of an inside joke that just sorta happened based on this one scene
Here, I am handing you a bouquet of WIP material.
In BB, Bristlefrost dies VERY early on. She is executed publically by the Impostor. She is a ghost for most of TBC.
Shadowsight has epilepsy, and since his birth in Heartstar's Rise, has had a really bad relationship with death and the idea of needing to "make his life worth it."
He's struck by lightning in early TBC, giving him a glowing blue scar that lights up his ear like radio antennae. This is a "gift" from Ashfur, essentially making Shadowsight a prophet-level interpreter. VERY powerful gift.
All Dark Forest residents manifest a "Land Mar" in the forest. An evil magic place based on the worst moment of their lives. If you live here long enough that it becomes home, you get one.
Anyway, cut ahead to the wip in question where the joke comes from;
Confronting the Impostor in the Dark Forest
Like canon, it is decided that Ashfur needs to be dealt with. He's escaped into the Dark Forest and it's not known what's happened with StarClan.
They just know that Ashfur is FREAKISHLY powerful and it's not known why. StarClan warriors can do many wonderful things, but possession? Calling down a lightning bolt to make a blessing?
The Clans are more concerned about StarClan than the dark forest though, and not super willing to stick their necks out to fight for... Hell. Or the soul of Bramblestar.
But Squirrelflight, in spite of EVERYTHING, argues passionately that they NEED to save her ex-mate. No man left behind means him too.
But I'm not sure if I'm going to have Shadowsight leave and re-enter the DF this time around, to go fetch these reinforcements, because I have a better idea.
So INSTEAD of escaping as Rootspring gets captured, Shadowsight also gets trapped. He's able to avoid capture, but injured, and not knowing how he's going to save everyone without reinforcements.
He manages to drag himself away where he finds a cave. It's the land mar of Ravenwing, the unfairly damned Cleric of ThunderClan... and he intentionally never seeks visitors. He has no idea what's going on out there with Ashfur. Man literally lives under a rock.
But Shadowsight is a young lad and he's injured. He needs help, so, he brings him deep into his cave to patch him up. That's where they have a little chat.
It's about expectations. What people want from you, vs the right thing to do. Ravenwing interpreted a sign from StarClan incorrectly, and three children died because of him. He thought he was doing what they wanted... but even if they did, it was an AWFUL thing to want.
And so he regrets it deeply. Even if it WAS their will, he should have had the spine to stand against it.
And then the subject turns around to Ashfur, Shadowsight sharing how he listened to him because he was a StarClan warrior, even against his instincts, how he feels responsible for this mess.
And yet.. how good it felt. How terrified he is that even if he beats him, he'll go back to living without him. Ashfur makes him special, this GIFT makes him special.
And how will anyone ever forgive him? So many people are dead because of him. Cousin Strikestone is dead because of him. All he ever wanted to do was be useful, but now his life is a net negative.
I plan to trim this down to be shorter and more "focused," but I do want to try and set up Shadowsight's feelings before the Final Battle in some other way.
Anyway, Ravenwing reveals that the Special Power of his Land Mar is that HE can send omens from the comfort of his own cave, very easily. With the power of his Land Mar and the Gift that Shadowsight still has, they're able to send a message to the Mortal Plane.
I think it'll work better than the several chapters of arguing canon gave us, widely considered to be super frustrating. Just let Shadowsight see the "best hits" from Ravenwing's cave, like Squirrelflight’s Speech.
If I don't use the Land Mar idea, then Rootspring will break out of jail with the help of Hawkfrost's half-ghost and go get help.
Anyway. The joke
Shadowsight keeps getting put in the path of demons who aren't evil and angels who aren't good
So based on the Ravenwing Scene (which I've mentioned before but without much detail iirc) it just became a joke that people like talking to Shadowsight lmao
He'll take 2 steps and a new demon is like "oh i need to protect this boy"
Or suddenly traumadump on him
Or both
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bonefall · 6 months
Random thought: but is Shadowsights naming any different in BB?
It kind of bothers me that he's named "sight" won't actually get visions for the rest of his life.
It doesn't sit well with me without the BB honor name flavoring.
Tbf in BB he's got them big ol eyes. Boy makes a man go "Jeepers creepers what are you doing with those peepers..."
I could give him an Honor Title though. After all the horrors. He gives up the powerful connection that Ashfur blasted into him with a lightning blast, by firing the lightning back at him to hold him in place. Bristlefrost then knocked him out of heaven and burned him up in orbit.
So that's pretty cool, he's earned a name to honor what he sacrificed.
Shadowflash is the best I can think of, That's a cool one. Heartstar LOVES dramatic names. My first thought was Shadowblast but that sounds kinda like a pokemon move. Shadowshoot? Clanmew verb for "shooting" stars?
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bonefall · 1 year
I think you might be talking about me--i sent in the post thanking you for giving Sorreltail epilepsy and I told you about my daughter. We missed the post about Shadowsight now having full epilepsy, but I want to thank you again. Shadowsight is her favorite cat, and she's so happy.
Glad to see you around!! Yep, I fixed Shadowsight too, in a way I hope you'll both like.
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[ID: Better Bones Shadowsight. He is a large gray tabby with a black mohawk and red eyes. He has a jagged, red scar down his eye, splitting his ear in half, down his neck, and continuing down the arm.]
Since Sorreltail has absence seizures and her epilepsy is on the mild side, I went and gave Shadowsight a more severe type to get a better range of rep.
He has clonic-tonic seizures, which he was born with.
The seizures are NOT related to visions anymore! That's just a thing he has.
Tawnypelt's Clan is going to get reduxed into something less about needing to save the tribe again (which I have issues with as the narrative keeps taking away the tribe's competence and agency), to Tawnypelt seeking treatment for him.
Since his type is more severe than Sorrel's, his treatment plan includes chamomile.
Chamomile is poisonous to cats in high amounts, so its dose is carefully controlled.
I plan to show him growing more skilled as a medic with preparing his own medications, as measuring the dose is quite delicate.
It'll be served in broth form because the idea of him lapping up tea out of a little painted bowl is irresistible
And when he's possessed...
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[ID: Better Bones Shadowsight. He is a large gray tabby with a black mohawk and pink eyes. He has a jagged, blue scar down his eye, splitting his ear in half, down his neck, and continuing down the arm]
The split ear is made to look like radio antennae. Like he's picking up signals.
The lightning bolt is what gives him that connection to StarClan and its warriors. Ashfur had intelligently blocked off the rest of silverpelt, so Shadow was only hearing HIM.
It glows blue because the electric is running in it, also Ashfur Symbolism.
The final battle with Ashfur is MUCH different. It takes place in the land between StarClan and the Dark Forest-- The Meadow of Young Stars.
Ashfur absorbs several cats and becomes something so large and strong that it can't be killed by regular claws
And it's in this moment that Shadowsight confronts the man who used and controlled him.
"You're nothing without me, Shadowsight! What are you doing?! Stop!"
He blasts the lightning bolt right back at him, giving up the connection to StarClan that Ashfur had given him, using it like an electric tether to hold him in place
He can't hold him! Rootspring, Strikestone, and everyone else he'd lost in the Impostor's Tyranny leap into action to hold him as he holds down Ashfur
It's that moment where Bristlefrost realizes what she must do
Instead of falling into water, Briss lines up, charges, and body checks the eldrich horror out of the sky like a shooting star
They burn up in orbit, crashing down to Earth as a pair of meteorites. There is going to be a crater on the map from this point on.
After this, he starts to look like the first image. His blue scar fades to light red, and his eyes go back to scarlet.
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bonefall · 11 months
So what does the formative memory of seeing Tigerheart’s dead body do to Shadow?
It WRECKS that little man
Shadowsight, to me, is a character who is always seeking grand purpose, destiny, and has a terrible relationship with death and mortality. I have a couple of issues with how canon thinks he is a character who needs to be "redeemed" as if he ever did anything wrong, but I really do like how good of a target he was for Ashfur.
No cat would have been able to see that Ashfur was "fake" because he ISN'T. But Shadowsight is especially influenced by someone who makes him feel special, like finally he's filling his purpose.
So BB!Shadowsight.
This kid has a terrible relationship with death, it's ever-present and yet, impermanent. One of his moms was dead, and then she wasn't. Rowanstar was his grandfather, and he traded his life. He's going to end up watching people he loves die, and be told that they all died for an honorable reason.
And, he has severe epilepsy. The type that is life-threatening, which Tawnypelt is going to kidnap him and bring him to the Tribe to try and treat. He's "wise beyond his years" and confronting mortality from a young age
So, what's his purpose? If we all die for a reason, to put it towards something, and he was just given even more time on this Earth with his Chamomile treatments... there must be a reason for it.
That reason is a StarClan Warrior that strikes him with lightning, and gives him a connection stronger than anyone's ever seen before. At the start of TBC, he's CONVINCED that finally his purpose has come forth. They're speaking through him.
I really like him as a character who goes through hell, seeks a purpose and grand point to his life, but is denied it. His need for it leaves him open to be manipulated, but he never gets his Grand Destiny. He can't die in some big miserable show of fulfillment (not a fan of that idea, glad they didn't do it in canon), he has to accept that his "purpose" in life... is just to live it.
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bonefall · 11 months
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Since my old drawing tablet gave up on life i've been struggling using a tiny no display tablet. Decided to draw more battle cats to practice using it.
Please enjoy Tawnypelt having a bonding moment with her ailing Victorian grandchild while she debates kidnapping him for a field trip to the doctor.
I am enjoying it greatly, thank you, that captures them perfectly
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bonefall · 11 months
What will you do if they give Birchkit defining Tigerkin features in cannon?
Already on it! Birchkit and Rowankit were Strikestone's biokits.
I'm still working on details; but my thought is that it was an honor siring situation. He was going to raise his kittens alone and claim Queen's Rights, but then he died in that fight with the impostor. He only told his close family about it.
So after the dust had settled, Heart and Dove contacted the honor dam/surrogate and asked what her plans with the kittens were, now that Strikestone was dead. That's how they ended up with Birch and Rowan.
Whoever they are, I think Strike was buddies with them, so I'm considering that maybe it was a litter of 3 and they kept one. But it's also possible that they established from the get-go that they did not want to raise kits, and so there were only 2 which Heart and Dove now have.
This means that they are considered Heartstar's kittens by all social means, but biologically, they are her grand-nespring.
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bonefall · 6 months
Did Bumblestripe ever try to interact with Lightleap and Shadowsight, like at a gathering? But then again I can imagine Heartstar and Dovewing trying to protect them from him, knowing how Dovewing was treated in ThunderClan
I imagine he caused a HUGE scene at the first or second Gathering after Heartstar's rise to power, which humiliated him pretty publicly and intensely. He tried to claim his kits and invalidate Dovewing's Queen's Rights, but couldn't actually produce any evidence.
Heartstar: "Oh? How do you know?"
Bumblestripe: "She-- We were TOGETHER!"
Heartstar: "All the time?"
It's now that Bumblestripe starts to realize that there are FIVE Clans worth of cats at this Gathering, and all of them are staring directly at him. His pelt is crawling with embarrassment, but he's gone too deep and doesn't have the wisdom to back out now.
But in the hesitation, Heartstar continues, toying with him like a rogue plays with its food.
Heartstar: "Maybe you should have kept a closer eye on your mate-- I sure did."
She leads Bumblestripe around in a few more circles like a bullfighter with a flashing cape, until Bramblestar and the other leaders have had enough of it. That night, after the Clans leave and only the Aftergathering cats remain, he gets a tense talking-to about professional conduct in front of the other Clans.
After that, the idea of approaching Lightpaw and Shadowpaw at a Gathering is foolish, to put it lightly. This resentment is something that the Impostor ends up exploiting, easily twisting Bumblestripe's hatred of Heartstar and fury towards Dovewing into loyalty towards the codebreaking cause.
But, that means no. He didn't try to interact with his bio-kits before BB!TBC.
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