#chp 390
ying-doodles · 2 months
// novel spoilers (chp 390)
this chapter feels like super smash bros' "everyone is here!" cause good lord there's a lot of people there to fight.
the mermaids simply jumping over to the estate is truly insane.. but them and the orcs wanting to have competitions of strength is funny lolol-
I do wonder what secret lloyd's going to say,, is it time for the big reveal?? O-O but then again, javier knows he's not lloyd*.. so maybe just another minor thing like the ear swabbing?
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dekuchannnn · 11 months
just saw the chp 390 leaks and i already know I’m gonna cry
also is anyone else worried about the fact that it’s called “shoto todoroki: rising” just like “katsuki bakugo: rising” when our mans literally got STABBED. like what’s gonna happen to our todo 😭
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gundembuca · 21 days
AK Parti Buca Belediye Meclis Üyesi Burçin Kevser "Görkem Duman Başkanı aradım tebrik için telefonumu açmadı eyvah dedim"
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Faaliyet Raporu görüşmelerinde söz alan AK Parti Grup Başkanvekili Burçin Kevser Sevil, “Faaliyet raporu belediye başkanın yönetim iradesinin bürokratlarla birlikte 1 yıllık süreçte ortaya koyduğu iş işlemlerin hepsini kapsamaktadır. Yani Görkem Duman Başkanımızın değil Erhan Kılıç Başkanın faaliyet raporunu belirtmek isteriz. Biz yeni bir yerel seçim atlattıysak, yeni kadrolar ile yola devam edeceksek kendimize bir yol haritası belirlememiz gerekecek. Bunu belirlerken geçmişi referans almalıyız. Mali ve yatırımsal olarak ortaya koymak için belediyemizin neler yaptığını iyi analiz etmiş olmamız gerekir. Geçmişte görüştüğümüz faaliyet raporları bir önceki yılın aynısıydı. Buca İzmir en fazla nüfusa sahip olduğu ilçesi. Buca'yı planlarken herhangi bir yerel yöneticiden daha fazla efor sarfetmeniz gerekiyor. Yeni belediye başkanımızın da seçim sürecinde ortaya koyduğu en önemli söylem mimar olduğu ve ilçenin geleceğini planlayacak oluşudur. Buca Belediyesine yakışacak tek bir faaliyet söz konusu değil mevcut faaliyet raporunda. 1 tane yatırım projesi olmadığı gibi başlanan işlerin hiçbirinin tamamlanmadığını görüyoruz. Uzun zamandır CHP tarafından yönetiliyor Buca. Kamuda devamlılık esastır. Buca'ya ne kazandırdınız? Bu faaliyet raporu sadece sayfalardan ibaret.  Koskoca Buca Belediyesi 5 yılda toplasanız 350 metrelik yol açtı ve asfaltladı. Bu ilçenin 47 mahallesi var. Kaç tane oyun parkı spor sahası yapıldı? Gençlerin Hasanağa Bahçesi'nden başka alternatifleri yok. 5 yıl içinde Buca Belediyesi'nden yaklaşık 5 milyar TL bütçe kullanıldı. Buna değecek yatırım görüyor musunuz? Bu olmadığı gibi yatırımsal olmasa da 5 yıl içinde yerel yönetimler anlamında hangimizin hayatında değişiklikler oldu. Biz geçmişte bunları yaşadık. Çöp ihalesi yapıldı 52 milyon TL. O dönem belediye bütçesi 390 milyon TL'lerde... Sonra yaptığımız muhalefetin neticesinde Büyükşehir Belediyesi'nden alınan araçlarla çöp toplama işi yapıldı. Elinizde olan kaynakları lütfen bu kentin gelişmesi için kullanın. Bizim açımızdan tablo bu.  Ortaya koyduğumuz sorunlar böyle devam ederse daha yaşanılabilir Buca değil, yaşanılamaz Buca'da yaşayan insanlar olacağız. Sayın Görken Duman Başkanı tebrik etmek için aradım. Ancak telefona cevap vermedi, geri de dönmedi. Bu telefona bile cevap verilip dönülmediyse umarım tahmin ettiğim gibi yaşanmaz. umarım telefona cevap verilmemiş olması basit bir meseledir. Bununla birlikte vakitlerinizi nasıl değerlendireceğiz o da önemli. Grubumuz ile konuşurken Sayın Duman vaatler olarak ne önermiştir diye düşündüğümüzde çok açık vaatler var mı diye açıkçası tartıştık. Buca'nın boşa giden yıllarının karşılığında çok genel ama kıymetli sosyal medya hesabınızda duran paylaşımınızdaki sözlerle birlikte belediyeyi yönetirsiniz ve bizde AK Parti grubu olarak destek olacağımızı bildirmek isteriz" dedi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1tqC8YDqc4 Read the full article
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cemakkilic · 1 year
Şemsiye açılmadan...
Egoist ve cahil birisi olsaydım CHP'nin bugün düştüğü duruma aldırış etmez, içine aldığı FETÖ artıklarını umursamazdım... Çünkü CHP kazanırsa, Tayyip ile ilgili devam eden 40'dan fazla (kırk) dosyam silinecek... Ne büyük rahatlık değil mi?!.. Pasaportumu yeniden çıkartacak, gözlerimi bağlayıp, dünya haritasına ok atıp, o ok hangi ülkeye saplanırsa oraya gidebileceğim... Liman Cüzdanımı çıkartıp mesleğime uygun işlerde; misal, Alman firmalarında çalışabilecek ve karada sigortasız abuk sabuk işlerde asgari ücretin yarısına çalışmaktan kurtulacağım... 
Kısacası hayatım kurtulacak CHP iktidar olsa...
Peki; ülke kurtulacak mı?..
Bana CHP'yi eleştirerek kimlere hizmet ediyorsun diye soranlar var...
Ben MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK dışında kimseye hizmet etmem... 
Egoist birisi olsaydım, cemaatlerin parmağında oynattığı CHP'yi yüzde yüz desteklerdim... Ülke batmış umurumda olmaz, yıllarca yaptığım gibi valizimi toplar Kamboçya'da, Arjantin'de, Portekiz sahillerinde fink atardım... Sonuçta ben denizciyim... 6 ay çalışır ikramiyeli 7 maaş alır, 6 ay kafama göre dünyayı gezerim... Daha doğrusu gezerdim...
Neden CHP'ye yükleniyorum!.. Çünkü şemsiye açılmadan uyarmak gerek... Silkelemek gerek... 
İktidar olsun da sonra eleştir diyenler var... Şemsiye bir defa açıldıktan sonra eleştirsen kaç yazar!..
Cemaatler ülkeyi kurtaramaz!.. Emperyallerin kölesi olur, 390$ asgari ücretle köleliğe devam eder, bulgura kepçe sallamakla ömür tüketirsiniz... 
Kadınlarınız gizli gizli fuhuş yapar, erkekleriniz punduna getirdi mi hırsızlık yapar... Zaten kalitesi yerlerde sürünen vasat altı toplum tamamen leşe döner... Hayvan leşine...
Atatürk'ün CHP'sini talep edin, şemsiye açılmadan...
Cem Akkılıç
15 Nisan 2023
Denizci eskisi, blog yazarı, bostan korkuluğu
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haberceptenet · 2 years
CHP’li Akın: "Zamlar bakanlık bütçelerini de iflas ettirdi"
CHP Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Ahmet Akın, ek bütçede bakanlıkların akaryakıt, elektrik ve yakacak için ayrılan ek ödenekleri yaptığı bir çalışmayla derledi.CHP’li Ahmet Akın, “Ek bütçede 9 bakanlığın akaryakıt, elektrik ve yakacak alımları için verilen ek ödeneklerin toplam tutarı 6 milyar 303 milyon 836 bin lirayı buluyor. Zamlar bakanlık bütçelerini de iflas ettirdi” açıklamasında bulundu.  CHP’li Akın’ın çalışmasına göre enerji zamlarının bakanlıklara maliyeti şöyle:"Adalet Bakanlığı’na üç farklı ek ödenekle toplam 1 milyar 754 milyon lira tutarında akaryakıt, elektrik ve yakacak için ek ödenek verildi. Enerji faturalarına gelen fahiş zamlar nedeniyle Dışişleri Bakanlığı’na ise yalnızca 10 milyon lira tutarında ek bütçe ayrıldı.Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na tahsis edilen ek bütçede 16 farklı kalemde akaryakıt, elektrik ve yakacak için ek ödenek verildi. Enerji faturalarının Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na ek bütçede tahsis edilen ek ödeneğe göre yarattığı toplam maliyet tutarı 2 milyar 437 milyon 223bin lira olarak gerçekleşti. Sağlık Bakanlığı’nın elektrik, akaryakıt ve yakacak tüketimiyle ilgili yer alan iki ayrı ödeneğin ek bütçedeki toplam tutarı 667 milyon 491 bin lira oldu. Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı’nın da ek bütçede enerji zamlarıyla ilgili iki farklı ödeneğinin toplam tutarı 337 milyon 390 bin lira olarak gerçekleşti. Ek bütçede Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı’nın akaryakıt, elektrik ve yakıtla ilgili 5 farklı ödeneğin toplamı ise 513 milyon 416 bin lira olarak hesaplandı.Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’na akaryakıt, elektrik ve yakacak ödeneğiyle ilgili 10 farklı kalemde toplamda 190 milyon 708 lira tutarında ek ödenek ayrıldı. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı’na enerji zamları nedeniyle tahsis edilen 3 farklı ödeneğin toplam tutarı da 29 milyon lira olarak gerçekleşti. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı’na enerji zamlarının ardından akaryakıt, yakacak ve elektrik nedeniyle verilen 6 farklı ek ödeneğin toplamı da ek bütçede 364 milyon 608 bin lira oldu."CHP Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Ahmet Akın; AK Parti iktidarının elektrik, doğalgaz ve akaryakıt zamlarıyla kendi bakanlıklarının da bütçelerini bozduğuna işaret etti. CHP’li Akın, şunları dile getirdi:“Yılbaşından bu yana elektrik, doğalgaz ve akaryakıta gelen zamlar nedeniyle vatandaşlar faturalarını ödeyemez duruma geldi. 1 Ocak 2022 tarihinden bugüne kadar elektrik faturaları 2 kez, doğalgaz faturaları 3 kez zamlandı. Akaryakıta ise neredeyse gün aşırı zam geldi. Elektrikte konut tarifesine düşük kademede yüzde 65, yüksek kademede yüzde 151 zam yapılırken; doğalgaz konut tarifesine yüzde 120 oranında zam geldi. Akaryakıt ürünleri ise yılbaşından bu yana benzinde yüzde 210, motorinde yüzde 234 oranında zam yapıldı. Bu fahiş zamlar nedeniyle AK Parti kendi bakanlıklarının bütçelerini de iflas ettirdi. Ek bütçede; bakanlıklara milyarlarca lira tutarında akaryakıt, elektrik ve yakacak bütçesi aktarıldı.”Hibya Haber Ajansı Read the full article
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eurydicees · 2 years
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nothing about this manga ever hits quite the same as kageyama with the crown and cape. absolutely nothing.
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 years
Massive Restock for BattleTech!
MASSIVE restock for BattleTech from Iron Wind Metals...and this isn't even ALL of it!
PLEASE REMEMBER...I'm out with my kids this weekend for some fun before they go back to school, so there will possibly be a delay in shipping depending on order volume.
20-209 Rifleman RFL-8D 20-217 Crusader CDR-5K 20-223 Saladin Hover Tank (2) 20-235 Partisan Heavy Tank 20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R 20-279 Clint IIC 20-290 Ajax Assault Tank Prime 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2) 20-346 Crimson Hawk 20-382 Heavy LRM Carrier 20-397 Orion ON1-M 20-424 Bombardier BMB-12D 20-450 Hiryo Armored Infantry Transport 20-451 Copper SecurityMech CBK-6 20-482 Xanthos XNT-30 20-496 Thunderbird TRB-D36 Aero Fighter 20-497 Moltke M1 Main Battle Tank 20-5007 Turhan Wheeled Vehicle (2) 20-5016 Apollo APL-1M 20-5021 Deimos 20-5023 Hyena Salvage Mech HYN-4A 20-5025 Mad Cat IV "Savage Wolf" 20-5041 Nyx NX-80 / NX-90 20-5049 Carnivore Assault Tank (Standard) (2) 20-5074 Dola DOL-1A1 20-5082 Gyrfalcon (Standard) 20-5088 Hollander III BZK-D1 20-5093 Lament LMT-2R 20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K 20-5098 Black Knight BLK-NT-5H 20-5106 Tiburon 20-5110 Carronade CRN-7M 20-5114 Zeus-X ZEU-X4 20-5121 Lu Wei Bing LN-4B 20-5122 Tenshi TN-10-O Prime 20-5123 Wendigo Prime 20-5126 Gun GN-2O Prime 20-5127 Flashman FLS-8K Resculpt 20-5131 Centurion CN11-O Prime 20-5132 Templar III TLR2-O Prime 20-5133 Gotterdammerung GTD-20S 20-5134 Juliano JLN-5A 20-5148 Flea FLE-14 20-5151 Avalanche AVL-1O 20-5155 Cougar Prime / B Resculpt 20-5163 Mongoose Gunslinger MON-66GX 20-5167 Raven II RVN-5X 20-5169 Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb 20-5170 Ryoken III-XP (Skinwalker) Prime 20-5173 Scourge SCG-WF1 20-5182 Catapult CPLT-C1 / K2 20-5183 Locust LCT-1V / 1E / 1Vb Royal 20-5184 Griffin GRF-1N 20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime 20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime 20-695 Fire Falcon Prime 20-706 CHIPPEWA FIGHTER CHP-W5 20-723 Warrior Helicopter H-7 20-739 Ontos Heavy Tank (2) 20-741 J-27 Tow Vehicle 20-747 Zhukov Heavy Tank (2) 20-774 Black Knight BL-6-KNT 20-777 Falcon FLC-4N 20-779 Manticore Heavy Tank (2) 20-798 Hammer HMR-3M 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-802 Mongoose MON-66 20-803 Hoplite HOP-4D 20-806 Hunter Missile Tank (2) 20-822 Demolisher Tank 20-865 Commando COM-2D 20-869 Jenner JR7-D 20-876 Dervish DV-6M 20-879 Clint CLNT-2-3T 20-898 Imp IMP-3E 20-899 King Crab KGC-000 20-932 Vindicator VND-1R 20-976 Hellion Prime 20-983 Mad Cat Mk II 20-991 Shadow Cat Prime AR20-246 EAGLE EGL-2M AR20-248 DONAR ASSAULT VTOL AR20-249 CRONUS CNS-5M AR20-294 MAGI INFANTRY SUPPORT VEHICLE AR20-325 Morpheus MRP-3S AR20-344 Flashfire FLS-P5 AR20-349 HACHIWARA AR20-363 Koto KTO-2A AR20-367 SPIDER SDR-7K / SDR-7K2 AR20-405 Great Turtle GTR-1 AR20-418 Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L AR20-421 Ronin SA-RN7 AR20-429 Mantis MTS-S AR20-445 Longshot LNG-2 AR20-466 Neptune Submarine (full and waterline) AR20-637 MANTIS LIGHT ATTACK VTOL (2) AR20-655 Fire Scorpion AR20-720 THRUSH AR20-745 SKULKER WHEELED SCOUT VEHICLE AR20-785 DEMOLISHER II HEAVY TANK AR20-790 SALAMANDER PPR-5S     AR20-931 URBAN MECH IIC     AR20-943 ARCTIC WOLF AR20-957 LAO HU  LHU-2B   AR20-977 CESTUS CTS-6Y   AR20-985 ARCAS 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 99-203 Extra Large Flat Top Hex Base ATLASLTD-12 Limited Edition Jumping Atlas BT-004 Afreet Battle Armor BT-005 Grenadier Battle Armor BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-008 Void Battle Armor BT-011 Thor "Summoner" B BT-019 Leopard BT-026 Union BT-028 Cavalier Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-064 Trike BT-065 Minigun Cycle BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-129 Infiltrator Mk I Battle Armor BT-130 Hauberk Battle Armor BT-132 Clan Medium Battle Armor BT-133 Corona Battle Armor BT-160 Elemental Battle Armor Point BT-172 Prowler Tank BT-178 Jade Hawk JHK-03 BT-187 Djinn Battle Armor BT-192 Purifier BA C (2 pc) (advancing) BT-197 Aerie Battle Armor BT-198 Tengu Battle Armor BT-199 Asura Md. Battle Armor BT-200 Shedu Assault Battle Armor BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-207 Delphyne ProtoMech BT-209 Se'irim Medium Battle Armor BT-210 Armorcast 28mm Elemental Battle Armor BT-217 Dragon's Breath BT-224 Heavy Jump Infantry BT-230 Kopis Battle Armor BT-231 Ironhold Battle Armor BT-232 Warg Battle Armor BT-234 Davion Firefighter ATV BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-243 XTC Marine BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-250 Ignis Infantry Support Tank BT-251 Blood Asp A BT-252 Blood Asp E BT-253 Cauldron-Born "Ebon Jaguar" Prime BT-257 Concordat Frigate BT-260 Sprint Scout VTOL BT-269 Sling SL-1G BT-270 New Sytris Carrier BT-271 Conqueror Battle Cruiser BT-272 Davion Destroyer BT-273 Osteon D BT-276 Maxim Hover Tank (3058) BT-278 Panther PNT-9R BT-282 Pandion Combat WiGE BT-283 Svartalfa Ultra ProtoMech (Standard) BT-291 Super-Griffin GRF-2N-X BT-292 Shiro SH-2P BT-294 Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-305 Thor II Prime BT-306 Thor II B BT-311 Savior Repair Vehicle BT-312 Gun Trailers (2) BT-319 Wheeled APC BT-320 Tracked APC BT-321 Hover APC BT-322 Rifleman RFL-1N BT-326 Stinger LAM MK I STG-A1 (Air Mech) BT-335 PWWKA S-PW-1LAM (Air Mech) BT-343 Tomahawk II A BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-348 Centurion CN9-D / CN9-AL Resculpt BT-349 Lament LMT-4RC BT-351 Mad Cat MK II 5 BT-363 Swiftwind Scout Car BT-364 Gabriel Hovercraft BT-369 Elemental Battle Armor (3) BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor (3) BT-385 Grey Death Legion Battle Armor (3) BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-390 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (3) BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-393 Kage Battle Armor Squad (4) BT-395 Centurion CN9-YLW / CN9-YLW2 "Yen Lo Wang" BT-397 Gùn GN-2O A BT-399 Shadow Hawk SHD-2K BT-403 Highlander HGN-738 BT-407C Orion ON1-H Arm Sprue BT-408 Loki II A BT-411 Archer ARC-1A BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor BT-416 Testudo Siege Tank (Standard) BT-418 Saladin MK II HCV BT-419 Wolverine WVR-1R BT-425 Uziel UZL-8S BT-427 Balac Strike VTOL (Standard) & (LRM) BT-429 Catapult CPLT-C2 (Dark Age) BT-430 Wulfen H BT-434 Leonidas Battle Armor BT-437 Regulator Hovertank (Arrow IV) BT-438 Von Rohrs (Hebis) VON-4RH-5 BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor BT-440 Bellerophon BEL-1X BT-442 Wulfen A BT-444 Flatbed Truck (2) - Cargo & Wpn options CE-001 Primitive Shadow Hawk FT-002 Boomerang Spotter Plane FT-003 Sea Skimmer FT-005 Monitor Naval Vessel FT-008 Avatar AV1-OB FT-012 Nightsky NGS-5T FT-025 Samurai Mech Scale Fighter FT-026 Sabre Mech Scale Fighter FT-027 Gotha Mech Scale Fighter MS-001 Union Dropship OP-005 Thor B Arms (2) (from BT-11) OP-007 Thor C Left Arm (from 20-320) OP-029 Gladiator C Left Arm OP-030 Gladiator C Right Arm OP-033 Gladiator E Left Arm OP-034 Gladiator E ATM 9 OP-040 Gladiator E Torso OP-045 Black Hawk C SRM4 OP-084 Masakari Torso OP-097 Generic Missile Launcher (3) OP-098 Missile Launcher Front Panel (3) OP-099 Gauss Rifles OP-100 Ultra Autocannons OP-101 Hyper-Assult Gauss Rifles OP-102 Inner Sphere PPC's OP-103 LB-X Autocannons OP-104 Extended Range Lasers and PPC OP-105 Pulse Lasers OP-106 Small Launcher Plates OP-107 Medium Launcher Plates OP-108 Large Launcher Plates OP-109 XL Launcher Plates OP-110 XXL Launcher Plates OP-111 Inner Sphere Small, Medium, and Large Launchers OP-112 Inner Sphere XL and XXL Launchers OP-113 Clan Small, Medium, and Large Launchers OP-114 Clan XL and XXL Launchers SFB-016 Upper Stackable Steel Building 20-220C Longbow Missile Pod Sprue 20-233C Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue I 20-233D Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue II 20-317D Ostroc 4C Arms Sprue 20-325C Morpheus Left Arm 20-325D Morpheus Shoulder Pad 20-326D Loki Anti-Personal Pod Sprue (From 20-326) 20-360C Paladin Arms Sprue 20-412E Grigori Weapon Pod Sprue II 20-413B Archangel Spikes/Arm Sprue 20-432B Valiant DA Mech Legs 20-432C Valiant DA Mech Arm Sprue 20-432D Valiant DA Mech Shield Sprue 20-442B Copperhead Arm Sprue 20-453G Pariah Jump Jet Sprue (from 20-453) 20-5136 Hound HD-2F Weapon Sprue 20-603E Mad Cat (Omni) Missile Pack 20-605E Masakari (Omni) Right Arm 20-605F Masakari (Omni) Left Arm 20-610D Black Hawk (Omni) Arms 20-613C Koshi (Omni) Arm Sprue 20-616B Grand Titan TIT-N10M Right Arm 20-616C Grand Titan TIT-N10M Left Arm 20-616GN Grand Titan TIT-N10M Small Gun 20-617B Tempest TMP-3M Right Arm 20-617C Tempest TMP-3M Left Arm 20-627BTUR LRM Carrier Turret 20-699AMG Emperor EMP-6A Arm / Gun 20-779TRT Manticore Heavy Tank Turret 20-780AGN Hussar HSR-200D Arm / Gun Sprue 20-793GN Hollander BZK-F3 Gun 20-802ARM Mongoose MON-66 Arm Sprue 20-810B Hatamoto-Chi Fin / PPC Sprue 20-864ARM Hatchetman Arm Sprue 20-873FNS Spider Fins 20-888ARM Grasshopper Arm Sprue 20-969B Banshee Arm Sprue 20-987A/WP Locust Arm / Weapon Sprue 20-988ARM Phoenix Hawk Arm Sprue 20-993D Thunderbolt Arm Sprue
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lifeat1337carlton · 2 years
For 390 days in one way shape or form the mismanagement of Piedmont housing alliance has been present here on the property
Referring mainly to the doors
Doors have been broken for days weeks and months at a time doors get propped open doors don't open doors don't close doors don't lock doors don't work but yet Clark the property manager yells this is my property I'm the property manager so why haven't you managed your property
Why is it we haven't heard about this problem in the newsletters why is it that we haven't seen announcements about doors being fixed await that's because they never do get fixed
Remember that contingency and that rent that's paid every month by all the residents that's for getting a reputable door company out here to fix doors
That's also for you to do your job obviously you can't do your job I don't understand why you're not gone already
Just like the last management company CHP they couldn't keep a manager on the property because no one could do their job
We've already had five property managers in the last year Piedmont housing alliance is only been on the property a year
That's because no one does their job no one can handle their job
People just want to sit in an office and collect a paycheck
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You know that saying out of sight out of mind if I don't see it I don't have to deal with it even if I know about it I don't have to deal with it because even though I'm sitting in this office with the door closed the blinds closed I'm still going to get a paycheck whether I do my job or not
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biblioncollection · 4 years
Against Jovinianus | Saint Jerome | Christianity - Other | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 1/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Jovinianus, had published at Rome a treatise containing the following opinions: (1) "That a virgin is no better as such than a wife in the sight of God. (2) Abstinence is no better than a thankful partaking of food. (3) A person baptized with the Spirit as well as with water cannot sin. (4) All sins are equal. (5) There is but one grade of punishment and one of reward in the future state." Also he held the birth of our Lord to have been natural, rather than that Jesus passed through the walls of the womb as His Resurrection body afterwards did out of the tomb. All these opinions were condemned in synods at that city and at Milan (about A.D. 390). He subsequently sent Jovinian's books to Jerome, who answered them in the present treatise in the year 393. Book I is wholly on (1), marriage and virginity. Chp 4-13 are Jerome's sense, of St. Paul's teaching in 1 Cor. vii. In chp. 14-39 Jerome uses both the Old and the New Testaments. Chp. 40 praises virginity and single marriages from examples in the heathen world. - Summary: A shortened version from the introduction. This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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bayrampasatv · 4 years
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CHP Bayrampaşa İlçe Örgütü’nün 12. olağan kongresinde Hasan Mutlu, 156 oya karşı 231 oyla kazanarak CHP Bayrampaşa’nın yeni başkanı oldu.  Daha önce adaylığını açıklayan Murat Yetişmiş'in kongreden bir gün önce Hasan Mutlu'nun yanında olacağını belirterek çekilmesi üzerine seçime kırmızı ve beyaz olmak üzere iki listeyle gidildi. Kongrede kırmızı listeyle yarışan Hasan Mutlu seçimin galibi oldu ve ikinci kez başkanlığa getirildi. Beyaz listenin adayı İbrahim Kahraman ise 75 oy farkla seçimi kaybetti. Bayrampaşa Belediyesi'nin altındaki Kültür Merkezi'nde düzenlenen, Divan başkanlığını eski milletvekili Süleyman Çelebi’nin, divan katipliklerini ise Ayla Çetin, Nazlı Buse Oflaz, Atilla Özen ve Selçuk Esen’in yaptığı kongrede, protokol konuşmalarının ardından okunan faaliyet ve hesap raporları oy çokluğuyla kabul edildi. Söz alan delegelerin istek, şikayet ve önerilerinin dinlenmesinin ardından oylamaya geçildi. Toplam 410 delegeden 390’ının oy kullandığı seçimde 3 oy geçersiz sayıldı. Oy sayımının ardından zaferini ilan eden Hasan Mutlu yaptığı konuşmada, “Burada kazanan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi’dir. Kongre sürecinde çok demokratik bir atmosfer yaratan başkanımız İbrahim Kahraman’ı kutluyorum. Bugün devraldığımız bayrakla, yine hep birlikte çalışarak Bayrampaşa’da partimizi mutlaka ve mutlaka iktidara taşıyacağız.” ifadelerini kullandı. Partililerin yoğun ilgi gösterdiği kongreye milletvekilleri Süleyman Çelebi, Yunus Emre, Sezgin Tanrıkulu, Gökhan Zeybek ve Mehmet Sevigen’in yanı sıra son seçimde 2. bölge milletvekili adayı olan Mersin Balkan, İBB İtfaiye Daire Başkanı Remzi Albayrak, CHP İstanbul İl Başkan Yardımcısı Muradiye Albayrak Şit, Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarının temsilcileri, muhtarlar ve çok sayıda partili katıldı.
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itsfreeaudiobook · 4 years
Jovinianus, had published at Rome a treatise containing the following opinions: (1) "That a virgin is no better as such than a wife in the sight of God. (2) Abstinence is no better than a thankful partaking of food. (3) A person baptized with the Spirit as well as with water cannot sin. (4) All sins are equal. (5) There is but one grade of punishment and one of reward in the future state." Also he held the birth of our Lord to have been natural, rather than that Jesus passed through the walls of the womb as His Resurrection body afterwards did out of the tomb. All these opinions were condemned in synods at that city and at Milan (about A.D. 390). He subsequently sent Jovinian's books to Jerome, who answered them in the present treatise in the year 393. Book I is wholly on (1), marriage and virginity. Chp 4-13 are Jerome's sense, of St. Paul's teaching in 1 Cor. vii. In chp. 14-39 Jerome uses both the Old and the New Testaments. Chp. 40 praises virginity and single marriages from examples in the heathen world. - Summary: A shortened version from the introduction. via Libricox
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robertkstone · 5 years
2019 Dodge Durango Pursuit: Testing Dodge’s V-8 Police SUV
Let’s cut to the chase: No, people around you don’t automatically slow down and drive like saints when you’re driving a cop car. You’d be forgiven for thinking so, because let’s be honest: Every one of us does exactly that when we see a cop. But seeing them is the key, and most people don’t.
You can certainly argue the 2019 Dodge Durango Pursuit demonstration vehicle I was driving is subtle for a police car, and it doesn’t actually say “police” anywhere on it. But don’t take it from me; take it from a California Highway Patrol officer.
Read about the new 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility here
“No,” he said with a laugh when I asked if he thought the then-new Ford Explorer–based Police Interceptors CHP had just bought would allow him to catch more speeders. “I can park on the side of I-5 in broad daylight in one of our old Crown Vics with the big, giant globe lights on the roof, and people will blow right by me at 90 mph without seeing me.”
Dodge only lent us the Durango Pursuit for a week, but it was more than enough time to drive his point home. I saw it all: People running stop signs right in front of me, people speeding and weaving dangerously through traffic, people on their phones wandering within their lanes like drunks, even a woman reading an iPad as she drove in stop-and-go traffic directly behind me.
My favorites were the two speeding BMWs, about 10 minutes apart. I always sort of assumed, or maybe “hoped” is a better word, that people who weave through traffic on the freeway at 90 mph are paying extra close attention so they don’t kill someone or end up in prison. Wrong. I was already cruising above the speed limit on I-10, and both came flying up on me fast. The first was in another lane, but the second flew up on my bumper, tailgated me with extreme prejudice, then cranked it over two lanes and floored it. Both realized it was a cop car just as they were passing me, and both slammed on the brakes and tried to hide by changing lanes and getting behind other vehicles. Sorry guys, but if I had been a real cop, it was way too late to disappear.
The Durango Pursuit has an intimidating presence. Part of that is the more aggressive front fascia on 2019 models, guarded by tusk-like push bars. If we’re honest, it oversells the vehicle’s performance a tad. See, modern police vehicles don’t typically get special engines (the Ford Police Interceptor—nee Explorer—being the notable exception). Under the hood of this angry-looking Durango, the 5.7-liter pushrod V-8 develops the same 360 hp and 390 lb-ft of torque as a civilian Durango. With more and more departments actively discouraging high-speed pursuits due to the risk involved to the officers, public, and suspect, it’s more than enough.
Armed with an eight-speed automatic and standard all-wheel drive (with an honest-to-goodness two-speed transfer case), the Pursuit hits 60 mph from its hiding spot behind the billboard in 6.5 seconds and runs a 14.9-second quarter mile at 93.2 mph.
For context, that’s almost identical to the performance of a civilian 2018 Durango 4 R/T AWD V-8 we tested (this one trapped traveling 0.2 mph quicker). For more context, a 2018 Toyota Camry V-6 hits 60 mph in 5.8 seconds and will do a 14.3-second quarter mile at 99.6 mph. Before you consider running from the cops, however, you should keep in mind that no matter how fast your car is, you can’t outrun the cops’ radio. We strongly recommend against testing that axiom.
The Pursuit’s performance is actually impressive in a way, because it’s been outfitted with all those lights and sirens and whatnot. Despite that, this Pursuit weighed in at 5,351 pounds, about 80 pounds lighter than that civilian Durango we tested. Because the Pursuit starts life as a base trim level, it’s got cloth seats, the smallest infotainment screen available, and a very short list of options, all of which save weight. On top of that, Dodge removes the third-row seat and uses the hole it leaves to mount all the electronic hardware for the lights, siren, two-way radio, etc. Of course, this demonstration vehicle is not fully kitted out. There’s no laptop or two-way radio installed, no radar, no gun rack, no rear seat partition, and none of the loose gear cops carry in their cars like flares and such. A fully dressed vehicle with a fully dressed officer aboard is likely to come in a bit heavier than the civilian model, which may affect performance depending on how much heavier it actually ends up being.
Even factoring in equipment weight, you won’t need to worry about the braking. Although modern cop cars don’t really get “cop engines” anymore, they do still get “cop brakes” and “cop suspension.” Even with tires that aren’t anything special (and only speed-rated to 118 mph, officers), the Durango Pursuit stopped from 60 mph in 122 feet, 12 feet better than Dodge advertises and 5 feet better than the civilian model. More important, it’ll do it over and over thanks to Pursuit-only heavy-duty brakes and new cooling ducts integrated into the 2019 fascia. Our instrumented testing is not kind to brakes, especially not those on 5,000-plus-pound vehicles; and although the Pursuit’s got quite stinky, they never faded.
“Cop suspension” in this case means load-leveling Nivomat shocks and a “performance-tuned” suspension setup. In actuality, it handles exactly the same as the civilian model. In numbers, the Pursuit pulls 0.79 average g on a skidpad and runs a 27.5-second lap on our figure eight at 0.63 average g. The civilian Durango managed 0.80 g on the skidpad and a 27.4-second lap at 0.64 g, statistically equal.
In terms of driving dynamics, you won’t notice the difference. There hasn’t been enough weight added or the weight balance hasn’t been affected enough to make the Pursuit drive any differently than a fresh-off-the-lot consumer model. It defaults to rear-drive to save gas and is already among the best-driving vehicles in its class, with good body control and a pleasant ride. Throw it into corners like you’re filming a chase scene, and the rear end will rotate just a little before the stability control, which can be muted but not defeated, steps in. Then it’s just midcorner understeer followed by decent corner exit as the front axle starts pulling its weight. At the end of the day, it’s still a 5,000-plus-pound SUV—“performance-tuned” suspension be damned—but it’ll also drive circles around the Chevy Tahoe Police Pursuit Vehicle your department bought.
I mentioned saving gas, and for the fleet managers in the audience, I’ll bring it up again. The V-8 Durango Pursuit is rated at all of 14/22 mpg city/highway, so check your department’s budget and make sure it’s well funded. If you can live with “only” 293 hp and 260 lb-ft, the also all-wheel-drive 3.6-liter V-6 is rated at a city-council-budget-committee-friendlier 18/25 mpg city/highway. The six-cylinder Durango Pursuit starts at $36,476, with our V-8 loaner coming in at $39,142.
There’s really only one other area in which the Durango Pursuit needs improvement, and that’s the cupholders. The drop-in plastic unit this steel center console comes with just doesn’t cut it, good only for holding fast-food to-go cups.
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This is an affront to the law enforcement community. I’m starting a hashtag campaign. #getcopsbettercupholders
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eurydicees · 2 years
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it's been, what? two years since they played atsumu? and tanaka still has his habits memorized. high school volleyball rly is forever huh
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ariesgamesandminis · 5 years
Dropship Down! 1st half of restocks for IWM!!!
Dropship down! 1st half of the restocks for Iron Wind Metals is on the site. More to come later today!
20-236 Marauder IIC 2 20-251 Arctic Fox AF1 20-337 Thor "Summoner" Prime 20-373 Dasher "Fire Moth" Prime 20-376 Koshi "Mist Lynx" Prime 20-381 Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Pryde (with Aiden Pryde) 20-383 Stalker STK-5M 20-460 Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (2) (3058) 20-471 Pulverizer PUL-2V 20-472 Stag ST-14G / Stag II ST-24G 20-5095 Hitotsune Kozo HKZ-1F 20-5107 Malice MAL-XT 20-5140 Ostscout OTT-7J 20-5141 Shadow Hawk SHD-2H 20-5148 Flea FLE-14 20-658 Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR29 20-695 Fire Falcon Prime 20-706 CHIPPEWA FIGHTER CHP-W5 20-727 Karnov UR Transport 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-800A Hex Base (BULK) 20-809 Mauler MAL-1R 20-810 Hatamoto-Chi HTM-26T 20-812 Lancelot LNC25-01 20-813 Guillotine GLT-3N 20-905 Blackjack BJ2-O 20-997 Gurkha GUR-2G AR20-239 Verfolger VR5-R AR20-249 CRONUS CNS-5M AR20-257 FIRESTARTER FS9-O PRIME AR20-274 BLOOD ASP PRIME AR20-319 ARBALEST / ARBALEST II Variant AR20-470 Mercury II MCY-100 AR20-5005 Orion ON1-K (with Kerensky) AR20-612 DASHER 'Fire Moth' PRIME AR20-614 ULLER 'Kit Fox' PRIME AR20-625 CERBERUS MR-V2 AR20-673 STARSLAYER STY-3C AR20-684 SHOOTIST ST-8A AR20-701 SPARROW HAWK SPR-H5 AR20-702 CORSAIR AEROTECH AR20-703 STUKA STU-K5 FIGHTER AR20-707 RIEVER FIGHTER F-100 AR20-769 EXCALIBER EXC-B2 AR20-794 ALBATROSS ALB-3A AR20-850 FIRESTARTER FS9-H AR20-909 DRAGONFIRE DGR-3F AR20-938 MARS ASSAULT VEHICLE AR20-966 FALCON HAWK FNHK-9K AR20-969 BANSHEE BNC-3E 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 99-203 Extra Large Flat Top Hex Base AC-006 Flight Base BT-012 Dragonfly "Viper" A BT-014 Black Hawk "Nova" Prime BT-171 Bandersnatch BT-228 Angerona Battle Armor BT-229 Trinity (Theseus) Battle Armor BT-234 Davion Firefighter ATV BT-235 AA Jump Infantry BT-236 Ravager Battle Armor BT-269 Sling SL-1G BT-319 Wheeled APC BT-320 Tracked APC BT-321 Hover APC BT-331 Phoenix Hawk LAM MK I PHX-HK1 (Mech) BT-332 Phoenix Hawk LAM MK I PHX-HK1 (Air Mech) BT-333 Phoenix Hawk LAM MK I PHX-HK1 (Fighter) BT-348 Centurion CN9-D / CN9-AL Resculpt BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-377 Satyr Protomech BT-378 Harpy Protomech BT-379 Siren Protomech BT-380 Hydra Protomech BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-390 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (3) CATLTD-06 Limited Edition Catapult HRT-012 Ruined Walls Three Hex HRT-013 Ruined T Wall Three Hex HRT-014 Ruined Wall Single Hex OP-004 Thor A/C SRM 6 (from 20-386) OP-007 Thor C Left Arm (from 20-320) OP-008 Thor C Right Arm OP-018 Loki A left arm OP-019 Loki A right arm OP-021 Loki A LRM 20 (from 20-603R) OP-041 Black Hawk A Arms OP-058 Masakari C Right Arm OP-086 Mad Cat Torso - Modified SFB-012 Lower Stackable Brick Building SFB-013 Upper Stackable Brick Building SFB-014 Ruined Stackable Brick Building 20-610D Black Hawk (Omni) Arms 20-698ARM Buccaneer BNC-3R Arm Sprue www.ariesgamesandminis.com
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biblioncollection · 4 years
Against Jovinianus | Saint Jerome | Christianity - Other | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 2/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Jovinianus, had published at Rome a treatise containing the following opinions: (1) "That a virgin is no better as such than a wife in the sight of God. (2) Abstinence is no better than a thankful partaking of food. (3) A person baptized with the Spirit as well as with water cannot sin. (4) All sins are equal. (5) There is but one grade of punishment and one of reward in the future state." Also he held the birth of our Lord to have been natural, rather than that Jesus passed through the walls of the womb as His Resurrection body afterwards did out of the tomb. All these opinions were condemned in synods at that city and at Milan (about A.D. 390). He subsequently sent Jovinian's books to Jerome, who answered them in the present treatise in the year 393. Book I is wholly on (1), marriage and virginity. Chp 4-13 are Jerome's sense, of St. Paul's teaching in 1 Cor. vii. In chp. 14-39 Jerome uses both the Old and the New Testaments. Chp. 40 praises virginity and single marriages from examples in the heathen world. - Summary: A shortened version from the introduction. This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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hepsibirsite · 7 years
Ve Kılıçdaroğlu Gandhi ’nin Rekorunu Kırdı: 23 Gün Önce Ankara ’dan Başlayan Adalet Yürüyüşü İstanbul'da
Ve Kılıçdaroğlu Gandhi ’nin Rekorunu Kırdı: 23 Gün Önce Ankara ’dan Başlayan Adalet Yürüyüşü İstanbul’da
CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’nun 15 Haziran’da Ankara, Güvenpark’tan başlattığı “Hak Yürüyüşü” bugün 23’üncü gününde. Kılıçdaroğlu ve beraberindeki kortej saat 11.00’de Çayırova mevkiinde bulunan İstanbul yazılı trafik tabelasının önünden geçerek İstanbul sınırlarına giriş yaptı. Kılıçdaroğlu bugüne değin yaklaşık 390 kilometre yürüdü ve bu vesile ile Gandhi’nin 388 kilometrelik rekorunu…
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